The Nineteenth Century Wasteland: the Void in the Works of Byron, Baudelaire, and Melville
The Woman's College of The University of North Carolina LIBRARY COLLEGE COLLECTION cq no. 636 Gift of MARY GATES BRITTAIN BRITTAIN, MARY GATES. The Nineteenth Century Wasteland: The Void In The Works Of Byron, Baudelaire, And Melville. (1969) Directed by: Dr. Arthur W. Dixon. pp. I**1* The theme of the twentieth century "wasteland" began with T. S. Eliot's influential poem, and has reached its present culmination point in the literature of the Absurd. In a wasteland or an Absurd world, man is out of harmony with his universe, with his fellow man, and even with himself. There is Nothingness in the center of the universe, and Noth- ingness in the heart or center of man as well. "God Is Dead" in the wasteland and consequently it is an Iconoclastic world without religion, and without love; a world of aesthetic and spiritual aridity and ster- ility. Most writers, critics, and students of literature are familiar with the concept of the wasteland, but many do not realize that this is not a twentieth century thematic phenomenon. The contemporary wasteland has its parallel in the early and middle nineteenth century with the Romantics; with such writers as Byron, Baudelaire, and Melville. The disillusionment of western man at the end of World War I was similar in many respects to that experienced by the Romantics at the end of the French Revolution. Furthermore, the break-up of the old order, and the disappearance of iod from the cosmos in the closing years of the eighteenth century, along with the shattering of many illusions by the discoveries of science, the loss of both religious and secular values, and the break-down in the political order in the early nineteenth century, left man alienated, isolated, homeless, and friend- less.
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