2019 Jim Sharp – Boys Indiana High School Swimming and Diving Hall of Fame Historian Compiled by: Linda (Ludlow) Horn Indiana High School Swimming and Diving Hall of Fame Historian (317) 839-5461 / (317) 753-1391 Cell
[email protected] History of IHSAA Boys Swimming Championships From 1928 thru 1930 the boys’ state finals were not sponsored by the IHSAA and were by invitation only. Columbus High School hosted these three meets won by Indianapolis Shortridge, Whiting, East Chicago Washington respectively. The Decade is: In 1931 the first annual IHSAA sponsored Boys Swimming and Diving State Championship was held at Columbus High School (60 ft. pool) with 10 teams participating and South Bend Central claiming the team title. The events contested in the first championship included the 160 yard relay, 40 yard freestyle, 100 yard backstroke, 220 yard freestyle, 100 yard breaststroke, and the 120 yard medley relay (40 yd. each of backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle). Fancy diving was also an event, consisting of a running front, standing back, running front jack knife and a standing back jack knife. The 1932 meet was held at Butler University (75 ft. pool) with 11 teams competing. The 1933 meet was held at the Whiting Community Center (60 ft. pool). In 1934 and 1935 Butler was once again the site. The 1936 and 1937 state meets weren’t even held in Indiana. The IHSAA allowed Hammond High School to host the meet which was then moved to Thornton Fractional High School in Calumet City, Illinois due to a “better pool facility.” (60 ft. pool) In 1938, the state meet, again was hosted by Hammond High School at the brand new Hammond Civic Center (75 ft.