Love your Bones 2016 10th Birthday Craig Revel Horwood at the Love Your Bones event in Portsmouth Picture: Medical Photography and Illustration, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Read more: dancing-judge-craig-attends-portsmouth-bone-conference-1- 7444730#ixzz4COVNMz2F The dance competition at the Love Your Bones event in Portsmouth Picture: Medical Photography and Illustration, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Strictly Come Dancing judge Craig attends Portsmouth bone conference. Craig is a patron of the National Osteoporosis Society and, as well as giving a talk at the conference held at the Mountbatten Centre, he judged a dancing competition.

More than 600 people attended to get information on the illness as well as meet medical professionals from Queen Alexandra Hospital and other care services. Craig told The News: ‘I think the conference is a great way to raise awareness and it’s important that people know the work the society has done over the last 30 years. ‘It is great to find out what the charity has done to help raise awareness. ‘It has been amazing to see so many come along and shows how important this conference is for people with osteoporosis, their carers and the service providers. ‘I work in an industry that relies heavily on muscles and bones. It is really important. Dance is a great way to strengthen the body.’

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Read more: portsmouth-bone-conference-1-7444730#ixzz4COUNs7x1 Patient and Public Evaluation Feedback 08:45 Registration Score Comment (** depicts number of same responses) 09:30 Welcome and Introduction/ Sr A Finnegan/ Score 6.99 Good**** Thank you for taking care of my wellbeing and Housekeeping- Update on M Berry Range 5-10 safety. Efficient Fracture Liaison Service- Chairs were uncomfortable for long sitting times, Portsmouth chairs were awful. Excellent, all covered. Nice to hear the updates. Good talk, but too much noise in the background. Clear and useful presentation, Excellent ******** Very good ******* Brilliant 09:45 Work of the Portsmouth and M Berry Score 6.62 An inspiration All good stuff. South East Hampshire Range 4-10 Informative Very professional group- National Excellent **** Osteoporosis Society Good *** Very Good *** 10:00 Bones and Bones Health- Colin Beevor Score 8.72 Very Informative Great presentation What everyone- Range 6-10 Excellent******* Very Good ***** Osteoporosis and our life Good ****** span Women’s Health Very clear presentation Easy to understand 10:30 Refreshments Score 7.13 Needed better organisation Lovely to have biscuits with a morning cup of tea. Range 5-10 Brilliant Very long queues No alternative to teas / coffee Good **** Very Good **** 11:00 Osteoporosis and our life Dr L Sammut Score 8.64 Good to hear about men’s health and osteoporosis, as not really heard much about this before, span- Men’s Health Range 6-10 Fascinating Useful information Well presented Excellent ********* Very Good ***** Good ***** 11:30 Research Up Date Dr M Edwards Score 9.43 Excellent ******** Good **** Range 5-10 Very Good ****** Good insight into Research Very informative*** Interesting & great presentation Well delivered 12:00 Work of the National Linda Toulson Score 8.17 Very good Interesting Osteoporosis Society Range 4-10 Very informative Well presented Excellent ***** Good ********* 12:20 Stop and One up date and Claire Score 8.45 Very interesting Great understanding welcome Craig Revel Severgnini Range 5-10 Confident Short focused presentation Horwood Difficult to see words on the slides Very clear Excellent******** Very Good **** Good ** Well presented 12:45 Lunch and Exhibition All Score 8.45 Excellent******* Very good***** Range 5-10 Good ******* Very nice Enjoyable Queue took too long Enjoyed the health salad, thank you. Good dancing Useful information & leaflets from Exhibition Ran out of bananas quickly! Very nice fruit Score Comment 13:45 Nutrition and Bone Health Richenda Score 9.15 Great information Useful information Rook Range 6-10 Very interesting Excellent**** Very Good ***** Brilliant Good ***** 14:30 Exercise and Activity for Adi Phillips Score 9.30 Couldn’t see any of the presentation Informative. Bone Health Range 7-10 Good presentation Inspiring Interesting Energetic Good fun Pleasant presenter Excellent************* Good******** Very Good ********* 15:15 Medication update and your Dr Young Min Score 8.68 Good to have things explained properly. Superb questions answered (health Range 4-10 Very informative Excellent *********** care professionals to join Very Good ******* patient conference) Good ******** Very informative, but difficult to follow. Brilliant & reassuring He kept saying “Does that make sense?” But I don’t think most of us were following him or disagreed, or weren’t sure. Slides were a bit difficult to understand Other Comments

Please can you also answer the following questions:- What key messages are you taking away from the conference ?

We need to look after ourselves- more and our diet Diet exercise and medication Lifestyle changes necessary Confident that I am probably doing everything to help myself with the condition More confidence in the outcome of treatments Information, especially nutrition and bone structure and how important it is Improve nutrition and taking vitamin D and calcium Be careful when moving !! Although I have had one fracture- GP refused to give me a bone scan and then after 2nd fracture 9months later I had bone scan and was diagnosed with osteoporosis I have been reminded that it is important that I think of myself and osteoporosis Importance of diet and exercise To see if there is something close to home like this event- travelled to come to event today from Bristol to meet family who also attending Updates on treatment exercise and osteoporosis There's lot to do That there is much more information available than I thought Lots of support and lots of information Take control of your own health Confidence in my medication and good exercise What excellent work being done Take the advice you are given – free ye test tesco Other Comments

What changes are you going to make to improve your bones health? Try more exercise Already watching diet exercise and medication Diet and exercise Looking into a dance class- something I've always want to do anyway Efficient exercise Thank you to the Dancers- great exercise Bit more exercise, eat more calcium rich foods Ask GP advice re vitamin D and A Look further into research regular exercise- daily Exercise and diet and lifestyle generally I would like to exercise more, but worried with my back fractures More exercise and more diet Try to keep myself healthy and eat healthy improve diet Hadn't realised that Dancing was so fun1- Thank you must get back into the swing of it Exercise and diet Understanding my medication better To continue to take care of myself and carry on exercising Watch diet and exercise More daily exercise Get Dancing Take more time don’t rush Other Comments

What are your thoughts on the Mountbatten centre as venue for Love your Bones Conferences? Refreshments at start of day poor/not available/ no rush to resolve the problem *x 172 no coffee to start day off Apart from the sound of the people at the stands whilst the talks were going on East to get to- dividing curtains meant too much back ground noise for speakers to be heard Good***** Good venue plenty of space Very good location Parking was a problem but I am not sure where else one could find as a better venue- useful in it was close to motorway Nice building accessible facilities for wheelchair use Nice big space, chairs too close together did get a bit cool Surrounding noise was distracting Nice venue can be draftee in main hall Yes very good- no tea at start of day ready Its great Brilliant A very intrusive and large building Very good- a bot cold Ideal apart from parking Very good venue ********* Excellent apart from some noise outside hall

Other Comments

What interested you to attend this event? all about the bones- very good Spouse has had multiple fractures of spine-? Osteoporosis caused Developing knowledge GP gave me conflicting advice about treatments and worried me about alendronic acid I wanted to know if what I am doing to improve my bone density is enough, also wanted to hear about research development Education as to how to prevent acceleration of condition I am newly diagnosed so I wanted to gain as much information as possible Catch up on new information Been for past 10 years with you well done- keep up the great work I have been before ************************** Advised it was a great event by friend I was invited by a friend who had been before Early osteoporosis and other problems, visit recommended by Dr Shaban- Rheumatology Diagnosed with osteoporosis- I felt unconfident and concerned – a lot of my question where answered GP very dismissive of my osteoporosis although I have now had 3 fractures- Moved to Portsmouth and wanted to find more about local services and treatment Came to stay with Sister- I live in Nottingham nothing like this in my area Have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and have an interest in updates and research in diagnosis and treatment Because I have osteoporosis for 15 years I felt I needed some help I enjoy coming to the lectures and I have been coming for 4 years I have recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis- no information available in surgery Understand more about bone health Literally I was reviewed after my wrist fracture- thank you to the FLS Nurses who advise me to attend I knew from last year that it was an excellent event Diagnosed with osteoporosis- travelled from Milton Keynes to understand my condition better Other Comments

Would you recommend that your family or friends attend this event Yes 97% 3% don’t know

We did and brought a 48year old girl who has bone trouble with easy bone breaking yes- I have family members with crohns and coeliac so this event would be useful to them I think it is very useful for those with osteoporosis A great event Dancing Demo brought great memories flooding back with my husband and I dancing I so enjoy coming each year- Happy 10th Birthday see you next year Such a great event- worth the travel Excellent ********************************************** Very Good ************************** As a family from all over Hampshire- we go together to come today Fantastic Portsmouth is so lucky to have such a team and event- well one Useful and important information shared Loved to Dancing Demo******* Colin , Mandie and Dr Young Min- excellent- well done on another great event Just a great event- learn a lot- great exhibition stands Dr Young Mins talk is so reassuring Yes- so good to see the number of stands, dancing and great talks- thank you

Other Comments

Would you attend a similar event in 2017 Yes/No If yes what topics would you like covered in relation to Osteoporosis and Bone Health?

Nutrition was invaluable Continue as you are Efforts of the NOS are greatly appreciated – looking to join the NOS also to keep up to date New treatments Research is important so please invite Dr Mark Edwards again as everything he said was informative and interesting Update on research especially cross referenced to other conditions Thank you for a very informative and well run day Excellent *************************************************************************** Very Good ********************************* Well done******************************************* Dr Mark Edwards and his research update in newer diagnosis and treatment Although living in Canterbury- it would be worth attending again next year Yes I think it helped Continue as you have been doing I have already put my name down for the 2017 osteoporosis conference Medication update Research*********************** Medication************** Lifestyle ******* Diet************************************* Exercise ******************* Dancing Session so much fun to see and participate- thank you

Health Care Professional Evaluation Feedback 08:45 Registration Score Comment (** depicts number of same responses) 09:15 Welcome- introduction and Julia Penketh Good welcoming Anything necessary covered house keeping and Fiona Average Amusing Rochford score 7.40 Excellent Welcome Range 5-10 Very good **** Good ****** Very friendly and welcoming 09:20 Bone Health – lifelong Dr M Edwards Average Excellent ***** Very Good ***** investment score 8.75 Easy to understand Range 6- Very informative 10 Well delivered Really useful Interesting & helpful Would like to hear more on this subject 09:50 The Role of The National Fiona Average Very good **** Well organised Osteoporosis Society in Rochford score 8.58 Very informative supporting patients and Range 5- Interesting 10 Easy to understand health care professional Informative of NOS Excellent **** Good **** 10:15 Targeting bone health to the Dr S Young Average Excellent Great delivery right people- from Min score 9.42 Brilliant speaker supermarkets to fracture Range 9- Very interesting 10 Good subject Clear & enjoyable clinics? 10:50 Refreshments and exhibition Average No biscuits ******** score 5.6 Reasonable Range 3-8 No little snacks Poor****

11:20 Stop and One up date Claire Average Interesting*** score 8.04 A very inspiring talk Severgnini Range 6- Excellent***** Informative 10 Good**** Very Good ****** 11:40 Osteoporosis and its Dr S Young Average He made it interesting score 8.38 Good humour association to other long Min Range 7- Very useful Very informative term conditions- medication 10 Excellent ******* that are associated to Very Good **** Good **** osteoporosis Very good speaker 12:10 Pregnancy Related Dr B Curtis Average Interesting case study score 8.49 Too much detail Osteoporosis- Case Study Range 5- Useful Excellent ***************** 10 Very Good ******* Good ******* Very informative Very good speaker Good, but couldn’t hear sometimes Good new information 12:45 Lunch and Exhibition Average Average score 8.49 Healthy choices Range 5- Well organised Nice food 10 Good stalls Dancing with great fun Excellent exhibitions **

Score Comment

13:45 Nutrition and Bone Health Richenda Average score Very good detailed information Great Rook 8.35 Very informative Range 5-10 Interesting topic Clear & concise Interesting for both patients and health care professionals. Useful re-cap Well presented Very interesting, due to guideline changes Excellent ********* Very Good ****** Good*** 14:30 Exercise and Activity for Adi Phillips Average score Helpful in demonstrating Excellent ******** Bone Health 8.66 Good ***** Range 6-10 Informative *** Very good**** Clear speaker Updated my knowledge Beneficial for patients This may have been better delivered by Physio 15:15 Medication update and Dr Young Min Average score Very interesting Good presentation your questions answered 8.89 Great speaker (health care professionals Range 6-10 Excellent ******** Very Good***** to join patient conference) Good**** Clear presentation Good Well presented Very informative Very knowledgeable speaker

Please can you also answer the following Understanding of risk factors and treatments Which patients need medication, when DXA scan questions:- Hope for the future recommended, understanding of bisphosphonates More understanding of the research behind holiday What key messages are you taking away medications and how to use them appropriately Take seriously bone health and if you have signs of from the conference ? More knowledge to advise patients mobility reduces go and see your doctor Importance of medication Osteoporosis and bone health concerns us all Exercise, take care of weight, health life style Balanced diet Very well organised, up to date my knowledge, help Love your bones to manage and prevent osteoporosis Scale of the problem- how many people affected- Bone health for all ages more knowledge Keep hydrated, need more vitamin D, bone health is Clear relevant information everyone responsibility A good healthy balanced diet and lifestyle is what we How important the NOS is for improving the should do to achieve for ourselves and patients prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis- Side effects of alendronic acids and how to explain the services they provide this to patients Everyone can do something, there is a lot of As a GP I need to be more aware of my patients information on the NOS site- risk factors and bone health- who's at risk medication holiday osteoporosis- medication Update Osteoporosis is more common that you think The key risks, prevention of fracture, health Bisphosphonate are safe promotion within my role All health care professionals can do something to Stop at one1 help with the health of osteoporosis patients Exercise session very helpful and fun More updated information on osteoporosis including Bone density scans indicated in patients who are 50- better understanding of pathology medication 75 and had fracture- refer to osteoporosis nurse for management – links with current initiatives advice How to live with osteoporosis- improved diet Affects of medication and exercise- CPD and further Targeting osteoporosis message t younger population development Nutrition and bone health- bone health to frail Weight bearing exercises is essential, my teenage son patients needs to be encouraged to exercise- family history of The pathway – people at risk and how to screen osteoporosis To be aware of the multifactorial risk of osteoporosis I would like to link with my local osteoporosis society Amount of information and involvement of NOS with group HCPs Osteoporosis is everyone problem, what do I need to Important risk factors in regarding to osteoporosis screen for as a physiotherapist and when to refer on and support available Increased knowledge and awareness of risk factors Risk factors- age, previous fragility fracture- everyone for osteoporosis responsibility Education re osteoporosis and is and important Ensuring leaflets and basic information is passed to prevention- understanding the condition and patients I see, the helpline also seems to be very interventions are good for myself and to help popular patients with any treatment plan What changes are you going to make to Ware patients over 75 with treatment and not Able to sign post and give information and support- your practice to improve bones health for needing scan support groups available for patients NOS website as a resource for patients and Use FRAX tool your patient group training Good fluids and food intake which contains calcium Support groups Care of people with osteoporosis, advice I can give Better awareness and understanding of what is and check their treatment available to patients Awareness for increased risk of fracture and falls- to Helps me to more understand my fragile patients- act and liaise with GP nursing home Change diet pattern Up to date knowledge about treatment – I feel more Balanced diet, exercise and activity for bone health confident The more information I have I can support my Explaining range of information patients Will be much more aware and proactive Give patients information to make decisions about To introduce a stand with information leaflets care provided by charity Encourage good diet and habits Alert more patients of NOS site make aware of risk of Able to give patients more direction osteoporosis Use NOS information booklets more with patients I have learnt a lot to take back to my rheumatology Increased awareness of osteoporosis risks, discuss department and will discuss with my consultants with patients who have had a fall colleagues - well done Follow up with CPD, Stock up on leaflets and contact More confident in giving them the recommended details of NOS bone health advice and sign post to NOS Make sure patients are aware of National FRAX score on more patients – I am now better osteoporosis society publications, website and help informed on lifestyle changes line Share knowledge Advice on exercise and diet Encourage exercise, mobility improve dietary intake New ideas, exercise and contact with Osteoporosis Lifestyle and diet advice Society Highlight at risk patients to their GP Mindful of osteoporosis in pregnancy and lactation Give out information on osteoporosis society Advice dietary exercise and reducing risk More info on NOS webpage I will continue to ensure I can guide the patient to the Revisit our patient information leaflets to ensure we relevant professional have latest copies Looking to introduce FRAX into our work- where osteoporosis has not been diagnosed This event helps me know about the medication my patients take Patient education

What are your thoughts on the Good**** Good- more sign and map of where to go Mountbatten centre as venue for Health Very good**** Very easy to find, park and friendly ambience Very good- nice size and free parking Too big- although the group was very big- difficult to Car Professional / Patient Conferences? Excellent hear sitting in on patient programme in afternoon Works very well as activity centre- good managed It was rather confusing knowing where we had to be Very good screen in HCP room could be higher as was no one directing us hard to see Very large venue- lots of space Good venue** Good access airy light attractive building Good access good size rooms Very good- convenient and ample parking Perfect standard Good but needed more signs for HCP members of No refreshments at start of day- 76x* had to buy public need go once inside own 36x* after it was listed on programme Very good free parking plenty of space Perfect standard Good but postcode noted on course programme not Good spacious friendly direct to right areas Excellent****** Yes but rather cold Shame about catering at start of day- thank goodness Easy parking, I travelled from fund it that staff from hospital helped t coffee break- queue easy long Very easy to access- good parking Good- easy accessible easy parking Pity coffee wasn’t ready at start of day- gasping Good especially as plenty of parking Easy to find- good car parking It was a bit noisy- chaotic at times Easy to get to with free parking which is always a Good venue conducive to learning benefit Excellent space- uncomfortable chairs though in main My job role as a clinical psychologist hall afternoon – some more noise during afternoon The facilities are adequate but the lower ground level- pm session had a lot of back ground noise from behind the dividers Noisy PM- someone kept laughing out aloud!!! I like having this event at Mountbatten centre Difficult to find if not familiar with place – directions depended on sat nav What interested you to attend Knowledge for my job to provide up to date info and Have recently done a EBP on osteoporosis assessment and this event support treatment Increasing my knowledge and how/ where to access To learn more about osteoporosis further information Relates for my work as RN and in elderly care practice- To develop my understanding of osteoporosis and bone nursing home health I work in women's health especially gynaecology Insight, interest and lead for osteoporosis in practice Working as staff nurse in gynaecology the management of Learn more about osteoporosis post menopausal women osteoporosis due to lack of To know more oestrogens All sessions very informative- enjoyed all!!!! To keep updated in all aspects of osteoporosis and Up date my knowledge – keep more confident networking with other specialists Professional conference I am linked as a podiatrist to the rheumatology dept Updating my skills inflammatory arthritis education group- sister had a recent Improve the knowledge about bone health femur fracture 2nd in 2 years I look after elderly people with risk of falls As GP I find it difficult to keep up to date with all specialities- I’m in contact with many patients who have osteoporosis good to have bone health, FLS in our area finally and I have osteoporosis myself New fracture liaison service- we started 6 weeks ago I wanted a good up to date on current osteoporosis Work on hand therapy so fracture make a good proportion of guidance our patients Better understanding of osteoporosis Reminded by colleague Everything Course content Programme advertised I look after the elderly people with osteoporosis My case load of patients ½ have osteoporosis wanted to Previous Attendee ************** increase my knowledge As a chiropodist I find it very interesting in the health of Work with patients in community – I have already had bones – especially feet and ankles fracture so relevant to me Good topics covered I travelled from Nottingham- sorry I was late- great event- Relevant to role- interested in developing service further thank you As commissioner wanted to see what other hospitals and pct Good review of osteoporosis and advice re treatment are doing Supporting and promoting rehab in the community – I It was free, I work in community hospital where ½ of our came across many people with osteoporosis and I wanted patients at any one time are on bone protection and ½ have to know more about it had a fracture or are falls risk To learn and refresh my brain in regards to osteoporosis To make more contacts Working with elderly client population I work in a physio OPD and the number of patients I treat with I am a physiotherapist working mainly in elderly peoples osteoporosis Spinal Fractures are increasing and I wanted to in the community find out more about the management of chronic pain in these Part of DLS team in Southwest patients – also to get insight into medical management of Previous attendee- long journey from Milton Keynes- but osteoporosis thank you as always- great events put on by Portsmouth Relevant to work Recommended from a colleague who attended last years conference Would you recommend that your 100% Absolutely work colleague attend this event Definitely- all well prepared and presented well !! Very educational Yes/No Every health care professional should be aware and have some knowledge Definitely ******* Yes- very informative conference - thank you Yes- but would like similar conference in locality – Dorset as much of information was for Portsmouth area- if you run in Dorset yes However 2 of my colleagues attended today Would you recommend “love your 100% Absolutely Bones” to your patients to attend I am in women's health physiotherapy team and particular interest was learning more about pregnancy and lactation related to osteoporosis this event Yes/No The more they know the better- very informative and good social event- informative/ fantastic I attended last year and its really good Most definitely- this beneficial course for patients Would you attend a similar event in 96% Effects of birth control in pre menopausal women on bone/ reaching peak bone mass 2017 Yes/No Younger patients and osteoporosis I would probably use NOS website next year and come 3 yearly for update If yes what topics would you Resources I can use in practice like covered in relation to Not decided yet Osteoporosis and Bone Health? Alterative to drug treatments i.e. the 9+ on day diet Relevant medications for osteoporosis and contra indications- thank you – great well organised event Dancing was fun session Diet and supplements research and drug information Great Exhibition Stands- well done Good for general knowledge Updated guidelines research and anything new Updates and current evidence based practice as this session has done Caring for people with osteoporosis Would like more on medication actions and pharmacological on system please Alendronate V Denosumab- benefits Thank you – nothing like this in Swindon area- possibly will attend again next year depending on topics- more depth re types of medication Osteoporosis in long term neurology patients Excellent- although travelled from Cambridge- learnt a lot- well worth the travel I am from out of area I would like to attend something closer to Bournemouth Although I live in Herefordshire- would like something closer To ensure I know about updates Excellent Exhibitions- great Dance Sessions too Fantastic Loved to see dancing- such fun

From: Fiona Rochford [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 23 June 2016 09:36 To: Beevor Colin - Matron; Finnegan Amanda - Fracture Liaison and Bone Health Clinical Nurse Specialist; Young Min Steven - Consultant Rheumatologist; Penketh Julia - Fracture Liaison Service Clinical Nurse Specialist Subject: Love your Bones Hi All A short note to congratulate you all on such a wonderful event yesterday. I really do think that it was the best yet. The informal feedback from the HP as well as the general public was amazing. Thank you also to Julia – I think we did a good double act upstairs! Hope you are not too exhausted – especially as your evening continued at the Mountbatten With thanks and congratulations once again Best wishes Fiona

From: Fizz Thompson Sent: 23 June 2016 09:52 To: Beevor Colin - Matron Subject: Yesterday Colin I hear yesterday was a great success so a big well done Hope to see you soon Fizz

Sent from my iPhone

From: joan wright Sent: 23 June 2016 09:20 Subject: Re: Love your Bones 10

Congratulations Colin and all your team. You earned and deserved the success of yesterday.. Very well done. Joan

From: Margo Berry Date: 23 June 2016 06:57:57 BST From: Clark Tom - Clerical Officer - Fracture Liaison Service To: Colin Beevor and Rheumatology Subject: Yesterday Sent: 23 June 2016 09:33 Dear Colin To: Beevor Colin - Matron Subject: RE: Love your Bones 10 On behalf of my Team a very big thank you for all your help support and organisation in making yesterday such a fantastic success please pass this on to all concerned. Cheers for another great day Mr Beevor with plenty more to come Margo Tom From: Katherine Hadfield Sent: 23 June 2016 19:17 To: Beevor Colin - Matron Subject: LYB From: Rowan Johnson Sent: 23 June 2016 10:22 Hi Colin, To: Fletcher Margaret - MSK and Rheumatology Audit Just a line to say how great this years LYB conference was, a Facilitation Manager MSK wonderful turn out, not only informative but entertaining as well. I Cc: Beevor Colin - Matron thought the dancing a brilliant idea also the layout of the main hall was brilliant such an improvement on previous years. Subject: Re: Love your bones 22.6.16 You and your team work so hard Colin you all deserve a successful Hi Maggie, outcome. I thought having a pain help/information stand an Well done to you all for the event yesterday. excellent idea, people could have a one to one with Glenn which I thought was invaluable. Rowan I will look forward to seeing you at Stubbington FTP meeting on Thursday 30th June. Take care, kind regards. Brenda.x

From: lizzab Sent: 24 June 2016 21:09 To: Robins Valerie - Rheumatology Secretary Subject: Osteoporosis event

Dear Colin, DEAR VALERIE Just wanted to say thank you for making us so welcome at your love your I would like to say what a wonderful day at the mount batten bones event yesterday and for the strictly 10 paddle signed by Craig Revel Horwood. We were very touched that you had gone to the trouble to arrange centre on Wednesday. a gift for the dancing competition winners and it is something, being such keen Fantastic update and thank you for ensuring me as a priority dancers, we shall treasure. for this year's event as was unable to get a place last year. Taking medication myself that puts me at risk of osteoporosis it's nice to know Please keep me informed for next year's event. our chosen activity is ideal to look after our bones and hope we helped One of the best updates. promote dancing at your event yesterday. Liz brown I spoke to Simon from Medical Photography and illustration who said he would Specialist nurse practitioner cathedral medical be sending you the photos in the next day or two. I was hoping we would be group cawley road chichester. able to have copies of the dancing photos/digital images, especially of the shots with Craig. You may have already arranged to forward these to our dance teacher Elaine Sanderson.

If there is a cost for the photos or you would like a donation to the National Osteoporosis Society please let us know.

Again many thanks for your kindness and congratulations on a very successful event.

Kind Regards

Jo & Jon Mills

(my husband was the chap in the pink shirt)

Subject: RE: evaluation report 2016.pptx

Well done all! Obviously a great

Subject: RE: evaluation report 2016.pptx success.

Dear Colin, Peter

Thank you for sending me the feedback from the Love Your Bones event, next year if you wish for a physio to Peter Mellor present I shall not be offended, but will be happy again Director of Corporate Affairs to just to come and have a falls promotion stall and do the MOT’s. (hopefully Sharon will be able to join me Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust again with this) 023 9228 6376

Huge event – well done on your organisation of such a great informative day. From: Fiona Rochford Sent: 28 June 2016 16:47 To: Beevor Colin - Matron Best wishes Subject: RE: evaluation report 2016.pptx Excellent evaluation Colin – you must be Adi delighted. Very well deserved Fiona

Ps how many people were there, I have yet to update my RiO diary regarding how many I presented to?