BULLETIN of the Chicago Herpetological Society Volume 52, Number 6 June 2017 BULLETIN OF THE CHICAGO HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volume 52, Number 6 June 2017 Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica IX . Olivier S. G. Pauwels, Piero Carlino, Laurent Chirio, Quentin Meunier, Joseph Vivien Okouyi Okouyi, Christopher Orbell, Dominique Rousseaux and Olivier Testa 97 An Upcoming Gala Anniversary Celebration, a Lost Column, Herp Spot Selection Criteria, a Bountiful Parking Spot, and a Prelude to Lyresnakes . Roger A. Repp 103 What You Missed at the May Meeting . .John Archer 107 Herpetology 2017......................................................... 109 Advertisements . 111 Minutes of the CHS Board Meeting, May 19, 2017 . 112 Show Schedule; New CHS Members This Month . 112 Cover: Dipsadoboa viridis, typical defensive posture, Mwagna National Park, Gabon. Photograph by Christopher Orbell. STAFF Membership in the CHS includes a subscription to the monthly Bulletin. Annual dues are: Individual Membership, $25.00; Editor: Michael A. Dloogatch ---
[email protected] Family Membership, $28.00; Sustaining Membership, $50.00; Contributing Membership, $100.00; Institutional Membership, $38.00. Remittance must be made in U.S. funds. Subscribers 2017 CHS Board of Directors outside the U.S. must add $12.00 for postage. Send membership dues or address changes to: Chicago Herpetological Society, President: Rich Crowley Membership Secretary, 2430 N. Cannon Drive, Chicago, IL 60614. Vice-president: Jessica Wadleigh Treasurer: Andy Malawy Manuscripts published in the Bulletin of the Chicago Herpeto- Recording Secretary: Gail Oomens logical Society are not peer reviewed. Manuscripts and letters Media Secretary: Morgan Lantz concerning editorial business should be e-mailed to the editor, Membership Secretary: Mike Dloogatch
[email protected].