GSU Students Aid Flood Victims by Craig S

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GSU Students Aid Flood Victims by Craig S Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 8-19-1993 Innovator, 1993-08-19 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1993, August 19). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 21, No.2 August 19th, 1993 GSU Students Aid Flood Victims By Craig S. Hunt river water consumed their "The students who arrived Finch," said Bond. She had lost Sanitation was a big concern When others were watching homes and a majority of the first felt kind of like a fifth everything in the flood. but because of Ute contaminated Ute "Aood of 1993" on televi­ busine s di trict, which was wheel. The citizen in the Fmch continued to work stead­ water everywhere. The town sion, a group of GovernorsState about eight feet underwater dur­ kitchen wouldn't let themtouch ily in the kitchen making ure was living on water supplied by University counseling students ing the students' vi it. anything," Dr. Lewis aid, "but her neighbors were taken care Ute National Guard until bottled was doing omething about it. The student volunteers found by Saturday they (the students) of, Bond recalled. water was upplied. They used Anything they could. the ecurity to be trict ouL<>ide were running the kitchen." "I think the most important bleach to terilize their hand Some filled sandbags. Others the town. Therehad beenlooters The students did get accepted thing we did was not the physi­ before preparing foodor wash­ made andwiches or washed in the area, and many tourists after Uley proved that the motive cal act," said Janet Engle of ing dishes, Bond explained. A di hes. A couple watched chil­ had come to see Ute flooding. was to help. Beecher, but "it was being a big couple days later, her hands dren so parents could take a The road entering the town "We were getting accepted momle booster for the people." were till peeling from using the breather. And one even cut hair were blocked off by tate police there," aid Nohra Davila of She explained that since bleach. for those who needed it. and Ute Dlinois National Guard. Bourbonnais, "once we began Keith burg was mall and not as The town wasn't wealiliy in Marcia Hernandez cut more Ray DelMastro of Braidwood worKing with them." The tu­ affluent as some of Ute bigger the ftrSt place so U1e flooding Ulan 21 heads of hair for the said be was required to carry a dents started helping out any­ areas being hit by flooding, the must have dev�tated the resi­ citizen of Keithsburg, Ill., a passat all time in orderto leave way they could. feeling runong some of the peo­ dents who had lo t everytlling mall town deva tated by the or enter the town. The ladies, most of Ulem eld­ ple was Ulat "we don't count." and were now homeless, flooding along Ute Mis i ippi Gwyn Zmolek of Bradleywas erly, who were running the On the recommendation of 7molek said. "You could sec in River. stopped several times by road- kitchen had been working all Salvation Army officials, who people'seyes thatUley were still The desire for a simple Uling in shock." like a hrurcut highlights just how Keithsburg's plight wa<;n't basic U1e needs are for theflood unusual for communitiesup and victuns m Uti town on Ute west­ down the flooded banks of the em edge of Mercer County Missts ippi. A creek that down Ute river from Moline. branchedoff Uteriver causedthe GSU Professor Michael Lc­ levee protecting KeiUlshurg to wi� and II of his students en­ crumble, according to Dr Le­ rolled m Ute sununer "Group wis. Dynamics" class wanted to do a He said Ulis proJect was good project Utat tre sedgroup inter­ forUte class to experience group action The graduate counseling dynrunics of communities pull­ students needed some practical ing togetller. "They (GSU stu­ applications to test the Uleorie dents) were con tdered as part di cussed in the clas room. of Ute community by the time ince Utey were going to do a that it was time for them to group project, Dr. Lewi ug­ leave," said Dr. Lewis. Leaving gested they apply it to a real became an emotional moment situation, uch as assi ting peo­ because of Ute friend hips that ple in the dtsaster-struckregions were made in Ute short time Ulat of Illinois or Iowa. Ute tudents were there. The students initially checked "This is someUling tbey will wtUt the authorities in Des Displaying their "I Survived the Flood of 1993" T-shirts, Governors State University remember for the rest of Uleir Moines, but were told Ulat the students gathered in class aftervolu nteering in flood relief activities. Vo lunteers are (front lives," he added. area was already crowded wiUt row, leftto right) Carolyn Bondof Bradley, Nohra Davila of Bourbonnais,Marcia Hemandez "I think that Uley'll do all volunteers. However, auUIOri­ of West Chicago, Professor Michael Lewis, lbia Davila of Bourbonnais, Suzanne Szumi­ right," said Bond after pau ing ues told Utem of a small town in galski of Hickory Hills; (back row, left to right) Jarnie Boudreau of Momence, Helen momentarily in Ulougbt. llhnots KeiUt�hurg-- Utat was in Bussema of Lansing, Janet Engle of Beecher, Rodney Germann of Joliet, Raymond The cl<t<;S is planning a return need of <t<;sLtance. DelMastro of Braidwood, Gwyn Zmolek of Bradley. trip to Keitll burg after Utewater The ftrSt volumeersfrom GSU recede . That is when people arrived Thursday, July 15. oUt­ blocks of the state policeand Ute week serving three meals a day. were awaiting Uleir arrival, Ute will be able to see Ute real drun­ ers followed during Utat week­ National Guard when she ar­ "They had been on their feetfor GSU group stayed at .the local- age done by Ute Mis i sippi, and end. rived on Saturday. days," aid Davila. They were campground which was alsoone they will be in need of counsel­ It took a short time for the "At ftrSt. they(residents) were exhau ted, but they kept work­ of the only placeswi tllworking, ing. Some motivated GSU Keithsburg populationof 850to wondering why we were there," ing until fmally theyallowed Ute sanitary bowers. Mo t of the coun elors-in-training will get used to Ute infiltration of said Carolyn Bond of Bradley. GSU group to take over mostof displaced rcsidenL<; found a again volunteer to help. GSU students into their relief "They didn't know if we were the work in Ute kitchen. place to stay with friends or at just tourists coming to see Ute "I really admire Ute lady in one of Ute area campgrounds, efforts.Approximately 350 resi­ dents were homeless after the flooding." charge of the kitchen, Berta said Bond. He �i E ca o� t �al�the g�� �t v �e�S ��rses and faculty availability The Association of University Services Administration (ACE- high standards. healtll administration at its an- forstudent advisement. Programs in Health Administra- HSA).!! � That � program� i� �l�one of �!!!AUPHA is a profe� ional or-� nualmeeting �b!h�o?s in Atlanta. The re- 9eg�i! i The bachelor of health ad- lion (AUPHA) has awarded Ute four accreditedprogram in lUi- ganizationUlat reviewsU1e qual- view panel -- profi or from ministration degree is designed Governor State Univer ity noi., rutd one of 62 accredited ity of heaiU1 admini tration Ute University of Kentucky, Ute to train admini trators/depart- bachelor's degree in health ad- program in the United States program throughout Ute United University of Nevada and the ment head! in large rutd com- ministration "continued full un- and Canada. States and Crutada. University of NewHrunpshire -- plex heaiUl care institutions, dergraduate membership." According to Dr. Sang-0 The GSU bachelor of health evaluated Ute GSU program such as hospitals, and executive The AUPHA board certified Rhee, chairperson of the Divi- administration program is one tructure, educational process, director po ts in small health the GSU bachelor of health ad- sion of Health Admini tration at of 30 nationally recognized educational outcome rutd pro- care in titution , such as clinics, mini tmtion degree curriculum GSU, only master's degrees re- AUPHA full memberprogram , gram self-asse sment. nursing homes, insurance com- satisfies all professional stand- ceive accreditation,but recogni- and one of five programs to In its reportAUPIIA cited the pruties, medical group manage- ards. tion rutd membership of a achieve Alpha full membership strength of the GSU program, ment, ambulatory care This membership follows an bachelor's degree program by for boUt undergraduate and high enrollment of minority stu- management and family care exten ion of accreditation for AUPHA i asimportant because graduate program . dents, effective use of health or- agenciess. the master's degree program it tells students and heaiUl care Dr. Rhee aid an AUPHA ganization for practica sites, For information call Dr. Rbee from the Accrediting Commis- terunreviewed the particulars of extensive use of intercoUegial at (708) 534-4032. Page 2 GSU INNOVATOR August 19, 1993 GUVVY'S BITS Employee of the Month by Nicole M. Seibt panicked student who needs re­ Alice Hanes, who assurancethat yes, all gradesare COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR FLOOD RELIEF ••• Mental works at the front desk posted and graduation bas been Health Counselors are desperately neededin IUinois floodareas for of the Registrar's Of­ approved.
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