JUNE 14th - 15th, 2019



IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja & the Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation of Luxembourg proudly invite all IFBB-affiliated National Federations from EUROPE & AFRICA to participate at the first IFBB Diamond Cup LUXEMBOURG. The event will include:

- Men’s Bodybuilding 3 Elite Pro Cards for Overall winners - Men’s Physique 3 Elite Pro Cards for Overall winners - Muscular Men’s Physique 1 Elite Pro Card for the Overall winner - Women’s Bikini Fitness 3 Elite Pro Cards for Overall winners

1 - Women’s Wellness Fitness 1 Elite Pro Card for the Overall winner - Women’s Physique 1 Elite Pro Card for the Overall winner - Women’s Bodyfitness 3 Elite Pro Cards for Overall winners - Men’s Classic Bodybuilding 3 Elite Pro Cards for Overall winners - Men’s Classic Physique 1 Elite Pro Card for the Overall winner


is a sovereign state in the heart of Europe, founded in 963, 2586 km2, population 600000 nested between France, Belgium & Germany.


CASINO 2OOO, MONDORF-les-BAINS, town in south-eastern of Luxembourg (15 km far from the city of Luxembourg), near the border with France.


John Grün

John Grün, also known as HERKUL GRÜN alias John MARX (1868-1912), a Luxembourger from MONDORF-les-BAINS was believed to be the strongest man in the world at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. GRÜN emigrated to the United States in 1889. While working in a St. Louis brewery, he came into contact with Aloysius Marx, a professional athlete, who noticed how easily he moved the beer barrels around. He persuaded him to become part of a strong man partnership called “The Marx Brothers” or the “The Two Marks” attracting crowds of enthusiasts wherever they appeared.

Chapito du CASINO 2OOO (the only casino in Luxembourg)

www.casino 2000.lu

L-5618 Mondorf-les-Bains

The Casino 2OOO, with its Chapito that has a seating capacity of 1000 places. Impressive video available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcVp24L4wbE&feature=youtu.be


HOTEL IBIS Luxembourg-Sud L-3378 Livange www.ibis.com/Livange (Mondorf 10 minutes)

HOTEL IBIS BUDGET LIVANGE L-3378 Livange www.ibis.com/Livange (Mondorf 10 minutes)

Other hotels are available online in the towns of Mondorf-les-Bains, (6 km), Schengen (4 km), Remerschen (4 km), Luxembourg-City (15 km)


FRIDAY, June 14th, 2019 is the official arrival day.

Luxembourg Airport (Code LUX) is the only national & international airport (22 km distance to the venue/Mondorf-les-Bains)


All the costs of travelling, hotel accommodations, transport from and to the airport, venue and meals are the responsibilities of National Federations or individual athletes. Check with your National Federation for more information.


The contest is open for all IFBB/EBFF-affiliated National Federations from Europe & Africa. The number of participating athletes is unlimited.

Online Pre-Registration of athletes will only be considered if they are recommended by the National Federation of the athlete by sending the Final Entry Form with their names directly to the Organizing Committee, to the IFBB Technical Committee and IFBB Head Office in Madrid not later than June 07th, 2019 (Friday). The final decision to allow an athlete to compete in this event rests with the IFBB.

Please be aware that it is FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND OBLIGATION OF THE NATIONAL FEDERATION to verify if each one of the athletes to be registered on this international event are NOT suspended or fulfilling any period of ineligibility due to Anti-Doping Rule Violation or any disciplinary case at national or international level.

It is also the FULL OBLIGATION AND RESPONSIBILITY of a National Federation to MONITOR ALL THE ATHLETES affiliated to this National Federation who are actually fulfilling a period of ineligibility due to Anto-Doping Rule Violation or any Disciplinary case, to make sure these athletes WILL NOT REGISTER/COMPETE/OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY CAPACITY in any event either at National or international level, Official or Invitational.


Registration and weight-in will be run on Friday, June 14th, 2019, from 10:00 to 20:00 at the CASINO 2OOO , L 5618 Mondorf-les-Bains, rue Flammang, tel +352 26678-1

All athletes will have to produce their Passports & IFBB International Cards at the registration. Any athlete who has not yet purchased or renewed his/her IFBB International Card will have to buy one at registration. IFBB Cards are EUR 30 and are mandatory.

All posing music must be on an audio CD only. The posing music must also be at the start of the CD. Each competitor must affix his/her name on the CD for easy identification.

The use of profane, vulgar & offensive language is strictly prohibited in the posing music.

You will receive your tags or wrist band for athletes and coaches at the registration.

All athletes must wear their posing attire during weight-in for inspection. Female competitors must also bring their shoes for inspection. Posing attire and Tanning must be in accordance with the IFBB rules. Any Tanning which can be wiped off is not allowed.


Registration fee for athletes to enter this competition is EUR 200 per participant, which have to paid in advance by credit/debit card or PayPal at IFBB webpage:


for your best comfort and convenience. Please add your name during online payment and bring a copy of your payment confirmation to the registration.

For Masters wishing to compete in the second category, the additional fee will be EUR 100.

The deadline date to do the online payment is June 10th, 2019 (Monday). On June 11th, 24:00 hrs (midnight- Central European Summer Time, UTC +2) the online payment system will be switched off.

If paying at the Registration on June 14th, 2019, an extra fee of EUR 50 per participant will be charged.


To be taken into consideration during selection of judges panels at the competition, IFBB International Judges must be included in the Final Entry Forms sent by National Federations, according to the IFBB Rules.

For more information, please contact Mr. Pawel Filleborn, Chairman of the IFBB Judges Committee, under address : [email protected]

5 All international judges must bring their 2019 valid International Judge Card to Luxembourg.

The yearly judge fee for 2019 of EUR 50 may also be paid at the Diamond Cup in Luxembourg.


A limited number of backstage-passes will be in stock for sale (30 Euro) during the registration. This pass will allow the holder to go in and out of the venue during the weekend and will give access ONLY to the backstage area.




Up to & including 75 kg WOMEN PHYSIQUE - OPEN

Up to & including 80 kg WOMEN WELLNESS FITNESS - OPEN

Up to & including 90 kg WOMEN BODYFITNESS

Up to & including 100 kg Up to & including 163 cm

Over 100 kg Over 163 cm


Up to & including 175 cm JUNIORS (16-23 years) - OPEN

Over 175 cm MASTERS (+35 years old) - OPEN

MEN CLASSIC PHYSIQUE - open Up to & including 160 cm

MEN PHYSIQUE Up to & including 164 cm

JUNIORS (16-23 years old) OPEN Up to & including 169 cm

MASTERS (+40 years old) - OPEN Up to including 172 cm

Up to & including 173 cm Over 172 cm

Up to & including 179 cm

Up to & including 182 cm

*Classic Bodybuilding & Classic Physique height/weight limits on www.ifbb.com

6 Minimum number of competitors to run a category should be 5. If less than 5 athletes, categories will be combined, wherever possible. If less than 5 athletes in category, no points will awarded to the IFBB World Ranking.

AWARDS • Top six athletes in each category will be awarded with medals or trophies and certificates. • Overall winner in each discipline will have a trophy. • Top 5 athletes in Men’s & Women’s senior categories will be awarded points to the 2019 IFBB World Ranking according to the World Ranking Rules. • Top 3 National Teams will receive a trophy. • IFBB Elite Pro Cards for the top three overall category winners in Men’s Physique, Classic Bodybuilding & Bodybuilding as well as in Women’s Bodyfitness and Women’s Bikini Fitness (after applications through their National Federations). • IFBB Elite Pro Card for the open category winner in Muscular Men’s Physique, Men’s Classic Physique, Women’s Physique & Women’s Wellness Fitness (after application trough their National Federations).

CAMERA & VIDEO TAPE EQUIPMENT Cameras and/or video tape equipment shall be strictly prohibited in the backstage and/or dressing room areas except when used by the IFBB authorized media person and, in any event, these devices shall be strictly prohibited in the dressing room area.

TANNING NEEDS The IFBB has banned all tans that can be wiped off. An official will check the tan of all athletes backstage and if the tan comes off by simply wiping, the athlete will be told to remove the tan before going on stage. The use of tans and bronzers that can be wiped off is not allowed. If the tan comes off by simply wiping, the athlete will not be allowed to enter the stage. Professional competition tanning methods (airbrush tanning, cabin spray tanning) may be used if applied by the professional companies and qualified personnel. Sparkles, glitter,shiny metallic pearls or gold coloring are prohibited whether applied as part of atanning lotion and/or cream or applied separately, regardless of who applied them on the competitor’s body.


7 VISAS A valid passport is required to enter Luxembourg (Schengen Zone) More information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_of_the_Schengen_Area

It is National Federations responsibility to obtain an entry visa for the country organizing the championship. All National Federations could ask for an Invitation letter either to the Championship Organizer or IFBB. The invitation letter does not mean you are granted your visa. IFBB and Championship organizer are not responsible of attendants visa.

• A copy of passport

• Where the attendant will have his or her accommodation

8 If the visa is not granted, the Cancellation Policies for the championship will still apply an athlete, who requested and received an invitation from the IFBB Head Office or the Organizing Committee of an IFBB sanctioned event for visa purposes and used this visa to unlawful stay in the host country or any other country, will be subjected to the disciplinary proceedings and measures.

LANGUAGE Luxembourg has three official languages: (national language), French and German (administrative languages).

TIME DIFFERENCE UTC +2 hour (CEST - Central European Summer Time)

ELECTRICAL CURRENT 230 V, 50 Hz. Plugs and sockets of type C and F. Better to check at: https://www.worldstandards.eu/electricity/plugs-and-sockets/

CURRENCY The official currency of Luxembourg is EURO (EUR).

CREDIT CARDS International credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express are widely accepted at most major hotels, stores & restaurants.

CLIMATE The average daily mean temperature in June is 15.90C (60.60F). Average rainy days: 14, average relative humidity: 69%.


Please send your Final Entry Form no later than Friday, June 07th, 2019 to: Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness Luxembourg President Mr. Guy Kridel E-mail : [email protected]

IFBB Technical Committee Eng. Andrew Michalak E-mail : [email protected]


Please send a copy to : International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness Head Office Ms. Diana Mozos E-mail : [email protected]


June 14th, 2019 (Friday)

Arrivals 10:00 – 20:00 Registration / weight-in, CASINO 2OOO, Mondorf-les-Bains 18:00 – Team Managers and Judges Meeting, CASINO 2OOO, Mondorf-les-Bains

June 15th, 2019 (Saturday)

10:00 – Prejudging & Finals of all categories - CASINO 2OOO Mondorf-les-Bains

*Official Running order will be released closer to the event




WHAT WILL YOU GET? Individual photos (elimination, semifinals) • Comparison photos (finals) I-walk or posing routine • Award ceremony • Everything in high-resolution

HOW MANY PICTURES WILL I GET FOR 20 €? It depends on many factors – your performance, number of photographers we have at the competition, speed of judging etc. For example, if you end up in elimination, you can expect at least 4 photos (4 poses) but if you are in finals it can be up to 30-40 photos. Minimum number of photos is 3.

HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE TO GET PHOTOS? It can take up to 7 days after the last day of the show for small competitions (e.g. Diamond Cup) or 14 days for big competi- tions (European Championships, World Championships, Arnold Classic).

HOW DO I GET PHOTOS? During payment process you have to enter correct e-mail address – we will send you download link (Dropbox) where you can download all photos in digital format.

QUANTE FOTOGRAFIE POTRÒ AVERE PER 20 €? Dipende da diversi fattori: la tua performance, il numero di fotografi di cui disponiamo alla competizione, la ¿CUÁNTAS FOTOS OBTENDRÉ POR 20 €? velocità della valutazione ecc. Ad esempio, se finisci in eliminazione, puoi aspettarti almeno 4 fotografie (4 pose), Depende de muchos factores: de tu sesión, la cantidad de fotógrafos que tenemos en la competencia, la ma se sei in finale può essere fino a 30-40 fotografie. Il numero minimo di foto è 3. velocidad de evaluación, etc. Por ejemplo, si termina en eliminación, puede esperar al menos 4 fotos (4 poses)

pero si está en la final puede ser de hasta 30-40 fotos. El número mínimo de fotos es 3. QUANTO CI VORRÀ PER OTTENERE LE FOTOGRAFIE? Possono trascorrere fino a 7 giorni dopo l'ultimo giorno dello spettacolo per le piccole competizioni (ad es. Diamond Cup) ¿CUÁNTO TIEMPO TOMARÁ PARA OBTENER FOTOS? oppure 14 giorni per le grandi competizioni (European Championships, World Championships, Arnold Classic). Puede tomar hasta 7 días después del último día del espectáculo para competiciones pequeñas (por ejemplo, Diamond

Cup) o 14 días para grandes competiciones (European Championships, World Championships, Arnold Classic). COME POSSO OTTENERE LE FOTOGRAFIE? Durante il processo di pagamento, devi inserire il tuo indirizzo e-mail corretto. Dopodiché, ti invieremo il link per il download ¿CÓMO CONSIGO FOTOS? (Dropbox) col quale potrai scaricare tutte le fotografie in formato digitale. Durante el proceso de pago, debe ingresar la dirección de correo electrónico correcta: le enviaremos el enlace de descarga (Dropbox) donde podrá descargar todas las fotos en formato digital. CKOnbKO K,QeH1fl. Hanp1Mep, ecn1 Bl 3aKOH41Te BlcTynneH1e Ha 3Tane OTceBa, Bl MO>KeTe O>K1,QaTb KaK oceniania itp. Na przykład, jeśli skończysz w eliminacjach, możesz spodziewać się co najmniej 4 zdjęć (4 pozy), ale M1H1MyM 4 cpOTOrpacp11 (4 nO3l), HO ecn1 Bl HaXO,Q1Tecb B cp1Hane, TO MO>KeT 6lTb ,QO 30-40 cpOTOrpacp11. jeśli dotrzesz do finału może to być do 30-40 zdjęć. Minimalna liczba zdjęć to 3. M1H1ManbHOe KOn14ecTBO cpOTOrpacp11 - 3.

KIEDY BĘDZIE MOŻLIWE ODEBRANIE ZDJĘĆ? CKOnbKO BPEMEHIII nOTPE6YETCS, "ITO6l nOnY"IIIITb KeT 3aHflTb ,QO 7 ,QHe1 nOcne nOcne,QHerO ,QHfl nOKa3a Ha He6Onbw1X cOpeBHOBaH1flX (Hanp1Mep, Diamond Cup) 1n1 14 przypadku dużych zawodów (European Championships, World Championships, Arnold Classic). ,QHe1 ,Qnfl KpynHlX cOpeBHOBaH11 (European Championships, World Championships, Arnold Classic). JAK MOGĘ UZYSKAĆ ZDJĘCIA? Podczas procesu płatności należy podać prawidłowy adres e-mail - wyślemy Ci link do pobrania (Dropbox), gdzie możesz KAK MHE nOnY"IIIITb KHl BBecT1 npaB1nbHl1 a,Qpec 3neKTpOHHO1 nO4Tl - Ml BlwneM BaM cclnKy ,Qnfl cKa41BaH1fl (Dropbox), r,Qe Bl MO>KeTe 3arpy31Tb Bce cpOTOrpacp11 B 1.1cppOBOM cpOpMaTe.

WWW.EASTLABSPHOTO.COM • [email protected]