DEPARTMENT: Mayor and Council

AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, August 4, 2020

CONTACT PERSON NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: City Representative Sam Morgan, 212-0004 City Representative Alexsandra Annello, 212-0002 City Representative Peter Svarzbein, 212-0001 City Representative Isabel Salcido 212-0005 City Representative Claudia Rodriguez, 212-0006


STRATEGIC GOAL: Goal 6: Set the standard for sound governance and fiscal management

SUBJECT: APPROVE a resolution / ordinance / lease to do what? OR AUTHORIZE the City Manager to do what? Be descriptive of what we want Council to approve. Include $ amount if applicable.

Discussion and Action to approve a Resolution in Support of an Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission and Redistricting Reform for Texas (Contact: City Representative Sam Morgan, 212-0004 City Representative Alexsandra Annello, 212-0002 City Representative Peter Svarzbein, 212-0001 City Representative Isabel Salcido 212-0005 City Representative Claudia Rodriguez, 212-0006)

BACKGROUND / DISCUSSION: Discussion of the what, why, where, when, and how to enable Council to have reasonably complete description of the contemplated action. This should include attachment of bid tabulation, or ordinance or resolution if appropriate. What are the benefits to the City of this action? What are the citizen concerns?

This action will allow the Mayor to send a letter to all state elected officials in order to support an Independent Redistricting Committee and support Redistricting Reform for Texas. PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION: Has the Council previously considered this item or a closely related one? Yes, On February 26, 2019, council approved a similar resolution and it was sent to elected officials in Texas at that time.

AMOUNT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING: How will this item be funded? Has the item been budgeted? If so, identify funding source by account numbers and description of account. Does it require a budget transfer? N/A

______*******************REQUIRED AUTHORIZATION*******************

A Resolution in Support of an Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission and Redistricting Reform for Texas

WHEREAS every ten years, in years ending in zero, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a census to determine the number of people living in the United States; and,

WHEREAS, after each census, state officials redraw the boundaries of the congressional and state legislative districts in their states; and,

WHEREAS the will commence to redraw those boundaries once the census figures are provided to the State;

WHEREAS, the citizens of El Paso and the State of Texas deserve a fair, fully transparent, impartial, and depoliticized process for the drawing of state legislative and congressional districts of near equal population; and

WHEREAS, the redistricting process should be conducted in an open manner and include public hearings, set timelines, and access to redistricting tools and proposed plans, so that our communities have real opportunities for public dialogue and feedback; and

WHEREAS, public input and involvement in the redistricting process will empower our communities by allowing them to elect representatives who represent their interests on issues that are important to their lives; and

WHEREAS, the boundaries of state and congressional districts are currently drawn by legislative incumbents with a simple majority vote, often sacrificing the integrity of communities, neighborhoods and cities; and

WHEREAS, important principles, such as the protections of the federal Voting Rights Act and respect for neighborhoods, towns and cities should be clearly listed for any redistricting process so that our communities are kept together; and

WHEREAS, voters are more likely to participate when they feel their vote will count and that they have a reasonable chance of electing candidates who represent their interests; and

WHEREAS, elected officials are more responsive to constituents when voters have a choice of candidates, thus increasing accountability and serving the best interests of the voters of Texas; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council for the City of El Paso County does hereby support legislative efforts to establish a citizen-led commission composed of Texas voters who are representative of the state’s diversity, partisan balance and geography, for all future redistricting. This Independent Commission will oversee the process to draw the lines of the state Senate, state House of Representatives and Congressional districts.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we call upon all those elected officials and party leaders in the State of Texas who represent the citizens of El Paso to publicly announce their support of and commitment to work towards passage of such legislative efforts and that a copy of this Resolution be delivered to each of them:

Governor Texas State Senator José Rodriguez Lieutenant Governor Texas State Representative Mary E. González Attorney General Texas State Representative César Blanco Secretary of State Ruth R. Hughs Texas State Representative Evelina “Lina” Ortega United States Senator Texas State Representative Joe Moody United States Senator Texas State Representative United States Representative Will Hurd Gilberto Hinojosa, Chairman, United States Representative Veronica Escobar Democratic Party of Texas James Dickey, Chairman, Republican Party of Texas



______Dee Margo Mayor



City Clerk

)[1 APPROVED AS TO\~ FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I t ~ ______For ______Guadalupe Cuellar Assistant City Attorney Chief Resilience Officer