2nd September 2020

Sceidéal Cruinnithe


A Comhairleoir,

Please note the times for meetings that are scheduled for September 8th 2020 in the Burtonport Community Centre are as follows:

10.00 am Islands Committee AGM

12.15 pm MD

Mise le meas,

______Éamonn de Brún Area Manager Housing & Corporate Manager


HELD ON 14th JULY 2020 IN


MEMBERS PRESENT: Cllr. Noreen McGarvey (Cathaoirleach) Cllr. Michéal Cholm Mac Giolla Easbuig Cllr. Anthony Molloy Cllr. Michael McClafferty Cllr. John Sheamais Ó Fearraigh

APOLOGY: Cllr. Marie Therese Gallagher

OFFICIALS PRESENT: Michael McGarvey, A/Director Water & Environment Eamonn Brown - Area Manager, Housing & Corporate Michael Rowsome, S.S.O. Motor Tax/Corporate

(Note: In order to adhere to HSE Social Distancing Guidelines the following officials attended the meeting during the relevant section of the agenda.)

Brendan McFadden – SEE, Area Manager, Roads & Transportation Rosita Mahony – Senior Economic Development Officer Sinead McClafferty – Area Planner Charles Sweeney – Community Development Manager


The Committee congratulated (i) Cllr. Gallagher and her partner on the recent birth of their baby girl and (ii) Cllr. Ian McGarvey on the occasion of his 90th birthday.


The Cathaoirleach, Cllr. McGarvey also discussed the recent notification from Seamus Neely announcing that he is stepping down from his role as Chief Executive Officer of County Council and commended the Chief Executive Officer for his 10 year service to the County.


Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig proposed that correspondence issue to the Minister for Justice and Equality opposing the extradition of Liam Campbell to Lithuania & Members were also advised of the unsatisfactory prison conditions prevailing in Lithuanian prisons. Cllr Ó Fearraigh agreed to second this recommendation. Cllr. McClafferty informed the Committee that he was unaware of the identity of the individual or the issues involved in the proceedings.


On the proposal of Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig seconded by Cllr. Ó Fearraigh, the minutes of the AGM of the Municipal District of Glenties held on 9th June 2020 were confirmed.


On the proposal of Cllr. Molloy, seconded by Cllr. Ó Fearraigh, the minutes of the municipal district of Glenties meeting held on 9th June 2020 were confirmed.


43.1 Sinead McClafferty, Area Planner, presented the Planning Service Reports circulated with the agenda in relation to the following issues:

 Development Application statistics to the end of June 2020.  Enforcement statistics.  Monthly schedule of Planning clinics.  Regeneration report.  Central Planning Unit Work Programmes.

43.2 Campervans

Cllr. McClafferty highlighted the problems caused in , and Port-na-Blagh as a consequence of the influx of large numbers of campervans blocking access to beaches and car parks. Members were also advised of waste disposal and littering issues at these locations.

Cllr. Molloy and Cllr. Ó Fearraigh informed the meeting of similar issues arising at Port Arthur and Magheroarty.

The Area Planner advised the Committee:

(i) That the Gardaí have jurisdication on public lands (ii) That she will liaise with the Waste Regulation Officer regarding dumping (iii) Erection of barriers at public car parks is a matter for the Roads Service (iv) Undertook to revert to Members regarding Port Arthur concerns as Eunan Quinn and Carol Margey from the Planning Service are aware of this issue. 43.3 Heritage Site Designation

Cllr. Molloy expressed frustration at difficulties encountered by a planning applicant in Ardara arising from the presence of a dilapidated thatched cottage on the site. The Planner advised that discussions are ongoing with the agent to seek a resolution and that she will liaise with Cllr. Molloy regarding this specific application.

43.4 Ardscoil Mhuire Development

Cllr. Ó Fearraigh welcomed the recent permission issued to demolish the existing school building to facilitate the construction of 30 dwelling units.

43.5 Falcarragh Housing Development

Cllr. Ó Fearraigh queried the status of a proposed housing development in proximity to the old fire station in Falcarragh and the Planner undertook to provide an update in this regard.


Rosita Mahoney, Senior Economic Development Officer updated the Committee regarding ongoing work in this Directorate as detailed below:

 Economic Development Unit  Tourism Marketing Unit  Research & Policy Unit  Strategic Funding Unit  Local Enterprise Office  Information Systems  Emergency Services

Members were informed that more detailed terms of reference are currently being finalised for the 5 year tourism strategy to provide strategic direction for the recovery and development of the tourism sector in Donegal.

The Committee welcomed the promotion of various Covid- 19 supports to businesses and the availability of a concierge service as a dedicated point of contact for existing businesses & potential business start-ups to connect with key personnel for extensive Council services and supports.

Cllr. McGarvey commended proposals to launch a new ‘Visit ’ website to promote all Gaeltacht regions nationally, and recommended the creation of links to local groups promoting the Irish language.

Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig requested an update on the status of the foreshore development in .


45.1 Follow up to issues raised at June meeting

The Roads Manager clarified that correspondence has issued to Members in advance of the meeting.

45.2 Road Works Programme

The Roads Manager discussed the reports circulated with the agenda in relation to the status of the Road Work Programme on the 3rd of July in each of the four Road Service Supervisor areas.

45.3 Arts Project – Selection Panel

The Committee were advised that the NRDO are employing a Two-stage Open Competition Process to select a suitable artist to deliver a percent for Art Scheme on the overall N56 to Glenties Road Scheme.

The NRDO intend to establish a selection panel and have requested the nomination of one elected member from the Glenties Municipal District.

On the proposal of Cllr. McGarvey, seconded by Cllr. Molloy, the Committee nominated Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig to represent the Glenties Municipal District on the selection panel.

45.4 Specific Raod Grants – Glenties Municipal District – 5 year plan

The Committee discussed the Draft list circulated at the meeting and presented by the Roads Manager who clarified that Headquarters have requested agreement of a programme for submission to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for funding.

On the proposal of Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig, seconded by Cllr. Molloy, the Committee agreed the list hereunder:

1. R252/R250 Dungloe---Kingarrow (including Fintown village) 2. R251 Back of Errigal Route 3. R250 Glenties-Fintown (including realignment at Bridge) 4. L1413 Road 5. R256 Muckish Road 6. R245 7. R252 Fintown (Millwheel) – Cummirk Bridge 8. L2863 Wood Road, Ardara 9. R259 North/East of 10. R257 Footbridge 11. R261 Ardara-Kilclooney-Portnoo 12. R257 Meenacladdy-Cnoc Fola 13. R230 Glengesh

45.5 Local Improvement Schemes

In response to a query from Cllr. Ó Fearraigh, the Roads Manager confirmed that there was an allocation of monies in February 2020, and that as beneficiaries submit their contribution, that the relevant schemes are added to the list for progression. Members were also advised that there is a reserve list of LIS Schemes in the event that beneficiaries don’t pay their contribution on the main list but that Members would be consulted in this regard prior to adoption.

45.6 ESB International

In response to concerns expressed by Cllr. Ó Fearraigh regarding the condition of a roadway in , the Roads Manager confirmed that ESBI have paid a substantial contribution to bring all damaged roads up to an acceptable standard.

45.7 Campervans

Cllr. McClafferty highlighted concerns at the disruption caused to locals in the Dunfanaghy and Killahooey areas as a result of the influx of campervans & requested the erection of barriers at entrances to public car parks.

The Roads Manager advised that inappropriate parking is an enforcement issue for the Gardaí and that the Council are developing a policy for campervans in the County. Cllr McClafferty also requested the provision of a barrier to restrict access to Port na Blagh beach due to health and safety concerns. The Roads Manager undertook to liaise with the Environment & Marine Services to determine a solution for the regularisation of parking while facilitating the continuation of access to the pier at Port na Blagh.

45.8 Members Lighting

Cllr. Ó Fearraigh requested an update on the status of the Members Public Lighting Fund in the sum of €5300.


46.1 Waste & Litter Management

The Committee discussed the reports circulated with the agenda and presented by the Director of Environment Services.

Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig and Cllr. McGarvey highlighted the necessity for additional civic amenity sites in the Glenties Municipal District and additional opening hours in the Dungloe Recycling Centre.

The Director of the Environment Service informed Members that the civic amenity site operation is under review.

Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig expressed opposition to the privatisation model.

In response to a query from Cllr. Molloy regarding litter collection at Narin beach, the Director advised that a container has been supplied to the local group, mobile litter units visit twice a week and lifeguards have been tasked with bin emptying duties.

Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig and Cllr. Ó Fearraigh concurred in relation to the prevalence of rodents at Magheroarty Pier and the Director advised that the Environmental Health Officer has been notified of this issue and the litter warden has been tasked with investigations as to the source of the problem.

In response to a recommendation from Cllr. Ó Fearraigh regarding the erection of surveillance cameras on Magheroarty Pier, the Director undertook to progress this matter.

46.2 Online Community Workshops

The Committee welcomed the report circulated with the agenda from the Waste Awareness Officer and presented by the Director in relation to the delivery of online community workshops regarding climate action training.

46.3 Coastal Management

Members welcomed the report circulated with the agenda from the Coastal Officer and presented by the Director in relation to the award of Blue Flags for twelve beaches and two marinas in the County.

Beaches in the Glenties Municipal District at Portnoo/Narin, Carrickfinn, Killahooey and Marblehill achieved the coveted Blue Flag status for 2020.

The Committee welcomed the report regarding the employment of 40 no. beach lifeguards at 13 beaches in the County during the Bathing Season. Cllr. Ó Fearraigh requested provision of a pontoon as a pilot scheme in Magheroarty to minimise the safety concerns experienced by swimmers and to install bollards to reduce interference arising from jetski usage. The Director undertook to relay recommendations in this regard to both Community Development and Marine Services.

46.4 Public Conveniences

The Committee welcomed the re-opening of public conveniences and the additional provision of services at a number of coastal locations for the summer.

In response to a query from Cllr. Ó Fearraigh regarding the provision of a public convenience in Falcarragh, the Director advised that the Coastal Officer is working to resolve this deficiency.


47.1 The Committee noted the reports circulated with the agenda and presented by the Community Development Manager regarding:

 Public Participation Network  Age Friendly Donegal  Donegal Community Call Helpline

47.2 Rural Development Programme/Leader

Cllr. Ó Fearraigh requested an update on proposals for a Leader programme for the County from 2021 onwards.

47.3 Glengesh Car Park

Cllr. Molloy outlined the necessity for funding to improve car parking in Glengesh in light of the unsuitability of current arrangements for the accommodation of buses. The Community Development Manager agreed to liaise with all relevant stakeholders from a tourism perspective.

47.4 Coast Guard Floodlighting

Cllr. McClafferty requested the Council to provide floodlights to facilitate the efficient operation of the Coast Guard Service.

47.5 Youth Council

Members discussed the report circulated with the agenda and Cllr. McGarvey commended the work of the Youth Council on the Road Safety Working Group. In response to a query from Cllr. Ó Fearraigh, the Community Development Manager outlined the current status of the Youth Council and outlined proposals to elect a new Youth Council in the autumn.

47.6 Errigal Project

In response to a query from Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig, the Community Development Manager updated the Committee on the status of the agreed integrated plan. Cllr. McGarvey also informed the Committee that a deputation from the local Coiste Forbartha in Dunlewy will attend a future Municipal District meeting on relaxation of current pandemic restrictions.

47.7 Libraries

Cllr. McGarvey requested an update on proposed opening times of libraries in the Municipal District.


48.1 Grants

Members welcomed the report circulated with the agenda and presented by the Housing Manager in relation to the status of Housing Aid for Older People, Housing Adaptation and Mobility Aids Grants as at the 8th of July 2020.

48.2 Casual Vacancies

The Committee noted the report circulated with the agenda and presented by the Housing Manager in relation to the status of 17 no. casual vacancies in the Municipal District of Glenties as at the 8th of July 2020.

48.3 Housing Capital

Members discussed the report circulated previously and presented by the Housing Manager, who also responded to queries from the Committee regarding:

(i) Dunfanaghy 4 unit Construction Scheme (ii) Dunfanaghy 8 unit Acquisition Programme (iii) Falcarragh 12 unit Turnkey Acquisition (iv) Turnkey proposal (v) Massinass proposal for Social Housing provision (vi) SI Housing

The Committee were also advised that the Council is continuing to advertise for land/property suitable for Social Housing throughout the County. Cllr MacGiolla Easbuig advised the Committee that a deputation from the Ardpatrick housing scheme in Glenties wish to attend a future meeting of the MD.

48.4 Parent & Friends Association

Cllr. McGarvey commended the role played by the Housing Manager in advancing this project following the recent formal approval for the development of 3 housing units and 4 individual self contained bedrooms at Fairhill, Dungloe.

48.5 Respond - Dungloe

In response to a query from Cllr. McGarvey, the Housing Manager advised that funding issues are impacting on delivery of additional housing provision by this AHB.

48.6 Allocation Scheme

Cllr. McClafferty outlined his concerns regarding elected representatives advising tenants that they will be prioritised for Social Housing allocations in advance of the determination of the allocations leading to unnecessary distress and disappointment for applicants.

The Housing Manager informed the Committee that the Allocation Scheme adopted by the Council in May 2011 determines the priority of applicants on the Housing list on a points based system, in the letting of Council houses. Members were further advised that any representative that has made a representation in respect of a vacant property will be issued with a letter the day following the letting of the property.

48.7 Coiste na n-Oileáin

Members agreed to convene the AGM of the Islands Committee on the 8th of September 2020 in the Acres Community Centre and to hold the Municipal District meeting in this venue on the same day.

Michael McGarvey informed Members that a revised application for funding has been submitted to An Roinn following recent online meetings and clarifications in relation to eligible expenditure. Cllr. Molloy requested the attendance of the CEO of Comhar na nOileáin at the next Island meeting.

48.8 Schedule & Municipal District Works 2020

On the proposal of Cllr. Ó Fearraigh, seconded by Cllr. Molloy, the Municipal District of Glenties Committee resolved to adopt for the financial year ended 31st December 2020, the schedule of Municipal District Works as set out in the schedule presented as required by Section 103A of the Local Government Act 2001 (as amended) and in line with requirements of Circular LG27/2014/FIN21/2014.

Cllr. Mac Giolla Easbuig outlined his opposition to the SMDW proposal and stated that the Glenties Municipal District was not in receipt of a fair share of resources.

Cllr. Ó Fearraigh informed the Committee that he was proposing the adoption of the SMDW 2020 on the condition that commitments given in relation to the provision of resources for progression of the Greenways Project and assignment of a Community Development Staff Officer to Dungloe PSC would be honoured.




1. Progress Report – Grants

2. Progress Report – Casual Vacancies

3. Verbal Update on Housing Projects


(a) Grants

Housing Aid for Older People Grants

Year Total Approved Cancelled/ Applicant Referred Pending Refused Further Info to Eng 2020 48 20 2 6 19 25

Housing Adaptation Grants

Year Total Approved Cancelled/ Applicant Referred Referred Pending Refused Further Info to Eng to OT 2019 25 14 7 2 0 1 3 2020 17 4 4 2 4 3 9

Mobility Aids Grants

Year Total Approved Cancelled/ Applicant Referred Referred Pending Refused Further Info to Eng to OT 2019 48 31 14 2 1 0 3 2020 25 6 5 2 11 1 14


Glenties Address Beds Vacant Current Status MD From Ardara Drumaghey Park 2 bed 06/08/2020 Currently being assessed Burtonport Altán 3 bed, 2 storey 08/08/2019 Offered & refused Creeslough Ard Cois Locha 2 bed 28/02/2019 Works due to be complete in mid September. Lakeside 3 bed 07/08/2019 Works due to be complete in mid September Massinass 3 bed 03/12/2019 Under assessment Birchill Upper 3 bed (LTL) 10/03/2020 Works due to be complete in mid September Doochary Radharc an tSéipéil 2 bed, bungalow 16/09/2019 Contractor appointed recently. Works due to be complete by end of September Dungloe Croveigh (LTL) 5 bed 26/04/2019 Structural works currently being undertaken by landlord Ard Chróine, Quay Rd. 1 bed, bungalow 21/08/2019 Contractor appointed recently. Works due to be complete by end of September Clós Naomh Mhuire, 2 bed, bungalow 15/08/2019 Contractor appointed Stranacorkra recently. Works due to be complete by end of September Dunfanaghy Eadán Mór (LTL) 3 bed 18/04/2019 Works due to be complete in mid September Falcarragh Carrowcannon 3 bed 01/03/2019 Tender documents to be issued shortly for works required. Radharc na Mara 2 bed, bungalow 14/02/2020 Works due to be complete in mid September Carrowcannon 2 bed 13/08/2020 Tender documents to be issued shortly for works required. Glenties Clós Naomh Chonaill 2 bed 24/08/2020 Currently being assessed Tuam na Toinne 3 bed 29/07/2020 Currently being assessed.

Housing Capital Update Report Glenties Municipal District Meeting

8th September 2020

1. Social Housing Developments – Construction Schemes

Donegal County Council is currently progressing the following proposed Social Housing development in the Glenties Municipal District:

Location Status No. of Units Tender Stage Dunfanaghy Contract awarded. Works to commence 4 Q3 2020 stage.

Preliminary Design Stage (No. of units subject to change)

Chapel Road, Dungloe Preliminary Design Stage 44 Total 48

2. House Acquisition Programme

Donegal County Council has acquired, or is in the process of acquiring, properties under the House Acquisition Programme. In the Glenties Municipal District during 2018-2020 a total of 13 properties were purchased under this programme. There are 9 further acquisitions currently in progress including the acquisition of 8 no. apartments at Figart, Dunfanaghy, which are currently at the final stages of conveyance.

Following acquisition and prior to allocation, improvement works are carried out on the properties where required to provide high quality, energy efficient, sustainable homes to individuals and families.

3. Social Housing through Turnkey Acquisition

Donegal County Council’s turnkey acquisition process is continuing throughout the county. This competitive dialogue procurement process will result in a major capital investment in social housing, with the initial projects in the county due for completion in quarter 2 2020. This is a very effective mechanism enabling the Council to feed into the design of the proposal so as to ensure that the end product is suitable for the needs of social housing tenants. Proposals are subject to meeting the requirements of the procurement process, planning, departmental approval and contract.

In order to the safeguard the nature of the process and bearing in mind the commercial sensitivities of the process as well as the extent of the approvals required, the Council will continue to provide Elected Members with detailed information of the proposals upon receipt of final departmental approval (i.e. stage 4). Notwithstanding this approval, proposals are subject to contract.

Final approval has been received from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) for both phases of a turnkey development at Falcarragh. Developers Michael & Linda Whoriskey have substantially completed works on Phase I of the development containing 6 no. three bedroom units and work has commenced on Phase II of the development which contains 2 no. three bedroom units as well as 4 no. two bedroom units. The Council is currently progressing the contract in conjunction with our legal representatives.

Council officials are continuing to dialogue with Developers with regard to additional valid proposals for Falcarragh and Gweedore and Members will be fully informed of these proposals upon receipt of final departmental approval.

4. Single Rural Dwellings (SRD)

Progress is continuing in respect of 2 no. SRD’s in Glenties Municipal District. Both single rural dwellings have been tendered and tenders are received. The transfer of land to the local authority in each case, as required under this process, is taking place in parallel.

5. Lands / Property for Social Housing Purposes

The Council is actively seeking lands in towns where there is a social housing need where there are currently no viable housing delivery options. Offers to acquire land have been made in a number of towns and Members will be kept informed on the outcome of same.

An advertisement has recently been placed on the Council’s website and encompasses all towns and villages in the county. Interested parties are invited to submit an expression of interest for parcels of land, derelict sites and existing buildings in line with guidance outlined in the advertisement.

Workshops scheduled on Friday September 11th in the Dungloe P.S.C:

10.00 am Housing Capital

12.00 pm Regeneration & Development

13.00 pm Railway Walk – Burtonport to

14.00 pm Magheraroarty Sea Wall & Tory Ferry Boat


Glenties MD Budget

 Workshop Friday 9th October 10am

 Budget Meeting Thursday 29th October 2pm

Economic Development, Information Systems & Emergency Services Directorate

Report to Municipal District of Glenties


1. Economic Development 1.1 Economic Development Unit 1.2 Tourism Marketing Unit 1.3 Research & Policy Unit 1.4 Strategic Funding Unit 2. Local Enterprise Office 3. Information Systems 4. Emergency Services 4.1 Fire Service 4.2 Civil Defence

1. Division: Economic Development 1.1 Division: Economic Development – Economic Development Unit Project / Activity Report Title Economic Development Unit Outline of Work The Economic Development Unit proactively engages in economic development opportunities, supporting job creation and strategic investment in Donegal and is focusing on the following areas of work:

Alpha Innovation Centre: Successful €3.7m application to Enterprise under the Border Economic Stimulus Package for the Alpha Innovation Centre. The project will support businesses and early idea entrepreneurs develop their innovation capability and business resilience post Brexit and post Covid. Currently developing tender documents for pre- acceleration programme as part of overall plan to develop new start ups in the region.

Economic Development Covid-19 Recovery: The Unit has been proactive in facilitating and promoting various Covid-19 supports to businesses including:

Outdoor Space & Social Distancing: The scheme supports businesses in the tourism and hospitality sectors to reopen by facilitating additional outdoor dining and seating areas, while also meeting statutory requirements and ensuring accessibility for all. Businesses apply for a Section 254 license and the Council is committed to a prompt assessment of applications within 10 working days of receipt of a complete application and temporarily waiving fees from 1 June 2020 to 31 December 2020. More info at http://www.donegalcoco.ie/media/donegalcountyc/planning/pdfs/applicat ionforms/Scheme%20for%20Outdoor%20Spaces%20during%20a%20time% 20of%20.pdf

Communications on business supports: The EDU are consulting with Donegal businesses on a regular basis to gain an understanding of what supports are needed and communicating key issues within the relevant Council departments. The EDU is also proactively promoting and sharing information on the various supports available to businesses at this time including supports available through LEO, Enterprise Ireland, Failte Ireland and the Councils Business Restart Grants. An updated summary document was issued to all Elected Members on the 24th August, highlighting the business supports available from each government department with links to each support embedded.

Donegal Tourism Strategy: This new 5-year Strategy will guide the work of Donegal County Council by providing strategic direction for the recovery and development of the sector over the next 5 years. A more detailed Terms of Reference is currently being finalised.

Concierge Service is a dedicated point of contact for existing businesses, potential business start-ups or businesses looking to relocate or wishing to expand, by offering support and advice and connecting them with key personnel for a wide range of Council services and supports. Queries are directed to [email protected]. The Concierge Service responds swiftly and proactively to the needs of businesses including businesses looking to re-open and adapting their operation to meet social distancing requirements in a post-Covid society. To date 42 queries have been dealt with through this service.

Property Solutions: involves identification, marketing, option appraisal of Council owned property and land for economic development opportunities including provision of soft landing and second site location opportunities for business. The Unit is dealing with several queries relating to potential property solutions.

Collaboration: Working with our colleagues in Community Development and Planning Services to progress a range of strategic projects including:  Platforms for Growth, Stage 3 Application for large scale investment at Fort Dunree with the submission of Part B Business Case on August 31st  Various Regeneration and Development Proposals under the URDF and the RRDF to ensure that an economic development focus is derived.

Global engagement: work is continuing to proactively target potential FDI opportunities in the US market in collaboration with Derry City & Strabane District Council and working to create a Donegal/North West bias for businesses interested in exploring investment opportunities in the EU and UK. This includes the provision of essential baseline data and information for location decision makers.

Donegal Place Brand initiative: a Request for Tender has been put out to market to seek a company to develop a new place brand strategy for Donegal. The purpose of this strategy is to develop a compelling and coherent proposition for Donegal that will convey the county’s unique identity and competitive advantage as a great place to live, work, invest, explore and study.

It will promote Donegal under a unified voice through a wide range of differing channels which will be detailed in a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy. This will also involve the revamp of the Donegal.ie website as the online home for the new Donegal place brand. The planned Tender Award date is September 25th with work likely to be completed in early 2021.

Donegal Connect: The EDU are working with the Local Enterprise Office on Donegal Connect, a collaborative project between the private and public sector in Donegal aimed at creating new opportunities for our county through engaging with our Diaspora. The event will be hosted on October 8th on line and the EDU are currently developing a panel of speakers to showcase innovation in the county as part of the day.

#HelpDonegalGrow: After a great response from the public, the winning idea, decided on by an independent judging panel, related to tree planting tourism within the county and specifically in Glenveagh National Park. Tourism growth ideas of a Dark Sky Reserve and interactive attractions map of Donegal were nominated as runners up. For more info on the winning ideas see - https://www.donegaldaily.com/2020/08/05/cathals-tourism- idea-takes-root/

Buy Donegal Weekend: A new campaign from the EDU to support Donegal businesses will take place from 6 – 8th November 2020. #BuyDonegalWeekend will highlight the great range of Donegal products and services available and encourage people to buy them. The campaign will be supported with an extensive online marketing campaign including a dedicated www.buydonegal.com website where consumers can go to find out more about products and services on offer from Donegal. This website will go live in the coming weeks.

#LoveDonegal Day: After the resounding success of last year’s #LoveDonegal day, the EDU have commenced work on this year’s event which will take place on Wednesday the 16th September 2020 which will aim to showcase the people, music, arts, businesses, marine, culture landscape of Donegal worldwide reaching out to the Diaspora and celebrating Donegal as a great place to live, work and invest. Work is also being commissioned to hold an innovative remote working competition in partnership with the Donegal regional hubs which will be launched on the day and targeting city dwellers and the diaspora to relocate back to the county.

InvestDonegal Communications Update: InvestDonegal LinkedIn and Twitter (@DonegalInvest) accounts were set up in March & May 2020 respectively. Latest key stats as follows; Impressions (last 28 days) Total Followers Linked In 18,000 705 Twitter 104,000 564

The EDU continue to inform businesses of the range of Covid-19 government supports, with a specific focus on the Restart Grant alongside insightful business and original content features. In addition to the above accounts, the EDU works closely with the Council’s Communications Office to share information on the Councils corporate social media channels. Other publicity achievements aligned to this Donegal Place Brand strategy are referred to below as part of our Remote Working Strategy. The EDU asks elected members to follow InvestDonegal on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Remote Working: Following on from a public consultation which was held in July 2020, receiving 48 responses, the EDU have developed a new Remote Working Strategy for Donegal to maximise the opportunities arising for the county as a destination of choice for remote working which will form a key part of the COVID-19 recovery plan. The new strategy outlines a range of strategic actions in partnership with key stakeholders that will aim to position Donegal as a remote working destination of choice on the island of Ireland, providing new employment opportunities and repopulation. The new strategy will be launched in September.

The EDU also co-hosted a national webinar in partnership with Grow Remote on the 22nd July showcasing Donegal as remote working destination of choice and outlining the range of initiatives undertaken to date to accelerate the growth of remote working in the county.

Work is being commissioned for an international webinar in November in collaboration with the Development Partnership as part of the Laurentic Remote Work Social Enterprise Subgroup to showcase Donegal and the work carried out by the EDU in the area of remote working, reaching an international audience.

Atlantic Economic Corridor: working with Local Authority partners along the western coast to progress mutually beneficial projects and initiatives. The EDU are currently managing €34,549.99 of funding support (Hub Opening Scheme) from the Department of Rural and Community Development/Western Development Commission to 8 digital hubs in the county to enable them to open safely over the coming months.

The EDU and Western Development Commission are also developing a photobank to be used for promotion of the region; showcasing Donegal based companies, the quality of life and co-working spaces. This work is currently ongoing with the successful photographer.

Contact Person Ciaran Martin [email protected] (086) 8261760 Rosita Mahony – [email protected] (087) 2510128

1.2 Division: Economic Development – Tourism Marketing Unit Project/Activity Report Title Tourism Marketing Unit Activity Digital and Online Marketing

GoVisitDonegal.com GoVisitDonegal.com is ’s Tourism Destination portal which

provides information on accommodation, festivals, attractions, travel information etc. The website is free for service providers to register and promote their business.

Festivals and Events section of the website is regularly updated, as details become available about events being postponed, rescheduled or cancelled. This work is ongoing.

Website performance stats: Page views to date (1st Jan – 23rd August 2020): 341,178 (up 95% on 2019) Users to date (1st Jan – 23rd August 2020): 104,458 (up 103% on 2019)

Page views: July 2020 vs July 2019: 129,676 vs 47,586 (up 172%)

Users: July 2020 vs July 2019 ; 33,306 vs 14,214 (up 134%)

Page views: August 2020 (to date) vs August 2019: 83,456 vs 31,803 (up 162%)

Users: August 2020 vs August 2019 (as of 23/08/20): 25,167 vs 10,314 (up 144%)

 The development of ‘Donegal Offers’ in the Repository and on the

website has been completed and we worked closely with the trade providers in order to get as many offers uploaded; during the summer campaign, there were over 60 offers available on the website.

th th  The online summer campaign was delivered from 13 July until 9 August 2020 using variety of online channels incl.: Facebook,

Instagram and Google Ads search campaign plus radio campaign

incl. display ads, targeting visitors from Donegal and Northern Ireland. The main aim of this campaign was to attract traffic to the Donegal Offers page of the govisitdonegal.com website, raise destination and brand awareness, attract potential visitors to book their Donegal holiday. The goals have been successfully achieved. We

used #MakeABreakForDonegal hashtag, linking with Fáilte Ireland’s domestic campaign #MakeABreakForIt. Full report from this campaign will be available shortly.

 As part of the campaign, Donegal Tourism also ran a Facebook Photo competition titled: ‘Discover What’s On Your Doorstep. This th th competition was live from 16 July until 13 August 2020. Entries received – 1166, number of database sign-ups: 695, the prize

included a Cannon Camera and 5x €100 vouchers for each MD and the winners are yet to be selected and announced. In total, we had 962 Participants from Ireland, 188 Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 5 United States, 3 The Netherlands, 2 Germany, 2 Malta, 1 Spain, 1 Australia, 1 Denmark, 1 France.

Social Media update – July 2020

 Go Visit Donegal Facebook Page: Page likes: 38,468 / New likes gained: 790 Page Followers: 38,981 / New followers gained: 844

 Twitter: Followers: 13,999 | New followers: 154| Tweet impressions: 106K | Profile Visits: 1,452 | Mentions 898

 Instagram: Followers: 17,017 | New followers: 659| Top post reach 10,046

Donegal/ Derry Campaign – North West Regional Development Fund

 Storyboards were approved for the video production by the committee

 Staff worked with tourism businesses and the production company

and all footage has been taken  Photography is ongoing  Fáilte Ireland and Tourism NI have been approached for additional funding for the campaign which will take place in Q 2 2021

All Ireland - Domestic Campaign

 Assessment of these tenders took place in July  The successful company is currently working closely with staff on

the creation of this campaign  This integrated marketing campaign will be implemented in Q3 2020.  The campaign will consist of the following elements: TV, radio, new video, new photography, and extensive online advertising and editorial with an integrated approach will ensure the message is consistent and efficient.

TIDE – Atlantic Network for Developing Historical Maritime Tourism

The Project Partners are lead by ERNACT EEIG (Lead Partner) along with 7 Partners (Donegal Co Council) representing 5 countries (Ireland, United Activity Kingdom, Spain, Portugal & France) & 10 Associated Partners.

The objective is to develop a niche historical maritime tourism package for Atlantic based on connecting & marketing assets from historical period

across different regions ie World Wars, Atlantic Migrations, Napoleonic era & Spanish Armada.

The experience will use digital technology to enrich the visitor experience such as Virtual Reality & Archaeology Techniques that will be used in the visitor attractions.

Website: www.tide-atlantic.eu

Budget: Total: €2,462,267 – Donegal €383,494 (3 years) €120,821 (2020)

Donegal Stakeholder Group The group met online to review information collated to date ie linking each story to as many themes possible. All 5 themes are strong in Donegal & in all locations/sites being considered.

Partnership Group also considering linking themes to a trial/trials on all five sites – giving a strong ‘Donegal Historic Maritime theme’ to promote & market collectively in the future.

Have commenced researching links with each National & International Partner.

Partner Meeting The Partners continue to meet online monthly & continue to review the Budgets - modifications/updates, Communications & Toolkit.

Claim & Progress Report Claim 1 & Report signed off by Interreg – awaiting first payment.

Communication: Project continues to work on content for TIDE website & social media platforms.

Stakeholders: Project Manager made a site visit with four Stakeholders in August & familiarised Best Practices put forward: Greencastle Maritime Museum, Fort Dunree, Lighthouse & .

Project Targets for the next bi-monthly reporting period:

 Workpackages: Continue to work with Lead Partner as per schedule.  Workplan 5: DCC lead Action 1 – to meet online with Lead Partner in September to commence this Action.  Themes: Work with Stakeholders linking stories to each other, Partners & scoring same.

 Toolkit – presentation was given to the Stakeholders with the

recommended next steps – ‘test the Toolkit’. PM adapted the

Exercises - each Stakeholder/Best Practice to commence

completing the Exercises.

 Social Media – continue promotion of project on several social

media platforms and websites ie content for ‘LoveDonegal’.

 Budget - continually working on this.

Contact Barney Mc Laughlin, Head of Tourism, Email: [email protected] Mob: 087 9054925

1.3 Division: Economic Development – Research and Policy Unit Project /Activity Report Activity / Project Title Research & Policy Unit Project Description Research & Policy Unit

‘To strategically guide policy decisions & investments in County Donegal through the provision of baseline data, research, policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation expertise’

Budget (if applicable) Progress to date within  The Northern & Western Regional Assembly, Southern the July/Aug Regional Assembly, Eastern & Midlands Regional Assembly, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Department of Education and Skills are coordinating a Public Consultation exercise relating to the

EU Cohesion Funding for the period 2021 to 2027. The engagement process will help identify the priorities for the 2021 to 2027 Partnership Agreement and Operational Programme for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+). The Research and Policy Unit are coordinating the response Donegal. Submission date is the 4th Sept, 2020.

 Worked with Head of Economic Development and Head of Enterprise in the preparation of the two year Progress Report on securing the Objectives of the County Development Plan 2018-2024

 Commenced the collation, capture and review of tourism statistics for Donegal to inform the future policy development for the county, in conjunction with the Head of Economic Development and Head of Tourism.

 Lancaster University have been appointed to carry out research on the challenges and opportunities to and for entrepreneurship in the NW under the Regional Action Plan for Jobs. Initial meeting held on the 20th August and R&P will support this research by providing data for Donegal, Sligo & Leitrim

 Review of accommodation data for County Donegal to help inform the preparation of the new Donegal Children & Young Peoples Service Committee plan 2021-2023.

 Review of key impacts of Brexit and COVID 19 on both the Fisheries and Agriculture Sectors in County Donegal and the Region

 33 virtual meetings held (60 hrs) held by the R&P team using GoToMeetings Software.

Project Targets for the  Convene inaugural Fisheries Committee on the 16th next bi- September, 2020 monthly/quarterly*  Administrative support for the completion of Donegal County reporting period Councils submission to ICBAN - Framework for Regional Priorities 2020 - 2027

Contact Person Loretta Mc Nicholas (to include telephone Tel| 087 9029307 number & e-mail E | [email protected] address)

Project / Activity Report

Activity / Project Title Trail Gazers Bid Project

Project Description ‘To quantify the return to the local economy for every euro invested in walks and recreational trail infrastructure ‘ Budget (if applicable) €2.75 M Progress to date within In 2018, Donegal County Councils Research & Policy Unit quarter* -inclusive of successfully led an application to the Atlantic Area Programme current status under objective 4.2 ‘ Enhancing natural and cultural assets to stimulate economic development’. This transnational project is

managed by the Research & Policy Unit (Lead Partner), working with 9 different partners located across Ireland, UK, France, Spain and Portugal. The project sets out to:  Quantify the impact of key strategic investments in walks and recreational trail infrastructure can have on stimulating rural communities, using sensors data, counters, surveys of users, businesses, communities etc  Develop and trial a range of practical initiatives and interventions such as business to consumer initiatives, digital marketing tools etc to enhance the return  Work with communities, businesses and other key stakeholders in the area to develop community plans and initiatives around the site  Develop a range of community trail ambassadors to champion the sites as catalysts for the development of rural economies Our site for research purposes is Inch Levels and post project completion it is likely that key learning and methodology can be applied to other sites in the county and region through an extensive capitalisation programme.


 The Research and Policy Unit organised two transnational workshops on the 11th & 13th August, 2020 to discuss emerging development options across all 8 trail sites. The purpose of these workshops is to coordinate the development of Community Trail Plans that will ensure that strategic investment in walks and trail infrastructure will play a pivotal role rural development in County Donegal and in the seven other transnational partner sites.

 Ongoing scoping of ‘options for development’ for Inch Trail Site and Catchment area in conjunctions with key stakeholders that (a) will link the trail site physically and virtually to the surrounding towns and villages (b)are place based (c) are informed by spatial evidence and (d) are supported by local stakeholders and community members.

 Participated in training by the University of the Algarve on updating content on the ’Lost Stories & Folklore of the Trail App’ on the 7th & 9th July, 2020. This will allow visitors to explore Inch Levels trail site virtually and listen to local stories and folklore associated with key points of interest along the trail site. It will help to build up an affinity with the site that will last long after the visit has ended.

 Appointment of suppliers to capture of digital footage and imagery to showcase Inch Levels and surrounding catchment area to new niche audiences.

 Meeting with John Scott and James Cooper at Transport Research Partners on application of predictive analysis and ad hoc multiplier currently being developed through TrailGazers to the assessment of North West Greenway Network route 1 on 1st July 2020.

 Ongoing awareness raising of the work that is been led out by the Research & Policy Unit, Economic Development Directorate in utilising walks and trail infrastructure to stimulate economic development in the Atlantic Area . For more information see

o https://www.donegaldaily.com/2020/07/02/latest-trail- gazers-project-meeting-covers-a-lot-of-ground/

o https://keep.eu/projects/22101/

o https://www.highlandradio.com/2020/07/03/trail- gazers-project-making-progress-despite-current- climate/

o http://www.donegaldiaspora.ie/news/trail-gazers- launch-new-website

o https://together4cohesion.eu/trail-gazers/

o https://oceanpublishing.ie/local-authority/wp- content/uploads/sites/4/2020/07/Trail-Gazers-Project- 2.pdf

o https://www.facebook.com/donegaldaily/posts/latest- trail-gazers-project-meeting-covers-a-lot-of- ground/3042872909083646/

o https://theworldnews.net/ie-news/latest-trail-gazers- project-meeting-covers-a-lot-of-ground

o http://www.donegalcoco.ie/yourcouncil/communicatio nsoffice/pressreleasesfromjan2020/trailgazersprojectbl azesaheadasprogressmade/

o https://irelandonabudget.com/news/walking-trails-in- sligo-and-donegal/

o #Your Council Day - Donegal County Council participated in #YourCouncilDay on Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday July 1st.

o Your Council Day will see all local authorities in Ireland, tweeting about the work that we do using the hashtags #YourCouncilDay and #DoLáSaChomhairle.

o The objective of Your Council Day is to increase awareness of the services we provide, increase engagement with the public, and show the human side of our services in a light and informative way.

o https://donegalcountycouncil.sharefile.eu/d- sd786d17211f4f998 (Short video used for #Your Council Day)

Project Targets for the next quarterly* reporting  Preparation of third transnational progress report and second period project claim for Sept –Oct 2020  Preparation for hosting the firth virtual Meeting of Trail Gazers Steering Committee on the 27th October, 2020

 Preparation for hosting the fourth Project Monitoring Committee on the 27th October

Contact Person Loretta Mc Nicholas (to include telephone Tel| 087 9029307 number & e-mail E | [email protected] address)

Extracts of Articles Published

1.4. Division: Economic Development – Strategic Funding Unit Project/Activity Report

Title Strategic Funding Unit – exploring EU and National Funding Opportunities that support the objectives set out in the Donegal County Council Corporate Plan 2020 – 2024 Outline of Work Strategic Funding Unit Strategy A new Strategic Funding Unit Strategy is being developed. The purpose is to agree on a clear roadmap for the work of the Strategic Funding Unit in relation to project development, sourcing funding, communication and building networks. The strategy will focus on a cross-directorate approach to funding.

Strategic Funding Webinar Donegal County Council Strategic Funding Unit is planning to host an internal webinar for staff who are interested in sourcing funding for projects. The webinar will include input from key funding experts such as NWRA and SEUPB. The webinar will also highlight the work of the Strategic Funding Unit. There will be information on future funding programmes due to be open in 2021. A date for the webinar will be confirmed in September.

Strategic Funding Unit Newsletter A new digital newsletter is being developed setting out information on current live projects, both EU and Nationally Funded projects, upcoming funding calls and information on webinars and training opportunities that may be of interest. The newsletter will be circulated by e-mail and available on the Intranet.

EURURAL Project: Rural Towns which make EuropeDonegal County Council is working with the Municipality of Aras de los Olmos (Spain) on the development of a project under the EU funding call Europe for Citizens. The project aims to foster democratic engagement and civic participation in rural areas and encouraging democratic participation of citizens at EU level and participation in the EU policy-making process. The funding application is due for submission on 1st September 2020. 4 member states will be participating. Outputs of this project focus on events, connecting rural areas with Europe. The events are planned for 2021 subject to public health guidelines.

Events will focus on understanding how the EU structures work and how they directly affect rural and peripheral regions, providing solutions to their problems, practical workshops and information sessions around a variety of topics including EU funding and project opportunities.

Networking & Partnerships The Strategic Funding Unit are working with a variety of networks to explore project development and funding opportunities.

Future International Events The Strategic Funding Unit is currently exploring opportunities of hosting key international events in Donegal and will keep members informed as opportunities materialise.

Other Funding Investigations The Strategic Funding Unit is investigating a number of funding opportunities in relation to themes around digital transformation including digital hubs, IoT, infrastructure, tourism innovation, sustainability, climate change and specific funding calls such as the Innovation Fund, NPA, Peace Plus, Atlantic Area Programme and Horizon 2020.

Contact Person Joy Harron (to include telephone Acting Staff Officer number & e-mail Mobile: +353 (87) 0619360 address) E-mail: [email protected]

2 Division: Local Enterprise Project / Activity Report Activity / Project Title The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) The Local Enterprise Office (LEO) as part of the Economic Development, IS & Emergency Services Directorate, is the “first stop shop” for anyone planning, starting or growing a small business in Donegal. The LEO plays a major role in offering expertise, know-how and financial support to local small businesses, enabling them to grow and thrive. Supports available can be categorised under 4 core pillars, notably Financial, Capability Development, Enterprise Promotion and Economic & Other initiatives. Outline of Work A range of COVID 19 supports in addition to the regular LEO supports are on offer and a summary of the supports and the uptake is detailed below.

Business Continuity Voucher

The Business Continuity Voucher was designed for businesses across every sector that employ up to 50 people. The voucher worth up to €2,500 in third party consultancy costs could be used by companies and sole traders to develop short-term and long-term strategies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Progress: 678 applications were received by Donegal LEO in the 8 week period to May 2020 with 574 applications approved to the value of €918,060. €243,530 has been paid out to date to 139 businesses across the County. This scheme is now closed to new applications.

Expert Mentoring Up to 12 hours of free online/telephone mentoring is available to any business seeking assistance in addressing COVID -19 issues including developing their cash flow projections, managing cashflow, drafting loan applications, HR advice, Risk Assessment, etc and developing short action plans to address the identified actions. Mentoring application forms are available to download here.

Progress: To date, 128 Mentoring applications have been received by the Local Enterprise Office of which 96 are COVID - 19 related.

Trading Online Voucher Scheme

The Trading Online Voucher (TOV) Scheme which has been updated from 8th April to offer more assistance for businesses looking to build an online presence has recorded significant demand. 90% Financial assistance up to €2500 is available to small businesses that have been trading for more than 6 months with less than 10 employees. Participation in the Trading Online Workshop is compulsory for approval for this scheme. The scheme has received further budget in the July stimulus package and additional vouchers are available which are monitored on a weekly basis.

Progress: 301 TOV applications have been received by the Local Enterprise Office in 2020 with 256 applications awarded almost €600,000 grant funding in line with the approved budget. Demand for the scheme remains high with significant bookings for the compulsory online training sessions. The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) has given instruction to continue to issue the vouchers with the budget under review on a weekly basis.

Microfinance Ireland Supports for COVID-19

The COVID 19 Business Loan from Microfinance Ireland (MFI) in association with the Local Enterprise Office is a government funded initiative to support small businesses through the current period of uncertainty and protect job creation/sustainment in Ireland. If any micro-enterprise is impacted or may be impacted negatively by COVID-19 resulting in a reduction of 15% or more in turnover or profit, AND they are having difficulty in accessing Bank finance, the MFI COVID- 19 Business Loan may be an alternative funding solution for them. Loans up to €50,000 are available with a reduced interest fee of 4.5% as opposed to 5.5% available, if the application is submitted via the Local Enterprise Office. Interest Free and Repayment Fee for 6 months is available. For more information, click here.

Progress: 15 applications have been approved to date. We have an additional 5 applications awaiting the scheme being reopened once the July stimulus legislation is put through in relation to additional funding being made available.

In addition, there is a COVID–19 Working Capital Loan available from SBCI. This is for eligible businesses impacted by COVID-19. Loans from €25,000 up to €1.5m will be available at reduced rates (max 4%), with up to the first €500,000 unsecured. Applications can be made through the SBCI website https://sbci.gov.ie/. Other Supports

Measure 1: Financial Supports

 Start Up/Business Expansion

For existing companies and potential start-ups that meet eligibility criteria (such as manufacturing/added value/ internationally traded services, employing 10 or fewer people with the potential for growth and job creation), the Local Enterprise Office offer three types of financial supports:

 Feasibility/Innovation Funding Up to 60% of the cost of undertaking a feasibility study on an innovative new product or service may be considered subject to a maximum of €20,000.

 Priming (Start Up) Grant Aid Our Priming Funding is designed to assist a micro-enterprise within the first 18 months of start-up. It covers 50% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum contribution of €80,000.

 Business Expansion Grant Our Business Expansion Funding is designed to assist a micro- enterprise that has been trading for over 18 months. It covers 50% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum contribution of €80,000.

Progress: In 2020, 15 Feasibility, Business Start Up and Expansion grants have been approved €300k funding creating a projected 49 jobs over the 3 year period.

The next meeting of the Evaluation Committee is scheduled for the end of September 2020, with 7 new applications under review.

Brexit Stimulus Package The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation has announced an additional budget allocation of €3m to the border LEOs in 2020 as a stimulus measure to mitigate any Brexit related slowdown. Six programmes supporting local businesses are at advanced planning with tendering completed or underway.

The programmes of support will include a Scaling Programme, a Green Energy Programme, a Retail Programme, an Export Programme, an Innovation Programme and a Scaling Programme.

Measure 2: Capability Development The Local Enterprise Office provides a broad suite of training, management development, mentoring and peer-learning programmes all aimed at increasing the capability of owner managers and their key internal staff. During COVID 19 many of these Programmes have moved online and are in huge demand.

These include: Profitnet Profitnet is a highly successful business development and support programme which has benefited 180 Donegal businesses to date. The programme runs for a period of up to 18 months and involves monthly group meetings with peer business owners, which are facilitated to ensure there is an exchange of innovative and creative business solutions. The Engineering Profitnet meeting has hosted 4 online meetings since the COVID -19 restrictions have been put in place. The formal Profitnet meeting was held on 26th August, with 14 Donegal Engineering businesses, there will be a further 2 new businesses joining the group. An application to advance the Engineering Cluster did not secure funding from Enterprise Ireland under the BEDF Fund.

Training Over 1874 people have attended a range of tailored training programmes in 2020 including online courses on Preparing for the Return to Work Post COVID 19-Key Considerations for Business, Start your Own Business, Preparing for Brexit, Getting your Business Online.

A further 230 people have registered to attend online training courses over the next month.

Gateway to Growth International Export Programme – Led by Derry City and Strabane District Council and Donegal County Council, the programme comprises of export workshops, one to one reviews and a North West Trade Mission financed by The Executive Office and the Irish Government.

The first programme concluded in February with a further 18 companies participating on the new online programme which commenced in May, this is now completed and the businesses will develop their export plan with the support of expert mentoring for review in September.

Technical Study for Marine Development Works at Killybegs Harbour- The Study has commenced with the contract awarded to ByrneLooby Ltd. The assignment is due for completion in October 2020.

3.0 Enterprise Promotion Under the Service Level Agreement between Enterprise Ireland on behalf of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, a key area of activity of the local Authority/Local Enterprise Office is the promotion of an enterprise culture and entrepreneurship within the county. Activities under this include:  Local Enterprise Week  Business Information Session  Student Enterprise Programme  Enterprise Awards

4.0 Economic & Other Initiatives

The LEO is engaged in a wide range of other initiatives, including;  The Food Coast – Donegal’s Good Food Initiative,  The Food Coast – Mark of Origin  The Creative Coast  Enterprise Europe Network  Donegal Diaspora  EU Programmes Contact Person Brenda Hegarty, Assistant Head of Enterprise Local Enterprise Office

[email protected]

LEO Donegal - Performance Metrics Jobs: Output 2019 Target 2020 Output 2020 (30 June ) LEO Client Portfolio 239 251 249 Total Portfolio Employment (All Jobs, both FT & 1,331 1,401 NA PT) (Year End) Net Jobs Increase (All Jobs created minus all Job 57 70 49 Losses) Measure 1( Grant Aid) Output 2019 Target Output 2020 2020

Number of Clients Approved Funding: 41 60 15 No. of projected potential new jobs associated 78 110 49 with Approvals (Priming & Business Expansion) Measure 2( Non grant supports) Output 2019 Target Output 2020 2020

Training/Development Programmes (All Training and Networking events) Total No. of All Programmes 69 60 59 (Training/Networking/Events/Seminars) Total No. of all Participants participating in 2,532 2,000 1714 above Programmes Mentoring: Total Number of individual mentoring – 106 140 77 (participants availing of one to one mentoring – one to one engagement by a Mentor with one client) Schools Entrepreneurship: Output 2019 Target 2020 Output 2020

Number of Schools Participating (Secondary 22 22 22 schools only engaged in school enterprise programmes) Number of Students Participating 1,261 1,200 1260 Trading On Line Vouchers: Output 2019 Target 2020 Output 2020 No. of Trading Online Vouchers approved 42 45 140 Business Continuity Vouchers No of Business Continuity Vouchers approved NA New 560 Programme Export Enterprise Development Programme Output 2019 Target 2020 Output 2020

No. of clients undertaking Export Enterprise 9 32 18 Development Programmes in Enterprise Ireland Enterprise Europe Network Output 2019 Target 2020 Output 2020

Number of Firms attending events 10 15 0 Number of Brokerage Events 2 2 0 Number of firms at brokerage events 240 200 0 Number of ASO and PA 4 10 0 Donegal Diaspora Output 2019 Target 2020 Output 2020

Events 7 5 0 Newsletter issues 2 4 2 Number of business enquiries generated 3 6 0 International Committee meetings 2 2 1

3 Division: Information Systems Project/Activity Report

Activity / Project Title Information Systems COVID-19 Response Activity / Project The Information Systems Department has implemented a range Description of services and solutions to deal with internal staffing and work rearrangements, and solutions for public information and communications. A range of planned key information systems have been implemented in parallel.

Budget (if applicable) Progress to date within 1. Substantial increase in the volume of structured and un- the last month-inclusive structured IS support tasks in the period January – of current status August 2020 over same period in 2019 due to Covid 19. 2. HQ, Regional Training Centre,

Letterkenny PSC, Central Library, LEO HQ, & Milford PSC connected to 1Gb Government Networks Infrastructure. 3. Setup of County Council WiFi networks offsite at John Bosco Centre, Aura Leisure Centre & Community School to facilitate Council & MD meetings. 4. Strategic deployment of IS Staff at PSC’s & HQ to manage network infrastructure, systems and data for critical services. 5. Secure ongoing remote working solutions for key staff in a range of departments to ensure that critical work can be processed in all COVID-19 eventualities. 6. Facilitating ongoing widespread segregation of staff members in buildings under social distancing guidelines. 7. Facilitating ongoing home working arrangements across a number of Departments. 8. Continual adaption of DCC website for public COVID-19 information 9. 377 online meetings on GoToMeeting with roll out of GoToMeeting functionality to 91 admin users in July/August. 10. Ongoing deployment of electronic return to Work COVID-19 forms & notices for Council staff in conjunction with HR as staff return to offices.

11. Implementing return to work protocols for staff returning “on to Network” from Working from Home, to ensure data and systems integrity. 12. Former Army Barracks campus in Lifford added to the Wide Area Network. 13. Network Rewiring of the Machinery Yard Complex completed. 14. New Palo Alto firewall cluster installed on our network to enhance our cyber security. 15. Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade project has progressed significantly.

Systems Programme

16. Support of COVID19 Restart Grant online system and backend electronic support system. 1568 applications via website to date. 857 applications for top-up, having received a payment in the first Restart Grant Scheme. Development of online system for Restart Grant + (phase II) scheme 264 new applications for Restart Grant + to date.

17. Ongoing development and support of major online and backend support systems to facilitate management of the Defective Block Scheme which opened on 29th June. 18. New car parking management system installed for management of parking function. E-Parking system app launched on 22nd June for on-street payment of parking charges. 4758 registered users since June on eParking App. 11,793 parking requests made.

Contact Person Daragh McDonough – Broadband Officer (to include telephone [email protected] number & e-mail address) 074 9172450

Project/Activity Report

Activity / Project Title WiFi4EU Activity / Project WiFi4EU is an EU sponsored initiative to create free public WiFi Description spaces within the Digital Single Market. Municipalities across Europe had the opportunity to apply for a max of 4 Vouchers. DCC were successful in winning 4 vouchers to the value of €60,000. The Department of Rural & Community Development will match fund each voucher +€60,000. DCC to invest additional €30,000 to create budget total of €150,000 or €30,000 per Municipal District. Propose to install 75 outdoor public WiFI access points throughout County Donegal to create centres of public connectivity. Budget (if applicable) €150,000 Progress to date within the last month-inclusive All businesses have been communicated with again and advised of current status that project is back up and running. Some have asked to withdraw from scheme.

Broadband lines ordered for Donegal MD

Project Targets for the next monthly reporting Process of identifying new replacement locations to bring each period MD up to complement of 15 WiFi Access Points (1 each in Letterkenny, Donegal & Glenties)

Continued batch ordering of Broadband lines. Rollout of WiFi equipment when Broadband lines installations confirmed.

Contact Person Daragh McDonough – Broadband Officer (to include telephone [email protected] number & e-mail address) 074 9172450

Project/Activity Report

Activity / Project Title NBP – National Broadband Plan Activity / Project The NBP was signed by Government in November 2019 and will Description deliver High Speed Broadband to all rural Premises as defined in the Amber areas of the National Broadband Plan Map. The NBP will invest €135m in fibre infrastructure in County Donegal over the 7 years of the rollout and will connect 32,130 premises. National Broadband Ireland (NBI) is the consortium which will deliver the network and the NBP contract is managed by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. Liaison with NBI is through the Broadband Officer in Donegal County Council and the Department of Rural and Community Development. Early implementation of the NBP in 2020 will see the rollout of Community Broadband Connection Points (BCP’s). These centres will act as locations where High Speed Broadband is available in a local community setting or strategic site until the NBP Fibre is implemented. During 2020 NBI will be carrying out route proofing and surveying in preparation for fibre rollouts commencing in 2021. Budget (if applicable) Progress to date within Communications Cabinets installed by Contracted Electricians at the last month-inclusive Comharchumann Oileáin Thoraí of current status Supporting LEADER applications at Leghowney and Ray

Community Centres for additional fit-out.

WiFi equipment installed at Amharclann Gaoth Dobhair, Ray Community Centre and Fort Dunree.

Pole Installation for wireless link in Glenveagh ordered by eNet

Ongoing advice to the public on broadband availability. Project Targets for the Wireless Backhaul to be installed on Tory Island next monthly reporting Line Of Sight confirmation survey required at MalinBeg period Continued rollout of WiFi equipment at BCP locations Testing of WiFi and configurations at each local site

Contact Person Daragh McDonough – Broadband Officer (to include telephone [email protected] number & e-mail address) 074 9172450 4 Division: Emergency Services 4.1 Fire Service

Number of: Activity Total for year (July)*

Fire Brigade incidents within County Donegal**: 48 502

Mobilisations (by Donegal Fire Service Brigades)**: 54 567

Mobilisations into Donegal (by NI Fire & Rescue 3 60 Service (NIFRS))**:

Fire Safety Certificate applications received 11 96

Fire Safety Certificates waiting to be assessed 4 N/A

Fire Safety Certificate applications assessed by Fire Officer and waiting for Further Information from 42 N/A Applicant / Agent.

Fire Safety Certificate decisions made 21 93

Applications for Dangerous Substance Licences received 0 9

Dangerous Substance Licences issued 0 2

Form of notice received under the Explosives Act, 1875 0 14

Inspections and Auditing carried out (Fire Services Act 1981 & 2003, Annual Licensing, DSA 1972, Explosive 4 35 Stores, Pyrotechnics, BCA 1992 & 2007)

Fire Safety Complaints received 3 9

Fire Safety Complaints dealt with 2 8

During Performance Inspections carried out 0 0

Fire Safety awareness presentations delivered 0 0

* Current data only available up to end of July 2020 ** Provisional Figures 4.2 Civil Defence Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response – Donegal Civil Defence

Resources: The availability of resources remains the same for Civil Defence; however, given that the number of COVID19 cases in Donegal has slowed in recent months, the demand on resources has reduced considerably for the month of August.

Volunteers Accumulative Total Task Total Manhours up to (All Garda vetted Monthly Deployment up Accumulative 31/08 and completed Deployment of to Manhours from TUSAL Child Vols. from 31 / 08 01/ 08 – 31/08 Protection 01/08 - 31/08 Training) 56 42 324 63 1864

Vehicles Used: Equipment (4WD Equipment (Van) Equipment Equipment (Minibus – Vehicles (Ambulance) Fitted with polycarbon screen to prevent spread of COVID ) 4 1 1 2


On 11th March, in light of the current COIVD 19 pandemic, all non-essential Civil Defence training was suspended in line with Government policy around social distancing. Training in specific areas has since recommenced, with Emergency First Aid Responder (EFR) training resuming on 20th August and a scheduled exam date of the 7th September for 7 volunteers. Refresher training has also commenced for First Aid Instructors, Drone Pilots and Auxiliary Fire Service personnel. Weekly volunteer training will commence on 7th September.


Donegal Civil Defence continues to provide the following services to the HSE and other agencies on a need basis;

1. Transportation of persons with suspect COVID 19 symptoms to the community assessment hub on Kilmacreanan Rd, Letterkenny – 2 transfers during the month of August. 2. Assisting GP’s with the transportation of suspect COVID 19 patients from primary care centre’s to the COVID Test Centre, using screened Minibus. – 1 transfer for the month of August.

3. Collection of medications from local pharmacies and deliver to 3 Multiple Sclerosis patients in their own homes. This service continues to be provided on a once a month basis, to 3 patients who live alone and have no transport and the option of use of public transport is not a reality.

4. Transportation of patients under the care of the National Council of the Blind (NBC) who are registered blind, to hospital appointments in Sligo University Hospital for eye appointments. During the month of August, this service has been provided to 5 patients from various locations in the county.

5. Transportation of 2 No. patients to hospital appointments in Galway University Hospital, for cancer care treatment.

6. Assisting the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) with the blood clinic at the St John Bosco Community Centre, Donegal Town, daily for the week of the 10th to 14th August, 2 clinics per day. This support included assisting the IBTS manage social distancing by meeting donors with their appointments and managing the flow going into the Clinic.

Going forward:

Whilst the COVID19 pandemic has slowed in recent months, recent days has shown a gradual increase in the number of cases in Donegal. In the event of an escalation of incidences, again, Civil Defence stands ready to review any requests aligned with our volunteer capacity and capability at that time. In the meantime, Civil Defence is making preparations for the return of weekly training for all our volunteers to include the enrolment of new members to the service.


Roads & Transportation Agenda

1. Follow up to Issues raised at last MD Meeting. Report has / will issue in advance of the MD Meeting to the Member that raised the query.

2. Road Works Programme – Progress Update.

3. Details of Funding Applications made during August 2020 under both the ‘Active Travel’ and ‘Climate Change Adaption’ Initiatives. Members will be briefed on successful Projects.

4. AOB

Progress Update at 28/08/20 R:\E - Meetings\E-1 Area Meetings\2019

RSS Gweedore

Programme Surface Dressing Road Number Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 1 : Preparation Work Complete R257-7 Knockfola 700 € 23,100.00 2 2: Project Substantially Complete L-1233 Main Brinalack Road 1400 € 28,350.00 2 3 : Other with comment L-5273-1 Glasagh 1000 € 15,750.00 2 L-5363-1 & L-53631 Lunniagh 1200 € 18,900.00 2 L-5583-2 Ranafast Road - Pollan Beag 800 € 12,600.00 2 L-5643-1 Ranafast Road - Nora Jimmys 300 € 4,725.00 2 L-5423-1 Carnboy Road, Carrickfinn 900 € 14,175.00 2 L-6073-1 Loughaugher 1200 € 18,900.00 2 L-5523-1 Ballymanus Road, Mullaghdoo Scotch 1000 € 15,750.00 2 L-5743-1 Belcruit 1400 € 21,594.50 2 L-5763-1 Belcruit - Dead End Road 600 € 9,450.00 1 L-5773-2 Meenbannad 1300 € 20,475.00 2 L-5923-1 Keadue Road 1500 € 23,625.00 2 € 227,394.50

Programme Restoration Improvement R257-5 Meenaclady - Dixons Pub towards Glasserachoo 600 €78,000 1 Contract - SMA (Round 1) 1 : Preparation Work Complete R-259-8 Keadew (Reg) - Continuation thru Kincasslagh Village 600 €78,000 1 Contract - SMA (Round 1) 2: Project Substantially Complete Glen/Corveen Road - Continuation towards Friels Bridge and onwards towards 700 L-1173-2 Lunniagh €70,000 2 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow L-5473-1 Knockastollar Road - From junction with Dore Road 800 €51,200 2 4: Other with comment L-1513-1 Glenahilt to Arlans / Cloughglass 900 €50,400 3

850 L-5593-1 Lough an Oran Road, Ranafast (Fr Dans Road lower) - Continuation of 2018 Works €51,000 3 L-1443-2 Main Meenbannad Road 800 €91,200 2 R-257-15 Derrybeg Straight - at Crannog 600 €97,500 1 Contract - SMA (Round 2) L-1373-1 Carrickataskin Road - Continuation of previous bitmac scheme 800 €44,800 2 L-1413-1 Main Ranafast Road 550 €80,856 2 L-11732 Derryconner Bog Road 1000 € 56,000.00 2 € 748,956.00

Programme Drainage Various General Drainage Upgrades - RI/RM Programme € 20,000.00 2 1 : Preparation Work Complete L-1613-2 Glen Road Support carriageway to prevent collapse € 15,000.00 2: Project Substantially Complete L-5313-1 Glassagh Lake Improve Road Crossing to prevent road flooding € 15,000.00 2 3 : Other with comment R259-9 Mullaghduff Remove Water ponding on Road & General drainage improvements € 13,870.00 2 € 63,870.00 Programme LIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 170444 Siobhain Mc Garvey Brinalack 280m € 15,120.00 2 1 : Preparation Work Complete 170763 Caroline Mc Ginty Mullaghduff 700m € 24,000.00 2: Project Substantially Complete 170600 Bridget Gallagher Drumnacart 130m € 7,800.00 2 3 : Other with comment € 46,920.00

Programme CIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment L-14432 Keadue 350 €17,150.00 1 1 : Preparation Work Complete L-5693-3 Old Road (STOBY) Meenaleck - Annagry 450 €23,625.00 2: Project Substantially Complete L-12131 Corveen Bog Road 700 €24,010.00 1 3 : Other with comment L-5413-1 Ardnagappery 380 €18,620.00 1 L-5673-2 Meenaleck, Derrynamancher 110 €9,800.00 € 93,205.00

Programme Footpath / Public Lighting 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment € 0.00

Programme OTHER LCA R257 Lunniagh Bend €20,000.00 2 Contract 1 : Preparation Work Complete Development Contribution Scheme Lunnaigh NS to Port Arthur Road - Footpath €73,595.00 2 2: Project Substantially Complete Irish Water Meenaleck to Rannafast €104,475.00 2 3 : Other with comment € 198,070.00

Total Works € 1,081,441.00 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow

Progress Update at 28/08/20 R:\E - Meetings\E-1 Area Meetings\2019

RSS Falcarragh

Programme Surface Dressing Road Number Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 1 : Preparation Work Complete R251-17 Back of Errigal Road 1500 € 57,750.00 1 Contract - SMA 2: Project Substantially Complete R256 Muckish Road 650 € 17,875.00 2 3 : Other with comment L-5223-3 Meenabol 800 € 12,600.00 2 L-5212-1 Magheraroarty Creelough 1000 € 15,750.00 2 L-5182-1 Faymore to Derryherrif Junction 1200 € 18,900.00 2 L-12722 Ballymore Lower 640 € 10,080.00 2 L-12724 Breaghy Road 500 € 7,814.50 2 L-3373-1 Corcreggan Mill 1000 € 18,000.00 2 L-5173-1 Errarorey East 700 € 11,025.00 2 L-5183-2 Moyra Glebe 700 € 11,025.00 2 L-11132 Tullaghabegley Irish 1000 € 13,500.00 2 L-5233-1 Cahelnagnor 900 € 14,175.00 2 L-5203-1 Fawnaboy West 1200 € 18,900.00 2 € 227,394.50

Programme Restoration Improvement R-251-14 Back of Errigal 800 €140,000 1 Contract - SMA (Round 1) 1 : Preparation Work Complete R-256 Muckish Road 800 €72,000 2 2: Project Substantially Complete L-1332-1 Owencarrow Road - Owencarrow Bridge to small bridge 950 €85,500 3 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow L-1262-3 Kilmacloo Road towards Glassan (Continuation of 2018 Works) 1000 €80,000 3 4: Other with comment L-10131 Ballyboes - N56 @ Errarorey Junction to Crossroads at Scoilt Road 450 €34,560 2 L-3263-2 Murroe Road - From N56 at Fawnmore toward Murroe National School 1000 €59,200 2 L-1123-1 Cashel / Baltony Road - From Bitmac at Community Centre towards 750 €60,000 2 L-1013-1 BallyboesBaltoney - Grotto road between 2 N56 Jcts 1100 €70,696 2 L-1272-1 Marblehill Road - From Shandon Entrance towards Faugher NS 900 €75,000 3 L-1093-1 Killult - N56 at Depot heading towards direction 1200 €72,000 2

€ 748,956.00 Programme Drainage Various General Drainage Upgrades - RI/RM Programme € 20,000.00 2 1 : Preparation Work Complete L-1282-5 McCarrys Rd Drainage improvement to remove water from road € 15,000.00 2 2: Project Substantially Complete L-16233 Number of road crossings required € 8,000.00 3 : Other with comment Casey Road Remove Water ponding on Road € 6,000.00 L-5203-2 Magherablade Road Crossing required & drainage improvements € 5,000.00 Various General Drainage Upgrades - Various Roads in Cashelnagor, Beltany etc € 9,870.00 € 63,870.00

Programme LIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 170297 William Sheridan,Drimeason 560 € 21,840.00 2 1 : Preparation Work Complete 170090 Michael Mc Hugh,Tullaghbegley 600 € 21,060.00 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment € 42,900.00

Programme CIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment L-10839 Devlin Road 650 €35,740.00 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment € 35,740.00

Programme Footpath / Public Lighting 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete € 0.00 3 : Other with comment

Programme OTHER 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment

€ 0.00

Total Works € 1,083,120.50 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow

Progress Update at 28/08/20 R:\E - Meetings\E-1 Area Meetings\2019

RSS Dungloe

Programme Surface Dressing Road Number Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 1 : Preparation Work Complete R252-20 Meenatoteen 2000 € 66,000.00 2 SD 2: Project Substantially Complete R252-12 Ballinamore 500 € 17,875.00 2 SD 3 : Other with comment L-6173-3/4 Falcorrib - Falmore 1500 € 20,250.00 2 SD L-1733-2 Lough Salt 1200 € 16,200.00 2 SD L-6313-1 Oughtmeen 700 € 9,450.00 2 SD L-6293-1 Brocagh Road 800 € 10,800.00 2 SD L-2063-1 Largelalarkin Road (Ballinamore) 450 € 7,087.50 2 SD L-1443-1 Leffin 800 € 18,000.00 2 SD L-6013-1/ L1533-1 Shore Road - Whitehouse 1100 € 29,700.00 2 SD L-14431-1 Leffin - Creche 1150 € 18,532.00 2 SD L-6333-1 Beal na Binne 1000 € 13,500.00 2 SD

€ 227,394.50

Programme Restoration Improvement R252-13 From Millwheel towards Fintown 600 €90,000 1 DCC Prep + Contract 1 : Preparation Work Complete R250-17 From Mill Wheel to Seamus Boyles 700 €113,750 1 DCC Prep + Contract 2: Project Substantially Complete L1743-1 Caravan Road from Main Street to Stone House 700 €122,500 0 DCC Prep + Contract 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow L6393-1 Farragans Road (Tony Cannons middle section) 900 €57,600 3 DS + DSD 4: Other with comment L1783-4 Doochary Derrylaconnell at Joe McHugh's 450 €45,000 2 DCC Prep + Contract L1733-2 Martin Duddy's Lough Salt 1025 €65,150 2 DCC Prep + Contract L1543-1 Fairhill to the Angle Road 280 €56,000 1 DCC Prep + Contract R252-18 Dungloe-Doochary-Owenmarve 1300 €198,956 1 DCC Prep + Contract

€ 748,956.00

Programme Drainage Various General Drainage Upgrades -RI/RM Programme € 20,000.00 2 1 : Preparation Work Complete R250 Drainage upgrades including crossing at Seamus O Baoill's € 18,900.00 2 2: Project Substantially Complete R259 Remove water ponding on road between Dungloe-Burtonport € 15,000.00 3 : Other with comment

R252 General Drainage Upgrades -Between Doochary and Fintown € 9,970.00 € 63,870.00 Programme LIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 170162 Peadar O Baoill, An Baile Ard, Fintown 500 € 31,000.00 1 Preperation completed 1 : Preparation Work Complete 180199 Anne Marie Wright, Fintown (Train Station Road) 160 € 10,000.00 1 Preperation completed 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment € 41,000.00 Programme CIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment

Programme Footpath / Public Lighting 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment

Programme OTHER 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment

Total Works € 1,081,220.50 Progress Update at 28/08/20 R:\E - Meetings\E-1 Area Meetings\2019

RSS Glenties

Programme Surface Dressing Road Number Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 1 : Preparation Work Complete R261-2-3 Beagh 900 € 29,700.00 2 Bitmac Section 2: Project Substantially Complete R252-12 Glen Road and Tievelough 2000 € 55,000.00 2 Bitmac Sections 3 : Other with comment L-2563-1 Tully Road 550 € 12,375.00 2 Bitmac Section L-2893-1-2 Glengesh 2000 € 36,000.00 2 Bitmac Section L-2843-4 Granny - Maghera 1500 € 23,625.00 2 Patching+SD L-2493-1 Summy 500 € 7,875.00 2 Patching+SD L-7553-1 & L-2563-1 Portnoo 850 € 21,194.50 2 Bitmac Section and local rd L-2463 Clooney 300 € 4,725.00 2 DS+SD L2863-1 Ardara - Donegal Road 200 € 5,400.00 2 Skid resistance on corner L2683-1 Alter Road 1000 € 15,750.00 2 Prep by Coillte +DSD L2593-1 Back Glen 200 € 3,150.00 2 Bitmac Sections L-8103 Derries 800 € 12,600.00 1 Bitmac completed, SD required

€ 227,394.50

Programme Restoration Improvement R253-13 Glen Road at the Old Graveyard to Lab diversion road 550 €68,420 2 DCC Prep + Contract 1 : Preparation Work Complete R261-7 Maas Clooney at Cashelgolan hill 700 €87,500 2 DCC Prep + Contract 2: Project Substantially Complete L2793 Gaelic Field Link Road Ardara 590 €59,000 2 DCC Prep + Contract 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow L1515-1 Carrickacleave Road 700 €96,250 2 DCC Prep + Contract 4: Other with comment L2563-2 Tullymore from 2018 work 600 €52,800 1 DCC Prep + Contract L7953-1 Glencowall Road from N56 790 €59,068 3 DS+SD L2573-1 Loughcrillan - towards Meenalargan 800 €56,320 2 DS+SD L6363-1 Derryloaghan towards Line road 790 €59,092 3 DS+SD + Coillte Addition 200m L7513-1 Dawros Point - towards the main road 800 €52,800 3 DS+SD R230-11 Glengesh at thatched cottage 700 €78,750 2 DCC Prep +Contract L2883-2 Owentesnagh towards border 785 €78,956 2 DCC Prep +Contract

€ 748,956.00

Programme Drainage Various General Drainage Upgrade - RI/RM Programme € 20,000.00 2 As above complete 1 : Preparation Work Complete L-2843 Laconnell - Maghera Support carriageway to prevent collapse € 7,870.00 2: Project Substantially Complete L-6373 Cleengort- Derryloaghan Drainage improvement to remove water from road € 10,000.00 3 : Other with comment L-2893 Glengesh Drainage improvement to remove water from road € 10,000.00 2 L2813 & L7863 LoughrosRemove water ponding on road € 8,000.00 L-2523 Gortnasillagh Road Crossing & Drainage Improvements € 8,000.00 1 € 63,870.00

Programme LIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 170712 Anthony Sweeney, Beagh, Ardara 600 € 37,145.00 1 Prep works complete 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment € 37,145.00

Programme CIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment L2773-1 Bog Road, Ardara 1100 € 49,280.00 1 Prep works ongoing by group 1 : Preparation Work Complete L2873-1 Magumna, Ardara 1100 € 49,280.00 1 Prep works ongoing by group 2: Project Substantially Complete L7743-1 Sandfield 1000 € 44,800.00 1 Prep works ongoing by group 3 : Other with comment € 143,360.00

Programme Footpath / Public Lighting 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete € 0.00 3 : Other with comment

Programme OTHER 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment

Total Works € 1,077,365.50 Progress Update at 28/08/20 R:\E - Meetings\E-1 Area Meetings\2019

RSS Glenties

Programme Surface Dressing Road Number Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 1 : Preparation Work Complete R261-2-3 Beagh 900 € 29,700.00 2 Bitmac Section 2: Project Substantially Complete R252-12 Glen Road and Tievelough 2000 € 55,000.00 2 Bitmac Sections 3 : Other with comment L-2563-1 Tully Road 550 € 12,375.00 2 Bitmac Section L-2893-1-2 Glengesh 2000 € 36,000.00 2 Bitmac Section L-2843-4 Granny - Maghera 1500 € 23,625.00 2 Patching+SD L-2493-1 Summy 500 € 7,875.00 2 Patching+SD L-7553-1 & L-2563-1 Portnoo 850 € 21,194.50 2 Bitmac Section and local rd L-2463 Clooney 300 € 4,725.00 2 DS+SD L2863-1 Ardara - Donegal Road 200 € 5,400.00 2 Skid resistance on corner L2683-1 Alter Road 1000 € 15,750.00 2 Prep by Coillte +DSD L2593-1 Back Glen 200 € 3,150.00 2 Bitmac Sections L-8103 Derries 800 € 12,600.00 1 Bitmac completed, SD required

€ 227,394.50

Programme Restoration Improvement R253-13 Glen Road at the Old Graveyard to Lab diversion road 550 €68,420 2 DCC Prep + Contract 1 : Preparation Work Complete R261-7 Maas Clooney at Cashelgolan hill 700 €87,500 2 DCC Prep + Contract 2: Project Substantially Complete L2793 Gaelic Field Link Road Ardara 590 €59,000 2 DCC Prep + Contract 3 : Bitmac laid,surface dressing to follow L1515-1 Carrickacleave Road 700 €96,250 2 DCC Prep + Contract 4: Other with comment L2563-2 Tullymore from 2018 work 600 €52,800 1 DCC Prep + Contract L7953-1 Glencowall Road from N56 790 €59,068 3 DS+SD L2573-1 Loughcrillan - towards Meenalargan 800 €56,320 2 DS+SD L6363-1 Derryloaghan towards Line road 790 €59,092 3 DS+SD + Coillte Addition 200m L7513-1 Dawros Point - towards the main road 800 €52,800 3 DS+SD R230-11 Glengesh at thatched cottage 700 €78,750 2 DCC Prep +Contract L2883-2 Owentesnagh towards border 785 €78,956 2 DCC Prep +Contract

€ 748,956.00

Programme Drainage Various General Drainage Upgrade - RI/RM Programme € 20,000.00 2 As above complete 1 : Preparation Work Complete L-2843 Laconnell - Maghera Support carriageway to prevent collapse € 7,870.00 2: Project Substantially Complete L-6373 Cleengort- Derryloaghan Drainage improvement to remove water from road € 10,000.00 3 : Other with comment L-2893 Glengesh Drainage improvement to remove water from road € 10,000.00 2 L2813 & L7863 LoughrosRemove water ponding on road € 8,000.00 L-2523 Gortnasillagh Road Crossing & Drainage Improvements € 8,000.00 1 € 63,870.00

Programme LIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment 170712 Anthony Sweeney, Beagh, Ardara 600 € 37,145.00 1 Prep works complete 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment € 37,145.00

Programme CIS Scheme Desription Length (m) Amount (€) Status Comment L2773-1 Bog Road, Ardara 1100 € 49,280.00 1 Prep works ongoing by group 1 : Preparation Work Complete L2873-1 Magumna, Ardara 1100 € 49,280.00 1 Prep works ongoing by group 2: Project Substantially Complete L7743-1 Sandfield 1000 € 44,800.00 1 Prep works ongoing by group 3 : Other with comment € 143,360.00

Programme Footpath / Public Lighting 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete € 0.00 3 : Other with comment

Programme OTHER 1 : Preparation Work Complete 2: Project Substantially Complete 3 : Other with comment

Total Works € 1,077,365.50 GMD Application List of Projects for Active Travel Measures

Road Decription of location of Details of Active Travel Schemes (Brief Description) - See Ref Cost 2020 Supporting information and comment (e.g. Describe how intervention will improve conditions for vulnerable road users) - See note 3 Number proposed scheme notes 2 and 3 The Dore Area is connected to Bunbeg within an extended 60km/h speed limit. The 4.2km section has extensive footpaths at either end 1 R257-13 Dore, Bunbeg Provision of new footpath between Dore and Bunbeg 112,500 however they do not link together as there is a 1km section approximately with no footpath facilities that separates them. This proposal is to construct an additional section of this footpath link that is shovel ready. Provision of renewed and widened footpaths including dishing The existing footpaths within Doochary Village are in very poor condition. The proposed works will renew substandard footpaths as 2 R252-16 Doochary Village 48,500 of footpaths at crossing points and junctions well as providing dishing of footpaths at junctions and crossing points. Provision of new footpath to link Gortahork Village to the Local There is currently no pedestrian link between the village of Gortahork and the Community Hall on the Baltoney Road. The new footpath 3 L-1123-1 Baltoney Road, Gortahork 43,750 Community Hall at Baltoney will remove pedestrians from walking on the carriageway to a designated pedestrian walkway. The provision of a new infill footpath and additional lining to It is proposed to complete an infill section of footpath for 160m to create a continuous walking route for pedestrians. In addition it is 4 L-1743-1 Caravan Road, Dungloe 44,250 create a 'Greyway' proposed to provide lining to create a 'greyway' further along the road. As you leave the village of Meenaleck there is a 700m long footpath along the . The footpath ends 175m from the village Provision of a new Footpath to link an existing footpath to of Crolly. As a result pedestrians must walk on the carriageway for the remainder of their journey. The proposed new infill footpath will 5 R259-12 Meenaleck to Crolly Road 49,500 Crolly Village connect these two villages and allow existing walkers a better experience . The completion of this link is also likely to attract additional Users. Improvements to existing footpaths including increased The existing footpath facilities on the Green House Road are haphazard and in a state of disrepair. The proposal is to carry out 6 L-2783-1 Green House Road, Ardara 53,000 widths, dished crossing points at junction and surface repairs substantial repairs and alterations to the existing. This Project will provide an appropriate pedestrian link to Ardara Town Centre. There are currently no pedestrian facilities at Clady Bridge and Pedestrians from the Dore / Knockastollar area must walk on the Design work in respect of the provision of a future pedestrian / carriageway to cross towards Bunbeg in conflict with motorised vehicles. Given the ecological sensitive habitat in the area, a feasibility 7 R257-13 Clady Footbridge, Bunbeg 32,000 cycle bridge study is the first step in determining the most suitable solution for the area and will advise on steps ahead to progress the project through planning and onto construction. Provision of additional width and coloured surfacing to There is an existing narrow 'greyway' to accommodate pedestrians walking from Bunbeg to the pier. The proposed scheme would 8 R258-2 Bunbeg Pier Road, Bunbeg improve a designated pedestrian walkway from Bunbeg to 18,825 maximise the width of the walkway as well as differentiate it from the carriageway to further highlight it to motorised traffic. Bunbeg Pier N/A Along the route of the old railway (i) provision of a new cycle track / footpath 440,000 Provision of new cycle track/footpath along the route of the old railway line between Cresslough and Falcarragh, through the line between Cresslough and a new 2.5-3.0m wide sealed surface cycle path / footpath of Carrownamaddy, Kildarragh, Ray, Moyra Glebe and Dunmore, all in Co Donegal. Project will be intergrated with current ongoing Falcarragh, in Co Donegal along the route of the old railway line, including sections of works by Donegal County Council to provide a pedestrian / cycle link between the towns of Cresslough and Falcarragh, allowing users safety fencing and vehicle access control at junction with local travel between the two towns with minimal use of the National Secondary Road (N56), which is mostly unsuitable for cycling/walking and private roads due to the alignment and carriageway width. €75,000 per km including all surfacing, fencing, drainage works and rest areas and €65,000 for replacement of steel bridge deck (ii) provision of cycle parking / resting areas incorporated into the path will be rest areas including seating 9 and cycle stands

(iii) pedestrian / cycle bridge rehabilitation works the replacement of a steel bridge deck (6-8m) and parapets/railings along the route of the old railway as part of the creation of the cycle track / footpath GMD Application :List of Projects for Climate Change Adaptation measures

Project Supporting information and comment Rank Road Brief Description of type of climate adaptation scheme Location of proposed scheme Cost 2020 (e.g. Why intervention required and risk of (list in Number required - Note 2 order of non-intervention) priority) 1 L-1213-1 Glen Corveen Road, Lunniagh, Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 204,750 The Glen Corveen Road gets flooded up to 10 - Derrybeg closure frequency 15 times a year and has to be closed to traffic. The proposed works will alter the level of the road and provide a bound road surface. Additional drainage works and cleaning of drainage channels will also be incorporated. Resolving the flooding issue will avoid a lengthy diversion route and ensure that the road surface will retain its desired life.

2 R230-12 Glengesh Road Remedial works to repair embankment slippage due to severe 91,000 During the recent severe weather events, an weather and protection measures to protect the road from further embankment slippage occurred creating an slippages unstable embankment and interfering with the Road stability. The proposed project will repair the existing 'slipped' emabankment,repair the damaged roadway, and provide embankment protection measures to prevent further slippages.

3 R251 - 12 & Back of Errigal Road Remedial works to primary arterial road which has been 176,000 The Back of Errigal is the primary route linking 13 significantly damaged by recent severe weather events West Donegal to Letterkenny. This route has experienced significant damage as a result of severe weather events over the last number of years. The proposed works involve drainage upgrades and a bound surface material being laid over the affected sections of the route. 4 L-3263-2 Murroe Road Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 52,500 This road floods a number of times each year. closure (with an extensive diversion route) frequency Access to the local National School is affected. As a result of the flooding the road surface has deteriorated significantly in recent times.The works will involve raising the level of the road at the flood prone area, repairs to the damaged road and localised drainage upgrade to prevent future flooding.

5 R253-13 Lab Road in Glenties Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 96,000 The Lab Road in Glenties floods on a regular closure (with an extensive diversion route) frequency basis and it is closed to traffic on a number of times each year due to excessive flooding. The diversion route is substantial. The works proposed will install additional crossings and raise the level of the road using a Bound Surface Material

6 L-11732-0 Derryconner Bog Road Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 22,000 This cul-de-sac road is regularly flooded as a closure (with an extensive diversion route) frequency result of heavy rain resulting in residents being unable to leave until the water recedes. The proposed schemes will raise the level of the road at the isolated location as well as incorporate a general cleaning of the watercourse downstream of the location.

7 L-1282-1 Kildarragh Road Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 72,500 The are 3 specific locations that have been closure (with an extensive diversion route) frequency damaged due to recent weather events including the high road temperatures experience in 2019. The proposed works will repair the road surface at these locations with a bound material.

8 L-15631-0 Meencorwick Road Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 36,000 The road surface on this minor local road has closure (with an extensive diversion route) frequency been severely damaged due to recent weather events. The Works will involve Drainage Upgrades and resurfacing of the 600 m deteriorated road surface. 9 L-5683-1 Derrynamansher Road Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road 21,000 The road surface on this minor local road has closure (with an extensive diversion route) frequency been severely damaged due to recent weather events. The works will involve resurfacing the affected 300m length of road with a bound material inclusive of drainage upgrades.




Municipal District:_All

Activity / Waste Presentation Bye-Laws Project Title Project Description/ All Local Authorities either have or are in the process of introducing bye-laws on how Activity households and commercial premises manage their waste. These bye-laws aim to protect the environment, supplement existing powers in relation to illegal dumping and backyard burning and give clear guidance to householders and businesses on how they should manage their waste. The bye-laws will assist with the segregation of waste in order to increase recycling and reduce waste going for landfill or incineration.

The Climate Action and Environment Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) (and the previously constituted Water, Environment and Emergency Services SPC) received presentations on, discussed and reviewed the proposed bye-laws at its meetings in January 2019, April 2019, February 2020 and July 2020. In order for the bye-laws to be formally adopted a process has to be followed which includes advertising in local papers, putting the draft bye-laws on public display and seeking observations from the Minister, the Gardaí and the public. A report on submissions would then be presented to Elected Members at a workshop for discussion prior to incorporation of amendments and consideration for adoption at Plenary Council. The process is shown in the flow chart below.

At the meeting of the Climate Action and Environment SPC in July the SPC agreed that the process for the adoption of the draft County of Donegal (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-laws, more commonly referred to as the Waste Presentation Bye-Laws, should be commenced. It is proposed to commence the consultation period on the bye-laws in October 2020 by advertising in local papers, putting the draft bye-laws on display and sending them to the Minister and relevant Gardaí.

A copy of the draft bye-laws is included in the attachments submitted for the MD meeting. Elected Members are invited to review same and submit observations prior to the draft text going forward for public consultation by emailing [email protected]. Submissions should be received by Friday 2nd October, 2020.

Contact Suzanne Bogan, Waste Awareness Officer Person [email protected]

Activity / Bulky Goods Two Week Promotion - A Success! Project Title Project Donegal County Council in association with Bryson Recycling held two Half Price Bulky Goods promotions Description/ at the Council's six Recycling Centres. Activity 1. 6th - 18th July at Carndonagh / Milford / Stranorlar Recycling Centres

2. 21st July - 1st August at Letterkenny / Laghey / Dungloe Recycling Centres

Bulky Goods such as mattresses, sofas, three piece suites, carpets etc. were all half price during this period.

535 Mattresses were collected over the period across all sites along with 41 tonnes of other bulky waste collected.

This initiative was funded by the Government of Ireland through the Anti-Dumping Initiative 2020.

Mattresses collected during the promotion at Letterkenny Recycling Centre

Furniture, three piece suites and other bulky waste collected at Letterkenny Recycling Centre during the promotion.

Contact Suzanne Bogan, Waste Awareness Officer Person [email protected]

Activity / Irish Farm Film Producers Group (IFFPG)- Donegal Bring Centres Project Title Project Description/ Activity

Donegal Locations: Fri 11th Sept - - Inishowen Co-op (9am - 5pm) Sat 12th Sept - Carndonagh - Inishowen Co-op (9am - 4pm) Tue 15th Sept - Newtowncunningham - Clonleigh Co-op (9am -5pm) Thurs 17th Sept - Milford Mart (9am - 5pm) Sat 19th Sept - & Stranorlar Mart (9am - 5pm Fri 25th Sept - Mart (9am - 5pm) Sat 26th Sept - Donegal Mart (9am - 5pm) Fri 2nd Oct - Mart (9am - 5pm).

The IFFPG advertise these collections and make direct contact with farmers. We will also share on our social media pages.

Contact IFFPG 1890 300 444 www.farmplastics.ie Person

Activity / MyWaste - National Upcycling Competition Project Title Project Description/ Activity

Donegal County Council encourage anyone to get involved in the National Upcycling Challenge 2020. In 2019, Killybegs Men's Shed win the Men's Shed category.

Other virtual events are being planned for National Reuse Month in October. Details of these will be shared when available.

Contact Suzanne Bogan, Waste Awareness Officer Person [email protected]

Online Community Workshops

Two successful online workshops funded under the Community Environment Action Fund took place in July.

 Irish Wildlife Trust - Bee Monitoring and Habitat Creation took place 1st July 2020.  ESD Training - A Climate Action workshops for Tidy Towns and Community groups took place on the 23rd July.

A second set of both these workshops are being currently arranged.

Contact: Suzanne Bogan, Waste Awareness Officer [email protected]


Activity / Glenties MD - Update Project Title

Project Description/ Glenties Flood Relief Scheme Activity RPS Consulting Engineers Ltd. have been appointed as consultant for engineering and environmental services on the design of the flood relief scheme (FRS) for Glenties.

The Inception Meeting for scheme took place in late July. The consultant has since undertaken a site visit with DCC and is currently reviewing existing data to inform data gathering requirements. Thereafter the Project Team will be engaging in field surveys and consultation in advance of detailed modelling of the river.

Upcoming action on the ground will see topographic and ecological surveys take place to establish baseline conditions.

A website for the scheme, countydonegalfrs.ie will be launched in the upcoming weeks.

Contact Shane McMonagle, Senior Executivee Engineer, CFRAM Unit Person [email protected]


Activity / Summer Beach Season Project Title

Project Description/ The schools are reopening and the summer beach season has come to an end. Nationally the visitor Activity numbers to the Irish coastline were extraordinary with many visitors coming to Donegal beaches for the first time. The weather was mixed but those visiting our beaches enjoyed themselves and will no doubt return. We can learn from the season’s experiences, review the coastal services and make improvements, where required, to cope with the surge in visitor numbers. This review will include car parking, public conveniences, beach access, waste management and camping.

Magherawarden Blue Flag Beach car parking, view South, August 8th, 2020.

Magherawarden Blue Flag Beach car parking, view north, August 8th, 2020.

Tullan Strand, , Car Park, August 2010.

Contact David Friel Person 087 7801596

Activity / Beach Lifeguards Project Title

Project Description/ The Beach lifeguarding service continues at weekends only until September 13th. The Lifeguards Activity provided a professional service in very challenging circumstances over the 2020 Bathing Season. Despite the increase in visitor numbers the lifeguards maintained our beaches to a very high standard without major accident or incident.

Killahoey Blue Flag Beach Car Park, August, 2020.

Contact David Friel Person 087 7801596

Activity / Stranding of Whales Project Title

Project Seven Northern Bottlenose Whales stranded near Murvagh beach in late August with all perishing. The Description/ Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) conducted post mortems on the animals but suspected it was Activity most likely due to the whales suffering acoustic trauma. A joint exercise involving DCC, IWDG and the National Parks and Wildlife Service arranged the collection of the carcasses and disposal to a licenced facility. The Gardai assisted on the day with crowd control and ensuring the required plant and machinery could access the beach through heavy traffic from holidaymakers. The multi-agency approach ensured the animals were removed efficiently and without incident.

DNA testing was conducted to determine if the seven animals were a family unit or were related to Northern Bottlenose Whales which also stranded recently at the Faroe Islands, Greenock Harbour, Scotland, and the Scheldt Estuary, The Netherlands. The IWDG hope to determine if the Donegal stranding is part of a much wider event involving these Northern Bottlenose Whales.

Northern Bottlenose Whales stranded near Murvagh.

Loading Northern Bottlenose Whale stranded near Murvagh for disposal.

Contact David Friel Person 087 7801596

Appendix I

Draft Waste Presentation Bye-laws

Title County of Donegal (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye- laws, 2020

Statutory Basis of the Bye-law Donegal County Council, pursuant to Section 35(1) of the Waste Management Act 1996 and Section 199(1) of the Local Government Act 2001 and in accordance with Part 19 of the Local Government Act 2001, hereby makes the following bye-laws:

Citation These bye-laws may be cited as the County of Donegal (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-laws, 2020

Date of Commencement These bye-laws shall enter into force on the XX of XX 2020. Or: These bye-laws shall enter into force on the XX, of XX 20XX, with the exception of bye-laws XXX and XXX which shall commence on XX of XX 20XX and bye-law XX which shall commence on the XX of XX 2020.

Geographical area of application These bye-laws shall apply to the functional area of Donegal County Council. Or: These bye-laws shall apply to the population centers within the functional area of Donegal County Council that are listed in Schedule YY and whose boundaries are shown on the maps in Schedule XX. Revocations These bye-laws repeal the XXX[full and correct title]bye-laws dated 20XX.

Scope of this Bye-law: Waste Types and Controlled Activities Unless the following bye-laws indicate to the contrary, these bye-laws apply to both household and commercial waste.

1. Interpretation and Definitions

In these bye-laws, these words and phrases have the following meanings:

“appropriate waste receptacle ” means a waste receptacle, designed for reuse and suitable for the collection of kerbside waste by an authorised waste collector

“authorised person” means a person authorised by Donegal County Council in accordance with Section 204 of the Local Government Act 2001 and the Waste Management Act 1996 or a member of an Garda Síochána;

“authorised waste collector” means a person authorised in accordance with Section 34 of the Waste Management Act, including any regulations made thereunder, for the collection of the type of waste being collected;

“authorised waste facility” means a waste recovery or disposal facility:

(a) which is authorised under the Waste Management Act, under the Environmental Protection Agency Act, under any regulations stemming from either of these Acts or under regulations made under the European Communities Act 1972 relating to the control of waste management activities; and

(b) where the authorisation of that facility permits the acceptance of the waste being referred to in the particular part of these bye-laws;

“bring facility” means an authorised waste facility comprising one or more purpose-built receptacles in which segregated recyclable household waste may be deposited by the public for the purposes of the recovery of that waste;

“commercial kerbside waste” shall mean commercial waste that is kerbside waste.

“commercial waste” means waste from premises used wholly or mainly for the purposes of a trade or business or for the purposes of sport, recreation, education or entertainment but does not include household, agricultural or industrial waste;

“designated waste collection day” shall mean the day or days of the week as may be fixed from time to time by an authorised waste collector for the collection of waste from household or commercial premises

“fixed payment notice” means a notice provided for by these bye-laws and by Section 206 of the Local Government Act 2001 which is issued to a person in respect of a contravention of these bye-laws and which, as an alternative to prosecution, requires that person to pay a specified fixed payment by a specified time;

“food waste” means waste food that is household waste or, as the case may be, commercial waste, and shall have the same meaning as that applying to Regulation 7 of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009 (SI 508 of 2009) or, as the case may be, to Regulation 6 of the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-Waste) Regulations 2015 (SI 430 of 2015);

Food Waste Regulations: see “national legislation on food waste”;

“holder” means the waste producer or the person who is in possession of the waste and “holder of commercial waste” and “holder of household waste” shall be interpreted accordingly;

“household kerbside waste” means household waste that is kerbside waste;

“household waste” means waste produced within the curtilage of a building or self-contained part of a building used for the purposes of living accommodation;

“kerbside waste” means that fraction of commercial or household waste presented for collection from a premises and which is to be collected by an authorised waste collector, with the exception of wastewater, construction and demolition waste and bulky waste more suitable for collection in a skip or other such receptacle (including heavy waste such as waste furniture, carpets and rubble), as well as hazardous waste and other streams of household or commercial waste which are required to be collected in another appropriate manner, such as waste electrical and electronic equipment and waste batteries;

“national legislation on food waste” means the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009 (SI 508 of 2009) and the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-Waste) Regulations 2015 (SI 430 of 2015);

"occupier" includes, in relation to any premises, the owner, a lessee, any person entitled to occupy the premises and any other person having, for the time being, control of the premises;

“person” shall, for the purposes of these bye-laws, include an individual, company (whether limited, incorporated or not), partnership, co-operative or other similar body within the meaning of the definition contained in the Interpretation Act 2005;

“recyclable household kerbside waste” means the fraction of household kerbside waste that comprises recyclable household waste and which includes the materials set out in Schedule 192;

“residual household kerbside waste” means the fraction of household kerbside waste remaining after that waste has been separated from the fractions of:

(a) recyclable household kerbside waste, (b) food waste where food waste is required to be segregated under the national legislation on food waste or by these bye-laws, and (c) if subject to separate collection by an authorised waste collector, biodegradable garden waste.

Unless the contrary is indicated, for the avoidance of doubt and in accordance with Section 19 of the Interpretation Act 2005, the definitions in the Waste Management Act 1996 apply to these bye-laws, including to the following terms:

“facility”, “disposal”, “hazardous waste”, ”premises”, “recovery”, “recycling”, ”separate collection”, “waste”, “waste producer”.

Where it is necessary, the Interpretation Act 2005 shall apply in construing any provision of these bye- laws.

2. Obligation to Participate in a Waste Collection Service

“(a) Subject to paragraph (b ), kerbside waste that arises from the premises where such waste is produced shall not be presented to any person other than to an authorised waste collector. (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply where such waste: (i) is deposited in an appropriate waste receptacle provided under a contract by an authorised waste collector to another person for the management of that waste and where that other person has consented to the receipt of that waste, or (ii) is delivered directly by the holder to an authorised waste facility, or (iii) where there is a formal agreement in place to bin share (refer to bin sharing form) . (c) Where an occupier of a dwelling is not participating in a household kerbside waste collection service, that person shall ensure that their: (i) recyclable household kerbside waste is segregated in compliance with bye-law XX and taken to an authorised waste facility and is deposited there in a manner that allows it to be recycled or otherwise recovered, (ii) residual household kerbside waste is segregated in compliance with bye-law XX and is taken to an authorised waste facility, (iii) food waste is segregated (in areas where your authorised waste collector is providing a segregated food waste collection service) in compliance with bye-law xxx and taken to an authorised waste facility, and (iv) documentation, including receipts, is obtained and retained for a period of no less than one year to provide proof that any waste removed from the premises has been managed in a manner that conforms to these bye- laws, to the Waste Management Act and, where such legislation is applicable to that person, to the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-Waste) Regulations 2015. This documentation or copies of it shall be shall be presented to an authorised person within a time period specified by the authorised person -.

3. Maintenance and Management of Waste Receptacles

Receptacles used for the presentation of kerbside waste shall be maintained in such condition and state of repair that the waste placed therein will not be a source of nuisance or litter. Waste shall not be presented in a receptacle where: (a) the wheels or lid have been removed or damaged to such an extent that it is not able to contain the waste without spillage, is otherwise unfit for the purpose for which it was designed or is not capable of being conveniently emptied.

4. Location for receptacle storage

Other than on the day before and the designated waste collection day, receptacles used for the presentation of kerbside waste shall be held within the curtilage of the premises where the waste is produced. They shall not be stored on a roadway, footway, footpath or any other public place unless the location has been expressly authorised in writing by an authorised person.

5. Use of Waste Receptacles on Collection Day

(a) Subject to paragraph (b), kerbside waste shall only be presented for collection in an appropriate waste receptacle. The receptacle shall not be over-loaded and the lid shall be securely closed. No waste shall be presented on the top of the lid or adjacent to the waste receptacle.

6. Collection Times and Receptacle Removal Kerbside waste presented for collection shall not be presented for collection in a public place at a time which is neither a designated waste collection day or before 18:00 on the evening before a designated waste collection day. All receptacles used for the presentation of kerbside waste and any uncollected waste shall be removed from any roadway, footway, footpath or any other public place no later than 10:00am on the day following the designated waste collection day, unless an alternative arrangement has been approved in accordance with bye-law XX [see above].

7. Prohibited Waste Types

Household waste that comprises hazardous waste or waste electrical and electronic equipment shall not be placed in an appropriate waste receptacle for kerbside collection.

8. Segregation of Household Waste and Contamination Prevention

(a) Household kerbside waste shall be segregated into residual household kerbside waste and recyclable household kerbside waste, with these fractions being stored separately.

(b) Neither recyclable household kerbside waste nor food waste shall be contaminated with any other type of waste before or after it has been segregated.

Note: while the remainder of this paragraph does not form part of these bye-laws, there are separate legal requirements mandating householders to segregate food waste and to keep it separate. These are contained in the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio- Waste) Regulations 2015. Food waste also may be subject to home composting or be delivered to an authorised waste facility.

(c)where a dwelling is situated within an area where a waste collector is providing a segregated food waste collection service household kerbside waste shall be segregated into residual household kerbside waste, recyclable household kerbside waste and food waste, with these fractions being stored separately.

(d) Separated waste shall not be deposited into a receptacle which is not designated for that waste type.

9. Landlord obligations

Landlords renting properties shall ensure tenants are made aware of and manage their waste in accordance with the requirements of these bye-laws

10. Provisions affecting Multi-user Buildings, Apartment Blocks, etc

A management company, or an other person if there is no such company, who exercises control and supervision of residential and/or commercial activities in multi-unit developments, mixed-use developments, flats or apartment blocks, combined living/working spaces or other similar complexes shall ensure that: (i) separate receptacles of adequate size and number are provided for the proper segregation, storage and collection of recyclable household kerbside waste and residual household kerbside waste (ii) additional receptacles are provided for the segregation, storage and collection of food waste in areas where there is food waste collection service provided by your waste collector, (iii) the receptacles referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) are located both within any individual apartment and at the place where waste is stored prior to its collection, (iv) any place where waste is to be stored prior to collection is secure, accessible at all times by tenants and other occupiers and is not accessible by any other person other than an authorised waste collector, (v) written information is provided to each tenant or other occupier about the arrangements for waste separation, segregation, storage and presentation prior to collection, (vi) an authorised waste collector is engaged to service the receptacles referred to in

this section of these bye-laws, with documentary evidence, such as receipts, statements or other proof of payment, demonstrating the existence of this engagement being retained for a period of no less than two years. This documentation or copies of it shall be shall be presented to an authorised person within a time period specified by the authorised person -. (vii) receptacles for kerbside waste are presented for collection on the designated waste collection day, (viii) adequate access and egress onto and from the premises by waste collection vehicles is maintained.

11. Interference with Orderly Waste Collection

(i) Employees of an authorised waste collector or of Donegal County Council involved in the removal of waste shall not be wilfully obstructed, disturbed, interrupted or otherwise interfered with in the course of their engagement in waste collection. (ii) Unless the following activities have been subject to approval by the authorised waste collector responsible for the receptacle, a microchip attached to an appropriate waste receptacle or any non-time expired identification mark, badge, label, tag, disc or other thing attached to that receptacle or to a refuse bag or to another receptacle shall not be removed, damaged, destroyed, tampered with or otherwise rendered inoperative. (iii) Waste stored or presented for the purposes of collection shall not be: (i) supplemented by waste added by another person unless that person has been authorised to do so by the person storing or, as the case may be, presenting the receptacle of waste for collection (ii) otherwise interfered with by another person. (iv) Waste shall not be deposited into a waste collection vehicle by any person other than by an employee of an authorised waste collector or a local authority

12. Additional Provisions for Commercial Waste Commercial waste shall not be deposited at any bring facility provided by or on behalf of Donegal County Council. The use of the network of Bring Bank / Bring Facility network for the disposal / recycling of glass and cans arising from commercial or business activity is not permitted under these bye-laws.

13. Burning No person shall burn waste (whether by backyard burning, ranges, stoves, incinerators or open fires). Note: Exemptions for the burning of agricultural land clearance waste can be granted by the Council providing the activity is pre-notified to the Council and carried out in accordance with the Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations 2009.

14. Enforcement Provisions/Fixed Payment Notices.

(i) Subject to paragraph (b), a person found guilty of the contravention of these bye-laws shall be liable to the penalty of no more than €2,500. (ii) Paragraph (a) shall not apply where a fixed payment notice has been issued in accordance with the Local Government Act 2001 (Bye-Laws) Regulations and where a full payment has been made by the person subject to that notice. (iii) Where the contravention of any provision of these bye-laws continues after a person has been subject to the fine referred to in paragraph (a), a person found guilty of an offence relating to this continued contravention shall be liable to a penalty of no more than €500 per day for each day the contravention continues after that conviction. (iv) A fixed payment notice may be issued requiring a person found to have contravened or be contravening these bye-laws to make a payment of €75]. Payment of this notice shall be made within 21 days of the date of the notice in order to avoid the person subject to this notice being prosecuted for the contravention of these bye-laws. SCHEDULE 1. Recyclable Kerbside Waste

Paper Aluminium Cans Plastic Bottles (PET 1) Newspapers Drink cans Mineral bottles Magazines Soda & beer cans Water bottles Junk mail Mouthwash bottles Envelopes Steel cans Salad dressing bottles Paper Pet food cans Phone books Food cans Plastic Bottles (HDPE2) Catalogues Biscuit tins Milk bottles Tissue boxes Soup tins Juice bottles Sugar bags Cosmetic bottles Calendars Cardboard Shampoo bottles Diaries Food boxes Household cleaning bottles Letters Cereal boxes Laundry detergent bottles Computer paper Kitchen towel tubes Window cleaning bottles Used beverage & juice cartons Parcel boxes Bathroom bottles Milk cartons Egg boxes Plastic Pots, Trays & Tubs Holiday brochures Yogurt pots Paper potato bags Margarine tubs Rigid food trays Liquid soap containers Fruit trays/cartons

Community & Planning Directorate Community Development Division

Municipal District of Glenties 8 September 2020 ______

Community Development Division ______


1. Report on recent activity in the Community Development Division

1.1 YOURS Project

1.2 Rural Development Programme/LEADER

Activity / Project Title YOURS Project – Youth & Old, Understanding, Remembering & Sharing.

Project Intergenerational Project - PEACE IV Description/Activity

Budget €150,000

Progress to date within Arts & Cultural –Intergenerational Dancing – complete. the last two months/quarter* - inclusive of current Addressing Stereotypes – ‘Walk and Ponder’ – complete. status Bridging the Generation Gap - Male Active Programme - ‘Pass it on’ – complete. A finale to the activity was via zoom. This was facilitated by Bill Vaughan, Mental Health Ireland. Both young and

older participants shared their views in this session. As the group were unable to carry out the physical activity session, everyone received a fitness tracker as encouragement to exercise and as a memento of the Project. Positive feedback received from all participants. It is proposed that this group will be sustained through * Delete irrelevant reporting period the Donegal Sports Partnership and Get Ireland Walking Initiative.

Personal Skills – Past and Present – The Craft Group outing/celebration took place in Oakfield Park Raphoe on 21st July, 2020. Participants enjoyed a guided tour of the grounds, train ride and some afternoon lunch. As participants were unable to proceed with the planned flower arranging class, each individual was presented with a little handmade wooden plaque with a ‘craft’ quote inscribed. This was a very fun class and opportunity to get to know the backgrounds of all age groups and their general thoughts and views on the future ahead, whilst reminiscing on the past.

Wellbeing & Physical Activity – ‘Generations United’ – Social Soccer – facilitated by Donegal Sports Partnership. 8 week programme planned covering, health and well being, history, nutrition and physical activity. Engagement with minority groups within the respective areas. Suitable for all fitness levels, targeting retired footballs (or those with an interest in the sport) and the youth. Theme has been postponed owning to public health guidance.

Shared Past Local History – It is proposed that this activity will be delivered online in the autumn 2020.


All activities on the YOURS project can be seen on the FB page @YOURSintergenerational.

Contact Person Sharleen Tinney (to include telephone Project Co-ordinator number & e-mail [email protected] / 0870574901 address)

This project is supported by the EU’s Peace IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)

Activity / Project Title Rural Development Programme/LEADER

Activity / Project Donegal Local Community and Development Committee are Description the Local Action Group for County Donegal, with responsibility

for the LEADER/Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Budget €12,913,873 Note: Project costs €9,685,406, administration and animation costs €3,228,467 Progress to date within the There are 4 Implementing Partners within the county; Donegal last two months-inclusive of Local Development Company (DLDC), Inishowen Development current status Partnership (IDP), Údarás Na Gaeltachta and Comhar na nOileán, who are rolling out the LEADER programme on behalf of the LAG (Local Action Group). 195 projects in Donegal are

now approved by Pobal and Letters of Offer have issued/are pending granting LEADER funding to a value of just over €8.515m. Donegal has the highest approved project spend nationally for the LEADER programme to date. Project Targets for the next The next LCDC/LAG meeting will be held on 15th September bi-monthly reporting period 2020, with further projects coming forward for approval.

Monthly Evaluation Committee meetings are also being held in order to progress projects to LCDC/LAG stage and the development companies continue to engage with promoters on the ground to develop and assess potential applications and to

promote the LEADER programme. Contact Person Seamus Canning 074 9172597 [email protected]

Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

Glenties MD Meeting 8th September 2020

Item Update 1 Development Applications (1) Statistics County Totals Year to End July 2020:

Applications received 194 Granted 109 Refused 13 Deferred 55 Decided in under 2 months 80 Invalid 43

Applications to end July 2020

14 45 Invalid 70 43 36

60 86 Decisions < 56 days 79 80 Stranorlar 97 Letterkenny 30 97 Deferred 99 Inishowen 55 37 Glenties 3 11 Donegal Refused 13 13 15

97 156 Granted 193 109 151

121 261 Apps Recd 277 194 193

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

2 Enforcement Glenties MD July New Cases 6 Closed Cases 0 Outstanding cases on record 184 since 2012

Please note pre planning clinics during the Corvid-19 3 Notes & restrictions are on a telephone call only basis between Monthly 09.30am and 12.30pm on the dates outlined below. Schedule Planning Clinics:  9th September  23rd September

Please see website for further dates. http://www.donegalcoco.ie/services/planning/planningclinics/ 4 Regeneration See Appendix A Report 5 Central Planning Unit (1) At the July, 2020 MD meeting and the MD Workshop of 1st Letterkenny July, 2020, Members were updated on a number of ongoing Plan areas of work including:

1. The preparation of a Local Transport Plan for Letterkenny and how this work would inform and dovetail with the Letterkenny Plan. 2. Flood risk in parts of the town centre in the context of the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment being prepared in support of the Plan. 3. Residential land supply. 4. Economic Development Appraisal work (in consultation with Director of Economic Development and IDA). 5. TEN-T Detailed Design. 6. Regeneration Strategy Masterplan. 7. Network Development Plan (Irish Water)

It is proposed to resume the MD workshop programme in early October and Members are now requested to agree a date for the next workshop to enable updates on the above areas and further consultation on the project.

(2) Buncrana Buncrana Strategic Study ICLRD (The International Centre for Local and Regional Development), commenced their work in January 2020 on the preparation of a comprehensive strategic study on the future Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

direction and economic positioning of the town of Buncrana. – A study of the geospatial, economic and social development potential of Buncrana as a town located within the wider North West City Region.

A draft of the Study was received from the consultants in June, 2020. An informative MD workshop on the main findings and recommendations of the Study was held on Tuesday 7th July, 2020 and the final report is due by the end of the summer. The study will then be circulated to interested parties and officially launched on the Councils Website. Members will be notified of this in the coming weeks.

Draft Local Area Plan for Buncrana The preliminary work on the Draft Buncrana Local area Plan is anticipated to be hugely assisted and informed by the findings of this Strategic report and it is hoped that preparation work will proceed directly to pre-draft stage in 2021.

(3) County Statutory Two-Year Review Development The statutorily-required Chief Executive’s ‘2-year’ report on Plan 2018- ‘the progress achieved in securing the objectives’ of the 2024 (CDP County Development Plan, as per Section 15 of the Planning 2018-2024) and Development Act, 2000 (As Amended) was submitted to, and considered by, Members at the July Plenary Council meeting.

Policy Interpretation and Implementation: Plenary Workshops At the request of Members, a Plenary Workshop was held on Wednesday 8th July, 2020 in order to discuss a number of areas of concern to them around CDP policy interpretation and implementation. A further Plenary Workshop is scheduled for 14th September, 2020.

Chief Executive’s Report on Foot of Adoption of Northern and Western Regional Assembly’s Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy, and Proposed Variation A report was submitted to the July Plenary Council meeting noting that the Council was obligated through Section 11(1)(b)(iii) of the Planning and Development Act to instigate a variation to the Plan to ensure statutory alignment with the RSES, notwithstanding the high degree of alignment that already exists, particularly with regard to the provisions of the CDP Core Strategy. On foot of Members’ approval at the aforementioned meeting, the review will commence from September with the aim of Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

engaging with Members regularly and subsequently presenting a Proposed Variation before the end of 2020 for Members’ approval to publish for public consultation shortly thereafter.

Proposed Variation re TEN-T Priority Roads Project An update report will be included with the agenda for the Plenary Council meeting at the end of September, 2020.

Wind Energy Policy and Proposed Variation Preliminary work has commenced on a Proposed Variation to address the policy lacuna arising from the outcome of the Judicial Review of late 2018. Whilst this work can be progressed to a certain extent over the next couple of months, decisions on when to move to publish a Proposed Variation for public consultation will depend to a large degree on when finalised Wind Energy Guidelines are published by the Department on foot of the Draft Guidelines published in December, 2019.

6 Further • Weekly List of applications and decisions: Information http://www.donegalcoco.ie/services/planning/weeklyplannin Click on web glists/ links to • Planning service email (to be used in correspondence with access the planning service): [email protected] information. • Planning Webpage: www.donegalcoco.ie/services/planning/ • Planning Application Online Query – planning reference number required: www.donegalcdb.ie/eplan/internetenquiry/rpt_querybysurfor recloc.asp • File Retrieval Form – to be used for file retrieval and when requesting planning searches: www.donegalcoco.ie/media/donegalcountyc/planning/pdfs/fil eretrieval/File%20Retrieval.pdf

Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

Appendix A

Regeneration & Development Team Community Development & Planning Services

September (2020) Report to Elected Members

1.0 Rural Regeneration and Development fund (RRDF)


1.1.1 Killybegs 2040 – A Town Centre Regeneration Project

This project continues to progress in accordance with the Funding Approval Process set out by the Department of Rural & Community Development (DRCD).

A detailed Project Brief and Procurement Strategy was submitted to the DRCD on 26th June 2020. Approval from the DRCD was received on 30th June 2020 and the project was approved to proceed to tender.

Tenders are now being sought for Architect Led Design Team services to deliver regeneration project ‘Killybegs 2040’ through the stages of detailed design and construction supervision to final certification and handover. Tender documents were uploaded to eTenders on 27th July 2020 and are available on https://www.etenders.gov.ie/. The closing date for receipt of tenders is 31st August 2020.

The next steps in the process are as follows:

1. Evaluation of the tenders received (after 31st August). 2. The submission of a Tender Report to the DRCD for consideration (a report on the tender process, assessment and evaluation of tenders and a recommendation to appoint the successful tender), and 3. On receipt of DRCD approval the appointment of the Design Team and Contractor and the formal launch and commencement of the project. Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 8th September 2020.

1.1.2 Burtonport and Aranmore Island – Harbour to Island Regeneration

This project continues to progress in accordance with the Funding Approval Process set out by the Department of Rural & Community Development (DRCD).

A detailed Project Brief and Procurement Strategy was submitted to the DRCD on 15th June 2020. Approval from the DRCD was received on 19th June 2020 and the project was approved to proceed to tender.

A tender report for the appointment of an Asbestos Consultant to carry out a Refurbishment, Demolition & Asbestos Survey (RDAS) of the relevant buildings in Burtonport has been prepared. Detailed design is also currently completing. Otherwise the CPO process is presently pending confirmation from An Bord Pleanala of the arrangement for Oral Hearing in accordance with the Covid-19 Regulations, guidelines and protocols.

In respect of the Aranmore Island Shore Front Amenity, arrangements are being made for the early eradication, treatment and management of pockets of an invasive species which have been identified within the site. This work is informed both by a Natura Impact Statement and a Site Specific Invasive Species Management Plan. Otherwise Detailed Design and contract documents are presently completing after which tenders will be sought for both an Architect Led Supervision Team and a Contractor.

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 11th September 2020.


1.2.1 Back to Ballyshannon – A transformational project to re-energise, re-imagine and sustain the social, cultural, historical, physical and economic fabric of Ballyshannon’s historic town centre. Value: €247,500. (RRDF funding approved €185,625)

This project was submitted to the DRCD on 28th February 2020 and was one of the successful Category 2 projects announced by Minister Michael Ring TD On 25th June 2020.

Verification of the project milestones and timelines was submitted to the DRCD on 10th July 2020. An ‘Offer of Approval in Principle’ was formally received on 30th July 2020 setting out the Funding Approval Process and the terms and conditions of the offer. On the 5th August the Funding Offer was accepted and signed by the Team and returned to the DRCD. Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

Planning Services Report

The Category 2 project is now entering the ‘project development’ stage. Early feasibility work has commenced in respect of potential end project user(s) in advance of acquisition discussions and preparations are underway to procure archaeological and built heritage consultation services.

A detailed update will be provided to Members at the scheduled workshop on the morning of 8th September next.

1.2.2 Historic Town Centre – A Restorative & Transformational Public Realm Scheme. Value: €249,159 (RRDF funding approved €186,869)

This project was submitted to the DRCD on 28th February 2020 and was one of the successful Category 2 projects announced by Minister Michael Ring TD On 25th June 2020.

Verification of the project milestones and timelines was submitted to the DRCD on 10th July 2020. An ‘Offer of Approval in Principle’ was formally received on 30th July 2020 setting out the Funding Approval Process and the terms and conditions of the offer. On the 5th August the Funding Agreement was accepted and signed by the Team and returned to the DRCD.

The Category 2 project is now entering the ‘project development’ stage. A detailed Project Brief and Procurement Strategy is presently being prepared for submission to the DRCD. On receipt of approval the Team will open a tender process for fully integrated Architect Led Detailed Design & Supervision Services to bring this project through public consultation, part 8 planning and detailed design to a contract ready capital project.

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 15th September 2020.


On the 19th June 2020 Minister Michael Ring TD announced the third call for Category 1 applications under the RRDF. This call relates to capital projects that have planning in place and are ready to commence at the closing date of application. This call seeks to support large-scale ambitious projects which deliver on the objectives of the Fund, have a minimum funding request of €500,000, are led by State Funded Bodies but are based on collaboration particularly with communities.

The closing date for applications to this call is 12noon Tuesday 1st December.

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At the July Plenary meeting of the Council it was agreed by Members that the Regeneration Team would begin the process of developing future Category 1 regeneration projects in the following Tier 2 settlements: Ballybofey & Stranorlar, Ballyshannon, Burtonport, Carndonagh, and . The Team committed to bringing an update on project development work to Members at the September round of Municipal District Meetings and/or the September Plenary Meeting of the Council.

1.3.1. Ballybofey & Stranorlar

The ‘SEED’ project – A sustainable, green regeneration project to Strengthen, Engage, Enable and Deliver transformational change in Ballybofey-Stranorlar.

This project was unsuccessful as a Category 2 application to the RRDF in February 2020 of this year. In July it was confirmed to Members that notwithstanding this set back, the Team remained committed to the Regeneration of the twin towns and the continued progression of the ‘SEED’ regeneration project in the towns as an important part of our regeneration work programme, which includes the delivery of a Regeneration Strategy for the twin towns.

As was agreed in July the Team undertook to procure consultants to progress the preparation of the Regeneration Strategy. The procurement process has now closed and Pasparakis Friel Architects have been appointed. Work will commence immediately in relation to consultation, profiling and surveying due to the tight timeframe set down for delivery of a draft strategy and alignment with the scheduled submission of a Category 1 application to the RRDF for the ‘SEED’ project by the 1st December 2020 deadline.

Design work is presently being developed in-house to prepare a PART VIII planning scheme for the ‘SEED’ project which will include for the re- purposing of a town centre heritage building, creation of a civic space and provision of replacement car parking and to ensure that the ‘SEED’ project has been progressed to shovel ready status by the 1st December 2020 deadline. Public consultation is also being planned in advance of publication of the Part VIII planning scheme.

Arrangements are currently being made to arrange a workshop with the Elected Members at which a full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided.

1.3.2 Ballyshannon

Back to Ballyshannon – A transformational project to re-energise, re-imagine and sustain the social, cultural, historical, physical and economic fabric of Ballyshannon’s historic town centre.

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The work of progressing the ‘Back To Ballyshannon’ project towards ‘shovel ready’ status as a capital project has commenced, enabled by the Category 2 funding for project development announced in June. The Team has identified that a feasibility study of end users, acquisition, archaeological assessment, compliance with Fire Regulations and Disability Access requirements are all works elements which require further procurement, investigation and progress before a Part VIII planning scheme can be progressed for this project. As a result it will not be possible to complete a Part VIII planning scheme for this project in time for the publication deadline of the 15th September meaning that this project will not be eligible for submission to the RRDF as a Category 1 project under this call by the deadline of 1st December. Notwithstanding same, the Team is committed to progressing the development of this project to shovel ready status in as timely a manner as possible with a view to achieving project readiness for future calls under the Fund.

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 8th September 2020.

1.3.3. Burtonport

An update on the status of the existing Burtonport – Aranmore ‘Harbour to Island Regeneration’ project was provided for in Section 1.1.2 of this report. The completion of this project requires the delivery of a new Harbour/Ferry Terminal Building in Burtonport which will provide, inter alia, accommodation for the Harbour Master, Ferry ticketing offices, public amenities and community space replacing much of the existing arrangements which are scheduled for demolition in the first phases of the scheme. The new Harbour Building, will also be augmented by a new enterprise building.

Public consultation has been completed in respect of the proposed new Harbour and Enterprise building in Burtonport and Part VIII planning has been secured. Accordingly this final element of the project is in a high state of application readiness for submission to the RRDF for Category 1 funding by the 1St December deadline.

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 11th September 2020.

1.3.4. Carndonagh

Carndonagh is identified in the County Development Plan, 2018-2024 as a Tier 2 Strategic Town with the following identified ‘Special Economic Functions’: Development Centre with a focus on Tourism, Tourism and the Wild Atlantic Way and Centre for delivery of Local Authority Services and it is an objective of the Local Area Plan 2018-2024 to inter alia: “seek the development and renewal of areas within Carndonagh that are in need of regeneration..” Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

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The Team is collaborating with Spraoi agus Sport in Carndonagh in the development of a regeneration project in the Diamond, Pound Street and town centre area of the town. The project envisages a new hub located in a regenerated heritage building, and proposes a range of uses including: a co- working space, a creative space, retail space, warehousing, youth space, public amenities etc. The project will directly address vacancy and dereliction and will be integrated with public realm interventions and accessibility improvements.

The Team is currently preparing a Part VIII planning scheme for publication on 15th September 2020 in order that the project might be brought to shovel ready status in time for the RRDF application deadline of 1st December next. Public consultation is also being planned in advance of publication of the Part VIII planning scheme.

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 8th September 2020.

1.3.5 Rathmullan

The Team acknowledges the significant work done to date by the ‘Way Forward Group’ in Rathmullan in progressing a ‘future use feasibility study’ for the Napoleonic Gun Battery in conjunction with Pasparakis Friel.

The Team is exploring the opportunity to further progress this project towards shovel ready status as a capital project, which might then enable an application for Category 1 funding under future calls of the RRDF. This will require the progression of the project through further pre-planning, planning and detailed design/contract work and the options for the progressing these work elements are presently being examined.

As a result it will not be possible to complete a Part VIII planning scheme for this project in time for the publication deadline of the 15th September meaning that this project will not be eligible for submission to the RRDF as a Category 1 project under this call by the deadline of 1st December.

A full update on the status of this project and the projected timelines for delivery will be provided to the Elected Members at a workshop on 15th September 2020.

2.0 Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF)

2.1 Application submitted to the Urban Regeneration & Development Fund

The URDF application Letterkenny 2040 (Phase 1) ‘Re-energise and Connect the Historic Town Centre’ was successfully submitted to the Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

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Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government on Thursday 28th May 2020 in advance of the next day deadline.

In advance of the Letterkenny Municipal District Meeting of June 2020, a hard copy A3 document was circulated to Members giving a summary of the project and including a visually informed story of the project and application.

The project is an ambitious, transformative and strategic step in Letterkennys longer term regeneration goal to transform the core of the town as a liveable ‘place for People and Public Life’. It includes an exciting blend of five inter- related sub-projects which work together in combination to deliver integrated urban regeneration at a strategic level with actions and interventions across: urban regeneration, liveability, vacancy, public space, employment, enterprise, tourism and vibrancy. The sub-projects of the application are:

A. The Cathedral Quarter – Making a Creative District – A re-imagined public space at Market Square A revitalized and accessible Church Lane through delivery of a shared surface scheme A 1,500 sqm Creative Design Hub with green urban parkland A repurposed vacant building as a Tourist Office B. Enabling Renewal at Lower Main Street Strategic land assembly and acquisition package C. Revival at the Courthouse New enterprise space blended with a tourist attraction in the Historic Courthouse presenting ‘Donegal: People and Place’. D. Enabling a Regional Transport Hub Strategic land acquisition E. LK Green Connect Connecting origins, destinations and targets inc. strategic land acquisition

The overall value is estimated at: €18.1m (approx.)

This application is now under assessment. DoHPLG have indicated that a date for announcement is not known at this time.

2.2 Existing approved URDF project in Letterkenny (application submitted 2018; final approval to proceed received September 2019)

This application secured €1.9m in URDF monies, match funded by €600,000 for three sub-projects, the detail and progress of which is set out below:

(i) Ongoing procurement process for consultancy services to prepare a Regeneration Strategy for Letterkenny Town Centre.

The procurement process in relation to consultancy services to prepare a Regeneration Strategy for Letterkenny Town Centre opened on 7th February 2020 on E-tenders and the Official Journal of the EU and it included a closing date for submission of tenders of 20th March 2020. In response to the evolving Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

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national position in relation to the Coronavirus Covid-19 and in response to a number of requests via E-tender, this deadline was extended in accordance with national advices from the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) to 29th May, 2020.

The tender box was opened on Tuesday 2nd June 2020. A total of 12no. bids were received. An Evaluation Team met on three occasions to assess the bids received. Notification issued to the successful and unsuccessful tenderers on 11th August 2020 thus commencing the standstill period in accordance with S.I. No.130 of 2010, European Communities (Public Authorities Contracts) (Review Procedures) Regulations 2010. This period will expire after Friday 11th September 2020. A further update will be provided to Letterkenny MD at the Letterkenny MD workshop scheduled for 15th September 2020.

(ii) Acquisition of key town centre regeneration site.

Negotiations have been progressing with intent with central landowner of the key regeneration site approved by DoHLG for acquisition. Progress has been affected by the National public health emergency associated with Covid-19 and its associated impact on what would be considered ‘normal’ market conditions. It is targeted to undertake further discussions with other relevant landowners during September/October 2020 in order to confirm the acquisition pathway. In the interim, the team has been making preparations to be in a ready position to formally commence acquisition following the appropriate level of negotiations with all relevant landowners.

(iii) Public realm in the area of the Social Enterprise Centre

Detailed design of the public realm approved is being carried out using in- house architectural resources. To this end, Donegal County Council is now appointed as PSDP on this sub-project and currently advancing detailed design including a topographical survey, ground investigations and structural design. As detailed design is advanced a further briefing will be provided to Letterkenny MD.

2.3 Update in relation to an Architectural Competition to Re-imagine Market Square, Letterkenny.

Further to previous updates and information circulated, the Market Square Architectural Competition, funded by Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce, was launched on 27th July 2020 and has a closing date of 4th September 2020. There has been substantial interest in the competition registered by over 60 requests for the topographical survey of the Square. An evaluation panel will be required to be established to evaluate and shortlist the submissions received in the context of the design brief for the competition. It is proposed that this will be followed by a briefing session with Letterkenny MD for Members input together with a public consultation. This will inform the finalization of the winning design. The design brief for the competition clarifies that the competition is an open and creative design process to seek innovation and Community Development, Enterprise & Planning Service

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inspire creative perspectives in relation to Market Square and that the winning design is not a commission. The design brief also clarifies that the winning design may or may not be taken forward to Part VIII or alternatively, it may be taken forward to Part VIII in adapted form.

2.4 Letterkenny Cultural Corridor project

As previously advised in the Chief Executives Report to the plenary meeting of Donegal County Council in September 2019, Letterkenny’s cultural partners (Donegal County Museum, the Regional Cultural Centre and An Grianan Theatre) secured funding from the Irish Architectural Foundations ‘Re-imagine’ project to undertake the Letterkenny Cultural Corridor project. The objective of the project is to strengthen the connections between the three cultural institutions and to strengthen the concept of the area as a ‘Cultural District.’ The funding provided for the engagement of Pasparakis Friel Architects by the cultural partners to advance the project and this launched through an online survey and other consultation in early March 2020 with progress and briefing on the project subsequently impacted upon, to a degree, as a result of the national Covid-19 restrictions.

As discussed in our URDF workshops with Letterkenny MD in February and March 2020, the Regeneration and Development Team engaged with the cultural partners and Pasparakis Friel Architects so as to incorporate the project as a component of sub-project E (LK Green Connect) of the URDF application submitted to DoHPLG on the 28th May 2020, specifically in respect of the strategic acquisition of lands to enable the delivery of a direct physical connection between the three institutions.

To date, the architects have developed a number of short term and temporary sign posting interventions which are currently in the process of being installed to improve and enhance the existing physical connection between the three institutions.

Further work is required to develop the design concept in respect of the direct link proposed together with further consultation including the input of Letterkenny MD. It is therefore proposed to arrange a workshop with Letterkenny MD specifically as regards the Letterkenny Cultural Corridor project at which Pasparakis Friel Architects will attend to give a presentation to Members. Letterkenny MD is therefore requested to agree a date for this workshop.

Regeneration & Development Team August 2020.