The 19th International Psychology Conference


Energy Psychology Using &

A Workshop with

Manohar Croke, MA Diplomate Esogetic Holistic Medicine Director, U.S. Esogetic Colorpuncture Institute

May 21, 2017 • 10:30 am - 12:30 pm San Antonio, Texas

www.colorpuncture.org • 530-362-6908 • Boulder, CO

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Dear Friends,

I am honored to present this workshop, as part of the 19th International Energy Psychology Conference. For the past 25 years, as Director of the U.S. Esogetic Colorpuncture Institute, I have been teaching the healing work of German naturopath and acupuncturist, Peter Mandel, to natural health practitioners around this country. Esogetic ColorpunctureTM. is a complete holistic healing system that involves applying colored light frequencies to acu- points in the skin. The U.S. Esogetic Colorpuncture Institute offers professional certification trainings, as well as non-professional or “Lay” classes for self-care (see www.colorpuncture.org). Over the years, I have trained acupuncturists, bodyworkers, chiropracters, nurses, physiotherapists, energy healers, psychologists and even a few medical doctors to incorporate colorpuncture into their practices with excellent results.

About 2 1/2 years ago, with the support of Peter Mandel and the International Mandel Institute, I decided to write my own book on this subject. The book is entitled: “Energy Psychology Using Light and Color.” It’s subtitle is: “Opening bodymind pathways to relieve traumatic stress and enhance psychological welbeing with Esogetic Colorpuncture.” In this book, I endeavored to present the concepts and theories of Esogetics, along with several introductory treatments, to professionals working in fields with which I particularly resonate. That is to say — psychologists, psychotherapists, counselors, coaches and others working to effect psychological healing. My goal was to explain Peter Mandel’s work in terms that would be more meaningful for this audience. To accomplish this, I drew extensive connections between the latest research and theories coming from areas like neuroscience, psychophysiology, trauma therapy and stress-disease medical studies, and the therapeutic concepts and methods of Esogetics.

The field of Energy Psychology continues to grow, as more people discover that incorporating techniques into their practices that regulate bioenergetic flow in the meridians and the body (TFT, EFT, etc) can help their clients heal more rapidly and more effectively. The basic premise of my book is that light is one of the most powerful mediums we can use to regulate bioenergetic flow. What is more, the unique and precisely targeted light treatments of Esogetic Colorpuncture offer a powerful adjunct tool for the practice of psychotherapy. The system also includes many excellent home-care protocols that can enable your clients to participate more actively in their own healing and thus gain greater self-empowerment.

Today, I will talk about certain key concepts of Esogetics and relate these concepts to research findings in the neurosciences, psychology and medicine. I will introduce you to an Esogetic method of information/energy assessment called Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis. And, I will teach you several simple light treatments that you can easily begin using to deepen and enhance psychological healing. I hope you will find this presentation “enlightening.” —- Blessings, Manohar

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Light is Information

“Light and photons participate in the business of communicating between our cels, organs and they must be the information carriers that rule over man’s spirit-soul-body synthesis. I believe the entire spectrum of the vibrations in the universe is mirrored in the being, Man. This is confirmed by the first law of Hermes Trismegistos: ‘as above, so below.’ “ — Peter Mandel

In Esogetics, we understand that light is information. The different wavelengths and photon packets that make up the are capable of conveying a vast array of regulatory signals that effect us on body, soul or psyche and even spirit levels.

Research and clinical observations have shown that:

• Light is actively involved in the communication between and within our cells. Biophysicist Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, found that biophotons (tiny packets of light in the body) are responsible for overseeing the vast number of chemical reactions that occur within our cells every second, as well as providing “extremely distinct and coherent signals” constantly relayed between cells.1

• Psychologists who work with light and color regularly observe that colored light has a unique capacity to activate the flow of subconscious information. For example, clinical psychologist, Dr. Stephen Vasquez comments that “light acts as a catalyst to bring unconscious material to the surface.”2

• Physicist David Bohm describes the role of light in the natural universe as that of a “bridge between the objective world and the infinite realm beyond space and time.” Russian biophysicists and molecular biologists recently theorized that a certain portion of our DNA may actually be involved in “hypercommunication with sources beyond space and time.”3

Esogetic ColorpunctureTM: is a precision system of information delivery. It uses the energy portals on the skin derived from Chinese medicine, and other energy reflex systems, to convey specific and targeted messages into the body. These messages support both physical and psychological healing. The idea of sending light into the body via the skin, rather than the eyes, is supported by the research of cellular biologist and author, Dr. Bruce Lipton. The skin, like the cellular membranes, appears to operate as a type of “brain,” sorting and relaying information between the body and it’s environment. As Mandel explains it: Everything about you is written on your skin.

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Key Esogetic Concepts Regarding the Bodymind or Spirit-Soul-Body Continuum

In Esogetics, the body-soul-spirit is understood to be one single continuum, all of which is being informed by light. That perspective has led to the following insights regarding how and why sickness and pain occur:

• Sickness and pain are the result of blockages in the flow of information within the body mind continuum. The matter of the body has no choice but to follow the direction in which information leads it.

• From this “information medicine” perspective, whatever manifests in body is usually preceded by “causes” happening at a more subtle or subconscious level. These “causes lead to blockages or distortions to the information flowing into the material of the body.

• In general, these “causes” are toxic or conflict stress situations and events in the individual’s history.

• Therefore, physical symptoms in the body can be interpreted as “signals or symbolic messages” that point toward the need for the patient to inquire into the original causes of their stagnation, and very often, to make personal changes in their lives.

• For this reason, in addition to the many colorpuncture treatments that support physical healing processes and relieving symptoms, the Esogetic system includes a large body of therapies aimed at surfacing and clearing the “background” of pain and disease, where it is stored — in the subconscious and in cellular memory.

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The Stress - Disease Continuum Research on the Bodymind Continuum

• Hans Selye’s General Adaptive Syndrome (GAS) Model describes a step-by-step process by which systems of the body shift and change in order to survive prolonged exposure to stress. Selye identified the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis or the HPA (sometimes called the limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) as the neural and endocrine network within the body that is designed to help human beings cope with stress and threats to survival. Selye described the body’s 3 stages of adaptation as: 1) Alarm Stage; 2) Resistance Stage and 3) Exhaustion Stage.4

• Brain scan studies by Dr. Bruce McEwen, professor of bio psychiatry at Rockefeller University, have tracked the process by which long-term chronic stress alters the functioning of the HPA axis and leads to chronically elevated or altered blood cortisol levels. Changes in blood cortisol can literally begin to change the shape of our brains. They also can change the way our lymph system (immune system) functions. McEwen coined the term “Allostatic Load” — to describe the physiological process by which the chronic stress of unresolved trauma sets us up to experience even more stress, which eventually sets us up for disease.5

• Dr. Robert Scaer, author of The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, dissociation and disease, clarified the difference between stress and trauma and the “freeze response.” Stress and trauma occur on a continuum in terms of our nervous system. Where an experience lands on that continuum depends upon the degree of helplessness the person experiences at the time. Trauma occurs when the threat is so severe that it overwhelms our natural ability to fight or run away, and generates a feeling of absolute helplessness. At this point, our internal endocrine and ANS responses shift into the freeze response, in which the sympathetic and parasympathetic responses are both turned on at the same time.6

• Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a leading authority on the treatment of PTSD and developmental trauma, observed that developmental trauma is much more widespread than we imagine: “traumatic childhood experiences are not only extremely common, they also have a profound effect on many different areas of functioning… including various medical illnesses.”7 In one study, van der Kolk compared lymph system responses in female survivors of childhood incest to a non-molested control group and found that the incest survivors had a significantly higher ratio of immune cells with defensive memories to cells without memories (called the CD45 RA to RO ratio).8

• The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study conducted by Drs’ Felitti and Anda on over 13,000 members of Kaiser Permanente revealed that the number of traumatic experiences a person has before the age of 18 is statistically predictive of their likelihood of contracting one of several major chronic diseases in adulthood. According to Anda, “the ACE Study had stumbled upon the gravest and most costly health issue in the U.S. … an unrecognized epidemic with devastating societal implications that are felt for decades afterwards.”9

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Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis and the Stress-Disease Continuum

In the late 1970’s, Peter Mandel began developing a unique method of information/energy assessment called Kirlian Energy Emission Analysis (Kirlian EEATM).10 Throughout the years, he has used these photos to identify specific blockages to information/energy flow and to evaluate the effectiveness of specific colorpuncture light treatments aimed at regulating or clearing these blockages.

Mandel identified three basic patterns or types of radiation in the Kirlian EEA photos. These three patterns correlate almost exactly with the three stages in Hans Selye’s GAS Model. This means that the Kirlian EEA system (along with other information/energy assessment methods that we use in Esogetics) can enable Esogetic practitioners to immediately recognize and treat each client’s precise situation of adaptation to stress. In this way, the Esogetic Colorpuncture treatments offer great support for recovery from traumatic stress.

1. The Endocrine EEA Pattern — (Resembles the GAS Alarm Stage) Based on his research, Mandel concluded that this first pattern indicates activation of the HPA axis and Endocrine-ANS dysregulation. These patient often experience physical symptoms such as headaches & migraines, blood pressure irregularities, insomnia, spasms in the solar plexus & gastrointestinal problems, etc. Emotionally, they tend to suffer from anxiety, mood swings and/or depression, and dissociation. They typically have histories of early childhood abuse or neglect and/or prenatal or perinatal trauma. In a spiritual sense, they are unable to move forward in life because they are frozen in fear.

Endocrine Pattern Colorpuncture Therapies include: • Treatments to regulate the HPA axis and all the endocrine glands. • Brain regulation therapies, including therapies for the limbic system, amygdala, and hippocampus. • Treatments to relieve symptoms of endocrine/ANS dysregulation.

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2. The Esogetic Toxic EEA Pattern — (Resembles the GAS Resistance Phase) Whenever stress continues, the second information/energy pattern can begin to show in the Kirlian EEA photos. Mandel realized that this pattern indicates lymphatic reactivity and immune stress; and, from a mind body perspective, burdening of what we all the “psychological bufer” system of the lymph. The patient’s physical symptoms usually include localized or system-wide lymphatic reactions or inflammation. Psychologically, emotions are more on the surface now but there is a tendency to dwell on them. Spiritually, the patient is trying to move forward in life but struggling to resolve old fears and let go.

Toxic Pattern Colorpuncture Therapies include: Treatments designed to regulate the information of the lymph system, as well as treatments to clear residual emotional toxins that still burden the lymphatic psychological buffer.

3. The Esogetic Degenerative EEA Pattern — (Resembles the GAS Exhaustion Phase) The third and final pattern appears in the Kirlian EEA photo, as a result of chronic and ongoing stress. It indicates a complete blockage of the flow of information/energy from the subconscious to the conscious mind and potentially opens the door to chronic health problems. Physically, these patients are often exhausted, have poor lymph flow and blood oxygenation and may have symptoms of chronic or life threatening diseases. Emotionally they are usually out of touch with emotions and memories, tend to ruminate over old emotional conflicts, don’t remember much about childhood, focuses excess time and energy on others, often neglects own needs, often has poor personal boundaries, low self esteem, and a deep sense of isolation. In a spiritual sense, they have difficulty evolving because they can no longer receive inner impulses of soul-spirit information. This pattern matches Selye’s Exhaustion Stage of adaptation to stress.

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Note: A primary therapeutic concern in the treatment of patients in the Degenerative EEA Pattern is to address underlying subconscious conflict stress:

With this pattern, the patient’s subconscious imprints of unresolved conflict or traumatic stress have now become life-threatening. Within the system of Esogetic Colorpuncture we must draw from a wide variety of treatments that aim to bring up and clear these imprints.

Our task as Esogetic Therapists is to decide which conflict therapies are most appropriate for each individual client, according to their history and what we see through our information/energy assessment. The Esogetic Conflict therapies include:

• treatments to improve communication within the triune brain structures, regulate the emotional brain and surface memories of conflict stress; • prenatal and birth trauma therapies; • treatments to clear negative parental imprints (the cellular memory of Mom and Dad); • ancestral trauma treatments; • treatments to address territorial or boundary violations; • and more!

Last Comment: Using the Kirlian EEA photos and other Esogetic assessment methods, we are also able to identify and treat issues such as “laterality” or lack of hemispheric intercommunication, and “polarity” or dysregulation of the vagus nerve and belly brain. In fact, the Kirlian EEA offers a precise roadmap for tracking each patient’s psycho-spiritual history and how that history is landing the body.

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The Esogetic Dream Zone Therapy

Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine and the healing arts. At his side stands the snake entwined around a staff, which remains a symbol of medicine even today. Priests in the ancient temple of Asclepius used to perform purification rituals on their patients and inculcate their dreams to obtain guidance regarding each patient’s path to healing

In Esogetics, we consider that the dream state offers an ideal arena to support psychological healing. One in which this healing can be accomplished more gently, at a pace that the client’s subconscious itself dictates. Moreover, the information that comes through in these dreams can help expand consciousness over time and bring clients into deeper contact with the soul-spirit information regarding their “life paths.” Treating the following zones on the skin with oil and color literally activates dreaming. What is more, it does so in a very targeted way that will help the client access inner information. And as you will see, from a bodymind standpoint, these dream zones are also helpful for treating specific issues of physical pain.

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Relieving Traumatic Stress through Dream Activation

Researchers studying PET scans of sleeping subjects found that the limbic system (the emotional midbrain structure) is particularly activated during dreaming. It appears that dreaming may be an evolutionary survival mechanism which enables human beings to process and integrate stressful experiences while sleeping. Researchers have also found that the rapid eye movements generated during REM or dream sleep may enable the brain to involve both hemispheres in this nightly information processing (similar to the way that EMDR therapy involves both hemispheres in the processing of traumatic experiences).

The Endocrine Triad and Dreaming

Mandel developed this image to describe the way that our different brain structures participate in the process of dreaming. The three major brain/endocrine structures that involved in activating dreaming are the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the pineal gland. Through their intercommunications, the pineal gland is stimulated every night to convert serotonin into melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful hormone and antioxidant that promotes sleep. Then, the pineal further converts melatonin into pinolin. Pinolin is a neurotransmitter that is similar in structure to chemicals found in the psychotropic drugs used by Amazon shaman during vision quest ceremonies. In the brain, pinolin triggers dreaming.

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It is important to note that the amygdala and hippocampus are also included in this image. These are the stress and threat response structures within the limbic system. Whenever they ‘perceive’ a potential stress or threat, the amygdala send signals to the hypothalamus, which in turn activates our ANS and alters hormonal secretions via communication with the pituitary. If a client suffers from ongoing toxic subconscious stress due to trauma, the signals from their amygdala/hippocampus to their hypothalamus gradually disturb the normal functioning of this endocrine triad. The results are poor sleep, a disturbed dream process and a growing situation of 24 hour stress in which the brain and body cannot regenerate. In Esogetics, we use these dream zone therapies to reactivate the dream process, improve sleep and restore healthy communication within the endocrine triad.

Please Note: In the workshop, I will be explaining and demonstrating how to treat the following Esogetic Dream zones, including which to apply to each zone and how to use the accompanying sound therapies and an herbal oil. We will also explore how you can combine treatment of certain dream zones for greater effect. For additional information on the Esogetic Dream Zone Therapies, you are also referred to: Energy Psychology Using Light and Color by Manohar Croke and/or Sleep Yourself Fit: With Color, Sound and Herbal Oil by Peter Mandel & Praveeta Timmerman. The instructions for ordering these books can be found in the reference section of this handout.

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A. The Five Zones for Growth and Change

1. Zone of the Individual Program This zone is positioned on top of the hip joint, on both the left and right sides of the body. Its treatment stimulates realization of your personal, individual goal in life. If we have lost our inner path, this zone helps us get back on track. Also helpful for hip pain. Esogetic Sound Therapies: CD Totality #1 (Spirit) or Esogetic Soundscape #1: Balance.

2. Zone of Feelings and Intuition This zone is located on the medial side of the knee joint, left and right. Treating it helps to develop and strengthen our intuition. With a clear intuition, we can recognize our life program more easily and be able to realize it. Also helpful for knee pain. Esogetic Sound Therapies: CD Totality #2 (Body) or Esogetic Soundscape #2: Regeneration.

3. Zone of Imagination Zone lies over the medial ankle joint, left and right. This zone is complementary to the zone of intuition. We cannot follow our intuition unless we are able to imagine or visualize our life path direction first. Also helps children to strengthen their creativity and do better in school. Ankle pain is helped as well. Esogetic Sound Therapies: Totality CD #3 (Soul) or Esogetic Soundscape #3: Self Confidence.

4. Zone of Intellect This zone lies on the side of the base joint of the big toe, left and right (Spleen 2). The zone of intellect is the last step needed to help us grow and change. Once the information of the soul is surfaced, and transformed through intuition and imagining the future, now a conscious understanding can be developed to support our life movement. Very helpful for children with learning problems or difficulties with parents or school environment. Also helpful for bunion pain. Esogetic Sound Therapies: Psychosomatic Balancing CD or Esogetic Soundscape #4: Vitality

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5. Mental Zone Zone is located 4 finger widths above the tip of elbow on back side of upper arm, left and right. Treating this zone helps clarify the dreams. We say that dreams are “the digestion of the soul” and by treating this zone, we can free our inner selves of restlessness, fear and tension and optimize mental harmony. This zone helps nightmares and anxiety dreams to disappear. Esogetic Sound Therapies: Psychosomatic Balancing CD or Immune Strengthening CD.

B. Additional Zones to Enhance Physical and Mental Well-Being & Stimulate a New Sense of Direction in Life

1. The Zone of Tension This zone lies directly between the naval and bottom tip of sternum on midline of body. Treatment helps relieve cramps and tensions anywhere in the body, especially in the shoulders, neck or back of head. Eases subconscious conflict stress. Helpful whenever there are current conflicts in the family or at work. Esogetic Sound Therapy: Migraine/Headache CD

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2. The Zone of the Deep Subconscious This zone lies around the 7th cervical vertebra at the base of the neck. Mandel says that this is where everything that happens in life is stored, especially all our unsolved problems. Metaphorically, it is where we “carry the cross.” Treating this zone will help lighten our load in life. Esogetic Sound Therapy: CD Totality 1-3: Spirit-Soul-Body

3. The Zone of Memory This zone lies in the upper part of the sternum on midline of body. It relates to the Zone of Relationship and Partnership. By treating this zone, dreams often surface which relate to the past and especially to our childhood. Esogetic Sound Therapy: Concentration CD

4. The Zone of Relationship and Partnership This zone is located over the L5/S1 joint where the spine meets the sacrum. We treat it not just for conflicts between 2 partners, but for all relationship conflicts at work, between parents and children, etc. At the same time, this zone treats the relationship we have with ourselves. Also helpful for any pain and tension in the low back and pelvis. Esogetic Sound Pattern: Psychosomatic Balance CD

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References 1. Popp, F.A. & Belousov, L.V. (2003). Biophotons: Background, experimental results, theoretical approach and applications. In Integrative biophysics: Biophotonics. Dordrecht, The Nederlands: Kluwer Academic. 387 - 438.

2. Brieling, B.J. (Ed.). (1996). Light years ahead: The ilustrated guide to ful spectrum and colored light in mindbody healing. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts, 58-59.

3. Garajajev, P. & Poponin, V. (n.d.). DNA biocomputer reprogramming: Russian DNA research. Retrieved from http: //rexresearch.com/garajajev.htm.

4. Selye, H. (1975). The stress of life. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

5. McEwen, B.S. (1998). Protective and damaging effects of mediators of stress, adaptation and disease: Allostasis and allostatic load. Annals of the New York Academy of Science: Neuroimmunomodulation: Integrative Systems and Clinical Advances, 840, 33-44.

6. Scaer, R.C. (2001). The neurophysiology of dissociation and chronic disease. Applied Psysiology and Biofeedback, 26 (1), 73 - 91.

7. van der Kolk, B.A. (2005). Developmental trauma disorder: Towards a rational diagnosis for chronically traumatized children. Psychiatric Annals (May), 1-18.

8. van der Kolk, B.A. (2014). The body keeps score: Brain, mind and body in the healing of trauma. New York, NY: Penguin, 490.

9. Felitti, V.J., Anda, R. F., et. al. (1998). Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 14 (4), 245 - 258.

Esogetic Colorpuncture References:

1. Croke, M., (2016). Energy psychology using light and color: Opening bodymind pathways to relieve traumatic stress and enhance psychological wel-being with Esogetic Colorpuncture. Boulder, CO: Points of Light Press. (available at www.colorpuncture.org or at amazon.com.)

2. Mandel, P. & Timmerman, P. (2016). Sleep yourself fit: With color, sound and herbal oil. Esogetics GmBH: Bruchsal, Germany. (available at www.colorpuncture.org)

Also, my thanks to the International Mandel Institute for their permission to reprint their copyrighted illustrations and treatment information.

For Further Information on Esogetic Trainings and Products, we invite you to visit www.colorpuncture.org or call 530-362-6908

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