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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORStep-by-Step DISTRIBUTION Procedures NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONxiii Preface xv A Visual Walk-Through of Key Box Features xvii © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLCContributors © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC xix NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Chapter 1 The Serological Specimen...... 1 Chapter 2 Fundamentals of the Immune System...... 15 Chapter© 3 Jones Lymphocytes & Bartlett in Learning, Adaptive Immunity LLC ...... © . .Jones . . . & Bartlett37 Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Chapter 4 Safety and Standards ...... 69 Chapter 5 Classic Principles in Immunodiagnostics ...... 93 © JonesChapter & Bartlett 6 Learning, LLC Design...... ©. . Jones . . . . .& . Bartlett . . . . . Learning,111 LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Chapter 7 Serological and Immunodiagnostic Instrumentation and Automation ...... 133 Chapter 8 Immunophenotyping...... 155 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORChapter DISTRIBUTION 9 Viral Serology...... NOT . . . FOR. . . . SALE . . . . .OR . . DISTRIBUTION. . . . . 175 Chapter 10 Bacterial Serology and Immunodiagnostics...... 199 Chapter 11 Fungal and Parasitic Serology © Jonesand & Immunodiagnostics Bartlett Learning,. . . .LLC ...... © . Jones & Bartlett237 Learning, LLC ChapterNOT 12 FORBlood SALE Bank SerologyOR DISTRIBUTION and Immunotyping for TransfusionNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and Transplant Medicine ...... 267 Chapter 13 Autoimmunity: Diseases and Testing ...... 295 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Chapter 12 Blood Bank Serology and Chapter 13 Autoimmunity: Diseases © JonesImmunotyping & Bartlett for Learning, LLC and Testing©. .Jones . . . . .& . Bartlett .295 Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Transfusion and Fundamentals...... 296 Transplant Medicine...... 267 Tolerance and Autoimmunity...... 296 Fundamentals of Blood-Bank Immunology. . . 268 Causes of Autoimmunity...... 297 Role of Antibody Testing in the General Transfusion Medicine Laboratory © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Broader© Jones Clinical Context& Bartlett...... Learning,. . 298 LLC Operations...... 269 Antibodies: Pertinence to Autoimmune NOT FOR TransfusionSALE OR Services DISTRIBUTION Operating Procedures. . . 269 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Diseases...... 298 Regulators...... 269 Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Values. . . 299 Blood Group Genetics...... 270 Testing Algorithms: Single Tests, Profiles, Pretransfusion Testing...... 273 Reflexes...... 299 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC International Society of Blood Transfusion Testing Modalities with Examples...... 300 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONNumeric Terminology...... NOT .275 FOR ,SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Direct and ABO Blood Grouping...... 276 Indirect: Cell-Based and Tissue-Based ...... 300 Procedure...... 277 Live Cell-Based Flow Cytometry...... 302 Clinical Utility...... 278 Tissue-Based Assays...... 303 Rh D Typing© Jones...... & . . Bartlett...... Learning,. .279 LLC Assay© . Jones ...... &. . . . Bartlett . . . . 304 Learning, LLC ProcedureNOT. . .FOR . . . . . SALE ...... OR . . . . .DISTRIBUTION279 ELISA...... NOT...... FOR SALE304 OR DISTRIBUTION Clinical Utility...... 279 Double-Stranded DNA (dsDNA) Antibody Testing...... 305 Coombs Antiglobulin Tests...... 280 Chemiluminescent Immunoassays...... 306 Clinical Utility...... 281 Multiplex Bead Assay: Connective Tissue © JonesAntibody & Bartlett Screening Learning,...... LLC ...... 283 Cascade© Jones...... & . . Bartlett ...... Learning, . . 307 LLC NOT FOR Procedure:SALE OR Tube DISTRIBUTIONMethod ...... 283 MicrofluidicsNOT FOR...... SALE...... OR DISTRIBUTION307 Clinical Utility...... 283 Antibody Detection by Agglutination-PCR Antibody Identification and Other Red Cell (ADAP)...... 307 Antigens...... 284 Functional Assays...... 307 Antiglobulin Crossmatch...... 285 CSF Testing...... 308 © Jones & Bartlett Learning,Other Immunodiagnostic LLC Testing in © JonesAutoimmune & Bartlett Diseases Learning, and Pertinent LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONImmunohematology...... NOT .286 FORAntibody SALE Markers OR DISTRIBUTION...... 308 Transfusion vs Transplant: Similarities and Non-Organ-Specific Connective Differences...... 286 Tissue Diseases ...... 308 Organ-Specific Connective Tissue Diseases . . . . 313 Common Transfusion Reactions...... 286 Organ-Specific Endocrine Disorders...... 314 Transplant Serology ...... 288 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Hematologic Autoimmune© DiseasesJones. . .& . . .Bartlett . 316 Learning, LLC Transplant-specific Testing...... 289 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONOrgan-Specific Renal NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The CDC Test...... 290 Autoimmune Diseases...... 318 HLA ELISA...... 291 Organ-Specific Gastrointestinal Disorders. . . . 319 HLA Crossmatch...... 291 Autoimmune Cardiac Disorders...... 320 Case Study...... 291 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Blistering© Jones Autoimmune & Bartlett Dermatoses Learning,...... 320 LLC References ...... 292 Organ-Specific Neurological Disorders...... 321 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Other Inflammatory Neurological Disorders Where Case Study...... 348 Igg Measures© Jones (without Antigen& Bartlett Specificity) Learning, References LLC ...... ©. . . Jones .&349 Bartlett Learning, LLC Are Biomarkers...... 328 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Case Study...... 329 Chapter 15 Management, Regulation, References ...... 330 and Clinical Translation in Immunodiagnostic Chapter 14 Tumor Immunology ...... 333 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Testing© Jones. . . .& . Bartlett . . . . . Learning, .351 LLC NOTIntroduction FOR SALE to Tumor OR Development DISTRIBUTION and NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Immunology...... 334 History of Regulation of Serology and Immunodiagnostics in the Tumors and the Immune System...... 334 United States...... 352 Immunosurveillance System for Tumor Recognition...... 336 Current Regulatory and Management © Jones & BartlettTumor-Associated Learning, Antigens LLC and © JonesParadigms & . .Bartlett ...... Learning, . . . . . LLC . 353 Tumor Markers...... 338 Laboratory Oversight NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FORand Management SALE OR. . . . .DISTRIBUTION ...... 353 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)...... 338 Oversight of Laboratory Developed Tests. . . . 354 Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (α1-AT)...... 339 Regulation and Management of Point-of- Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)...... 339 Care Testing...... 355 Beta-2 Microglobulin...... 339 Future Directions in Clinical Translation of Immunoassays Used© Jones in Clinical & BartlettDiagnosis Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Immunodiagnostic Tests ...... 356 of CirculatingNOT and Other Tumors FOR SALE. . . . .OR . . DISTRIBUTION . 340 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Extending Regulatory Oversight Immunohistochemistry (IHC)...... 340 by the FDA...... 356 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Rapid Translation of LDTs and IVDs During (ELISA)...... 341 Emergency Situations...... 357 Flow Cytometry...... 341 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Case Study. . . .© . .Jones ...... &. . .Bartlett . . . . Learning, .358 LLC (RIA)...... 341 References ...... 359 NOTTumor FOR Immunotherapy SALE OR. . . .DISTRIBUTION ...... 341 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Vaccines...... 342 Appendix...... 361 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells...... 343 Immunomodulating Antibody Therapies . . . . 344 Glossary...... 389 © Jones & BartlettSummary Learning,...... LLC...... 344 © IndexJones...... & . .Bartlett ...... Learning, . . . . . LLC 401 NOT FOR SALEFlow OR Cytometry DISTRIBUTION in the Workup for Cancer. . . . 344 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Step-by-StepNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION ProceduresNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION  DAT and IAT Procedures

 HRP Antibody: Enzyme Conjugation with ­Succinimidyl Ester © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Ouchterlony Double Diffusion AssayNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

 Peripheral Blood Processing

 Preparing© Jones a Blood& Bartlett Control Learning, for Flow LLCCytometry Assays © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION  Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Test for Syphilis

 Sensitization of Sheep RBCs for use in ­Complement Fixation © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC  Tube Typing for D NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC PrefaceNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALEhe diagnostic OR DISTRIBUTION clinical laboratory and the of focusingNOT only onFOR studies SALE in the historicalOR DISTRIBUTION demarca- field of medical laboratory science, often tions provided by laboratory unit structuring. called clinical laboratory science or med- While only 5 to 10% of the coverage in the Tical technology, was a 20th-century invention American Society for Clinical Pathology’s (ASCP) that arose as an outgrowth of the massive clini- Board of Certification (BOC) generalist Medical © Jones & Bartlett Learning,cal and scientific LLC discoveries of that and previous© Jones Laboratory & Bartlett Scientist Learning, exam is specifically LLC focused NOT FOR SALE OReras. DISTRIBUTION The field, in effect, was the applicationNOT arm FORon immunology,SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONimmunodiagnostic tests are for biological and chemical investigations aimed performed in every laboratory unit including the at diagnosing disease in medical facilities. The ­major areas of microbiology, blood bank, hema- practitioners of these skills were fundamentally tology, and chemistry; this suggests that a funda- biological scientists specifically experienced in mental understanding of immune principles and the techniques© Jones and skills& Bartlett most suited Learning, to patho- LLCtheory is one of a few competency© Jones areas & thatBartlett are Learning, LLC genic identification.NOT FOR Their SALE role ORin the DISTRIBUTION healthcare essential for future work inNOT the profession. FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION team, although often unsung, is still pivotally im- In the 21st century, the models used to define portant in increasing the overall efficacy of med- competency will require significant remodeling if ical diagnosis and treatment. This text focuses laboratory professionals are to compete well for not on the entire medical laboratorian profession healthcare jobs, which may go hand in hand with © Jonesbut & on Bartlett several key Learning, technologies LLC of continuing the remodeling© Jones of the & labBartlett itself around Learning, the key LLC NOT FORimportance SALE in OR the field,DISTRIBUTION namely serology and im- diagnosticNOT techniques FOR SALEgaining ORtraction—namely DISTRIBUTION munology as they pertain to clinical diagnostics. clinical immunodiagnostics, already taking up a The text is intended for both undergraduates significant market share of testing—and ­molecular and graduate students engaged in a condensed diagnostics, with its rapidly growing utility. The 8-week course or traditional 16-week course in laboratorian of the 21st century will also find an © Jones & Bartlett Learning,clinical immunology, LLC clinical serology, immu© Jones- ever-increasing & Bartlett requirement Learning, to LLC understand the NOT FOR SALE ORnodiagnostics, DISTRIBUTION or an advanced methods courseNOT FORmechanical SALE and OR computer DISTRIBUTION components of com- taught within the medical laboratory science plex laboratory instrumentation. Therefore, a curriculum or within other programs focused on streamlined course curriculum would focus on clinical diagnostics. the most important methodological principles underlying these evolved diagnostic tests. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Additionally, this text© provides Jones what & Bartlett I feel Learning, LLC ▸▸ ApproachNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONis a deeper analysis of theNOT theoretical FOR principles SALE OR DISTRIBUTION surrounding the development of the innate and This text departs from other texts in the field by adaptive immune system pertaining to the study attempting to establish a restructuring of the clini- of immunodiagnostics and may seem to expand cal laboratory science scholastic curriculum for use on subjects traditionally found in other texts © Jonesin the& Bartlett21st century. Learning, It does so byLLC focusing on the in the larger© Jones clinical & laboratory Bartlett field. Learning, For exam -LLC NOT FOR­theoretical SALE principles OR DISTRIBUTION that underlie a diversity of ple, oneNOT will see FOR within SALE these ORpages DISTRIBUTION a reference ­diagnostic tests performed in the clinical lab instead to microbiological testing by immunodiagnostic

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­approaches, a subject often contained only in texts immunodiagnostics as they are described by the for microbiology;© oneJones will also & Bartlettsee blood banking Learning, ASCP LLC and through the American© Society Jones of Clin & -Bartlett Learning, LLC serology as it pertainsNOT toFOR antigen SALE and antibody OR DISTRIBUTION in- ical Laboratory Sciences (ASCLS)NOT entry-level FOR cur SALE- OR DISTRIBUTION teractions, as well as discussions of transfusion, riculum (ELC) documents. Subsequent chapters cancer, virology, and autoimmune diseases as they discuss specific pathogenic testing through serol- pertain to immunodiagnostics. However, a fuller ogy and immunodiagnostics, such as bacterial, analysis of these other subject areas is outside the viral, and fungal assays as well as immunohema- © scopeJones of the & contentBartlett and Learning, should not be LLC neglected tology (blood banking)© Jones and transfusion& Bartlett medicine. Learning, LLC NOTin generalized FOR SALE study. OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

▸▸ Organization ▸▸ Instructor Resources This text holds true to many of the immunodiag- The instructor who adopts this text can also re- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © questJones access & toBartlett a robust set Learning, of ancillaries, LLC including nostic areas that are traditionally covered in en- NOT FOR SALEtry-level OR DISTRIBUTION texts on serology and clinical immunolo- NOTthe following:FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION gy; early chapters begin by defining the specimens ■■ Test Bank for each chapter found in the serological lab, generalized immu- ■■ Slides in PowerPoint format for each nodiagnostic testing methods and the fundamen- chapter ■ tal knowledge ©in Jonesimmunology, & Bartlett and the Learning, most ■ LLCInstructor Manual © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC common safety and operational practices. The ■■ Answers to case study questions text then proceedsNOT with FOR an examination SALE OR of DISTRIBUTIONboth NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION the classical and contemporary methods used in Ian Clift, 2019

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC A VisualNOT FOR SALE ORWalk-Through DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORof Key SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Box FeaturesNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION A Deeper Look boxes expand upon specific chapter concepts and define important key terms. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FORStep-by-Step SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONProcedures are provided in all chapters that contain a discussion of a ­specific procedure. These box features pro- vide clear and easy to follow steps to help with student learning and retention. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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9781284173017_FMxx_Clift.indd 17 2020-01-03 2:49 PM © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION xviii A Visual Walk-Through of Key Box Features

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Case Studies provide students with challeng- © ingJones real-world & Bartlett scenarios Learning,to test their knowlLLC- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTedge FORand critical SALE thinking OR skills.DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Appendix A: Advanced Concepts is a back- ground guide on topics that aren’t fully explored in the main chapters and also expands on several topics that are already included. This addition © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © isJones a great &way Bartlett to expand Learning, on knowledge LLC in these areas, which include properties of other chemical NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOTdiluents FOR and SALE buffers OR used DISTRIBUTION in serological testing, diagnostic polyclonal and monoclonal antibody development, expanded isolation considerations for blood products, and more. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORBarsha SALE Dash, PhD OR (Chapter DISTRIBUTION 2, 3) Andrew McKeon,NOT MD FOR D(ABMLI) SALE (Chapter OR 13) DISTRIBUTION Department of Immunology Neurologist Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Mayo Clinic Pathology and Neurology Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © JonesRochester, & Bartlett Minnesota Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORBrittney DISTRIBUTION Dinkel, PhD (Chapter 2, 3) NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Assistant Professor Barbara Spinda, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM (Chapter 10, 11) Biology Program Professor School of Science Division of Clinical Laboratory Science Buena Vista University School of Applied Health Sciences Storm Lake,© Jones Iowa & Bartlett Learning, LLCVera Z. Dwyer College of Health© Jones Sciences & Bartlett Learning, LLC Indiana University South Bend AlexandraNOT Greenberg-Worisek, FOR SALE PhD, MPHOR (Chapter DISTRIBUTION 15) NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION South Bend, Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine Mayo Clinic Rosalie Sterner, MD, PhD (Chapter 14) Rochester, Minnesota Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Mayo Clinic © JonesShaheen & Bartlett Kurani, ScM Learning, (Chapter 15) LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Rochester, Minnesota NOT FORGraduate SALE School OR of DISTRIBUTION Biomedical Sciences NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Mayo Clinic Elitza S . Theel, PhD (Chapter 15) Rochester, Minnesota Consultant, Division of Clinical Microbiology and Annika Lee Associate Professor School of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology © Jones & Bartlett Learning,Emory University LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Mayo Clinic NOT FOR SALE ORAtlanta, DISTRIBUTION Georgia NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Rochester, Minnesota Diane Leland, PhD (Chapter 9) Professor Emeritus Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology ▸▸ Reviewers and © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Program NOTDirector, FOR Clinical SALE Laboratory OR DISTRIBUTION Science Pamela B . Primrose, PhD, MLS(ASCP)NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Bachelor of Science Degree Faculty School of Medicine Department of Medical Laboratory Technology Indiana University–Purdue University School of Health Sciences Indianapolis Ivy Tech Community College–South Bend © JonesIndianapolis, & Bartlett Indiana Learning, LLC South Bend,© Jones Indiana & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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Dick Y . Teshima, MPH, MT(ASCP) ▸▸ Associate Professor© Jones and Chair & Bartlett Learning, LLCStudent Reviewers© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Department of MedicalNOT FOR Technology SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION John A. Burns School of Medicine Esther Boateng, BS University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Indiana University South Bend CLS Graduate Honolulu, Hawaii James Dishman, BS Patricia Tille, PhD, MLS(ASCP), FACSc Indiana University South Bend CLS Graduate © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Instructor RJ Dudash, BS NOTDepartment FOR SALE of Medical OR Laboratory DISTRIBUTION Science Indiana UniversityNOT South FOR Bend SALE CLS Graduate OR DISTRIBUTION College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions South Dakota State University Molly Feller, BS, MLS(ASCP) Brookings, South Dakota Indiana University South Bend CLS Graduate © Jones & BartlettReannon Learning, Wilkerson, BS, LLCMS, MLS(ASCP) © BrandieJones Morgan, & Bartlett BS, MLS(ASCP) Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALEInstructor OR DISTRIBUTION NOTIndiana FOR University SALE South OR BendDISTRIBUTION CLS Graduate Medical Laboratory Assistant Program Chantel Shores, BS, MLS(ASCP) Department of Health Sciences Indiana University South Bend CLS Graduate Calhoun Community College–Huntsville Campus Huntsville, Alabama © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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