723 The GazetteA A Publishedx

Vol. XCVIX No. 35 2nd June, 2006 Price: Shs. 1000

CONTENTS Page I General Notice No. 199 of 2006. The Mining Act—Notices...... 723 THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION ACT. The Electoral Commission—Notices ...... 723-724 (Cap. 140). The Advocates Act—Notice ...... 724 Section 30(I) The Local Government Rating Act—Notice ... 724 NOTICE. TneCompanies Act—Notices . ... 724-725 The Electricity Act—Notice ...... 725 APPOINTMENT OF RETURNING OFFICER FOR The Trademarks Act—Notice ...... 725 MASAKA ELECTORAL DISTRICT The Trade Marks Act— Registration of applications 725-731 Notice is hereby given by the Electoral Commission in Advertisements ...... 731-733 accordance with Section 30( 1) of the Electoral Commission Act (Cap. 140). that Joy Nandaula, Senior Election Officer is hereby SUPPLEMENT appointed Reluming Officer for Masaka Electoral District. Jwon' Instrument Xj. 25—The Dairy (Marketing and Processing of Milk and This Notice therefore serves to degazette Mr. Mukwaya Milk Products) (Amendment) Regulations, 2006. Joseph (Returning Officer) and Senteza Yusuf (Assistant Returning Officer) for the said Electoral District accordingly. Issued at this 24th day of May, 2006. General Notice No. 197 of 2006. SR. MARGARET MAGOBA. THE MINING ACT, 2003 Deputy Chairperson, Electoral Commission. (The Mining Regulations, 2004) NOTICE OF GRANT OF A GOLDSMITH’S LICENCE. It is hereby notified that a Goldsmith’s Licence, General Notice No. 200 of 2006. Number 0002 has been granted in accordance with the provisions of Section 73 to Jit Jewellers Ltd of P.O. Box THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT, 2005. 23003. Kampala for a period of one calendar year ending the ACT No. 17 OF 2005 31st December, 2006. Section 59(1) The holder is dully authorised to manufacture articles from NOTICE. precious minerals or from substances containing precious PUBLICATION OF ELECTION RESULT FOR THE r.merals from Shop No. 1, Grand Imperial Hotel. Nile Avenue, MASAKA DISTRICT WOMAN REPRESENTATIVE TO Kampala City. PARLIAMENT Dated at this 25th day of May, 2006. Notice is hereby given by the Electoral Commission that RUDIGIZAH CHRIS, the election result for the Masaka District Woman for Commissioner for Geological Survey Representative to Parliament in the Schedule to this Notice and Mines Department. is hereby published in accordance with Section 59(1) of the Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 17 of 2005. General Notice No. 198 of 2006. SCHEDULE THE MINING ACT, 2003 District: Masaka (The Mining Regulations, 2004) District Code: 24 Registered Voters 317.684 .NOTICE OF GRANT OF AN EXPLORATION LICENCE. Total No. of Polling Stations 626 It is hereby notified that an Exploration Licence, Total No. of Polling Stations Received 626 Number EL 0046 registered as Number 00044 has been (of valid votes cast for Mayanja Agnes M. Margret 27,668 49.6% granted in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 and Candidates) Section 29 to Nilefos Minerals Ltd of P.O. Box 99, Jinja for Mugerwa Sauda Namaggwa 28.124 50.4% a period of three years effective from 02nd August, 2005. Valid Voces 55.792 Invalid Vexes 398 0.7% (of Total Votes Ca>t) The Exploration Area subject to the Exploration Licence is 26 Total Votes 56.190 17.7% (of Registered Voter*) K~l'

General Notice No. 204 of 2006. General Notice No. 201 of 2006. THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT. 2005. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS RATING ACT. 20^5 ACT No. 17 OF 2005 Section 9 Sections 14 and 15 NOTICE. DEPOSIT OF DRAFT MAIN VALUATION LIST FC- PUBLICATION OF NOMINATION DAYS FOR 2006 FOR MUKONO TOWN COUNCIL PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION IN DODOTH In exercise of the powers conferred upon the Town Coe--? COUNTY. KAABONG DISTRICT of Mukono by the above mentioned Act. the Pubx Notice is hereby given by the Electoral Commission in hereby notified that the Draft Main Valuation List f- accordance with Section 9 of the Parliamentary Elections Mukono Town has been completed and was according^ E; Act. 2005 that the 7th June, 2006 and Sth June. 2006 are before the Council. hereby appointed nomination days for the Parliamentary by­ The list will be available for inspection at the Town Ca_t election in Dodoth County, Kaabong District. Headquarters between the hours of 8:00 a m. to 5:00 r- The nomination exercise will be conducted at the Monday to Friday for 30 days with effect from 22nd May.2w. respective District Returning Officer's Offices at the District Headquarters between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Any person shall be entitled to inspect the said list and Ue copies or extract therefrom. Issued at Kampala this 29th day of May, 2006. During these 30 days any aggrieved person shall be enin ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU, to lodge an objection in writing (forms are available at?, Chairman, Electoral Commission. above mentioned offices) staling the grounds on which & objection is made. No person shall be entitled to be heard by the Valua: .* Court unless he/she has lodged a notice of objection wif” General Notice No. 202 of 2006. the stipulated lime, in accordance with Section 15 of tra THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT, 2005. Act. ACT No. 17 OF 2005 Issued at Mukono the 22nd of May. 2006. Section 20(1) NOTICE. ALEXN.SSERUWA?- APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN PERIOD FOR THE PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION IN DODOTH Town Clerk—Mukono Town Court- COUNTY, KAABONG DISTRICT

Ntnit'k is hereby given by the Electoral Commission in General Notice No. 205 of 2006. accordance with Section 20(1) of the Parliamentary Elections THE COMPANIES ACT. LAWS OF UGANDA 2000 Act. No. 17 of 2005. that the period commencing 12th June, 2006 and ending 28th June, 2006 is hereby appointed (Cap. 110). campaign period for purposes of the Parliamentary by-election NOTICE. in Dodoth County, Kaabong District. Pursuant to section 19 (4) of the Companies Act notice.- Die campaigns will be conducted subject to the provision hereby given that Quality Builders and Civil Engineer?: of section 20 of the said Act. Constructors Limited has by Special Resolution passed ' 25th day of May, 2006 and with the approval of r: Issued at Kampala this 29th day of May, 2006. Registrar of Companies changed in name to Fame Qai?. Contractors Limited and that such new name has her ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU. entered in my register. Chairman, Electoral Commission. Dated at Kampala this 29th day of May. 2006. BEN TURYASJNGLK'- Assistant Registrar of Conip- • General Notice No. 203 of 2006.


It is hereby notified that an application has been NOTICE. presented to the Law Council by Mwondha Jacqeline who is Pursuant to section 19 (4) of the Companies Act not., stated to be a holder of Bachelor of Laws of hereby given that Wavah Equator Limited has b\ Spec- University having been awarded a Degree on the 5th day of Resolution passed on 15th day of May. 2006 and . April, 2002 and to have been awarded a Diploma in Legal approval of the Registrar of Companies changed in ncr.. Practice by the on the 6th day of Wavah @ Equator Limited and that such new name his be: May. 2005 for the issue of a Certificate of Eligibility for entered in my register. entry of her name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. Dated at Kampala this 16th day of May. 2006.

Kampala, HELLEN OBURA (MRS.), MAUDAH ATUZAREC 31st May. 2006. Acting Secretary, Law Council. Assistant Registrar of Cor:.-- ?XDJvNF ] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 725

General Notice No. 207 oi 2006. General Notice No. 209 of 2006. THE COMPANIES ACT. LAWS OF UGANDA 2000. THE TRADE MARKS ACT. (Cap. 110). SECTION 38 NOTICE. ALTERATION OF A REGISTERED TRADEMARK Pursuant to section 19 (4) of the Companies Act notice is Continental Ag. L'zeby given that Child Care International/Australia Limited C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, bis b\ Special Resolution passed on 26th day of May. 2006 .-.d with the approval of the Registrar of Companies changed P.O. Box 6914, Kampala. •n name to Child Care Kitgum Servants Limited and that The Trademark Application No. 3657 Class 12 >ach new name has been entered in my register. Schedule III. Dued at Kampala this 29th day of May, 2006. In pursuance of your application on Form TM No. 24 the BEN TURYASINGURA, alteration of your Trademark No. 3657 Class 12 Schedule III Assistant Registrar of Companies. has been effected and entered on the Register as from 10th April, 2006. A representation of the mark as altered appears hereunder. General Notice No. 208 of 2006. ELECTRICITY REGULATORY AUTHORITY Plot 15 Shimoni Road, P.O.Box 10332. Kampala Tel: 341852/646, Fax: 341624, E-mail: [email protected]


Dated at Kampala, this 10th day of April, 2006.

FIONA BAYIGA, OUR MISSION: Assistant Registrar of Trademarks. ■PROMOTING QUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AT EQUITABLE PRICES” General Notice No. 210 of 2006. NOTICE OF INTENDED APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE FOR GENERATION AND SALE OF ELECTRICITY THE TRADE MARKS ACT. (Cap. 83). The Electricity Regulatory Authority has under section 29 NOTICE. of the Electricity Act 1999, Chapter 145 of the Laws of the Republic of Uganda (2000) received an application for a Notice is hereby given that any person who has grounds to licence from Energy Systems Africa Limited (ESA) for the oppose the registration of any of the marks advertised herein may within sixty days from the date of this Gazette, lodge a Notice of generation and sale of electricity. opposition on Trade Mark Form No. 6 together with a fee of Shs. Energy Systems Africa Limited intends to put up the following 4000 in case of National applicants or US$ 250 in case of energy solutions: Foreign applicants. The period of lodging Notice of opposition A Solar Energy Plant of 50MW located at Namugoga, may be extended in suitable cases by the Registrar as he thinks Busiro. off old Entebbe Road. The Project will need a fit upon such terms as he may direct. Formal opposition should 33KV line to interconnect to the grid between Kajjansi and not be lodged until after reasonable notice has been given by Kisubi. letter to the applicant so that he may have an opportunity to withdraw his application before the expense of opposition Ail interested persons are invited to obtain the details of the proceedings is incurred. Failure to give such notice will be taken :-:ended Projcct(s) from the following addresses: into account in considering any application by the opponent for Re Electricity Regulatory Authority an order for costs if the opposition is uncontested by the Fi .115 Shimoni Road, Nakasero applicant. Representations of the marks herein advertised can be FO. Box 10332, KAMPALA inspected at the office of the Registrar of Trade Marks, Amamu Td 04i341852 House. Plot No. 5B George Street, P.O. Box 6848, Kampala. Rx: 341624 E'.mail: [email protected] (21) Application No. B.870 in Part “B”.

Tt LC V Chairman (52) 'A'akiso District *AKISO Section 30 of the Electricity Act 1999 the Electricity >:iJatory Authority hereby invites parties directly affected Project or other intending developers to forward '.".en comments and submissions to the Electricity (53) Disclaimer— Registration ot this Irademark shall give ?5./it:;ry Authority within 30 days. Interested parties must ’ 6 the ERA about their objections or interest in writing no right to the exclusive use of the letters. A. D. G S 7jp.m. on 1st July, 2006 by recorded mail delivery. and the MAP OF AFRICA except as represented. Lne. 2006 MANAGEMENT. (59) Electricity Regulatory Authority. (64) 726 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [2ndJ.1l

(57) Nature of goods— Alcoholic beverages. (57) Nature of goods— Pharmaceutical preparations (73) Name of applicant— Cythian Wholesalers Ltd. substances. (77) Address— P.O. Box 28999. Kampala. (73) Name of applicant— Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Ltd (74) (77) Address— Little Islands, County Cork, Ireland. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 69.-. (22) Date offiling application— 22nd May. 2006. Kampala. Uganda.

(21) Application No. 28800 in Part “A". (22) Date of filing application— 15lh February. 2006.

(52) Class 2. (21) Application No. 28811 in Part “A”. (52) Class 16. (54)

(59) (64) | /

(57) Nature of goods— Paints, varnishes, lacquers, (53) preservatives against rust and against deterioration (59) of wood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; (64) * ** * metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists. (57) Nature of goods— All goods included in Class 16. (73) Name of applicant— Kikos Chemical Products Limited. (73) Name of applicant— Infopoint (U) Ltd. (77) Address— Plot 548, Kitintale Central Old (77) Address— P.O. Box 24060. Kampala. Uganda. Road. Kampala. (74) (74) C/o. M/s. Masembe, Makubuya. Adriko. Karugaba & (22) Date of filing application— 26th May, 2006. Ssekatawa (MMAKS) Advocates, 3rd Floor, Application No. 28810 in Par. “A”. Diamond Trust Building, P.O. Box 7166, Kampala. (21) (52) Class 16. (22) Date of filing application— 24th May. 2006.

(21) Application No. 28815 in Part “A”. (52) Class 8. (54)

(53) Disclaimer— Registration of this Trademark shall gi no right to the exclusive use of the letter, “P" exce as represented. (59) (53) Disclaimer— Registration of this Trademark shall give (64) no right to the exclusive use of the words, BRAND, (57) Nature of goods— All goods included in Class 16. JEMBE and ENGLAND TECHNOLOGY except as (73) Name of applicant— Infopoint (U) Ltd. represented. (59) (77) Address— P.O. Box 24060. Kampala. Uganda. (64) (74) (57) Nature of goods— Hoes. (22) Date of filing application— 26th May. 2006. (73) Name of applicant— Honest Treasure International (LI) Limited. (21) Application No. 28432 in Part “A”. (77) Address— P.O. Box 31138, Kampala. (52) Class 16. (74) (22) Date offiling application— 30th May, 2006. (53) D-U-N-S (21) Application No. 28497 in Part “A”. (59) (52) Class 5. (64) (57) Nature of goods— Printed matter, including books . (54) printed publications; printed reports; computer rerv computer printouts; newspapers, hand books manuals; all relating to financial matters; hand tv- (53) on common stocks, reports on dividends deck­ (59) municipal and corporate bond records, active < (64) reports, manuals and supplements in the field of b >0 Jl'NE 1 THE UGANDA. GAZETTE 727

and finance. transportation. industrials, public utilities, (57) Nature of goods— Paper, cardboard, and goods made from municipals and governments; credit, financial, these materials, not included in other classes; printed marketing, sales and educational books, pamphlets and matter; book binding material; photographs; reports, magazines and leaflets concerning business stationery; adhesives for stationery or household and trade statistical credit information arid conditions, purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters news and reviews; and for printed charts, graphs and and office requisites (except furniture); instructional tabulations of business information, marketing and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic information and reference books, all containing materials for packaging (not included in other classes); company information or relating to company printers’ type; printing blocks. ownership. (73) Name of applicant— Fidelity International Limited. Name of applicant— Dun & Bradstreet International Ltd. (77) Address— Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM 19, P.O. Box HM670, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda. Address— 103 JFK Parkway. Short Hills, New Jersey, 07078. United States of America. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, Kampala, Uganda. c4) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, Kampala, Uganda. (22) Date offiling application— 2nd September, 2005.

22) Date of filing application— 1st February, 2006. (21) Application No. 28016 in Part "A". (52) Class 16. t21) Application No. 28302 in Part “A". (54) (52) Class 16. (54) FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL (53) (59) [53) Disclaimer—Registration of this Trademark shall give (64) Association—To be associated with TM Nos. 27004, no right to the exclusive use of the letters D and B separately and apart from the mark. 22874 and 22875. (59) (57) Nature of goods— Paper, cardboard, and goods made lM) fioin these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; book binding material; photographs; (57) Nature of goods—Printed matter, including books and stationery; adhesives for stationery or household printed publications; printed reports; computer purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters reports; computer printouts; newspapers, hand books and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and manuals; all relating to financial matters; hand and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic books on common stocks, reports on dividends materials for packaging (not included in other declared, municipal and corporate bond records, classes); printers’ type; printing blocks. active slock reports, manuals and supplements in the field of bank and finance, transportation, industrials, (73) Name of applicant— Fidelity International Limited. public utilities, municipals and governments; credit, (77) Address— Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Pembroke HM financial, marketing, sales and educational books, 19, P.O. Box HM670, Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda. pamphlets and reports, magazines and leaflets concerning business and trade statistical credit (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, information and conditions, news and reviews; and Kampala, Uganda. for primed charts, graphs and tabulations of business information, marketing information and reference (22) Date offiling application— 2nd September, 2005. books, all containing company information or (21) Application No. 28430 in Part “A”. relating to company ownership. (52) Class 30. •7J) Name of applicant— Dun & Bradstreet International (54) Lid. Ti) Address— 103 JFK Parkway, Short Flills, New Jersey, 07078, United Stales of America. '"4; C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, Kampala, Uganda. 22j Date offiling application— 6th December, 2005.

•21) Application No. 28017 in Part “A”. :2j Class 16. (54)

^Fidelity (59) Restriction to colours— T he first mark is limited to the colours yellow, white, brown and shades of red and «reen and the second mark is without limitations to '4 Awiation—To be associated with TM Nos. 27004. colour. 28016, 22874 and 22875. (64) 728 THE UGANDA GAZETTE [ 2nd J- -

(57) Nature of goods— Salt, mustard, sauces (condiments), (21) Application No. 28224 in Part ‘■A". seasonings, spices. (52) Class 28. (73) Name of applicant— Unilever Pic. (54) (77) Address— Port Sunlight. Wirral. Merseyside. United Kingdom. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates. P.O. Box 6914. Kampala. Uganda. (22) Date of filing application— 27th January. 2006.

(21) Application No. 28429 in Part "A'*. Faber-Castell (52) Class 29. (53) sma-1761 (54) (59) (64)

(57) Nature of goods— Educational sets for handier*4, colouring and playing, face paints and body mrlr for children. (73) Name of applicant— Faber-Castell Aktiengesellschr.

(77) Address—Nurnberger Strasse 2. D-90546 Ste - Germany. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914 Kampala, Uganda. (22) Date offiling application— 17lh November, 2005.

(21) Application No. 28338 in Part “A”. (52) Class 1. (54) (53) DISSOLVINE (59) Restriction to colours— The first mark is limited to the (53) colours yellow, white, brown and shades of red and (59) green and the second mark is without limitations to (64) colour. (64) (57) Nature of goods— Chemical products for industrial use. namely sequestering agents. (57) Nature of goods— Meat and meal extracts; fish and fish extracts; preserved, dried and cooked meats, fish (73) Name of applicant— Akzo Nobel Chemical B.V. and vegetables; soups, preparations for making (77) Address— Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE, Amersfoort, L*e soups; bouillon, preparations for making bouillons; Netherlands. preserves; edible oils and fats. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 691- (73) Name of applicant— Unilever Pic. Kampala, Uganda. (77) Address— Port Sunlight, Wirral, Merseyside. United Kingdom. (22) Date of filing application— 20th December, 2005. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates. P.O. Box 6914, Kampala. Uganda. (21) Application No. 28296 in Part "A". (22) Date of filing application— 27th January, 2006. (52) Class 16. (54) (21) Application No. 28403 in Pari ‘'A’*. (52) Class 16. (54) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (53) (53) (59) (59) (64) (64) (57) Nature of goods— Paper, cardboard and goods r._. (57) Nature of goods— Books, pamphlets and printed cards; from these materials, not included in other c’is.sr printed matter promoting the interests of those printed matter and publications of all kinds re’rz. concerned with alcoholism. to financial, banking and monetary matters. (73) Name of applicant— Alcoholics Anomymous World (73) Name of applicant— Admidon Growth Limited. Services. (77) Address— East Asia Chambers. P.O. Box 901. R _. (77) Address— 415 Riverside Dr.. New York. New York Town. Tortola, British Virgin Islands. 10115. United States of America. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates. P.O. Box c- Kampala. Uganda. Kampala. Uganda. (22) Dale of filing application— 17th January. 2006. (22) Date offiling application— 5th December. 2005. >•? Jr>F. ] THE UGANDA GAZE1TE 729

Cl) Application No. 28042 in Part “A”. (77) Address— Five Chancery Lane, Clifford’s Inn, London .52) Class 5. EC4A IBU, United Kingdom. (54) (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, LOFRAL Kampala. p?) (22) Date offiling application— 8th December, 2004. p9) ^64) (21) Application No. 27304 in Part “A”. ■.57) Nature of goods— Pharmaceutical products and (52) Class 1. substances as well as preparations for health care (54) purposes; medical disinfectants; all being soods in Class 15. (53) REXENE 173) Name of applicant— Mepha Ag. (59) (77) Address— Dornacherstrasse 114, 4147 Aesch, (64) Switzerland. (57) Nature of goods—Chelates; agricultural chemicals such \74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, as fertilizers and nutrients. Kampala. Uganda. (73) Name of applicant— Akzo Nobel Chemical B.V. \f2) Date of filing application— 13th September. 2005. (77) Address— Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE, Amersfoort, Netherlands. (21) Application No. 26714 in Part “A”. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, < 52) Class 16. Kampala, Uganda. (54) (22) Date offiling application— 12th January, 2005.

(21) Application No. 27289 in Part “A”. ^QUALITY (52) Class 5. @ @ Q;j (54)

(53) Disclaimer—Registration of (his Trademark shall give PLEXTOPIA no right to the exclusive use of the word QUALITY (53) except as represented. (59) (59; (64) tW) (57) Nature of goods— Pharmaceutical and medicinal -57) Nature of goods—Paper, cardboard and goods made preparations for human use. from these materials, printed matters, bookbinding (73) Name of applicant— Glaxo Group Limited. materials, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists’ materials, (77) Address—■ Glaxo Wellcome House, Berkeley Avenue, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites Greenford Middlesex UB6 ONN United Kingdom. (except furniture), instructional and teaching (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, material (except apparatus), plastic materials for Kampala, Uganda. packaging, playing cards, printers type, printing blocks, books, booklets, carbon paper and note (22) Date offiling application— 4th January, 2005. books. (73; Name of applicant— 99 Group Center Co. Ltd. (21) Application No. 27702 in Part “A”. (52) Class 5. .'ll} Address— 122 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, (54) Bangkok. Thailand. (74/ C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, (53) BI VAX Kampala, Uganda. (59) 22i Date offiling application— 27th May, 2004. (64) (57) Nature of goods— Pharmaceutical and veterinary 21) Application No. 27222 in Part “A”. preparations; sanitary preparations for medical ,52; Class 16. purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical (54) use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; IT’S A KNOWLEDGE THING fungicides, herbicides. n, (73) Name of applicant— Intervet South Africa (Pty) Limited. (77) Address— Cnr. Zurich and Loper Streets. Acroport, 64/ Spartan Extension 2. Isando, South Africa. ,*?, Nature of goods—Printed matter, printed publications, brochures, manuals, books, reports, instructional (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. /Advocates. P.O. Box 6914. and teaching materials (other than apparatus). Kampala. (7*( Name of applicant— Denton Wilde Sapte. (22) Date of filing application— 19th May. 2005. 730 THE UGANDA GAZETTE f 2ndI' ? j

<21) Application No. 27895 in Pari "A . (21) Application No. 28120 in Part “A”. (52) Class 28. (52) Class 6. (54) (54) RedBull (53) (59) XINXI NG X (64) (59) (57) Nature of goods— Aluminium plastics compound pi;

(74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 6914. (57) Nature of goods— Two wheelers, three wheelers Kampala, Uganda. automobiles/land vehicles and parts thereof. (22) Date offiling application— 26th July. 2005. (73) Name of applicant— Bajaj Auto Limited. (77) Address— Mumbai-Pune Road. Akurdi. Pice. Maharashtra 411035, India. (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates, P.O. Box 69F Kampala, Uganda. (22) Date offiling application— 27th October, 2005.

(21) Application No. 28826 in Part ‘’A". (52) Class 11. (54)

(57) Nature of goods— Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. (59) . ; J (73) Name of applicant— Wyeth. (64) (77) Address— Five Giralda Farms. Madison. New Jersey (57) Nature of goods— Kerosene stone. 07940, United States of America. (73) Name of applicant— Rural Development (VIVAiLti (74) C/o. Sengendo & Co. Advocates. P.O. Box 6914. (77) Address— P.O. Box 28573. Kampala. Kampala, Uganda. (74) (22) Date of filing application— 29th August. 2005. (22) Date offiling application— 1st June. 2006. JlXH 1 HE UGANDA GAZETTE 731 21] Application No. 28824 - V‘. ADVERTISEMENTS 52i Class 3

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Leasehold Register—Volume 802 Folio 2 Plot No. 17 and 19 Nyondo Street, Masaka.

Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Lacchhman Singh, Swaran Singh and Kuldip Singh, a special Certificate of Title under the above Volume TljNaiure ofgoods — All goods in class 3. and Folio, the Certificate of Title which was originally .’’3) Marne of applicant— Samona Products Ltd. issued having been lost. al) Address— P.O. Box 216. Kampala. Kampala, NAMUTEBI VERONICA, ■41 15th March, 2006. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration. 22) Date offiling application— 1st June. 2006. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (21) Application No. 28825 in Part “A”. (Cap. 230). 02) Class 11. NOTICE. (54) ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Leasehold Register—Volume 2150 Folio 12, Bulemezi Block 995 Plot No. 5 at Kasambya. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Dina Nakato of P.O. Bowa, a special Certificate of Title under the above Volume and Folio, the Certificate of 59) Title which was originally issued having been lost. .64) Kampala, LOUELLA ATARO, 16th May, 2006. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration. Si)Xature of goods— Charcoal iron.

Maine of applicant— Rural Development (VIVA) Ltd. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. ,77) Address— P.O. Box 28573, Kampala. (Cap. 230). .-74) NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. -22j Date offiling application— 1 st June, 2006. Freehold Register—Volume 318 Folio 18 Plot No. IB Bypass, Lugogo, Kampala. 21) Application No. 28790 in Part “A”. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one 52; Class 16. month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the (54) names of Fulgensia Tumwesigye of P.O. Box 5564, Kampala, a special Certificate of Title under the above Volume and Folio, the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost. Kampala, GODLIVE NAYEBARE, 29th May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration.

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). NOTICE. 57; Mature of goods— All goods in class 16. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Leasehold Register—Volume 818 Folio 20 Plot Nos. 16 and Maine of applicant— Liaison Uganda Limited. 17 Kibuga Block 38. Kampala.

address— P.O. Box 24544, Kampala. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from (he publication hereof. I intend to issue in the names of Mohamed Ansari of P.O. Box 1468. Kampala, a special Certificate of Title under the above Volume and L Date offiling application— 19th May, 2006. Folio, the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost. KYOMUGASHO MERCY KENTARO, Kampala. ATA1.I.O LOUEl.l A. 2006. Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks. 2nd Mav. 2000. forAg. Commissioner hind Registration. 732 THE UGANDA GAZETTE |2ndL

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Leasehold Register—Volume 746 Folio 10 Plot No. 106 Kibuga Block 5 Plot 594 at . Land at Masajja. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one nvr* Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the from the publication hereof. 1 intend to issue in the names ' names of George Sentongo Luzze of P.O. Box 4576, Yuliyo Kyobe of Makerere, Kyadondo, a special Certificate-'* Kampala, a special Certificate of Title under the above Title under the above Block and Plot, the Certificate ofTrj Volume and Folio, the Certificate of Title which was which was originally issued having been lost. originally issued having been lost. Kampala, EDWARD KARIBWEXDE Kampala, GODLIVE NAYEBARE. 29th May. 2006. Ag. Commissioner Land Registrars. 1 Oth October. 2005. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration.

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Kyadondo Block 243 Plot 833 Land at . Leasehold Register—Volume 584 Folio 21 Plot No. M.44 Jinja. Busoga. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of ere month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in & Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one names of M/s. S.K.M. Holdings Limited P.O. Box 193! month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the Kampala. Uganda, a special Certificate of Title under ire names of Residential Estates Limited of P.O. Box 279, Jinja, above Block and Plot, the Certificate of Title which vi a special Certificate of Title under the above Volume and originally issued having been lost. Folio, the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost. Kampala, KAAHWA EDWARD TIBESIGWA 25lh May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registrati:'. Kampala, SARAH KUSI1MA. j 4th May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Kyaggwc Block 116 Plot 302. Area: 0.338 Hectares at Kyadondo Block 265 Plot 1786, Approx. 1.08 Acres £ Namumira. Bunamwaya. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one mcc? month from the publication hereof. I intend to issue in the from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names a names of Augustine Kalibbala of Namumira-Kyaggwe. a Francis Sewagudde of P.O. Box 4197, Kampala, a spevC special Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, k the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been !:< been lost. Kampala. DDAMULIRA AHMED Mukono. CHRISTINE NAMIREMBE KATENDE. 9th November. 2005. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registry's. 29th April, 2006. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration.


NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Leasehold Register—Volume 349 Folio 25 Plot No. 153 Kyadondo Block 224 Plot 2343. Coronation Drive. Kitgum. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration ofc* Notice is hereby given* that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof. I intend to issue in r; month from the publication hereof. I intend to issue in the names of General Agencies (U) Ltd.. P.O. Box names of Haji Karim of P.O. Box 5. Kitgum. as joint tenants, Kampala, a special Certificate of Title under the ax ■ a special Certificate of Title under the above Volume and Folio, the Certificate of Title which was originally issued Block and Plot, the Certificate of Title which was origin- . having been lost. issued having been lost. Kampala. KANYONYORE JOSEPH. Kampala. DDAMULIRA AHME' 30lh May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration. 21st April. 2006. forAg. Commissioner Land Registry. 2\n Jcse ] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 733

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Kibuga Block 32 Plot 247, Approx. 0.10 of a Hectare at Muiundwe. Kyaggwe Block 88 Plot 1, Area: 2.0 Hectares at Mawangala. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one tiom the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the Jove Namuddu of P.O. Box 9524, Kampala, a special names of George William Kikabi of P.O. Box 569, Kampala, a special Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, the the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been been lost. last.

Kampala. ORIKIRIZA AMBROSE, Mukono, CHRISTINE NAMIREMBE KATENDE, -’21 May. 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration. 24th May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration.


Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month fam the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in lhe names of G.J.R. Lubyayi-Waswa of P.O. Box 7063, Kampala, a special Kasimu Ramadani of P.O. Box 7069, Kampala, a special Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, the Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost. Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost Kampala, DDAMULIRA AHMED, 10th May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration. Kampala. ROBERT V. NYOMBI. !4th February, 2005. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration.

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Kyadondo Block 234 Plot 963. Busiro Block 331 Plot 167. Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one month NOTICE is hereby given that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of M. the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Bukenya Godfrey, of P.O. Box 8777, Kampala. a special Sarah Nakakande & Miriam Namugenyi. administrators of the Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, the estate of lhe late M.K. Kiwanuka, a special Certificate of Title Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost. -'der the above Block and Plot, the Cenificate of Title which originally issued having been lost. Kampala, DDAMULIRA AHMED. 24th May, 2006. for Ag. Commissioner Land Registration. Kampala. DDAMULIRA AHMED, 24A May, 2006. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT.

THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap. 230). (Cap. 230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. a Block 113 Plot 133, 0.4 of a Hectare al Mwibale. Mawokota Block 20 Plot 17. Ngtice is hereby given that after the expiration of one Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of one " ~:n from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the month from lhe publication hereof, I intend to issue in the of Eriya Kiboha of P.O. Box 410, Fort Portal, a names of Bishop Festo Lutaya of P.O. Box 102. Mityana. a 'pjcia! Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, special Certificate of Title under the above Block and Plot, Certificate of Title which was originally issued having the Certificate of Tide which was originally issued haxing '•ec'; l-V-.l. been lost. ’ Penal. G.K. MPAKA, Kampala. DDAMULIRA AHMED. February. 2006. forAg. Commissioner Land Registration. 15th Mav. 2006. for Ag. Commissioner txmd Registration. UM D5VELO- *!T -c„

STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT No. 14 2nd June, 2006 STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT to The Uganda Gazette No. 35 Volume XCVIX dated 2nd June, 2006 Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government.


2006 No. 25.

The Dairy (Marketing and Processing of Milk and Milk Products) (Amendment) Regulations, 2006.

(Under section 28 of the Dairy Industry Act Cap 85).

In exercise of the powers conferred on the Minister by section 28 of the Dairy Industry Act Cap 85, and after consultation with the Dairy Development Authority, these Regulations are made this 28th day of March, 2006.

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Dairy Title. (Marketing and Processing of Milk and Milk Products) (Amendment) Regulations, 2006.

2. The Dairy (Marketing and Processing of Milk and Milk Insertion of “’fl^.-oducts) Regulations, are amended by inserting after regulation regulation 18A. 18 the following new regulation—

“,8A (1) The Authority shall charge and collect a levy Levy on imported OR

products. (a) imported dairy products; and raw milk. etc (b) raw milk and milk products, in areas with pasteurizing facilities, in accordance with section 13(1 )(e) of the Act. 305 (2) The levy charged under subregulation (1) shall be 1.5% of the wholesale price per litre or per kilogram of the imported dairy products, or raw milk or milk product, as the case may be.

(3) An importer of dairy products and a dealer or trader in raw milk or milk products shall deduct 1.5% of the wholesale price per litre or kilogram of the imported dairy product or raw milk or milk product as the case may be and shall, at all times indicate the deduction on the selling note or receipt issued to the buyer.

(4) The Authority may, from time to time revise the levy imposed under this regulation.”

HAJAT J AN AT B. MUKWAYA, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.