National Tracking Poll #2102136 February 26 - March 01, 2021

Crosstabulation Results

Methodology: This poll was conducted between February 26-March 1, 2021 among a national sample of1992 Registered Voters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of Registered Voters based on gender, educational attainment, age, race, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. Table Index

1 Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? ...... 8

2 Table nr2b: Do you approve or disapprove of the job is doing as President? . . . . 12

3 Table nr2bNET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? . . 16

4 Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress? ...... 20

5 Table POL1_1: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The economy ...... 25

6 Table POL1_2: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Jobs ...... 29

7 Table POL1_3: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Health care ...... 33

8 Table POL1_4: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Immigration ...... 37

9 Table POL1_5: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Climate change ...... 41

10 Table POL1_6: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The environment ...... 45

11 Table POL1_7: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Energy ...... 49

12 Table POL1_8: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Education ...... 53

13 Table POL1_9: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? National security ...... 57

14 Table POL1_10: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Gun policy ...... 61

15 Table POL1_11: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Protecting and Social Security ...... 65

16 Table POL1_12: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Coronavirus ...... 69

17 Table POL1_13: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Voting rights ...... 73

2 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021

18 Table POL1_14: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Foreign policy ...... 77

19 Table POL2_1: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? President Joe Biden ...... 81

20 Table POL2_2: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? Congress ...... 85

21 Table POL2_3: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? Congressional Democrats ...... 89

22 Table POL2_4: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? Congressional Republicans ...... 93

23 Table POL2_5: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? The World Health Organization (WHO) ...... 97

24 Table POL2_6: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ...... 101

25 Table POL2_7: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? Your state’s governor ...... 105

26 Table POL2_8: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coron- avirus? Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 109

27 Table POL3: Generally speaking, would you say you are more concerned about...... 113

28 Table POL4: Currently, do you believe it’s more important for the government to address the: 117

29 Table POL5: Even if neither is exactly correct, which of the following comes closest to your opinion? ...... 121

30 Table POL6a: Would you support or oppose a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? ...... 125

31 Table POL6b: Do you support or oppose the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief pack- age that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? ...... 129

32 Table POL7a: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025? ...... 133

33 Table POL7b: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $11 an hour by 2023? ...... 136

3 Morning Consult

34 Table POL8: Which of the following do you believe Congress should do, even if neither is exactly correct? ...... 139

35 Table POL9: Would you support or oppose imposing tax penalties on large companies that do not pay their workers at least $15/hour? ...... 143

36 Table POL10_2: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Same day voter registration ...... 147

37 Table POL10_3: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Automatic voter registration at state agencies ...... 151

38 Table POL10_4: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Online voter registration ...... 155

39 Table POL10_5: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote so they can vote when they turn 18 ...... 159

40 Table POL10_6: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Establishing two weeks of in-person early voting, including weekends and times outside of normal business hours ...... 163

41 Table POL10_7: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring states to establish nonpartisan committees for congressional redistricting in order to reduce gerrymandering ...... 167

42 Table POL10_8: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Providing prepaid postage for absentee ballots in federal elections ...... 171

43 Table POL10_9: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Outlawing the spread of false or misleading information to voters 60 days prior to an election ...... 175

44 Table POL10_10: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Granting voting rights to those who are on parole, probation, or who have finished serving their criminal sentences ...... 179

45 Table POL10_11: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Restoring a provision of the Voting Rights Act that requires states with a history of discrimination to submit any election changes to the federal government for review ...... 183

4 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021

46 Table POL10_12: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring all organizations that participate in political activity to disclose their large donors ...... 187

47 Table POL11: Generally speaking, do you believe race relations in the United States have gotten better, worse, or stayed the same over the past five years? ...... 191

48 Table POL12: Looking ahead to the next five years, do you believe race relations in the United States will get better, worse, or stay the same? ...... 195

49 Table POL13: Thinking about race relations in the United States, over the past year, would you say that you have...... 199

50 Table POL14: Thinking about the Black Lives Matter protests over the last year, which of the following comes closest to your opinion even if none are exactly correct? ...... 203

51 Table POL15_1: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from executing no-knock search warrants ...... 208

52 Table POL15_2: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Restricting police officers from using chokeholds on people ...... 212

53 Table POL15_3: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people based on their race ...... 216

54 Table POL15_4: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people who fit a generalized description of a suspect ...... 220

55 Table POL15_5: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from expunging records of past misconduct ...... 224

56 Table POL15_6: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from appealing a disciplinary decision ...... 228

57 Table POL15_7: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Allowing police officers to be sued for actions performed on the job ...... 232

58 Table POL16_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Biden administration’s planned release of a U.S. intelligence report implicating ’s crown prince in the 2018 killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi ...... 236

59 Table POL16_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. (D-W.Va.) opposing the nomination of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Manage- ment and Budget (OMB) ...... 240

60 Table POL16_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? More than 500,000 Americans dying due to the coronavirus ...... 244

61 Table POL16_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saying he will support for president if he becomes the Re- publican Party’s presidential nominee in 2024 ...... 248

5 Morning Consult

62 Table POL16_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Senate parliamentarian’s ruling that Democrats’ proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ reconciliation rules on legislation ...... 252

63 Table POL16_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Food and Drug Administration’s expected authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine . . 256

64 Table POL16_7: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. launching airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria ...... 260

65 Table POL17_1: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Strengthening ”Buy American” policies that encourage the federal government to purchase goods and services from U.S. companies ...... 264

66 Table POL17_2: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Directing federal agencies to look for shortages of personal protective gear and vaccine supplies and identify where the Defense Production Act could be invoked to increase manufacturing ...... 268

67 Table POL17_3: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by Presi- dent Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed the government to streamline regulations affecting the financial services industry ...... 272

68 Table POL17_4: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that halted the issuance of new green cards amid the COVID-19 pandemic ...... 276

69 Table POL17_5: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that made classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings in Washington, D.C...... 280

70 Table POL17_6: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed agencies to review and halt federal funding in cities like New York City, Seattle and Portland, which President Trump had claimed were ’permitting anarchy, violence and destruction’ ...... 284

71 Table POL18: As you may know, the Senate parliamentarian’s ruled that the proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ reconciliation rules on legislation which allows legislation to be passed with a simple majority vote rather than the 60/100 votes usually required.Which of the following comes closest to your opinion, even if neither is exactly right? 288

72 Table POL19: Of the following, which would you say is your preferred alcoholic beverage? If you don’t drink alcoholic beverages, please select that option...... 292

73 Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell ...... 296

6 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021

74 Table POLx_2: Favorability for Nancy Pelosi ...... 300

75 Table POLx_3: Favorability for Charles Schumer ...... 304

76 Table POLx_4: Favorability for Mike Pence ...... 308

77 Table POLx_5: Favorability for Donald Trump ...... 312

78 Table POLx_6: Favorability for Republicans in Congress ...... 316

79 Table POLx_7: Favorability for Democrats in Congress ...... 320

80 Table POLx_9: Favorability for Kevin McCarthy ...... 324

81 Table POLx_10: Favorability for Joe Biden ...... 328

82 Table POLx_11: Favorability for Kamala Harris ...... 332

83 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics ...... 336

7 Morning Consult Table P1 Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N Registered Voters 46%(925) 54%(1067) 1992 Gender: Male 49%(457) 51%(476) 932 Gender: Female 44%(469) 56%(591) 1060 Age: 18-34 46%(230) 54%(270) 500 Age: 35-44 56%(169) 44%(134) 303 Age: 45-64 43%(315) 57%(410) 725 Age: 65+ 46%(211) 54%(252) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 35%(48) 65%(91) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 56%(321) 44%(254) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 41%(210) 59%(297) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 46%(321) 54%(380) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 72%(571) 28%(227) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 42%(242) 58%(330) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 18%(111) 82%(510) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 78%(267) 22%(75) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 67%(304) 33%(151) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 42%(124) 58%(172) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 43%(118) 57%(158) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 22%(65) 78%(228) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 14%(46) 86%(282) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 71%(452) 29%(184) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 51%(287) 49%(278) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 21%(137) 79%(530) 668 Educ: < College 40%(507) 60%(746) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 52%(246) 48%(225) 471 Educ: Post-grad 64%(172) 36%(96) 268 Income: Under 50k 45%(435) 55%(535) 971 Income: 50k-100k 45%(298) 55%(361) 659 Income: 100k+ 53%(192) 47%(171) 362 Continued on next page

8 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N Registered Voters 46%(925) 54%(1067) 1992 Ethnicity: White 45%(719) 55%(893) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 42%(81) 58%(112) 193 Ethnicity: Black 60%(152) 40%(100) 253 Ethnicity: Other 42%(54) 58%(74) 128 All Christian 48%(470) 52%(515) 986 All Non-Christian 66%(79) 34%(41) 119 Atheist 60%(48) 40%(32) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 42%(194) 58%(263) 457 Something Else 38%(134) 62%(216) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 64%(89) 36%(49) 138 Evangelical 44%(253) 56%(319) 572 Non-Evangelical 46%(335) 54%(391) 726 Community: Urban 60%(338) 40%(222) 560 Community: Suburban 45%(409) 55%(496) 905 Community: Rural 34%(178) 66%(349) 527 Employ: Private Sector 51%(337) 49%(323) 660 Employ: Government 56%(86) 44%(67) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 43%(71) 57%(95) 165 Employ: Homemaker 41%(51) 59%(73) 124 Employ: Student 43%(25) 57%(33) 58 Employ: Retired 43%(213) 57%(283) 496 Employ: Unemployed 43%(91) 57%(122) 213 Employ: Other 42%(50) 58%(71) 121 Military HH: Yes 46%(165) 54%(191) 356 Military HH: No 46%(760) 54%(876) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 100%(925) — (0) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track — (0) 100%(1067) 1067 Biden Job Approve 74%(836) 26%(296) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 8%(59) 92%(682) 740 Continued on next page

9 Morning Consult Table P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N Registered Voters 46%(925) 54%(1067) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 84%(550) 16%(106) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 60%(286) 40%(189) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 16%(34) 84%(180) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 5%(25) 95%(502) 527 Favorable of Biden 73%(827) 27%(304) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 9%(72) 91%(702) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 80%(543) 20%(132) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 62%(284) 38%(172) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 17%(33) 83%(166) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 7%(39) 93%(536) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 40%(317) 60%(481) 798 #1 Issue: Security 29%(69) 71%(169) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 64%(198) 36%(110) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 54%(143) 46%(123) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 52%(41) 48%(38) 79 #1 Issue: Education 60%(50) 40%(33) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 55%(44) 45%(36) 79 #1 Issue: Other 46%(64) 54%(76) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 71%(724) 29%(291) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 16%(114) 84%(597) 711 2020 Vote: Other 21%(17) 79%(62) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37%(69) 63%(115) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 71%(568) 29%(227) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 19%(114) 81%(490) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 39%(23) 61%(36) 59 2016 Vote: 73%(553) 27%(201) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 19%(132) 81%(550) 682 2016 Vote: Other 46%(58) 54%(69) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 43%(182) 57%(243) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 49%(659) 51%(678) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 41%(266) 59%(389) 655 Continued on next page

10 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table P1

Table P1: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Demographic Right Direction Wrong Track Total N Registered Voters 46%(925) 54%(1067) 1992 4-Region: Northeast 53%(189) 47%(166) 355 4-Region: Midwest 40%(185) 60%(272) 458 4-Region: South 43%(322) 57%(421) 744 4-Region: West 53%(229) 47%(207) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 71%(687) 29%(280) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 17%(127) 83%(599) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

11 Morning Consult Table nr2b

Table nr2b: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic Approve Approve Disapprove Disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(656) 24%(476) 11%(214) 26%(527) 6%(120) 1992 Gender: Male 34%(316) 20%(190) 13%(117) 28%(264) 5%(45) 932 Gender: Female 32%(340) 27%(285) 9%(96) 25%(263) 7%(75) 1060 Age: 18-34 28%(138) 34%(170) 12%(61) 17%(84) 9%(47) 500 Age: 35-44 39%(118) 25%(75) 10%(29) 19%(58) 7%(22) 303 Age: 45-64 32%(231) 20%(148) 9%(68) 33%(241) 5%(37) 725 Age: 65+ 37%(169) 18%(82) 12%(55) 31%(143) 3%(14) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 16%(23) 38%(53) 19%(27) 13%(18) 13%(18) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 37%(214) 30%(173) 9%(50) 17%(96) 7%(42) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 30%(151) 21%(106) 10%(51) 32%(163) 7%(36) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 35%(249) 19%(131) 11%(75) 32%(227) 3%(21) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 62%(492) 28%(222) 4%(34) 3%(24) 3%(25) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 22%(124) 32%(180) 14%(78) 22%(125) 11%(65) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 6%(39) 12%(73) 16%(102) 61%(378) 5%(30) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 65%(222) 22%(74) 5%(16) 5%(18) 3%(12) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 59%(270) 32%(148) 4%(18) 1%(6) 3%(13) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 23%(67) 27%(81) 16%(46) 25%(74) 9%(28) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 21%(57) 36%(99) 11%(31) 19%(51) 13%(37) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 9%(26) 12%(35) 19%(56) 59%(172) 2%(5) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(13) 12%(38) 14%(46) 63%(206) 8%(25) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(370) 29%(184) 6%(35) 4%(25) 4%(22) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 33%(187) 33%(186) 12%(68) 16%(89) 6%(35) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11%(75) 11%(73) 15%(102) 58%(388) 5%(31) 668 Educ: < College 27%(339) 24%(302) 12%(151) 30%(376) 7%(86) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 40%(186) 22%(104) 10%(49) 22%(104) 6%(28) 471 Educ: Post-grad 49%(131) 26%(70) 5%(14) 17%(46) 3%(7) 268 Income: Under 50k 32%(312) 25%(241) 10%(99) 26%(248) 7%(71) 971 Income: 50k-100k 30%(199) 23%(149) 14%(90) 28%(187) 5%(34) 659 Income: 100k+ 40%(145) 24%(86) 7%(24) 25%(91) 4%(15) 362 Ethnicity: White 30%(488) 23%(366) 11%(178) 30%(486) 6%(93) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 36%(70) 28%(54) 16%(31) 16%(31) 4%(7) 193 Ethnicity: Black 54%(135) 28%(71) 5%(13) 8%(20) 5%(14) 253 Continued on next page

12 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table nr2b

Table nr2b: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic Approve Approve Disapprove Disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(656) 24%(476) 11%(214) 26%(527) 6%(120) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 25%(33) 30%(39) 17%(22) 16%(21) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 34%(333) 20%(197) 11%(107) 32%(311) 4%(38) 986 All Non-Christian 59%(70) 18%(22) 9%(10) 11%(14) 3%(4) 119 Atheist 45%(36) 31%(25) 13%(10) 10%(8) 2%(2) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 29%(133) 29%(134) 11%(49) 19%(88) 12%(53) 457 Something Else 24%(84) 28%(99) 11%(37) 30%(107) 7%(24) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 52%(72) 18%(25) 11%(15) 15%(20) 4%(6) 138 Evangelical 30%(172) 20%(116) 11%(63) 34%(195) 4%(25) 572 Non-Evangelical 33%(238) 23%(170) 10%(76) 29%(209) 5%(33) 726 Community: Urban 50%(278) 24%(134) 9%(50) 13%(73) 4%(25) 560 Community: Suburban 28%(252) 28%(250) 11%(102) 28%(249) 6%(53) 905 Community: Rural 24%(127) 17%(92) 12%(62) 39%(205) 8%(42) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(235) 24%(160) 11%(73) 24%(161) 5%(31) 660 Employ: Government 35%(54) 27%(42) 10%(16) 20%(31) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 29%(48) 27%(45) 9%(15) 28%(46) 7%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 20%(24) 21%(26) 8%(10) 43%(54) 8%(10) 124 Employ: Student 24%(14) 37%(21) 20%(11) 8%(5) 11%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 35%(172) 19%(93) 10%(52) 32%(161) 4%(18) 496 Employ: Unemployed 32%(68) 28%(59) 13%(27) 19%(40) 9%(19) 213 Employ: Other 33%(39) 23%(28) 8%(10) 25%(30) 11%(14) 121 Military HH: Yes 33%(116) 17%(61) 12%(43) 33%(117) 5%(19) 356 Military HH: No 33%(540) 25%(415) 10%(171) 25%(410) 6%(101) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 59%(550) 31%(286) 4%(34) 3%(25) 3%(31) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 10%(106) 18%(189) 17%(180) 47%(502) 8%(89) 1067 Biden Job Approve 58%(656) 42%(476) — (0) — (0) — (0) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove — (0) — (0) 29%(214) 71%(527) — (0) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 100%(656) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve — (0) 100%(476) — (0) — (0) — (0) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove — (0) — (0) 100%(214) — (0) — (0) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(527) — (0) 527 Continued on next page

13 Morning Consult Table nr2b

Table nr2b: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic Approve Approve Disapprove Disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(656) 24%(476) 11%(214) 26%(527) 6%(120) 1992 Favorable of Biden 56%(635) 38%(424) 2%(26) 1%(13) 3%(32) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(12) 6%(43) 24%(184) 66%(508) 3%(27) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 86%(582) 11%(77) — (2) 1%(8) 1%(5) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 12%(53) 76%(347) 5%(24) 1%(4) 6%(28) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 2%(3) 19%(38) 63%(126) 9%(18) 7%(14) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(9) 1%(6) 10%(58) 85%(490) 2%(12) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 25%(202) 23%(186) 12%(99) 32%(255) 7%(56) 798 #1 Issue: Security 21%(49) 13%(30) 13%(30) 50%(119) 4%(10) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 48%(148) 26%(82) 9%(29) 11%(33) 6%(17) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 44%(116) 19%(52) 11%(28) 23%(60) 4%(10) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 32%(25) 46%(36) 2%(2) 11%(9) 9%(7) 79 #1 Issue: Education 37%(31) 30%(25) 9%(8) 14%(12) 8%(7) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 36%(28) 37%(29) 10%(8) 13%(10) 5%(4) 79 #1 Issue: Other 40%(57) 26%(36) 7%(10) 20%(29) 7%(9) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 59%(602) 32%(323) 4%(45) 2%(20) 3%(26) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(24) 10%(72) 18%(129) 64%(455) 4%(30) 711 2020 Vote: Other — (0) 35%(28) 27%(21) 17%(13) 21%(17) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16%(29) 29%(52) 10%(19) 20%(37) 25%(47) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 61%(487) 28%(225) 5%(38) 3%(25) 2%(20) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(38) 10%(62) 17%(101) 63%(381) 4%(22) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 7%(4) 23%(14) 23%(14) 22%(13) 25%(15) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 63%(476) 28%(209) 4%(34) 3%(23) 2%(12) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(49) 12%(84) 16%(112) 60%(409) 4%(29) 682 2016 Vote: Other 18%(23) 35%(44) 14%(18) 18%(23) 15%(19) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26%(109) 33%(138) 12%(50) 16%(70) 14%(58) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 38%(508) 20%(269) 10%(128) 29%(386) 3%(46) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 23%(148) 32%(207) 13%(85) 21%(140) 11%(74) 655 4-Region: Northeast 38%(137) 26%(93) 8%(30) 22%(78) 5%(18) 355 4-Region: Midwest 28%(126) 22%(102) 13%(58) 32%(145) 6%(27) 458 4-Region: South 29%(218) 23%(172) 10%(73) 29%(219) 8%(62) 744 4-Region: West 40%(175) 25%(108) 12%(54) 20%(85) 3%(14) 435 Continued on next page

14 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table nr2b

Table nr2b: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic Approve Approve Disapprove Disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(656) 24%(476) 11%(214) 26%(527) 6%(120) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 58%(565) 31%(302) 4%(39) 3%(28) 3%(33) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 6%(42) 11%(83) 17%(127) 60%(437) 5%(38) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

15 Morning Consult Table nr2bNET

Table nr2bNET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Don’t Know / No Demographic Total Approve Total Disapprove Opinion Total N Registered Voters 57%(1132) 37%(740) 6%(120) 1992 Gender: Male 54%(506) 41%(381) 5%(45) 932 Gender: Female 59%(626) 34%(359) 7%(75) 1060 Age: 18-34 62%(308) 29%(146) 9%(47) 500 Age: 35-44 64%(193) 29%(87) 7%(22) 303 Age: 45-64 52%(379) 43%(309) 5%(37) 725 Age: 65+ 54%(251) 43%(198) 3%(14) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 54%(76) 32%(45) 13%(18) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 67%(387) 25%(146) 7%(42) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 51%(257) 42%(214) 7%(36) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 54%(380) 43%(301) 3%(21) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 90%(715) 7%(58) 3%(25) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 53%(305) 35%(203) 11%(65) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 18%(112) 77%(480) 5%(30) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 87%(297) 10%(34) 3%(12) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 92%(418) 5%(24) 3%(13) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 50%(148) 40%(120) 9%(28) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 57%(156) 30%(83) 13%(37) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 21%(61) 78%(228) 2%(5) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 16%(51) 77%(252) 8%(25) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 87%(553) 9%(60) 4%(22) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 66%(373) 28%(157) 6%(35) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 22%(147) 73%(490) 5%(31) 668 Educ: < College 51%(640) 42%(527) 7%(86) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 62%(290) 32%(153) 6%(28) 471 Educ: Post-grad 75%(201) 22%(60) 3%(7) 268 Income: Under 50k 57%(553) 36%(347) 7%(71) 971 Income: 50k-100k 53%(348) 42%(278) 5%(34) 659 Income: 100k+ 64%(231) 32%(116) 4%(15) 362 Ethnicity: White 53%(854) 41%(664) 6%(93) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 64%(124) 32%(62) 4%(7) 193 Ethnicity: Black 82%(206) 13%(33) 5%(14) 253 Continued on next page

16 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table nr2bNET

Table nr2bNET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Don’t Know / No Demographic Total Approve Total Disapprove Opinion Total N Registered Voters 57%(1132) 37%(740) 6%(120) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 56%(71) 34%(43) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 54%(530) 42%(418) 4%(38) 986 All Non-Christian 77%(92) 20%(24) 3%(4) 119 Atheist 76%(61) 23%(18) 2%(2) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 58%(267) 30%(137) 12%(53) 457 Something Else 52%(182) 41%(144) 7%(24) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 70%(97) 26%(36) 4%(6) 138 Evangelical 50%(288) 45%(258) 4%(25) 572 Non-Evangelical 56%(409) 39%(285) 5%(33) 726 Community: Urban 74%(412) 22%(123) 4%(25) 560 Community: Suburban 55%(501) 39%(351) 6%(53) 905 Community: Rural 41%(218) 51%(267) 8%(42) 527 Employ: Private Sector 60%(396) 35%(234) 5%(31) 660 Employ: Government 62%(96) 30%(47) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 56%(93) 37%(61) 7%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 41%(51) 51%(63) 8%(10) 124 Employ: Student 61%(36) 28%(16) 11%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 53%(265) 43%(213) 4%(18) 496 Employ: Unemployed 60%(127) 31%(67) 9%(19) 213 Employ: Other 56%(68) 33%(40) 11%(14) 121 Military HH: Yes 50%(177) 45%(160) 5%(19) 356 Military HH: No 58%(955) 35%(580) 6%(101) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 90%(836) 6%(59) 3%(31) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 28%(296) 64%(682) 8%(89) 1067 Biden Job Approve 100%(1132) — (0) — (0) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove — (0) 100%(740) — (0) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 100%(656) — (0) — (0) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 100%(476) — (0) — (0) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove — (0) 100%(214) — (0) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove — (0) 100%(527) — (0) 527 Continued on next page

17 Morning Consult Table nr2bNET

Table nr2bNET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Don’t Know / No Demographic Total Approve Total Disapprove Opinion Total N Registered Voters 57%(1132) 37%(740) 6%(120) 1992 Favorable of Biden 94%(1059) 3%(39) 3%(32) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 7%(55) 89%(692) 3%(27) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 98%(660) 2%(11) 1%(5) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 88%(400) 6%(28) 6%(28) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 20%(41) 72%(144) 7%(14) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 3%(14) 95%(548) 2%(12) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 48%(387) 44%(355) 7%(56) 798 #1 Issue: Security 33%(79) 63%(149) 4%(10) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 74%(230) 20%(62) 6%(17) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 63%(168) 33%(89) 4%(10) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 78%(61) 13%(11) 9%(7) 79 #1 Issue: Education 68%(57) 24%(20) 8%(7) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 73%(57) 22%(18) 5%(4) 79 #1 Issue: Other 66%(93) 27%(38) 7%(9) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 91%(925) 6%(64) 3%(26) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 14%(96) 82%(584) 4%(30) 711 2020 Vote: Other 35%(28) 44%(34) 21%(17) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 44%(81) 31%(56) 25%(47) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 90%(712) 8%(63) 2%(20) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(100) 80%(482) 4%(22) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 30%(18) 45%(27) 25%(15) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 91%(684) 8%(57) 2%(12) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 19%(133) 76%(521) 4%(29) 682 2016 Vote: Other 53%(67) 32%(40) 15%(19) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 58%(247) 28%(120) 14%(58) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 58%(776) 39%(515) 3%(46) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 54%(355) 34%(225) 11%(74) 655 4-Region: Northeast 65%(230) 30%(108) 5%(18) 355 4-Region: Midwest 50%(229) 44%(202) 6%(27) 458 4-Region: South 53%(391) 39%(291) 8%(62) 744 4-Region: West 65%(283) 32%(139) 3%(14) 435 Continued on next page

18 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table nr2bNET

Table nr2bNET: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President? Don’t Know / No Demographic Total Approve Total Disapprove Opinion Total N Registered Voters 57%(1132) 37%(740) 6%(120) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 90%(867) 7%(67) 3%(33) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 17%(124) 78%(564) 5%(38) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

19 Morning Consult Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?

Economic Security Health Education Issues – Issues – Care Issues Women’s Issues – like Energy Issues like taxes, like – like the Seniors Issues – school – like carbon wages, terrorism, 2010 health Issues – like birth standards, emissions, jobs, foreign care law, like control, class sizes, cost of unemploy- policy, and , Medicare abortion, school choice, electric- ment, and border other and Social and equal and student ity/gasoline, Demographic spending security challenges Security pay loans or renewables Other: Total N Registered Voters 40%(798) 12%(238) 15%(309) 13%(266) 4%(79) 4%(83) 4%(79) 7%(141) 1992 Gender: Male 41%(384) 15%(141) 16%(148) 12%(112) 1%(10) 4%(34) 4%(39) 7%(64) 932 Gender: Female 39%(414) 9%(96) 15%(161) 14%(154) 7%(69) 5%(49) 4%(40) 7%(77) 1060 Age: 18-34 44%(218) 12%(59) 17%(83) 2%(8) 6%(32) 8%(39) 7%(34) 5%(27) 500 Age: 35-44 49%(149) 9%(28) 17%(51) 3%(10) 6%(18) 8%(23) 4%(12) 4%(13) 303 Age: 45-64 44%(319) 11%(83) 18%(128) 12%(83) 3%(19) 2%(18) 3%(21) 8%(55) 725 Age: 65+ 24%(113) 15%(68) 10%(47) 35%(164) 2%(10) 1%(4) 3%(12) 10%(45) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 39%(55) 8%(11) 21%(29) — (0) 9%(12) 9%(12) 8%(11) 7%(10) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 47%(272) 11%(64) 16%(94) 2%(11) 5%(32) 8%(47) 5%(30) 4%(25) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 50%(255) 11%(57) 17%(85) 5%(26) 3%(13) 3%(14) 3%(17) 8%(40) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 29%(201) 13%(90) 14%(95) 29%(201) 3%(22) 1%(8) 3%(19) 9%(64) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 36%(289) 6%(48) 18%(144) 16%(128) 6%(49) 4%(35) 5%(41) 8%(64) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 38%(219) 10%(57) 17%(99) 13%(74) 3%(18) 5%(27) 4%(24) 9%(54) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 47%(290) 21%(133) 10%(65) 10%(64) 2%(11) 3%(22) 2%(14) 4%(23) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 40%(136) 9%(30) 17%(60) 16%(55) 1%(4) 4%(14) 6%(21) 7%(22) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 34%(153) 4%(17) 19%(84) 16%(74) 10%(45) 4%(20) 5%(21) 9%(41) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 40%(118) 14%(42) 18%(55) 11%(32) — (0) 3%(9) 4%(11) 10%(29) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 36%(100) 5%(15) 16%(45) 15%(42) 7%(18) 7%(18) 5%(13) 9%(25) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 44%(130) 23%(69) 11%(33) 9%(26) 2%(5) 4%(11) 3%(8) 4%(13) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 49%(160) 19%(64) 10%(32) 12%(38) 2%(6) 3%(11) 2%(6) 3%(11) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 33%(207) 5%(31) 23%(144) 12%(75) 6%(39) 6%(36) 7%(41) 10%(63) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 39%(220) 11%(64) 16%(92) 16%(92) 3%(15) 4%(20) 4%(25) 7%(37) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 47%(313) 19%(126) 9%(58) 14%(94) 3%(17) 3%(21) 1%(8) 5%(31) 668 Continued on next page

20 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?

Economic Security Health Education Issues – Issues – Care Issues Women’s Issues – like Energy Issues like taxes, like – like the Seniors Issues – school – like carbon wages, terrorism, 2010 health Issues – like birth standards, emissions, jobs, foreign care law, like control, class sizes, cost of unemploy- policy, and Medicaid, Medicare abortion, school choice, electric- ment, and border other and Social and equal and student ity/gasoline, Demographic spending security challenges Security pay loans or renewables Other: Total N Registered Voters 40%(798) 12%(238) 15%(309) 13%(266) 4%(79) 4%(83) 4%(79) 7%(141) 1992 Educ: < College 38%(479) 12%(150) 15%(183) 17%(209) 4%(54) 3%(35) 4%(44) 8%(99) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 43%(201) 12%(59) 16%(73) 8%(39) 3%(15) 7%(33) 5%(25) 6%(27) 471 Educ: Post-grad 44%(117) 11%(29) 20%(53) 7%(18) 4%(10) 6%(16) 4%(10) 5%(15) 268 Income: Under 50k 36%(354) 9%(92) 16%(153) 17%(166) 5%(49) 4%(41) 3%(32) 9%(83) 971 Income: 50k-100k 40%(265) 15%(97) 17%(110) 11%(74) 3%(18) 4%(25) 5%(36) 5%(34) 659 Income: 100k+ 49%(178) 14%(49) 13%(46) 7%(25) 3%(12) 5%(17) 3%(11) 7%(24) 362 Ethnicity: White 39%(634) 13%(210) 15%(243) 14%(227) 4%(60) 4%(60) 4%(67) 7%(111) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 43%(83) 8%(16) 17%(33) 7%(13) 6%(12) 6%(12) 6%(11) 7%(13) 193 Ethnicity: Black 45%(112) 6%(14) 16%(41) 12%(31) 4%(11) 7%(19) 2%(5) 8%(19) 253 Ethnicity: Other 40%(52) 11%(14) 19%(24) 6%(8) 7%(8) 4%(5) 5%(7) 8%(10) 128 All Christian 39%(384) 15%(148) 14%(137) 16%(158) 3%(31) 4%(37) 4%(35) 6%(57) 986 All Non-Christian 37%(44) 7%(8) 21%(25) 15%(18) 2%(3) 5%(6) 3%(4) 10%(12) 119 Atheist 27%(22) 6%(4) 32%(25) 4%(3) 6%(5) 9%(7) 10%(8) 7%(6) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 44%(202) 8%(37) 16%(73) 9%(43) 6%(29) 4%(19) 4%(18) 8%(36) 457 Something Else 42%(146) 11%(40) 14%(49) 13%(44) 3%(11) 4%(15) 4%(14) 9%(31) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 37%(51) 7%(10) 19%(26) 15%(21) 2%(3) 5%(7) 6%(8) 8%(12) 138 Evangelical 42%(239) 17%(99) 14%(77) 14%(79) 3%(15) 4%(23) 2%(11) 5%(28) 572 Non-Evangelical 38%(275) 12%(84) 14%(104) 16%(119) 3%(24) 4%(28) 5%(33) 8%(59) 726 Community: Urban 41%(230) 11%(64) 17%(97) 13%(75) 3%(19) 6%(34) 4%(24) 3%(17) 560 Community: Suburban 39%(356) 12%(109) 16%(144) 11%(100) 5%(48) 4%(38) 3%(31) 9%(79) 905 Community: Rural 40%(212) 12%(65) 13%(67) 17%(91) 2%(12) 2%(12) 4%(24) 9%(45) 527 Continued on next page

21 Morning Consult Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?

Economic Security Health Education Issues – Issues – Care Issues Women’s Issues – like Energy Issues like taxes, like – like the Seniors Issues – school – like carbon wages, terrorism, 2010 health Issues – like birth standards, emissions, jobs, foreign care law, like control, class sizes, cost of unemploy- policy, and Medicaid, Medicare abortion, school choice, electric- ment, and border other and Social and equal and student ity/gasoline, Demographic spending security challenges Security pay loans or renewables Other: Total N Registered Voters 40%(798) 12%(238) 15%(309) 13%(266) 4%(79) 4%(83) 4%(79) 7%(141) 1992 Employ: Private Sector 49%(323) 13%(83) 16%(102) 5%(34) 4%(30) 5%(33) 4%(25) 5%(30) 660 Employ: Government 43%(67) 13%(20) 15%(22) 5%(8) 2%(4) 8%(13) 7%(10) 6%(9) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 47%(78) 8%(13) 19%(32) 6%(10) 2%(3) 6%(9) 4%(7) 8%(13) 165 Employ: Homemaker 47%(59) 8%(9) 20%(25) 10%(12) 4%(5) 4%(5) 3%(4) 5%(7) 124 Employ: Student 33%(19) 9%(5) 23%(13) 2%(1) 13%(7) 10%(6) 6%(4) 4%(2) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(117) 13%(64) 12%(57) 36%(178) 2%(10) 1%(7) 2%(12) 11%(52) 496 Employ: Unemployed 43%(92) 13%(29) 16%(35) 5%(12) 6%(12) 3%(6) 7%(14) 7%(14) 213 Employ: Other 37%(44) 12%(15) 18%(22) 9%(11) 8%(9) 4%(5) 3%(3) 10%(12) 121 Military HH: Yes 33%(118) 18%(64) 16%(56) 16%(57) 2%(8) 2%(9) 5%(16) 8%(28) 356 Military HH: No 42%(680) 11%(173) 15%(253) 13%(209) 4%(71) 5%(75) 4%(63) 7%(113) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 34%(317) 7%(69) 21%(198) 15%(143) 4%(41) 5%(50) 5%(44) 7%(64) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 45%(481) 16%(169) 10%(110) 12%(123) 4%(38) 3%(33) 3%(36) 7%(76) 1067 Biden Job Approve 34%(387) 7%(79) 20%(230) 15%(168) 5%(61) 5%(57) 5%(57) 8%(93) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 48%(355) 20%(149) 8%(62) 12%(89) 1%(11) 3%(20) 2%(18) 5%(38) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 31%(202) 7%(49) 23%(148) 18%(116) 4%(25) 5%(31) 4%(28) 9%(57) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 39%(186) 6%(30) 17%(82) 11%(52) 8%(36) 5%(25) 6%(29) 8%(36) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 47%(99) 14%(30) 13%(29) 13%(28) 1%(2) 4%(8) 4%(8) 4%(10) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 48%(255) 23%(119) 6%(33) 11%(60) 2%(9) 2%(12) 2%(10) 5%(29) 527 Favorable of Biden 35%(391) 7%(80) 21%(234) 15%(174) 5%(60) 4%(48) 5%(52) 8%(92) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 48%(369) 20%(152) 8%(62) 11%(82) 2%(16) 4%(31) 3%(22) 5%(40) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 31%(212) 7%(51) 22%(148) 18%(119) 5%(32) 4%(27) 4%(26) 9%(60) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 39%(179) 6%(30) 19%(86) 12%(55) 6%(28) 5%(21) 6%(25) 7%(32) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 47%(94) 13%(25) 11%(22) 12%(23) 1%(3) 7%(13) 4%(8) 5%(11) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 48%(275) 22%(127) 7%(40) 10%(59) 2%(14) 3%(17) 2%(14) 5%(29) 574 Continued on next page

22 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?

Economic Security Health Education Issues – Issues – Care Issues Women’s Issues – like Energy Issues like taxes, like – like the Seniors Issues – school – like carbon wages, terrorism, 2010 health Issues – like birth standards, emissions, jobs, foreign care law, like control, class sizes, cost of unemploy- policy, and Medicaid, Medicare abortion, school choice, electric- ment, and border other and Social and equal and student ity/gasoline, Demographic spending security challenges Security pay loans or renewables Other: Total N Registered Voters 40%(798) 12%(238) 15%(309) 13%(266) 4%(79) 4%(83) 4%(79) 7%(141) 1992 #1 Issue: Economy 100%(798) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 798 #1 Issue: Security — (0) 100%(238) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care — (0) — (0) 100%(309) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(266) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(79) — (0) — (0) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Education — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(83) — (0) — (0) 83 #1 Issue: Energy — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(79) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Other — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) — (0) 100%(141) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 34%(343) 6%(64) 20%(205) 16%(158) 6%(58) 5%(49) 5%(49) 9%(90) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 46%(327) 21%(150) 10%(69) 13%(93) 2%(11) 2%(16) 2%(15) 4%(29) 711 2020 Vote: Other 46%(36) 6%(5) 16%(12) 10%(8) — (0) 8%(6) 6%(5) 8%(6) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 50%(92) 10%(18) 11%(21) 3%(6) 5%(10) 7%(12) 6%(11) 8%(14) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 32%(254) 7%(59) 21%(163) 18%(141) 5%(40) 4%(32) 4%(35) 9%(70) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 47%(281) 23%(139) 10%(59) 11%(64) 2%(11) 3%(17) 2%(13) 3%(20) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 44%(26) 3%(2) 18%(10) 19%(11) 3%(2) 2%(1) 5%(3) 5%(3) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 33%(247) 7%(55) 20%(149) 16%(123) 6%(44) 4%(32) 5%(36) 9%(67) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 47%(318) 20%(139) 9%(65) 14%(97) 1%(9) 2%(14) 2%(12) 4%(28) 682 2016 Vote: Other 41%(52) 6%(7) 23%(29) 11%(14) 2%(2) 5%(7) 5%(7) 7%(9) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 42%(179) 8%(35) 16%(66) 7%(32) 5%(23) 7%(31) 6%(24) 8%(36) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 37%(500) 13%(180) 16%(220) 16%(207) 4%(48) 3%(41) 3%(46) 7%(94) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 45%(298) 9%(58) 14%(88) 9%(58) 5%(31) 6%(42) 5%(33) 7%(47) 655 Continued on next page

23 Morning Consult Table P3

Table P3: Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?

Economic Security Health Education Issues – Issues – Care Issues Women’s Issues – like Energy Issues like taxes, like – like the Seniors Issues – school – like carbon wages, terrorism, 2010 health Issues – like birth standards, emissions, jobs, foreign care law, like control, class sizes, cost of unemploy- policy, and Medicaid, Medicare abortion, school choice, electric- ment, and border other and Social and equal and student ity/gasoline, Demographic spending security challenges Security pay loans or renewables Other: Total N Registered Voters 40%(798) 12%(238) 15%(309) 13%(266) 4%(79) 4%(83) 4%(79) 7%(141) 1992 4-Region: Northeast 41%(147) 17%(61) 14%(48) 13%(45) 3%(9) 3%(12) 4%(14) 5%(19) 355 4-Region: Midwest 44%(200) 10%(44) 14%(66) 12%(53) 5%(23) 4%(20) 4%(17) 7%(34) 458 4-Region: South 39%(289) 12%(92) 14%(107) 14%(101) 4%(31) 4%(32) 4%(28) 9%(63) 744 4-Region: West 37%(161) 9%(40) 20%(88) 15%(66) 4%(15) 4%(19) 5%(21) 6%(24) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 34%(332) 7%(63) 20%(191) 16%(151) 6%(58) 4%(40) 5%(51) 8%(81) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 47%(341) 21%(152) 10%(72) 10%(76) 2%(13) 4%(26) 2%(16) 4%(32) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

24 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The economy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(492) 27%(530) 11%(219) 26%(510) 12%(241) 1992 Gender: Male 25%(233) 27%(248) 10%(96) 29%(266) 9%(88) 932 Gender: Female 24%(259) 27%(282) 12%(122) 23%(244) 14%(153) 1060 Age: 18-34 22%(110) 29%(145) 14%(69) 18%(89) 17%(88) 500 Age: 35-44 29%(87) 31%(93) 9%(29) 18%(54) 13%(40) 303 Age: 45-64 24%(173) 24%(174) 10%(75) 32%(231) 10%(72) 725 Age: 65+ 26%(123) 25%(118) 10%(46) 29%(136) 9%(41) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 17%(24) 27%(38) 20%(27) 15%(21) 21%(29) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(159) 31%(178) 10%(59) 16%(95) 15%(84) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 21%(107) 25%(127) 10%(49) 32%(163) 12%(61) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 27%(188) 24%(171) 11%(77) 29%(207) 8%(59) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 47%(377) 34%(272) 7%(57) 2%(19) 9%(74) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(90) 30%(173) 13%(73) 24%(139) 17%(98) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(26) 14%(85) 14%(89) 57%(353) 11%(69) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 50%(171) 33%(112) 7%(23) 3%(12) 7%(24) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 45%(206) 35%(160) 7%(33) 2%(7) 11%(50) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(49) 28%(82) 12%(36) 28%(84) 15%(45) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 15%(41) 33%(90) 13%(37) 20%(55) 19%(53) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 4%(13) 18%(54) 13%(37) 58%(170) 7%(19) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(13) 10%(31) 16%(52) 56%(182) 15%(49) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44%(282) 36%(226) 8%(48) 4%(22) 9%(58) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(139) 34%(194) 11%(63) 17%(94) 13%(75) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7%(50) 13%(89) 14%(95) 55%(367) 10%(67) 668 Educ: < College 21%(263) 24%(307) 11%(134) 29%(366) 15%(184) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 29%(135) 30%(139) 12%(55) 21%(97) 9%(45) 471 Educ: Post-grad 35%(95) 31%(84) 11%(30) 18%(47) 5%(13) 268 Income: Under 50k 24%(232) 26%(254) 10%(97) 25%(241) 15%(147) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(157) 25%(163) 12%(82) 29%(190) 10%(67) 659 Income: 100k+ 29%(104) 31%(113) 11%(40) 22%(79) 7%(27) 362 Ethnicity: White 22%(360) 25%(409) 11%(179) 29%(474) 12%(188) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(55) 28%(55) 16%(31) 17%(33) 10%(19) 193 Continued on next page

25 Morning Consult Table POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The economy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(492) 27%(530) 11%(219) 26%(510) 12%(241) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 40%(101) 33%(82) 7%(18) 5%(13) 15%(38) 253 Ethnicity: Other 24%(31) 30%(39) 17%(22) 17%(22) 11%(15) 128 All Christian 26%(259) 23%(225) 12%(118) 30%(293) 9%(91) 986 All Non-Christian 42%(50) 29%(34) 12%(15) 9%(11) 8%(10) 119 Atheist 29%(23) 45%(36) 11%(9) 10%(8) 6%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21%(95) 29%(134) 9%(43) 20%(91) 21%(94) 457 Something Else 19%(65) 29%(101) 10%(35) 31%(107) 12%(42) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 37%(52) 27%(37) 12%(17) 15%(21) 9%(12) 138 Evangelical 25%(144) 21%(122) 13%(77) 30%(174) 10%(55) 572 Non-Evangelical 24%(175) 27%(193) 10%(72) 29%(212) 10%(73) 726 Community: Urban 37%(206) 31%(175) 9%(53) 14%(79) 8%(47) 560 Community: Suburban 22%(201) 27%(242) 11%(98) 25%(229) 15%(134) 905 Community: Rural 16%(85) 22%(114) 13%(68) 38%(202) 11%(59) 527 Employ: Private Sector 27%(177) 27%(180) 12%(77) 24%(160) 10%(66) 660 Employ: Government 20%(31) 36%(55) 13%(19) 17%(26) 14%(21) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 25%(41) 29%(49) 9%(14) 29%(48) 8%(13) 165 Employ: Homemaker 11%(14) 25%(31) 11%(14) 32%(40) 20%(25) 124 Employ: Student 21%(12) 23%(13) 20%(12) 18%(11) 17%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 25%(125) 24%(121) 10%(49) 31%(153) 10%(48) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(60) 25%(53) 10%(21) 20%(43) 17%(35) 213 Employ: Other 25%(31) 23%(28) 9%(11) 24%(29) 18%(22) 121 Military HH: Yes 25%(89) 25%(89) 8%(28) 33%(117) 9%(32) 356 Military HH: No 25%(403) 27%(441) 12%(190) 24%(393) 13%(209) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 44%(405) 37%(345) 6%(54) 3%(30) 10%(92) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 8%(87) 17%(185) 15%(165) 45%(480) 14%(149) 1067 Biden Job Approve 42%(478) 40%(457) 7%(74) 1%(16) 9%(107) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 1%(11) 8%(56) 18%(134) 65%(484) 7%(55) 740 Continued on next page

26 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The economy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(492) 27%(530) 11%(219) 26%(510) 12%(241) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 65%(426) 28%(185) 3%(17) 1%(5) 4%(24) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 11%(52) 57%(271) 12%(57) 2%(12) 17%(83) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 2%(5) 17%(37) 38%(82) 29%(62) 13%(27) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 1%(6) 4%(19) 10%(52) 80%(422) 5%(27) 527 Favorable of Biden 42%(476) 41%(462) 6%(68) 1%(10) 10%(115) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(13) 7%(54) 19%(147) 63%(487) 9%(73) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 63%(422) 30%(205) 2%(11) — (3) 5%(34) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 12%(54) 56%(257) 12%(57) 2%(7) 18%(81) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 2%(4) 18%(35) 38%(75) 24%(48) 19%(38) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(10) 3%(19) 13%(72) 76%(439) 6%(35) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 19%(155) 25%(196) 12%(92) 33%(261) 12%(93) 798 #1 Issue: Security 18%(44) 17%(40) 15%(37) 41%(97) 8%(20) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 36%(112) 31%(95) 11%(33) 9%(28) 13%(40) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28%(76) 30%(81) 8%(22) 21%(55) 12%(32) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 34%(26) 29%(23) 10%(8) 11%(9) 16%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Education 17%(14) 37%(31) 17%(14) 15%(12) 15%(13) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 28%(22) 35%(28) 7%(5) 18%(14) 12%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 31%(43) 26%(36) 5%(7) 24%(33) 15%(22) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 44%(446) 39%(393) 7%(67) 2%(17) 9%(93) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(20) 11%(78) 16%(111) 61%(431) 10%(71) 711 2020 Vote: Other 5%(4) 12%(10) 23%(18) 26%(20) 35%(28) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(22) 27%(49) 13%(24) 22%(41) 26%(48) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 48%(380) 36%(283) 6%(46) 3%(23) 8%(62) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 4%(23) 13%(77) 17%(100) 58%(353) 8%(51) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 6%(4) 13%(8) 20%(12) 25%(15) 36%(22) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 48%(364) 36%(273) 5%(36) 3%(22) 8%(60) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(32) 15%(104) 15%(105) 57%(386) 8%(55) 682 2016 Vote: Other 16%(21) 26%(32) 14%(17) 22%(28) 22%(28) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18%(76) 28%(119) 14%(60) 17%(72) 23%(97) 425 Continued on next page

27 Morning Consult Table POL1_1

Table POL1_1: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The economy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(492) 27%(530) 11%(219) 26%(510) 12%(241) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 28%(381) 26%(349) 10%(132) 27%(357) 9%(118) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 17%(112) 28%(181) 13%(86) 23%(153) 19%(123) 655 4-Region: Northeast 26%(93) 31%(112) 11%(40) 21%(75) 10%(35) 355 4-Region: Midwest 22%(103) 24%(112) 9%(41) 32%(145) 12%(57) 458 4-Region: South 24%(177) 24%(175) 11%(84) 27%(201) 14%(107) 744 4-Region: West 27%(119) 30%(131) 12%(53) 20%(89) 10%(42) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 45%(433) 36%(347) 7%(68) 2%(22) 10%(96) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(26) 14%(100) 15%(106) 58%(418) 10%(76) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

28 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_2

Table POL1_2: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Jobs Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(478) 25%(493) 10%(200) 25%(489) 17%(332) 1992 Gender: Male 25%(229) 25%(235) 10%(91) 26%(246) 14%(131) 932 Gender: Female 24%(249) 24%(257) 10%(109) 23%(243) 19%(201) 1060 Age: 18-34 21%(106) 30%(150) 15%(74) 16%(79) 18%(92) 500 Age: 35-44 31%(95) 22%(68) 9%(27) 17%(51) 21%(63) 303 Age: 45-64 23%(167) 21%(152) 9%(65) 31%(227) 16%(115) 725 Age: 65+ 24%(110) 27%(123) 7%(34) 29%(133) 14%(63) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 16%(22) 29%(41) 18%(25) 16%(23) 21%(29) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(163) 29%(165) 11%(66) 14%(81) 17%(100) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 22%(110) 20%(99) 9%(45) 32%(164) 17%(88) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 24%(171) 24%(170) 8%(57) 29%(201) 15%(103) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 45%(359) 35%(281) 7%(52) 2%(17) 11%(89) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(91) 25%(143) 11%(64) 22%(129) 26%(147) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(28) 11%(70) 13%(84) 55%(343) 16%(96) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 48%(163) 36%(124) 5%(18) 2%(7) 9%(31) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 43%(196) 34%(157) 8%(34) 2%(11) 13%(58) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(49) 24%(70) 11%(31) 27%(79) 23%(67) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 15%(42) 26%(72) 12%(33) 18%(50) 29%(80) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(17) 14%(42) 14%(42) 55%(160) 11%(33) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 3%(11) 9%(28) 13%(42) 56%(183) 19%(63) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 44%(279) 33%(212) 7%(45) 3%(19) 13%(81) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 22%(122) 33%(185) 10%(59) 17%(97) 18%(102) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(56) 12%(77) 13%(86) 52%(346) 15%(103) 668 Educ: < College 21%(260) 22%(270) 10%(131) 27%(343) 20%(249) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 27%(127) 29%(136) 10%(47) 21%(101) 13%(60) 471 Educ: Post-grad 34%(91) 33%(87) 8%(22) 17%(45) 9%(23) 268 Income: Under 50k 24%(228) 24%(229) 9%(86) 24%(234) 20%(194) 971 Income: 50k-100k 22%(148) 24%(158) 12%(81) 26%(172) 15%(100) 659 Income: 100k+ 28%(102) 29%(105) 9%(34) 23%(83) 10%(38) 362 Ethnicity: White 21%(342) 24%(384) 10%(157) 28%(450) 17%(278) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 28%(55) 29%(57) 11%(22) 18%(34) 13%(26) 193 Continued on next page

29 Morning Consult Table POL1_2

Table POL1_2: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Jobs Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(478) 25%(493) 10%(200) 25%(489) 17%(332) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 42%(106) 26%(66) 9%(24) 7%(17) 16%(40) 253 Ethnicity: Other 23%(29) 33%(43) 15%(20) 17%(22) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 25%(244) 23%(229) 10%(103) 28%(276) 14%(133) 986 All Non-Christian 41%(48) 24%(29) 11%(13) 10%(12) 15%(18) 119 Atheist 29%(23) 39%(31) 11%(9) 11%(9) 10%(8) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(90) 27%(121) 11%(49) 19%(86) 24%(109) 457 Something Else 20%(72) 23%(82) 8%(26) 30%(106) 18%(63) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(49) 25%(35) 11%(15) 13%(18) 15%(21) 138 Evangelical 25%(143) 20%(115) 9%(54) 30%(174) 15%(86) 572 Non-Evangelical 23%(169) 25%(185) 10%(72) 27%(197) 14%(103) 726 Community: Urban 36%(203) 28%(157) 9%(50) 14%(79) 12%(69) 560 Community: Suburban 21%(188) 25%(225) 11%(97) 24%(222) 19%(174) 905 Community: Rural 16%(86) 21%(110) 10%(53) 36%(188) 17%(89) 527 Employ: Private Sector 27%(177) 26%(170) 11%(74) 23%(154) 13%(86) 660 Employ: Government 21%(33) 32%(49) 13%(20) 20%(30) 14%(22) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 23%(38) 27%(44) 9%(15) 27%(44) 15%(24) 165 Employ: Homemaker 14%(17) 19%(24) 12%(14) 28%(35) 27%(34) 124 Employ: Student 14%(8) 33%(19) 16%(9) 21%(12) 15%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 22%(111) 26%(131) 6%(31) 29%(146) 16%(77) 496 Employ: Unemployed 29%(62) 17%(36) 9%(19) 21%(45) 23%(50) 213 Employ: Other 26%(31) 16%(20) 15%(18) 18%(22) 24%(30) 121 Military HH: Yes 22%(77) 26%(93) 7%(25) 31%(111) 14%(49) 356 Military HH: No 24%(400) 24%(400) 11%(175) 23%(378) 17%(283) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 42%(390) 36%(334) 5%(47) 3%(29) 13%(124) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 8%(88) 15%(158) 14%(153) 43%(460) 19%(208) 1067 Biden Job Approve 40%(458) 38%(427) 6%(65) 2%(24) 14%(157) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(15) 6%(47) 17%(125) 62%(460) 13%(93) 740 Continued on next page

30 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_2

Table POL1_2: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Jobs Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(478) 25%(493) 10%(200) 25%(489) 17%(332) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 63%(415) 27%(176) 2%(15) 2%(10) 6%(40) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 9%(44) 53%(251) 11%(50) 3%(14) 25%(117) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(7) 16%(33) 35%(75) 23%(49) 23%(50) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(8) 3%(14) 10%(50) 78%(411) 8%(43) 527 Favorable of Biden 40%(456) 39%(441) 6%(66) 1%(12) 14%(156) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(15) 5%(40) 17%(130) 60%(467) 16%(122) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 61%(415) 29%(196) 2%(12) 1%(5) 7%(47) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 9%(42) 54%(245) 12%(53) 1%(7) 24%(109) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 3%(5) 13%(27) 31%(62) 22%(45) 30%(60) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(10) 2%(13) 12%(68) 74%(423) 11%(61) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 19%(155) 22%(176) 12%(96) 31%(246) 16%(125) 798 #1 Issue: Security 18%(42) 15%(36) 13%(31) 44%(104) 10%(25) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 34%(105) 28%(88) 10%(29) 10%(31) 18%(55) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24%(63) 32%(84) 6%(16) 18%(48) 20%(54) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 31%(24) 29%(23) 9%(7) 7%(5) 24%(19) 79 #1 Issue: Education 24%(20) 32%(27) 10%(8) 19%(16) 16%(13) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 27%(21) 35%(28) 10%(8) 13%(10) 15%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Other 34%(48) 22%(31) 3%(5) 20%(28) 20%(29) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 42%(426) 37%(377) 7%(69) 1%(14) 13%(129) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(22) 9%(62) 14%(99) 59%(421) 15%(107) 711 2020 Vote: Other 2%(2) 10%(8) 19%(15) 28%(22) 41%(32) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(28) 24%(45) 10%(18) 17%(31) 34%(62) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 45%(359) 34%(274) 6%(47) 2%(19) 12%(96) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(28) 11%(69) 13%(81) 57%(347) 13%(79) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 4%(2) 14%(8) 12%(7) 23%(14) 48%(28) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 46%(350) 35%(266) 5%(35) 2%(18) 11%(85) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(33) 13%(91) 14%(94) 55%(375) 13%(90) 682 2016 Vote: Other 13%(16) 22%(28) 11%(14) 20%(25) 34%(43) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(79) 25%(106) 14%(58) 16%(69) 27%(114) 425 Continued on next page

31 Morning Consult Table POL1_2

Table POL1_2: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Jobs Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(478) 25%(493) 10%(200) 25%(489) 17%(332) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 27%(365) 24%(326) 9%(121) 26%(349) 13%(177) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 17%(113) 25%(167) 12%(79) 21%(141) 24%(155) 655 4-Region: Northeast 26%(92) 28%(98) 11%(39) 19%(69) 16%(58) 355 4-Region: Midwest 20%(93) 23%(104) 11%(49) 29%(133) 17%(79) 458 4-Region: South 24%(179) 22%(162) 10%(74) 27%(199) 17%(129) 744 4-Region: West 26%(113) 29%(128) 9%(39) 20%(89) 15%(67) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 43%(412) 36%(346) 7%(63) 2%(20) 13%(125) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(31) 11%(79) 14%(102) 55%(399) 16%(114) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

32 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_3

Table POL1_3: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Health care Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(514) 26%(511) 10%(208) 21%(420) 17%(340) 1992 Gender: Male 26%(244) 27%(254) 9%(87) 23%(218) 14%(129) 932 Gender: Female 25%(270) 24%(256) 11%(121) 19%(201) 20%(211) 1060 Age: 18-34 21%(107) 31%(156) 11%(57) 14%(69) 22%(111) 500 Age: 35-44 32%(98) 24%(74) 10%(30) 14%(43) 19%(59) 303 Age: 45-64 24%(172) 23%(169) 11%(77) 27%(193) 16%(114) 725 Age: 65+ 30%(137) 24%(111) 9%(44) 25%(115) 12%(56) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 17%(23) 32%(44) 13%(18) 11%(15) 28%(39) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(160) 29%(169) 11%(63) 14%(79) 18%(104) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 23%(114) 24%(121) 9%(46) 26%(134) 18%(92) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 29%(201) 22%(157) 10%(72) 25%(176) 14%(95) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 48%(380) 34%(269) 6%(46) 2%(15) 11%(88) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 17%(99) 27%(157) 10%(60) 19%(111) 25%(145) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(34) 14%(85) 16%(102) 47%(294) 17%(107) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 52%(177) 35%(120) 3%(11) 2%(7) 8%(27) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 45%(204) 33%(149) 8%(35) 2%(8) 13%(60) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(51) 27%(80) 10%(30) 24%(72) 22%(64) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 18%(49) 28%(77) 11%(30) 14%(39) 29%(81) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(17) 18%(54) 15%(45) 48%(140) 13%(38) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(17) 9%(30) 17%(57) 47%(154) 21%(70) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 46%(294) 33%(212) 6%(35) 3%(19) 12%(76) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(140) 33%(185) 13%(71) 13%(75) 17%(94) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(55) 15%(101) 14%(94) 46%(305) 17%(112) 668 Educ: < College 22%(275) 24%(303) 11%(134) 23%(294) 20%(246) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 28%(133) 27%(129) 11%(53) 18%(84) 15%(72) 471 Educ: Post-grad 40%(106) 29%(78) 8%(21) 15%(41) 8%(21) 268 Income: Under 50k 25%(244) 24%(234) 9%(88) 21%(203) 21%(201) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(160) 26%(169) 14%(91) 22%(145) 14%(94) 659 Income: 100k+ 30%(109) 30%(107) 8%(29) 20%(72) 12%(45) 362 Ethnicity: White 24%(389) 24%(386) 11%(171) 24%(385) 17%(280) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(55) 30%(59) 12%(23) 11%(20) 19%(36) 193 Continued on next page

33 Morning Consult Table POL1_3

Table POL1_3: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Health care Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(514) 26%(511) 10%(208) 21%(420) 17%(340) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 38%(96) 33%(83) 8%(20) 6%(14) 15%(39) 253 Ethnicity: Other 22%(28) 32%(41) 13%(17) 16%(20) 16%(21) 128 All Christian 28%(278) 23%(226) 11%(104) 25%(248) 13%(129) 986 All Non-Christian 44%(52) 28%(33) 7%(8) 9%(11) 12%(14) 119 Atheist 28%(22) 43%(34) 8%(6) 10%(8) 11%(9) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21%(94) 28%(128) 10%(44) 14%(66) 27%(124) 457 Something Else 19%(66) 25%(89) 13%(46) 25%(86) 18%(63) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(54) 29%(40) 7%(9) 12%(17) 13%(17) 138 Evangelical 25%(143) 22%(128) 11%(63) 27%(156) 14%(82) 572 Non-Evangelical 27%(193) 24%(176) 12%(84) 23%(169) 14%(105) 726 Community: Urban 37%(208) 30%(168) 9%(49) 10%(57) 14%(76) 560 Community: Suburban 23%(208) 27%(241) 11%(95) 21%(192) 19%(168) 905 Community: Rural 19%(98) 19%(101) 12%(64) 32%(170) 18%(95) 527 Employ: Private Sector 27%(178) 25%(167) 12%(80) 21%(136) 15%(99) 660 Employ: Government 27%(41) 31%(47) 8%(12) 18%(27) 17%(26) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 22%(37) 28%(46) 5%(8) 25%(41) 20%(32) 165 Employ: Homemaker 14%(18) 26%(32) 11%(14) 26%(32) 23%(28) 124 Employ: Student 20%(12) 32%(19) 15%(8) 15%(9) 18%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 27%(135) 25%(126) 10%(51) 23%(115) 14%(70) 496 Employ: Unemployed 26%(55) 25%(52) 9%(19) 19%(40) 22%(47) 213 Employ: Other 31%(38) 17%(21) 13%(16) 16%(19) 23%(27) 121 Military HH: Yes 27%(94) 24%(87) 9%(34) 25%(89) 15%(52) 356 Military HH: No 26%(419) 26%(424) 11%(175) 20%(331) 18%(288) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 46%(428) 34%(318) 6%(55) 2%(20) 11%(103) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 8%(85) 18%(192) 14%(153) 37%(399) 22%(237) 1067 Biden Job Approve 43%(483) 38%(426) 6%(63) 2%(23) 12%(136) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 3%(23) 9%(67) 18%(136) 53%(393) 16%(121) 740 Continued on next page

34 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_3

Table POL1_3: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Health care Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(514) 26%(511) 10%(208) 21%(420) 17%(340) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 65%(427) 26%(170) 3%(22) 1%(8) 4%(28) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 12%(56) 54%(256) 9%(41) 3%(15) 23%(108) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(7) 22%(47) 31%(67) 17%(37) 27%(57) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(17) 4%(20) 13%(69) 68%(356) 12%(64) 527 Favorable of Biden 43%(489) 38%(427) 5%(58) 1%(16) 12%(141) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(18) 9%(72) 19%(147) 51%(398) 18%(139) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 64%(430) 27%(183) 2%(15) 1%(6) 6%(40) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 13%(59) 53%(244) 9%(43) 2%(10) 22%(100) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 3%(6) 25%(50) 29%(58) 13%(26) 29%(59) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(12) 4%(22) 15%(88) 65%(372) 14%(81) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 21%(164) 23%(186) 11%(88) 26%(208) 19%(152) 798 #1 Issue: Security 15%(35) 17%(40) 18%(43) 38%(89) 12%(30) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 38%(117) 32%(98) 9%(26) 10%(30) 12%(38) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 31%(81) 27%(72) 8%(22) 15%(40) 19%(51) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 35%(28) 33%(26) 6%(5) 7%(5) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Education 23%(19) 29%(25) 18%(15) 13%(11) 17%(14) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 25%(20) 36%(29) 6%(5) 11%(9) 21%(17) 79 #1 Issue: Other 35%(49) 25%(36) 3%(4) 20%(28) 17%(24) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 45%(455) 37%(378) 6%(57) 2%(19) 11%(107) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(29) 11%(76) 17%(122) 50%(355) 18%(129) 711 2020 Vote: Other 2%(2) 16%(12) 14%(11) 24%(19) 44%(35) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(27) 24%(43) 10%(18) 14%(26) 37%(68) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 48%(379) 34%(273) 6%(48) 3%(24) 9%(71) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(36) 13%(79) 16%(99) 49%(297) 15%(93) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8%(5) 17%(10) 11%(7) 20%(12) 44%(26) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 49%(369) 34%(256) 4%(33) 3%(22) 10%(73) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(48) 14%(97) 17%(117) 46%(313) 16%(107) 682 2016 Vote: Other 15%(19) 27%(34) 14%(17) 18%(23) 26%(33) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18%(78) 29%(122) 10%(41) 14%(60) 29%(124) 425 Continued on next page

35 Morning Consult Table POL1_3

Table POL1_3: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Health care Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(514) 26%(511) 10%(208) 21%(420) 17%(340) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 30%(402) 25%(332) 10%(133) 22%(299) 13%(170) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 17%(112) 27%(178) 11%(75) 18%(120) 26%(170) 655 4-Region: Northeast 27%(96) 31%(110) 11%(37) 18%(62) 14%(49) 355 4-Region: Midwest 22%(102) 23%(104) 10%(48) 25%(115) 19%(89) 458 4-Region: South 26%(195) 22%(165) 11%(84) 22%(166) 18%(134) 744 4-Region: West 28%(120) 30%(132) 9%(39) 18%(76) 16%(68) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 46%(442) 35%(340) 6%(53) 2%(21) 11%(110) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(37) 13%(96) 17%(120) 47%(340) 18%(133) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

36 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_4

Table POL1_4: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Immigration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(434) 23%(460) 9%(187) 31%(611) 15%(301) 1992 Gender: Male 23%(215) 24%(221) 8%(78) 34%(313) 11%(105) 932 Gender: Female 21%(218) 23%(239) 10%(108) 28%(298) 18%(196) 1060 Age: 18-34 21%(104) 24%(118) 12%(62) 22%(109) 21%(108) 500 Age: 35-44 28%(83) 23%(71) 9%(28) 21%(63) 19%(57) 303 Age: 45-64 20%(143) 21%(149) 9%(65) 37%(272) 13%(97) 725 Age: 65+ 22%(104) 26%(121) 7%(32) 36%(167) 8%(39) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 18%(25) 16%(23) 17%(23) 23%(33) 26%(36) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 26%(147) 27%(155) 10%(58) 18%(104) 19%(111) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 18%(92) 21%(105) 9%(44) 39%(196) 14%(70) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 22%(155) 23%(161) 8%(54) 36%(251) 11%(79) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 41%(325) 34%(273) 7%(55) 6%(51) 12%(94) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 15%(84) 23%(131) 11%(62) 28%(161) 24%(136) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(25) 9%(56) 11%(70) 64%(399) 12%(72) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 45%(154) 33%(114) 7%(25) 6%(20) 8%(28) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 37%(171) 35%(159) 7%(30) 7%(31) 14%(66) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 15%(45) 24%(70) 10%(28) 33%(97) 19%(56) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 14%(39) 22%(61) 12%(34) 23%(64) 29%(79) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(16) 12%(37) 8%(25) 67%(196) 7%(21) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 3%(9) 6%(19) 14%(45) 62%(203) 15%(51) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 39%(249) 35%(220) 7%(47) 7%(43) 12%(76) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 21%(121) 29%(165) 9%(50) 24%(133) 17%(96) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 6%(43) 9%(62) 12%(82) 61%(404) 11%(77) 668 Educ: < College 18%(225) 20%(251) 8%(106) 35%(437) 19%(234) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 25%(118) 28%(131) 11%(54) 25%(118) 11%(50) 471 Educ: Post-grad 34%(91) 29%(77) 10%(27) 21%(57) 6%(17) 268 Income: Under 50k 20%(194) 22%(211) 8%(78) 30%(296) 20%(191) 971 Income: 50k-100k 21%(141) 23%(151) 11%(73) 33%(217) 12%(76) 659 Income: 100k+ 27%(99) 27%(97) 10%(35) 27%(98) 9%(34) 362 Ethnicity: White 20%(321) 22%(348) 10%(154) 35%(559) 14%(229) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(55) 21%(41) 12%(23) 22%(43) 16%(31) 193 Continued on next page

37 Morning Consult Table POL1_4

Table POL1_4: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Immigration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(434) 23%(460) 9%(187) 31%(611) 15%(301) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 35%(88) 28%(72) 6%(16) 10%(26) 20%(51) 253 Ethnicity: Other 19%(24) 31%(40) 13%(16) 20%(26) 17%(21) 128 All Christian 23%(224) 21%(208) 11%(104) 35%(341) 11%(109) 986 All Non-Christian 41%(49) 22%(27) 12%(14) 12%(15) 12%(15) 119 Atheist 31%(25) 34%(28) 9%(7) 19%(16) 6%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19%(87) 24%(110) 9%(40) 24%(112) 24%(108) 457 Something Else 14%(50) 25%(87) 6%(22) 36%(128) 18%(64) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(49) 21%(30) 13%(17) 18%(25) 13%(18) 138 Evangelical 20%(116) 22%(124) 9%(54) 37%(211) 12%(67) 572 Non-Evangelical 21%(153) 23%(165) 9%(66) 33%(243) 14%(99) 726 Community: Urban 33%(184) 28%(155) 8%(42) 19%(106) 13%(72) 560 Community: Suburban 19%(172) 23%(208) 10%(90) 31%(284) 17%(151) 905 Community: Rural 15%(78) 18%(96) 10%(55) 42%(221) 15%(78) 527 Employ: Private Sector 26%(169) 23%(149) 11%(69) 28%(187) 13%(86) 660 Employ: Government 19%(29) 32%(48) 11%(17) 25%(38) 14%(22) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 20%(34) 26%(43) 6%(10) 31%(50) 16%(27) 165 Employ: Homemaker 8%(10) 26%(32) 7%(9) 40%(49) 19%(24) 124 Employ: Student 12%(7) 13%(8) 21%(12) 23%(14) 30%(18) 58 Employ: Retired 23%(112) 23%(114) 9%(43) 35%(176) 10%(51) 496 Employ: Unemployed 23%(49) 20%(42) 7%(14) 28%(60) 23%(48) 213 Employ: Other 19%(23) 18%(22) 10%(13) 31%(38) 21%(26) 121 Military HH: Yes 24%(86) 19%(69) 7%(26) 38%(134) 11%(40) 356 Military HH: No 21%(347) 24%(390) 10%(161) 29%(477) 16%(261) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 38%(355) 35%(321) 7%(64) 7%(64) 13%(120) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 7%(78) 13%(138) 11%(122) 51%(547) 17%(181) 1067 Biden Job Approve 37%(418) 37%(424) 6%(73) 5%(62) 14%(154) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(13) 4%(28) 13%(98) 73%(537) 9%(64) 740 Continued on next page

38 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_4

Table POL1_4: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Immigration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(434) 23%(460) 9%(187) 31%(611) 15%(301) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 56%(368) 31%(205) 3%(21) 3%(20) 6%(42) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 11%(50) 46%(219) 11%(52) 9%(42) 24%(112) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(6) 8%(16) 30%(64) 44%(95) 15%(32) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 1%(7) 2%(12) 6%(34) 84%(443) 6%(32) 527 Favorable of Biden 37%(416) 37%(423) 7%(80) 4%(48) 14%(163) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(14) 4%(31) 13%(99) 71%(550) 10%(80) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 54%(367) 32%(219) 3%(22) 2%(14) 8%(52) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 11%(48) 45%(204) 13%(58) 7%(34) 24%(111) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 3%(6) 10%(20) 27%(53) 40%(79) 20%(41) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(8) 2%(11) 8%(46) 82%(471) 7%(39) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 19%(155) 18%(140) 11%(86) 37%(296) 15%(121) 798 #1 Issue: Security 13%(30) 15%(36) 9%(22) 56%(132) 7%(17) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 29%(90) 34%(105) 9%(29) 14%(43) 13%(42) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23%(61) 28%(74) 9%(25) 23%(62) 17%(44) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 24%(19) 26%(21) 7%(5) 11%(8) 33%(26) 79 #1 Issue: Education 18%(15) 30%(25) 12%(10) 19%(16) 20%(17) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 27%(21) 29%(23) 4%(3) 27%(21) 13%(10) 79 #1 Issue: Other 29%(41) 26%(37) 4%(6) 23%(32) 18%(25) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 39%(392) 37%(373) 7%(75) 5%(49) 12%(127) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 2%(16) 7%(51) 12%(83) 69%(492) 10%(70) 711 2020 Vote: Other 4%(3) 15%(12) 15%(12) 30%(24) 37%(29) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(23) 13%(23) 10%(17) 25%(45) 41%(75) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 41%(322) 36%(285) 6%(47) 6%(50) 11%(91) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 4%(22) 9%(52) 12%(73) 66%(398) 10%(58) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else — (0) 20%(12) 11%(6) 32%(19) 38%(22) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 42%(313) 36%(272) 6%(44) 6%(42) 11%(82) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(25) 11%(75) 12%(82) 64%(436) 9%(64) 682 2016 Vote: Other 11%(13) 26%(33) 10%(13) 25%(31) 28%(36) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(83) 19%(79) 11%(47) 24%(100) 27%(116) 425 Continued on next page

39 Morning Consult Table POL1_4

Table POL1_4: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Immigration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(434) 23%(460) 9%(187) 31%(611) 15%(301) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 24%(326) 24%(326) 9%(116) 32%(421) 11%(148) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 16%(108) 20%(134) 11%(71) 29%(189) 23%(153) 655 4-Region: Northeast 25%(88) 27%(95) 10%(35) 24%(86) 14%(51) 355 4-Region: Midwest 17%(79) 23%(107) 11%(49) 36%(164) 13%(59) 458 4-Region: South 21%(156) 20%(148) 9%(69) 33%(245) 17%(126) 744 4-Region: West 25%(110) 25%(110) 8%(33) 27%(116) 15%(66) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 39%(376) 35%(341) 7%(64) 6%(59) 13%(127) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(26) 9%(64) 13%(92) 64%(464) 11%(80) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

40 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Climate change Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(552) 24%(469) 9%(185) 21%(420) 18%(367) 1992 Gender: Male 29%(267) 24%(223) 9%(84) 25%(229) 14%(129) 932 Gender: Female 27%(285) 23%(246) 10%(101) 18%(191) 22%(237) 1060 Age: 18-34 26%(128) 26%(132) 11%(54) 14%(70) 23%(117) 500 Age: 35-44 29%(87) 28%(85) 7%(22) 15%(45) 21%(64) 303 Age: 45-64 26%(190) 21%(150) 10%(71) 26%(192) 17%(123) 725 Age: 65+ 32%(147) 22%(102) 8%(38) 24%(113) 14%(63) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 20%(28) 30%(42) 15%(21) 8%(11) 27%(38) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 29%(169) 27%(154) 8%(48) 14%(80) 22%(124) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 24%(121) 21%(106) 9%(46) 27%(138) 19%(97) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31%(218) 22%(152) 9%(61) 25%(173) 14%(97) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 51%(405) 29%(232) 5%(43) 3%(22) 12%(96) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 19%(111) 27%(153) 10%(58) 18%(101) 26%(150) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 6%(35) 13%(84) 13%(84) 48%(298) 19%(121) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 54%(184) 29%(100) 5%(18) 3%(9) 9%(30) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 48%(221) 29%(132) 6%(25) 3%(12) 14%(66) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 21%(61) 26%(76) 10%(31) 22%(64) 22%(64) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 18%(50) 28%(77) 10%(27) 13%(36) 31%(86) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 7%(22) 16%(47) 12%(35) 53%(156) 12%(35) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(14) 11%(37) 15%(49) 43%(142) 26%(86) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 51%(324) 29%(185) 5%(31) 4%(23) 12%(74) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 27%(154) 32%(181) 10%(58) 13%(71) 18%(101) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(54) 14%(90) 13%(89) 46%(308) 19%(126) 668 Educ: < College 23%(290) 21%(267) 9%(117) 24%(296) 23%(284) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(151) 27%(126) 10%(46) 18%(83) 14%(65) 471 Educ: Post-grad 41%(111) 29%(76) 8%(22) 15%(41) 7%(18) 268 Income: Under 50k 27%(260) 22%(216) 7%(64) 21%(201) 24%(230) 971 Income: 50k-100k 27%(180) 24%(155) 13%(82) 22%(146) 14%(95) 659 Income: 100k+ 31%(112) 27%(98) 11%(38) 20%(73) 12%(42) 362 Ethnicity: White 26%(413) 23%(368) 9%(153) 24%(380) 19%(298) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 36%(70) 19%(37) 11%(22) 15%(29) 18%(35) 193 Continued on next page

41 Morning Consult Table POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Climate change Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(552) 24%(469) 9%(185) 21%(420) 18%(367) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 42%(106) 25%(64) 7%(18) 8%(21) 17%(43) 253 Ethnicity: Other 25%(32) 29%(37) 11%(14) 15%(19) 20%(26) 128 All Christian 29%(284) 21%(212) 11%(105) 24%(232) 15%(152) 986 All Non-Christian 49%(59) 24%(29) 7%(8) 8%(9) 12%(14) 119 Atheist 41%(33) 34%(27) 10%(8) 9%(7) 7%(6) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25%(113) 26%(120) 7%(33) 17%(79) 25%(112) 457 Something Else 18%(63) 23%(82) 9%(30) 27%(93) 24%(83) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 44%(60) 23%(32) 10%(14) 11%(15) 13%(17) 138 Evangelical 23%(132) 21%(119) 10%(58) 28%(159) 18%(104) 572 Non-Evangelical 29%(207) 23%(165) 10%(71) 22%(158) 17%(126) 726 Community: Urban 38%(215) 28%(158) 8%(47) 13%(74) 12%(66) 560 Community: Suburban 27%(246) 22%(201) 10%(87) 21%(187) 20%(185) 905 Community: Rural 17%(91) 21%(110) 10%(50) 30%(159) 22%(116) 527 Employ: Private Sector 29%(189) 24%(156) 10%(68) 21%(142) 16%(105) 660 Employ: Government 29%(44) 33%(50) 10%(15) 14%(22) 15%(23) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 28%(46) 26%(43) 5%(8) 23%(38) 18%(30) 165 Employ: Homemaker 15%(18) 21%(26) 7%(8) 26%(33) 31%(39) 124 Employ: Student 23%(13) 41%(24) 7%(4) 13%(7) 16%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 31%(152) 21%(106) 9%(45) 24%(120) 15%(74) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(60) 19%(41) 12%(25) 17%(35) 24%(52) 213 Employ: Other 25%(30) 19%(23) 9%(11) 19%(23) 29%(35) 121 Military HH: Yes 28%(101) 21%(76) 7%(25) 26%(93) 17%(61) 356 Military HH: No 28%(451) 24%(393) 10%(160) 20%(327) 19%(306) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 46%(429) 33%(304) 4%(36) 3%(27) 14%(129) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 12%(123) 15%(165) 14%(149) 37%(393) 22%(238) 1067 Biden Job Approve 46%(523) 33%(379) 4%(50) 2%(25) 14%(154) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 3%(24) 11%(79) 17%(128) 52%(386) 16%(122) 740 Continued on next page

42 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Climate change Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(552) 24%(469) 9%(185) 21%(420) 18%(367) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 65%(429) 24%(157) 2%(16) 3%(17) 6%(37) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 20%(94) 47%(222) 7%(34) 2%(8) 25%(117) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 6%(13) 23%(49) 32%(69) 15%(31) 24%(51) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(11) 6%(31) 11%(59) 67%(355) 14%(71) 527 Favorable of Biden 47%(530) 33%(375) 4%(50) 2%(18) 14%(158) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(21) 10%(78) 17%(131) 51%(396) 19%(147) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 65%(441) 24%(162) 2%(13) 1%(10) 7%(49) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 19%(89) 47%(214) 8%(36) 2%(8) 24%(109) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 6%(11) 26%(51) 27%(54) 13%(26) 28%(57) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(10) 5%(27) 13%(77) 64%(370) 16%(90) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 23%(187) 21%(168) 9%(71) 26%(208) 21%(165) 798 #1 Issue: Security 15%(35) 17%(40) 17%(39) 40%(94) 12%(29) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 39%(122) 29%(90) 8%(25) 10%(29) 14%(43) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 32%(85) 24%(65) 8%(22) 16%(42) 20%(53) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 37%(29) 32%(25) 4%(3) 10%(8) 17%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Education 21%(18) 32%(27) 11%(9) 14%(12) 22%(18) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 35%(27) 31%(25) 12%(10) 6%(5) 16%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 35%(50) 21%(30) 5%(7) 15%(22) 23%(32) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 49%(496) 32%(330) 5%(56) 2%(18) 11%(116) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(29) 13%(91) 14%(102) 51%(361) 18%(128) 711 2020 Vote: Other 6%(5) 20%(16) 14%(11) 11%(9) 49%(39) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(21) 17%(31) 9%(16) 17%(32) 45%(83) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 51%(403) 32%(251) 5%(37) 3%(23) 10%(80) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(34) 14%(84) 15%(90) 49%(299) 16%(98) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 13%(7) 11%(6) 11%(7) 16%(9) 50%(30) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51%(386) 31%(237) 5%(36) 2%(18) 10%(77) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(45) 16%(107) 15%(101) 46%(313) 17%(116) 682 2016 Vote: Other 25%(32) 26%(33) 6%(8) 15%(19) 27%(34) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(89) 22%(92) 10%(40) 16%(67) 32%(137) 425 Continued on next page

43 Morning Consult Table POL1_5

Table POL1_5: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Climate change Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(552) 24%(469) 9%(185) 21%(420) 18%(367) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 32%(430) 23%(310) 9%(116) 22%(298) 14%(183) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(122) 24%(159) 11%(69) 19%(122) 28%(183) 655 4-Region: Northeast 28%(100) 27%(96) 9%(33) 17%(61) 18%(64) 355 4-Region: Midwest 26%(120) 22%(102) 9%(42) 23%(105) 19%(88) 458 4-Region: South 27%(199) 21%(155) 9%(64) 23%(175) 20%(151) 744 4-Region: West 30%(132) 26%(115) 11%(46) 18%(79) 15%(64) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 49%(471) 31%(301) 5%(52) 3%(26) 12%(118) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 6%(43) 13%(97) 14%(99) 48%(348) 19%(139) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

44 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The environment Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(556) 25%(505) 9%(183) 20%(406) 17%(342) 1992 Gender: Male 29%(271) 25%(230) 10%(93) 22%(209) 14%(130) 932 Gender: Female 27%(285) 26%(274) 8%(90) 19%(198) 20%(212) 1060 Age: 18-34 25%(124) 31%(155) 11%(56) 13%(63) 20%(102) 500 Age: 35-44 31%(94) 29%(87) 7%(21) 15%(44) 19%(56) 303 Age: 45-64 27%(197) 21%(153) 9%(67) 26%(192) 16%(117) 725 Age: 65+ 31%(141) 24%(110) 8%(39) 23%(107) 14%(66) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 21%(30) 26%(37) 15%(22) 12%(17) 25%(34) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 29%(167) 32%(186) 9%(50) 12%(69) 18%(102) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 25%(126) 21%(106) 8%(40) 28%(140) 19%(94) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31%(218) 23%(160) 9%(63) 24%(166) 13%(95) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 52%(419) 31%(247) 4%(33) 1%(7) 11%(91) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 19%(106) 29%(166) 10%(58) 18%(104) 24%(138) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(31) 15%(91) 15%(92) 48%(295) 18%(112) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 57%(194) 30%(102) 4%(14) 1%(3) 8%(29) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 49%(225) 32%(145) 4%(19) 1%(4) 14%(62) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 20%(60) 27%(79) 10%(30) 22%(66) 21%(61) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 17%(46) 31%(87) 10%(28) 14%(38) 28%(77) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(16) 17%(49) 17%(49) 48%(140) 13%(39) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(15) 13%(42) 13%(43) 47%(155) 22%(73) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 49%(314) 32%(201) 5%(30) 3%(19) 11%(73) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 28%(159) 33%(185) 10%(54) 12%(69) 17%(98) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10%(65) 15%(98) 14%(92) 44%(296) 18%(117) 668 Educ: < College 24%(295) 24%(296) 9%(112) 23%(290) 21%(259) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(149) 28%(133) 11%(51) 17%(78) 13%(61) 471 Educ: Post-grad 42%(112) 28%(75) 8%(21) 14%(38) 8%(22) 268 Income: Under 50k 26%(256) 25%(238) 8%(75) 20%(193) 21%(208) 971 Income: 50k-100k 27%(176) 27%(178) 11%(73) 22%(143) 13%(89) 659 Income: 100k+ 34%(124) 25%(89) 10%(35) 19%(69) 13%(46) 362 Ethnicity: White 26%(413) 25%(396) 9%(152) 24%(379) 17%(272) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 30%(57) 29%(55) 11%(22) 12%(23) 19%(36) 193 Continued on next page

45 Morning Consult Table POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The environment Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(556) 25%(505) 9%(183) 20%(406) 17%(342) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 44%(111) 27%(69) 6%(15) 4%(9) 19%(48) 253 Ethnicity: Other 25%(32) 31%(40) 12%(16) 14%(18) 18%(23) 128 All Christian 29%(286) 23%(231) 10%(98) 23%(229) 14%(142) 986 All Non-Christian 45%(54) 26%(32) 8%(10) 7%(8) 13%(16) 119 Atheist 39%(31) 31%(25) 8%(7) 13%(10) 10%(8) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 26%(118) 27%(125) 9%(41) 15%(69) 23%(104) 457 Something Else 19%(67) 26%(92) 8%(28) 26%(90) 21%(73) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 41%(56) 27%(38) 9%(12) 10%(14) 13%(18) 138 Evangelical 25%(141) 24%(136) 9%(52) 26%(149) 16%(94) 572 Non-Evangelical 28%(205) 24%(176) 9%(68) 22%(161) 16%(116) 726 Community: Urban 38%(210) 30%(167) 8%(46) 11%(62) 13%(75) 560 Community: Suburban 28%(253) 23%(211) 10%(91) 20%(181) 19%(169) 905 Community: Rural 18%(93) 24%(126) 9%(46) 31%(164) 19%(99) 527 Employ: Private Sector 28%(187) 27%(177) 10%(67) 20%(130) 15%(100) 660 Employ: Government 29%(45) 31%(48) 9%(14) 14%(22) 16%(25) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 25%(41) 29%(48) 6%(10) 24%(39) 16%(27) 165 Employ: Homemaker 19%(24) 25%(31) 9%(11) 24%(30) 24%(30) 124 Employ: Student 26%(15) 41%(24) 8%(5) 9%(5) 16%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 30%(148) 23%(113) 8%(41) 24%(119) 15%(75) 496 Employ: Unemployed 30%(64) 19%(41) 12%(25) 16%(35) 23%(48) 213 Employ: Other 26%(32) 20%(24) 9%(11) 22%(27) 22%(27) 121 Military HH: Yes 29%(104) 24%(87) 6%(21) 26%(93) 14%(51) 356 Military HH: No 28%(452) 26%(418) 10%(162) 19%(314) 18%(291) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 48%(442) 33%(309) 4%(37) 2%(17) 13%(122) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 11%(114) 18%(196) 14%(146) 37%(390) 21%(220) 1067 Biden Job Approve 47%(527) 36%(403) 4%(44) 1%(12) 13%(145) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 3%(22) 11%(79) 18%(131) 53%(390) 16%(118) 740 Continued on next page

46 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The environment Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(556) 25%(505) 9%(183) 20%(406) 17%(342) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 68%(446) 24%(155) 1%(10) 1%(7) 6%(39) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 17%(82) 52%(248) 7%(34) 1%(6) 22%(106) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 4%(8) 24%(51) 34%(74) 13%(28) 25%(53) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(14) 5%(28) 11%(57) 69%(363) 12%(64) 527 Favorable of Biden 46%(526) 36%(412) 4%(43) 1%(8) 13%(143) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(26) 10%(76) 17%(133) 51%(395) 19%(144) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 67%(451) 24%(164) 2%(13) 1%(4) 6%(44) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 16%(74) 55%(248) 7%(30) 1%(4) 22%(99) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 5%(9) 23%(47) 32%(63) 11%(21) 29%(59) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 3%(16) 5%(30) 12%(70) 65%(373) 15%(86) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 22%(175) 25%(197) 9%(75) 25%(202) 19%(150) 798 #1 Issue: Security 16%(39) 16%(39) 16%(37) 37%(88) 15%(35) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 41%(127) 29%(88) 8%(26) 9%(27) 13%(42) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 33%(87) 24%(64) 7%(19) 15%(39) 21%(56) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 38%(30) 33%(26) 4%(3) 9%(7) 16%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Education 20%(17) 39%(33) 12%(10) 12%(10) 17%(14) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 37%(29) 31%(24) 9%(7) 10%(8) 13%(11) 79 #1 Issue: Other 38%(54) 23%(33) 4%(6) 18%(26) 16%(22) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(503) 34%(350) 5%(48) 1%(8) 11%(107) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(27) 13%(93) 15%(109) 49%(352) 18%(130) 711 2020 Vote: Other 6%(5) 20%(16) 11%(9) 17%(14) 45%(36) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(21) 25%(46) 9%(17) 18%(33) 37%(68) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 52%(412) 33%(260) 5%(36) 2%(12) 9%(75) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(29) 14%(86) 17%(101) 49%(295) 15%(93) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 13%(8) 15%(9) 11%(6) 15%(9) 47%(28) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 52%(391) 33%(245) 4%(32) 2%(13) 9%(71) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(45) 16%(108) 15%(103) 46%(314) 16%(111) 682 2016 Vote: Other 23%(29) 29%(37) 7%(9) 15%(19) 25%(32) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(90) 27%(113) 9%(39) 14%(58) 30%(126) 425 Continued on next page

47 Morning Consult Table POL1_6

Table POL1_6: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? The environment Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 28%(556) 25%(505) 9%(183) 20%(406) 17%(342) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 32%(428) 24%(325) 9%(126) 22%(288) 13%(170) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 20%(128) 27%(180) 9%(57) 18%(119) 26%(172) 655 4-Region: Northeast 28%(99) 30%(108) 9%(31) 18%(63) 15%(55) 355 4-Region: Midwest 24%(111) 25%(114) 9%(42) 24%(110) 18%(81) 458 4-Region: South 27%(204) 22%(167) 10%(73) 22%(162) 19%(138) 744 4-Region: West 33%(142) 27%(116) 9%(37) 17%(72) 16%(68) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 50%(481) 33%(319) 4%(43) 1%(9) 12%(114) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(38) 15%(106) 15%(106) 47%(343) 18%(132) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

48 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_7

Table POL1_7: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Energy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(473) 25%(488) 9%(186) 24%(479) 18%(366) 1992 Gender: Male 25%(237) 23%(218) 10%(96) 27%(255) 14%(127) 932 Gender: Female 22%(236) 25%(270) 8%(90) 21%(224) 23%(239) 1060 Age: 18-34 21%(105) 29%(146) 12%(58) 15%(74) 24%(118) 500 Age: 35-44 31%(94) 23%(70) 8%(24) 15%(45) 23%(70) 303 Age: 45-64 22%(157) 21%(152) 10%(69) 31%(226) 17%(122) 725 Age: 65+ 25%(118) 26%(120) 7%(34) 29%(135) 12%(57) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 13%(18) 29%(40) 15%(21) 12%(17) 32%(44) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(161) 28%(162) 10%(58) 14%(79) 20%(115) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 21%(106) 20%(99) 8%(38) 30%(154) 22%(109) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 25%(175) 24%(167) 9%(62) 30%(209) 13%(89) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 45%(359) 32%(257) 4%(35) 3%(24) 15%(122) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(81) 28%(161) 11%(65) 21%(120) 26%(146) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(33) 11%(70) 14%(86) 54%(335) 16%(97) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 49%(167) 31%(107) 6%(19) 3%(10) 11%(38) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 42%(192) 33%(150) 4%(16) 3%(14) 18%(84) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 16%(48) 26%(76) 12%(35) 26%(77) 20%(60) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 12%(33) 31%(85) 11%(30) 15%(42) 31%(86) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 7%(21) 12%(35) 14%(42) 57%(168) 9%(28) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(11) 11%(35) 13%(44) 51%(167) 21%(70) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 43%(272) 32%(205) 5%(34) 4%(25) 16%(100) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 23%(130) 31%(176) 11%(62) 15%(87) 20%(111) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(55) 13%(84) 13%(86) 51%(341) 15%(102) 668 Educ: < College 20%(248) 22%(275) 9%(113) 27%(336) 23%(282) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 28%(132) 29%(135) 10%(46) 21%(97) 13%(61) 471 Educ: Post-grad 35%(93) 29%(78) 10%(27) 17%(47) 9%(23) 268 Income: Under 50k 23%(221) 23%(225) 8%(74) 22%(218) 24%(233) 971 Income: 50k-100k 23%(152) 25%(164) 12%(79) 27%(176) 13%(88) 659 Income: 100k+ 28%(101) 27%(99) 9%(32) 24%(85) 12%(45) 362 Ethnicity: White 22%(352) 23%(372) 10%(154) 28%(447) 18%(286) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 26%(50) 26%(50) 17%(33) 14%(27) 17%(32) 193 Continued on next page

49 Morning Consult Table POL1_7

Table POL1_7: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Energy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(473) 25%(488) 9%(186) 24%(479) 18%(366) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 38%(95) 31%(77) 6%(14) 7%(17) 19%(49) 253 Ethnicity: Other 20%(26) 30%(39) 14%(18) 12%(15) 24%(31) 128 All Christian 25%(244) 22%(221) 10%(101) 29%(282) 14%(138) 986 All Non-Christian 47%(56) 24%(28) 6%(7) 12%(15) 12%(14) 119 Atheist 32%(26) 34%(27) 13%(11) 9%(7) 11%(9) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(93) 27%(123) 9%(43) 17%(77) 26%(120) 457 Something Else 15%(54) 25%(88) 7%(24) 28%(98) 24%(85) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 41%(57) 22%(31) 9%(12) 15%(21) 12%(17) 138 Evangelical 23%(129) 22%(125) 10%(57) 29%(168) 16%(94) 572 Non-Evangelical 23%(165) 24%(176) 8%(61) 28%(203) 17%(121) 726 Community: Urban 35%(196) 32%(177) 8%(45) 12%(66) 13%(75) 560 Community: Suburban 21%(193) 22%(200) 10%(93) 25%(227) 21%(192) 905 Community: Rural 16%(84) 21%(111) 9%(48) 35%(185) 19%(99) 527 Employ: Private Sector 27%(177) 25%(166) 10%(66) 23%(150) 15%(102) 660 Employ: Government 23%(35) 35%(54) 11%(17) 16%(25) 14%(22) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 21%(35) 30%(50) 8%(13) 24%(39) 17%(28) 165 Employ: Homemaker 11%(13) 22%(28) 9%(11) 29%(36) 29%(36) 124 Employ: Student 17%(10) 23%(14) 14%(8) 12%(7) 32%(19) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(120) 25%(125) 8%(38) 30%(151) 12%(61) 496 Employ: Unemployed 26%(55) 14%(29) 9%(18) 22%(46) 30%(65) 213 Employ: Other 23%(28) 18%(22) 11%(13) 20%(25) 28%(34) 121 Military HH: Yes 23%(81) 24%(84) 9%(32) 31%(109) 14%(50) 356 Military HH: No 24%(392) 25%(404) 9%(154) 23%(370) 19%(316) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 41%(382) 35%(326) 5%(50) 3%(31) 15%(137) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 9%(91) 15%(163) 13%(135) 42%(448) 22%(229) 1067 Biden Job Approve 40%(452) 37%(421) 5%(52) 2%(25) 16%(182) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(15) 7%(52) 17%(127) 61%(450) 13%(96) 740 Continued on next page

50 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_7

Table POL1_7: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Energy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(473) 25%(488) 9%(186) 24%(479) 18%(366) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 62%(406) 27%(176) 2%(12) 2%(13) 7%(49) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 10%(46) 52%(245) 8%(40) 2%(12) 28%(133) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(6) 15%(31) 38%(80) 23%(49) 22%(47) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(9) 4%(20) 9%(47) 76%(401) 9%(50) 527 Favorable of Biden 39%(446) 38%(429) 4%(48) 1%(16) 17%(192) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(21) 6%(48) 18%(135) 58%(451) 15%(119) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 60%(404) 28%(187) 2%(11) 1%(7) 10%(66) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 9%(42) 53%(242) 8%(37) 2%(9) 28%(126) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 5%(10) 17%(34) 32%(63) 22%(43) 25%(49) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(10) 3%(15) 13%(73) 71%(408) 12%(69) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 19%(153) 22%(178) 10%(78) 30%(243) 18%(146) 798 #1 Issue: Security 14%(34) 14%(34) 14%(34) 44%(104) 13%(31) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 33%(101) 31%(96) 8%(25) 9%(28) 19%(58) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27%(72) 28%(74) 7%(20) 17%(46) 20%(53) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 30%(24) 28%(22) 8%(6) 7%(5) 27%(21) 79 #1 Issue: Education 15%(13) 37%(31) 14%(11) 15%(13) 19%(16) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 36%(28) 26%(21) 11%(8) 16%(13) 11%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 33%(47) 23%(33) 2%(3) 19%(26) 22%(31) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 42%(430) 36%(368) 5%(50) 2%(20) 15%(148) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(25) 10%(70) 15%(103) 58%(410) 15%(103) 711 2020 Vote: Other 4%(3) 12%(10) 17%(14) 23%(18) 44%(34) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8%(14) 22%(40) 10%(19) 17%(31) 43%(80) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 45%(357) 34%(269) 5%(39) 3%(25) 13%(105) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 4%(26) 12%(71) 15%(88) 56%(337) 13%(82) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 9%(5) 13%(8) 17%(10) 20%(12) 41%(24) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45%(338) 35%(261) 4%(34) 3%(21) 13%(99) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(35) 14%(94) 14%(95) 53%(363) 14%(94) 682 2016 Vote: Other 19%(24) 23%(29) 10%(13) 19%(25) 29%(36) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18%(76) 24%(104) 10%(44) 16%(68) 31%(134) 425 Continued on next page

51 Morning Consult Table POL1_7

Table POL1_7: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Energy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(473) 25%(488) 9%(186) 24%(479) 18%(366) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 28%(368) 24%(323) 8%(110) 26%(345) 14%(191) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 16%(105) 25%(165) 12%(76) 20%(134) 27%(175) 655 4-Region: Northeast 26%(92) 27%(97) 8%(29) 20%(72) 18%(64) 355 4-Region: Midwest 20%(93) 23%(104) 10%(44) 28%(129) 19%(87) 458 4-Region: South 23%(167) 23%(169) 10%(75) 26%(191) 19%(141) 744 4-Region: West 28%(121) 27%(117) 9%(38) 20%(87) 17%(73) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 42%(409) 35%(334) 4%(41) 3%(26) 16%(157) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(34) 11%(80) 14%(103) 54%(395) 16%(114) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

52 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_8

Table POL1_8: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Education Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(482) 25%(505) 9%(176) 21%(427) 20%(402) 1992 Gender: Male 26%(241) 25%(234) 8%(78) 23%(218) 17%(162) 932 Gender: Female 23%(241) 26%(272) 9%(98) 20%(209) 23%(240) 1060 Age: 18-34 22%(111) 27%(133) 12%(60) 14%(68) 26%(128) 500 Age: 35-44 30%(91) 29%(87) 5%(16) 15%(46) 21%(63) 303 Age: 45-64 22%(157) 24%(173) 8%(56) 27%(197) 20%(143) 725 Age: 65+ 27%(123) 24%(113) 9%(44) 25%(117) 14%(67) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 19%(27) 24%(33) 13%(19) 10%(14) 34%(47) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(160) 29%(165) 9%(53) 14%(79) 21%(118) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 20%(100) 25%(125) 8%(40) 26%(130) 22%(111) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26%(184) 24%(166) 8%(53) 26%(183) 16%(115) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 45%(362) 35%(277) 6%(47) 2%(15) 12%(97) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 15%(87) 25%(144) 9%(51) 20%(116) 31%(175) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(33) 14%(85) 13%(78) 48%(296) 21%(130) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 51%(176) 32%(111) 4%(15) 2%(8) 9%(32) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 41%(186) 36%(166) 7%(32) 1%(6) 14%(66) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(50) 23%(68) 9%(27) 23%(68) 28%(84) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 14%(38) 27%(76) 9%(24) 17%(48) 33%(91) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(16) 19%(55) 12%(35) 48%(142) 16%(46) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(17) 9%(30) 13%(43) 47%(155) 25%(83) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 42%(268) 33%(212) 6%(37) 3%(19) 16%(99) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(139) 33%(185) 9%(49) 13%(76) 21%(116) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(55) 13%(88) 12%(80) 47%(311) 20%(134) 668 Educ: < College 21%(260) 23%(285) 9%(111) 24%(305) 23%(292) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 28%(132) 29%(138) 8%(40) 17%(79) 18%(83) 471 Educ: Post-grad 34%(91) 31%(82) 9%(25) 16%(42) 10%(28) 268 Income: Under 50k 22%(217) 24%(233) 7%(70) 21%(208) 25%(243) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(161) 24%(159) 12%(78) 23%(152) 17%(109) 659 Income: 100k+ 29%(105) 31%(114) 8%(28) 18%(66) 14%(49) 362 Ethnicity: White 22%(359) 24%(389) 9%(137) 24%(392) 21%(333) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 33%(65) 18%(36) 15%(30) 13%(25) 20%(38) 193 Continued on next page

53 Morning Consult Table POL1_8

Table POL1_8: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Education Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(482) 25%(505) 9%(176) 21%(427) 20%(402) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 36%(90) 33%(84) 8%(19) 7%(18) 16%(41) 253 Ethnicity: Other 26%(33) 25%(32) 15%(19) 13%(16) 22%(28) 128 All Christian 27%(264) 22%(220) 10%(103) 25%(244) 16%(156) 986 All Non-Christian 39%(46) 30%(36) 10%(12) 7%(8) 14%(16) 119 Atheist 31%(25) 36%(29) 5%(4) 16%(13) 12%(9) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19%(85) 28%(130) 7%(34) 16%(72) 30%(136) 457 Something Else 18%(62) 26%(91) 6%(23) 26%(90) 24%(84) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(48) 28%(39) 13%(18) 10%(13) 14%(20) 138 Evangelical 24%(138) 23%(130) 8%(46) 27%(156) 18%(101) 572 Non-Evangelical 25%(182) 24%(173) 10%(73) 23%(168) 18%(130) 726 Community: Urban 34%(191) 31%(174) 8%(45) 12%(65) 15%(83) 560 Community: Suburban 23%(206) 25%(223) 9%(85) 21%(189) 22%(202) 905 Community: Rural 16%(85) 20%(108) 9%(45) 33%(173) 22%(117) 527 Employ: Private Sector 28%(185) 26%(175) 9%(61) 20%(133) 16%(108) 660 Employ: Government 19%(29) 35%(54) 10%(16) 16%(24) 20%(31) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 24%(40) 25%(42) 8%(13) 21%(34) 22%(36) 165 Employ: Homemaker 10%(12) 29%(36) 6%(7) 27%(33) 29%(36) 124 Employ: Student 23%(13) 11%(7) 18%(11) 16%(10) 31%(18) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(120) 24%(121) 9%(46) 25%(126) 17%(84) 496 Employ: Unemployed 25%(53) 22%(48) 7%(15) 16%(34) 29%(63) 213 Employ: Other 25%(30) 19%(23) 6%(8) 27%(33) 22%(27) 121 Military HH: Yes 24%(86) 25%(88) 10%(34) 25%(88) 17%(60) 356 Military HH: No 24%(396) 25%(417) 9%(142) 21%(339) 21%(342) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 42%(393) 36%(334) 5%(47) 3%(28) 13%(123) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 8%(89) 16%(171) 12%(129) 37%(399) 26%(279) 1067 Biden Job Approve 41%(461) 37%(424) 4%(51) 2%(18) 16%(178) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(16) 8%(61) 16%(120) 55%(404) 19%(139) 740 Continued on next page

54 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_8

Table POL1_8: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Education Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(482) 25%(505) 9%(176) 21%(427) 20%(402) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 62%(406) 29%(189) 2%(14) 1%(8) 6%(39) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 12%(55) 50%(235) 8%(37) 2%(10) 29%(139) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(6) 19%(41) 28%(60) 18%(39) 32%(67) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(9) 4%(21) 12%(61) 69%(364) 14%(72) 527 Favorable of Biden 41%(460) 38%(432) 4%(48) 1%(13) 16%(178) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(17) 8%(60) 16%(127) 52%(405) 21%(164) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 60%(404) 30%(199) 3%(17) 1%(5) 7%(50) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 12%(56) 51%(232) 7%(31) 2%(8) 28%(128) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 4%(7) 21%(41) 22%(43) 16%(31) 38%(76) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(10) 3%(19) 15%(84) 65%(374) 15%(88) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 20%(159) 21%(169) 10%(81) 26%(209) 22%(180) 798 #1 Issue: Security 13%(31) 24%(56) 13%(32) 39%(93) 11%(25) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 34%(105) 33%(103) 8%(23) 9%(29) 16%(49) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27%(71) 28%(75) 6%(16) 16%(42) 23%(61) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 34%(27) 26%(20) 3%(2) 7%(6) 30%(24) 79 #1 Issue: Education 23%(19) 31%(26) 13%(11) 18%(15) 15%(13) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 26%(20) 29%(23) 11%(9) 9%(7) 24%(19) 79 #1 Issue: Other 35%(50) 23%(32) 1%(1) 18%(26) 23%(32) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 43%(434) 37%(378) 5%(47) 2%(17) 14%(140) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(24) 12%(84) 14%(97) 51%(364) 20%(143) 711 2020 Vote: Other 1%(1) 17%(13) 17%(13) 22%(17) 43%(34) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(23) 16%(30) 10%(18) 16%(29) 46%(84) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 45%(357) 35%(279) 5%(41) 3%(21) 12%(96) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(29) 13%(80) 14%(85) 50%(304) 18%(106) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 5%(3) 11%(6) 17%(10) 19%(11) 49%(29) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 45%(338) 36%(269) 4%(32) 3%(22) 12%(92) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 6%(40) 14%(98) 14%(95) 47%(321) 19%(128) 682 2016 Vote: Other 14%(18) 25%(32) 7%(9) 20%(26) 33%(41) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20%(86) 25%(106) 9%(39) 13%(57) 32%(138) 425 Continued on next page

55 Morning Consult Table POL1_8

Table POL1_8: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Education Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(482) 25%(505) 9%(176) 21%(427) 20%(402) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 27%(360) 26%(344) 9%(116) 22%(300) 16%(217) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(122) 25%(162) 9%(60) 19%(127) 28%(185) 655 4-Region: Northeast 25%(90) 31%(109) 9%(31) 17%(60) 18%(65) 355 4-Region: Midwest 20%(93) 23%(106) 9%(43) 25%(117) 22%(100) 458 4-Region: South 24%(181) 23%(175) 9%(65) 23%(173) 20%(150) 744 4-Region: West 27%(118) 27%(116) 9%(38) 18%(77) 20%(87) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 43%(414) 35%(339) 5%(52) 2%(22) 14%(139) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(33) 13%(96) 12%(90) 48%(350) 22%(158) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

56 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_9

Table POL1_9: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? National security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 23%(459) 10%(203) 24%(484) 17%(339) 1992 Gender: Male 27%(252) 23%(218) 10%(94) 27%(248) 13%(121) 932 Gender: Female 24%(255) 23%(241) 10%(109) 22%(236) 21%(219) 1060 Age: 18-34 19%(94) 27%(135) 15%(74) 16%(81) 23%(116) 500 Age: 35-44 31%(93) 21%(64) 11%(33) 17%(50) 21%(63) 303 Age: 45-64 25%(181) 21%(153) 9%(64) 30%(220) 15%(107) 725 Age: 65+ 30%(139) 23%(106) 7%(32) 29%(133) 12%(54) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 16%(22) 18%(25) 25%(35) 14%(20) 27%(37) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 26%(147) 28%(163) 10%(60) 15%(87) 21%(118) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 23%(116) 21%(105) 9%(45) 30%(151) 18%(89) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 30%(209) 21%(146) 8%(56) 30%(207) 12%(84) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 49%(388) 29%(228) 6%(51) 3%(22) 14%(109) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(93) 27%(152) 12%(70) 21%(123) 24%(135) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(26) 13%(79) 13%(82) 55%(339) 15%(96) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 55%(187) 25%(87) 6%(20) 3%(11) 11%(38) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 44%(201) 31%(141) 7%(31) 2%(11) 16%(71) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(50) 27%(79) 12%(37) 25%(75) 19%(55) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 15%(42) 26%(73) 12%(33) 17%(48) 29%(80) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(15) 18%(52) 13%(37) 55%(162) 10%(28) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(12) 8%(27) 14%(45) 54%(177) 21%(68) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45%(287) 30%(191) 7%(44) 4%(24) 14%(90) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(141) 31%(173) 11%(61) 16%(88) 18%(103) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9%(60) 12%(80) 13%(87) 52%(347) 14%(93) 668 Educ: < College 22%(273) 20%(255) 11%(136) 28%(349) 19%(240) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 27%(125) 29%(138) 9%(43) 19%(88) 16%(77) 471 Educ: Post-grad 40%(108) 25%(67) 9%(24) 17%(47) 8%(22) 268 Income: Under 50k 24%(233) 22%(209) 9%(92) 23%(225) 22%(211) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(161) 23%(152) 12%(82) 27%(176) 14%(89) 659 Income: 100k+ 31%(113) 27%(99) 8%(29) 23%(83) 11%(39) 362 Ethnicity: White 23%(378) 22%(353) 10%(166) 28%(445) 17%(269) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 28%(53) 23%(45) 15%(30) 16%(30) 18%(35) 193 Continued on next page

57 Morning Consult Table POL1_9

Table POL1_9: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? National security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 23%(459) 10%(203) 24%(484) 17%(339) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 39%(100) 30%(77) 6%(15) 6%(16) 18%(46) 253 Ethnicity: Other 23%(29) 23%(30) 17%(22) 17%(22) 19%(24) 128 All Christian 28%(274) 21%(208) 10%(100) 28%(273) 13%(131) 986 All Non-Christian 40%(47) 32%(39) 8%(10) 10%(12) 9%(11) 119 Atheist 26%(21) 31%(25) 18%(14) 11%(9) 15%(12) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(93) 25%(116) 11%(49) 19%(86) 25%(112) 457 Something Else 20%(71) 21%(72) 8%(29) 30%(104) 21%(73) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(49) 30%(42) 11%(15) 12%(17) 11%(15) 138 Evangelical 25%(145) 20%(116) 10%(56) 30%(171) 15%(84) 572 Non-Evangelical 27%(196) 22%(157) 9%(66) 27%(197) 15%(111) 726 Community: Urban 36%(201) 30%(166) 9%(51) 14%(77) 12%(65) 560 Community: Suburban 24%(216) 21%(194) 11%(96) 24%(221) 20%(179) 905 Community: Rural 17%(90) 19%(100) 11%(56) 35%(186) 18%(95) 527 Employ: Private Sector 28%(184) 24%(158) 10%(66) 23%(153) 15%(100) 660 Employ: Government 20%(30) 35%(54) 12%(18) 19%(29) 14%(22) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 23%(38) 27%(45) 9%(14) 26%(43) 15%(24) 165 Employ: Homemaker 13%(16) 24%(29) 12%(14) 28%(35) 24%(30) 124 Employ: Student 15%(9) 23%(13) 20%(12) 14%(8) 28%(16) 58 Employ: Retired 29%(142) 22%(110) 8%(38) 29%(142) 13%(64) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(59) 17%(35) 12%(24) 21%(45) 23%(49) 213 Employ: Other 23%(28) 12%(14) 13%(16) 23%(28) 29%(35) 121 Military HH: Yes 26%(93) 22%(80) 8%(30) 30%(108) 13%(45) 356 Military HH: No 25%(414) 23%(379) 11%(173) 23%(376) 18%(294) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 45%(419) 32%(298) 7%(60) 3%(26) 13%(123) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 8%(88) 15%(161) 13%(143) 43%(458) 20%(217) 1067 Biden Job Approve 44%(493) 34%(390) 6%(65) 2%(23) 14%(161) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 1%(10) 7%(54) 17%(126) 62%(459) 12%(92) 740 Continued on next page

58 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_9

Table POL1_9: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? National security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 23%(459) 10%(203) 24%(484) 17%(339) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 67%(438) 24%(157) 3%(17) 2%(11) 5%(33) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 11%(55) 49%(233) 10%(49) 2%(12) 27%(128) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 1%(3) 15%(32) 37%(78) 25%(54) 22%(46) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 1%(7) 4%(21) 9%(48) 77%(405) 9%(46) 527 Favorable of Biden 44%(492) 35%(397) 5%(56) 1%(12) 15%(173) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 1%(10) 7%(51) 18%(140) 60%(464) 14%(107) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 65%(439) 25%(167) 2%(13) 1%(6) 8%(51) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 12%(54) 51%(230) 9%(43) 1%(6) 27%(122) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 1%(2) 18%(36) 34%(67) 21%(41) 26%(52) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(8) 3%(15) 13%(73) 74%(423) 10%(55) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 20%(161) 21%(166) 12%(96) 29%(231) 18%(145) 798 #1 Issue: Security 18%(43) 15%(35) 10%(24) 49%(117) 8%(19) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 37%(113) 30%(93) 8%(25) 10%(30) 15%(48) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 33%(87) 24%(64) 8%(20) 18%(49) 17%(45) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 31%(24) 18%(14) 10%(8) 7%(5) 34%(27) 79 #1 Issue: Education 15%(13) 35%(29) 14%(11) 15%(12) 22%(18) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 25%(20) 28%(22) 16%(13) 11%(9) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Other 33%(46) 26%(36) 4%(6) 22%(31) 16%(22) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 45%(460) 33%(334) 6%(61) 2%(23) 14%(138) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(19) 11%(75) 14%(103) 58%(415) 14%(100) 711 2020 Vote: Other 1%(1) 21%(17) 18%(14) 20%(16) 40%(32) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(26) 18%(33) 14%(26) 16%(29) 38%(69) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 49%(388) 32%(253) 5%(41) 3%(24) 11%(89) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 4%(26) 13%(81) 14%(84) 55%(334) 13%(79) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 7%(4) 7%(4) 21%(13) 23%(13) 41%(25) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 50%(376) 31%(235) 4%(34) 3%(22) 11%(86) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(35) 14%(95) 14%(98) 54%(368) 13%(87) 682 2016 Vote: Other 18%(22) 28%(36) 10%(13) 16%(20) 28%(36) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17%(74) 22%(92) 14%(59) 17%(71) 30%(129) 425 Continued on next page

59 Morning Consult Table POL1_9

Table POL1_9: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? National security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 23%(459) 10%(203) 24%(484) 17%(339) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 30%(396) 24%(316) 9%(115) 26%(344) 12%(166) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 17%(111) 22%(143) 14%(88) 21%(140) 26%(173) 655 4-Region: Northeast 27%(96) 28%(100) 8%(28) 22%(78) 15%(54) 355 4-Region: Midwest 22%(99) 24%(111) 8%(36) 27%(126) 19%(86) 458 4-Region: South 25%(189) 20%(147) 12%(91) 25%(187) 18%(130) 744 4-Region: West 28%(123) 23%(102) 11%(48) 21%(93) 16%(70) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 46%(445) 31%(296) 6%(57) 3%(24) 15%(145) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(27) 13%(93) 14%(105) 54%(394) 15%(107) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

60 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Gun policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(357) 19%(374) 10%(198) 29%(576) 24%(488) 1992 Gender: Male 20%(185) 19%(181) 9%(86) 32%(298) 19%(182) 932 Gender: Female 16%(172) 18%(193) 11%(112) 26%(277) 29%(306) 1060 Age: 18-34 17%(83) 20%(102) 13%(66) 22%(108) 28%(142) 500 Age: 35-44 24%(73) 20%(60) 10%(30) 22%(65) 25%(75) 303 Age: 45-64 16%(118) 17%(121) 8%(60) 36%(260) 23%(167) 725 Age: 65+ 18%(84) 20%(92) 9%(42) 31%(142) 22%(104) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 16%(22) 17%(24) 17%(23) 19%(26) 31%(44) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 21%(120) 22%(125) 11%(65) 20%(117) 26%(147) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 15%(78) 16%(80) 9%(43) 37%(188) 23%(117) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 18%(126) 19%(136) 9%(60) 31%(218) 23%(161) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 34%(273) 28%(222) 8%(67) 5%(37) 25%(199) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 10%(56) 18%(104) 12%(69) 27%(157) 33%(187) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(27) 8%(48) 10%(62) 61%(381) 16%(102) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 40%(136) 28%(96) 8%(29) 5%(17) 19%(65) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 30%(138) 28%(126) 8%(38) 4%(20) 29%(134) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 11%(32) 19%(58) 9%(27) 34%(102) 26%(78) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 9%(24) 17%(46) 15%(41) 20%(56) 39%(109) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(17) 9%(28) 10%(30) 61%(180) 13%(39) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 3%(10) 6%(21) 10%(33) 61%(201) 19%(63) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30%(192) 29%(188) 9%(58) 5%(34) 26%(164) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 18%(100) 22%(126) 11%(65) 21%(120) 27%(154) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(50) 8%(51) 10%(67) 58%(390) 16%(110) 668 Educ: < College 15%(183) 16%(201) 10%(122) 33%(407) 27%(340) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 22%(101) 22%(105) 10%(49) 24%(115) 21%(101) 471 Educ: Post-grad 27%(73) 25%(68) 10%(27) 20%(53) 17%(47) 268 Income: Under 50k 16%(155) 18%(174) 9%(86) 29%(277) 29%(280) 971 Income: 50k-100k 18%(117) 17%(110) 12%(78) 32%(208) 22%(146) 659 Income: 100k+ 24%(85) 25%(90) 10%(35) 25%(91) 17%(62) 362 Ethnicity: White 16%(252) 17%(281) 10%(168) 32%(518) 24%(393) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 23%(44) 18%(34) 13%(26) 25%(48) 21%(41) 193 Continued on next page

61 Morning Consult Table POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Gun policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(357) 19%(374) 10%(198) 29%(576) 24%(488) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 32%(80) 26%(65) 8%(19) 9%(24) 26%(66) 253 Ethnicity: Other 20%(26) 23%(29) 8%(11) 26%(34) 23%(29) 128 All Christian 19%(192) 17%(172) 10%(103) 32%(320) 20%(198) 986 All Non-Christian 33%(39) 28%(33) 5%(6) 16%(19) 18%(22) 119 Atheist 13%(11) 30%(24) 17%(13) 14%(11) 26%(21) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15%(68) 18%(80) 9%(41) 22%(103) 36%(164) 457 Something Else 13%(47) 18%(64) 10%(34) 35%(123) 23%(82) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 28%(39) 26%(35) 8%(11) 19%(26) 19%(27) 138 Evangelical 20%(114) 18%(104) 9%(53) 36%(205) 17%(96) 572 Non-Evangelical 17%(122) 17%(126) 11%(78) 31%(226) 24%(175) 726 Community: Urban 28%(157) 24%(134) 11%(62) 17%(96) 20%(110) 560 Community: Suburban 16%(146) 17%(158) 10%(88) 29%(258) 28%(255) 905 Community: Rural 10%(53) 16%(82) 9%(48) 42%(221) 23%(123) 527 Employ: Private Sector 20%(134) 20%(135) 11%(70) 28%(188) 20%(135) 660 Employ: Government 17%(25) 27%(42) 14%(22) 21%(32) 21%(32) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 17%(29) 22%(37) 6%(9) 30%(49) 25%(42) 165 Employ: Homemaker 10%(12) 15%(19) 12%(15) 35%(43) 28%(35) 124 Employ: Student 20%(12) 19%(11) 11%(6) 23%(14) 27%(16) 58 Employ: Retired 16%(80) 20%(99) 9%(42) 32%(157) 24%(118) 496 Employ: Unemployed 20%(42) 8%(17) 12%(25) 27%(58) 33%(70) 213 Employ: Other 18%(22) 13%(16) 7%(8) 29%(35) 33%(40) 121 Military HH: Yes 19%(68) 15%(54) 10%(35) 35%(125) 21%(75) 356 Military HH: No 18%(289) 20%(320) 10%(163) 28%(451) 25%(413) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 31%(289) 28%(263) 9%(82) 6%(55) 26%(236) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 6%(68) 10%(111) 11%(116) 49%(521) 24%(252) 1067 Biden Job Approve 30%(335) 29%(328) 9%(98) 6%(68) 27%(303) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(16) 6%(42) 12%(92) 67%(496) 13%(94) 740 Continued on next page

62 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Gun policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(357) 19%(374) 10%(198) 29%(576) 24%(488) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 47%(308) 27%(175) 4%(28) 4%(29) 18%(116) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 6%(27) 32%(153) 15%(70) 8%(39) 39%(187) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 2%(5) 11%(24) 27%(58) 35%(74) 25%(53) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(10) 4%(18) 6%(34) 80%(422) 8%(42) 527 Favorable of Biden 30%(336) 30%(336) 9%(97) 4%(49) 28%(312) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(15) 5%(35) 13%(98) 66%(510) 15%(115) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 46%(308) 26%(174) 5%(35) 3%(20) 20%(137) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 6%(27) 36%(162) 14%(62) 6%(29) 38%(175) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 2%(4) 11%(21) 22%(43) 34%(68) 31%(62) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(11) 2%(14) 9%(54) 77%(442) 9%(53) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 14%(112) 16%(130) 10%(78) 36%(288) 24%(190) 798 #1 Issue: Security 13%(30) 12%(29) 16%(37) 50%(118) 10%(24) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 28%(85) 25%(77) 7%(23) 15%(46) 25%(78) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 18%(47) 24%(64) 10%(26) 21%(56) 28%(73) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26%(20) 21%(16) 3%(2) 12%(9) 39%(31) 79 #1 Issue: Education 11%(9) 24%(20) 15%(13) 19%(16) 32%(26) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 22%(17) 23%(18) 16%(13) 16%(12) 24%(19) 79 #1 Issue: Other 26%(36) 15%(21) 5%(7) 22%(30) 33%(47) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 31%(317) 29%(295) 8%(83) 4%(45) 27%(276) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(21) 7%(49) 12%(88) 64%(458) 13%(94) 711 2020 Vote: Other 2%(2) 13%(10) 11%(8) 32%(25) 43%(34) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 9%(16) 11%(19) 10%(19) 25%(47) 45%(83) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 33%(264) 29%(227) 8%(62) 5%(43) 25%(198) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 4%(22) 9%(52) 12%(75) 61%(371) 14%(84) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 5%(3) 12%(7) 9%(5) 27%(16) 47%(28) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 35%(260) 30%(223) 7%(54) 4%(32) 24%(183) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(29) 9%(62) 13%(91) 60%(407) 14%(94) 682 2016 Vote: Other 6%(8) 14%(18) 11%(14) 27%(34) 42%(53) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(60) 17%(71) 9%(38) 24%(101) 36%(154) 425 Continued on next page

63 Morning Consult Table POL1_10

Table POL1_10: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Gun policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(357) 19%(374) 10%(198) 29%(576) 24%(488) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 21%(274) 20%(264) 10%(131) 29%(388) 21%(279) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 13%(82) 17%(110) 10%(66) 29%(188) 32%(209) 655 4-Region: Northeast 21%(74) 22%(77) 10%(37) 24%(84) 23%(82) 355 4-Region: Midwest 14%(64) 17%(76) 11%(51) 34%(154) 25%(113) 458 4-Region: South 18%(137) 18%(136) 10%(72) 30%(222) 24%(176) 744 4-Region: West 19%(81) 19%(84) 9%(38) 27%(116) 27%(116) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 32%(307) 28%(274) 8%(80) 5%(45) 27%(260) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(31) 7%(54) 11%(79) 61%(445) 16%(117) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

64 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Protecting Medicare and Social Security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(519) 24%(478) 8%(162) 19%(377) 23%(457) 1992 Gender: Male 27%(249) 25%(237) 8%(75) 20%(186) 20%(185) 932 Gender: Female 25%(270) 23%(241) 8%(87) 18%(191) 26%(272) 1060 Age: 18-34 24%(121) 26%(131) 10%(51) 12%(63) 27%(135) 500 Age: 35-44 29%(87) 26%(80) 6%(20) 13%(39) 25%(77) 303 Age: 45-64 25%(180) 22%(157) 8%(61) 24%(172) 21%(156) 725 Age: 65+ 28%(131) 24%(110) 7%(31) 22%(104) 19%(89) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 22%(31) 29%(40) 15%(22) 5%(7) 29%(40) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(161) 26%(151) 7%(43) 13%(76) 25%(143) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 23%(115) 22%(112) 7%(37) 23%(119) 24%(124) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 28%(198) 22%(155) 8%(54) 23%(159) 19%(136) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 48%(384) 29%(230) 5%(37) 3%(22) 16%(124) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 17%(95) 26%(148) 9%(50) 15%(85) 34%(194) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 6%(40) 16%(99) 12%(74) 43%(270) 22%(139) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 50%(172) 32%(108) 3%(11) 4%(12) 11%(38) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 46%(212) 27%(122) 6%(27) 2%(10) 19%(86) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 18%(55) 25%(74) 8%(25) 17%(50) 32%(94) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 15%(40) 27%(75) 9%(25) 13%(35) 36%(101) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 8%(22) 19%(55) 13%(39) 42%(123) 18%(53) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(17) 13%(44) 11%(35) 45%(146) 26%(85) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45%(286) 30%(191) 5%(33) 3%(18) 17%(108) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(140) 29%(164) 9%(53) 11%(64) 25%(143) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11%(70) 16%(107) 11%(73) 41%(275) 21%(143) 668 Educ: < College 22%(281) 22%(277) 8%(100) 22%(273) 26%(322) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 30%(141) 26%(122) 9%(42) 15%(69) 21%(97) 471 Educ: Post-grad 36%(97) 29%(78) 8%(20) 13%(35) 14%(38) 268 Income: Under 50k 25%(247) 23%(223) 7%(65) 20%(191) 25%(244) 971 Income: 50k-100k 25%(162) 23%(151) 10%(63) 21%(135) 22%(148) 659 Income: 100k+ 30%(109) 29%(104) 9%(34) 14%(50) 18%(65) 362 Ethnicity: White 24%(380) 24%(381) 8%(129) 21%(341) 24%(379) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 32%(62) 24%(47) 15%(28) 10%(20) 18%(35) 193 Continued on next page

65 Morning Consult Table POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Protecting Medicare and Social Security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(519) 24%(478) 8%(162) 19%(377) 23%(457) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 40%(102) 25%(63) 6%(15) 8%(20) 20%(52) 253 Ethnicity: Other 29%(37) 26%(33) 14%(18) 12%(15) 20%(26) 128 All Christian 26%(259) 23%(226) 9%(87) 22%(220) 20%(194) 986 All Non-Christian 44%(53) 21%(25) 5%(6) 12%(14) 18%(21) 119 Atheist 33%(26) 36%(29) 9%(7) 5%(4) 17%(14) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(92) 27%(122) 8%(35) 14%(63) 32%(144) 457 Something Else 25%(89) 21%(74) 8%(27) 22%(77) 24%(84) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(54) 22%(31) 10%(13) 11%(15) 18%(25) 138 Evangelical 27%(156) 21%(121) 7%(39) 25%(142) 20%(113) 572 Non-Evangelical 26%(186) 23%(168) 9%(65) 21%(149) 22%(158) 726 Community: Urban 36%(202) 30%(166) 6%(35) 11%(62) 17%(95) 560 Community: Suburban 24%(219) 23%(212) 9%(82) 18%(164) 25%(228) 905 Community: Rural 18%(97) 19%(100) 8%(45) 29%(152) 25%(134) 527 Employ: Private Sector 28%(185) 24%(162) 9%(58) 18%(121) 20%(134) 660 Employ: Government 21%(32) 35%(54) 7%(11) 14%(22) 23%(35) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 21%(35) 26%(43) 8%(13) 21%(35) 24%(39) 165 Employ: Homemaker 13%(17) 25%(31) 6%(8) 24%(30) 32%(39) 124 Employ: Student 21%(12) 32%(19) 10%(6) 11%(6) 26%(15) 58 Employ: Retired 28%(138) 22%(109) 7%(35) 22%(111) 21%(102) 496 Employ: Unemployed 32%(69) 16%(33) 9%(20) 14%(29) 29%(62) 213 Employ: Other 25%(30) 22%(27) 9%(10) 19%(23) 26%(31) 121 Military HH: Yes 26%(92) 21%(73) 9%(32) 23%(80) 22%(77) 356 Military HH: No 26%(427) 25%(404) 8%(129) 18%(297) 23%(380) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 44%(411) 33%(301) 4%(39) 3%(23) 16%(151) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 10%(108) 17%(177) 12%(123) 33%(354) 29%(306) 1067 Biden Job Approve 43%(484) 33%(375) 4%(47) 2%(25) 18%(199) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 3%(26) 12%(86) 15%(110) 47%(347) 23%(171) 740 Continued on next page

66 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Protecting Medicare and Social Security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(519) 24%(478) 8%(162) 19%(377) 23%(457) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 63%(411) 23%(154) 2%(11) 2%(14) 10%(65) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 15%(73) 47%(221) 8%(36) 2%(11) 28%(134) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 4%(8) 25%(53) 23%(48) 14%(29) 35%(75) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(18) 6%(33) 12%(62) 60%(318) 18%(96) 527 Favorable of Biden 43%(486) 34%(383) 4%(43) 2%(18) 18%(200) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(27) 11%(88) 15%(115) 45%(351) 25%(193) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 62%(419) 24%(164) 1%(7) 2%(10) 11%(74) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 15%(67) 48%(219) 8%(36) 2%(8) 28%(126) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 3%(7) 28%(55) 21%(42) 10%(20) 38%(76) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 3%(20) 6%(33) 13%(73) 58%(331) 20%(117) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 21%(169) 24%(188) 9%(74) 23%(183) 23%(183) 798 #1 Issue: Security 21%(49) 19%(45) 12%(28) 33%(79) 15%(36) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 38%(117) 26%(81) 7%(22) 8%(25) 20%(63) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27%(72) 25%(67) 5%(14) 16%(42) 27%(71) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 31%(24) 25%(20) 3%(2) 7%(5) 34%(26) 79 #1 Issue: Education 15%(13) 34%(28) 6%(5) 20%(16) 25%(21) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 30%(24) 22%(17) 14%(11) 6%(5) 29%(23) 79 #1 Issue: Other 36%(50) 22%(31) 3%(4) 15%(22) 24%(34) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 45%(453) 33%(335) 4%(38) 2%(21) 17%(170) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(37) 13%(89) 14%(99) 44%(315) 24%(171) 711 2020 Vote: Other 1%(1) 20%(16) 11%(9) 16%(12) 52%(41) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16%(28) 20%(38) 9%(16) 15%(28) 40%(73) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 48%(378) 30%(241) 4%(29) 3%(21) 16%(126) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(39) 15%(90) 14%(83) 43%(262) 21%(130) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 6%(4) 20%(12) 7%(4) 18%(11) 49%(29) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 49%(371) 30%(223) 3%(25) 2%(17) 16%(117) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(48) 16%(109) 13%(90) 42%(286) 22%(149) 682 2016 Vote: Other 11%(14) 30%(38) 7%(9) 18%(22) 34%(43) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20%(85) 25%(107) 9%(37) 12%(50) 34%(146) 425 Continued on next page

67 Morning Consult Table POL1_11

Table POL1_11: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Protecting Medicare and Social Security Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 26%(519) 24%(478) 8%(162) 19%(377) 23%(457) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 29%(393) 24%(319) 8%(107) 20%(264) 19%(255) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(125) 24%(159) 8%(55) 17%(113) 31%(202) 655 4-Region: Northeast 29%(102) 27%(95) 9%(32) 16%(58) 19%(69) 355 4-Region: Midwest 22%(98) 22%(101) 8%(35) 23%(106) 26%(118) 458 4-Region: South 27%(200) 21%(153) 8%(59) 20%(148) 25%(183) 744 4-Region: West 27%(118) 30%(129) 8%(36) 15%(65) 20%(87) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 45%(440) 30%(292) 5%(44) 3%(27) 17%(165) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 6%(44) 16%(114) 13%(92) 42%(306) 23%(170) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

68 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_12

Table POL1_12: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Coronavirus Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(683) 26%(517) 10%(203) 20%(392) 10%(197) 1992 Gender: Male 35%(324) 25%(236) 10%(94) 22%(206) 8%(72) 932 Gender: Female 34%(358) 27%(281) 10%(110) 18%(186) 12%(125) 1060 Age: 18-34 27%(134) 30%(148) 11%(55) 16%(81) 16%(82) 500 Age: 35-44 33%(99) 32%(97) 8%(25) 15%(44) 12%(37) 303 Age: 45-64 34%(244) 23%(165) 11%(76) 25%(178) 8%(61) 725 Age: 65+ 44%(205) 23%(107) 10%(47) 19%(88) 4%(16) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 22%(31) 32%(45) 11%(15) 16%(23) 19%(26) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 32%(183) 30%(174) 9%(54) 15%(84) 14%(79) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 30%(150) 25%(125) 11%(54) 25%(125) 10%(53) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 42%(295) 21%(150) 10%(73) 21%(150) 5%(33) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 61%(486) 26%(210) 5%(39) 4%(30) 4%(34) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 27%(157) 27%(154) 12%(66) 18%(101) 16%(94) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 6%(40) 25%(153) 16%(98) 42%(261) 11%(69) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 64%(220) 23%(80) 5%(18) 4%(12) 3%(12) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 58%(265) 28%(130) 5%(21) 4%(18) 5%(22) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 29%(86) 25%(75) 12%(35) 22%(64) 13%(37) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 26%(71) 29%(79) 11%(31) 14%(37) 21%(57) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(18) 28%(82) 14%(40) 44%(130) 8%(23) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 7%(22) 22%(72) 18%(57) 40%(131) 14%(46) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 59%(374) 26%(166) 6%(36) 4%(24) 6%(36) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 36%(202) 32%(183) 10%(54) 14%(78) 9%(48) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12%(79) 23%(152) 16%(104) 39%(263) 11%(70) 668 Educ: < College 30%(373) 25%(315) 10%(122) 23%(288) 12%(155) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 40%(190) 26%(123) 12%(56) 15%(70) 7%(33) 471 Educ: Post-grad 45%(119) 30%(80) 10%(26) 13%(34) 4%(9) 268 Income: Under 50k 33%(319) 23%(226) 9%(91) 21%(204) 13%(131) 971 Income: 50k-100k 33%(220) 29%(193) 10%(68) 20%(132) 7%(46) 659 Income: 100k+ 40%(144) 27%(99) 12%(45) 15%(55) 5%(20) 362 Ethnicity: White 33%(525) 26%(422) 11%(179) 21%(340) 9%(145) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 36%(69) 24%(47) 10%(18) 19%(36) 12%(23) 193 Continued on next page

69 Morning Consult Table POL1_12

Table POL1_12: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Coronavirus Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(683) 26%(517) 10%(203) 20%(392) 10%(197) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 47%(118) 24%(61) 5%(12) 11%(28) 13%(33) 253 Ethnicity: Other 31%(40) 27%(35) 9%(12) 18%(23) 14%(18) 128 All Christian 37%(365) 24%(233) 12%(116) 20%(202) 7%(70) 986 All Non-Christian 47%(56) 26%(30) 9%(11) 11%(13) 8%(9) 119 Atheist 43%(34) 33%(26) 8%(7) 13%(10) 3%(3) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 31%(143) 30%(135) 8%(39) 17%(76) 14%(64) 457 Something Else 24%(84) 26%(92) 9%(31) 26%(92) 15%(51) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 43%(59) 26%(36) 14%(20) 10%(14) 7%(10) 138 Evangelical 29%(166) 24%(135) 11%(63) 26%(146) 11%(62) 572 Non-Evangelical 38%(276) 25%(179) 10%(74) 20%(142) 8%(56) 726 Community: Urban 44%(247) 28%(159) 7%(38) 13%(74) 7%(42) 560 Community: Suburban 34%(307) 25%(230) 12%(112) 18%(164) 10%(93) 905 Community: Rural 24%(129) 24%(128) 10%(54) 29%(154) 12%(62) 527 Employ: Private Sector 35%(230) 26%(171) 12%(78) 20%(129) 8%(52) 660 Employ: Government 28%(43) 38%(58) 6%(10) 18%(27) 10%(16) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 32%(52) 28%(46) 9%(15) 19%(32) 12%(20) 165 Employ: Homemaker 21%(26) 28%(35) 10%(13) 24%(30) 16%(20) 124 Employ: Student 25%(14) 34%(20) 10%(6) 16%(9) 15%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 41%(205) 24%(117) 9%(45) 20%(101) 6%(28) 496 Employ: Unemployed 33%(71) 21%(45) 12%(26) 18%(38) 16%(33) 213 Employ: Other 33%(40) 21%(25) 8%(10) 22%(26) 16%(20) 121 Military HH: Yes 36%(127) 22%(79) 11%(38) 23%(80) 9%(32) 356 Military HH: No 34%(555) 27%(438) 10%(166) 19%(312) 10%(165) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 58%(538) 29%(268) 4%(39) 3%(28) 6%(52) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 14%(145) 23%(249) 15%(165) 34%(364) 14%(145) 1067 Biden Job Approve 57%(646) 32%(359) 3%(39) 2%(27) 5%(60) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 4%(30) 18%(131) 21%(155) 48%(354) 9%(70) 740 Continued on next page

70 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_12

Table POL1_12: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Coronavirus Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(683) 26%(517) 10%(203) 20%(392) 10%(197) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 78%(513) 16%(104) 2%(13) 2%(13) 2%(12) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 28%(133) 54%(255) 5%(26) 3%(14) 10%(48) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 7%(16) 35%(75) 30%(64) 13%(27) 15%(31) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(14) 11%(56) 17%(91) 62%(327) 7%(38) 527 Favorable of Biden 58%(652) 32%(356) 3%(37) 2%(21) 6%(65) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(25) 19%(144) 21%(162) 47%(363) 10%(80) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 78%(525) 16%(110) 2%(13) 2%(13) 2%(15) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 28%(127) 54%(246) 5%(24) 2%(9) 11%(50) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 5%(10) 41%(81) 26%(51) 13%(26) 16%(32) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 3%(15) 11%(63) 19%(111) 59%(336) 8%(49) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 26%(208) 26%(207) 12%(94) 25%(202) 11%(87) 798 #1 Issue: Security 20%(47) 25%(60) 19%(44) 30%(72) 6%(15) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 50%(153) 28%(85) 5%(15) 10%(30) 8%(25) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45%(119) 26%(70) 7%(18) 14%(38) 8%(22) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 42%(33) 31%(24) 5%(4) 9%(7) 13%(10) 79 #1 Issue: Education 28%(23) 27%(23) 11%(10) 16%(14) 17%(14) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 36%(29) 30%(23) 13%(10) 7%(6) 14%(11) 79 #1 Issue: Other 50%(70) 18%(25) 6%(8) 17%(24) 9%(13) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 59%(603) 30%(300) 4%(39) 3%(28) 5%(46) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(34) 22%(153) 19%(132) 44%(316) 11%(76) 711 2020 Vote: Other 7%(5) 35%(27) 13%(10) 20%(16) 26%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22%(40) 20%(36) 12%(22) 17%(31) 30%(54) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 62%(496) 27%(212) 5%(39) 3%(25) 3%(23) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 7%(42) 23%(138) 18%(106) 43%(258) 10%(60) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 15%(9) 26%(15) 12%(7) 13%(8) 34%(20) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 63%(478) 26%(196) 4%(30) 3%(22) 4%(27) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 8%(57) 24%(163) 18%(125) 41%(277) 9%(61) 682 2016 Vote: Other 31%(39) 31%(39) 10%(12) 12%(16) 16%(20) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(108) 28%(118) 9%(36) 18%(75) 21%(87) 425 Continued on next page

71 Morning Consult Table POL1_12

Table POL1_12: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Coronavirus Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(683) 26%(517) 10%(203) 20%(392) 10%(197) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 39%(528) 25%(334) 10%(134) 19%(256) 6%(85) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 24%(155) 28%(183) 11%(69) 21%(135) 17%(112) 655 4-Region: Northeast 40%(143) 27%(95) 10%(34) 16%(56) 8%(27) 355 4-Region: Midwest 29%(135) 27%(126) 10%(47) 24%(108) 9%(42) 458 4-Region: South 32%(236) 24%(181) 10%(78) 21%(159) 12%(90) 744 4-Region: West 39%(170) 27%(116) 10%(44) 16%(69) 9%(38) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 60%(584) 27%(258) 5%(45) 4%(34) 5%(45) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 6%(46) 23%(169) 17%(121) 42%(305) 12%(86) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

72 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_13

Table POL1_13: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Voting rights Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 22%(447) 7%(142) 22%(445) 23%(451) 1992 Gender: Male 27%(253) 23%(214) 8%(74) 24%(223) 18%(169) 932 Gender: Female 24%(254) 22%(233) 6%(68) 21%(223) 27%(282) 1060 Age: 18-34 24%(120) 25%(127) 8%(38) 16%(79) 27%(135) 500 Age: 35-44 29%(89) 25%(77) 7%(20) 16%(47) 23%(70) 303 Age: 45-64 23%(170) 20%(142) 7%(50) 28%(203) 22%(161) 725 Age: 65+ 28%(128) 22%(101) 7%(34) 25%(116) 18%(84) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 19%(27) 25%(36) 5%(7) 15%(21) 36%(50) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 29%(167) 26%(149) 7%(42) 14%(83) 23%(134) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 21%(106) 21%(107) 7%(37) 28%(142) 23%(115) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 27%(193) 20%(139) 7%(49) 26%(182) 20%(139) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 47%(379) 30%(237) 4%(32) 3%(23) 16%(126) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(94) 25%(141) 6%(37) 18%(102) 35%(198) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(34) 11%(69) 12%(73) 51%(320) 20%(126) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 52%(177) 30%(101) 5%(16) 3%(10) 11%(38) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 44%(202) 30%(136) 4%(16) 3%(14) 19%(88) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 19%(57) 24%(72) 6%(19) 21%(61) 30%(88) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 14%(37) 25%(69) 7%(18) 15%(41) 40%(111) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(19) 14%(40) 13%(40) 52%(152) 15%(43) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(15) 9%(28) 10%(33) 51%(168) 25%(83) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45%(289) 30%(193) 5%(29) 3%(19) 17%(106) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(142) 28%(159) 7%(41) 14%(79) 26%(145) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(56) 12%(82) 10%(68) 49%(329) 20%(134) 668 Educ: < College 21%(267) 20%(250) 8%(94) 25%(317) 26%(324) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 30%(139) 26%(120) 8%(36) 18%(85) 19%(91) 471 Educ: Post-grad 38%(101) 29%(77) 4%(12) 16%(43) 13%(36) 268 Income: Under 50k 24%(233) 20%(196) 6%(63) 22%(216) 27%(262) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(159) 24%(156) 9%(58) 24%(158) 19%(128) 659 Income: 100k+ 32%(115) 26%(94) 6%(22) 20%(71) 17%(61) 362 Ethnicity: White 23%(369) 22%(352) 7%(112) 25%(402) 23%(376) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(56) 27%(51) 6%(12) 20%(39) 18%(35) 193 Continued on next page

73 Morning Consult Table POL1_13

Table POL1_13: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Voting rights Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 22%(447) 7%(142) 22%(445) 23%(451) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 43%(108) 25%(64) 6%(14) 10%(24) 17%(42) 253 Ethnicity: Other 23%(30) 24%(31) 12%(16) 15%(19) 26%(33) 128 All Christian 27%(266) 21%(205) 8%(76) 27%(261) 18%(178) 986 All Non-Christian 43%(52) 28%(33) 8%(10) 7%(9) 13%(16) 119 Atheist 28%(22) 36%(29) 5%(4) 7%(6) 23%(19) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 22%(100) 24%(109) 9%(40) 15%(67) 31%(140) 457 Something Else 19%(67) 20%(71) 3%(12) 29%(102) 28%(98) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(53) 25%(34) 8%(11) 14%(19) 15%(21) 138 Evangelical 24%(137) 21%(118) 6%(36) 31%(175) 18%(105) 572 Non-Evangelical 26%(189) 21%(152) 7%(48) 24%(175) 22%(163) 726 Community: Urban 36%(199) 30%(167) 5%(30) 13%(70) 17%(93) 560 Community: Suburban 24%(217) 22%(197) 8%(69) 22%(203) 24%(219) 905 Community: Rural 17%(91) 16%(82) 8%(43) 33%(172) 26%(139) 527 Employ: Private Sector 30%(195) 23%(152) 8%(51) 21%(139) 19%(123) 660 Employ: Government 21%(33) 32%(49) 11%(16) 16%(25) 20%(31) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 19%(32) 28%(47) 4%(6) 22%(36) 27%(44) 165 Employ: Homemaker 10%(12) 24%(30) 6%(8) 31%(39) 29%(35) 124 Employ: Student 18%(10) 21%(12) 7%(4) 20%(11) 34%(20) 58 Employ: Retired 27%(132) 21%(103) 7%(35) 26%(130) 19%(97) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(59) 12%(27) 9%(19) 19%(41) 31%(67) 213 Employ: Other 27%(33) 22%(26) 2%(2) 20%(25) 29%(35) 121 Military HH: Yes 26%(94) 21%(74) 7%(23) 30%(105) 17%(59) 356 Military HH: No 25%(413) 23%(373) 7%(119) 21%(340) 24%(392) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 43%(401) 32%(294) 4%(38) 3%(25) 18%(167) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 10%(106) 14%(153) 10%(104) 39%(420) 27%(284) 1067 Biden Job Approve 43%(483) 34%(382) 4%(41) 2%(20) 18%(207) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(17) 8%(60) 13%(96) 57%(421) 20%(146) 740 Continued on next page

74 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_13

Table POL1_13: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Voting rights Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 22%(447) 7%(142) 22%(445) 23%(451) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 64%(417) 25%(161) 2%(11) 2%(10) 9%(57) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 14%(66) 46%(220) 6%(29) 2%(10) 32%(150) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 4%(9) 19%(40) 23%(49) 19%(41) 35%(75) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(9) 4%(20) 9%(47) 72%(379) 14%(72) 527 Favorable of Biden 43%(482) 34%(386) 4%(41) 1%(10) 19%(212) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(20) 7%(54) 13%(99) 55%(429) 22%(172) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 61%(415) 25%(172) 2%(10) 1%(7) 10%(71) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 15%(67) 47%(214) 7%(30) 1%(2) 31%(142) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 4%(9) 20%(41) 20%(39) 14%(28) 41%(82) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(11) 2%(14) 10%(60) 70%(400) 16%(89) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 21%(166) 21%(166) 7%(57) 27%(214) 24%(194) 798 #1 Issue: Security 16%(38) 14%(34) 13%(30) 45%(106) 12%(28) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 37%(113) 27%(83) 7%(22) 9%(27) 21%(65) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28%(75) 24%(64) 5%(14) 17%(44) 26%(69) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 32%(25) 31%(24) 2%(2) 8%(6) 27%(21) 79 #1 Issue: Education 22%(18) 26%(22) 11%(9) 16%(13) 26%(21) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 25%(20) 29%(23) 9%(7) 12%(9) 25%(20) 79 #1 Issue: Other 37%(52) 22%(30) 1%(1) 18%(25) 23%(32) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 45%(453) 33%(332) 4%(41) 2%(17) 17%(172) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(25) 10%(71) 11%(81) 54%(385) 21%(149) 711 2020 Vote: Other 2%(1) 22%(17) 14%(11) 15%(11) 48%(38) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(26) 14%(26) 5%(9) 17%(31) 50%(91) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 47%(373) 31%(248) 3%(26) 3%(23) 16%(126) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(32) 12%(73) 11%(69) 53%(319) 19%(112) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8%(5) 15%(9) 7%(4) 16%(10) 55%(32) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47%(354) 32%(241) 3%(25) 3%(20) 15%(114) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 6%(42) 12%(84) 11%(78) 50%(341) 20%(137) 682 2016 Vote: Other 15%(18) 22%(28) 9%(12) 15%(19) 39%(49) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22%(93) 22%(94) 6%(27) 15%(63) 35%(148) 425 Continued on next page

75 Morning Consult Table POL1_13

Table POL1_13: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Voting rights Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(507) 22%(447) 7%(142) 22%(445) 23%(451) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 29%(384) 23%(305) 7%(96) 23%(314) 18%(238) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(123) 22%(141) 7%(46) 20%(132) 33%(213) 655 4-Region: Northeast 28%(98) 27%(98) 8%(27) 18%(64) 19%(68) 355 4-Region: Midwest 21%(96) 20%(90) 7%(32) 26%(119) 26%(121) 458 4-Region: South 26%(193) 20%(151) 7%(53) 24%(180) 22%(167) 744 4-Region: West 28%(121) 25%(108) 7%(30) 19%(82) 22%(95) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 45%(434) 31%(296) 4%(40) 3%(26) 18%(172) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(38) 11%(78) 11%(82) 51%(370) 22%(158) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

76 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_14

Table POL1_14: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Foreign policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(442) 23%(458) 11%(226) 24%(484) 19%(383) 1992 Gender: Male 24%(226) 24%(225) 11%(106) 26%(245) 14%(131) 932 Gender: Female 20%(216) 22%(232) 11%(120) 23%(239) 24%(252) 1060 Age: 18-34 17%(84) 24%(118) 15%(76) 20%(101) 24%(122) 500 Age: 35-44 25%(76) 23%(69) 13%(39) 17%(53) 22%(66) 303 Age: 45-64 22%(162) 21%(153) 10%(73) 28%(206) 18%(132) 725 Age: 65+ 26%(120) 26%(119) 8%(38) 27%(124) 14%(63) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 17%(23) 20%(28) 13%(18) 21%(29) 30%(42) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 21%(123) 25%(142) 15%(84) 17%(96) 23%(130) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 20%(102) 20%(100) 11%(55) 29%(149) 20%(101) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26%(182) 24%(165) 9%(64) 27%(191) 14%(98) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 41%(330) 32%(253) 8%(62) 3%(26) 16%(128) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(90) 24%(139) 12%(70) 22%(124) 26%(150) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 3%(22) 11%(66) 15%(95) 54%(333) 17%(105) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 48%(163) 31%(107) 7%(25) 4%(13) 10%(35) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 37%(167) 32%(146) 8%(37) 3%(13) 20%(93) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 18%(53) 26%(77) 12%(35) 24%(70) 20%(61) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 13%(37) 22%(62) 12%(34) 20%(54) 32%(89) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 3%(9) 14%(41) 16%(46) 55%(161) 12%(36) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(12) 8%(25) 15%(49) 52%(172) 21%(70) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 41%(258) 30%(193) 9%(55) 5%(30) 16%(100) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 22%(122) 30%(168) 12%(70) 16%(90) 20%(115) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(51) 12%(83) 14%(92) 51%(340) 15%(101) 668 Educ: < College 18%(226) 21%(258) 11%(135) 27%(342) 23%(291) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 27%(126) 25%(116) 14%(65) 19%(91) 16%(73) 471 Educ: Post-grad 34%(90) 31%(84) 9%(25) 19%(50) 7%(19) 268 Income: Under 50k 21%(204) 20%(191) 10%(101) 24%(232) 25%(243) 971 Income: 50k-100k 21%(140) 24%(159) 13%(85) 26%(174) 15%(100) 659 Income: 100k+ 27%(97) 30%(108) 11%(40) 21%(77) 11%(40) 362 Ethnicity: White 21%(335) 22%(353) 11%(185) 27%(433) 19%(305) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 24%(46) 22%(43) 19%(37) 19%(37) 15%(30) 193 Continued on next page

77 Morning Consult Table POL1_14

Table POL1_14: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Foreign policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(442) 23%(458) 11%(226) 24%(484) 19%(383) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 32%(81) 28%(71) 8%(21) 11%(28) 21%(52) 253 Ethnicity: Other 20%(26) 27%(34) 16%(20) 17%(22) 20%(26) 128 All Christian 24%(235) 23%(228) 11%(112) 28%(271) 14%(140) 986 All Non-Christian 38%(45) 27%(32) 10%(12) 13%(16) 12%(14) 119 Atheist 30%(24) 31%(25) 14%(11) 16%(13) 9%(7) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19%(85) 23%(104) 13%(58) 18%(84) 28%(126) 457 Something Else 15%(53) 20%(69) 9%(33) 29%(100) 27%(96) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33%(46) 25%(34) 14%(20) 14%(19) 14%(20) 138 Evangelical 21%(119) 22%(126) 9%(53) 31%(178) 17%(95) 572 Non-Evangelical 23%(165) 22%(161) 11%(82) 25%(185) 18%(133) 726 Community: Urban 31%(173) 27%(153) 11%(59) 15%(84) 16%(91) 560 Community: Suburban 21%(194) 23%(207) 12%(109) 24%(220) 19%(175) 905 Community: Rural 14%(75) 19%(98) 11%(58) 34%(180) 22%(117) 527 Employ: Private Sector 24%(161) 24%(157) 13%(85) 23%(151) 16%(108) 660 Employ: Government 19%(29) 32%(49) 13%(20) 19%(29) 18%(27) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 24%(39) 21%(35) 7%(11) 28%(47) 20%(33) 165 Employ: Homemaker 12%(15) 18%(22) 12%(16) 32%(39) 26%(33) 124 Employ: Student 16%(9) 15%(9) 20%(12) 22%(13) 27%(16) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(119) 26%(130) 7%(36) 27%(135) 15%(75) 496 Employ: Unemployed 23%(49) 13%(28) 16%(33) 17%(37) 31%(66) 213 Employ: Other 18%(22) 23%(28) 11%(14) 28%(34) 20%(24) 121 Military HH: Yes 24%(87) 23%(82) 11%(38) 28%(100) 14%(48) 356 Military HH: No 22%(355) 23%(376) 11%(188) 23%(383) 20%(335) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 39%(364) 33%(306) 7%(69) 4%(34) 17%(153) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 7%(77) 14%(152) 15%(157) 42%(450) 22%(230) 1067 Biden Job Approve 38%(432) 36%(404) 7%(80) 3%(28) 16%(186) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 1%(9) 6%(45) 19%(138) 61%(450) 13%(97) 740 Continued on next page

78 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL1_14

Table POL1_14: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Foreign policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(442) 23%(458) 11%(226) 24%(484) 19%(383) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 59%(388) 28%(186) 3%(21) 2%(11) 8%(50) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 9%(45) 46%(218) 12%(59) 4%(18) 29%(137) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 2%(4) 13%(28) 37%(80) 24%(51) 24%(51) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 1%(6) 3%(17) 11%(58) 76%(400) 9%(46) 527 Favorable of Biden 38%(430) 36%(408) 7%(74) 2%(21) 17%(197) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 1%(9) 6%(44) 19%(146) 59%(453) 16%(121) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 57%(388) 29%(199) 2%(16) 1%(10) 9%(63) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 9%(42) 46%(209) 13%(58) 3%(11) 30%(135) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 1%(3) 13%(26) 36%(72) 21%(41) 29%(58) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(6) 3%(18) 13%(75) 72%(412) 11%(63) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 18%(146) 19%(152) 14%(109) 30%(243) 19%(149) 798 #1 Issue: Security 12%(29) 15%(36) 15%(35) 44%(104) 14%(33) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 32%(100) 29%(91) 11%(34) 11%(34) 16%(51) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25%(66) 31%(84) 5%(15) 17%(44) 22%(57) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25%(20) 26%(20) 10%(8) 8%(6) 31%(24) 79 #1 Issue: Education 16%(13) 31%(26) 11%(9) 13%(11) 29%(24) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 25%(20) 29%(23) 15%(12) 11%(9) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Other 34%(48) 19%(27) 3%(4) 23%(33) 21%(29) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 40%(409) 35%(351) 7%(70) 3%(34) 15%(152) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 2%(12) 9%(66) 17%(119) 57%(406) 15%(107) 711 2020 Vote: Other 2%(2) 21%(16) 20%(16) 18%(14) 40%(31) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(19) 13%(23) 11%(21) 16%(29) 50%(92) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 43%(338) 33%(262) 8%(61) 4%(30) 13%(104) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 4%(23) 12%(72) 16%(98) 55%(330) 13%(81) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 5%(3) 17%(10) 16%(9) 17%(10) 45%(27) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 43%(326) 33%(252) 6%(45) 4%(27) 14%(104) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(25) 14%(92) 16%(110) 53%(364) 13%(92) 682 2016 Vote: Other 15%(19) 23%(29) 15%(19) 17%(21) 30%(38) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17%(71) 20%(84) 12%(52) 16%(70) 35%(148) 425 Continued on next page

79 Morning Consult Table POL1_14

Table POL1_14: Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the following? Foreign policy Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t Know / Demographic approve approve disapprove disapprove No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 22%(442) 23%(458) 11%(226) 24%(484) 19%(383) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 26%(350) 24%(319) 11%(144) 25%(338) 14%(186) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 14%(91) 21%(139) 12%(81) 22%(146) 30%(197) 655 4-Region: Northeast 24%(86) 28%(99) 12%(43) 19%(69) 16%(58) 355 4-Region: Midwest 19%(89) 22%(100) 11%(49) 26%(118) 22%(101) 458 4-Region: South 21%(155) 21%(158) 11%(81) 28%(207) 19%(143) 744 4-Region: West 26%(112) 23%(101) 12%(52) 21%(89) 19%(81) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 40%(384) 32%(312) 8%(75) 3%(33) 17%(163) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(26) 11%(77) 16%(114) 53%(388) 17%(121) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

80 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? President Joe Biden Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(576) 24%(479) 15%(296) 25%(504) 7%(138) 1992 Gender: Male 31%(290) 22%(205) 14%(131) 27%(256) 5%(51) 932 Gender: Female 27%(286) 26%(274) 16%(165) 23%(248) 8%(87) 1060 Age: 18-34 23%(115) 26%(128) 21%(107) 20%(98) 11%(53) 500 Age: 35-44 29%(89) 30%(90) 12%(36) 19%(59) 10%(29) 303 Age: 45-64 28%(203) 23%(166) 12%(88) 31%(225) 6%(43) 725 Age: 65+ 36%(169) 20%(94) 14%(65) 26%(122) 3%(13) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 18%(25) 23%(32) 26%(37) 22%(30) 11%(16) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 29%(165) 28%(162) 16%(94) 17%(100) 9%(54) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 25%(128) 24%(123) 11%(54) 32%(164) 7%(37) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 34%(238) 21%(149) 14%(95) 28%(195) 4%(25) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 54%(428) 32%(258) 9%(69) 3%(21) 3%(21) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 22%(126) 25%(142) 18%(105) 23%(129) 12%(71) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 3%(21) 13%(79) 20%(122) 57%(353) 7%(46) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 60%(205) 28%(97) 6%(21) 3%(12) 2%(7) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 49%(223) 35%(162) 10%(48) 2%(9) 3%(14) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 24%(70) 22%(65) 16%(49) 28%(83) 10%(29) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 20%(55) 28%(77) 20%(56) 17%(46) 15%(41) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(14) 15%(43) 21%(61) 55%(161) 5%(14) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 2%(7) 11%(36) 19%(61) 59%(193) 10%(31) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 52%(334) 31%(196) 10%(61) 4%(27) 3%(18) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 28%(160) 32%(179) 16%(90) 18%(102) 6%(35) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9%(61) 13%(84) 19%(126) 52%(345) 8%(52) 668 Educ: < College 25%(309) 22%(274) 16%(198) 29%(364) 9%(108) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(150) 28%(131) 15%(69) 20%(95) 5%(25) 471 Educ: Post-grad 43%(116) 27%(73) 11%(29) 16%(44) 2%(5) 268 Income: Under 50k 27%(265) 23%(225) 14%(140) 26%(252) 9%(89) 971 Income: 50k-100k 28%(183) 24%(160) 17%(111) 26%(169) 6%(38) 659 Income: 100k+ 35%(128) 26%(94) 13%(46) 23%(83) 3%(11) 362 Ethnicity: White 27%(430) 23%(378) 15%(239) 28%(451) 7%(113) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(57) 20%(39) 23%(45) 21%(40) 7%(13) 193 Continued on next page

81 Morning Consult Table POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? President Joe Biden Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(576) 24%(479) 15%(296) 25%(504) 7%(138) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 45%(114) 28%(70) 9%(24) 12%(30) 6%(14) 253 Ethnicity: Other 25%(32) 24%(30) 26%(34) 17%(22) 8%(11) 128 All Christian 31%(308) 21%(210) 14%(142) 28%(273) 5%(53) 986 All Non-Christian 48%(57) 26%(32) 11%(14) 9%(11) 5%(6) 119 Atheist 33%(27) 37%(30) 13%(10) 16%(13) 1%(1) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25%(112) 27%(125) 16%(75) 21%(97) 11%(48) 457 Something Else 20%(72) 24%(82) 16%(56) 31%(110) 9%(30) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 42%(59) 27%(37) 14%(19) 12%(17) 4%(6) 138 Evangelical 25%(141) 22%(127) 14%(82) 32%(180) 7%(41) 572 Non-Evangelical 32%(233) 21%(154) 15%(108) 27%(193) 5%(39) 726 Community: Urban 40%(224) 28%(157) 14%(76) 14%(78) 4%(24) 560 Community: Suburban 27%(246) 24%(221) 16%(144) 26%(235) 7%(59) 905 Community: Rural 20%(106) 19%(100) 14%(76) 36%(190) 10%(55) 527 Employ: Private Sector 30%(201) 25%(168) 14%(95) 25%(165) 5%(32) 660 Employ: Government 21%(32) 36%(55) 19%(29) 17%(27) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 28%(47) 19%(31) 17%(28) 30%(49) 7%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 14%(17) 26%(32) 13%(16) 37%(46) 11%(13) 124 Employ: Student 23%(14) 23%(13) 26%(15) 13%(7) 15%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 34%(170) 21%(107) 14%(71) 26%(129) 4%(19) 496 Employ: Unemployed 30%(64) 22%(47) 13%(27) 22%(47) 13%(28) 213 Employ: Other 26%(32) 21%(26) 13%(15) 28%(34) 12%(15) 121 Military HH: Yes 31%(110) 21%(74) 13%(47) 30%(107) 5%(18) 356 Military HH: No 28%(466) 25%(405) 15%(249) 24%(396) 7%(120) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 51%(474) 35%(320) 7%(68) 2%(23) 4%(40) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 10%(102) 15%(158) 21%(228) 45%(481) 9%(97) 1067 Biden Job Approve 49%(558) 37%(420) 10%(108) 1%(12) 3%(33) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 2%(14) 6%(46) 22%(165) 65%(480) 5%(34) 740 Continued on next page

82 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? President Joe Biden Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(576) 24%(479) 15%(296) 25%(504) 7%(138) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 74%(484) 21%(140) 3%(21) 1%(4) 1%(6) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 15%(74) 59%(279) 18%(87) 2%(8) 6%(27) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(6) 14%(31) 48%(102) 28%(59) 7%(16) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(8) 3%(15) 12%(63) 80%(422) 4%(19) 527 Favorable of Biden 50%(565) 37%(423) 8%(92) 1%(8) 4%(42) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 1%(6) 6%(49) 24%(185) 63%(489) 6%(44) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 75%(506) 21%(144) 3%(18) — (2) 1%(5) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 13%(59) 61%(279) 16%(74) 2%(7) 8%(37) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 1%(3) 16%(31) 46%(91) 28%(55) 10%(20) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(3) 3%(18) 16%(95) 75%(434) 4%(25) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 22%(179) 23%(185) 15%(116) 32%(259) 7%(58) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(42) 14%(33) 20%(48) 43%(102) 6%(14) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 41%(127) 28%(87) 13%(40) 11%(35) 6%(20) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37%(97) 25%(66) 15%(39) 19%(51) 5%(14) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 34%(27) 35%(28) 11%(8) 11%(9) 9%(7) 79 #1 Issue: Education 23%(20) 30%(25) 18%(15) 19%(16) 10%(8) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 33%(26) 32%(25) 18%(14) 9%(7) 9%(7) 79 #1 Issue: Other 42%(59) 21%(30) 12%(16) 18%(26) 7%(10) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 52%(531) 35%(356) 8%(86) 2%(17) 3%(26) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(20) 10%(73) 22%(153) 59%(417) 7%(48) 711 2020 Vote: Other — (0) 13%(10) 33%(26) 35%(27) 19%(15) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(25) 21%(39) 16%(30) 22%(41) 27%(49) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 54%(429) 33%(258) 10%(77) 2%(19) 2%(12) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(33) 11%(69) 20%(120) 57%(342) 6%(39) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 9%(5) 20%(12) 33%(20) 21%(13) 17%(10) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 55%(416) 33%(245) 8%(61) 2%(16) 2%(14) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 6%(44) 13%(88) 21%(144) 53%(363) 6%(44) 682 2016 Vote: Other 20%(25) 31%(39) 18%(22) 21%(27) 11%(13) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(91) 25%(106) 16%(68) 23%(96) 15%(64) 425 Continued on next page

83 Morning Consult Table POL2_1

Table POL2_1: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? President Joe Biden Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(576) 24%(479) 15%(296) 25%(504) 7%(138) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 34%(450) 24%(320) 14%(183) 25%(329) 4%(55) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(126) 24%(159) 17%(113) 27%(175) 13%(83) 655 4-Region: Northeast 33%(117) 28%(98) 11%(38) 21%(76) 8%(27) 355 4-Region: Midwest 26%(120) 22%(100) 15%(70) 29%(135) 7%(33) 458 4-Region: South 26%(192) 23%(169) 15%(113) 29%(212) 8%(57) 744 4-Region: West 34%(147) 26%(112) 17%(75) 19%(81) 5%(21) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 52%(505) 33%(317) 9%(90) 3%(26) 3%(29) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(26) 13%(91) 20%(143) 56%(409) 8%(57) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

84 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congress Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 6%(124) 20%(399) 35%(698) 28%(559) 11%(212) 1992 Gender: Male 9%(86) 21%(192) 32%(300) 31%(287) 7%(67) 932 Gender: Female 4%(38) 20%(207) 38%(398) 26%(272) 14%(145) 1060 Age: 18-34 11%(54) 22%(110) 27%(134) 24%(118) 17%(85) 500 Age: 35-44 9%(27) 28%(84) 27%(82) 23%(69) 13%(41) 303 Age: 45-64 4%(29) 18%(130) 38%(274) 32%(230) 9%(63) 725 Age: 65+ 3%(14) 16%(75) 45%(209) 31%(142) 5%(23) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 6%(9) 23%(32) 24%(34) 27%(37) 20%(28) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 12%(69) 25%(143) 27%(156) 21%(123) 15%(83) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 4%(22) 18%(90) 36%(181) 32%(164) 10%(50) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 3%(22) 18%(123) 42%(295) 31%(218) 6%(44) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 11%(89) 28%(225) 38%(299) 15%(123) 8%(61) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 2%(13) 14%(78) 34%(196) 34%(192) 17%(95) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(22) 15%(96) 33%(203) 39%(244) 9%(57) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 18%(61) 30%(103) 36%(121) 12%(43) 4%(14) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 6%(28) 27%(123) 39%(178) 18%(80) 10%(47) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 4%(12) 15%(43) 29%(86) 39%(117) 13%(39) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women — (1) 13%(35) 40%(110) 27%(75) 20%(56) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(13) 16%(46) 32%(93) 43%(127) 5%(14) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 3%(9) 15%(50) 33%(110) 36%(117) 13%(42) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 10%(63) 25%(160) 42%(264) 17%(111) 6%(37) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 5%(27) 23%(131) 35%(196) 27%(154) 10%(58) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5%(31) 15%(101) 31%(210) 40%(264) 9%(62) 668 Educ: < College 4%(56) 18%(222) 35%(437) 29%(366) 14%(172) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 8%(35) 22%(105) 36%(170) 28%(130) 7%(31) 471 Educ: Post-grad 12%(32) 27%(72) 34%(91) 24%(63) 3%(9) 268 Income: Under 50k 4%(40) 19%(180) 35%(338) 28%(270) 15%(143) 971 Income: 50k-100k 7%(43) 19%(124) 37%(242) 30%(198) 8%(52) 659 Income: 100k+ 11%(40) 26%(95) 33%(118) 25%(91) 5%(18) 362 Ethnicity: White 7%(107) 19%(302) 34%(554) 30%(484) 10%(165) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 6%(12) 25%(48) 29%(56) 32%(61) 8%(16) 193 Continued on next page

85 Morning Consult Table POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congress Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 6%(124) 20%(399) 35%(698) 28%(559) 11%(212) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 5%(13) 26%(67) 40%(101) 16%(39) 13%(32) 253 Ethnicity: Other 3%(4) 24%(31) 33%(43) 28%(36) 12%(15) 128 All Christian 8%(80) 19%(189) 37%(363) 28%(275) 8%(79) 986 All Non-Christian 15%(18) 28%(34) 28%(33) 22%(26) 6%(8) 119 Atheist 2%(2) 28%(22) 29%(23) 34%(28) 7%(6) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 2%(11) 15%(70) 38%(175) 29%(133) 15%(69) 457 Something Else 4%(14) 24%(84) 30%(103) 28%(98) 15%(51) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 13%(18) 26%(36) 33%(45) 21%(29) 6%(8) 138 Evangelical 9%(51) 23%(134) 31%(175) 26%(146) 11%(66) 572 Non-Evangelical 5%(40) 18%(129) 38%(278) 30%(219) 8%(61) 726 Community: Urban 14%(81) 28%(157) 29%(162) 20%(111) 9%(49) 560 Community: Suburban 4%(33) 18%(162) 39%(353) 29%(265) 10%(92) 905 Community: Rural 2%(10) 15%(80) 35%(183) 35%(183) 14%(71) 527 Employ: Private Sector 10%(69) 22%(145) 32%(214) 28%(185) 7%(48) 660 Employ: Government 8%(13) 28%(44) 31%(48) 24%(37) 8%(13) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 6%(10) 19%(31) 28%(46) 40%(66) 8%(12) 165 Employ: Homemaker 2%(2) 16%(19) 41%(51) 20%(25) 22%(27) 124 Employ: Student 8%(5) 27%(15) 22%(13) 24%(14) 18%(11) 58 Employ: Retired 2%(12) 18%(87) 46%(226) 29%(143) 6%(28) 496 Employ: Unemployed 3%(6) 14%(31) 35%(74) 27%(58) 21%(45) 213 Employ: Other 6%(7) 22%(27) 22%(26) 26%(32) 24%(29) 121 Military HH: Yes 6%(21) 17%(61) 40%(142) 30%(107) 7%(25) 356 Military HH: No 6%(102) 21%(338) 34%(556) 28%(452) 11%(188) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 11%(102) 29%(270) 37%(344) 13%(118) 10%(90) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 2%(22) 12%(129) 33%(353) 41%(440) 11%(122) 1067 Biden Job Approve 10%(111) 29%(323) 38%(426) 16%(180) 8%(92) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 1%(9) 10%(72) 33%(243) 48%(357) 8%(59) 740 Continued on next page

86 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congress Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 6%(124) 20%(399) 35%(698) 28%(559) 11%(212) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 15%(98) 31%(202) 37%(245) 12%(78) 5%(33) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 3%(13) 25%(121) 38%(181) 21%(102) 12%(59) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 1%(3) 16%(35) 38%(82) 33%(70) 11%(24) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 1%(6) 7%(37) 31%(161) 55%(287) 7%(35) 527 Favorable of Biden 10%(110) 29%(322) 38%(431) 15%(171) 9%(96) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(12) 9%(73) 32%(246) 49%(379) 8%(64) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 15%(98) 31%(212) 37%(248) 13%(86) 5%(31) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 3%(12) 24%(110) 40%(184) 19%(85) 14%(65) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden — (0) 15%(31) 35%(69) 38%(75) 12%(24) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(12) 7%(42) 31%(177) 53%(304) 7%(40) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 5%(43) 19%(149) 33%(261) 32%(254) 11%(90) 798 #1 Issue: Security 7%(18) 23%(54) 31%(74) 31%(74) 8%(18) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 7%(21) 23%(71) 40%(124) 21%(66) 9%(28) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 4%(11) 23%(62) 40%(107) 23%(61) 9%(25) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 7%(6) 15%(12) 34%(27) 28%(22) 16%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Education 11%(10) 21%(17) 28%(23) 26%(21) 14%(12) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 12%(9) 18%(15) 42%(34) 20%(16) 8%(6) 79 #1 Issue: Other 5%(7) 14%(20) 35%(49) 32%(45) 14%(20) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 10%(101) 26%(263) 39%(399) 17%(177) 8%(76) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(21) 14%(97) 32%(227) 42%(301) 9%(66) 711 2020 Vote: Other — (0) 5%(4) 22%(17) 47%(37) 26%(21) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 2%(3) 19%(35) 29%(54) 23%(43) 27%(50) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 10%(77) 25%(195) 42%(334) 19%(149) 5%(40) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 2%(15) 14%(87) 33%(199) 42%(255) 8%(48) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 2%(1) 13%(8) 28%(17) 35%(21) 22%(13) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10%(74) 26%(196) 41%(305) 17%(126) 7%(52) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(19) 15%(100) 32%(221) 42%(290) 8%(52) 682 2016 Vote: Other 3%(3) 12%(15) 39%(50) 39%(49) 7%(9) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6%(27) 21%(87) 28%(121) 22%(92) 23%(98) 425 Continued on next page

87 Morning Consult Table POL2_2

Table POL2_2: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congress Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 6%(124) 20%(399) 35%(698) 28%(559) 11%(212) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 7%(88) 20%(262) 38%(513) 29%(384) 7%(90) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 5%(36) 21%(137) 28%(185) 27%(175) 19%(122) 655 4-Region: Northeast 12%(42) 21%(73) 32%(112) 23%(83) 13%(46) 355 4-Region: Midwest 4%(16) 16%(73) 38%(172) 33%(153) 9%(43) 458 4-Region: South 6%(41) 21%(154) 34%(253) 28%(206) 12%(89) 744 4-Region: West 6%(25) 23%(98) 37%(161) 27%(118) 8%(34) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 10%(97) 27%(257) 39%(375) 17%(160) 8%(78) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 3%(22) 14%(101) 33%(238) 41%(297) 9%(68) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

88 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Democrats Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 14%(280) 26%(522) 20%(400) 29%(587) 10%(203) 1992 Gender: Male 16%(149) 26%(240) 20%(182) 33%(303) 6%(57) 932 Gender: Female 12%(131) 27%(282) 21%(218) 27%(284) 14%(145) 1060 Age: 18-34 15%(76) 23%(117) 23%(113) 23%(116) 16%(78) 500 Age: 35-44 19%(59) 26%(79) 17%(53) 23%(69) 14%(43) 303 Age: 45-64 12%(90) 24%(177) 20%(145) 35%(251) 9%(62) 725 Age: 65+ 12%(55) 32%(149) 19%(89) 33%(151) 4%(19) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 10%(14) 19%(27) 23%(32) 29%(40) 19%(26) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 20%(112) 26%(148) 21%(120) 20%(116) 14%(78) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 12%(59) 23%(118) 18%(93) 36%(184) 10%(52) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 12%(84) 30%(213) 20%(137) 32%(227) 6%(40) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 29%(231) 42%(339) 15%(123) 7%(56) 6%(49) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 6%(35) 22%(124) 24%(140) 29%(169) 18%(105) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 2%(13) 10%(60) 22%(137) 58%(362) 8%(48) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 35%(118) 42%(145) 14%(49) 6%(22) 3%(9) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 25%(113) 43%(194) 16%(74) 8%(35) 9%(40) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 7%(22) 22%(64) 22%(64) 37%(110) 12%(37) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 5%(14) 22%(60) 27%(76) 21%(58) 25%(68) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 3%(10) 11%(31) 24%(69) 58%(171) 4%(12) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 1%(4) 9%(29) 21%(68) 58%(191) 11%(37) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 26%(167) 42%(269) 18%(115) 8%(51) 5%(33) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 12%(69) 31%(174) 23%(128) 24%(135) 10%(59) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 5%(30) 11%(71) 20%(136) 56%(377) 8%(54) 668 Educ: < College 11%(134) 24%(296) 20%(247) 33%(414) 13%(163) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 17%(81) 29%(139) 20%(96) 26%(125) 6%(31) 471 Educ: Post-grad 24%(65) 33%(88) 21%(57) 18%(49) 3%(9) 268 Income: Under 50k 12%(120) 25%(244) 19%(184) 30%(289) 14%(133) 971 Income: 50k-100k 13%(84) 26%(172) 23%(150) 31%(202) 8%(52) 659 Income: 100k+ 21%(76) 29%(106) 18%(66) 27%(97) 5%(17) 362 Ethnicity: White 13%(205) 25%(410) 20%(320) 32%(516) 10%(160) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 20%(38) 15%(29) 27%(53) 26%(50) 11%(22) 193 Continued on next page

89 Morning Consult Table POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Democrats Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 14%(280) 26%(522) 20%(400) 29%(587) 10%(203) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 22%(56) 36%(91) 17%(43) 14%(36) 10%(26) 253 Ethnicity: Other 15%(19) 17%(21) 28%(36) 28%(35) 13%(16) 128 All Christian 15%(147) 26%(256) 20%(196) 32%(312) 8%(75) 986 All Non-Christian 31%(37) 34%(41) 16%(19) 15%(17) 4%(5) 119 Atheist 18%(15) 34%(27) 25%(20) 19%(15) 4%(3) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 9%(40) 27%(124) 23%(104) 27%(122) 15%(67) 457 Something Else 12%(41) 21%(75) 17%(60) 34%(121) 15%(53) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 27%(37) 34%(47) 18%(25) 17%(24) 4%(6) 138 Evangelical 15%(88) 23%(133) 18%(102) 34%(196) 9%(53) 572 Non-Evangelical 13%(98) 25%(184) 20%(148) 31%(224) 10%(72) 726 Community: Urban 25%(142) 32%(177) 18%(102) 18%(99) 7%(40) 560 Community: Suburban 11%(103) 26%(233) 21%(190) 32%(285) 10%(95) 905 Community: Rural 7%(36) 21%(113) 20%(107) 39%(203) 13%(68) 527 Employ: Private Sector 16%(103) 29%(190) 20%(130) 28%(188) 8%(50) 660 Employ: Government 17%(26) 31%(48) 20%(30) 25%(39) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 15%(24) 22%(36) 19%(32) 36%(59) 8%(14) 165 Employ: Homemaker 5%(6) 22%(27) 24%(30) 31%(39) 18%(22) 124 Employ: Student 20%(12) 21%(12) 23%(13) 20%(12) 17%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 12%(61) 30%(147) 21%(105) 32%(158) 5%(26) 496 Employ: Unemployed 16%(35) 17%(36) 17%(37) 29%(62) 21%(44) 213 Employ: Other 11%(13) 22%(27) 19%(23) 26%(31) 22%(26) 121 Military HH: Yes 14%(51) 25%(90) 19%(67) 35%(123) 7%(24) 356 Military HH: No 14%(229) 26%(432) 20%(332) 28%(464) 11%(178) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 26%(241) 42%(387) 18%(163) 6%(58) 8%(76) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 4%(39) 13%(135) 22%(237) 50%(529) 12%(126) 1067 Biden Job Approve 24%(268) 42%(480) 19%(216) 7%(84) 7%(84) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 1%(9) 5%(34) 21%(157) 65%(482) 8%(58) 740 Continued on next page

90 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Democrats Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 14%(280) 26%(522) 20%(400) 29%(587) 10%(203) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 37%(244) 45%(293) 12%(77) 3%(18) 4%(25) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 5%(24) 39%(187) 29%(139) 14%(67) 12%(58) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 1%(3) 8%(17) 39%(83) 39%(84) 12%(26) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 1%(6) 3%(17) 14%(74) 76%(399) 6%(32) 527 Favorable of Biden 24%(268) 43%(481) 19%(218) 6%(71) 8%(93) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 1%(4) 5%(37) 21%(161) 65%(506) 8%(65) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 37%(246) 46%(310) 11%(72) 3%(18) 4%(29) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 5%(21) 38%(171) 32%(146) 12%(53) 14%(63) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden — (1) 10%(19) 38%(76) 39%(77) 13%(26) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(4) 3%(18) 15%(84) 75%(428) 7%(40) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 11%(90) 24%(188) 20%(157) 35%(280) 10%(83) 798 #1 Issue: Security 9%(21) 16%(38) 18%(43) 49%(116) 8%(19) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 19%(58) 33%(102) 24%(73) 16%(50) 9%(27) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 15%(41) 34%(92) 19%(51) 23%(61) 8%(22) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22%(17) 29%(22) 12%(10) 16%(13) 21%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Education 18%(15) 19%(16) 24%(20) 24%(20) 15%(13) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 18%(14) 30%(24) 25%(19) 18%(15) 9%(7) 79 #1 Issue: Other 18%(25) 29%(41) 19%(26) 23%(33) 11%(16) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 25%(254) 43%(440) 18%(179) 8%(81) 6%(61) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 2%(14) 8%(54) 22%(155) 61%(430) 8%(58) 711 2020 Vote: Other — (0) 2%(1) 28%(22) 41%(33) 29%(23) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7%(12) 14%(26) 24%(44) 23%(42) 33%(60) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 27%(212) 43%(340) 18%(146) 8%(61) 4%(35) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 3%(16) 9%(56) 22%(135) 59%(357) 7%(40) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 2%(1) 12%(7) 22%(13) 39%(23) 26%(16) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 28%(211) 43%(322) 17%(129) 7%(52) 5%(39) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(21) 10%(69) 23%(155) 57%(390) 7%(47) 682 2016 Vote: Other 4%(5) 25%(31) 28%(35) 34%(43) 10%(12) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(42) 24%(101) 19%(79) 23%(100) 24%(104) 425 Continued on next page

91 Morning Consult Table POL2_3

Table POL2_3: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Democrats Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 14%(280) 26%(522) 20%(400) 29%(587) 10%(203) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 16%(218) 28%(379) 20%(261) 30%(402) 6%(77) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 9%(62) 22%(144) 21%(138) 28%(186) 19%(126) 655 4-Region: Northeast 17%(61) 30%(106) 17%(59) 25%(88) 12%(42) 355 4-Region: Midwest 11%(51) 25%(113) 20%(91) 35%(159) 10%(44) 458 4-Region: South 12%(90) 25%(183) 21%(155) 31%(228) 12%(88) 744 4-Region: West 18%(78) 28%(121) 22%(95) 26%(113) 7%(29) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 27%(258) 43%(411) 17%(165) 7%(69) 7%(64) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 2%(13) 9%(69) 22%(160) 58%(424) 8%(60) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

92 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Republicans Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 7%(146) 19%(386) 23%(459) 39%(784) 11%(216) 1992 Gender: Male 9%(80) 18%(171) 26%(240) 41%(378) 7%(64) 932 Gender: Female 6%(66) 20%(216) 21%(219) 38%(407) 14%(152) 1060 Age: 18-34 11%(54) 18%(91) 22%(108) 32%(163) 17%(85) 500 Age: 35-44 9%(26) 20%(61) 22%(66) 34%(103) 16%(47) 303 Age: 45-64 6%(43) 20%(146) 24%(174) 41%(297) 9%(66) 725 Age: 65+ 5%(23) 19%(89) 24%(111) 48%(221) 4%(19) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 7%(9) 10%(14) 20%(28) 41%(57) 22%(31) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 12%(67) 21%(120) 22%(126) 32%(181) 14%(81) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 6%(32) 21%(109) 23%(118) 37%(188) 12%(59) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 5%(35) 18%(125) 24%(172) 47%(332) 5%(38) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 6%(47) 11%(90) 19%(149) 56%(449) 8%(62) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 2%(11) 13%(73) 24%(139) 43%(248) 18%(101) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 14%(88) 36%(223) 27%(170) 14%(87) 9%(53) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 11%(37) 12%(40) 19%(65) 54%(186) 4%(15) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 2%(10) 11%(50) 19%(85) 58%(264) 10%(47) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 3%(9) 14%(40) 23%(69) 49%(147) 11%(32) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 1%(3) 12%(33) 25%(70) 37%(101) 25%(69) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(35) 31%(90) 36%(106) 15%(45) 6%(18) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 16%(53) 40%(133) 20%(64) 13%(42) 11%(36) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 5%(31) 10%(64) 17%(107) 62%(393) 6%(41) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 5%(27) 18%(101) 26%(145) 41%(232) 11%(60) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13%(84) 31%(207) 29%(193) 19%(126) 9%(58) 668 Educ: < College 7%(90) 19%(234) 23%(283) 38%(478) 13%(167) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 6%(29) 22%(104) 23%(109) 41%(191) 8%(37) 471 Educ: Post-grad 10%(27) 18%(48) 25%(66) 43%(115) 5%(12) 268 Income: Under 50k 7%(65) 18%(171) 21%(203) 40%(387) 15%(144) 971 Income: 50k-100k 7%(44) 20%(132) 27%(177) 39%(254) 8%(53) 659 Income: 100k+ 10%(37) 23%(83) 22%(79) 39%(143) 5%(20) 362 Ethnicity: White 8%(126) 21%(343) 24%(382) 37%(592) 10%(168) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 10%(19) 15%(29) 27%(52) 36%(69) 13%(25) 193 Continued on next page

93 Morning Consult Table POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Republicans Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 7%(146) 19%(386) 23%(459) 39%(784) 11%(216) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 5%(13) 12%(31) 18%(45) 54%(136) 11%(27) 253 Ethnicity: Other 6%(7) 9%(12) 25%(32) 44%(56) 16%(21) 128 All Christian 9%(90) 23%(223) 25%(245) 35%(349) 8%(79) 986 All Non-Christian 12%(15) 21%(25) 16%(20) 43%(52) 7%(8) 119 Atheist 4%(3) 6%(5) 23%(18) 63%(50) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 3%(15) 12%(57) 19%(87) 50%(230) 15%(68) 457 Something Else 7%(24) 22%(77) 25%(89) 29%(103) 16%(57) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 11%(16) 23%(31) 19%(26) 41%(56) 6%(9) 138 Evangelical 12%(68) 27%(156) 23%(134) 26%(150) 11%(64) 572 Non-Evangelical 6%(43) 18%(134) 26%(186) 40%(294) 9%(69) 726 Community: Urban 12%(68) 21%(119) 21%(120) 37%(204) 9%(49) 560 Community: Suburban 6%(51) 16%(149) 24%(213) 44%(396) 11%(96) 905 Community: Rural 5%(27) 22%(119) 24%(126) 35%(184) 14%(72) 527 Employ: Private Sector 8%(53) 23%(151) 25%(163) 36%(235) 9%(59) 660 Employ: Government 6%(10) 23%(35) 29%(44) 34%(52) 8%(12) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 11%(18) 20%(33) 20%(33) 42%(70) 7%(12) 165 Employ: Homemaker 15%(18) 18%(23) 13%(17) 32%(40) 21%(27) 124 Employ: Student 7%(4) 7%(4) 19%(11) 49%(29) 18%(11) 58 Employ: Retired 5%(26) 17%(86) 25%(124) 47%(232) 6%(28) 496 Employ: Unemployed 3%(7) 14%(30) 22%(46) 40%(86) 20%(43) 213 Employ: Other 8%(9) 20%(25) 17%(21) 33%(40) 21%(26) 121 Military HH: Yes 8%(30) 17%(60) 25%(90) 41%(147) 8%(29) 356 Military HH: No 7%(117) 20%(326) 23%(369) 39%(637) 11%(187) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 7%(67) 17%(154) 18%(165) 49%(453) 9%(86) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 7%(79) 22%(232) 28%(294) 31%(332) 12%(130) 1067 Biden Job Approve 6%(68) 14%(162) 18%(201) 53%(599) 9%(101) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 10%(77) 28%(207) 32%(235) 22%(163) 8%(58) 740 Continued on next page

94 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Republicans Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 7%(146) 19%(386) 23%(459) 39%(784) 11%(216) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 8%(53) 13%(83) 16%(108) 58%(379) 5%(33) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 3%(14) 17%(79) 20%(93) 46%(220) 14%(68) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 3%(6) 23%(48) 36%(78) 29%(62) 9%(20) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 13%(71) 30%(159) 30%(157) 19%(101) 7%(38) 527 Favorable of Biden 6%(64) 14%(163) 17%(196) 53%(598) 10%(110) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 10%(80) 27%(210) 32%(248) 22%(173) 8%(63) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 7%(44) 13%(89) 15%(102) 60%(404) 5%(35) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 4%(19) 16%(74) 21%(94) 43%(194) 16%(75) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 3%(6) 18%(36) 37%(73) 32%(63) 11%(21) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 13%(74) 30%(174) 30%(175) 19%(110) 7%(42) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 7%(57) 22%(173) 25%(199) 34%(274) 12%(95) 798 #1 Issue: Security 12%(28) 32%(76) 31%(75) 17%(40) 8%(18) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 6%(20) 13%(40) 19%(57) 53%(165) 9%(28) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 6%(16) 19%(50) 22%(57) 46%(121) 8%(21) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11%(8) 7%(5) 17%(13) 46%(37) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Education 10%(8) 20%(16) 27%(23) 33%(27) 11%(9) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 6%(5) 13%(10) 18%(15) 48%(38) 15%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Other 2%(3) 11%(16) 15%(20) 59%(83) 13%(18) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 5%(54) 12%(120) 17%(173) 58%(591) 8%(79) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(87) 32%(230) 31%(223) 15%(108) 9%(62) 711 2020 Vote: Other — (0) 5%(4) 25%(20) 43%(34) 26%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 3%(5) 17%(31) 23%(43) 27%(49) 30%(55) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 4%(34) 12%(92) 17%(131) 63%(498) 5%(39) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 13%(77) 33%(198) 30%(180) 18%(107) 7%(42) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 1%(1) 10%(6) 31%(19) 28%(17) 29%(17) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 5%(37) 11%(81) 17%(125) 62%(468) 6%(43) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 11%(76) 33%(226) 30%(205) 18%(124) 7%(51) 682 2016 Vote: Other 3%(4) 8%(10) 20%(26) 58%(73) 10%(13) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7%(29) 16%(69) 24%(101) 28%(118) 26%(108) 425 Continued on next page

95 Morning Consult Table POL2_4

Table POL2_4: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Congressional Republicans Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 7%(146) 19%(386) 23%(459) 39%(784) 11%(216) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 8%(104) 20%(265) 22%(299) 43%(581) 7%(88) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 6%(42) 19%(121) 24%(160) 31%(203) 20%(129) 655 4-Region: Northeast 8%(28) 24%(84) 20%(72) 36%(128) 13%(45) 355 4-Region: Midwest 6%(27) 18%(80) 26%(118) 42%(192) 9%(41) 458 4-Region: South 7%(53) 22%(164) 21%(158) 37%(273) 13%(96) 744 4-Region: West 9%(39) 14%(59) 26%(112) 44%(192) 8%(34) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 5%(50) 11%(104) 18%(178) 58%(558) 8%(76) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 13%(93) 33%(243) 29%(209) 16%(114) 9%(66) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

96 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The World Health Organization (WHO) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(367) 31%(624) 19%(373) 22%(432) 10%(197) 1992 Gender: Male 19%(177) 30%(276) 16%(151) 28%(257) 8%(71) 932 Gender: Female 18%(190) 33%(347) 21%(222) 17%(175) 12%(126) 1060 Age: 18-34 21%(106) 28%(138) 19%(96) 17%(84) 15%(77) 500 Age: 35-44 21%(64) 36%(107) 15%(44) 16%(49) 12%(38) 303 Age: 45-64 14%(104) 31%(224) 20%(145) 25%(185) 9%(68) 725 Age: 65+ 20%(94) 33%(154) 19%(87) 25%(114) 3%(14) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 19%(27) 26%(37) 16%(22) 20%(28) 19%(27) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 24%(136) 31%(177) 19%(107) 14%(79) 13%(76) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 13%(66) 33%(168) 17%(87) 27%(136) 10%(49) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 18%(129) 31%(221) 20%(138) 24%(169) 6%(45) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 33%(260) 42%(333) 15%(119) 4%(31) 7%(55) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 13%(73) 29%(165) 19%(107) 25%(145) 14%(82) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(34) 20%(126) 24%(147) 41%(256) 10%(59) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 36%(124) 43%(148) 12%(40) 4%(14) 5%(17) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 30%(136) 41%(185) 17%(79) 4%(17) 9%(39) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 12%(35) 26%(78) 19%(57) 30%(90) 12%(37) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 14%(38) 32%(88) 18%(50) 20%(55) 16%(45) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(18) 17%(51) 18%(54) 52%(153) 6%(17) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(15) 23%(75) 28%(93) 31%(102) 13%(42) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 32%(201) 42%(270) 15%(97) 4%(27) 6%(40) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 19%(109) 33%(188) 20%(114) 19%(105) 9%(51) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 7%(49) 21%(138) 22%(144) 42%(278) 9%(59) 668 Educ: < College 16%(198) 29%(363) 19%(242) 23%(289) 13%(161) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 20%(96) 35%(164) 19%(88) 20%(95) 6%(28) 471 Educ: Post-grad 27%(74) 36%(97) 16%(43) 18%(47) 3%(7) 268 Income: Under 50k 16%(159) 30%(296) 20%(194) 19%(182) 14%(140) 971 Income: 50k-100k 19%(125) 31%(204) 18%(118) 26%(169) 7%(44) 659 Income: 100k+ 23%(83) 34%(124) 17%(61) 22%(81) 4%(14) 362 Ethnicity: White 18%(287) 31%(499) 18%(293) 24%(380) 9%(152) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 25%(47) 22%(43) 24%(47) 19%(37) 10%(18) 193 Continued on next page

97 Morning Consult Table POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The World Health Organization (WHO) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(367) 31%(624) 19%(373) 22%(432) 10%(197) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 24%(60) 35%(88) 18%(45) 11%(29) 12%(31) 253 Ethnicity: Other 16%(21) 29%(37) 27%(35) 18%(23) 10%(13) 128 All Christian 21%(207) 29%(287) 17%(172) 25%(244) 8%(76) 986 All Non-Christian 32%(38) 32%(38) 22%(26) 10%(12) 5%(6) 119 Atheist 23%(18) 34%(27) 27%(22) 10%(8) 6%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14%(64) 34%(157) 19%(87) 18%(81) 15%(67) 457 Something Else 12%(40) 33%(114) 19%(66) 25%(87) 12%(43) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 30%(42) 32%(44) 21%(29) 12%(17) 5%(7) 138 Evangelical 18%(105) 27%(154) 19%(106) 25%(143) 11%(64) 572 Non-Evangelical 18%(133) 33%(237) 18%(128) 24%(178) 7%(52) 726 Community: Urban 27%(149) 37%(207) 15%(83) 13%(75) 8%(45) 560 Community: Suburban 17%(153) 30%(271) 21%(193) 22%(199) 10%(90) 905 Community: Rural 12%(65) 28%(146) 18%(97) 30%(158) 12%(62) 527 Employ: Private Sector 23%(154) 32%(210) 15%(100) 22%(148) 7%(49) 660 Employ: Government 16%(25) 37%(56) 17%(26) 22%(34) 8%(12) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 18%(30) 24%(39) 27%(45) 24%(40) 6%(10) 165 Employ: Homemaker 11%(13) 29%(36) 22%(28) 23%(28) 15%(19) 124 Employ: Student 20%(12) 36%(21) 17%(10) 11%(6) 17%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 18%(87) 34%(168) 20%(100) 24%(117) 5%(23) 496 Employ: Unemployed 12%(25) 31%(65) 20%(42) 17%(36) 21%(44) 213 Employ: Other 17%(20) 23%(28) 18%(22) 19%(23) 23%(28) 121 Military HH: Yes 20%(73) 26%(93) 18%(63) 29%(102) 7%(25) 356 Military HH: No 18%(294) 32%(531) 19%(310) 20%(330) 11%(172) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 31%(291) 42%(387) 14%(131) 4%(33) 9%(82) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 7%(76) 22%(237) 23%(241) 37%(398) 11%(115) 1067 Biden Job Approve 29%(328) 44%(498) 16%(180) 4%(43) 7%(82) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 4%(31) 14%(106) 24%(174) 50%(369) 8%(60) 740 Continued on next page

98 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The World Health Organization (WHO) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(367) 31%(624) 19%(373) 22%(432) 10%(197) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 38%(252) 42%(276) 12%(79) 2%(14) 5%(35) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 16%(77) 47%(222) 21%(101) 6%(29) 10%(47) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 6%(13) 24%(51) 29%(63) 30%(64) 11%(23) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(18) 10%(55) 21%(112) 58%(305) 7%(37) 527 Favorable of Biden 29%(333) 44%(500) 16%(175) 3%(37) 8%(86) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 4%(30) 14%(110) 24%(187) 49%(381) 9%(66) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 38%(253) 44%(298) 11%(78) 1%(8) 6%(38) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 17%(79) 44%(202) 21%(98) 6%(29) 10%(48) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 3%(7) 27%(53) 28%(56) 31%(61) 11%(22) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 4%(23) 10%(57) 23%(131) 56%(320) 8%(44) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 15%(120) 28%(221) 19%(149) 28%(222) 11%(87) 798 #1 Issue: Security 13%(31) 23%(56) 20%(47) 39%(92) 5%(12) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 23%(71) 43%(132) 16%(49) 9%(27) 10%(30) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 22%(57) 37%(98) 16%(44) 16%(43) 9%(24) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26%(21) 29%(23) 15%(12) 12%(9) 18%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Education 15%(12) 23%(19) 33%(28) 18%(15) 10%(9) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 35%(28) 31%(25) 15%(12) 8%(6) 11%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 19%(27) 35%(50) 24%(34) 13%(18) 9%(12) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 29%(299) 44%(449) 16%(160) 4%(42) 7%(66) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(38) 17%(124) 23%(164) 45%(321) 9%(64) 711 2020 Vote: Other 7%(6) 12%(9) 22%(17) 41%(32) 18%(14) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(24) 22%(40) 17%(31) 20%(37) 28%(52) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 30%(238) 42%(334) 17%(138) 6%(47) 5%(39) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 6%(37) 19%(112) 23%(137) 45%(273) 8%(46) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 15%(9) 21%(12) 18%(11) 27%(16) 19%(11) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 32%(242) 42%(319) 15%(114) 5%(37) 5%(41) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(47) 20%(136) 22%(150) 43%(295) 8%(55) 682 2016 Vote: Other 13%(17) 30%(38) 26%(33) 20%(25) 11%(14) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(62) 30%(129) 18%(75) 17%(73) 20%(87) 425 Continued on next page

99 Morning Consult Table POL2_5

Table POL2_5: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The World Health Organization (WHO) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(367) 31%(624) 19%(373) 22%(432) 10%(197) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 19%(258) 32%(433) 20%(265) 22%(293) 7%(88) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 17%(109) 29%(191) 16%(107) 21%(139) 17%(109) 655 4-Region: Northeast 23%(83) 33%(117) 12%(43) 20%(72) 11%(40) 355 4-Region: Midwest 17%(76) 28%(126) 22%(103) 24%(111) 9%(42) 458 4-Region: South 16%(115) 32%(237) 19%(138) 23%(170) 11%(84) 744 4-Region: West 21%(92) 33%(144) 20%(89) 18%(79) 7%(30) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 31%(298) 42%(409) 15%(146) 4%(42) 7%(71) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(39) 19%(138) 24%(171) 43%(310) 9%(69) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

100 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(470) 35%(692) 20%(396) 15%(293) 7%(140) 1992 Gender: Male 24%(226) 32%(299) 20%(187) 18%(164) 6%(56) 932 Gender: Female 23%(244) 37%(393) 20%(209) 12%(129) 8%(85) 1060 Age: 18-34 25%(123) 27%(137) 19%(94) 18%(90) 11%(56) 500 Age: 35-44 24%(73) 38%(115) 17%(51) 11%(32) 11%(32) 303 Age: 45-64 21%(153) 36%(260) 22%(161) 15%(109) 6%(43) 725 Age: 65+ 26%(121) 39%(180) 19%(90) 13%(62) 2%(10) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 28%(40) 17%(23) 20%(29) 22%(31) 12%(17) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 26%(148) 33%(191) 18%(105) 13%(74) 10%(56) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 19%(96) 36%(184) 22%(109) 16%(81) 7%(37) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 25%(174) 37%(263) 20%(137) 14%(99) 4%(29) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 38%(301) 40%(316) 14%(115) 4%(33) 4%(33) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 17%(100) 35%(198) 21%(120) 16%(92) 11%(63) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 11%(69) 29%(178) 26%(161) 27%(168) 7%(45) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 40%(138) 38%(130) 15%(51) 4%(13) 3%(11) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 36%(163) 41%(186) 14%(64) 4%(20) 5%(22) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 19%(56) 31%(91) 22%(64) 19%(56) 10%(28) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 16%(44) 39%(107) 20%(55) 13%(36) 13%(35) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 11%(32) 26%(78) 25%(72) 32%(95) 6%(17) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 11%(37) 31%(101) 27%(89) 22%(73) 8%(28) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 36%(231) 40%(253) 16%(99) 5%(31) 3%(22) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(144) 37%(211) 19%(109) 11%(65) 6%(36) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13%(84) 30%(200) 25%(167) 26%(174) 6%(43) 668 Educ: < College 22%(271) 33%(412) 21%(261) 16%(201) 9%(108) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 25%(117) 37%(173) 19%(89) 14%(66) 5%(26) 471 Educ: Post-grad 31%(82) 40%(106) 17%(46) 10%(26) 2%(7) 268 Income: Under 50k 23%(224) 32%(312) 19%(183) 15%(150) 10%(102) 971 Income: 50k-100k 23%(152) 37%(246) 21%(138) 14%(92) 5%(31) 659 Income: 100k+ 26%(95) 37%(134) 21%(75) 14%(51) 2%(7) 362 Ethnicity: White 23%(364) 35%(570) 20%(324) 15%(244) 7%(109) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 23%(43) 25%(49) 24%(46) 18%(35) 10%(20) 193 Continued on next page

101 Morning Consult Table POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(470) 35%(692) 20%(396) 15%(293) 7%(140) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 32%(82) 35%(88) 13%(33) 12%(31) 8%(19) 253 Ethnicity: Other 19%(24) 27%(34) 30%(39) 14%(18) 10%(12) 128 All Christian 25%(249) 36%(351) 20%(197) 14%(138) 5%(51) 986 All Non-Christian 37%(44) 36%(42) 14%(17) 9%(11) 4%(5) 119 Atheist 24%(19) 38%(31) 20%(16) 13%(11) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(90) 35%(160) 20%(93) 14%(65) 11%(49) 457 Something Else 19%(68) 31%(108) 21%(73) 20%(69) 9%(32) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 32%(45) 34%(47) 20%(28) 10%(14) 3%(5) 138 Evangelical 23%(130) 34%(192) 20%(114) 16%(93) 7%(42) 572 Non-Evangelical 25%(183) 35%(256) 19%(142) 15%(106) 5%(39) 726 Community: Urban 33%(182) 38%(214) 14%(76) 11%(60) 5%(28) 560 Community: Suburban 23%(211) 33%(295) 22%(196) 15%(138) 7%(65) 905 Community: Rural 15%(77) 35%(184) 23%(124) 18%(95) 9%(47) 527 Employ: Private Sector 26%(170) 34%(221) 21%(137) 15%(98) 5%(34) 660 Employ: Government 16%(25) 48%(74) 18%(28) 11%(16) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 21%(34) 31%(52) 27%(44) 18%(29) 4%(6) 165 Employ: Homemaker 17%(22) 32%(39) 25%(32) 13%(16) 13%(16) 124 Employ: Student 36%(21) 24%(14) 22%(13) 9%(5) 9%(5) 58 Employ: Retired 25%(125) 40%(197) 18%(89) 14%(69) 3%(15) 496 Employ: Unemployed 22%(47) 31%(65) 17%(35) 16%(33) 15%(32) 213 Employ: Other 22%(27) 25%(30) 15%(18) 21%(25) 17%(21) 121 Military HH: Yes 25%(87) 31%(110) 23%(81) 18%(63) 4%(15) 356 Military HH: No 23%(383) 36%(583) 19%(315) 14%(230) 8%(125) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 37%(346) 41%(381) 13%(116) 3%(25) 6%(57) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 12%(124) 29%(311) 26%(280) 25%(268) 8%(84) 1067 Biden Job Approve 36%(403) 43%(483) 13%(149) 4%(44) 5%(52) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 8%(59) 24%(178) 31%(230) 31%(230) 6%(44) 740 Continued on next page

102 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(470) 35%(692) 20%(396) 15%(293) 7%(140) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 44%(291) 40%(263) 11%(71) 2%(11) 3%(20) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 24%(112) 46%(220) 17%(79) 7%(33) 7%(32) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 10%(21) 35%(75) 29%(62) 19%(41) 7%(14) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 7%(38) 20%(103) 32%(168) 36%(189) 6%(29) 527 Favorable of Biden 36%(407) 43%(483) 14%(153) 3%(32) 5%(56) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 7%(58) 25%(190) 29%(228) 32%(250) 6%(48) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 44%(297) 41%(278) 11%(74) 1%(7) 3%(18) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 24%(110) 45%(205) 17%(78) 5%(25) 8%(38) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 9%(19) 38%(75) 28%(55) 19%(37) 7%(13) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 7%(39) 20%(114) 30%(173) 37%(213) 6%(35) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 22%(173) 32%(252) 21%(171) 18%(141) 8%(61) 798 #1 Issue: Security 18%(42) 29%(68) 27%(63) 22%(51) 5%(13) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 28%(88) 43%(134) 16%(48) 7%(22) 5%(17) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28%(75) 41%(108) 13%(36) 12%(31) 6%(15) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25%(20) 36%(29) 16%(13) 10%(8) 13%(10) 79 #1 Issue: Education 18%(15) 40%(33) 18%(15) 18%(15) 7%(6) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 34%(27) 28%(22) 16%(12) 11%(9) 12%(10) 79 #1 Issue: Other 22%(31) 33%(46) 27%(38) 11%(16) 7%(10) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 35%(351) 44%(445) 14%(143) 4%(40) 4%(37) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(83) 26%(185) 27%(192) 29%(204) 7%(48) 711 2020 Vote: Other 7%(5) 20%(16) 32%(25) 25%(19) 17%(13) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16%(30) 24%(45) 20%(37) 16%(30) 23%(42) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 35%(277) 43%(338) 16%(129) 4%(31) 3%(21) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 12%(72) 27%(164) 29%(172) 27%(164) 5%(31) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 11%(6) 41%(24) 13%(8) 19%(11) 16%(10) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 37%(277) 42%(316) 15%(110) 4%(29) 3%(23) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(83) 29%(200) 26%(181) 27%(181) 6%(38) 682 2016 Vote: Other 16%(21) 39%(50) 26%(33) 10%(13) 8%(10) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(90) 29%(125) 17%(72) 16%(68) 16%(70) 425 Continued on next page

103 Morning Consult Table POL2_6

Table POL2_6: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(470) 35%(692) 20%(396) 15%(293) 7%(140) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 25%(329) 37%(501) 20%(270) 13%(178) 4%(58) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 22%(141) 29%(191) 19%(126) 17%(115) 13%(82) 655 4-Region: Northeast 25%(90) 37%(133) 17%(60) 12%(43) 8%(29) 355 4-Region: Midwest 26%(117) 32%(146) 23%(105) 15%(66) 5%(23) 458 4-Region: South 21%(155) 35%(263) 19%(145) 16%(120) 8%(61) 744 4-Region: West 25%(109) 35%(150) 20%(86) 15%(64) 6%(26) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 36%(350) 40%(391) 15%(141) 5%(45) 4%(40) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 11%(81) 28%(204) 27%(196) 27%(195) 7%(51) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

104 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Your state’s governor Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(392) 30%(600) 19%(385) 24%(471) 7%(144) 1992 Gender: Male 22%(206) 29%(267) 21%(191) 23%(214) 6%(53) 932 Gender: Female 18%(187) 31%(332) 18%(194) 24%(256) 9%(91) 1060 Age: 18-34 16%(82) 29%(145) 19%(94) 22%(112) 13%(68) 500 Age: 35-44 21%(63) 33%(98) 15%(44) 21%(64) 11%(33) 303 Age: 45-64 20%(144) 27%(194) 21%(151) 27%(199) 5%(37) 725 Age: 65+ 22%(103) 35%(162) 21%(96) 21%(96) 1%(6) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 14%(19) 22%(31) 16%(22) 31%(43) 17%(24) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 20%(116) 33%(188) 18%(103) 18%(106) 11%(62) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 15%(78) 26%(134) 19%(98) 32%(160) 7%(36) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 24%(166) 31%(220) 20%(142) 22%(152) 3%(21) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 28%(222) 33%(262) 16%(131) 18%(141) 5%(42) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(82) 29%(164) 21%(120) 25%(142) 11%(64) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 14%(88) 28%(174) 21%(134) 30%(188) 6%(38) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 34%(117) 32%(111) 17%(58) 13%(45) 3%(11) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 23%(105) 33%(151) 16%(73) 21%(96) 7%(31) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(51) 26%(77) 22%(65) 27%(79) 8%(24) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 12%(32) 31%(87) 20%(55) 23%(63) 14%(40) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 13%(38) 27%(79) 23%(69) 31%(90) 6%(18) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 15%(50) 29%(94) 20%(65) 30%(98) 6%(20) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 27%(170) 31%(200) 17%(106) 20%(128) 5%(33) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 20%(114) 32%(180) 22%(122) 22%(124) 4%(25) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15%(98) 29%(196) 21%(143) 28%(188) 6%(43) 668 Educ: < College 17%(219) 28%(350) 21%(257) 25%(317) 9%(110) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 22%(106) 32%(151) 18%(85) 22%(103) 6%(27) 471 Educ: Post-grad 25%(68) 37%(99) 16%(43) 19%(51) 3%(7) 268 Income: Under 50k 18%(170) 28%(274) 19%(184) 25%(239) 11%(103) 971 Income: 50k-100k 20%(134) 31%(203) 20%(135) 24%(157) 4%(29) 659 Income: 100k+ 24%(88) 34%(122) 18%(66) 20%(74) 3%(12) 362 Ethnicity: White 19%(305) 31%(499) 19%(304) 25%(396) 7%(107) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 15%(29) 27%(52) 23%(44) 27%(51) 9%(17) 193 Continued on next page

105 Morning Consult Table POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Your state’s governor Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(392) 30%(600) 19%(385) 24%(471) 7%(144) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 27%(68) 26%(66) 20%(51) 17%(44) 9%(23) 253 Ethnicity: Other 15%(19) 27%(34) 23%(30) 24%(31) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 22%(217) 32%(313) 20%(196) 21%(209) 5%(50) 986 All Non-Christian 28%(34) 33%(40) 16%(19) 16%(19) 7%(8) 119 Atheist 16%(13) 23%(18) 19%(15) 37%(30) 6%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 15%(71) 28%(129) 20%(92) 26%(119) 10%(46) 457 Something Else 17%(58) 28%(100) 18%(64) 27%(94) 10%(35) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26%(36) 34%(47) 18%(25) 16%(22) 7%(9) 138 Evangelical 20%(115) 32%(184) 19%(110) 21%(119) 8%(44) 572 Non-Evangelical 21%(156) 29%(214) 20%(142) 24%(178) 5%(37) 726 Community: Urban 26%(148) 35%(197) 15%(85) 16%(91) 7%(39) 560 Community: Suburban 17%(155) 28%(256) 22%(201) 27%(240) 6%(54) 905 Community: Rural 17%(89) 28%(147) 19%(100) 27%(140) 10%(51) 527 Employ: Private Sector 21%(137) 31%(208) 21%(139) 21%(138) 6%(38) 660 Employ: Government 18%(28) 30%(46) 19%(29) 26%(39) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 17%(28) 26%(44) 16%(26) 34%(57) 6%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 15%(19) 24%(30) 26%(33) 25%(31) 10%(12) 124 Employ: Student 15%(9) 33%(19) 19%(11) 23%(14) 10%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(118) 32%(161) 20%(100) 21%(106) 2%(11) 496 Employ: Unemployed 17%(36) 24%(51) 17%(35) 25%(52) 18%(38) 213 Employ: Other 14%(18) 35%(42) 9%(11) 28%(34) 14%(17) 121 Military HH: Yes 21%(76) 29%(103) 22%(78) 24%(86) 3%(12) 356 Military HH: No 19%(316) 30%(497) 19%(307) 24%(385) 8%(132) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 27%(252) 34%(317) 17%(159) 15%(135) 7%(62) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 13%(140) 27%(283) 21%(226) 31%(336) 8%(82) 1067 Biden Job Approve 25%(288) 35%(399) 17%(189) 17%(195) 5%(61) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 13%(94) 24%(177) 24%(175) 35%(259) 5%(36) 740 Continued on next page

106 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Your state’s governor Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(392) 30%(600) 19%(385) 24%(471) 7%(144) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 36%(235) 33%(219) 12%(79) 15%(98) 4%(25) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 11%(53) 38%(180) 23%(110) 20%(97) 7%(36) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 10%(22) 27%(57) 32%(68) 27%(57) 5%(10) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 14%(72) 23%(119) 20%(108) 38%(202) 5%(26) 527 Favorable of Biden 26%(293) 36%(405) 16%(179) 17%(187) 6%(67) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 12%(94) 23%(178) 24%(188) 35%(273) 5%(41) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 35%(238) 34%(229) 13%(90) 14%(92) 4%(26) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 12%(55) 38%(175) 20%(90) 21%(95) 9%(41) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 11%(21) 26%(52) 30%(59) 28%(55) 6%(11) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 13%(73) 22%(126) 22%(129) 38%(218) 5%(29) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 18%(140) 28%(220) 21%(168) 25%(200) 9%(71) 798 #1 Issue: Security 22%(53) 34%(80) 17%(41) 24%(57) 3%(7) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 19%(57) 36%(112) 17%(53) 21%(66) 7%(21) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 24%(63) 35%(93) 20%(54) 17%(46) 3%(9) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 13%(10) 33%(26) 15%(11) 24%(19) 15%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Education 19%(16) 23%(19) 23%(19) 26%(21) 9%(7) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 25%(19) 21%(17) 21%(16) 27%(21) 6%(5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 24%(33) 24%(33) 16%(22) 28%(39) 9%(12) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 27%(275) 34%(349) 16%(166) 18%(182) 4%(44) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(95) 26%(187) 23%(164) 32%(225) 6%(41) 711 2020 Vote: Other 8%(6) 14%(11) 28%(22) 31%(24) 19%(15) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8%(15) 29%(53) 17%(32) 22%(40) 24%(44) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 28%(225) 34%(267) 17%(131) 19%(149) 3%(23) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 14%(88) 27%(166) 23%(139) 30%(183) 5%(29) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8%(5) 21%(13) 27%(16) 28%(17) 17%(10) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 29%(217) 34%(258) 15%(110) 19%(139) 4%(29) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 14%(99) 27%(184) 25%(168) 29%(199) 5%(32) 682 2016 Vote: Other 15%(19) 26%(33) 25%(32) 26%(33) 8%(10) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(56) 29%(124) 18%(75) 23%(98) 17%(73) 425 Continued on next page

107 Morning Consult Table POL2_7

Table POL2_7: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Your state’s governor Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(392) 30%(600) 19%(385) 24%(471) 7%(144) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 23%(304) 31%(412) 19%(254) 23%(311) 4%(56) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 14%(88) 29%(188) 20%(131) 24%(159) 13%(88) 655 4-Region: Northeast 24%(87) 34%(121) 12%(44) 24%(85) 5%(19) 355 4-Region: Midwest 21%(97) 28%(130) 22%(103) 21%(94) 7%(34) 458 4-Region: South 17%(125) 28%(205) 21%(154) 26%(193) 9%(67) 744 4-Region: West 19%(84) 33%(145) 19%(84) 23%(99) 6%(24) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 27%(258) 34%(326) 17%(162) 17%(166) 6%(54) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 14%(101) 28%(200) 22%(158) 31%(223) 6%(45) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

108 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(657) 25%(507) 14%(285) 18%(364) 9%(179) 1992 Gender: Male 34%(317) 25%(233) 13%(125) 21%(197) 7%(61) 932 Gender: Female 32%(340) 26%(274) 15%(160) 16%(168) 11%(118) 1060 Age: 18-34 27%(135) 25%(124) 17%(83) 14%(69) 18%(89) 500 Age: 35-44 31%(93) 28%(84) 12%(37) 16%(48) 14%(41) 303 Age: 45-64 33%(239) 25%(184) 15%(105) 21%(154) 6%(43) 725 Age: 65+ 41%(190) 25%(115) 13%(60) 20%(93) 1%(6) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 22%(31) 20%(28) 20%(27) 15%(20) 24%(33) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 31%(176) 27%(157) 14%(81) 12%(71) 16%(89) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 31%(155) 25%(124) 15%(78) 23%(117) 7%(33) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 39%(273) 25%(176) 12%(88) 20%(142) 3%(23) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 53%(425) 28%(225) 9%(72) 4%(31) 6%(45) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 29%(165) 27%(157) 11%(65) 17%(99) 15%(87) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 11%(67) 20%(125) 24%(149) 38%(234) 8%(47) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 57%(195) 28%(97) 8%(26) 3%(10) 4%(15) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 51%(230) 28%(129) 10%(45) 5%(22) 7%(30) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 29%(85) 26%(77) 13%(39) 21%(61) 11%(34) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 29%(80) 29%(80) 9%(26) 13%(37) 19%(53) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 13%(37) 20%(59) 20%(60) 43%(126) 4%(12) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 9%(30) 20%(66) 27%(89) 33%(109) 11%(35) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 56%(354) 28%(176) 8%(49) 4%(27) 5%(29) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 35%(195) 30%(168) 15%(86) 11%(65) 9%(52) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14%(93) 21%(141) 20%(133) 38%(251) 8%(50) 668 Educ: < College 28%(356) 23%(293) 16%(200) 20%(257) 12%(147) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 38%(180) 28%(132) 13%(60) 16%(76) 5%(23) 471 Educ: Post-grad 45%(121) 30%(81) 9%(25) 12%(32) 3%(9) 268 Income: Under 50k 31%(299) 25%(241) 13%(130) 18%(178) 13%(123) 971 Income: 50k-100k 34%(221) 25%(162) 16%(107) 19%(125) 7%(45) 659 Income: 100k+ 38%(136) 29%(105) 13%(48) 17%(62) 3%(11) 362 Ethnicity: White 32%(513) 25%(403) 15%(239) 20%(323) 8%(133) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 41%(79) 18%(34) 15%(28) 17%(34) 9%(18) 193 Continued on next page

109 Morning Consult Table POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(657) 25%(507) 14%(285) 18%(364) 9%(179) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 40%(102) 28%(71) 10%(26) 10%(25) 11%(27) 253 Ethnicity: Other 33%(42) 26%(33) 15%(19) 12%(16) 14%(18) 128 All Christian 33%(327) 26%(257) 15%(152) 20%(193) 6%(56) 986 All Non-Christian 55%(66) 25%(29) 9%(10) 6%(8) 5%(6) 119 Atheist 50%(40) 21%(17) 11%(8) 13%(10) 6%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 32%(146) 25%(112) 14%(63) 16%(72) 14%(64) 457 Something Else 22%(78) 26%(92) 15%(51) 23%(82) 14%(48) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 48%(67) 24%(33) 13%(18) 10%(14) 5%(6) 138 Evangelical 24%(136) 28%(160) 15%(85) 24%(135) 10%(55) 572 Non-Evangelical 36%(258) 25%(183) 15%(108) 18%(131) 6%(45) 726 Community: Urban 42%(237) 27%(153) 11%(61) 12%(65) 8%(44) 560 Community: Suburban 34%(306) 24%(218) 16%(142) 18%(165) 8%(75) 905 Community: Rural 22%(114) 26%(137) 16%(82) 25%(134) 11%(60) 527 Employ: Private Sector 33%(215) 27%(179) 15%(97) 18%(121) 7%(49) 660 Employ: Government 30%(46) 33%(51) 17%(27) 11%(17) 9%(14) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 32%(52) 26%(43) 11%(18) 22%(37) 9%(15) 165 Employ: Homemaker 21%(26) 23%(29) 22%(27) 19%(23) 15%(19) 124 Employ: Student 35%(21) 23%(14) 14%(8) 11%(7) 16%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 41%(203) 24%(117) 14%(70) 19%(95) 2%(12) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(60) 20%(42) 14%(29) 18%(39) 20%(43) 213 Employ: Other 29%(35) 27%(33) 8%(9) 21%(26) 15%(18) 121 Military HH: Yes 35%(124) 24%(86) 14%(51) 22%(79) 5%(16) 356 Military HH: No 33%(533) 26%(421) 14%(234) 17%(285) 10%(163) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 51%(470) 31%(290) 8%(72) 2%(23) 8%(71) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 18%(187) 20%(217) 20%(213) 32%(341) 10%(108) 1067 Biden Job Approve 52%(588) 30%(340) 8%(96) 3%(31) 7%(77) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 8%(56) 19%(143) 23%(174) 43%(319) 7%(48) 740 Continued on next page

110 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(657) 25%(507) 14%(285) 18%(364) 9%(179) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 66%(436) 23%(149) 4%(29) 2%(13) 4%(29) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 32%(152) 40%(191) 14%(66) 4%(18) 10%(48) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 16%(34) 30%(64) 26%(55) 22%(46) 6%(14) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 4%(22) 15%(79) 23%(119) 52%(272) 7%(34) 527 Favorable of Biden 52%(588) 31%(346) 8%(87) 2%(27) 7%(83) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 8%(58) 19%(145) 24%(184) 43%(329) 7%(57) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 65%(438) 26%(173) 4%(29) 1%(6) 4%(29) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 33%(149) 38%(173) 13%(59) 5%(21) 12%(54) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 18%(36) 32%(64) 23%(47) 19%(38) 8%(15) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 4%(23) 14%(82) 24%(137) 51%(292) 7%(41) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 26%(207) 25%(197) 16%(130) 23%(181) 11%(84) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(40) 24%(58) 21%(51) 32%(76) 5%(12) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 46%(142) 26%(80) 11%(33) 7%(22) 10%(31) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 41%(108) 28%(73) 12%(31) 15%(39) 5%(14) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39%(30) 31%(24) 8%(6) 8%(6) 15%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Education 31%(26) 28%(23) 14%(12) 15%(12) 12%(10) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 40%(32) 28%(22) 14%(11) 7%(6) 11%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 51%(71) 20%(29) 8%(11) 16%(22) 5%(7) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 53%(541) 30%(306) 7%(74) 3%(35) 6%(59) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 9%(64) 20%(143) 24%(174) 39%(278) 7%(51) 711 2020 Vote: Other 13%(10) 19%(15) 24%(19) 28%(22) 16%(12) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(39) 22%(41) 10%(18) 16%(29) 31%(57) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 55%(438) 29%(232) 8%(65) 4%(31) 4%(28) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 12%(74) 20%(120) 25%(148) 38%(230) 5%(32) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 17%(10) 40%(24) 8%(5) 19%(11) 16%(10) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 56%(423) 29%(216) 8%(57) 4%(27) 4%(31) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(81) 22%(149) 23%(157) 38%(256) 6%(39) 682 2016 Vote: Other 32%(41) 33%(42) 12%(15) 14%(18) 8%(10) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26%(112) 23%(98) 13%(53) 15%(63) 23%(99) 425 Continued on next page

111 Morning Consult Table POL2_8

Table POL2_8: How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Don’t Know / Demographic Excellent Good Just Fair Poor No Opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(657) 25%(507) 14%(285) 18%(364) 9%(179) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 38%(504) 26%(341) 14%(190) 18%(240) 5%(61) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 23%(152) 25%(166) 14%(95) 19%(124) 18%(118) 655 4-Region: Northeast 37%(130) 29%(103) 9%(34) 16%(56) 9%(32) 355 4-Region: Midwest 31%(142) 21%(95) 19%(88) 22%(100) 7%(32) 458 4-Region: South 28%(211) 27%(204) 14%(102) 19%(140) 12%(86) 744 4-Region: West 40%(174) 24%(104) 14%(61) 16%(69) 6%(28) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 54%(518) 28%(274) 8%(75) 4%(39) 6%(60) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 10%(76) 21%(150) 23%(169) 38%(274) 8%(58) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

112 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL3

Table POL3: Generally speaking, would you say you are more concerned about... The economic impact of The public health impact coronavirus including the of coronavirus including effect on the stock market the spread of the disease and increased which would cause more Don’t know / No Demographic unemployment deaths opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(754) 55%(1092) 7%(146) 1992 Gender: Male 44%(415) 51%(471) 5%(46) 932 Gender: Female 32%(340) 59%(620) 9%(100) 1060 Age: 18-34 42%(208) 48%(241) 10%(52) 500 Age: 35-44 46%(140) 45%(136) 9%(27) 303 Age: 45-64 39%(285) 55%(397) 6%(43) 725 Age: 65+ 26%(121) 69%(318) 5%(24) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 37%(52) 49%(69) 14%(19) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 43%(246) 48%(277) 9%(52) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 43%(216) 51%(259) 6%(32) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31%(220) 63%(444) 5%(37) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 23%(181) 73%(583) 4%(34) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 37%(215) 53%(302) 10%(56) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 58%(358) 33%(207) 9%(56) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 27%(91) 71%(244) 2%(7) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 20%(90) 74%(339) 6%(27) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 45%(132) 49%(145) 7%(20) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 30%(82) 57%(157) 13%(37) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 65%(191) 28%(83) 7%(20) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 51%(167) 38%(124) 11%(36) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 22%(138) 75%(480) 3%(18) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 36%(205) 57%(323) 7%(37) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 57%(379) 34%(230) 9%(59) 668 Educ: < College 37%(465) 53%(669) 9%(118) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 41%(195) 54%(256) 4%(20) 471 Educ: Post-grad 35%(94) 62%(167) 3%(8) 268 Income: Under 50k 35%(342) 54%(525) 11%(103) 971 Income: 50k-100k 41%(267) 55%(361) 5%(30) 659 Income: 100k+ 40%(145) 57%(205) 3%(12) 362 Continued on next page

113 Morning Consult Table POL3

Table POL3: Generally speaking, would you say you are more concerned about... The economic impact of The public health impact coronavirus including the of coronavirus including effect on the stock market the spread of the disease and increased which would cause more Don’t know / No Demographic unemployment deaths opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(754) 55%(1092) 7%(146) 1992 Ethnicity: White 40%(641) 54%(870) 6%(100) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 35%(68) 55%(106) 10%(20) 193 Ethnicity: Black 28%(71) 59%(150) 13%(32) 253 Ethnicity: Other 33%(42) 56%(72) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 38%(372) 56%(548) 7%(65) 986 All Non-Christian 37%(44) 59%(71) 4%(5) 119 Atheist 26%(21) 71%(57) 3%(3) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 37%(169) 53%(242) 10%(46) 457 Something Else 43%(149) 50%(173) 8%(28) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 37%(51) 59%(82) 4%(6) 138 Evangelical 45%(255) 48%(276) 7%(41) 572 Non-Evangelical 35%(253) 58%(424) 7%(50) 726 Community: Urban 36%(201) 57%(318) 7%(41) 560 Community: Suburban 36%(330) 56%(509) 7%(66) 905 Community: Rural 42%(224) 50%(265) 7%(39) 527 Employ: Private Sector 42%(275) 53%(348) 6%(38) 660 Employ: Government 55%(84) 41%(62) 5%(7) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 43%(71) 50%(83) 7%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 45%(56) 42%(52) 13%(17) 124 Employ: Student 38%(22) 51%(30) 11%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 26%(130) 68%(337) 6%(30) 496 Employ: Unemployed 33%(71) 57%(122) 10%(20) 213 Employ: Other 38%(46) 48%(58) 14%(17) 121 Military HH: Yes 41%(147) 55%(194) 4%(14) 356 Military HH: No 37%(607) 55%(898) 8%(132) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 27%(252) 68%(632) 4%(41) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 47%(502) 43%(460) 10%(105) 1067 Continued on next page

114 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL3

Table POL3: Generally speaking, would you say you are more concerned about... The economic impact of The public health impact coronavirus including the of coronavirus including effect on the stock market the spread of the disease and increased which would cause more Don’t know / No Demographic unemployment deaths opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(754) 55%(1092) 7%(146) 1992 Biden Job Approve 24%(275) 72%(812) 4%(45) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 60%(445) 31%(232) 9%(63) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 22%(143) 75%(491) 3%(22) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 28%(132) 67%(321) 5%(23) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 49%(105) 46%(98) 5%(10) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 65%(340) 25%(134) 10%(53) 527 Favorable of Biden 24%(268) 72%(819) 4%(43) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 60%(463) 31%(240) 9%(70) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 22%(147) 74%(498) 4%(30) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 26%(121) 71%(322) 3%(13) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 50%(100) 45%(89) 5%(9) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 63%(363) 26%(151) 11%(60) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 53%(422) 40%(320) 7%(56) 798 #1 Issue: Security 50%(118) 42%(101) 8%(18) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 18%(57) 76%(234) 6%(17) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 20%(53) 72%(192) 8%(21) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 21%(17) 71%(56) 8%(6) 79 #1 Issue: Education 46%(39) 41%(34) 13%(11) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 22%(17) 72%(57) 6%(5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 23%(32) 69%(97) 8%(12) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 23%(231) 73%(743) 4%(42) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 60%(429) 31%(221) 9%(61) 711 2020 Vote: Other 45%(35) 40%(32) 15%(12) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32%(59) 51%(94) 16%(30) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 23%(185) 73%(578) 4%(32) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 59%(356) 33%(202) 8%(46) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 37%(22) 46%(27) 17%(10) 59 Continued on next page

115 Morning Consult Table POL3

Table POL3: Generally speaking, would you say you are more concerned about... The economic impact of The public health impact coronavirus including the of coronavirus including effect on the stock market the spread of the disease and increased which would cause more Don’t know / No Demographic unemployment deaths opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(754) 55%(1092) 7%(146) 1992 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22%(167) 74%(554) 4%(32) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 58%(393) 34%(235) 8%(54) 682 2016 Vote: Other 34%(43) 57%(72) 10%(12) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(150) 54%(229) 11%(47) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 38%(502) 56%(754) 6%(81) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 39%(253) 52%(338) 10%(64) 655 4-Region: Northeast 39%(138) 57%(204) 4%(14) 355 4-Region: Midwest 43%(196) 52%(239) 5%(22) 458 4-Region: South 36%(268) 54%(399) 10%(77) 744 4-Region: West 35%(152) 58%(251) 7%(32) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 23%(220) 73%(705) 4%(42) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 58%(423) 33%(241) 9%(62) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

116 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL4

Table POL4: Currently, do you believe it’s more important for the government to address the: The spread of Don’t know / No Demographic coronavirus The economy opinion Total N Registered Voters 56%(1122) 37%(736) 7%(134) 1992 Gender: Male 54%(501) 42%(393) 4%(38) 932 Gender: Female 59%(621) 32%(343) 9%(96) 1060 Age: 18-34 55%(276) 35%(177) 9%(47) 500 Age: 35-44 47%(142) 45%(137) 8%(24) 303 Age: 45-64 53%(381) 41%(297) 6%(47) 725 Age: 65+ 70%(323) 27%(124) 4%(16) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 62%(87) 25%(35) 12%(17) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 52%(301) 40%(230) 8%(44) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 48%(243) 45%(226) 7%(37) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 63%(444) 32%(223) 5%(34) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 78%(622) 19%(148) 4%(28) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 53%(302) 38%(219) 9%(52) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 32%(198) 59%(369) 9%(54) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 77%(262) 22%(75) 2%(6) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 79%(360) 16%(73) 5%(23) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 52%(155) 43%(129) 4%(13) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 53%(147) 33%(90) 14%(39) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 29%(84) 64%(189) 7%(20) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 35%(114) 55%(180) 10%(34) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 78%(499) 18%(118) 3%(20) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 60%(341) 33%(188) 6%(36) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 36%(239) 57%(378) 8%(51) 668 Educ: < College 53%(659) 39%(493) 8%(101) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 60%(281) 35%(165) 5%(25) 471 Educ: Post-grad 68%(182) 29%(78) 3%(8) 268 Income: Under 50k 54%(522) 37%(358) 9%(91) 971 Income: 50k-100k 59%(388) 37%(243) 4%(28) 659 Income: 100k+ 59%(212) 37%(135) 4%(15) 362 Ethnicity: White 54%(874) 40%(641) 6%(96) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 60%(116) 28%(54) 12%(23) 193 Ethnicity: Black 67%(169) 24%(60) 9%(24) 253 Continued on next page

117 Morning Consult Table POL4

Table POL4: Currently, do you believe it’s more important for the government to address the: The spread of Don’t know / No Demographic coronavirus The economy opinion Total N Registered Voters 56%(1122) 37%(736) 7%(134) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 62%(79) 27%(35) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 57%(564) 37%(365) 6%(57) 986 All Non-Christian 69%(82) 27%(32) 5%(5) 119 Atheist 70%(57) 30%(24) — (0) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 54%(249) 36%(162) 10%(46) 457 Something Else 49%(171) 44%(153) 7%(26) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 64%(89) 32%(44) 4%(5) 138 Evangelical 50%(285) 44%(253) 6%(34) 572 Non-Evangelical 59%(431) 34%(246) 7%(49) 726 Community: Urban 63%(351) 31%(173) 6%(35) 560 Community: Suburban 59%(531) 34%(307) 7%(67) 905 Community: Rural 45%(240) 48%(256) 6%(32) 527 Employ: Private Sector 54%(356) 42%(275) 5%(30) 660 Employ: Government 56%(86) 40%(62) 4%(6) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 54%(89) 35%(59) 11%(18) 165 Employ: Homemaker 35%(44) 50%(62) 15%(19) 124 Employ: Student 73%(43) 20%(12) 7%(4) 58 Employ: Retired 67%(333) 28%(140) 5%(24) 496 Employ: Unemployed 55%(117) 35%(75) 10%(21) 213 Employ: Other 46%(56) 42%(52) 11%(14) 121 Military HH: Yes 56%(199) 42%(149) 2%(8) 356 Military HH: No 56%(923) 36%(587) 8%(126) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 72%(668) 23%(213) 5%(43) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 43%(454) 49%(522) 8%(91) 1067 Biden Job Approve 75%(853) 20%(232) 4%(47) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 29%(216) 63%(468) 8%(56) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 79%(521) 17%(114) 3%(21) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 70%(332) 25%(117) 5%(26) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 46%(99) 48%(103) 5%(12) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 22%(118) 69%(365) 8%(44) 527 Continued on next page

118 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL4

Table POL4: Currently, do you believe it’s more important for the government to address the: The spread of Don’t know / No Demographic coronavirus The economy opinion Total N Registered Voters 56%(1122) 37%(736) 7%(134) 1992 Favorable of Biden 76%(860) 20%(229) 4%(42) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 30%(233) 62%(477) 8%(64) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 80%(538) 17%(112) 4%(25) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 71%(322) 26%(117) 4%(17) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 51%(101) 43%(85) 7%(13) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 23%(132) 68%(392) 9%(51) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 44%(351) 50%(397) 6%(51) 798 #1 Issue: Security 45%(107) 48%(114) 7%(17) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 77%(237) 17%(54) 6%(18) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 66%(177) 27%(73) 6%(16) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 68%(54) 20%(16) 12%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Education 53%(44) 39%(33) 8%(6) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 67%(53) 28%(22) 5%(4) 79 #1 Issue: Other 71%(99) 20%(28) 10%(14) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 78%(793) 18%(185) 4%(38) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 30%(213) 62%(441) 8%(57) 711 2020 Vote: Other 44%(35) 43%(34) 13%(10) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 44%(80) 41%(76) 15%(28) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 76%(604) 20%(162) 4%(29) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 32%(191) 62%(374) 7%(40) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 50%(29) 27%(16) 23%(14) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 78%(588) 18%(134) 4%(31) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 32%(218) 61%(416) 7%(48) 682 2016 Vote: Other 56%(71) 33%(42) 10%(13) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 57%(244) 33%(141) 10%(41) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 57%(767) 37%(495) 6%(76) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 54%(356) 37%(241) 9%(58) 655 4-Region: Northeast 62%(219) 34%(122) 4%(15) 355 4-Region: Midwest 54%(246) 40%(185) 6%(27) 458 4-Region: South 54%(404) 36%(271) 9%(68) 744 4-Region: West 58%(254) 36%(157) 6%(25) 435 Continued on next page

119 Morning Consult Table POL4

Table POL4: Currently, do you believe it’s more important for the government to address the: The spread of Don’t know / No Demographic coronavirus The economy opinion Total N Registered Voters 56%(1122) 37%(736) 7%(134) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 77%(748) 19%(182) 4%(37) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 32%(231) 60%(437) 8%(59) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

120 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL5

Table POL5: Even if neither is exactly correct, which of the following comes closest to your opinion? Americans should continue to social Americans should stop distance for as long as is social distancing to needed to curb the spread stimulate the economy of coronavirus even if it even if it means means continued damage increasing the spread of Don’t know / No Demographic to the economy coronavirus opinion Total N Registered Voters 68%(1358) 23%(452) 9%(182) 1992 Gender: Male 65%(610) 28%(264) 6%(58) 932 Gender: Female 71%(747) 18%(188) 12%(124) 1060 Age: 18-34 62%(311) 26%(128) 12%(62) 500 Age: 35-44 63%(191) 26%(78) 11%(34) 303 Age: 45-64 68%(496) 23%(169) 8%(60) 725 Age: 65+ 78%(360) 17%(77) 6%(26) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 63%(89) 21%(30) 15%(22) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 64%(366) 26%(149) 11%(60) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 64%(326) 25%(128) 10%(53) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 74%(522) 19%(136) 6%(43) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 85%(677) 11%(86) 4%(35) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 68%(388) 19%(108) 13%(77) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 47%(292) 42%(259) 11%(70) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 84%(287) 15%(50) 1%(5) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 86%(390) 8%(35) 7%(30) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 64%(189) 26%(77) 10%(31) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 72%(199) 11%(31) 17%(46) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 46%(134) 47%(137) 8%(22) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 48%(158) 37%(122) 15%(48) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 86%(549) 10%(66) 3%(20) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 75%(422) 18%(100) 8%(43) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 49%(325) 40%(270) 11%(73) 668 Educ: < College 66%(831) 23%(284) 11%(138) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 69%(325) 24%(113) 7%(33) 471 Educ: Post-grad 75%(202) 20%(55) 4%(11) 268 Continued on next page

121 Morning Consult Table POL5

Table POL5: Even if neither is exactly correct, which of the following comes closest to your opinion? Americans should continue to social Americans should stop distance for as long as is social distancing to needed to curb the spread stimulate the economy of coronavirus even if it even if it means means continued damage increasing the spread of Don’t know / No Demographic to the economy coronavirus opinion Total N Registered Voters 68%(1358) 23%(452) 9%(182) 1992 Income: Under 50k 69%(665) 20%(192) 12%(113) 971 Income: 50k-100k 66%(437) 25%(168) 8%(54) 659 Income: 100k+ 70%(255) 25%(92) 4%(15) 362 Ethnicity: White 67%(1075) 25%(396) 9%(140) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 62%(120) 21%(41) 16%(31) 193 Ethnicity: Black 75%(190) 15%(38) 10%(24) 253 Ethnicity: Other 72%(93) 14%(18) 14%(18) 128 All Christian 69%(680) 23%(229) 8%(76) 986 All Non-Christian 74%(89) 22%(26) 4%(5) 119 Atheist 75%(61) 20%(16) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 67%(304) 21%(94) 13%(59) 457 Something Else 64%(224) 25%(87) 11%(38) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 73%(101) 23%(32) 4%(6) 138 Evangelical 62%(355) 28%(162) 10%(55) 572 Non-Evangelical 72%(522) 20%(146) 8%(58) 726 Community: Urban 73%(410) 20%(114) 6%(35) 560 Community: Suburban 68%(618) 21%(193) 10%(95) 905 Community: Rural 63%(330) 27%(145) 10%(53) 527 Employ: Private Sector 65%(430) 27%(181) 7%(49) 660 Employ: Government 68%(105) 26%(40) 6%(9) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 61%(101) 30%(50) 9%(14) 165 Employ: Homemaker 57%(71) 21%(26) 22%(28) 124 Employ: Student 74%(43) 16%(10) 10%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 78%(386) 15%(76) 7%(34) 496 Employ: Unemployed 69%(147) 19%(40) 12%(25) 213 Employ: Other 62%(75) 24%(29) 15%(18) 121 Continued on next page

122 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL5

Table POL5: Even if neither is exactly correct, which of the following comes closest to your opinion? Americans should continue to social Americans should stop distance for as long as is social distancing to needed to curb the spread stimulate the economy of coronavirus even if it even if it means means continued damage increasing the spread of Don’t know / No Demographic to the economy coronavirus opinion Total N Registered Voters 68%(1358) 23%(452) 9%(182) 1992 Military HH: Yes 65%(232) 28%(100) 7%(24) 356 Military HH: No 69%(1126) 22%(352) 10%(158) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 83%(769) 12%(110) 5%(46) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 55%(588) 32%(342) 13%(136) 1067 Biden Job Approve 86%(974) 10%(118) 3%(39) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 43%(318) 44%(323) 13%(99) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 86%(567) 11%(69) 3%(20) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 85%(406) 10%(49) 4%(20) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 61%(131) 25%(52) 14%(30) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 36%(187) 51%(270) 13%(69) 527 Favorable of Biden 86%(977) 10%(113) 4%(41) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 44%(342) 42%(328) 13%(103) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 87%(589) 10%(64) 3%(22) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 85%(388) 11%(49) 4%(19) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 64%(127) 25%(49) 11%(23) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 37%(215) 49%(279) 14%(81) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 60%(478) 31%(244) 10%(76) 798 #1 Issue: Security 55%(130) 34%(81) 11%(26) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 82%(253) 12%(37) 6%(19) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 82%(218) 12%(31) 6%(16) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 71%(56) 11%(9) 18%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Education 60%(50) 30%(25) 10%(8) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 79%(63) 11%(9) 10%(8) 79 #1 Issue: Other 77%(109) 12%(17) 10%(15) 141 Continued on next page

123 Morning Consult Table POL5

Table POL5: Even if neither is exactly correct, which of the following comes closest to your opinion? Americans should continue to social Americans should stop distance for as long as is social distancing to needed to curb the spread stimulate the economy of coronavirus even if it even if it means means continued damage increasing the spread of Don’t know / No Demographic to the economy coronavirus opinion Total N Registered Voters 68%(1358) 23%(452) 9%(182) 1992 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 86%(872) 10%(101) 4%(43) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 46%(326) 42%(300) 12%(86) 711 2020 Vote: Other 48%(38) 32%(25) 20%(16) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 65%(119) 15%(27) 21%(38) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 87%(694) 10%(76) 3%(25) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 47%(286) 42%(253) 11%(65) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 53%(31) 21%(12) 27%(16) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 88%(660) 9%(67) 3%(26) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 50%(339) 39%(267) 11%(76) 682 2016 Vote: Other 65%(82) 23%(29) 12%(15) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 64%(271) 21%(88) 15%(65) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 71%(947) 23%(302) 7%(88) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 63%(410) 23%(150) 14%(95) 655 4-Region: Northeast 71%(254) 21%(75) 8%(27) 355 4-Region: Midwest 68%(311) 26%(118) 6%(29) 458 4-Region: South 66%(491) 21%(155) 13%(97) 744 4-Region: West 69%(301) 24%(105) 7%(29) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 86%(829) 10%(96) 4%(41) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 47%(339) 42%(305) 11%(83) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

124 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL6a

Table POL6a: Would you support or oppose a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 52%(505) 25%(239) 9%(84) 9%(88) 5%(52) 968 Gender: Male 49%(222) 26%(119) 11%(48) 11%(52) 2%(11) 452 Gender: Female 55%(282) 23%(120) 7%(36) 7%(36) 8%(41) 515 Age: 18-34 52%(124) 26%(62) 9%(20) 4%(9) 9%(22) 237 Age: 35-44 54%(75) 25%(34) 6%(8) 7%(10) 7%(10) 138 Age: 45-64 52%(190) 25%(91) 8%(30) 11%(39) 4%(14) 365 Age: 65+ 51%(116) 22%(51) 11%(26) 13%(29) 3%(6) 229 GenZers: 1997-2012 44%(31) 36%(26) 6%(4) 1%(0) 13%(9) 70 Millennials: 1981-1996 57%(150) 23%(61) 8%(22) 5%(14) 6%(17) 263 GenXers: 1965-1980 52%(132) 22%(56) 8%(20) 11%(27) 7%(17) 252 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 51%(177) 25%(86) 10%(34) 12%(42) 2%(7) 346 PID: Dem (no lean) 73%(277) 20%(77) 3%(13) 2%(6) 2%(8) 382 PID: Ind (no lean) 49%(129) 27%(73) 10%(26) 7%(19) 7%(18) 265 PID: Rep (no lean) 31%(98) 28%(89) 14%(45) 19%(62) 8%(26) 321 PID/Gender: Dem Men 71%(122) 23%(40) 3%(6) 2%(3) — (1) 171 PID/Gender: Dem Women 74%(156) 18%(37) 4%(8) 1%(3) 4%(7) 211 PID/Gender: Ind Men 46%(64) 30%(42) 11%(16) 9%(13) 3%(4) 138 PID/Gender: Ind Women 52%(66) 24%(31) 8%(10) 5%(7) 11%(14) 127 PID/Gender: Rep Men 26%(37) 26%(37) 18%(27) 25%(36) 4%(6) 144 PID/Gender: Rep Women 34%(61) 29%(52) 10%(19) 15%(26) 11%(20) 177 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 72%(235) 18%(59) 4%(13) 3%(8) 3%(9) 325 Ideo: Moderate (4) 52%(132) 30%(76) 9%(22) 5%(11) 4%(11) 252 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 32%(108) 27%(92) 14%(47) 19%(66) 7%(24) 337 Educ: < College 54%(331) 23%(140) 8%(51) 8%(50) 7%(46) 618 Educ: Bachelors degree 49%(115) 28%(66) 10%(23) 11%(26) 1%(3) 233 Educ: Post-grad 51%(59) 28%(33) 8%(10) 10%(12) 2%(3) 116 Income: Under 50k 60%(295) 20%(97) 7%(35) 6%(29) 8%(39) 495 Income: 50k-100k 46%(140) 28%(86) 12%(35) 11%(32) 4%(11) 304 Income: 100k+ 42%(70) 33%(55) 8%(13) 16%(27) 2%(3) 168 Ethnicity: White 50%(393) 26%(204) 10%(77) 10%(81) 4%(30) 786 Continued on next page

125 Morning Consult Table POL6a

Table POL6a: Would you support or oppose a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 52%(505) 25%(239) 9%(84) 9%(88) 5%(52) 968 Ethnicity: Hispanic 58%(57) 24%(23) 6%(6) 3%(3) 10%(9) 98 Ethnicity: Black 65%(74) 17%(19) 4%(5) 1%(1) 13%(15) 114 Ethnicity: Other 56%(38) 23%(16) 3%(2) 8%(5) 10%(7) 68 All Christian 48%(228) 26%(125) 10%(49) 12%(56) 4%(18) 477 All Non-Christian 56%(29) 26%(13) 6%(3) 7%(4) 4%(2) 52 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 57%(136) 23%(55) 7%(16) 7%(17) 6%(15) 239 Something Else 54%(87) 22%(37) 8%(13) 6%(10) 10%(17) 163 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53%(33) 24%(15) 10%(6) 10%(6) 3%(2) 62 Evangelical 45%(121) 26%(69) 10%(28) 10%(26) 9%(24) 268 Non-Evangelical 52%(186) 26%(91) 8%(30) 10%(37) 3%(11) 355 Community: Urban 64%(172) 23%(62) 5%(14) 6%(15) 3%(7) 270 Community: Suburban 46%(201) 27%(120) 11%(48) 10%(44) 6%(28) 441 Community: Rural 51%(132) 22%(57) 9%(23) 11%(29) 7%(17) 257 Employ: Private Sector 50%(154) 27%(83) 12%(37) 8%(24) 4%(11) 308 Employ: Government 45%(33) 34%(25) 8%(6) 9%(7) 5%(3) 74 Employ: Self-Employed 51%(44) 25%(22) 7%(6) 13%(11) 4%(3) 87 Employ: Homemaker 48%(31) 20%(13) 6%(4) 5%(3) 21%(13) 65 Employ: Retired 50%(128) 24%(60) 10%(24) 13%(32) 4%(10) 254 Employ: Unemployed 66%(64) 16%(15) 4%(4) 8%(7) 7%(6) 97 Employ: Other 64%(32) 25%(13) 5%(2) 4%(2) 2%(1) 50 Military HH: Yes 47%(83) 26%(47) 10%(17) 15%(27) 2%(4) 178 Military HH: No 53%(422) 24%(192) 8%(66) 8%(61) 6%(48) 789 RD/WT: Right Direction 66%(305) 23%(105) 5%(23) 3%(12) 3%(14) 459 RD/WT: Wrong Track 39%(200) 26%(134) 12%(61) 15%(75) 7%(38) 509 Biden Job Approve 69%(370) 23%(121) 4%(19) 2%(10) 2%(13) 533 Biden Job Disapprove 29%(108) 27%(101) 17%(62) 20%(75) 7%(27) 374 Continued on next page

126 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL6a

Table POL6a: Would you support or oppose a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 52%(505) 25%(239) 9%(84) 9%(88) 5%(52) 968 Biden Job Strongly Approve 80%(255) 15%(46) 2%(7) 1%(4) 2%(5) 317 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 53%(115) 35%(75) 5%(12) 3%(6) 4%(8) 216 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 49%(48) 29%(28) 12%(12) 7%(7) 3%(3) 99 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 22%(60) 26%(72) 18%(51) 25%(68) 9%(24) 275 Favorable of Biden 70%(366) 22%(117) 4%(18) 2%(11) 2%(13) 526 Unfavorable of Biden 30%(118) 27%(107) 16%(63) 19%(75) 7%(28) 392 Very Favorable of Biden 80%(253) 16%(50) 1%(4) 1%(4) 2%(6) 318 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 54%(113) 32%(67) 7%(14) 3%(7) 3%(7) 208 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 44%(40) 37%(34) 9%(9) 7%(7) 3%(2) 92 Very Unfavorable of Biden 26%(78) 24%(73) 18%(55) 23%(69) 9%(26) 300 #1 Issue: Economy 47%(195) 28%(113) 9%(36) 9%(39) 7%(28) 410 #1 Issue: Security 31%(29) 22%(21) 18%(17) 23%(22) 6%(5) 95 #1 Issue: Health Care 67%(95) 24%(34) 3%(5) 1%(1) 5%(7) 142 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 61%(89) 22%(32) 5%(7) 10%(14) 2%(3) 146 #1 Issue: Other 59%(46) 15%(12) 11%(9) 8%(7) 7%(5) 78 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 71%(341) 21%(100) 4%(20) 2%(8) 2%(8) 478 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 29%(104) 28%(101) 15%(55) 20%(72) 7%(26) 358 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 50%(49) 26%(25) 7%(7) 3%(3) 14%(14) 98 2018 House Vote: Democrat 73%(271) 19%(72) 3%(13) 3%(11) 2%(6) 373 2018 House Vote: Republican 26%(78) 30%(89) 17%(51) 21%(64) 6%(18) 300 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 73%(261) 20%(70) 3%(11) 2%(8) 2%(7) 356 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 33%(112) 27%(91) 14%(49) 20%(69) 6%(20) 341 2016 Vote: Other 42%(22) 26%(14) 11%(6) 14%(7) 7%(4) 53 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 50%(109) 30%(64) 8%(18) 2%(4) 10%(21) 216 Voted in 2014: Yes 53%(343) 23%(145) 8%(54) 12%(77) 4%(24) 643 Voted in 2014: No 50%(162) 29%(94) 9%(30) 3%(10) 9%(28) 325 Continued on next page

127 Morning Consult Table POL6a

Table POL6a: Would you support or oppose a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 52%(505) 25%(239) 9%(84) 9%(88) 5%(52) 968 4-Region: Northeast 52%(84) 28%(45) 8%(12) 8%(13) 5%(8) 162 4-Region: Midwest 51%(106) 25%(52) 12%(25) 12%(24) 1%(2) 208 4-Region: South 50%(190) 24%(93) 9%(34) 8%(30) 9%(33) 380 4-Region: West 57%(124) 23%(50) 6%(13) 9%(21) 4%(10) 217 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 71%(332) 22%(102) 4%(17) 1%(7) 2%(8) 466 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 29%(107) 28%(103) 16%(57) 20%(72) 7%(27) 365 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

128 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL6b

Table POL6b: Do you support or oppose the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(456) 26%(267) 10%(102) 11%(110) 9%(88) 1024 Gender: Male 43%(207) 26%(124) 14%(67) 12%(60) 5%(22) 480 Gender: Female 46%(250) 26%(143) 6%(35) 9%(50) 12%(66) 544 Age: 18-34 43%(114) 30%(80) 9%(23) 4%(11) 13%(35) 264 Age: 35-44 48%(79) 29%(47) 9%(15) 6%(11) 8%(13) 165 Age: 45-64 42%(153) 25%(89) 11%(41) 14%(49) 8%(29) 361 Age: 65+ 47%(110) 22%(51) 10%(23) 17%(40) 5%(12) 235 GenZers: 1997-2012 44%(30) 22%(15) 11%(8) 2%(2) 21%(15) 69 Millennials: 1981-1996 45%(141) 33%(103) 7%(23) 4%(13) 10%(31) 312 GenXers: 1965-1980 41%(103) 26%(67) 11%(28) 14%(35) 8%(21) 254 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 48%(172) 21%(76) 11%(38) 15%(53) 5%(18) 356 PID: Dem (no lean) 69%(286) 18%(76) 4%(16) 3%(10) 7%(28) 416 PID: Ind (no lean) 32%(99) 33%(103) 13%(39) 11%(33) 11%(34) 308 PID: Rep (no lean) 24%(72) 29%(88) 15%(47) 22%(67) 9%(27) 301 PID/Gender: Dem Men 69%(118) 19%(33) 5%(8) 4%(7) 3%(5) 171 PID/Gender: Dem Women 68%(168) 18%(43) 3%(8) 2%(4) 9%(22) 245 PID/Gender: Ind Men 31%(50) 33%(53) 17%(27) 12%(19) 7%(10) 159 PID/Gender: Ind Women 33%(49) 34%(50) 8%(12) 9%(13) 16%(23) 149 PID/Gender: Rep Men 26%(39) 26%(39) 21%(32) 23%(34) 4%(6) 150 PID/Gender: Rep Women 22%(33) 33%(49) 10%(15) 22%(33) 14%(21) 151 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 70%(218) 19%(60) 4%(13) 3%(9) 3%(10) 311 Ideo: Moderate (4) 43%(136) 32%(99) 10%(31) 6%(18) 9%(30) 313 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 22%(72) 28%(93) 17%(56) 24%(78) 9%(31) 330 Educ: < College 45%(287) 24%(155) 10%(61) 11%(68) 10%(65) 635 Educ: Bachelors degree 42%(100) 29%(68) 10%(25) 11%(27) 8%(18) 238 Educ: Post-grad 46%(70) 29%(44) 11%(17) 11%(16) 3%(5) 152 Income: Under 50k 48%(230) 23%(107) 10%(45) 8%(40) 11%(53) 476 Income: 50k-100k 43%(154) 27%(97) 10%(35) 13%(47) 6%(21) 355 Income: 100k+ 38%(73) 32%(62) 11%(22) 12%(22) 7%(14) 194 Ethnicity: White 43%(358) 26%(216) 10%(86) 13%(104) 7%(61) 825 Continued on next page

129 Morning Consult Table POL6b

Table POL6b: Do you support or oppose the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(456) 26%(267) 10%(102) 11%(110) 9%(88) 1024 Ethnicity: Hispanic 38%(36) 31%(30) 11%(10) 8%(7) 13%(12) 95 Ethnicity: Black 55%(77) 22%(31) 9%(13) 1%(2) 12%(17) 139 Ethnicity: Other 37%(22) 33%(20) 6%(4) 7%(4) 18%(11) 61 All Christian 43%(220) 24%(122) 12%(60) 14%(69) 8%(38) 509 All Non-Christian 73%(49) 15%(10) 4%(3) 7%(5) 1%(1) 68 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 43%(93) 31%(68) 5%(11) 10%(21) 11%(25) 218 Something Else 37%(68) 31%(58) 11%(20) 9%(16) 13%(24) 187 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 69%(52) 15%(11) 4%(3) 12%(9) 1%(1) 76 Evangelical 42%(128) 27%(81) 12%(35) 11%(34) 8%(25) 304 Non-Evangelical 41%(152) 25%(94) 12%(45) 12%(46) 9%(34) 371 Community: Urban 53%(154) 25%(72) 9%(27) 2%(7) 10%(30) 289 Community: Suburban 44%(206) 26%(122) 10%(47) 12%(54) 7%(35) 465 Community: Rural 35%(96) 27%(72) 11%(29) 18%(49) 9%(24) 271 Employ: Private Sector 43%(151) 31%(108) 10%(35) 10%(35) 7%(23) 353 Employ: Government 42%(33) 28%(22) 15%(12) 10%(8) 6%(5) 80 Employ: Self-Employed 44%(34) 22%(17) 9%(7) 15%(12) 11%(8) 78 Employ: Homemaker 32%(19) 28%(17) 2%(1) 21%(13) 16%(10) 59 Employ: Retired 48%(116) 21%(51) 11%(25) 14%(34) 6%(16) 242 Employ: Unemployed 52%(60) 21%(24) 11%(12) 4%(5) 13%(15) 116 Employ: Other 43%(31) 30%(21) 12%(8) 5%(3) 10%(7) 71 Military HH: Yes 43%(76) 20%(36) 12%(21) 18%(32) 7%(12) 177 Military HH: No 45%(380) 27%(231) 10%(82) 9%(78) 9%(76) 847 RD/WT: Right Direction 63%(293) 23%(105) 5%(25) 2%(9) 7%(34) 467 RD/WT: Wrong Track 29%(163) 29%(161) 14%(77) 18%(101) 10%(55) 558 Biden Job Approve 63%(376) 26%(156) 4%(26) 1%(5) 6%(35) 598 Biden Job Disapprove 17%(63) 28%(103) 20%(74) 28%(102) 7%(26) 367 Continued on next page

130 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL6b

Table POL6b: Do you support or oppose the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(456) 26%(267) 10%(102) 11%(110) 9%(88) 1024 Biden Job Strongly Approve 78%(266) 15%(51) 3%(9) — (1) 4%(13) 339 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 43%(110) 40%(105) 7%(17) 2%(5) 8%(22) 259 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 22%(25) 36%(42) 25%(29) 12%(14) 4%(5) 115 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 15%(37) 24%(61) 18%(44) 35%(88) 8%(21) 252 Favorable of Biden 62%(376) 25%(153) 5%(31) 1%(7) 6%(38) 605 Unfavorable of Biden 18%(70) 29%(110) 18%(68) 26%(100) 9%(33) 382 Very Favorable of Biden 74%(266) 16%(57) 3%(11) 1%(3) 6%(20) 357 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 45%(110) 39%(96) 8%(19) 2%(4) 7%(18) 248 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 23%(25) 38%(41) 23%(25) 8%(8) 8%(9) 107 Very Unfavorable of Biden 17%(45) 25%(69) 16%(43) 33%(92) 9%(25) 274 #1 Issue: Economy 41%(161) 28%(109) 11%(42) 12%(48) 7%(29) 388 #1 Issue: Security 29%(42) 28%(40) 18%(26) 21%(29) 4%(6) 143 #1 Issue: Health Care 55%(91) 27%(45) 5%(9) 4%(7) 9%(14) 166 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 55%(67) 19%(23) 6%(7) 9%(11) 10%(12) 120 #1 Issue: Education 43%(24) 20%(11) 13%(7) 3%(2) 21%(12) 57 #1 Issue: Other 51%(32) 25%(15) 8%(5) 10%(6) 7%(4) 62 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 63%(341) 24%(128) 5%(25) 1%(8) 7%(36) 538 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 20%(70) 30%(106) 18%(62) 25%(89) 7%(26) 353 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(30) 28%(24) 9%(8) 9%(8) 20%(17) 86 2018 House Vote: Democrat 67%(282) 22%(93) 4%(19) 3%(11) 4%(18) 422 2018 House Vote: Republican 21%(63) 27%(82) 18%(56) 27%(84) 6%(20) 304 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 65%(257) 23%(91) 5%(21) 3%(12) 4%(17) 397 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 23%(78) 29%(99) 16%(56) 25%(86) 6%(22) 341 2016 Vote: Other 38%(28) 29%(21) 15%(11) 7%(5) 12%(9) 74 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 45%(94) 26%(54) 7%(15) 4%(8) 19%(39) 209 Voted in 2014: Yes 46%(320) 24%(166) 10%(73) 13%(88) 7%(47) 694 Voted in 2014: No 41%(137) 30%(100) 9%(30) 7%(22) 13%(41) 330 Continued on next page

131 Morning Consult Table POL6b

Table POL6b: Do you support or oppose the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package that provides up to $1,400 in direct payments to Americans making less than $75,000 a year, $350 billion in emergency funding for state and local governments, funding to support K-12 and higher education to re-open, and extends increased unemployment benefits until September 2021? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(456) 26%(267) 10%(102) 11%(110) 9%(88) 1024 4-Region: Northeast 50%(96) 30%(58) 6%(12) 9%(17) 5%(10) 193 4-Region: Midwest 38%(95) 27%(67) 13%(33) 16%(39) 6%(15) 249 4-Region: South 45%(164) 24%(88) 10%(38) 9%(33) 11%(40) 364 4-Region: West 46%(101) 25%(54) 8%(19) 10%(21) 11%(23) 218 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 67%(335) 21%(104) 4%(18) 2%(10) 7%(34) 501 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 21%(76) 29%(105) 17%(61) 23%(82) 10%(36) 361 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

132 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL7a

Table POL7a: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(382) 22%(222) 12%(119) 20%(201) 8%(81) 1005 Gender: Male 36%(179) 22%(107) 14%(69) 22%(111) 6%(29) 495 Gender: Female 40%(203) 22%(114) 10%(51) 18%(90) 10%(51) 509 Age: 18-34 38%(99) 26%(68) 10%(25) 14%(35) 12%(31) 258 Age: 35-44 46%(77) 20%(32) 12%(19) 13%(22) 9%(15) 166 Age: 45-64 36%(139) 20%(75) 12%(47) 25%(97) 6%(23) 380 Age: 65+ 34%(68) 23%(46) 14%(28) 24%(47) 6%(12) 201 GenZers: 1997-2012 34%(25) 32%(24) 5%(4) 15%(11) 14%(10) 75 Millennials: 1981-1996 44%(131) 22%(67) 12%(36) 12%(35) 10%(31) 300 GenXers: 1965-1980 39%(106) 20%(53) 10%(28) 24%(64) 7%(20) 272 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 33%(110) 22%(72) 15%(49) 25%(83) 5%(17) 331 PID: Dem (no lean) 58%(250) 24%(103) 7%(32) 4%(17) 6%(26) 428 PID: Ind (no lean) 29%(76) 27%(69) 14%(36) 18%(47) 12%(31) 260 PID: Rep (no lean) 18%(56) 16%(49) 16%(52) 43%(137) 7%(23) 317 PID/Gender: Dem Men 59%(118) 24%(47) 9%(19) 3%(6) 5%(10) 200 PID/Gender: Dem Women 58%(132) 25%(56) 6%(13) 5%(11) 7%(16) 228 PID/Gender: Ind Men 23%(31) 25%(34) 16%(22) 26%(34) 9%(13) 134 PID/Gender: Ind Women 35%(45) 28%(35) 11%(14) 10%(13) 15%(19) 126 PID/Gender: Rep Men 19%(30) 16%(26) 17%(28) 44%(71) 4%(6) 161 PID/Gender: Rep Women 17%(26) 15%(23) 15%(24) 43%(67) 11%(16) 156 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(192) 26%(86) 5%(15) 4%(15) 6%(21) 329 Ideo: Moderate (4) 37%(109) 27%(79) 15%(44) 15%(45) 6%(18) 295 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16%(51) 15%(47) 18%(57) 43%(135) 7%(23) 312 Educ: < College 37%(228) 20%(123) 12%(75) 21%(129) 10%(60) 615 Educ: Bachelors degree 37%(95) 26%(66) 11%(29) 19%(48) 6%(16) 253 Educ: Post-grad 43%(60) 24%(33) 11%(15) 18%(25) 4%(5) 137 Income: Under 50k 42%(210) 19%(96) 9%(44) 18%(91) 11%(55) 497 Income: 50k-100k 33%(104) 27%(83) 14%(44) 22%(69) 4%(11) 311 Income: 100k+ 34%(68) 22%(43) 16%(32) 21%(41) 7%(14) 197 Ethnicity: White 35%(277) 21%(165) 14%(110) 22%(176) 8%(65) 794 Ethnicity: Hispanic 45%(56) 24%(30) 11%(14) 14%(17) 5%(7) 124 Ethnicity: Black 59%(83) 25%(36) 2%(3) 7%(11) 6%(9) 141 Continued on next page

133 Morning Consult Table POL7a

Table POL7a: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(382) 22%(222) 12%(119) 20%(201) 8%(81) 1005 Ethnicity: Other 32%(22) 29%(20) 9%(6) 21%(15) 9%(6) 70 All Christian 34%(162) 21%(102) 16%(74) 23%(109) 6%(29) 475 All Non-Christian 59%(33) 21%(12) 6%(3) 9%(5) 5%(3) 56 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 42%(107) 21%(53) 8%(20) 15%(39) 13%(33) 252 Something Else 33%(60) 23%(41) 11%(19) 25%(44) 9%(16) 179 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 49%(33) 21%(14) 11%(7) 12%(8) 7%(5) 68 Evangelical 37%(104) 18%(51) 11%(30) 27%(76) 6%(17) 279 Non-Evangelical 32%(114) 25%(87) 16%(56) 21%(73) 7%(23) 352 Community: Urban 53%(150) 23%(64) 9%(25) 10%(28) 5%(15) 282 Community: Suburban 35%(158) 23%(103) 12%(57) 22%(99) 9%(41) 458 Community: Rural 28%(74) 20%(54) 14%(37) 28%(74) 10%(25) 265 Employ: Private Sector 36%(127) 26%(91) 13%(46) 18%(63) 7%(26) 354 Employ: Government 34%(28) 28%(23) 13%(10) 22%(18) 3%(3) 82 Employ: Self-Employed 42%(35) 23%(19) 10%(9) 19%(16) 6%(5) 84 Employ: Homemaker 30%(18) 14%(8) 9%(6) 30%(18) 16%(10) 59 Employ: Retired 35%(80) 19%(44) 17%(39) 22%(51) 7%(17) 231 Employ: Unemployed 52%(56) 16%(18) 4%(4) 16%(17) 12%(14) 110 Employ: Other 46%(28) 18%(11) 8%(5) 21%(13) 6%(4) 61 Military HH: Yes 38%(71) 22%(41) 10%(18) 25%(48) 5%(10) 188 Military HH: No 38%(311) 22%(180) 12%(101) 19%(154) 9%(71) 817 RD/WT: Right Direction 53%(249) 26%(124) 8%(38) 5%(25) 7%(34) 469 RD/WT: Wrong Track 25%(133) 18%(98) 15%(81) 33%(176) 9%(47) 535 Biden Job Approve 56%(325) 26%(153) 8%(44) 4%(24) 6%(33) 580 Biden Job Disapprove 12%(45) 15%(57) 19%(70) 47%(172) 7%(26) 370 Biden Job Strongly Approve 67%(232) 21%(73) 6%(21) 2%(9) 4%(14) 348 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 40%(93) 35%(80) 10%(23) 7%(16) 8%(19) 232 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 21%(24) 21%(24) 23%(26) 31%(34) 3%(4) 112 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 8%(21) 13%(33) 17%(44) 53%(138) 8%(22) 257 Favorable of Biden 55%(317) 28%(158) 7%(41) 4%(24) 6%(36) 576 Unfavorable of Biden 15%(56) 15%(57) 19%(74) 45%(172) 6%(24) 383 Continued on next page

134 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL7a

Table POL7a: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(382) 22%(222) 12%(119) 20%(201) 8%(81) 1005 Very Favorable of Biden 64%(228) 23%(83) 4%(14) 3%(10) 6%(20) 356 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 41%(89) 34%(75) 12%(26) 6%(13) 7%(16) 219 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 28%(27) 21%(20) 22%(22) 26%(26) 2%(2) 98 Very Unfavorable of Biden 10%(28) 13%(37) 18%(52) 51%(146) 8%(21) 285 #1 Issue: Economy 36%(150) 19%(77) 11%(45) 27%(112) 8%(32) 417 #1 Issue: Security 20%(21) 26%(27) 16%(17) 36%(39) 2%(3) 107 #1 Issue: Health Care 47%(87) 28%(53) 8%(15) 6%(12) 10%(19) 186 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 42%(47) 20%(22) 15%(16) 16%(18) 7%(8) 111 #1 Issue: Other 44%(32) 18%(13) 11%(8) 18%(13) 9%(6) 74 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 58%(300) 27%(138) 6%(30) 4%(21) 6%(30) 519 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(48) 15%(55) 20%(72) 44%(158) 7%(25) 358 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28%(25) 22%(19) 13%(12) 15%(13) 22%(19) 87 2018 House Vote: Democrat 58%(233) 24%(98) 9%(37) 5%(20) 4%(18) 406 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(48) 14%(42) 20%(59) 45%(136) 5%(15) 300 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 55%(217) 27%(105) 8%(32) 4%(17) 6%(22) 392 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 17%(57) 16%(53) 18%(62) 44%(151) 6%(20) 343 2016 Vote: Other 29%(18) 23%(15) 18%(11) 20%(12) 10%(6) 62 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 44%(91) 24%(49) 6%(13) 10%(21) 16%(32) 206 Voted in 2014: Yes 38%(256) 21%(137) 13%(85) 23%(154) 5%(36) 669 Voted in 2014: No 37%(126) 25%(84) 10%(34) 14%(48) 13%(44) 336 4-Region: Northeast 45%(78) 24%(40) 8%(14) 17%(30) 5%(9) 171 4-Region: Midwest 34%(78) 19%(44) 15%(34) 24%(55) 9%(20) 230 4-Region: South 38%(142) 22%(84) 12%(46) 19%(72) 9%(33) 376 4-Region: West 37%(84) 24%(54) 11%(26) 20%(45) 8%(18) 227 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 56%(282) 26%(128) 7%(36) 4%(19) 7%(36) 502 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 17%(61) 16%(56) 17%(61) 43%(156) 7%(25) 360 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

135 Morning Consult Table POL7b

Table POL7b: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $11 an hour by 2023? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(441) 26%(262) 11%(108) 12%(114) 6%(62) 987 Gender: Male 42%(183) 27%(118) 12%(54) 13%(55) 6%(27) 437 Gender: Female 47%(257) 26%(144) 10%(54) 11%(59) 6%(35) 550 Age: 18-34 51%(124) 22%(53) 10%(25) 8%(19) 9%(22) 243 Age: 35-44 49%(67) 27%(37) 9%(13) 9%(12) 6%(8) 137 Age: 45-64 40%(139) 27%(92) 11%(37) 18%(62) 5%(16) 345 Age: 65+ 42%(111) 30%(80) 13%(34) 8%(22) 6%(16) 263 GenZers: 1997-2012 40%(26) 23%(15) 11%(7) 9%(6) 17%(11) 65 Millennials: 1981-1996 54%(149) 24%(65) 9%(25) 7%(20) 6%(16) 275 GenXers: 1965-1980 39%(92) 24%(56) 14%(33) 17%(41) 5%(13) 235 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 43%(159) 29%(109) 10%(38) 12%(46) 5%(18) 371 PID: Dem (no lean) 64%(235) 22%(83) 5%(17) 5%(19) 4%(16) 370 PID: Ind (no lean) 42%(130) 27%(85) 13%(40) 9%(30) 9%(29) 313 PID: Rep (no lean) 25%(76) 31%(93) 17%(52) 22%(66) 6%(18) 305 PID/Gender: Dem Men 65%(93) 21%(30) 5%(7) 5%(7) 3%(4) 142 PID/Gender: Dem Women 62%(142) 23%(53) 4%(9) 5%(12) 5%(11) 228 PID/Gender: Ind Men 36%(58) 29%(47) 14%(23) 11%(18) 10%(16) 163 PID/Gender: Ind Women 48%(72) 25%(38) 11%(17) 8%(12) 8%(12) 150 PID/Gender: Rep Men 24%(32) 30%(40) 18%(24) 22%(30) 4%(6) 133 PID/Gender: Rep Women 25%(43) 31%(53) 16%(28) 21%(36) 7%(12) 172 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 66%(202) 19%(58) 6%(17) 5%(15) 5%(14) 307 Ideo: Moderate (4) 45%(122) 30%(80) 11%(30) 8%(21) 6%(17) 270 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 24%(86) 32%(113) 17%(60) 21%(76) 6%(21) 356 Educ: < College 44%(278) 27%(171) 11%(68) 12%(79) 7%(43) 638 Educ: Bachelors degree 45%(98) 24%(53) 14%(30) 11%(23) 6%(14) 218 Educ: Post-grad 50%(65) 29%(37) 8%(11) 10%(13) 4%(5) 131 Income: Under 50k 49%(231) 24%(113) 11%(53) 9%(44) 7%(33) 474 Income: 50k-100k 40%(139) 29%(100) 12%(41) 14%(49) 6%(20) 348 Income: 100k+ 43%(71) 29%(48) 9%(15) 13%(22) 6%(10) 165 Ethnicity: White 43%(354) 27%(222) 11%(93) 12%(99) 6%(48) 818 Ethnicity: Hispanic 45%(31) 26%(18) 7%(5) 15%(10) 8%(5) 69 Ethnicity: Black 54%(60) 23%(25) 9%(9) 8%(8) 7%(8) 112 Continued on next page

136 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL7b

Table POL7b: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $11 an hour by 2023? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(441) 26%(262) 11%(108) 12%(114) 6%(62) 987 Ethnicity: Other 45%(26) 23%(14) 10%(6) 11%(6) 11%(6) 58 All Christian 39%(198) 29%(149) 12%(63) 15%(77) 5%(24) 511 All Non-Christian 58%(36) 21%(13) 10%(6) 5%(3) 6%(4) 63 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 52%(108) 25%(50) 9%(18) 5%(10) 9%(19) 205 Something Else 46%(79) 22%(38) 11%(18) 13%(22) 8%(15) 171 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 54%(38) 22%(15) 14%(10) 5%(4) 5%(4) 70 Evangelical 38%(111) 29%(85) 11%(33) 17%(48) 5%(15) 293 Non-Evangelical 42%(159) 26%(99) 12%(44) 13%(49) 6%(23) 374 Community: Urban 55%(154) 20%(55) 10%(27) 8%(22) 8%(21) 278 Community: Suburban 43%(191) 29%(128) 12%(52) 11%(50) 6%(27) 448 Community: Rural 37%(96) 30%(79) 11%(30) 16%(43) 5%(14) 262 Employ: Private Sector 42%(129) 25%(77) 13%(40) 14%(42) 6%(19) 307 Employ: Government 41%(29) 34%(24) 12%(8) 9%(7) 5%(4) 72 Employ: Self-Employed 52%(42) 22%(18) 11%(9) 8%(7) 7%(6) 81 Employ: Homemaker 46%(30) 23%(15) 5%(3) 23%(15) 3%(2) 65 Employ: Retired 41%(109) 32%(85) 12%(33) 9%(25) 5%(13) 265 Employ: Unemployed 50%(52) 23%(23) 9%(9) 8%(9) 10%(10) 103 Employ: Other 49%(29) 25%(15) 5%(3) 13%(8) 8%(5) 60 Military HH: Yes 39%(66) 31%(52) 13%(21) 11%(19) 6%(10) 168 Military HH: No 46%(375) 26%(209) 11%(87) 12%(95) 6%(52) 820 RD/WT: Right Direction 59%(270) 25%(112) 8%(34) 3%(14) 6%(26) 456 RD/WT: Wrong Track 32%(171) 28%(150) 14%(74) 19%(100) 7%(37) 532 Biden Job Approve 60%(332) 25%(140) 6%(31) 4%(23) 5%(26) 552 Biden Job Disapprove 23%(85) 29%(106) 20%(73) 24%(90) 4%(16) 371 Biden Job Strongly Approve 67%(207) 20%(62) 5%(16) 3%(9) 5%(14) 308 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 51%(125) 32%(78) 6%(15) 6%(14) 5%(12) 244 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 35%(36) 34%(35) 20%(20) 3%(3) 7%(8) 101 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 18%(50) 26%(71) 20%(53) 32%(87) 3%(9) 269 Favorable of Biden 60%(334) 24%(134) 6%(31) 5%(27) 5%(29) 555 Unfavorable of Biden 23%(91) 31%(121) 18%(70) 22%(86) 6%(23) 391 Continued on next page

137 Morning Consult Table POL7b

Table POL7b: Generally speaking, do you support or oppose gradually increasing the federal minimum wage to $11 an hour by 2023? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 45%(441) 26%(262) 11%(108) 12%(114) 6%(62) 987 Very Favorable of Biden 66%(209) 20%(63) 4%(14) 5%(17) 5%(16) 319 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 53%(126) 30%(71) 7%(17) 4%(9) 6%(13) 236 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 33%(33) 41%(41) 13%(13) 4%(4) 10%(10) 101 Very Unfavorable of Biden 20%(57) 28%(81) 19%(56) 28%(82) 5%(13) 290 #1 Issue: Economy 44%(168) 25%(96) 11%(41) 15%(56) 5%(21) 381 #1 Issue: Security 28%(36) 28%(36) 20%(26) 17%(22) 7%(9) 130 #1 Issue: Health Care 56%(68) 22%(27) 10%(12) 6%(8) 6%(8) 123 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45%(69) 35%(54) 7%(11) 8%(13) 5%(8) 155 #1 Issue: Other 52%(35) 22%(15) 8%(6) 12%(8) 5%(3) 67 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 60%(299) 24%(120) 6%(32) 5%(23) 4%(22) 497 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 23%(80) 31%(110) 18%(63) 22%(77) 7%(23) 353 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 47%(46) 22%(21) 9%(9) 9%(9) 13%(12) 96 2018 House Vote: Democrat 62%(240) 23%(89) 5%(20) 6%(23) 5%(18) 389 2018 House Vote: Republican 22%(66) 32%(98) 20%(60) 22%(68) 4%(14) 304 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 61%(221) 22%(81) 5%(18) 6%(22) 5%(19) 361 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 25%(83) 30%(101) 19%(66) 21%(72) 5%(17) 339 2016 Vote: Other 44%(28) 32%(21) 11%(7) 8%(5) 5%(3) 64 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 48%(106) 27%(58) 8%(18) 7%(15) 10%(22) 219 Voted in 2014: Yes 45%(300) 25%(166) 12%(83) 13%(89) 5%(31) 669 Voted in 2014: No 44%(141) 30%(95) 8%(25) 8%(25) 10%(32) 319 4-Region: Northeast 45%(83) 32%(59) 10%(19) 7%(13) 6%(10) 184 4-Region: Midwest 35%(80) 29%(66) 14%(33) 17%(38) 5%(11) 227 4-Region: South 49%(181) 22%(82) 10%(35) 12%(42) 7%(27) 367 4-Region: West 47%(97) 26%(55) 10%(22) 10%(22) 6%(13) 208 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 63%(291) 23%(107) 5%(22) 5%(23) 5%(22) 465 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 24%(87) 31%(114) 18%(67) 21%(76) 6%(23) 367 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

138 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL8

Table POL8: Which of the following do you believe Congress should do, even if neither is exactly correct? Congress should Congress should Congress should raise the federal not raise the raise the federal minimum wage to federal minimum minimum wage to Don’t know / No Demographic $15/hour wage $11/hour opinion Total N Registered Voters 40%(806) 22%(435) 29%(586) 8%(165) 1992 Gender: Male 39%(361) 26%(239) 29%(275) 6%(57) 932 Gender: Female 42%(445) 18%(195) 29%(311) 10%(108) 1060 Age: 18-34 46%(231) 16%(81) 29%(145) 9%(43) 500 Age: 35-44 44%(133) 19%(59) 26%(80) 10%(31) 303 Age: 45-64 37%(271) 25%(184) 29%(211) 8%(59) 725 Age: 65+ 37%(170) 24%(110) 32%(150) 7%(32) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 43%(60) 16%(23) 26%(36) 15%(21) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 48%(273) 16%(90) 29%(165) 8%(47) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 38%(192) 26%(134) 27%(135) 9%(46) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 37%(263) 24%(169) 32%(226) 6%(44) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 63%(506) 7%(60) 24%(193) 5%(39) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 35%(202) 22%(126) 31%(177) 12%(67) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 16%(98) 40%(249) 35%(215) 10%(59) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 63%(216) 10%(33) 24%(83) 3%(11) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 64%(290) 6%(26) 24%(110) 6%(29) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 34%(101) 27%(79) 31%(92) 8%(25) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 37%(101) 17%(47) 31%(85) 15%(43) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 15%(44) 43%(127) 34%(100) 8%(22) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 16%(54) 37%(122) 35%(115) 11%(37) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 64%(404) 7%(44) 25%(160) 4%(28) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 43%(242) 17%(99) 31%(175) 9%(50) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18%(117) 42%(282) 32%(213) 8%(56) 668 Educ: < College 38%(477) 22%(272) 30%(380) 10%(123) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 42%(198) 23%(107) 29%(136) 6%(29) 471 Educ: Post-grad 49%(131) 21%(55) 26%(69) 5%(13) 268 Income: Under 50k 43%(415) 19%(183) 29%(284) 9%(88) 971 Income: 50k-100k 38%(252) 25%(164) 30%(195) 7%(49) 659 Income: 100k+ 38%(139) 24%(88) 29%(106) 8%(28) 362 Ethnicity: White 36%(579) 24%(384) 31%(506) 9%(141) 1611 Continued on next page

139 Morning Consult Table POL8

Table POL8: Which of the following do you believe Congress should do, even if neither is exactly correct? Congress should Congress should Congress should raise the federal not raise the raise the federal minimum wage to federal minimum minimum wage to Don’t know / No Demographic $15/hour wage $11/hour opinion Total N Registered Voters 40%(806) 22%(435) 29%(586) 8%(165) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 51%(99) 17%(34) 28%(53) 4% (7) 193 Ethnicity: Black 67%(169) 9%(23) 18%(45) 6%(16) 253 Ethnicity: Other 46%(59) 21%(27) 27%(35) 6% (8) 128 All Christian 35%(346) 25%(248) 33%(327) 7%(64) 986 All Non-Christian 62%(74) 15%(17) 19%(23) 4% (5) 119 Atheist 52%(42) 12%(10) 31%(25) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 44%(202) 17%(77) 27%(123) 12%(54) 457 Something Else 41%(142) 23%(82) 25%(88) 11%(39) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 56%(78) 17%(24) 22%(31) 4% (5) 138 Evangelical 36%(204) 25%(141) 32%(183) 8%(43) 572 Non-Evangelical 37%(270) 24%(177) 31%(222) 8%(57) 726 Community: Urban 53%(295) 16%(87) 25%(137) 7%(40) 560 Community: Suburban 39%(354) 22%(196) 30%(275) 9%(80) 905 Community: Rural 30%(158) 29%(151) 33%(174) 8%(45) 527 Employ: Private Sector 39%(259) 22%(147) 31%(203) 8%(51) 660 Employ: Government 41%(63) 22%(34) 24%(38) 13%(20) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 40%(66) 25%(42) 31%(52) 3%(6) 165 Employ: Homemaker 36%(45) 25%(31) 28%(35) 11%(14) 124 Employ: Student 50%(29) 18%(11) 19%(11) 13% (8) 58 Employ: Retired 36%(180) 25%(124) 32%(157) 7%(36) 496 Employ: Unemployed 50%(107) 13%(28) 26%(55) 11%(23) 213 Employ: Other 48%(58) 16%(19) 29%(35) 7% (9) 121 Military HH: Yes 36%(129) 26%(93) 31%(109) 7%(25) 356 Military HH: No 41%(678) 21%(342) 29%(477) 9%(140) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 56%(515) 10%(94) 28%(262) 6%(54) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 27%(291) 32%(341) 30%(323) 10%(111) 1067 Biden Job Approve 58%(657) 9%(105) 27%(306) 6%(63) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 16%(116) 43%(318) 33%(242) 9%(65) 740 Continued on next page

140 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL8

Table POL8: Which of the following do you believe Congress should do, even if neither is exactly correct? Congress should Congress should Congress should raise the federal not raise the raise the federal minimum wage to federal minimum minimum wage to Don’t know / No Demographic $15/hour wage $11/hour opinion Total N Registered Voters 40%(806) 22%(435) 29%(586) 8%(165) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 64%(419) 7%(46) 24%(161) 4%(29) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 50%(238) 12%(59) 31%(145) 7%(33) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 26%(55) 25%(53) 41%(87) 8%(18) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 11%(60) 50%(264) 29%(155) 9%(47) 527 Favorable of Biden 58%(651) 8%(94) 29%(324) 6%(62) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 16%(125) 42%(323) 32%(246) 10%(79) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 64%(430) 5%(37) 25%(171) 5%(37) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 49%(221) 12%(57) 33%(153) 6%(25) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 31%(61) 23%(46) 36%(71) 11%(22) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 11%(65) 48%(277) 30%(175) 10%(58) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 37%(298) 26%(207) 29%(234) 7%(59) 798 #1 Issue: Security 23%(55) 35%(84) 30%(72) 11%(27) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 54%(166) 11%(34) 28%(86) 7%(23) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 39%(104) 19%(52) 36%(95) 6%(16) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 48%(38) 11% (9) 26%(21) 14%(11) 79 #1 Issue: Education 44%(36) 17%(14) 25%(21) 15%(12) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 54%(42) 17%(14) 26%(21) 3% (2) 79 #1 Issue: Other 48%(67) 16%(22) 26%(37) 10%(15) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 59%(599) 8%(82) 27%(278) 6%(57) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 16%(112) 41%(293) 34%(239) 9%(66) 711 2020 Vote: Other 28%(22) 29%(23) 23%(18) 19%(15) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39%(72) 19%(35) 27%(50) 14%(26) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 60%(476) 8%(60) 28%(219) 5%(40) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(96) 44%(267) 33%(202) 6%(39) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 25%(15) 29%(17) 24%(14) 22%(13) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 61%(459) 8%(57) 26%(195) 5%(41) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 18%(120) 42%(288) 33%(223) 8%(52) 682 2016 Vote: Other 32%(40) 21%(26) 33%(42) 14%(18) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 44%(186) 14%(61) 29%(124) 13%(53) 425 Continued on next page

141 Morning Consult Table POL8

Table POL8: Which of the following do you believe Congress should do, even if neither is exactly correct? Congress should Congress should Congress should raise the federal not raise the raise the federal minimum wage to federal minimum minimum wage to Don’t know / No Demographic $15/hour wage $11/hour opinion Total N Registered Voters 40%(806) 22%(435) 29%(586) 8%(165) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 40%(541) 24%(316) 29%(394) 6%(87) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 41%(266) 18%(119) 29%(192) 12%(79) 655 4-Region: Northeast 48%(169) 18%(63) 28%(101) 6%(22) 355 4-Region: Midwest 36%(166) 27%(126) 28%(128) 8%(38) 458 4-Region: South 36%(271) 20%(151) 33%(248) 10%(74) 744 4-Region: West 46%(200) 22%(95) 25%(109) 7%(31) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 61%(590) 7%(70) 27%(257) 5%(50) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 16%(114) 41%(296) 35%(251) 9%(66) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

142 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL9

Table POL9: Would you support or oppose imposing tax penalties on large companies that do not pay their workers at least $15/hour? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(671) 20%(406) 12%(232) 22%(431) 13%(252) 1992 Gender: Male 33%(308) 20%(190) 13%(120) 26%(238) 8%(77) 932 Gender: Female 34%(363) 20%(216) 11%(112) 18%(193) 16%(175) 1060 Age: 18-34 40%(201) 23%(113) 9%(43) 12%(61) 16%(82) 500 Age: 35-44 43%(130) 19%(58) 11%(35) 13%(40) 13%(40) 303 Age: 45-64 29%(210) 19%(136) 13%(95) 29%(207) 11%(77) 725 Age: 65+ 28%(131) 21%(98) 13%(60) 26%(122) 11%(53) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 37%(51) 27%(37) 5%(7) 8%(11) 24%(34) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 44%(253) 20%(117) 10%(58) 13%(73) 13%(74) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 30%(154) 20%(102) 13%(64) 26%(131) 11%(55) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 28%(195) 20%(138) 14%(96) 28%(198) 11%(75) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 53%(424) 25%(202) 7%(60) 5%(38) 9%(74) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 29%(163) 20%(114) 14%(82) 21%(119) 16%(94) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 14%(84) 14%(90) 15%(90) 44%(273) 13%(84) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 56%(191) 27%(94) 7%(22) 6%(20) 4%(15) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 51%(233) 24%(108) 8%(37) 4%(18) 13%(60) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 26%(76) 18%(54) 18%(52) 25%(74) 13%(40) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 31%(87) 22%(60) 11%(30) 16%(45) 20%(54) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 14%(40) 14%(42) 15%(45) 49%(144) 8%(23) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 13%(44) 15%(48) 14%(45) 39%(129) 19%(61) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(372) 22%(140) 8%(49) 4%(27) 8%(48) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 30%(170) 27%(151) 14%(78) 16%(88) 14%(78) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14%(95) 15%(100) 15%(99) 44%(296) 12%(77) 668 Educ: < College 31%(384) 19%(242) 11%(136) 23%(290) 16%(202) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 37%(173) 21%(98) 15%(71) 20%(93) 8%(37) 471 Educ: Post-grad 43%(115) 25%(66) 10%(26) 18%(47) 5%(13) 268 Income: Under 50k 34%(327) 21%(206) 10%(95) 18%(179) 17%(163) 971 Income: 50k-100k 33%(216) 19%(126) 14%(90) 25%(167) 9%(60) 659 Income: 100k+ 35%(128) 20%(74) 13%(47) 23%(84) 8%(29) 362 Ethnicity: White 31%(493) 20%(320) 13%(201) 24%(394) 13%(202) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 39%(75) 25%(47) 9%(17) 16%(32) 12%(22) 193 Ethnicity: Black 55%(139) 21%(52) 6%(16) 6%(16) 12%(30) 253 Continued on next page

143 Morning Consult Table POL9

Table POL9: Would you support or oppose imposing tax penalties on large companies that do not pay their workers at least $15/hour? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(671) 20%(406) 12%(232) 22%(431) 13%(252) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 30%(39) 26%(34) 12%(15) 16%(21) 16%(20) 128 All Christian 28%(280) 19%(186) 14%(136) 27%(269) 12%(114) 986 All Non-Christian 56%(66) 20%(24) 7%(9) 10%(12) 7%(8) 119 Atheist 49%(40) 18%(14) 12%(10) 15%(12) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 41%(185) 19%(86) 9%(41) 14%(64) 17%(80) 457 Something Else 29%(100) 27%(95) 10%(36) 21%(73) 13%(46) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 51%(70) 24%(33) 7%(10) 13%(18) 6%(8) 138 Evangelical 30%(173) 21%(120) 12%(66) 26%(151) 11%(62) 572 Non-Evangelical 27%(196) 21%(150) 14%(102) 25%(183) 13%(95) 726 Community: Urban 46%(257) 22%(125) 9%(51) 12%(64) 11%(61) 560 Community: Suburban 30%(276) 19%(174) 13%(120) 24%(222) 13%(113) 905 Community: Rural 26%(138) 20%(106) 12%(61) 27%(145) 15%(77) 527 Employ: Private Sector 35%(229) 22%(144) 13%(83) 21%(141) 10%(64) 660 Employ: Government 33%(51) 26%(39) 9%(14) 20%(31) 12%(18) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 37%(62) 18%(29) 12%(20) 20%(32) 13%(22) 165 Employ: Homemaker 27%(33) 16%(20) 8%(10) 28%(35) 21%(26) 124 Employ: Student 38%(22) 23%(13) 12%(7) 12%(7) 15%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 29%(143) 19%(93) 13%(66) 28%(137) 12%(58) 496 Employ: Unemployed 38%(80) 23%(48) 9%(19) 14%(29) 17%(36) 213 Employ: Other 43%(52) 16%(20) 11%(13) 15%(18) 16%(19) 121 Military HH: Yes 32%(115) 19%(69) 10%(37) 28%(99) 10%(35) 356 Military HH: No 34%(556) 21%(337) 12%(196) 20%(332) 13%(216) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 46%(421) 27%(250) 11%(98) 7%(66) 10%(90) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 23%(250) 15%(156) 13%(134) 34%(364) 15%(162) 1067 Biden Job Approve 48%(545) 26%(300) 10%(111) 6%(70) 9%(106) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 14%(101) 12%(85) 15%(111) 47%(351) 12%(92) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 56%(366) 23%(148) 9%(60) 4%(28) 8%(54) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 38%(179) 32%(152) 11%(51) 9%(42) 11%(53) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 18%(39) 19%(41) 20%(43) 30%(63) 13%(27) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 12%(62) 8%(45) 13%(68) 55%(288) 12%(64) 527 Continued on next page

144 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL9

Table POL9: Would you support or oppose imposing tax penalties on large companies that do not pay their workers at least $15/hour? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(671) 20%(406) 12%(232) 22%(431) 13%(252) 1992 Favorable of Biden 48%(546) 27%(301) 9%(105) 6%(70) 10%(110) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 14%(106) 12%(93) 15%(119) 45%(349) 14%(107) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 55%(370) 25%(171) 8%(52) 4%(25) 9%(57) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 39%(176) 28%(130) 12%(53) 10%(45) 12%(53) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 23%(46) 19%(38) 18%(36) 24%(47) 16%(31) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 10%(60) 10%(55) 14%(82) 52%(301) 13%(75) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 32%(256) 19%(149) 12%(98) 26%(206) 11%(89) 798 #1 Issue: Security 19%(45) 20%(47) 13%(31) 37%(89) 11%(26) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 45%(140) 19%(60) 12%(37) 11%(34) 12%(38) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 31%(83) 25%(66) 13%(36) 18%(49) 12%(32) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 36%(29) 17%(13) 8%(6) 18%(14) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Education 28%(24) 25%(21) 13%(11) 14%(12) 20%(16) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 49%(39) 24%(19) 5%(4) 14%(11) 9%(7) 79 #1 Issue: Other 40%(56) 22%(31) 7%(10) 12%(17) 19%(27) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 48%(487) 26%(262) 10%(98) 7%(67) 10%(101) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(91) 14%(96) 15%(109) 46%(327) 12%(88) 711 2020 Vote: Other 31%(24) 10%(8) 12%(10) 21%(16) 26%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37%(68) 22%(39) 9%(16) 11%(20) 22%(40) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 52%(413) 24%(192) 9%(74) 7%(54) 8%(62) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 14%(82) 13%(76) 15%(93) 48%(292) 10%(62) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 17%(10) 31%(18) 13%(8) 19%(11) 20%(12) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51%(387) 24%(183) 9%(69) 6%(45) 9%(69) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(101) 14%(93) 15%(105) 46%(312) 10%(71) 682 2016 Vote: Other 27%(35) 26%(33) 13%(16) 22%(28) 12%(15) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(149) 22%(95) 9%(40) 11%(45) 22%(96) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 34%(459) 19%(257) 12%(156) 25%(337) 10%(128) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 32%(212) 23%(149) 12%(77) 14%(94) 19%(124) 655 4-Region: Northeast 41%(147) 23%(82) 11%(39) 15%(53) 10%(34) 355 4-Region: Midwest 29%(133) 18%(84) 13%(61) 28%(127) 12%(53) 458 4-Region: South 29%(216) 19%(145) 11%(85) 24%(175) 17%(123) 744 4-Region: West 40%(175) 22%(95) 11%(48) 17%(76) 10%(41) 435 Continued on next page

145 Morning Consult Table POL9

Table POL9: Would you support or oppose imposing tax penalties on large companies that do not pay their workers at least $15/hour? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(671) 20%(406) 12%(232) 22%(431) 13%(252) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 51%(494) 26%(250) 8%(79) 5%(48) 10%(96) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 14%(99) 14%(105) 14%(104) 45%(325) 13%(94) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

146 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_2

Table POL10_2: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Same day voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 32%(636) 23%(465) 13%(265) 17%(345) 14%(281) 1992 Gender: Male 30%(282) 25%(229) 15%(136) 21%(193) 10%(93) 932 Gender: Female 33%(355) 22%(236) 12%(129) 14%(152) 18%(188) 1060 Age: 18-34 34%(169) 29%(146) 11%(56) 9%(44) 17%(84) 500 Age: 35-44 36%(109) 27%(82) 10%(31) 12%(36) 15%(45) 303 Age: 45-64 31%(222) 21%(152) 13%(93) 22%(159) 14%(101) 725 Age: 65+ 30%(137) 18%(85) 18%(85) 23%(106) 11%(51) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 34%(47) 22%(31) 11%(16) 7%(10) 26%(37) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 37%(211) 31%(178) 11%(65) 8%(45) 13%(75) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 29%(148) 21%(107) 10%(50) 24%(119) 16%(81) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31%(214) 19%(137) 17%(117) 22%(156) 11%(77) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 47%(377) 27%(217) 10%(83) 5%(41) 10%(80) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 29%(164) 21%(118) 18%(104) 14%(83) 18%(104) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 15%(95) 21%(129) 13%(78) 36%(222) 16%(97) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 49%(167) 28%(96) 10%(33) 7%(26) 6%(20) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 46%(210) 27%(121) 11%(49) 3%(15) 13%(60) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 27%(79) 23%(69) 19%(56) 17%(51) 14%(40) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 31%(84) 18%(49) 17%(47) 11%(32) 23%(64) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(35) 22%(64) 16%(46) 40%(116) 11%(32) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 18%(60) 20%(65) 10%(33) 32%(105) 20%(65) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 53%(334) 25%(158) 9%(54) 6%(36) 9%(55) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 29%(164) 28%(157) 17%(95) 10%(59) 16%(90) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16%(106) 20%(131) 16%(106) 36%(238) 13%(88) 668 Educ: < College 30%(381) 21%(269) 13%(164) 17%(212) 18%(227) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(150) 27%(127) 14%(65) 19%(91) 8%(38) 471 Educ: Post-grad 39%(106) 26%(69) 13%(35) 16%(42) 6%(16) 268 Income: Under 50k 33%(318) 23%(220) 12%(120) 13%(123) 19%(189) 971 Income: 50k-100k 31%(202) 21%(138) 14%(92) 24%(155) 11%(71) 659 Income: 100k+ 32%(116) 29%(107) 14%(52) 18%(66) 6%(22) 362 Ethnicity: White 30%(484) 23%(366) 14%(218) 20%(317) 14%(225) 1611 Continued on next page

147 Morning Consult Table POL10_2

Table POL10_2: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Same day voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 32%(636) 23%(465) 13%(265) 17%(345) 14%(281) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 40%(78) 25%(47) 14%(26) 12%(24) 9%(17) 193 Ethnicity: Black 44%(111) 27%(69) 9%(23) 6%(16) 13%(34) 253 Ethnicity: Other 32%(41) 24%(30) 18%(24) 9%(12) 17%(22) 128 All Christian 26%(261) 25%(249) 15%(146) 23%(227) 10%(103) 986 All Non-Christian 40%(48) 25%(29) 16%(19) 8%(10) 11%(13) 119 Atheist 49%(40) 15%(12) 12%(10) 4%(3) 19%(15) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 38%(175) 20%(92) 9%(42) 11%(49) 21%(98) 457 Something Else 32%(112) 23%(82) 14%(47) 16%(56) 15%(52) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(48) 26%(37) 16%(22) 14%(19) 9%(13) 138 Evangelical 26%(151) 27%(154) 15%(87) 21%(121) 10%(59) 572 Non-Evangelical 30%(215) 23%(166) 14%(102) 21%(149) 13%(94) 726 Community: Urban 39%(219) 28%(157) 12%(68) 9%(50) 12%(64) 560 Community: Suburban 30%(275) 22%(195) 14%(125) 19%(174) 15%(136) 905 Community: Rural 27%(142) 21%(112) 14%(71) 23%(121) 15%(81) 527 Employ: Private Sector 32%(213) 25%(164) 14%(90) 18%(121) 11%(72) 660 Employ: Government 31%(47) 31%(48) 9%(14) 18%(28) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 39%(64) 22%(36) 10%(16) 19%(32) 11%(18) 165 Employ: Homemaker 28%(35) 22%(27) 8%(10) 17%(21) 25%(31) 124 Employ: Student 36%(21) 28%(16) 8%(5) 9%(5) 20%(11) 58 Employ: Retired 30%(151) 19%(93) 18%(90) 21%(104) 12%(57) 496 Employ: Unemployed 31%(65) 25%(53) 14%(31) 10%(21) 20%(42) 213 Employ: Other 33%(40) 21%(26) 8%(10) 11%(13) 27%(33) 121 Military HH: Yes 31%(109) 21%(75) 14%(49) 25%(90) 9%(33) 356 Military HH: No 32%(527) 24%(390) 13%(216) 16%(256) 15%(248) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 42%(393) 28%(255) 13%(116) 6%(58) 11%(103) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 23%(243) 20%(209) 14%(149) 27%(287) 17%(179) 1067 Biden Job Approve 43%(489) 28%(317) 12%(140) 5%(60) 11%(125) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 16%(118) 17%(128) 16%(120) 37%(274) 14%(100) 740 Continued on next page

148 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_2

Table POL10_2: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Same day voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 32%(636) 23%(465) 13%(265) 17%(345) 14%(281) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 51%(334) 25%(167) 11%(69) 5%(30) 8%(55) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 33%(155) 31%(150) 15%(71) 6%(30) 15%(70) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 23%(49) 21%(45) 20%(43) 24%(51) 12%(26) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 13%(69) 16%(83) 15%(77) 42%(223) 14%(74) 527 Favorable of Biden 44%(493) 29%(326) 12%(137) 5%(57) 10%(117) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 17%(129) 16%(127) 16%(122) 36%(280) 15%(115) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 52%(350) 24%(163) 10%(69) 5%(33) 9%(60) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 31%(143) 36%(163) 15%(68) 5%(24) 13%(58) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 27%(55) 19%(38) 19%(37) 22%(43) 13%(26) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 13%(74) 15%(88) 15%(85) 41%(237) 16%(90) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 29%(233) 24%(194) 12%(97) 21%(165) 14%(110) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(40) 21%(50) 16%(37) 36%(86) 11%(25) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 44%(135) 27%(82) 10%(30) 6%(19) 14%(43) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28%(75) 25%(66) 21%(56) 12%(33) 13%(36) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39%(30) 21%(17) 9%(7) 9%(7) 23%(18) 79 #1 Issue: Education 33%(27) 32%(27) 17%(14) 6%(5) 12%(10) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 37%(30) 16%(13) 14%(11) 15%(12) 17%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 47%(67) 12%(17) 9%(13) 13%(19) 18%(26) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 45%(461) 26%(268) 12%(127) 5%(55) 10%(106) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(96) 20%(139) 15%(108) 37%(263) 15%(106) 711 2020 Vote: Other 23%(18) 22%(17) 14%(11) 16%(13) 25%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 34%(62) 21%(39) 11%(20) 8%(14) 26%(48) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 49%(387) 26%(209) 10%(76) 7%(55) 8%(67) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 14%(87) 19%(114) 15%(91) 38%(231) 14%(82) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 20%(12) 17%(10) 20%(12) 17%(10) 25%(15) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 48%(363) 26%(198) 9%(71) 6%(48) 10%(73) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(100) 20%(136) 17%(118) 36%(243) 13%(86) 682 2016 Vote: Other 33%(42) 21%(27) 18%(23) 15%(19) 13%(17) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30%(129) 24%(104) 13%(53) 8%(36) 24%(103) 425 Continued on next page

149 Morning Consult Table POL10_2

Table POL10_2: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Same day voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 32%(636) 23%(465) 13%(265) 17%(345) 14%(281) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 34%(449) 23%(308) 13%(171) 20%(263) 11%(147) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 29%(188) 24%(157) 14%(94) 13%(82) 20%(134) 655 4-Region: Northeast 33%(116) 29%(104) 12%(44) 15%(55) 10%(36) 355 4-Region: Midwest 33%(150) 22%(99) 14%(65) 17%(76) 15%(68) 458 4-Region: South 29%(218) 21%(154) 13%(98) 20%(146) 17%(128) 744 4-Region: West 35%(152) 24%(106) 13%(58) 16%(69) 12%(50) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 47%(452) 27%(257) 12%(113) 5%(49) 10%(96) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 15%(107) 20%(146) 14%(103) 36%(259) 15%(112) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

150 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_3

Table POL10_3: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Automatic voter registration at state agencies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(578) 26%(510) 10%(208) 15%(295) 20%(401) 1992 Gender: Male 28%(260) 30%(278) 11%(102) 18%(167) 13%(125) 932 Gender: Female 30%(319) 22%(232) 10%(106) 12%(128) 26%(276) 1060 Age: 18-34 26%(129) 31%(157) 11%(55) 8%(42) 23%(117) 500 Age: 35-44 32%(98) 27%(82) 9%(27) 12%(37) 20%(59) 303 Age: 45-64 28%(204) 23%(165) 10%(74) 18%(128) 21%(154) 725 Age: 65+ 32%(148) 23%(105) 11%(52) 19%(88) 15%(70) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 26%(37) 32%(45) 9%(12) 7%(10) 26%(36) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 29%(169) 31%(178) 11%(61) 8%(49) 21%(118) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 27%(139) 23%(119) 9%(48) 17%(88) 22%(113) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31%(217) 22%(154) 11%(77) 19%(136) 17%(117) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 47%(374) 29%(231) 6%(44) 4%(32) 15%(118) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 24%(135) 25%(145) 12%(71) 13%(72) 26%(149) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 11%(69) 22%(134) 15%(93) 31%(192) 22%(134) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 48%(165) 34%(117) 6%(20) 3%(11) 8%(29) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 46%(209) 25%(113) 5%(24) 5%(21) 20%(89) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 22%(66) 30%(88) 13%(40) 15%(45) 20%(58) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 25%(69) 21%(57) 11%(31) 10%(27) 33%(91) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 10%(29) 25%(73) 14%(42) 38%(111) 13%(39) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(40) 19%(61) 15%(51) 25%(81) 29%(95) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 50%(319) 28%(177) 5%(34) 3%(22) 13%(84) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 28%(156) 30%(169) 13%(75) 9%(53) 20%(112) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13%(84) 21%(140) 15%(97) 31%(208) 21%(138) 668 Educ: < College 26%(326) 24%(298) 11%(140) 15%(186) 24%(303) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 31%(144) 29%(136) 10%(46) 16%(76) 15%(69) 471 Educ: Post-grad 40%(108) 28%(76) 8%(22) 12%(33) 11%(29) 268 Income: Under 50k 29%(279) 22%(215) 11%(103) 13%(125) 26%(248) 971 Income: 50k-100k 29%(189) 28%(186) 10%(68) 17%(109) 16%(107) 659 Income: 100k+ 30%(110) 30%(109) 10%(37) 17%(61) 12%(45) 362 Ethnicity: White 28%(454) 25%(402) 10%(167) 17%(266) 20%(323) 1611 Continued on next page

151 Morning Consult Table POL10_3

Table POL10_3: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Automatic voter registration at state agencies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(578) 26%(510) 10%(208) 15%(295) 20%(401) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(55) 29%(56) 13%(25) 12%(23) 18%(34) 193 Ethnicity: Black 37%(94) 28%(70) 11%(27) 6%(16) 18%(45) 253 Ethnicity: Other 23%(30) 30%(38) 11%(14) 10%(13) 26%(33) 128 All Christian 26%(258) 28%(272) 11%(113) 19%(182) 16%(161) 986 All Non-Christian 38%(45) 29%(34) 11%(13) 7%(8) 16%(19) 119 Atheist 57%(46) 23%(19) 3%(3) 3%(2) 14%(11) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 32%(145) 22%(99) 10%(45) 10%(45) 27%(122) 457 Something Else 24%(84) 25%(86) 10%(35) 16%(57) 25%(88) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 36%(50) 31%(43) 12%(16) 8%(11) 13%(19) 138 Evangelical 23%(132) 28%(161) 12%(67) 21%(121) 16%(91) 572 Non-Evangelical 28%(201) 25%(184) 10%(75) 16%(113) 21%(153) 726 Community: Urban 35%(195) 31%(173) 8%(47) 7%(42) 18%(103) 560 Community: Suburban 28%(252) 24%(221) 11%(104) 17%(151) 20%(177) 905 Community: Rural 25%(131) 22%(116) 11%(58) 19%(103) 23%(120) 527 Employ: Private Sector 28%(186) 29%(190) 10%(69) 16%(106) 17%(111) 660 Employ: Government 31%(48) 28%(43) 10%(15) 13%(20) 18%(27) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 31%(51) 23%(38) 12%(20) 17%(27) 17%(29) 165 Employ: Homemaker 25%(31) 18%(22) 12%(15) 14%(17) 31%(39) 124 Employ: Student 27%(16) 36%(21) 14%(8) 4%(2) 20%(11) 58 Employ: Retired 33%(162) 24%(117) 10%(51) 17%(82) 17%(84) 496 Employ: Unemployed 29%(61) 24%(51) 9%(19) 12%(26) 26%(56) 213 Employ: Other 20%(24) 24%(29) 8%(10) 13%(15) 36%(43) 121 Military HH: Yes 31%(111) 24%(84) 9%(32) 20%(70) 16%(58) 356 Military HH: No 29%(467) 26%(425) 11%(176) 14%(225) 21%(342) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 41%(381) 30%(280) 7%(66) 5%(43) 17%(155) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 18%(197) 22%(230) 13%(142) 24%(252) 23%(246) 1067 Biden Job Approve 41%(465) 30%(343) 7%(80) 4%(50) 17%(193) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 13%(96) 20%(146) 16%(120) 32%(239) 19%(140) 740 Continued on next page

152 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_3

Table POL10_3: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Automatic voter registration at state agencies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(578) 26%(510) 10%(208) 15%(295) 20%(401) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 49%(322) 29%(190) 4%(28) 2%(16) 15%(99) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 30%(143) 32%(153) 11%(52) 7%(34) 20%(93) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 19%(41) 31%(66) 15%(31) 20%(43) 15%(32) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 10%(54) 15%(80) 17%(89) 37%(196) 20%(107) 527 Favorable of Biden 42%(471) 31%(346) 7%(81) 4%(47) 16%(186) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 13%(99) 19%(149) 16%(125) 32%(245) 20%(156) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 50%(341) 29%(195) 4%(26) 2%(12) 15%(102) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 29%(130) 33%(152) 12%(55) 8%(35) 18%(84) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 22%(45) 31%(62) 15%(29) 16%(31) 16%(32) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 9%(54) 15%(87) 17%(96) 37%(213) 22%(124) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 24%(189) 28%(220) 11%(86) 18%(146) 20%(157) 798 #1 Issue: Security 15%(35) 22%(52) 19%(45) 29%(68) 16%(38) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 42%(128) 29%(90) 7%(22) 5%(14) 17%(54) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 33%(87) 24%(64) 10%(26) 14%(37) 20%(52) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 30%(24) 18%(14) 7%(6) 5%(4) 40%(31) 79 #1 Issue: Education 28%(23) 33%(27) 9%(7) 10%(8) 21%(17) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 38%(30) 24%(19) 11%(9) 8%(6) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Other 44%(62) 17%(24) 4%(6) 9%(12) 26%(36) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 44%(446) 30%(300) 7%(71) 4%(40) 16%(159) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 11%(78) 21%(151) 16%(112) 31%(223) 21%(147) 711 2020 Vote: Other 12%(10) 26%(21) 5%(4) 16%(13) 40%(31) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24%(44) 20%(38) 11%(21) 11%(19) 34%(62) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 49%(387) 28%(220) 7%(53) 4%(31) 13%(104) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 12%(72) 21%(128) 16%(96) 33%(198) 18%(110) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 10%(6) 33%(19) 6%(3) 20%(12) 32%(19) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47%(355) 29%(215) 7%(51) 4%(30) 14%(102) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(84) 22%(151) 16%(106) 31%(215) 19%(127) 682 2016 Vote: Other 26%(33) 30%(38) 10%(13) 12%(15) 23%(29) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(106) 25%(106) 9%(37) 8%(36) 33%(140) 425 Continued on next page

153 Morning Consult Table POL10_3

Table POL10_3: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Automatic voter registration at state agencies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(578) 26%(510) 10%(208) 15%(295) 20%(401) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 33%(437) 25%(336) 11%(140) 16%(219) 15%(204) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 22%(141) 27%(174) 10%(68) 12%(76) 30%(196) 655 4-Region: Northeast 29%(102) 31%(110) 9%(31) 13%(46) 19%(66) 355 4-Region: Midwest 27%(125) 27%(123) 12%(57) 16%(73) 17%(80) 458 4-Region: South 29%(219) 21%(158) 11%(81) 16%(115) 23%(170) 744 4-Region: West 30%(132) 27%(118) 9%(39) 14%(60) 20%(86) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 45%(438) 29%(279) 6%(59) 4%(39) 16%(151) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 11%(79) 22%(158) 16%(116) 30%(215) 22%(159) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

154 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_4

Table POL10_4: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Online voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(685) 25%(502) 10%(206) 19%(372) 11%(227) 1992 Gender: Male 34%(317) 27%(253) 12%(112) 20%(183) 7%(67) 932 Gender: Female 35%(368) 23%(249) 9%(94) 18%(189) 15%(161) 1060 Age: 18-34 37%(186) 29%(145) 9%(45) 14%(68) 11%(56) 500 Age: 35-44 40%(121) 24%(73) 11%(33) 11%(33) 14%(42) 303 Age: 45-64 31%(223) 25%(184) 10%(75) 21%(154) 12%(89) 725 Age: 65+ 33%(154) 22%(100) 12%(54) 25%(116) 9%(40) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 36%(50) 25%(35) 7%(10) 15%(21) 17%(24) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 40%(232) 29%(168) 10%(56) 11%(64) 9%(55) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 32%(160) 23%(118) 11%(54) 21%(105) 14%(70) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 32%(224) 24%(172) 10%(73) 23%(161) 10%(71) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 53%(424) 27%(213) 7%(56) 5%(39) 8%(66) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 31%(178) 27%(153) 10%(56) 18%(105) 14%(80) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 13%(83) 22%(136) 15%(95) 37%(227) 13%(81) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 55%(190) 31%(106) 7%(24) 4%(12) 3%(11) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 51%(235) 23%(107) 7%(32) 6%(27) 12%(56) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 32%(94) 27%(80) 11%(31) 22%(66) 9%(26) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 31%(85) 27%(73) 9%(24) 14%(39) 20%(54) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(34) 23%(67) 19%(57) 36%(105) 10%(30) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 15%(49) 21%(68) 12%(38) 37%(122) 16%(51) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(371) 26%(164) 6%(41) 3%(21) 6%(39) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 32%(178) 29%(163) 10%(56) 15%(87) 14%(81) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15%(102) 23%(151) 15%(102) 37%(245) 10%(68) 668 Educ: < College 31%(385) 23%(290) 10%(129) 21%(266) 15%(183) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 39%(186) 29%(135) 11%(52) 14%(68) 7%(31) 471 Educ: Post-grad 43%(114) 29%(77) 10%(26) 14%(37) 5%(14) 268 Income: Under 50k 33%(317) 23%(221) 10%(100) 18%(176) 16%(157) 971 Income: 50k-100k 35%(228) 25%(168) 11%(72) 21%(140) 8%(52) 659 Income: 100k+ 38%(139) 31%(113) 10%(35) 16%(56) 5%(19) 362 Ethnicity: White 33%(535) 25%(401) 10%(169) 21%(331) 11%(176) 1611 Continued on next page

155 Morning Consult Table POL10_4

Table POL10_4: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Online voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(685) 25%(502) 10%(206) 19%(372) 11%(227) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 37%(72) 25%(47) 13%(25) 18%(34) 7%(14) 193 Ethnicity: Black 44%(112) 26%(67) 6%(16) 10%(26) 12%(31) 253 Ethnicity: Other 30%(38) 27%(34) 17%(21) 11%(15) 16%(20) 128 All Christian 31%(304) 27%(263) 11%(112) 23%(230) 8%(77) 986 All Non-Christian 47%(57) 21%(25) 12%(14) 11%(13) 9%(11) 119 Atheist 54%(44) 25%(20) 6%(5) 7%(6) 7%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 40%(182) 21%(97) 8%(37) 13%(60) 18%(82) 457 Something Else 28%(99) 28%(97) 11%(38) 18%(63) 15%(53) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 44%(61) 24%(33) 12%(17) 13%(17) 8%(11) 138 Evangelical 29%(168) 27%(153) 11%(66) 23%(129) 10%(56) 572 Non-Evangelical 31%(223) 27%(193) 11%(82) 22%(157) 10%(71) 726 Community: Urban 43%(239) 29%(165) 8%(43) 10%(59) 10%(54) 560 Community: Suburban 34%(304) 25%(228) 11%(97) 19%(174) 11%(103) 905 Community: Rural 27%(142) 21%(109) 13%(67) 26%(139) 13%(70) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(236) 29%(194) 11%(74) 16%(106) 8%(51) 660 Employ: Government 38%(58) 27%(42) 7%(11) 19%(30) 8%(12) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 38%(62) 24%(40) 11%(18) 18%(29) 9%(16) 165 Employ: Homemaker 26%(33) 24%(29) 5%(6) 20%(25) 25%(31) 124 Employ: Student 40%(23) 28%(16) 8%(4) 12%(7) 13%(7) 58 Employ: Retired 33%(161) 21%(106) 12%(60) 23%(116) 11%(52) 496 Employ: Unemployed 36%(77) 20%(43) 12%(26) 18%(38) 14%(29) 213 Employ: Other 29%(35) 26%(31) 5%(6) 16%(20) 24%(29) 121 Military HH: Yes 32%(113) 22%(79) 13%(46) 27%(95) 6%(23) 356 Military HH: No 35%(572) 26%(422) 10%(161) 17%(277) 13%(205) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 48%(441) 30%(273) 8%(75) 6%(54) 9%(82) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 23%(244) 21%(228) 12%(131) 30%(318) 14%(145) 1067 Biden Job Approve 49%(556) 28%(319) 8%(86) 6%(71) 9%(100) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 14%(106) 21%(157) 15%(110) 39%(287) 11%(80) 740 Continued on next page

156 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_4

Table POL10_4: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Online voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(685) 25%(502) 10%(206) 19%(372) 11%(227) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 56%(368) 26%(170) 6%(39) 4%(26) 8%(52) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 39%(188) 31%(148) 10%(47) 9%(45) 10%(48) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 24%(51) 25%(54) 18%(38) 21%(45) 12%(25) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 10%(55) 19%(102) 14%(72) 46%(242) 10%(55) 527 Favorable of Biden 50%(566) 29%(324) 7%(84) 5%(58) 9%(98) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 15%(113) 21%(162) 15%(112) 39%(299) 11%(88) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 58%(392) 25%(166) 5%(32) 4%(28) 9%(58) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 38%(175) 35%(158) 11%(52) 7%(30) 9%(41) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 28%(56) 23%(45) 14%(29) 22%(44) 12%(24) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 10%(57) 20%(116) 15%(83) 44%(254) 11%(64) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 31%(246) 28%(219) 10%(83) 20%(162) 11%(87) 798 #1 Issue: Security 15%(35) 28%(66) 13%(31) 38%(90) 7%(15) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 46%(143) 23%(72) 9%(28) 9%(28) 12%(38) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37%(98) 24%(63) 9%(25) 17%(44) 13%(35) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 40%(32) 24%(19) 7%(5) 11%(9) 18%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Education 37%(31) 25%(21) 15%(13) 9%(8) 13%(11) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 45%(36) 25%(20) 8%(6) 12%(9) 10%(8) 79 #1 Issue: Other 46%(65) 16%(22) 10%(15) 16%(22) 12%(17) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 52%(529) 27%(275) 7%(75) 5%(55) 8%(81) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(88) 22%(157) 15%(105) 38%(273) 12%(89) 711 2020 Vote: Other 21%(16) 30%(24) 6%(5) 20%(15) 24%(19) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28%(51) 25%(45) 11%(21) 15%(28) 21%(39) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 53%(424) 27%(217) 6%(51) 6%(49) 7%(54) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 13%(81) 24%(142) 14%(82) 40%(243) 9%(56) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 19%(11) 34%(20) 8%(5) 18%(11) 21%(12) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 54%(408) 27%(203) 6%(43) 5%(40) 8%(60) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 14%(93) 22%(149) 16%(106) 39%(267) 10%(67) 682 2016 Vote: Other 34%(44) 30%(38) 11%(13) 15%(19) 10%(13) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 33%(141) 26%(110) 10%(44) 11%(46) 20%(85) 425 Continued on next page

157 Morning Consult Table POL10_4

Table POL10_4: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Online voter registration Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(685) 25%(502) 10%(206) 19%(372) 11%(227) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 35%(471) 25%(337) 10%(129) 21%(283) 9%(118) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 33%(214) 25%(165) 12%(77) 14%(89) 17%(110) 655 4-Region: Northeast 37%(132) 27%(97) 9%(33) 17%(60) 9%(33) 355 4-Region: Midwest 31%(140) 25%(114) 11%(52) 21%(94) 12%(57) 458 4-Region: South 31%(233) 23%(172) 11%(83) 21%(159) 13%(97) 744 4-Region: West 41%(179) 27%(118) 9%(39) 13%(58) 9%(41) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 54%(521) 26%(252) 7%(68) 5%(47) 8%(78) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 14%(98) 22%(162) 15%(106) 37%(269) 12%(91) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

158 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_5

Table POL10_5: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote so they can vote when they turn 18 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 31%(609) 25%(498) 12%(230) 21%(412) 12%(244) 1992 Gender: Male 29%(274) 28%(263) 11%(101) 23%(213) 9%(82) 932 Gender: Female 32%(335) 22%(235) 12%(129) 19%(199) 15%(162) 1060 Age: 18-34 35%(176) 26%(129) 14%(68) 11%(55) 15%(73) 500 Age: 35-44 37%(113) 27%(83) 7%(20) 16%(47) 13%(40) 303 Age: 45-64 28%(203) 22%(160) 10%(72) 27%(199) 13%(91) 725 Age: 65+ 25%(117) 27%(126) 15%(70) 24%(111) 8%(39) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 39%(55) 21%(30) 17%(23) 8%(11) 15%(20) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 38%(216) 27%(156) 10%(58) 12%(70) 13%(74) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 29%(145) 22%(110) 9%(46) 26%(131) 15%(75) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26%(182) 26%(182) 13%(88) 26%(182) 10%(68) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 47%(372) 28%(220) 10%(77) 9%(69) 7%(59) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 29%(164) 25%(143) 11%(66) 18%(101) 17%(98) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 12%(72) 22%(134) 14%(87) 39%(241) 14%(87) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 45%(155) 31%(106) 9%(32) 9%(32) 5%(17) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 48%(217) 25%(114) 10%(45) 8%(38) 9%(42) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 29%(86) 28%(82) 11%(31) 21%(62) 12%(35) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 28%(78) 22%(61) 13%(35) 14%(39) 23%(63) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 11%(33) 25%(75) 13%(37) 41%(119) 10%(30) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(39) 18%(59) 15%(50) 37%(122) 17%(57) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 50%(319) 28%(176) 8%(54) 7%(48) 6%(40) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 30%(167) 27%(155) 11%(63) 17%(95) 15%(85) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13%(84) 22%(146) 16%(108) 39%(260) 11%(70) 668 Educ: < College 29%(363) 23%(294) 12%(150) 21%(267) 14%(179) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 31%(146) 28%(131) 11%(52) 20%(95) 10%(47) 471 Educ: Post-grad 37%(100) 27%(73) 10%(28) 19%(50) 7%(18) 268 Income: Under 50k 31%(304) 24%(237) 11%(111) 17%(169) 15%(149) 971 Income: 50k-100k 30%(199) 23%(154) 11%(74) 25%(162) 11%(70) 659 Income: 100k+ 29%(106) 29%(107) 12%(45) 22%(81) 7%(24) 362 Ethnicity: White 28%(444) 26%(418) 11%(181) 23%(374) 12%(194) 1611 Continued on next page

159 Morning Consult Table POL10_5

Table POL10_5: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote so they can vote when they turn 18 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 31%(609) 25%(498) 12%(230) 21%(412) 12%(244) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 35%(68) 24%(46) 13%(26) 18%(34) 10%(19) 193 Ethnicity: Black 48%(120) 19%(47) 15%(37) 7%(17) 12%(31) 253 Ethnicity: Other 35%(44) 25%(33) 10%(12) 16%(21) 14%(18) 128 All Christian 26%(255) 26%(252) 13%(131) 25%(248) 10%(100) 986 All Non-Christian 44%(52) 23%(28) 10%(12) 12%(15) 10%(12) 119 Atheist 52%(42) 23%(19) 9%(7) 8%(6) 8%(6) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 35%(162) 25%(116) 6%(29) 15%(70) 17%(79) 457 Something Else 28%(98) 24%(83) 14%(51) 21%(73) 13%(45) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(54) 26%(36) 12%(16) 14%(19) 9%(12) 138 Evangelical 26%(150) 27%(154) 14%(82) 23%(133) 9%(53) 572 Non-Evangelical 28%(201) 23%(167) 13%(92) 25%(179) 12%(87) 726 Community: Urban 38%(211) 26%(145) 10%(58) 14%(76) 12%(70) 560 Community: Suburban 31%(279) 24%(215) 12%(108) 22%(201) 11%(102) 905 Community: Rural 22%(118) 26%(137) 12%(64) 26%(135) 14%(72) 527 Employ: Private Sector 32%(210) 25%(164) 13%(84) 20%(135) 10%(68) 660 Employ: Government 34%(52) 31%(48) 9%(13) 19%(30) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 32%(52) 29%(47) 10%(16) 20%(33) 10%(17) 165 Employ: Homemaker 19%(24) 26%(32) 9%(11) 26%(33) 20%(25) 124 Employ: Student 49%(29) 21%(12) 8%(5) 9%(5) 13%(8) 58 Employ: Retired 26%(129) 25%(124) 15%(75) 24%(117) 10%(52) 496 Employ: Unemployed 38%(80) 19%(41) 11%(23) 18%(39) 14%(29) 213 Employ: Other 27%(32) 25%(30) 4%(4) 17%(20) 28%(34) 121 Military HH: Yes 30%(108) 18%(63) 14%(51) 28%(98) 10%(36) 356 Military HH: No 31%(500) 27%(435) 11%(179) 19%(314) 13%(208) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 43%(400) 29%(267) 9%(81) 9%(80) 11%(98) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 20%(209) 22%(231) 14%(150) 31%(331) 14%(146) 1067 Biden Job Approve 43%(490) 29%(326) 10%(115) 8%(88) 10%(114) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 13%(94) 20%(146) 15%(108) 41%(307) 12%(86) 740 Continued on next page

160 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_5

Table POL10_5: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote so they can vote when they turn 18 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 31%(609) 25%(498) 12%(230) 21%(412) 12%(244) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 50%(327) 25%(165) 10%(65) 7%(43) 8%(55) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 34%(162) 34%(160) 10%(49) 9%(45) 12%(59) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 20%(43) 23%(49) 18%(39) 29%(62) 10%(20) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 10%(51) 18%(97) 13%(69) 46%(245) 12%(65) 527 Favorable of Biden 43%(486) 30%(337) 10%(117) 8%(85) 9%(106) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 14%(109) 19%(147) 14%(105) 41%(314) 13%(98) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 50%(337) 27%(184) 9%(62) 6%(41) 7%(50) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 33%(149) 33%(152) 12%(54) 10%(44) 12%(56) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 23%(45) 26%(52) 12%(24) 27%(55) 12%(23) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 11%(64) 16%(95) 14%(82) 45%(259) 13%(75) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 29%(229) 24%(191) 11%(85) 24%(190) 13%(103) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(39) 21%(49) 14%(34) 39%(92) 10%(23) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 41%(126) 25%(77) 13%(41) 9%(27) 12%(38) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27%(72) 33%(88) 13%(35) 17%(46) 9%(25) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 29%(23) 31%(24) 11%(9) 10%(8) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Education 34%(28) 23%(19) 9%(8) 17%(14) 17%(14) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 43%(34) 23%(18) 8%(6) 14%(11) 12%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 41%(58) 22%(31) 8%(11) 17%(23) 12%(17) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 45%(455) 29%(290) 10%(102) 8%(82) 9%(86) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(85) 21%(151) 14%(97) 40%(285) 13%(93) 711 2020 Vote: Other 30%(24) 16%(13) 11%(8) 25%(19) 18%(14) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(45) 24%(43) 12%(22) 13%(24) 27%(50) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 48%(378) 27%(218) 9%(73) 8%(67) 7%(58) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 12%(73) 22%(132) 12%(74) 43%(262) 10%(63) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 15%(9) 26%(15) 17%(10) 22%(13) 20%(12) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47%(351) 28%(212) 9%(70) 9%(64) 7%(56) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(80) 24%(165) 13%(89) 41%(277) 10%(71) 682 2016 Vote: Other 34%(43) 23%(29) 14%(17) 18%(22) 12%(15) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31%(133) 22%(92) 12%(52) 11%(47) 24%(101) 425 Continued on next page

161 Morning Consult Table POL10_5

Table POL10_5: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote so they can vote when they turn 18 Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 31%(609) 25%(498) 12%(230) 21%(412) 12%(244) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 31%(417) 26%(343) 11%(146) 23%(313) 9%(118) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 29%(191) 24%(155) 13%(84) 15%(99) 19%(125) 655 4-Region: Northeast 33%(118) 30%(106) 9%(32) 18%(64) 10%(35) 355 4-Region: Midwest 26%(117) 24%(111) 16%(72) 22%(100) 13%(57) 458 4-Region: South 30%(222) 22%(165) 12%(92) 22%(161) 14%(103) 744 4-Region: West 35%(151) 27%(116) 8%(34) 20%(86) 11%(48) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 46%(449) 28%(267) 10%(95) 8%(79) 8%(77) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 12%(84) 23%(165) 14%(101) 38%(279) 13%(98) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

162 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_6

Table POL10_6: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Establishing two weeks of in-person early voting, including weekends and times outside of normal business hours Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 41%(819) 28%(564) 7%(144) 9%(187) 14%(278) 1992 Gender: Male 41%(381) 31%(291) 8%(77) 10%(94) 10%(89) 932 Gender: Female 41%(437) 26%(273) 6%(67) 9%(93) 18%(189) 1060 Age: 18-34 37%(187) 28%(139) 8%(39) 7%(37) 20%(98) 500 Age: 35-44 42%(126) 31%(93) 5%(16) 7%(22) 15%(46) 303 Age: 45-64 41%(296) 26%(190) 7%(52) 11%(82) 14%(105) 725 Age: 65+ 45%(209) 31%(142) 8%(37) 10%(46) 6%(29) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 35%(49) 23%(32) 9%(13) 6%(8) 27%(37) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 41%(235) 31%(180) 6%(33) 7%(38) 15%(88) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 40%(204) 26%(129) 7%(34) 12%(59) 16%(80) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 43%(302) 28%(198) 8%(57) 11%(77) 10%(68) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 57%(456) 26%(208) 4%(35) 3%(23) 10%(77) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 37%(211) 29%(165) 8%(46) 8%(44) 19%(106) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 24%(152) 31%(191) 10%(63) 19%(120) 15%(96) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 60%(204) 27%(94) 4%(13) 3%(10) 6%(21) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 55%(252) 25%(114) 5%(21) 3%(13) 12%(55) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 37%(109) 32%(95) 11%(33) 8%(23) 12%(36) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 37%(101) 25%(70) 5%(14) 8%(21) 25%(70) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 23%(68) 35%(102) 11%(31) 21%(60) 11%(32) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 26%(84) 27%(89) 10%(32) 18%(60) 19%(64) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 63%(401) 22%(140) 4%(24) 3%(17) 9%(54) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 38%(214) 34%(192) 8%(42) 7%(42) 13%(74) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26%(170) 31%(205) 11%(71) 19%(124) 14%(97) 668 Educ: < College 37%(464) 27%(340) 8%(102) 10%(124) 18%(223) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 45%(213) 30%(142) 6%(29) 9%(43) 9%(44) 471 Educ: Post-grad 53%(142) 30%(82) 5%(13) 8%(21) 4%(11) 268 Income: Under 50k 38%(366) 27%(261) 7%(65) 9%(85) 20%(193) 971 Income: 50k-100k 43%(283) 29%(194) 9%(57) 10%(65) 9%(59) 659 Income: 100k+ 47%(169) 30%(108) 6%(22) 10%(37) 7%(26) 362 Ethnicity: White 40%(651) 29%(466) 8%(122) 10%(162) 13%(210) 1611 Continued on next page

163 Morning Consult Table POL10_6

Table POL10_6: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Establishing two weeks of in-person early voting, including weekends and times outside of normal business hours Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 41%(819) 28%(564) 7%(144) 9%(187) 14%(278) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 42%(81) 21%(40) 7%(13) 15%(29) 16%(30) 193 Ethnicity: Black 49%(123) 21%(54) 5%(12) 8%(20) 17%(43) 253 Ethnicity: Other 35%(45) 34%(44) 8%(11) 3%(4) 19%(25) 128 All Christian 40%(394) 31%(302) 8%(76) 11%(110) 11%(104) 986 All Non-Christian 50%(60) 28%(34) 5%(6) 3%(4) 13%(15) 119 Atheist 63%(50) 21%(17) 5%(4) 6%(5) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 41%(187) 26%(120) 5%(24) 8%(36) 19%(89) 457 Something Else 36%(127) 26%(91) 9%(33) 9%(33) 19%(66) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 46%(64) 30%(41) 5%(7) 6%(8) 13%(18) 138 Evangelical 39%(221) 31%(176) 9%(50) 11%(62) 11%(63) 572 Non-Evangelical 40%(288) 28%(204) 8%(57) 10%(74) 14%(102) 726 Community: Urban 47%(262) 29%(165) 4%(25) 6%(33) 13%(75) 560 Community: Suburban 42%(379) 29%(261) 7%(67) 9%(86) 12%(112) 905 Community: Rural 34%(178) 26%(138) 10%(52) 13%(68) 17%(91) 527 Employ: Private Sector 42%(279) 30%(199) 9%(60) 9%(59) 10%(64) 660 Employ: Government 45%(70) 32%(49) 5%(8) 6%(9) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 38%(63) 27%(45) 4%(7) 15%(25) 15%(25) 165 Employ: Homemaker 30%(37) 22%(28) 8%(10) 14%(17) 26%(32) 124 Employ: Student 41%(24) 29%(17) 7%(4) 3%(2) 20%(11) 58 Employ: Retired 45%(221) 28%(139) 7%(37) 10%(49) 10%(51) 496 Employ: Unemployed 40%(86) 23%(50) 6%(13) 9%(18) 22%(46) 213 Employ: Other 32%(39) 32%(38) 3%(4) 6%(8) 27%(33) 121 Military HH: Yes 40%(144) 28%(100) 7%(26) 14%(51) 10%(34) 356 Military HH: No 41%(675) 28%(463) 7%(117) 8%(136) 15%(244) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 53%(492) 28%(260) 4%(41) 3%(28) 11%(104) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 31%(326) 28%(304) 10%(103) 15%(160) 16%(175) 1067 Biden Job Approve 55%(619) 28%(314) 5%(57) 2%(22) 11%(120) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 23%(171) 31%(226) 12%(85) 22%(161) 13%(97) 740 Continued on next page

164 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_6

Table POL10_6: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Establishing two weeks of in-person early voting, including weekends and times outside of normal business hours Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 41%(819) 28%(564) 7%(144) 9%(187) 14%(278) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 63%(411) 24%(156) 3%(20) 2%(14) 8%(55) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 44%(208) 33%(158) 8%(36) 2%(8) 14%(65) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 28%(59) 36%(78) 11%(24) 13%(28) 11%(24) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 21%(112) 28%(148) 12%(61) 25%(133) 14%(73) 527 Favorable of Biden 55%(618) 29%(326) 5%(56) 1%(16) 10%(115) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 24%(187) 29%(224) 11%(85) 22%(167) 14%(111) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 63%(422) 24%(164) 3%(22) 1%(10) 8%(57) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 43%(196) 35%(162) 7%(34) 1%(6) 13%(58) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 34%(67) 32%(63) 11%(22) 11%(21) 13%(25) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 21%(119) 28%(161) 11%(63) 25%(145) 15%(86) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 36%(286) 30%(239) 8%(64) 11%(88) 15%(122) 798 #1 Issue: Security 31%(74) 32%(75) 12%(28) 18%(43) 7%(17) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 54%(166) 29%(88) 4%(14) 4%(12) 9%(29) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 45%(120) 28%(75) 6%(17) 6%(16) 14%(37) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 43%(34) 18%(14) 7%(6) 3%(3) 29%(23) 79 #1 Issue: Education 39%(33) 31%(26) 2%(2) 10%(8) 17%(15) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 46%(37) 22%(17) 8%(6) 7%(6) 17%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 50%(70) 21%(29) 4%(6) 9%(13) 16%(22) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 57%(579) 26%(269) 5%(51) 2%(23) 9%(93) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 22%(156) 33%(238) 10%(71) 21%(146) 14%(101) 711 2020 Vote: Other 30%(24) 24%(19) 10%(8) 6%(4) 29%(23) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32%(58) 20%(37) 7%(13) 7%(14) 33%(61) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 61%(483) 26%(209) 5%(36) 2%(16) 6%(51) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 25%(149) 32%(192) 10%(60) 22%(132) 12%(71) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 23%(14) 36%(21) 6%(3) 9%(5) 27%(16) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 60%(448) 25%(191) 5%(37) 3%(21) 7%(56) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 24%(166) 34%(230) 10%(69) 20%(138) 12%(78) 682 2016 Vote: Other 45%(57) 30%(38) 7%(9) 5%(7) 12%(16) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 34%(147) 24%(100) 7%(29) 5%(22) 30%(127) 425 Continued on next page

165 Morning Consult Table POL10_6

Table POL10_6: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Establishing two weeks of in-person early voting, including weekends and times outside of normal business hours Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 41%(819) 28%(564) 7%(144) 9%(187) 14%(278) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 45%(604) 29%(387) 7%(88) 10%(140) 9%(118) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 33%(214) 27%(177) 9%(56) 7%(47) 24%(160) 655 4-Region: Northeast 43%(152) 26%(91) 9%(30) 9%(33) 14%(49) 355 4-Region: Midwest 36%(167) 28%(126) 11%(53) 11%(52) 13%(61) 458 4-Region: South 39%(293) 31%(233) 5%(38) 8%(61) 16%(119) 744 4-Region: West 48%(207) 26%(114) 5%(23) 9%(41) 11%(50) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 58%(559) 25%(246) 4%(43) 2%(24) 10%(96) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 24%(176) 32%(229) 10%(73) 19%(137) 15%(111) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

166 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_7

Table POL10_7: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring states to establish nonpartisan committees for congressional redistricting in order to reduce gerrymandering Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(648) 24%(482) 6%(118) 6%(113) 32%(630) 1992 Gender: Male 38%(359) 27%(252) 8%(75) 7%(65) 19%(181) 932 Gender: Female 27%(290) 22%(230) 4%(42) 5%(48) 42%(449) 1060 Age: 18-34 28%(139) 27%(137) 7%(36) 4%(22) 33%(167) 500 Age: 35-44 31%(95) 23%(69) 5%(15) 5%(16) 36%(108) 303 Age: 45-64 33%(236) 22%(159) 6%(44) 6%(47) 33%(240) 725 Age: 65+ 39%(179) 25%(117) 5%(23) 6%(29) 25%(115) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 23%(32) 27%(38) 8%(11) 4%(5) 39%(54) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 32%(182) 26%(149) 6%(37) 4%(23) 32%(184) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 31%(155) 22%(113) 5%(27) 7%(35) 35%(176) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 37%(259) 23%(161) 5%(38) 7%(48) 28%(195) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 48%(383) 24%(194) 4%(30) 2%(13) 22%(177) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 30%(173) 23%(134) 6%(32) 5%(30) 36%(203) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 15%(92) 25%(154) 9%(56) 11%(70) 40%(249) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 57%(195) 25%(85) 5%(17) 2%(8) 11%(37) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 41%(189) 24%(109) 3%(13) 1%(5) 31%(140) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 36%(106) 27%(79) 9%(27) 6%(17) 23%(68) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 24%(67) 20%(55) 2%(5) 5%(13) 49%(136) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 20%(58) 30%(88) 11%(31) 14%(40) 26%(76) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 10%(34) 20%(66) 8%(25) 9%(30) 53%(173) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 56%(357) 22%(139) 3%(17) 2%(11) 17%(111) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 30%(167) 26%(146) 6%(35) 5%(31) 33%(187) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17%(117) 27%(182) 9%(63) 10%(68) 36%(238) 668 Educ: < College 26%(329) 21%(268) 6%(73) 6%(72) 41%(510) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 39%(183) 28%(134) 7%(33) 6%(29) 19%(92) 471 Educ: Post-grad 51%(136) 30%(80) 4%(11) 5%(13) 10%(28) 268 Income: Under 50k 27%(257) 22%(212) 5%(52) 6%(57) 40%(391) 971 Income: 50k-100k 37%(242) 26%(168) 6%(39) 5%(36) 26%(174) 659 Income: 100k+ 41%(149) 28%(102) 7%(27) 6%(20) 18%(64) 362 Ethnicity: White 32%(522) 24%(387) 6%(94) 6%(99) 32%(510) 1611 Continued on next page

167 Morning Consult Table POL10_7

Table POL10_7: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring states to establish nonpartisan committees for congressional redistricting in order to reduce gerrymandering Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(648) 24%(482) 6%(118) 6%(113) 32%(630) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 27%(52) 24%(45) 11%(22) 4%(8) 34%(66) 193 Ethnicity: Black 36%(92) 24%(61) 5%(12) 4%(10) 31%(78) 253 Ethnicity: Other 27%(35) 27%(34) 9%(11) 4%(5) 33%(42) 128 All Christian 31%(308) 29%(285) 6%(62) 6%(62) 27%(269) 986 All Non-Christian 51%(60) 26%(31) 7%(9) 2%(3) 14%(16) 119 Atheist 52%(42) 24%(19) 5%(4) 2%(1) 17%(14) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 34%(156) 20%(92) 4%(17) 4%(17) 38%(174) 457 Something Else 24%(82) 16%(55) 8%(26) 8%(29) 45%(156) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 46%(63) 24%(33) 10%(14) 4%(5) 16%(22) 138 Evangelical 27%(155) 23%(130) 8%(44) 8%(43) 35%(199) 572 Non-Evangelical 31%(227) 28%(205) 5%(33) 6%(45) 30%(216) 726 Community: Urban 37%(204) 29%(160) 3%(19) 4%(22) 28%(154) 560 Community: Suburban 35%(317) 24%(215) 6%(54) 5%(49) 30%(270) 905 Community: Rural 24%(127) 20%(107) 8%(45) 8%(43) 39%(206) 527 Employ: Private Sector 33%(218) 27%(179) 8%(52) 6%(38) 26%(174) 660 Employ: Government 39%(59) 31%(48) 2%(3) 5%(7) 23%(36) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 32%(53) 26%(44) 6%(9) 8%(14) 28%(46) 165 Employ: Homemaker 22%(27) 17%(21) 2%(2) 8%(10) 52%(64) 124 Employ: Student 39%(23) 24%(14) 10%(6) 1%(1) 26%(15) 58 Employ: Retired 40%(201) 23%(115) 4%(21) 5%(25) 27%(135) 496 Employ: Unemployed 18%(37) 18%(39) 8%(18) 8%(17) 48%(101) 213 Employ: Other 25%(30) 19%(23) 5%(6) 2%(2) 49%(60) 121 Military HH: Yes 38%(135) 23%(82) 7%(24) 6%(22) 26%(93) 356 Military HH: No 31%(513) 24%(401) 6%(94) 6%(91) 33%(537) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 45%(414) 27%(245) 3%(29) 2%(17) 24%(219) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 22%(234) 22%(237) 8%(89) 9%(96) 39%(411) 1067 Biden Job Approve 45%(505) 26%(296) 4%(42) 2%(17) 24%(272) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 18%(130) 23%(173) 10%(72) 13%(93) 37%(272) 740 Continued on next page

168 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_7

Table POL10_7: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring states to establish nonpartisan committees for congressional redistricting in order to reduce gerrymandering Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(648) 24%(482) 6%(118) 6%(113) 32%(630) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 53%(346) 23%(154) 3%(18) 2%(10) 20%(128) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 33%(159) 30%(141) 5%(24) 1%(7) 30%(144) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 23%(50) 25%(52) 11%(23) 4%(9) 37%(79) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 15%(80) 23%(121) 9%(49) 16%(84) 37%(193) 527 Favorable of Biden 45%(506) 27%(301) 3%(36) 1%(13) 24%(275) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 18%(136) 22%(173) 10%(77) 12%(97) 38%(290) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 53%(355) 23%(155) 2%(16) 1%(9) 21%(140) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 33%(151) 32%(145) 5%(21) 1%(3) 30%(135) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 27%(54) 22%(44) 10%(20) 4%(9) 37%(73) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 14%(82) 23%(130) 10%(58) 15%(88) 38%(217) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 27%(215) 27%(216) 6%(50) 6%(50) 33%(267) 798 #1 Issue: Security 21%(49) 28%(66) 11%(27) 12%(28) 28%(67) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 45%(140) 20%(61) 5%(17) 3%(9) 26%(82) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 38%(102) 23%(61) 3%(8) 3%(7) 33%(88) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27%(21) 19%(15) 4%(4) 5%(4) 44%(35) 79 #1 Issue: Education 29%(24) 31%(26) 6%(5) 5%(4) 29%(24) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 45%(36) 20%(16) 7%(6) 2%(2) 25%(20) 79 #1 Issue: Other 44%(61) 16%(22) 1%(2) 7%(9) 33%(46) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 48%(493) 25%(254) 3%(32) 1%(14) 22%(224) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(105) 24%(172) 10%(69) 12%(84) 39%(280) 711 2020 Vote: Other 22%(18) 32%(25) 2%(2) 5%(4) 39%(30) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18%(32) 17%(31) 8%(15) 6%(12) 51%(94) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 53%(424) 25%(197) 3%(23) 1%(12) 18%(139) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(98) 27%(161) 11%(66) 12%(73) 34%(206) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 16%(10) 20%(12) 3%(2) 8%(5) 53%(31) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51%(384) 25%(185) 3%(22) 2%(17) 19%(144) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 17%(113) 27%(184) 9%(64) 11%(75) 36%(247) 682 2016 Vote: Other 43%(55) 21%(27) 4%(5) 5%(7) 26%(33) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23%(96) 21%(87) 6%(24) 3%(15) 48%(203) 425 Continued on next page

169 Morning Consult Table POL10_7

Table POL10_7: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring states to establish nonpartisan committees for congressional redistricting in order to reduce gerrymandering Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 33%(648) 24%(482) 6%(118) 6%(113) 32%(630) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 37%(496) 24%(327) 6%(78) 6%(81) 27%(355) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 23%(153) 24%(155) 6%(40) 5%(32) 42%(275) 655 4-Region: Northeast 34%(122) 28%(100) 6%(21) 4%(16) 27%(96) 355 4-Region: Midwest 31%(142) 24%(108) 8%(36) 6%(26) 32%(146) 458 4-Region: South 30%(224) 22%(167) 4%(33) 6%(43) 37%(277) 744 4-Region: West 37%(160) 25%(108) 6%(28) 7%(29) 25%(110) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 49%(474) 24%(229) 3%(31) 2%(16) 22%(216) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 16%(113) 25%(185) 9%(67) 11%(77) 39%(284) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

170 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_8

Table POL10_8: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Providing prepaid postage for absentee ballots in federal elections Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(760) 23%(467) 7%(140) 16%(319) 15%(306) 1992 Gender: Male 35%(331) 26%(241) 8%(74) 19%(175) 12%(112) 932 Gender: Female 41%(430) 21%(226) 6%(66) 14%(144) 18%(194) 1060 Age: 18-34 35%(178) 26%(130) 7%(36) 11%(53) 21%(104) 500 Age: 35-44 41%(125) 25%(75) 5%(17) 10%(30) 19%(56) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(265) 22%(157) 7%(54) 20%(148) 14%(103) 725 Age: 65+ 42%(193) 23%(105) 7%(34) 19%(88) 9%(44) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 34%(48) 19%(27) 5%(6) 10%(14) 32%(44) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 40%(228) 28%(159) 6%(37) 9%(53) 17%(97) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 37%(186) 23%(115) 7%(35) 18%(90) 16%(81) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 39%(274) 21%(149) 8%(56) 21%(150) 10%(73) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 55%(441) 27%(212) 5%(40) 3%(28) 10%(77) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 38%(217) 23%(130) 7%(39) 14%(79) 19%(108) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 17%(103) 20%(124) 10%(60) 34%(212) 20%(121) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 52%(179) 31%(105) 6%(22) 4%(13) 7%(24) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 57%(261) 24%(108) 4%(19) 3%(15) 12%(53) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 36%(107) 22%(64) 8%(24) 18%(55) 16%(47) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 40%(109) 24%(66) 6%(15) 9%(24) 22%(61) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 15%(44) 24%(72) 10%(29) 37%(107) 14%(42) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 18%(59) 16%(52) 10%(31) 32%(105) 24%(80) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 59%(374) 25%(157) 4%(27) 4%(25) 8%(53) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 40%(227) 24%(138) 9%(53) 11%(61) 15%(85) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18%(122) 23%(155) 8%(55) 33%(223) 17%(112) 668 Educ: < College 35%(444) 21%(268) 7%(89) 18%(221) 18%(230) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 41%(193) 25%(118) 8%(36) 15%(68) 12%(56) 471 Educ: Post-grad 46%(123) 30%(80) 6%(15) 11%(29) 8%(20) 268 Income: Under 50k 40%(391) 21%(203) 6%(63) 14%(134) 18%(179) 971 Income: 50k-100k 36%(239) 23%(154) 7%(47) 20%(132) 13%(87) 659 Income: 100k+ 36%(130) 30%(110) 8%(30) 15%(53) 11%(40) 362 Ethnicity: White 37%(595) 23%(373) 7%(120) 18%(286) 15%(237) 1611 Continued on next page

171 Morning Consult Table POL10_8

Table POL10_8: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Providing prepaid postage for absentee ballots in federal elections Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(760) 23%(467) 7%(140) 16%(319) 15%(306) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 40%(78) 24%(47) 9%(17) 14%(26) 13%(25) 193 Ethnicity: Black 46%(117) 25%(63) 5%(12) 7%(19) 17%(43) 253 Ethnicity: Other 37%(48) 25%(32) 6%(8) 11%(14) 20%(26) 128 All Christian 34%(338) 25%(246) 9%(89) 21%(203) 11%(110) 986 All Non-Christian 48%(58) 29%(34) 6%(8) 4%(5) 12%(14) 119 Atheist 60%(48) 18%(14) 4%(3) 5%(4) 14%(11) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 43%(196) 20%(92) 5%(22) 12%(54) 20%(93) 457 Something Else 34%(120) 23%(81) 5%(18) 15%(52) 22%(78) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 46%(63) 27%(37) 11%(15) 6%(9) 11%(15) 138 Evangelical 33%(188) 27%(152) 6%(33) 21%(119) 14%(79) 572 Non-Evangelical 36%(259) 23%(168) 9%(62) 18%(131) 15%(106) 726 Community: Urban 45%(252) 28%(159) 6%(35) 7%(41) 13%(73) 560 Community: Suburban 38%(345) 24%(214) 6%(55) 17%(157) 15%(134) 905 Community: Rural 31%(163) 18%(94) 9%(50) 23%(121) 19%(100) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(235) 25%(166) 8%(50) 18%(119) 14%(90) 660 Employ: Government 41%(62) 24%(38) 8%(12) 12%(18) 15%(23) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 43%(72) 26%(43) 6%(11) 13%(21) 11%(19) 165 Employ: Homemaker 32%(39) 20%(25) 5%(6) 19%(24) 24%(30) 124 Employ: Student 38%(22) 20%(12) 6%(4) 6%(4) 30%(17) 58 Employ: Retired 41%(201) 22%(109) 8%(41) 18%(91) 11%(54) 496 Employ: Unemployed 39%(84) 22%(47) 5%(11) 13%(28) 20%(43) 213 Employ: Other 37%(45) 22%(27) 4%(5) 12%(15) 25%(30) 121 Military HH: Yes 41%(148) 21%(75) 8%(30) 20%(70) 9%(33) 356 Military HH: No 37%(613) 24%(392) 7%(110) 15%(249) 17%(273) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 51%(474) 28%(257) 6%(56) 4%(37) 11%(100) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 27%(286) 20%(210) 8%(83) 26%(282) 19%(206) 1067 Biden Job Approve 53%(601) 28%(314) 6%(63) 3%(35) 10%(119) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 17%(129) 18%(136) 10%(71) 37%(277) 17%(126) 740 Continued on next page

172 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_8

Table POL10_8: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Providing prepaid postage for absentee ballots in federal elections Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(760) 23%(467) 7%(140) 16%(319) 15%(306) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 60%(394) 25%(167) 4%(28) 2%(15) 8%(51) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 43%(206) 31%(147) 7%(34) 4%(20) 14%(68) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 23%(50) 26%(54) 11%(23) 22%(47) 18%(39) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 15%(79) 16%(82) 9%(48) 44%(231) 16%(87) 527 Favorable of Biden 53%(601) 28%(321) 5%(53) 3%(37) 10%(119) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 18%(142) 17%(131) 11%(84) 36%(277) 18%(139) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 60%(405) 26%(176) 3%(23) 2%(12) 9%(59) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 43%(197) 32%(145) 7%(30) 5%(25) 13%(60) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 32%(65) 20%(39) 12%(23) 18%(35) 19%(37) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 14%(78) 16%(92) 11%(61) 42%(242) 18%(102) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 34%(268) 23%(182) 8%(63) 19%(151) 17%(134) 798 #1 Issue: Security 24%(57) 22%(51) 7%(17) 34%(82) 13%(31) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 52%(159) 23%(71) 4%(13) 7%(21) 14%(45) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 42%(113) 27%(71) 6%(16) 12%(32) 13%(34) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 41%(32) 21%(16) 4%(3) 7%(6) 27%(21) 79 #1 Issue: Education 41%(34) 27%(23) 9%(8) 11%(9) 12%(10) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 38%(30) 29%(23) 13%(10) 5%(4) 16%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Other 47%(67) 21%(30) 7%(10) 11%(15) 13%(19) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 55%(554) 27%(279) 5%(53) 3%(33) 10%(97) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 17%(118) 20%(144) 9%(67) 35%(251) 18%(131) 711 2020 Vote: Other 28%(22) 13%(10) 7%(5) 22%(17) 30%(24) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(65) 18%(34) 7%(13) 10%(18) 29%(54) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 59%(467) 26%(204) 5%(42) 3%(27) 7%(55) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 18%(110) 20%(122) 8%(51) 38%(227) 16%(95) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 19%(11) 29%(17) 5%(3) 16%(9) 32%(19) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 57%(428) 27%(205) 4%(32) 4%(28) 8%(61) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 19%(129) 21%(142) 10%(67) 35%(238) 16%(107) 682 2016 Vote: Other 41%(52) 21%(27) 8%(10) 14%(18) 17%(21) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(151) 22%(94) 7%(28) 8%(36) 27%(117) 425 Continued on next page

173 Morning Consult Table POL10_8

Table POL10_8: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Providing prepaid postage for absentee ballots in federal elections Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(760) 23%(467) 7%(140) 16%(319) 15%(306) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 41%(550) 23%(309) 7%(90) 18%(239) 11%(148) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 32%(210) 24%(158) 8%(49) 12%(80) 24%(158) 655 4-Region: Northeast 38%(134) 27%(96) 7%(26) 14%(49) 14%(51) 355 4-Region: Midwest 35%(159) 23%(106) 8%(36) 19%(87) 15%(69) 458 4-Region: South 35%(260) 22%(164) 6%(45) 19%(140) 18%(135) 744 4-Region: West 48%(208) 23%(101) 8%(33) 10%(42) 12%(51) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 56%(544) 26%(248) 5%(47) 4%(34) 10%(94) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 18%(128) 20%(146) 10%(71) 34%(245) 19%(135) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

174 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_9

Table POL10_9: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Outlawing the spread of false or misleading information to voters 60 days prior to an election Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 50%(996) 21%(428) 6%(114) 7%(144) 16%(310) 1992 Gender: Male 50%(466) 22%(210) 7%(69) 9%(85) 11%(102) 932 Gender: Female 50%(530) 21%(218) 4%(45) 6%(59) 20%(208) 1060 Age: 18-34 41%(206) 24%(118) 10%(52) 7%(33) 18%(92) 500 Age: 35-44 46%(139) 22%(68) 4%(13) 7%(22) 20%(60) 303 Age: 45-64 50%(365) 21%(149) 5%(37) 8%(60) 16%(114) 725 Age: 65+ 62%(285) 20%(93) 3%(12) 6%(28) 10%(44) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 42%(59) 19%(26) 10%(14) 4%(6) 25%(35) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 44%(255) 24%(140) 8%(46) 7%(43) 16%(91) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 48%(244) 20%(99) 5%(26) 8%(43) 19%(95) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 57%(403) 21%(146) 3%(23) 7%(50) 11%(79) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 63%(500) 21%(171) 3%(25) 3%(27) 9%(75) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 45%(255) 23%(129) 7%(38) 6%(33) 20%(117) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 39%(241) 21%(127) 8%(50) 13%(83) 19%(119) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 64%(219) 22%(74) 4%(14) 4%(15) 6%(20) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 62%(281) 21%(97) 3%(12) 3%(12) 12%(55) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 45%(134) 24%(71) 9%(28) 7%(21) 14%(43) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 44%(121) 21%(58) 4%(10) 5%(13) 27%(74) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 38%(113) 22%(64) 9%(28) 17%(49) 13%(40) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 39%(129) 19%(63) 7%(23) 10%(34) 24%(79) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 68%(435) 18%(114) 3%(20) 3%(20) 7%(47) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 47%(267) 25%(143) 7%(39) 5%(29) 16%(88) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39%(260) 24%(159) 8%(51) 13%(88) 16%(110) 668 Educ: < College 48%(605) 20%(251) 6%(74) 7%(86) 19%(237) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 51%(238) 23%(111) 6%(27) 9%(41) 12%(54) 471 Educ: Post-grad 57%(153) 25%(66) 5%(12) 6%(17) 7%(19) 268 Income: Under 50k 48%(470) 18%(179) 6%(56) 7%(69) 20%(197) 971 Income: 50k-100k 51%(334) 24%(155) 6%(41) 6%(42) 13%(87) 659 Income: 100k+ 53%(192) 26%(94) 5%(18) 9%(33) 7%(26) 362 Ethnicity: White 50%(810) 21%(345) 5%(89) 8%(123) 15%(244) 1611 Continued on next page

175 Morning Consult Table POL10_9

Table POL10_9: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Outlawing the spread of false or misleading information to voters 60 days prior to an election Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 50%(996) 21%(428) 6%(114) 7%(144) 16%(310) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 48%(94) 21%(41) 10%(19) 4%(7) 17%(32) 193 Ethnicity: Black 54%(136) 20%(50) 6%(14) 6%(16) 15%(37) 253 Ethnicity: Other 39%(50) 26%(33) 9%(11) 4%(5) 22%(29) 128 All Christian 49%(479) 24%(233) 6%(57) 8%(81) 14%(136) 986 All Non-Christian 52%(62) 23%(28) 7%(9) 6%(7) 11%(13) 119 Atheist 71%(57) 18%(14) 3%(2) 3%(2) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 52%(236) 18%(83) 5%(24) 6%(26) 19%(88) 457 Something Else 46%(162) 20%(69) 6%(22) 8%(27) 20%(69) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 48%(66) 26%(36) 6%(9) 9%(13) 10%(14) 138 Evangelical 43%(247) 23%(132) 7%(40) 10%(60) 16%(93) 572 Non-Evangelical 53%(382) 22%(158) 5%(35) 6%(43) 15%(108) 726 Community: Urban 50%(281) 25%(140) 6%(33) 5%(29) 14%(76) 560 Community: Suburban 52%(467) 20%(184) 5%(49) 7%(65) 16%(140) 905 Community: Rural 47%(248) 20%(104) 6%(32) 9%(50) 18%(94) 527 Employ: Private Sector 48%(317) 24%(158) 7%(46) 7%(49) 14%(91) 660 Employ: Government 48%(74) 25%(38) 9%(14) 7%(10) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 56%(92) 18%(30) 6%(10) 9%(14) 12%(20) 165 Employ: Homemaker 37%(46) 17%(22) 6%(8) 10%(13) 29%(36) 124 Employ: Student 47%(27) 19%(11) 8%(4) 5%(3) 22%(13) 58 Employ: Retired 60%(296) 20%(101) 3%(15) 6%(29) 11%(55) 496 Employ: Unemployed 40%(85) 21%(45) 4%(9) 10%(21) 25%(53) 213 Employ: Other 48%(58) 20%(24) 7%(8) 3%(4) 22%(27) 121 Military HH: Yes 58%(206) 17%(60) 5%(18) 9%(31) 12%(41) 356 Military HH: No 48%(790) 22%(368) 6%(96) 7%(113) 16%(269) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 59%(542) 23%(210) 4%(35) 4%(33) 11%(105) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 43%(455) 20%(218) 7%(78) 10%(110) 19%(205) 1067 Biden Job Approve 61%(692) 23%(261) 4%(44) 2%(25) 10%(110) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 36%(270) 21%(154) 8%(63) 15%(114) 19%(139) 740 Continued on next page

176 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_9

Table POL10_9: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Outlawing the spread of false or misleading information to voters 60 days prior to an election Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 50%(996) 21%(428) 6%(114) 7%(144) 16%(310) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 67%(437) 21%(135) 3%(20) 2%(15) 8%(50) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 54%(255) 27%(126) 5%(25) 2%(10) 13%(60) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 38%(82) 25%(53) 8%(17) 10%(21) 19%(41) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 36%(188) 19%(101) 9%(46) 18%(93) 19%(99) 527 Favorable of Biden 62%(699) 23%(259) 3%(38) 2%(21) 10%(113) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 36%(280) 20%(155) 8%(65) 16%(120) 20%(153) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 68%(458) 19%(131) 2%(16) 2%(15) 8%(55) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 53%(240) 28%(128) 5%(22) 1%(7) 13%(59) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 41%(82) 24%(47) 8%(16) 9%(18) 18%(36) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 34%(198) 19%(108) 8%(49) 18%(102) 20%(117) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 43%(347) 24%(190) 7%(55) 8%(67) 17%(139) 798 #1 Issue: Security 37%(88) 27%(64) 7%(16) 12%(28) 17%(41) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 61%(188) 21%(65) 4%(13) 4%(13) 9%(29) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 62%(165) 19%(52) 4%(10) 4%(11) 11%(29) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 53%(42) 12%(10) 4%(3) 2%(2) 28%(22) 79 #1 Issue: Education 40%(33) 27%(22) 8%(6) 7%(6) 20%(16) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 53%(42) 16%(13) 9%(7) 8%(6) 15%(12) 79 #1 Issue: Other 65%(92) 8%(12) 2%(3) 9%(12) 15%(21) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 64%(652) 21%(217) 3%(32) 2%(23) 9%(92) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 35%(247) 23%(161) 9%(63) 14%(102) 19%(138) 711 2020 Vote: Other 35%(27) 21%(16) 9%(7) 7%(6) 28%(22) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 37%(69) 18%(33) 7%(12) 7%(13) 31%(57) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 67%(533) 20%(162) 3%(21) 4%(29) 6%(50) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 37%(221) 22%(134) 10%(61) 14%(84) 17%(103) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 26%(15) 30%(18) 5%(3) 5%(3) 34%(21) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 67%(501) 20%(153) 2%(19) 4%(26) 7%(54) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 38%(257) 22%(153) 9%(62) 13%(88) 18%(122) 682 2016 Vote: Other 51%(65) 20%(25) 3%(4) 10%(13) 16%(20) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 41%(174) 23%(97) 6%(28) 4%(17) 26%(110) 425 Continued on next page

177 Morning Consult Table POL10_9

Table POL10_9: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Outlawing the spread of false or misleading information to voters 60 days prior to an election Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 50%(996) 21%(428) 6%(114) 7%(144) 16%(310) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 54%(725) 21%(287) 5%(71) 8%(101) 11%(153) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 41%(271) 22%(141) 6%(42) 7%(43) 24%(157) 655 4-Region: Northeast 48%(172) 25%(91) 4%(16) 5%(18) 17%(59) 355 4-Region: Midwest 48%(218) 22%(103) 6%(27) 7%(33) 17%(77) 458 4-Region: South 50%(374) 18%(135) 6%(48) 8%(63) 17%(123) 744 4-Region: West 53%(232) 23%(99) 5%(23) 7%(30) 12%(51) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 64%(615) 21%(200) 3%(28) 3%(32) 10%(92) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 37%(269) 22%(157) 9%(67) 13%(97) 19%(136) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

178 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_10

Table POL10_10: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Granting voting rights to those who are on parole, probation, or who have finished serving their criminal sentences Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 30%(594) 27%(540) 10%(197) 19%(372) 15%(290) 1992 Gender: Male 30%(277) 30%(284) 11%(105) 20%(183) 9%(84) 932 Gender: Female 30%(317) 24%(257) 9%(92) 18%(189) 19%(206) 1060 Age: 18-34 33%(164) 30%(150) 10%(49) 11%(54) 17%(83) 500 Age: 35-44 37%(111) 23%(69) 11%(33) 14%(42) 16%(48) 303 Age: 45-64 29%(207) 24%(175) 9%(67) 24%(173) 14%(104) 725 Age: 65+ 24%(112) 32%(146) 10%(49) 22%(102) 12%(55) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 34%(47) 22%(31) 8%(11) 10%(15) 26%(36) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 36%(205) 30%(171) 11%(62) 11%(61) 13%(75) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 29%(148) 23%(115) 10%(52) 22%(112) 15%(78) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26%(184) 29%(202) 8%(58) 24%(166) 13%(91) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 45%(357) 32%(257) 6%(48) 5%(42) 12%(95) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 27%(155) 26%(152) 13%(75) 15%(84) 19%(107) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 13%(82) 21%(132) 12%(74) 40%(246) 14%(87) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 46%(158) 37%(126) 7%(23) 4%(14) 6%(20) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 43%(198) 29%(130) 5%(24) 6%(27) 17%(76) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 25%(73) 31%(91) 15%(45) 17%(51) 12%(37) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 29%(81) 22%(61) 11%(31) 12%(33) 25%(70) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 15%(45) 23%(67) 13%(37) 40%(117) 9%(28) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 11%(38) 20%(65) 11%(37) 39%(129) 18%(59) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 53%(335) 27%(173) 7%(46) 4%(23) 9%(58) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 25%(143) 31%(176) 11%(59) 16%(89) 17%(98) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13%(86) 25%(166) 13%(86) 37%(244) 13%(86) 668 Educ: < College 28%(350) 26%(324) 10%(119) 19%(239) 18%(221) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(152) 27%(128) 11%(51) 18%(86) 11%(54) 471 Educ: Post-grad 34%(92) 33%(89) 10%(26) 17%(47) 6%(15) 268 Income: Under 50k 31%(300) 26%(250) 10%(96) 15%(148) 18%(177) 971 Income: 50k-100k 30%(195) 26%(169) 9%(59) 23%(152) 13%(83) 659 Income: 100k+ 27%(98) 33%(121) 12%(42) 20%(71) 8%(30) 362 Ethnicity: White 28%(446) 27%(437) 11%(172) 20%(325) 14%(232) 1611 Continued on next page

179 Morning Consult Table POL10_10

Table POL10_10: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Granting voting rights to those who are on parole, probation, or who have finished serving their criminal sentences Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 30%(594) 27%(540) 10%(197) 19%(372) 15%(290) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 33%(63) 28%(55) 10%(19) 20%(39) 9%(17) 193 Ethnicity: Black 45%(115) 26%(65) 5%(14) 9%(22) 15%(37) 253 Ethnicity: Other 26%(33) 30%(38) 9%(11) 20%(25) 16%(21) 128 All Christian 23%(231) 30%(292) 11%(110) 23%(230) 12%(122) 986 All Non-Christian 37%(44) 30%(36) 9%(10) 11%(13) 13%(15) 119 Atheist 54%(43) 24%(20) 3%(2) 13%(10) 6%(5) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 35%(161) 24%(110) 9%(43) 13%(57) 19%(87) 457 Something Else 33%(114) 24%(83) 9%(31) 17%(61) 17%(60) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 32%(44) 35%(49) 10%(14) 11%(15) 12%(16) 138 Evangelical 28%(163) 28%(158) 8%(46) 23%(133) 13%(73) 572 Non-Evangelical 24%(177) 28%(202) 12%(88) 21%(154) 15%(105) 726 Community: Urban 40%(225) 26%(146) 10%(54) 11%(61) 13%(74) 560 Community: Suburban 26%(239) 28%(252) 11%(95) 21%(187) 15%(133) 905 Community: Rural 25%(130) 27%(143) 9%(48) 23%(124) 16%(83) 527 Employ: Private Sector 29%(191) 29%(192) 11%(75) 19%(124) 12%(79) 660 Employ: Government 33%(51) 30%(47) 9%(14) 16%(24) 12%(18) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 34%(56) 29%(48) 9%(15) 18%(29) 10%(17) 165 Employ: Homemaker 19%(23) 19%(23) 7%(8) 30%(37) 27%(33) 124 Employ: Student 35%(20) 31%(18) 12%(7) 5%(3) 17%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 26%(129) 31%(155) 10%(50) 20%(101) 12%(61) 496 Employ: Unemployed 44%(93) 17%(35) 7%(15) 13%(27) 20%(43) 213 Employ: Other 25%(31) 19%(22) 11%(13) 22%(27) 24%(29) 121 Military HH: Yes 27%(96) 27%(95) 12%(41) 23%(83) 11%(41) 356 Military HH: No 30%(498) 27%(445) 10%(156) 18%(289) 15%(249) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 41%(376) 32%(300) 9%(81) 7%(61) 12%(107) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 20%(217) 23%(240) 11%(115) 29%(311) 17%(182) 1067 Biden Job Approve 43%(488) 32%(358) 8%(85) 6%(69) 12%(132) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 12%(89) 21%(155) 14%(102) 40%(294) 14%(100) 740 Continued on next page

180 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_10

Table POL10_10: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Granting voting rights to those who are on parole, probation, or who have finished serving their criminal sentences Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 30%(594) 27%(540) 10%(197) 19%(372) 15%(290) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 49%(319) 29%(188) 8%(52) 5%(32) 10%(65) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 36%(169) 36%(170) 7%(34) 8%(37) 14%(66) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 20%(43) 22%(46) 15%(32) 26%(56) 17%(36) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 9%(46) 21%(108) 13%(69) 45%(239) 12%(65) 527 Favorable of Biden 42%(478) 33%(369) 7%(84) 5%(62) 12%(138) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 13%(103) 20%(157) 14%(105) 39%(299) 14%(110) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 50%(336) 28%(187) 7%(47) 4%(30) 11%(75) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 31%(142) 40%(182) 8%(37) 7%(32) 14%(63) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 27%(53) 22%(43) 15%(29) 22%(45) 15%(29) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 9%(50) 20%(114) 13%(76) 44%(255) 14%(80) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 27%(219) 26%(204) 10%(82) 23%(181) 14%(112) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(41) 27%(64) 13%(30) 35%(83) 8%(19) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 41%(125) 29%(90) 8%(24) 10%(30) 13%(39) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28%(75) 33%(87) 8%(21) 12%(33) 19%(50) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 28%(22) 23%(18) 6%(5) 12%(9) 32%(25) 79 #1 Issue: Education 29%(24) 29%(24) 21%(17) 8%(6) 14%(12) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 37%(29) 30%(24) 12%(9) 10%(8) 11%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 42%(59) 21%(29) 5%(7) 15%(21) 17%(25) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 44%(444) 31%(317) 8%(79) 6%(58) 12%(119) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(90) 21%(148) 13%(95) 39%(277) 14%(100) 711 2020 Vote: Other 16%(13) 33%(26) 4%(3) 22%(17) 26%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(46) 27%(49) 10%(19) 10%(19) 28%(51) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 46%(362) 32%(257) 7%(55) 5%(42) 10%(78) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 14%(84) 21%(129) 13%(78) 41%(248) 11%(66) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 13%(8) 29%(17) 4%(2) 21%(12) 34%(20) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 46%(349) 31%(236) 7%(56) 5%(37) 10%(75) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(87) 23%(157) 13%(91) 38%(260) 13%(86) 682 2016 Vote: Other 27%(35) 28%(36) 11%(15) 16%(20) 17%(22) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29%(123) 26%(111) 8%(32) 12%(53) 25%(106) 425 Continued on next page

181 Morning Consult Table POL10_10

Table POL10_10: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Granting voting rights to those who are on parole, probation, or who have finished serving their criminal sentences Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 30%(594) 27%(540) 10%(197) 19%(372) 15%(290) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 31%(413) 28%(370) 10%(132) 21%(275) 11%(147) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 28%(181) 26%(170) 10%(65) 15%(96) 22%(143) 655 4-Region: Northeast 32%(114) 30%(108) 9%(32) 17%(62) 11%(39) 355 4-Region: Midwest 28%(129) 28%(130) 10%(45) 18%(81) 16%(72) 458 4-Region: South 28%(205) 26%(193) 10%(75) 20%(149) 16%(121) 744 4-Region: West 33%(145) 25%(110) 10%(45) 18%(79) 13%(57) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 46%(442) 32%(307) 6%(61) 5%(45) 12%(112) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 13%(93) 22%(156) 14%(103) 37%(271) 14%(103) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

182 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_11

Table POL10_11: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Restoring a provision of the Voting Rights Act that requires states with a history of discrimination to submit any election changes to the federal govern- ment for review Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 35%(690) 25%(503) 8%(155) 9%(170) 24%(474) 1992 Gender: Male 35%(322) 28%(257) 10%(97) 11%(105) 16%(152) 932 Gender: Female 35%(368) 23%(246) 5%(58) 6%(66) 30%(322) 1060 Age: 18-34 31%(157) 26%(129) 10%(49) 6%(28) 27%(137) 500 Age: 35-44 33%(101) 31%(94) 6%(18) 8%(25) 21%(65) 303 Age: 45-64 35%(253) 23%(165) 8%(55) 10%(74) 24%(177) 725 Age: 65+ 38%(178) 25%(115) 7%(32) 9%(43) 21%(95) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 31%(43) 26%(37) 7%(10) 5%(7) 30%(42) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 34%(195) 28%(159) 9%(49) 6%(34) 24%(138) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 34%(173) 24%(122) 9%(43) 9%(48) 24%(120) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 37%(261) 23%(163) 7%(46) 11%(80) 22%(151) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 50%(399) 26%(211) 5%(43) 2%(16) 16%(128) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 27%(156) 27%(152) 9%(51) 9%(52) 28%(161) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 22%(135) 22%(140) 10%(60) 16%(102) 30%(185) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 52%(177) 30%(102) 6%(22) 4%(13) 8%(28) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 49%(222) 24%(109) 5%(21) 1%(3) 22%(100) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 26%(78) 29%(86) 12%(36) 12%(35) 21%(61) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 28%(78) 24%(66) 6%(15) 6%(17) 36%(100) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 23%(66) 23%(68) 13%(39) 19%(57) 21%(63) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 21%(68) 22%(71) 7%(22) 14%(45) 37%(122) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 55%(349) 26%(168) 4%(28) 2%(14) 12%(77) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 31%(177) 29%(163) 8%(44) 6%(32) 26%(148) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 20%(135) 23%(152) 12%(77) 18%(123) 27%(181) 668 Educ: < College 32%(398) 24%(296) 8%(94) 8%(100) 29%(365) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 37%(173) 26%(124) 9%(42) 10%(46) 18%(87) 471 Educ: Post-grad 44%(119) 31%(83) 7%(19) 9%(25) 8%(23) 268 Income: Under 50k 33%(319) 24%(230) 6%(62) 8%(75) 29%(284) 971 Income: 50k-100k 36%(235) 25%(162) 10%(63) 10%(64) 20%(135) 659 Income: 100k+ 37%(136) 31%(111) 8%(30) 9%(31) 15%(55) 362 Continued on next page

183 Morning Consult Table POL10_11

Table POL10_11: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Restoring a provision of the Voting Rights Act that requires states with a history of discrimination to submit any election changes to the federal govern- ment for review Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 35%(690) 25%(503) 8%(155) 9%(170) 24%(474) 1992 Ethnicity: White 32%(518) 26%(413) 8%(125) 10%(155) 25%(399) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 32%(62) 26%(50) 10%(19) 7%(13) 25%(49) 193 Ethnicity: Black 51%(129) 20%(49) 7%(19) 3%(9) 18%(46) 253 Ethnicity: Other 33%(43) 32%(40) 8%(11) 5%(6) 22%(28) 128 All Christian 33%(326) 25%(250) 9%(91) 10%(98) 22%(221) 986 All Non-Christian 43%(51) 31%(37) 8%(9) 5%(5) 14%(17) 119 Atheist 56%(45) 18%(15) 6%(5) 4%(3) 16%(13) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 35%(158) 25%(114) 6%(26) 7%(31) 28%(129) 457 Something Else 31%(110) 25%(88) 7%(23) 10%(33) 27%(95) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(54) 34%(47) 9%(12) 4%(6) 14%(19) 138 Evangelical 32%(181) 24%(139) 11%(61) 11%(62) 22%(129) 572 Non-Evangelical 34%(248) 25%(185) 6%(46) 9%(66) 25%(181) 726 Community: Urban 40%(225) 29%(161) 7%(37) 6%(34) 18%(103) 560 Community: Suburban 35%(314) 25%(230) 7%(66) 8%(74) 25%(222) 905 Community: Rural 29%(151) 21%(112) 10%(52) 12%(62) 28%(149) 527 Employ: Private Sector 35%(234) 28%(182) 9%(58) 9%(58) 19%(128) 660 Employ: Government 31%(48) 29%(44) 9%(13) 10%(16) 21%(33) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 37%(61) 23%(38) 10%(17) 11%(18) 19%(31) 165 Employ: Homemaker 22%(27) 19%(23) 4%(5) 11%(14) 45%(56) 124 Employ: Student 48%(28) 28%(16) 4%(2) 2%(1) 18%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 39%(195) 23%(114) 7%(33) 8%(40) 23%(114) 496 Employ: Unemployed 30%(65) 25%(54) 10%(21) 8%(17) 26%(56) 213 Employ: Other 27%(32) 26%(32) 5%(6) 4%(5) 38%(46) 121 Military HH: Yes 38%(135) 21%(74) 9%(31) 10%(35) 22%(80) 356 Military HH: No 34%(554) 26%(428) 8%(124) 8%(135) 24%(394) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 45%(416) 29%(269) 6%(52) 2%(21) 18%(167) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 26%(274) 22%(234) 10%(103) 14%(150) 29%(307) 1067 Continued on next page

184 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_11

Table POL10_11: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Restoring a provision of the Voting Rights Act that requires states with a history of discrimination to submit any election changes to the federal govern- ment for review Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 35%(690) 25%(503) 8%(155) 9%(170) 24%(474) 1992 Biden Job Approve 46%(524) 28%(315) 6%(67) 2%(18) 18%(207) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 20%(149) 23%(167) 11%(79) 20%(149) 27%(196) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 54%(357) 25%(163) 4%(29) 1%(7) 15%(100) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 35%(166) 32%(152) 8%(38) 2%(12) 23%(108) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 21%(44) 30%(63) 12%(26) 14%(29) 24%(51) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 20%(105) 20%(103) 10%(53) 23%(120) 28%(145) 527 Favorable of Biden 46%(520) 29%(325) 5%(61) 2%(19) 18%(206) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 21%(159) 21%(165) 11%(88) 19%(150) 27%(212) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 55%(371) 24%(163) 4%(29) 1%(6) 16%(105) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 33%(149) 36%(162) 7%(31) 3%(12) 22%(101) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 27%(54) 25%(50) 12%(24) 11%(21) 25%(49) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 18%(104) 20%(115) 11%(64) 22%(129) 28%(163) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 29%(232) 26%(211) 8%(64) 11%(89) 25%(202) 798 #1 Issue: Security 26%(63) 26%(61) 11%(27) 16%(37) 21%(50) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 48%(147) 22%(67) 7%(23) 4%(12) 20%(61) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 35%(93) 27%(72) 5%(14) 4%(12) 28%(75) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 31%(24) 16%(13) 10%(8) 4%(3) 39%(31) 79 #1 Issue: Education 30%(25) 33%(28) 13%(11) 4%(3) 20%(17) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 42%(33) 30%(24) 5%(4) 4%(3) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Other 52%(73) 20%(28) 2%(3) 8%(12) 17%(25) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 48%(492) 27%(272) 6%(57) 2%(21) 17%(173) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 20%(141) 23%(162) 11%(75) 18%(131) 29%(203) 711 2020 Vote: Other 17%(14) 26%(21) 9%(7) 14%(11) 34%(27) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23%(43) 26%(47) 9%(16) 4%(7) 38%(70) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 53%(424) 26%(206) 5%(42) 2%(18) 13%(105) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 20%(122) 24%(143) 11%(68) 19%(117) 26%(154) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 12%(7) 30%(18) 7%(4) 13%(8) 37%(22) 59 Continued on next page

185 Morning Consult Table POL10_11

Table POL10_11: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Restoring a provision of the Voting Rights Act that requires states with a history of discrimination to submit any election changes to the federal govern- ment for review Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 35%(690) 25%(503) 8%(155) 9%(170) 24%(474) 1992 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 52%(394) 27%(201) 4%(32) 2%(15) 15%(111) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 20%(135) 25%(170) 11%(72) 18%(125) 26%(180) 682 2016 Vote: Other 32%(41) 27%(35) 11%(14) 8%(10) 22%(28) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 28%(119) 23%(97) 8%(35) 5%(21) 36%(153) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 39%(521) 25%(337) 7%(96) 10%(130) 19%(253) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 26%(169) 25%(166) 9%(58) 6%(40) 34%(221) 655 4-Region: Northeast 34%(122) 30%(106) 7%(24) 9%(30) 20%(72) 355 4-Region: Midwest 31%(143) 26%(121) 9%(42) 9%(41) 24%(111) 458 4-Region: South 34%(249) 23%(175) 7%(54) 8%(59) 28%(207) 744 4-Region: West 40%(176) 23%(101) 8%(34) 9%(40) 19%(84) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 50%(486) 26%(251) 5%(49) 2%(19) 17%(163) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 20%(146) 24%(172) 10%(73) 17%(124) 29%(211) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

186 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_12

Table POL10_12: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring all organizations that participate in political activity to disclose their large donors Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 49%(969) 25%(491) 5%(99) 5%(91) 17%(343) 1992 Gender: Male 52%(487) 27%(253) 6%(54) 4%(37) 11%(101) 932 Gender: Female 45%(481) 22%(237) 4%(45) 5%(54) 23%(242) 1060 Age: 18-34 40%(199) 25%(127) 6%(32) 6%(29) 23%(114) 500 Age: 35-44 41%(124) 27%(83) 6%(18) 4%(12) 22%(66) 303 Age: 45-64 49%(352) 24%(176) 5%(37) 5%(38) 17%(121) 725 Age: 65+ 64%(294) 22%(104) 3%(12) 3%(12) 9%(41) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 31%(44) 24%(33) 6%(9) 4%(5) 35%(49) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 43%(249) 27%(158) 7%(38) 5%(26) 18%(104) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 45%(226) 24%(121) 5%(23) 6%(31) 21%(106) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 59%(411) 23%(159) 4%(26) 4%(26) 11%(79) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 57%(455) 23%(181) 5%(41) 2%(16) 13%(106) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 48%(275) 25%(144) 3%(17) 4%(23) 20%(114) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 38%(239) 27%(166) 7%(41) 8%(52) 20%(123) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 59%(201) 26%(88) 6%(20) 1%(2) 9%(31) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 56%(254) 20%(93) 4%(20) 3%(13) 16%(75) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 55%(163) 26%(77) 4%(12) 4%(13) 11%(33) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 41%(112) 24%(67) 2%(6) 4%(10) 29%(81) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 42%(124) 30%(89) 7%(22) 8%(22) 13%(37) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 35%(115) 24%(77) 6%(19) 9%(30) 26%(86) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 65%(412) 20%(126) 5%(30) 1%(7) 10%(61) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 43%(245) 26%(149) 6%(32) 6%(33) 19%(107) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 42%(280) 30%(203) 5%(36) 6%(42) 16%(107) 668 Educ: < College 45%(563) 23%(293) 5%(57) 5%(67) 22%(272) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 55%(258) 25%(117) 6%(27) 4%(17) 11%(52) 471 Educ: Post-grad 55%(147) 30%(81) 5%(14) 2%(6) 7%(18) 268 Income: Under 50k 45%(435) 22%(212) 5%(45) 6%(59) 23%(219) 971 Income: 50k-100k 51%(338) 26%(174) 5%(36) 3%(21) 14%(90) 659 Income: 100k+ 54%(196) 29%(105) 5%(18) 3%(10) 9%(33) 362 Ethnicity: White 50%(803) 25%(406) 4%(70) 5%(74) 16%(259) 1611 Continued on next page

187 Morning Consult Table POL10_12

Table POL10_12: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring all organizations that participate in political activity to disclose their large donors Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 49%(969) 25%(491) 5%(99) 5%(91) 17%(343) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 45%(87) 19%(37) 7%(13) 4%(8) 25%(47) 193 Ethnicity: Black 45%(114) 20%(50) 7%(17) 6%(16) 22%(55) 253 Ethnicity: Other 40%(52) 27%(35) 9%(12) 1%(1) 23%(29) 128 All Christian 50%(491) 26%(257) 5%(46) 5%(45) 15%(147) 986 All Non-Christian 54%(65) 27%(32) 7%(9) 2%(2) 10%(12) 119 Atheist 64%(51) 20%(16) 2%(1) 1%(1) 13%(10) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 51%(235) 21%(94) 4%(20) 4%(17) 20%(91) 457 Something Else 36%(127) 26%(92) 7%(23) 8%(26) 23%(82) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53%(73) 25%(35) 8%(11) 2%(3) 11%(16) 138 Evangelical 42%(238) 29%(166) 7%(39) 7%(40) 16%(89) 572 Non-Evangelical 50%(362) 24%(173) 4%(27) 4%(29) 18%(134) 726 Community: Urban 44%(248) 28%(154) 7%(37) 4%(21) 18%(100) 560 Community: Suburban 51%(458) 24%(217) 5%(43) 4%(39) 16%(149) 905 Community: Rural 50%(263) 23%(120) 4%(20) 6%(31) 18%(94) 527 Employ: Private Sector 46%(307) 28%(187) 7%(47) 3%(22) 15%(97) 660 Employ: Government 47%(72) 34%(52) 7%(10) 1%(2) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 50%(82) 24%(39) 5%(7) 3%(6) 19%(31) 165 Employ: Homemaker 33%(41) 19%(24) 2%(2) 16%(20) 29%(37) 124 Employ: Student 40%(23) 23%(13) 9%(5) 2%(1) 26%(15) 58 Employ: Retired 62%(306) 23%(114) 3%(16) 2%(12) 10%(48) 496 Employ: Unemployed 41%(87) 20%(42) 3%(7) 8%(17) 28%(60) 213 Employ: Other 41%(50) 16%(20) 3%(3) 8%(10) 31%(38) 121 Military HH: Yes 55%(195) 23%(82) 5%(18) 4%(14) 13%(47) 356 Military HH: No 47%(774) 25%(409) 5%(81) 5%(77) 18%(296) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 52%(482) 26%(243) 4%(40) 2%(21) 15%(140) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 46%(487) 23%(248) 6%(59) 7%(70) 19%(203) 1067 Biden Job Approve 55%(626) 25%(287) 4%(49) 2%(17) 13%(152) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 42%(312) 26%(190) 6%(44) 10%(71) 17%(123) 740 Continued on next page

188 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL10_12

Table POL10_12: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring all organizations that participate in political activity to disclose their large donors Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 49%(969) 25%(491) 5%(99) 5%(91) 17%(343) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 61%(403) 23%(152) 3%(23) 2%(11) 10%(67) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 47%(224) 28%(135) 5%(26) 1%(7) 18%(85) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 39%(84) 33%(70) 6%(13) 6%(12) 16%(35) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 43%(228) 23%(121) 6%(31) 11%(59) 17%(88) 527 Favorable of Biden 56%(631) 25%(288) 4%(47) 1%(16) 13%(149) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 42%(324) 25%(194) 6%(50) 9%(71) 17%(135) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 62%(421) 23%(157) 2%(16) 1%(8) 11%(72) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 46%(210) 29%(131) 7%(30) 2%(8) 17%(76) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 46%(91) 31%(62) 6%(13) 2%(5) 14%(29) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 41%(233) 23%(131) 6%(37) 12%(67) 18%(106) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 43%(343) 26%(209) 6%(50) 6%(45) 19%(151) 798 #1 Issue: Security 41%(98) 31%(74) 6%(14) 7%(18) 14%(34) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 53%(162) 26%(81) 4%(13) 3%(10) 14%(43) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 58%(155) 26%(70) 3%(7) 3%(7) 10%(27) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 49%(39) 18%(14) 2%(2) 1%(1) 30%(24) 79 #1 Issue: Education 40%(33) 18%(15) 10%(8) 5%(4) 28%(23) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 58%(46) 17%(14) 2%(2) 2%(1) 21%(17) 79 #1 Issue: Other 66%(93) 11%(15) 3%(4) 4%(5) 17%(24) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 58%(589) 24%(247) 4%(45) 2%(16) 12%(120) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 39%(275) 28%(198) 6%(41) 9%(62) 19%(135) 711 2020 Vote: Other 46%(36) 17%(14) 4%(3) 3%(3) 30%(23) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36%(67) 18%(32) 6%(10) 5%(10) 35%(64) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 63%(501) 23%(185) 4%(28) 1%(12) 9%(69) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 41%(250) 27%(162) 6%(38) 9%(57) 16%(97) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 32%(19) 34%(20) 2%(1) 3%(2) 28%(17) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 62%(470) 22%(163) 4%(27) 2%(14) 10%(79) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 40%(276) 28%(188) 7%(47) 8%(55) 17%(115) 682 2016 Vote: Other 55%(70) 27%(35) 1%(1) 3%(3) 13%(17) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36%(152) 24%(103) 5%(23) 4%(18) 30%(130) 425 Continued on next page

189 Morning Consult Table POL10_12

Table POL10_12: As you may know, Congress is currently debating H.R. 1, a bill focused on reforming the US election system. Do you support or oppose each of the following? Requiring all organizations that participate in political activity to disclose their large donors Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 49%(969) 25%(491) 5%(99) 5%(91) 17%(343) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 54%(716) 25%(340) 5%(61) 5%(61) 12%(159) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 39%(253) 23%(151) 6%(38) 4%(29) 28%(184) 655 4-Region: Northeast 52%(184) 25%(88) 4%(13) 2%(8) 18%(62) 355 4-Region: Midwest 47%(217) 28%(127) 5%(24) 4%(18) 16%(72) 458 4-Region: South 46%(340) 24%(175) 5%(35) 6%(45) 20%(148) 744 4-Region: West 52%(228) 23%(101) 6%(27) 4%(19) 14%(60) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 58%(565) 23%(218) 4%(41) 2%(19) 13%(124) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 39%(283) 28%(200) 6%(46) 8%(57) 19%(140) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

190 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL11

Table POL11: Generally speaking, do you believe race relations in the United States have gotten better, worse, or stayed the same over the past five years? Don’t know / No Demographic Have gotten worse Stayed the same Have gotten better opinion Total N Registered Voters 53%(1056) 25%(501) 14%(281) 8%(154) 1992 Gender: Male 48%(446) 27%(255) 20%(184) 5%(47) 932 Gender: Female 58%(610) 23%(246) 9%(97) 10%(107) 1060 Age: 18-34 47%(234) 24%(121) 19%(97) 10%(49) 500 Age: 35-44 47%(142) 29%(87) 17%(52) 7%(22) 303 Age: 45-64 56%(406) 25%(179) 11%(83) 8%(57) 725 Age: 65+ 59%(274) 25%(114) 10%(48) 6%(27) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 51%(72) 18%(25) 13%(18) 18%(25) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 44%(253) 28%(164) 21%(122) 6%(36) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 58%(292) 21%(106) 11%(55) 11%(53) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 58%(406) 27%(189) 11%(78) 4%(28) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 56%(448) 23%(185) 14%(115) 6%(50) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 53%(301) 25%(144) 12%(68) 10%(58) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 49%(307) 28%(171) 16%(97) 7%(46) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 47%(161) 26%(91) 23%(77) 4%(13) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 63%(287) 21%(95) 8%(38) 8%(36) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 53%(157) 24%(73) 17%(49) 6%(18) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 52%(144) 26%(72) 7%(19) 15%(41) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 44%(128) 31%(92) 20%(57) 6%(16) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 55%(179) 24%(80) 12%(40) 9%(30) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(370) 21%(135) 15%(96) 6%(36) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 49%(275) 32%(183) 11%(62) 8%(45) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 52%(347) 24%(162) 17%(112) 7%(47) 668 Educ: < College 56%(699) 24%(298) 10%(131) 10%(125) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 47%(221) 28%(132) 20%(92) 5%(25) 471 Educ: Post-grad 51%(135) 26%(70) 22%(58) 2%(4) 268 Income: Under 50k 56%(546) 22%(214) 11%(107) 11%(103) 971 Income: 50k-100k 51%(339) 28%(184) 15%(101) 5%(36) 659 Income: 100k+ 47%(171) 28%(103) 20%(73) 4%(15) 362 Ethnicity: White 52%(843) 26%(414) 15%(240) 7%(114) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 57%(110) 23%(44) 18%(35) 2%(4) 193 Continued on next page

191 Morning Consult Table POL11

Table POL11: Generally speaking, do you believe race relations in the United States have gotten better, worse, or stayed the same over the past five years? Don’t know / No Demographic Have gotten worse Stayed the same Have gotten better opinion Total N Registered Voters 53%(1056) 25%(501) 14%(281) 8%(154) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 55%(140) 20%(51) 12%(30) 13%(32) 253 Ethnicity: Other 57%(73) 29%(37) 9%(11) 6% (8) 128 All Christian 52%(508) 26%(253) 16%(157) 7%(68) 986 All Non-Christian 52%(62) 25%(29) 21%(25) 2% (3) 119 Atheist 68%(55) 22%(18) 8% (7) 2% (2) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 53%(244) 27%(122) 9%(43) 11%(48) 457 Something Else 54%(188) 23%(80) 14%(48) 10%(34) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 51%(70) 28%(39) 19%(27) 2% (3) 138 Evangelical 45%(256) 27%(152) 21%(122) 7%(41) 572 Non-Evangelical 58%(422) 23%(165) 11%(80) 8%(60) 726 Community: Urban 46%(259) 22%(124) 23%(129) 8%(47) 560 Community: Suburban 54%(491) 28%(253) 11%(98) 7%(64) 905 Community: Rural 58%(306) 24%(124) 10%(54) 8%(43) 527 Employ: Private Sector 46%(305) 28%(182) 20%(135) 6%(38) 660 Employ: Government 54%(83) 29%(44) 16%(24) 2% (3) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 51%(85) 25%(42) 13%(21) 10%(17) 165 Employ: Homemaker 51%(63) 23%(29) 15%(18) 12%(14) 124 Employ: Student 57%(33) 25%(15) 7%(4) 11%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 61%(301) 24%(121) 9%(43) 6%(30) 496 Employ: Unemployed 53%(113) 21%(45) 9%(20) 16%(35) 213 Employ: Other 60%(73) 19%(23) 12%(14) 9%(10) 121 Military HH: Yes 52%(186) 26%(92) 16%(59) 5%(19) 356 Military HH: No 53%(870) 25%(409) 14%(222) 8%(135) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 51%(475) 24%(220) 18%(164) 7%(66) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 54%(581) 26%(281) 11%(116) 8%(88) 1067 Biden Job Approve 55%(626) 24%(269) 15%(166) 6%(71) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 52%(383) 28%(205) 14%(105) 6%(47) 740 Continued on next page

192 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL11

Table POL11: Generally speaking, do you believe race relations in the United States have gotten better, worse, or stayed the same over the past five years? Don’t know / No Demographic Have gotten worse Stayed the same Have gotten better opinion Total N Registered Voters 53%(1056) 25%(501) 14%(281) 8%(154) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 56%(368) 22%(142) 17%(114) 5%(32) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 54%(258) 27%(127) 11%(51) 8%(39) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 50%(107) 33%(71) 12%(25) 5%(11) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 52%(276) 26%(135) 15%(80) 7%(36) 527 Favorable of Biden 55%(617) 25%(278) 15%(164) 6%(72) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 52%(402) 27%(209) 14%(110) 7%(53) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 57%(384) 21%(145) 15%(102) 6%(44) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 51%(233) 29%(133) 14%(62) 6%(28) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 53%(106) 28%(56) 11%(22) 7%(15) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 51%(296) 27%(152) 15%(89) 7%(38) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 52%(417) 26%(204) 16%(126) 6%(51) 798 #1 Issue: Security 42%(100) 30%(70) 21%(50) 7%(17) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 57%(175) 25%(76) 10%(31) 9%(26) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 55%(146) 25%(66) 13%(34) 8%(21) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 60%(48) 21%(17) 5%(4) 13%(10) 79 #1 Issue: Education 47%(39) 27%(23) 13%(11) 12%(10) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 49%(39) 32%(26) 15%(12) 3% (2) 79 #1 Issue: Other 66%(92) 15%(20) 9%(12) 11%(16) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 57%(575) 23%(234) 13%(136) 7%(72) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 50%(354) 28%(198) 16%(113) 6%(45) 711 2020 Vote: Other 48%(38) 21%(16) 14%(11) 17%(13) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 48%(88) 28%(52) 11%(20) 13%(24) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 58%(458) 23%(182) 14%(110) 6%(45) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 49%(298) 29%(177) 17%(100) 5%(29) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 48%(28) 25%(15) 11%(6) 16%(10) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 57%(430) 22%(169) 14%(103) 7%(51) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 49%(335) 29%(196) 16%(112) 6%(39) 682 2016 Vote: Other 57%(72) 24%(30) 12%(15) 7% (9) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 51%(217) 24%(103) 12%(50) 13%(55) 425 Continued on next page

193 Morning Consult Table POL11

Table POL11: Generally speaking, do you believe race relations in the United States have gotten better, worse, or stayed the same over the past five years? Don’t know / No Demographic Have gotten worse Stayed the same Have gotten better opinion Total N Registered Voters 53%(1056) 25%(501) 14%(281) 8%(154) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 54%(719) 25%(334) 15%(205) 6%(79) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 51%(337) 26%(167) 12%(75) 12%(75) 655 4-Region: Northeast 51%(181) 25%(87) 19%(69) 5%(18) 355 4-Region: Midwest 55%(253) 29%(132) 10%(44) 6%(28) 458 4-Region: South 53%(395) 23%(174) 13%(98) 10%(78) 744 4-Region: West 52%(228) 25%(108) 16%(70) 7%(30) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 57%(553) 23%(218) 14%(133) 7%(63) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 50%(362) 28%(200) 15%(111) 7%(53) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

194 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL12

Table POL12: Looking ahead to the next five years, do you believe race relations in the United States will get better, worse, or stay the same? Will get better Will get worse over over the next five Don’t know / No Demographic the next five years Will stay the same years opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(483) 29%(575) 32%(645) 14%(288) 1992 Gender: Male 28%(260) 28%(258) 35%(330) 9%(85) 932 Gender: Female 21%(223) 30%(318) 30%(315) 19%(203) 1060 Age: 18-34 21%(106) 31%(156) 32%(162) 15%(76) 500 Age: 35-44 21%(64) 23%(68) 40%(122) 16%(48) 303 Age: 45-64 28%(206) 29%(212) 28%(202) 14%(105) 725 Age: 65+ 23%(107) 30%(139) 34%(159) 13%(59) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 21%(30) 28%(40) 23%(32) 27%(38) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 20%(115) 28%(164) 39%(226) 12%(70) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 28%(143) 26%(132) 28%(141) 18%(91) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 25%(175) 32%(222) 32%(227) 11%(78) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 12%(95) 28%(220) 45%(362) 15%(121) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 23%(130) 31%(177) 30%(170) 17%(95) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 42%(259) 29%(178) 18%(113) 12%(72) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 12%(42) 27%(92) 52%(177) 9%(30) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 12%(53) 28%(128) 40%(185) 20%(91) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 28%(82) 30%(90) 32%(96) 10%(30) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 18%(48) 32%(87) 27%(75) 24%(66) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 46%(136) 26%(75) 20%(57) 8%(24) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 37%(122) 31%(103) 17%(56) 14%(47) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12%(75) 27%(174) 47%(296) 14%(91) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 19%(109) 33%(186) 34%(191) 14%(79) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 40%(269) 28%(185) 22%(146) 10%(67) 668 Educ: < College 27%(337) 29%(367) 26%(328) 18%(220) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 20%(96) 30%(143) 38%(181) 11%(52) 471 Educ: Post-grad 19%(50) 24%(65) 51%(136) 6%(16) 268 Income: Under 50k 25%(239) 30%(290) 27%(260) 19%(181) 971 Income: 50k-100k 25%(166) 30%(196) 33%(219) 12%(78) 659 Income: 100k+ 22%(78) 25%(90) 46%(166) 8%(29) 362 Ethnicity: White 25%(403) 28%(456) 34%(546) 13%(207) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 17%(32) 33%(63) 36%(69) 15%(29) 193 Continued on next page

195 Morning Consult Table POL12

Table POL12: Looking ahead to the next five years, do you believe race relations in the United States will get better, worse, or stay the same? Will get better Will get worse over over the next five Don’t know / No Demographic the next five years Will stay the same years opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(483) 29%(575) 32%(645) 14%(288) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 21%(52) 29%(73) 27%(68) 23%(59) 253 Ethnicity: Other 22%(29) 36%(46) 24%(31) 17%(22) 128 All Christian 25%(243) 28%(276) 36%(352) 12%(114) 986 All Non-Christian 20%(24) 30%(36) 41%(49) 9%(10) 119 Atheist 18%(15) 37%(30) 38%(30) 7%(6) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21%(94) 32%(144) 28%(129) 20%(89) 457 Something Else 31%(107) 25%(89) 24%(85) 20%(68) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 22%(30) 29%(40) 42%(57) 7%(10) 138 Evangelical 27%(154) 25%(143) 32%(185) 16%(89) 572 Non-Evangelical 25%(184) 29%(214) 32%(235) 13%(93) 726 Community: Urban 18%(100) 27%(151) 40%(224) 15%(84) 560 Community: Suburban 23%(206) 33%(300) 30%(276) 14%(123) 905 Community: Rural 34%(177) 24%(124) 28%(145) 15%(81) 527 Employ: Private Sector 22%(146) 29%(191) 38%(250) 11%(74) 660 Employ: Government 26%(40) 30%(46) 34%(52) 10%(16) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 28%(47) 24%(40) 33%(55) 14%(23) 165 Employ: Homemaker 20%(25) 44%(54) 21%(26) 15%(19) 124 Employ: Student 27%(15) 41%(24) 17%(10) 16% (9) 58 Employ: Retired 25%(126) 30%(147) 31%(155) 14%(68) 496 Employ: Unemployed 24%(51) 21%(45) 32%(69) 22%(47) 213 Employ: Other 28%(34) 23%(28) 23%(28) 26%(32) 121 Military HH: Yes 27%(95) 32%(115) 31%(109) 10%(37) 356 Military HH: No 24%(389) 28%(461) 33%(536) 15%(251) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 10%(94) 27%(248) 50%(460) 13%(123) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 36%(389) 31%(327) 17%(186) 15%(165) 1067 Biden Job Approve 11%(127) 28%(318) 46%(525) 14%(162) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 45%(336) 29%(216) 14%(106) 11%(81) 740 Continued on next page

196 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL12

Table POL12: Looking ahead to the next five years, do you believe race relations in the United States will get better, worse, or stay the same? Will get better Will get worse over over the next five Don’t know / No Demographic the next five years Will stay the same years opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(483) 29%(575) 32%(645) 14%(288) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 9%(56) 26%(171) 52%(343) 13%(86) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 15%(71) 31%(146) 38%(182) 16%(76) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 32%(67) 33%(70) 21%(45) 14%(31) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 51%(269) 28%(146) 12%(61) 10%(50) 527 Favorable of Biden 11%(120) 29%(326) 46%(519) 15%(165) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 44%(344) 30%(228) 14%(109) 12%(92) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 10%(65) 26%(172) 51%(341) 14%(97) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 12%(55) 34%(154) 39%(178) 15%(68) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 32%(63) 31%(61) 20%(41) 17%(34) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 49%(280) 29%(168) 12%(68) 10%(58) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 28%(225) 27%(218) 31%(248) 13%(107) 798 #1 Issue: Security 38%(90) 30%(72) 24%(56) 8%(20) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 15%(46) 31%(96) 36%(112) 18%(54) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 16%(42) 32%(84) 40%(106) 13%(34) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15%(12) 28%(22) 31%(24) 26%(21) 79 #1 Issue: Education 19%(16) 40%(34) 30%(25) 11% (9) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 24%(19) 25%(20) 43%(34) 8%(6) 79 #1 Issue: Other 24%(34) 22%(31) 28%(40) 26%(36) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 11%(110) 28%(284) 46%(463) 16%(159) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 43%(308) 30%(210) 17%(118) 11%(75) 711 2020 Vote: Other 25%(20) 27%(21) 20%(15) 28%(22) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(46) 32%(59) 26%(48) 16%(30) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 13%(102) 28%(223) 46%(366) 13%(104) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 41%(250) 31%(187) 20%(119) 8%(48) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (9) 29%(17) 22%(13) 34%(20) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 12%(90) 26%(199) 47%(352) 15%(112) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 41%(282) 31%(214) 19%(131) 8%(54) 682 2016 Vote: Other 17%(21) 29%(37) 36%(46) 18%(22) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21%(90) 29%(123) 27%(115) 23%(97) 425 Continued on next page

197 Morning Consult Table POL12

Table POL12: Looking ahead to the next five years, do you believe race relations in the United States will get better, worse, or stay the same? Will get better Will get worse over over the next five Don’t know / No Demographic the next five years Will stay the same years opinion Total N Registered Voters 24%(483) 29%(575) 32%(645) 14%(288) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 25%(337) 28%(374) 35%(464) 12%(161) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 22%(146) 31%(201) 28%(181) 19%(126) 655 4-Region: Northeast 18%(65) 31%(110) 38%(135) 13%(45) 355 4-Region: Midwest 28%(128) 31%(142) 29%(133) 12%(55) 458 4-Region: South 27%(203) 27%(198) 28%(211) 18%(131) 744 4-Region: West 20%(87) 29%(125) 38%(167) 13%(56) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 12%(116) 28%(271) 44%(429) 16%(152) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 42%(307) 28%(205) 18%(130) 12%(84) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

198 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL13

Table POL13: Thinking about race relations in the United States, over the past year, would you say that you have... Become more Become less engaged in these engaged in these Don’t know / No Demographic issues No change issues opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(720) 45%(889) 11%(221) 8%(162) 1992 Gender: Male 36%(334) 46%(427) 13%(125) 5%(46) 932 Gender: Female 36%(386) 44%(462) 9%(97) 11%(116) 1060 Age: 18-34 45%(225) 32%(158) 14%(68) 10%(49) 500 Age: 35-44 36%(108) 40%(122) 13%(40) 11%(33) 303 Age: 45-64 33%(242) 48%(347) 11%(77) 8%(60) 725 Age: 65+ 31%(144) 57%(262) 8%(36) 5%(21) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 52%(73) 23%(31) 10%(14) 16%(22) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 42%(243) 35%(203) 14%(79) 9%(50) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 34%(172) 45%(230) 11%(57) 9%(47) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 31%(215) 55%(383) 10%(68) 5%(35) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 51%(403) 36%(290) 7%(59) 6%(46) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 32%(182) 47%(268) 11%(61) 11%(61) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 22%(134) 53%(330) 16%(101) 9%(56) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 51%(173) 34%(117) 12%(40) 3%(11) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 50%(230) 38%(173) 4%(19) 8%(35) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 30%(90) 52%(153) 12%(35) 7%(20) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 34%(93) 42%(116) 10%(27) 15%(41) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 24%(71) 54%(157) 17%(50) 5%(16) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 19%(63) 53%(173) 16%(51) 12%(40) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 56%(355) 33%(207) 7%(42) 5%(32) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 33%(184) 50%(283) 10%(57) 7%(41) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23%(152) 53%(352) 17%(113) 8%(51) 668 Educ: < College 32%(400) 47%(588) 11%(136) 10%(128) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 40%(187) 43%(202) 12%(59) 5%(24) 471 Educ: Post-grad 50%(133) 37%(98) 10%(26) 4%(11) 268 Income: Under 50k 34%(330) 45%(436) 10%(92) 12%(113) 971 Income: 50k-100k 34%(226) 49%(321) 12%(82) 4%(29) 659 Income: 100k+ 45%(164) 36%(132) 13%(47) 6%(20) 362 Ethnicity: White 34%(544) 47%(752) 12%(196) 7%(119) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 44%(84) 34%(66) 16%(30) 7%(13) 193 Continued on next page

199 Morning Consult Table POL13

Table POL13: Thinking about race relations in the United States, over the past year, would you say that you have... Become more Become less engaged in these engaged in these Don’t know / No Demographic issues No change issues opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(720) 45%(889) 11%(221) 8%(162) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 49%(125) 34%(86) 5%(12) 12%(29) 253 Ethnicity: Other 40%(51) 39%(50) 11%(14) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 35%(342) 48%(470) 11%(104) 7%(69) 986 All Non-Christian 42%(50) 44%(52) 12%(14) 3%(4) 119 Atheist 54%(43) 33%(27) 11% (9) 2% (2) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 34%(157) 45%(204) 11%(49) 10%(47) 457 Something Else 37%(128) 39%(136) 13%(45) 12%(41) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 40%(55) 42%(59) 15%(21) 3%(4) 138 Evangelical 36%(207) 43%(247) 14%(78) 7%(40) 572 Non-Evangelical 35%(252) 47%(344) 9%(64) 9%(67) 726 Community: Urban 44%(246) 37%(209) 10%(55) 9%(50) 560 Community: Suburban 36%(324) 44%(400) 12%(111) 8%(70) 905 Community: Rural 28%(150) 53%(280) 10%(55) 8%(42) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(238) 45%(295) 13%(87) 6%(40) 660 Employ: Government 44%(67) 40%(61) 14%(22) 2% (3) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 44%(72) 37%(61) 11%(19) 8%(14) 165 Employ: Homemaker 30%(37) 47%(59) 11%(14) 12%(14) 124 Employ: Student 58%(34) 30%(18) 4% (3) 7%(4) 58 Employ: Retired 30%(150) 55%(270) 9%(43) 7%(33) 496 Employ: Unemployed 34%(73) 40%(86) 11%(24) 14%(30) 213 Employ: Other 40%(49) 32%(39) 9%(11) 19%(23) 121 Military HH: Yes 36%(128) 45%(161) 13%(47) 6%(20) 356 Military HH: No 36%(592) 44%(728) 11%(174) 9%(143) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 46%(424) 41%(376) 7%(69) 6%(56) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 28%(295) 48%(513) 14%(152) 10%(106) 1067 Biden Job Approve 48%(548) 38%(430) 7%(80) 7%(74) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 21%(154) 54%(398) 18%(134) 7%(53) 740 Continued on next page

200 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL13

Table POL13: Thinking about race relations in the United States, over the past year, would you say that you have... Become more Become less engaged in these engaged in these Don’t know / No Demographic issues No change issues opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(720) 45%(889) 11%(221) 8%(162) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 51%(334) 39%(256) 4%(28) 6%(37) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 45%(214) 36%(173) 11%(52) 8%(36) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 26%(56) 54%(115) 15%(32) 5%(10) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 19%(98) 54%(283) 20%(103) 8%(43) 527 Favorable of Biden 49%(551) 38%(429) 7%(76) 7%(75) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 20%(157) 54%(421) 18%(141) 7%(54) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 50%(338) 37%(253) 5%(36) 7%(48) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 47%(213) 39%(176) 9%(41) 6%(26) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 25%(50) 57%(114) 13%(26) 5% (9) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 19%(108) 54%(308) 20%(114) 8%(45) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 34%(275) 44%(350) 14%(114) 7%(59) 798 #1 Issue: Security 26%(62) 51%(121) 17%(40) 6%(15) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 47%(144) 41%(126) 5%(15) 8%(24) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25%(65) 61%(161) 10%(25) 5%(14) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 50%(39) 30%(24) 1% (1) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Education 37%(31) 39%(33) 9% (8) 14%(12) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 51%(40) 31%(24) 12%(10) 7% (5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 45%(63) 36%(50) 6% (9) 13%(19) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(512) 39%(392) 5%(54) 6%(57) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 20%(142) 54%(387) 18%(130) 7%(51) 711 2020 Vote: Other 28%(22) 43%(34) 11% (9) 18%(14) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23%(43) 40%(74) 15%(28) 22%(40) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 51%(404) 38%(304) 6%(49) 5%(38) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 22%(130) 56%(340) 17%(102) 5%(33) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 24%(14) 54%(32) 7%(4) 15% (9) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 50%(379) 38%(286) 7%(49) 5%(39) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 21%(145) 57%(386) 17%(114) 6%(38) 682 2016 Vote: Other 34%(43) 47%(59) 10%(12) 9%(12) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36%(152) 36%(154) 11%(46) 17%(74) 425 Continued on next page

201 Morning Consult Table POL13

Table POL13: Thinking about race relations in the United States, over the past year, would you say that you have... Become more Become less engaged in these engaged in these Don’t know / No Demographic issues No change issues opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(720) 45%(889) 11%(221) 8%(162) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 37%(497) 47%(630) 11%(142) 5%(69) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 34%(223) 40%(259) 12%(80) 14%(93) 655 4-Region: Northeast 39%(138) 45%(160) 11%(40) 5%(17) 355 4-Region: Midwest 35%(162) 46%(212) 12%(54) 6%(29) 458 4-Region: South 32%(237) 46%(343) 11%(85) 11%(79) 744 4-Region: West 42%(182) 40%(174) 10%(42) 9%(38) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 50%(482) 37%(358) 7%(69) 6%(58) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 21%(149) 55%(399) 16%(117) 8%(61) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

202 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL14

Table POL14: Thinking about the Black Lives Matter protests over the last year, which of the following comes closest to your opinion even if none are exactly correct? The protests brought The protests did not The protests brought about meaningful lead to any about meaningful conversations, but meaningful conversations and little change in conversations or change among America when it change among Americans about comes to addressing Americans about Don’t know / No Demographic race relations race relations race relations opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(350) 36%(713) 34%(681) 12%(248) 1992 Gender: Male 21%(193) 34%(320) 37%(348) 8%(71) 932 Gender: Female 15%(156) 37%(393) 31%(333) 17%(178) 1060 Age: 18-34 23%(114) 40%(199) 22%(110) 15%(77) 500 Age: 35-44 21%(63) 33%(100) 28%(86) 18%(55) 303 Age: 45-64 15%(105) 32%(229) 43%(315) 11%(77) 725 Age: 65+ 15%(68) 40%(186) 37%(170) 9%(40) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 21%(30) 37%(52) 18%(24) 24%(34) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 23%(134) 38%(221) 24%(139) 14%(81) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 15%(77) 33%(167) 40%(203) 12%(59) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 15%(102) 36%(253) 40%(283) 9%(63) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 27%(216) 51%(405) 13%(103) 9%(74) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(78) 36%(208) 34%(195) 16%(92) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 9%(55) 16%(100) 62%(384) 13%(82) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 33%(112) 48%(166) 13%(43) 6%(21) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 23%(103) 52%(239) 13%(60) 12%(54) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 16%(47) 34%(100) 41%(121) 10%(29) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 11%(32) 39%(107) 27%(74) 23%(63) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(34) 18%(54) 63%(185) 7%(21) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 6%(21) 14%(47) 61%(199) 18%(60) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 28%(179) 55%(347) 10%(65) 7%(45) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 17%(94) 39%(221) 30%(168) 15%(82) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10%(65) 18%(119) 62%(416) 10%(68) 668 Educ: < College 14%(174) 33%(416) 37%(468) 16%(195) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 23%(107) 39%(183) 31%(145) 8%(36) 471 Educ: Post-grad 25%(68) 43%(114) 25%(68) 7%(18) 268 Continued on next page

203 Morning Consult Table POL14

Table POL14: Thinking about the Black Lives Matter protests over the last year, which of the following comes closest to your opinion even if none are exactly correct? The protests brought The protests did not The protests brought about meaningful lead to any about meaningful conversations, but meaningful conversations and little change in conversations or change among America when it change among Americans about comes to addressing Americans about Don’t know / No Demographic race relations race relations race relations opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(350) 36%(713) 34%(681) 12%(248) 1992 Income: Under 50k 14%(137) 35%(343) 34%(326) 17%(164) 971 Income: 50k-100k 20%(132) 35%(232) 36%(236) 9%(58) 659 Income: 100k+ 22%(80) 38%(137) 33%(119) 7%(26) 362 Ethnicity: White 16%(265) 33%(534) 38%(613) 12%(199) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 25%(48) 35%(68) 25%(48) 15%(29) 193 Ethnicity: Black 24%(60) 51%(129) 12%(31) 13%(33) 253 Ethnicity: Other 19%(25) 39%(50) 29%(38) 12%(16) 128 All Christian 19%(186) 32%(313) 38%(377) 11%(110) 986 All Non-Christian 34%(40) 39%(46) 20%(24) 7% (8) 119 Atheist 28%(23) 48%(38) 22%(18) 1% (1) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 13%(61) 43%(196) 27%(125) 16%(74) 457 Something Else 11%(40) 34%(119) 39%(137) 16%(55) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 29%(40) 40%(55) 22%(31) 8%(11) 138 Evangelical 21%(122) 26%(150) 41%(232) 12%(67) 572 Non-Evangelical 14%(98) 37%(266) 37%(271) 13%(91) 726 Community: Urban 30%(167) 35%(197) 23%(128) 12%(67) 560 Community: Suburban 14%(130) 38%(343) 35%(319) 13%(114) 905 Community: Rural 10%(53) 33%(173) 44%(234) 13%(67) 527 Continued on next page

204 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL14

Table POL14: Thinking about the Black Lives Matter protests over the last year, which of the following comes closest to your opinion even if none are exactly correct? The protests brought The protests did not The protests brought about meaningful lead to any about meaningful conversations, but meaningful conversations and little change in conversations or change among America when it change among Americans about comes to addressing Americans about Don’t know / No Demographic race relations race relations race relations opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(350) 36%(713) 34%(681) 12%(248) 1992 Employ: Private Sector 23%(151) 33%(221) 33%(220) 10%(68) 660 Employ: Government 21%(32) 41%(64) 33%(51) 5% (7) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 21%(34) 35%(58) 35%(57) 10%(16) 165 Employ: Homemaker 14%(17) 29%(36) 37%(45) 21%(26) 124 Employ: Student 19%(11) 48%(28) 20%(11) 14% (8) 58 Employ: Retired 12%(62) 39%(193) 40%(196) 9%(45) 496 Employ: Unemployed 12%(26) 37%(79) 28%(60) 23%(49) 213 Employ: Other 14%(17) 29%(35) 33%(40) 24%(30) 121 Military HH: Yes 17%(62) 34%(122) 41%(146) 7%(26) 356 Military HH: No 18%(288) 36%(591) 33%(535) 14%(223) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 28%(257) 47%(431) 15%(137) 11%(101) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 9%(92) 26%(282) 51%(545) 14%(148) 1067 Biden Job Approve 26%(290) 50%(563) 14%(155) 11%(123) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 6%(46) 17%(123) 66%(489) 11%(82) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 32%(209) 49%(319) 11%(74) 8%(54) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 17%(81) 51%(244) 17%(82) 15%(69) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 11%(24) 33%(70) 44%(94) 12%(25) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 4%(22) 10%(52) 75%(396) 11%(57) 527 Favorable of Biden 25%(282) 50%(563) 14%(162) 11%(123) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 7%(56) 17%(130) 64%(498) 12%(89) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 30%(205) 48%(325) 12%(78) 10%(66) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 17%(77) 52%(237) 19%(84) 13%(57) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 15%(30) 31%(62) 42%(83) 12%(24) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 5%(27) 12%(68) 72%(415) 11%(65) 574 Continued on next page

205 Morning Consult Table POL14

Table POL14: Thinking about the Black Lives Matter protests over the last year, which of the following comes closest to your opinion even if none are exactly correct? The protests brought The protests did not The protests brought about meaningful lead to any about meaningful conversations, but meaningful conversations and little change in conversations or change among America when it change among Americans about comes to addressing Americans about Don’t know / No Demographic race relations race relations race relations opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(350) 36%(713) 34%(681) 12%(248) 1992 #1 Issue: Economy 17%(138) 30%(241) 41%(330) 11%(89) 798 #1 Issue: Security 14%(34) 21%(49) 54%(128) 11%(26) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 23%(72) 48%(149) 18%(56) 10%(31) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 15%(41) 35%(93) 34%(90) 16%(43) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 14%(11) 51%(40) 10% (8) 25%(19) 79 #1 Issue: Education 16%(14) 42%(35) 22%(18) 19%(16) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 19%(15) 53%(42) 21%(17) 6% (5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 18%(25) 44%(62) 24%(34) 13%(19) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 25%(259) 52%(524) 13%(132) 10%(102) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 8%(59) 14%(100) 65%(466) 12%(86) 711 2020 Vote: Other 12%(10) 27%(21) 35%(28) 25%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 12%(21) 36%(67) 30%(55) 22%(41) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 25%(201) 53%(417) 14%(114) 8%(63) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 10%(60) 17%(103) 62%(377) 11%(64) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 19%(11) 21%(13) 38%(23) 21%(13) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 25%(192) 54%(405) 13%(101) 7%(56) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 10%(65) 18%(122) 62%(421) 11%(73) 682 2016 Vote: Other 19%(24) 35%(44) 33%(42) 13%(16) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16%(68) 33%(140) 27%(115) 24%(101) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 19%(253) 37%(499) 35%(464) 9%(120) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 15%(96) 33%(214) 33%(218) 19%(128) 655 4-Region: Northeast 24%(85) 38%(134) 29%(103) 9%(32) 355 4-Region: Midwest 12%(57) 38%(175) 38%(175) 11%(51) 458 4-Region: South 14%(108) 31%(232) 38%(283) 16%(121) 744 4-Region: West 23%(100) 39%(171) 28%(120) 10%(44) 435 Continued on next page

206 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL14

Table POL14: Thinking about the Black Lives Matter protests over the last year, which of the following comes closest to your opinion even if none are exactly correct? The protests brought The protests did not The protests brought about meaningful lead to any about meaningful conversations, but meaningful conversations and little change in conversations or change among America when it change among Americans about comes to addressing Americans about Don’t know / No Demographic race relations race relations race relations opinion Total N Registered Voters 18%(350) 36%(713) 34%(681) 12%(248) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 26%(249) 52%(501) 13%(129) 9%(89) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 8%(60) 17%(123) 62%(453) 12%(91) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

207 Morning Consult Table POL15_1

Table POL15_1: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from executing no-knock search warrants Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(753) 24%(472) 13%(269) 12%(229) 14%(269) 1992 Gender: Male 37%(349) 25%(235) 15%(136) 13%(122) 10%(90) 932 Gender: Female 38%(404) 22%(237) 12%(132) 10%(108) 17%(179) 1060 Age: 18-34 43%(216) 22%(110) 11%(56) 9%(46) 15%(73) 500 Age: 35-44 40%(121) 24%(72) 11%(34) 9%(27) 16%(49) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(258) 23%(168) 14%(101) 14%(102) 13%(97) 725 Age: 65+ 34%(159) 27%(123) 17%(77) 12%(54) 11%(50) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 47%(66) 19%(26) 7%(10) 9%(12) 18%(26) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 42%(239) 23%(135) 12%(70) 9%(51) 14%(79) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 39%(197) 22%(110) 12%(59) 14%(69) 14%(72) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 34%(235) 25%(172) 17%(120) 13%(94) 11%(80) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 52%(419) 24%(195) 8%(67) 6%(47) 9%(70) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 35%(201) 25%(146) 17%(95) 8%(47) 15%(85) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 21%(133) 21%(131) 17%(106) 22%(136) 18%(115) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 52%(179) 28%(96) 8%(27) 7%(23) 5%(16) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 53%(239) 22%(99) 9%(40) 5%(23) 12%(54) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 35%(103) 25%(75) 21%(62) 8%(24) 11%(33) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 35%(98) 26%(71) 12%(34) 8%(22) 19%(52) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 23%(67) 22%(64) 16%(48) 25%(74) 14%(41) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 20%(66) 21%(68) 18%(58) 19%(62) 22%(73) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 56%(355) 24%(154) 8%(52) 5%(31) 7%(44) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 36%(204) 25%(143) 15%(84) 9%(53) 14%(81) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23%(156) 23%(153) 18%(123) 20%(133) 15%(101) 668 Educ: < College 37%(467) 23%(286) 13%(162) 12%(150) 15%(188) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 38%(180) 24%(112) 14%(67) 11%(53) 12%(58) 471 Educ: Post-grad 40%(106) 28%(74) 15%(39) 10%(26) 9%(23) 268 Income: Under 50k 40%(392) 24%(230) 12%(114) 10%(98) 14%(137) 971 Income: 50k-100k 36%(238) 21%(140) 16%(108) 13%(84) 13%(89) 659 Income: 100k+ 34%(123) 28%(102) 13%(47) 13%(47) 12%(43) 362 Ethnicity: White 35%(556) 25%(402) 14%(227) 12%(201) 14%(225) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 47%(91) 20%(39) 10%(19) 13%(25) 10%(20) 193 Continued on next page

208 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_1

Table POL15_1: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from executing no-knock search warrants Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(753) 24%(472) 13%(269) 12%(229) 14%(269) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 54%(137) 18%(45) 10%(25) 6%(16) 12%(30) 253 Ethnicity: Other 47%(60) 19%(25) 13%(17) 9%(12) 11%(14) 128 All Christian 33%(327) 24%(237) 16%(154) 13%(130) 14%(137) 986 All Non-Christian 43%(51) 30%(36) 10%(11) 5%(6) 12%(15) 119 Atheist 63%(51) 22%(18) 8%(6) 5%(4) 2%(1) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 44%(199) 20%(92) 12%(56) 8%(37) 16%(73) 457 Something Else 36%(125) 25%(89) 12%(40) 15%(52) 12%(43) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(54) 31%(42) 8%(11) 10%(14) 12%(16) 138 Evangelical 37%(209) 25%(141) 13%(73) 12%(67) 14%(82) 572 Non-Evangelical 32%(232) 25%(178) 16%(117) 14%(104) 13%(94) 726 Community: Urban 47%(261) 25%(138) 12%(66) 7%(38) 10%(57) 560 Community: Suburban 37%(333) 24%(214) 15%(133) 11%(97) 14%(129) 905 Community: Rural 30%(159) 23%(120) 13%(70) 18%(95) 16%(83) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(236) 25%(167) 13%(86) 15%(97) 11%(74) 660 Employ: Government 33%(50) 25%(38) 18%(27) 11%(17) 14%(21) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 42%(69) 25%(41) 12%(20) 10%(17) 12%(19) 165 Employ: Homemaker 42%(52) 12%(16) 14%(17) 9%(12) 23%(28) 124 Employ: Student 45%(26) 23%(13) 11%(6) 6%(4) 15%(9) 58 Employ: Retired 34%(167) 28%(138) 17%(82) 10%(47) 13%(62) 496 Employ: Unemployed 48%(102) 18%(38) 8%(17) 10%(22) 16%(33) 213 Employ: Other 42%(51) 18%(21) 11%(13) 11%(14) 18%(22) 121 Military HH: Yes 38%(134) 21%(76) 13%(47) 17%(59) 11%(39) 356 Military HH: No 38%(619) 24%(396) 14%(222) 10%(170) 14%(230) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 47%(432) 25%(235) 10%(97) 7%(68) 10%(93) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 30%(320) 22%(237) 16%(172) 15%(162) 16%(176) 1067 Biden Job Approve 49%(551) 26%(293) 10%(115) 6%(67) 9%(105) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 23%(171) 23%(167) 19%(138) 21%(152) 15%(111) 740 Continued on next page

209 Morning Consult Table POL15_1

Table POL15_1: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from executing no-knock search warrants Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(753) 24%(472) 13%(269) 12%(229) 14%(269) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 54%(356) 24%(158) 7%(46) 7%(43) 8%(53) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 41%(195) 28%(135) 15%(70) 5%(24) 11%(52) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 30%(63) 23%(48) 21%(45) 13%(29) 13%(28) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 21%(108) 23%(119) 18%(93) 23%(123) 16%(83) 527 Favorable of Biden 49%(551) 26%(297) 10%(112) 6%(64) 9%(107) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 24%(186) 21%(163) 19%(147) 21%(160) 15%(118) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 54%(362) 25%(169) 7%(46) 6%(42) 8%(57) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 42%(189) 28%(128) 14%(66) 5%(23) 11%(50) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 32%(64) 22%(44) 24%(47) 10%(20) 13%(25) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 21%(122) 21%(119) 17%(100) 24%(140) 16%(93) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 38%(305) 22%(174) 14%(114) 14%(110) 12%(95) 798 #1 Issue: Security 25%(59) 26%(62) 16%(39) 19%(44) 14%(33) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 50%(153) 21%(66) 11%(34) 7%(21) 11%(34) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 36%(95) 29%(76) 13%(34) 9%(24) 14%(37) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 35%(27) 23%(18) 11%(9) 6%(4) 26%(20) 79 #1 Issue: Education 30%(25) 25%(21) 15%(12) 11%(9) 19%(16) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 37%(29) 26%(21) 11%(9) 10%(8) 16%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 42%(59) 24%(34) 13%(18) 5%(8) 16%(22) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(513) 26%(266) 10%(97) 5%(49) 9%(92) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 21%(147) 22%(153) 20%(141) 21%(148) 17%(122) 711 2020 Vote: Other 28%(22) 19%(15) 15%(11) 12%(10) 25%(20) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39%(71) 21%(38) 10%(19) 12%(21) 19%(35) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 52%(413) 25%(198) 10%(76) 5%(41) 8%(67) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 22%(132) 22%(135) 20%(118) 21%(130) 15%(90) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 17%(10) 32%(19) 20%(12) 13%(7) 18%(11) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 51%(382) 26%(197) 9%(68) 6%(43) 8%(64) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 22%(152) 23%(157) 19%(130) 20%(139) 15%(103) 682 2016 Vote: Other 40%(51) 20%(26) 16%(21) 10%(13) 13%(16) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39%(167) 22%(92) 11%(46) 8%(34) 20%(86) 425 Continued on next page

210 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_1

Table POL15_1: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from executing no-knock search warrants Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(753) 24%(472) 13%(269) 12%(229) 14%(269) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 38%(510) 25%(330) 14%(186) 12%(157) 12%(155) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 37%(243) 22%(142) 13%(83) 11%(72) 17%(114) 655 4-Region: Northeast 39%(140) 25%(89) 15%(54) 10%(34) 11%(38) 355 4-Region: Midwest 31%(142) 29%(133) 14%(63) 13%(59) 13%(60) 458 4-Region: South 39%(287) 20%(146) 12%(89) 13%(99) 17%(123) 744 4-Region: West 42%(183) 24%(104) 14%(62) 9%(37) 11%(48) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 53%(512) 24%(232) 8%(82) 6%(55) 9%(86) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 22%(156) 23%(166) 17%(126) 21%(152) 17%(126) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

211 Morning Consult Table POL15_2

Table POL15_2: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Restricting police officers from using chokeholds on people Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 51%(1026) 22%(441) 9%(187) 8%(163) 9%(175) 1992 Gender: Male 46%(429) 25%(235) 12%(107) 10%(91) 7%(70) 932 Gender: Female 56%(597) 19%(206) 8%(80) 7%(73) 10%(105) 1060 Age: 18-34 46%(231) 23%(116) 11%(53) 8%(41) 12%(59) 500 Age: 35-44 52%(156) 24%(71) 6%(17) 6%(19) 13%(39) 303 Age: 45-64 49%(357) 23%(164) 10%(70) 10%(74) 8%(60) 725 Age: 65+ 61%(283) 19%(89) 10%(47) 6%(29) 4%(17) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 43%(61) 19%(26) 10%(14) 16%(22) 12%(17) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 50%(286) 24%(136) 9%(51) 6%(34) 12%(67) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 48%(245) 22%(114) 9%(45) 11%(55) 9%(47) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 56%(392) 22%(154) 10%(69) 7%(50) 5%(36) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 69%(552) 18%(146) 3%(27) 4%(34) 5%(38) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 47%(270) 24%(137) 11%(64) 8%(44) 10%(57) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 33%(204) 25%(157) 15%(96) 14%(85) 13%(80) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 66%(226) 23%(77) 5%(15) 3%(11) 4%(12) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 71%(326) 15%(69) 3%(12) 5%(23) 6%(26) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 43%(126) 26%(78) 13%(37) 10%(29) 9%(26) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 52%(144) 21%(59) 10%(27) 6%(15) 11%(31) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 26%(77) 27%(80) 19%(55) 17%(50) 11%(32) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 39%(127) 24%(77) 13%(41) 10%(34) 15%(48) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 73%(463) 17%(109) 4%(23) 3%(21) 3%(21) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 53%(300) 23%(133) 9%(53) 7%(39) 7%(40) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 32%(211) 27%(177) 15%(102) 15%(97) 12%(80) 668 Educ: < College 52%(655) 20%(247) 9%(115) 9%(109) 10%(128) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 48%(224) 26%(121) 11%(53) 8%(39) 7%(34) 471 Educ: Post-grad 55%(147) 27%(73) 7%(19) 6%(16) 5%(13) 268 Income: Under 50k 56%(543) 18%(177) 9%(89) 8%(76) 9%(86) 971 Income: 50k-100k 49%(321) 25%(163) 10%(68) 7%(49) 9%(59) 659 Income: 100k+ 45%(163) 28%(101) 8%(30) 11%(38) 8%(31) 362 Ethnicity: White 49%(788) 23%(378) 10%(161) 8%(136) 9%(149) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 54%(105) 16%(31) 10%(19) 10%(20) 10%(19) 193 Continued on next page

212 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_2

Table POL15_2: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Restricting police officers from using chokeholds on people Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 51%(1026) 22%(441) 9%(187) 8%(163) 9%(175) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 68%(171) 15%(39) 3%(8) 8%(21) 6%(14) 253 Ethnicity: Other 53%(68) 18%(24) 14%(18) 5%(6) 10%(12) 128 All Christian 48%(475) 25%(244) 10%(95) 9%(91) 8%(82) 986 All Non-Christian 57%(68) 25%(30) 6%(7) 4%(5) 8%(9) 119 Atheist 69%(56) 12%(10) 8%(6) 10%(8) 1%(1) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 56%(256) 19%(87) 9%(40) 6%(26) 11%(48) 457 Something Else 49%(171) 20%(70) 11%(40) 10%(34) 10%(35) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53%(73) 26%(36) 7%(10) 5%(7) 9%(13) 138 Evangelical 47%(272) 25%(146) 9%(53) 9%(53) 8%(49) 572 Non-Evangelical 50%(361) 22%(160) 11%(78) 9%(68) 8%(60) 726 Community: Urban 57%(319) 23%(127) 5%(29) 9%(48) 6%(36) 560 Community: Suburban 51%(464) 22%(197) 10%(93) 8%(68) 9%(83) 905 Community: Rural 46%(243) 22%(116) 12%(66) 9%(47) 11%(56) 527 Employ: Private Sector 45%(298) 25%(164) 10%(69) 11%(72) 9%(57) 660 Employ: Government 38%(58) 32%(49) 10%(15) 10%(15) 10%(16) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 49%(81) 27%(45) 10%(16) 7%(12) 7%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 58%(72) 16%(20) 2%(3) 6%(8) 18%(22) 124 Employ: Student 50%(29) 28%(16) 7%(4) 4%(2) 11%(7) 58 Employ: Retired 59%(295) 21%(104) 9%(46) 5%(22) 6%(28) 496 Employ: Unemployed 59%(125) 15%(33) 7%(15) 9%(20) 10%(21) 213 Employ: Other 56%(68) 6%(8) 17%(20) 10%(12) 11%(13) 121 Military HH: Yes 49%(173) 23%(82) 10%(37) 11%(40) 7%(24) 356 Military HH: No 52%(853) 22%(359) 9%(150) 8%(123) 9%(151) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 64%(592) 21%(193) 5%(43) 5%(42) 6%(56) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 41%(434) 23%(248) 14%(144) 11%(121) 11%(119) 1067 Biden Job Approve 66%(746) 21%(233) 5%(53) 4%(42) 5%(58) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 31%(231) 25%(184) 17%(128) 15%(114) 11%(84) 740 Continued on next page

213 Morning Consult Table POL15_2

Table POL15_2: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Restricting police officers from using chokeholds on people Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 51%(1026) 22%(441) 9%(187) 8%(163) 9%(175) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 73%(481) 17%(112) 2%(16) 3%(21) 4%(25) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 56%(265) 25%(121) 8%(37) 4%(20) 7%(32) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 36%(76) 32%(69) 14%(30) 10%(22) 8%(16) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 29%(155) 22%(114) 19%(98) 17%(92) 13%(68) 527 Favorable of Biden 67%(754) 21%(232) 5%(54) 4%(41) 4%(50) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 32%(245) 24%(189) 17%(128) 15%(116) 12%(94) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 75%(503) 16%(108) 3%(17) 4%(24) 3%(22) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 55%(250) 27%(124) 8%(37) 4%(17) 6%(28) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 42%(83) 32%(63) 10%(20) 10%(19) 7%(14) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 28%(162) 22%(126) 19%(109) 17%(97) 14%(81) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 48%(379) 23%(186) 11%(91) 9%(72) 9%(69) 798 #1 Issue: Security 30%(71) 30%(70) 17%(39) 14%(34) 10%(23) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 67%(207) 17%(53) 5%(16) 5%(16) 5%(16) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 60%(161) 22%(57) 6%(15) 5%(14) 7%(19) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45%(36) 26%(21) 5%(4) 7%(5) 17%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Education 50%(42) 21%(18) 3%(2) 12%(10) 14%(12) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 56%(45) 15%(12) 12%(10) 4%(3) 13%(10) 79 #1 Issue: Other 61%(86) 17%(24) 6%(9) 6%(9) 9%(13) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 68%(689) 20%(203) 4%(41) 4%(37) 4%(45) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 30%(214) 26%(184) 17%(121) 14%(102) 13%(90) 711 2020 Vote: Other 34%(27) 23%(18) 12%(10) 15%(12) 15%(12) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 52%(95) 18%(33) 8%(15) 7%(12) 16%(29) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 72%(570) 17%(135) 4%(35) 3%(24) 4%(30) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 32%(196) 25%(151) 17%(104) 14%(87) 11%(67) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 31%(18) 33%(20) 7%(4) 14%(8) 14%(9) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 71%(531) 17%(132) 4%(30) 4%(30) 4%(30) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 32%(220) 27%(181) 17%(115) 14%(92) 11%(73) 682 2016 Vote: Other 53%(67) 23%(29) 8%(11) 9%(12) 6%(8) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 48%(205) 23%(98) 7%(32) 7%(29) 15%(62) 425 Continued on next page

214 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_2

Table POL15_2: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Restricting police officers from using chokeholds on people Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 51%(1026) 22%(441) 9%(187) 8%(163) 9%(175) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 54%(727) 21%(285) 10%(128) 8%(105) 7%(93) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 46%(299) 24%(156) 9%(59) 9%(58) 13%(82) 655 4-Region: Northeast 52%(187) 26%(92) 10%(34) 7%(24) 5%(19) 355 4-Region: Midwest 51%(231) 22%(98) 11%(51) 10%(44) 7%(32) 458 4-Region: South 50%(373) 20%(149) 9%(70) 9%(68) 11%(84) 744 4-Region: West 54%(235) 23%(101) 7%(32) 6%(27) 9%(39) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 70%(673) 18%(176) 4%(36) 4%(35) 5%(46) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 32%(230) 25%(183) 17%(125) 14%(99) 12%(89) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

215 Morning Consult Table POL15_3

Table POL15_3: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people based on their race Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 54%(1067) 20%(394) 7%(139) 9%(177) 11%(215) 1992 Gender: Male 51%(477) 21%(197) 8%(74) 11%(100) 9%(85) 932 Gender: Female 56%(591) 19%(197) 6%(65) 7%(77) 12%(131) 1060 Age: 18-34 54%(269) 20%(101) 8%(40) 5%(26) 13%(64) 500 Age: 35-44 54%(163) 21%(64) 6%(19) 6%(19) 13%(38) 303 Age: 45-64 50%(364) 20%(146) 8%(54) 12%(83) 11%(78) 725 Age: 65+ 59%(272) 18%(83) 5%(25) 10%(49) 8%(35) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 56%(78) 16%(22) 9%(12) 6%(9) 13%(19) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 54%(312) 22%(127) 7%(40) 5%(27) 12%(70) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 51%(256) 18%(91) 8%(43) 11%(56) 12%(60) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 56%(389) 20%(140) 6%(39) 12%(81) 7%(51) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 69%(551) 19%(150) 4%(33) 3%(25) 5%(39) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 54%(310) 18%(105) 7%(39) 8%(43) 13%(76) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 33%(207) 22%(139) 11%(67) 17%(108) 16%(100) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 70%(239) 21%(72) 4%(14) 3%(12) 2%(6) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 68%(312) 17%(78) 4%(20) 3%(14) 7%(33) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 53%(156) 20%(58) 7%(21) 10%(28) 11%(34) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 56%(153) 17%(47) 6%(18) 6%(15) 15%(42) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 28%(82) 23%(67) 13%(39) 21%(60) 15%(45) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 38%(125) 22%(71) 8%(27) 15%(48) 17%(56) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 74%(468) 15%(93) 4%(23) 3%(22) 5%(30) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 55%(313) 22%(126) 8%(46) 6%(32) 9%(49) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 34%(228) 25%(165) 9%(62) 17%(115) 15%(97) 668 Educ: < College 54%(679) 18%(220) 7%(83) 9%(118) 12%(153) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 50%(234) 24%(111) 7%(34) 9%(43) 10%(49) 471 Educ: Post-grad 58%(154) 23%(63) 8%(22) 6%(16) 5%(13) 268 Income: Under 50k 55%(533) 16%(160) 7%(68) 9%(86) 13%(124) 971 Income: 50k-100k 52%(346) 21%(139) 7%(48) 9%(60) 10%(66) 659 Income: 100k+ 52%(189) 26%(95) 6%(23) 8%(30) 7%(25) 362 Ethnicity: White 51%(821) 21%(338) 7%(113) 10%(155) 11%(183) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 58%(111) 17%(32) 8%(16) 7%(14) 10%(20) 193 Continued on next page

216 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_3

Table POL15_3: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people based on their race Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 54%(1067) 20%(394) 7%(139) 9%(177) 11%(215) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 68%(172) 12%(30) 7%(17) 4%(10) 9%(23) 253 Ethnicity: Other 58%(74) 20%(25) 7%(9) 9%(11) 7%(9) 128 All Christian 51%(499) 22%(214) 6%(64) 10%(103) 11%(105) 986 All Non-Christian 59%(71) 19%(23) 5%(6) 5%(6) 11%(13) 119 Atheist 67%(54) 22%(18) 5%(4) 4%(3) 2%(1) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 57%(262) 16%(75) 8%(35) 6%(29) 12%(55) 457 Something Else 52%(181) 18%(64) 8%(29) 10%(36) 12%(40) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53%(74) 21%(29) 9%(12) 7%(9) 10%(14) 138 Evangelical 51%(290) 21%(123) 7%(40) 10%(59) 11%(60) 572 Non-Evangelical 52%(381) 20%(143) 6%(47) 11%(76) 11%(79) 726 Community: Urban 60%(335) 18%(99) 7%(41) 6%(35) 9%(50) 560 Community: Suburban 53%(477) 21%(189) 7%(60) 9%(79) 11%(100) 905 Community: Rural 48%(255) 20%(106) 7%(38) 12%(63) 12%(65) 527 Employ: Private Sector 51%(334) 23%(150) 9%(60) 9%(58) 9%(58) 660 Employ: Government 45%(69) 28%(43) 8%(12) 8%(13) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 57%(93) 15%(26) 5%(9) 8%(13) 15%(24) 165 Employ: Homemaker 50%(62) 17%(21) 3%(4) 9%(12) 21%(26) 124 Employ: Student 62%(36) 15%(9) 7%(4) 4%(2) 13%(7) 58 Employ: Retired 56%(279) 19%(95) 6%(31) 9%(46) 9%(45) 496 Employ: Unemployed 61%(130) 16%(34) 5%(11) 7%(16) 10%(22) 213 Employ: Other 54%(65) 14%(17) 7%(8) 14%(17) 12%(14) 121 Military HH: Yes 56%(200) 20%(71) 8%(27) 9%(31) 7%(26) 356 Military HH: No 53%(867) 20%(323) 7%(111) 9%(145) 12%(189) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 64%(589) 20%(182) 5%(43) 5%(44) 7%(68) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 45%(479) 20%(212) 9%(95) 12%(133) 14%(147) 1067 Biden Job Approve 66%(752) 19%(210) 5%(58) 4%(40) 6%(72) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 36%(265) 23%(169) 10%(75) 18%(130) 14%(101) 740 Continued on next page

217 Morning Consult Table POL15_3

Table POL15_3: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people based on their race Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 54%(1067) 20%(394) 7%(139) 9%(177) 11%(215) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 72%(469) 15%(100) 4%(29) 3%(19) 6%(39) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 59%(283) 23%(110) 6%(29) 4%(21) 7%(33) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 43%(92) 30%(64) 10%(21) 10%(22) 7%(14) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 33%(173) 20%(105) 10%(54) 20%(108) 16%(86) 527 Favorable of Biden 68%(766) 19%(213) 5%(52) 3%(39) 5%(62) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 36%(281) 22%(167) 11%(82) 17%(130) 15%(113) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 73%(495) 15%(100) 4%(26) 3%(19) 5%(36) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 59%(271) 25%(113) 6%(26) 4%(20) 6%(25) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 48%(96) 26%(51) 9%(18) 7%(15) 9%(19) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 32%(184) 20%(116) 11%(64) 20%(116) 16%(94) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 52%(417) 20%(157) 6%(52) 11%(86) 11%(87) 798 #1 Issue: Security 36%(85) 27%(64) 11%(25) 15%(36) 11%(27) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 67%(207) 16%(50) 5%(15) 6%(19) 6%(18) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 56%(148) 21%(56) 4%(11) 8%(22) 10%(28) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 53%(42) 18%(14) 7%(5) 3%(3) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Education 49%(41) 18%(15) 13%(11) 2%(1) 18%(15) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 57%(45) 23%(18) 9%(7) — (0) 11%(9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 58%(82) 14%(20) 9%(12) 7%(9) 12%(17) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 69%(698) 19%(193) 5%(46) 3%(28) 5%(51) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 33%(237) 22%(158) 10%(74) 18%(126) 16%(116) 711 2020 Vote: Other 48%(37) 14%(11) 7%(6) 12%(9) 20%(15) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 51%(93) 17%(31) 7%(12) 8%(14) 18%(33) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 71%(561) 18%(145) 4%(31) 3%(24) 4%(34) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 34%(204) 24%(144) 11%(64) 18%(109) 14%(84) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 40%(24) 22%(13) 3%(2) 14%(8) 21%(13) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 71%(531) 18%(137) 3%(24) 4%(29) 4%(32) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 33%(226) 24%(167) 11%(74) 17%(118) 14%(97) 682 2016 Vote: Other 61%(78) 18%(22) 2%(2) 8%(10) 11%(14) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 54%(230) 16%(67) 9%(38) 4%(19) 17%(71) 425 Continued on next page

218 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_3

Table POL15_3: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people based on their race Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 54%(1067) 20%(394) 7%(139) 9%(177) 11%(215) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 55%(735) 20%(272) 7%(90) 9%(121) 9%(120) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 51%(332) 19%(121) 8%(49) 9%(56) 15%(96) 655 4-Region: Northeast 52%(186) 24%(85) 7%(26) 9%(33) 7%(26) 355 4-Region: Midwest 51%(232) 21%(95) 6%(28) 11%(51) 12%(53) 458 4-Region: South 53%(395) 18%(133) 7%(51) 8%(61) 14%(104) 744 4-Region: West 58%(254) 19%(81) 8%(35) 7%(32) 8%(33) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 70%(674) 18%(170) 4%(40) 3%(31) 5%(51) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 34%(250) 23%(165) 10%(74) 17%(120) 16%(118) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

219 Morning Consult Table POL15_4

Table POL15_4: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people who fit a generalized description of a suspect Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(494) 22%(433) 20%(403) 19%(385) 14%(276) 1992 Gender: Male 24%(227) 22%(203) 22%(205) 22%(209) 9%(88) 932 Gender: Female 25%(267) 22%(230) 19%(198) 17%(176) 18%(188) 1060 Age: 18-34 30%(151) 24%(121) 19%(96) 11%(55) 15%(77) 500 Age: 35-44 28%(85) 17%(52) 21%(63) 14%(44) 19%(59) 303 Age: 45-64 23%(165) 19%(139) 20%(143) 26%(191) 12%(88) 725 Age: 65+ 20%(93) 26%(122) 22%(101) 20%(95) 11%(53) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 28%(39) 17%(24) 22%(30) 16%(23) 17%(24) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 31%(178) 24%(137) 18%(104) 10%(57) 17%(98) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 24%(122) 16%(82) 20%(100) 27%(139) 13%(64) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 20%(143) 24%(167) 23%(158) 22%(153) 11%(79) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 39%(310) 28%(221) 16%(127) 7%(54) 11%(86) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 19%(111) 20%(117) 23%(133) 20%(114) 17%(98) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 12%(73) 15%(95) 23%(144) 35%(217) 15%(93) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 43%(146) 28%(97) 17%(57) 7%(25) 5%(17) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 36%(164) 27%(124) 15%(70) 6%(29) 15%(69) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 15%(45) 22%(64) 27%(82) 24%(72) 12%(34) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 24%(66) 19%(53) 19%(51) 15%(42) 23%(63) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(36) 14%(42) 23%(67) 38%(112) 12%(37) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 11%(37) 16%(53) 23%(77) 32%(105) 17%(56) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 41%(258) 29%(182) 15%(96) 7%(42) 9%(57) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 22%(127) 24%(134) 23%(131) 15%(87) 15%(86) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 13%(86) 15%(99) 24%(158) 36%(239) 13%(85) 668 Educ: < College 24%(303) 20%(255) 19%(243) 20%(254) 16%(199) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 25%(118) 23%(110) 22%(103) 18%(84) 12%(56) 471 Educ: Post-grad 27%(73) 26%(68) 22%(58) 18%(47) 8%(21) 268 Income: Under 50k 25%(245) 22%(213) 18%(176) 17%(167) 18%(171) 971 Income: 50k-100k 25%(162) 22%(144) 21%(137) 22%(145) 11%(71) 659 Income: 100k+ 24%(87) 21%(76) 25%(91) 20%(74) 10%(35) 362 Ethnicity: White 21%(345) 21%(339) 22%(350) 22%(356) 14%(222) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 38%(74) 17%(33) 15%(29) 16%(31) 13%(26) 193 Continued on next page

220 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_4

Table POL15_4: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people who fit a generalized description of a suspect Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(494) 22%(433) 20%(403) 19%(385) 14%(276) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 45%(115) 25%(63) 10%(25) 4%(11) 15%(39) 253 Ethnicity: Other 27%(35) 24%(31) 23%(29) 14%(18) 12%(16) 128 All Christian 23%(229) 22%(212) 21%(207) 22%(215) 12%(122) 986 All Non-Christian 34%(41) 33%(40) 12%(14) 11%(13) 10%(12) 119 Atheist 31%(25) 20%(16) 23%(19) 16%(13) 10%(8) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 23%(106) 21%(96) 23%(106) 15%(66) 18%(82) 457 Something Else 26%(93) 20%(70) 16%(57) 22%(78) 15%(53) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33%(45) 32%(44) 15%(21) 11%(16) 9%(13) 138 Evangelical 27%(153) 20%(117) 18%(101) 22%(127) 13%(73) 572 Non-Evangelical 22%(161) 22%(156) 21%(155) 22%(158) 13%(96) 726 Community: Urban 34%(191) 26%(146) 14%(81) 12%(65) 14%(77) 560 Community: Suburban 23%(205) 20%(184) 24%(220) 19%(171) 14%(126) 905 Community: Rural 19%(98) 19%(103) 20%(103) 28%(150) 14%(74) 527 Employ: Private Sector 26%(172) 22%(143) 19%(129) 22%(144) 11%(73) 660 Employ: Government 24%(37) 25%(38) 18%(28) 22%(34) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 21%(34) 25%(42) 20%(34) 16%(26) 18%(30) 165 Employ: Homemaker 30%(38) 9%(11) 19%(23) 22%(28) 20%(24) 124 Employ: Student 32%(19) 21%(13) 24%(14) 11%(6) 11%(7) 58 Employ: Retired 22%(110) 24%(120) 21%(105) 19%(96) 13%(65) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(59) 19%(40) 19%(39) 14%(30) 20%(43) 213 Employ: Other 21%(25) 22%(26) 26%(31) 17%(20) 15%(18) 121 Military HH: Yes 28%(100) 18%(65) 21%(76) 24%(85) 9%(31) 356 Military HH: No 24%(394) 23%(368) 20%(328) 18%(301) 15%(246) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 33%(308) 28%(263) 17%(156) 9%(79) 13%(119) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 17%(186) 16%(170) 23%(248) 29%(306) 15%(157) 1067 Biden Job Approve 34%(380) 29%(325) 17%(198) 8%(90) 12%(138) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 13%(98) 13%(94) 25%(182) 37%(277) 12%(89) 740 Continued on next page

221 Morning Consult Table POL15_4

Table POL15_4: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people who fit a generalized description of a suspect Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(494) 22%(433) 20%(403) 19%(385) 14%(276) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 38%(251) 30%(194) 14%(90) 7%(45) 12%(75) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 27%(128) 28%(131) 23%(108) 10%(45) 13%(63) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 18%(39) 18%(38) 27%(58) 25%(53) 12%(25) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 11%(58) 11%(57) 24%(124) 42%(224) 12%(64) 527 Favorable of Biden 34%(379) 29%(329) 18%(201) 8%(90) 12%(131) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 14%(108) 12%(94) 24%(188) 37%(285) 13%(98) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 38%(259) 28%(192) 15%(99) 7%(48) 11%(76) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 26%(120) 30%(137) 22%(102) 9%(42) 12%(55) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 22%(44) 15%(30) 28%(55) 23%(47) 12%(24) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 11%(65) 11%(64) 23%(133) 42%(239) 13%(75) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 24%(190) 20%(158) 22%(175) 22%(179) 12%(96) 798 #1 Issue: Security 14%(34) 19%(45) 19%(45) 35%(82) 13%(32) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 36%(111) 22%(69) 20%(63) 11%(33) 11%(32) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 23%(60) 29%(77) 20%(53) 14%(37) 14%(38) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 30%(23) 21%(16) 15%(12) 12%(10) 22%(18) 79 #1 Issue: Education 24%(20) 21%(17) 18%(15) 12%(10) 25%(21) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 28%(22) 26%(21) 19%(15) 9%(7) 18%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Other 23%(33) 21%(30) 19%(26) 19%(26) 18%(25) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 35%(361) 28%(289) 17%(177) 7%(75) 11%(113) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(86) 13%(94) 24%(171) 38%(267) 13%(93) 711 2020 Vote: Other 23%(18) 7%(6) 23%(18) 24%(19) 23%(18) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16%(30) 23%(42) 20%(36) 13%(24) 28%(51) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 37%(295) 28%(220) 18%(139) 8%(60) 10%(81) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 12%(70) 15%(92) 23%(136) 38%(228) 13%(78) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 10%(6) 19%(11) 20%(12) 27%(16) 24%(14) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 38%(285) 27%(206) 16%(117) 8%(57) 12%(88) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(79) 16%(112) 23%(160) 36%(245) 12%(85) 682 2016 Vote: Other 25%(32) 11%(14) 28%(36) 20%(25) 15%(19) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 23%(97) 23%(98) 21%(90) 13%(56) 20%(84) 425 Continued on next page

222 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_4

Table POL15_4: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from stopping people who fit a generalized description of a suspect Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(494) 22%(433) 20%(403) 19%(385) 14%(276) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 26%(349) 22%(288) 20%(265) 20%(272) 12%(163) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 22%(145) 22%(145) 21%(138) 17%(113) 17%(114) 655 4-Region: Northeast 24%(86) 28%(100) 17%(59) 19%(68) 12%(42) 355 4-Region: Midwest 22%(103) 22%(99) 23%(103) 22%(101) 11%(51) 458 4-Region: South 23%(174) 18%(134) 21%(155) 20%(149) 18%(132) 744 4-Region: West 30%(131) 23%(100) 20%(85) 15%(67) 12%(51) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 38%(367) 27%(262) 17%(164) 7%(64) 11%(111) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 12%(86) 15%(108) 24%(172) 36%(259) 14%(100) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

223 Morning Consult Table POL15_5

Table POL15_5: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from expunging records of past misconduct Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(722) 22%(446) 13%(250) 11%(215) 18%(359) 1992 Gender: Male 37%(343) 25%(235) 13%(126) 11%(106) 13%(123) 932 Gender: Female 36%(379) 20%(211) 12%(124) 10%(108) 22%(237) 1060 Age: 18-34 37%(183) 26%(132) 10%(48) 8%(40) 19%(98) 500 Age: 35-44 37%(113) 24%(72) 11%(32) 5%(15) 23%(71) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(258) 19%(136) 16%(113) 13%(92) 18%(127) 725 Age: 65+ 36%(168) 23%(105) 12%(58) 15%(68) 14%(64) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 37%(51) 19%(26) 6%(9) 11%(16) 27%(37) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 38%(217) 28%(159) 10%(60) 6%(34) 18%(105) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 37%(187) 18%(89) 16%(79) 12%(61) 18%(92) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 35%(245) 22%(155) 13%(93) 13%(91) 17%(116) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 50%(403) 22%(174) 8%(64) 8%(61) 12%(96) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 32%(185) 24%(138) 14%(82) 8%(48) 21%(119) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 22%(134) 22%(134) 17%(103) 17%(107) 23%(144) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 54%(185) 24%(83) 8%(27) 9%(29) 5%(18) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 48%(217) 20%(92) 8%(37) 7%(31) 17%(79) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 33%(97) 27%(81) 16%(46) 8%(23) 16%(49) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 32%(89) 21%(57) 13%(36) 9%(24) 25%(70) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 21%(61) 24%(71) 18%(52) 18%(54) 19%(56) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 22%(73) 19%(63) 16%(51) 16%(53) 27%(88) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 57%(360) 21%(131) 8%(52) 7%(44) 8%(50) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 36%(201) 23%(130) 13%(71) 10%(55) 19%(108) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 21%(142) 25%(168) 17%(114) 16%(104) 21%(139) 668 Educ: < College 35%(433) 19%(234) 13%(157) 13%(165) 21%(264) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 37%(173) 28%(131) 13%(59) 7%(33) 16%(75) 471 Educ: Post-grad 43%(116) 30%(81) 13%(34) 6%(17) 8%(21) 268 Income: Under 50k 35%(341) 22%(213) 11%(106) 11%(111) 21%(199) 971 Income: 50k-100k 38%(250) 19%(126) 15%(102) 11%(76) 16%(106) 659 Income: 100k+ 36%(131) 30%(107) 12%(43) 8%(28) 15%(54) 362 Ethnicity: White 34%(541) 22%(360) 14%(219) 12%(185) 19%(307) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 37%(72) 25%(47) 12%(23) 10%(19) 16%(32) 193 Continued on next page

224 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_5

Table POL15_5: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from expunging records of past misconduct Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(722) 22%(446) 13%(250) 11%(215) 18%(359) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 52%(130) 21%(52) 7%(17) 7%(17) 14%(36) 253 Ethnicity: Other 40%(51) 27%(34) 11%(14) 10%(13) 13%(16) 128 All Christian 32%(320) 25%(246) 13%(130) 12%(120) 17%(169) 986 All Non-Christian 43%(51) 31%(36) 8%(9) 5%(6) 13%(16) 119 Atheist 66%(53) 17%(14) 6%(5) 7%(6) 4%(3) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 39%(180) 18%(84) 13%(58) 9%(40) 21%(95) 457 Something Else 33%(117) 19%(66) 14%(47) 12%(43) 22%(76) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 38%(53) 31%(43) 10%(13) 8%(11) 14%(19) 138 Evangelical 32%(186) 26%(149) 11%(63) 13%(74) 17%(100) 572 Non-Evangelical 34%(244) 21%(155) 15%(109) 11%(80) 19%(137) 726 Community: Urban 41%(231) 25%(141) 11%(59) 9%(48) 14%(80) 560 Community: Suburban 37%(332) 22%(195) 12%(107) 11%(96) 19%(175) 905 Community: Rural 30%(158) 21%(110) 16%(84) 13%(70) 20%(105) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(236) 25%(164) 16%(107) 9%(60) 14%(93) 660 Employ: Government 29%(45) 31%(48) 14%(22) 8%(12) 17%(26) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 42%(69) 20%(33) 9%(15) 9%(15) 20%(33) 165 Employ: Homemaker 42%(53) 12%(15) 9%(11) 7%(9) 30%(37) 124 Employ: Student 47%(27) 23%(13) 8%(5) 4%(2) 18%(11) 58 Employ: Retired 35%(174) 22%(109) 12%(59) 16%(78) 15%(77) 496 Employ: Unemployed 39%(82) 19%(39) 8%(17) 12%(26) 23%(48) 213 Employ: Other 30%(37) 20%(25) 11%(13) 10%(12) 28%(34) 121 Military HH: Yes 37%(130) 22%(77) 12%(42) 14%(51) 16%(55) 356 Military HH: No 36%(592) 23%(369) 13%(208) 10%(163) 19%(304) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 45%(421) 25%(234) 9%(82) 7%(65) 13%(123) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 28%(301) 20%(212) 16%(168) 14%(150) 22%(236) 1067 Biden Job Approve 47%(532) 24%(275) 9%(101) 6%(72) 13%(153) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 22%(164) 21%(157) 18%(135) 18%(131) 21%(153) 740 Continued on next page

225 Morning Consult Table POL15_5

Table POL15_5: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from expunging records of past misconduct Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(722) 22%(446) 13%(250) 11%(215) 18%(359) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 51%(334) 23%(154) 9%(56) 6%(41) 11%(71) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 42%(198) 25%(121) 9%(44) 6%(31) 17%(82) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 26%(55) 23%(50) 20%(42) 16%(35) 15%(31) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 21%(109) 20%(107) 18%(93) 18%(96) 23%(122) 527 Favorable of Biden 47%(533) 24%(274) 9%(104) 6%(72) 13%(147) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 22%(173) 21%(160) 18%(141) 17%(134) 21%(166) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 53%(356) 22%(147) 7%(50) 7%(48) 11%(75) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 39%(177) 28%(127) 12%(55) 5%(25) 16%(72) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 29%(57) 26%(51) 18%(36) 12%(23) 15%(30) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 20%(116) 19%(109) 18%(104) 19%(110) 24%(135) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 34%(275) 23%(186) 13%(101) 12%(97) 17%(139) 798 #1 Issue: Security 19%(45) 24%(58) 20%(48) 16%(39) 20%(47) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 46%(143) 22%(67) 10%(30) 8%(25) 14%(44) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 35%(93) 25%(67) 11%(30) 11%(29) 17%(46) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 44%(34) 14%(11) 8%(6) 6%(5) 29%(22) 79 #1 Issue: Education 37%(31) 27%(23) 14%(12) 3%(3) 18%(15) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 48%(38) 13%(10) 12%(9) 8%(6) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Other 44%(62) 17%(24) 10%(14) 8%(11) 21%(30) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(513) 23%(237) 8%(84) 6%(60) 12%(122) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 20%(139) 23%(161) 17%(124) 18%(125) 23%(162) 711 2020 Vote: Other 28%(22) 14%(11) 20%(16) 13%(10) 25%(19) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26%(47) 20%(36) 14%(26) 11%(20) 30%(55) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 54%(430) 21%(166) 8%(66) 7%(58) 9%(75) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 21%(130) 22%(135) 18%(109) 17%(104) 21%(126) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 22%(13) 27%(16) 9%(6) 18%(11) 24%(14) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 53%(399) 22%(163) 7%(56) 6%(49) 12%(88) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 22%(152) 23%(155) 18%(120) 17%(118) 20%(138) 682 2016 Vote: Other 37%(47) 20%(26) 18%(23) 11%(14) 13%(16) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 29%(124) 24%(103) 12%(51) 8%(33) 27%(114) 425 Continued on next page

226 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_5

Table POL15_5: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from expunging records of past misconduct Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(722) 22%(446) 13%(250) 11%(215) 18%(359) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 40%(529) 22%(291) 12%(163) 12%(157) 15%(198) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 29%(193) 24%(155) 13%(87) 9%(58) 25%(162) 655 4-Region: Northeast 33%(118) 30%(105) 12%(42) 10%(36) 15%(54) 355 4-Region: Midwest 35%(160) 21%(94) 16%(72) 11%(51) 17%(79) 458 4-Region: South 37%(275) 19%(139) 12%(90) 11%(83) 21%(156) 744 4-Region: West 39%(168) 25%(108) 10%(45) 10%(44) 16%(70) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 51%(490) 21%(205) 9%(87) 7%(70) 12%(115) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 22%(158) 22%(163) 17%(123) 17%(122) 22%(160) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

227 Morning Consult Table POL15_6

Table POL15_6: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from appealing a disciplinary decision Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(391) 18%(358) 20%(404) 22%(441) 20%(398) 1992 Gender: Male 21%(193) 18%(166) 22%(202) 25%(236) 15%(136) 932 Gender: Female 19%(198) 18%(192) 19%(202) 19%(205) 25%(263) 1060 Age: 18-34 28%(140) 23%(117) 16%(78) 10%(52) 23%(113) 500 Age: 35-44 28%(83) 21%(64) 17%(51) 13%(39) 21%(65) 303 Age: 45-64 15%(110) 14%(100) 21%(149) 31%(222) 20%(145) 725 Age: 65+ 12%(58) 17%(77) 27%(125) 28%(128) 16%(76) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 31%(43) 17%(24) 10%(14) 13%(18) 29%(41) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(163) 25%(141) 18%(103) 10%(56) 19%(112) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 18%(90) 14%(71) 18%(93) 28%(143) 22%(109) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 13%(90) 15%(109) 26%(180) 29%(203) 17%(119) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 30%(242) 24%(188) 19%(148) 11%(86) 17%(135) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 15%(84) 18%(102) 22%(128) 22%(125) 23%(133) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 11%(66) 11%(68) 20%(127) 37%(230) 21%(130) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 34%(116) 25%(86) 21%(72) 12%(41) 8%(28) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 28%(126) 22%(102) 17%(76) 10%(45) 23%(107) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 14%(42) 17%(50) 23%(67) 26%(77) 20%(60) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 15%(42) 19%(52) 22%(61) 17%(48) 26%(73) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(35) 10%(30) 21%(62) 40%(118) 16%(47) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 9%(30) 12%(38) 20%(65) 34%(111) 25%(83) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30%(191) 24%(152) 20%(124) 11%(68) 16%(101) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 19%(108) 19%(110) 21%(119) 20%(111) 21%(118) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 11%(70) 13%(85) 21%(138) 38%(253) 18%(122) 668 Educ: < College 19%(236) 17%(216) 19%(238) 21%(263) 24%(301) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 21%(98) 19%(91) 21%(98) 24%(112) 15%(71) 471 Educ: Post-grad 21%(57) 19%(52) 25%(67) 24%(66) 10%(26) 268 Income: Under 50k 21%(201) 18%(171) 18%(177) 19%(187) 24%(234) 971 Income: 50k-100k 19%(125) 18%(121) 21%(141) 24%(160) 17%(110) 659 Income: 100k+ 18%(65) 18%(65) 23%(85) 26%(93) 15%(54) 362 Ethnicity: White 16%(264) 17%(271) 22%(350) 25%(400) 20%(327) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 32%(61) 23%(44) 14%(26) 15%(28) 17%(33) 193 Continued on next page

228 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_6

Table POL15_6: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from appealing a disciplinary decision Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(391) 18%(358) 20%(404) 22%(441) 20%(398) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 37%(92) 23%(57) 11%(28) 11%(27) 19%(48) 253 Ethnicity: Other 28%(36) 23%(30) 20%(26) 11%(14) 18%(23) 128 All Christian 18%(177) 17%(166) 22%(218) 26%(256) 17%(169) 986 All Non-Christian 30%(36) 23%(28) 18%(21) 13%(15) 16%(20) 119 Atheist 30%(24) 17%(14) 21%(17) 21%(17) 11%(9) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 19%(89) 18%(83) 20%(90) 17%(78) 26%(117) 457 Something Else 19%(67) 19%(68) 17%(58) 22%(75) 24%(83) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 26%(36) 21%(29) 24%(33) 14%(20) 15%(21) 138 Evangelical 22%(125) 18%(100) 19%(108) 23%(134) 18%(105) 572 Non-Evangelical 16%(115) 17%(126) 21%(155) 26%(189) 19%(141) 726 Community: Urban 30%(166) 22%(123) 16%(91) 14%(76) 18%(103) 560 Community: Suburban 17%(155) 16%(147) 22%(195) 24%(221) 21%(187) 905 Community: Rural 13%(71) 17%(88) 22%(117) 27%(143) 20%(108) 527 Employ: Private Sector 21%(141) 20%(132) 20%(132) 22%(147) 16%(108) 660 Employ: Government 18%(28) 23%(35) 21%(33) 23%(35) 14%(22) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 24%(39) 16%(27) 19%(32) 18%(30) 22%(37) 165 Employ: Homemaker 16%(19) 17%(21) 11%(14) 23%(28) 34%(42) 124 Employ: Student 36%(21) 18%(10) 15%(9) 9%(5) 22%(13) 58 Employ: Retired 12%(58) 15%(76) 27%(132) 28%(137) 19%(92) 496 Employ: Unemployed 30%(65) 20%(43) 12%(25) 13%(28) 24%(52) 213 Employ: Other 16%(20) 11%(13) 22%(26) 24%(29) 27%(33) 121 Military HH: Yes 19%(67) 15%(52) 22%(77) 28%(99) 17%(61) 356 Military HH: No 20%(325) 19%(306) 20%(327) 21%(342) 21%(337) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 26%(238) 23%(209) 20%(184) 13%(121) 19%(173) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 14%(153) 14%(149) 21%(219) 30%(320) 21%(226) 1067 Biden Job Approve 26%(296) 23%(264) 20%(228) 12%(139) 18%(205) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 11%(79) 11%(85) 21%(159) 38%(282) 18%(135) 740 Continued on next page

229 Morning Consult Table POL15_6

Table POL15_6: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from appealing a disciplinary decision Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(391) 18%(358) 20%(404) 22%(441) 20%(398) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 30%(199) 23%(148) 19%(125) 11%(75) 17%(109) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 20%(97) 24%(116) 22%(103) 13%(63) 20%(96) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 15%(32) 15%(33) 29%(61) 26%(56) 15%(32) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 9%(47) 10%(52) 19%(98) 43%(226) 20%(103) 527 Favorable of Biden 26%(291) 24%(271) 20%(225) 12%(138) 18%(207) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 12%(89) 10%(79) 22%(171) 38%(291) 19%(143) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 30%(200) 22%(148) 19%(127) 11%(76) 18%(125) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 20%(91) 27%(123) 22%(98) 13%(61) 18%(82) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 21%(42) 13%(25) 31%(62) 23%(45) 13%(25) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 8%(47) 9%(54) 19%(109) 43%(246) 21%(118) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 19%(154) 17%(139) 21%(169) 24%(194) 18%(143) 798 #1 Issue: Security 15%(37) 16%(37) 15%(35) 38%(90) 16%(39) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 29%(91) 21%(64) 20%(63) 12%(38) 17%(53) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 16%(41) 20%(54) 24%(63) 21%(57) 19%(51) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 18%(14) 17%(13) 18%(14) 9%(7) 38%(30) 79 #1 Issue: Education 25%(21) 18%(15) 14%(12) 17%(14) 25%(21) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 15%(12) 21%(17) 26%(20) 18%(14) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Other 15%(21) 14%(19) 20%(28) 19%(27) 33%(46) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 27%(270) 23%(232) 20%(208) 12%(124) 18%(183) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 10%(73) 10%(69) 21%(149) 39%(276) 20%(144) 711 2020 Vote: Other 15%(12) 23%(18) 18%(14) 19%(15) 25%(19) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(36) 22%(40) 18%(33) 14%(25) 27%(50) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 28%(226) 22%(174) 22%(172) 13%(102) 15%(121) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 11%(66) 12%(75) 20%(123) 40%(239) 17%(101) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 4%(3) 20%(12) 24%(14) 29%(17) 23%(14) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 28%(209) 21%(158) 21%(161) 13%(98) 17%(127) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 10%(70) 12%(84) 23%(158) 37%(256) 17%(114) 682 2016 Vote: Other 20%(25) 22%(28) 21%(27) 26%(33) 11%(14) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20%(86) 21%(88) 14%(58) 13%(54) 33%(140) 425 Continued on next page

230 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_6

Table POL15_6: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Preventing police officers from appealing a disciplinary decision Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 20%(391) 18%(358) 20%(404) 22%(441) 20%(398) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 19%(260) 18%(241) 21%(280) 25%(339) 16%(217) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 20%(131) 18%(117) 19%(123) 16%(102) 28%(182) 655 4-Region: Northeast 22%(79) 23%(84) 17%(61) 21%(76) 16%(56) 355 4-Region: Midwest 16%(74) 17%(78) 25%(114) 24%(112) 17%(79) 458 4-Region: South 17%(125) 16%(122) 18%(136) 24%(180) 24%(180) 744 4-Region: West 26%(113) 17%(74) 21%(92) 17%(73) 19%(83) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 28%(275) 22%(217) 20%(189) 11%(109) 18%(177) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 10%(74) 11%(81) 21%(153) 38%(275) 20%(143) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

231 Morning Consult Table POL15_7

Table POL15_7: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Allowing police officers to be sued for actions performed on the job Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(679) 24%(485) 14%(279) 14%(275) 14%(274) 1992 Gender: Male 34%(320) 25%(234) 15%(140) 15%(144) 10%(95) 932 Gender: Female 34%(359) 24%(251) 13%(139) 12%(131) 17%(179) 1060 Age: 18-34 45%(225) 24%(122) 12%(61) 5%(26) 13%(66) 500 Age: 35-44 45%(135) 24%(71) 9%(29) 7%(23) 15%(45) 303 Age: 45-64 28%(205) 24%(176) 15%(108) 19%(139) 13%(98) 725 Age: 65+ 25%(114) 25%(115) 18%(81) 19%(88) 14%(65) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 52%(72) 14%(20) 11%(16) 8%(12) 15%(21) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 45%(259) 26%(152) 11%(65) 5%(28) 12%(71) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 31%(157) 24%(123) 13%(68) 17%(85) 14%(73) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 26%(181) 25%(173) 18%(123) 19%(132) 13%(91) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 51%(407) 26%(206) 9%(73) 4%(36) 10%(76) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 31%(177) 27%(153) 16%(90) 11%(63) 16%(91) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 15%(95) 20%(126) 19%(116) 28%(177) 17%(107) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 53%(181) 29%(98) 10%(33) 5%(17) 4%(14) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 50%(226) 24%(108) 9%(40) 4%(19) 14%(62) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 30%(90) 26%(78) 18%(54) 13%(37) 13%(38) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 31%(87) 27%(75) 13%(36) 9%(25) 19%(53) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 17%(49) 20%(58) 18%(54) 31%(90) 15%(43) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 14%(46) 21%(69) 19%(62) 26%(87) 19%(64) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 54%(342) 28%(180) 8%(49) 4%(23) 7%(42) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 35%(195) 26%(144) 14%(81) 10%(58) 15%(87) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14%(95) 21%(142) 21%(138) 28%(185) 16%(108) 668 Educ: < College 34%(423) 22%(277) 14%(180) 15%(185) 15%(188) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(149) 27%(129) 15%(69) 13%(59) 14%(64) 471 Educ: Post-grad 40%(107) 29%(79) 11%(30) 12%(31) 8%(21) 268 Income: Under 50k 36%(350) 24%(235) 13%(123) 11%(108) 16%(155) 971 Income: 50k-100k 33%(215) 22%(144) 16%(103) 17%(111) 13%(86) 659 Income: 100k+ 31%(114) 29%(106) 15%(53) 16%(56) 9%(33) 362 Ethnicity: White 29%(472) 25%(410) 15%(238) 16%(258) 14%(233) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 43%(82) 25%(48) 14%(27) 8%(15) 11%(20) 193 Continued on next page

232 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_7

Table POL15_7: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Allowing police officers to be sued for actions performed on the job Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(679) 24%(485) 14%(279) 14%(275) 14%(274) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 57%(145) 19%(49) 9%(22) 3%(9) 11%(28) 253 Ethnicity: Other 48%(62) 20%(26) 15%(19) 6%(8) 10%(13) 128 All Christian 28%(274) 24%(236) 17%(166) 17%(165) 15%(144) 986 All Non-Christian 43%(51) 34%(41) 8%(10) 5%(6) 10%(11) 119 Atheist 58%(47) 21%(17) 5%(4) 10%(8) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 41%(188) 20%(93) 13%(57) 10%(44) 16%(74) 457 Something Else 34%(119) 28%(98) 12%(41) 15%(52) 12%(41) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 37%(51) 34%(47) 12%(16) 9%(12) 9%(12) 138 Evangelical 31%(177) 28%(158) 15%(84) 14%(79) 13%(74) 572 Non-Evangelical 29%(209) 23%(167) 16%(117) 18%(129) 14%(104) 726 Community: Urban 46%(259) 24%(136) 11%(62) 8%(43) 11%(60) 560 Community: Suburban 31%(277) 23%(204) 16%(140) 17%(150) 15%(134) 905 Community: Rural 27%(144) 27%(144) 15%(76) 16%(82) 15%(81) 527 Employ: Private Sector 36%(239) 26%(170) 15%(98) 13%(88) 10%(66) 660 Employ: Government 30%(47) 25%(39) 16%(25) 17%(26) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 43%(72) 23%(38) 10%(17) 12%(20) 11%(18) 165 Employ: Homemaker 31%(39) 20%(25) 12%(16) 13%(16) 23%(29) 124 Employ: Student 51%(30) 18%(11) 13%(7) 4%(2) 14%(8) 58 Employ: Retired 23%(113) 27%(132) 17%(84) 18%(87) 16%(80) 496 Employ: Unemployed 44%(94) 22%(48) 9%(18) 9%(18) 16%(34) 213 Employ: Other 38%(46) 19%(23) 11%(13) 14%(18) 18%(22) 121 Military HH: Yes 33%(116) 18%(65) 17%(59) 20%(69) 13%(46) 356 Military HH: No 34%(563) 26%(419) 13%(220) 13%(206) 14%(229) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 43%(398) 29%(265) 11%(104) 5%(48) 12%(109) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 26%(281) 21%(219) 16%(175) 21%(227) 15%(165) 1067 Biden Job Approve 47%(532) 28%(319) 9%(106) 5%(55) 11%(119) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 16%(122) 19%(139) 22%(163) 28%(210) 14%(106) 740 Continued on next page

233 Morning Consult Table POL15_7

Table POL15_7: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Allowing police officers to be sued for actions performed on the job Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(679) 24%(485) 14%(279) 14%(275) 14%(274) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 53%(345) 28%(184) 7%(47) 3%(22) 9%(59) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 39%(187) 29%(136) 12%(59) 7%(33) 13%(61) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 28%(59) 21%(45) 26%(55) 16%(35) 9%(20) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 12%(62) 18%(94) 20%(108) 33%(176) 16%(86) 527 Favorable of Biden 47%(526) 29%(332) 9%(107) 5%(55) 10%(111) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 17%(134) 19%(144) 21%(163) 28%(215) 15%(118) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 53%(356) 28%(191) 6%(39) 4%(24) 10%(64) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 37%(170) 31%(140) 15%(68) 7%(31) 10%(46) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 30%(60) 24%(47) 24%(49) 12%(24) 10%(19) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 13%(73) 17%(97) 20%(115) 33%(191) 17%(99) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 35%(280) 23%(186) 15%(120) 15%(121) 11%(91) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(39) 27%(64) 16%(38) 29%(70) 11%(27) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 48%(148) 24%(75) 10%(30) 5%(16) 13%(39) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 26%(69) 27%(72) 15%(40) 14%(38) 17%(46) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 41%(32) 23%(18) 9%(7) 3%(3) 23%(18) 79 #1 Issue: Education 29%(24) 25%(21) 16%(13) 10%(8) 21%(17) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 39%(31) 20%(16) 20%(16) 7%(6) 14%(11) 79 #1 Issue: Other 40%(56) 23%(33) 10%(14) 10%(14) 17%(24) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 49%(493) 28%(284) 10%(100) 4%(37) 10%(102) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 14%(101) 19%(132) 21%(146) 30%(210) 17%(122) 711 2020 Vote: Other 26%(21) 22%(17) 16%(12) 18%(14) 19%(15) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(64) 27%(50) 11%(19) 8%(14) 20%(36) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 49%(393) 27%(213) 11%(85) 4%(35) 9%(69) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 14%(86) 22%(130) 20%(119) 29%(175) 16%(94) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 13%(8) 25%(15) 19%(11) 16%(10) 27%(16) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 50%(375) 26%(193) 10%(78) 4%(34) 10%(74) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(101) 22%(151) 20%(134) 28%(193) 15%(103) 682 2016 Vote: Other 25%(32) 32%(40) 14%(17) 15%(19) 14%(18) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39%(168) 24%(101) 12%(50) 7%(30) 18%(77) 425 Continued on next page

234 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL15_7

Table POL15_7: Do you support or oppose the following proposals? Allowing police officers to be sued for actions performed on the job Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 34%(679) 24%(485) 14%(279) 14%(275) 14%(274) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 33%(441) 25%(328) 14%(191) 16%(208) 13%(170) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 36%(238) 24%(157) 14%(88) 10%(68) 16%(105) 655 4-Region: Northeast 36%(128) 28%(98) 13%(46) 12%(43) 11%(40) 355 4-Region: Midwest 30%(137) 26%(120) 15%(70) 15%(71) 13%(60) 458 4-Region: South 32%(239) 21%(157) 15%(111) 15%(111) 17%(125) 744 4-Region: West 40%(174) 25%(109) 12%(52) 12%(50) 11%(49) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 50%(483) 27%(259) 9%(88) 4%(40) 10%(96) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 16%(116) 20%(147) 19%(141) 28%(206) 16%(116) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

235 Morning Consult Table POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Biden administration’s planned release of a U.S. intelligence report implicating Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the 2018 killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 20%(407) 31%(623) 18%(367) 30%(595) 1992 Gender: Male 24%(221) 36%(333) 19%(176) 22%(203) 932 Gender: Female 18%(186) 27%(290) 18%(191) 37%(392) 1060 Age: 18-34 15%(77) 29%(143) 18%(89) 38%(191) 500 Age: 35-44 22%(66) 27%(81) 21%(62) 31%(94) 303 Age: 45-64 20%(144) 29%(213) 20%(148) 30%(220) 725 Age: 65+ 26%(120) 40%(187) 15%(67) 19%(90) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 3%(4) 30%(42) 18%(26) 48%(68) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 22%(129) 28%(158) 18%(106) 32%(182) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 17%(85) 29%(145) 21%(106) 34%(170) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 25%(173) 36%(251) 16%(116) 23%(161) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 31%(245) 34%(273) 15%(117) 20%(162) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 16%(90) 29%(168) 21%(119) 34%(196) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 12%(72) 29%(182) 21%(131) 38%(237) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 38%(130) 37%(126) 12%(42) 13%(44) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 25%(115) 32%(148) 16%(75) 26%(119) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 18%(52) 35%(104) 20%(59) 27%(81) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 14%(38) 23%(64) 22%(59) 41%(114) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 13%(39) 35%(103) 25%(74) 27%(78) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 10%(33) 24%(79) 17%(57) 49%(159) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 31%(198) 36%(227) 13%(83) 20%(128) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 18%(101) 31%(175) 20%(110) 32%(179) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14%(97) 31%(209) 22%(145) 33%(218) 668 Educ: < College 16%(200) 28%(355) 19%(242) 36%(456) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 24%(114) 36%(171) 18%(84) 22%(103) 471 Educ: Post-grad 35%(93) 36%(97) 15%(41) 14%(37) 268 Income: Under 50k 17%(165) 27%(260) 19%(185) 37%(361) 971 Income: 50k-100k 22%(144) 35%(228) 19%(123) 25%(163) 659 Income: 100k+ 27%(98) 37%(135) 16%(59) 20%(71) 362 Ethnicity: White 20%(316) 31%(503) 18%(292) 31%(500) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 23%(45) 29%(56) 16%(31) 32%(61) 193 Continued on next page

236 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Biden administration’s planned release of a U.S. intelligence report implicating Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the 2018 killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 20%(407) 31%(623) 18%(367) 30%(595) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 29%(73) 30%(76) 17%(44) 24%(60) 253 Ethnicity: Other 15%(19) 34%(43) 24%(30) 28%(36) 128 All Christian 24%(236) 34%(337) 17%(168) 25%(245) 986 All Non-Christian 39%(47) 36%(43) 14%(17) 11%(13) 119 Atheist 27%(22) 31%(25) 15%(12) 27%(22) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 14%(63) 29%(135) 21%(95) 36%(163) 457 Something Else 11%(39) 24%(84) 21%(74) 44%(152) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(48) 38%(52) 13%(19) 14%(20) 138 Evangelical 22%(129) 27%(154) 18%(105) 32%(184) 572 Non-Evangelical 19%(141) 35%(253) 18%(130) 28%(202) 726 Community: Urban 30%(166) 33%(187) 15%(83) 22%(123) 560 Community: Suburban 18%(164) 30%(276) 21%(188) 31%(278) 905 Community: Rural 15%(77) 30%(160) 18%(96) 37%(194) 527 Employ: Private Sector 22%(147) 29%(194) 21%(137) 28%(183) 660 Employ: Government 22%(33) 37%(56) 16%(25) 26%(39) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 22%(37) 36%(60) 19%(31) 23%(37) 165 Employ: Homemaker 16%(20) 19%(23) 18%(22) 48%(59) 124 Employ: Student 9% (5) 29%(17) 19%(11) 43%(25) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(119) 38%(189) 18%(88) 20%(100) 496 Employ: Unemployed 13%(28) 24%(52) 17%(36) 45%(96) 213 Employ: Other 15%(18) 26%(32) 13%(16) 45%(55) 121 Military HH: Yes 25%(90) 34%(119) 16%(58) 25%(88) 356 Military HH: No 19%(317) 31%(504) 19%(308) 31%(507) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 30%(275) 35%(320) 16%(149) 19%(180) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 12%(132) 28%(303) 20%(217) 39%(415) 1067 Biden Job Approve 28%(322) 34%(379) 16%(177) 22%(253) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 11%(80) 30%(221) 22%(166) 37%(274) 740 Continued on next page

237 Morning Consult Table POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Biden administration’s planned release of a U.S. intelligence report implicating Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the 2018 killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 20%(407) 31%(623) 18%(367) 30%(595) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 41%(268) 32%(213) 13%(83) 14%(93) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 11%(54) 35%(167) 20%(94) 34%(160) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 7%(15) 30%(65) 26%(56) 37%(78) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 12%(65) 30%(156) 21%(110) 37%(196) 527 Favorable of Biden 28%(315) 34%(386) 16%(176) 22%(254) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 11%(87) 29%(220) 22%(171) 38%(296) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 38%(253) 33%(226) 12%(79) 17%(117) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 14%(62) 35%(160) 21%(97) 30%(138) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 9%(18) 28%(56) 26%(52) 36%(72) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 12%(68) 29%(164) 21%(118) 39%(224) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 18%(141) 29%(234) 19%(154) 34%(270) 798 #1 Issue: Security 20%(49) 33%(78) 17%(41) 30%(71) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 24%(75) 35%(107) 17%(51) 25%(76) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 22%(60) 34%(89) 18%(47) 26%(70) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20%(16) 17%(14) 23%(18) 39%(31) 79 #1 Issue: Education 20%(17) 31%(26) 20%(17) 29%(24) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 18%(14) 38%(30) 20%(16) 24%(19) 79 #1 Issue: Other 26%(36) 33%(46) 17%(24) 25%(35) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 30%(301) 35%(355) 16%(158) 20%(202) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 11%(80) 29%(206) 21%(148) 39%(276) 711 2020 Vote: Other 6% (5) 35%(27) 29%(23) 30%(24) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 11%(21) 18%(34) 20%(36) 51%(93) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 32%(255) 38%(298) 14%(108) 17%(133) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 13%(80) 30%(184) 20%(122) 36%(218) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 15% (9) 40%(24) 25%(15) 20%(12) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 34%(256) 36%(269) 14%(103) 17%(126) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(88) 31%(214) 21%(143) 35%(237) 682 2016 Vote: Other 17%(22) 29%(37) 22%(28) 32%(41) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(42) 24%(102) 22%(92) 44%(189) 425 Continued on next page

238 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_1

Table POL16_1: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Biden administration’s planned release of a U.S. intelligence report implicating Saudi Arabia’s crown prince in the 2018 killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 20%(407) 31%(623) 18%(367) 30%(595) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 25%(337) 34%(451) 16%(219) 25%(330) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 11%(70) 26%(172) 23%(148) 41%(266) 655 4-Region: Northeast 26%(93) 30%(107) 15%(54) 28%(100) 355 4-Region: Midwest 19%(85) 27%(125) 17%(78) 37%(169) 458 4-Region: South 18%(131) 32%(235) 21%(154) 30%(224) 744 4-Region: West 23%(98) 36%(156) 18%(80) 23%(102) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 30%(288) 34%(329) 15%(148) 21%(203) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 11%(81) 28%(205) 22%(158) 39%(282) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

239 Morning Consult Table POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) opposing the nomination of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 13%(265) 22%(429) 20%(392) 45%(906) 1992 Gender: Male 17%(155) 28%(264) 19%(173) 36%(340) 932 Gender: Female 10%(109) 16%(165) 21%(220) 53%(566) 1060 Age: 18-34 10%(49) 20%(99) 19%(94) 52%(258) 500 Age: 35-44 12%(36) 18%(56) 22%(66) 48%(145) 303 Age: 45-64 14%(98) 23%(164) 20%(143) 44%(320) 725 Age: 65+ 17%(81) 24%(109) 19%(90) 40%(184) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 5% (7) 13%(18) 19%(27) 63%(88) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 13%(73) 22%(126) 19%(111) 46%(265) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 14%(69) 18%(92) 19%(94) 50%(252) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 15%(108) 25%(176) 21%(149) 38%(269) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 20%(160) 23%(186) 17%(140) 39%(312) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 10%(58) 19%(110) 22%(123) 49%(281) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 8%(47) 21%(132) 21%(129) 50%(313) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 27%(92) 30%(103) 15%(53) 28%(95) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 15%(68) 18%(84) 19%(87) 48%(217) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 11%(32) 24%(70) 21%(63) 45%(132) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 9%(26) 14%(40) 22%(61) 54%(149) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 11%(32) 31%(91) 20%(58) 39%(113) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(15) 13%(42) 22%(72) 61%(199) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 21%(134) 25%(162) 16%(101) 38%(239) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 11%(62) 20%(113) 21%(118) 48%(272) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10%(66) 22%(148) 22%(147) 46%(308) 668 Educ: < College 10%(124) 17%(219) 20%(252) 53%(658) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 17%(80) 28%(130) 19%(89) 36%(171) 471 Educ: Post-grad 22%(60) 30%(79) 19%(52) 29%(77) 268 Income: Under 50k 9%(88) 17%(161) 20%(194) 54%(527) 971 Income: 50k-100k 16%(107) 26%(171) 18%(122) 39%(260) 659 Income: 100k+ 19%(70) 27%(97) 21%(77) 33%(119) 362 Ethnicity: White 13%(214) 22%(355) 19%(305) 46%(737) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 11%(21) 19%(36) 25%(47) 46%(88) 193 Ethnicity: Black 17%(43) 19%(48) 22%(56) 42%(105) 253 Continued on next page

240 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) opposing the nomination of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 13%(265) 22%(429) 20%(392) 45%(906) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 6% (7) 20%(26) 24%(31) 50%(64) 128 All Christian 15%(148) 24%(241) 19%(187) 42%(410) 986 All Non-Christian 22%(26) 29%(34) 18%(21) 32%(38) 119 Atheist 19%(15) 16%(13) 13%(10) 52%(42) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 10%(45) 18%(83) 23%(103) 49%(226) 457 Something Else 9%(31) 17%(58) 20%(71) 54%(190) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 19%(27) 29%(41) 21%(29) 30%(42) 138 Evangelical 14%(82) 22%(127) 19%(106) 45%(257) 572 Non-Evangelical 13%(92) 22%(161) 19%(139) 46%(333) 726 Community: Urban 18%(100) 27%(149) 19%(105) 37%(205) 560 Community: Suburban 12%(110) 21%(188) 20%(178) 47%(429) 905 Community: Rural 10%(54) 17%(91) 21%(110) 52%(272) 527 Employ: Private Sector 13%(87) 24%(160) 21%(135) 42%(278) 660 Employ: Government 18%(28) 24%(37) 19%(29) 39%(60) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 16%(27) 21%(35) 22%(37) 40%(67) 165 Employ: Homemaker 4% (5) 18%(22) 15%(19) 63%(78) 124 Employ: Student 7%(4) 11%(6) 20%(12) 62%(36) 58 Employ: Retired 18%(88) 23%(116) 20%(102) 38%(190) 496 Employ: Unemployed 8%(17) 12%(26) 20%(43) 59%(126) 213 Employ: Other 6% (8) 21%(26) 14%(17) 58%(71) 121 Military HH: Yes 18%(63) 25%(88) 19%(68) 38%(137) 356 Military HH: No 12%(201) 21%(341) 20%(324) 47%(770) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 17%(160) 26%(242) 19%(174) 38%(349) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 10%(104) 17%(187) 20%(218) 52%(558) 1067 Biden Job Approve 17%(191) 24%(270) 19%(211) 41%(459) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 10%(73) 20%(148) 21%(154) 49%(365) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 24%(160) 27%(179) 17%(113) 31%(205) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 7%(32) 19%(92) 21%(98) 53%(254) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 8%(17) 16%(33) 20%(42) 57%(121) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 11%(56) 22%(114) 21%(113) 46%(244) 527 Continued on next page

241 Morning Consult Table POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) opposing the nomination of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 13%(265) 22%(429) 20%(392) 45%(906) 1992 Favorable of Biden 17%(196) 24%(270) 18%(203) 41%(463) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 9%(69) 19%(148) 22%(171) 50%(386) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 23%(154) 26%(176) 17%(112) 35%(233) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 9%(42) 21%(94) 20%(91) 50%(230) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 7%(15) 17%(34) 22%(43) 54%(107) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 9%(54) 20%(114) 22%(127) 49%(279) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 12%(96) 20%(164) 20%(159) 48%(379) 798 #1 Issue: Security 11%(26) 30%(72) 23%(55) 36%(85) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 17%(52) 21%(66) 17%(51) 45%(140) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17%(46) 19%(51) 19%(52) 44%(117) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 9% (7) 11% (9) 20%(16) 60%(47) 79 #1 Issue: Education 9% (7) 23%(19) 21%(18) 47%(39) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 8%(6) 25%(20) 24%(19) 43%(34) 79 #1 Issue: Other 17%(24) 21%(29) 16%(23) 46%(65) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 19%(195) 24%(243) 17%(174) 40%(403) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 7%(53) 21%(148) 22%(156) 50%(354) 711 2020 Vote: Other 8%(6) 17%(13) 27%(21) 49%(38) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 6%(10) 13%(23) 22%(41) 59%(109) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 21%(166) 27%(212) 17%(132) 36%(284) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 9%(52) 23%(142) 21%(129) 47%(281) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (5) 25%(15) 27%(16) 40%(24) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 23%(170) 25%(190) 17%(128) 35%(265) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 8%(52) 23%(159) 22%(152) 47%(320) 682 2016 Vote: Other 9%(11) 24%(30) 16%(20) 51%(65) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 7%(31) 12%(50) 21%(91) 60%(253) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 17%(222) 25%(331) 19%(252) 40%(532) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 6%(42) 15%(98) 21%(141) 57%(374) 655 4-Region: Northeast 17%(60) 23%(81) 21%(75) 39%(138) 355 4-Region: Midwest 12%(54) 19%(89) 15%(69) 54%(246) 458 4-Region: South 11%(79) 20%(149) 21%(159) 48%(356) 744 4-Region: West 16%(71) 25%(109) 21%(89) 38%(165) 435 Continued on next page

242 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_2

Table POL16_2: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) opposing the nomination of Neera Tanden to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 13%(265) 22%(429) 20%(392) 45%(906) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 19%(188) 23%(224) 18%(173) 39%(382) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 8%(55) 21%(155) 22%(157) 49%(359) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

243 Morning Consult Table POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? More than 500,000 Americans dying due to the coronavirus Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 56%(1121) 29%(580) 8%(157) 7%(134) 1992 Gender: Male 55%(511) 32%(295) 8%(77) 5%(50) 932 Gender: Female 58%(610) 27%(286) 8%(81) 8%(83) 1060 Age: 18-34 47%(234) 32%(159) 11%(54) 11%(54) 500 Age: 35-44 48%(147) 30%(90) 12%(37) 10%(29) 303 Age: 45-64 57%(411) 31%(226) 7%(51) 5%(38) 725 Age: 65+ 71%(329) 23%(106) 3%(16) 3%(13) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 51%(72) 23%(33) 11%(16) 14%(19) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 46%(265) 34%(194) 11%(64) 9%(51) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 55%(277) 30%(154) 7%(35) 8%(40) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 66%(464) 26%(183) 5%(35) 3%(20) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 67%(531) 27%(213) 5%(36) 2%(18) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 53%(305) 29%(169) 10%(58) 7%(41) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 46%(285) 32%(199) 10%(64) 12%(74) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 62%(213) 32%(109) 5%(18) 1% (2) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 70%(318) 23%(104) 4%(18) 3%(16) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 55%(164) 31%(91) 9%(26) 5%(16) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 51%(141) 28%(78) 11%(32) 9%(25) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 45%(133) 33%(95) 11%(33) 11%(32) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 46%(151) 32%(103) 9%(31) 13%(42) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 70%(445) 23%(148) 4%(25) 3%(19) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 53%(302) 31%(177) 9%(53) 6%(34) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 48%(321) 34%(227) 9%(63) 9%(58) 668 Educ: < College 54%(675) 28%(355) 9%(119) 8%(104) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 57%(266) 33%(155) 5%(25) 5%(25) 471 Educ: Post-grad 67%(179) 26%(70) 5%(14) 2% (5) 268 Income: Under 50k 53%(516) 28%(276) 9%(84) 10%(95) 971 Income: 50k-100k 59%(391) 29%(193) 7%(48) 4%(26) 659 Income: 100k+ 59%(213) 31%(111) 7%(25) 3%(12) 362 Ethnicity: White 56%(905) 29%(473) 8%(124) 7%(110) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 60%(117) 28%(54) 7%(14) 4% (9) 193 Ethnicity: Black 57%(144) 29%(73) 7%(18) 7%(17) 253 Continued on next page

244 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? More than 500,000 Americans dying due to the coronavirus Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 56%(1121) 29%(580) 8%(157) 7%(134) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 56%(72) 27%(34) 12%(16) 5%(6) 128 All Christian 57%(563) 33%(321) 6%(57) 5%(45) 986 All Non-Christian 65%(78) 25%(30) 4% (5) 6% (7) 119 Atheist 70%(56) 23%(19) 2% (2) 5%(4) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 55%(250) 23%(103) 13%(60) 9%(43) 457 Something Else 50%(174) 31%(107) 10%(34) 10%(35) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 61%(84) 30%(41) 3% (5) 6% (9) 138 Evangelical 52%(295) 33%(190) 8%(47) 7%(40) 572 Non-Evangelical 59%(426) 31%(222) 6%(44) 5%(34) 726 Community: Urban 55%(310) 32%(181) 6%(36) 6%(33) 560 Community: Suburban 58%(521) 28%(250) 9%(81) 6%(54) 905 Community: Rural 55%(290) 28%(149) 8%(41) 9%(47) 527 Employ: Private Sector 54%(356) 31%(207) 9%(61) 5%(36) 660 Employ: Government 53%(81) 33%(51) 6%(10) 7%(11) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 58%(95) 25%(41) 11%(18) 7%(11) 165 Employ: Homemaker 44%(55) 28%(35) 12%(16) 15%(19) 124 Employ: Student 59%(34) 26%(15) 5% (3) 10%(6) 58 Employ: Retired 68%(337) 23%(116) 5%(24) 4%(19) 496 Employ: Unemployed 48%(102) 34%(73) 10%(20) 8%(17) 213 Employ: Other 49%(59) 35%(42) 5%(6) 11%(14) 121 Military HH: Yes 56%(200) 30%(106) 8%(30) 5%(19) 356 Military HH: No 56%(921) 29%(474) 8%(127) 7%(114) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 62%(575) 27%(250) 6%(56) 5%(44) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 51%(546) 31%(330) 10%(101) 8%(89) 1067 Biden Job Approve 65%(734) 26%(293) 6%(63) 4%(41) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 46%(338) 35%(261) 10%(71) 9%(69) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 70%(458) 23%(151) 5%(30) 3%(17) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 58%(277) 30%(142) 7%(33) 5%(24) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 51%(109) 35%(75) 6%(13) 8%(17) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 44%(229) 35%(186) 11%(58) 10%(53) 527 Continued on next page

245 Morning Consult Table POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? More than 500,000 Americans dying due to the coronavirus Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 56%(1121) 29%(580) 8%(157) 7%(134) 1992 Favorable of Biden 66%(747) 26%(292) 6%(63) 3%(29) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 46%(356) 34%(264) 9%(72) 11%(82) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 71%(477) 23%(153) 4%(29) 2%(15) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 59%(270) 30%(138) 7%(34) 3%(14) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 53%(105) 34%(68) 6%(12) 7%(13) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 44%(250) 34%(196) 10%(59) 12%(69) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 55%(438) 30%(237) 9%(69) 7%(54) 798 #1 Issue: Security 44%(104) 38%(89) 8%(19) 11%(25) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 65%(200) 24%(75) 6%(18) 5%(15) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 61%(163) 29%(77) 7%(19) 3% (7) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 59%(46) 24%(19) 8% (7) 9% (7) 79 #1 Issue: Education 46%(39) 28%(23) 11% (9) 15%(12) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 54%(43) 30%(24) 9% (7) 7% (5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 62%(88) 26%(36) 7%(10) 5% (7) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 67%(684) 25%(254) 5%(49) 3%(28) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 44%(315) 35%(248) 10%(72) 11%(75) 711 2020 Vote: Other 48%(38) 28%(22) 15%(12) 9% (7) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 44%(80) 30%(56) 13%(25) 13%(23) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 70%(554) 24%(193) 4%(31) 2%(17) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 48%(291) 33%(199) 10%(60) 9%(55) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 50%(30) 39%(23) 5% (3) 5% (3) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 69%(519) 25%(187) 4%(27) 3%(20) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 47%(318) 34%(234) 10%(71) 9%(59) 682 2016 Vote: Other 61%(77) 28%(36) 5%(6) 6% (8) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 48%(205) 29%(123) 12%(53) 11%(45) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 61%(814) 28%(373) 6%(82) 5%(68) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 47%(307) 32%(207) 12%(75) 10%(65) 655 4-Region: Northeast 57%(202) 31%(110) 8%(27) 5%(17) 355 4-Region: Midwest 59%(270) 27%(124) 7%(33) 7%(30) 458 4-Region: South 52%(384) 31%(229) 10%(72) 8%(58) 744 4-Region: West 61%(265) 27%(117) 6%(25) 6%(28) 435 Continued on next page

246 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_3

Table POL16_3: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? More than 500,000 Americans dying due to the coronavirus Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 56%(1121) 29%(580) 8%(157) 7%(134) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 67%(649) 26%(248) 5%(47) 2%(22) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 44%(321) 34%(248) 10%(76) 11%(81) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

247 Morning Consult Table POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saying he will support Donald Trump for president if he becomes the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 2024 Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 19%(381) 31%(621) 19%(380) 31%(610) 1992 Gender: Male 21%(198) 35%(324) 19%(176) 25%(235) 932 Gender: Female 17%(184) 28%(297) 19%(204) 35%(375) 1060 Age: 18-34 16%(78) 23%(117) 21%(107) 40%(198) 500 Age: 35-44 17%(52) 26%(78) 25%(75) 32%(98) 303 Age: 45-64 19%(137) 34%(247) 17%(123) 30%(218) 725 Age: 65+ 25%(114) 38%(178) 16%(74) 21%(96) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 6% (8) 13%(18) 21%(29) 60%(84) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 19%(112) 28%(160) 22%(126) 31%(176) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 16%(82) 32%(165) 18%(91) 33%(168) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 23%(164) 37%(258) 17%(119) 23%(161) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 26%(209) 30%(243) 17%(133) 27%(212) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(77) 29%(168) 22%(127) 35%(200) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 15%(94) 34%(210) 19%(119) 32%(198) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 30%(104) 35%(119) 13%(46) 22%(74) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 23%(106) 27%(124) 19%(87) 30%(138) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 15%(44) 33%(97) 23%(69) 29%(86) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 12%(33) 26%(71) 21%(58) 41%(114) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 17%(50) 37%(108) 21%(61) 26%(75) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 14%(45) 31%(102) 18%(59) 37%(123) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 30%(189) 31%(197) 14%(92) 25%(158) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 14%(79) 32%(183) 21%(121) 32%(181) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 15%(103) 35%(232) 20%(135) 30%(198) 668 Educ: < College 15%(186) 30%(373) 20%(249) 35%(444) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 24%(112) 33%(158) 18%(85) 25%(116) 471 Educ: Post-grad 31%(83) 33%(89) 17%(46) 19%(50) 268 Income: Under 50k 16%(155) 27%(265) 20%(196) 37%(355) 971 Income: 50k-100k 21%(140) 33%(218) 19%(127) 27%(175) 659 Income: 100k+ 24%(87) 38%(138) 16%(57) 22%(80) 362 Ethnicity: White 19%(311) 32%(515) 19%(302) 30%(483) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 18%(35) 31%(59) 20%(39) 31%(60) 193 Ethnicity: Black 22%(56) 27%(69) 20%(52) 30%(75) 253 Continued on next page

248 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saying he will support Donald Trump for president if he becomes the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 2024 Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 19%(381) 31%(621) 19%(380) 31%(610) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 11%(14) 29%(37) 20%(26) 40%(51) 128 All Christian 22%(213) 34%(333) 18%(175) 27%(265) 986 All Non-Christian 38%(46) 31%(37) 15%(18) 16%(19) 119 Atheist 22%(18) 24%(19) 19%(15) 35%(28) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 16%(72) 29%(131) 19%(85) 37%(169) 457 Something Else 10%(34) 29%(101) 25%(86) 37%(129) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 35%(48) 31%(43) 17%(24) 17%(23) 138 Evangelical 19%(111) 30%(173) 19%(109) 31%(180) 572 Non-Evangelical 18%(130) 34%(250) 20%(142) 28%(204) 726 Community: Urban 24%(134) 30%(170) 20%(112) 26%(144) 560 Community: Suburban 18%(162) 32%(290) 20%(180) 30%(273) 905 Community: Rural 16%(86) 31%(161) 17%(87) 37%(193) 527 Employ: Private Sector 19%(123) 32%(215) 21%(135) 28%(187) 660 Employ: Government 19%(29) 36%(55) 17%(26) 28%(43) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 25%(41) 26%(43) 17%(29) 32%(52) 165 Employ: Homemaker 15%(18) 25%(31) 15%(19) 46%(57) 124 Employ: Student 12% (7) 20%(11) 19%(11) 49%(29) 58 Employ: Retired 24%(119) 37%(183) 19%(92) 21%(102) 496 Employ: Unemployed 12%(26) 20%(43) 24%(51) 44%(93) 213 Employ: Other 15%(18) 33%(40) 14%(17) 38%(46) 121 Military HH: Yes 25%(89) 32%(115) 19%(69) 23%(83) 356 Military HH: No 18%(293) 31%(506) 19%(311) 32%(527) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 25%(228) 32%(295) 16%(149) 27%(253) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 14%(153) 31%(326) 22%(231) 33%(357) 1067 Biden Job Approve 23%(266) 31%(354) 18%(203) 27%(309) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 15%(114) 35%(256) 19%(142) 31%(228) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 32%(208) 33%(217) 14%(94) 21%(138) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 12%(58) 29%(137) 23%(110) 36%(171) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 12%(25) 30%(65) 22%(48) 36%(76) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 17%(89) 36%(192) 18%(94) 29%(152) 527 Continued on next page

249 Morning Consult Table POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saying he will support Donald Trump for president if he becomes the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 2024 Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 19%(381) 31%(621) 19%(380) 31%(610) 1992 Favorable of Biden 24%(268) 31%(349) 18%(202) 27%(311) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 14%(111) 33%(257) 20%(156) 32%(249) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 31%(209) 31%(209) 14%(94) 24%(163) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 13%(59) 31%(141) 24%(108) 32%(148) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 11%(22) 31%(62) 22%(43) 36%(72) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 16%(90) 34%(195) 20%(113) 31%(176) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 17%(136) 31%(249) 18%(147) 33%(266) 798 #1 Issue: Security 19%(45) 33%(78) 25%(59) 24%(56) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 22%(68) 33%(101) 15%(47) 30%(92) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 22%(58) 33%(88) 21%(55) 24%(65) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 16%(12) 20%(16) 23%(18) 42%(33) 79 #1 Issue: Education 11% (9) 23%(19) 25%(21) 41%(34) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 21%(17) 31%(24) 22%(18) 25%(20) 79 #1 Issue: Other 25%(36) 33%(46) 12%(16) 31%(43) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 26%(265) 31%(312) 17%(169) 27%(270) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(96) 34%(243) 22%(153) 31%(219) 711 2020 Vote: Other 7%(6) 29%(23) 19%(15) 45%(35) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 8%(15) 23%(42) 24%(43) 46%(84) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 28%(224) 33%(264) 16%(124) 23%(183) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 17%(102) 36%(217) 18%(111) 29%(175) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 10%(6) 23%(14) 26%(15) 42%(25) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 29%(220) 33%(250) 15%(110) 23%(173) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 15%(102) 36%(249) 19%(132) 29%(200) 682 2016 Vote: Other 14%(17) 30%(39) 16%(20) 40%(51) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 10%(43) 19%(83) 28%(118) 43%(182) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 24%(317) 34%(454) 17%(223) 26%(344) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 10%(65) 25%(167) 24%(157) 41%(266) 655 4-Region: Northeast 26%(91) 26%(94) 21%(74) 27%(97) 355 4-Region: Midwest 19%(88) 30%(138) 19%(88) 31%(143) 458 4-Region: South 16%(121) 31%(234) 19%(141) 33%(248) 744 4-Region: West 19%(81) 36%(155) 18%(77) 28%(122) 435 Continued on next page

250 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_4

Table POL16_4: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) saying he will support Donald Trump for president if he becomes the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 2024 Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 19%(381) 31%(621) 19%(380) 31%(610) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 26%(248) 31%(298) 17%(160) 27%(261) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 14%(103) 34%(245) 21%(151) 31%(227) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

251 Morning Consult Table POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Senate parliamentarian’s ruling that Democrats’ proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ reconciliation rules on legislation Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 23%(463) 34%(684) 18%(368) 24%(476) 1992 Gender: Male 26%(241) 38%(353) 15%(144) 21%(195) 932 Gender: Female 21%(222) 31%(332) 21%(225) 26%(281) 1060 Age: 18-34 18%(90) 36%(181) 18%(89) 28%(140) 500 Age: 35-44 22%(67) 33%(100) 22%(65) 23%(71) 303 Age: 45-64 25%(183) 35%(251) 18%(131) 22%(161) 725 Age: 65+ 27%(124) 33%(153) 18%(82) 23%(104) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 11%(16) 33%(46) 18%(25) 38%(53) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 22%(125) 36%(209) 20%(113) 22%(128) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 23%(118) 36%(182) 18%(93) 22%(113) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 27%(190) 32%(228) 18%(125) 23%(159) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 32%(258) 36%(285) 16%(131) 16%(124) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 18%(105) 30%(173) 23%(130) 29%(165) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 16%(101) 36%(226) 17%(107) 30%(187) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 35%(121) 40%(138) 12%(39) 13%(44) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 30%(137) 32%(148) 20%(92) 18%(80) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 19%(57) 33%(99) 20%(59) 27%(81) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 17%(48) 27%(74) 26%(71) 30%(84) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 21%(63) 39%(116) 15%(45) 24%(70) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(38) 34%(111) 19%(62) 36%(117) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 35%(223) 34%(213) 14%(91) 17%(109) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 18%(103) 33%(188) 22%(125) 26%(149) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19%(127) 38%(254) 19%(124) 24%(163) 668 Educ: < College 20%(245) 33%(412) 20%(250) 28%(345) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 27%(128) 37%(175) 16%(75) 20%(93) 471 Educ: Post-grad 34%(90) 36%(97) 16%(43) 14%(38) 268 Income: Under 50k 21%(200) 30%(296) 21%(203) 28%(273) 971 Income: 50k-100k 26%(169) 37%(242) 16%(103) 22%(145) 659 Income: 100k+ 26%(95) 41%(147) 17%(62) 16%(58) 362 Ethnicity: White 23%(373) 33%(539) 18%(293) 25%(405) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 19%(37) 35%(67) 25%(49) 21%(40) 193 Ethnicity: Black 30%(75) 41%(103) 15%(39) 14%(35) 253 Continued on next page

252 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Senate parliamentarian’s ruling that Democrats’ proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ reconciliation rules on legislation Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 23%(463) 34%(684) 18%(368) 24%(476) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 12%(15) 32%(41) 28%(36) 27%(35) 128 All Christian 25%(242) 37%(368) 17%(165) 21%(211) 986 All Non-Christian 34%(41) 31%(37) 18%(22) 17%(20) 119 Atheist 27%(22) 25%(20) 23%(19) 25%(20) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(92) 28%(127) 23%(103) 30%(135) 457 Something Else 19%(67) 38%(133) 17%(60) 26%(89) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 31%(42) 35%(48) 18%(25) 16%(23) 138 Evangelical 23%(134) 38%(215) 17%(100) 22%(123) 572 Non-Evangelical 24%(173) 36%(263) 17%(120) 23%(170) 726 Community: Urban 32%(176) 35%(199) 17%(95) 16%(90) 560 Community: Suburban 21%(191) 35%(313) 19%(168) 26%(234) 905 Community: Rural 18%(96) 33%(173) 20%(106) 29%(152) 527 Employ: Private Sector 21%(141) 38%(253) 18%(121) 22%(146) 660 Employ: Government 26%(39) 38%(58) 15%(24) 21%(33) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 32%(53) 32%(52) 19%(31) 17%(28) 165 Employ: Homemaker 21%(26) 26%(32) 16%(20) 37%(46) 124 Employ: Student 12% (7) 38%(22) 15% (9) 35%(21) 58 Employ: Retired 30%(149) 31%(154) 19%(92) 20%(101) 496 Employ: Unemployed 16%(34) 31%(65) 23%(49) 30%(64) 213 Employ: Other 12%(14) 39%(48) 19%(23) 30%(37) 121 Military HH: Yes 29%(102) 32%(113) 17%(62) 22%(79) 356 Military HH: No 22%(361) 35%(571) 19%(307) 24%(397) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 29%(265) 36%(336) 17%(154) 18%(170) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 19%(198) 33%(348) 20%(214) 29%(306) 1067 Biden Job Approve 29%(325) 35%(393) 18%(209) 18%(205) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 18%(132) 37%(271) 17%(125) 29%(213) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 37%(244) 35%(230) 15%(101) 12%(80) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 17%(81) 34%(163) 23%(107) 26%(125) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 16%(33) 36%(77) 18%(39) 30%(65) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 19%(98) 37%(194) 16%(86) 28%(148) 527 Continued on next page

253 Morning Consult Table POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Senate parliamentarian’s ruling that Democrats’ proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ reconciliation rules on legislation Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 23%(463) 34%(684) 18%(368) 24%(476) 1992 Favorable of Biden 28%(318) 36%(402) 18%(206) 18%(205) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 17%(135) 34%(263) 18%(140) 30%(236) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 34%(233) 35%(234) 15%(104) 16%(105) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 19%(85) 37%(168) 22%(102) 22%(100) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 15%(30) 34%(68) 21%(42) 29%(58) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 18%(104) 34%(195) 17%(98) 31%(178) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 22%(177) 37%(294) 17%(137) 24%(190) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(41) 39%(93) 21%(49) 23%(56) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 28%(87) 32%(100) 17%(53) 22%(68) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 27%(72) 31%(83) 16%(44) 25%(67) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 19%(15) 29%(23) 23%(18) 29%(23) 79 #1 Issue: Education 18%(15) 24%(20) 35%(29) 23%(20) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 23%(18) 33%(26) 18%(15) 25%(20) 79 #1 Issue: Other 27%(39) 32%(45) 17%(24) 23%(33) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 30%(306) 36%(361) 17%(173) 17%(177) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 17%(117) 36%(259) 17%(124) 30%(211) 711 2020 Vote: Other 21%(16) 28%(22) 21%(16) 31%(24) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(24) 23%(43) 29%(53) 35%(64) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 33%(259) 37%(296) 16%(126) 14%(113) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 19%(115) 37%(221) 17%(101) 28%(168) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 21%(13) 36%(22) 23%(14) 20%(12) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 34%(255) 35%(267) 16%(121) 15%(111) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 19%(127) 38%(256) 18%(120) 26%(179) 682 2016 Vote: Other 17%(22) 35%(45) 19%(24) 28%(36) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(59) 27%(117) 24%(103) 35%(147) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 28%(368) 36%(487) 16%(217) 20%(266) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 15%(95) 30%(198) 23%(152) 32%(210) 655 4-Region: Northeast 29%(102) 35%(123) 17%(59) 20%(71) 355 4-Region: Midwest 22%(100) 31%(141) 17%(79) 30%(137) 458 4-Region: South 21%(154) 36%(268) 19%(141) 24%(180) 744 4-Region: West 24%(107) 35%(152) 21%(90) 20%(87) 435 Continued on next page

254 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_5

Table POL16_5: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Senate parliamentarian’s ruling that Democrats’ proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ reconciliation rules on legislation Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 23%(463) 34%(684) 18%(368) 24%(476) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 31%(299) 36%(344) 17%(165) 16%(159) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 15%(110) 37%(268) 18%(129) 30%(220) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

255 Morning Consult Table POL16_6

Table POL16_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Food and Drug Administration’s expected authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 40%(797) 37%(730) 12%(231) 12%(234) 1992 Gender: Male 40%(372) 39%(359) 11%(103) 10%(98) 932 Gender: Female 40%(425) 35%(371) 12%(127) 13%(137) 1060 Age: 18-34 27%(133) 36%(182) 17%(83) 20%(102) 500 Age: 35-44 32%(98) 35%(107) 17%(51) 16%(47) 303 Age: 45-64 42%(305) 39%(284) 10%(74) 9%(63) 725 Age: 65+ 56%(261) 34%(158) 5%(23) 5%(22) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 17%(24) 33%(46) 21%(30) 28%(39) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 31%(180) 37%(214) 15%(87) 16%(95) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 38%(195) 38%(193) 12%(59) 12%(59) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 51%(356) 37%(258) 8%(53) 5%(35) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 51%(407) 32%(259) 9%(71) 8%(61) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 35%(200) 36%(208) 14%(83) 14%(82) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 31%(190) 42%(263) 12%(77) 15%(91) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 52%(178) 35%(120) 7%(24) 6%(20) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 50%(229) 31%(139) 10%(47) 9%(41) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 34%(101) 38%(113) 15%(46) 13%(37) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 36%(99) 34%(95) 13%(37) 16%(45) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 32%(93) 43%(127) 11%(34) 14%(40) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 30%(97) 42%(136) 13%(44) 16%(51) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 51%(326) 32%(200) 9%(59) 8%(50) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 40%(224) 36%(205) 12%(69) 12%(67) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 33%(222) 44%(293) 12%(79) 11%(74) 668 Educ: < College 36%(447) 36%(451) 13%(163) 15%(193) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 44%(207) 39%(182) 10%(49) 7%(33) 471 Educ: Post-grad 53%(143) 36%(97) 7%(19) 3% (9) 268 Income: Under 50k 34%(328) 36%(349) 14%(131) 17%(162) 971 Income: 50k-100k 45%(297) 39%(254) 9%(57) 8%(50) 659 Income: 100k+ 47%(171) 35%(126) 12%(43) 6%(22) 362 Ethnicity: White 40%(649) 37%(599) 11%(181) 11%(182) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 39%(76) 34%(66) 17%(32) 10%(19) 193 Ethnicity: Black 41%(105) 31%(79) 15%(37) 13%(32) 253 Continued on next page

256 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_6

Table POL16_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Food and Drug Administration’s expected authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 40%(797) 37%(730) 12%(231) 12%(234) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 33%(43) 41%(52) 10%(13) 16%(20) 128 All Christian 46%(450) 38%(371) 8%(79) 9%(85) 986 All Non-Christian 55%(66) 29%(35) 10%(12) 5%(6) 119 Atheist 43%(35) 29%(24) 18%(15) 9% (7) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 31%(141) 39%(177) 14%(64) 16%(74) 457 Something Else 30%(105) 35%(123) 17%(60) 18%(62) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 53%(73) 29%(41) 12%(16) 6% (8) 138 Evangelical 37%(212) 37%(211) 12%(70) 14%(78) 572 Non-Evangelical 45%(330) 37%(268) 9%(66) 9%(62) 726 Community: Urban 41%(229) 37%(208) 12%(65) 10%(58) 560 Community: Suburban 43%(391) 36%(324) 11%(97) 10%(94) 905 Community: Rural 33%(177) 38%(199) 13%(70) 16%(83) 527 Employ: Private Sector 39%(260) 38%(254) 12%(77) 10%(69) 660 Employ: Government 42%(64) 38%(59) 9%(13) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 40%(66) 36%(60) 12%(21) 11%(18) 165 Employ: Homemaker 36%(45) 35%(44) 8%(10) 20%(25) 124 Employ: Student 27%(16) 25%(15) 22%(13) 25%(14) 58 Employ: Retired 52%(260) 34%(169) 7%(37) 6%(30) 496 Employ: Unemployed 24%(50) 35%(75) 21%(45) 20%(43) 213 Employ: Other 28%(34) 46%(56) 12%(15) 14%(17) 121 Military HH: Yes 42%(148) 38%(134) 11%(39) 10%(35) 356 Military HH: No 40%(649) 36%(596) 12%(192) 12%(199) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 49%(454) 32%(300) 9%(88) 9%(83) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 32%(342) 40%(430) 13%(143) 14%(151) 1067 Biden Job Approve 47%(536) 34%(388) 10%(111) 8%(96) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 32%(238) 41%(305) 13%(97) 14%(101) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 58%(379) 29%(188) 7%(44) 7%(44) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 33%(157) 42%(200) 14%(67) 11%(52) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 33%(70) 41%(88) 9%(19) 17%(37) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 32%(168) 41%(217) 15%(78) 12%(64) 527 Continued on next page

257 Morning Consult Table POL16_6

Table POL16_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Food and Drug Administration’s expected authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 40%(797) 37%(730) 12%(231) 12%(234) 1992 Favorable of Biden 48%(548) 34%(380) 10%(109) 8%(94) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 31%(237) 42%(324) 14%(105) 14%(107) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 57%(385) 29%(194) 8%(51) 7%(45) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 36%(163) 41%(186) 13%(58) 11%(49) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 29%(59) 46%(92) 12%(24) 12%(24) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 31%(178) 40%(231) 14%(81) 15%(84) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 35%(283) 39%(308) 13%(102) 13%(105) 798 #1 Issue: Security 31%(74) 51%(120) 8%(19) 10%(24) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 48%(149) 35%(107) 7%(22) 10%(31) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 51%(135) 33%(87) 10%(27) 6%(17) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39%(31) 22%(18) 20%(16) 18%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Education 33%(27) 21%(17) 26%(22) 20%(17) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 43%(34) 37%(29) 9% (7) 12% (9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 46%(64) 31%(43) 12%(17) 11%(16) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(504) 33%(331) 10%(97) 8%(85) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 31%(220) 43%(306) 13%(94) 13%(91) 711 2020 Vote: Other 29%(23) 39%(31) 15%(12) 17%(13) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 27%(49) 33%(60) 15%(28) 25%(46) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 56%(446) 31%(243) 7%(57) 6%(48) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 36%(215) 42%(254) 11%(66) 11%(69) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 34%(20) 45%(27) 11% (7) 10%(6) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 54%(410) 31%(237) 8%(57) 7%(50) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 35%(237) 42%(284) 13%(87) 11%(74) 682 2016 Vote: Other 39%(49) 45%(56) 8%(10) 9%(11) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24%(100) 36%(152) 18%(77) 23%(96) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 48%(645) 36%(483) 8%(107) 8%(102) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 23%(151) 38%(247) 19%(124) 20%(133) 655 4-Region: Northeast 45%(159) 35%(126) 10%(34) 10%(37) 355 4-Region: Midwest 39%(177) 38%(172) 12%(54) 12%(55) 458 4-Region: South 38%(279) 38%(284) 12%(91) 12%(90) 744 4-Region: West 42%(182) 34%(148) 12%(53) 12%(53) 435 Continued on next page

258 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_6

Table POL16_6: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The Food and Drug Administration’s expected authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 40%(797) 37%(730) 12%(231) 12%(234) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 50%(485) 33%(319) 9%(88) 8%(74) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 30%(217) 43%(315) 13%(94) 14%(101) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

259 Morning Consult Table POL16_7

Table POL16_7: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. launching airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 21%(414) 39%(778) 19%(379) 21%(421) 1992 Gender: Male 26%(240) 44%(411) 16%(145) 15%(136) 932 Gender: Female 16%(174) 35%(367) 22%(234) 27%(285) 1060 Age: 18-34 22%(108) 30%(152) 21%(105) 27%(135) 500 Age: 35-44 19%(56) 34%(102) 22%(67) 26%(78) 303 Age: 45-64 19%(136) 42%(305) 19%(137) 20%(147) 725 Age: 65+ 24%(113) 47%(218) 15%(70) 13%(62) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 17%(24) 25%(35) 21%(30) 36%(51) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 23%(130) 33%(188) 20%(117) 24%(140) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 15%(74) 43%(216) 21%(105) 22%(111) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 24%(169) 45%(315) 16%(112) 15%(105) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 26%(207) 40%(318) 16%(131) 18%(141) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 18%(102) 39%(226) 21%(118) 22%(128) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 17%(105) 38%(234) 21%(130) 25%(152) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 33%(113) 42%(143) 13%(43) 12%(42) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 21%(94) 38%(175) 19%(88) 22%(99) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 21%(63) 45%(134) 17%(51) 16%(49) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 14%(39) 33%(91) 24%(67) 29%(79) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 22%(64) 45%(133) 17%(51) 15%(45) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(40) 31%(101) 24%(79) 33%(107) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 28%(175) 41%(264) 16%(103) 15%(94) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 18%(100) 39%(221) 19%(107) 24%(137) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 19%(127) 41%(274) 20%(134) 20%(134) 668 Educ: < College 17%(218) 34%(430) 21%(265) 27%(340) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 25%(117) 47%(222) 15%(71) 13%(61) 471 Educ: Post-grad 29%(79) 47%(126) 16%(44) 7%(20) 268 Income: Under 50k 16%(160) 35%(336) 20%(198) 29%(277) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(161) 43%(283) 18%(121) 14%(95) 659 Income: 100k+ 26%(93) 44%(159) 17%(60) 14%(50) 362 Ethnicity: White 21%(336) 40%(649) 19%(301) 20%(325) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 25%(49) 34%(65) 18%(36) 22%(43) 193 Ethnicity: Black 20%(51) 33%(82) 21%(54) 26%(65) 253 Continued on next page

260 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_7

Table POL16_7: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. launching airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 21%(414) 39%(778) 19%(379) 21%(421) 1992 Ethnicity: Other 21%(27) 36%(47) 19%(24) 24%(31) 128 All Christian 24%(232) 43%(422) 17%(171) 16%(161) 986 All Non-Christian 35%(41) 46%(54) 12%(14) 8%(10) 119 Atheist 29%(23) 29%(24) 23%(19) 19%(15) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 16%(71) 37%(170) 24%(108) 23%(107) 457 Something Else 13%(46) 31%(108) 19%(67) 37%(128) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33%(46) 42%(58) 17%(23) 8%(11) 138 Evangelical 22%(124) 34%(197) 18%(101) 26%(149) 572 Non-Evangelical 20%(146) 44%(323) 17%(124) 18%(134) 726 Community: Urban 28%(156) 37%(209) 17%(93) 18%(101) 560 Community: Suburban 20%(179) 40%(360) 20%(177) 21%(189) 905 Community: Rural 15%(79) 40%(208) 21%(109) 25%(131) 527 Employ: Private Sector 23%(152) 37%(245) 22%(145) 18%(118) 660 Employ: Government 22%(33) 45%(69) 17%(27) 16%(25) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 26%(44) 40%(66) 16%(26) 18%(30) 165 Employ: Homemaker 9%(11) 40%(50) 16%(20) 35%(43) 124 Employ: Student 26%(15) 18%(11) 11%(6) 45%(26) 58 Employ: Retired 25%(122) 46%(227) 15%(74) 15%(73) 496 Employ: Unemployed 12%(26) 29%(61) 26%(55) 33%(70) 213 Employ: Other 9%(11) 40%(49) 21%(25) 29%(36) 121 Military HH: Yes 26%(93) 41%(145) 17%(59) 17%(59) 356 Military HH: No 20%(321) 39%(633) 20%(320) 22%(362) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 25%(230) 39%(363) 17%(160) 19%(172) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 17%(184) 39%(415) 21%(219) 23%(249) 1067 Biden Job Approve 24%(274) 39%(445) 17%(197) 19%(216) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 18%(134) 41%(303) 20%(147) 21%(156) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 32%(207) 40%(261) 14%(92) 15%(97) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 14%(67) 39%(184) 22%(105) 25%(119) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 21%(44) 34%(73) 21%(46) 24%(51) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 17%(90) 44%(230) 19%(102) 20%(104) 527 Continued on next page

261 Morning Consult Table POL16_7

Table POL16_7: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. launching airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 21%(414) 39%(778) 19%(379) 21%(421) 1992 Favorable of Biden 24%(272) 41%(460) 16%(185) 19%(214) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 18%(140) 38%(294) 22%(172) 22%(168) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 30%(204) 40%(268) 14%(93) 16%(110) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 15%(68) 42%(192) 20%(92) 23%(104) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 18%(36) 33%(66) 26%(53) 22%(44) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 18%(104) 40%(228) 21%(120) 21%(123) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 20%(156) 39%(310) 20%(159) 22%(173) 798 #1 Issue: Security 23%(55) 41%(99) 21%(50) 14%(34) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 25%(76) 38%(118) 15%(46) 22%(69) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 20%(52) 41%(108) 19%(50) 21%(56) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 18%(14) 27%(21) 21%(17) 34%(27) 79 #1 Issue: Education 15%(13) 35%(29) 19%(16) 31%(26) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 20%(16) 34%(27) 27%(21) 19%(15) 79 #1 Issue: Other 22%(31) 48%(67) 14%(20) 16%(22) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 25%(257) 42%(422) 17%(174) 16%(162) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 16%(115) 39%(280) 22%(154) 23%(161) 711 2020 Vote: Other 17%(14) 41%(32) 15%(12) 26%(21) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(27) 23%(42) 21%(38) 42%(77) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 26%(210) 43%(344) 15%(121) 15%(120) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 19%(113) 40%(243) 20%(118) 22%(130) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 16% (9) 50%(30) 17%(10) 17%(10) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 28%(208) 41%(307) 17%(126) 15%(112) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 17%(118) 42%(289) 20%(137) 20%(138) 682 2016 Vote: Other 18%(23) 47%(60) 14%(18) 21%(26) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(64) 29%(122) 23%(97) 33%(141) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 23%(306) 43%(571) 17%(226) 17%(234) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 16%(107) 32%(207) 23%(153) 29%(188) 655 4-Region: Northeast 24%(84) 38%(136) 22%(77) 17%(59) 355 4-Region: Midwest 21%(94) 38%(173) 19%(86) 23%(105) 458 4-Region: South 18%(137) 39%(291) 18%(133) 25%(183) 744 4-Region: West 23%(99) 41%(179) 19%(84) 17%(74) 435 Continued on next page

262 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL16_7

Table POL16_7: How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. launching airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing at all Total N Registered Voters 21%(414) 39%(778) 19%(379) 21%(421) 1992 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 25%(243) 40%(383) 17%(166) 18%(176) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 17%(120) 39%(286) 21%(152) 23%(168) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

263 Morning Consult Table POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Strengthening ”Buy American” policies that encourage the federal government to purchase goods and services from U.S. companies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 48%(965) 28%(554) 5%(102) 4%(90) 14%(282) 1992 Gender: Male 50%(465) 28%(265) 6%(59) 5%(51) 10%(92) 932 Gender: Female 47%(500) 27%(289) 4%(43) 4%(38) 18%(190) 1060 Age: 18-34 32%(161) 30%(150) 10%(50) 7%(33) 21%(108) 500 Age: 35-44 43%(129) 28%(84) 5%(16) 4%(11) 21%(63) 303 Age: 45-64 54%(388) 26%(186) 4%(32) 4%(30) 12%(90) 725 Age: 65+ 62%(287) 29%(135) 1%(4) 4%(17) 5%(21) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 20%(28) 34%(48) 12%(17) 7%(10) 26%(37) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 40%(233) 27%(157) 7%(42) 5%(28) 20%(115) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 50%(251) 26%(134) 5%(26) 5%(27) 14%(69) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 60%(419) 27%(187) 2%(16) 3%(22) 8%(57) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 56%(448) 27%(219) 5%(44) 1%(10) 10%(77) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 44%(250) 28%(160) 5%(30) 5%(31) 18%(102) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 43%(267) 28%(175) 5%(28) 8%(49) 17%(103) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 62%(212) 24%(83) 7%(23) 1%(3) 6%(21) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 52%(236) 30%(136) 5%(21) 1%(6) 12%(57) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 45%(132) 29%(86) 6%(19) 6%(19) 14%(41) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 43%(118) 27%(74) 4%(11) 5%(12) 22%(61) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 41%(121) 33%(96) 6%(17) 10%(29) 10%(30) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 45%(146) 24%(79) 3%(11) 6%(19) 22%(73) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 55%(351) 26%(167) 6%(39) 1%(9) 11%(70) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 48%(271) 29%(165) 5%(30) 4%(25) 13%(75) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 46%(306) 29%(196) 5%(31) 7%(49) 13%(85) 668 Educ: < College 48%(607) 25%(318) 4%(55) 4%(55) 17%(218) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 47%(223) 32%(150) 7%(31) 4%(21) 10%(46) 471 Educ: Post-grad 50%(135) 32%(86) 6%(16) 5%(13) 7%(18) 268 Income: Under 50k 48%(465) 25%(238) 6%(56) 5%(51) 16%(160) 971 Income: 50k-100k 50%(329) 28%(188) 4%(29) 4%(26) 13%(87) 659 Income: 100k+ 47%(171) 35%(128) 5%(17) 3%(12) 10%(35) 362 Ethnicity: White 49%(791) 29%(464) 4%(67) 4%(66) 14%(224) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 45%(87) 25%(48) 10%(20) 8%(16) 11%(22) 193 Continued on next page

264 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Strengthening ”Buy American” policies that encourage the federal government to purchase goods and services from U.S. companies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 48%(965) 28%(554) 5%(102) 4%(90) 14%(282) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 49%(123) 21%(54) 8%(20) 8%(20) 14%(35) 253 Ethnicity: Other 40%(51) 28%(36) 11%(15) 3%(4) 17%(22) 128 All Christian 51%(502) 30%(299) 4%(42) 4%(42) 10%(102) 986 All Non-Christian 50%(60) 30%(36) 8%(9) 1%(2) 10%(12) 119 Atheist 55%(45) 27%(22) 3%(2) 4%(3) 11%(9) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 43%(198) 25%(114) 7%(32) 4%(20) 20%(93) 457 Something Else 46%(161) 24%(83) 5%(17) 7%(23) 19%(66) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 48%(66) 31%(43) 7%(10) 1%(2) 12%(17) 138 Evangelical 44%(254) 32%(181) 4%(24) 6%(35) 14%(78) 572 Non-Evangelical 55%(396) 26%(188) 4%(32) 4%(29) 11%(82) 726 Community: Urban 48%(268) 28%(158) 7%(40) 5%(27) 12%(67) 560 Community: Suburban 50%(449) 27%(247) 4%(40) 4%(39) 14%(129) 905 Community: Rural 47%(248) 28%(149) 4%(22) 4%(23) 16%(85) 527 Employ: Private Sector 47%(312) 28%(187) 6%(42) 3%(17) 16%(103) 660 Employ: Government 38%(58) 34%(52) 9%(14) 3%(4) 17%(26) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 52%(86) 21%(34) 5%(8) 9%(15) 14%(22) 165 Employ: Homemaker 36%(44) 28%(34) 2%(3) 8%(10) 26%(33) 124 Employ: Student 32%(19) 37%(22) 3%(2) 10%(6) 17%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 59%(293) 30%(149) 1%(7) 4%(18) 6%(29) 496 Employ: Unemployed 47%(100) 21%(44) 10%(21) 6%(13) 17%(35) 213 Employ: Other 45%(54) 26%(31) 4%(5) 6%(8) 19%(24) 121 Military HH: Yes 57%(201) 26%(91) 4%(14) 3%(11) 11%(37) 356 Military HH: No 47%(764) 28%(463) 5%(88) 5%(78) 15%(244) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 54%(501) 27%(251) 5%(45) 2%(17) 12%(110) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 44%(464) 28%(303) 5%(57) 7%(72) 16%(171) 1067 Biden Job Approve 54%(614) 29%(323) 5%(57) 1%(14) 11%(123) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 43%(322) 28%(206) 5%(38) 10%(70) 14%(104) 740 Continued on next page

265 Morning Consult Table POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Strengthening ”Buy American” policies that encourage the federal government to purchase goods and services from U.S. companies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 48%(965) 28%(554) 5%(102) 4%(90) 14%(282) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 65%(424) 22%(145) 5%(30) 1%(4) 8%(52) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 40%(191) 37%(178) 6%(27) 2%(9) 15%(71) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 44%(93) 35%(75) 5%(11) 4%(9) 12%(25) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 43%(229) 25%(131) 5%(27) 12%(61) 15%(79) 527 Favorable of Biden 55%(625) 29%(328) 4%(50) 1%(12) 10%(115) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 42%(327) 28%(213) 6%(46) 9%(71) 15%(116) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 63%(428) 23%(158) 4%(26) 1%(5) 9%(58) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 43%(197) 37%(170) 5%(24) 2%(7) 12%(57) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 40%(80) 37%(73) 6%(12) 3%(6) 14%(28) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 43%(247) 24%(140) 6%(34) 11%(65) 15%(88) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 48%(381) 28%(223) 4%(33) 5%(43) 15%(118) 798 #1 Issue: Security 48%(113) 30%(72) 5%(13) 6%(14) 11%(26) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 50%(156) 25%(77) 5%(16) 4%(13) 15%(47) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 58%(155) 29%(77) 2%(6) 2%(5) 9%(23) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 24%(19) 46%(36) 4%(3) 6%(4) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Education 38%(32) 21%(17) 15%(13) 4%(4) 22%(18) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 43%(34) 28%(22) 9%(7) 3%(3) 17%(14) 79 #1 Issue: Other 54%(76) 21%(30) 7%(10) 3%(5) 14%(20) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 56%(564) 29%(291) 5%(51) 1%(12) 10%(98) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 44%(314) 29%(205) 5%(32) 8%(58) 14%(102) 711 2020 Vote: Other 37%(29) 24%(19) 8%(7) 4%(3) 27%(21) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30%(56) 22%(40) 7%(12) 9%(16) 33%(60) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 58%(463) 27%(218) 5%(39) 1%(10) 8%(65) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 44%(265) 30%(180) 5%(30) 10%(59) 12%(71) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 41%(25) 21%(12) 8%(5) 4%(2) 26%(16) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 59%(447) 27%(204) 5%(35) 1%(8) 8%(59) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 45%(307) 30%(205) 5%(35) 7%(49) 12%(85) 682 2016 Vote: Other 49%(62) 25%(31) 6%(8) 6%(7) 14%(18) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35%(148) 27%(113) 6%(24) 6%(25) 27%(116) 425 Continued on next page

266 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_1

Table POL17_1: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Strengthening ”Buy American” policies that encourage the federal government to purchase goods and services from U.S. companies Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 48%(965) 28%(554) 5%(102) 4%(90) 14%(282) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 53%(710) 28%(377) 5%(62) 4%(60) 10%(129) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 39%(255) 27%(177) 6%(40) 4%(29) 23%(153) 655 4-Region: Northeast 51%(180) 31%(109) 5%(18) 3%(10) 11%(38) 355 4-Region: Midwest 47%(215) 28%(129) 6%(28) 4%(17) 15%(68) 458 4-Region: South 48%(354) 27%(200) 5%(35) 5%(36) 16%(119) 744 4-Region: West 50%(216) 26%(115) 5%(21) 6%(27) 13%(56) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 56%(539) 27%(265) 5%(48) 1%(11) 11%(104) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 44%(320) 28%(202) 5%(34) 8%(57) 16%(113) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

267 Morning Consult Table POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Directing federal agencies to look for shortages of personal protective gear and vaccine supplies and identify where the Defense Production Act could be invoked to increase manufacturing Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 37%(734) 29%(581) 6%(113) 6%(126) 22%(438) 1992 Gender: Male 38%(355) 32%(294) 6%(57) 9%(82) 15%(144) 932 Gender: Female 36%(379) 27%(287) 5%(56) 4%(44) 28%(293) 1060 Age: 18-34 30%(149) 28%(142) 9%(47) 6%(30) 26%(132) 500 Age: 35-44 33%(100) 31%(92) 5%(14) 6%(18) 26%(78) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(259) 30%(218) 6%(42) 7%(54) 21%(152) 725 Age: 65+ 49%(226) 28%(128) 2%(11) 5%(24) 16%(75) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 18%(25) 27%(38) 9%(12) 6%(8) 40%(56) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 35%(204) 29%(168) 8%(44) 5%(31) 22%(128) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 32%(160) 29%(149) 7%(33) 9%(45) 24%(120) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 46%(322) 29%(203) 3%(24) 5%(37) 16%(115) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 58%(465) 23%(187) 4%(34) 1%(11) 13%(102) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 31%(178) 31%(177) 5%(29) 7%(40) 26%(149) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 15%(92) 35%(217) 8%(50) 12%(75) 30%(187) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 64%(218) 24%(83) 5%(16) 1%(4) 6%(20) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 54%(246) 23%(104) 4%(18) 1%(7) 18%(81) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 29%(86) 37%(110) 6%(18) 10%(29) 18%(54) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 33%(92) 24%(67) 4%(11) 4%(11) 35%(95) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 17%(51) 34%(101) 8%(22) 17%(49) 24%(71) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(41) 35%(116) 9%(28) 8%(26) 36%(116) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 62%(395) 21%(132) 4%(24) 2%(10) 12%(74) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 37%(211) 30%(171) 6%(34) 4%(24) 22%(124) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17%(112) 38%(253) 7%(47) 13%(89) 25%(167) 668 Educ: < College 33%(409) 27%(344) 6%(75) 7%(85) 27%(341) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 40%(189) 33%(157) 6%(26) 6%(29) 15%(70) 471 Educ: Post-grad 51%(137) 30%(80) 5%(12) 5%(13) 10%(26) 268 Income: Under 50k 34%(335) 27%(259) 5%(52) 7%(64) 27%(260) 971 Income: 50k-100k 38%(250) 30%(195) 6%(38) 6%(43) 20%(133) 659 Income: 100k+ 41%(149) 35%(127) 6%(23) 5%(19) 12%(44) 362 Ethnicity: White 36%(573) 30%(490) 5%(89) 7%(110) 22%(349) 1611 Continued on next page

268 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Directing federal agencies to look for shortages of personal protective gear and vaccine supplies and identify where the Defense Production Act could be invoked to increase manufacturing Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 37%(734) 29%(581) 6%(113) 6%(126) 22%(438) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 34%(66) 34%(66) 9%(17) 4%(8) 19%(36) 193 Ethnicity: Black 48%(121) 19%(47) 7%(18) 5%(12) 21%(54) 253 Ethnicity: Other 31%(40) 34%(43) 6%(7) 3%(4) 27%(34) 128 All Christian 38%(379) 32%(311) 6%(56) 7%(66) 18%(173) 986 All Non-Christian 47%(56) 30%(36) 9%(10) 3%(4) 11%(13) 119 Atheist 56%(45) 25%(20) 9%(7) — (0) 9%(7) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 36%(165) 26%(117) 4%(17) 6%(27) 29%(131) 457 Something Else 26%(89) 28%(97) 6%(22) 8%(29) 32%(112) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 43%(60) 30%(41) 12%(17) 3%(4) 12%(16) 138 Evangelical 30%(174) 30%(174) 6%(37) 8%(45) 25%(142) 572 Non-Evangelical 39%(284) 31%(224) 5%(34) 6%(47) 19%(137) 726 Community: Urban 44%(249) 28%(158) 6%(31) 4%(24) 17%(97) 560 Community: Suburban 37%(337) 29%(264) 6%(58) 5%(48) 22%(198) 905 Community: Rural 28%(149) 30%(158) 5%(24) 10%(54) 27%(142) 527 Employ: Private Sector 38%(250) 29%(193) 7%(48) 5%(35) 20%(135) 660 Employ: Government 35%(54) 35%(53) 5%(8) 5%(8) 20%(30) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 38%(63) 26%(43) 3%(6) 12%(20) 20%(34) 165 Employ: Homemaker 19%(24) 28%(35) 10%(13) 8%(10) 34%(42) 124 Employ: Student 26%(15) 31%(18) 7%(4) 9%(5) 27%(16) 58 Employ: Retired 46%(226) 29%(145) 3%(16) 5%(24) 17%(85) 496 Employ: Unemployed 31%(67) 29%(62) 4%(9) 8%(18) 26%(56) 213 Employ: Other 29%(35) 25%(30) 7%(9) 6%(7) 33%(40) 121 Military HH: Yes 43%(151) 28%(99) 4%(16) 6%(22) 19%(67) 356 Military HH: No 36%(583) 29%(481) 6%(97) 6%(104) 23%(370) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 54%(496) 27%(246) 4%(33) 2%(18) 14%(132) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 22%(238) 31%(335) 7%(80) 10%(109) 29%(306) 1067 Biden Job Approve 55%(618) 27%(300) 3%(37) 1%(16) 14%(160) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 14%(103) 34%(252) 10%(73) 15%(110) 27%(203) 740 Continued on next page

269 Morning Consult Table POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Directing federal agencies to look for shortages of personal protective gear and vaccine supplies and identify where the Defense Production Act could be invoked to increase manufacturing Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 37%(734) 29%(581) 6%(113) 6%(126) 22%(438) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 67%(442) 18%(121) 4%(23) 1%(7) 10%(64) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 37%(177) 38%(180) 3%(14) 2%(9) 20%(96) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 21%(45) 41%(87) 9%(19) 4%(9) 25%(54) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 11%(57) 31%(165) 10%(54) 19%(101) 28%(149) 527 Favorable of Biden 55%(620) 27%(304) 3%(34) 1%(13) 14%(160) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 14%(109) 33%(258) 10%(77) 14%(112) 28%(217) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 67%(452) 17%(113) 3%(22) 1%(10) 12%(78) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 37%(168) 42%(190) 3%(11) 1%(4) 18%(82) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 25%(50) 39%(78) 6%(12) 4%(7) 25%(51) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 10%(59) 31%(180) 11%(65) 18%(105) 29%(167) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 31%(249) 31%(251) 7%(54) 9%(69) 22%(174) 798 #1 Issue: Security 22%(53) 39%(93) 8%(18) 9%(21) 22%(53) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 50%(153) 22%(69) 5%(16) 3%(9) 20%(62) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 49%(131) 25%(66) 3%(7) 4%(12) 19%(50) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 27%(21) 35%(27) 4%(3) 2%(2) 32%(25) 79 #1 Issue: Education 26%(22) 38%(32) 3%(3) 3%(3) 29%(24) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 47%(37) 22%(17) 8%(6) 2%(2) 21%(17) 79 #1 Issue: Other 48%(67) 18%(26) 5%(7) 7%(9) 23%(32) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 57%(584) 24%(248) 3%(34) 1%(11) 14%(139) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(94) 37%(265) 9%(62) 13%(95) 27%(194) 711 2020 Vote: Other 21%(17) 27%(21) 8%(6) 11%(9) 33%(26) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 20%(37) 25%(46) 6%(11) 6%(11) 43%(79) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 63%(501) 22%(176) 4%(32) 2%(13) 9%(72) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(97) 35%(211) 9%(57) 14%(85) 26%(154) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 18%(11) 33%(20) 2%(1) 5%(3) 42%(25) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 63%(476) 22%(166) 4%(30) 1%(7) 10%(74) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 16%(106) 38%(256) 9%(63) 12%(85) 25%(171) 682 2016 Vote: Other 38%(48) 29%(37) 2%(2) 9%(12) 22%(27) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24%(103) 29%(121) 4%(18) 5%(20) 38%(163) 425 Continued on next page

270 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_2

Table POL17_2: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Directing federal agencies to look for shortages of personal protective gear and vaccine supplies and identify where the Defense Production Act could be invoked to increase manufacturing Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 37%(734) 29%(581) 6%(113) 6%(126) 22%(438) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 43%(570) 29%(381) 5%(73) 6%(85) 17%(228) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 25%(165) 30%(199) 6%(40) 6%(41) 32%(210) 655 4-Region: Northeast 43%(153) 29%(104) 5%(18) 5%(19) 17%(62) 355 4-Region: Midwest 34%(158) 31%(141) 5%(24) 7%(34) 22%(101) 458 4-Region: South 32%(240) 28%(210) 6%(45) 6%(48) 27%(200) 744 4-Region: West 42%(183) 29%(126) 6%(26) 6%(26) 17%(75) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 58%(565) 23%(219) 4%(38) 1%(14) 14%(131) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 15%(109) 35%(256) 8%(55) 12%(88) 30%(218) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

271 Morning Consult Table POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed the government to streamline regulations affecting the financial services industry Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 27%(541) 14%(287) 12%(241) 21%(414) 26%(509) 1992 Gender: Male 28%(265) 17%(161) 13%(125) 23%(215) 18%(166) 932 Gender: Female 26%(276) 12%(126) 11%(116) 19%(199) 32%(342) 1060 Age: 18-34 26%(129) 18%(88) 14%(69) 14%(71) 29%(143) 500 Age: 35-44 26%(79) 18%(53) 11%(32) 17%(51) 29%(87) 303 Age: 45-64 26%(187) 13%(91) 12%(87) 27%(193) 23%(167) 725 Age: 65+ 32%(147) 12%(55) 11%(52) 21%(98) 24%(111) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 24%(33) 15%(21) 12%(16) 13%(18) 37%(52) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(161) 19%(110) 13%(72) 15%(83) 26%(148) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 24%(122) 13%(66) 13%(65) 26%(131) 24%(123) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 30%(212) 12%(83) 11%(77) 24%(167) 23%(163) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 50%(400) 18%(146) 7%(58) 5%(37) 20%(157) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 20%(115) 16%(90) 12%(70) 17%(98) 35%(200) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(27) 8%(52) 18%(112) 45%(279) 24%(152) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 54%(184) 23%(79) 8%(28) 4%(12) 11%(39) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 47%(215) 15%(66) 7%(31) 5%(25) 26%(119) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 21%(62) 17%(49) 15%(45) 20%(58) 28%(82) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 19%(53) 15%(40) 9%(26) 14%(40) 43%(117) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(19) 11%(33) 18%(52) 49%(144) 15%(45) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 2%(8) 6%(19) 18%(60) 41%(134) 32%(106) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 52%(329) 18%(115) 6%(36) 4%(23) 21%(132) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 26%(148) 18%(99) 13%(75) 14%(77) 29%(166) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(53) 9%(63) 18%(119) 45%(298) 20%(134) 668 Educ: < College 24%(296) 12%(151) 12%(153) 22%(279) 30%(374) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 32%(149) 16%(76) 12%(58) 19%(92) 20%(96) 471 Educ: Post-grad 36%(96) 23%(61) 11%(30) 16%(43) 14%(38) 268 Income: Under 50k 26%(255) 12%(118) 11%(103) 20%(197) 31%(298) 971 Income: 50k-100k 28%(182) 14%(94) 14%(95) 21%(138) 23%(150) 659 Income: 100k+ 29%(104) 21%(75) 12%(43) 22%(79) 17%(61) 362 Ethnicity: White 24%(384) 15%(239) 12%(194) 23%(374) 26%(420) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 35%(67) 13%(26) 13%(25) 21%(40) 18%(35) 193 Continued on next page

272 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed the government to streamline regulations affecting the financial services industry Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 27%(541) 14%(287) 12%(241) 21%(414) 26%(509) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 48%(122) 11%(28) 11%(28) 9%(24) 20%(51) 253 Ethnicity: Other 27%(35) 16%(20) 15%(19) 13%(17) 29%(38) 128 All Christian 26%(259) 14%(140) 14%(134) 24%(232) 22%(222) 986 All Non-Christian 44%(53) 22%(26) 15%(17) 9%(11) 9%(11) 119 Atheist 44%(35) 17%(13) 10%(8) 7%(6) 22%(18) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 27%(121) 14%(63) 9%(40) 16%(71) 35%(162) 457 Something Else 21%(73) 13%(45) 12%(42) 27%(94) 27%(96) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 39%(54) 20%(28) 20%(27) 9%(13) 12%(17) 138 Evangelical 24%(137) 14%(81) 12%(68) 28%(159) 22%(127) 572 Non-Evangelical 26%(187) 14%(100) 13%(97) 22%(160) 25%(182) 726 Community: Urban 37%(207) 19%(105) 10%(58) 14%(80) 20%(110) 560 Community: Suburban 26%(235) 13%(122) 12%(111) 20%(180) 28%(256) 905 Community: Rural 19%(99) 11%(60) 14%(71) 29%(153) 27%(143) 527 Employ: Private Sector 28%(185) 18%(118) 12%(80) 21%(137) 21%(141) 660 Employ: Government 28%(44) 16%(24) 15%(22) 18%(28) 23%(35) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 28%(46) 13%(22) 10%(16) 23%(38) 26%(43) 165 Employ: Homemaker 18%(22) 11%(14) 9%(11) 28%(35) 34%(42) 124 Employ: Student 26%(15) 21%(12) 18%(10) 9%(5) 27%(16) 58 Employ: Retired 30%(148) 12%(58) 11%(54) 22%(109) 25%(126) 496 Employ: Unemployed 25%(53) 11%(23) 14%(31) 20%(43) 30%(63) 213 Employ: Other 23%(28) 14%(17) 14%(17) 15%(18) 34%(41) 121 Military HH: Yes 30%(107) 12%(43) 11%(39) 24%(85) 23%(81) 356 Military HH: No 27%(434) 15%(244) 12%(201) 20%(329) 26%(428) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 45%(412) 20%(186) 7%(68) 5%(48) 23%(210) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 12%(129) 9%(101) 16%(173) 34%(366) 28%(298) 1067 Biden Job Approve 44%(503) 21%(235) 8%(90) 4%(44) 23%(260) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 4%(33) 6%(44) 19%(140) 49%(361) 22%(163) 740 Continued on next page

273 Morning Consult Table POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed the government to streamline regulations affecting the financial services industry Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 27%(541) 14%(287) 12%(241) 21%(414) 26%(509) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 60%(392) 16%(106) 5%(34) 4%(26) 15%(99) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 23%(111) 27%(130) 12%(56) 4%(18) 34%(161) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 9%(20) 8%(16) 33%(71) 20%(42) 30%(64) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(14) 5%(27) 13%(68) 61%(319) 19%(99) 527 Favorable of Biden 44%(503) 21%(234) 8%(88) 3%(34) 24%(273) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 4%(35) 6%(46) 19%(144) 48%(369) 23%(180) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 58%(392) 16%(111) 6%(39) 2%(13) 18%(121) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 24%(110) 27%(123) 11%(50) 5%(21) 33%(152) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 12%(24) 11%(21) 31%(61) 15%(30) 32%(63) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(11) 4%(25) 15%(83) 59%(338) 20%(117) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 23%(183) 13%(101) 13%(107) 26%(208) 25%(198) 798 #1 Issue: Security 15%(36) 13%(30) 18%(42) 36%(86) 18%(43) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 36%(112) 18%(55) 10%(32) 9%(26) 27%(84) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 34%(91) 14%(38) 9%(24) 17%(46) 25%(67) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 25%(20) 16%(13) 10%(8) 11%(8) 38%(30) 79 #1 Issue: Education 24%(20) 27%(22) 8%(7) 12%(10) 29%(24) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 31%(24) 18%(14) 13%(11) 10%(8) 27%(22) 79 #1 Issue: Other 39%(55) 9%(13) 7%(10) 15%(21) 29%(41) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 47%(480) 21%(210) 7%(70) 4%(37) 22%(219) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(26) 7%(49) 19%(135) 47%(337) 23%(164) 711 2020 Vote: Other 12%(9) 12%(9) 15%(12) 17%(14) 44%(35) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(25) 11%(19) 13%(24) 14%(25) 49%(90) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 50%(401) 19%(154) 9%(68) 3%(26) 18%(146) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(31) 9%(53) 18%(109) 47%(285) 21%(125) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8%(5) 13%(7) 10%(6) 20%(12) 49%(29) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 53%(396) 19%(140) 7%(56) 4%(27) 18%(135) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 6%(39) 10%(70) 18%(123) 44%(302) 22%(147) 682 2016 Vote: Other 21%(26) 14%(17) 13%(16) 16%(21) 37%(46) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(80) 14%(60) 11%(45) 14%(62) 42%(178) 425 Continued on next page

274 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_3

Table POL17_3: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed the government to streamline regulations affecting the financial services industry Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 27%(541) 14%(287) 12%(241) 21%(414) 26%(509) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 31%(418) 14%(189) 12%(159) 22%(292) 21%(278) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(123) 15%(98) 13%(82) 19%(121) 35%(230) 655 4-Region: Northeast 28%(100) 19%(66) 10%(36) 19%(66) 24%(87) 355 4-Region: Midwest 25%(116) 14%(64) 12%(56) 22%(103) 26%(119) 458 4-Region: South 24%(178) 12%(90) 12%(91) 24%(176) 28%(209) 744 4-Region: West 34%(147) 15%(67) 13%(57) 16%(69) 22%(95) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 49%(471) 19%(185) 7%(65) 4%(38) 22%(208) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(32) 8%(60) 19%(138) 45%(323) 24%(173) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

275 Morning Consult Table POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that halted the issuance of new green cards amid the COVID-19 pandemic Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(571) 17%(349) 11%(228) 25%(506) 17%(339) 1992 Gender: Male 29%(269) 20%(185) 11%(106) 28%(263) 12%(110) 932 Gender: Female 29%(303) 15%(164) 11%(122) 23%(243) 22%(229) 1060 Age: 18-34 26%(130) 24%(118) 11%(57) 17%(84) 22%(112) 500 Age: 35-44 27%(81) 22%(66) 12%(37) 20%(60) 19%(58) 303 Age: 45-64 27%(199) 14%(103) 12%(85) 31%(223) 16%(116) 725 Age: 65+ 35%(162) 13%(61) 11%(49) 30%(139) 11%(52) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 27%(38) 19%(26) 13%(19) 17%(24) 24%(34) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 27%(158) 25%(145) 10%(59) 17%(96) 20%(116) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 25%(125) 15%(75) 12%(62) 30%(153) 18%(91) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 33%(233) 13%(92) 11%(75) 30%(210) 13%(91) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 51%(408) 23%(183) 9%(72) 5%(43) 11%(91) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 23%(131) 20%(113) 11%(61) 25%(144) 22%(124) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 5%(32) 8%(52) 15%(95) 51%(318) 20%(124) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 54%(184) 26%(88) 9%(31) 5%(16) 7%(24) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 49%(224) 21%(95) 9%(41) 6%(27) 15%(68) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 22%(66) 21%(63) 10%(29) 30%(89) 17%(50) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 24%(65) 18%(50) 11%(32) 20%(56) 27%(74) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 6%(19) 11%(33) 16%(46) 54%(159) 12%(36) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 4%(13) 6%(19) 15%(49) 49%(160) 27%(87) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 54%(344) 23%(148) 6%(38) 5%(30) 12%(76) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 26%(144) 22%(122) 14%(77) 21%(119) 18%(102) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 9%(60) 10%(66) 16%(105) 50%(334) 15%(103) 668 Educ: < College 25%(315) 15%(188) 11%(138) 29%(357) 20%(255) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 30%(142) 21%(98) 14%(67) 21%(99) 14%(65) 471 Educ: Post-grad 42%(114) 23%(63) 9%(24) 18%(49) 7%(19) 268 Income: Under 50k 26%(255) 16%(157) 10%(100) 26%(253) 21%(205) 971 Income: 50k-100k 31%(204) 17%(110) 12%(80) 26%(172) 14%(93) 659 Income: 100k+ 31%(112) 23%(82) 13%(48) 22%(80) 11%(41) 362 Ethnicity: White 27%(428) 17%(268) 12%(190) 28%(453) 17%(273) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 30%(58) 25%(49) 9%(18) 18%(36) 17%(33) 193 Continued on next page

276 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that halted the issuance of new green cards amid the COVID-19 pandemic Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(571) 17%(349) 11%(228) 25%(506) 17%(339) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 42%(107) 21%(53) 10%(25) 11%(28) 16%(39) 253 Ethnicity: Other 28%(36) 21%(27) 10%(13) 19%(25) 21%(27) 128 All Christian 27%(264) 17%(165) 12%(123) 29%(288) 15%(146) 986 All Non-Christian 45%(54) 23%(27) 11%(13) 7%(9) 14%(16) 119 Atheist 54%(44) 15%(12) 10%(8) 13%(10) 8%(7) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 31%(141) 18%(83) 10%(44) 18%(80) 24%(108) 457 Something Else 20%(69) 18%(61) 11%(40) 34%(118) 17%(61) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 40%(56) 23%(32) 11%(16) 11%(15) 14%(20) 138 Evangelical 20%(117) 19%(107) 13%(75) 32%(183) 16%(91) 572 Non-Evangelical 29%(208) 15%(111) 12%(85) 29%(212) 15%(110) 726 Community: Urban 36%(200) 24%(136) 11%(62) 16%(89) 13%(72) 560 Community: Suburban 29%(261) 16%(145) 12%(107) 26%(233) 18%(159) 905 Community: Rural 21%(110) 13%(68) 11%(59) 35%(183) 20%(107) 527 Employ: Private Sector 29%(189) 22%(143) 11%(73) 23%(153) 15%(102) 660 Employ: Government 28%(42) 23%(35) 16%(24) 16%(24) 18%(27) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 30%(49) 16%(27) 7%(12) 28%(46) 20%(32) 165 Employ: Homemaker 20%(24) 12%(15) 7%(9) 32%(39) 29%(37) 124 Employ: Student 37%(21) 12%(7) 9%(5) 21%(12) 21%(12) 58 Employ: Retired 34%(167) 12%(59) 13%(64) 29%(145) 12%(62) 496 Employ: Unemployed 24%(51) 22%(46) 13%(27) 24%(52) 17%(37) 213 Employ: Other 22%(27) 13%(16) 12%(15) 28%(34) 24%(30) 121 Military HH: Yes 33%(117) 16%(56) 11%(40) 30%(106) 10%(36) 356 Military HH: No 28%(454) 18%(293) 11%(188) 24%(399) 18%(303) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 47%(431) 23%(216) 9%(87) 6%(58) 14%(133) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 13%(141) 12%(133) 13%(141) 42%(447) 19%(206) 1067 Biden Job Approve 46%(524) 25%(287) 8%(91) 6%(71) 14%(157) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 5%(41) 7%(50) 16%(120) 57%(425) 14%(105) 740 Continued on next page

277 Morning Consult Table POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that halted the issuance of new green cards amid the COVID-19 pandemic Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(571) 17%(349) 11%(228) 25%(506) 17%(339) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 61%(402) 20%(129) 7%(44) 4%(29) 8%(51) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 26%(122) 33%(158) 10%(47) 9%(42) 22%(106) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 11%(23) 13%(28) 28%(60) 32%(69) 16%(33) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(17) 4%(22) 11%(60) 68%(356) 14%(72) 527 Favorable of Biden 47%(528) 26%(292) 8%(92) 5%(58) 14%(160) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 6%(43) 7%(51) 16%(123) 56%(434) 16%(122) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 61%(412) 20%(133) 7%(46) 4%(24) 9%(60) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 25%(116) 35%(159) 10%(46) 8%(34) 22%(100) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 15%(30) 14%(28) 25%(49) 28%(55) 18%(36) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(13) 4%(23) 13%(74) 66%(379) 15%(86) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 23%(182) 18%(141) 11%(91) 31%(246) 17%(137) 798 #1 Issue: Security 11%(27) 14%(33) 16%(38) 47%(112) 12%(29) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 41%(125) 20%(61) 10%(32) 11%(34) 18%(56) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 36%(97) 15%(40) 11%(29) 23%(60) 15%(41) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 38%(30) 27%(21) 5%(4) 10%(8) 20%(16) 79 #1 Issue: Education 25%(21) 25%(21) 8%(7) 14%(12) 27%(22) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 36%(29) 22%(17) 15%(12) 11%(9) 16%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 44%(61) 10%(14) 11%(15) 17%(24) 18%(26) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(506) 25%(255) 8%(77) 5%(50) 13%(128) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 3%(23) 7%(46) 17%(123) 56%(396) 17%(123) 711 2020 Vote: Other 17%(13) 15%(12) 15%(12) 23%(18) 30%(23) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(28) 19%(35) 9%(17) 22%(40) 34%(63) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 53%(425) 23%(182) 8%(61) 7%(52) 9%(75) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(33) 10%(58) 15%(93) 54%(325) 16%(95) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 10%(6) 14%(8) 16%(10) 30%(18) 30%(18) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 55%(415) 23%(172) 8%(58) 5%(41) 9%(68) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(37) 9%(64) 17%(116) 53%(359) 16%(106) 682 2016 Vote: Other 21%(27) 23%(29) 11%(14) 23%(29) 22%(28) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22%(93) 20%(84) 9%(39) 18%(75) 32%(134) 425 Continued on next page

278 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_4

Table POL17_4: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that halted the issuance of new green cards amid the COVID-19 pandemic Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 29%(571) 17%(349) 11%(228) 25%(506) 17%(339) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 33%(443) 16%(216) 12%(155) 27%(356) 12%(167) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 20%(128) 20%(133) 11%(73) 23%(149) 26%(172) 655 4-Region: Northeast 31%(111) 19%(68) 11%(39) 23%(82) 16%(55) 355 4-Region: Midwest 27%(123) 17%(78) 11%(52) 29%(134) 15%(71) 458 4-Region: South 25%(187) 14%(105) 13%(96) 27%(203) 20%(152) 744 4-Region: West 34%(150) 22%(98) 9%(41) 20%(86) 14%(61) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 51%(495) 23%(221) 8%(77) 5%(52) 13%(121) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 5%(35) 9%(64) 16%(119) 51%(373) 19%(134) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

279 Morning Consult Table POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that made classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings in Washington, D.C. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(489) 14%(284) 10%(193) 18%(361) 33%(664) 1992 Gender: Male 25%(231) 18%(165) 10%(96) 20%(186) 27%(254) 932 Gender: Female 24%(258) 11%(119) 9%(97) 17%(175) 39%(410) 1060 Age: 18-34 22%(113) 21%(104) 8%(42) 13%(66) 35%(176) 500 Age: 35-44 24%(71) 16%(47) 10%(31) 17%(51) 34%(102) 303 Age: 45-64 24%(173) 10%(76) 11%(83) 21%(153) 33%(241) 725 Age: 65+ 28%(132) 12%(57) 8%(39) 20%(91) 31%(145) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 19%(27) 17%(24) 12%(16) 11%(16) 41%(57) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 25%(141) 21%(119) 8%(45) 15%(89) 31%(181) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 22%(111) 9%(48) 13%(64) 21%(106) 35%(177) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 28%(197) 12%(86) 9%(64) 19%(133) 32%(221) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 45%(357) 18%(148) 5%(44) 5%(40) 26%(210) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 19%(109) 16%(89) 9%(51) 15%(85) 42%(239) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 4%(24) 8%(48) 16%(99) 38%(236) 35%(215) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 48%(163) 23%(79) 6%(21) 4%(14) 19%(66) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 42%(194) 15%(69) 5%(23) 6%(26) 32%(145) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 18%(54) 18%(53) 10%(30) 17%(51) 37%(110) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 20%(55) 13%(37) 8%(22) 12%(34) 47%(129) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 5%(14) 11%(34) 16%(46) 41%(121) 27%(79) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 3%(10) 4%(14) 16%(53) 35%(115) 41%(136) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 45%(286) 18%(113) 5%(35) 3%(22) 28%(180) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 23%(132) 19%(105) 10%(56) 12%(67) 37%(207) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 8%(51) 9%(62) 15%(100) 37%(249) 31%(206) 668 Educ: < College 22%(272) 12%(149) 10%(124) 19%(244) 37%(464) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 26%(121) 18%(85) 9%(43) 18%(84) 29%(139) 471 Educ: Post-grad 36%(97) 19%(50) 10%(27) 13%(34) 23%(61) 268 Income: Under 50k 24%(229) 13%(123) 9%(87) 18%(178) 36%(354) 971 Income: 50k-100k 25%(168) 13%(88) 9%(62) 19%(124) 33%(218) 659 Income: 100k+ 26%(93) 20%(73) 12%(44) 17%(60) 25%(92) 362 Ethnicity: White 22%(356) 14%(226) 10%(162) 19%(313) 34%(554) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 28%(53) 22%(43) 10%(19) 18%(34) 23%(45) 193 Continued on next page

280 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that made classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings in Washington, D.C. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(489) 14%(284) 10%(193) 18%(361) 33%(664) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 38%(95) 17%(42) 7%(19) 14%(36) 24%(61) 253 Ethnicity: Other 30%(38) 12%(16) 10%(13) 10%(13) 38%(48) 128 All Christian 25%(245) 14%(136) 10%(99) 21%(203) 31%(301) 986 All Non-Christian 38%(45) 25%(30) 5%(6) 9%(10) 23%(27) 119 Atheist 35%(28) 17%(14) 8%(6) 10%(8) 30%(24) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25%(113) 12%(54) 10%(43) 12%(55) 42%(191) 457 Something Else 16%(58) 14%(49) 11%(38) 24%(85) 34%(120) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 33%(45) 26%(36) 7%(10) 11%(15) 23%(32) 138 Evangelical 21%(122) 15%(87) 10%(55) 24%(139) 29%(169) 572 Non-Evangelical 24%(176) 12%(88) 11%(77) 19%(140) 34%(245) 726 Community: Urban 32%(181) 21%(115) 10%(56) 13%(72) 24%(135) 560 Community: Suburban 24%(218) 12%(109) 10%(95) 18%(161) 36%(323) 905 Community: Rural 17%(90) 11%(60) 8%(42) 25%(129) 39%(205) 527 Employ: Private Sector 26%(172) 16%(102) 11%(75) 18%(116) 29%(194) 660 Employ: Government 21%(33) 16%(25) 13%(21) 12%(18) 38%(58) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 23%(38) 20%(34) 8%(14) 17%(27) 31%(52) 165 Employ: Homemaker 16%(19) 9%(11) 4%(5) 26%(33) 45%(56) 124 Employ: Student 27%(16) 13%(8) 11%(6) 10%(6) 39%(23) 58 Employ: Retired 28%(139) 12%(62) 8%(39) 20%(97) 32%(159) 496 Employ: Unemployed 22%(47) 14%(29) 10%(22) 19%(40) 35%(74) 213 Employ: Other 20%(24) 11%(13) 9%(11) 20%(25) 39%(48) 121 Military HH: Yes 27%(96) 13%(47) 8%(30) 20%(70) 32%(113) 356 Military HH: No 24%(393) 15%(237) 10%(164) 18%(291) 34%(551) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 40%(368) 19%(175) 7%(64) 6%(54) 28%(263) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 11%(121) 10%(109) 12%(129) 29%(307) 38%(400) 1067 Biden Job Approve 40%(457) 20%(226) 6%(72) 5%(58) 28%(317) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 4%(28) 7%(49) 15%(111) 40%(296) 35%(256) 740 Continued on next page

281 Morning Consult Table POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that made classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings in Washington, D.C. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(489) 14%(284) 10%(193) 18%(361) 33%(664) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 52%(344) 18%(117) 4%(26) 5%(34) 21%(135) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 24%(113) 23%(109) 10%(46) 5%(25) 38%(183) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 8%(16) 9%(20) 23%(49) 14%(31) 46%(97) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(12) 5%(29) 12%(62) 50%(265) 30%(159) 527 Favorable of Biden 41%(461) 20%(227) 6%(70) 5%(51) 28%(322) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 4%(28) 6%(49) 15%(119) 39%(298) 36%(279) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 53%(357) 17%(113) 4%(26) 5%(31) 22%(148) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 23%(103) 25%(114) 10%(44) 4%(20) 38%(174) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 10%(20) 10%(19) 23%(46) 10%(20) 47%(94) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1%(8) 5%(30) 13%(73) 48%(278) 32%(186) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 20%(163) 12%(95) 11%(91) 22%(176) 34%(273) 798 #1 Issue: Security 12%(28) 14%(33) 14%(32) 32%(77) 28%(67) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 32%(100) 17%(51) 8%(26) 9%(28) 33%(103) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 31%(83) 15%(40) 8%(21) 14%(36) 32%(86) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 31%(24) 20%(16) 2%(2) 12%(9) 35%(28) 79 #1 Issue: Education 22%(19) 21%(18) 9%(7) 14%(12) 34%(29) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 27%(22) 22%(18) 13%(10) 6%(5) 31%(24) 79 #1 Issue: Other 36%(51) 9%(13) 3%(4) 13%(18) 38%(54) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 43%(436) 19%(196) 5%(47) 5%(51) 28%(287) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 2%(17) 7%(50) 16%(114) 39%(277) 35%(252) 711 2020 Vote: Other 11%(9) 17%(13) 16%(12) 14%(11) 42%(33) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(27) 14%(25) 11%(20) 12%(22) 49%(90) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 45%(357) 19%(149) 6%(45) 5%(42) 25%(202) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 5%(27) 8%(47) 15%(93) 41%(245) 32%(192) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 4%(2) 17%(10) 19%(11) 15%(9) 44%(26) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 47%(358) 19%(141) 5%(35) 5%(38) 24%(182) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 4%(29) 10%(66) 15%(99) 38%(258) 34%(230) 682 2016 Vote: Other 16%(21) 11%(14) 13%(17) 14%(18) 45%(57) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(82) 15%(63) 10%(43) 11%(46) 45%(192) 425 Continued on next page

282 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_5

Table POL17_5: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that made classical architecture the preferred style for federal buildings in Washington, D.C. Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 25%(489) 14%(284) 10%(193) 18%(361) 33%(664) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 27%(367) 14%(182) 10%(132) 20%(267) 29%(389) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 19%(122) 16%(103) 9%(61) 14%(95) 42%(275) 655 4-Region: Northeast 28%(98) 17%(60) 10%(35) 15%(55) 30%(107) 355 4-Region: Midwest 24%(109) 12%(53) 10%(47) 18%(82) 36%(167) 458 4-Region: South 21%(156) 13%(97) 9%(67) 21%(156) 36%(268) 744 4-Region: West 29%(126) 17%(74) 10%(44) 16%(68) 28%(122) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 44%(423) 19%(180) 5%(48) 4%(42) 28%(273) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 4%(28) 7%(53) 17%(120) 37%(271) 35%(255) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

283 Morning Consult Table POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed agencies to review and halt federal funding in cities like New York City, Seattle and Portland, which President Trump had claimed were ’permitting anarchy, violence and destruction’ Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(714) 13%(268) 10%(204) 22%(446) 18%(360) 1992 Gender: Male 36%(333) 15%(141) 12%(107) 26%(241) 12%(109) 932 Gender: Female 36%(381) 12%(127) 9%(97) 19%(205) 24%(250) 1060 Age: 18-34 33%(163) 19%(96) 11%(57) 14%(69) 23%(116) 500 Age: 35-44 29%(88) 18%(53) 10%(30) 20%(62) 23%(69) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(263) 10%(76) 10%(74) 27%(197) 16%(116) 725 Age: 65+ 43%(199) 9%(43) 9%(43) 26%(119) 13%(59) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 30%(42) 14%(20) 13%(18) 16%(22) 28%(39) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 34%(194) 20%(115) 10%(57) 15%(87) 21%(122) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 33%(167) 12%(60) 11%(53) 27%(136) 18%(90) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 41%(290) 10%(68) 10%(72) 26%(182) 13%(89) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 61%(490) 17%(135) 6%(48) 5%(37) 11%(88) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 31%(177) 16%(91) 9%(53) 20%(117) 24%(136) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 8%(47) 7%(42) 17%(104) 47%(293) 22%(136) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 63%(215) 19%(66) 7%(23) 4%(13) 7%(24) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 60%(275) 15%(69) 5%(24) 5%(24) 14%(64) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 32%(94) 16%(47) 10%(30) 26%(76) 17%(49) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 30%(83) 16%(43) 8%(23) 15%(41) 31%(87) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 8%(23) 9%(28) 18%(54) 52%(152) 12%(36) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 7%(23) 4%(14) 15%(50) 43%(140) 30%(100) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 64%(404) 17%(107) 5%(30) 4%(28) 10%(66) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 37%(208) 16%(93) 11%(64) 14%(81) 21%(120) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12%(78) 9%(61) 16%(104) 48%(317) 16%(108) 668 Educ: < College 33%(413) 9%(118) 11%(138) 24%(303) 22%(281) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 36%(168) 21%(97) 10%(47) 21%(99) 13%(60) 471 Educ: Post-grad 50%(133) 20%(53) 7%(19) 17%(44) 7%(18) 268 Income: Under 50k 35%(338) 11%(108) 10%(100) 21%(208) 22%(217) 971 Income: 50k-100k 36%(238) 13%(88) 11%(74) 24%(158) 15%(101) 659 Income: 100k+ 38%(137) 20%(72) 9%(31) 22%(80) 12%(42) 362 Ethnicity: White 33%(529) 13%(211) 11%(169) 25%(402) 19%(300) 1611 Continued on next page

284 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed agencies to review and halt federal funding in cities like New York City, Seattle and Portland, which President Trump had claimed were ’permitting anarchy, violence and destruction’ Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(714) 13%(268) 10%(204) 22%(446) 18%(360) 1992 Ethnicity: Hispanic 41%(79) 19%(37) 9%(17) 15%(30) 15%(30) 193 Ethnicity: Black 54%(136) 13%(34) 10%(25) 10%(25) 13%(33) 253 Ethnicity: Other 38%(48) 18%(23) 8%(10) 15%(20) 21%(27) 128 All Christian 34%(333) 14%(141) 11%(110) 25%(250) 15%(152) 986 All Non-Christian 50%(60) 22%(26) 5%(6) 11%(13) 12%(14) 119 Atheist 66%(53) 10%(8) 8%(6) 14%(11) 3%(2) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 39%(179) 12%(55) 9%(41) 14%(65) 26%(117) 457 Something Else 25%(89) 11%(37) 12%(40) 31%(108) 22%(75) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 45%(62) 23%(32) 9%(12) 11%(15) 12%(16) 138 Evangelical 25%(145) 14%(82) 11%(65) 30%(172) 19%(108) 572 Non-Evangelical 37%(270) 12%(86) 11%(78) 25%(178) 16%(114) 726 Community: Urban 45%(252) 18%(102) 8%(46) 14%(80) 14%(79) 560 Community: Suburban 36%(325) 13%(114) 11%(97) 22%(198) 19%(171) 905 Community: Rural 26%(137) 10%(51) 12%(62) 32%(168) 21%(110) 527 Employ: Private Sector 34%(225) 18%(117) 12%(79) 21%(137) 16%(103) 660 Employ: Government 34%(53) 22%(34) 9%(13) 18%(27) 18%(27) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 36%(60) 13%(21) 6%(10) 27%(44) 18%(30) 165 Employ: Homemaker 25%(30) 12%(15) 8%(10) 29%(36) 27%(33) 124 Employ: Student 37%(21) 12%(7) 10%(6) 18%(11) 23%(13) 58 Employ: Retired 42%(210) 8%(41) 9%(46) 25%(124) 15%(75) 496 Employ: Unemployed 36%(76) 10%(21) 15%(32) 19%(40) 21%(44) 213 Employ: Other 32%(39) 11%(13) 7%(8) 21%(26) 29%(35) 121 Military HH: Yes 38%(134) 13%(48) 9%(32) 28%(99) 12%(44) 356 Military HH: No 35%(580) 13%(220) 11%(172) 21%(348) 19%(316) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 56%(520) 17%(162) 7%(64) 6%(51) 14%(128) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 18%(193) 10%(106) 13%(140) 37%(395) 22%(232) 1067 Biden Job Approve 58%(651) 18%(200) 6%(72) 4%(50) 14%(159) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 7%(50) 7%(53) 17%(122) 53%(389) 17%(125) 740 Continued on next page

285 Morning Consult Table POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed agencies to review and halt federal funding in cities like New York City, Seattle and Portland, which President Trump had claimed were ’permitting anarchy, violence and destruction’ Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(714) 13%(268) 10%(204) 22%(446) 18%(360) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 70%(461) 13%(87) 4%(28) 4%(28) 8%(52) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 40%(190) 24%(113) 9%(44) 5%(23) 22%(106) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 12%(25) 13%(28) 24%(50) 26%(56) 25%(53) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 5%(25) 5%(25) 14%(72) 63%(333) 14%(72) 527 Favorable of Biden 58%(653) 18%(208) 6%(69) 4%(42) 14%(159) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 8%(59) 6%(47) 17%(129) 51%(394) 19%(145) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 71%(480) 12%(83) 4%(25) 3%(22) 10%(65) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 38%(173) 27%(125) 10%(43) 4%(20) 21%(94) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 18%(36) 12%(25) 21%(41) 22%(45) 26%(52) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 4%(23) 4%(23) 15%(87) 61%(349) 16%(93) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 31%(247) 14%(112) 12%(99) 26%(204) 17%(135) 798 #1 Issue: Security 18%(42) 10%(25) 13%(31) 43%(101) 16%(38) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 46%(143) 17%(54) 9%(26) 10%(31) 18%(55) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 43%(113) 10%(27) 10%(25) 19%(51) 19%(50) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39%(31) 18%(14) 1%(1) 13%(10) 30%(23) 79 #1 Issue: Education 36%(30) 14%(11) 14%(11) 14%(11) 24%(20) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 45%(36) 17%(14) 9%(7) 12%(10) 17%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 51%(72) 8%(12) 2%(3) 20%(28) 19%(26) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 62%(628) 17%(177) 5%(54) 4%(38) 12%(119) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(39) 7%(48) 18%(125) 51%(364) 19%(136) 711 2020 Vote: Other 18%(15) 18%(14) 14%(11) 18%(14) 32%(25) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17%(32) 16%(29) 8%(15) 16%(29) 43%(79) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 65%(517) 17%(131) 5%(43) 5%(36) 9%(68) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 9%(53) 9%(52) 16%(99) 50%(305) 16%(96) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 12%(7) 18%(11) 13%(8) 20%(12) 37%(22) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 66%(493) 16%(122) 5%(36) 5%(35) 9%(66) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 9%(64) 9%(58) 17%(118) 48%(327) 17%(114) 682 2016 Vote: Other 39%(49) 18%(23) 8%(10) 15%(19) 19%(25) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(107) 15%(64) 9%(39) 15%(63) 36%(152) 425 Continued on next page

286 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL17_6

Table POL17_6: Do you support or oppose the following executive orders issued by President Joe Biden? Eliminating a Trump administration order that directed agencies to review and halt federal funding in cities like New York City, Seattle and Portland, which President Trump had claimed were ’permitting anarchy, violence and destruction’ Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don’t know / Demographic support support oppose oppose No opinion Total N Registered Voters 36%(714) 13%(268) 10%(204) 22%(446) 18%(360) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 41%(551) 13%(168) 10%(137) 24%(317) 12%(164) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 25%(163) 15%(100) 10%(67) 20%(129) 30%(196) 655 4-Region: Northeast 39%(139) 15%(55) 10%(36) 19%(69) 16%(56) 355 4-Region: Midwest 33%(152) 13%(59) 13%(59) 24%(110) 17%(77) 458 4-Region: South 32%(238) 12%(90) 9%(68) 25%(187) 21%(159) 744 4-Region: West 42%(184) 15%(64) 9%(41) 18%(80) 15%(67) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 62%(599) 17%(164) 5%(52) 4%(41) 11%(109) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 8%(56) 7%(52) 16%(119) 48%(346) 21%(152) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

287 Morning Consult Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Senate parliamentarian’s ruled that the proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ recon- ciliation rules on legislation which allows legislation to be passed with a simple majority vote rather than the 60/100 votes usually required.Which of the following comes closest to your opinion, even if neither is exactly right? Bills in the Senate Bills in the Senate should be required to should be required to have at least 51/100 have at least 60/100 Don’t know/ no Demographic votes to pass votes to pass opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(756) 39%(775) 23%(461) 1992 Gender: Male 40%(376) 46%(427) 14%(130) 932 Gender: Female 36%(380) 33%(348) 31%(331) 1060 Age: 18-34 38%(189) 35%(175) 27%(137) 500 Age: 35-44 37%(112) 40%(122) 22%(68) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(260) 42%(307) 22%(158) 725 Age: 65+ 42%(195) 37%(170) 21%(98) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 36%(51) 27%(38) 36%(51) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 37%(213) 39%(223) 24%(138) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 39%(199) 39%(197) 22%(111) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 38%(266) 41%(288) 21%(148) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 53%(422) 26%(210) 21%(166) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 36%(205) 36%(206) 28%(161) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 21%(129) 58%(358) 21%(133) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 58%(198) 33%(114) 9%(30) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 49%(223) 21%(96) 30%(136) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 38%(113) 43%(128) 19%(56) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 34%(93) 28%(78) 38%(105) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 22%(65) 63%(185) 15%(44) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 20%(64) 53%(173) 27%(90) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 58%(369) 24%(154) 18%(113) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 37%(208) 35%(197) 28%(160) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23%(154) 59%(391) 18%(123) 668 Educ: < College 36%(445) 37%(466) 27%(342) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 42%(199) 40%(188) 18%(84) 471 Educ: Post-grad 42%(113) 45%(121) 13%(34) 268 Continued on next page

288 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Senate parliamentarian’s ruled that the proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ recon- ciliation rules on legislation which allows legislation to be passed with a simple majority vote rather than the 60/100 votes usually required.Which of the following comes closest to your opinion, even if neither is exactly right? Bills in the Senate Bills in the Senate should be required to should be required to have at least 51/100 have at least 60/100 Don’t know/ no Demographic votes to pass votes to pass opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(756) 39%(775) 23%(461) 1992 Income: Under 50k 38%(369) 35%(337) 27%(264) 971 Income: 50k-100k 39%(258) 39%(259) 22%(142) 659 Income: 100k+ 35%(129) 49%(179) 15%(54) 362 Ethnicity: White 38%(605) 40%(651) 22%(356) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 44%(84) 39%(76) 17%(33) 193 Ethnicity: Black 42%(105) 28%(71) 30%(76) 253 Ethnicity: Other 36%(46) 41%(53) 23%(29) 128 All Christian 36%(357) 44%(436) 20%(193) 986 All Non-Christian 47%(56) 30%(36) 23%(27) 119 Atheist 56%(45) 29%(24) 14%(12) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 42%(191) 32%(145) 26%(121) 457 Something Else 31%(107) 38%(134) 31%(109) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 44%(60) 34%(48) 22%(30) 138 Evangelical 33%(189) 46%(265) 21%(118) 572 Non-Evangelical 36%(264) 40%(289) 24%(173) 726 Community: Urban 41%(230) 38%(210) 21%(119) 560 Community: Suburban 39%(351) 37%(332) 24%(222) 905 Community: Rural 33%(175) 44%(232) 23%(120) 527 Employ: Private Sector 39%(256) 43%(281) 19%(123) 660 Employ: Government 39%(60) 42%(65) 19%(29) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 43%(71) 39%(64) 18%(30) 165 Employ: Homemaker 29%(36) 31%(38) 40%(50) 124 Employ: Student 35%(20) 39%(23) 25%(15) 58 Employ: Retired 41%(202) 37%(186) 22%(108) 496 Employ: Unemployed 32%(68) 38%(81) 30%(63) 213 Employ: Other 36%(43) 30%(36) 35%(42) 121 Continued on next page

289 Morning Consult Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Senate parliamentarian’s ruled that the proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ recon- ciliation rules on legislation which allows legislation to be passed with a simple majority vote rather than the 60/100 votes usually required.Which of the following comes closest to your opinion, even if neither is exactly right? Bills in the Senate Bills in the Senate should be required to should be required to have at least 51/100 have at least 60/100 Don’t know/ no Demographic votes to pass votes to pass opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(756) 39%(775) 23%(461) 1992 Military HH: Yes 37%(132) 44%(157) 19%(66) 356 Military HH: No 38%(624) 38%(618) 24%(395) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 50%(465) 29%(264) 21%(196) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 27%(291) 48%(511) 25%(265) 1067 Biden Job Approve 52%(590) 26%(298) 22%(244) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 19%(142) 61%(449) 20%(149) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 55%(363) 24%(160) 20%(134) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 48%(227) 29%(139) 23%(110) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 31%(67) 52%(110) 17%(37) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 14%(76) 64%(338) 21%(112) 527 Favorable of Biden 52%(587) 26%(299) 22%(245) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 20%(152) 59%(458) 21%(163) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 56%(380) 22%(151) 21%(144) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 45%(207) 32%(148) 22%(101) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 30%(60) 50%(99) 20%(40) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 16%(92) 63%(359) 21%(123) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 33%(267) 44%(354) 22%(178) 798 #1 Issue: Security 22%(52) 61%(145) 17%(40) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 51%(158) 23%(70) 26%(81) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 43%(114) 36%(96) 21%(57) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 39%(31) 32%(25) 29%(23) 79 #1 Issue: Education 40%(33) 32%(27) 28%(23) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 41%(33) 38%(30) 21%(17) 79 #1 Issue: Other 50%(70) 20%(29) 30%(42) 141 Continued on next page

290 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL18

Table POL18: As you may know, the Senate parliamentarian’s ruled that the proposed $15 minimum wage hike does not qualify for Congress’ recon- ciliation rules on legislation which allows legislation to be passed with a simple majority vote rather than the 60/100 votes usually required.Which of the following comes closest to your opinion, even if neither is exactly right? Bills in the Senate Bills in the Senate should be required to should be required to have at least 51/100 have at least 60/100 Don’t know/ no Demographic votes to pass votes to pass opinion Total N Registered Voters 38%(756) 39%(775) 23%(461) 1992 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 53%(540) 25%(255) 22%(221) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 20%(145) 59%(421) 20%(145) 711 2020 Vote: Other 33%(26) 37%(29) 30%(24) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 24%(44) 38%(70) 38%(70) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 57%(451) 25%(195) 19%(148) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 22%(131) 60%(365) 18%(108) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 27%(16) 38%(23) 35%(21) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 55%(417) 26%(195) 19%(142) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 24%(165) 57%(391) 18%(125) 682 2016 Vote: Other 34%(43) 40%(51) 26%(32) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31%(130) 32%(138) 37%(157) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 42%(556) 40%(541) 18%(240) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 31%(200) 36%(234) 34%(221) 655 4-Region: Northeast 39%(140) 39%(139) 22%(77) 355 4-Region: Midwest 34%(154) 43%(197) 23%(106) 458 4-Region: South 38%(281) 36%(271) 26%(192) 744 4-Region: West 42%(181) 39%(168) 20%(87) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 53%(514) 26%(249) 21%(203) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 21%(155) 58%(420) 21%(152) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

291 Morning Consult Table POL19

Table POL19: Of the following, which would you say is your preferred alcoholic beverage? If you don’t drink alcoholic beverages, please select that option. I do not drink Other (please alcoholic Demographic Beer Wine Hard liquor specify): beverages Total N Registered Voters 23%(450) 26%(509) 16%(310) 2%(45) 32%(609) 1922 Gender: Male 38%(341) 19%(176) 16%(149) 1%(7) 26%(237) 910 Gender: Female 11%(109) 33%(333) 16%(160) 4%(38) 37%(372) 1013 Age: 18-34 26%(112) 28%(122) 19%(82) 3%(13) 24%(101) 431 Age: 35-44 22%(67) 31%(95) 18%(54) 3%(10) 25%(76) 303 Age: 45-64 26%(186) 23%(166) 16%(119) 2%(15) 33%(240) 725 Age: 65+ 18%(85) 27%(125) 12%(55) 1%(6) 41%(192) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 16%(11) 21%(14) 17%(12) 3%(2) 43%(30) 70 Millennials: 1981-1996 27%(154) 32%(182) 19%(108) 3%(19) 19%(112) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 26%(134) 20%(101) 18%(89) 3%(14) 33%(168) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 21%(144) 28%(193) 13%(94) 1%(10) 37%(260) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 22%(168) 29%(223) 18%(139) 2%(17) 29%(218) 766 PID: Ind (no lean) 22%(120) 26%(142) 16%(89) 3%(18) 33%(179) 548 PID: Rep (no lean) 27%(162) 24%(144) 13%(82) 2%(10) 35%(212) 609 PID/Gender: Dem Men 35%(117) 25%(83) 19%(63) — (1) 22%(74) 337 PID/Gender: Dem Women 12%(51) 33%(140) 18%(76) 4%(16) 34%(145) 429 PID/Gender: Ind Men 36%(104) 19%(53) 16%(45) 1%(3) 28%(81) 286 PID/Gender: Ind Women 6%(17) 34%(89) 17%(44) 6%(15) 37%(98) 262 PID/Gender: Rep Men 42%(121) 14%(40) 15%(42) 1%(3) 29%(82) 287 PID/Gender: Rep Women 13%(41) 32%(104) 12%(40) 2%(7) 40%(129) 322 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 23%(141) 29%(176) 18%(111) 2%(13) 27%(164) 604 Ideo: Moderate (4) 22%(121) 29%(160) 15%(79) 2%(8) 32%(177) 545 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 26%(169) 23%(150) 14%(91) 2%(14) 36%(237) 662 Educ: < College 21%(249) 23%(271) 17%(202) 2%(27) 37%(438) 1188 Educ: Bachelors degree 29%(134) 29%(136) 14%(68) 3%(15) 25%(118) 470 Educ: Post-grad 25%(67) 39%(102) 15%(40) 1%(3) 20%(53) 265 Income: Under 50k 19%(173) 21%(196) 18%(168) 3%(29) 39%(357) 923 Income: 50k-100k 28%(179) 30%(194) 13%(82) 1%(9) 28%(180) 643 Income: 100k+ 28%(99) 34%(119) 17%(60) 2%(7) 20%(71) 356 Ethnicity: White 24%(383) 26%(408) 15%(244) 2%(39) 32%(504) 1578 Continued on next page

292 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL19

Table POL19: Of the following, which would you say is your preferred alcoholic beverage? If you don’t drink alcoholic beverages, please select that option. I do not drink Other (please alcoholic Demographic Beer Wine Hard liquor specify): beverages Total N Registered Voters 23%(450) 26%(509) 16%(310) 2%(45) 32%(609) 1922 Ethnicity: Hispanic 20%(34) 30%(51) 24%(41) 2%(3) 25%(42) 170 Ethnicity: Black 18%(41) 34%(79) 19%(46) 1%(3) 28%(65) 235 Ethnicity: Other 24%(26) 19%(21) 18%(20) 3%(3) 36%(40) 110 All Christian 26%(250) 29%(279) 13%(132) 2%(22) 30%(296) 980 All Non-Christian 24%(28) 29%(34) 12%(14) 1%(1) 34%(39) 116 Atheist 25%(18) 17%(13) 33%(24) 1%(1) 24%(17) 72 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 21%(90) 24%(102) 20%(87) 3%(11) 32%(138) 427 Something Else 20%(65) 25%(81) 16%(52) 3%(10) 36%(118) 326 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21%(28) 29%(40) 11%(14) 1%(2) 38%(51) 135 Evangelical 22%(123) 29%(163) 12%(65) 3%(14) 34%(188) 553 Non-Evangelical 25%(182) 26%(189) 16%(117) 2%(17) 29%(210) 716 Community: Urban 26%(140) 29%(159) 17%(94) 1%(7) 26%(140) 539 Community: Suburban 22%(195) 24%(214) 18%(153) 3%(26) 33%(285) 873 Community: Rural 23%(115) 27%(136) 12%(63) 2%(12) 36%(184) 510 Employ: Private Sector 31%(199) 27%(176) 16%(106) 2%(15) 24%(157) 653 Employ: Government 26%(38) 38%(57) 19%(28) 3%(5) 14%(20) 149 Employ: Self-Employed 27%(42) 18%(29) 16%(25) 4%(6) 34%(53) 155 Employ: Homemaker 8%(10) 25%(31) 24%(30) 1%(2) 42%(52) 124 Employ: Retired 19%(96) 27%(132) 12%(59) 2%(8) 41%(201) 496 Employ: Unemployed 18%(37) 23%(46) 16%(32) 3%(5) 40%(80) 199 Employ: Other 20%(24) 29%(34) 18%(21) 2%(2) 31%(36) 117 Military HH: Yes 22%(75) 29%(100) 16%(56) 3%(9) 31%(106) 346 Military HH: No 24%(375) 26%(409) 16%(253) 2%(36) 32%(503) 1576 RD/WT: Right Direction 23%(209) 29%(265) 15%(135) 2%(15) 31%(279) 903 RD/WT: Wrong Track 24%(241) 24%(244) 17%(175) 3%(30) 32%(330) 1020 Biden Job Approve 22%(239) 30%(324) 17%(182) 2%(23) 30%(324) 1092 Biden Job Disapprove 26%(186) 22%(161) 16%(114) 2%(18) 34%(242) 720 Continued on next page

293 Morning Consult Table POL19

Table POL19: Of the following, which would you say is your preferred alcoholic beverage? If you don’t drink alcoholic beverages, please select that option. I do not drink Other (please alcoholic Demographic Beer Wine Hard liquor specify): beverages Total N Registered Voters 23%(450) 26%(509) 16%(310) 2%(45) 32%(609) 1922 Biden Job Strongly Approve 22%(140) 31%(202) 17%(107) 2%(13) 28%(181) 644 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 22%(99) 27%(123) 17%(74) 2%(9) 32%(143) 448 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 26%(52) 24%(48) 17%(34) 2%(3) 32%(64) 202 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 26%(134) 22%(112) 15%(79) 3%(14) 34%(178) 517 Favorable of Biden 22%(243) 29%(320) 16%(180) 2%(23) 30%(329) 1094 Unfavorable of Biden 25%(188) 23%(168) 16%(121) 3%(19) 33%(250) 745 Very Favorable of Biden 22%(142) 29%(188) 17%(111) 2%(15) 30%(199) 655 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 23%(101) 30%(132) 16%(69) 2%(8) 29%(129) 439 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 24%(43) 27%(49) 19%(34) 1%(3) 29%(53) 182 Very Unfavorable of Biden 26%(145) 21%(119) 15%(87) 3%(16) 35%(196) 563 #1 Issue: Economy 25%(191) 26%(203) 18%(139) 2%(18) 29%(220) 771 #1 Issue: Security 30%(68) 28%(64) 14%(33) 1%(3) 27%(63) 231 #1 Issue: Health Care 26%(77) 30%(89) 11%(32) 1%(4) 32%(94) 295 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 15%(41) 24%(63) 14%(38) 1%(3) 45%(120) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 10%(7) 32%(23) 15%(11) 5%(4) 38%(27) 71 #1 Issue: Education 21%(17) 15%(12) 26%(20) 2%(1) 36%(28) 77 #1 Issue: Energy 21%(16) 24%(18) 23%(17) 3%(2) 30%(23) 76 #1 Issue: Other 25%(34) 28%(38) 15%(21) 6%(8) 25%(34) 135 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 22%(215) 30%(290) 17%(163) 2%(21) 30%(289) 978 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 26%(183) 23%(161) 14%(101) 2%(17) 34%(237) 698 2020 Vote: Other 21%(15) 22%(16) 19%(14) 4%(3) 34%(25) 72 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 22%(37) 24%(41) 19%(32) 2%(4) 33%(57) 171 2018 House Vote: Democrat 22%(173) 31%(245) 17%(133) 2%(15) 28%(225) 790 2018 House Vote: Republican 28%(165) 24%(140) 14%(84) 2%(11) 33%(197) 597 2018 House Vote: Someone else 18%(11) 16%(10) 17%(10) 8%(5) 40%(23) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 22%(163) 32%(242) 16%(116) 2%(15) 28%(212) 747 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 28%(192) 22%(150) 14%(98) 2%(14) 33%(227) 682 2016 Vote: Other 18%(23) 25%(32) 15%(19) 6%(8) 36%(46) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 19%(70) 24%(85) 21%(76) 2%(8) 34%(123) 361 Continued on next page

294 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POL19

Table POL19: Of the following, which would you say is your preferred alcoholic beverage? If you don’t drink alcoholic beverages, please select that option. I do not drink Other (please alcoholic Demographic Beer Wine Hard liquor specify): beverages Total N Registered Voters 23%(450) 26%(509) 16%(310) 2%(45) 32%(609) 1922 Voted in 2014: Yes 24%(314) 27%(363) 16%(214) 2%(30) 31%(412) 1332 Voted in 2014: No 23%(136) 25%(146) 16%(96) 3%(15) 33%(196) 590 4-Region: Northeast 26%(90) 32%(109) 15%(53) 1%(5) 25%(85) 341 4-Region: Midwest 27%(119) 24%(108) 15%(66) 2%(10) 32%(143) 445 4-Region: South 20%(146) 25%(179) 17%(120) 3%(23) 35%(248) 715 4-Region: West 23%(96) 27%(114) 17%(72) 2%(6) 32%(133) 421 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 21%(198) 30%(280) 17%(162) 2%(21) 29%(271) 932 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 27%(188) 23%(166) 14%(100) 2%(13) 34%(243) 710 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

295 Morning Consult Table POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 20%(393) 59%(1174) 16%(312) 6%(113) 1992 Gender: Male 24%(226) 61%(566) 11%(100) 4%(40) 932 Gender: Female 16%(167) 57%(608) 20%(212) 7%(73) 1060 Age: 18-34 19%(93) 47%(234) 20%(102) 14%(71) 500 Age: 35-44 22%(65) 49%(149) 20%(59) 10%(29) 303 Age: 45-64 19%(138) 63%(460) 16%(118) 1%(10) 725 Age: 65+ 21%(97) 72%(332) 7%(32) 1% (3) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 17%(24) 39%(55) 22%(30) 22%(31) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 20%(117) 48%(277) 20%(114) 12%(67) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 19%(95) 61%(308) 18%(92) 2%(11) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 20%(138) 70%(492) 10%(67) 1%(4) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 11%(87) 70%(559) 14%(110) 5%(43) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 14%(83) 61%(349) 19%(106) 6%(35) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 36%(223) 43%(266) 15%(96) 6%(36) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 16%(55) 69%(237) 10%(35) 5%(15) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 7%(32) 71%(322) 16%(74) 6%(27) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 17%(52) 65%(193) 13%(38) 5%(13) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 11%(31) 57%(156) 25%(68) 8%(21) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 41%(120) 46%(136) 9%(27) 4%(11) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 32%(103) 40%(130) 21%(70) 7%(24) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 8%(53) 76%(486) 10%(65) 5%(32) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 18%(101) 59%(331) 18%(102) 6%(31) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 34%(229) 48%(318) 14%(93) 4%(27) 668 Educ: < College 18%(226) 57%(718) 18%(230) 6%(79) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 23%(107) 61%(288) 12%(55) 5%(21) 471 Educ: Post-grad 22%(60) 63%(168) 10%(28) 5%(13) 268 Income: Under 50k 17%(167) 56%(548) 20%(190) 7%(66) 971 Income: 50k-100k 20%(134) 62%(410) 12%(80) 5%(36) 659 Income: 100k+ 25%(92) 60%(216) 12%(43) 3%(11) 362 Continued on next page

296 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 20%(393) 59%(1174) 16%(312) 6%(113) 1992 Ethnicity: White 21%(343) 60%(959) 15%(242) 4%(67) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 17%(33) 54%(105) 17%(34) 11%(22) 193 Ethnicity: Black 13%(33) 59%(148) 19%(48) 9%(24) 253 Ethnicity: Other 14%(17) 52%(66) 17%(22) 17%(22) 128 All Christian 24%(237) 61%(597) 12%(119) 3%(34) 986 All Non-Christian 22%(26) 58%(69) 13%(16) 7% (9) 119 Atheist 11% (9) 77%(62) 8% (7) 4% (3) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11%(49) 62%(284) 20%(92) 7%(33) 457 Something Else 21%(73) 46%(162) 23%(79) 10%(35) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 23%(31) 57%(78) 13%(17) 8%(11) 138 Evangelical 30%(171) 45%(256) 17%(98) 8%(47) 572 Non-Evangelical 18%(128) 67%(485) 13%(94) 3%(19) 726 Community: Urban 24%(133) 52%(294) 15%(83) 9%(50) 560 Community: Suburban 18%(162) 62%(561) 16%(141) 4%(40) 905 Community: Rural 19%(98) 60%(319) 17%(87) 4%(23) 527 Employ: Private Sector 23%(149) 57%(375) 15%(101) 5%(35) 660 Employ: Government 21%(32) 54%(83) 14%(21) 11%(17) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 11%(19) 66%(108) 15%(24) 8%(14) 165 Employ: Homemaker 14%(17) 54%(67) 28%(35) 4% (5) 124 Employ: Student 19%(11) 49%(29) 14% (8) 18%(10) 58 Employ: Retired 22%(107) 68%(338) 9%(46) 1%(4) 496 Employ: Unemployed 20%(42) 49%(104) 22%(47) 9%(20) 213 Employ: Other 13%(16) 57%(69) 23%(28) 7% (9) 121 Military HH: Yes 22%(79) 61%(218) 10%(37) 6%(21) 356 Military HH: No 19%(314) 58%(956) 17%(275) 6%(92) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 17%(156) 62%(577) 14%(129) 7%(62) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 22%(237) 56%(597) 17%(183) 5%(51) 1067 Continued on next page

297 Morning Consult Table POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 20%(393) 59%(1174) 16%(312) 6%(113) 1992 Biden Job Approve 15%(165) 66%(743) 14%(155) 6%(69) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 29%(216) 54%(399) 14%(104) 3%(21) 740 Biden Job Strongly Approve 14%(94) 70%(457) 10%(64) 6%(41) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 15%(71) 60%(286) 19%(91) 6%(28) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 23%(50) 55%(117) 20%(42) 2% (5) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 32%(167) 54%(282) 12%(62) 3%(16) 527 Favorable of Biden 15%(166) 66%(746) 14%(159) 5%(60) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 29%(222) 54%(415) 14%(107) 4%(29) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 14%(91) 70%(474) 11%(74) 5%(35) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 16%(75) 60%(272) 18%(84) 5%(25) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 19%(37) 54%(108) 21%(41) 6%(12) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 32%(185) 53%(307) 12%(66) 3%(17) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 22%(178) 54%(432) 18%(144) 6%(45) 798 #1 Issue: Security 34%(80) 53%(125) 10%(23) 4% (9) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 14%(42) 61%(189) 16%(49) 9%(27) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17%(45) 66%(176) 14%(38) 2% (7) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 5%(4) 72%(57) 12% (9) 11% (9) 79 #1 Issue: Education 22%(19) 50%(41) 18%(15) 10% (9) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 20%(16) 62%(49) 14%(11) 4% (3) 79 #1 Issue: Other 7%(10) 74%(104) 16%(22) 4% (5) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 11%(111) 71%(725) 13%(130) 5%(49) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 35%(250) 45%(323) 15%(107) 4%(31) 711 2020 Vote: Other 8%(6) 51%(40) 27%(22) 14%(11) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 14%(25) 46%(84) 29%(53) 12%(22) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 10%(81) 77%(612) 9%(74) 4%(28) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 39%(233) 46%(275) 12%(75) 3%(21) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 10%(6) 54%(32) 28%(17) 8% (5) 59 Continued on next page

298 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_1

Table POLx_1: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 20%(393) 59%(1174) 16%(312) 6%(113) 1992 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 10%(77) 76%(575) 10%(75) 3%(26) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 35%(241) 47%(321) 14%(96) 3%(24) 682 2016 Vote: Other 13%(17) 71%(90) 9%(11) 7% (8) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(57) 43%(185) 30%(129) 13%(54) 425 Voted in 2014: Yes 22%(291) 64%(854) 11%(143) 4%(49) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 16%(103) 49%(320) 26%(169) 10%(64) 655 4-Region: Northeast 20%(71) 62%(219) 14%(49) 4%(16) 355 4-Region: Midwest 20%(93) 64%(293) 13%(57) 3%(14) 458 4-Region: South 17%(130) 57%(420) 19%(144) 7%(50) 744 4-Region: West 23%(100) 55%(241) 14%(62) 8%(33) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 10%(100) 71%(686) 14%(131) 5%(50) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 35%(254) 45%(326) 15%(107) 5%(39) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

299 Morning Consult Table POLx_2

Table POLx_2: Favorability for Nancy Pelosi Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 36%(726) 51%(1025) 9%(178) 3%(64) 1992 Gender: Male 36%(336) 53%(499) 6%(58) 4%(40) 932 Gender: Female 37%(390) 50%(526) 11%(120) 2%(24) 1060 Age: 18-34 29%(144) 44%(221) 17%(83) 10%(52) 500 Age: 35-44 39%(119) 45%(138) 12%(36) 3%(10) 303 Age: 45-64 36%(261) 58%(417) 6%(45) — (2) 725 Age: 65+ 44%(202) 54%(248) 3%(13) — (0) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 19%(27) 39%(55) 26%(36) 16%(22) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 37%(214) 43%(248) 13%(75) 6%(37) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 33%(167) 59%(297) 7%(38) 1% (5) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 41%(291) 55%(386) 3%(24) — (0) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 65%(521) 22%(172) 9%(76) 4%(30) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 29%(164) 54%(311) 14%(80) 3%(18) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 7%(41) 87%(542) 4%(22) 3%(16) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 65%(223) 24%(82) 5%(16) 6%(22) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 65%(298) 20%(90) 13%(60) 2% (8) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 30%(88) 56%(167) 12%(34) 3% (8) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 28%(77) 52%(144) 17%(46) 4%(10) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 9%(26) 85%(250) 3% (8) 4%(10) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 5%(15) 89%(292) 4%(15) 2%(6) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 66%(421) 22%(140) 7%(46) 5%(29) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 38%(217) 48%(273) 11%(61) 3%(14) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 10%(66) 83%(556) 5%(34) 2%(11) 668 Educ: < College 31%(391) 55%(686) 11%(137) 3%(39) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 42%(198) 49%(229) 6%(29) 3%(16) 471 Educ: Post-grad 51%(137) 41%(110) 4%(12) 3% (9) 268 Income: Under 50k 36%(347) 48%(470) 13%(123) 3%(30) 971 Income: 50k-100k 34%(223) 58%(380) 5%(33) 4%(24) 659 Income: 100k+ 43%(156) 48%(175) 6%(22) 3%(10) 362 Ethnicity: White 34%(548) 57%(915) 7%(108) 3%(40) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 37%(71) 39%(76) 14%(27) 10%(19) 193 Continued on next page

300 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_2

Table POLx_2: Favorability for Nancy Pelosi Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 36%(726) 51%(1025) 9%(178) 3%(64) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 53%(134) 23%(58) 20%(52) 4% (9) 253 Ethnicity: Other 34%(44) 41%(52) 14%(18) 11%(15) 128 All Christian 37%(369) 55%(544) 6%(55) 2%(19) 986 All Non-Christian 53%(63) 35%(41) 5%(6) 7% (9) 119 Atheist 47%(38) 43%(34) 10% (8) 1% (1) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 36%(163) 45%(206) 15%(68) 4%(20) 457 Something Else 27%(93) 57%(200) 12%(41) 4%(15) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 47%(65) 36%(50) 7%(10) 9%(13) 138 Evangelical 31%(180) 57%(326) 8%(45) 4%(21) 572 Non-Evangelical 38%(274) 55%(401) 6%(43) 1% (9) 726 Community: Urban 47%(264) 36%(202) 11%(60) 6%(34) 560 Community: Suburban 35%(316) 55%(499) 8%(72) 2%(18) 905 Community: Rural 28%(145) 62%(324) 9%(45) 2%(12) 527 Employ: Private Sector 37%(241) 50%(328) 10%(68) 3%(23) 660 Employ: Government 38%(58) 52%(80) 6% (9) 4%(6) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 36%(59) 49%(81) 8%(13) 7%(12) 165 Employ: Homemaker 27%(34) 61%(75) 9%(12) 3% (3) 124 Employ: Student 31%(18) 41%(24) 16% (9) 13% (7) 58 Employ: Retired 42%(208) 54%(269) 4%(19) — (1) 496 Employ: Unemployed 31%(67) 48%(102) 17%(36) 4% (8) 213 Employ: Other 34%(41) 54%(66) 9%(11) 3% (3) 121 Military HH: Yes 37%(132) 54%(192) 5%(18) 4%(14) 356 Military HH: No 36%(594) 51%(832) 10%(159) 3%(50) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 62%(573) 24%(221) 10%(89) 5%(43) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 14%(152) 75%(804) 8%(89) 2%(21) 1067 Biden Job Approve 62%(700) 25%(281) 10%(112) 3%(38) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 3%(23) 93%(686) 3%(19) 2%(12) 740 Continued on next page

301 Morning Consult Table POLx_2

Table POLx_2: Favorability for Nancy Pelosi Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 36%(726) 51%(1025) 9%(178) 3%(64) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 77%(506) 12%(81) 7%(45) 4%(24) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 41%(195) 42%(200) 14%(67) 3%(14) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 7%(15) 83%(176) 8%(16) 3%(6) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2% (8) 97%(509) 1% (3) 1%(6) 527 Favorable of Biden 62%(704) 25%(281) 10%(113) 3%(33) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 2%(18) 93%(720) 3%(21) 2%(14) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 78%(528) 11%(77) 7%(46) 4%(24) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 39%(175) 45%(204) 15%(67) 2% (9) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 5%(10) 85%(169) 6%(13) 4% (7) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1% (8) 96%(551) 2% (9) 1% (7) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 27%(217) 59%(473) 11%(85) 3%(23) 798 #1 Issue: Security 23%(54) 71%(168) 5%(11) 2% (5) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 54%(166) 34%(105) 8%(24) 4%(14) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 46%(122) 47%(125) 5%(14) 2%(4) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 44%(35) 41%(32) 13%(10) 2% (1) 79 #1 Issue: Education 39%(32) 38%(32) 16%(14) 7%(6) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 40%(32) 41%(33) 7%(6) 11% (9) 79 #1 Issue: Other 49%(69) 41%(58) 9%(13) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 64%(651) 24%(245) 9%(92) 3%(28) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 5%(36) 90%(641) 3%(23) 2%(11) 711 2020 Vote: Other 6% (5) 60%(47) 27%(21) 7%(6) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 18%(33) 49%(91) 22%(41) 10%(19) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 68%(543) 23%(185) 6%(51) 2%(15) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 8%(46) 88%(531) 2%(15) 2%(12) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 7%(4) 67%(40) 24%(15) 2% (1) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 71%(532) 20%(154) 7%(52) 2%(15) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 9%(60) 86%(590) 3%(19) 2%(13) 682 2016 Vote: Other 23%(29) 64%(80) 12%(15) 2% (2) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 25%(104) 46%(198) 21%(91) 8%(32) 425 Continued on next page

302 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_2

Table POLx_2: Favorability for Nancy Pelosi Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 36%(726) 51%(1025) 9%(178) 3%(64) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 42%(561) 52%(691) 5%(63) 2%(23) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 25%(165) 51%(334) 18%(115) 6%(41) 655 4-Region: Northeast 41%(146) 46%(164) 10%(36) 3% (9) 355 4-Region: Midwest 33%(153) 59%(270) 6%(28) 2% (7) 458 4-Region: South 33%(244) 53%(395) 11%(81) 3%(25) 744 4-Region: West 42%(183) 45%(196) 8%(33) 5%(23) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 64%(616) 24%(227) 9%(91) 3%(32) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 6%(44) 87%(634) 4%(28) 3%(20) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

303 Morning Consult Table POLx_3

Table POLx_3: Favorability for Charles Schumer Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 30%(605) 40%(798) 18%(362) 11%(227) 1992 Gender: Male 34%(321) 45%(418) 13%(124) 8%(70) 932 Gender: Female 27%(284) 36%(381) 22%(238) 15%(157) 1060 Age: 18-34 22%(110) 28%(139) 23%(113) 28%(139) 500 Age: 35-44 28%(86) 33%(101) 23%(70) 15%(45) 303 Age: 45-64 33%(239) 45%(329) 17%(124) 5%(33) 725 Age: 65+ 36%(169) 49%(229) 12%(55) 2%(11) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 11%(15) 20%(28) 28%(39) 41%(58) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 28%(161) 30%(174) 21%(121) 21%(118) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 31%(157) 44%(225) 19%(98) 5%(26) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 36%(249) 48%(337) 13%(92) 3%(23) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 51%(405) 21%(166) 18%(141) 11%(87) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 25%(142) 40%(228) 20%(116) 15%(87) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 9%(58) 65%(405) 17%(105) 9%(53) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 56%(193) 23%(79) 13%(45) 7%(25) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 46%(212) 19%(87) 21%(96) 14%(62) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 31%(92) 44%(132) 14%(42) 11%(32) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 18%(50) 35%(96) 27%(74) 20%(56) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(36) 70%(207) 13%(37) 5%(14) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 7%(22) 60%(198) 21%(68) 12%(39) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 55%(348) 18%(118) 16%(102) 11%(69) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 29%(166) 37%(209) 23%(128) 11%(62) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 12%(79) 67%(446) 14%(93) 7%(50) 668 Educ: < College 25%(314) 40%(503) 22%(270) 13%(166) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 37%(173) 41%(195) 14%(65) 8%(38) 471 Educ: Post-grad 44%(118) 38%(101) 10%(28) 8%(22) 268 Income: Under 50k 28%(269) 35%(344) 22%(216) 15%(142) 971 Income: 50k-100k 31%(202) 46%(305) 15%(97) 8%(55) 659 Income: 100k+ 37%(133) 41%(149) 14%(50) 8%(30) 362 Ethnicity: White 29%(475) 44%(701) 18%(292) 9%(143) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 29%(56) 35%(68) 19%(36) 17%(33) 193 Continued on next page

304 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_3

Table POLx_3: Favorability for Charles Schumer Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 30%(605) 40%(798) 18%(362) 11%(227) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 43%(107) 19%(47) 18%(46) 21%(52) 253 Ethnicity: Other 17%(22) 39%(50) 19%(24) 25%(32) 128 All Christian 33%(321) 46%(449) 15%(147) 7%(69) 986 All Non-Christian 46%(54) 29%(35) 13%(15) 13%(15) 119 Atheist 42%(34) 30%(24) 18%(15) 9% (8) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 28%(126) 35%(160) 22%(100) 16%(71) 457 Something Else 20%(70) 37%(131) 24%(85) 18%(64) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 42%(58) 32%(45) 11%(15) 14%(20) 138 Evangelical 27%(152) 42%(241) 19%(106) 13%(72) 572 Non-Evangelical 31%(228) 44%(323) 17%(122) 7%(54) 726 Community: Urban 38%(214) 31%(175) 17%(93) 14%(77) 560 Community: Suburban 30%(272) 41%(375) 18%(165) 10%(94) 905 Community: Rural 22%(118) 47%(248) 20%(105) 11%(56) 527 Employ: Private Sector 32%(209) 41%(272) 17%(110) 10%(69) 660 Employ: Government 34%(52) 34%(53) 19%(29) 13%(20) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 29%(48) 36%(60) 19%(31) 17%(27) 165 Employ: Homemaker 24%(30) 42%(52) 19%(24) 14%(18) 124 Employ: Student 14% (8) 20%(12) 27%(16) 38%(22) 58 Employ: Retired 35%(175) 49%(241) 13%(64) 3%(16) 496 Employ: Unemployed 24%(50) 30%(64) 27%(57) 19%(41) 213 Employ: Other 26%(32) 36%(44) 27%(32) 11%(13) 121 Military HH: Yes 30%(108) 47%(166) 15%(54) 8%(27) 356 Military HH: No 30%(496) 39%(632) 19%(309) 12%(200) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 51%(471) 20%(186) 18%(168) 11%(101) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 13%(134) 57%(613) 18%(195) 12%(126) 1067 Biden Job Approve 50%(565) 21%(235) 17%(197) 12%(134) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 4%(33) 72%(532) 16%(118) 8%(58) 740 Continued on next page

305 Morning Consult Table POLx_3

Table POLx_3: Favorability for Charles Schumer Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 30%(605) 40%(798) 18%(362) 11%(227) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 61%(399) 17%(114) 12%(81) 9%(62) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 35%(167) 25%(121) 24%(116) 15%(72) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 8%(17) 57%(122) 23%(49) 11%(24) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(15) 78%(409) 13%(69) 6%(33) 527 Favorable of Biden 51%(571) 20%(223) 18%(208) 11%(128) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 4%(32) 72%(558) 15%(120) 8%(65) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 61%(408) 15%(103) 15%(99) 9%(64) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 36%(163) 26%(120) 24%(109) 14%(64) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 8%(16) 55%(110) 24%(47) 13%(26) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 3%(15) 78%(448) 13%(73) 7%(39) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 24%(193) 43%(347) 20%(158) 13%(100) 798 #1 Issue: Security 17%(41) 65%(154) 12%(28) 6%(14) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 44%(137) 25%(78) 17%(53) 13%(40) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 39%(105) 37%(99) 18%(48) 5%(14) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 34%(27) 29%(23) 20%(16) 17%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Education 23%(19) 31%(26) 24%(20) 22%(18) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 32%(26) 36%(29) 15%(12) 16%(13) 79 #1 Issue: Other 40%(57) 31%(44) 19%(26) 10%(14) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 50%(509) 21%(217) 18%(182) 11%(108) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 9%(61) 68%(481) 17%(120) 7%(49) 711 2020 Vote: Other 7% (5) 41%(32) 22%(17) 30%(24) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15%(28) 36%(67) 23%(43) 25%(46) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 56%(441) 23%(186) 13%(103) 8%(64) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 10%(61) 70%(425) 13%(80) 6%(38) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 11% (7) 47%(28) 28%(17) 14% (8) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 57%(428) 22%(163) 15%(113) 7%(49) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 11%(72) 68%(462) 15%(103) 7%(45) 682 2016 Vote: Other 25%(31) 49%(63) 14%(18) 12%(15) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 17%(73) 26%(109) 30%(128) 27%(115) 425 Continued on next page

306 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_3

Table POLx_3: Favorability for Charles Schumer Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 30%(605) 40%(798) 18%(362) 11%(227) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 37%(491) 43%(577) 14%(181) 7%(88) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 17%(113) 34%(221) 28%(181) 21%(139) 655 4-Region: Northeast 40%(143) 39%(139) 13%(46) 8%(27) 355 4-Region: Midwest 26%(117) 47%(214) 17%(79) 10%(47) 458 4-Region: South 26%(197) 39%(287) 21%(158) 14%(102) 744 4-Region: West 34%(148) 36%(158) 18%(79) 12%(50) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 50%(484) 21%(205) 18%(173) 11%(104) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 9%(65) 66%(481) 16%(118) 9%(62) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

307 Morning Consult Table POLx_4

Table POLx_4: Favorability for Mike Pence Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 40%(795) 48%(961) 10%(196) 2%(39) 1992 Gender: Male 43%(404) 48%(443) 7%(63) 2%(23) 932 Gender: Female 37%(391) 49%(519) 13%(134) 2%(16) 1060 Age: 18-34 32%(158) 50%(248) 14%(68) 5%(26) 500 Age: 35-44 37%(112) 42%(127) 17%(51) 4%(12) 303 Age: 45-64 44%(319) 47%(344) 9%(63) — (1) 725 Age: 65+ 44%(206) 52%(243) 3%(14) — (1) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 25%(35) 58%(81) 12%(16) 5% (8) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 34%(198) 45%(257) 16%(91) 5%(29) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 44%(225) 45%(226) 10%(53) — (2) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 42%(298) 53%(370) 5%(33) — (1) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 17%(139) 72%(573) 9%(69) 2%(17) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 33%(186) 49%(280) 16%(93) 2%(14) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 76%(469) 17%(108) 6%(35) 1% (9) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 22%(74) 69%(237) 6%(19) 3%(12) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 14%(65) 74%(335) 11%(50) 1% (5) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 37%(110) 49%(146) 12%(36) 1%(4) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 27%(76) 49%(134) 20%(56) 3% (9) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 75%(219) 20%(59) 3% (8) 2% (7) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 76%(250) 15%(49) 8%(27) — (2) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 16%(103) 77%(491) 5%(32) 2%(10) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 35%(198) 52%(293) 11%(64) 2%(10) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 69%(461) 23%(150) 7%(44) 2%(13) 668 Educ: < College 40%(502) 46%(575) 12%(154) 2%(21) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 41%(192) 50%(238) 6%(29) 3%(12) 471 Educ: Post-grad 38%(101) 56%(149) 5%(13) 2%(6) 268 Income: Under 50k 35%(341) 50%(481) 13%(131) 2%(18) 971 Income: 50k-100k 45%(295) 47%(309) 6%(43) 2%(12) 659 Income: 100k+ 44%(159) 47%(171) 6%(23) 3% (9) 362 Ethnicity: White 44%(712) 46%(733) 9%(138) 2%(28) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 33%(65) 48%(92) 15%(28) 4% (8) 193 Continued on next page

308 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_4

Table POLx_4: Favorability for Mike Pence Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 40%(795) 48%(961) 10%(196) 2%(39) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 18%(46) 63%(159) 16%(42) 2%(6) 253 Ethnicity: Other 28%(37) 54%(70) 13%(16) 5%(6) 128 All Christian 49%(485) 43%(426) 6%(60) 1%(15) 986 All Non-Christian 29%(34) 61%(73) 6% (7) 4% (5) 119 Atheist 15%(12) 74%(59) 11% (9) — (0) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 25%(113) 58%(267) 15%(67) 2%(10) 457 Something Else 43%(151) 39%(136) 15%(53) 3%(10) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 32%(45) 55%(76) 6% (8) 6% (9) 138 Evangelical 55%(314) 33%(187) 10%(57) 2%(14) 572 Non-Evangelical 42%(303) 50%(365) 7%(51) 1% (7) 726 Community: Urban 35%(194) 51%(286) 12%(64) 3%(16) 560 Community: Suburban 40%(359) 51%(459) 8%(72) 2%(16) 905 Community: Rural 46%(242) 41%(217) 11%(60) 2% (8) 527 Employ: Private Sector 43%(283) 45%(299) 9%(62) 2%(16) 660 Employ: Government 43%(66) 45%(70) 7%(10) 5% (8) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 35%(58) 54%(89) 9%(15) 2% (3) 165 Employ: Homemaker 46%(57) 43%(54) 10%(12) 1% (2) 124 Employ: Student 26%(15) 63%(37) 2% (1) 8% (5) 58 Employ: Retired 43%(215) 52%(258) 5%(22) — (1) 496 Employ: Unemployed 28%(59) 49%(104) 22%(46) 1% (3) 213 Employ: Other 34%(41) 42%(51) 22%(27) 2% (2) 121 Military HH: Yes 44%(158) 49%(174) 6%(20) 1%(4) 356 Military HH: No 39%(637) 48%(788) 11%(176) 2%(36) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 26%(238) 61%(566) 10%(96) 3%(25) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 52%(557) 37%(396) 9%(100) 1%(15) 1067 Biden Job Approve 22%(251) 66%(752) 9%(105) 2%(24) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 68%(503) 24%(180) 7%(51) 1%(6) 740 Continued on next page

309 Morning Consult Table POLx_4

Table POLx_4: Favorability for Mike Pence Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 40%(795) 48%(961) 10%(196) 2%(39) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 21%(137) 69%(452) 7%(48) 3%(18) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 24%(114) 63%(299) 12%(56) 1%(6) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 57%(121) 31%(66) 10%(22) 2%(4) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 73%(382) 22%(114) 5%(29) — (2) 527 Favorable of Biden 23%(256) 67%(756) 9%(99) 2%(19) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 67%(517) 25%(194) 7%(55) 1% (8) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 20%(135) 71%(481) 7%(46) 2%(13) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 27%(121) 60%(275) 12%(54) 1%(6) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 50%(100) 38%(76) 11%(21) 1% (1) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 73%(417) 21%(118) 6%(33) 1%(6) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 46%(365) 40%(323) 12%(95) 2%(15) 798 #1 Issue: Security 64%(153) 27%(65) 7%(17) 1% (3) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 29%(90) 60%(186) 8%(24) 3% (8) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 37%(99) 54%(144) 7%(20) 1% (3) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 13%(10) 76%(59) 12% (9) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Education 31%(26) 51%(42) 14%(12) 4% (3) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 28%(22) 60%(47) 6%(4) 7% (5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 21%(29) 68%(95) 10%(15) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 18%(180) 72%(735) 8%(82) 2%(19) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 76%(537) 17%(123) 6%(44) 1% (7) 711 2020 Vote: Other 25%(20) 47%(37) 25%(20) 3% (2) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 31%(57) 36%(65) 27%(50) 6%(11) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 17%(136) 75%(597) 6%(48) 2%(13) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 75%(451) 19%(115) 5%(33) 1% (5) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 34%(20) 35%(21) 29%(17) 1% (1) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 15%(115) 76%(571) 7%(55) 2%(13) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 73%(499) 21%(142) 5%(33) 1% (8) 682 2016 Vote: Other 32%(40) 56%(71) 10%(13) 2% (2) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32%(138) 42%(177) 22%(94) 4%(16) 425 Continued on next page

310 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_4

Table POLx_4: Favorability for Mike Pence Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 40%(795) 48%(961) 10%(196) 2%(39) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 42%(559) 51%(681) 6%(81) 1%(16) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 36%(236) 43%(280) 18%(116) 4%(23) 655 4-Region: Northeast 37%(132) 51%(181) 10%(36) 2%(6) 355 4-Region: Midwest 43%(198) 50%(229) 6%(27) 1% (3) 458 4-Region: South 42%(316) 43%(322) 12%(92) 2%(14) 744 4-Region: West 34%(149) 53%(229) 9%(41) 4%(16) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 18%(169) 72%(697) 9%(84) 2%(17) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 73%(527) 20%(142) 6%(45) 2%(12) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

311 Morning Consult Table POLx_5

Table POLx_5: Favorability for Donald Trump Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 39%(784) 57%(1135) 3%(68) — (6) 1992 Gender: Male 44%(413) 54%(505) 1%(13) — (1) 932 Gender: Female 35%(371) 59%(630) 5%(55) — (4) 1060 Age: 18-34 36%(181) 57%(286) 6%(29) 1% (5) 500 Age: 35-44 43%(129) 52%(159) 5%(15) — (0) 303 Age: 45-64 42%(303) 56%(406) 2%(16) — (1) 725 Age: 65+ 37%(171) 61%(284) 2% (8) — (0) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 30%(43) 60%(83) 8%(11) 2% (3) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 38%(220) 57%(325) 5%(27) — (2) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 44%(222) 53%(270) 3%(13) — (1) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 38%(268) 60%(420) 2%(13) — (0) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 9%(76) 87%(695) 3%(25) — (2) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 34%(192) 60%(342) 6%(37) — (2) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 83%(516) 16%(98) 1%(6) — (2) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 14%(49) 84%(289) 1%(4) — (1) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 6%(27) 89%(406) 5%(22) — (1) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 40%(118) 57%(169) 3% (9) — (0) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 27%(74) 63%(173) 10%(28) 1% (1) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 84%(246) 16%(47) — (1) — (0) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 82%(270) 16%(51) 2% (5) — (2) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12%(74) 85%(538) 3%(21) — (2) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 31%(173) 66%(373) 3%(18) — (1) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 73%(490) 25%(166) 2%(11) — (0) 668 Educ: < College 43%(533) 53%(665) 4%(51) — (4) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 35%(167) 62%(291) 2%(11) — (1) 471 Educ: Post-grad 31%(83) 67%(179) 2%(6) — (0) 268 Income: Under 50k 39%(380) 57%(550) 4%(38) — (3) 971 Income: 50k-100k 41%(268) 56%(370) 3%(20) — (1) 659 Income: 100k+ 38%(136) 59%(216) 3% (9) — (1) 362 Ethnicity: White 44%(709) 53%(856) 3%(44) — (3) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 37%(71) 60%(116) 3%(6) — (0) 193 Continued on next page

312 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_5

Table POLx_5: Favorability for Donald Trump Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 39%(784) 57%(1135) 3%(68) — (6) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 15%(37) 78%(198) 6%(15) 1% (3) 253 Ethnicity: Other 29%(38) 64%(82) 7% (8) — (0) 128 All Christian 43%(428) 54%(536) 2%(22) — (0) 986 All Non-Christian 35%(42) 61%(72) 4% (5) — (0) 119 Atheist 17%(13) 83%(67) — (0) — (0) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 29%(131) 65%(295) 6%(27) 1% (3) 457 Something Else 48%(170) 47%(164) 4%(14) 1% (2) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 37%(51) 58%(80) 4%(6) — (0) 138 Evangelical 53%(303) 44%(251) 3%(17) — (0) 572 Non-Evangelical 38%(277) 59%(432) 2%(15) — (2) 726 Community: Urban 35%(197) 60%(337) 5%(25) — (0) 560 Community: Suburban 35%(319) 61%(555) 3%(26) 1% (5) 905 Community: Rural 51%(267) 46%(243) 3%(17) — (1) 527 Employ: Private Sector 39%(258) 58%(384) 3%(17) — (1) 660 Employ: Government 39%(59) 57%(88) 4%(6) — (0) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 43%(71) 51%(84) 6%(10) — (0) 165 Employ: Homemaker 50%(62) 47%(58) 3%(4) — (0) 124 Employ: Student 30%(18) 66%(38) 1% (1) 2% (1) 58 Employ: Retired 38%(190) 60%(296) 2%(11) — (0) 496 Employ: Unemployed 33%(69) 61%(130) 5%(12) 1% (2) 213 Employ: Other 46%(56) 46%(56) 6% (7) 1% (1) 121 Military HH: Yes 44%(158) 54%(192) 2% (7) — (0) 356 Military HH: No 38%(626) 58%(943) 4%(61) — (6) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 19%(177) 78%(719) 3%(28) — (1) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 57%(606) 39%(416) 4%(39) — (5) 1067 Biden Job Approve 15%(167) 83%(934) 3%(30) — (1) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 78%(581) 20%(151) 1% (9) — (0) 740 Continued on next page

313 Morning Consult Table POLx_5

Table POLx_5: Favorability for Donald Trump Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 39%(784) 57%(1135) 3%(68) — (6) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 13%(82) 85%(555) 3%(17) — (1) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 18%(85) 80%(379) 3%(12) — (0) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 57%(121) 41%(88) 2%(4) — (0) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 87%(460) 12%(62) 1% (5) — (0) 527 Favorable of Biden 14%(158) 84%(949) 2%(22) — (1) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 78%(603) 21%(161) 1% (9) — (0) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 9%(64) 88%(592) 3%(18) — (1) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 21%(94) 79%(358) 1%(4) — (0) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 52%(104) 45%(90) 2% (5) — (0) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 87%(499) 12%(71) 1% (5) — (0) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 46%(368) 51%(404) 3%(25) — (1) 798 #1 Issue: Security 69%(164) 28%(66) 3% (7) — (1) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 26%(79) 71%(218) 3% (9) 1% (2) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 33%(88) 64%(171) 3% (7) — (0) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 11% (9) 84%(66) 5%(4) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Education 34%(28) 62%(52) 4%(4) — (0) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 26%(20) 72%(57) 2% (2) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Other 19%(27) 72%(101) 8%(11) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 8%(83) 88%(898) 3%(31) — (4) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 86%(611) 13%(92) 1% (9) — (0) 711 2020 Vote: Other 19%(15) 64%(51) 15%(12) 2% (2) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 40%(74) 50%(93) 9%(16) — (0) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 10%(76) 88%(697) 3%(21) — (1) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 81%(489) 18%(108) 1% (7) — (1) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 23%(13) 56%(33) 22%(13) — (0) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 8%(59) 89%(671) 3%(22) — (1) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 80%(547) 18%(125) 1% (9) — (1) 682 2016 Vote: Other 16%(21) 77%(98) 7% (8) — (0) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 36%(154) 56%(239) 7%(28) 1%(4) 425 Continued on next page

314 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_5

Table POLx_5: Favorability for Donald Trump Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 39%(784) 57%(1135) 3%(68) — (6) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 39%(523) 58%(782) 2%(32) — (1) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 40%(261) 54%(353) 5%(36) 1% (5) 655 4-Region: Northeast 39%(139) 57%(204) 3%(12) — (0) 355 4-Region: Midwest 41%(189) 56%(255) 3%(14) — (0) 458 4-Region: South 42%(310) 54%(400) 4%(30) 1%(4) 744 4-Region: West 34%(146) 63%(276) 3%(12) — (1) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 9%(89) 88%(847) 3%(28) — (2) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 81%(590) 17%(125) 1% (9) — (2) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

315 Morning Consult Table POLx_6

Table POLx_6: Favorability for Republicans in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 34%(670) 55%(1104) 9%(187) 2%(32) 1992 Gender: Male 37%(344) 56%(521) 5%(51) 2%(17) 932 Gender: Female 31%(326) 55%(583) 13%(136) 1%(15) 1060 Age: 18-34 31%(156) 50%(248) 14%(69) 5%(27) 500 Age: 35-44 34%(104) 48%(145) 16%(49) 1%(4) 303 Age: 45-64 35%(254) 58%(424) 6%(46) — (1) 725 Age: 65+ 33%(155) 62%(287) 5%(22) — (0) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 24%(33) 51%(71) 19%(26) 7% (9) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 34%(195) 49%(279) 14%(81) 3%(20) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 36%(181) 55%(280) 9%(43) — (2) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 34%(236) 62%(435) 4%(30) — (1) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 11%(91) 79%(630) 8%(63) 2%(14) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 21%(121) 60%(346) 16%(92) 2%(13) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 74%(457) 21%(128) 5%(31) 1% (5) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 16%(55) 77%(263) 5%(16) 2% (8) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 8%(36) 81%(367) 10%(47) 1%(6) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 25%(75) 64%(190) 9%(26) 2%(6) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 17%(46) 57%(157) 24%(66) 3% (7) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 73%(213) 24%(69) 3% (8) 1%(4) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 74%(244) 18%(59) 7%(23) — (2) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 12%(79) 82%(519) 4%(27) 2%(11) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 26%(145) 62%(349) 11%(61) 2% (9) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 62%(412) 32%(213) 6%(38) 1%(4) 668 Educ: < College 35%(439) 52%(648) 12%(144) 2%(21) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 31%(145) 62%(290) 6%(27) 2% (8) 471 Educ: Post-grad 32%(85) 62%(166) 6%(15) 1% (2) 268 Income: Under 50k 30%(289) 55%(536) 13%(129) 2%(16) 971 Income: 50k-100k 37%(247) 56%(367) 5%(31) 2%(14) 659 Income: 100k+ 37%(133) 56%(201) 7%(26) 1% (2) 362 Ethnicity: White 38%(616) 53%(855) 7%(120) 1%(20) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 27%(51) 56%(108) 12%(23) 5%(10) 193 Continued on next page

316 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_6

Table POLx_6: Favorability for Republicans in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 34%(670) 55%(1104) 9%(187) 2%(32) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 11%(28) 69%(175) 18%(45) 2%(4) 253 Ethnicity: Other 20%(26) 58%(74) 16%(21) 6% (7) 128 All Christian 41%(404) 52%(511) 6%(61) 1% (9) 986 All Non-Christian 29%(35) 61%(73) 6% (7) 4%(4) 119 Atheist 19%(15) 76%(61) 4%(4) — (0) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 20%(93) 64%(291) 13%(60) 3%(12) 457 Something Else 35%(122) 48%(168) 15%(54) 2%(6) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 32%(44) 56%(78) 6% (8) 6% (9) 138 Evangelical 46%(262) 42%(242) 11%(61) 1%(6) 572 Non-Evangelical 34%(248) 59%(425) 7%(48) 1% (5) 726 Community: Urban 31%(171) 58%(323) 10%(54) 2%(12) 560 Community: Suburban 32%(289) 59%(533) 7%(68) 2%(16) 905 Community: Rural 40%(210) 47%(249) 12%(64) 1%(4) 527 Employ: Private Sector 35%(234) 55%(362) 7%(47) 3%(17) 660 Employ: Government 36%(55) 55%(84) 7%(11) 2%(4) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 39%(64) 53%(87) 7%(12) 1% (2) 165 Employ: Homemaker 40%(50) 51%(63) 8%(10) 1% (2) 124 Employ: Student 26%(15) 54%(32) 14% (8) 5% (3) 58 Employ: Retired 34%(168) 61%(302) 5%(26) — (1) 496 Employ: Unemployed 23%(48) 55%(116) 22%(47) — (1) 213 Employ: Other 29%(35) 48%(58) 21%(25) 3% (3) 121 Military HH: Yes 37%(131) 57%(203) 4%(16) 2%(6) 356 Military HH: No 33%(538) 55%(901) 10%(171) 2%(26) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 20%(189) 69%(640) 8%(76) 2%(20) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 45%(481) 44%(464) 10%(111) 1%(12) 1067 Biden Job Approve 17%(195) 73%(822) 9%(99) 1%(16) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 62%(456) 32%(238) 5%(40) 1%(6) 740 Continued on next page

317 Morning Consult Table POLx_6

Table POLx_6: Favorability for Republicans in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 34%(670) 55%(1104) 9%(187) 2%(32) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 14%(94) 76%(498) 8%(53) 2%(11) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 21%(101) 68%(324) 10%(46) 1% (5) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 46%(99) 43%(92) 8%(17) 3%(6) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 68%(357) 28%(147) 4%(23) — (0) 527 Favorable of Biden 16%(184) 74%(833) 9%(104) 1%(11) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 61%(471) 33%(255) 5%(41) 1%(6) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 13%(90) 78%(528) 7%(50) 1% (7) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 21%(94) 67%(304) 12%(54) 1%(4) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 44%(88) 46%(92) 8%(17) 1% (2) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 67%(383) 28%(164) 4%(24) 1%(4) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 39%(308) 50%(400) 10%(80) 1%(10) 798 #1 Issue: Security 57%(136) 32%(76) 10%(23) 1% (3) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 23%(72) 67%(206) 8%(25) 2%(6) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 28%(74) 65%(174) 6%(16) 1% (2) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 15%(11) 75%(59) 8% (7) 2% (1) 79 #1 Issue: Education 26%(22) 55%(46) 15%(13) 3% (3) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 23%(18) 63%(50) 8% (7) 6% (5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 20%(28) 67%(94) 12%(17) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 11%(116) 80%(811) 8%(78) 1%(11) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 70%(495) 24%(170) 6%(41) 1% (5) 711 2020 Vote: Other 13%(11) 65%(51) 20%(16) 2% (2) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 26%(47) 39%(71) 28%(52) 7%(13) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 9%(74) 83%(661) 6%(50) 1% (9) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 69%(419) 26%(155) 4%(22) 1% (8) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 8% (5) 62%(37) 30%(18) — (0) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 9%(65) 84%(629) 7%(51) 1% (8) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 66%(452) 28%(190) 5%(34) 1%(6) 682 2016 Vote: Other 18%(23) 71%(90) 11%(14) — (0) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 30%(128) 46%(195) 20%(86) 4%(17) 425 Continued on next page

318 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_6

Table POLx_6: Favorability for Republicans in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 34%(670) 55%(1104) 9%(187) 2%(32) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 34%(455) 59%(794) 6%(77) 1%(11) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 33%(214) 47%(310) 17%(110) 3%(21) 655 4-Region: Northeast 33%(118) 53%(188) 12%(44) 1% (5) 355 4-Region: Midwest 38%(174) 56%(256) 6%(27) — (1) 458 4-Region: South 34%(255) 53%(395) 11%(82) 2%(13) 744 4-Region: West 28%(122) 61%(265) 8%(35) 3%(13) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 11%(108) 80%(770) 8%(74) 2%(15) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 70%(506) 24%(177) 5%(36) 1% (7) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

319 Morning Consult Table POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability for Democrats in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 48%(966) 43%(857) 7%(138) 2%(31) 1992 Gender: Male 48%(449) 45%(424) 4%(40) 2%(19) 932 Gender: Female 49%(517) 41%(433) 9%(98) 1%(12) 1060 Age: 18-34 50%(250) 34%(169) 11%(56) 5%(26) 500 Age: 35-44 56%(169) 33%(99) 11%(33) 1% (2) 303 Age: 45-64 45%(325) 50%(360) 5%(38) — (3) 725 Age: 65+ 48%(223) 49%(229) 3%(12) — (0) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 42%(59) 33%(46) 19%(26) 6% (8) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 56%(324) 30%(175) 10%(56) 3%(20) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 45%(226) 48%(246) 6%(32) 1% (3) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 46%(326) 50%(354) 3%(22) — (0) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 87%(691) 10%(76) 3%(23) 1% (9) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 36%(207) 46%(264) 16%(89) 2%(13) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 11%(68) 83%(517) 4%(27) 1% (9) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 87%(298) 9%(29) 2% (8) 2% (7) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 86%(392) 10%(47) 3%(15) — (2) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 37%(110) 52%(153) 9%(28) 2% (5) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 35%(97) 40%(110) 22%(61) 3% (8) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 14%(41) 82%(241) 2% (5) 2%(6) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 8%(27) 84%(276) 7%(22) 1% (2) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 83%(526) 13%(85) 3%(17) 1% (8) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 53%(297) 38%(216) 8%(45) 1% (7) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 17%(114) 77%(516) 5%(31) 1% (7) 668 Educ: < College 44%(547) 46%(577) 9%(109) 2%(20) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 53%(249) 40%(191) 5%(22) 2% (9) 471 Educ: Post-grad 63%(170) 33%(89) 3% (7) 1% (2) 268 Income: Under 50k 48%(468) 40%(390) 10%(97) 2%(16) 971 Income: 50k-100k 45%(298) 49%(320) 4%(29) 2%(12) 659 Income: 100k+ 55%(201) 40%(147) 3%(12) 1% (3) 362 Ethnicity: White 45%(719) 48%(773) 6%(97) 1%(22) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 52%(100) 34%(66) 10%(18) 5% (9) 193 Continued on next page

320 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability for Democrats in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 48%(966) 43%(857) 7%(138) 2%(31) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 72%(182) 17%(43) 10%(25) 1% (3) 253 Ethnicity: Other 51%(65) 32%(41) 13%(17) 4%(6) 128 All Christian 47%(459) 49%(481) 4%(39) 1% (8) 986 All Non-Christian 68%(82) 23%(28) 4%(4) 5% (5) 119 Atheist 72%(58) 25%(20) 3% (2) — (0) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 48%(219) 37%(168) 13%(58) 3%(12) 457 Something Else 42%(149) 46%(160) 10%(35) 2%(6) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 63%(87) 26%(36) 4% (5) 7%(10) 138 Evangelical 44%(251) 49%(283) 6%(32) 1%(6) 572 Non-Evangelical 47%(341) 47%(344) 5%(37) 1%(4) 726 Community: Urban 65%(362) 27%(152) 6%(36) 2%(10) 560 Community: Suburban 47%(421) 46%(419) 6%(53) 1%(12) 905 Community: Rural 35%(183) 54%(286) 9%(50) 2% (8) 527 Employ: Private Sector 52%(346) 41%(268) 5%(33) 2%(15) 660 Employ: Government 53%(82) 40%(62) 5% (7) 2% (2) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 46%(76) 44%(72) 9%(15) 1% (2) 165 Employ: Homemaker 39%(48) 51%(64) 7% (8) 3%(4) 124 Employ: Student 52%(30) 35%(20) 10%(6) 4% (2) 58 Employ: Retired 47%(232) 50%(247) 3%(17) — (0) 496 Employ: Unemployed 50%(106) 35%(74) 14%(30) 1% (2) 213 Employ: Other 38%(46) 41%(49) 19%(23) 3% (3) 121 Military HH: Yes 47%(168) 46%(165) 5%(18) 1% (5) 356 Military HH: No 49%(798) 42%(692) 7%(121) 2%(26) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 79%(727) 14%(134) 5%(48) 2%(16) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 22%(239) 68%(723) 8%(90) 1%(15) 1067 Biden Job Approve 79%(896) 14%(162) 5%(62) 1%(12) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 7%(52) 88%(648) 4%(30) 1%(10) 740 Continued on next page

321 Morning Consult Table POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability for Democrats in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 48%(966) 43%(857) 7%(138) 2%(31) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 90%(589) 6%(37) 3%(22) 1% (8) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 65%(307) 26%(125) 8%(40) 1%(4) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 12%(26) 78%(168) 6%(13) 3% (7) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 5%(26) 91%(481) 3%(17) 1% (3) 527 Favorable of Biden 81%(916) 12%(139) 6%(68) 1% (8) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 6%(43) 89%(691) 4%(30) 1%(10) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 92%(623) 4%(28) 3%(21) 1% (3) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 64%(293) 24%(111) 10%(47) 1%(4) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 15%(29) 78%(155) 6%(13) 1% (2) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 2%(14) 93%(536) 3%(17) 1% (8) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 43%(339) 48%(381) 8%(66) 1%(11) 798 #1 Issue: Security 28%(65) 67%(160) 3% (8) 2% (5) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 65%(201) 26%(82) 7%(22) 1%(4) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 52%(138) 42%(112) 5%(14) 1% (2) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 67%(53) 23%(18) 8%(6) 2% (1) 79 #1 Issue: Education 48%(40) 39%(33) 11%(10) 1% (1) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 59%(47) 29%(23) 6% (5) 6% (5) 79 #1 Issue: Other 59%(83) 35%(49) 5% (7) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 82%(830) 13%(135) 4%(44) 1% (7) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 9%(63) 86%(612) 4%(29) 1% (7) 711 2020 Vote: Other 17%(13) 56%(44) 25%(19) 2% (2) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32%(59) 35%(64) 25%(46) 8%(15) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 82%(656) 14%(113) 2%(18) 1% (8) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 11%(65) 85%(514) 3%(16) 2% (9) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 17%(10) 54%(32) 29%(17) — (0) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 85%(641) 11%(86) 3%(21) 1% (5) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 13%(87) 83%(563) 4%(24) 1% (7) 682 2016 Vote: Other 37%(47) 52%(66) 10%(13) — (0) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 45%(190) 32%(138) 19%(80) 4%(17) 425 Continued on next page

322 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_7

Table POLx_7: Favorability for Democrats in Congress Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 48%(966) 43%(857) 7%(138) 2%(31) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 51%(687) 45%(603) 3%(38) 1% (9) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 43%(279) 39%(254) 15%(101) 3%(22) 655 4-Region: Northeast 54%(193) 35%(126) 9%(33) 1% (3) 355 4-Region: Midwest 44%(201) 52%(237) 4%(18) — (2) 458 4-Region: South 46%(342) 44%(326) 8%(62) 2%(14) 744 4-Region: West 53%(229) 39%(169) 6%(25) 3%(12) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 85%(818) 11%(110) 3%(29) 1%(10) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 10%(73) 84%(609) 5%(33) 2%(11) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

323 Morning Consult Table POLx_9

Table POLx_9: Favorability for Kevin McCarthy Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 21%(426) 37%(746) 24%(485) 17%(336) 1992 Gender: Male 27%(256) 41%(384) 19%(174) 13%(118) 932 Gender: Female 16%(170) 34%(362) 29%(310) 21%(218) 1060 Age: 18-34 15%(75) 25%(126) 25%(125) 35%(174) 500 Age: 35-44 21%(64) 29%(88) 29%(87) 21%(64) 303 Age: 45-64 22%(158) 42%(306) 25%(182) 11%(79) 725 Age: 65+ 28%(129) 49%(226) 20%(90) 4%(19) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 8%(11) 19%(26) 29%(40) 44%(62) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 19%(109) 28%(163) 26%(147) 27%(156) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 22%(111) 38%(193) 26%(130) 14%(73) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 24%(168) 48%(339) 22%(152) 6%(42) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 13%(100) 51%(409) 21%(166) 15%(123) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 17%(100) 34%(195) 29%(164) 20%(114) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 36%(226) 23%(141) 25%(155) 16%(99) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 18%(61) 56%(191) 15%(50) 12%(40) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 9%(39) 48%(218) 26%(116) 18%(82) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 22%(66) 42%(125) 21%(63) 14%(42) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 12%(33) 25%(70) 36%(101) 26%(72) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 44%(128) 23%(68) 21%(61) 12%(36) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 30%(98) 22%(73) 28%(93) 19%(63) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 11%(69) 53%(339) 20%(128) 16%(100) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 15%(84) 40%(225) 28%(161) 17%(95) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 39%(263) 25%(169) 22%(147) 13%(89) 668 Educ: < College 19%(241) 33%(415) 28%(350) 20%(246) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 24%(115) 45%(210) 18%(87) 13%(59) 471 Educ: Post-grad 26%(70) 45%(121) 18%(48) 11%(30) 268 Income: Under 50k 18%(172) 35%(340) 28%(267) 20%(191) 971 Income: 50k-100k 24%(155) 39%(260) 23%(152) 14%(92) 659 Income: 100k+ 27%(99) 40%(146) 18%(66) 14%(52) 362 Ethnicity: White 24%(379) 37%(604) 25%(396) 14%(232) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 18%(35) 31%(60) 20%(38) 31%(59) 193 Continued on next page

324 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_9

Table POLx_9: Favorability for Kevin McCarthy Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 21%(426) 37%(746) 24%(485) 17%(336) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 11%(29) 42%(105) 24%(61) 23%(58) 253 Ethnicity: Other 14%(18) 29%(37) 21%(27) 36%(46) 128 All Christian 28%(277) 38%(372) 22%(218) 12%(118) 986 All Non-Christian 21%(25) 50%(60) 14%(17) 15%(18) 119 Atheist 9% (7) 42%(34) 28%(23) 21%(17) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 11%(50) 39%(180) 28%(129) 21%(97) 457 Something Else 19%(66) 29%(100) 28%(98) 24%(86) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 21%(29) 46%(63) 15%(21) 18%(25) 138 Evangelical 31%(179) 29%(164) 23%(131) 17%(98) 572 Non-Evangelical 21%(155) 41%(299) 24%(178) 13%(95) 726 Community: Urban 24%(132) 39%(217) 21%(120) 16%(91) 560 Community: Suburban 19%(171) 40%(362) 24%(222) 17%(151) 905 Community: Rural 23%(123) 32%(167) 27%(144) 18%(94) 527 Employ: Private Sector 23%(149) 37%(246) 23%(150) 17%(115) 660 Employ: Government 26%(40) 34%(52) 23%(36) 17%(26) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 18%(29) 39%(65) 23%(38) 20%(33) 165 Employ: Homemaker 15%(19) 39%(48) 27%(34) 19%(23) 124 Employ: Student 5% (3) 25%(15) 20%(12) 49%(29) 58 Employ: Retired 28%(138) 45%(225) 21%(104) 6%(29) 496 Employ: Unemployed 14%(29) 29%(62) 34%(72) 23%(49) 213 Employ: Other 15%(18) 27%(32) 32%(39) 26%(32) 121 Military HH: Yes 25%(90) 40%(143) 21%(73) 14%(49) 356 Military HH: No 21%(336) 37%(602) 25%(412) 17%(286) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 17%(156) 46%(425) 22%(208) 15%(135) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 25%(269) 30%(320) 26%(277) 19%(200) 1067 Biden Job Approve 15%(174) 47%(531) 22%(249) 16%(177) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 34%(248) 26%(195) 24%(179) 16%(118) 740 Continued on next page

325 Morning Consult Table POLx_9

Table POLx_9: Favorability for Kevin McCarthy Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 21%(426) 37%(746) 24%(485) 17%(336) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 17%(108) 55%(359) 17%(113) 12%(76) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 14%(65) 36%(173) 29%(136) 21%(101) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 16%(33) 30%(64) 31%(66) 24%(51) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 41%(215) 25%(132) 21%(113) 13%(67) 527 Favorable of Biden 15%(172) 47%(527) 23%(256) 16%(176) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 33%(253) 27%(206) 24%(184) 17%(131) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 14%(96) 54%(368) 20%(133) 12%(78) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 17%(76) 35%(159) 27%(123) 22%(98) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 16%(33) 28%(57) 31%(61) 24%(49) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 38%(220) 26%(149) 21%(123) 14%(82) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 23%(187) 31%(246) 27%(217) 19%(148) 798 #1 Issue: Security 44%(105) 29%(68) 16%(38) 12%(27) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 14%(42) 45%(140) 25%(78) 16%(49) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17%(46) 47%(126) 26%(70) 9%(24) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 12% (9) 38%(30) 20%(16) 30%(23) 79 #1 Issue: Education 16%(14) 37%(31) 23%(19) 24%(20) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 12% (9) 39%(31) 25%(20) 25%(20) 79 #1 Issue: Other 10%(14) 53%(75) 20%(28) 17%(24) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 12%(124) 51%(518) 22%(227) 15%(148) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 38%(267) 23%(160) 25%(181) 14%(103) 711 2020 Vote: Other 13%(10) 29%(23) 22%(18) 36%(28) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(24) 24%(44) 32%(59) 31%(56) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 13%(100) 57%(452) 18%(141) 13%(103) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 42%(253) 25%(148) 22%(133) 12%(70) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 9% (5) 31%(18) 47%(28) 14% (8) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 13%(97) 55%(416) 19%(145) 13%(96) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 38%(258) 27%(183) 22%(153) 13%(89) 682 2016 Vote: Other 11%(14) 47%(60) 26%(33) 15%(19) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13%(57) 20%(85) 36%(154) 31%(130) 425 Continued on next page

326 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_9

Table POLx_9: Favorability for Kevin McCarthy Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 21%(426) 37%(746) 24%(485) 17%(336) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 24%(326) 44%(583) 20%(274) 11%(154) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 15%(100) 25%(162) 32%(211) 28%(182) 655 4-Region: Northeast 27%(94) 40%(141) 20%(71) 14%(49) 355 4-Region: Midwest 23%(107) 38%(174) 22%(102) 16%(74) 458 4-Region: South 18%(132) 34%(255) 28%(210) 20%(147) 744 4-Region: West 21%(92) 40%(176) 24%(103) 15%(65) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 12%(115) 51%(497) 21%(206) 15%(148) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 37%(269) 22%(163) 25%(181) 16%(113) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

327 Morning Consult Table POLx_10

Table POLx_10: Favorability for Joe Biden Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 57%(1131) 39%(773) 4%(76) 1%(12) 1992 Gender: Male 56%(519) 41%(381) 3%(24) 1% (8) 932 Gender: Female 58%(611) 37%(392) 5%(52) — (4) 1060 Age: 18-34 58%(291) 34%(168) 6%(30) 2%(11) 500 Age: 35-44 63%(190) 32%(98) 5%(15) — (0) 303 Age: 45-64 53%(387) 43%(315) 3%(23) — (1) 725 Age: 65+ 57%(262) 42%(193) 2% (8) — (0) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 54%(75) 40%(56) 4%(6) 2% (3) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 64%(370) 28%(162) 6%(34) 1% (9) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 51%(257) 45%(228) 4%(21) — (1) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 56%(393) 42%(298) 1%(10) — (0) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 91%(725) 7%(58) 2%(13) — (2) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 54%(311) 38%(217) 7%(43) 1% (3) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 15%(96) 80%(498) 3%(20) 1% (7) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 91%(312) 8%(27) 1% (2) — (1) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 90%(412) 7%(31) 2%(11) — (1) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 51%(151) 43%(127) 6%(17) — (1) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 58%(159) 32%(90) 9%(26) 1% (1) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 19%(56) 77%(227) 2% (5) 2% (5) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 12%(40) 83%(271) 5%(15) — (2) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 87%(555) 10%(66) 2%(12) — (3) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 65%(368) 31%(174) 4%(22) — (2) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 22%(146) 74%(496) 3%(22) 1%(4) 668 Educ: < College 51%(643) 44%(551) 4%(54) — (6) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 62%(292) 33%(156) 4%(17) 1%(6) 471 Educ: Post-grad 73%(196) 25%(67) 2% (5) — (0) 268 Income: Under 50k 57%(550) 38%(367) 5%(46) 1% (7) 971 Income: 50k-100k 52%(346) 44%(287) 3%(22) 1% (3) 659 Income: 100k+ 65%(235) 33%(119) 2% (7) — (1) 362 Ethnicity: White 53%(857) 43%(686) 4%(60) — (8) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 64%(124) 35%(68) 1% (1) — (0) 193 Continued on next page

328 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_10

Table POLx_10: Favorability for Joe Biden Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 57%(1131) 39%(773) 4%(76) 1%(12) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 78%(198) 16%(41) 4%(11) 1% (3) 253 Ethnicity: Other 60%(76) 35%(45) 4% (5) 1% (1) 128 All Christian 55%(540) 43%(421) 2%(24) — (1) 986 All Non-Christian 75%(89) 21%(25) 2% (3) 3% (3) 119 Atheist 76%(61) 24%(20) — (0) — (0) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 58%(265) 34%(156) 7%(31) 1%(4) 457 Something Else 50%(176) 44%(153) 5%(17) 1%(4) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 69%(95) 26%(36) 3%(4) 2% (3) 138 Evangelical 49%(282) 47%(271) 3%(18) — (1) 572 Non-Evangelical 57%(416) 39%(286) 3%(20) 1%(4) 726 Community: Urban 71%(397) 25%(139) 3%(19) 1% (5) 560 Community: Suburban 56%(508) 40%(362) 3%(29) 1%(6) 905 Community: Rural 43%(226) 52%(273) 5%(28) — (1) 527 Employ: Private Sector 60%(394) 37%(244) 3%(19) 1%(4) 660 Employ: Government 59%(90) 37%(57) 3%(4) 1% (2) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 53%(88) 41%(68) 5% (8) 1% (1) 165 Employ: Homemaker 43%(54) 50%(62) 7% (9) — (0) 124 Employ: Student 61%(35) 36%(21) 1% (1) 2% (1) 58 Employ: Retired 56%(277) 42%(206) 3%(13) — (0) 496 Employ: Unemployed 58%(124) 34%(72) 7%(14) 1% (2) 213 Employ: Other 56%(68) 36%(44) 7% (8) 1% (1) 121 Military HH: Yes 53%(190) 44%(155) 2% (8) 1% (2) 356 Military HH: No 57%(941) 38%(618) 4%(67) 1%(10) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 89%(827) 8%(72) 2%(21) 1% (5) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 28%(304) 66%(702) 5%(55) 1% (7) 1067 Biden Job Approve 94%(1059) 5%(55) 1%(13) — (4) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 5%(39) 93%(692) 1% (8) — (2) 740 Continued on next page

329 Morning Consult Table POLx_10

Table POLx_10: Favorability for Joe Biden Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 57%(1131) 39%(773) 4%(76) 1%(12) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 97%(635) 2%(12) 1%(6) 1%(4) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 89%(424) 9%(43) 2% (8) — (0) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 12%(26) 86%(184) 2%(4) — (0) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 2%(13) 96%(508) 1%(4) — (2) 527 Favorable of Biden 100%(1131) — (0) — (0) — (0) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden — (0) 100%(773) — (0) — (0) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 100%(675) — (0) — (0) — (0) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 100%(456) — (0) — (0) — (0) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden — (0) 100%(199) — (0) — (0) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden — (0) 100%(574) — (0) — (0) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 49%(391) 46%(369) 4%(35) — (4) 798 #1 Issue: Security 34%(80) 64%(152) 2%(4) — (1) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 76%(234) 20%(62) 4%(11) 1% (2) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 65%(174) 31%(82) 3% (9) — (1) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 77%(60) 21%(16) 3% (2) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Education 57%(48) 37%(31) 6% (5) — (0) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 65%(52) 27%(22) 4% (3) 3% (3) 79 #1 Issue: Other 66%(92) 28%(40) 5% (7) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 92%(933) 6%(62) 2%(19) — (3) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 12%(85) 84%(597) 3%(23) 1% (5) 711 2020 Vote: Other 31%(24) 55%(44) 12% (9) 2% (2) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 48%(88) 38%(69) 13%(24) 1% (2) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 91%(721) 7%(57) 2%(15) — (1) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 16%(94) 80%(485) 3%(21) 1%(4) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 35%(21) 49%(29) 16%(10) — (0) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 92%(693) 6%(47) 2%(13) — (0) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 18%(125) 77%(525) 4%(26) 1%(6) 682 2016 Vote: Other 55%(70) 36%(46) 9%(11) — (0) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 57%(241) 36%(153) 6%(26) 1% (5) 425 Continued on next page

330 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_10

Table POLx_10: Favorability for Joe Biden Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 57%(1131) 39%(773) 4%(76) 1%(12) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 59%(785) 38%(514) 2%(32) — (6) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 53%(346) 40%(259) 7%(44) 1%(6) 655 4-Region: Northeast 64%(228) 31%(111) 4%(14) 1% (2) 355 4-Region: Midwest 51%(236) 45%(208) 3%(14) — (0) 458 4-Region: South 53%(391) 41%(308) 5%(39) 1%(6) 744 4-Region: West 63%(276) 34%(146) 2% (9) 1%(4) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 91%(878) 7%(69) 2%(17) — (2) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 15%(108) 81%(586) 3%(25) 1% (7) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

331 Morning Consult Table POLx_11

Table POLx_11: Favorability for Kamala Harris Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 51%(1024) 39%(786) 7%(136) 2%(45) 1992 Gender: Male 48%(448) 43%(400) 6%(57) 3%(27) 932 Gender: Female 54%(576) 36%(386) 7%(79) 2%(18) 1060 Age: 18-34 52%(259) 33%(165) 10%(49) 5%(27) 500 Age: 35-44 55%(167) 33%(99) 8%(24) 4%(12) 303 Age: 45-64 49%(355) 44%(318) 6%(46) 1%(6) 725 Age: 65+ 52%(243) 44%(203) 4%(17) — (1) 463 GenZers: 1997-2012 47%(66) 37%(51) 9%(13) 7%(10) 140 Millennials: 1981-1996 56%(324) 30%(171) 9%(54) 5%(26) 575 GenXers: 1965-1980 48%(242) 44%(221) 7%(35) 2% (8) 506 Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 52%(361) 44%(310) 4%(29) — (1) 701 PID: Dem (no lean) 86%(689) 8%(66) 4%(31) 2%(13) 798 PID: Ind (no lean) 47%(270) 38%(216) 11%(66) 4%(21) 573 PID: Rep (no lean) 11%(66) 81%(504) 6%(40) 2%(12) 621 PID/Gender: Dem Men 84%(286) 11%(39) 3%(10) 2% (7) 342 PID/Gender: Dem Women 88%(402) 6%(27) 5%(21) 1%(6) 456 PID/Gender: Ind Men 43%(126) 42%(125) 11%(33) 4%(11) 297 PID/Gender: Ind Women 52%(144) 33%(91) 12%(32) 3%(10) 276 PID/Gender: Rep Men 12%(36) 80%(236) 5%(13) 3% (9) 294 PID/Gender: Rep Women 9%(30) 82%(268) 8%(27) 1% (3) 328 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 83%(527) 12%(78) 3%(21) 1%(10) 636 Ideo: Moderate (4) 58%(329) 32%(182) 8%(44) 2%(11) 565 Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 18%(119) 74%(495) 6%(41) 2%(12) 668 Educ: < College 47%(585) 43%(545) 7%(92) 2%(30) 1253 Educ: Bachelors degree 56%(262) 35%(166) 6%(31) 3%(13) 471 Educ: Post-grad 66%(177) 28%(76) 5%(13) 1% (2) 268 Income: Under 50k 52%(503) 38%(366) 8%(75) 3%(26) 971 Income: 50k-100k 48%(319) 44%(288) 6%(42) 2%(11) 659 Income: 100k+ 56%(202) 37%(132) 5%(19) 2% (9) 362 Ethnicity: White 47%(764) 44%(701) 7%(112) 2%(34) 1611 Ethnicity: Hispanic 59%(114) 32%(62) 8%(15) 1% (2) 193 Continued on next page

332 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_11

Table POLx_11: Favorability for Kamala Harris Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 51%(1024) 39%(786) 7%(136) 2%(45) 1992 Ethnicity: Black 77%(196) 18%(45) 4% (9) 1% (3) 253 Ethnicity: Other 51%(65) 31%(40) 12%(15) 6% (8) 128 All Christian 50%(490) 44%(437) 5%(48) 1%(11) 986 All Non-Christian 69%(82) 22%(26) 6% (7) 3%(4) 119 Atheist 75%(61) 22%(18) 1% (1) 2% (2) 80 Agnostic/Nothing in particular 52%(238) 33%(151) 11%(51) 4%(17) 457 Something Else 44%(154) 44%(155) 8%(29) 4%(12) 350 Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 63%(87) 27%(37) 8%(11) 3%(4) 138 Evangelical 43%(246) 49%(281) 6%(32) 2%(13) 572 Non-Evangelical 53%(383) 40%(294) 5%(38) 1%(11) 726 Community: Urban 63%(352) 25%(139) 8%(46) 4%(23) 560 Community: Suburban 51%(461) 42%(382) 5%(43) 2%(19) 905 Community: Rural 40%(211) 50%(265) 9%(48) 1% (3) 527 Employ: Private Sector 53%(348) 38%(248) 7%(48) 3%(17) 660 Employ: Government 56%(86) 36%(56) 4%(6) 4%(6) 154 Employ: Self-Employed 49%(81) 41%(69) 9%(14) 1% (1) 165 Employ: Homemaker 38%(48) 49%(61) 11%(14) 1% (2) 124 Employ: Student 56%(33) 33%(19) 4% (2) 6%(4) 58 Employ: Retired 52%(256) 44%(217) 4%(22) — (1) 496 Employ: Unemployed 53%(112) 33%(71) 10%(21) 4% (9) 213 Employ: Other 50%(61) 38%(46) 8% (9) 5%(6) 121 Military HH: Yes 51%(181) 44%(155) 5%(17) 1% (3) 356 Military HH: No 52%(843) 39%(631) 7%(120) 3%(42) 1636 RD/WT: Right Direction 82%(758) 10%(89) 6%(54) 3%(24) 925 RD/WT: Wrong Track 25%(266) 65%(698) 8%(82) 2%(21) 1067 Biden Job Approve 85%(962) 9%(97) 4%(49) 2%(23) 1132 Biden Job Disapprove 6%(41) 89%(659) 4%(31) 1% (8) 740 Continued on next page

333 Morning Consult Table POLx_11

Table POLx_11: Favorability for Kamala Harris Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 51%(1024) 39%(786) 7%(136) 2%(45) 1992 Biden Job Strongly Approve 93%(610) 3%(20) 2%(15) 2%(11) 656 Biden Job Somewhat Approve 74%(351) 16%(78) 7%(35) 3%(12) 476 Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 12%(26) 78%(166) 9%(19) 2% (3) 214 Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 3%(16) 94%(494) 2%(12) 1% (5) 527 Favorable of Biden 88%(996) 6%(68) 4%(46) 2%(22) 1131 Unfavorable of Biden 3%(25) 91%(707) 4%(34) 1% (8) 773 Very Favorable of Biden 95%(641) 2%(12) 2%(13) 1% (9) 675 Somewhat Favorable of Biden 78%(354) 12%(56) 7%(33) 3%(12) 456 Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 10%(20) 79%(157) 10%(20) 2% (3) 199 Very Unfavorable of Biden 1% (5) 96%(550) 2%(14) 1% (5) 574 #1 Issue: Economy 42%(338) 47%(376) 8%(65) 2%(19) 798 #1 Issue: Security 30%(70) 65%(154) 3% (8) 2% (5) 238 #1 Issue: Health Care 71%(220) 19%(59) 7%(21) 3% (9) 309 #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 56%(150) 33%(89) 8%(21) 2%(6) 266 #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 73%(57) 21%(17) 6% (5) — (0) 79 #1 Issue: Education 55%(46) 37%(31) 8%(6) — (0) 83 #1 Issue: Energy 59%(47) 31%(24) 5%(4) 5%(4) 79 #1 Issue: Other 68%(96) 26%(36) 5% (7) 1% (2) 141 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 86%(877) 8%(81) 4%(42) 2%(16) 1016 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 8%(54) 84%(598) 7%(46) 2%(13) 711 2020 Vote: Other 26%(21) 51%(40) 19%(15) 3% (2) 79 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 39%(71) 36%(66) 18%(33) 8%(14) 184 2018 House Vote: Democrat 85%(677) 10%(81) 4%(28) 1% (8) 795 2018 House Vote: Republican 12%(72) 81%(489) 5%(32) 2%(12) 604 2018 House Vote: Someone else 35%(21) 43%(25) 22%(13) — (0) 59 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 88%(659) 9%(64) 3%(22) 1% (8) 753 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 14%(93) 79%(537) 6%(39) 2%(13) 682 2016 Vote: Other 50%(64) 35%(45) 12%(16) 2% (2) 127 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 49%(207) 32%(138) 14%(58) 5%(22) 425 Continued on next page

334 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Table POLx_11

Table POLx_11: Favorability for Kamala Harris Heard Of, No Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Opinion Never Heard Of Total N Registered Voters 51%(1024) 39%(786) 7%(136) 2%(45) 1992 Voted in 2014: Yes 55%(730) 40%(532) 4%(55) 1%(19) 1337 Voted in 2014: No 45%(294) 39%(254) 12%(81) 4%(26) 655 4-Region: Northeast 59%(209) 32%(115) 7%(26) 1% (5) 355 4-Region: Midwest 46%(211) 47%(213) 6%(25) 2% (8) 458 4-Region: South 48%(357) 42%(311) 7%(55) 3%(20) 744 4-Region: West 57%(247) 34%(147) 7%(29) 3%(12) 435 Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 86%(831) 8%(81) 4%(42) 1%(13) 967 Party: Republican/Leans Republican 11%(76) 81%(588) 7%(48) 2%(13) 726 Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

335 Morning Consult Respondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage xdemAll Registered Voters 1992 100% xdemGender Gender: Male 932 47% Gender: Female 1060 53% N 1992 age Age: 18-34 500 25% Age: 35-44 303 15% Age: 45-64 725 36% Age: 65+ 463 23% N 1992 demAgeGeneration GenZers: 1997-2012 140 7% Millennials: 1981-1996 575 29% GenXers: 1965-1980 506 25% Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 701 35% N 1922 xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 798 40% PID: Ind (no lean) 573 29% PID: Rep (no lean) 621 31% N 1992 xpidGender PID/Gender: Dem Men 342 17% PID/Gender: Dem Women 456 23% PID/Gender: Ind Men 297 15% PID/Gender: Ind Women 276 14% PID/Gender: Rep Men 294 15% PID/Gender: Rep Women 328 16% N 1992 xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 636 32% Ideo: Moderate (4) 565 28% Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 668 34% N 1869 xeduc3 Educ: < College 1253 63% Educ: Bachelors degree 471 24% Educ: Post-grad 268 13% N 1992 Continued on next page

336 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 971 49% Income: 50k-100k 659 33% Income: 100k+ 362 18% N 1992 xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 1611 81% xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 193 10% demBlackBin Ethnicity: Black 253 13% demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 128 6% xdemReligion All Christian 986 49% All Non-Christian 119 6% Atheist 80 4% Agnostic/Nothing in particular 457 23% Something Else 350 18% N 1992 xdemReligOther Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 138 7% xdemEvang Evangelical 572 29% Non-Evangelical 726 36% N 1298 xdemUsr Community: Urban 560 28% Community: Suburban 905 45% Community: Rural 527 26% N 1992 xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 660 33% Employ: Government 154 8% Employ: Self-Employed 165 8% Employ: Homemaker 124 6% Employ: Student 58 3% Employ: Retired 496 25% Employ: Unemployed 213 11% Employ: Other 121 6% N 1992 xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 356 18% Military HH: No 1636 82% N 1992 Continued on next page

337 Morning Consult Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 925 46% RD/WT: Wrong Track 1067 54% N 1992 xdemBidenApprove Biden Job Approve 1132 57% Biden Job Disapprove 740 37% N 1872 xdemBidenApprove2 Biden Job Strongly Approve 656 33% Biden Job Somewhat Approve 476 24% Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 214 11% Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 527 26% N 1872 xdemBidenFav Favorable of Biden 1131 57% Unfavorable of Biden 773 39% N 1904 xdemBidenFavFull Very Favorable of Biden 675 34% Somewhat Favorable of Biden 456 23% Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 199 10% Very Unfavorable of Biden 574 29% N 1904 xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 798 40% #1 Issue: Security 238 12% #1 Issue: Health Care 309 15% #1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 266 13% #1 Issue: Women’s Issues 79 4% #1 Issue: Education 83 4% #1 Issue: Energy 79 4% #1 Issue: Other 141 7% N 1992 xsubVote20O 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 1016 51% 2020 Vote: Donald Trump 711 36% 2020 Vote: Other 79 4% 2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 184 9% N 1989 xsubVote18O 2018 House Vote: Democrat 795 40% 2018 House Vote: Republican 604 30% 2018 House Vote: Someone else 59 3% N 1458 Continued on next page

338 National Tracking Poll #2102136, February-March, 2021 Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 753 38% 2016 Vote: Donald Trump 682 34% 2016 Vote: Other 127 6% 2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 425 21% N 1987 xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 1337 67% Voted in 2014: No 655 33% N 1992 xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 355 18% 4-Region: Midwest 458 23% 4-Region: South 744 37% 4-Region: West 435 22% N 1992 xdemPidLean Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 967 49% Party: Republican/Leans Republican 726 36% N 1693 Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu- lated with demographic post-stratification weights applied.

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