Meeting 26th February 2015

Attendance – Councillors Chairman Glyn Olive, Matthew Mason, Martin Foster, Paddy Donnellan, John Ranshaw, Richard (Dick) Johnson, Phil Brown, Marlene Wilson & Mary walker, Kevin Moorehouse, Mrs Ruth Sharples. Clerk Kathy Roberts County Councillor Colin Mair , District Councillor Mrs Julia Pears 3 members of public, Lou Henderson – community liaison officer for RAF – had spoken to the C. O. and in principle the meeting request has been agreed, some detail of how many times and what is to be discussed would be required; Council said the discussion would vary and in general they wanted to make contact and work together with the base on items that will affect us all as residents or workers in the village. A six monthly meeting was suggested by Council. John Ranshaw – concern over speeding traffic through both & Coningsby, RSP offered speed indicators to parishes at a cost of £2,500 plus survey costs in Feb 2014 and both councils chose not to take up the offer; John asked if Council would look at this again, council agreed to put this on agenda for March 2015 for further discussion. Agenda. 123. Welcome from Mayor & Chairman of Coningsby Town Council Cllr Glyn Olive. 124. Apologies and reason for absence - none 125. Declarations of interest in items on agenda. None 126. Notes of meeting held 22nd January 2015 previously circulated, Cllr P Donnellan proposed as a true and correct record, seconded Cllr J Ranshaw, vote taken all in favour RESOLVED. 127. Police Report – PCSO Ali Evans sent in a report – council asked for more information regarding an incident reported, personal attack on Masons Lane. 128. Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Phil Brown, the group continues to be well supported, the consultancy period is over and there were no objections, so the plan is now officially able to go ahead, the questionnaire is being put together, any funding received will need to be bank rolled, Cllr Brown asked if Council would be happy to do this, council agreed in principal and await the view of Tattershall with Thorpe PC on this, meanwhile Cllr Mair has £250 remaining in the Big Society fund and would like this to go towards the NDP, clerk will put in an application. 129. Allan Barker Car Park – the area is in serious need of some attention, clerk has been given a rough estimate of 12 – 15k for the works to bring it up to the standard of the roadway. Councillors arranged a meeting at site Tuesday 3rd March at 5pm to discuss what is to be done. 130. Play Area – land sale, discussions with LCC regarding the waiver of the covenant is on-going, Proposal to go back to Matrix and re negotiate, also to contact LCC regarding the percentage request, clarification is required prior to any resolutions being confirmed. Seconded, all voted in favour. 131. Burial Board – notes attached, resolution to accept as true and correct record of the meeting, tenders have been sought for the tree works and will be dealt with in closed session later in meeting, tenders for building of New Ashes plot to go out to Tokelove & Costello & Paul Maltby both local contractors. RESOLVED 26

132. Libraries – Council re addressed the situation with the closure of Coningsby & Tattershall Library following the latest press release from County Council; after discussion it was decided that there was no change to the Council view and the decision made to withdraw from the situation remains valid. 133. Traffic Issues – School Lane/Laythorpe gardens – Council sympathised with the residents concerned but felt that the proposals originally put forward should stand as the property is on a corner and parking would be restricted any way. Council support the plan received 27 August 2014. 134. Cllr Ranshaw requested consent to replenish the village planters, this is an on-going village enhancement, seconded, all in favour RESOLVED. Cllr Foster ask that the St Michaels Clock Face refurbishment be added as an agenda item for March. 135. Planning - S/035/00229/15 Barn conversion, Hoplands farm to provide residential dwelling; no objections. S/035/00149/15 new dwelling to rear of 86 High Street , Comments concern over lack of driveway/turning space for original property. S/035/00235/15 alterations to 1 The Park to provide double garage and store over. No objections, comments to ensure no overlooking windows to 1st floor extension. S/035/00284/15 45 Silver St, rear extension to 1st floor offices and change of use to provide residential flat above; No Objections. 136. Finances – Proposal to pay all accounts as listed, seconded all voted in favour RESOLVED. Talk Talk broadband DD 0.34 EON - Allan Barker - monthly saving 4% DD 136.06 Salaries 1,903.25 John Ward - borders BACS 35.00 Mr Stennett - relief Clock winder 7.50 Inland Revenue 326.98 Community Hall 18.00 UKWSL - two bins 82.22 Goodwins - December/January 111.36 LALC - annual subs 480.33 LALC - training day 22.00 William Kent - deposit War Memorial 357.00 Lincspest - Mole Control 132.00 Anglian Water - sports pavilion 80.81 Anglian Water - cemetery 13.34 Coningsby Bookshop - office sundries 6.60 Travel expenses - Manby election packs 23.20 137. District & County Councillor reports; Cllr Pears working with the NDP group, council tax increase will affect us all, Cllr Pears voted against the increase. A motion has been put to ELDC regarding the removal of any offices for the Waterloo Housing group; residents have issues with this hence it is being taken up by the councillor. Cllr Mair, also working with the NDP group will be standing down as chairman at next meeting as agreed, there is £250 remaining in Big Society fund this has been applied for by the group. 138. Clerks report – Request by volunteer litter picker for a bin at the Tattershall end of the Allan Barker Field, he is happy to change the bin bags and bring down to the main bin, council have two bins in the garage and agreed to place one for this purpose. Matthew Fido visited and wished to be remembered to Council he has joined a political party and is looking to stand for election in the near future. Office will be closed on Wednesday due to family bereavement. 27

Proposal to move into closed session to discuss tenders for works to Cemetery trees. RESOLVED Two tenders received A £600 B £550 both contractors meet full legal requirements – Council chose contractor B Malc Firth Landscapes who will be offered the work to be carried out as soon as possible. Council RESOLVED to move out of closed session. Meeting closed