Lesley Nicol - Guest of Honour at St Elphin’s School Reunion 2012

Photos: 1. Lesley as midshipman in St Elphin’s production of H.M.S. Pinafore; 2. Mrs Patmore in ITV’s production of ; Lesley as herself!

Lesley was a pupil at St Elphin’s School from 1966 (Upper IVA) to 1969 (Upper VA) and, indeed, was Midshipman in the production of H.M.S. Pinafore in February 1968 – little did she know that, only a few years ago, she would have been playing the part of Little Buttercup (played by Miss Morris at school) at the Regent’s Park Theatre. Nor would she ever have envisaged that she would now be playing the part of Mrs Patmore in ITV’s massive hit drama – Downton Abbey!

Lesley was in Selwyn House and, like many old girls’, her time at St Elphin’s was quite mixed and she is looking forward to meeting old girls to compare notes. I have assured her that us Old Elphinians are a mixed bunch who have found meeting up again, or joining the various St Elphin’s groups on Facebook, quite therapeutic in talking about their life at school.

Having said that, going through the school magazines it becomes obvious that Lesley was destined to take up an acting career:

1968: Speech & Drama Subject Prize Grade IVA Speech & Drama (Special Hons) Grade IV Speech & Drama (Merit) Matlock Festival: Elocution Under 15 – 2nd Elocution Under 16 – 1st Prose Reading Under 16 – 2nd Selwyn House – Individual Drama Cup for her performance as Queen of Hearts in Âlice in Wonderland

1969: Speech & Drama Grade 5 Matlock Festival: Elocution Under 16 – 1st Medal Bible Reading Under 16 – 2nd Certificate Shakespeare – 2nd Certificate Lesley says, “Thank goodness for this lot as I was massively unremarkable in the academic subjects, which might be why the Head Mistress loathed me so much!!”.

I have been communicating with Lesley and I am delighted to say that she has kindly agreed to attend our Reunion on 6th October, 2012 at St Elphin’s as our Guest of Honour. However, as with any actress it will depend upon her commitments at the time. Filming of the third series of Downton Abbey will have finished by then and, at this moment in time, Lesley does not know what lies in store for her next.

Liz Donlan