Introduction Training with Delta rule

Unit 8: Introduction to neural networks. Perceptrons

D. Balbont´ınNoval F. J. Mart´ınMateos J. L. Ruiz Reina A. Riscos N´u˜nez

Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci´one Inteligencia Artificial Universidad de Sevilla

Inteligencia Artificial, 2012-13 Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Outline



Training with Delta rule Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Artificial neurons: biological inspiration

• Artificial neural networks are a computational model inspired on their biological counterpart • However, do not forget it is just a formal model: • Some features/properties of the biological systems are not captured in the computational model and viceversa • Our approach is to use them as a mathematical model that is the base of powerful automated learning algorithms • Structure: directed graph (nodes are artificial neurons) Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule How a neural network works

• Each node or unit (artificial neuron), is connected to other units via directed arcs (modeling the axon → dendrites connexion)

• Each arc j → i propagates the output of unit j (denoted aj ) which in turn is one of the inputs for unit i. The inputs and outputs are numbers

• Each arc j → i has an associated numerical weight wji which determines the strength and the sign of the connexion (simulating a sinapsis) Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule How a neural network works

• Each unit calculates its output according to the received inputs • The output of each unit is, in turn, used as one of the inputs of other neurons • The calculation performed by each unit is very simple, as we will see later on • The network receives a series of external inputs (input units) and returns the output of some of its neurons, called output units Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Calculation at each unit

Pn • The output of a unit is: ai = g( j=0 wji aj )

• Where: • g is the Pn • The summatory j=0 wji aj (denoted by ini ) gathers all the outputs of units j connected with unit i • Except for j = 0, which is considered as a virtual input a0 = −1 and has a weight w0i called bias Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Bias and activation functions

• Intuitively, the bias weight w0i of each unit is interpreted as the minimum amount that the sum of the received input signals has to reach in order to activate the unit • The role of the activation function g is to “normalize” the output (usually to 1) upon activation. Besides, this ingredient allows that the network offers something more than a simple lineal function • Frequently used activation functions:  1 si x > 0 • Bipolar: sgn(x) = −1 si x ≤ 0  1 si x > 0 • Threshold: threshold(x) = 0 si x ≤ 0 • 1 Sigmoid: σ(x) = 1+e−x • The sigmoid function is derivable and σ0(x) = σ(x)(1 − σ(x)) Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Feedforward neural networks

• A feedforward neural network is an artificial neural network where connections between the units do not form a directed cycle (we focus on them in this unit) Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Feedforward neural networks

• Units in a feedforward neural network are usually structured into layers, in such a way that each layer receives its inputs from units at the layer immediately before it • input layer, hidden layers and output layer • Multi-layer networks • Other architectures: recurrent networks, where the output units provide retroalimentation to the input units Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Neural networks as classifiers

• A feedforward neural network with n units on the input layer and m units on the output layer computes a function from Rn into Rm • Thus, it can be used as a classifier for sets in Rn: • For Boolean classification, take m = 1 and: • If threshold or bipolar activation functions are used, then one of the outputs (e.g. 1) is interpreted as “YES” and the other one as “NO” • If sigmoid is used, then consider all output values over 0.5 as “YES” and any lower value as “NO” • In general, for classifiers with m possibles values, each output unit corresponds to a classification value; and then the unit having the higher output provides the classification Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Neural networks and Learning

• Learning or training, in the framework of artificial neural networks, means searching adequate weights for the arcs, in order to get a desired behaviour (given by a training set) • More precisely, in feedforward neural networks, we usually follow the following supervised learning scheme • Given a training set n m D = {(x~d , y~d ): x~d ∈ R , y~d ∈ R , d = 1,..., k} • And given a structure of a network (number of layers and units per layer) n • Find a set of weight values wij such that the function from R into Rm represented by the network provides the best fit with the examples in the training set • We need a precise definition of “best fit” Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Practical applications of neural networks

• For problems that can be expressed in terms of numbers (discrete or continuous) • Usually suitable for domains with a huge amount of data, possibly with noise: cameras, microphones, digitalized images, etc • We only care about the solution, not why it is so • Problems where we can afford a long training time for the network • And we want fast evaluation of new instances Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule ALVINN: an example of an application

• ANN trained to drive a car, at 70 Kms/h, according to the visual perception received as input from its sensors • Input of the network: The image of the road digitalized as an array of 30 × 32 pixels. That is, 960 input data • Output of the network: Indication about turning the wheel, encoded as a 30 component vector (from turn completely to the left, to keep straight, and then all the way to turn completely to the right) • Structure: feedforward network, input layer having 960 units, one hidden layer having 4 units and an output layer with 30 units Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule ALVINN: an example of an application

• Training: using a human driver, that drives the car again and again • The visual sensors record the image seen by the driver (sequences of 960 data each) • Other sensors record simultaneously the movements of the wheel • After properly encoding all the gathered info, we have a number of different pairs of the form (~x,~y), where ~x = (x1, x2,..., x960) and ~y = (y1, y2,..., y30), constitute examples of input/output for the network

• Goal: find the best values for wji associated to arcs j → i such that when the network receives ~x, its output matches the corresponding value ~y (or is the best possible approximation) Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Examples of practical applications

• Classification • Pattern recognition • Optimization • Prediction: weather, audience, etc • Speech recognition • Artificial vision, image recognition • Constraint satisfaction • Control (robots, cars, etc) • Data compression • Diagnosis Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Outline



Training with Delta rule Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Perceptrons

• Let us first focus on the simplest case of neural network: feedforward, just one input layer and one output layer. • Since each of the output units is independent, without loss of generality we can consider just one unit in the output layer • This type of network is called • A perceptron using threshold activation function is able to represent the basic Boolean functions: Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Perceptrons: limitations

• A perceptron with n input units, weights wi (i = 0,..., n) and threshold (or bipolar) activation function, accepts those Pn (x1,..., xn) such that i=0 wi xi > 0 (where x0 = −1) Pn n • The equation i=0 wi xi = 0 represents a hyperplane in R • That is, a Boolean function can only be represented by a threshold perceptron if there exists an hyperplane separating positive elements from negative elements (linearly separable) • Perceptrons with sigmoid activation function have similar expressive limitations Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Perceptrons: limitations

• For example, functions AND and OR are linearly separable, while XOR is not:

• Despite their expressive limitations, perceptrons have the advantage that there exists a simple training algorithm for perceptrons with threshold activation function • Able to find the suitable perceptron for any linearly separable training set Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Algorithm for (threshold) Perceptron training

• Input: A training set D (with examples of the form (~x, y), with ~x ∈ Rn and y ∈ {0, 1}), and a learning factor η Algorithm 1) Consider randomly generated initial weights w~ ← (w0, w1,..., wn) 2) Repeat until halting condition 1) For each (~x, y) in the training set do Pn 1) Calculate o = threshold( i=0 wi xi ) (with x0 = −1) 2) For each wi do: wi ← wi + η(y − o)xi 3) Return w~ Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Comments about the algorithm

• η is a positive constant, usually very small (e.g. 0.1), called learning factor, that moderates the weights update process • At each iteration, if y = 1 and o = 0, then y − o = 1 > 0, and therefore wi corresponding to positive xi will increase (and those corresponding to negative xi will decrease). Thus, o (real output) will come closer to y (expected output) • Analogously for o = 1 and y = 0

• When y = o, no wi is modified • For perceptrons with bipolar activation function, the algorithm is analogous Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Comments about the algorithm

• Theorem: The previous algorithm converges on a finite number of steps to a weights vector w~ that classifies correctly all training examples, provided that they are linearly separable and η is small enough (Minsky and Papert, 1969) • Therefore, for the case of linearly separable training sets, the halting condition can be to have all examples correctly classified Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Outline



Training with Delta rule Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Another training algorithm: the Delta rule

• When the training set is not linearly separable, the convergence of the previous algorithm is not guaranteed • In this case, it will not be possible to find a perceptron able to return the expected output for every element of the training set • We aim at least to minimize the squared error: 1 P 2 1 P 2 E(w~ ) = 2 d (yd − od ) = 2 d [yd − g(w0x0 + w1x1 + ··· + wnxn)] • where g is the activation function, yd is the expected output for the instance (~xd , yd ) ∈ D, and od is the output returned by the perceptron • Note that E is a function over w~ , and the goal is to find a particular w~ minimizing E • In what follows, we refer to perceptrons having an activation function g being derivable (e.g. sigmoide) • Thus, we discard threshold and bipolar perceptrons Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Training algorithm by gradient descent

• Input: A training set D (with examples of the form (~x, y), where ~x ∈ Rn and y ∈ R), a learning factor η and a derivable activation function g Algorithm 1) Consider randomly generated initial weights w~ ← (w0, w1,..., wn) 2) Repeat until halting condition 1) Initialize ∆wi to zero, for i = 0,..., n 2) For each (x, y) ∈ D, Pn 1) Calculate in = i=0 wi xi and o = g(in) 2) For each i = 0,..., n, do 0 ∆wi ← ∆wi + η(y − o)g (in)xi 3) For each wi do: wi ← wi + ∆wi 3) Return w~ Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule The Delta rule

• It is a variant of the gradient descent method • Instead of trying to minimize the squared error related to all examples in D , performs interative improvements trying to 1 2 reduce the squared error Ed (w~ ) = 2 (y − o) , with respect to each single example (~x, y) ∈ D ∂Ed 0 • In this way, = (y − o)g (in)(−xi ), and since ∂wi ∂Ed 0 ∆wi = −η ∂w , we deduce that ∆wi = η(y − o)g (in)xi , and i 0 therefore wi ← wi + η(y − o)g (in)xi • This method for iteratively improving weights is known as Delta rule Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Training perceptrons with the Delta rule

• Input: A training set D (with examples of the form (~x, y), where ~x ∈ Rn and y ∈ R), a learning factor η and a derivable activation function g Algorithm 1) Consider randomly generated initial weights w~ ← (w0, w1,..., wn) 2) Repeat until halting condition 1) For each (~x, y) ∈ D Pn 1) Calculate in = i=0 wi xi and o = g(in) 2) For each wi do 0 wi ← wi + η(y − o)g (in)xi 3) Return w~ Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Particular cases of the Delta rule

• Perceptrons having a linear activation function: • In this case g 0(in) = C (constant) • Therefore, the Delta rule is simply (adjusting η conveniently):

wi ← wi + η(y − o)xi • Perceptrons having sigmoid activation function: • In this case g 0(in) = g(in)(1 − g(in)) = o(1 − o) • Therefore, the Delta rule is simply:

wi ← wi + η(y − o)o(1 − o)xi Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Some comments on the Delta rule

• Both gradient descent and the Delta rule are local search algorithms, which converge towards local minima for the error between obtained output and expected output • In the case of gradient descent, we decrease at each step following the gradient of the squared error associated to all examples • In the Delta rule, we decrease at each step following the gradient of the squared error associated to a single example • Having a small enough value for η, the gradient descent method converges (in general asymptotically) towards a local minimum of the global squared error Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Some comments on the Delta rule (contd.)

• It has been proved that by using small enough values for η, the Delta rule gives an arbitrarily close approximation of the gradient descent • Delta rule updates the weights in a simpler way, although smaller values of η are needed. Besides, it is more likely to escape from local minima Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Delta rule and threshold perceptrons

• The training rule for threshold perceptron and the Delta rule for training linear perceptrons seem apparently identical: wi ← wi + η(y − o)xi , however: • Their activation functions are different • The convergence properties are different too: • Threshold: converges in a finite number of steps and reaches a perfect adjustment, provided that the training set is linearly separable • Delta rule: always converges asymptotically towards a local minimum of the squared error • The separation properties are different as well: • Threshold: looks for a hyperplane that fully separates the data • Delta rule: looks for a regression model, the hyperplane (possibly smoothened with the sigmoid) that lies closest to the training data Introduction Perceptrons Training with Delta rule Bibliography

• Russell, S. and Norvig, P. Artificial Intelligence (A modern approach) (Third edition) (Prentice–Hall, 2010) • Ch. 18: “Learning from Examples” • Russell, S. and Norvig, P. Artificial Intelligence (A modern approach) (Second edition) (Prentice Hall, 2003) • Ch. 20: “Statistical Learning” (available on-line at • Mitchell, T.M. (McGraw-Hill, 1997) • Ch. 4: “Artificial Neural Networks”