Pre-Publication Draft Core Strategy

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Pre-Publication Draft Core Strategy ATTACHMENT 1 MEDWAY LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK SUBMISSION DRAFT CORE STRATEGY [CABINET VERSION] DECEMBER 2011 Submission Draft Core Strategy January 2012 Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 2. Context and Issues ........................................................................................... 8 3. Vision and Strategic Objectives..................................................................... 24 4. Cross Cutting Themes.................................................................................... 35 5. Housing............................................................................................................ 75 6. Economic Development.................................................................................. 88 7. Energy, Waste and Minerals......................................................................... 102 8. Transport and Movement ............................................................................. 116 9. The River Medway......................................................................................... 123 10. Area Policies.............................................................................................. 128 11. Implementation, Monitoring and Review ................................................ 172 Appendix A. Schedule of Superseded (Replaced) Policies......................... 202 Appendix B. Schedule of Current Supplementary Planning Documents... 204 Appendix C. Housing Trajectory and Sources of Supply 2006 - 2028+...... 208 Appendix D. Employment Trajectory............................................................. 209 Appendix E. Transport Objectives, Schemes And Actions In The Third Local Transport Plan (LTP3)........................................................................................... 210 Glossary of Terms................................................................................................. 216 Submission Draft Core Strategy January 2012 List of Figures Figure 1-1 The Planning Policy Cascade ................................................................ 2 Figure 1-2 Core Strategy Stages.............................................................................. 3 Figure 1-3 Medway Local Development Framework.............................................. 3 Figure 2-1 Local Areas............................................................................................ 14 Figure 3-1 Medway Core Strategy Key Diagram .................................................. 31 Figure 3-2 Spatial Vision & Strategic Objectives Diagram.................................. 32 Figure 4-1 Flood Zones in Medway ....................................................................... 48 Figure 4-2 Agricultural Land Classification.......................................................... 57 Figure 4-3 Green Grid Corridors............................................................................ 62 Figure 4-4 Great Lines Heritage Park.................................................................... 73 Figure 4-5 Nominated World Heritage Site ........................................................... 74 Figure 5-1 Medway Housing Trajectory 2006 - 2028 ............................................ 79 Figure 6-1 Medway Employment Sub Areas......................................................... 91 Figure 7-1 Land Won Sand and Gravels ............................................................. 106 Figure 7-2 The Waste Hierarchy .......................................................................... 108 Figure 7-3 Potential Final Waste Disposal to Land Resource Area ................. 114 Figure 8-1 Main Congestion Hotspots ................................................................ 117 Figure 9-1 River Medway...................................................................................... 124 Figure 10-1 Spatial Sub Areas ............................................................................. 128 Figure 10-2 Strood Town Centre Masterplan...................................................... 131 Figure 10-3 Strood Context Diagram................................................................... 135 Figure 10-4 Rochester Context Diagram............................................................. 139 Figure 10-5 Chatham Context Diagram............................................................... 145 Figure 10-6 Gillingham Context Diagram............................................................ 149 Figure 10-7 Rainham Context Diagram ............................................................... 152 Figure 10-8 Hoo Peninsula Context Diagram ..................................................... 157 Figure 10-9 Medway Valley Context Diagram..................................................... 161 Figure 10-10 Lodge Hill Connections.................................................................. 162 Figure 10-11 Lodge Hill Strategic Allocation...................................................... 166 Figure 10-12 Lodge Hill Concept Diagram.......................................................... 169 Copyright OS maps: All the maps in this document are reproduced from/ based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright and database rights 2011 Ordnance Survey licence number 100024225. Aerial photographs: Getmapping 2009 Submission Draft Core Strategy January 2012 List of Tables Table 1-1 Core Strategy Timetable .......................................................................... 5 Table 3-1 Employment Growth to 2028 ................................................................. 26 Table 3-2 Job Requirements to 2028..................................................................... 26 Table 5-1 Medway Housing Supply Components ................................................ 76 Table 5-2 Distribution of New Housing by Sub Areas from 2011/12 to 2028+... 77 Table 5-3 Local Plan Allocations ........................................................................... 77 Table 6-1 Floorspace Requirements by Sub Areas ............................................. 91 Table 6-2 Employment Floorspace Supply by Sub Areas................................... 92 Table 6-3 Convenience Floorspace Capacities 2008 - 2026................................ 97 Table 6-4 Convenience Floorspace Options 2008 - 2026 .................................... 97 Table 6-5 Comparison Floorspace Options 2008 - 2026...................................... 97 Table 7-1 Average tonnage per Sector per Annum............................................ 109 Table 7-2 Disposal of Commercial and Industrial Waste 2008 ......................... 109 Table 7-3 Disposal of Construction, Demolition and Excavation Waste, 2008 110 Table 7-4 Disposal of Hazardous Waste, 2008 ................................................... 110 Table 10-1 Potential Housing Development in Strood....................................... 132 Table 10-2 Potential Employment Development in Strood ............................... 133 Table 10-3 Potential Retail Development in Strood ........................................... 133 Table 10-4 Potential Housing Development in Rochester................................. 137 Table 10-5 Potential Employment Development in Rochester ......................... 137 Table 10-6 Potential Retail Development in Rochester ..................................... 138 Table 10-7 Potential Housing Development in Chatham................................... 142 Table 10-8 Potential Employment Development in Chatham............................ 143 Table 10-9 Potential Retail Development in Chatham ....................................... 143 Table 10-10 Potential Housing Development in Gillingham.............................. 147 Table 10-11 Potential Employment Development in Gillingham ...................... 147 Table 10-12 Potential Retail Development in Gillingham .................................. 147 Table 10-13 Potential Housing Development in Rainham ................................. 150 Table 10-14 Potential Employment Development in Rainham.......................... 151 Table 10-15 Potential Retail Development in Rainham...................................... 151 Table 10-16 Potential Housing Development on Hoo Peninsula ...................... 155 Table 10-17 Potential Employment Development on Hoo Peninsula............... 155 Table 10-18 Potential Retail Development on Hoo Peninsula........................... 156 Table 10-19 Potential Housing Development in Medway Valley....................... 160 Submission Draft Core Strategy January 2012 Table 10-20 Potential Employment Development in Medway Valley................ 160 Table 10-21 Potential Retail Development in Medway Valley ........................... 160 Table 10-22 Proposed Land Uses at Lodge Hill ................................................. 166 Table 10-23 Monitoring Targets for Lodge Hill................................................... 170 Table 11-1 Monitoring and Implementation Framework.................................... 177 Table 11-2 Infrastructure Delivery Schedule ...................................................... 187 Submission Draft Core Strategy January 2012 List of Policies Policy CS1: Regenerating Medway................................................................. 36 Policy CS2: Quality and Sustainable Design................................................. 38
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