Covid-19: Update of important information Opdatering van belangrike inligting Covid Communique 30 (28 May 2020)

Dear Industry Representative,

In this edition:

• Packhouse/Business Continuity Plan in event of Covid-19 positive staff • Taking leave during level 3/Transport protocols • 31 May National Day of Prayer on coronavirus

As we are moving from Level 4 to 3 of the Disaster Management Act on Monday (1 June) next week, we urge our stakeholders to continue with strict adherence to all safety protocols regarding Covid-19; the wearing of masks, social distancing, limited interaction where possible, work from home, monitoring of staff, washing of hands and sanitising, compliance with transport regulations, etc.

PACKHOUSES The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) has released an inspection business continuity plan, should staff members test positive for COVID-19. Download the plan here: bcp.pdf

LEAVE/MOVEMENT DURING LEVEL 3 June is traditionally the month where a lot of industry workers take leave. In this regard we have had several enquiries. Please see some questions and answers as supplied by the Department of Agriculture: Question: The middle manager (permanently employed) on our farm, wishes to go to his parents somewhere in the Northern Cape. Can he go and return in 3 weeks’ time? Answer: This is not allowed under Level 3. No interprovincial travel, unless under strict conditions and with relevant permit. Question: The seasonal workers at our facility (living in Grabouw), want to go to their family in Eastern Cape and wish to return in 2 weeks’ time. Is this allowed? Answer: Grabouw, is part of the Overberg, and one of the Hotspot areas. At this stage, unless they are returning home after rendering an essential service, they will not be allowed to visit family with the intention of returning after 2 weeks. Question: Our seasonal workers are in the Eastern Cape. They need to return for work e.g. pruning on the farm. Will they be allowed to travel? Answer: Seasonal workers living in the Eastern Cape, having previously returned home after harvesting and now wish to return for pruning, will be allowed to travel here under a permit which indicates clearly the farm where they will be employed, current address and personal details, and on the back of a Covid screening with the relevant certification – done in the Eastern Cape. Question: Will the transport protocol that was developed earlier still be valid during Level 3 Answer: At this stage the transport protocol and permits issued earlier are still valid. However once there is absolute certainty around what additional restrictions are in place with Hotspots, permits may need to be re-issued. Please also see the joint statement made by the Western Cape and Eastern Cape on 22 May.

“Joint statement by the Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces on travel protocols: This morning, a meeting held to discuss solutions to improve management of traveling, transportation of bodies between the Eastern and Western Cape provinces during the covid19 pandemic resolved that four regulatory protocols must be drafted by the two Premiers and submitted to national government for processing and for consideration by the National Command Council. The virtual meeting, which took place this morning was attended by Premier Lubabalo Mabuyane and myself, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize, Police Minister, Bheki Cele, Health MECs, Sindiswa Gomba, , Safety and Liaison MECs Weziwe Tikana-Gxothiwe and Albert Fritz and the Police leadership from both provinces. The meeting follows a discussion during the Presidential Coordinating Council where the two provinces reported that they were in talks trying to find protocols of cooperation. The protocols being developed by the two provinces will focus on:

• Joint cooperation on agriculture to specifically manage the movement and employment conditions of seasonal workers between the two provinces. • Management of funerals with a focus on restricting movement of bodies of COVID-19 related deaths. • Management of general travelling of people between the two provinces given the easing of restrictions and to manage traveling when schools and universities are opened.

We also discussed collaboration between provincial departments of health and the South African Police Services in both provinces to enforce restrictions around transportation of bodies. The meeting agreed that the situation affecting these two provinces is not unique to the two and needs national government consideration to better manage travel and the transportation of bodies nationally in a manner that helps to contain the transmission of Covid19. The two provinces have committed to work together to hold joint operations and cooperate to ensure the proper management of travel, to curb emerging criminality and ensure the dignified transportation of bodies for funerals of people who die in the Western Cape to be buried in the Eastern Cape. Premier Mabuyane said: “I must say that on almost every discussion we had during the meeting, we are agreeing. There is a sufficient consensus around such discussions. Some of these discussions are inter-provincial so they need to be done in the context of national regulations, hence the importance of having Ministers participating in that bilateral." On the Western Cape's part, we welcome the opportunity to engage with the Eastern Cape on this matter, as travel between our two provinces by seasonal farm workers returning home or to work, and to attend funerals is common. Regulations and protocols must be designed in such a way that they limit the spread of the virus, but still allow people living and working in the Western Cape who need to return to the Eastern Cape to bury loved ones, to grieve appropriately.”

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 31 MAY 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa recently declared that 31 May 2020 as a National Day of Prayer in the Republic of . This comes after a meeting by various religious and spiritual leaders, to “comfort, strengthen South Africans during hardships in confronting the pandemic and economic uncertainty”. Hortgro strongly associate itself with this initiative and wish to encourage all our stakeholders to participate in whatever activity they feel comfortable with.