UPDATE THE BOTTLE BILL YES! I pledge to help. The Bottle Bill (5¢ deposit on some beverage containers) is the single most successful recycling tool in the country. But the Updated Bottle Bill—adding water, juice and sports drinks to the deposits—is being blocked by powerful business interests on Beacon Hill. The Updated Bottle Bill (H890/S1650) will reduce litter, increase recycling, and save cities and towns money in trash disposal and litter cleanup. In fact, 208 cities and towns, 375 small businesses, and 90 state and local organizations have endorsed our campaign and joined the effort to pass this bill. Despite this overwhelming support, the Updated Bottle Bill has been “bottled up” in the Legislature for more than a decade. It has never been brought to the floor for a vote, and we need your help now. No more delays! Here’s how you can help: STEP 1: To find out the name of your representative and senator, go to www.WhereDoIVoteMA.com STEP 2: Find out where your legislators stand on the Updated Bottle Bill. See the back of this flyer for a complete guide. STEP 3: Call your state senator and representative today. The State House main number is (617) 722- 2000. Ask for your senator (and then call back and ask for your representative). Tell them: “I am a voter in (name your town) and I support the Updated Bottle Bill. There should be no more delays, this bill needs to come up for a vote now.” (If your legislator supports the Updated Bottle Bill, make sure to thank them, if they are undecided or not supporting the bill, ask them to consider supporting the bill.) STEP 4: After you call, please email
[email protected] to let us know your legislator’s response.