Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Public Service Company LLC Page 1


1 Q1. Please state your name and business address.

2 A1. My name is Vincent V. Rea. My business address is 801 East 86th Avenue,

3 Merrillville, Indiana 46410.

4 Q2. By whom are you employed and in what capacity?

5 A2. I am employed by NiSource Corporate Services Company, a subsidiary of

6 NiSource Inc. (ʺNiSourceʺ), as its Director, Regulatory Finance and Economics. In

7 this position, I am responsible for supporting NiSource’s utility company rate

8 proceedings with respect to the cost of equity, overall cost of capital, and

9 regulatory capital structures. I am also responsible for supporting regulatory

10 filings before state commissions relating to the financing activities of NiSource’s

11 utility subsidiaries.

12 Q3. On whose behalf are you submitting this direct testimony?

13 A3. I am submitting this testimony on behalf of Public Service

14 Company LLC (“NIPSCO” or “Company”).

15 Q4. Please describe your professional experience.

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 2

1 A4. Prior to moving into my current position, I served as Assistant Treasurer for

2 NiSource and its subsidiary NIPSCO. In the capacity of Assistant Treasurer, I was

3 responsible for the external capital‐raising activities and banking activities for

4 NiSource, for inter‐company financing activities among all NiSource subsidiaries,

5 and for providing regulatory support and testimony for utility rate proceedings

6 and financing petitions.

7 Q5. Please describe your educational background.

8 A5. I hold an M.B.A. in Finance from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and a

9 B.A. with honors distinction in Business Administration from Lake Forest College,

10 Lake Forest, Illinois.

11 Q6. Do you hold any professional designations?

12 A6. Yes. I have been awarded the designation of Certified Rate of Return Analyst

13 (CRRA) by the Society of Utility and Regulatory Financial Analysts (“SURFA”),

14 and I am also a registered Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the State of Illinois.

15 Q7. Are you a member of any industry or professional organizations?

16 A7. Yes. I serve on the Board of Directors of SURFA, and am also a member of the

17 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

18 Q8. Have you previously testified before this or any other regulatory commission?

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 3

1 A8. Yes. I testified before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (“Commission”)

2 in Cause No. 45159, NIPSCO’s 2018 electric rate case; Cause No. 43969, NIPSCO’s

3 2010 electric rate case; Cause No. 43526, NIPSCO’s 2008 electric rate case; and also

4 filed testimony in Cause No. 44988, NIPSCO’s 2017 gas rate case; Cause No. 44688,

5 NIPSCO’s 2015 electric rate case; Cause No. 43894, NIPSCO’s 2010 gas rate case;

6 Cause No. 45113, NIPSCO’s 2018 financing proceeding; and Cause No. 44796 (as

7 amended in Cause No. 45020), NIPSCO’s 2016 financing proceeding. I also

8 testified before the Commission relative to NIPSCO’s financing proceedings in

9 Cause Nos. 44191, 43563, 43370 and 42763. Additionally, I filed testimony with the

10 Commission in Cause No. 43941 relating to the merger between NIPSCO,

11 Northern Indiana Fuel and Light Company, Inc. and Kokomo Gas and Fuel

12 Company.

13 I have also testified before other state regulatory commissions in utility rate

14 proceedings concerning the cost of equity, overall cost of capital and regulatory

15 capital structure for NiSource’s utility subsidiaries, including Bay State Gas, d/b/a

16 Columbia Gas of (Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities,

17 D.P.U. 18‐45, D.P.U. 15‐50, D.P.U. 13‐75 and D.P.U. 12‐25); Columbia Gas of

18 (Virginia State Corporation Commission, PUR‐2018‐00131, PUE‐2016‐

19 00033 and PUE‐2014‐00020); and Columbia Gas of (Maryland Public

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 4

1 Service Commission, Case No. 9644, Case No. 9609, Case No. 9480, Case No. 9447,

2 Case No. 9417 and Case No. 9316). I have also submitted testimony to the New

3 Hampshire Public Utilities Commission and the Maine Public Utilities

4 Commission on several matters relating to the financing activities of Northern

5 Utilities, Inc., a former NiSource affiliate.

6 Q9. What is the purpose of your testimony?

7 A9. The purpose of my testimony is to explain and support NIPSCO’s request for a

8 certificate of authority to secure up to $850,000,000 through the issuance of bonds,

9 notes, or other evidences of indebtedness from time to time during the period

10 January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022 (the “Financing Period”).

11 Q10. Are you sponsoring any attachments to your direct testimony?

12 A10. Yes. I am sponsoring Attachment 1‐A through Attachment 1‐D all of which were

13 prepared by me or under my direction and supervision.

14 Q11. Please describe Attachment 1‐A.

15 A11. Attachment 1‐A is a copy of the Verified Petition filed in this Cause, including

16 Attachments A through D thereto.

17 Q12. What is NIPSCO requesting in this proceeding?

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 5

1 A12. NIPSCO is requesting a certificate of authority to issue bonds, notes, or other

2 evidences of indebtedness (“Notes”) to NiSource Inc. (“NIS Notes”) or to

3 unaffiliated parties in the external capital markets (“Market Notes”) from time to

4 time during the Financing Period with maturities ranging from two to thirty years

5 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $850,000,000 for the purpose of (1)

6 refinancing external notes maturing within the Financing Period, (2) funding or

7 reimbursing NIPSCO for the cost of ongoing capital requirements in support of

8 NIPSCO’s public service obligations and refunding short term debt, and (3) for

9 other corporate purposes including paying the issuance expenses related to the

10 new debt (the “Financing Plan”). NIPSCO is seeking approval of this Financing

11 Plan because its current financing authority granted by the Commission in Cause

12 No. 45113, in the aggregate amount of $470,000,000, will expire as of December 31,

13 2020.

14 Q13. Does NIPSCO intend to continue to file periodic general financing petitions

15 going forward?

16 A13. Yes. NIPSCO intends to continue to file periodic general financing petitions going

17 forward based upon a two calendar‐year authorization cycle.

18 Q14. Please describe NIPSCO’s Financing Plan.

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 6

1 A14. As noted above, NIPSCO is requesting authority to secure up to $850,000,000 for

2 the issuance of NIS Notes or Market Notes during the Financing Period. NIPSCO

3 is requesting authority for a flexible Financing Plan with various financing options

4 in order to provide NIPSCO with maximum financial flexibility. This will allow

5 NIPSCO to obtain cost‐effective and timely long‐term financing, and also allow

6 NIPSCO to appropriately ladder its debt maturities and avoid a high degree of

7 refinancing risk in any particular year. A flexible Financing Plan also allows

8 NIPSCO to take advantage of favorable interest rates and market conditions as

9 they arise.

10 Q15. Please describe the proposed refinancing of external notes.

11 A15. NIPSCO is requesting authority to issue Notes during the Financing Period with

12 maturities ranging from two to thirty years to discharge or lawfully refund its

13 obligations under the external note that will mature during the Financing Period

14 with a settled par value of $10,000,000. In the aggregate, $10,000,000 of debt

15 maturities will be refinanced during the financing authorization period.

16 Attachment 1‐B provides further detail on these debt maturities.

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 7

1 Q16. Please describe the proposed financing to support NIPSCO’s ongoing capital

2 requirements, the repayment of borrowings from the Money Pool, and for

3 general corporate purposes.

4 A16. NIPSCO is requesting authority to issue up to $850,000,000 of Notes to be used in

5 the normal course of NIPSCO’s business to support its ongoing capital

6 requirements and service improvements, the repayment of borrowings from the

7 Money Pool, and for general corporate purposes. NIPSCO makes capital

8 investments in the normal course of business to meet its public service obligations.

9 NIPSCO anticipates it will have general capital requirements and service

10 improvements that touch every part of NIPSCO’s electric and gas systems during

11 the Financing Period.

12 Q17. Why is NIPSCO requesting authority to issue Notes with various terms ranging

13 from two to thirty years?

14 A17. NIPSCO requests authority to issue Notes with various terms in order to:

15 (1) allow NIPSCO to appropriately ladder its debt maturities and avoid high

16 levels of refinancing risk in any particular year;

17 (2) match the financing term of a Note issued with the life of the underlying

18 assets; and

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 8

1 (3) issue separate Notes for multiple purposes, each having different time

2 horizons.

3 Q18. How does NIPSCO propose to implement its Financing Plan?

4 A18. NIPSCO proposes to implement most of the Financing Plan by issuing either NIS

5 Notes or Market Notes.

6 Q19. Please describe the NIS Notes and how the interest rate will be determined for

7 the NIS Notes.

8 A19. The NIS Notes would be unsecured and would be issued during the Financing

9 Period. The NIS Notes will be issued for terms ranging from two to thirty years,

10 will bear an interest rate that corresponds to the pricing being offered to

11 companies with financial profiles similar to NIPSCO, and will reflect market

12 conditions at the time of issuance. NIPSCO will determine the interest rate of the

13 NIS Notes by directly referencing the prevailing yield on U.S. utility bonds as

14 reported by Bloomberg Finance L.P. (as reported in the Bloomberg “C038” Index

15 (or equivalent index) Historical Price Table, using Mid‐Yield values) for

16 companies with a credit risk profile equivalent to that of NIPSCO effective on the

17 date such NIS Note is issued. NIPSCO’s senior unsecured debt is currently rated

18 BBB+ by Standard and Poorʹs (“S&P”) with a stable outlook and Baa1 by Moody’s

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 9

1 Investor Services (“Moody’s”) with a stable outlook. To the extent that a split‐

2 rating shall occur between the respective S&P and Moody’s ratings, the higher

3 credit rating shall apply to the interest rate calculation methodology described

4 above. Attachment 1‐C provides an example of the Bloomberg Finance “C038”

5 Index Historical Price Table as of June 16, 2020. The NIS Notes will not reflect any

6 mark‐up by NiSource.

7 Q20. Is the aforementioned method that will be used to determine the interest rate

8 for NIS Notes the same method that was previously approved by this

9 Commission?

10 A20. Yes. The interest rate calculation methodology would be the same approach

11 authorized by the Commission in Cause No. 45113.

12 Q21. What are the benefits to NIPSCO and its ratepayers of using NIS Notes?

13 A21. If utilized, NIS Notes will bear interest costs similar to a public debt offering

14 because the interest rate will be based upon market interest rates for companies

15 with financial profiles and credit ratings similar to NIPSCO. The NIS Notes would

16 allow NIPSCO to avoid significant transaction costs that would be associated with

17 a public debt offering or private placement transaction, such as underwriting or

18 placement fees, which would range from 0.65% to 0.875% of the principal value of

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 10

1 the Notes, or approximately $5,525,000 to $7,437,500. The NIS Notes would also

2 allow NIPSCO to avoid legal, accounting, auditing, and rating agency fees

3 associated with a public debt offering. I estimate these fees would be in the range

4 of $400,000 to $500,000 if the entire $850,000,000 were financed via a public debt

5 offering.

6 Q22. Does NIPSCO’s relationship with NiSource require NIPSCO to obtain all of its

7 debt financing from NiSource?

8 A22. No. As I have indicated previously, NIPSCO is requesting authority for flexibility

9 to obtain debt financing through several alternative options.

10 Q23. Please describe the Market Notes and how the interest rate would be

11 determined for Market Notes.

12 A23. Market Notes would be issued in the external capital markets using one of four

13 possible approaches: (1) a traditional public debt offering that would utilize a

14 conventional Indenture of Trust; (2) a Rule 144A quasi‐public debt offering that

15 would also utilize an Indenture of Trust; (3) tax‐exempt notes issued through the

16 Indiana Finance Authority; and (4) a traditional private placement debt offering

17 that would utilize a Note Purchase Agreement directly between NIPSCO and the

18 note purchasers. If these Market Notes are issued, the obligations would be

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 11

1 evidenced by a promissory note and an Indenture of Trust, Note Purchase

2 Agreement, or similar document, under terms mutually agreeable to NIPSCO and

3 a qualified financial institution in conformity with generally accepted market

4 conventions. The terms for the issuance of such Market Notes will be established

5 through negotiated offerings in which NIPSCO will negotiate the terms of each

6 offering with such underwriters, purchasers or agents. Market Notes would be

7 issued on a senior unsecured basis for a term of between two and thirty years at

8 either a fixed or variable rate.

9 Q24. Please explain the possibilities for the issuance of tax‐exempt debt.

10 A24. Opportunities may arise to participate in tax‐exempt financings through the

11 Indiana Finance Authority or other economic development agencies in connection

12 with certain projects. NIPSCO requests that the authority granted in this

13 proceeding be broad enough to allow NIPSCO to take advantage of these

14 opportunities when and if they arise.

15 Q25. Please provide the debt ratings for NIPSCO and NiSource.

16 A25. The debt ratings for NIPSCO and NiSource are as follows:


Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 12

1 NIPSCO NiSource 2 S&P BBB+ BBB+ 3 Moody’s Baa1 Baa2 4 Fitch BBB BBB 5 6 Attachment 1‐D is a copy of the credit reports from each applicable rating agency

7 supporting NIPSCO’s and NiSource’s most recent debt ratings.

8 Q26. What factors will NIPSCO consider when selecting the type and maturity of

9 Notes to be issued by NIPSCO during the Financing Period?

10 A26. The main factors NIPSCO will consider when selecting the type and maturity of

11 Notes to be issued during the Financing Period include: (1) appropriately

12 laddering NIPSCO’s debt maturities to avoid high levels of refinancing risk in any

13 particular year; (2) NIPSCO’s general preference for matching the maturity of a

14 Note with the life of the underlying asset; and (3) prevailing capital market

15 conditions.

16 Q27. What is the net effect of the proposed Financing Plan to NIPSCO’s balance

17 sheet?

18 A27. The net effect of the Financing Plan to NIPSCO’s balance sheet is shown on

19 Attachment 1‐A, Attachment C, Page 2. The total effect of the Financing Plan

20 would be to increase NIPSCO’s long‐term debt by approximately $848,151,000.

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 13

1 Q28. How will the Financing Plan affect NIPSCO’s total outstanding capitalization

2 in relation to the total fair value of NIPSCO’s assets?

3 A28. As shown in Attachment 1‐A, Attachment D, the Financing Plan will result in a

4 total capitalization of $5,852,310,000], an amount which is less than the total fair

5 value finding of $8,162,073,000 in NIPSCO’s recent gas and electric orders

6 ($792,511,000 in Cause Nos. 43894 and 43941 and $7,369,562,000 in Cause No.

7 44688).

8 Q29. Will the Financing Plan result in a reasonable overall capital structure for


10 A29. Yes. Both NIPSCO’s current capital structure and the capital structure that will

11 result from the Financing Plan are reasonable because under both, NIPSCO’s total

12 outstanding capitalization does not exceed the total value of NIPSCO’s property.

13 Q30. Does the amount of debt that NIPSCO plans to issue through the Financing Plan

14 exceed an amount that is reasonably necessary?

15 A30. No. NIPSCO is requesting authority to issue NiSource Notes and/or Market Notes

16 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $850,000,000. This amount

17 includes $10,000,000 to refinance an external note coming due during the

18 Financing Period, and $840,000,000 to support NIPSCO’s capital requirements in

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 14

1 the normal course of business, the repayment of borrowings from the Money Pool,

2 and for general corporate purposes. The amount of debt that NIPSCO plans to

3 issue through the Financing Plan is appropriate because it will result in a

4 reasonable overall capital structure, and support NIPSCO’s ongoing provision of

5 public utility service to its customers. Finally, the Financing Plan, including the

6 aggregate amount requested, is consistent with NIPSCO’s practice of filing a

7 petition with the Commission every two years to request authority to refinance

8 any long term debt coming due, fund ongoing capital requirements in support of

9 NIPSCO’s public service obligations, pay down short‐term debt, and finance any

10 known capital projects.

11 Q31. Does NIPSCO’s Financing Plan serve the public interest?

12 A31. Yes. NIPSCO’s Financing Plan is reasonably necessary in the operation and

13 management of NIPSCO’s business because it provides NIPSCO flexibility to

14 secure cost‐effective and timely long‐term financing, appropriately ladder its debt

15 maturities and avoid high levels of refinancing risk in any particular year, and to

16 take advantage of favorable interest rates and market conditions as they arise.

17 Q32. Please describe NIPSCO’s proposed reporting requirements.

Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 1 Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC Page 15

1 A32. Consistent with NIPSCO’s current reporting requirements in Cause No. 45113,

2 NIPSCO proposes to provide a written report to both the OUCC and the

3 Commission within 30 days of issuance of NiSource Notes or Market Notes that

4 provides, at a minimum, the debt amount, interest rate, terms, and intended

5 purpose. If NIPSCO’s or NiSource’s credit rating is changed or updated in the

6 future, NIPSCO shall provide the credit reports for NIPSCO and NiSource

7 showing such changes/updates at the time of its compliance report filings.

8 Q33. Does this conclude your pre‐filed direct testimony?

9 A33. Yes.


I, Vincent V. Rea, Director, Regulatory Finance & Economics for NiSource

Corporate Services Company, affirm under penalties of perjury that the foregoing representation.�are true and correct to thebest of my knowledge, informationand belief. KJr/l---- Vincent V. Rea

Dated: June 30, 2020 ,

Attachment 1‐A

[Verified Petition – Not duplicated herein] Attachment 1-B

NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY LLC Notes Maturing within the Financing Period (Dollars in Thousands)

External Notes: Medium-Term Notes - Series 1997 Medium-Term Notes - 7.40%, Due August 30, 2022 $ 10,000

Total External Notes Maturing within the Financing Period$ 10,000

Internal NIS Notes: Intercompany Notes: None None $ -

Total NIS Notes Maturing within the Financing Period$ - Page 1 of 1 Attachment 1-C

C03830Y Index 96) !Export 97) Settings Page 1/1 Historical Price Table BFV USD US Uti lity BBB+ 30 Year High 3.3876 on 06/ 05/ 20 Ra n g e ~ □ - ~ 1:1 Per-iod lmll!III · LO','i 3.1967 on 06/ 11/ 20 l-lar-°

06/12/20 3.2090 06/11/20 06/10/20 3.2621 06/09/20 3.2731 06/08/20 3.3125

06/05/ 20 H 3 .3:376 06/04/20 3.3499 06/03/20 3.3153 06/02/20 3.3242 06/01/20 3.3082

Rus tralia 61 2 9777 8 600 Braz i 1 5511 2395 9000 Europe 44 20 7330 7500 Ger1TBJ1~ 49 69 9204 1210 Hong Ko ng 852 2977 6000 Jap;;n 81 3 4565 8900 s ingapore 65 6212 1000 u . s . 1 212 318 2000 Cop~r igh t 2020 B loonoerg F in;;nce L . P . SN 918028 EDT GMT-! ,oo H899-!520-3 16-Jun-2020 15 ,oo , 18

file:///C:/Users/u124989/AppData/Local/Temp/notesC9812B/Attachment%201-C%20C03... 6/26/2020 Attachment 1-D Page 1 of 39 S&PGlobal Ratings Rati ngsDi rect®

Research Update: NiSource Inc. Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative On Asset Sale; Ratings Affirmed

February 28, 2020


- NiSource Inc. announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Columbia Gas of Matthew L O'Neill Massachusetts's to for $1.1 billion. New York - We expect NiSource to use the proceeds to pay down debt. (1) 212-438-4295 matthew.oneill - We are revising our outlook on NiSource and its subsidiaries to stable from negative. SECONDARY CONTACT - At the same time, we are affirming our ratings on NiSource and its subsidiaries including our 'BBB+' issuer credit rating (ICR) and senior unsecured issue rating on the company. Fei She, CFA New York - The stable outlook reflects our high degree of certainty that the Bay State Gas sale will close in + 2124380405 2020 and that the company will use the sale proceeds to reduce debt, improving its credit fei.she measures. The asset sale will allow NiSource to exit the Massachusetts' market, which increased regulatory risk for the company, and instead focus on its other well performing utilities.

Rating Action Rationale

The outlook revision reflects the announced sale of the Columbia Gas of Massachusetts assets. We believe the company will likely complete this sale during 2020, using the sale proceeds to reduce debt and improve its financial measures. The asset sale will also allow the company to exit from a regulatory jurisdiction that we viewed as difficult for the company to manage effectively, decreasing the company's business risk.

We are affirming NiSource's ratings including its 'BBB+' issuer credit rating. The affirmation reflects our assessment of NiSource's lower-risk regulated and vertically integrated electric and gas distribution operations, its large customer base, geographic and regulatory diversity, and effective management of regulatory risk in its jurisdictions outside of Massachusetts. We expect that the company will continue to effectively manage regulatory risk across all of its jurisdictions (excluding Massachusetts) and improve cash flow through future rate-case filings and continued use of regulatory riders for distribution, transmission, and environmental costs. We also expect February 28, 2020 1 THIS WAS PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR USER SCOTT HAYHURST. NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED. Attachment 1-D Page 2 of 39 Research Update: NiSource Inc. Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative On Asset Sale; Ratings Affirmed

the company will replace most of its coal-fired generation by 2023, significantly reducing its environmental risks.

We expect FFO to debt of 14%-15%, consistent with the lower-end of the range for its financial risk profile category. Our base case assumptions include: proceeds from the sale used to reduce leverage; modest customer growth; annual capital spending averaging about $1.8 billion through 2023; continued use of rider mechanisms and rate cases. While we expect the company's financial measures will remain at the lower end of the range for its financial risk profile category, we also expect they will gradually improve, including FFO to debt of about 13% to 14%-15% over the next three years. We assess the comparable rating analysis modifier as negative to account for the company's relatively weak financial measures for the its financial risk profile category.


The stable outlook reflects what we view as a high degree of certainty that the company will closethe Columbia Gas of Massachusetts sales transaction and expedite the resolution of all related outstanding legal issues without a further weakening of NiSource's financial measures. This sale will allow NiSource to exit the Massachusetts's gas distribution market, which we viewed as increasing regulatory risk to consolidated NiSource. We anticipate the company will use the sales proceeds to reduce leverage, strengthening its financial measures. The outlook also incorporates our view that NiSource will continue to effectively manage regulatory risk in its remaining regulatory jurisdictions and will continue to execute on its carbon-reduction plan of closing down its coal-fired generation in Indiana.

Downside scenario

We could lower NiSource's credit rating if its ability to manage regulatory risk weakens. Alternatively, we could lower the rating if FFO to debt weakens to consistently below 13%.

Upside scenario

We could raise the ratings if FFO to debt consistently improves to above 16% and the company is able to effectively manage regulatory risks throughout its service territories.

Company Description

NiSource Inc., an energy holding company, operates as a regulated natural gas and electric utility company in the U.S. The company operates in two segments, Gas Distribution Operations and Electric Operations. It provides natural gas service and transportation for residential, commercial, and industrial customers; generates, transmits, and distributes electricity; and wholesale and transmission transaction services. It serves approximately 3.2 million natural gas customers in , , Virginia, , Maryland, and Indiana; and 470,000 electricity customers in the northern part of Indiana. February 28, 2020 2 THIS WAS PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR USER SCOTT HAYHURST. NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED. Attachment 1-D Page 3 of 39 Research Update: NiSource Inc. Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative On Asset Sale; Ratings Affirmed


We assess NiSource's liquidity as adequate because we believe its liquidity sources are likely to cover uses by more than 1.1x over the next 12 months and meet cash outflows even with a 10% decline in EBITDA. The assessment also reflects the company's generally prudent risk management, sound relationships with banks, and a generally satisfactory standing in credit markets.

Principal liquidity sources include:

- Cash balance of $29 million

- An estimated $1.8 billion of credit facility availability

- Cash FFO estimated to be about $1.3 billion

- Proceeds from asset sales of $1.1 billion

Principal liquidity sources include:

- Long term and short term debt maturities of about $1.8 billion

- Capital spending of about $1.8 billion

- Dividends of about $315 million

Issue Ratings - Subordination Risk Analysis

- We rate NiSource's unsecured debt 'BBB+', the same as our long-term issuer credit rating on the company, because the vast proportion of its debt is at the holding company.

- We rate the company's commercial paper program 'A-2', which is consistent with the issuer credit rating.

- We rate NiSource's preferred stock two notches below our issuer credit rating on the company, one notch for deferability and one notch for subordination.

Issue Ratings - Recovery Analysis

Issuer Credit Rating: BBB+/Stable/A-2

Business risk: Excellent

- Country risk: Very low

- Industry risk: Very low

- Competitive position: Strong February 28, 2020 3 THIS WAS PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR USER SCOTT HAYHURST. NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED. Attachment 1-D Page 4 of 39 Research Update: NiSource Inc. Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative On Asset Sale; Ratings Affirmed

Financial risk: Significant

- Cash flow/leverage: Significant

Anchor: a-


- Diversification/portfolio effect: Neutral (no impact)

- Capital structure: Neutral (no impact)

- Financial policy: Neutral (no impact)

- Liquidity: Adequate (no impact)

- Management and governance: Satisfactory (no impact)

- Comparable rating analysis: Negative (-1 notch)

Stand-alone credit profile: bbb+

Group credit profile: bbb+

Related Criteria

- General Criteria: Hybrid Capital: Methodology And Assumptions, July 1, 2019

- General Criteria: Group Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019

- Criteria | Corporates | General: Corporate Methodology: Ratios And Adjustments, April 1, 2019

- Criteria | Corporates | General: Reflecting Subordination Risk In Corporate Issue Ratings, March 28, 2018

- General Criteria: Methodology For Linking Long-Term And Short-Term Ratings, April 7, 2017

- Criteria | Corporates | General: Methodology And Assumptions: Liquidity Descriptors For Global Corporate Issuers, Dec. 16, 2014

- Criteria | Corporates | Utilities: Key Credit Factors For The Regulated Utilities Industry, Nov. 19, 2013

- Criteria | Corporates | General: Corporate Methodology, Nov. 19, 2013

- General Criteria: Country Risk Assessment Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 19, 2013

- General Criteria: Methodology: Industry Risk, Nov. 19, 2013

- General Criteria: Methodology: Management And Governance Credit Factors For Corporate Entities, Nov. 13, 2012 February 28, 2020 4 THIS WAS PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR USER SCOTT HAYHURST. NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED. Attachment 1-D Page 5 of 39 Research Update: NiSource Inc. Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative On Asset Sale; Ratings Affirmed

- General Criteria: Use Of CreditWatch And Outlooks, Sept. 14, 2009

Ratings List

Ratings Affirmed; CreditWatch/Outlook Action

To From

NiSource Inc.

Issuer Credit Rating BBB+/Stable/A-2 BBB+/Negative/A-2

Senior Unsecured BBB+

Preferred Stock BBB-

Commercial Paper A-2

Bay State Gas Co.

Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC

Issuer Credit Rating BBB+/Stable/-- BBB+/Negative/--

Senior Unsecured BBB+

Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors, have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such criteria. Please see Ratings Criteria at for further information. Complete ratings information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at All ratings affected by this rating action can be found on S&P Global Ratings' public website at Use the Ratings search box located in the left column. February 28, 2020 5 THIS WAS PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR USER SCOTT HAYHURST. NOT FOR REDISTRIBUTION UNLESS OTHERWISE PERMITTED. Attachment 1-D Page 6 of 39 Research Update: NiSource Inc. Outlook Revised To Stable From Negative On Asset Sale; Ratings Affirmed

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ISSUER COMMENT NiSource Inc. 27 February 2020 Sale of Bay State Gas removes Massachusetts regulatory risk

~ Rate this Research overhang

On 26 February 2020, NiSource Inc. (NiSource, Baa2 stable) announced an agreement to RATINGS sell its Massachusetts gas distribution company, Bay State Gas Company (aka Columbia NiSource Inc. Gas of Massachusetts, CMA Baa2 stable), to Eversource Energy (Baa1 stable) for $1.1 billion Outlook Stable Issuer Rating Baa2 or approximately 1x rate base. The announcement followed an agreement by NiSource to Pref. Shelf (P)Ba1 plead guilty to a federal criminal charge that it had violated federal pipeline safety laws Commercial Paper P-2 related to the September 2018 gas explosions in its Massachusetts service territory (the Greater Lawrence incident). As part of the plea agreement, NiSource agreed to sell CMA and Source: Moody's Investors Service permanently exit its operations in Massachusetts and to pay a $53 million fine.

We view NiSource’s impending exit from Massachusetts as positive to the company’s credit profile because it removes future risk associated with the company’s operations and Contacts regulatory relationships in the state. It also allows NiSource to focus more fully on its other Nana Hamilton +1.212.553.9440 jurisdictions and on executing its substantial capital expenditure plan. We do not expect the AVP-Analyst CMA sale to have a material impact on NiSource’s credit metrics. [email protected] Michael G. Haggarty +1.212.553.7172 Prior to the Greater Lawrence incident, CMA contributed approximately 8% of NiSource’s Associate Managing Director operating cash flow. Proceeds from the sale of CMA will eliminate the need for approximately [email protected] $500-$700 million of equity issuance previously planned for 2020. We expect NiSource Jim Hempstead +1.212.553.4318 to use the remaining sale proceeds to reduce debt, and estimate that the elimination of MD-Utilities CMA’s contribution to consolidated cash flow and associated dis-synergies will have a slightly [email protected] negative to neutral impact on debt service coverage metrics. Over the next two years, we expect NiSource to produce a ratio of CFO pre-WC to debt above 13%. CLIENT SERVICES Americas 1-212-553-1653 NiSource estimates costs and expenses associated with the Greater Lawrence incident at Asia Pacific 852-3551-3077 approximately $1.8 billion, about $800 million of which has been recovered through casualty insurance. The company is in the process of seeking additional recoveries via property Japan 81-3-5408-4100 insurance (up to $258 million) and could incur additional costs related to third party claims, EMEA 44-20-7772-5454 fines and other ongoing investigations. However, we think the majority of associated costs have already been incurred.

NiSource’s credit metrics deteriorated significantly in 2018 as a result of the Greater Lawrence incident and we expect 2019 to show a recovery, including a CFO pre-WC to debt ratio above 13%. The company’s credit profile benefits from the size and broad geographic footprint of its operations which offer regulatory diversity and provide a natural hedge against material exposure to a single jurisdiction. We expect the company to focus on safety and operational excellence in all its jurisdictions to prevent any future financial, social and regulatory repercussions similar to what it experienced in Massachusetts. NiSource's

This document has been prepared for the use of Scott Hayhurst and is protected by law. It may not be copied, transferred or disseminated unless authorized under a contract with Moody's or otherwise authorized in writing by Moody's. Attachment 1-D


significant ongoing capital expenditure program, primarily related to improvements in its natural gas infrastructure and planned replacement of its fossil fueled electric generation fleet with renewables, and associated financing plans, will be important to its credit profile going forward.

Headquartered in Merrillville, Indiana, NiSource is a utility holding company with a portfolio of regulated utility subsidiaries. NiSource owns one of the largest local gas distribution (LDC) systems in the US, as well as a vertically integrated electric utility in Indiana.

This publication does not announce a credit rating action. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history.

2 27 February 2020 NiSource Inc.: Sale of Bay State Gas removes Massachusetts regulatory risk overhang This document has been prepared for the use of Scott Hayhurst and is protected by law. It may not be copied, transferred or disseminated unless authorized under a contract with Moody's or otherwise authorized in writing by Moody's. Attachment 1-D


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3 27 February 2020 NiSource Inc.: Sale of Bay State Gas removes Massachusetts regulatory risk overhang This document has been prepared for the use of Scott Hayhurst and is protected by law. It may not be copied, transferred or disseminated unless authorized under a contract with Moody's or otherwise authorized in writing by Moody's. Attachment 1-D



Americas 1-212-553-1653 Asia Pacific 852-3551-3077 Japan 81-3-5408-4100 EMEA 44-20-7772-5454


4 27 February 2020 NiSource Inc.: Sale of Bay State Gas removes Massachusetts regulatory risk overhang This document has been prepared for the use of Scott Hayhurst and is protected by law. It may not be copied, transferred or disseminated unless authorized under a contract with Moody's or otherwise authorized in writing by Moody's. Attachment 1-D


CREDIT OPINION Northern Indiana Public Service Company 11 July 2019 Update to credit analysis

Update Summary Northern Indiana Public Service Company’s (NIPSCO) credit profile reflects the company's strong stand alone financial metrics and a favorable regulatory environment. The .,, Rate this Research company's credit quality is constrained by its geographic concentration in northern Indiana and a mature and highly industrialized service area, leaving it particularly exposed to RATINGS macroeconomic fluctuations. The similarity in credit quality of NIPSCO and parent company Northern Indiana Public Service NiSource takes into account the implicit burden of substantial debt at the parent level and Company the fairly unrestricted movement of cash among its affiliates. Domicile Merrillville, Indiana, United States Long Term Rating Baa1 Exhibit 1 Type LT Issuer Rating Historical CFO Pre W/C, Total Debt and CFO Pre W/C to Debt ($ MM)

Outlook Stable CFO Pre-W/C Total Debt CFO Pre-W/C / Debt $3,000 30.0%

$2,706 26.6%

Please see the ratings section at the end of this report 24.8% 25.2% $2,524 $2,500 24.6% $2,396 25.0% for more information. The ratings and outlook shown 24.9% reflect information as of the publication date. $2,149 $2,174 $2,000 20.0%

$1,500 15.0% Contacts $1,000 10.0%

Nana Hamilton +1.212.553.9440 $673 $672 $603 $532 $535 AVP-Analyst $500 5.0% [email protected]

$- 0.0% Poonam Thakur +1.212.553.4635 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 LTM Mar-19 Associate Analyst Source: Moody's Financial Metrics [email protected] Michael G. Haggarty +1.212.553.7172 Associate Managing Director Credit strengths [email protected] » Supportive regulatory environment in Indiana Jim Hempstead +1.212.553.4318 MD-Utilities » Timely investment recovery [email protected] » Strong financial metrics CLIENT SERVICES Americas 1-212-553-1653 Credit challenges Asia Pacific 852-3551-3077 » Sizeable capital investment program sustained through 2020 Japan 81-3-5408-4100 » Service territory economy heavily influenced by activity in the manufacturing sector EMEA 44-20-7772-5454 » Highly levered parent company Attachment 1-D


Rating outlook NIPSCO's stable rating outlook reflects the credit supportiveness of the Indiana regulatory environment and our expectation that the utility will continue to recover costs associated with its large capital program on a timely basis. In addition, we anticipate that any funding shortfall will be prudently financed to avoid any material deterioration in the company's financial ratios. Finally, NIPSCO's stable outlook also incorporates the stable outlook at its parent company.

Factors that could lead to an upgrade » Material improvement in the credit supportiveness of the regulatory environment, providing greater predictability, timeliness and/or sufficiency of rates

» Sustained strong financial ratios, such that CFO pre-WC to debt remains above 22%, combined with a significant reduction in the parent company debt it supports

» An upgrade at NiSource could also place upward rating pressure on NIPSCO

Factors that could lead to a downgrade » A deterioration in the credit supportiveness of the regulatory jurisdiction

» A weakening in the company’s financial metrics, such that CFO pre-WC to debt fell to the mid-teens, on a sustained basis

» NiSource’s adoption of an aggressive corporate finance strategy where it would place additional reliance on dividends from its regulated subsidiary to service parent debt

» A downgrade at NiSource could also place downward rating pressure on NIPSCO

Key indicators

Exhibit 2 Northern Indiana Public Service Company [1] Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 LTM Mar-19 CFO Pre-W/C + Interest / Interest 6.7x 6.5x 6.9x 7.0x 6.8x CFO Pre-W/C / Debt 24.8% 24.6% 25.2% 24.9% 26.6% CFO Pre-W/C – Dividends / Debt 23.6% 24.6% 23.1% 23.0% 24.6% Debt / Capitalization 41.2% 39.4% 43.8% 44.2% 41.6%

[1]All ratios are based on 'Adjusted' financial data and incorporate Moody's Global Standard Adjustments for Non-Financial Corporations. Source: Moody's Financial Metrics

Profile Headquartered in Merrillville, Indiana, Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO, Baa1, stable) is the second largest electric utility and the largest local gas distribution company (LDC) in the state of Indiana in terms of number of customers served (472,000 electric and 832,000 gas customers). The vertically integrated electric operations account for about 80% of NIPSCO's operating income, with the LDC making up the balance.

NIPSCO is the legacy subsidiary of NiSource, Inc. (Baa2, stable), a holding company that also owns six other LDCs. NIPSCO is a significant operating subsidiary of NiSource in terms of assets (almost 40% of consolidated assets) and accounts for about 45% of consolidated operating income.

This publication does not announce a credit rating action. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history.

2 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D


Detailed credit considerations CREDIT SUPPORTIVE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT IN INDIANA We view Indiana's regulatory environment as generally credit supportive of NIPSCO. The utility has access to a suite of attractive tracker and rider mechanisms that allow for timely recovery of both capital investments and expenses. NIPSCO recovers its largest cost component, fuel and power purchase costs, through regular fuel pass-through adjustments. It also benefits from mechanisms that cover electric energy efficiency costs, MISO RTO non-fuel costs and revenues, resource capacity charges, and environmental related costs.

NIPSCO's environmental cost trackers (ECT) provide for recovery of its environmental investments, of particular importance to the company given its sizeable coal generation fleet. The ECT allows the utility to recover AFUDC and a return on environmental compliance capital investment projects through an environmental cost recovery mechanism (ECRM). Similarly, the related operation and maintenance and depreciation expenses incurred once the environmental facilities become operational are recovered through an environmental expense recovery mechanism (EERM).

NIPSCO also utilizes Indiana's Transmission, Distribution and Storage System Improvement Charge (TDSIC) for infrastructure improvement expenditures focused on safety, reliability, and modernization. It allows 80% of the investment to be recovered through a semi-annual tracker adjustment while the remaining 20% is deferred until the next rate case. Provisions under the TDSIC statute require that, among other things, requests for recovery include a seven-year plan of eligible investments.

NIPSCO filed its 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the IURC in October 2018. The IRP includes projected retirement of 80% of the company’s coal capacity by 2023, and the remainder by 2028. NIPSCO retired Bailly Generating Station Units 7 and 8 in 2018 and is planning to retire Schahfer Units 17 and 18 by 2023. The remaining book value of both plants at the time of their respective retirements totals about $550 million. We expect that NIPSCO will receive full recovery of both plants over their remaining lives.

In late 2017, NIPSCO Gas filed its first general rate case in over a decade, requesting a revenue increase of $138 million with a 10.7% ROE and 46.88% equity layer. In September 2018, the IURC authorized a $107 million revenue increase with a 9.85% ROE and 46.88% equity layer. In October 2018, NIPSCO filed an electric rate case requesting a $111 million revenue increase with a 10.8% ROE and 47.86% equity layer. A decision is expected by end of third quarter of this year.

In February 2019, NIPSCO submitted Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) filings seeking approval for 20-year PPAs to purchase all of the output from two wind projects in Indiana - Jordan Creek, a 400 MW project, and Roaming Bison, a 300 MW project. The filing also requested approval for a Build-Transfer Agreement (BTA) for Rosewater, a 100 MW wind project to be developed by EDP Renewables. As part of the BTA, ownership of Rosewater, upon achieving commercial operation, would be transferred to a joint venture owned by NIPSCO, EDP Renewables and a tax equity partner. NIPSCO would retain full ownership after production tax credits (PTCs) from the project are monetized. Jordan Creek and Roaming Bison have been approved and a final order on Rosewater is expected by the third quarter of 2019. Construction of all three wind projects is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.

Exhibit 3 NIPSCO electric and gas rate base break out

NIPSCO Gas 25%

NIPSCO Electric 75% Source: Company reports

3 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D


SIZEABLE CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM SUSTAINED THROUGH 2020 NIPSCO plans to continue to grow rate base organically and is investing about $550-$750 million in annual capital expenditures through 2020. The utility is shifting its focus away from nearly completed environmental generation projects to transmission investments and tracked infrastructure enhancements.

Until the end of 2015, tracked environmental investments represented the largest share of NIPSCO's capex program. The utility's 2,080 MW coal fleet required it to take on significant environmental compliance expenditures to reduce carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide emissions to meet current environmental standards by their intended deadlines. Cost recovery for these projects is achieved through existing tracker mechanisms.

As environmental capex requirements have abated, NIPSCO has turned its attention to investment opportunities under the TDSIC, and is focusing on electric and gas infrastructure enhancement projects identified in its seven-year electric and gas resource plans. The infrastructure enhancement investments have ramped up progressively since they began in 2014, with the majority of the spend scheduled to take place through 2021. These include the construction of new transmission and distribution lines, as well as the replacement of aging gas pipes and electric equipment.

NIPSCO has completed two Indiana transmission projects aimed at reducing congestion in the region. The approved return on equity for the projects is an attractive 10.8%. Furthermore, FERC regulated projects include credit positive features such as formulaic rate making, automatic inclusion of construction work in progress (CWIP) in rate base as well as the application of future test years when setting rates.

FINANCIAL RATIOS REMAIN STRONG The size of NIPSCO's annual capital investment plan means that the company will generate negative free cash flow even before accounting for any dividends to its parent. Given NIPSCO's capex financing needs, which we anticipate will be largely funded through operating cash flows and intercompany loans, we expect the company will keep with its past practice of forgoing or limiting dividend payments to its parent over the near to medium term.

Based on NIPSCO's financial results for the last twelve months ending 31 March 2019, the utility continues to produce strong credit metrics; however, those ratios do not reflect the substantial amount of debt at the parent level (greater than 90% of consolidated debt). As of 31 March 2019, the utility's CFO pre-working capital (CFO pre-WC) plus interest/interest ratio was 6.8x, CFO pre-WC to debt was 26.6%, and debt to capitalization was 41.6%.

SERVICE TERRITORY ECONOMY HEAVILY INFLUENCED BY ACTIVITY IN THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR NIPSCO's industrial customers account for roughly 55% of total retail sales volume and 35% of revenues, about twice what is typical for the US electric power industry, leaving it particularly sensitive to economic cycles. Of NIPSCO's industrial sales, about 50% are to energy-intensive steel-related industries. Moody’s outlook for the steel sector is stable, though NIPSCO’s exposure to more volatile markets remains a credit negative.

4 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D


Exhibit 4 NIPSCO electric customers Revenue by customer type for 2018 Wholesale Other 1% 5%

Residential 29%

Industrial 36%

Commercial 29% Source: Company reports

Liquidity analysis We expect NIPSCO to maintain adequate liquidity over the next 12-18 months. The company participates in the NiSource money pool, which provides indirect access to the parent company's $1.85 billion credit facility, expiring 2024, which is sufficient to meet NIPSCO's needs. The parent revolver does not have any material adverse change clause for borrowings.

In addition, NIPSCO maintains a receivables sales program which expires in August 2019, and may be renewed if mutually agreed to by all signatory parties. Availability varies according to the season with a maximum seasonal program limit of $225 million as of 31 December 2018.

For the twelve months ending on 31 March 2019, NIPSCO generated $663 million in operating cash flow, invested $742 million in capital expenditures, and made $50 million of dividend payments to its parent, resulting in a negative free cash flow position of $129 million. NIPSCO funded the cash shortfall through intercompany loans from the parent. Going forward, we expect NIPSCO to remain free cash flow negative as it executes on its sizeable capital expenditure plan and anticipate that it will continue to meet any cash shortfall through intercompany loans.

5 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D


Rating methodology and scorecard factors

Exhibit 5 Rating Factors Northern Indiana Public Service Company Moody's 12-18 Month Forward Current View Regulated Electric and Gas Utilities Industry Scoecard [1][2] LTM 3/31/2019 As of Date Published [3] Factor 1 : Regulatory Framework (25%) Measure Score Measure Score a) Legislative and Judicial Underpinnings of the Regulatory Framework A A A A b) Consistency and Predictability of Regulation A A A A Factor 2 : Ability to Recover Costs and Earn Returns (25%) a) Timeliness of Recovery of Operating and Capital Costs A A A A b) Sufficiency of Rates and Returns A A A A Factor 3 : Diversification (10%) a) Market Position Ba Ba Ba Ba b) Generation and Fuel Diversity Ba Ba Ba Ba Factor 4 : Financial Strength (40%) a) CFO pre-WC + Interest / Interest (3 Year Avg) 6.9x Aa 6x - 6.5x Aa b) CFO pre-WC / Debt (3 Year Avg) 26.3% A 22% - 26% A c) CFO pre-WC – Dividends / Debt (3 Year Avg) 24.8% A 20% - 24% A d) Debt / Capitalization (3 Year Avg) 41.0% A 38% - 43% A Rating: Scorecard-Indicated Rating Before Notching Adjustment A2 A2 HoldCo Structural Subordination Notching 0 0 a) Indicated Rating from Scorecard A2 A2 b) Actual Rating Assigned Baa1 Baa1

[1] All ratios are based on 'Adjusted' financial data and incorporate Moody's Global Standard Adjustments for Non-Financial Corporations. [2] As of 3/31/2019(L) [3] This represents Moody's forward view; not the view of the issuer; and unless noted in the text, does not incorporate significant acquisitions and divestitures. Source: Moody's Financial Metrics

6 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D



Exhibit 6 Cash Flow and Credit Metrics [1] CF Metrics Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 LTM Mar-19 As Adjusted FFO 534 578 646 699 732 +/- Other (2) (43) (43) (25) (60) CFO Pre-WC 532 535 603 673 672 +/- ΔWC 59 (83) 11 (8) 4 CFO 591 452 614 666 676 - Div 25 - 50 50 50 - Capex 610 619 801 795 755 FCF (45) (168) (237) (179) (129)

(CFO Pre-W/C) / Debt 24.8% 24.6% 25.2% 24.9% 26.6% (CFO Pre-W/C - Dividends) / Debt 23.6% 24.6% 23.1% 23.0% 24.6% FFO / Debt 24.8% 26.6% 27.0% 25.8% 29.0% RCF / Debt 23.7% 26.6% 24.9% 24.0% 27.0%

Revenue 2,222 2,249 2,413 2,459 2,516 Cost of Good Sold 837 775 820 890 885 Interest Expense 93 97 102 113 116 Net Income 116 172 216 205 228 Total Assets 7,247 7,437 7,901 8,487 8,415 Total Liabilities 5,091 5,111 5,405 5,736 5,552 Total Equity 2,155 2,326 2,496 2,751 2,863 [1] All figures and ratios are calculated using Moody's estimates and standard adjustments. Periods are Financial Year-End unless indicated. LTM = Last Twelve Months. Source: Moody's Financial Metrics

Exhibit 7 Peer Comparison Table [1]

DO NOT USE FOR MIDSTREAM Northern Indiana Public Service Company Indiana, LLC. Utility Holdings, Inc. Indiana Michigan Power Company

Baa1 Stable A2 Stable A2 Negative A3 Stable


(in US millions) Dec-17 Dec-18 Mar-19 Dec-17 Dec-18 Mar-19 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-17 Dec-18 Mar-19

Revenue 2,413 2,459 2,516 3,047 3,059 3,096 1,378 1,383 1,441 2,121 2,371 2,408 CFO Pre-W/C 603 673 672 932 1,049 1,073 440 418 407 714 741 767 Total Debt 2,396 2,706 2,524 4,276 4,328 4,229 1,625 1,815 1,951 3,251 3,303 3,355 CFO Pre-W/C / Debt 25.2% 24.9% 26.6% 21.8% 24.2% 25.4% 27.1% 23.0% 20.8% 22.0% 22.4% 22.9% CFO Pre-W/C – Dividends / Debt 23.1% 23.0% 24.6% 14.8% 20.2% 21.2% 19.9% 16.2% 14.3% 18.1% 18.7% 19.5% Debt / Capitalization 43.8% 44.2% 41.6% 46.0% 45.0% 43.7% 39.6% 45.4% 45.1% 50.8% 50.3% 50.1% [1] All figures & ratios calculated using Moody's estimates & standard adjustments. FYE = Financial Year-End. LTM = Last Twelve Months. RUR* = Ratings under Review, where UPG = for upgrade and DNG = for downgrade. Source: Moody's Financial Metrics

7 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D



Exhibit 8 Category Moody's Rating NORTHERN INDIANA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Outlook Stable Issuer Rating Baa1 Senior Unsecured Baa1 PARENT: NISOURCE INC. Outlook Stable Issuer Rating Baa2 Sr Unsec Bank Credit Facility Baa2 Senior Unsecured Baa2 Pref. Stock Ba1 Commercial Paper P-2 Source: Moody's Investors Service

8 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D


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9 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D



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10 11 July 2019 Northern Indiana Public Service Company: Update to credit analysis Attachment 1-D Page 21 of 39 Corporates FitchRatings Natural Gas & Propane United States

Ratings NiSource Inc. and Northern Last Rating Rating Type Rating Outlook Action Indiana Public Service Company Long-Term BBB Stable Affirmed IDR April 3, 2020 Short-Term F2 — Affirmed IDR April 3, 2020 Senior BBB — Affirmed Unsecured April 3, 2020 Preferred BB+ — Affirmed NiSource Inc.’s (NI; BBB/Stable) credit profile is supported by its 100% regulated gas and electric Stock April 3, 2020 utility operations in six states, excluding Massachusetts. NI’s credit metrics have largely recovered NiSource Inc. from the Merrimack Valley incident. The agreement to sell natural gas assets in Massachusetts will Click here for full list of ratings remove most of the regulatory uncertainties in the state. However, NI will retain residual liabilities Northern Indiana Public Service Company and reduce operating scale. Northern Indiana Public Service Company’s (NIPSCO; BBB/Stable) Click here for full list of ratings ratings mirror those of NI, as it relies on NI solely for capital access. Key Rating Drivers Sale Removes Long-Term Risk: NI’s agreement to sell the natural gas assets of Columbia Gas of Massachusetts (CMA) eliminates long-term, prospective risks associated with operating a utility with damaged regulatory relationships in Massachusetts. However, the sale will reduce operating scale, modestly weaken credit metrics and does not remove CMA’s liabilities associated with the Merrimack Valley incident. In affirming NI’s ratings and Outlook, Fitch Ratings assumes the remaining liabilities, if any, will be funded in a credit supportive manner. We expect NI to use the sale proceeds to reduce debt, obviating issuance of $500 million–$700 million of equity in 2020. The debt reduction will not fully neutralize lost earnings and dis-synergies. CMA accounted for approximately 8% of NI’s earnings prior to the event. Fitch estimates 2021 FFO-adjusted leverage could potentially weaken by approximately 0.1x–0.2x due to the sale. Applicable Criteria Corporate Rating Criteria (Effective from A series of natural gas distribution fires and explosions in 2018 occurred in CMA’s service territory in March 27, 2020 to May 1, 2020) Merrimack Valley, MA. NI announced on Feb. 26, 2020 it reached an agreement to sell the natural gas Corporate Hybrids Treatment and Notching assets of CMA to Eversource Energy (BBB+/Stable) for $1.1 billion, about the size of CMA’s rate base. Criteria (November 2019) The agreement follows the announcement of a settlement between NI and the U.S. government. Corporates Notching and Recovery Ratings Criteria (October 2019) Under the settlement, NI pleaded guilty to violating federal pipeline safety laws and agreed to pay a Parent and Subsidiary Rating Linkage $53 million fine, sell its Massachusetts utility business, permanently leave the state and surrender any (September 2019) profits from the sale to the U.S. government. The transaction is expected to close in third-quarter 2020. The majority of the liabilities and lawsuits have been resolved so far, including the $143 million class Related Research action settlement in July 2019 and the $53 million fine imposed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Fitch Affirms NiSource at ‘BBB’; Outlook Stable February 2020. Investigations at the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities and the (April 2020) Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office are ongoing. Fitch Ratings 2020 Outlook: North American Utilities Power & Gas (Constructive Regulation Costs and expenses related to Merrimack Valley total approximately $1.8 billion. NI received Supports Recovery in Credit Metrics) $800 million of casualty insurance proceeds through YE 2019 and continues to seek insurance (December 2019) recovery for the pipeline replacement costs under the $300 million property insurance policy. Low Business Risk: NI’s ratings and Outlook are supported by stable cash flows and earnings from a geographically diverse mix of 100% regulated gas and electric utilities in six states, pro forma the CMA Analysts sale. The gas rate base is approximately 66% the total rate base. NI’s gas-distribution utilities benefit Julie Jiang from more supportive regulation and have less exposure to stringent environmental mandates. +1 212 908-0708 [email protected] Fitch considers Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, NI’s top three service territories, to be among the Jodi Hecht most supportive jurisdictions in the U.S. We believe a fully-regulated business model, primarily with +1 646 582-4969 gas-distribution utility operations, mitigates relatively high leverage, which has been the case for NI [email protected] due to a large capex program and legacy debt.

Rating Report │ May 05, 2020 1

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Supportive Regulation: Balanced regulation is important for NI in light of aggressive gas and electric infrastructure modernization programs and high leverage. Nearly 80% of total capex in 2020 will be recovered through trackers and other mechanisms and begin earning within 18 months. NI’s gas utilities have revenue decoupling in Ohio, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia; weather normalization in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky; and straight fixed-variable rates in Ohio. Gas rates in Indiana are nearly 50% fixed for residential and commercial customers. Approximately 65% of the total revenue is nonvolumetric. All NI’s gas utilities use infrastructure trackers on a regular basis, except in Pennsylvania. Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania has an option to file for infrastructure tracker recovery or leverage a forward- looking test year in a base rate case. NIPSCO Gas, CMA and Columbia Gas of Maryland have authorized ROEs of 9.85%, 9.55% and 9.60%, respectively. Other gas utilities do not have specified ROEs. NIPSCO’s electric utility’s authorized ROE is 9.75%, compared with an industry average of 9.5%. NIPSCO’s transmission projects benefited from constructive Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulation, including forward-looking rates and construction work in progress recovery. NIPSCO’s ROE under FERC is 10.82%, inclusive of a 50bps adder for participating in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) transmission service and wholesale energy market. In Indiana, the integrated resource plan (IRP) allows utilities to inform the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) of long-term capital investment plans on a nonbinding basis, years ahead of construction. The IRP process provides transparency before utilities submit requests for approval to begin construction, a credit positive. The Transmission, Distribution and Storage System Improvement Charge statute provides for cost recovery outside general rate case proceedings for gas or electric safety, reliability and modernization, and allows pre-approval of a seven-year plan of eligible investments. Up to 80% of eligible costs can be recovered using semiannual trackers. Indiana legislation allows cost recovery of federally-mandated requirements, including modernization or environmental capex. NIPSCO has approval from the IURC to recover environmental costs through an environmental cost tracker, which allows the utility to earn a return on the capital investment and related operating and maintenance expenses once operational. NIPSCO owns and operates two gigawatts (GW) of coal generation plants that were fully scrubbed at YE 2015. All plants comply with sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and Mercury and Air Toxics Standards rules. High Capex: NI’s capex began to ramp up in 2012. Management estimated 2020 capex is approximately $1.8 billion–$1.9 billion. Although the capital investment is sizeable, most of the projects are small, providing flexibility in execution. NI’s robust capex program is supported by infrastructure modernization legislation in all its service territories, mitigating regulatory lag. Fitch views rate-base accretive capex favorably. However, it will pressure credit metrics. Capital investment related to generation transition will ramp up in the next few years. Currently, 70% of NIPSCO’s generation capacity is from coal-fired generation plants. NI indicated in September 2018 it will accelerate the retirement of the remaining five coal-fired generation stations with a total of 2,080MW of capacity or 72% of the remaining capacity after retirement of Bailly Unit 7 and Unit 8. Four units at the R.M. Schahfer station will retire no later than 2023 and one at the Michigan City station will retire by 2028, upon which NI will have no coal generation. Fitch expects the capacity to be replaced by renewable energy and battery storage. IURC approved NI’s Jorden Creek purchase power agreement. Fitch expects the project to be in service at YE 2020. IURC also approved two Build-Transfer Agreement applications for the Rosewater wind project at 100MW and the Crossroads wind project at 302MW. Rosewater is expected to be in service by YE 2020 and Crossroads is expected to be in service in 2021. Credit Metrics: NI’s credit metrics deteriorated significantly in 2018, primarily due to cost and expenses associated with the Merrimack Valley incident. FFO-adjusted leverage improved to a low 5x in 2019, as NI collected most of the insurance proceeds. Fitch expects NI to continue to manage its FFO-adjusted leverage to below the downgrade trigger of 5.5x. This calculation does not include any liquidity management activities such as pre-funding debt maturities or capital investments.

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Credit-Supportive Initiatives: NI’s rating stability will continue to depend upon prudent balance sheet management in light of the large capex program in the future. The company demonstrated willingness to issue equity or equity-like instruments in the past to preserve ratings. NI issued $886 million equity and $900 million hybrid securities in 2018 to largely mitigate the effects of tax reform and the robust capex program. Proceeds were used to redeem near-term debt maturities, eliminating refinancing needs through 2022. Prior to the CMA sale agreement, NI planned to issue $500 million–$700 million equity to shore up the balance sheet. Management indicated it will continue to issue at the market equity of $200 million–$300 million/year, and $35 million–$60 million equity/year from employee stock plans. Coronavirus: Fitch currently expects coronavirus-related effects to be manageable for NI. There are not any significant operational concerns at this time, and NI has adequate liquidity. NI refinanced its $850 million term loan on April 1, 2020, removing a major maturity in 2020. The one-year term loan is expected to be repaid when the CMA transaction is closed. There are no other material maturities until November 2022. The coronavirus has a moderate effect on gas revenues, as heating season is largely over. Some of NI’s gas utilities have decoupling mechanisms and uncollected expenses trackers. NiSource’s electric operations have sizeable exposure to industrial customers, a credit negative. However, industrial margin as a percentage of the total gross margin declined approximately 8% beginning in 2020, as some customers transitioned to the Midcontinent Independent System Operator to purchase loads. Less reliance on industrial revenue is a credit positive, in Fitch’s view. Industrial demand charges provide some stability. Commercial usage will likely decline, while partially offset by an increase in residential usage. O&M expenses are expected to decline. Fitch applied a reduction in volume in the rating case in 2020 and 2021. We believe NI has flexibility to modify its large capex programs, which is not incorporated in our rating case. ESG – Customer Welfare: Fitch revised NI’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) relevance score to ‘3’ from ‘4’ for Customer Welfare. A relevance score of ‘3’ indicates the ESG issue is credit neutral or has only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to the nature or the way in which they are being managed by the entity. A relevance score of ‘4’ was assigned when the Merrimack Valley incident occurred. The incident heightened financial and regulatory risks and was considered relevant to NI’s ratings in conjunction with other factors. Since then, NI largely resolved the issues associated with the incident, including pipeline replacement, insurance collection, and major lawsuits with victims and the U.S. government. The pending CMA sale will remove damaged regulatory risks associated with operating in Massachusetts. NI also implemented a series of safety measure in all its service territories. Parent–Subsidiary Linkage: Fitch generally considers NIPSCO to be stronger than NI, due to its lower leverage and lower operating risks, as a regulated utility. However, NI’s operating subsidiaries, including NIPSCO, rely on NI for liquidity and capital access. As such, NIPSCO’s Standalone Credit Profile is not analytically meaningful and the rating reflects NI’s consolidated credit profile.

Financial Summary ($ Mil., as of Dec. 31) 2016 2017 2018 2019

Gross Revenue 4,493 4,875 5,115 5,209 Operating EBITDAR 1,420 1,500 737 2,038 Cash Flow from Operations (Fitch Defined) 805 742 529 1,512 Capital Intensity (Capex/Revenue) (%) 32.8 34.8 35.6 34.6 Total Adjusted Debt With Equity Credit 8,033 9,184 9,729 10,291 FFO Fixed-Charge Coverage (x) 4.0 3.0 2.2 4.5 FFO-Adjusted Leverage (x) 5.7 8.4 11.4 5.2 Total Adjusted Debt/Operating EBITDAR (x) 5.7 6.1 13.2 5.0 Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions.

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Rating Derivation Relative to Peers NI’s fully-regulated business model provides predictable earnings and cash flow, compared with Southern Company Gas (BBB+/Negative) and National Fuel Gas Company (BBB/Stable), both of which invest in unregulated operations. NI’s business model, geographic diversification and supportive regulations mitigate relatively weak credit metrics. Similar to IPALCO Enterprises, Inc. (BBB–/Stable), which also operates in Indiana, NI’s subsidiary NIPSCO has coal generation. However, NI’s operation is more diversified and gas focused compared with IPALCO’s single-state electric generation. After the Merrimack Valley incident in 2018, NI’s credit metrics deteriorated significantly. Fitch expects NI’s FFO-adjusted leverage to be below 5.5x, similar to that of IPALCO, with insurance collection and balanced financing, NIPSCO’s gas and electric assets are superior to Indianapolis Power & Light Co.’s (IPL; BBB+/Stable) electric-only operations. Gas utilities generally have lower operating risks and enjoy favorable regulations. NIPSCO and IPL’s coal-generation portfolios rely on Indiana’s supportive environmental cost-recovery mechanisms. NIPSCO’s standalone credit profile is strong. However, the rating is the same as NI, as it depends on NI for funding. IPL’s rating is upwardly constrained by the ownership of IPALCO, which relies on IPL solely to service debt obligations. Navigator Peer Comparison

Issuer Business profile Financial profile

Management and Operating Corporate Market and Asset Base and Financial IDR/Outlook Environment Governance Regulation Franchise Operations Commodity Exposure Profitability Financial Structure Flexibility Northern Indiana Public Service Company BBB/Sta aa  a  a-  bbb+  bbb  bbb+  bbb  bbb  bbb+  Indianapolis Power & Light Co. BBB+/Sta aa  a-  a-  bbb+  bbb-  bbb+  bbb  bbb+  bbb+  Indiana Michigan Power Co. BBB+/Sta aa  a-  bbb+  bbb  bbb+  bbb+  bbb+  bbb+  bbb+  Source: Fitch Ratings. Importance  Higher  Moderate  Lower

Issuer Business profile Financial profile

Management and Operating Corporate Market and Asset Base and Financial Name IDR/Outlook Environment Governance Regulation Franchise Operations Commodity Exposure Profitability Financial Structure Flexibility Northern Indiana Public Service Company BBB/Sta 6.0  3.0  2.0  1.0  0.0  1.0  0.0  0.0  1.0  Indianapolis Power & Light Co. BBB+/Sta 5.0  1.0  1.0  0.0  -2.0  0.0  -1.0  0.0  0.0  Indiana Michigan Power Co. BBB+/Sta 5.0  1.0  0.0  -1.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  Source: Fitch Ratings.  Worse positioned than IDR  In line with IDR  Better positioned than IDR Rating Sensitivities Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive Rating Action/Upgrade:

• NI and NIPSCO could be upgraded if consolidated FFO leverage is sustained below 4.5x after the high capex period. Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative Rating Action/Downgrade: • Consolidated FFO leverage remains above 5.5x with a low probability of recovery; • Material penalties from the remaining investigation funded by debt; • Relationship with regulators and customers deteriorates substantially, associated with safety issues, over an extended period;

• Material adverse changes in NI’s regulatory construct that result in an unexpected lag or disallowance in recovering capital spending.

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Liquidity and Debt Structure Adequate Liquidity Profile: NI has adequate liquidity and currently maintains a $1.85 billion revolving credit facility with a termination date of Feb. 20, 2024. The purpose of the facility is to fund on-going working capital requirements, including liquidity in support of a $1.5 billion CP program, provide for issuance of LOC and for general corporate purposes. Gas utilities draw the most liquidity as they purchase gas inventory months before heating season approaches, and they reduce borrowing as heating season ends. NI had $570 million in CP and $10.7 million of stand-by LOC outstanding at YE 2019 under the revolving credit facility, leaving $1.269 billion available under the revolver. The company had $139 million in cash. The revolver sets a maximum debt/capitalization ratio of 70% and, as of YE 2019, was 61.7%. The regulated utilities’ liquidity is supported by an accounts receivable securitization program of $352 million outstanding. NI has been actively refinancing debt maturities with longer tenor and lower interest rates. The company refinanced a $850 million term loan on April 1, 2020 and extended the maturity to 2021. NI is expected to receive approximately $1 billion of net proceeds from the CMA transaction in fall of 2020, which Fitch expects will be used to pay down debt. The next material maturity is the $500 million 2.65% long-term notes due in November 2022.

ESG Considerations Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. ESG issues are credit neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the entity.

We revised NI’s ESG relevance score to ‘3’ from ‘4’ for Customer Welfare. A relevance score of ‘3’ indicates the ESG issue is credit neutral or has only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to the nature or the way in which they are being managed by the entity. A relevance score of ‘4’ was assigned when the Merrimack Valley incident occurred. The incident heightened financial and regulatory risks and was considered relevant to NI’s ratings in conjunction with other factors. Since then, the company largely resolved the issues associated with the incident, including pipeline replacement, insurance collection, and major lawsuits with victims and the U.S. government. The pending CMA sale will remove damaged regulatory risks associated with operating in Massachusetts. NI also implemented a series of safety measure in all its service territories.

For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit Liquidity and Debt Maturity Scenario with No Refinancing Cash and Maturities ($ Mil., as of Dec. 31) 2018 2019 Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 121 148 Short-Term Investments 0 0 Less: Not Readily Available Cash and Cash Equivalents 8 9 Fitch–Defined Readily Available Cash and Cash Equivalents 113 139 Availability Under Committed Lines of Credit 1,840 1,840 Total Liquidity 1,953 1,979

LTM EBITDA After Associates and Minorities 726 1,996 LTM FCF (1,563) (589) Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions, NiS our ce Inc., Northern Indiana Public Service Compa ny .

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Scheduled Long-Term Debt Maturities ($ Mil.) 12/30/19 2020 0 2021 64 2022 530 2023 600 2024 0 Thereafter 6,545 Total 7,739 Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions, N iS our ce Inc., Northern Indiana Public Service Compa ny .

Key Assumptions Fitch’s Key Assumptions Within Our Rating Case for the Issuer Include:

• Capex of $6 billion forecast for 2020–2022; • At the market equity of $200 million–$300 million/year; • Removes CMA beginning in fourth-quarter 2020; • Receives $1 billion net sale proceeds in fourth-quarter 2020; • Fitch assumed some coronavirus-related reduction in customer load in 2020 and 2021.

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Attachment 1-D Page 27 of 39 Corporates FitchRatings Natural Gas & Propane United States

Financial Data

($ Mil., as of Dec. 31) 2016 2017 2018 2019 Summary Income Statement 4,493 4,875 5,115 5,209

Gross Revenue (3.4) 8.5 4.9 1.8

Revenue Growth (%) 1,404 1,486 726 1,996 Operating EBITDA (Before Income from Associates) 31.3 30.5 14.2 38.3

Operating EBITDA Margin (%) 1,420 1,500 737 2,038 Operating EBITDAR 31.6 30.8 14.4 39.1 Operating EBITDAR Margin (%) 857 916 126 1,294 Operating EBIT 19.1 18.8 2.5 24.8 Operating EBIT Margin (%) (355) (359) (362) (375) Gross Interest Expense 510 443 (231) 507 Pretax Income (Including Associate Income/Loss) Summary Balance Sheet 26 29 113 139 Readily Available Cash and Equivalents 7,909 9,074 9,641 9,952 Total Debt with Equity Credit 8,033 9,184 9,729 10,291 Total Adjusted Debt with Equity Credit 7,883 9,045 9,528 9,813 Net Debt Summary Cash Flow Statement 1,404 1,486 726 1,996 Operating EBITDA (338) (346) (363) (346) Cash Interest Paid (8) (6) (3) (11) Cash Tax 0 0 0 0 Dividends Received Less Dividends Paid to Minorities (Inflow/(Out)flow) (8) (394) 130 (32) Other Items Before FFO 1,051 741 478 1,551 Funds Flow from Operations 23.4 15.2 9.3 29.8 FFO Margin (%) (246) 1 51 (40) Change in Working Capital 805 742 529 1,512 Cash Flow from Operations (Fitch Defined) (1) 0 0 0 Total Non-Operating/Non-Recurring Cash Flow (1,475) (1,696) (1,818) (1,802) Capex 32.8 34.8 35.6 34.6 Capital Intensity (Capex/Revenue) (%) (206) (229) (273) (299) Common Dividends (877) (1,183) (1,563) (589) FCF 0 0 0 0 Net Acquisitions and Divestitures (112) (257) (153) (123) Other Investing and Financing Cash Flow Items 986 1,113 75 494 Net Debt Proceeds 14 330 1,724 244 Net Equity Proceeds 11 3 84 27 Total Change in Cash Calculations for Forecast Publication (1,682) (1,925) (2,092) (2,101) Capex, Dividends, Acquisitions and Other Items Before FCF (877) (1,183) (1,563) (589) FCF After Acquisitions and Divestitures (19.5) (24.3) (30.6) (11.3) FCF Margin (After Net Acquisitions) (%) 4,493 4,875 5,115 5,209

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Coverage Ratios (x) 2016 2017 2018 2019 FFO-Interest Coverage 4.1 3.1 2.3 4.8 FFO Fixed-Charge Coverage 4.0 3.0 2.2 4.5 Operating EBITDAR/Interest Paid + Rents 4.0 4.2 2.0 5.2 Operating EBITDA/Interest Paid 4.2 4.3 2.0 5.8 Leverage Ratios (x) Total Adjusted Debt/Operating EBITDAR 5.7 6.1 13.2 5.0 Total Adjusted Net Debt/Operating EBITDAR 5.6 6.1 13.1 5.0 Total Debt with Equity Credit/Operating EBITDA 5.6 6.1 13.3 5.0 FFO-Adjusted Leverage 5.7 8.4 11.4 5.2 FFO-Adjusted Net Leverage 5.7 8.3 11.2 5.1 Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions.

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Attachment 1-D Page 29 of 39 Corporates FitchRatings Natural Gas & Propane United States Ratings Navigator

ESG Relevance: Corporates Ratings Navigator NiSource Inc. US Utilities Business Profile Financial Profile Factor Sector Risk Profile Operating Environment Management and Asset Base and Issuer Default Rating Levels Regulation Market and Franchise Commodity Exposure Profitability Financial Structure Financial Flexibility Corporate Governance Operations

aaa AAA Stable

aa+ AA+ Stable

aa AA Stable

aa- AA- Stable

a+ A+ Stable

a A Stable

a- A- Stable bbb+ I BBB+ Stable bbb BBB Stable bbb- I I I BBB- Stable bb+ I I I I BB+ Stable bb BB Stable

bb- BB- Stable

b+ B+ Stable

b B Stable

b- B- Stable

ccc+ CCC+ Stable

ccc CCC Stable

ccc- CCC- Stable

cc CC Stable

c C Stable

d or rd D or RD Stable

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Corporates Ratings Navigator FitchRatings NiSource Inc. US Utilities

Operating Environment Management and Corporate Governance Very strong combination of countries where economic value is created and where assets are Economic Environment Management Strategy Coherent strategy and good track record in implementation. aa+ aa located. aa- a Very strong combination of issuer specific funding characteristics and of the strength of the No record of governance failing. Experienced board exercising effective check and balance to Financial Access Governance Structure aa aa relevant local financial market. a+ aa management. No ownership concentration. Systemic governance (eg rule of law, corruption; government effectiveness) of the issuer’s Systemic Governance Group Structure Transparent group structure. aa country of incorporation consistent with 'aa'. a aa

b- a- Financial Transparency a High quality and timely financial reporting.

ccc+ bbb+

Regulation Market and Franchise Degree of Transparency and a bbb Generally transparent and predictable regulation with limited political interference. a Market Structure a Well-established market structure with complete transparency in price-setting mechanisms. Predictability I I a- Timeliness of Cost Recovery a Minimal lag to recover capital and operating costs. a- Consumption Growth Trend bbb Customer and usage growth in line with industry averages.

bbb+ Trend in Authorized ROEs a Above-average authorized ROE. bbb+ Customer Mix a Favorable customer mix.

Mechanisms Available to Stabilize bbb bbb Revenues partially insulated from variability in consumption. bbb Geographic Location bbb Beneficial location or reasonable locational diversity. Cash Flows Mechanisms Supportive of I n.a. I Supply Demand Dynamics Moderately favorable outlook for prices/rates. bbb- bbb- bbb Creditworthiness I I

Asset Base and Operations Commodity Exposure Ability to Pass Through Changes in a- Diversity of Assets bbb Good quality and/or reasonable scale diversified assets. a bbb Limited exposure to changes in commodity costs. Fuel Operations Reliability and Cost bbb+ bbb Reliability and cost of operations at par with industry averages. a- Underlying Supply Mix bbb Low variable costs and moderate flexibility of supply. Competitiveness

bbb Exposure to Environmental Regulations bbb Limited or manageable exposure to environmental regulations. bbb+ Hedging Strategy a Highly captive supply and customer base.

Capital and Technological Intensity of bbb- bbb Moderate reinvestments requirements in established technologies. bbb I Capex bb+ bbb-

Profitability Financial Structure

a- Free Cash Flow bbb Structurally neutral to negative FCF across the investment cycle. a- Lease Adjusted FFO Gross Leverage bbb 5.0x

Total Adjusted Debt/Operating bbb+ Volatility of Profitability a Higher stability and predictability of profits relative to utility peers. bbb+ bb 4.75x EBITDAR bbb bbb bbb- I bbb- I bb+ bb+

Financial Flexibility Credit-Relevant ESG Derivation Overall ESG a- Financial Discipline bbb Less conservative policy, but generally applied consistently. NiSource Inc. has 12 ESG potential rating drivers L key driver 0 issues 5 Very comfortable liquidity. Well-spread maturity schedule of debt. Diversified sources of bbb+ Liquidity a Emissions from operations funding.  driver 0 issues 4 bbb FFO Fixed Charge Cover bbb 4.5x  Fuel use to generate energy and serve load 1------j bbb- Impact of waste from operations potential  issues driver 12 3 bb+ I Plants' and networks' exposure to extreme weather r  2 issues 2  Product affordability and access not a rating How to Read This Page: The left column shows the three-notch band assessment for the overall Factor, illustrated by a bar. The right Quality and safety of products and services; data security driver column breaks down the Factor into Sub-Factors, with a description appropriate for each Sub-Factor and its corresponding category.  0 issues 1 Showing top 6 issues For further details on Credit-Relevant ESG scoring, see page 3.

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FitchRatings NiSource Inc. Corporates Ratings Navigator US Utilities

Credit-Relevant ESG Derivation Overall ESG Scale NiSource Inc. has 12 ESG potential rating drivers key driver 0 issues 5 I I I ~  NiSource Inc. has exposure to emissions regulatory risk but this has very low impact on the rating. ~ r-- driver 0 issues 4 r--  NiSource Inc. has exposure to energy productivity risk but this has very low impact on the rating. ,____ r-- NiSource Inc. has exposure to waste & impact management risk but this has very low impact on the rating.  potential driver 12 issues 3  NiSource Inc. has exposure to extreme weather events but this has very low impact on the rating. 2 issues 2  NiSource Inc. has exposure to access/affordability risk but this has very low impact on the rating. not a rating driver + NiSource Inc. has exposure to customer accountability risk but this has very low impact on the rating. "  0 issues 1 IShowing top 6 issues I I Environmental (E) General Issues E Score Sector-Specific Issues Reference E Scale

Asset Base and Operations; Commodity Exposure; How to Read This Page GHG Emissions & Air Quality 3 Emissions from operations 5 Regulation; Profitability ESG scores range from 1 to 5 based on a 15-level color gradation. Red (5) is most l I relevant and green (1) is least relevant. Asset Base and Operations; Commodity Exposure; Energy Management 3 Fuel use to generate energy and serve load 4 Profitability The Environmental (E), Social (S) and Governance (G) tables break out the individual components of the scale. The right-hand box shows the aggregate E, S, Water used by hydro plants or by other generation plants, also effluent Water & Wastewater Management 2 Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability 3 or G score. General Issues are relevant across all markets with Sector-Specific management Issues unique to a particular industry group. Scores are assigned to each sector- r specific issue. These scores signify the credit-relevance of the sector-specific Waste & Hazardous Materials Management; 3 Impact of waste from operations Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability 2 issues to the issuing entity's overall credit rating. The Reference box highlights the Ecological Impacts factor(s) within which the corresponding ESG issues are captured in Fitch's credit analysis. Exposure to Environmental Impacts 3 Plants' and networks' exposure to extreme weather Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability 1 r J The Credit-Relevant ESG Derivation table shows the overall ESG score. This score signifies the credit relevance of combined E, S and G issues to the entity's Social (S) credit rating. The three columns to the left of the overall ESG score summarize the General Issues S Score Sector-Specific Issues Reference S Scale issuing entity's sub-component ESG scores. The box on the far left identifies the Human Rights, Community Relations, Access Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability; some of the main ESG issues that are drivers or potential drivers of the issuing 3 Product affordability and access 5 & Affordability Financial Structure entity's credit rating (corresponding with scores of 3, 4 or 5) and provides a brief explanation for the score. Customer Welfare - Fair Messaging, Privacy & 3 Quality and safety of products and services; data security Regulation; Profitability 4 Data Security Classification of ESG issues has been developed from Fitch's sector ratings criteria. The General Issues and Sector-Specific Issues draw on the classification Labor Relations & Practices 3 Impact of labor negotiations and employee (dis)satisfaction Asset Base and Operations; Profitability 3 standards published by the United Nations Priniciples for Responsible Investing (PRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB).

Employee Wellbeing 2 Worker safety and accident prevention Profitability; Asset Base and Operations 2

Exposure to Social Impacts 3 Social resistance to major projects that leads to delays and cost increases Asset Base and Operations; Profitability 1

Governance (G) CREDIT-RELEVANT ESG SCALE General Issues G Score Sector-Specific Issues Reference G Scale How relevant are E, S and G issues to the overall credit rating?

Highly relevant, a key rating driver that has a significant impact on the rating on an Management Strategy 3 Strategy development and implementation Management and Corporate Governance 5 5 individual basis. Equivalent to "higher" relative importance within Navigator.

Relevant to rating, not a key rating driver but has an impact on the rating in Governance Structure 3 Board independence and effectiveness; ownership concentration Management and Corporate Governance 4 4 combination with other factors. Equivalent to "moderate" relative importance within Navigator. Minimally relevant to rating, either very low impact or actively managed in a way Group Structure 3 Complexity, transparency and related-party transactions Management and Corporate Governance 3 3 that results in no impact on the entity rating. Equivalent to "lower" relative importance within Navigator.

Financial Transparency 3 Quality and timing of financial disclosure Management and Corporate Governance 2 2 Irrelevant to the entity rating but relevant to the sector.

1 1 Irrelevant to the entity rating and irrelevant to the sector.

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ESG Relevance: Corporates Ratings Navigator FitchRatings Northern Indiana Public Service Company IJ 111 US Utilities Business Profile Financial Profile Factor Sector Risk Profile Operating Environment Management and Asset Base and Issuer Default Rating Levels Regulation Market and Franchise Commodity Exposure Profitability Financial Structure Financial Flexibility Corporate Governance Operations

aaa AAA Stable

aa+ AA+ Stable

aa AA Stable

aa- AA- Stable

a+ A+ Stable

a A Stable

a- A- Stable bbb+ I BBB+ Stable ' bbb I BBB Stable I bbb- I I BBB- Stable I bb+ I I I BB+ Stable bb BB Stable

bb- BB- Stable

b+ B+ Stable

b B Stable

b- B- Stable

ccc+ CCC+ Stable

ccc CCC Stable

ccc- CCC- Stable

cc CC Stable

c C Stable

d or rd D or RD Stable

NiSource Inc. and Northern Indiana Public Service Company 12 Rating Report │ May 05, 2020 Attachment 1-D Page 33 of 39 Corporates FitchRatings Natural Gas & Propane United States

Corporates Ratings Navigator FitchRatings 0Northern Indiana Public Service Company US Utilities

Operating Environment Management and Corporate Governance Very strong combination of countries where economic value is created and where assets are Economic Environment Management Strategy Coherent strategy and good track record in implementation. aa+ aa located. aa- a Very strong combination of issuer specific funding characteristics and of the strength of the Good CG track record but effectiveness/independence of board less obvious. No evidence of abuse of Financial Access Governance Structure aa aa relevant local financial market. a+ bbb power even with ownership concentration. Systemic governance (eg rule of law, corruption; government effectiveness) of the issuer’s Systemic Governance Group Structure Transparent group structure. aa country of incorporation consistent with 'aa'. a aa

b- a- Financial Transparency a High quality and timely financial reporting.

ccc+ bbb+

Regulation Market and Franchise Degree of Transparency and a+ a Track record of transparent and predictable regulation. a Market Structure a Well-established market structure with complete transparency in price-setting mechanisms. Predictability

a Timeliness of Cost Recovery a Minimal lag to recover capital and operating costs. a- Consumption Growth Trend bbb Customer and usage growth in line with industry averages.

a- Trend in Authorized ROEs bbb Average authorized ROE. bbb+ Customer Mix bbb Less diversified customer base.

Mechanisms Available to Stabilize bbb+ bbb Revenues partially insulated from variability in consumption. bbb Geographic Location bbb Beneficial location or reasonable locational diversity. Cash Flows Mechanisms Supportive of I Effective regulatory ring-fencing or minimum creditworthiness requirements. I Supply Demand Dynamics Moderately favorable outlook for prices/rates. bbb bbb bbb- bbb Creditworthiness

Asset Base and Operations Commodity Exposure Ability to Pass Through Changes in a- Diversity of Assets bbb Good quality and/or reasonable scale diversified assets. a bbb Limited exposure to changes in commodity costs. Fuel Operations Reliability and Cost bbb+ bbb Reliability and cost of operations at par with industry averages. a- Underlying Supply Mix bbb Low variable costs and moderate flexibility of supply. Competitiveness

bbb Exposure to Environmental Regulations bbb Limited or manageable exposure to environmental regulations. bbb+ Hedging Strategy a Highly captive supply and customer base.

Capital and Technological Intensity of bbb- bbb Moderate reinvestments requirements in established technologies. bbb I Capex bb+ bbb-

Profitability Financial Structure

a- Free Cash Flow bbb Structurally neutral to negative FCF across the investment cycle. a- Lease Adjusted FFO Gross Leverage bbb 5.0x

Total Adjusted Debt/Operating bbb+ Volatility of Profitability bbb Stability and predictability of profits in line with utility peers. bbb+ bb 4.75x EBITDAR bbb bbb bbb- I bbb- I bb+ bb+

Financial Flexibility Credit-Relevant ESG Derivation Overall ESG

a Financial Discipline bbb Less conservative policy, but generally applied consistently. Northern Indiana Public Service Company has 12 ESG potential rating drivers ~ key driver 0 issues 5 ~ Very comfortable liquidity. Well-spread maturity schedule of debt. Diversified sources of a- Liquidity a Emissions from operations ~ funding.  ~ driver 0 issues 4 bbb+ FFO Fixed Charge Cover a 5.0x  Fuel use to generate energy and serve load t--- bbb Impact of waste from operations potential  issues driver 12 3 bbb- I Plants' and networks' exposure to extreme weather >- >- >-  2 issues 2  Product affordability and access not a rating How to Read This Page: The left column shows the three-notch band assessment for the overall Factor, illustrated by a bar. The right Quality and safety of products and services; data security driver column breaks down the Factor into Sub-Factors, with a description appropriate for each Sub-Factor and its corresponding category.  0 issues 1 Showing top 6 issues iiiiii For further details on Credit-Relevant ESG scoring, see page 3.

NiSource Inc. and Northern Indiana Public Service Company 13 Rating Report │ May 05, 2020 Attachment 1-D Page 34 of 39 Corporates FitchRatings Natural Gas & Propane United States Corporates Ratings Navigator FitchRatings Northern0 Indiana Public Service Company US Utilities

Credit-Relevant ESG Derivation Overall ESG Scale Northern Indiana Public Service Company has 12 ESG potential rating drivers t- key driver 0 issues 5 ~  Northern Indiana Public Service Company has exposure to emissions regulatory risk but this has very low impact on the rating. r--- driver 0 issues 4  Northern Indiana Public Service Company has exposure to energy productivity risk but this has very low impact on the rating.

Northern Indiana Public Service Company has exposure to waste & impact management risk but this has very low impact on the rating.  potential driver 12 issues 3  Northern Indiana Public Service Company has exposure to extreme weather events but this has very low impact on the rating. 2 issues 2  Northern Indiana Public Service Company has exposure to access/affordability risk but this has very low impact on the rating. not a rating driver Northern Indiana Public Service Company has exposure to customer accountability risk but this has very low impact on the rating.  0 issues 1 Showing top 6 issues

Environmental (E) General Issues E Score Sector-Specific Issues Reference E Scale

Asset Base and Operations; Commodity Exposure; How to Read This Page GHG Emissions & Air Quality 3 Emissions from operations 5 Regulation; Profitability ESG scores range from 1 to 5 based on a 15-level color gradation. Red (5) is most relevant and green (1) is least relevant. Asset Base and Operations; Commodity Exposure; Energy Management 3 Fuel use to generate energy and serve load 4 Profitability The Environmental (E), Social (S) and Governance (G) tables break out the individual components of the scale. The right-hand box shows the aggregate E, S, Water used by hydro plants or by other generation plants, also effluent Water & Wastewater Management 2 Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability 3 or G score. General Issues are relevant across all markets with Sector-Specific management Issues unique to a particular industry group. Scores are assigned to each sector- specific issue. These scores signify the credit-relevance of the sector-specific Waste & Hazardous Materials Management; 3 Impact of waste from operations Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability 2 issues to the issuing entity's overall credit rating. The Reference box highlights the Ecological Impacts factor(s) within which the corresponding ESG issues are captured in Fitch's credit analysis. Exposure to Environmental Impacts 3 Plants' and networks' exposure to extreme weather Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability 1 The Credit-Relevant ESG Derivation table shows the overall ESG score. This score signifies the credit relevance of combined E, S and G issues to the entity's Social (S) credit rating. The three columns to the left of the overall ESG score summarize the General Issues S Score Sector-Specific Issues Reference S Scale issuing entity's sub-component ESG scores. The box on the far left identifies the Human Rights, Community Relations, Access Asset Base and Operations; Regulation; Profitability; some of the main ESG issues that are drivers or potential drivers of the issuing 3 Product affordability and access 5 & Affordability Financial Structure entity's credit rating (corresponding with scores of 3, 4 or 5) and provides a brief explanation for the score. Customer Welfare - Fair Messaging, Privacy & 3 Quality and safety of products and services; data security Regulation; Profitability 4 Data Security Classification of ESG issues has been developed from Fitch's sector ratings criteria. The General Issues and Sector-Specific Issues draw on the classification Labor Relations & Practices 3 Impact of labor negotiations and employee (dis)satisfaction Asset Base and Operations; Profitability 3 standards published by the United Nations Priniciples for Responsible Investing (PRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board(SASB).

Employee Wellbeing 2 Worker safety and accident prevention Profitability; Asset Base and Operations 2

Exposure to Social Impacts 3 Social resistance to major projects that leads to delays and cost increases Asset Base and Operations; Profitability 1

Governance (G) CREDIT-RELEVANT ESG SCALE General Issues G Score Sector-Specific Issues Reference G Scale How relevant are E, S and G issues to the overall credit rating?

Highly relevant, a key rating driver that has a significant impact on the rating on an Management Strategy 3 Strategy development and implementation Management and Corporate Governance 5 5 individual basis. Equivalent to "higher" relative importance within Navigator.

Relevant to rating, not a key rating driver but has an impact on the rating in Governance Structure 3 Board independence and effectiveness; ownership concentration Management and Corporate Governance 4 4 combination with other factors. Equivalent to "moderate" relative importance within Navigator. Minimally relevant to rating, either very low impact or actively managed in a way Group Structure 3 Complexity, transparency and related-party transactions Management and Corporate Governance 3 3 that results in no impact on the entity rating. Equivalent to "lower" relative importance within Navigator.

Financial Transparency 3 Quality and timing of financial disclosure Management and Corporate Governance 2 2 Irrelevant to the entity rating but relevant to the sector.

1 1 Irrelevant to the entity rating and irrelevant to the sector.

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Simplified Group Structure Diagram Organizational and Debt Structure — NiSource Inc. and NIPSCO ($ Mil., as of Dec. 31, 2019)

NiSource Inc. IDR — BBB/Stable Total Adjusted Debt 10,291

NIPSCO Corporate Services Columbia of Mass. Columbia of IDR — BBB/Stable OH/VA/KY/PA Total Total Total Total Adjusted Debt 68.0 Adjusted Debt 22.3 Adjusted Debt 84.3 Adjusted Debt 135.0

IDR – Issuer Default Rating. NIPSCO – Northern Indiana Public Service Company. Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions, NiSource Inc., Northern Indiana Public Service Company.

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Peer Financial Summary Funds Flow From FFO Total Adjusted Financial Gross Revenue Operations Fixed-Charge FFO Adjusted Debt/Operating Company IDR Statement Date ($ Mil.) ($ Mil.) Coverage (x) Leverage (x) EBITDAR (x)

NiSource Inc. BBB BBB 2019 5,209 1,551 4.5 5.2 5.0 BBB 2018 5,115 478 2.2 11.4 13.2 BBB 2017 4,875 741 3.0 8.4 6.1 IPALCO Enterprises, Inc. BBB– BBB– 2018 1,451 390 4.3 5.4 5.8 BB+ 2017 1,350 289 3.4 6.5 6.0 BB+ 2016 1,347 303 3.6 6.2 5.5 Southern Company Gas BBB+ BBB+ 2018 3,909 579 3.1 7.4 5.2 BBB+ 2017 3,920 904 5.2 6.4 5.9 BBB+ 2016 3,557 633 4.3 7.4 5.8

IDR – Issuer Default Rating. Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions.

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Reconciliation of Key Financial Metrics ($ Mil., as Reported) 12/30/19 Income Statement Summary

Operating EBITDA 1,996 + Recurring Dividends Paid to Noncontrolling Interests 0 + Recurring Dividends Received from Associates 0 + Additional Analyst Adjustment for Recurring I/S Minorities and Associates 0 = Operating EBITDA After Associates and Minorities (k) 1,996 + Operating Lease Expense Treated as Capitalized (h) 42 = Operating EBITDAR After Associates and Minorities (j) 2,038

Debt and Cash Summary Total Debt with Equity Credit (l) 9,952 + Lease-Equivalent Debt 339 + Other Off-Balance-Sheet Debt (p) 0 = Total Adjusted Debt with Equity Credit (a) 10,291 Readily Available Cash [Fitch-Defined] 139 + Readily Available Marketable Securities [Fitch-Defined] 0 = Readily Available Cash and Equivalents (o) 139 Total Adjusted Net Debt (b) 10,152

Cash-Flow Summary Preferred Dividends (Paid) (f) (56) Interest Received 8 + Interest (Paid) (d) (346) = Net Finance Charge (e) (338) FFO (c) 1,551 + Change in Working Capital [Fitch-Defined] (40) = CFFO (n) 1,512 Capex (m) (1,802) Multiple Applied to Capitalized Leases 8.0

Gross Leverage (x) Total Adjusted Debt/Operated EBITDAR a (a/j) 5.0 FFO-Adjusted Gross Leverage (a/(c-e+h-f)) 5.2 Total Adjusted Debt/(FFO – Net Finance Charge + Capitalized Leases – Preferred Dividends Paid) Total Debt with Equity Credit/Operating EBITDAa (l/k) 5.0

Net Leverage (x) Total Adjusted Net Debt/Operating EBITDARa (b/j) 5.0 FFO-Adjusted Net Leverage (b/(c-e+h-f)) 5.1 Total Adjusted Net Debt/(FFO – Net Finance Charge + Capitalized Leases – Preferred Dividends Paid) Total Net Debt/(CFFO – Capex) ((l-o)/(n+m)) (33.8)

Coverage (x) Operating EBITDAR/(Interest Paid + Lease Expense)a (j/-d+h) 5.2 Operating EBITDA/Interest Paida (k/(-d)) 5.8 FFO Fixed-Charge Cover ((c+e+h-f)/(-d+h-f)) 4.5 (FFO + Net Finance Charge + Capitalized Leases – Preferred Dividends Paid)/(Gross Interest Paid + Capitalized Leases – Preferred Dividends Paid) FFO Gross Interest Coverage ((c+e-f)/(-d-f)) 4.8 (FFO + Net Finance Charge – Preferred Dividends Paid)/(Gross Interest Paid – Preferred Dividends Paid) aEBITDA/R after dividends to associates and minorities. CFFO – Cash flow from operations. Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions, NiSource Inc., Northern Indiana Public Service Compa ny .

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Attachment 1-D Page 38 of 39 FitchRatings Corporates Natural Gas & Propane United States

Fitch Adjustment Reconciliation Preferred Dividends, Fair Value Associates and and Other Reported Sum of Fitch Minorities Cash Debt CORP – Lease Other Adjusted ($ Mil., as of Dec. 31, 2019) Values Adjustments Adjustments Adjustments Treatment Adjustment Values Income Statement Summary Revenue 5,209 0 0 0 0 0 5,209 Operating EBITDAR 2,038 0 0 0 0 0 2,038 Operating EBITDAR After Associates and Minorities 2,038 0 0 0 0 0 2,038 Operating Lease Expense 16 27 0 0 27 0 42 Operating EBITDA 2,023 (27) 0 0 (27) 0 1,996 Operating EBITDA After Associates and Minorities 2,023 (27) 0 0 (27) 0 1,996 Operating EBIT 1,305 (11) 0 0 (11) 0 1,294 Debt and Cash Summary Total Debt with Equity Credit 10,083 (131) 0 71 0 (202) 9,952 Total Adjusted Debt with Equity Credit 10,208 83 0 71 214 (202) 10,291 Lease-Equivalent Debt 125 214 0 0 214 0 339 Other Off-Balance-Sheet Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Readily Available Cash and Equivalents 139 0 0 0 0 0 139 Not Readily Available Cash and Equivalents 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 Cash-Flow Summary Preferred Dividends (Paid) 0 (56) (56) 0 0 0 (56) Interest Received 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 Interest (Paid) (350) 4 0 0 11 (8) (346) FFO 1,623 (72) (56) 0 (16) 0 1,551 Change in Working Capital [Fitch-Defined] (40) 0 (40) CFFO 1,583 (72) (56) 0 (16) 0 1,512 Non-Operating/Nonrecurring Cash Flow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capex (1,802) 0 0 0 0 0 (1,802) Common Dividends (Paid) (299) 0 0 0 0 0 (299) FCF (518) (72) (56) 0 (16) 0 (589) Gross Leverage (x) Total Adjusted Debt/Operating EBITDARa 5.0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 FFO-Adjusted Leverage 5.2 0 0 0 0 0 5.2 FFO Leverage 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 5.1 Total Debt With Equity Credit/Operating EBITDAa 5.0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 CFFO-Capex/Total Debt with Equity Credit (%) (2.2) 0 0 0 0 0 (2.9) Net Leverage (x) Total Adjusted Net Debt/Operating EBITDARa 4.9 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 FFO-Adjusted Net Leverage 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 5.1 FFO Net Leverage 5.1 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 Total Net Debt/(CFFO – Cap ex) (45.4) 0 0 0 0 0 (33.8) CFFO-Capex/Total Net Debt with Equity Credit (%) (2.2) 0 0 0 0 0 (3.0) Coverage (x) Operating EBITDAR/(Interest Paid + Lease Expense)a 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 5.2 Operating EBITDA/Interest Paida 5.8 0 0 0 0 0 5.8 FFO Fixed-Charge Coverage 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 4.5 FFO-Interest Coverage 5.6 0 0 0 0 0 4.8 aEBITDAR after dividends to associa te s a nd minorities. CFFO – Cash flow from operations. Source: Fitch Ratings, Fitch Solutions, NiSource Inc., Northern Indiana Public Service Compa ny .

NiSource Inc. and Northern Indiana Public Service Company 18 Rating Report │ May 05, 2020

Attachment 1-D Page 39 of 39 FitchRatings Corporates Natural Gas & Propane United States

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NiSource Inc. and Northern Indiana Public Service Company 19 Rating Report │ May 05, 2020