
Addition (, , ) War

Meets Expectations

Cannot transfer skills to Transfers basic skills to Connects mathematical Independently connects new concepts. new situations concepts to each other. mathematical concepts to each other.

May include major May include some Recording and Accurate recording and errors in recording or recording or are calculations, including calculations. errors; comparisons are generally accurate; may units; uses mental math generally reasonable. include minor errors. to arrive at a solution quickly.

Players: 2

Skills: Adding (Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing)

Tools: Playing cards from 2-9 (leave out A, 10, J, Q, K)

Procedure: 1. Divide the cards evenly between players. 2. Both players turn over their top card. 3. The first player to correctly add the two cards wins both cards. 4. If both players answer correctly at the same time, 3 more cards are turned over. The last of these is added. Whoever says the total correctly first gets all 8 cards. 5. Play continues until one player has all of the cards.

Variations: Add in the A as a value of 1 Play with dice instead Play with 3 or more players Take turns to add the .

Level 2: Subtract the smaller from the larger . The first person to say the difference wins both cards. Level 3: Start with a deck of playing cards that has only A-5. Each player has half the cards. Each player turns over their top card. Multiply the numbers. The first person to correctly identify the wins both cards. As players learn more multiplication facts, add more cards to the deck. Level 4: Turn over 3 cards. Make a 2-digit number with the two highest cards, and divide by the lowest card. The first person to correctly answer (including the ) wins the cards.