ANNUAL REPORT 2014 On the cover:

The pioneers of epidural stimulation: (left to right) Kent Stephenson, Rob Summers, Dustin Shillcox, Andrew Meas. Truly a life-changing breakthrough, epidural stimulation exemplifies the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation’s mission to advance care and discover cures for spinal cord injury through innovative research and quality of life efforts. Learn more at

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Message from the Chairman of the Board and the President & CEO 2 Research 4 Paralysis Resource Center 6 Quality of Life Grants 7 Advocacy 8 Team Reeve® 10 Team Reeve Spotlights 11 Supporter Spotlights 12 Team LeGrand 14 A Magical Evening 16 Special Events 19 Supporter Spotlights 20 Donor List 23 Financials MESSAGE from the Chairman of the Board and the President & CEO

It all started with a seed of hope . . . planted decades ago by a group of visionary pioneers.

Fueled by groundbreaking research, steadfast advocacy, generous contributions and lots of hard work, the hope grew.

Nurtured by the unwavering dedication of countless scientists, volunteers, community members and so many more, the hope flourished.

Now we’ve come to the moment we’ve been waiting for . . . real hope is here.

Everyone and everything that’s contributed to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation comes together in The Big Idea (see page 2). Without a doubt, epidural stimulation has the potential to change the course of recovery and the quality of life for millions living with a spinal cord injury.

The long-awaited, transformative breakthrough is here.

As you can imagine, it’s difficult to contain our excitement over the incredible impact of epidural stimulation research on the paralysis community. But just like any groundbreaking innovation, our progress must move forward with a clearly defined path.

In 2014, that path came into focus with new research featuring Rob, Kent, Andrew and Dustin, the four men who saw huge improvements in their ability to control autonomic functions and move their toes, feet and legs on command as a result of epidural stimulation. Through The Big Idea, we will advance this breakthrough by expanding epidural stimulation research to include 36 more individuals in the coming years.

The opportunity to make a tangible difference is here! Christopher Reeve once said, “Once you choose hope, anything is possible.” It never ceases to amaze us what this incredible community can do. Whether you join the Reeve Foundation by making a donation, or taking a giant leap and flying through the sky like Brandon Stone (see page 10), the important thing is that we keep moving forward together.

Through this annual report, we invite you to learn more—and join us—as we continue to transform hope into life-changing opportunities for the 5.6 million Americans living with paralysis.

Every movement has its moment. This is ours.

John (Jack) Hughes Peter T. Wilderotter Chairman, Board of Directors President & CEO


Every Movement Has Its Moment. This Is Ours. 2014 was a watershed year for the Reeve Foundation, most notably with the unveiling of epidural stimulation research and the launch of The Big Idea to further investigate this breakthrough. Simply put, we believe epidural stimulation has the potential to ease some of the life-threatening health complications of a spinal cord injury and transform lives in the here-and-now. The next phase of research will expand on the earlier study that demonstrated how epidural stimulation seems to have reawakened the spinal circuits of four young men with chronic, complete paralysis. As detailed in the medical journal Brain, all four men recovered the ability to stand and control voluntary movement in their legs, hips, ankles and toes in the presence of epidural stimulation. They also regained significant bladder, bowel and sexual function, as well as improvements in overall health, including regulation of blood pressure and temperature. And the most exciting part? This is only the beginning . . . The Big Idea will test the application of epidural stimulation in a larger, more diverse group of 36 individuals living with chronic, complete spinal cord injury. Research and medical experts have teamed up with principal investigator Dr. Susan Harkema to explore and measure the effect of epidural stimulation in several key areas: • Cardiovascular • Bowel, Bladder & Sexual Function • Pulmonary • Voluntary Movement • Quality of Life • Economic Outcomes The last area of the study, economic outcomes, will document the im- pact epidural stimulation has on medical expenses and frequency of hospitalization. This analysis is crucial for the study, and for insurance companies who may be asked to pay for the intervention. Learn more and #JoinReeve to change lives at The ultimate goal of The Big Idea is to translate epidural stimulation from a scientific breakthrough into a safe and effective treatment for those who were told there was no hope for recovery after sustaining a spinal cord injury. There is always hope and we have living proof.

2 C HRIS TOPHER & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION “For the first time in a very long time, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONSORTIUM we had hope.” ON SPINAL CORD INJURY A letter from Sophorn Meas, the wife of In September 2014, the Consortium held a day-long epidural stimulation participant, Drew Meas. intensive workshop in Zurich with European thought leaders in medical research and translation. Workshop On September 6, 2006, my husband was hit programs focused on ‘inclusive protocols’ in human head-on by a reckless driver. In an instant, spinal cord injury trials, imaging tools to assess damage our lives changed as Drew was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury (SCI) at C6-C7. and functionality of the injured spinal cord and brain, bladder control and ongoing and planned clinical studies. There is a ripple effect when someone you love sustains a SCI—everyone feels the impact and everyone has to navigate a new way forward. Together, as a family, we figured out a new rhythm. NORTH AMERICAN CLINICAL TRIALS ® When Drew was selected to participate in a NETWORK (NACTN) groundbreaking study featuring epidural A $2.5 million application submitted to the Department of Defense Joint War- 80 NRN stimulation, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. fighter Medical Research Program was recommended for funding in late 2014. PARTICIPANTS But the day that I saw Drew’s legs respond to Distributed during the years 2016–2017, the funding will ensure NACTN’s ARE NOW epidural stimulation was the best moment in continued participation in RISCIS (Riluzole in Spinal Cord Injury Study) Phase WALKING my life. All of a sudden, I saw a future full of 2/3 clinical trial. The study will enroll 351 participants and evaluate the efficacy adventures for the Meas family. and safety of the drug riluzole in treatment of participants with an acute As Drew continues to shatter expectations, spinal cord injury. he has become a superhero to our son— a real-life Superman. All I can say is thank you for giving us new hope NEURORECOVERY NETWORK® (NRN) for the future. In 2014, the NRN welcomed Journey Forward in Canton, MA, to its network of community fitness and wellness facilities. The primary intervention used at NRN sites is Locomotor Training, an activi- ty-based therapy that activates the neuromuscular system below the level of the lesion. In the past year, the use of NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimula- tion (NMES) was introduced to the NRN as a second activity-based intervention through targeting upper extremity function.

To learn more, visit


PEER & FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM INFORMATION SERVICES TEAM To expand accessibility and outreach, the Peer & Family Support Program continues Each day, a team of highly trained Information to leverage technology to create virtual peer mentor training, social media connec- Specialists responds to critical inquiries with help tions and other opportunities to make it easier for both peers and mentors to join and information for paralysis-related questions. the program and find a good match. In the three years since the program’s launch, In 2014, we launched the Ask-A-Nurse Pro- many have shared their thoughts about its impact. gram. Every week, Linda M. Schultz PhD, CRRN, “Having a peer mentor has meant a lot to me as I have felt alone in a community appears live in the online community to address of people without disabilities. No one understands what I am going through bet- subjects related to paralysis and integrating ter than a peer mentor. I am excited about my future. I would like to take a peer various healthcare improvements into daily mentor training so I can share my struggles as well as my successes.” life. Each Monday, Schultz posts about topics “Sue is a life line for me while I adjust to life in a wheelchair. We have never met ranging from bladder management to skin care, in person, but that hasn’t stopped us from sharing our lives. She is playing a and community members can submit questions huge role in my ability to establish a satisfying life.” before or during the live online chat. The highly Linda M. Schultz PhD, CCRN “Your words of support and encouragement were so reassuring, and the sugges- successful program has reached as many as tion to have a caregiver mentor for me was like a ray of sunshine. Thank you. I 2,200 people per discussion theme. feel like I can face another day, and the day after that.”

“Thanks to the Reeve Foundation Peer & Family Support Program, I feel that me The Reeve Foundation also established a new partnership with Boys Town®, a and my family will not stand alone in this new journey of rebuilding my life as national organization that offers support and care for at-risk children and families well as that of my family.” as well as a national, 24/7 hotline staffed by specially trained counselors. The “The Reeve mentoring program is one of the best mentoring programs because partnership established a dedicated Reeve Foundation hotline for callers in they not only work with the patient, but also with the family.” dire crisis. Boys Town staff members were trained to navigate critical conversa- tions with individuals living with paralysis. In turn, Reeve Foundation Information Specialists were trained to better identify someone at risk and appropriate protocols to transfer a caller to the hotline.

A new Sepsis Wallet Card, the third in the series More than 435 trained of free, personalized wallet cards, is now avail- peer mentors in over 35 states have mentored able to provide life-saving information for medical more than 2,000 peers professionals to better treat people living with since 2011. paralysis.

To learn more, visit


NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING The PRC has a new home at the Administration for Community Living (ACL), a federal agency under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The ACL was formed in April 2012 to advance policy and implement programs that support the rights of people with disabilities to live in their communities through- out their lifespan. Together, the PRC and ACL will strive to support optimal care of individuals living with paralysis by promoting community living, independence and SPEAKER’S PROGRAM reintegration into society. Each year, the Reeve Foundation sponsors experienced speakers to educate healthcare professionals at universities and rehabilitation centers across the nation. The speakers discuss the importance of their relationship with patients and review tools and resources available through the Reeve Foundation for individuals living with paralysis. Here’s an excerpt from one of the many letters we’ve received from Speaker Program attendees. “ . . . I am writing to let you know how much we appreciated having Gary The stunning photography of the Karp speak to our occupational therapy students at the Medical University late Christopher Voelker adds depth of South Carolina on February 12. The students said his message was ‘inspir- and dimension to the Reeve Foun- ing,’ ‘powerful,’ ‘enlightening,’ and “well-delivered.” One student said that dation’s Paralysis Resource Guide, Gary “inspired me to live my life in a way that I hadn’t thought of.” I know a vital and comprehensive tool for that these students will take his message forward with them as they begin individuals, families and caregivers. establishing professional relationships with clients. Thank you for being his sponsor on this project and for sending him all the way to Charleston!” Warm regards, Amanda K. Giles, OTD, OTR/L Photo by Christopher Voelker Instructor, Division of Occupational Therapy Title: Strongman—Leon Bostick Medical University of South Carolina


COLUMBUS RECREATION AND PARKS CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF COMMUNITY RECREATION COUNCIL WISCONSIN FOUNDATION Columbus, OH Milwaukee, WI $11,650 for Adaptive Sports $15,315 for Children with Paralysis To enhance recreational and competitive sport opportunities for Go Baby Go Workshops teach parents individuals living with paralysis, this grant provides program support and physical therapists how to purchase for wheelchair football, power soccer, four-foot hoops wheelchair and modify an inexpensive off-the-shelf, basketball, summer multi-sports camp, Paralympic boccia and ride-on electric kid’s car to increase Paralympic swim team. ambulation for children (ages birth to 3 years old) living with impaired mobility. In addition, a community equipment lending library will provide ZipZac® mobile chairs to children from birth to age 3 with paralysis.

ASSIST! TO INDEPENDENCE Tuba City, AZ $25,000 for Native American Community A wheelchair accessible mini bus was purchased to provide transportation $1,137,687 for individuals with disabilities who live in under-served areas located on Navajo- IN QoL GRANTS Hopi and San Juan Southern Paiute AWARDED Tribal Lands. Individuals are transported IN 2014 to medical facilities, advocacy meetings, life skill trainings and peer mentor classes designed to promote indepen- dent living. To learn more, visit


In 2014, the Reeve Foundation met with a series of congressional leaders to showcase the work being done in communities across the country and to secure support for the Paralysis Resource Center and the Administration for Community Living. These hallmark events put a face on the real-life impact of the Reeve Foundation’s programs for individuals living with paralysis.

Congressman Sam Farr with a Quality of Life Grant recipient, the Best Day Foundation, in Monterey, CA

INSERTING A VOICE IN POLICY DISCUSSIONS The Reeve Foundation has engaged advocates on a variety of policy areas that directly impact the paralysis community. Congresswoman Diana DeGette at Craig Hospital in Colorado Advocates have called their Members of Congress, sent emails and tweeted on these issues: • Advocate against site-neutral payments and have Medicare acknowledge the difference in outcomes between in-patient rehab facilities and skilled nursing facilities • Support the permanent repeal of Medicare Therapy Caps • Repeal Medicare Improvement Standard • Support Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthet- ics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program Congressman Leonard Lance’s Roundtable on 21st Century Cures in Westfield, NJ. The Reeve • Support Complex Rehab Technology Congresswoman Joyce Beatty at Ohio State University Foundation provided comments to the Energy • Ratify the UN Treaty and Commerce Committee as to how the government can expedite the development of new treatments and cures for people living To learn more, visit with paralysis and other disabilities.


A Team Reeve alumna selfie at From east to west, north to south—and even 10,000 feet above the ground— the start of the NYRR Brooklyn Team Reeve members never cease to amaze with their courage, drive and Half Marathon in May. Running in honor of her big brother, dedication to raise awareness and support for spinal cord injury. Zack, Danny Weinstein (left) celebrated her second year with Team Reeve. Dawn Hering Manzo (right) has run a number of full and half marathons for Team Reeve. She returned this year after taking a break to have her son, Joey, as it is the 20th anniversary of her father’s spinal cord injury.

Jennifer Sator (right) rallied her family to run the Disneyland 5K in August in honor of their sister/cousin. She said, “After talking with my sister about how the Reeve Foundation’s website and community resources helped support her as she heals, I knew this was something I wanted to do. When my brother and cousins signed on to help, that was $550,000 RAISED just icing on the cake.” Reeve Foundation President & CEO Peter Wilderotter (center) 360 with Team Reeve Chicago members and supporters at the team PARTICIPANTS luncheon before the 2014 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. IN 2014

8 C HRIS TOPHER & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION Reeve Foundation NeuroRecovery Network® center participants, family, friends and therapists came together in July for a 24-hour walkathon called A Walk to Victory over Paralysis. Kevin Morgan and his wife, Stacey, after he completed the Boston Marathon. Kevin has raised close to $200,000 for Team Reeve, making him our most successful individual fundraiser. He joined Team Reeve in 2009 to honor his uncle, Robert.

Team Magee, at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital in Philadelphia, The McGorty family celebrates after walk it out to music and the cheers of the Phillie Phanatic participating in A Walk to Victory over baseball mascot. Paralysis at the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in West Orange, NJ.

Team Reeve TCS Marathon runner Shayar “Shaz” Aziz is all smiles as he completes his first marathon with ease.

JOIN THE TEAM! Learn more at

2014 A NNUAL R EPORT 9 ® TEAM REEVE SPOTLIGHTS HEALING THROUGH HIKING Everything was starting to fall into place for Brittany Neal. A recent Virginia Tech $10,000 FROM 10,000 FEET graduate with two bachelor’s degrees in “I never wanted to skydive,” says 33-year-old Brandon Stone. “It was never a life agribusiness and animal sciences, she landed dream or anything.” her first “real” job as a large animal tech and horse trainer. Until a chance encounter with a skydive instructor at the Tulsa, OK, music festival inspired him to give it a try. He also decided to make his jump a fundraiser. Then, one day in October 2013, she was leading a trail ride, when a pumpkin cannon “If I can face my fears, and, at the same time, inspire other people to face theirs and spooked her horse, tossing her to the ground raise money to help people, like me, who have suffered a spinal cord injury, then I and crushing her vertebra. think I have to do it,” says Stone, who broke his back in three places and suffered multiple life threatening injuries in a 2005 car accident. “I feel lucky to be alive, and “It was the scariest thing I’ve ever gone I wanted to use this skydiving experience to give back.” through,” says Neal, who sustained a com- pression fracture at her L4 vertabrae. “I spent Stone was already familiar with the Reeve Foundation through using its resources, five months in a back brace, hardly able to so it was an easy decision to join Team Reeve for his fundraising efforts. Thanks to twist and do daily tasks, as my spine slowly a generous matching gift from his employer, Joe Rice, President and CEO of Joseph began to heal itself. I lost my job, and it seemed like my life was falling apart.” David International, Stone’s jump raised almost $11,000 for the Reeve Foundation. As part of her healing process, she decided to plan something she had only ever His biggest take-away? “My mind couldn’t fathom the idea of jumping out of a dreamed of—backpacking the 2,200-mile Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine. plane. Through this experience, I realized that even though I think I can’t do some- She gathered sponsors, joined Team Reeve, and in early April 2014, just six months thing, I can,” says Stone, who is trying to figure out how to one-up himself for his after her accident, Neal and her beagle, Scout, began their journey. 2015 fundraiser. “I just need to set a plan, make a goal, and I can do whatever I want. I just need to take that leap of faith.” “The experience was incredible and frustrating,” says Neal, who sent her canine companion home half way through the trail because of concerns for his health. “Every emotion you can think of rolled into one. Every day was different.” The first person to skydive for In September 2014, just shy of a year after her Team Reeve, Brandon Stone accident, Neal completed the trail. wore a Superman costume in “A big part of the hiker community is the motto honor of Christopher Reeve at ‘pay it forward’,” says Neal. “I hope the money his October 2014 jump. I raised as part of Team Reeve will enable continued research, education and services for patients and their families. I also hope to inspire other people to step outside of their comfort zones and have an adventure, no matter their limitations.”

To commemorate her adventure, Brittany Neal and her sister, To join Team Reeve, visit Mackenzie, designed a trail sticker featuring Brittany’s hiking partner, Scout. 10 C HRIS TOPHER & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION SUPPORTER SPOTLIGHTS

ACTIVELY ENGAGED: KAREN COOK UNWAVERING COMMITMENT: PATRICIA AND BOB VOLLAND A self-professed “exercise addict,” Karen Cook has spent most of her life on the move. Since joining the Reeve Foundation “I love to run, swim, dance, you name it,” says Cook, who was an elementary Board of Directors in 2012, Patricia school teacher in Columbus, OH, for 25 years. “I also loved to be active with Volland has learned two things. my students. I would write plays that used creative props and movement. I never slowed down.” “First and foremost, I’ve gained a better understanding of the Reeve Cook is equally passionate about travel. But as she gets older, she has become Foundation’s involvement and com- more limited in her abilities. “I can’t do things like I used to. All that activity mitment to people with spinal cord wore out my body,” says Cook. injury,” says Volland. “It is amazing to In 2007, Cook had back surgery to repair badly torn disks. After several years see their dedication to research, quality of life and advancing life for people.” of relief, she now has multiple back problems and a high appreciation for the challenges that come with physical limitations. Volland continues, “I was also struck by how effectively the staff is involved in “I really connected with Christopher Reeve’s story after his accident,” says advancing opportunities and awareness in federal policies. I am able to use my Cook, who read his book and followed the news stories about his injury and professional experience to help advance the potential for increased disability recovery. “Being very active myself, I felt a strong lifestyle connection to him. payments at a federal level. This is very rewarding.” It is such a challenge when a body isn’t working correctly.” Volland, who is living with quadriplegia from a 2009 motor scooter accident, As her travel and other activities slowed, Cook decided to use her savings has many years of experience in the healthcare field. She is Visiting Distinguished to create a charitable trust and donate any unused balance to help support Lecturer at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College and the causes that are important to her, including the Reeve Foundation. Director of the Social Work Leadership Institute, where she works to ensure that “I admire Christopher Reeve’s spirit and the vital work the Reeve Foundation America’s older adults maintain their independence and enjoy their lives to the is doing,” says Cook. “With all the money poured into technology advances fullest. Her prior experience includes 20 years as a Senior Vice President at the these days, I think more resources should go New York Academy of Medicine and involvement with Planned Parenthood. to helping people get out of wheelchairs. I I hope that, one day, the resources from “It is rewarding to be part of the community,” says Volland’s husband, Bob, my estate can help.” who represented the Reeve Foundation as part of the Congressionally Directed For more information about the Reeve Medical Research Program. “By helping others, we help ourselves.” Foundation’s Michael A. Hughes Planned Giving Society and about how you can In 2015, the couple is hosting their first “Parlor Meeting,” a gathering to bring include the Reeve Foundation in your together their friends along with Reeve Foundation friends to learn more about estate plans, please visit: The Big Idea, the Reeve Foundation’s groundbreaking research. or email [email protected]


Team LeGrand of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation has hit the ground running. In little over a year, thousands of supporters exceeded fundraising goals with inspiration from Eric and his mother, Karen.

Goldman Sachs invited LeGrand to the company’s informational and inspirational program series during National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Johnson & Johnson Information Technology welcomed Team LeGrand to their Raritan site to raise awareness and support for the cause and More than 130 people attended the 2nd annual An Evening with community. Eric LeGrand hosted by Newroads Financial Group of Clifton, NJ. The event raised more than $40,000 for Team LeGrand.

Many gathered at Martini Bistro & Bar in Millburn, NJ, for Team LeGrand Night. The May event featured hors d’oeuvres and an exclusive martini tasting presented by Grey Goose, Tito’s, and Skyy Vodka.

12 C HRIS TOPHER & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION LeGrand (pictured with Olympic track and field and bobsled athlete, Lori “Lolo” Jones) served as an LeGrand received a degree in labor relations from Rutgers ambassador for the 2014 Wings for Life World Run. University and spoke at the May commencement ceremony.

The HBO Sports series, State Of Play, spot- lights a topic or person with undeniable impact on the contemporary sports world. A 2014 episode featured LeGrand and his journey to navigate life with a spinal cord injury.

At the 4th annual A Walk to Believe, many gathered for a 5K walk held at Rutgers University’s High Point Solutions Stadium followed by a barbeque to celebrate and support Team LeGrand.

Tim Baxter, president of Samsung Electronics America, presented the Samsung Hope for Children To join Team LeGrand, visit Champion of Hope Award to LeGrand at the annual star-studded Hope for Children Gala in New York City. 2014 A NNUAL R EPORT 13 A MAGICAL EVENING

It was A Magical Evening indeed on November 20 as hundreds gathered in New York City at the Cipriani Wall Street® for the Reeve Foundation’s signature gala.

This year’s gala honored Senator Tom TV host Meredith Vieira emceed the event Harkin (D-IA) with the Dana Reeve which raised $1 million to support the HOPE Award. Reeve Foundation.

Travis Roy, founder of the Travis Roy Foundation, was honored with the Christopher Reeve Spirit of Courage Award. “I receive this award tonight on behalf of everyone that has supported me and the work of the Travis Roy Foundation,” said Roy. “I may be the front man, but my success has come from all of you. You’ve helped give me a life that is every bit worth living. A life that has purpose, quality and happiness.”

In tribute to a true leader, passionate humanitarian and dear friend, the Reeve SAVE THE DATE Foundation announced the Arnold Snider Visionary Leadership Award. As * 25th annual A Magical Evening Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Snider, who passed away in January Thursday, November 19, 2015 | Cipriani Wall Street 2014, generously gave his time, resources and heart to the Reeve Foundation. Julian Robertson presented the award to Snider’s wife, Kit, and their children.


A beacon of passionate support and unwavering friendship, Robin Wil- liams was honored in a special tribute at this year’s A Magical Evening.

“Robin was a light in our family for as long as we can remember,” said Will Reeve at the event. “But beyond the gift of laughter, he gave our family and the Reeve Foundation the gift of his simple, steadfast friend- ship which is a gift we will treasure forever.”

Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright sang “Across the Universe” as photos were shared of Williams and Reeve through the years.

“Their friendship beginning as college roommates at Julliard was nothing short of amazing,” said Zak Williams, Williams’ son and Reeve’s godson Hosted by Will Reeve, Alexandra Reeve Givens and Matthew Reeve, who took the stage to honor both men. “In my eyes, they are my super- the 24th annual event featured a heart-felt tribute by Robin Williams’ heroes. Goodness was baked into their DNA. They lived and breathed son, Zak Williams. kindness and generosity.”

After Reeve’s accident, Williams joined the Reeve Foundation Board of Directors and immediately assumed the role of advocate for individuals living with disabilities. In 1998, the Reeve Foundation honored Williams with the inaugural Human Spirit Award and then recognized him again in 2007 at an event in .

“While our hearts ache with the loss of our friend,” said Reeve Foundation President & CEO, Peter Wilderotter, “It is unlikely Robin would want us to mourn Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Rufus his passing with silence, Wainwright performed “Across the Universe” but to celebrate his life Billy Joel’s daughter, singer-song- to a slide show of Robin Williams and through laughter.” writer Alexa Ray Joel, sang for the Christopher Reeve through the years. sold-out crowd of 500 supporters.


A team of staff, volunteers and profes- sional advisory boards in three southern markets are working to advance the Reeve Foundation’s programs and initiatives in the western region. To help raise much-needed support for The Big Idea, a reception was hosted by Sam Gores, Paradigm Agency and Vanessa Marano in Beverly Hills. Cheryl Bianchi also hosted a parlor reception in Studio City.

More than 300 people gathered at the Alan Brown and Sabrina Cohen On December 7, more than 150 people gathered for the 2nd annual Gibson Guitar Showroom in Miami, FL, enjoyed the 1970s-themed fundraiser, Hope for the Holidays gala event at the Ritz-Carlton Marina del Rey. for the 2nd annual One Split Second Raise Your Funk, at the Seminole Guests included Reeve Foundation Board Member Marci Surfas and her fundraiser. Hosted by Alan Roth, the event Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in sister, Mandy Salas-Dickey, pictured with Dax Stevens, Anna Makarechian featured a concert by Matisyahu and Hollywood, FL. More than 300 people and Tae Dickey. Hosted by Adele Rene, the star-studded event featured raised $45,000 for the Reeve Foundation. attended this 3rd annual event which comedians Cathy Ladman and Taylor Tomlinson, epidural stimulation raised more than $40,000 for the participant Dustin Shillcox and professional wrestler Natalie Eva Ma- Reeve Foundation. rie Coyle and her husband, Jonathan. Will Reeve presented the 2014 HOPE Award to Steve Hoffman, the basketball player featured in the award-winning Guinness commercial.

16 CHRI STOPHE R & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION On April 12, nearly 125 supporters and friends of the Stifel family gathered at City Winery in New York City for the 4th Annual Spring Wine Tasting Bene- fit. Guests enjoyed light fare, a raffle and silent auction, live music and a winery tasting while raising nearly $40,000 for the Reeve Foundation.

Aimee Hoffman photographed by Alex Barberio

Beauty, empowerment and passion are the hallmarks of Raw Beauty Project NYC, an innovative photography exhibit created by Wendy Crawford, Dr. Susan Solman and Ginny Dixon to celebrate the lives of women with disabilities. Designed to ignite global conversation, redefine beauty and unleash potential for all women, the photographs were unveiled at ACA Galleries in New York City on Saturday, Septem- ber 20, with proceeds from the event benefiting the Reeve Foundation. After attending the 2014 event, Reeve Foundation corporate partner, Acorda Therapeutics, was inspired to bring the exhibit to their West- chester, NY, and Boston, MA, offices in 2015.

Project co-chair Wendy Crawford with Raw Beauty Project model Dr. Danielle Sheypuk

To learn more, visit 2014 ANNUAL R E PORT 17 Since holding the first Greenlake Walk & Roll in October 2011 in partnership with the Reeve Foundation, the Spinal Cord Injury Association of Washington has nearly tripled the contributions with more than 300 participants in 2014.

Cocktails, hors d’ouevres and tunes from guest DJ Yoshi were enjoyed by all at the Champions Committee Autumn Social at the Gilded Lily in New York City on November 10. The Champions Committee brings together enthusiastic, philanthropic individuals in the New York area to help further the Reeve Foundation’s important work.

Team LeGrand and Mike Nichols, a Monroe Township High School senior who fractured his C5 vertebrate during a hockey game in January, received the proceeds from this year’s 8th annual Friends and Neighbors in Action 5K Race and Fun Walk, held in September at Thompson Park in Monroe Township, NJ.

18 CHRI STOPHER & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION SUPPORTER SPOTLIGHTS MAXIMIZING SUPPORT: THE WESTERVELT COMPANY ENCOURAGING ADVANCES: MIKE YEISLEY Bob and Jessica Robertson first became aware of the Reeve Foundation after When Mike Yeisley’s father, Jim, fractured his neck in a 1987 car accident, his family found Jessica sustained a spinal cord injury few resources and little support. from an accidental fall in 2007. “Our initial doctor misdiagnosed the damage and said my father would die,” says Yeisley. “I got up to get water in the middle After a transfer to Houston Methodist Hospital, x-rays revealed a C5 fracture. of the night and fainted,” says Jessica, “Our experience was a nightmare. It was so hard to get what we needed,” says Yeisley. who is paralyzed from the mid-chest “Just trying to get a hand pedaler cost a fortune; now all that stuff is so available.” down and was treated at the Frazier Rehab Institute in Louisville, KY, one of Jim lived for 12 years after his accident and passed away on Christmas Day 1999. the Reeve Foundation’s NeuroRecovery “Our family was so grateful to have the time with him,” says Yeisley. He is also grateful Network® centers. “I have been amazed that people living with spinal cord injury today have access to so many more resources. at what the Reeve Foundation can do and will continue to do in the future.” “It is light years ahead how far things have come for people living with spinal cord injury Several years ago, the Robertson’s learned about the matching gift program in the last 20 years,” says Yeisley. “It is amazing to see how much has changed, and how offered by The Westervelt Company, a privately-owned natural resource much good work the Reeve Foundation has done.” company headquartered in Tuscaloosa, AL, in which Bob’s family owns stock. Yeisley first learned about the Reeve Foundation after he read Christopher Reeve’s “Westervelt offers shareholders a $14 match for every $1 donation up to a book. He donated off and on for several years. Then, last year, he decided to become determined cap,” says Bob, whose grandfather was given the stock many a Hero for Hope through monthly giving. years ago as an executive with the company. “Our family only has a small percentage of stock but with such a generous program, the money really “As I get older, helping others becomes more important,” says Yeisley. “And it is nice for adds up.” the Reeve Foundation to have a regular stream of resources they know they can rely on.” Ray Robbins, Vice President, Secretary & General Counsel at The Westervelt Yeisley continues, “It is so exciting to see some of the things the Foundation is doing, Company, says that many of the company’s shareholders take advantage of like the epidural stimulation research and the matching program. “The company is proud to help support the charities Quality of Life Grants. These programs, and that are near and dear to our shareholders’ hearts.” many others, are so important to helping The Robertson’s strongly encourage others to find out about their company’s people with spinal cord injury feel like a matching gift program. human being again.” “There are many other companies that match shareholders’ contributions,” says Bob. “By sending a donation for the matching funds, you can have a Become a Hero for Hope say in where your company’s charitable giving goes.” Your monthly tax-deductible gift is easy Want to help? There are so many ways to share your support with the to set up and change at any time through Reeve Foundation. From workplace giving programs and corporate in- convenient automatic deductions from kind donations to a company Team Reeve challenge or hosting a business your credit card or checking account. fundraising event, your generosity makes a huge impact for the spinal cord injured community. Mike Yeisley with his father, Jim, and his sister, Dana, in 1993 Please contact us to learn more, (800) 225-0292 or email [email protected]


We are deeply grateful for the vital support of all Reeve Foundation donors and are $10,000 – $24,999 180 Medical, Inc. • America’s Charities • Anonymous (3) • pleased to recognize here the many generous contributors whose cumulative giving Art of Grace Foundation • Alec Baldwin Foundation • David Barger • Baumol in 2014 totaled $1,000 or more. Please accept our apology in advance for any Family Foundation, Inc. • The Frances & Benjamin Benenson Foundation, Inc. • Big 10 Network • The Brink’s Company • BTIG, LLC • The Burgess Family • inadvertent errors or omissions, and please contact us with any corrections for future Kathleen Butler • Charitybuzz, Inc. • Soohuck Chun • Joseph & Sylvia Cortez listings at (973) 379-2690 x7114. Thank you for your continued commitment to and Cynthia Lampe • DGA Builders, LLC • The Charles Evans Foundation • our mission and community members. Mary Furry • Gottbetter Capital Markets • Gardner Grout Foundation • HCM Strategists, LLC • Euler Hermes North America Insurance Company • Josephine Lawrence Hopkins Foundation • The Dr. Maxwell Hurston Family Foundation, Inc. $1 Million & Above Anonymous • Arnold & Katherine Snider • Intuitive Venture Partners, LLC • JetBlue Airways • Johnson & Johnson • Kevin Johnson & Linda Lynch • Charles I. & Mary Kaplan Family Foundation • Laurie $250,000 – $999,999 Estate of Suzanne W. Ford • John & Sarah Holman • F. M. Kayden Foundation • Peter R. & Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation • Henry H. Kessler Kirby Foundation • The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation • Travis Roy Foundation • Foundation • Peter D. & Eaddo Kiernan, III • Lender Legal Services, LLC • Loboz- The Walkabout Foundation zo Family Fund • Magee Rehabilitation • John & Marie McConnell • Mellam Family Foundation • Merkle, Inc. • • Morgan Stanley Foundation $100,000 – $249,999 Isabelle A. Georgeaux & Patrick Healy • Jack & Gail Hughes • Ronald J. Mount • NextSteps Chicago • O’Connor Contractors, Inc. • Orange • Julian H. Robertson, Jr. • Henry G. Stifel, III • The Robert W. Wilson Charitable County Community Foundation • Caleb Reese • Royal Chie USA • Rutgers Trust Student Activities Business Office • Tabor Academy • Philip J. Taylor • Teach A Man To Fish Foundation • Mr. & Mrs. Thomas VanderMolen • Robert & Patricia $50,000 – $99,9999 Amerisure Charitable Foundation • Estate of Irene P. Bolton Volland • The Welsh Family Foundation, Inc. • Who! International Designs, LLC • • Estate of Patricia A. Ford • The Lee & Edith Kidd Family Foundation • Maverick John Yamamoto Capital Charities • John & Leslie Osborn • Estate of Betty Rodgers • Samsung Hope For Children Gala • Charlotte S. Stifel • A Walk to Believe • Mr. & Mrs. $5,000 – $9,999 Advanced Consulting, Inc. • The Jeffrey A. Altman Foundation James O. Welch, Jr. • The Wilf Family Foundation • The MCJ Amelior Foundation • American Advertising Federation • Anonymous (2) • Avrett Free & Ginsberg • The Balz Trust • The Baco Che-Na-Wah Bazaar $25,000 – $49,999 Acorda Therapeutics • Auction Cause Corporation • Kathy Foundation • The Boucher Charitable Foundation • Bryce Entertainment, Inc. Bridgeman • Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund • Tim & Nicole Connors • Paul & Bar- • Leo Burnett • Butler Family Foundation • Daniel & Maureen Cahill • Dennis bara Daversa • Diageo • Gladys Field Charitable Lead Annuity Trust • Julie & Jon Chan • Harold Clark • The Chris Combe Family • Estate of Chase M. Conover Neustadt/Neuco, Inc. • Newroads Financial Group/An Evening with Eric LeGrand • Gerald & Stephanie Coughlan • Jeffrey P. Cunard, Esq. • Joseph David Interna- • Mary N. Porter Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward County • Scott tional • Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP • Peter and Karen Delaney Family Foundation Remington Family & Friends Spinal Cord Injury Benefit • Leo Schachter Diamonds, • Digital Flash • Kevin Douglas • Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones • LLC • Simons Foundation • Karrie Webb • Estate of Frederick Jacob Zint Empire Food Marketing, LLC • Feldman Realty Group • First Niagara Bank Foundation • Carol L. Frick Trust • Gabelli Fund • General Iron Industries Charitable Foundation, Inc. • John and Amy Griffin Foundation Inc. • Robert & Susan Guyett • Robert David Hall • Jordan M. Heifitz • Helping Hand Founda- tion • Reuben Herzfeld Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation • E. Stanley

20 CHRI STOPHE R & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION Hobbs, Jr. • Elsie Huey • Helen M. Hughes • IBM Corporation • Jazwares, Inc. Collectibles Association • James L. & Margo McNabb Nederlander • Neuroworx • Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Jones • Mary Ellen Kaas Charitable Lead UniTrust • J.C. • New Jersey Council on Special Transportation • North Shore LIJ • A.B. & J. Kellogg Foundation • Klass Family Foundation, Inc. • Kennedy Krieger Institute • Noyes Foundation • Paragano Real Estate Management • Pasadena Community The Kurz Family Foundation • Gene Lefevre • Denise LeFrak-Calicchio • Lettuce Foundation Pile Donor Advised Fund • Nirav Parikh • Harold & Sophie Menowitz Entertain You Enterprises, Inc. • Loeb Family Foundation • Vanessa Marano • Foundation • Perlman Family Fund • Rob Pitts • Princeton Martial Arts Center • Millennium Research Group • Moses & Singer, LLP • O.C.A. Construction, Inc. Matther Punnoose • The Raynie Foundation • Ronald & Linda Roberts • Lindsay • Patrick O’Connell • Terrence M. O’Grady • Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity • Ralph Robinson • Rollx Vans • David Ross • Dudley & Parish Ryan • Estate of James & Anne Pucci • QUAD Foundation, Inc. • Eugene Renna • Donald F. Roach • Schumacher • Jeffrey & Sheara Seigal • Mike Simpson • The Phillip & Joanna The Susan Sarandon Charitable Foundation • Senator Richard Schweiker • Peter Solomon Charitable Fund • Elizabeth Steele • Dr. Steve Williams & Dr. Michael & Lauren Shepard • Shepherd Center • Lauren Singer • Tom Sleeper • L. Britt Stillman • Tambe Electric, Inc. • Thomas-Nyberg Foundation • Time Warner Snider • Spiceworks, Inc. • Stone Soup Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Founda- Cable • United Paralysis Foundation, Inc. • Anna Weis • Peter T. Wilderotter • tion • Martha Washington Straus & Harry Straus Foundation, Inc. • The Simon Woods Oviatt Gilman, LLP Strauss Foundation • Stritmatter Kessler Whelan Coluccio • Mark & Marci Surfas • Together 4 Kids Inc. • Juan Tomas • Trymark Consulting Group, LLC • Estate $1,000 – $2,499 Ronen Abergel • Chris Adlesh • Alamo Yonkers, LLC • His of John D. Turkel • Vanech Family Foundation • Joseph M. & Drenda Vijuk • Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco • Lloyd Ambinder • American Warner Bros. Entertainment • Robin Williams • Terald J. Wilson & Nancy Anisfield Endowment Foundation • Anonymous (2) • Aptargroup Charitable Foundation • Wonderland of Ice • Andrew B. Young Foundation • ARN Group, LLC • MaryEllen Astheimer • Natalie Ayre • Laura Aziz • Bank of America • Alicia Barba • Mr. & Mrs. Larry Barton • Evan Bashirian • Beam $2,500 – $4,999 Anonymous • Aristocrat Technologies, Inc. • Aurora Capital Global Spirits & Wine, Inc. • Kent & Elaine Beck • Dr. Andrea Behrman • Jaclyn Advisors, LLC • Barley Creek Associates, L.P. • Alben F. & Clara G. Bates Founda- Benedetto • Steve Berger • Elizabeth Berner • Bert Bertagna • Ronnie Bloom tion • Cheryl Beebe • Bloomberg, LP • Pamela Brewster • Lewis D. Brounell • Tom & Roseanne Bloomer • Daniel Blouin • Blum-Kovler Foundation • Dwight Charitable Trust • The Alan T Brown Foundation to Cure Paralysis • John Boeckman Memorial Fund • Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC • Buicky Boriboune Ciniglio • Leto Copeley • Cullen & Associates, Inc. • Dabbs Law Firm, LLC • • Roberta Bowman Charitable Fund • Geoffrey N. Bradfield • Taylor Brandon • Dr. & Mrs. Gordon DiPaolo • Jeanette Douglas • Michael & Regina Dowd • Barbara Brenner • Louis J. Brigandi • John & Sara Broderick • Robert E. Brogan Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation, Inc. • Michael E. Elchoness • Franklin Lakes • James Brown • Lawrence Brown, III • John Buck • Mr. & Mrs. William C. Boro Education Foundation • Gary Freedman • Friends and Neighbors in Action, Buck • John Buckley • William Burns • Luke Camilleri • Ruth Camp Campbell Inc. • Fuller Family Charitable Trust • Glendale Realty Services Group, LLC • Foundation • Jon & Sally Carlson • William C. Carstanjen • Paul & Pearl Caslow The Glickman Family • Greystone Foundation • Luiz & Sandra Gross • Dr. Susan Foundation • Charlene Caswell • Damon M. Cathey • Susan S. Channing Trust Harkema & Mr. Theodrick V. Gunter • Henry Foundation, Inc. • Nathan & Mira • Choice One of Rochester, LLC • David & Kathleen Christa • Gilbert P. Church Hevrony • Hollywood Foreign Press Association • Craig & Andrea Horowitz • Mr. • Civilian and Armed Forces Real Estate Services-Cares, LLC • Dorothy Clark • & Mrs. Robert C. Hughes • J. Stanley and Mary Johnson Family Foundation • Just Clean Way of Rochester, LLC • Clickbid, LLC • Drs. Barry & Bobbi Coller • Co- Keep Believing Foundation • Robert Kennedy Charitable Fund • Michael Koch • lonia High School • Wesley I. Combs • Community Foundation for the Capital Gina Kuhns • The Leibowitz & Greenway Family Charitable Foundation • Joseph Region’s Hershey Family Fund • Community Health Charities of California • Com- Lewis • Jack R. Linsky Foundation • Melissa Lynch-Woolford • Phillips Lytle, munity Health Charities of New Jersey • Mary K. Crow • Lester & Toby Crystal • LLP • Dennis & Anita McGorty • Kevin D. McGrath • Ed & Andrea Meyercord Grace Curtis & Priscilla O’Hara Foundation • Tyler Daly Trust Fund • Patrick Deem, • Microsoft Matching Gifts Program • Melanie Munk • National Entertainment Jr. • Dean Devlin • Morgenstern DeVoesick, PLLC • Keith Devries • Donnelly

2014 ANNUAL RE PORT 21 Construction, Inc. • Howard Dorfman • Julia Dorsett • Douglas Doty • Fire Adjustment Company, Inc. • Neuco Warehouse • Daniel Nicholson • Elisa- Phil Doudna • Sandra Doudna • Stephen Doudna • Beth Duffy • Michael & betta Nicotra • Nike Employee Matching Gift Program • Yoichi Yogi Nishikawa • Linda Duffy • Duval Charitable Trust • Dynamic Building Corporation • (n,P) Northwest Rehabilitation Associates • Tracy Oliver • Arthur Page • Parent Teach- Energy Nevada, Inc • Pino Esposito • Patricia Evans • James Fahy Design • ers Organization of Wyckoff • Rebecca Park • Rebecca J. Parsons • Michael & Traci Fernandez • Feuerring Foundation • Fifth Creek Presbyterian Church • Ed Laurie Paternoster • Paumanok Veterinary Hospital, PC • Jeffrey Payne • Jan Flaherty • Tom Fontana • Foundation Source • Carolyn French • David Frances Madeline Paynter • Christopher Pfaff • The Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Pro- Gately • Phillip & Carol Gellos • The Mike Geltrude Foundation, Inc. • Gene gram • James D. & Katherine Pickett • Lois Pierson • Curt R. Gerry Pindler Foun- Gerber • G&G Fitness Equipment • Jereme Gilbert • The Aaron & Betty Gilman dation • Jon & Bea Plasse Foundation • Miriam Poag • Eio Poole • John Poole Family Foundation, Inc. • Bill Goodrich, LeChase Construction • Mr. & Mrs. • The Howard K. Potash Fund of The Jewish Community Foundation • Cornelis & James Gray • Scott D. Greenbaum • Drs. Robert & Elin Grossman • Brent Hall • Robin Potharst • Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. • Taylor Price • Scott V. Prisco • Richard Hall • Deborah Halliday • Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson • Hanlon Architects, Prudential Foundation • James & Amy Quinn • R3 Funding • The Rapport Family PC • George & Wendy Hansen • William Harlan, III • Greg Hawk • Mr. & Mrs. Trust • Realty Management Associates, Ltd • Ed Rebenack • Regional Neonatal Gates Helms Hawn • The Heifitz Family • Dr. and Mrs. Robert Heinrich • Hal & Associates • Michael Repole • Mindy N. Rittner • Don A. Rogers • Lilian H. Sandy Henderson • Pamela A. Henline • Julie Hermann • Bill Herrin & Family • Rooney • Rosen Foundation • Linda Rosenstock • Mr. & Mrs. John M. Roth • Ariel Herrmann • Terry Hildebrand • Clark Hill, PLC • Patti Hoffman • Dale L. Rowan University • Chuck Royce • Roger L. Rue • William Russell, Jr. • Ryco, Hollen • David Y. Howe • The Huisking Foundation, Inc. • Charles Hyman • Inc. • Tierney Saccavino • Sail to Sable, Inc. • Saint Peter’s Preparatory School • Paul Illingworth • Frank S. Imburgia, Jr. • Angelo & Sally Ingrassia • IQ Formula- Mr. & Mrs. Ed C. Sanborn • Scott Sawers • Greg Scalley • Philip & Marilyn Scalo tions, LLC • The Ironwood Foundation, Inc. • Therese Jameson • Jersey Strong • Estate of Evelyn U. Schmitt • Richard & Marjorie Schneidman • Salil Seshadri Foundation, Inc. • Suzanne Kane • Dr. Sivia Kaye • Stacy H. Kaye • Bronwen • Etienne Shanon • Bill Shelton • Shiva-Sherman • Robert Short • Douglas A. K. Kelly • John Kelsey • Bryan Kennedy • Ken Kennon • Mary Kennon • The Shubert • Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Muhlenberg College • Thorsteinn Sigurds- Kinahan Family • Richard & Dana Kind • Sandra King • J. & Evelyn Ann Kirschner son • Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts • David Simkins • Tim Simonec • • Courtney Knapp • Tammie Knaus • James Knowles • Dr. Steven Kornbleuth • Gurpaul Singh • John & Patricia Sneed • Paulette Snyder • Glenn Snyder • Rob Kraus • Nicholas Kuckel • Kerry L. Kushinka • Nolan C. Leake • Charlotte Barry Solomon • Philip Sorensen • Vilma Sorgente • Melissa J. Speegle • B. Leatherman • Katie Leclerc • Jefferey Leonard • Joanna & Stanley Lerner Andrew Spingler • Louis Spitz • Mr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Stark • Brian K. Starkman Philanthropic Fund • Gary P. Levan • Paul Lima • Cam Lind • Christine Lin- • John and Kim Stephenson • Tracy & Patricia Stevenson • Dr. Jerry Stockton • nenbach • Frances W. Little • Monroe Lowenkron • The Lucasfilm Foundation Susan Stoddart • Patricia Stush • Agnes Kin-Vun Tam • Dalton Tarwater • • Luminar Solutions, Inc. • Patricia Mallon • Gordon Manashil • Luis Manzo Peter Tattle • Michael Tierney • Mark Toma • Tomkat Foundation • Eric • Ellen Marano • Mars Corporation • Jason Massaro • Allan J. Matusevich • Troesch • The Gsh Tulsa Charitable Fund • Gary A. Ubaldini • The Vandenberg Carolyn McIntyre • The McPhearson Foundation • Connie McTigue • The Elena Family • Irene Vega • Linda Voelker • Diane Walker • Jim Ward • Washington Melius Foundation • Deborah Mellen • The Mercier Club • Merck Partnership State Motorcycle Hall of Fame • Westervelt Company • Cliff & Deborah White for Giving • Mika • Anne B. Miller • Hugh Mommsen • Gladys Monroy and Family Fund • William Wight • Carol Wilke • Arthur Ashley Williams Foundation Larry Marks Philanthropic Fund • Charles & Amy Montgomery • Barbara F. and • Craig R. Willis • Gambriel Wills • James L. Wismer • Robert W. Yant, Jr. & Ann Richard W. Moore Fund • Michael & Anne Moretti • Shirley Morris • Moss Foun- Kenowsky • Youngblood Disposal Enterprises of Western New York, LLC dation • Nabisco, Inc. • Mary Ann Nagle • National Hockey League • National

22 CHRI STOPHE R & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION FINANCIALS December 31, 2014 2013 ASSETS Cash and equivalents Unrestricted $ 1,268,442 $ 771,025 Restricted 1,138,488 1,847,764 Investments 1,759,853 1,537,129 Grants receivable 2,346,989 2,718,651 Contributions receivable, net 2,200,130 3,516,353 Split-interest agreement 44,859 57,141 Prepaid expenses 138,006 92,733 Security deposits and other 13,663 13,663 Property and equipment, net 13,413 21,452 Total Assets $ 8,923,843 $ 10,575,911

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable $ 253,713 $ 216,158 Accrued expenses 327,903 117,755 Quality of Life and other grants payable 600,137 500,000 Loan payable 113 121,711 Deferred revenue 1,179,236 1,462,407 Research contracts payable 1,653,161 3,602,772 Total Liabilities 4,014,263 6,020,803

Net Assets Unrestricted 4,622,729 4,050,665 Temporarily restricted 286,851 504,443 Total Net Assets 4,909,580 4,555,108

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 8,923,843 $ 10,575,911

All figures are based on our 2014 and 2013 financial statements and independent auditor’s report by Wiss & Company, LLP. To view a copy of this report and our IRS Form 990, visit our website at Christopher Reeve Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established in 1988. Federal ID Number 22-2939536.

2014 ANNUAL RE PORT 23 STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS— YEAR END DECEMBER 31 2014 2013 Unrestricted Temporarily Total Unrestricted Temporarily Total Restricted Restricted

SUPPORT AND REVENUES Contributions $ 6,733,843 – $ 6,733,843 $ 5,214,904 – $ 5,214,904 Grant revenue 6,679,157 – 6,679,157 6,359,230 – 6,359,230 Special events, net 1,338,020 – 1,338,020 1,316,860 – 1,316,860 Investment income 12,637 – 12,637 9,331 – 9,331 Unrealized gain on investments 138,543 – 138,543 237,393 – 237,393 Net assets released from restrictions 217,592 (217,592) 217,592 185,598 (185,598) – Total support and revenues $ 15,119,792 $ (217,592) $ 14,902,200 $ 13,323,316 $ (185,598) $ 13,137,718

EXPENSES Program services Research program 5,784,418 – 5,784,418 5,138,315 – 5,138,315 Public education 1,075,199 – 1,075,199 823,940 – 823,940 Quality of life 4,831,934 – 4,831,934 4,845,846 – 4,845,846 11,691,551 – 11,691,551 10,808,101 – 10,808,101 Supporting services Management and general 1,014,180 – 1,014,180 1,071,034 – 1,071,034 Fundraising 1,841,997 – 1,841,997 1,915,291 – 1,915,291 2,856,177 – 2,856,177 2,986,325 – 2,986,325 Total expenses 14,547,728 – 14,547,728 13,794,426 – 13,794,426

Discontinued operations – – – 26,210 – 26,210

CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 572,064 (217,592) 354,472 (497,320) (185,598) (682,918) NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 4,050,665 504,443 4,555,108 4,547,985 690,041 5,238,026 NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $ 4,622,729 $ 286,851 $ 4,909,580 $ 4,050,665 $ 504,443 $ 4,555,108

All figures are based on our 2014 and 2013 financial statements and independent auditor’s report by Wiss & Company, LLP. To view a copy of this report and our IRS Form 990, visit our website at Christopher Reeve Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established in 1988. Federal ID Number 22-2939536.

24 CHRI STOPHE R & DANA REEVE FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT CONSORTIUM ADVISORY PANEL EPIDURAL STIMULATION ADVISORY PANEL Peter T. Wilderotter Albert J. Aguayo, M.D. OFFICERS President and Chief Executive Officer Director, Center for Research in Neuroscience John M. Hughes Shawn Friedkin Montreal General Hospital, Neurology Chairman of the Board Maggie F. Goldberg Founder, Stand Among Friends Montreal, Quebec, Canada Vice President, Policy and Programs Boca Raton, FL John E. McConnell Fred H. Gage, Ph.D. Vice Chairman Susan P. Howley Fred H. Gage, Ph.D. Professor, Laboratory of Genetics Executive Vice President, Research Professor, Laboratory of Genetics Matthew Reeve Salk Institute for Biological Studies Salk Institute for Biological Studies Vice Chairman, Rebecca N. Laming La Jolla, CA La Jolla, CA International Development Vice President, Marketing and Robert G. Grossman, M.D. Communications Henry G. Stifel, III Professor, Department of Neurosurgery Sten Grillner, Ph.D. Vice Chairman Michele D. Loiacono Houston Methodist Neurological Institute Professor and Director Vice President, Operations Houston, TX Department of Neuroscience Joel M. Faden The Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology Chairman, Executive Committee Louis F. Reichardt, Ph.D. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Professor, Physiology & Biochemistry Robert L. Guyett & Biophysics Treasurer Robert G. Grossman, M.D. University of California, San Francisco Professor, Department of Neurosurgery Jeffrey P. Cunard, Esq. and Director, Simons Foundation Autism Houston Methodist Neurological Institute Secretary Research Initiative Houston, TX Peter T. Wilderotter New York, NY John M. Hughes President and Chief Executive Officer Chairman, Reeve Foundation Board of Directors DIRECTORS NRN ADVISORY PANEL Steven Kirshblum, M.D. Tim Connors V. Reggie Edgerton, Ph.D. Medical Director Stephen Evans-Freke Division of Life Sciences and Director of SCI Rehabilitation Simone George the David Geffen School of Medicine Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, Janet Hanson University of California Los Angeles West Orange, NJ Kelly Anne Heneghan, Esq. Moses V. Chao, Ph.D. Daniel Heumann P. Hunter Peckham, Ph.D. Skirball Institute Lisa Henry-Holmes Donnell Institute Professor of Biomedical New York University Michael Hoog Engineering and Orthopedics Sal Iannuzzi Michael Fehlings, M.D., Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, Anita McGorty University of Toronto Cleveland, OH John Osborn Toronto Western Hospital Tim Pernetti Andrei Krassioukov, M.D., Ph.D. Mark Pollock ICORD, University of British Columbia Will Reeve David Sable Shelley Sorani, MA Marci Surfas San Francisco, CA Christopher Tagatac Tania Taylor Patricia J. Volland James O. Welch, Jr.

636 Morris Turnpike, Suite 3A Short Hills, NJ 07078 (973) 379-2690 (800) 225-0292