T he numbers don’t lie. Maine’s economy is stuck, with no more non-farm jobs in January 2013 than in October 1999, and incomes that aren’t keeping pace with the rest of the country. Our population is aging, our expenses are high, A State of Opportunity and our ability to fund basic services is under exceptional pressure. A STATE OF OPPORTUNITYA STATE Maine stands on the precarious edge of further decline . yet, at the same time we have it within our power to grasp opportunities for jobs and economic growth not seen in Maine for over 100 years. Standing in the way of these extraordinary opportunities is the fact that our leaders have no plan for Maine’s future. Now is not the time for more politics as usual, or for leaders who don’t lead. Now is the time to act, and to act boldly. We can make Maine healthier, smarter, stronger, younger . and a whole lot more prosperous. Maine can once again be a state of opportunity – and the economic turnaround story of the century! Eliot Cutler Throughout a distinguished career that has taken him from his home- town of Bangor to the nation’s capital, around the world and home again to Maine, Eliot Cutler has maintained an abiding love for his state and a commitment to helping Maine fulfill its promise as a place of unrivaled natural beauty and boundless opportunity. A plan to build a healthier, smarter, stronger, younger and ELIOT CUTLER more prosperous Maine Cutler for Maine P.O. Box 17766 • Portland, Maine 04112 207-358-7000 •
[email protected] Authorized by the Candidate and paid for by Cutler for Maine.