directions/2017/1702--harbour-entrance details: Full

Further details can be found on Admiralty Charts 2631 and 2625. and 2631 Charts Admiralty on found be can details Further

Extract from Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth DIRECTION NO 2/17 NO DIRECTION Portsmouth Master Harbour Queen’s from Extract

Lake to the NE leading to Port Solent. Port to leading NE the to Lake

Remember the 10 knot speed limit and to create minimum wash minimum create to and limit speed knot 10 the Remember • dries at low water. This area is bounded by two channels, Lake to the NW leading to Fareham, and Portchester Portchester and Fareham, to leading NW the to Lake Fareham channels, two by bounded is area This water. low at dries

just north of Burrow Island. The harbour north of Burrow Island broadens considerably but most of this area is mud which which mud is area this of most but considerably broadens Island Burrow of north harbour The Island. Burrow of north just Call QHM on VHF Channel 11 to cross north of Ballast pile to Town Camber/ or vice versa. vice or Quays Camber/Gunwharf Town to pile Ballast of north cross to 11 Channel VHF on QHM Call ƒ

at night beware of several unlit mooring buoys and numerous pleasure craft moorings on the west side of the channel channel the of side west the on moorings craft pleasure numerous and buoys mooring unlit several of beware night at

BC Outer Beacon shall be left to port when using the Inner Swashway, inbound and outbound. and inbound Swashway, Inner the using when port to left be shall Beacon Outer BC ƒ

continental Ferry Port. The ferry crosses the harbour at frequent intervals just north of the Ballast Pile. If underway underway If Pile. Ballast the of north just intervals frequent at harbour the crosses ferry Gosport The Port. Ferry continental

Leave Ballast Pile and 4 Bar Buoy to port inbound and outbound. and inbound port to Buoy Bar 4 and Pile Ballast Leave ƒ

keeping to the west, avoiding the main hazards in the east including the ferry berths, Naval Base and the the and Base Naval berths, ferry Wight of Isle the including east the in hazards main the avoiding west, the to keeping

Do not loiter not Do


Once through the entrance the harbour opens out and vessels may safely proceed under sail sail under proceed safely may vessels and out opens harbour the entrance the through Once Harbour. Portsmouth

Keep out of main channel main of out Keep ƒ

confused, particularly during southerly winds which can eddy around and frequently turn through 180°. 180°. through turn frequently and Blockhouse Fort around eddy can which winds southerly during particularly confused, Avoid overtaking Avoid ƒ

can run up to 5 knots from HW-1 to HW+3. There may be standing waves at the entrance and conditions can become become can conditions and entrance the at waves standing be may There HW+3. to HW-1 from knots 5 to up run can Use engine if fitted if engine Use ƒ

Small Boat Channel. This 50 metre wide channel runs between 4 Bar Buoy and Ballast Pile. in the harbour entrance entrance harbour the in Tides Pile. Ballast and Buoy Bar 4 between runs channel wide metre 50 This Channel. Boat Small All vessels under 20m must enter and leave the harbour through the Small Boat Channel Boat Small the through harbour the leave and enter must 20m under vessels All ƒ

Vessels under 20 metres in length entering or leaving Portsmouth should use the the use should Portsmouth leaving or entering length in metres 20 under Vessels Entrance. Harbour Portsmouth extremities are at Ballast Pile and No 4 Bar Buoy. Bar 4 No and Pile Ballast at are extremities

western side of the harbour entrance. The 50 m wide Channel is shown on Admiralty charts. Its northern and southern southern and northern Its charts. Admiralty on shown is Channel wide m 50 The entrance. harbour the of side western

by a quick flashing red dolphin and a green pile). pile). green a and dolphin red flashing quick a by

A Small Boat Channel for vessels less than 20m in length including Personal Watercraft (PWC) has been created on the the on created been has (PWC) Watercraft Personal including length in 20m than less vessels for Channel Boat Small A •

the beach (marked by red and green piles) and the outer passage approximately 0.8 nautical miles off the beach (marked (marked beach the off miles nautical 0.8 approximately passage outer the and piles) green and red by (marked beach the

There are two passages through the barrier - the inner passage approximately 200 metres off off metres 200 approximately passage inner the - barrier the through passages two are There CRAFT. ALL TO HAZARD vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway”. or channel narrow a within only navigate safely can that vessel a of passage the impede not shall vessel

BARRIER WHICH RUNS DUE SOUTH FROM SEA FRONT TO AND IS A A IS AND FORT SAND HORSE TO FRONT SEA SOUTHSEA FROM SOUTH DUE RUNS WHICH BARRIER such, all mariners are reminded that in accordance with Rule 9(b) “a vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing sailing a or length in metres 20 than less of vessel “a 9(b) Rule with accordance in that reminded are mariners all such,

BEWARE OF THE SUBMARINE SUBMARINE THE OF BEWARE Langstone/, from approaching If East. the from Approaching narrow channel in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and as as and (COLREGS) Sea at Collisions Preventing for Regulations International the with accordance in channel narrow

Port of Portsmouth Order 2005; that the entrance and main approach channel is considered a a considered is channel approach main and entrance Harbour Portsmouth the that 2005; Order Portsmouth of Port

prominent block of flats in transit with the War Memorial. Memorial. War the with transit in flats of block prominent

Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Dockyard the under Direction General following the made has Master Harbour Queen’s the that advised are Mariners •

Swashway. The Swashway (also used by ferries and commercial vessels) runs 049°T on the right hand edge of the the of edge hand right the on 049°T runs vessels) commercial and ferries by used (also Swashway The Swashway.

Boats entering Portsmouth should approach the harbour through the the through harbour the approach should Portsmouth entering Boats West. the from Approaching When Small Boat Channel, Swashway and Inner Swashway Inner and Swashway Channel, Boat Small

Portsmouth Harbour Entrance - Approach Channel, Channel, Approach - Entrance Harbour Portsmouth Harbour Portsmouth Approaching

Key Safety Points

• Avoid sailing in the main navigational channels, especially in poor visibility so you don’t impede the passage of large ships. • DO NOT underestimate the speed of ships. Large container ships may transit at 18 knots and above. • VHF is a key control and safety measure in the Solent. AVOID SAILING IN THE MAIN NAVIGATIONAL CHANNELS Across the broader eastern Solent, VTS use CH12 to control traffic. When approaching Portsmouth and certainly north of a line between Outer Spit Buoy (OSB) and Gilkicker Point listen to Channel 11 for QHM. LINE OF SIGHT • Be visible. From the bridge of an aircraft carrier or large tanker, the captain or pilot will lose sight of you ahead when you close ⅓ MILE within approximately a third of a mile, although YOU can see the BE VISIBLE ship at all times. At night make sure your navigation lights can be QHM seen. QHM PORTSMOUTH • Be alert. Look around, especially astern. Keep a good all round watch and check behind sails. Even on a clear night you will have difficulty seeing a big ship approach A SMALL CRAFT GUIDE • Within half a mile of the shore and inside the Harbour, the speed limit is 10 knots through the water but create minimum wash at all times. TO PORTSMOUTH HARBOUR

UK Ministry of Defence © Crown Copyright 2019 navygraphics 19/0117 & ITS APPROACHES Contains OS data © Crown Copyright and database right 2019

directions/2017/1702-portsmouth-harbour-entrance details: Full

Further details can be found on Admiralty Charts 2631 and 2625. and 2631 Charts Admiralty on found be can details Further

Extract from Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth DIRECTION NO 2/17 NO DIRECTION Portsmouth Master Harbour Queen’s from Extract

Lake to the NE leading to Port Solent. Port to leading NE the to Lake

Remember the 10 knot speed limit and to create minimum wash minimum create to and limit speed knot 10 the Remember • dries at low water. This area is bounded by two channels, Fareham Lake to the NW leading to Fareham, and Portchester Portchester and Fareham, to leading NW the to Lake Fareham channels, two by bounded is area This water. low at dries

just north of Burrow Island. The harbour north of Burrow Island broadens considerably but most of this area is mud which which mud is area this of most but considerably broadens Island Burrow of north harbour The Island. Burrow of north just Call QHM on VHF Channel 11 to cross north of Ballast pile to Town Camber/Gunwharf Quays or vice versa. vice or Quays Camber/Gunwharf Town to pile Ballast of north cross to 11 Channel VHF on QHM Call ƒ

at night beware of several unlit mooring buoys and numerous pleasure craft moorings on the west side of the channel channel the of side west the on moorings craft pleasure numerous and buoys mooring unlit several of beware night at

BC Outer Beacon shall be left to port when using the Inner Swashway, inbound and outbound. and inbound Swashway, Inner the using when port to left be shall Beacon Outer BC ƒ

continental Ferry Port. The Gosport ferry crosses the harbour at frequent intervals just north of the Ballast Pile. If underway underway If Pile. Ballast the of north just intervals frequent at harbour the crosses ferry Gosport The Port. Ferry continental

Leave Ballast Pile and 4 Bar Buoy to port inbound and outbound. and inbound port to Buoy Bar 4 and Pile Ballast Leave ƒ

keeping to the west, avoiding the main hazards in the east including the Isle of Wight ferry berths, Naval Base and the the and Base Naval berths, ferry Wight of Isle the including east the in hazards main the avoiding west, the to keeping

Do not loiter not Do


Once through the entrance the harbour opens out and vessels may safely proceed under sail sail under proceed safely may vessels and out opens harbour the entrance the through Once Harbour. Portsmouth

Keep out of main channel main of out Keep ƒ

confused, particularly during southerly winds which can eddy around Fort Blockhouse and frequently turn through 180°. 180°. through turn frequently and Blockhouse Fort around eddy can which winds southerly during particularly confused, Avoid overtaking Avoid ƒ

can run up to 5 knots from HW-1 to HW+3. There may be standing waves at the entrance and conditions can become become can conditions and entrance the at waves standing be may There HW+3. to HW-1 from knots 5 to up run can Use engine if fitted if engine Use ƒ

Small Boat Channel. This 50 metre wide channel runs between 4 Bar Buoy and Ballast Pile. Tides in the harbour entrance entrance harbour the in Tides Pile. Ballast and Buoy Bar 4 between runs channel wide metre 50 This Channel. Boat Small All vessels under 20m must enter and leave the harbour through the Small Boat Channel Boat Small the through harbour the leave and enter must 20m under vessels All ƒ

Vessels under 20 metres in length entering or leaving Portsmouth should use the the use should Portsmouth leaving or entering length in metres 20 under Vessels Entrance. Harbour Portsmouth extremities are at Ballast Pile and No 4 Bar Buoy. Bar 4 No and Pile Ballast at are extremities

western side of the harbour entrance. The 50 m wide Channel is shown on Admiralty charts. Its northern and southern southern and northern Its charts. Admiralty on shown is Channel wide m 50 The entrance. harbour the of side western

by a quick flashing red dolphin and a green pile). pile). green a and dolphin red flashing quick a by

A Small Boat Channel for vessels less than 20m in length including Personal Watercraft (PWC) has been created on the the on created been has (PWC) Watercraft Personal including length in 20m than less vessels for Channel Boat Small A •

the beach (marked by red and green piles) and the outer passage approximately 0.8 nautical miles off the beach (marked (marked beach the off miles nautical 0.8 approximately passage outer the and piles) green and red by (marked beach the

HAZARD TO ALL CRAFT. CRAFT. ALL TO HAZARD There are two passages through the barrier - the inner passage approximately 200 metres off off metres 200 approximately passage inner the - barrier the through passages two are There vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway”. or channel narrow a within only navigate safely can that vessel a of passage the impede not shall vessel

BARRIER WHICH RUNS DUE SOUTH FROM SOUTHSEA SEA FRONT TO HORSE SAND FORT AND IS A A IS AND FORT SAND HORSE TO FRONT SEA SOUTHSEA FROM SOUTH DUE RUNS WHICH BARRIER such, all mariners are reminded that in accordance with Rule 9(b) “a vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing sailing a or length in metres 20 than less of vessel “a 9(b) Rule with accordance in that reminded are mariners all such,

BEWARE OF THE SUBMARINE SUBMARINE THE OF BEWARE Langstone/Chichester, from approaching If East. the from Approaching narrow channel in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and as as and (COLREGS) Sea at Collisions Preventing for Regulations International the with accordance in channel narrow

Port of Portsmouth Order 2005; that the Portsmouth Harbour entrance and main approach channel is considered a a considered is channel approach main and entrance Harbour Portsmouth the that 2005; Order Portsmouth of Port

prominent block of flats in transit with the War Memorial. Memorial. War the with transit in flats of block prominent

Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Dockyard the under Direction General following the made has Master Harbour Queen’s the that advised are Mariners •

Swashway. The Swashway (also used by ferries and commercial vessels) runs 049°T on the right hand edge of the the of edge hand right the on 049°T runs vessels) commercial and ferries by used (also Swashway The Swashway.

Boats entering Portsmouth should approach the harbour through the the through harbour the approach should Portsmouth entering Boats West. the from Approaching When Small Boat Channel, Swashway and Inner Swashway Inner and Swashway Channel, Boat Small

Approaching Portsmouth Harbour Portsmouth Approaching Portsmouth Harbour Entrance - Approach Channel, Channel, Approach - Entrance Harbour Portsmouth

Key Safety Points

• Avoid sailing in the main navigational channels, especially in poor visibility so you don’t impede the passage of large ships. • DO NOT underestimate the speed of ships. Large container ships may transit the Solent at 18 knots and above. • VHF is a key control and safety measure in the Solent. AVOID SAILING IN THE MAIN NAVIGATIONAL CHANNELS Across the broader eastern Solent, VTS Southampton use CH12 to control traffic. When approaching Portsmouth and certainly north of a line between Outer Spit Buoy (OSB) and Gilkicker Point listen to Channel 11 for QHM. LINE OF SIGHT • Be visible. From the bridge of an aircraft carrier or large tanker, the captain or pilot will lose sight of you ahead when you close ⅓ MILE within approximately a third of a mile, although YOU can see the BE VISIBLE ship at all times. At night make sure your navigation lights can be QHM seen. QHM PORTSMOUTH • Be alert. Look around, especially astern. Keep a good all round watch and check behind sails. Even on a clear night you will have difficulty seeing a big ship approach A SMALL CRAFT GUIDE • Within half a mile of the shore and inside the Harbour, the speed limit is 10 knots through the water but create minimum wash at all times. TO PORTSMOUTH HARBOUR

UK Ministry of Defence © Crown Copyright 2019 navygraphics 19/0117 & ITS APPROACHES Contains OS data © Crown Copyright and database right 2019

directions/2017/1702-portsmouth-harbour-entrance details: Full

Further details can be found on Admiralty Charts 2631 and 2625. and 2631 Charts Admiralty on found be can details Further

Extract from Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth DIRECTION NO 2/17 NO DIRECTION Portsmouth Master Harbour Queen’s from Extract

Lake to the NE leading to Port Solent. Port to leading NE the to Lake

Remember the 10 knot speed limit and to create minimum wash minimum create to and limit speed knot 10 the Remember • dries at low water. This area is bounded by two channels, Fareham Lake to the NW leading to Fareham, and Portchester Portchester and Fareham, to leading NW the to Lake Fareham channels, two by bounded is area This water. low at dries

just north of Burrow Island. The harbour north of Burrow Island broadens considerably but most of this area is mud which which mud is area this of most but considerably broadens Island Burrow of north harbour The Island. Burrow of north just Call QHM on VHF Channel 11 to cross north of Ballast pile to Town Camber/Gunwharf Quays or vice versa. vice or Quays Camber/Gunwharf Town to pile Ballast of north cross to 11 Channel VHF on QHM Call ƒ

at night beware of several unlit mooring buoys and numerous pleasure craft moorings on the west side of the channel channel the of side west the on moorings craft pleasure numerous and buoys mooring unlit several of beware night at

BC Outer Beacon shall be left to port when using the Inner Swashway, inbound and outbound. and inbound Swashway, Inner the using when port to left be shall Beacon Outer BC ƒ

continental Ferry Port. The Gosport ferry crosses the harbour at frequent intervals just north of the Ballast Pile. If underway underway If Pile. Ballast the of north just intervals frequent at harbour the crosses ferry Gosport The Port. Ferry continental

Leave Ballast Pile and 4 Bar Buoy to port inbound and outbound. and inbound port to Buoy Bar 4 and Pile Ballast Leave ƒ

keeping to the west, avoiding the main hazards in the east including the Isle of Wight ferry berths, Naval Base and the the and Base Naval berths, ferry Wight of Isle the including east the in hazards main the avoiding west, the to keeping

Do not loiter not Do


Once through the entrance the harbour opens out and vessels may safely proceed under sail sail under proceed safely may vessels and out opens harbour the entrance the through Once Harbour. Portsmouth

Keep out of main channel main of out Keep ƒ

confused, particularly during southerly winds which can eddy around Fort Blockhouse and frequently turn through 180°. 180°. through turn frequently and Blockhouse Fort around eddy can which winds southerly during particularly confused, Avoid overtaking Avoid ƒ

can run up to 5 knots from HW-1 to HW+3. There may be standing waves at the entrance and conditions can become become can conditions and entrance the at waves standing be may There HW+3. to HW-1 from knots 5 to up run can Use engine if fitted if engine Use ƒ

Small Boat Channel. This 50 metre wide channel runs between 4 Bar Buoy and Ballast Pile. Tides in the harbour entrance entrance harbour the in Tides Pile. Ballast and Buoy Bar 4 between runs channel wide metre 50 This Channel. Boat Small All vessels under 20m must enter and leave the harbour through the Small Boat Channel Boat Small the through harbour the leave and enter must 20m under vessels All ƒ

Vessels under 20 metres in length entering or leaving Portsmouth should use the the use should Portsmouth leaving or entering length in metres 20 under Vessels Entrance. Harbour Portsmouth extremities are at Ballast Pile and No 4 Bar Buoy. Bar 4 No and Pile Ballast at are extremities

western side of the harbour entrance. The 50 m wide Channel is shown on Admiralty charts. Its northern and southern southern and northern Its charts. Admiralty on shown is Channel wide m 50 The entrance. harbour the of side western

by a quick flashing red dolphin and a green pile). pile). green a and dolphin red flashing quick a by

A Small Boat Channel for vessels less than 20m in length including Personal Watercraft (PWC) has been created on the the on created been has (PWC) Watercraft Personal including length in 20m than less vessels for Channel Boat Small A •

the beach (marked by red and green piles) and the outer passage approximately 0.8 nautical miles off the beach (marked (marked beach the off miles nautical 0.8 approximately passage outer the and piles) green and red by (marked beach the

HAZARD TO ALL CRAFT. CRAFT. ALL TO HAZARD There are two passages through the barrier - the inner passage approximately 200 metres off off metres 200 approximately passage inner the - barrier the through passages two are There vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway”. or channel narrow a within only navigate safely can that vessel a of passage the impede not shall vessel

BARRIER WHICH RUNS DUE SOUTH FROM SOUTHSEA SEA FRONT TO HORSE SAND FORT AND IS A A IS AND FORT SAND HORSE TO FRONT SEA SOUTHSEA FROM SOUTH DUE RUNS WHICH BARRIER such, all mariners are reminded that in accordance with Rule 9(b) “a vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing sailing a or length in metres 20 than less of vessel “a 9(b) Rule with accordance in that reminded are mariners all such,

BEWARE OF THE SUBMARINE SUBMARINE THE OF BEWARE Langstone/Chichester, from approaching If East. the from Approaching narrow channel in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and as as and (COLREGS) Sea at Collisions Preventing for Regulations International the with accordance in channel narrow

Port of Portsmouth Order 2005; that the Portsmouth Harbour entrance and main approach channel is considered a a considered is channel approach main and entrance Harbour Portsmouth the that 2005; Order Portsmouth of Port

prominent block of flats in transit with the War Memorial. Memorial. War the with transit in flats of block prominent

Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Dockyard the under Direction General following the made has Master Harbour Queen’s the that advised are Mariners •

Swashway. The Swashway (also used by ferries and commercial vessels) runs 049°T on the right hand edge of the the of edge hand right the on 049°T runs vessels) commercial and ferries by used (also Swashway The Swashway.

Boats entering Portsmouth should approach the harbour through the the through harbour the approach should Portsmouth entering Boats West. the from Approaching When Small Boat Channel, Swashway and Inner Swashway Inner and Swashway Channel, Boat Small

Approaching Portsmouth Harbour Portsmouth Approaching Portsmouth Harbour Entrance - Approach Channel, Channel, Approach - Entrance Harbour Portsmouth

Key Safety Points

• Avoid sailing in the main navigational channels, especially in poor visibility so you don’t impede the passage of large ships. • DO NOT underestimate the speed of ships. Large container ships may transit the Solent at 18 knots and above. • VHF is a key control and safety measure in the Solent. AVOID SAILING IN THE MAIN NAVIGATIONAL CHANNELS Across the broader eastern Solent, VTS Southampton use CH12 to control traffic. When approaching Portsmouth and certainly north of a line between Outer Spit Buoy (OSB) and Gilkicker Point listen to Channel 11 for QHM. LINE OF SIGHT • Be visible. From the bridge of an aircraft carrier or large tanker, the captain or pilot will lose sight of you ahead when you close ⅓ MILE within approximately a third of a mile, although YOU can see the BE VISIBLE ship at all times. At night make sure your navigation lights can be QHM seen. QHM PORTSMOUTH • Be alert. Look around, especially astern. Keep a good all round watch and check behind sails. Even on a clear night you will have difficulty seeing a big ship approach A SMALL CRAFT GUIDE • Within half a mile of the shore and inside the Harbour, the speed limit is 10 knots through the water but create minimum wash at all times. TO PORTSMOUTH HARBOUR

UK Ministry of Defence © Crown Copyright 2019 navygraphics 19/0117 & ITS APPROACHES Contains OS data © Crown Copyright and database right 2019

directions/2017/1702-portsmouth-harbour-entrance details: Full

Further details can be found on Admiralty Charts 2631 and 2625. and 2631 Charts Admiralty on found be can details Further

Extract from Queen’s Harbour Master Portsmouth DIRECTION NO 2/17 NO DIRECTION Portsmouth Master Harbour Queen’s from Extract

Lake to the NE leading to Port Solent. Port to leading NE the to Lake

Remember the 10 knot speed limit and to create minimum wash minimum create to and limit speed knot 10 the Remember • dries at low water. This area is bounded by two channels, Fareham Lake to the NW leading to Fareham, and Portchester Portchester and Fareham, to leading NW the to Lake Fareham channels, two by bounded is area This water. low at dries

just north of Burrow Island. The harbour north of Burrow Island broadens considerably but most of this area is mud which which mud is area this of most but considerably broadens Island Burrow of north harbour The Island. Burrow of north just Call QHM on VHF Channel 11 to cross north of Ballast pile to Town Camber/Gunwharf Quays or vice versa. vice or Quays Camber/Gunwharf Town to pile Ballast of north cross to 11 Channel VHF on QHM Call ƒ

at night beware of several unlit mooring buoys and numerous pleasure craft moorings on the west side of the channel channel the of side west the on moorings craft pleasure numerous and buoys mooring unlit several of beware night at

BC Outer Beacon shall be left to port when using the Inner Swashway, inbound and outbound. and inbound Swashway, Inner the using when port to left be shall Beacon Outer BC ƒ

continental Ferry Port. The Gosport ferry crosses the harbour at frequent intervals just north of the Ballast Pile. If underway underway If Pile. Ballast the of north just intervals frequent at harbour the crosses ferry Gosport The Port. Ferry continental

Leave Ballast Pile and 4 Bar Buoy to port inbound and outbound. and inbound port to Buoy Bar 4 and Pile Ballast Leave ƒ

keeping to the west, avoiding the main hazards in the east including the Isle of Wight ferry berths, Naval Base and the the and Base Naval berths, ferry Wight of Isle the including east the in hazards main the avoiding west, the to keeping

Do not loiter not Do


Once through the entrance the harbour opens out and vessels may safely proceed under sail sail under proceed safely may vessels and out opens harbour the entrance the through Once Harbour. Portsmouth

Keep out of main channel main of out Keep ƒ

confused, particularly during southerly winds which can eddy around Fort Blockhouse and frequently turn through 180°. 180°. through turn frequently and Blockhouse Fort around eddy can which winds southerly during particularly confused, Avoid overtaking Avoid ƒ

can run up to 5 knots from HW-1 to HW+3. There may be standing waves at the entrance and conditions can become become can conditions and entrance the at waves standing be may There HW+3. to HW-1 from knots 5 to up run can Use engine if fitted if engine Use ƒ

Small Boat Channel. This 50 metre wide channel runs between 4 Bar Buoy and Ballast Pile. Tides in the harbour entrance entrance harbour the in Tides Pile. Ballast and Buoy Bar 4 between runs channel wide metre 50 This Channel. Boat Small All vessels under 20m must enter and leave the harbour through the Small Boat Channel Boat Small the through harbour the leave and enter must 20m under vessels All ƒ

Vessels under 20 metres in length entering or leaving Portsmouth should use the the use should Portsmouth leaving or entering length in metres 20 under Vessels Entrance. Harbour Portsmouth extremities are at Ballast Pile and No 4 Bar Buoy. Bar 4 No and Pile Ballast at are extremities

western side of the harbour entrance. The 50 m wide Channel is shown on Admiralty charts. Its northern and southern southern and northern Its charts. Admiralty on shown is Channel wide m 50 The entrance. harbour the of side western

by a quick flashing red dolphin and a green pile). pile). green a and dolphin red flashing quick a by

A Small Boat Channel for vessels less than 20m in length including Personal Watercraft (PWC) has been created on the the on created been has (PWC) Watercraft Personal including length in 20m than less vessels for Channel Boat Small A •

the beach (marked by red and green piles) and the outer passage approximately 0.8 nautical miles off the beach (marked (marked beach the off miles nautical 0.8 approximately passage outer the and piles) green and red by (marked beach the

There are two passages through the barrier - the inner passage approximately 200 metres off off metres 200 approximately passage inner the - barrier the through passages two are There CRAFT. ALL TO HAZARD vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway”. or channel narrow a within only navigate safely can that vessel a of passage the impede not shall vessel

BARRIER WHICH RUNS DUE SOUTH FROM SOUTHSEA SEA FRONT TO HORSE SAND FORT AND IS A A IS AND FORT SAND HORSE TO FRONT SEA SOUTHSEA FROM SOUTH DUE RUNS WHICH BARRIER such, all mariners are reminded that in accordance with Rule 9(b) “a vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing sailing a or length in metres 20 than less of vessel “a 9(b) Rule with accordance in that reminded are mariners all such,

BEWARE OF THE SUBMARINE SUBMARINE THE OF BEWARE Langstone/Chichester, from approaching If East. the from Approaching narrow channel in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and as as and (COLREGS) Sea at Collisions Preventing for Regulations International the with accordance in channel narrow

Port of Portsmouth Order 2005; that the Portsmouth Harbour entrance and main approach channel is considered a a considered is channel approach main and entrance Harbour Portsmouth the that 2005; Order Portsmouth of Port

prominent block of flats in transit with the War Memorial. Memorial. War the with transit in flats of block prominent

Mariners are advised that the Queen’s Harbour Master has made the following General Direction under the Dockyard Dockyard the under Direction General following the made has Master Harbour Queen’s the that advised are Mariners •

Swashway. The Swashway (also used by ferries and commercial vessels) runs 049°T on the right hand edge of the the of edge hand right the on 049°T runs vessels) commercial and ferries by used (also Swashway The Swashway.

Boats entering Portsmouth should approach the harbour through the the through harbour the approach should Portsmouth entering Boats West. the from Approaching When Small Boat Channel, Swashway and Inner Swashway Inner and Swashway Channel, Boat Small

Portsmouth Harbour Entrance - Approach Channel, Channel, Approach - Entrance Harbour Portsmouth Harbour Portsmouth Approaching

Key Safety Points

• Avoid sailing in the main navigational channels, especially in poor visibility so you don’t impede the passage of large ships. • DO NOT underestimate the speed of ships. Large container ships may transit the Solent at 18 knots and above. • VHF is a key control and safety measure in the Solent. AVOID SAILING IN THE MAIN NAVIGATIONAL CHANNELS Across the broader eastern Solent, VTS Southampton use CH12 to control traffic. When approaching Portsmouth and certainly north of a line between Outer Spit Buoy (OSB) and Gilkicker Point listen to Channel 11 for QHM. LINE OF SIGHT • Be visible. From the bridge of an aircraft carrier or large tanker, the captain or pilot will lose sight of you ahead when you close ⅓ MILE within approximately a third of a mile, although YOU can see the BE VISIBLE ship at all times. At night make sure your navigation lights can be QHM seen. QHM PORTSMOUTH • Be alert. Look around, especially astern. Keep a good all round watch and check behind sails. Even on a clear night you will have difficulty seeing a big ship approach A SMALL CRAFT GUIDE • Within half a mile of the shore and inside the Harbour, the speed limit is 10 knots through the water but create minimum wash at all times. TO PORTSMOUTH HARBOUR

UK Ministry of Defence © Crown Copyright 2019 navygraphics 19/0117 & ITS APPROACHES Contains OS data © Crown Copyright and database right 2019 NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION





• Use engine if fitted GOSPORT • Leave Ballast Pile and 4 Bar MARINA HMS WARRIOR Buoy to port inbound & outbound • Pass others on your port side • Avoid overtaking CALL QHM HARBOUR CHANNEL 11 STATION • Keep out of main channel TO CROSS • Do not loiter • Watch your speed and wash





0 200

Approximate Scale (m)

4 BAR INNER SWASHWAY: Full chart details on OUTER Admiralty Charts 2631 & 2623 NOT A RECOGNISED ROUTE SWASHWAY