RAJYA SABHA ______∗SUPPLEMENT TO SYNOPSIS OF DEBATE ______(Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) ______Wednesday, December 9, 2009/ Agrahayana 18, 1931 (Saka) ______

SHORT DURATION DISCUSSION Liberhan Commission Report and trial of Babri Mosque case-Contd. SHRI GANGA CHARAN: I do not agree with the entire report of the Liberhan Commission but I completely agree with the words mentioned in its preface. I think the leaders of Bhartiya Janta Party had started the movement of Ram Temple to get power at . Their intention was not to consturct a Ram Temple there. Their purpose was to get power. The purpose behind this movement was the intention to pull the Government of Janta Dal down. Kar Sewa was started and hon’ble Mulayam Singhji made some exaggerated speeches. It caused more incitation. Kar Sewaks were fired at and Bhartiya Janta Party withdrew its support from the Government of Janta Dal. The Bhartiya Janta Party is not only against the Muslims but the dalits and backward people too. They insulted and neglected their scriptures.

The then Chief Minister of had said before the National Integrity Council and Court that he would not allow the incident to recur in future, in accordance with the Order of the Court. Unless the ______∗ This Synopsis is not an authoritative record of the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha.

218 final decision is taken, the State Government will be thoroughly responsible for the safety of the Ram Janmbhumi Babari Masjid. A devotee to Ram is the person who fulfills his promise. But the did not fulfill the promise for the sake of power. So, the party is not devotee to Ram. The countrymen gave three chances to form Government both in Uttar Pradesh and at the Centre. But, you did not get the temple constructed to honour the public feelings. It means that you even do not care for the public. However, had you got the temple constructed violating the law, the alliance parties would have withdrawn their support and then, your Government would have delcined. It means that you are avaricious of power. Your heart is malicious. You had prayed to Lord Ram for power, and not for the Rama Mandir. That is why you could not get the temple constructed. I also being a Hindu, have faith in saints, scriptures and Lord Ram. Tulsidasji has written that Lord Ram was not born; but He had taken incarnation and Mother Kaushalya had prayed to Him to be her son. Then, how can it be claimed that there was a Garbhagrih or Janmbhumi? Actually, Prophets are never born. The Creator of the cosmos never enters the womb. God is omni-present--whether it is a Mandir or Masjid, Church or Gurudwara. Lord Ram had taken an incarnation to kill the tyrant Ravan. He just appears by being invoked with love and devotion, and not with violence and abhorrence. The same has been inscribed by Tulsidas himself. The devotees of Ram and followers of Tulsidad should not hate any one. The Union Government was run by congress and the U.P. Government was by the B.J.P. when 70,000 karsewaks mustered strong, why not was the state placed under President's rule. There was no requirement of the Liberhan Commission and spending Rs. 2000 crore thereon. Obviously the policy and the intention was not fair and thus the demolition took place. SHRI ALI ANWAR ANSARI: Whatever the ruling and opposition pillars have expressed here is a half truth. Fact is that same are the persons who demolished and protected. Our party is of the opinion that the persons whosoever have committed such a crime must be punished. It is not merely a case of demolishing an old structure but an assault on our democracy, our the constitution. And court should expedite the same. And this case may kindly be settled by speedy trial as in Bihar. But the Liberhan Commission Report along with the A.T.R. thereon has been prepared in a manner not to punish anyone.


If the people on this side as well as on the other side love the country really, they should repent and prove it by punishing themselves. We don’t want sympathy, but want to have similar experiences. We have not learned any lesson till today even after 17 years have passed, but the people seem to have learned some lesson. We can make political leaders, but we cannot create national leaders. Allegations and counter-allegations are going on even today. The people who demolished are saying that it is the question of their faith and hence, they will not accept the judgement of the Court. Religion is being used today in the politics. We want to say to all those people, who want to construct masjid and temple, that they should not follow the map. The country and the communities cannot run with the map. We are suffering this tragedy till date. SHRI TARIQ ANWAR: The manner in which any dispute can be solved is either talks or through the court. BJP and its supporting parties are saying that this matter has nothing to do with law as it is a matter of faith, but no religion teaches to insult the people of other religions in the name of faith. The demolition of Babri Masjid was an endeavour to subvert the constitutional structure of our country. Through this incident unity and integrity of our country was endangered. It is mentioned in the report of the Commission that there was a conspiracy behind this. This incident was not a spontaneous one. Those people are responsible for this who fomented the feelings of the people. BJP and it allies tried to seek support of the people by instigating their feelings. This was not in the interest of nation. After this incident, even today lack of brotherhood among people is being felt. We should take care of our basic problems. The Commission has rightly said that professional people are behind this incident. Local police, local administration and then Chief Minister all were involved in this conspiracy. This is necessary in the interest of country that people responsible for this incident are punished as per recommendations so that World could believe in our democratic system.

SHRI D. RAJA: We are having a very serious debate on the Liberhan Commission Report. Shri K.R. Narayanan, the former President of India had said that the demolition of Babri Masjid was the second huge

220 tragedy after Mahatma Gandhi's assassination. The motives behind Gandhi's murder and Babri Masjid demolition were the same, paving the way for Hindi Rashtra of the RSS. It is a know fact. (Speech unfinished.)

Discussion not concluded.

V. K. AGNIHOTRI, Secretary-General.

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