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POSTER SESSIONS SESSIONS 37 Poster Board Numberprogram Is in Number Bold Above Is in the Bold Title PLATFORMPOSTER SESSIONS SESSIONS 37 Poster board numberProgram is in number bold above is in the bold title. above See page the 7title. for presentationThe first author schedule. is the The presenter. first author Abstracts is the presenter. begin on Abstra pagects 79. begin on page 79. Cell Division and Growth Control 147B The minichromosome maintenance complex protein Mcm5 plays critical roles in meiotic recombination in Drosophila. 137A Cathleen M. Lake, R. Scott Hawley. Stowers Institute for The Drosophila Kinesin 6 family member Subito has a role in Medical Research, Kansas City, MO. mitotic spindle assembly. Janet Jang, Jeffry Cesario, Erica Kolibas, Kim McKim. Waksman Inst, Rutgers Univ, 148C Piscataway, NJ. An analysis of new meiotic mutants in Drosophila from a germline clone screen. Rachel Nielsen, Scott Page, Cathleen 138B Lake, Kathy Teeter, SengKai Ong, Kathleen Lindstrom, Genetic analyses of dE2F1 regulation in vivo. Jun-yuan Ji, Kristen Dean, Jennifer Samson, William Gilliland, R. Scott Anabel Herr, Nicholas Dyson. Mass General Hosp Cancer Hawley. Scott Hawley Lab, Stowers Inst, Kansas City, MO. Ctr, Charlestown, MA. 149A 139C The Physical Basis of Secondary Nondisjunction (XX<->Y humpty dumpty is required for genome integrity during Segregation): The X and Y chromosome Paired During Early cleavage divisions in the Drosophila embryo. Yehosheva Meiotic Prophase and This Pairing Is Maintained Until Markovitz-Landau, Jennifer Bandura, Mi-Young Cho, Brian Prometaphase in the Absence of X chromosomal Exchange. R. Calvi. Dept Genetics, Univ Pennsylvania Sch Medicine, Youbin Xiang, R. Scott Hawley. Stowers Inst Medical Philadelphia, PA. Research, Kansas City, MO 64110. 140A 150B Essential role of Drosophila MEK in the control of cell cycle Onset of CHK1 activity is regulated by Cdk1-Cyclin B doses. progression and midblastula transition. Vladic A. Mogila1,2, Justin Crest, Nate Oxnard, Gerold Schubiger. Dept Biol, Univ Willis Li1. 1) Dept. of Biomedical Genetics and J.P. Wilmot Washington, Seattle, WA. Cancer Center of the University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY; 2) Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy 151C of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Division of specific subgroups of PNS precursor cells requires TRIM protein cell cycle regulatory activity. Fergal O’Farrell1,2, 141B Per Kylsten1. 1) Natural Sciences, Södertörns University NUP98/96- key to germ line stem cell divisions and stem cell Collage, Stockholm, Sweden; 2) Medical Nutrition, Karolinska niche formation. Angshuman Sarkar, Yuting Chiang, Stephen Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Hearn, Cordula Schulz. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY. 152A Tousled-like kinase functions in G2/M progression. Hsiao-Hsi 142C Gash Chou2, Gwo-Jen Liaw1,2. 1) Faculty of Life sciences; 2) Drosophila mars regulates spindle checkpoint. Ching-Po Yang, Institute of Genomic Science, National Yang-Ming University, Seng-Sheen Fan. Life Science, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taipei, Taiwan. Taiwan. 153B 143A Mitotic activation of the kinase Aurora-A requires its binding An investigation of somatic pairing in Drosophila embryos. partner Bora. Andrea Hutterer1, Daniela Berdnik2,3, Alex Justin Blumenstiel, R. Scott Hawley. Stowers Institute for Schleiffer2, Juergen A. Knoblich1. 1) Institute of Molecular Medical Research, Kansas City, MO. Biotechnology (IMBA), Vienna, Austria; 2) Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, Austria; 3) Department of Biological 144B Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA. A Model for How Heterochromatin Maintains Pairing in Non- Exchange Chromosomes. William Gilliland, R. Scott Hawley. 154C Stowers Inst, Kansas City, MO. Cyclin A is an in vivo regulator of the Drosophila Myb protein, affecting its various roles in cell cycle regulation. Jennifer A. 145C McEllin, Siau-Min Fung, George S. Scaria, Gary Ramsay, Synaptonemal complex assembly requires the N- and C- Alisa L. Katzen. Biochem and Mol Genetics, University of terminal domains of the transverse filament protein C(3)G. Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL. Jennifer K. Jeffress1, Lorinda K. Anderson2, Scott L. Page1, R. Scott Hawley1. 1) Stowers Inst, Kansas City, MO; 2) Colorado 155A State Univ., Fort Collins, CO. Genetic and biochemical approach to study regulation of Second Mitotic Wave. Abhishek Bhattacharya, Lucy Firth, 146A Nicholas E. Baker. Molecular Genetics, Albert Einstein Hold’em reveals a link between the meiotic crossover pathway College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. and oocyte differentiation. Eric Joyce, Kim McKim. Waksman Inst, Rutgers Univ, Piscataway, NJ. 38 POSTER SESSIONS Poster board number is in bold above the title. See page 7 for presentation schedule. The first author is the presenter. Abstracts begin on page 79. 156B 164A Developmental control of cell cycle exit in Drosophila. Laura Regulation of centrosome duplication by simian virus 40 A. Buttitta, Bruce Edgar. Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson protein small tumor antigen. Shaila Kotadia1, Sarah Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA. Comerford2, Robert Hammer2, Tim Megraw1. 1) Department of Pharmacology and the Green Center for Reproductive 157C Biology Science, The University of Texas Southwestern Temporal growth regulation by the Drosophila microRNA let- Medical Center, Dallas, TX; 2) Department of Biochemistry 7. Elizabeth E. Caygill, Eri Yoshida, Laura A. Johnston. and the Green Center for Reproductive Biology Science, The Department of Genetics & Development, College of Physicians University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX. & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY. 165B 158A POLO kinase regulates the Drosophila centromere cohesion Identifying Novel Cell Cycle Regulators in the Drosophila Eye. protein MEI-S332. Astrid Clarke, Helena Kashevsky, Terry Lucy C. Firth, Nicholas E. Baker. Molecular Genetics, Albert Orr-Weaver. Dept Biol, Whitehead Inst, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Einstein College Med, Bronx, NY. 166C 159B A nuclear complex of proteins that forms a spindle matrix during The Drosophila calcipressin homolog, sarah, is required for mitosis in Drosophila. Yun Ding, Hongying Qi, Uttama Rath, several aspects of egg activation. Vanessa Horner1, Andreas Lei Zhu, Jack Girton, Jorgen Johansen, Kristen Johansen. Czank2, Janet Jang3, Navjot Singh4, Byron Williams1, Jaakko Biochem, Biophys & Molec Biol, Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA. Puro5, Eric Kubli2, Steven Hanes4,6, Kim McKim3, Mariana Wolfner1, Michael Goldberg1. 1) Dept Molec Biol & Genetics, 167A Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 2) Institute of Zoology, Univ of Identifying Atg1 Interacting Proteins in Drosophila. Yu-Yun Zürich, CH-8057, Switzerland; 3) Waksman Institute & Dept Chang, Thomas Neufeld. MCDB&G, University of Minnesota, Genetics, Rutgers, Piscataway N.J; 4) Molec Genetics Minneapolis, MN. Program, Wadsworth Center, New York State Dept of Health, Albany, NY; 5) Dept of Biology, Univ of Turku, SF-20500, 168B Finland; 6) Dept Biomedical Sciences, School of Public Health, The Drosophila Tsg101 ortholog is required cell autonomously SUNY, Albany, NY. to maintain epithelial cell polarity and growth control. M. Melissa Gilbert, Kenneth H. Moberg. Department of Cell 160C Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. Differential DNA Replication as a Developmental Strategy in Drosophila. Jane C. Kim, Helena Kashevsky, Ryan Casillo, 169C Eugenia Park, Terry L. Orr-Weaver. Whitehead Institute and Mutations in the novel gene gang of four deregulate growth in Department of Biology, MIT, Cambridge, MA. the Drosophila eye. Carolyn A. Krisel, Kenneth H. Moberg. Department of Cell Biology, Emory University School of 161A Medicine, Atlanta, GA. MicroRNA miR-7 regulates germline stem cell divison. S. H. Reynolds, S. D. Hatfield, H. R. Shcherbata, H. Ruohola. 170A Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Characterization of Drosophila Lnk – an adaptor protein involved in growth control. Christian Werz, Hugo Stocker, 162B Ernst Hafen. Department of Zoology, University of Zürich, Down-regulation of Notch signaling is required for the switch Zürich, Switzerland. from the genomic to site-specific DNA replication in Drosophila follicle cells. Jianjun Sun, Wu-Min Deng. Dept Biological Sci, 171B Florida State Univ, Tallahassee, FL. D. melanogaster pupal development: Looking behind the chitin curtain. Thomas Donndelinger, Elizabeth Oldenkamp. Bi- 163C Biomics, Mercy Medical Center, Nampa, ID. The leucine zipper transcription factor Bunched regulates follicle cell proliferation and morphogenesis. Xiaodong Wu1, 172C Megumu Mabuchi1, Erick Morris2, Nick Dyson2, Laurel Neuroendocrine Growth Control by Activin/TGF-β-Type Raftery1. 1) Cutaneous Biology Research Center, MGH/ Ligands in Drosophila. Theodor E. Haerry, Scott C. Gesualdi. Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA; 2) MGH Cancer Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, Center, MGH/Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA. Boca Raton, FL 33431. 173A The role of compartments in the growth of the wing imaginal disc. Marcus L. Vargas, Meng-Ping Tu, Laura A. Johnston. Department of Genetics and Development, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY. POSTER SESSIONS 39 Poster board number is in bold above the title. See page 7 for presentation schedule. The first author is the presenter. Abstracts begin on page 79. 174B Cytoskeleton and Cellular Biology Imaginal disc regeneration: linkage between cell death and organ growth. Brent Wells, Laura A. Johnston. Dept Genetics & Development, Columbia Univ, New York, NY. 182A The membrane lipid Phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate
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