MONITORING OF INDUSTRIAL SOUNDS, SEALS, AND BOWHEAD WHALES NEAR BP’S NORTHSTAR OIL DEVELOPMENT, ALASKAN BEAUFORT SEA, 1999–2002 by and Greeneridge Sciences Inc. for BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. Dept of Health, Safety & Environment 900 East Benson Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99519-6612 and National Marine Fisheries Service Anchorage, AK, and Silver Spring, MD December 2003 MONITORING OF INDUSTRIAL SOUNDS, SEALS, AND BOWHEAD WHALES NEAR BP’S NORTHSTAR OIL DEVELOPMENT, ALASKAN BEAUFORT SEA, 1999–2002 edited by W. John Richardson 1 and Michael T. Williams 2 1 LGL Ltd., environmental research associates 22 Fisher St., POB 280, King City, Ont. L7B 1A6 (905) 833-1244;
[email protected] 2 LGL Alaska Research Associates Inc. 1101 E. 76th Ave, Suite B, Anchorage, AK 99518 (907) 562-3339;
[email protected] for BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. Dept of Health, Safety & Environment 900 East Benson Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99519-6612 and National Marine Fisheries Service Anchorage, AK, and Silver Spring, MD December 2003 Suggested format for citations: Richardson, W.J. and M.T. Williams (eds.) 2002. Monitoring of industrial sounds, seals, and bowhead whales near BP’s Northstar Oil Development, Alaskan Beaufort Sea, 1999–2002. Rep. from LGL Ltd., King City, Ont., and Greeneridge Sciences Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, for BP Explor. (Alaska) Inc., Anchorage, AK, and Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Anchorage, AK, and Silver Spring, MD. 343 p. Individual chapters can also be cited, as follows: Williams, M.T., W.J. Richardson and R. Rodrigues. 2003. Introduction. p. 1-1 to 1-12 In: … LGL Rep. TA2707-4. Williams, M.T. and R.