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Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43 Sergei Rachmaninoff ergei Rachmaninoff was clearly a bundle soloist and orchestra and, what’s more, is Sof talent, but the early years of his career structured in a way that evokes the three- proceeded rather by fits and starts. He was movement form of most Romantic concertos. not at first a standout at the Moscow Conser - The “theme of Paganini” on which Rach - vatory, but by the time he graduated, in 1892, maninoff based this work was Paganini’s he was deemed worthy of the Great Gold Caprice No. 24, which that master of the vio - Medal, an honor that had previously been be - lin had composed in the early 19th century stowed on only two students. Then, in 1897, and which composers of ensuing generations he was dealt a major setback with the public found unusually intriguing. Schumann, failure of his First Symphony, which a partic - Liszt, and Brahms all wrote compositions ularly prominent review (by fellow composer that tackled the possibilities inherent in this César Cui) likened to “a program symphony melody and, in the years since Rachmani - on the ‘Seven Plagues of Egypt’” that “would noff, such composers as Witold Lutosławski, bring delight to the inhabitants of Hell.” Boris Blacher, and George Rochberg have The failure of that First Symphony threat - kept the tune in play. It’s a striking and mem - ened to undo Rachmaninoff, and for the next orable theme, and listeners will have only oc - three years he didn’t write a note. His talent casional trouble spotting it as Rachmaninoff was such that, in the psychological aftermath pokes and massages it through the 24 varia - of his public failure, he simply turned to a tions that make up this piece (not counting a different musical pursuit and focused on short introduction and, at the other end, a conducting.
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