Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98

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The choice of energy saving modes for an energy-intensive manufacturer considering non-energy benefits

* Jianjun Ouyang a, b, Houcai Shen a, a School of Engineering and Management, University, Nanjing, 210093, PR China b School of Business, , , 830013, PR China article info abstract

Article history: In practice, energy-intensive manufacturers have two main options when improving their energy effi- Received 29 December 2015 ciency: design and implement energy efficiency projects on their own (we call this self-saving) or enter Received in revised form into an energy performance contracting (EPC), which mainly includes shared savings and guaranteed 5 July 2016 savings. In this paper, we will discuss an energy-intensive manufacturer facing self-saving and shared Accepted 29 August 2016 savings options and how this manufacturer chooses the optimal energy saving mode when non-energy Available online 8 September 2016 benefits are considered. We only consider “costs and profit” as non-energy benefits and formulate an optimization model of self-saving and a Stackelberg game model of shared savings. From our model Keywords: fi Energy efficiency management analysis, when considering only energy savings, we nd that the optimal unit savings has a monotonic fi Energy performance contracting impact on the optimal pro t of the manufacturer. Our results indicate that: the manufacturer will prefer Non-energy benefits the second option to the first when the investment cost factor ratio of the energy service company Game model (ESCO) to the manufacturer is small; otherwise, the manufacturer will prefer the first to the second. Furthermore, when considering non-energy benefits, we find that the results change in some cases. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with over 50% world steel production, finding that potential carbon emission reductions due to energy-efficiency improvement varying Improving energy efficiency is one of the most effective means from 15% (Japan) to 40% (China, India, and the USA). In the cement by which energy-intensive manufacturers (hereafter abbreviated as industry, benchmarking and other studies have demonstrated the manufacturers) can address the “three big mountains”, i.e., the technical potential for up to 40% improvement in energy efficiency rapid rise in energy prices, increasingly stringent environmental (Kim and Worrell, 2002b). policies, and growing consumer awareness of environmental pro- In practice, manufacturers can design, construct and operate tection. China intends to achieve its peak CO2 emissions in energy efficiency projects on their own to improve energy effi- approximately 2030 (U.S.-China Joint Announcement on Climate ciency. This approach has some common characteristics: manu- Change, 2014). To cope with Toxic Haze, more than 2100 industrial facturers mainly depend on their own strength, they provide enterprises in China's capital of have ceased or limited their project financing themselves, and they bear all the risks of projects production of goods. For example, Xu Lejiang, the chairman of but retain all the savings. For the sake of brevity, we will call this China's iron and steel association and the Baosteel group, believes self-saving in this paper. For example, in 2005, Pfizer Fribourg, as that environmental and resource limitations have become an one of the world's largest biopharmaceutical companies, began to important reason for the current low-profit plight and that scien- improve its energy efficiency by self-saving. The company imple- tific and technological innovations should be used to address the mented an energy master plan, which includes geothermal heating high consumption and the high emissions of production processes. and cooling, installation of wood-pellet boilers, and so on; this Kim and Worrell (2002a) benchmarked the energy efficiency of achieved good economic, environmental and social impacts (Aflaki steel production to the best practice performance in five countries and Kleindorfer, 2010). However, there are many disadvantages when manufacturers choose self-saving. For example, the energy efficiency equipment chosen by manufacturers might not be suit- * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 2583687761. able for their energy efficiency projects, or the projects designed by E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Ouyang), [email protected] manufacturers might not be reasonable due to lack of knowledge (H. Shen). 0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 84 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 and experience during project design phases. Other risks are that optimal energy savings mode. Moreover, the manufacturer can not energy efficiency equipment may age rapidly due to uninformed only achieve energy savings from energy efficiency projects but can use or that actual energy savings may not always match expected also obtain non-energy benefits, such as decreased CO2 emissions, energy savings during the phase of operating the projects. All the reduced labour and maintenance costs, improved productivity, above factors may lead to the failure of project savings not making improved product quality, improved working environment and so up for investment costs, which results in many potential energy on (Larsen et al., 2012; Pye and McKane, 2000; Worrell et al., 2003). efficiency projects not being implemented. Pye and McKane (2000), investigating many energy efficiency To solve these problems, manufacturers can outsource energy projects, find that non-energy benefits always exceed energy sav- services to energy service companies (ESCOs). Larsen et al. (2012) ings. Worrell et al. (2003) show that considering non-energy ben- defined an energy service company as a company that provides efits can significantly decrease energy saving costs; in a study of energy-efficiency-related and other value-added services and for more than 70 industrial cases, they compare energy-saving costs, which performance contracting is a core part of its energy- taking non-energy benefits into account, with energy-saving costs efficiency services business. In a performance contract, the ESCO without consideration of non-energy benefits. However, because guarantees energy and/or dollar savings for the project and the non-energy benefits under the two energy saving modes are ESCO's compensation is therefore linked in some way to the per- different (we call this the non-energy benefits difference), this is formance of the project. Typically, the main form of energy services another important factor in whether a manufacturer chooses the provided by ESCOs is energy performance contracting (EPC). Ac- optimal energy saving mode. To focus on the cost and non-energy cording to a survey of 65 foundries in France, Italy, Germany and benefits differences, we do not consider other factors influencing seven other countries, approximately 25% of responding enter- the optimal choice of energy saving modes, such as financing, risk- prises prefer EPC to self-saving (Thollander et al., 2013). Another sharing and so on. Based on the above analysis, we focus on the cost example is that of China's Qinling Cement Co., Ltd. As one of China's and non-energy benefits differences and investigate the problem of key cement enterprises, Qinling chose EPC in 2008 (Song and Geng, choosing between energy saving modes for a perfect monopoly 2011). EPC, which emerged in North America in the 1970s after the manufacturer deciding between self-saving and shared savings first oil crisis, is a new market mechanism in which a manufacturer when non-energy benefits are considered. We try to answer two outsources energy services to an ESCO, which pays for the invest- questions: (1) given an energy saving mode, how do the manu- ment costs of energy efficiency projects by reducing energy costs facturer and the ESCO make their optimal decisions? (2) what is the and provides the manufacturer with comprehensive energy ser- optimal choice between energy saving modes for the vices, including energy audits, investments in equipment, equip- manufacturer? ment selection, and all aspects of operation and maintenance. The Because there are different non-energy benefits and some non- use of EPC in China began with the Energy Performance Contracting energy benefits, such as quality and waste flows and so on, are Project, a collaboration between China's government and the World difficult to calculate as “costs and profit”, we only consider “costs Bank in 1998, and since then EPC has been increasingly welcomed and profit” as non-energy benefits. To answer our research ques- by governments and enterprises. According to “The Development tions, we establish an optimization model of self-saving and a Report of China's ESCOs” in ‘the 11th Five-Year Plan’, there will be Stackelberg game model of shared savings. We use a relatively 2500 ESCOs by 2015. There are two general types of performance small investment cost factor for the ESCO to characterize the cost contracts used in the ESCO industry: shared savings and guaranteed difference, and we use the different rates of returns of non-energy savings (Larsen et al., 2012). In a shared savings contract, the ESCO benefits under the two energy saving modes to characterize the provides the financing, and the client assumes no financial obli- non-energy benefits difference. When the manufacturer chooses gations other than paying a given share of the materialized savings self-saving, the entire process of improving energy efficiency can be to the ESCO over a prescribed period of time (we call this an agreed generally divided into the design phase, the construction phase and contract term). After the agreed contract term, the customer retains the operation phase. During the design phase, the manufacturer all the savings until the end. Alternatively, in a guaranteed savings designs different energy efficiency projects, which have different contract, projects are often financed by a third party financial en- savings and investment costs, and chooses suitable projects by tity; the customer repays the loan to this creditor, and the ESCO balancing project savings and investment costs. Assuming the en- guarantees a level of savings sufficient to cover the annual debt ergy price is fixed, the project savings is often proportional to the obligation, thus limiting the customer's performance risk. The unit savings. Therefore, when the manufacturer chooses self- shared savings approach is more suitable in developing countries, saving, the unit savings and the investment costs are the two de- where energy efficiency projects lack a reliable and commercially cision variables of the manufacturer. Because the relation between viable means of financing, and energy-intensive customers always the unit savings and the investment costs is a marginal increase, we pursue short-term economic benefits and are reluctant to invest in regard the unit savings as the only decision variable of the manu- energy efficiency projects. In China, shared savings is widely used, facturer and develop the optimization model of self-saving (see as government support for this approach is an important impetus Section 3.1 for details). When the manufacturer chooses shared in addition to the above-mentioned reasons. For example, both the savings, the entire process of improving energy efficiency can be tax cut policy released in 2010 and the financial incentives policy generally divided into the audit phase, the design phase, the con- released in 2011 clearly require the use of shared savings; there are tract negotiation phase, the construction phase and the operation no similar policies to support guaranteed savings in China (Qian phase. During the contract negotiation phase, the project savings and Guo, 2014). Therefore, we only consider shared savings in (similar to self-saving, we use unit savings to characterize project this paper. savings), the fraction of unit savings and the agreed contract term Comparing self-saving with shared savings, an ESCO always has are the three decision variables between the manufacturer and the a cost advantage with regard to the specialty of improving energy ESCO. These three variables are also recommended for use in efficiency; it has more experience, more advanced technologies, “China's EPC technical specifications”. The relation between the and enjoys volume discounts when buying equipment. However, fraction of unit savings and the agreed contract term is an inverse the ESCO and the manufacturer have to share the savings, which we relationship, i.e., if the ESCO realizes a larger fraction of unit sav- call the cost difference in this paper. The cost difference is an ings, then it will obtain a shorter agreed contract term and vice important factor encouraging the manufacturer to choose the versa. Therefore, we regard only the unit savings and the fraction of J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 85 unit savings as the decision variables. Because the energy efficiency et al. (2012) build on Goldman et al. (2005) and review the evo- projects are designed by the ESCO, it is reasonable that the ESCO lution of the U.S. ESCO industry; Yuan et al. (2016) examine the determines the unit savings, then the manufacturer has to de- status and future of EPC in China. Regarding the ESCO develop- termines the fraction of unit savings to negotiate with the ESCO. ment: Lee et al. (2003) introduce experience from Korean ESCO The Stackelberg game model has been widely used in other fields. business and show that financing is not the most crucial barrier; However, fewer researchers introduce this game model into Zhang et al. (2014) study the “Turning green into gold” problem and energy-efficiency management (see Section 2). Besides, during the develop a framework for EPC in China's real estate industry; Larsen decision process, on the one hand the manufacturer and the ESCO et al. (2012) think that non-energy benefits between the ESCOs and always have different leaderships; on the other hand, they always their customers should be incorporated into benefit-cost (i.e., pursue their own interests and the energy-saving supply chain with contractual) frameworks; Mills et al. (2006) classify the risks the manufacturer and the ESCO could be inefficient for their associated with energy efficiency projects into five aspects, namely decentralized decisions, i.e., double marginalization effect. We can economic, contextual, technology, operation, and measurement simulate these characteristics by formulating the Stackelberg and verification (M&V) risks, and suggest that firms should transfer model, which can help us analyze how they make their optimal risks via energy-saving insurance (Mills, 2003); Painuly et al. decisions and how their optimal decisions affect the optimal choice (2003) promote energy efficiency financing and ESCOs in devel- between energy saving modes for the manufacturer. Based on the oping countries. However, most of the above two types of studies above considerations, we establish a Stackelberg game model be- analyze the ESCOs from a macro perspective and the analyses on tween the manufacturer and the ESCO (see Section 3.2 for details). the decisions of the ESCOs and the customers are not enough. Through model analysis, we derive Table 1 and Propositions 1e7to Unlike them, we focus on the manufacturers' decisions. Regarding answer our research questions and develop an analytical frame- the contract terms of EPC: Qian and Guo (2014) develop a revenue- work for manufacturers choosing their optimal energy-saving sharing bargaining model to design the energy saving and revenue modes (see Section 6.2). sharing strategy of ESCOs; Deng et al. (2015a) develop an approach The remaining contents are organized as follows: Section 2 re- for the ESCOs to make optimal investment decisions; Deng et al. views the relative literature. We describe the research problem and (2015b) propose a methodology to design strategy of cost saving formulate the mathematical models under two energy saving guarantee in EPC; Lee et al. (2015) determine a profit distribution in modes in Section 3. In Section 4, we analyze the models. Numerical guaranteed savings based on the collar option model. All the above examples are provided in Section 5. Section 6 discusses two model studies involve the contract terms of EPC, but they focus on the assumptions and develops an implication framework of choosing ESCOs. Unlike them, our paper focuses on manufacturers. the optimal energy saving mode. Finally, we conclude the paper Regarding the choice between self-saving and EPC, few researchers and formulate the future research in Section 7. Some supplemental devote to discussing the conditions of outsourcing energy services materials and all the important proofs are placed in Appendix A and because EPC belongs to a form of outsourcing. Fawkes (2007) shows Appendix B, respectively. that a manufacturer in three situations, which includes reducing more energy costs or carbon emissions, considering the potential points of reducing costs or needing to update equipment when 2. Literature review capitals are limited, may outsource energy services. Assuming that energy costs consist of production costs and transaction costs, Our paper is closely related to the choice between self-saving Sorrell (2007) believes that three main outsourcing conditions and EPC. However, the related literature is extremely scarce and must existdand one of them is that reduced production costs are previous studies have focused on the ESCO industry market, the larger than increased transaction costs in outsourcing process. Vine ESCO development and the contract terms of EPC. Regarding the (2005) shows that in addition to these key barriers for the end user, ESCO industry market: Vine (2005) examines the current level of there are also barriers cited that are more policy-related. In a word, ESCO activity in 38 countries outside of the US; Bertoldi et al. most of the above studies devote to comparing energy saving (2006) and Marino et al. (2011) review and analyze the develop- modes by qualitative or empirical methods. To the best of our ment and the current status of ESCO industries in the EU; Goldman knowledge, the related quantitative analysis is scarce and few et al. (2005) review the US ESCO industry market trends; Larsen

Table 1

The optimal decisions of the ESCO and the manufacturer and the optimal profits of the manufacturer under the two energy saving modes (f0>0, fi¼0 or 1).

Self-savings (b) Shared savings (s)

Considering only energy savings (f ¼0) * p Dr2/kpDr2/(2ak) 0 ri;no e 0 e 0 4* e 1/2 Qno ð * Þ Aþ(p Dr )2/(2k) Aþ(p r D)2/(4ak) mi ri;no e 0 e 0 Feasible conditions k>peDr0 ak>(14no)peDr0 Considering non-energy benefits (f >0) f ¼0 * p Dr2/kpDr2/(2ak) 0 i ri;sma e 0 e 0 4* e 1/2 Qsma ð * Þ Aþ(p Dr )2/(2k)þf Aþ(p r D)2/(4ak)þf mi ri;sma e 0 0 e 0 0 Feasible conditions k>peDr0 ak>(14sma)peDr0 f ¼1 * (p Dr þf )r /k (p Dr þf )r /(2ak) i ri;big e 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 * 4 e 1/2f0/(2peDr0) Qbig ð * Þ Aþ(p Dr þf )2/(2k) Aþ(p Dr þf )2/(4ak) mi ri;big e 0 0 e 0 0

Feasible conditions k>peDr0þf0 ak>(14big)peDr0, peDr0f0 Q ¼ * 4* ð * Þ fi ¼ Notes: A (p c r0pe)D; ri;j means the optimal unit savings; j means the optimal fraction of unit savings; mi ri;j represents the optimal pro t of the manufacturer; i b,s represent self-saving and shared savings, respectively; j¼no,sma, big represent that only energy savings are considered (f0¼0), the rates of non-energy benefits returns are small when non-energy benefits are considered (f0>0,fi¼0), the rates of non-energy benefits returns are big when non-energy benefits are considered (f0>0,fi¼1), respectively. 86 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 researchers consider the choice of energy saving modes when non- volume-based learning if it chooses manufacturing outsourcing. energy benefits are considered. In this paper, we not only study the Our research background is different. Unlike previous studies, we choice between energy saving modes by mathematical models but assume that whatever the manufacturer chooses as her energy also consider non-energy benefits. saving mode, because those energy efficiency projects are imple- mented in-house, she always has the opportunity to learn. 3. Problem description Although the manufacturer may accumulate more experience when choosing self-saving, she may gain more advanced energy A manufacturer (she, denoted by subscript m) in a perfect mo- saving technologies or equipment when choosing shared savings. nopoly market that needs to save energy makes two-stage de- So, we do not assume the size of the relationship between fb and fs. cisions. In the first stage, facing self-saving (denoted by subscript b) and shared savings (denoted by subscript s), assuming that the two (2) The investment cost types of energy saving systems both have one-unit life cycles, the manufacturer determines an optimal choice by comparing her As mentioned above, because the energy saving rate is often optimal profits under the two energy saving modes. In the second used to reflect the effects of certain energy saving technologies, we stage, we assume that the manufacturer produces a product and assume that the investment cost is a quadratic function of the en- the demand D is not random. To avoid trivial discussion, we assume ergy saving rate ri/r0. Given self-saving, the investment cost is k(rb/ 2 that the marginal profit before improving energy efficiency is r0) /2(k>0), where k represents the investment cost factor and re- positive, i.e., p>cþr0pe, where p represents the retail price of the flects the relationship between the investment cost and the energy product, c represents the unit production cost, pe represents the saving rate. The larger the factor is, the more sensitive the rela- energy price and r0 represents the unit's initial energy level (tce/ tionship is. The quadratic function not only describes the phe- unit). When considering self-saving, the manufacturer considers nomenon of increasing marginal cost but also reflects the the savings and the investment cost of energy efficiency projects characteristic that the investment cost of the unit's initial energy and then determines the optimal unit savings to maximize her level is decreasing. The higher the unit's initial energy level is, and profit. When considering shared savings, assuming that the the more potential energy efficiency projects the manufacturer has, manufacturer and the ESCO (he, denoted by the subscript e)are the more she can improve energy efficiency in no-cost or low-cost both risk-neutral, their reservation utilities are zero and informa- ways. For example, approximately 25% of savings at Owens Corning tion is completely symmetrical, they have a Stackelberg game. The are generated in low-cost or no-cost ways, such as more efficient manufacturer, as a leader with relatively strong strength (e.g., iron management, storage temperature control and so on. Because the and steel companies, cement companies and so on) determines the ESCO is more professional than the manufacturer, let optimal fraction of unit savings and the ESCO, as a follower, de- ks¼ak(00, the non-energy benefits (such as decreased labour cost, improved fi¼0), the rates of non-energy benefits returns under self-saving or product quality, more comfortable work environment and so on) shared savings are large (f >0, f ¼1) when non-energy benefits are fi 0 i because it is dif cult to quantify them. considered. We derive the optimal decisions of the ESCO and the fi The manufacturer rst determines the fraction of unit savings to manufacturer and the optimal profits of the manufacturer under fi maximize her pro t. The model is as follows: the two energy saving modes, as shown in Table 1. Y From Table 1, we indicate that when the energy price, the de- Max ðÞ¼½4 p ðc þðr 4r Þp D þ f ðr =r Þfs (3) ms 0 s e 0 s 0 mand, the unit's initial energy level and the scaling factor of energy Y saving effects increases or the investment cost factor decreases the manufacturer would like to raise the optimal unit savings to gain a s:t: ðrsÞ 0; 0 4 < 1: (4) es more optimal profit. Interestingly, the optimal fraction of unit Objective function (3) represents the profit of the manufacturer savings when only energy savings are considered is 1/2, which is which is equal to the sum of the product between the marginal consistent with the finding that a 50e50 split is the optimal solu- profit and the market demand and the non-energy benefits, where tion in a “sharecropping” problem (Hurwicz and Shapiro, 1978). the difference from objective function (1) is that the manufacturer However, this may not be correct under non-energy benefits cases. using shared savings does not include the investment cost. Con- We regard considering only energy savings as a benchmark. straints (4) represent the participation constraint of the ESCO and From Table 1, we have Proposition 1 and Proposition 2. the range of the fraction of unit savings, respectively. Proposition 1. Under self-saving scenario, we have,

Y Y Y ð1Þ r* ¼ r* < r* ; ð2Þ r* < r* < r* : b;no b;sma b;big mb b;no mb b;sma mb b;big

Then the ESCO determines the unit savings to maximize his profit. The model is as follows: Proposition 1 shows that when the manufacturer considers Y . non-energy benefits, compared with considering only energy sav- Max ðr Þ¼ð1 4Þr p D akðr =r Þ2 2 (5) ings, she can obtain more savings by choosing a bigger optimal unit es s s e s 0 savings. We theoretically demonstrate the empirical result (Pye and McKane, 2000; Worrell et al., 2003), i.e., that considering non- : : < : s t 0 rs r0 (6) energy benefits will increase the manufacturer's motivation to Objective function (5) represents the profit of the ESCO which is improve energy efficiency. equal to the share savings from energy efficiency projects minus Proposition 2. Under shared savings scenario, we have, the investment cost. Constraint (6) is similar to the constraint (2). ð Þ * ¼ * < * ; ð Þ 4* ¼ 4* > 4* 1 rs;no rs;sma rs;big 2 no sma big;

4. Model analysis Y Y Y Y ð3Þ 4* < 4* < 4* ; ð4Þ r* ms no ms sma ms big es s;no Y Y In the following, we solve the above models by backward * * ¼ r < r : induction. es s;sma es s;big Proposition 2 shows that when the manufacturer considers 4.1. The optimal decisions of the ESCO and the manufacturer given non-energy benefits, compared with considering only energy sav- an energy saving mode ings, the manufacturer gives the ESCO an equal or a larger optimal fraction of unit savings and the ESCO is motivated to produce a First, we solve the model of self-saving and derive that the bigger optimal unit savings. Both companies gain more savings. * fi fi optimal unit savings rb satis es the condition: Proposition 2 indicates that considering non-energy bene ts 88 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 increases the motivations of the two companies to improve energy modes, we discuss four cases, i.e., fb>fs(fb¼1,fs¼0), fb¼fs(0 or 1), efficiency and creates a win-win situation. fb

> ¼ ¼ 4.2. The optimal choice between energy saving modes for the (1) fb fs(fb 1,fs 0)case manufacturer The case means that the rate of non-energy benefits returns fi We go back to the first stage and the manufacturer determines under self-saving is bigger than the rate of non-energy bene ts the optimal choice between energy saving modes. As mentioned returns under shared savings. We easily derive Proposition 4 and above, we also regard considering only energy savings as the Proposition A.1 (see Appendix A). benchmark. According to whether non-energy benefits are Proposition 4. Given self-saving and shared savings, assuming f0>0 and fb>fs (fb¼1,fs¼0), the optimal choice between energy considered or not, two cases f0¼0, f0>0 will be discussed. saving modes is as follows: pffiffiffi 4.2.1. Considering only energy savings (f ¼0) case 0 (a) if t 2f , when k>tþf and t/(2k) ð * Þ ms psmaffiffiffi mb rb;big ;; the manufacturer non-energy benefits. For simplicity, let t¼per0D, (b) if t > 2f0, which means the total energy cost to the manufacturer. From > ½ ð þ Þ2 2=ð Þ =ð Þ < a ; (i) WhenQ k Q2 t f0 t 4f0 and t 2k 1 Table 1, we derive Proposition 3. ð4* Þ > ð * Þ r ; ; Proposition 3. Given self-saving and shared savings, assuming ms sma mb b big (ii) When tþf Qif t 2k t 2 t f0 4kf0 ms sma Y Y ð * Þ * * * * mb rb;big ; ð1Þif t=ð2kÞr ; 4 > r ; Q Q s no b;no ms no mb b;no ② a ¼ 2=½ ð þ Þ2 ; ð4* Þ¼ ð * Þ if t 2 t f0 4kf0 ms sma Q mb rb;big ; ③ 2=½ ð þ Þ2 < a ; ð4* Þ < Qif t 2 t f0 4kf0 1 ms sma Y Y * ðr Þ: ð2Þ if a ¼ 1=2; then r* ¼ r* ; 4* ¼ r* ; mb b;big s;no b;no ms no mb b;no Proposition 4 contrasts the optimal profits of the manufacturer Y Y under the two energy saving modes, where the non-energy bene- ð3Þ if 1=2 0) case Considering the complicated expressions (7)e(9), to derive saving for the unobvious cost advantage. Proposition 4b(ii) is some management insights we first consider the extreme cases shown in Fig. 2. fi that the rates of non-energy benefits returns are extreme values, Comparing Fig. 1 with Fig. 2,we nd that there are three changes in the optimal choice between energy saving modes for the i.e., fi¼0 or 1. Next, we discuss the general case (0

Shared savings Self-saving Shared savings Self-saving

22 tk/(2 ) 1/2 1 α tk/(2 ) ttf/[2(+ 0 )] 1/2 ttfkf/[2(+−00 ) 4 )] 1 α

Fig. 1. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor Fig. 2. The optimal choice between energyp savingffiffiffi modes vs. the investment cost factor 2 2 ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer (f0¼0). ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer (t > 2f0, tþf0

ESCO to the manufacturer but also depends on the total energy cost energy returns under self-saving leads to more non-energy bene- to the manufacturer, the investment cost factor of the manufacturer fits, it is always the best choice that the manufacturer uses self- and the scaling factor of energy saving effects. Second, the relatively saving. After the total energy cost to the manufacturer reaches small non-energy benefits under self-saving narrow the range in the threshold value f0, as shown in Proposition 6(b), similar to which self-saving is chosen (shown by dashed arrow in Fig. 2.). For Proposition 4(b), the dominant factors in the optimal profit of the 2 2 example, the threshold value moves from 1/2 to [2(tþf0) t ]/(4f0) manufacturer are the non-energy benefits and the energy saving 2 2 ([2(tþf0) t ]/(4f0)>1/2). Third, the impact of the optimal unit direct profit (see Proposition 4 for explanation). When the invest- savings on the optimal profit of the manufacturer is not monotonic. ment cost factor is relatively small, it is always the best choice that When the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the manu- the manufacturer uses self-saving. When the investment cost factor facturer is a middle value, the optimal unit savings under self- of the manufacturer is a middle value, if the investment cost factor saving are bigger than the optimal unit savings under shared sav- ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer is small, the manufacturer * < * ings (as shown in Proposition A.1, rs;sma rb;big), but the optimal prefers shared savings. Otherwise, the manufacturer instead pre- profit of the manufacturer under self-saving instead is smaller than fers self-saving. The reasons are similar to Proposition 4. Proposi- 2 the optimal profit under shared savings (for (tþf0)/(2t)0 and fb¼fs (0 or 1), compared with considering only energy savings, the optimal choice between energy saving modes for the In the above three cases, we analyze the cases in which the rates manufacturer is not changed. of non-energy benefits returns are extreme values. In the following, Proposition 5 shows that when the rates of non-energy benefits we discuss the general case, i.e., fbsfs2(0,1). From expressions e * * 4* returns under the two energy saving modes are equal, considering (7) (9), we insert rb,rs and into expressions (1) and (3) and non-energy benefits would not change the optimal choice between directly have Proposition 7. energy saving modes for the manufacturer. The reason is that the Proposition 7. Given self-saving and shared savings, fi equal rates of non-energy bene ts returns make the same contri- Q Q fi ð4*Þ > ð *Þ bution to the optimal pro ts of the manufacturer. (1) if ms mb rb , the manufacturer prefers shared savings;Q Q < ¼ ¼ ð4*Þ¼ ð *Þ (3) fb fs (fb 0, fs 1)case (2) if ms mb rb , the manufacturer prefers self-saving orQ shared savings;Q fi ð4*Þ < ð *Þ This case means that the rate of non-energy bene ts returns (3) if ms mb rb , the manufacturer prefers self-saving. under self-saving is smaller than the rate of non-energy benefits returns under shared savings. We easily derive Proposition 6 and Proposition 7 gives the conditions of the optimal choice be- Proposition A.2 (see Appendix A). tween energy saving modes for the manufacturer and we further Proposition 6. Given self-saving and shared savings, assuming discuss this case. According to the analysis of extreme cases, we f0>0 and fbf0, Then, the main results are similar to the fb¼fs¼0 or 1 case. When the < 2=ð Þ ð þ Þ=ð Þ < a ; fi (i)Q When Qt k t t f0 and t f0 2k 1 rates of non-energy bene ts returns under the two energy saving ð4* Þ < ð * Þ ms big mb rb;sma ; modes are not equal, according to the analysis of extreme cases, we 2 (ii) When k>t /(tf0), know the non-energy benefits and the energy saving direct profit ① ð þ Þ=ð Þ < a < ð þ Þ2=½ ð 2 þ Þ; ifQ Qt f0 2k t f0 2 t 2kf0 (see Proposition 4 for explanation) may have an important impact ð4* Þ > ð * Þ fi ms big mb rb;sma ; Q on the optimal pro ts of the manufacturer. If the total energy cost ② a ¼ð þ Þ2=½ ð 2 þ Þ; ð4* Þ¼ fi ifQ t f0 2 t 2kf0 ms big to the manufacturer is small, only the non-energy bene ts have an ð * Þ fi mb rb;sma ; Q important impact on the optimal pro ts of the manufacturer and ③ ð þ Þ2=½ ð 2 þ Þ < a ; ð4* Þ < fi ifQ t f0 2 t 2kf0 1 ms big the energy saving direct pro t does not. Then, the main results are ð * Þ: mb rb;sma similar to Proposition 4 (a) and Proposition 6 (a). If the total energy cost of the manufacturer is relatively high, the optimal profits of the Proposition 6 also contrasts the optimal profits of the manu- manufacturer depend on the investment cost factor of the facturer under the two energy saving modes, where non-energy benefits are considered and the rate of non-energy benefits returns under self-saving is less than the rate of non-energy ben- Shared savings Self-saving efits returns under shared savings. Proposition 6(a) shows that when the total energy cost to the manufacturer is equal to the ()/(2)tf+ k()/[2(2)]tf++22 t kf 1/2 ()/(2)tf+ t α 0 00 0 1 scaling factor of energy saving effects f0, similar to Proposition 4(a), fi the dominant factor in the optimal pro t of the manufacturer is the Fig. 3. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor 2 non-energy benefits. Because the relatively lower rate of non- ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer (t>f0,k>t /(tf0)). 90 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 manufacturer, the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the with the scaling factor of energy saving effects and considering manufacturer, and the scaling factor of energy saving effects. Then, non-energy benefits increases the motivations of the two com- the main results are similar to Proposition 4 (b) and Proposition 6 panies to improve energy efficiency, which have been shown from (b). Proposition 1 and Proposition 2. Examplepffiffiffi 2. In order to illustratepffiffiffi Proposition 4, for t¼100, if ¼ > ¼ ¼ 5. Numerical examples t 2f0, we assume f0 80, if t 2f0, we assume f0 20. Let A1 t/ 2 2 (2k), A2¼t /[2(tþf0) 4(kf0)]. Then Fig. 6 provides a ‘‘map’’ of the In this section, we will provide several numerical examples to optimal choice between energy saving modes for the manufacturer illustrate our main conclusions (Proposition 3 and Proposition 5 are in this situation, given the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO a not included because of their intuition). For common parameters, to the manufacturer and the investment cost factor of the we assign them as follows: p ¼r ¼c¼1, p¼5, D¼100.When the rates manufacturer k. e 0 fi fi of non-energy benefits returns are extreme values, we have the Observing Fig. 6(a), we nd that the optimal pro t of the fi corresponding mathematical expressions and derive the following manufacturer under self-saving is less than the optimal pro t of the figures by Mathematica 9.0. When the rates of non-energy benefits manufacturer under shared savings and that the manufacturer returns are general values, we derive the corresponding figures by prefers shared savings, which has been shown as Proposition 4(a). fi Matlab 7.1. The rst part of Proposition 4(b) can be observed from Fig. 6(b). fi Example 1. In order to illustrate Proposition 1 and Proposition 2, Observing Fig. 6(c), we nd that the manufacturer prefers shared ¼ ¼ þ ropt and the optimal profit of the manufacturer Gopt, as shown as we assume f0 100, if t f0, we assume f0 50. Let A3 (t f0)/(2k), i;j i;j ¼ þ 2 2þ ‘‘ ’’ Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. A4 (t f0) /[2(t 2kf0)]. Then Fig. 7 provides a map of the Observing Figs. 4 and 5,wefind that both the optimal unit optimal choice between energy saving modes for the manufacturer savings and the optimal profits of the manufacturer are increased in this situation, given the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO

Fig. 4. The optimal unit savings vs. the scaling factor of energy saving effects. J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 91

Fig. 5. The optimal profit of the manufacturer vs. the scaling factor of energy saving effects.

to the manufacturer a and the investment cost factor of the can be extended into the general case (fb>fs). manufacturer k. Observing Fig. 7(a), we find that the optimal profit of the (2) if fb¼fs, we assume fb¼fs¼1/4 or fb¼fs¼3/4, f0¼50, k¼500. manufacturer under self-saving is more than the optimal profitof Then the optimal choice between energy saving modes in the manufacturer under shared savings and the manufacturer this situation is shown as Fig. 9. prefers self-saving which has been shown as Proposition 6(a). The first part of Proposition 6(b) can be observed from Fig. 7(b). Observing Fig. 9,wefind that the results shown by Proposition 5 Observing Fig. 7(c), we find that the manufacturer prefers shared can be extended into the general case (fb¼fs). savings if A3fs,fb¼fs,fbfs, we assume fb¼3/4, fs¼1/4; (a) f0¼200, k¼500 repre- vestment cost factor of the manufacturer are big. Then the sents that the total energy cost to the manufacturer is small; optimal choice between energy saving modes for the (b) f0¼20, k¼700 represents that both the total energy cost to manufacturer in this situation is shown as Fig. 10. the manufacturer and the investment cost factor of the manufacturer are big; (c) f0¼20, k¼200 represents that the Observing Fig. 10,wefind that the results shown by Proposition total energy cost to the manufacturer is big but the invest- 6 can be extended into the general case ((fb

fi Observing Fig. 8,wefind that the results shown by Proposition 4 In this section, we rst discuss two model assumptions, and then we develop an analytical framework for manufacturers 92 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98

Fig. 6. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer and the investment cost factor of the manufacturer

(fb¼1,fs¼0). choosing their optimal energy-saving modes. investments, the variation in the corresponding revenue can be calculated easily, which is equal to the optimal production quantity 6.1. Discussions multiplied by the variation of unit non-energy production cost. Then, we can integrate the variation in the corresponding revenue fi 6.1.1. The production cost must be significantly affected by into non-energy bene ts. If the investments have a negative effect fi improving energy efficiency on the unit non-energy production cost, the non-energy bene ts fi In our models, we assume that the unit production cost consists will be reduced. On the contrary, the non-energy bene ts will be of unit non-energy production cost (see the explanation in Section increased. In short, the fact that the production cost must be fi fi 3.1) and unit energy cost. Our results are based on the assumption signi cantly affected by improving energy ef ciency does not affect that improving energy efficiency only has an impact on unit energy our results. cost. In practice, the non-energy production cost may be signifi- cantly affected by energy efficiency investments, such as frequency 6.1.2. How lack of information on non-energy benefits would affect conversion equipment that is always used to decrease production the results setup costs. Assuming the unit non-energy production cost is In our models, assuming that the information on non-energy affected by such investments, we discuss the case. In accordance benefits is adequate, we obtain the related parameters of non- with the literature (Larsen et al., 2012; Pye and McKane, 2000; energy benefits and precisely calculate the non-energy benefits. Worrell et al., 2003), we divide project savings from energy effi- In practice, we may lack information on non-energy benefits. ciency projects into energy savings and non-energy benefits Insufficient information leads to uncertainty about the related pa- (reduced waste, lower emissions, improved maintenance and rameters of non-energy benefits, for example, the scaling factor of operating costs, increased production and product quality, an energy saving effects f0. In the following, we discuss how the un- improved working environment and so on). Because the demand is certainty of the scaling factor of energy saving effects can affect our 0 ¼ þ ε not random, the optimal production quantity is equal to the de- results. Let the scaling factor of energy saving effects f0 f0 , mand. If the unit non-energy production cost is affected by the where ε is a random variable defined in [-x,x](x0) with zero mean J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 93

Fig. 7. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer and the investment cost factor of the manufacturer

(fb¼0,fs¼1). and variance s2. The random variable ε (explained as a disturbance not affect our results and our results only depend on the mean factor) is realized after operating energy efficiency projects, but the values of the related parameters of non-energy benefits. choice between energy saving modes must be made during the The accuracy of calculating non-energy benefits depends on the audit or the design phrases. Then, the manufacturer determines the specification of the calculation methodology. Regarding how to optimal choice between energy saving modes by comparing the calculate non-energy benefits, we can learn from Mills and optimal expected profits during the audit or the design phrases. If Rosenfeld (1996) and Worrell et al. (2003). We can divide the 0 fi the manufacturer chooses self-saving, substituting f0 for f0 in pro t calculation methodology into two steps, i.e., identifying and function (1) we obtain the expected profit function of the manu- describing non-energy benefits associated with a given measure ð 0 Þ¼ fi fi facturer. For E f0 f0, we expect the above expected pro t func- and quantifying non-energy bene ts as much as possible. In the tion and have the same profit function as (1) under the uncertainty first step, given a measure, we list all the significant impacts aside of the scaling factor case. Then, this indicates that the results under from energy savings, which should be described as specifically as the uncertainty of the scaling factor case are not changed when possible (Worrell et al., 2003). In the second step, the non-energy self-saving is chosen. Similarly, we can know that the uncertainty of benefits identified above should be quantified in the most direct the scaling factor has no impact on the results when shared savings terms by with and without comparison analysis (Mills and is chosen. In short, lack of information on non-energy benefits may Rosenfeld, 1996). 94 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98

Fig. 8. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer (fb>fs).

Fig. 9. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer (fb¼fs).

6.2. Implication optimal energy saving mode for the manufacturer by correspond- ing propositions and determine the optimal decisions of the To facilitate the application of our findings, we propose an manufacturer based on the optimal energy saving mode, as shown analytical framework for manufacturers choosing their optimal in Fig. 11. energy-saving modes. The entire analytical framework is divided In the first step, we verify five main model assumptions (see into four steps, i.e., identify whether the conditions satisfy the main Table A1). In the second step, we mainly estimate model parame- model assumptions, estimate the model parameters, choose the ters, such as p,c,r0,D and so on (see Table A2). In the third step, J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 95

Fig. 10. The optimal choice between energy saving modes vs. the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer (fb0). Furthermore, savings has a monotonic impact on the optimal profit of the we divide considering non-energy benefits (f0>0) into four cases, manufacturer. Furthermore, we show that the investment cost i.e., the rate of non-energy benefits returns under self-saving is factor ratio of the ESCO to the manufacturer is a key factor which higher than the rate of non-energy benefits returns under shared has a strong impact on the choice between energy saving modes. savings (fb¼1,fs¼0); the rates of non-energy benefits returns under When the investment cost factor ratio is small, the manufacturer two energy saving modes are equal (fb¼fs¼0 or 1); the rate of non- will prefer shared savings. Otherwise, the manufacturer will prefer energy benefits returns under self-saving is smaller than the rate of self-saving. non-energy benefits returns under shared savings (fb¼0,fs¼1); and When non-energy benefits are considered, we have the ð s 2ð ; ÞÞ e the general case fb fs 0 1 and derive Propositions 3 7. We list following results. the six conditions under which the optimal energy saving mode is chosen in Fig. 11 (see Table A3). From conditions 1e6, the manu- (1) We theoretically demonstrate the empirical result (Worrell facturer can choose the optimal energy saving mode. In the last et al., 2003; Pye and McKane, 2000), i.e., considering non- step, given an energy saving mode, the manufacturer can deter- energy benefits increases motivation to improve energy ef- mine the optimal decisions from Table 1. ficiency and increases the optimal profits for two companies. (2) When the rates of non-energy benefits returns under the two energy saving modes are equal, the main results are similar 7. Conclusions and future research to considering only energy savings case. (3) When the rate of non-energy benefits returns under self- Energy conservation has grown up to be an important and saving is bigger (smaller) than the rate of non-energy ben- effective means for energy-intensive manufacturers to improve efits returns under shared savings, the result that the optimal their competitiveness. Facing various energy saving modes in unit savings has a monotonic impact on the optimal profitof practice, manufacturers have to choose their optimal energy saving the manufacturer is not correct. Furthermore, unlike the modes. In this paper, we discuss an energy-intensive manufacturer above results, the choice of energy saving modes not only facing self-saving and shared savings options and how this manu- depends on the investment cost factor ratio of the ESCO to facturer chooses the optimal energy saving mode when non-energy the manufacturer but also depends on the total energy cost benefits are considered. Our results give some important mana- to the manufacturer, the investment cost factor of the gerial insights for the business executives on how to choose the 96 J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98

Fig. 11. The analytical framework for choosing the optimal energy saving mode.

manufacturer and the scaling factor of energy saving effects. Acknowledgements Moreover, the range in which self-saving is chosen is nar- rowed (expanded). The authors are graceful for the editor’s and reviewers’ time and feedback. Their constructive comments enable us to greatly There are several limits in our models. First, the energy prices improve the quality of the paper. This research was supported in are random in practice and it is very interesting that the uncertainty part by (i) the National Natural Science Foundation of China under of energy prices is integrated into our models. Second, other energy Grants 71671085 and 71071074; (ii) the University Research Inno- saving modes exist in practice, such as guaranteed savings, leases vation Plan of Province for Doctoral Student under Grant and so on. When considering other energy saving modes, how to CXLX13_56; (iii) the Foundation for Young Talents Training Pro- choose their optimal energy saving modes for manufacturers is also gram in Shihezi University under Grants RWSK15-Y06. a very real problem. Third, we only consider “costs and profit” as non-energy benefits. However, there are other different non- Appendix C. Supplementary data energy benefits, such as quality and waste flows and so on. How to link different models on different non-energy benefits is also an Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http:// important problem. J. Ouyang, H. Shen / Journal of Cleaner Production 141 (2017) 83e98 97

Appendix A Appendix B Q Q Q D ¼ ð4* Þ ð * Þ Proposition A.1 Given self-saving and shared savings, assu- ProofQ of Proposition 3. Let 1 ms no mb rb;no ,we 2 mingf0>0 and fb>fs(fb¼1, fs¼0), have D 1¼t (12a)/(4ak), and we easily know that the sign of the above expression depends on 12a.FromTable 1, we get k>t, a>t/ ① * < if t/(2k) t/[2(t f0)], rs;sma rb;big; (2k). For t/(2k) 1/2, the proof is completed. ② a¼ þ * ¼ * if t/[2(t f0)], rs;sma rb;big; ProofQ Q ofQ Proposition 4. ③ þ 0. From Table 1,wehave > þ þ þ 2 Proposition A.2 Given self-saving and shared savings, assu- k Qt f0 and t/(2k) 1. If t f0, for k t f0 (t f0) /(2f0), we have > < ¼ ¼ D > > þ ð * Þ < þ < þ 2 ms sma mb rb;big .Iff0 t Q2f0, for t f0Q(t f0) /(2f0), when ① þ * þ 2 ð4* Þ > ð * Þ if (t f0)/(2k) (t f0)/(2t), rs;big rb;sma; k (t f0) /(2f0), we have ms sma mb rb;big . When ② a¼ þ * ¼ * þ < < þ 2 2 a þ 2 ¼ a¼ 2 if (t f0)/(2t), rs;big rb;sma; t f0 k (t f0) /(2f0), let ptffiffiffi 2 (t f0) 2kf0) 0, we get t / ③ þ þ 2 2 if (t f0)/(2t) 1, rs;big rb;sma. [2(t f0) 4kf0)]. For t 2f0,wehavet f0 [(t f0) t /2]/(2f0) 2 þ 2 > þ < < þ 2 Qand t /[2(t Qf0) 4kf0)] 1. If t f0 k (t f0) /(2f0), we also have ð4* Þ > ð * Þ ms sma mb rb;big . Summarizing the above analysis, we have > þ 2 > þ 2 2 > þ Proposition 4(a). If t 2f0,(t f0) Q/(2f0) [(t f0)Q t /2]/(2f0) t f0. þ 2 ð4* Þ > ð * Þ When k (t f0) /(2f0), we have ms sma mb rb;big . When

Table A1 The main model assumptions.

Assumption 1 The manufacturer is perfect monopolistic; Assumption 2 The demand is not random and the retail price of the product is fixed; Assumption 3 Both of the manufacturer and the ESCO maximize private profits; Assumption 4 Both of the manufacturer and the ESCO are risk-neutral and information is completely symmetrical; Assumption 5 The manufacturer, as a leader, and the ESCO as a follower have a Stackelberg game.

Table A2 Decision variables and model parameters.

Decision variables

rb Unit savings when self-saving is chosen under the general case; rs Unit savings when shared savings is chosen under the general case; 4 Fraction of unit savings when shared savings is chosen under the general case;

ri,j Unit savings when i energy saving mode is chosen under j case; 4j Fraction of unit savings when i energy saving mode is chosen under j case. Model parameters p Retail price of the product; c Unit non-energy production cost;

r0 Unit's initial energy level; pe Energy price; D Demand;

f0 Scaling factor of energy saving effects; fi Rate of non-energy benefits returns; k Investment cost factor;

Ts Agreed contract term; t Total energy costs before improving energy efficiency; A Profit of the manufacturer before improving energy efficiency; ε Q Disturbance factor of the scaling factor of energy saving effects; ð Þ fi Qmb rb Pro t of the manufacturer when self-saving is chosen; ð4Þ fi Qms Pro t of the manufacturer when shared savings is chosen; ð Þ fi es rs Pro t of the ESCO when shared savings is chosen. Notes: subscripts b,s represent that the manufacturer chooses self-savings and shared savings respectively; j¼no,sma, big

represent that only energy savings are considered (f0¼0), the rates of non-energy benefits returns are small when non- energy benefits are considered (f0>0,fi¼0), and the rates of non-energy benefits returns are big when non-energy bene- fits are considered (f0>0,fi¼1), respectively.

Table A3 The conditions under which the optimal energy saving mode is chosen.

Condition 1 1/2 þ < þ 2 2 2 þ 2 2f0 and k>[2(rþf0) t ]/(4f0)ort > 2f0, tþf0f0 and tf0, k>t /(tf0) and (tþf0) /[2(t þ2kf0)]f0, k>t /(tf0) and (tþf0)/(2k)

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