MB & SC Classifications 2020-21.Xlsx

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MB & SC Classifications 2020-21.Xlsx 2020-2021 ISSMA, INC. MARCHING BAND & SHOW CHOIR CLASSIFICATIONS Official Enrollment as Reported to DOE 2019-2020 Grades 9-12 SCHOOL - ENROLLMENT - CLASSIFICATION Open Class Marching Band Scholastic Class Marching Band Show Choir OD = Up To 569 SB = Up To 55 Participants Small = Up To 1559 OC = 570 - 949 SA = Up To 110 Particpants Large = 1560 And OB = 950 - 1649 OA = 1650 And Up Adams Central High School 355 D SM Carroll Jr-Sr High School (Flora) 318 D SM Adams High School (South Bend) 1892 A LG Cascade High School 451 D SM Alexandria-Monroe High School 493 D SM Castle High School 1892 A LG Anderson High School 1763 A LG Caston Jr-Sr High School 223 D SM Anderson Preparatory Academy 237 D SM Cathedral High School 1049 B SM Andrean High School 395 D SM Center Grove High School 2604 A LG Angola High School 849 C SM Centerville High School 502 D SM Argos Comm Jr-Sr High School 203 D SM Central Catholic Jr-Sr High School 285 D SM Arsenal Technical High School 2129 A LG Central High School (Evansville) 1041 B SM Attica High School 182 D SM Central Noble High School 425 D SM Austin High School 369 D SM Charlestown High School 702 C SM Avon High School 3097 A LG Chesterton High School 2057 A LG Barr Reeve Jr-Sr High School 229 D SM Churubusco Jr-Sr High School 357 D SM Batesville High School 693 C SM Clarksville High School 422 D SM Bedford-North Lawrence High School 1476 B SM Clay City Jr-Sr High School 257 D SM Beech Grove High School 908 C SM Clay High School (South Bend) 924 C SM Bellmont High School 674 C SM Clinton Central Jr-Sr High School 272 D SM Ben Davis High School 4554 A LG Clinton Prairie Jr-Sr High School 347 D SM Benjamin Bosse High School (Evansville) 759 C SM Cloverdale High School 346 D SM Benton Central Jr-Sr High School 576 C SM Columbia City High School 1094 B SM Bishop Chatard High School 704 C SM Columbus East High School 1497 B SM Bishop Dwenger High School 1014 B SM Columbus North High School 2047 A LG Bishop Luers High School 511 D SM Concord Community High School 1619 B LG Bishop Noll Institute 438 D SM Concordia Lutheran High School 709 C SM Blackford High School 504 D SM Connersville High School 1019 B SM Bloomfield Jr-Sr High School 253 D SM Corydon Central High School 740 C SM Bloomington High School North 1575 B LG Covington Community High School 279 D SM Bloomington High School South 1696 A LG Cowan High School 241 D SM Blue River Valley Jr-Sr High School 185 D SM Crawford County Jr-Sr High School 451 D SM Bluffton High School 463 D SM Crawfordsville High School 692 C SM Boone Grove High School 499 D SM Crispus Attucks High School 1195 B SM Boonville High School 924 C SM Crothersville Jr-Sr High School 105 D SM Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School 779 C SM Crown Point High School 2849 A LG Bremen Senior High School 497 D SM Culver Community High School 245 D SM Brown County High School 576 C SM Daleville Jr-Sr High School 274 D SM Brownsburg High School 2801 A LG Danville Community High School 768 C SM Brownstown Central High School 534 D SM Decatur Central High School 1822 A LG Calumet New Tech High School 646 C SM DeKalb High School 1109 B SM Cardinal Ritter High School 548 D SM Delphi Community High School 449 D SM Carmel High School 5400 A LG Delta High School 827 C SM Carroll High School (Ft. Wayne) 2442 A LG Donald E Gavit High School (Hammond) 877 C SM East Central High School 1257 B SM Henryville Jr-Sr High School 333 D SM East Chicago Central High School 1054 B SM Heritage Hills High School 580 C SM East Noble High School 1124 B SM Heritage Jr-Sr High School 603 C SM Eastbrook High School 475 D SM Herron High School 949 C SM Eastern Greene High School 328 D SM Highland High School 1077 B SM Eastern Hancock High School 401 D SM Hobart High School 1273 B SM Eastern High School (Greentown) 516 D SM Homestead High School 2480 A LG Eastern High School (Pekin) 424 D SM Huntington North High School 1461 B SM Eastside Jr-Sr High School 421 D SM Indian Creek High School 593 C SM Edgewood High School 765 C SM Jac-Cen-Del Jr-Sr High School 293 D SM Edinburgh High School 224 D SM Jasper High School 1085 B SM Elkhart Central High School 1631 B LG Jay County High School 934 C SM Elkhart Memorial High School 1534 B SM Jefferson High School (Lafayette) 2059 A LG Elwood Jr-Sr High School 410 D SM Jeffersonville High School 2033 A LG Eminence Jr-Sr High School 128 D SM Jennings County High School 1218 B SM Emmerich Manual High School 633 C SM Jimtown High School 629 C SM F.J. Reitz High School 1249 B SM John Glenn High School 639 C SM Fairfield Jr-Sr High School 508 D SM Kankakee Valley High School 1053 B SM Fishers High School 3632 A LG Knightstown High School 340 D SM Floyd Central High School 1806 A LG Knox Community High School 591 C SM Forest Park Jr-Sr High School 393 D SM Kokomo High School 1564 B LG Fountain Central High School 307 D SM Kouts Middle / High School 255 D SM Frankfort High School 886 C SM LaCrosse School 112 D SM Franklin Central High School 2936 A LG Lake Central High School 3256 A LG Franklin Community High School 1572 B LG Lakeland High School 566 D SM Franklin County High School 730 C SM Lanesville Jr-Sr High School 241 D SM Frankton Jr-Sr High School 499 D SM Lapel High School 466 D SM Fremont High School 299 D SM LaPorte High School 1828 A LG Frontier Jr-Sr High School 198 D SM LaVille Jr-Sr High School 390 D SM Garrett High School 598 C SM Lawrence Central High School 2290 A LG George Rogers Clark High School 769 C SM Lawrence North High School 2626 A LG George Washington Comm. HS (Indpls) 870 C SM Lawrenceburg High School 683 C SM Gibson Southern High School 703 C SM Lebanon High School 975 B SM Goshen High School 1946 A LG Leo Jr-Sr High School 965 B SM Greencastle High School 506 D SM Lewis Cass High School 443 D SM Greenfield Central High School 1427 B SM Lincoln High School 722 C SM Greensburg Community High School 708 C SM Linton-Stockton High School 401 D SM Greenwood Community High School 1214 B SM Logansport Community High School 1235 B SM Griffith High School 734 C SM Loogootee Jr-Sr High School 274 D SM Guerin Catholic High School 723 C SM Lowell High School 1115 B SM Hagerstown Jr-Sr High School 333 D SM Lutheran High School 226 D SM Hamilton Community High School 82 D SM Maconaquah High School 628 C SM Hamilton Heights High School 749 C SM Madison Consolidated High School 852 C SM Hamilton Southeastern High School 3380 A LG Madison-Grant High School 355 D SM Hammond High School 796 C SM Manchester Jr-Sr High School 485 D SM Hanover Central High School 722 C SM Marian High School 647 C SM Hauser Jr-Sr High School 295 D SM Marion High School 1060 B SM Hebron High School 348 D SM Martinsville High School 1400 B SM Mater Dei High School 488 D SM Northwestern High School 610 C SM McCutcheon High School 1780 A LG NorthWood High School 919 C SM Medora Jr-Sr High School 44 D SM Norwell High School 835 C SM Merrillville High School 2070 A LG Oak Hill High School 520 D SM Michigan City High School 1547 B SM Oldenburg Academy 228 D SM Milan High School 342 D SM Oregon-Davis Jr-Sr High School 146 D SM Mishawaka High School 1473 B SM Orleans Jr-Sr High School 232 D SM Mississinewa High School 767 C SM Owen Valley Community High School 713 C SM Mitchell High School 456 D SM Paoli Jr-Sr High School 428 D SM Monroe Central Jr-Sr High School 332 D SM Parke Hertiage High School 327 D SM Monrovia High School 538 D SM Pendleton Heights High School 1356 B SM Mooresville High School 1338 B SM Penn High School 3323 A LG Morgan Township High School 239 D SM Perry Central Jr-Sr High School 346 D SM Morristown High School 198 D SM Perry Meridian High School 2380 A LG Morton High School 1232 B SM Peru High School 624 C SM Mount Vernon High School 601 C SM Pike Central High School 551 D SM Mt. Vernon High School (Fortville) 1333 B SM Pike High School 3364 A LG Muncie Central High School 1300 B SM Pioneer Jr-Sr High School 278 D SM Munster High School 1505 B SM Plainfield High School 1727 A LG New Albany High School 1821 A LG Plymouth High School 1044 B SM New Castle High School 929 C SM Portage High School 2372 A LG New Haven High School 975 B SM Prairie Heights High School 422 D SM New Palestine High School 1162 B SM Princeton Community High School 604 C SM New Prairie High School 989 B SM Randolph Southern High School 146 D SM New Washington Middle / High School 188 D SM Reitz Memorial High School 584 C SM Noblesville High School 3026 A LG Rensselaer Central High School 515 D SM North Central High School (Farmersburg) 274 D SM Richmond High School 1208 B SM North Central High School (Indpls) 3747 A LG Riley High School 1055 B SM North Daviess Jr-Sr High School 307 D SM Rising Sun High School 256 D SM North Decatur Jr-Sr High School 345 D SM River Forest Jr-Sr High School 531 D SM North Harrison High School 666 C SM Riverton Parke Jr-Sr High School 291 D SM North High School (Evansville) 1651 A LG Rochester Community High School 501 D SM North Judson-San Pierre High School 323 D SM Roncalli High School 1121 B SM North Knox Jr-Sr High School 389 D SM Rossville High School 299 D SM North Miami Middle / High School 290 D SM Rushville Consolidated High School 691 C SM North Montgomery High School 544 D SM Saint Joseph's High School 850 C SM North Newton Jr-Sr High School 363 D SM Salem High School 536 D SM North Posey High School 436 D SM Scecina Memorial High School 408 D SM North Putnam High School 429 D SM Scottsburg High School 771 C SM North Side High School (Fort Wayne) 1557 B SM Seeger Memorial Jr-Sr High School 370 D SM North Vermillion High School 254 D SM Seymour High School 1542
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