
Vol: 43.4 Date: July 2014


CarolinaAramburoAndFriends’ TOPIC OF THE WEEK

Hello Health, Fun and most potent and effective medi- Well-Being Partners! cines. It is a powerful concentrated liquid nutrient. Two ounces of In this 211th Newsletter, I want to wheatgrass juice has the nutritional give us a chance to consider the equivalent of five pounds of the impact that wheatgrass can have best raw organic vegetables. For on people’s physical, mental, emo- example, wheatgrass has twice the tional and spiritual well-being. In amount of A as carrots and order to put the rest of the newslet- is higher in than oranges! ter in context. This conversation Wheatgrass contains more than 90 makes more sense if you’ve elements that come from the soil watched my 1st Health Proposal (there are a total of 102 identified and my 2nd Health Proposal. So if by science so far). When it is you haven’t, please pause, go back grown in fertile organic soil, it and watch them. This week we contains all of the known have also included articles on elements, including , mag- wheatgrass that you can read in full nesium, phosphorus, (all CAROLINA ARAMBURO HERE. in a balanced ratio), , sulfur,

sodium, cobalt and . It contains Vitamin F (otherwise known as We are going to go beyond the the full spectrum of B EFA or Essential Fatty acids) are obvious and explore the topic of (even B12), including being abun- needed for growth and behavior of WHEATGRASS including it's com- dant in vitamin B-17, a substance cell membranes, a well balanced prehensive benefits on the body, it's that can destroy cancer cells se- hormone level and properly work- abundant nutritional value, how to lectively. ing immune system. They are grow it and how to purchase it so essential for the synthesis of tis- that YOU can, if you wish, introduce Since wheatgrass is a great source sue lipids, play an important role in this MIRACLE into your life to of vitamins B, C, E and carotene, all the regulation of cholesterol levels, achieve and maintain optimal of which are hugely effective in de- and are precursors of prostagland- physical well-being, emotional bal- stroying and eliminating free radi- ins, hormone like compounds pro- ance, mental and spiritual clarity cals and cleansing the body, ducing various metabolic effects and vibrant energy.. wheatgrass is also highly regarded in tissues. Vitamin F benefits the for its ability to cleanse the blood, skin and hair, is important to WHEATGRASS IS ONE organs and gastrointestinal tract. manufacture sex and adrenal hor- OF NATURE’S MOST mones, aids in the transmission of MIRACULOUS Wheatgrass also contains Vitamin nerve impulses and stimulates the F and Vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 is growth of the beneficial intestinal MEDICINES!!!! the form of Vitamin K1 and is bacteria. Edema, hair loss, ec- directly involved in photosynthesis. Wheatgrass is grown from the zema, dry tear glands, blood pres- The human body needs seed (also known as wheat 1 sure, cholesterol levels, arthritis, for to modify certain proteins that berries), which is the whole kernel learning disabilities and memory are required for blood coagula- of the wheat grain. To an inexperi- recall can all be improved with tion, and in bone and other tissues. enced eye, the blades of wheat- Vitamin F. The modification of the proteins grass look very similar to those of allows them to bind calcium ions. It any common lawn grass. There It is also is an antioxidant nutrient that has are, however, considerable differ- high in been shown to help improve insulin ences between them beyond their saponin, a resistance and as a critical nutrient seemingly uniform outer appear- class of for protecting cells that line blood ance. c h e m i c a l vessels, including both veins and (Cont. on arteries. CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO Wheatgrass juice is one of nature’s next page)

CLICK HERE TO VISIT CAROLINA ARAMBURO & FRIENDS NOW CarolinaArambCarolinCarolinaAramburoAndFriends

Page 2 WHEATGRASS IS ONE OF NATURE’S MOST MIRACULOUS MEDICINES!!!! (Cont.) compunds found in various . grass contains beneficial enzymes fat soluble portion of plants that al- Wheatgrass offers excellent sup- that help protect us from carcino- lows them to absorb the sun’s vi- port to the lymphatic system, help- gens, including Superoxide Disu- brancy and convert that into energy ing to extract thousands of differ- mates (SOD), which reduces the – the primary photoreceptor pig- ent toxins from the cells of the effects of radiation and helps digest ment in biochemical terms. This body. Viktoras Kulvinskas, co- toxins in the body. It cleanses the energy from plants is readily avail- founder of the Hippocrates Insti- body from head to toe of any heavy able, nutritious and healing for the tute with Ann Wigmore, said metals, pollutants and other toxins human body – if you eat wheatgrass helps to “detoxify the that may be stored in the body's tis- plants. Chlorophyll rich foods top body by increasing the elimination sues and organs. the charts in immune system en- of hardened mucous, crystallized hancing and toxin elimination. acids and solidified, decaying fecal When it is consumed fresh, it is a Known as “nature’s greatest healer,” matter…It is the fastest, surest living food and has bio-electricity. chlorophyll produces an environment way to eliminate internal waste This high vibration energy is literally in the body that suppresses bacterial and provide an optimum nutritional the life force within the living juice. growth and counteracts ingested environment”. This resource of life-force energy toxins. It also helps to purify the can potentially unleash powerful re- liver, build the blood’s oxygen- According to the HHI (Hippocrates newing vibrations and greater con- carrying potential and regulate di- Health Institute) and maaaaaany nectivity to one’s inner being. These gestion. (Cont. on next page) other of the MOST Effective Holis- powerful nutrients can also prevent tic Treatments Centers around the DNA destruction and help protect us world, wheatgrass is a complete from the ongoing effects of pre- source of protein, supplying all of mature aging and cellular break- the essential amino acids and down. Recent research shows that more. It includes 19 amino acids only living foods and juices can CLICK HERE TO VIEW including: Protease (assists in pro- restore the electrical charge between tein digestion), Cytochrome Oxi- the capillaries and the cell walls, To ENHANCE, elevate and EVOLVE dase (a powerful anti oxidant), which boosts the immune system. your wellness I have two very important recommendations for you: Amylase (facilitates digestion), When it is fresh, wheatgrass juice is Lipase (a fat splitting enzyme), the king of living juices. 1) Listen to your body in a specific way*. Transhydrogenase (strengthens the heart muscle) & Superoxide Among other things, wheatgrass 2) Find an extraordinary Holistic Dismutase (SOD) (found in all juice is particularly high in chloro- Health/ Wellness Coach. body cells and is known for its abil- phyll. Scientists at the University of ity to lessen the effect of radiation Texas concluded that wheatgrass *In my second health proposal, I pro- posed that you can improve your health and can slow cellular aging). juice is exceptional in its chlorophyll by listening to your body and becoming Amino acids are the building content. Chlorophyll is the mole- aware of what it needs. I don’t mean

blocks of protein. They are abso- cule that absorbs sunlight and uses listening to your body’s cravings, lutely essential to our growth and its energy to synthesize carbohy- mostly just out of habit. cell regeneration. Wheatgrass drates from CO2 and water. This has about 20% of it’s total calories process is known as photosynthesis, There is a specific way that this needs to be done and to learn 'HOW' please coming from protein. This protein a complex biochemical pathway in watch my video by clicking HERE. is in the form of polypeptides, sim- which solar energy is used to con- pler and shorter chains of amino vert water and carbon dioxide to glu- My 2nd recommendation is that you find acids that the body uses more cose and other carbohydrates, and an extraordinary Holistic Health/ Well- efficiently in the blood stream and is the basis for sustaining the life ness Coach. In our Radical Results tissues. processes of all plants. Since most WELLNESS COACHING DIVISION we animals and most humans obtain at are ready to create Top Wellness, with and for YOU, by designing completely In addition to flooding the body least part their food supply by eating customized nutritional, exercise with therapeutic dosages of vita- plants, photosynthesis can be said to plans that work for your unique body! mins, , antioxidants, en- be the source of our life also. zymes, and phytonutrients, wheat- If you would like to find out more about grass is also a powerful detoxi- Chlorophyll’s DNA is almost identical coaching with our Health, Fitness & fier, especially of the liver and to human blood; the difference is Quantum Healing Division click here: blood. It helps neutralize toxins that the central atom of blood is iron and environmental pollutants in and chlorophyll’s is magne- the body. This is because Wheat- sium. Chlorophyll A and B are the © Carolina Aramburo, 2014 WHEATGRASS ONE NATURE’S IS OF MIRACULOUS MOST MEDICINES!!!! (Cont.) lowed and the pulp discarded. swal- be of can juice blades the the wheatgrass; chew also can One minutes). 15 (within squeezed has been it after immediately juice fresh value tional amount daily. four drinking ounces that is one until increase gradually and less) or ounce (one the amount small a in with toxins the body. on wheat- the juice of grass impact initial the of a merely is this sys- however, nausea; cause may ounce circulatory tem. and pancreas purifier erful a is wheatgrass cocktail, a As body. healthy a support helps content gen uses which oxy-High supply.oxygen the of 25% brain, the for pecially es- processes, body many to vital is Oxygen disease. and ailments ties, recovery health of markerisa mas).This implants ene- retention as juice known (otherwise wheatgrass using and juice wheatgrass of drinking lar regu- the withvery quicklyrise levels red oxygen blood see and counts cell We blood brain. your including which blood, organ every the impacts to oxygen more deliver helps chlorophyll in of oxygen content high The abnormalities. restore to body the assisting in erful pow- especially is which oxygen, of levels high carries also Chlorophyll juiceis like drinking liquidsunshine. thrive to and to need cells your what is ent phytonutri- important This plants. the ‘life the as known is phyll Chloro- photosynthesis. of process the through chlorophyll into energy Only sun. sun’s the transform can plants the green from comes planet element other than any properties healing more con- tains therefore and light first of product the is Chlorophyll chlorophyll. of content high its to due blood the Wheatgrass

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ideal forideal weight loss wheatgrass makes This overeat. to need the reducing thus brain, the in appestat the off shuts rally relieves it natu- it and cravings of body your easily, so and complete absorbed so is juice wheat- grass in the Because supplement for athletes. perfect a it making this and ents nutri- the extract to energy body’s the of little very uses Wheatgrass a 20 is with about body the providing it minutes), (in as absorbed quickly source a is energy sugars, quick simpler to verted con- when which, energy stored is wheatgrass the of starch The ed t ls fo sensitivities food and allergies. less to leads health to minerals and vitamins and digestion, improve that enzymes live with loaded is issues.Wheatgrass digestive and food to related often are Allergies process to ing help- thereby form, manageable more a into body the in radicals This superoxide decomposes cells. enzyme blood red mature in carcino- copper a enzymes the and contains Chlorophyll a of risk of cancer means body the in gens. metabolic the activity wheatgrass inhibits in actually chlorophyll that determined have Ph.D. Lai, nan Chiu Dr. by done those cluding regular sumption with velopment de- cancer in reduction risk 40% anti a least at indicated have Studies powerful anti are and oxidants plant this in found compounds flavonoid of beta and wheat- and fightingin beneficial is juice grass from obtained chlorophyll carotene The ai bot f energy of boost rapid preventing cancer Improved .

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reis atroceoi) and of (arteriosclerosis), hardening arteries treating in used be can Itcapillaries. and vessels objects foreign to helping bloodstream, combinesthewith inand oxygen blood the cleanses Wheatgrass your immune system will regularly 1 wheatgrass only Drinking animals or humans. eitherto givenwhen amountany in toxic be to have wheatgrass found scientists dition, ad- In effects. side without plant im- colon a be as and can orally taken and pure) to opposed contains juice Wheatgrass element. food contains therefore, other any than energylight more and, light of product first the is Chlorophyll 2014 Aramburo, © Carolina page) is next on (Cont. acidifying. which wheat, prepared full and with this grown, confuse not acidosis. Do combating in fective ef- it making blood, the of linity alka- of and balance the maintaining tissues detoxifying for tial Its rheumatoidand arthritis. ailments tory people for from suffering food of choice fect per- the it makealso wheatgrass of properties alkalinity high The blood pressure in beneficial be to from found been has chlorophyll wheatgrass quality high proteinouscompoundsthethein addition In pressure, blood high hagas s ey alkalizing. very is Wheatgrass alkaline minerals alkaline ( CLICK HERE OR SEE OR SEE HERE CLICK

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Page 4 WHEATGRASS IS ONE OF NATURE’S MOST MIRACULOUS MEDICINES!!!! (Cont.) As with almost every grain, 18.Chlorophyll helps purify the and development of animals and when sprouted it is very alkaline, liver. humans alike. Wheatgrass has and this is certainly the case 19.Chlorophyll improves blood sugar what is called the “grass-juice fac- with wheatgrass. issues. The ability to regulate tor,” which has been shown to 11.The anti-bacterial effect of blood sugar levels makes this keep herbivorous animals alive wheatgrass creates an unfavor- green juice a suitable drink for dia- practically indefinitely. able environment for yeast. betics. 26.Wheatgrass juice is a superior Regular consumption of this 20.For body builders: because detoxification agent compared to juice will help to prevent further wheatgrass juice contains a long and other fruits and yeast growth. list of amino acids that are the vegetables. 12.Multiple studies have proven building blocks of protein, and it is 27.The high content in that chlorophyll foods create an reported to be so high in protein, chlorophyll builds enzymes that environment in the body that is you can forget about protein pow- restore the sex hormones and unfavorable to unfriendly bacte- der. Instead, incorporate this help with fertility. ria. While it does not act on the miracle juice into your daily rou- 28.Wheatgrass juice cures acne and bacteria itself, chlorophyll is anti- tine. even helps to remove scars after bacterial because it creates a 21.In the American Journal of Sur- it has been ingested for seven to hostile environment for bacte- gery (1940), Benjamin Gruskin, eight months. The diet, of course, ria, arresting the growth and M.D. recommends chlorophyll for must be improved at the same development of unfriendly bacte- its antiseptic benefits. The article time. ria. suggests the following clinical 29.Wheatgrass juice acts as a deter- 13.Chlorophyll treats and helps the uses for chlorophyll: to clear up gent in the body, and can be used body recover from the harsh foul smelling odors, neutralize as a body deodorant. effects of radiation therapy treat- Strep infections, heal wounds, 30.A small amount of wheatgrass ments and radiation poisoning. hasten skin grafting, cure chronic juice in the human diet helps pre- 14.Liquid chlorophyll has the abil- sinusitis, overcome chronic inner vent tooth decay. ity to be absorbed by tissue, ear inflammation and infection, 31.Gargle wheatgrass juice (or hold where it can actually refine and reduce varicose veins and heal leg in the mouth for at least 5 min) to renew them. ulcers, eliminate impetigo and prevent tooth decay, relieve 15.The bland soothing effect of other scabby eruptions, heal rectal toothache, treat bleeding gums chlorophyll (wheatgrass) oint- sores, successfully treat inflamma- and control pyorrhea (infection and ments are very beneficial to the tion of the uterine cervix, get rid of loosening of tooth sockets). It will treatment of various skin dis- parasitic vaginal infections, reduce pull poisons from the gums. eases involving the outer and typhoid fever, and cure advanced 32.Gargle wheatgrass juice for a underlying layers of the skin, pyorrhea (infection and loosening sore throat. including: itching and burning of of tooth sockets) in many cases. 33.Drink wheatgrass juice for skin the rectum, ivy poisoning, weep- 22.Dr. Birscher, a research scientist, problems such as eczema or pso-

ing and dry eczema, x-ray burns called chlorophyll "concentrated riasis. and even in conditions caused sun power." He said, "Chlorophyll 34.Wheatgrass juice helps to keep by insect bites or infection. For increases the function of the heart, the hair from graying. wounds, you can pour two affects the vascular system, the 35.Pyorrhea of the mouth: lay pulp ounces of wheatgrass juice into intestines, the uterus, and the of wheatgrass soaked in juice on a small bucket of distilled wa- lungs.” diseased area in mouth or chew ter. Use this water to dab gener- 23.Wheatgrass juice can dissolve wheatgrass, spitting out the pulp. ously on wounds and sores; and the scars that are formed in the 36.Wheatgrass juice improves the experience great relief with ac- lungs from breathing acid gasses. digestion. celerated healing. The effect of carbon monoxide is 37.Wheatgrass juice is an excellent 16.Doctors R. Redpath and J. C. minimized since chlorophyll in- skin cleanser and can be ab- Davis found chlorophyll packs creases hemoglobin production. sorbed through the skin for nutri- inserted into the sinuses had a 24.Wheatgrass is high in oxygen, tion. Pour green juice over your drying effect, clearing up con- like all green plants that contain body in a tub of warm water and gestion and giving providing im- chlorophyll. This is beneficial be- soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse mediate relief. Congested head cause the brain and all body tis- off with cold water. colds were cleared up within sues function at an optimal level in 38.Wheatgrass implants (retention 24 hours. a highly- oxygenated environment. (Cont. on next page) 17.Liquid chlorophyll washes 25.It is a nutritionally complete drug deposits from the body. food, which sustains the growth © Carolina Aramburo, 2014 WHEATGRASS ONE NATURE’S IS OF MIRACULOUS MOST MEDICINES!!!! (Cont.) 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. ie no ames calcium harmless into rine of fluo- the turn would ounce water dated fluori- an of gallon a in that wheatgrass found He the is forms. grain the before cut it’s because home. own your in right week, a about can you is blood disorders of all kinds. heavy metals extremely anemic cases. in even wheatgrass cell red – 4 just that in normal to return counts show Studies negative supplies and no with bodythe to oxygen fresh cells blood red the reactivates and regenerates red blood cell count. Wheatgrass a great it makes juice wheatgrass in high is it because open bowels constipation complications. many for douche a as dan- druff. eliminate 15 help to for minutes cap shower and with scalp cover the into juice grass eye- cup 15 for an in water pure half with mixed juice wheatgrass strained plastic bag. with cover area, fected af- on place and ounces 6 with a Soak arthritis. juice. Retain 20 minutes.for wheatgrass of ounces 4 implant is enema an After organs. internal the cleanse and walls detoxi and for great are enemas) r Er Toa si, "Wheat said, Thomas Earp Dr. is Wheatgrass wheatgrass of benefit Another for great is juice Wheatgrass remove can juice Wheatgrass iron of content grade high The for great is juice Wheatgrass used be can juice Wheatgrass wheat- of ounces 6 Massage apply irritation, eye minor For improves juice Wheatgrass

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54. 53. 52. 51. 50.       wheatgrass Juice ) of ) oz (2 grams 100 on Inc tories. Labora- Analytical Irvine by per- formed was analysis particular (This Wheat-grass About Facts Nutritional

an an overall sense experience ofwell and spirituality, and and strength in increase an feel may ions to help improve your sleep. negative healthful generate and also may the enhance bed your near grass ances. thyroiddiabetes,AIDS imbal-and arthritis,psoriasis; acne, eczema, disor- like conditions skin digestive cancer, ders, other and IBS are: colitis healing ulcerative in instrumental is or cigarette smoke. monoxide carbon like air pollutants by caused harm the reduce helps This body. the find in way their that oxidation and radicals free neutralize helps wheatgrass other mental conditions. disease to heimer’s help greatly will consumption Regular clarity. increasescontent,oxygen mental in the water. placed wheatgrass of wisp a food negativetransformed the and cleaned thoroughly contami- were sprays by nated vegetables and fruits that discovered further Thomas Dr. soothing. most is In it bath, hands. the and face the to ness soft- adds it water wash in Used phosphate Zinc mg0.33 Potassium mg 147 Magnesium 24 mg Carbohydrates g 2 Protein 1.95 g Calories 21 The highThe live the of because Wheatgrass, By taking wheatgrass juice, one juice, wheatgrass taking By wheat- live of tray a Keeping Among diseases wheatgrass the


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r An imr, h fudr of founder the Wigmore, Ann Dr.                ie oref h GF o CLAIM- IT,ING in ACTION,starting now!! of GIFT the yourself please give WELLNESS, utmost your You wheatgrass. like food Mindful + Diet Balance Vegan Raw a with PREVENTABLE SOLUTELY dis and ness Diet Based a and wheatgrass with ness necessary youto invite I life. your to MIRACLE food this add you growing about details provide illness." will we article, next the In reverse and combat to ability improved an and energy more to lead changes These ened. the and detoxified is blood the wheat- juice, grass Hippocrates the of weeks following two within that showed study the Laboratory, Testing thur Ar- the at Performed observations. pro- our to our support scientific gave of gram weeks two only after Hippocrates hundred two than more from drawn Institute samples Healthblood of analysis"An said, Hippocrates the

Choline 92.4 mg Chlorophyll mg 42.2 Biotin mcg10 VitaminE 15.2 IU mg VitaminC (Ascorbic Acid) 3.65 mcg VitaminB6 (<1 HCI) .02mg Vitamin (Pantothenic 85 mg VitaminB3 (Niacinamide) 0.11 VitaminB2 () 0.13 mg VitaminB1 () 0.08 mg VitaminA 427 IU Folic Acid/ Folacin 29 mcg Iron 0.61 mg Sodium 10.3 mg Calcium 24.2 mg 2014 Aramburo, © Carolina

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Wheatgrass contains large and fresh wheatgrass. Through soil. Basic potting mix or topsoil amounts of chlorophyll, and is various studies and research done will work fine. Peat moss is an presents a wide variety of health in multiple labs, it can be observed important ingredient to look for in enhancing properties; however that dried wheatgrass is not just your soil so if you have to add it, these benefits are largely related convenient, but also very concen- the mix is one part peat moss to to the quality of how it is trated. He warns that there are, three parts soil, filled halfway up grown. Like any food or supple- however, differences between vari- a two-inch deep tray. ment, quality is highly variable, ous powders. Different drying tech- 4. Water the tray and then cover and if you choose to use it this is niques can be applied: spray-dried, the seeds to keep them from important to pay attention to. It is freeze-dried, drum dried and dried drying out for the first three far less expensive to grow your in carbon dioxide. He also notes days. own, but more importantly you that there are different modes of 5. During the first three days of can typically grow a much higher extraction. If you plan to purchase growth, water once a day in the quality grass. powered, dried wheatgrass, make morning and really soak the soil sure you do your research. Much (until the tray drips is a good sign Harvest time is crucial, and that is research has been done on pow- you are watering enough). Then typically around one week after ered, dried wheatgrass and its lightly mist your seed in the eve- you germinate the seeds at what therapeutic effects. A high quality ning (lift cover off to mist seed). is called the “jointing dried grass can be effective. If you 6. On the fourth day, uncover stage.” Some stores that sell measure the nutritional content, you grass (roots should begin to wheat grass will harvest it once will find it very similar. Why fresh take over your soil), water heav- and then let it grow again for a then? It is all about the energy of ily once a day and keep the second harvest. Some also sell LIVE food. Our living cells are grass in the shade (never direct frozen wheatgrass but this is far magnetized to other living cells. sunlight). less effective than freshly har- Particularly when we are ill or de- 7. For mold problems, increase vested wheat grass. pleted, only other living cells can your air circulation with a fan or provide the healing and rejuvena- air conditioning to keep the tem- Most wheat grass tastes very bit- tion you need. The enzyme activ- perature between 60 and 80 de- ter. Many believe that they need ity of dried wheatgrass is just not grees Fahrenheit (21° to 26° Cel- to grow it in direct sunlight but the same. There can be a place for sius). this actually contributes to the dried product in your nutrition plan, 8. Harvest grass when a second bitterness. Expose the grass only but the best and most potent an- blade of grass appears on the to indirect sunlight, and harvest it swer is live fresh wheatgrass. grass blades, or when the grass

right at the jointing stage when it “splits” toward the bottom of the is at its sweetest. When beginning to use wheatgrass blade. Average growing time is it is a good idea to use it judiciously. seven to 12 days, depending on One of the complications of When first starting, you should only the weather, but still always growing wheat grass is that it is use one ounce once or twice a watch for the second blade of very easy to be contaminated with day, gradually working up to two grass as you can never judge by mold due to its tightly bound roots ounces. Remember that wheat- how many days it has been in moist soil. If this occurs, the grass is a detoxifying liquid, and growing or how tall the grass is. mold can make you sick. Mold when your body is toxic you may 9. Only harvest once. Cut grass typically grows at the bottom of react as the toxins are released. will store in the fridge for about the wheat grass near the soil. seven to 10 days or longer Keeping a gentle breeze blowing, Growing Basics – from Hippo- in Green Bags. Then start the keeping the humidity low, and crates Holistic Institute process all over again with new reducing the quantity of seed so seeds and soil. the growth is less dense are 1. Soak your hard winter wheat three approaches to help limit seed (also called wheat berries) this. overnight (8 to 12 hours). 2. Sprout the seed in a jar for the Steve Meyerowitz, author of the next 16 to 24 hours, rinsing the book, Wheatgrass: Natures’ Fin- seed well three times a day. est Medicine, looks at the chemi- 3. After a very short “tail” is visi- © Carolina Aramburo, 2014 cal breakdown of dry, powered ble, plant the seed on top of the

MASTERFUL BUSINESS & PERSONAL COACHING Page 7 CLICK HERE TO JOIN MY FREE Using various methodologies, I have transformational shift", for every group VIRTUAL COACHING PAGE been coaching both large groups and no matter what their circumstances. In one on one, since 1991. This in- addition to this, I coached teams of cludes, but is not limited to Landmark people who worked with me in both Education's Ontological Methodolo- group and individual settings. These gies, Silva, that of J. Rohn of Herbalife, mostly included managers, supervi- and MY OWN. sors and leaders. This coaching/ consulting was mostly on business In 1999 I began coaching people in performance and production. Landmark Education inside of various CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO leadership roles using Ontology Thus, after 20 years of outstandingly (Landmark Education's methodology). successful practice, and after coach- CONNECT WITH ME In the years that I was leading the ing hundreds of thousands of people Landmark Forum, I coached, 3 week- ends a month, different groups in and consistently exceeding their ex- rooms filled with 150+ to 1200 people, pectations 94% of the time, I have in many different cities and countries. I the confidence to say that I can coach coached individual people who came anyone, in anything, and under any to the microphone for coaching on their circumstance and have YOUR SUC- personal lives and professional per- CESS in ANY ARENA be a foregone formance. I coached and lead the conclusion while also having it be a group as a whole producing a common deliciously fun and FULFILLING AD- "simultaneous UNPRECEDENTED VENTURE!! TAP INTO THE LIVING ENERGY OF WHEATGRASS AND ALLOW IT TO BALANCE YOUR MENYALLY, EMOTIONALLY AND SPIRITUALLY!!! Patients at HHI (Hippocrates encompassing energy field, This property of wheatgrass helps Health Institute) and many other whenever it is introduced into our overcome and correct the way of the MOST Effective Holistic energy fields, immediately ab- our bodies manage and process Treatments Centers around the sorbs any imbalanced energy pat- energy. The energy essence of world produce measurable mental tern. It helps dissolve the nega- wheatgrass is invaluable in fight- and emotional benefits from tive energy effects of physical ing physical, mental and emo- wheatgrass including: increased stress, illness and chemicals and tional imbalances, and unravels cognitive skills, more clarity, an any other imbalanced energy field long term damage done to the expanded sense of calmness and including the negative effects of blood and cells in general, which less anger and anxiousness. emotional stress or mental stress. impacts your brain, neurotransmit- It builds up energy field strength, ters, hormones, etc. - basically all In addition, many holistic nutrition stability, and recovery from of your physical, mental and

counselors use wheatgrass to physical, mental and emotional emotional functions. treat anxiety and depression be- impacts. 3. The energy field of Wheatgrass cause the nutrient-dense grasses 2. The energy field of Wheatgrass causes the balance of energy lev- provide the building blocks to aid has its components moving in an els in the body, because it is so your body in producing its own counter-clockwise direction perfectly balanced in itself. By serotonin (a hormone that con- rather than clockwise. This virtue of simply being in our en- tributes to your feelings of well- 'negative ion charge' is why its so ergy field, it causes our energy being and happiness). valuable, is because energy fields field to mirror its own balance. with a negative ion charge literally Since our energy fields move ac- Consuming live foods increases 'negate' pollution, toxins and so cording to polarity and are con- our bio-energetic vibration. It is a on which are carried by positive stantly reacting to all of the en- simple formula: Higher fre- ions and clears up the energy ergy around us, when a com- quency Fuel = Higher fre- field. pletely balanced energy field quency Energy. Wheatgrass in faces us, we react to it by becom- its energy field form has unique This property causes our energy ing balanced ourselves. This effects. These effects are: fields to revert to their basic en- greatly aids in naturally restoring ergy pattern, undoing all the physical, mental and emotional 1. The energy field of Wheat- 'conditioned' patterns of energy balance. (Cont. on next page) grass vibrates at the Schumann flow we have developed or been Frequency (earth-energy fre- exposed to over the years © Carolina Aramburo, 2014 quency). This WIDE all- (physical, mental and emotional). well emotional in and mental proven impact to are studies many and wheatgrass in found are acids amino following The re- are functions paired. mental emotional imbalances, and physical with deal to having by down bogged not and creases functions the mental for of allows repair Wheatgrass body. 20 uses cord) spinal and brainstem the our oxygen. (including deprive of aging body improper and and breathing shallow elevations, air pollutants vironmental en- including factors, Several brain. the on effect remarkable a has grass wheat- of in oxygen high the particular, properties In this. to contribute healing all wheatgrass many The functions literally people the world the around Centers of Treatments other Holistic Effective MOST many and Institute) tionally, emo- and mentally physically, bodies wheatgrass Because trauma. related strong of separation effects or change and medicines the undo to tion medica- gentle need and ill are who babies helps It peak. their at bodies their keep to need and perform to travel who those pecially travelers helps and/or It menopause. pregnancy periods, difficult over ally going emotion- stay women helps hormonally It days. while through stable emotionally stay teenagers helps It emotionally. extremities a as value great has Wheatgrass of field energy The  EMOTIONALLY AND SPIRITUALLY!!! (Cont.) ANDSPIRITUALLY!!! EMOTIONALLY MENYALLY, YOUR BALANCE ALLOW IT TO AND WHEATGRASS OF ENERGY LIVING THE TAP INTO

system weakens, sight may well well may occur. fatigue and affected be may sight weakens, system immune our bodies, our from sent ab- is lysine when supported; are circulation blood and growth body Lysine

calm we breathe of oxygen, higher higher oxygen, of breathe we

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HHI (Hippocrates Health Health (Hippocrates HHI clarity. When the body is is body the When clarity.

as they are going through through going are they as and open up emotionally. emotionally. up open and -

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person is a unique human being. being. human unique a is person mission a unique has person each that believe “I said, Institute Holistic the Hippocrates of founder the Wigmore, Ann worlds. spiritual the and physical the tween taught that Steiner nutrition. and tion produc- food agriculture, to proach spiritual of founder was the activist, social and educator writer, Austrian in an Steiner, Dr. Rudolf components enzymes. the key are wheatgrass other The           

mental balance and emotional emotional for calm and balance important mental hormone, thy- of roxin manufacture its in glad Phenylalanine digestion. better stimulate and nerves our calm to help also can com- blood, it complex, If B Vitamin with hair. red bined and skin rich, healthy building for Tryptophane awake Leucine amino other acids. of production the affects it that fact the to due tions condi- mental in end could ciency defi- a adults; provides in balance protein infants; in particularly Isoleucine nerve functions. nerve Serine functions. nervous Histidine energy. make to Glycine metabolic function smooth and balance acid Glutamic cells. liver and kidney replenish Methionine insomnia and outbursts emotional fatigue, deficiency mental nervousness, to lead may a nerves; and the calms coordination muscle ports Valine Threonine

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atvts h ban sup- brain, the activates : : stimulates brain and and brain stimulates :

: helps cells use oxygen oxygen use cells helps : : keeps us attentive and and attentive us keeps :

: impacts hearing and and hearing impacts : : metabolism : : is needed for growth, growth, for needed is : : helps clean and and clean helps : - : is very important important very is : clgcl ap- ecological : aids the thyroid thyroid the aids : , because each each because , mental boosts : biodynamics

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issues to the surface and to give a a give to and surface the to issues these bring to help Living Lifestyle Food a and Wheatgrass dis- ease… of cause the of part big a emotions are and issues suppressed been have that arise Issues emotionally. and mentally cleanse automatically we physically, cleanse we As body. tates God develop their to order in aspects tional emo- and mental physical, their ing nurtur- for responsibility a have and become beings spiritual are They they that aware mission. their see shift to gins however, detoxify, to begin they When obscured. mis- is sion this balance of out very and toxic is someone when However, SELF WHOLE your that life your to ance bal- nurture the bring will yourself to love and alone time to and nature connecting exercise, QiQong, yoga, prayer, or meditation as such diet food live plified is Journey Spiritual and pose connection our our thus WELLNESS, of at level TOP emotionally and mentally, physically, remain to becomes. us allows This the life bodies, our our integrous more into put we the fuel pure and balanced more The rebuild its ability to through body the health for means so much for the opportunity to learn learn to together. opportunity the for much so you Thank contribution. your preciate information of receiving any- you is commitment selling The thing. not are We for me/us. difference major a make will That your feedback: us/me give and link this to go please would, youIf 2014 Aramburo, © Carolina

suppressed the physical cleansing of the of cleansing physical the thrives .” . Wheatgrass, along with a a with along Wheatgrass, .


self. Wheatgrass Wheatgrass self.

to our Major Life's Pur- Life's Major our to

and they can start to to start can they and on. on.

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for years. These These years. for self be- illusion

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