Volume : 9 Issue : 2 : August 2017 NEWS LETTER


Introductory Sessions by Clubs EAI Conference 28th July - 4th August 2017 3rd - 4th August 2017

Alumni Meet 2017 Photowalk 5th August 2017 6th August 2017

MADnite 2017 Kalakriti 2017 9th August 2017 11th August 2017

Sri Janmashtami 71st Independence Day 14th August 2017 15th August 2017

IConAMMA 2017 What is inside NAVY? 17th - 19th August 2017 21th August 2017

Eco-Friendly Clay Idols Ganesha Chathurthi 23rd August 2017 25th August 2017

IAM Technique 28th August 2017 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs

Squad and

The Introductory session of ‘Squad’, the adventure enthusiasts club and ‘Smriti’, the photography club, was held on 28th of July 2017. Mr. Sudeesh Reddy (S5-CSE), Secretary, Smriti gave an elucidation on the various genres of photography such as nature photography, food photography, wildlife photography, astro-photography and so on. The various activities of the club like designing posters and attending photo walks were expounded upon. The courses of basic photography, photoshop and advanced photography were then introduced by him. Mr. Kasi Vishwanath (S5-CSE), Joint Secretary, Smriti then took over and probed the audience about their interest in designing and editing. The concept of digital painting was also briefly touched upon using various logos as illustra- tions. Mr. Gowtham Reddy, the former Secretary of Smriti was then called upon the stage. The importance of having a hobby and utilizing every minute of the student life doing something worthwhile was explained by him. He then concluded by saying “Photography is a way of life, which reflects who you are”.

The dais was then taken over by Mr. Sriraj Vuppala (S3-CSE), Secretary, ‘Squad’, who began with a friend- ly interaction with the audience. He then went on to speak about the alignment of the club’s motto with patriotism and familiarized the gathering with the functioning of the club. Photographs of the March Past and the Trekking that were undertaken during the previous year were shown. Mr. Sri Harsha Merugu (S3 -EEE), Joint Secretary, Squad then spoke about the adventures one can have by being a part of the club. Mr. Nitin Bhagat, former Secretary of Squad took the opportunity and urged the students to actively participate in various events the club is planning to hold. The event ended on a great note with the audience becoming aware of the future endeavours of the clubs.

August 2017 PAGE 1 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs

Vedanta and Kala Abhinaya and SPICMACAY , the spiritual club and Kala, the fine arts club Abhinaya, the Drama club, held their introductory and SPICMACAY (Society for th sessions on 29 July 2017. Promotion of Culture Among Youth), student chapter ASE- The session commenced with B, held their introductory Ms. Siri Dhatri (S5-ECE), sessions on the 31st of July Secretary, Vedanta and Ms. 2017 . Mani Sravani (S5-ECE), Joint Secretary, Vedanta, introduc- The session began with ing the club’s ideologies to the students and sharing Ms. Navyashree G. (S5- ECE), Secretary, SPIC- details of the events that organized by the club over the MACAY explaining the various activities and roles of past year. A small story was then narrated to the audi- the club. Ms. Jaswitha K.R. (S5- ECE), Secretary then ence and they were asked to interpret it according to took the audience through the various events their understanding. This led to an enlightening discus- Abhinaya plans to host over the course of the year and sion which was well-appreciated by the attendees. mentioned about the accolades that were awarded to the events conducted by the club at the state and The stage was then given to Mr. Madevan (S5- national levels. ME), Secretary and Mr. Bharat Vinayagam (S5-ME), joint-secretary of Kala and the duo went on to lay An alluring skit was then performed by the Executive down the general idea behind the functioning of the Members of the club which received an enthusiastic club. They discussed about the various events Kala response from the audience. Mr. Tarak Sai Srinatha conducts and some new developments they plan on Reddy (S5-ECE), Joint Secretary, SPICMACAY then making this year. The session culminated with the took over and presented a video containing footage crowd anticipating the events of both the clubs in the from various events held by the club during the past near future. year ranging from celebrations of festivals to promotion of Indian art forms. He along with Ms. Navyashree G., went on to speak about the events the club plans to host in the year to come and asked for an enthusiastic participation from the students. Mr. Varun Hande (S5-ME), Joint secretary, Abhinaya then went on to share the gist of various events the club plans to host as a part of Kalakriti, the annual talent hunt for freshmen. This was followed by acting performances by a few of the students from the audience.

The event came to a culmination with the organizers thanking the attendees.

August 2017 PAGE 2 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs

Abhinaya and SPICMACAY Lekhani and Quiz

Lekhani, the Press Club and the Quiz Club held their introductory sessions on 1st August, 2017.

The session began with Mr. Sesha Sai Rakesh J. (S5-ECE), Secretary, Lekhani shedding light on the various activities of the club. He mentioned that Lekhani encourages kindred souls who share a love for writing. He also spoke about took the gathering through the events that were held by the club during the previous year. AHAN, the official blog of ASE-B which contained reports on various events held in the school, was then introduced to the attendees.

Mr. Prasen Moudgal (S5-EIE), Joint Secretary then went on to speak about SPECTRUM, a contest held by Lekhani in collaboration with Smriti, the photography club and Kala, the fine arts club, which allowed the students to showcase their talents in fields of photography, literature and art on topics of current affairs. The audience were then familiar- ized with Sanchita, the annual magazine of ASE-B. A short game of ‘Taboo’ was then held, which received an enthusiastic response from the audience.

The session was then carried forward by Mr. Suraj Nukala (S5- ME), Secretary, Quiz club, who began by highlighting the agenda of the club and went on to speak about their upcoming events. The idea that a quiz is a battle of the mind and not that of the memory was put forth by him. A quiz was then conducted with he and Mr. Sharan R.V. (S5-EIE), Joint Secretary being the Quiz Masters. The concept of deductive reasoning using which the solution to a question can be found from the clues present in the question was then introduced to the students.

The session then came to a culmination with the audience fully familiarised with the various activities of the clubs and the events they plan to conduct in the future.

August 2017 PAGE 3 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs

Lekhani and Quiz Chetana and EPIC

Chethana, the sports club and EPIC, the movie club held their introductory sessions on the 2nd of August 2017.

The session commenced with Ms. Ashmita Ganguly (S5-EIE), Joint secretary, Chethana intro- ducing the mentor and the coach of the sports club to the audience. She deciphered the meaning of the word 'Chethana' and how the sports club justifies its name. Mr. R.K. Ashwin (S5-EIE), Secretary interpreted the benefits of playing sports and emphasised on how playing sports improve management skills and team work. In addition to this, he briefed the gathering about the previous year's accomplishments. He encouraged the students that it is never too late to start, citing Naveen Kumar’s (S7-ECE) example, a national level semi finalist who had started training in his first year. Mr. Kunaal Kumar (S5-ME), Joint Secretary laid out the names of the events that Chethana has planned to conduct in the upcoming year.

The EPIC club took over the session by screening the motion poster of the club, which received a tumultuous cheering from the audience. Mr. C. Vigneshwaran (S5- EIE), Secretary, EPIC described the various events that are planned to be conducted throughout the year. Mr. Subhash Arunachalam (S5- EIE), Joint Secretary informed the audience about the workshop on editing that was due be held the following weekend. The session culminated with screening of a video that offered a glimpse of all the major events that took place in the previous academic year, thus leaving the audience with an outpouring excitement.

The session by both the clubs were thus very informative and encouraged the students to put their best foot forward and take part.

August 2017 PAGE 4 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs

Chetana and EPIC Prerana and Prakriti

Prerana, the social outreach club and Prakriti, the eco club held their introductory sessions on the 3rd of August 2017.

The session commenced with inspirational videos be- ing presented to the student gathering. Mr. Madan K. (S5-ECE), Secretary, Prakriti spoke about various events hosted by the club during the previous year, some of which were Paper Bag prepara- tion, Art from waste, Bubble shoot and Vrindavan (organic farming). Details of Amala Bha- ratham Cleaning campaign, ASE-B’s contribution to- ward ‘Swachh Bharat Abhyan’, which washeld by Pra- kriti in collaboration with the state govt. were discussed. Events that took place as a part of Eco-week were expounded upon.

Mr. Anudeep Krishna J. (S5-ME), Secretary, Prerana, then took over and spoke about 'Joy of giving', a show of appreciation for those who contribute to the upkeep of the campus. The work done by the club under the banner of and Darshan was revealed. Events such as Swadeshi Bhojan, Blood donation camp, Scribe were also highlighted. Vijaya Raksha, a culture propounded by the club which emphasised the importance of seeing the divinity in women was described. Ayudh, an acronym of Amrita Yuva Dhar- madhara, which is an international youth movement started by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math in 1985 to empower the youth to integrate universal values into their lives was also explicated.

The event concluded on a great note with students fully cognizant of what the club has achieved and also about what the clubs aim to do in the days to come.

August 2017 PAGE 5 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs

Prerana and Prakriti

August 2017 PAGE 6 School Highlights

Introductory Sessions by Clubs Maardhani and Narthana

Maardhani, the Literary club and Narthana, the Dance club held their introductory sessions on the 4th of August 2017.

Ms. Harini Srivatsan (S5-ME), Secretary and Ms. Akshaya Sridharan (S5-CSE), Joint Secretary of Maardhani briefed the students on the various events the club plans to hold over the course of the year. The events of Debate, Green Screen and JAM were expounded upon. Details of the events which were to be hosted during Kalakriti, the annual talent hunt for freshmen, were discussed. This was followed by a ‘Group discussion' which witnessed active participation from the audience.

Narthana, sowed the seed of interest among the students with a scintillating flashmob earlier that day. Mr. P. Manish Kumar Reddy, Secretary (S5-CSE) and Aparna Pallavaraja, Joint Secretary (S5-CSE) shed light on the events to be hosted by them in the year to come. Ms. Vineetha Jain, Mentor of the club motivated the students to bring out their passion towards dance.

The outgoing Secretary and Joint Secretary of Narthana, Ms. Aishwarya Raja and Mr. Vinay Reddy addressed the students and encouraged them to actively participate in the various events of the club. This was followed by an enthralling dance performance by the Narthana team.

The session ended on a great note with the students looking forward to being involved with the clubs in the near future.

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Introductory Sessions by Clubs Humour and Raaga

The introductory session of the Humour club and Raaga, the Music club was held on 7th of August 2017 .

The event started off with a stand-up comedy session jointly hosted by Amandeep Singh (S5-EEE), Secretary, Humour Club and Krishna Sandilya (S5-EEE), Joint Secretary, Humour Club. Following this, Krishna Sandilya engaged the audience in a short and entertaining game which helped foster spontaneity in the audience. A hilarious video on the famous ‘Harlem Shake’ by Devarshi Pandey (S3-ECE) was shown which received loud cheers. This was succeeded by a skit that portrayed the life of a hosteller in a whimsical manner.

Ensuing this, Pruthvi Bhat (S5-ECE), Secretary, Raaga along with Shishir Harishanker(S5-ECE), Joint Secretary, Raaga took over the proceedings and went on to brief the gathering about the activities the club plans to host in the near future. Shishir then went on to explain about the flagship events the club hosts every year. The Raaga team then went on to mesmerize the audience with their performance which was a melange of songs from various genres of music.

The session concluded on a positive note with the student gathering acquainted with the various events of both the clubs.

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EAI International Conference on ‘UBICNET’

The Department of ECE and CSE organized Internet of Things- Key enablers for Digital India and a 3-Day International Conference on Ubiquitous Smart Cities’. Communications and Network Computing (UBICNET) during August 3rd -5th, 2017. The confer- The next two keynote addresses were delivered by ence witnessed delegates from different parts of the Prof. Manimaran (Iowa State University, USA) and country. Mr. Suresh Chitturi (Head of Technology Standards at Samsung R&D (Bengaluru)) on ‘IoT Challenges and The UBICNET Conference commenced with three Opportunities for Smart Cities’ and ‘Mission Critical tutorial sessions. On the first day, the tutorial on ‘The Communications’. Complexity of IoT World, Security Challenges and Building Secure Wired and Wireless Networks’ was The second half of the day witnessed keynote address delivered by Mr. Nishant Krishna, Software Architect, by Mr.Jagadish Kumar Chandrasekar (Director-Test Extreme Networks and his team proved to be very Engineering, Tessolve Semiconductor Pvt Ltd) in helpful for the participants. which speaker provided insights on ‘Consideration from IoT from Test Industry Perspective’ followed by The second tutorial included ‘Hands-On Training technical presentations. Program on Data Analytics & Machine Learning Using R’ by Dr. Mahesh Anand, Scientific Computing The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Sahithi Solution, India which gave a new experience to the Kolasani, M.Tech. (S3-VLSI) and the conference attendees. concluded on a positive note.

The third tutorial session was taken up by Mr. Anand The Conference was coordinated & organized by M., CDoT, Bengaluru in which he expounded on Dr. Navin Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of ‘MQTT Protocol’ with Demo. ECE, contributed as General Chair, Dr. Arpita Thakre, Assistant Professor (SG), On the inaugural day of UBICNET, the first keynote Department of ECE rendered as TPC Chair, Mr. address was delivered by Prof. V.R. Singh in which he Sagar B. and Ms. Sreebha B., Assistant Professor, emphasized discussion on “U-Care Health Devices”. Department of ECE & CSE, as Local Chairs. The second keynote address was delivered by Dr. Venkatesh Prasad (Assistant Professor, Delft In addition, Dr. N. Rakesh, Vice-Chairperson, University of Technology), on “Murphy loves Department of CSE and Dr. Kaustav Bhowmick, Constructive Interference”. The third keynote address Assistant Professor (SG), Department of ECE, chaired was presented on “Secure Device Management in IoT: some of the technical sessions, which included Practical Scenarios” by Dr. Vishwas Lakkundi, technical presentations from the participants. IncedoInc, India. The conference benefitted students of M. Tech. A panel discussion on “The impact of 5G-IoT and (VLSI, CSEP, Embedded Systems and Computer Wearables and India’s Efforts towards Science streams). Standardization / development”, was moderated by Mr. Kishore AT and the speakers included Dr. Dilip K, Dr. Sivaram, Dr. V.R. Singh, and Dr. Vijay Kumar who brought forth different perspectives on India leaping towards 5G standardization and efforts on IoT. The second day of the UBICNET concluded with technical paper presentations.

The conference resumed on third day with technical session presentations followed by a keynote address by Dr. Pamela Kumar on ‘Cloud Computing and

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EAI International Conference on ‘UBICNET’

August 2017 PAGE 10 School Highlights

Alumni Meet 2017

The School organized 4th Annual Alumni The later part of the event was devoted to recreation Meet on 5th August, 2017 under the banner of with cultural activities. Raaga-the music club and “Alumni Meet-2017”. The Programme was graced by Narthana-the dance club of the school presented the the Campus Director Br. Dhanraj Swamy, Associate myriad mellifluous musical performances and Dean & Head, Dr. Rakesh S.G. and Chair of the electrifying dances to applause from the crowd. As a Alumni Association, Bengaluru Chapter Dr. Supriya token of appreciation, a memento was presented to all M., Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE. The meet the Alumni for their participation in the meet. The witnessed the presence of around 60 Alumni. The Alumni Meet closed with the vote of thanks proposed programme gathered the Chairmen and Heads of by Ms. Nalini S. of Department of CSE. The Alumni various Departments, faculty and staff members. The parted with a resolve to visit again and with a promise event was mastered by Ms. Sreevidya B. from the to make sure that there is more number of Department of CSE. participation in the next Meet.

The programme began with lighting of the lamp followed by the prayer. A formal welcome address was given by Ms. Kirthika S. of Department of EEE following which the Chair of the Alumni Association, Dr. Supriya M. addressed the gathering, expressed her happiness in welcoming the Alumni and also gave the statistical report on the participation of the Alumni. Following this, Director Br. Dhanraj Swamy addressed the invitees and emphasized on performing every work assigned with interest for a fruitful result. He also advised to choose the righteous path in life. Associate Dean & Head Dr. Rakesh S.G. welcomed the Alumni and appreciated them for making it to the meet in spite of being connected through various social networking forums. He also took this opportunity to invite the Alumni community to attend various meets and other activities that will be held in the campus and thereby lend a hand to the juniors/school in terms of technical knowledge/funds etc. Heads of various departments including Dr. Nagaraja S.R., Dr. N.S. Murty, Vice Chairman of Department of CSE Dr. N. Rakesh and Head of CIR, Capt. Sood also addressed the gathering and spoke about the fact that the Alumni are responsible for the ranking on the social media and have contributed to the overall progress of the Institution. They also stressed on how the growth of Alumni has an impact over the research and development of a School.

The Alumni expressed their appreciation to the School for organising such meets and were also willing to extend help in terms of conducting sensitization sessions for their juniors, arranging for invited talks by industry experts etc. The meet also witnessed the Alumni sharing their experience in the School as students then.

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Alumni Meet 2017

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Smriti, the Photography Club of ASE-B organized a photowalk at Kaikondarahalli on 6th August 2017 with the theme ‘COLOURS’.

Around 150 students turned up with their photography equipment, eager to learn the tricks of the trade.

The organizing team led by the Secretary Mr. Sudheesh (S5 CSE) and the Joint Secretary Mr. Kasi Vishwanath (S5 CSE_ taught the budding phtographers the technical aspects of clicking a photo. The walk was a success with the participants sharing useful insights with each other.

The team was accompanied by the Mentor of the club Mr. Sagar B., Assistant Professor, Department of ECE.

August 2017 PAGE 13 School Highlights

MADnite 2017

The School hosted MADnite, an evening unscripted yet jolly manner, ensuing which, a dedicated to the performing arts on the 9th of August performance by Aishwarya (S7- CSE) and team 2017 under the tagline "Ek shaam, talent ke naam". combined with the DFRX-Dance group received thunderous applause from the crowd. Prasen Moudgal (S5-EIE) and Rohit Nair (S5-ME) took to the stage as hosts and welcomed the gathering. The evening culminated with the hosts thanking the Euphoria, one of the musical bands, rocked the stage crowd and hoping for a similar, if not better with the medley of popular songs from various lan- participation in Kalakriti 2017. guages turning the celebration mode on. They were followed by Stompers, who took up a challenging act of fusing various genres of music and that got the audience on their feet. A ‘Mannequin challenge’ was then held, which was followed by a performance from Nemisis, a band led by Kalyan Mandal (S3-CSE) who performed a mashup of popular tunes. Subsequently, Pruthvi Bhat, Secretary, Raaga(S5-ECE) and Shishir Harishanker, Joint secretary, Raaga (S5-ECE) came together to perform. To give a fitting end to Raaga’s performances, Gravity, the college band, put together an breathtaking performance, which received an overwhelming response from the audience who were over the moon, waving torches in the air.

Right after the music performances, the Humour Club enacted filler that sent the audience into peals of laughter and contained several references made to current trends. Narthana, the dance club’s Desouls team kick-started the dance performances with an energetic South Indian dance which was followed by The Strikers, who enthralled everyone present with their performance. The Rhythmic Eagles then awed the audience with their robotic yet wavy moves. Mr. Vinay and Mr. Manoj, involved the gathering by dancing amidst them and were then joined on stage by Mr. Shashi Kumar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ME who turned the audience frenzy.

As a filler, Karthik Raghu (S7-ME) amazed the audience with some catchy beat boxing performance, and kept them wanting for more. Ms. Aparna Pallavraj (S5-CSE), Joint secretary, Narthana and Aishwarya Raja (S7-CSE) showcased their Bharatnatyam skills while dancing to popular western songs. The duo was later joined by Ashmita Ganguly (S5-EIE) who dazzled on stage with a contemporary style performance to the EDM music.

The Tamil Thalaivas, with their folksy music and choreography, got the throng to caper around in an

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MADnite 2017

August 2017 PAGE 15 School Highlights

Kalakriti 2017

The School witnessed Kalakriti’17, the annual talent such as ‘Dhoti Pratiyogita’, ‘Dumbcharades’ and hunt for freshmen, on 11th of August 2017. The ‘Tatoo’. Abhinaya, the Drama club, evoked acting inaugural ceremony commenced with the lighting of skills in the students through ‘Dramebaaz’ and lamp by the Associate Dean In-charge Dr. Nagaraja ‘Curtain Call’. S.R., Chairman, Dept. of ME, Dr. S. Ravishankar, Chairperson, Amritadhara, Ms. G. S. Jyotsna, Co- Lekhani, the Press Club aimed to bring out spontanei- Chair, Sanskriti, and Ms. Shali S., Co-Chair, ty and writing skills through ‘Taboo’, ‘Tell-A-Tale’ and Prachodhana. Ms. Pruthvi Bhat, Secretary, Raaga (S5- ‘Unscripted’. Maardhani, the Literary Club tested the ECE) rendered a melodious prayer. Ms. G. S. Jyotsna, oratory skills through ‘Debate’. ICON, the Flagship then introduced the 2017-18 Amritadhara team, the event of Kalakriti’17 played host to the diversified tal- student ensemble of ASE-B, to the gathering following ents and culminated with Mr. Mrinalkanti Roy (S1- which, Dr. Nagaraja S.R., declared the event open. ME) being crowned as Mr. Kalakriti 2017.

The Quiz Club hosted events like ‘InQUIZitive’, and Food stalls set up by the organising committee of ‘Phantasia’to put the young minds to test. Kala, the Kalakriti 2017 witnessed a buzzing crowd throughout Fine Arts Club, organized ‘Face Painting’, ‘One mi- the day. Kalakriti’17 culminated with a closing nute Art’, and ‘Find the Best from Waste’, which were ceremony which included the declaration of prize win- savoured by art enthusiasts. Smriti, the Photography ners. Ms. Harini Srivatsan (S5-ME), Secretary, Club, captured the interest of photography enthusiasts Maardhani proposed the Vote of Thanks. through events like ‘Spot it’ and ‘Third Eye’ while also preserving the memories of the gigantic carnival.

Prakriti, the Eco Club, brought the nature lovers together through events like ‘Beckon of Nature’ and ‘Art from Waste’. Chetana, the Sports Club fostered competitive spirit in the freshmen through events like ‘Gamer’s Hub’, ‘Tikki Taka’, ‘Chess’ and ‘Treasure Hunt’. The Squad, the Adventure Enthusiasts Club, attracted the fitness fanatics through ‘Time Run’ and ‘Run Raja Run’. Raaga, the Music Club, brought out the musical talents through ‘Western/Indian Solo’, ‘Classical solo’, and ‘Solo Instrumental’.

Narthana, the Dance Club, got the gathering tapping their feet to events such as like ‘Solo Dance’, ‘Dancing Duos’ and ‘Group Dance’. The Humour Club sought out the funniest and impetuous fresher’s through events such as ‘Jester of the Campus’ and ‘Stand Up Comedy’.

EPIC, the Movie Club, aimed to bring out the prospective actors, actresses and film makers through events like ‘Act on cam’ and ‘Ad Making’. Vedanta, the cultural club emphasized on the need to maintain good virtues in life through events such as ‘YOU’ and ‘Kalpana’.

SPICMACAY, the Indian fine arts club fostered the various aspects of Indian culture by organising events

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Kalakriti 2017

August 2017 PAGE 17 School Highlights


Sri Krishna Janmashtami was celebrated in the campus on the 14th of August 2017.

The eventful afternoon began with lighting of the lamp by Dr. S. Ravishankar, Chairperson, Amritadhara, Ms. G.S. Jyotsna, Co -Chair, Sanskriti, Amritadhara and Ms. Shali S., Co-Chair, Prachodhana, Amritadhara.

Following this, a traditional pooja was performed by Mr. Ananth Sharma, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Cultural Education, which drew to a close with the distribution of prasadam. This marked the beginning of a series of cultural performances by the staff and students.

Mr. Ananth Sharma enthralled the audience by show- casing his mastery on the flute, while Ms. Swetha Parameswaran (S3-ECE) and Ms. Devasena Pasupuleti (S3-ME) put on elegant dance performances dedicated to Lord Krishna.

Mr. Ananth Sharma and Mr. Shankar Kumaran from the Dept. of Cultural Education, then addressed the audience and reinforced the spirit of Janmashtami in them by sharing numerous anecdotes of Lord Krishna.

The organizers also saw an enthusiastic participation by the students in various events such as ‘Pot Breaking Competition’ and ‘Tug of Wars’.

The day ended on a high note with everyone looking forward to many more such celebrations.

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Sri Krishna Janmashtami

August 2017 PAGE 19 School Highlights

71st Independence Day

The School hosted the 71st Independence Day Celebrations on the 15th of August 2017.

The celebrations commenced with the flag hoisting by Campus Director Br. Dhanraj Swamy. This was followed by a well- coordinated parade by The Squad, the adventure enthusiasts club. Br. Dhanraj Swamy inspired the attendees with his speech, wherein he highlighted the sacrifices and achievements of Indians through the years. The importance of valuing nature and working in coordination with it were also highlighted by him.

The cultural programs began with a melodious rendition of a medley of patriotic songs by Raaga, the music club. Mr. Basavaraj Noolvi, Asst. Prof., Dept. of ME, delivered an engrossing speech which paid homage to the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and highlighted the threat we bring to our country’s economy by using imported products. This was followed by an enthralling dance performance by the girls of Narthana, the dance club and a captivating speech by Mr. Shivappa, Warden, Boys Hostel.

Abhinaya, the Drama club, performed ‘Bus Number’, a scintillating skit on the cultural and poignant conflict that came as an aftermath of the partition. The artists received thunderous applause from the audience for their brilliant performances. Following this, the boys of the Narthana team mesmerized the audience with their dance performance. The winners of ‘Nurture Nature’, a contest conducted to instil among the students a sense of responsibility towards the nature, presented their views on topics of ‘Preservation of biodiversity’ and ‘Use Technology in the advancement of Nation’.

Amala Bharatham Cleaning Campaign, ASE-B’s contribution towards the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ saw an enthusiastic participation from both the staff and students alike. Refreshments and various fun games were organized by Prakriti, the eco club, during the campaign. The day ended on a high note with the events inculcating a patriotic spirit in the students while also reminding them of their responsibilities towards nature.

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71st Independence Day

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IConAMMA 2017

The Department of Mechanical Engineering IConAMMA received a total of 888 papers from proudly hosted the 2nd edition of the 3 day researchers from India and over 19 countries across International Conference on Advances in Materials the globe. All the papers have gone through the and Manufacturing Applications – IConAMMA in double peer review process from the Review and association with IOP Conference Series: Materials Advisory Committee comprising of subject experts Science and Engineering and Elsevier’s: Materials across the globe. The conference paper submission Today Proceedings during August 17th to 19th 2017 was done through EasyChair in order to facilitate the Chaired by Dr. Veeresh Kumar G.B. and Co-chaired authors to easily upload or withdraw their papers. by Mr. R. Pramod. Dr. Shantikumar Nair, Dean of Research and The conference aimed at creating a cross disciplinary Director of Nano-sciences, Amrita Centre for Nano- summit that transcends departmental, institutional, sciences and Molecular Medicine, Kochi India had industrial, public and private research organizational graced the inaugural function as the Chief Guest and barriers and lends itself to the integration of research key note speaker of IConAMMA 2017. Prof. Nair, in and education in the vital field of advanced materials. his key note address shared valuable knowledge on the development of bio-materials and Nano-materials for IConAMMA is dedicated to bringing up substantial the medical applications. discussions on major segments of advanced manufacturing processes, material characterization, The honorary keynote speaker, Dr. R.R. Sumathi, modeling and simulation, properties and performance Group leader, Wide Bandgap Semiconductor, of materials, device fabrication, thermal power and Functional Materials and Devices of Ludwig - Maxi- energy systems. The conference is a gathering of many milians University, Munich, Germany, delivered a key International and National achievers, scientists, note on Applications of Functional Materials for “Go researchers, and academicians in this field to share for Green” electronic materials like Silicon Carbide, their vision and experiences. Aluminium Nitride and Graphene.

All accepted papers of IConAMMA 2017 will be Both the addresses from distinguished speakers were published by IOP Conference Series: Materials very well received by the Delegates of IConAMMA, Science and Engineering Journal, and Elsevier’s: faculty and students of Amrita. Materials Today Proceedings, which are indexed through Conference Proceedings Citation Index – 414 of 888 papers were accepted and presented during Science (CPCI-S), Thomson Reuters, Web of the IConAMMA 2017, by means of oral presentations Science, SCOPUS, Compendex, Chemical Abstracts, in 7 parallel sessions and 4 poster presentation NASA Astrophysics Data System, Polymer Library. sessions with a total of 63 technical sessions which All accepted papers will have an open access and will were piloted by 45 session chairs comprising of be available soon on the IOP Conference Series and eminent personalities throughout the country. The Elsevier’s: Materials Today Proceedings websites. conference marked its successful completion through a valedictory function where the certificates were Prof. C.S.P. Rao, Department of ME, NIT handed over to the participants. Warangal and Prof. S Basavarajappa, Registrar IIIT Dharawad, Karnataka generously accepted the invitation to serve as Guest Editors for the conference.

The major topics that define the scope of the IConAMMA includes but not limited to Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Composite Materials, Advanced materials, Thermal Power and Energy Systems, Design Engineering, Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials.

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IConAMMA 2017

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‘What is Inside NAVY?’

A team of four serving Naval officers (consisting of three gentlemen and one lady officer from Southern Naval command visited Amrita Bangalore on 21st August 17 to give an overview of "What is Inside Navy ?". The talk was delivered as part of the recruitment drive under University Entry Scheme (UES) of the Indian Navy.

The School was chosen to be the first campus by the Navy in Southern Region for the UES drive for having contributed maximum candidates in the year 2017 under the University Entry Scheme.

The pre-placement talk was held at the Amriteshwari hall . The presentation benefited everyone about Indian Armed Forces in general and why Armed Forces remain one of the best career options today.

Indian Armed Forces remain as one of the top options for placements as assured career progression, pension and host of unparalleled privileges are given to the selected officers.

The Navy also ensures that the the officers are looked after for serving the nation from the Cradle to Grave.

August 2017 PAGE 24 School Highlights

Eco-Friendly Clay Ganesha Making Workshop

With vast number of people celebrating the Ganesh Chathurthi, it becomes more so significant to promote the importance of using eco-friendly Ganesh idols. Many people as responsible citizens have started realizing the importance of using eco-friendly Ganesh idols and the need to protect our environment.

Eco-friendly Ganesh idols can be made from various biodegradable substances like clay, paper pulp, natural colours and natural gums. These substances do not affect the aquatic life and water bodies like that of Plaster of Paris.

Prakriti, the Environment Club conducted a workshop on making of Eco-friendly Clay Ganesh Idols on 23rd August 2017. It saw overwhelming participation from the students & faculty.

The event which started as a fun contest, turned into a fierce battle, with each one bringing out the best in them. It was an attempt to kindle the imaginations of each mind and encourage them to find newer and greener methods. It was also a platform for the participants to work in teams, which was an attempt to make them realize that festivals are only occasions to celebrate and bond with your near & dear ones.

August 2017 PAGE 25 School Highlights

Ganesha Chathurthi

The School celebrated ‘’ with devotion on 25th August 2017. A masterfully sculpted idol of the Modak afi- cionado decorated the threshold of the new block, offering a divine sight to all the en- trants. The celebrations began with the traditional Ganapathi Pooja in the august presence of Director Br. Dhanraj Swamy. The pooja was followed by the recitation of the holy Astotharam. The morning was made memorable by vocalizing beautiful Ganapathi hymns in synchrony. The celebrations drew to a close with the auspicious Mangalaarathi and distribution of prasadam. The evening session comprised of thought provoking mythological narrations of Lord Ganesha interlaced with vivid video clippings and mesmerizing music. The storytelling aptly segued into melodious and Mangalaarathi.

August 2017 PAGE 26 School Highlights

IAM Techniques

IAM is a simple combination of , pranayama and meditation. It is a meditation technique for the present gener- ation. .The technique is a synthesis of traditional, time-tested methods suited for the current mental conditions, time constraints and needs of modern man. IAM Techniques sessions for the first year B.Tech. students started on 28th August 2017. The inauguration was done with the ceremonious lightly of the lamp. Mr. Shekar Babu and Mr. S. Balasubramaniam gave introductory talk. Students of every section attended two slots on consecutive days.

August 2017 PAGE 27 Department of CSE Papers Presented INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Aggregation Algorithm to 2nd -3rd June International Conference on Shekhar Pandey Overcome Data Travel Cost in 2017 Computational Intelligence in Data Author(s): Map Reduce” Science (ICCIDS) Shekhar Pandey SSN College of Engineering, Supriya M. Abhilash Shrivastava Presented By: “Dynamic reliable algorithm for 28th-29th July International Conference On Signal Nalini Sampath IoT based systems” 2017 Processing and Communication Author(s): (ICSPC’17) N. Kavin Prasath Karunya University Nalini Sampath Shriram K. Vasudevan Presented By: “Estimation of Field of View on Dejohn David Human Fundus Image” Author(s): Tripty Singh Dejohn David Presented By: “Tracing out various diseases by P.Amrutha Valli analyzing twitter data applying M.Uma data mining techniques” International Conference on Energy, Author(s): 1st -2nd Au- Communication, Data Analytics and P.Amrutha Valli M.Uma gust 2017 Soft Computing (ICECDS 2017) , K.R.S.Pravallika Chennai Sasikala T. Presented By: “Experimental study of Diffie Pratima Deshpande Hellmam Key Exchange Author(s): Algorithm on Embedded Pratima Deshpande, Devices” S. Santhanalakshmi, P. Presented By: “Optimal Election Winning 10th -11th 2nd International Conference on Tripty Singh Search Algorithm for Distributed August, 2017 Telecommunication and Networks Author(s): Systems” (TELNET-2017 ) ,Noida, India Tripty Singh G. Karthik Apurvanand Sahay Sunil Angadi Presented By: “EnergyAware Routing Protocol 12th -13th International Conference on Tripty Singh for Ad-Hoc Networks” August 2017 Innovations in Control, Author(s): Communication and Information Tripty Singh, Systems (ICICCI-2017), Noida Shikhamani Das

August 2017 PAGE 28 Department of CSE Papers Presented

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Foggy Image Enhancement and Tripty Singh Object Identification by Extended Author(s): Maxima Algorithm” Tripty Singh International Conference on 12th -13th Innovations in Control, Presented By: “Multinomial Logistic Regression Tripty Singh and Hybrid GLCM for Cervical August 2017 Communication and Information Author(s): Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis” Systems (ICICCI-2017), Noida Tripty Singh Rashmi Jha Presented By: “Parallelized Advanced 17th- 18th 3rd International Conference Omkar Joshi Rabin-Karp Algorithm for String August, 2017 On Computing, Communication, Author(s): Matching" Control And Automa- Omkar Joshi [Got Best paper per Session tion (ICCUBEA2017), Pune Bhargavi R. Upadhyay award] Supriya M. Presented By: “Reinforcement Learning based Hemant Singh Search algorithm in Social Author(s): Network” Tripty Singh Hemant Singh Presented By: “Analyzing the real time Aravindh Aki electricity data using data mining Author(s): techniques” Aravindh Aki Krishna Mohan Reddy D. Koushik Reddy Y. Kavitha C.R. Sasikala T. Presented By: “Performance Dashboard Cutting International Conference On Smart Kumar S.M. -Edge Business Intelligence and 17th -19th Au- Technologies For Smart Nation Author(s): Data Visualization” gust 2017 (SmartTechCon2017), Reva Kumar S.M. University, Bengaluru Meena Belwal Presented By: “Home Automation in Client- Brundha Sholaganga Server approach with user Author(s): notification along with efficient Brundha Sholaganga security Alert System” P. Lakshmi S. Santhanalakshmi Presented By: “Detection and Tracking of AkuVenkata Raviteja objects using thresholding Author(s): technique” AkuVenkata Raviteja Nalini Sampath

August 2017 PAGE 29 Department of CSE Papers Presented INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “A Study of Scheduler Aparna S. Nayanar Performance Analysis of Spark Author(s): Enabled GPU Cluster” Aparna S. Nayanar Bhargavi R. Upadhyay Presented By: “Siren Detection and Driver Kiran S. L. Assistance using Modified Author(s): Minimum Mean Square Error Kiran S. L. Method” Supriya M. Presented By: “Ranking of Internet Service G. Sai Teja Providers Considering Customer Author(s): Priorities using Multiple Criteria Dheeraj M. Decision-Making Methods” G. Sai Teja N. Yathendra Supriya M. Presented By: “Emergency human collapse Sindhu Suryanarayanan detection and tracking system” Author(s): International Conference On Smart Sindhu Suryanarayanan 17th -19th Au- Technologies For Smart Nation N. Rakesh gust 2017 (SmartTechCon2017), Reva Presented By: “OMLP: An Efficient University, Bengaluru Ruchika Das Opportunistic Multi-path Routing Author(s): using Location and Power aware Ruchika Das method in Wireless Network” N. Rakesh Presented By: “Comparative study and Ch. Srividya Performance Analysis of Author(s): Incentive Compatible Routing Ch. Srividya Protocol for Two-Hop Delay N. Rakesh Tolerant Networks” Presented By: “A Geometric Approach for Swetha K.M Recognizing Emotions From 3D Author(s): Images with Pose Variations” Swetha K.M. Suja P. Presented By: “Emotion Recognition from 3D Gowri Patil Videos using Optical Flow Author(s): Method” Gowri Patil Suja P.

August 2017 PAGE 30- Department of CSE Papers Presented INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Overlay Based Fault Tolerant Peer Vaishnavi Karanam to Peer Multicasting for Emergency Author(s): Data Communication in Vaishnavi Karanam VANETS” Uma Maheswari B. International Conference On Smart Sudarshan T.S.B. 17th -19th Technologies For Smart Nation Presented By: “Cluster Based Fault Tolerant August 2017 (SmartTechCon2017), Reva Chinasanisravya Architecture for Multicasting Data in University, Bengaluru Author(s): Wireless Sensor Network” Chinasanisravya Uma Maheswari B. Sudarshan T.S.B. Presented By: “Investigation of Nutritional Status of 22nd -24th 7th International Conference on S. Kavyashree Children based on Machine August 2017 Advances in Computing Author(s): Learning Techniques using & Communications Sangita Khare Indian Demographic and Health (ICACC-2017), Cochin S.Kavyashree Survey Data” Deepa Gupta, Amalendu Jyotishi Presented by: “Effectual Training For Object De- 25th August 2nd International Conference on In- Sandhya Vishwakarma tection Using Eye Tracking Data Set” 2017 ventive Computation Technologies-2017 Author(s): (ICICT-2017), Sandhya Vishwakarma Coimbatore D. Amudha J. Faculty Achievements/ Departmental Forum Participation/Recognition Activity  Dr. Tripty Singh reviewed a research paper for IET FACE kick-started the year with BUGSTERS, a code Journals on 19th August 2017. debugging contest on 10th August, 2017. It saw around 100 students from all the years participating in the first  Dr. N. Rakesh reviewed three technical papers for round of the contest. They either took part in solo or Second International conference on “Circuits, teams of two. It consisted two sets of question paper, an controls and communications” which will be held amateur one for the first years and a competent one for during 15th -16th December2017 with Technical the second and third years.The names of the top 20 co-sponsorship from IEEE Bengaluru section, IEEE teams along with the key to the questions asked were put CAS Society Bengaluru Chapter, IEEE CIS Society up on the FACE official Facebook page. The Second Bengaluru chapter, IEEE COMSOC Society round of ‘Bugsters’ was conducted on 30th August, 2017 Bengaluru chapter organised by RNSIT, Bengaluru. with an equally exciting and stimulating note. All the selected team came in with great enthusiasm and high spirit of competitiveness. This was an online programming round, wherein each team had to debug and code, two thought-provoking and brain racking programs within a time limit of 40 minutes. After an intense level of competition, the FACE team had a tough time short listing the three winners of the contest.

August 2017 PAGE 31 Department of ECE Papers Presented INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Dimensional modification 3rd to 5th International conference on Kaustav Bhowmick induced Band Gap tuning in 2D- August 2017 Ubiquitous Communications and Author(s): Photonic Crystal for advanced Network Computing (UBICNET) Sathya Narayanan R.R. communication and other Srinivasulu T application” Chitrank Kaul Arvind Narendran Ashit Sharma Jhilick Ghosh Nabanita Acharjee Kaustav Bhowmick

Presented By: “Multiband Antenna Design for Navin Kumar Mobile Communications” Snehalatha T.K.A.C. Author(s): Navin Kumar Snehalatha T.K.A.C. Presented By: “Priority Based Traffic Balancing T. K. Ramesh Routing Protocol for WDM Author(s): Optical Networks” P. L. Sindhuja Rao K. V. V. N.D. Santhosh T. K. Ramesh Presented By: “Polymer Optical Waveguide for Vajresh Kumar N. Optical-Electrical Printed Circuit IEEE International Conference on Author(s): Board” Microelectronics Devices, Circuits Vajresh Kumar N. 11th to 12th and Systems (ICMDCS’17), at VIT T. K. Ramesh August 2017 University, Vellore, Presented By: “An Efficient Hybrid Integer SCOPUS Indexed Ganapathi Hegde Coefficient-DCT Architecture Author(s): using Quantization Module for Ganapathi Hegde HEVC Standard” Akhil P.G. Presented By: “An Efficient Hardware Ganapathi Hegde Realization of Diamond Search Author(s): Algorithm for Motion Estimation Ganapathi Hegde Task in Video Coding Bizhu Vijay Applications” Presented By: “Merged Arbitration and Vinodhini M. Switching Techniques for Author(s): Network on Chip Router” Vinodhini M. N.S. Murty

August 2017 PAGE 32 Department of ECE Papers Presented INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “A QVCO in 180nm CMOS for 11th to 12th IEEE International Conference on Sajith WiFi High Band Applications” August 2017 Microelectronics Devices, Circuits Author(s): and Systems (ICMDCS’17), at VIT Sajith University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu Vignesh V. SCOPUS Indexed Kalyan Bhattacharyya Presented By: “Intelligent Smart Parking 17th to 19th International Conference on Smart D.V. S. Srikar Algorithm” August 2017 Technologies for Smart Nation Author(s): (SmartTechCon 2017), REVA Dharmini Kanteti University, Bengaluru D. V. S. Srikar SCOPUS Indexed T. K. Ramesh

Workshops/ Seminars/ Conferences Organized

NAME TITLE DATE VENUE Department of ECE and International conference on 3rd to 5th CSE Ubiquitous Communications and August 2017 Amrita School of Engineering, Network Computing Bengaluru (UBICNET)

latest and upcoming technological inventions that would make the world a better place to live in. Mr. S. Rishi Faculty Achievements/ Nandan (S5-ECE) had given an introduction on how the world would exactly look in the year 2020 if the existing Participation/Recognition technology is made better. Various videos were played which mesmerized the audience into learning more about  Dr. Navin Kumar delivered an invited talk titled, it. The videos conveyed its viewers a message that the “mmwave Channel Model and Unifrom Coverage world would be made easier with the technological devel- Area without Beam Steering”, at IEEE International opments in the fields of Transportation, Shopping, Edu- SG Summit and 29th Series Meeting of GISFI held at cation, learning etc. The session was then taken over by SOA University, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha the ECIF executive members Ms. Soumya Dambal (S5- ECE) and Ms. Adithi.R (S5-ECE) explaining how exactly all these technologies would work and how it was all pos- sible. The session was both interactive and entertaining Departmental Forum along with some learning in the field of science with an amazing display of information about the different types of glass materials that would be an essential substance in Activity this new era of science and technology. The session was concluded by Jt. Secretary Ms. Harini. M (S5-ECE) and VIDEOTRONICS was appreciated by the students with a thundering round of applause. ECIF, the departmental forum conducted its first event “VIDEOTRONICS “on 7th of August, 2017. The main objective of the event was to educate the students on the

August 2017 PAGE 33 Department of EEE Papers Presented

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Design and Development of Manikumaran K. Enhanced Road Safety International Conference on Energy, Author(s): Mechanism using Smart Roads st nd 1 - 2 Communication, Data Analytics and Anandaraman and Energy Optimized Solar August Soft Computing(ICECDS 2017) at Manikumaran K. Street Lights” 2017 SKR Engineering College, Poo- Sudharsan namallee, Tamil Nadu Aswathaman K. Manitha P.V. Presented By: “Leader-Follower Co-ordination Bhavana T. of Multiple Robots with Obstacle Author(s): Avoidance” Bhavana T Nithya M. Rajesh.M.(CSE Dept) Presented By: “A Study of Comparative V. Sai Krishna Analysis of Different PWM Author(s): Techniques” K. Deepa P. Ajay Kumar V. Sai Krishna P.N. Koteswara Rao A. Mounika D. Medhini

Presented By: “Remote Control of an Electronic International Conference On Smart Perka Ajay Kumar Device Using EOG” 17th -19th Technologies For Smart Nation Author(s): August 2017 (SmartTechCon2017), REVA Uni- P. Preetham Reddy versity, Bengaluru P. V. B. Suresh P. Thirumal Reddy Manitha.P.V K. Deepa Presented By: “Analysis Of Closed Loop Shreedhar Thiwari Control of Matrix Converter For Author(s): Capacitorless Single Phase Shreedhar Thiwari Induction Motor for variable Mini Sujith speed operation” Presented By: “Continuous tracking of Keerthana T. maximum power point of PV Author(s): array with controller” Keerthana T. Shankar S. Ramprabhakar J.

August 2017 PAGE 34 Department of EEE Papers Presented

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Comparative Study on Modeling Rahul K. and Estimation of State of Charge International Conference On Smart Author(s): in Battery” 17th -19th Technologies For Smart Nation Rahul K. August 2017 (SmartTechCon2017), REVA Ramprabhakar J. University, Bengaluru Shankar S. Presented By: “Comparative Analysis of Level- Sandra Joji Shift PWM in Author(s): 31-level MLI Topology” Sandra Joji Aravind N. Kumar Aruna Tangirala Diwagar S.V. Mini Sujith Presented By: “Current Source Multi Level IEEE International Conference on th th Smart Grid’s, Power and Advanced R. Mahalakshmi Inverter for Renewable Energy 17 – 19 Control Engineering [ICSPACE- Author(s): Integration” August 2017 R. Mahalakshmi 2017] at Global Academy of K. Deepa Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka K.C. Sindhu Thampatty Presented By: “Enhancement of Oscillatory K. Reethika Raj Response of DFIG based Wind Author(s): Energy Conversion System” K. Reethika Raj Won Best Paper Award R. Mahalakshmi Students Achievements

 A. Mounika, M.Tech (S3-PE) and Chair of IEEE PES & IAS Jt Student Branch Chapter of Amrita School of Engineering, was sponsored by IEEE PES Bengaluru chapter to attend the IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid’s, Power and Advanced Control Engineering [ICSPACE-2017] from 17th -19th August 2017 at Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

August 2017 PAGE 35 Department of EEE Departmental Activity

A Seminar on 'Power System Scenario in India' Two day workshop on 'Electrical Systems' IEEE Power Electronics Society Student Branch chapter IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) & IAS Jt. Student of ASE, Bengaluru organized a seminar on “Power Branch Chapter, Power Electronics Society (PELS) System Scenario in India” by Mr. Soumendra Mishra, Student Branch Chapter of Amrita School of Secretary of IEEE PELS, ASE Bengaluru. The seminar Engineering, Bengaluru and VIDYUTH, EEE depart- was conducted on 5th August 2017 from 1.30pm to ment forum jointly organized a two day workshop on 3.30pm at E-learning hall. 'Electrical Systems'. The workshop was spearheaded by Dr. Ragavan K., Associate Professor at IIT Gandhinagar B. Tech. (S1, S3 and S5) of EEE branch students on 22nd & 23rd August 2017 in Amriteshwari Hall. His attended the seminar. The event was conducted in two research interest are diagnostic testing and condition sessions. The first session was a technical talk by monitoring of power apparatus, mathematical modeling Mr. Soumendra Mishra about the power scenario in of transformers, rotating machines, system identification India & second session was a quiz competition based on in frequency domain. The workshop was conducted in the knowledge gained from the seminar. Nearly 36 three sessions. students from first year B. Tech. attended the seminar and participated in the quiz competition with great The first session was “Grid Connected Wind Energy enthusiasm and competitive spirit. Conversion System” conducted from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM on 22nd August 2017. Dr. Ragavan K., known for his spontaneity, humour and flamboyance made a quick impression on the fellow audience. He explained the components of wind energy system and discussed about the intricacies of system. The lines of discussion were inclined towards choosing the machine specifications pertinent to speed characteristics. Further on he discussed the typical value of flux density in air gap and Workshop on ' Introduction to Matlab Simulation with DC magnetization characteristics. Around 39 students Hands on Training' from M. Tech. (S1 and S3) and Ph.D., and few faculty A workshop was conducted by IEEE PES & IAS Jt members attended the workshop. students branch chapter on 'Matlab Simulation' on 10th August 2017 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in Simulation lab. Second session started from 2 PM to 4 PM on 22nd Mr. Harshith Varma, Vice Chair for IEEE PES Chapter August 2017 on “Modeling and Analysis of Electrical & Mr. Srikar Vamsi, Co Secretary for IEEE PES who are System”. In this session, he gave a brief introduction on doing their bachelors in Amrita School of Engineering, the most influential leaders in the field of technology Bengaluru, conducted and co-ordinated this workshop. from the bygone era such as Thomas Alva Edison, This workshop was open for all. The session was started Nicola Tesla, Obliver Heaviside and Charles Proteus by Mr. Harshith Varma with a brief introduction on Steinmetz. He discussed about linear and non-linear MATrix LABoratory (MATLAB) and briefed about the elements in electrical system by providing equations of various tools available in the Matlab and their usage. various networks. This talk regarding modeling and analysis of basic electrical circuits was very informative to first year B. Tech. students. Around 93 members from B. Tech. (S1) and M. Tech. (S1 & S3) were benefitted by the talk.

The third session was conducted on 23rd August 2017 from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM on the topic “Electric Vehicles and Electric Motors”. Dr. Ragavan K. gave good insight of the topic by throwing light on the fundamentals. He further explained speed and torque characteristics of different types of motor and presented a clear view of how the motors were being used in earlier

August 2017 PAGE 36 Department of EEE Departmental Activity

Two day workshop on 'Electrical Systems' energy used with an alternate like renewable sources of Dr. Ragavan K, made the session interactive by giving energy. After the talk a small technical fun game called many examples and made sure that every student had “Minute To Spot” was conducted for the students where their thinking caps on. About 119 members including B. the participants had to identify the technical elements Tech. (S5 & S7) and M.Tech. (S1& S3) attended the shown on the computer screen and also write its session. properties.

Discussion on 'Re-Solution' The 2nd day of the event was a discussion forum about coming up with alternative solutions for non- renewable sources of energy. The discussion was followed by a small technical game where the participants had to find the values of the resistors given in the circuit and design the circuit accordingly to the voltage given in the question.

A weeklong event 'Energy Week'

IEEE PES and IAS Jt. Student Branch Chapter th st conducted “ENERGY WEEK” from 28 of August to 1

of September in the campus. This week long celebration

mainly focused on the themes: The future of Energy,

Innovation and Research.

The ENERGY WEEK is an energy awareness week conducted every year by the School devoted to students A talk 'Tech-E' rd learning and talking about energy systems, sources and A talk called 'Tech-E' was arranged on the 3 day of the th use. Efficient and smart usage of Electrical Energy has event i.e 30 August 2017 which was about the energy become very much essential these days. evolution in India. Mr. Srikar Vamsi, Co-Secretary for IEEE PES spearheaded this talk. He spoke about the Talk on 'Energy Conservation-Need of the Hour?' evolution of electricity, power sources, their development On the first day i.e. on 28th August 2017, a talk on 'Energy in India and need to conserve electricity which were Conservation-Need of the Hour?' was delivered by shown through videos followed by its explanation. The Mr. Harshith, Vice-Chair of IEEE PES student branch talk was followed by a discussion on the current energy chapter who explained the importance of energy scenario in India. conservation. Conservation is the process of reducing demand on a limited supply and enabling that supply to begin to rebuild itself.

Many times the best way of doing this is to replace the

August 2017 PAGE 37 Department of EEE Departmental Activity

automobile market. Mr. Srikar, Mr. Harshith and their A talk on 'D-BUG' team demonstrated the ‘Solar Powered Plant Watering Another talk 'D-BUG' was conducted on 4th day of the System’ which was built by them. event which was focused on electrical circuits and faults. Fault is one of major problems and often it leads to All the events under this banner were well coordinated by damage of electric vehicles. Ms. Swetha (S5-EEE) IEEE PES and IAS joint student branch members of explained the various types of faults and how fault Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru under the able detection can help with conservation of energy. A guidance of Dr. K. Deepa. A total of 45 students partici- technical fun game on circuit debugging was conducted pated in these events. The winners were awarded with for all the participants. She also explained about the certificates based on a cumulative assessment of their Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and its importance in performance in all the events participated throughout the designing electronic circuits. The main aim behind week. The whole week was highly appreciated by the conducting circuit debugging was to make the students students and also requested the coordinators to conduct identify the faults in the circuit. The students participated the event again next year. in the event with tremendous enthusiasm and learned some basics regarding faulty connections.

A talk on 'The Power of Innovation' The 5th and the last day of the event was a talk on 'The Power of Innovation' delivered by Mr. Harshith, Vice- Chair for IEEE PES and Mr. Srikar, Co-Secretary for IEEE PES. Mr. Harshith explained why a breakthrough in technologies is needed to balance the energy demand with global ambition to curb emissions through fossil fuels and how innovation and research in sustainable energy is key for the future of energy worldwide.

Later, Mr. Srikar discussed about the companies who invested in clean and sustainable energy and those who are using these eco friendly technologies in the

August 2017 PAGE 38 Department of ME Papers Presented

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Influence of Titanium Diboride Anirudh Vigneswaran and Graphite Reinforcement on Author(s): the A16061 Alloy” Anirudh Vigneswaran R. Pramod G. B. Veeresh Kumar Presented By: “Study of effects of shock waves Shreekhar on nanofluids” Author(s): Shreekhar Mohan Akhil Sairam Venkata Gopaiah Sandeep Koundinya S. R. Nagaraja

Presented By: “Effect of ECAP on Mechanical Dileep B.P. and Micro-Structural Properties Author(s): of Al7075-Ni Alloy” Dileep B.P. Advances in Materials and Vitala H.R. Manufacturing Applications Ravi Kumar V. th th (IConAMMA 2017). To be 17 – 19 Suraj M.M. published in Elsevier's Materials August 2017 Today: Proceedings/ Department of Presented By: “Performance analysis of a solar Mechanical Engineering, Amrita Vinod Kotebavi still coupled with evacuated heat School of Engineering, Bengaluru Author(s): pipes” B.V.N. Pramod J. Prudhvi Raj Hari Krishnan S. Presented By: “Mechanical Characterization of Mohan Kumar S. AA7050-TiC Metal Matrix Author(s): Composites under as Cast as Aditya Ranganathan condition” Akshay Krishnan P. V. Akshay S. Nambiar Mohan Kumar S. Ravi Kumar V. Presented By: “Effect of Brass and Silver on Mrudula Prashanth Mechanical Properties of Author(s): Copper” Mrudula Prashanth Satish N. S. Ajay Kumar

August 2017 PAGE 39 Department of ME Papers Presented

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Assessing the Transport of Shankara Potassium and Solium Ions Author(s): through Red Earth Soil Using Shankara Column Tests” S.N. Naik P.V. Sivapullaiah Presented By: “Parametric Optimization of Y. P. Deepthi Surface Roughness of Deburring Author(s): Process on Aluminum Alloy Y. P. Deepthi Using SCARA Manipulator” P.V. S. Subhashini N. Amulya

Presented By: “Flow Analysis of Isobutane Praveen Alok (R-600A) Inside and Adiabatic Author(s): Capillary Tube” Debjyoti Sahu Praveen Alok Presented By: “An Evaluation of ACO and GA Advances in Materials and Manufac- T. Srinivas Rao TSP in a Supply Chain Network” turing Applications th th (IConAMMA 2017)/ To be pub- Author(s): 17 – 19 lished in Elsevier's Materials Today: T. Srinivas Rao August 2017 Proceedings/ Department of Me- Presented By: “A novel discrete PSO algorithm chanical Engineering, Amrita School K. Rameshkumar for solving job shop scheduling of Engineering, Bengaluru Author(s): problem to minimize makespan” K. Rameshkumar C. Rajendran Presented By: “Characterization of Aluminium Phanibhushana M.V. Metal Matrix Hybrid Composites Author(s): Subjected to Equal Channel Phanibhushana M.V. Angular Pressing” A.N.N.S. Bharath A.R. Sundeep A.C. Sharan A. Sai Pratap Reddy Presented By: “Hot Deformation Characterization Phanibhushana M.V. of Haynes – 242” Author(s): Phanibhushana M.V. V. Gaurav Pedro Jacinto Paramo Kanetas

August 2017 PAGE 40 Department of ME Papers Presented

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NAME OF THE NAME TITLE DATE CONFERENCE Presented By: “Investigation on Mechanical Shashi Kumar M.E. Properties of Graphene Oxide Author(s): reinforced Glass fibre reinforced Shashi Kumar M.E. Composites” R. Pramod Advances in Materials and Manufac- Arun G. K. turing Applications

Nikhil Sreenivas th th (IConAMMA 2017)/ To be pub- 17 – 19 Kesari Reddy lished in Elsevier's Materials Today: August 2017 K. Sai Krsishna Reddy Proceedings/ Department of Me- Presented By: “Design and Development of chanical Engineering, Amrita School B.N. Prashanth Tilting Rotary Furnace” of Engineering, Bengaluru Author(s): B.N. Prashanth V. Sai Varun P. Tejesh Faculty Achievements/Participation/Recognition

 Dr. Debjyoti Sahu’s research work on Nanoparticles effect on Biodigestion, has been quoted in an article titled,” Three ways Nanomaterials could help combat climate change and prevent pollution” in an environmental maga- zine named Ensia on 19th August 2017. Other News

Dr. Pradeep S. Jakkareddy has joined amrita fraternity in the Department of Mechanical Engineering as Assistant Professor (Sr. Gr) on 02ndAug, 2017. He received his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2017. His research interests include Inverse Heat Transfer, Computational Heat transfer, Bayesian inference, Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Liquid crystal thermography etc.

To add, he has completed M. Tech. programme in Thermal Power Engineering in 2010 from P.D.A. College of Engineering, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum and has completed B.E in Mechanical Engineering from S.K.S.V.M.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.

He has worked as a Teaching Assistant at Indian Institute of Technology-Madras for a period of 4 years. He has served as Assistant professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at S.K.S.V.M.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka for a period of 3 years. He has been a Project Assistant at Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru during his M. Tech. project work for a period of 10 months.

To his achievements, he had received a fellowship equivalent to Institute Post-Doctral Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras during March 2017 to July 2017. He possesses 4 International Conference publications and 2 International publications to his credit, yet another two in communication.

August 2017 PAGE 41

Editorial Boards

Dr. Rakesh S.G. Associate Dean & Head Chief Editor

Ms. Kavitha C.R. Assistant Professor Dept. of CSE Editor

Ms. Vasanthi ES to Associate Dean Editor

Mr. Shiju ICTS Media Support

Board Members

Ms. T. Sasikala Dept. of CSE

Ms. Kirti S. P ande Dept. of ECE

Ms. Mamatha I. Dept. of EEE

Ms. Mrudula Prashanth Dept. of ME

Mr. H. Manjunath Dept. of Sciences

Dr. Neetu Srivastava Dept. of Mathematics

Ms. Smita Sail Dept. of English

Don’t give too much importance to others words without properly using your own spiritual discrimination. ….. Amma

Amrita School of Engineering Kasavanahalli, Carmelaram Post, Off Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru -560 035 Tel.: +91 80 25183700 Telefax : +91 80 28440092
