
January 20, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S663 He and I sat together at the inaugura- ployment Guidelines for Potential Napolitano to be Secretary of Home- tion. We had such a wonderful time vis- Presidential Appointees in Subcabinet land Security; Peter Orszag to be Di- iting about where we were and where Positions’’ be printed in the RECORD. rector of OMB; KENNETH SALAZAR to be we are. There being no objection, the mate- Secretary of Interior; to So I would ask all, within the sound rial was ordered to be printed in the be Secretary of Veterans Affairs; of my voice, to pause for a brief mo- RECORD, as follows: Thomas Vilsack to be Secretary of Ag- ment with our thoughts and, for those EMPLOYMENT GUIDELINES FOR POTENTIAL riculture. I ask consent that the Sen- who feel it appropriate, our prayers for PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTEES IN SUBCABINET ate proceed to their consideration en Senator KENNEDY and his lovely wife POSITIONS bloc; that the nominations be con- Vicki. An individual may be employed as an advi- firmed, and the motions to reconsider (Moment of silence.) sory or counselor to the Secretary prior to be laid upon the table en bloc; that no f announcement, nomination and confirma- further motions be in order, and that tion but after being selected as a potential any statements relating to the nomina- INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF nominee. tions be printed in the RECORD. PRESIDENT The advisor/counselor must: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is very Act in a manner consistent with that of an advisor preparing for additional duties and pore. Is there objection? cold in Washington today, but our Na- responsibilities and not presume any author- Without objection, it is so ordered. tion’s heart is warm. From every cor- ity that could come only as a result of Sen- ner of our country and the furthest ate confirmation. For example, do not use The nominations considered and con- crevices of the Earth, people came to- the office space, dining facilities, etc. that firmed en bloc are as follows: gether at the apex of our democracy to are available only to a confirmed appointee DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE in that position. be a part of an American renewal. Thomas J. Vilsack, of Iowa, to be Sec- Comply with all applicable ethics rules. President Barack Obama’s inaugural retary of Agriculture. address appealed to our better angels, The advisor/counselor may: Consult within the Department on current DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION as Abraham Lincoln called them, and policy topics, receive briefings, and become our best intentions. President Obama Arne Duncan, of , to be Secretary of familiar with relevant issues. Education. reminded us no matter how daunting Offer informed advisory views on policy our challenges may seem, America al- issues, but on a strictly informal basis. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ways answers the call of history. The advisor/counselor must not: , of California, to be Secretary The millions who came together, lin- Serve as an official Department represent- of Energy. ing our National Mall for miles and ative in meetings or on travel. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY miles, were not merely observers to Have access to classified materials until a this memorable day; they were partici- security clearance is issued. Janet Ann Napolitano, of Arizona, to be Sign any documents that give the appear- Secretary of Homeland Security. pants, ready to work with our new ance of having assumed official duties or President in service to a common take any actions that give the appearance of DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR cause. issuing authoritative guidance. Must not Kenneth Lee Salazar, of Colorado, to be Our great country is ready to join originate an action, receive routing of offi- Secretary of the Interior. cial actions of the Department or approve/ our new President to answer that call DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS to service. That is why we are in ses- disapprove any actions of the Department. sion now, a few short hours after the However, the advisor may receive informa- Eric K. Shinseki, of Hawaii, to be Sec- retary of Veterans Affairs. swearing in. Faced with some of the tional copies of action proposals and other official memoranda. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT great challenges of our lifetimes and Undertake to hire, transfer, or terminate challenges in the history of our coun- members of a potential future organization Peter R. Orszag, of Massachusetts, to be try, there is no time to waste. or otherwise reorganize its management. It Director of the Office of Management and In the coming days, weeks, and is permissible, however, to meet and inter- Budget. months, we will work with President view applicants and to informally advise (At the request of Mr. REID, the fol- Obama and our Republican colleagues confirmed appointees on personnel and orga- lowing statement was ordered to be to revive our economy, protect home- nizational issues. printed in the RECORD.) owners and consumers, bring our coun- Use the term ‘‘designate’’ prior to nomina- tion by The President of the United States. NOMINATION OF ARNE DUNCAN try closer to energy independence, Meet with anyone outside the Department ∑ Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I am strengthen our national security, and unless accompanied by a ‘‘reasonable offi- improve access to health care and edu- pleased to voice enthusiastic support cial’’ of the Department who can speak for for the nomination of Arne Duncan to cation for all Americans. the Department. The limited role as a con- These challenges require a President sultant to the Department, and not an offi- serve as Secretary of Education, and I with a full arsenal of tools and experts. cial of the Department, should be made urge my colleagues to join me in sup- President Obama has nominated a Cab- clear. porting his nomination. Mr. Duncan inet of exceptionally bright and capa- Attend a meeting with a contractor. brings inspiration, dedication, and Meet with foreign officials or interest ble people, as indicated by support ability to the field of education, and I groups to any great extent. am confident that his leadership will from all over America—Democrats and Represent or speak for a component of the Republicans and Independents talking help move America forward to tackle Department, or a prospective component, in the challenges present in our edu- about these great Cabinet nominees. a meeting within the Department. These Cabinet nominees represent a Meet or speak with the press, other than in cational system. cross-section of our country, geo- connection with the confirmation process Last week, Mr. Duncan appeared be- graphically and politically. and then only after consultation with Public fore our Education Committee for his So it is up to us, Democrats and Re- Affairs. confirmation hearing. He was met with Give speeches or many any appearances publicans in the Senate, to confirm broad bipartisan support from members outside the Department on any issue relat- across our committee for his vision and these worthy nominees quickly so ing to the business of the Department. they, along with our new President, his commitment to move American can hit the ground running. f education forward at all levels—from I express my appreciation to my dis- EXECUTIVE SESSION early education through college. tinguished counterpart, Senator Mr. Duncan shared with us his very MCCONNELL, for working with us today NOMINATIONS personal connection to the field of edu- to move on to some of these nomina- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- cation, which first developed with his tions. For those who are not going to imous consent that the Senate proceed work alongside his mother in an after- be approved today, we are going to to executive session to consider nomi- school tutoring program for needy stu- work to approve them shortly. nations received today: Steven Chu to dents. Since then, he has worked to Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- be Secretary of Energy; Arne Duncan confront challenges and advance re- sent that a document entitled ‘‘Em- to be Secretary of Education; Janet forms as head of ’s schools. We

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