United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY \ùØashington, DC 20240

ocT 0 6 2016


The Honorable Lisa Murkowski Chairman Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairman Murkowski:

Pursuant to Public Law 113-291, I am pleased to transmit the MotorCities National Heritage Area (MCNHA) Evaluation Findings (Evaluation). The National Park Service (NPS) engaged - Westat as the evaluator to independently assess the progres s, analyze the investments, and identify the critical components for sustainability of the national heritage area. Based on the findings of the Evaluation, the NPS recommends a future role with the MCNHA. The NpS will work with MCNHA to implement business, fundraising, and financial resource development plans and continue to form networks of operational and financial partnerships to furtheì long- term sustainability of MCNHA operations.

In 1998, Congress designated the Automobile National Heritage Area, now the MotorCities National Heritage Area, with nearly 260 municipalities and towns in , including Detroit, Dearborn, Flint, Lansing, Jackson, and Pontiac. The area contributed to development of the nation's transportation infrastructure and skilled labor force, and it was the center of the automobile industry. The MotorCities National Heritage Area Partnership, Inc. (MCNHA Partnership) is the coordinating entity in Detroit, with representatives from Federal, State, local governments, tourist agencies, preservation and environmental groups, cultural organizations, and foundations.

The Evaluation determined that from 2000-2013 the MCNHA addressed its legislated purposes. It completed many but not all of the goals in the management plan with the support ofihe federal resources provided. Both the NPS funding and the National Heritage Area designation are of value to the MCNHA. The MCNHA Partnership met the 50%o match requirements with a total of $7.5 million to match $6.7 million in NPS Heritage Partnership Program funding, for a total of $15 million' The matching funds came from foundations and private olganizations, income, and in-kind donations. It received $339,309 in other Federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Transportation. The MCNHA Partnership work has focused on the following four strategies, with funding allocated fairly evenly between them: Education/Interpretation, Tourism, Preservation, Conservation and Revitalization. Education/Interpretation items include documentaries and exhibits. Tourism funding supports museums, events such as Autopalooza, andthe recently- completed wayside exhibit program to highlight 250 sites across the NHA. Historic preservation and revitalizationprojects include restoring the Ford industry mills that were slated for demolition. Current projects include restorations of the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, the Ypsilanti Michigan Firehouse Museum, the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum and other landmarks such as the Flint Arch that contribute to community revitalization.

The work of MCNHA supports the mission of the NPS. The Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program staff were involved in planning for MCNHA, served on the advisory panel, and assisted with the Environmental Assessment and interpretive plan. In2002, the NPS regional coordinator for heritage areas became the liaison. The superintendent of River Raisin Battlefield Park has been a partner since the park opened in 2011, and has participated in activities, such as the bi-centennial commemoration of the Battle of 1812.

The MCNHA Partnership experienced financial challenges in the past. Support of the United Auto V/orkers Union and the Big Three Automobile Manufacturers provided a strong financial base from 1998-2004. Subsequent changes in leadership and economic disruption in the industry and region affected the ability of the MCNHA to complete projects and manage its finances. Starting in 2009, the Board and its new Executive Director worked to pay debts incurred in preceding years, eventually reestablishing solvency. The Evaluation found that MCNHA Partnership currently has the governance and is staffed appropriately to operate a sustainable organization. Leadership is implementing a strategic plan that proposes activities that could create a financial foundation, although NPS funds currently provide the base of funding.

The MotorCities National Heritage Area is fulfilling its legislative mandate. With appropriate authorization, a range of options exists for NPS involvement in supporting the area, including providing financial and technical assistance, training, operational guidance and sustainability planning, partnering with national parks, or consulting on preservation and conservation.

An identical letter is being sent to the Honorable Maria Cantwell, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; the Honorable Rob Bishop, Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives; and the Honorable Raul Grijalva, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives.

Sincerely 7^Lq7&^

Michael Bean Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and V/ildlife and Parks Enclosure United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY \Øashington, DC 20240

OcT 0 6 2016


The Honorable Maria Cantwell Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate V/ashington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Cantwell

Pursuant to Public Law 113-291, I am pleased to transmit the MotorCities National Heritage Area (MCNHA) Evaluation Findings (Evaluation). The National Park Service (NpS) engaged Westat as the evaluator to independently assess the progres s, analyze the investments, and identify the critical components for sustainability of thJnational heritage area. Based on the findings of the Evaluation, the NPS recommends a future role with the IUCNUA. The NpS will work with MCNHA to implement business, fundraising, and financial resource development plans and continue to form networks of operational and financial partnerships to furtheì long- term sustainability of MCNHA operations.

In 1998, Congress designated the Automobile National Heritage Area, now the MotorCities National Heritage Area, with nearly 260 municipalities and towns in Michigan, including Detroit, Dearborn, Flint, Lansing, Jackson, and Pontiac. The area contributed to developirent of the nation's transportation infrastructure and skilled labor force, and it was the center of the automobile industry. The MotorCities National Heritage Area Partnership, Inc. (MCNHA Partnership) is the coordinating entity in Detroit, with representatives from Federal, State, local governments, tourist agencies, preservation and environmental groups, cultural organizations, and foundations.

The Evaluation determined that from 2000-2013 the MCNHA addressed its legislated purposes. It completed many but not all of the goals in the management plan with the sufport of the federal resources provided. Both the NPS funding and the National Heritage Area desìgnation are of value to the MCNHA' The MCNHA Partnership met the 5}Yo-urch requiremànts with a total of $7'5 million to match $6.7 million in NPS Heritage Partnership Progråm funding, for a total of million. $15 The matching funds came from foundaiions and privat e olganizations, income, and in-kind donations. It received $339,309 in other Federal fundì from the-Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Transportation. The MCNHA Partnership work has focused on the following four strategies, with fiurding allocated fairly evenly between them: Education/Interpretation, Tourism, Preservation, Conservation and Revitalization. Education/Interpretation items include documentaries and exhibits. Tourism funding supports museums, events such as Autopalooza, and the recently- completed wayside exhibit program to highlight 250 sites across the NHA. Historic preservation a¡d revitalizationprojects include restoring the Ford industry mills that were slated for demolition. Current projects include restorations of the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, the ypsilanti Michigan Firehouse Museum, the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum and other landmarks such as the Flint Arch that contribute to community revitalization.

The work of MCNHA supports the mission of tþe NPS. The Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program staff were involved in planning for MCNHA, served on the advisory panel, and assisted with the Environmental Assessment and interpretive plan. In2002, the NPS regional coordinator for heritage areas became the liaison. The superintendent of River Raisin Battlefield Park has been a partner since the park opened in 2011, and has participated in activities, such as the bi-centennial commemoration of theBattle of 1g12.

The MCNHA Partnership experienced financial challenges in the past. Support of the United Auto Workers Union and the Big Three Automobile Manufactureis proviáé¿ u strong financial base from 1998-2004. Subsequent changes in leadership and economic disruption inìne industry and region affected the ability of the MCNHA to complete projects and manàge its finances. Starting in2009, the Board and its new Executive Director worked to pay debìs incuned in preceding years, eventually reestablishing solvency. The Evaluation found that MCNHA Partnership currently has the governance and is staffed appropriately to operate a sustainable organization' Leadership is implementing a strategic plan that proposes aótivities that could create a financial foundation, although NPS funds currently provide the base of funding.

The MotorCities National Heritage Area is fulfrlling its legislative mandate. V/ith appropriate authorization, a range of options exists for NPS involvemént in supporting the *.u, in.luding providing financial and technical assistance, training, operational g"iau".ã and sustainability planning, partnering with national parks, or consulting on preservation and conservation.

An identical letter is being sent to the Honorable Lisa Murkowski, Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; the Honorable Rob Bishop, Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives; and the Honorable Raul Grijalva, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives.

Sincerely, 3û.q7 ßro,,,, Michael Bean Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Enclosure cc: The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Mike Bishop The Honorable , Jr. The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable The Honorable Sander M. Levin The Honorable Candice S. Miller The Honorable The Honorable United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY \Øashington,Dc 20240

ocT t 6 2016


The Honorable Rob Bishop Chairman Committee on Natural Resources United States House of Representatives V/ashington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Bishop:

Pursuant to Public Law 113-291, I am pleased to transmit the MotorCities National Heritage Area (MCNHA) Evaluation Findings (Evaluation). The National Park Service (NPS) engaged V/estat as the evaluator to independently assess the progress, analyze the investments, and identiff the critical components for sustainability of the national heritage area. Based on the findings of the Evaluation, the NPS recoÍr.mends a future role with the MCNHA. The NPS will work with MCNHA to implement business, fundraising, and financial resource development plans and continue to form networks of operational and financial partnerships to further long- term sustainability of MCNHA operations.

In 1998, Congress designated the Automobile National Heritage Area, now the MotorCities National Heritage Area, with nearly 260 municipalities and towns in Michigan, including Detroit, Dearborn, Flint, Lansing, Jackson, and Pontiac. The area contributed to development of the nation's transportation infrastructure and skilled labor force, and it was the center of the automobile industry. The MotorCities National Heritage Area Partnership, Inc. (MCNHA Partnership) is the coordinating entity in Detroit, with representatives from Federal, State, local governments, tourist agencies, preservation and environmental groups, cultural organizations, and foundations.

The Evaluation determined that from 2000 -2013 the MCNHA addressed its legislated purposes. It completed many but not all of the goals in the management plan with the support of the federal resources provided. Both the NPS funding and the National Heritage Area designation are of value to the MCNHA. The MCNHA Partnership met the 50% match requirements with a total of $7.5 million to match $6.7 million in NPS Heritage Partnership Program funding, for a total of $15 million. The matching funds came from foundations and private organizations, income, and in-kind donations. It received $339,309 in other Federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Transportation. The MCNHA Partnership work has focused on the following four strategies, with funding allocated fairly evenly between them: Education/Interpretatiòn, Tourism, Preservation, Conservation and Revitalization. Education/Interpretation items include documentaries and exhibits. Tourism funding supports museums, events such as Autopaloo za, andthe recently- completed wayside exhibit program to highlight 250 sites across the NHA. Historic preservation and revitalizationprojects include restoring the Ford industry mills that were slated for demolition. Current projects include restorations of the FordPiquette Avenue Plant, the ypsilanti Michigan Firehouse Museum, the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum and other landmarks such as the Flint Arch that contribute to community revitalization.

The work of MCNHA supports the mission of the NPS. The Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program staff were involved in planning for MCNHA, served on the advisory panel, and assisted with the Environmental Assessment and interpretive plan. In2002, the NPS regional coordinator for heritage areas became the liaison. The superintendent of River Raisin Battlefield Park has been a partner since the park opened in 2011, and has participated in activities, such as the bi-centennial commemoration of the Battle of 1g12.

The MCNHA Partnership experienced financial challenges in the past. Support of the United Auto Workers Union and the Big Three Automobile Manufacturers providãd a strong financial base from 1998-2004. Subsequent changes in leadership and economic disruption initre industry and region affected the ability of the MCNHA to complete projects and manâge its finances. Starting in2009, the Board and its new Executive Director worked to pay debis incuned in preceding years, eventually reestablishing solvency. The Evaluation found that MCNHA Partnership currently has the governance and is staffed appropriately to operate a sustainable organization. Leadership is implementing a strategic plan that proposes aótiuiti"r that could create a financial foundation, although NPS funds currently provide the base of funding.

The MotorCities National Heritage Area is fulfrlling its legislative mandate. With appropriate authorization, a range of optioirs exists for NPS involvement in supporting the areaf including providing financial and technical assistance, training, operational guidancè and sustainability planning, partnering with national parks, or consulting on preservation and conservation.

An identical letter is being sent to the Honorable Lisa Murkowski, Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; the Honorable Maria Cantwell, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; and the Honorable Raul Grijalva, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representãtives.

Sincerely, ful^,qVß.^ Michael Bean Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Enclosure cc: The Honorable Debbie Stabenow The Honorable Gary Peters The Honoiable Justin Amash The Honorable Mike Bishop The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. The Honorable Debbie Dingell ' The Honorable Dan Kildee The Honorable Brenda Lawrence The Honorable Sander M. Levin The Honorable Candice S. Miller The Honorable Dave Trott The Honorable Tim Walberg United States Department of the Interior OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY \Øashington, DC 20240

OtT 0 6 2016


The Honorable Raul Grijalva Ranking Minority Member Committee on Natural Resources United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Mr. Grijalva:

Pursuant to Public Law 1 13-291,I am pleased to transmit the MotorCities National Heritage Area (MCNHA) Evaluation Findings (Evaluation). The National Park Service (NPS) 'Westat engaged- as the evaluator to independently assess the progres s, analyze the investments, and identifi the critical components for sustainability of the national heritage area. Based on the findings of the Evaluation, the NPS recommends a future role with the MCNHA. The NpS will work with MCNHA to implement business, fundraising, andfinancial resource development plans and continue to form networks of operational and financial partnerships to further long- term sustainability of MCNHA operations.

In 1998, Congress designated the Automobile National Heritage Area, now the MotorCities National Heritage Area, with nearly 260 municipalities and towns in Michigan, including Detroit, Dearborn, Flint, Lansing, Jackson, and Pontiac. The area contributed to development of the nation's transportation infrastructure and skilled labor force, and it was the center of the automobile industry. The MotorCities National Heritage Area Partnership, Inc. (MCNHA Partnership) is the coordinating entity in Detroit, with representatives from Federal, State, local govemments, tourist agencies, preservation and environmental groups, cultural organizations, and foundations.

The Evaluation determined that from 2000-2013 the MCNHA addressed its legislated purposes. It completed many but not all of the goals in the management plan with the support ofihe federal resources provided. Both the NPS funding and the National Heritage Area designation are of value to the MCNHA. The MCNHA Partnership met the 50Vo matchrequirements with atotal of $7'5 million to match $6.7 million in NPS Heritage Partnership Program funding, for a total of $15 million' The matching funds came from foundations and private oiganizations, income, and in-kind donations. It received $339,309 in other Federal funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Department of Transportation. The MCNHA Partnership work has focused on the following four strategies, with funding allocated fairly evenly between them: Education/Interpretation, Tourism, Preservation, Conservation and Revitalization. Education/Interpretation items include documentaries and exhibits. Tourism funding supports museums, events such as Autopalooza, and the recently- completed wayside exhibit program to highlight 250 sites across the NHA. Historic preseivation and revitalizationprojects include restoring the Ford industry mills that were slated fõr demolition. Current projects include restorations of the Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, the Ypsilanti Michigan Firehouse Museum, the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum and other landmarks such as the Flint Arch that contribute to community revitalization.

The work of MCNHA supports the mission of the NPS. The Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program staff were involved in planning for MCNHA, served on the advisory panel, and assisted with the Environmental Assessment and interpretive plan. In2002, the NPS regional coordinator f,or heritage areas became the liaison. The superintendent of River Raisin Battlefield Park has been a partner since the park opened in 2011, and has participated in activities, such as the bi-centennial coÍrmemoration of the Battle of 1g12.

The MCNHA Partnership experienced financial challenges in the past. Support of the United Auto Workers Union and the Big Three Automobile Manufacturers provided a strong hnancial base from 1998-2004. Subsequent changes in leadership and economic disruption inihe industry and region affected the ability of the MCNHA to complete projects and manàge its finances. Starting in2009, the Board and its new Executive Director worked to pay debis incuned in preceding years, eventually reestablishing solvency. The Evaluation found that MCNHA Partnership currently has the governance and is staffed appropriately to operate a sustainable otgarization. Leadership is implementing a strategic plan that proposes aõtivities that could create a financial foundation, although NPS funds currently proviãe the base of funding.

The MotorCities National Heritage Area is fulfilling its legislative mandate. V/ith appropriate authorization, a range of options exists for NPS involvement in supporting the ..uf in"luditrg providing financial and technical assistance, training, operational guidance and sustainability planning, partnering with national parks, or consulting on preservation and conservation.

An identical letter is being sent to the Honorable Lisa Murkowski, Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; the Honorable Maria Cantwell, Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; and the Honorable Rob Bishop, Chairman, committee on Natural Resources, united states House of Representatives.

Sincerely, 7^Lq7 ß,^,- Michael Bean Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and V/ildlife and Parks Enclosure cc The Honorable Debbie Stabenow The Honorable Gary Peters The Honorable Justin Amash The Honorable Mike Bishop The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. The Honorable Debbie Dingell The Honorable Dan Kildee The Honorable Brenda Lawrence The Honorabie Sander M. Levin The Honorable Candice S. Miller The Honorable Dave Trott The Honorable Tim Walberg