
New System of Information about the Tokai based on Pre-slip Models

Noriko KAMAYA and Hidemi ITO (Seismological and Volcanological Department, Japan Meteorological Agency) JMA’s Responsibilities

Emergency Operations 1 Tsunami Warning 2 Seismological Information 3 Prediction of Earthquake (Tokai Earthquake) 4 Volcanological Information

Research Work 5 Seismological and Volcanological Bulletins Topography of Tokai Region

Suruga Trough around Japan

Suruga Trough Great have occurred in the A-E regions repeatedly with 100-150 years of time interval. The E region was left unbroken in the last cycle. i.e. 䚭Tokai Earthquake Precursory crustal movement for 1944 Tonankai Earthquake M7.9 Tonankai Earthquake Large crustal deformation(Tilt) was detected around Kakegawa just before the 1944 Tonankai earthquake.

1944 Tonankai Earthquake

Kakegawa Old Information system for the Tokai Situation Action of Information Issued by JMA Public Organizations

Announcement of convocation of EAC 䝿The Earthquake Assessment Committee (EAC) convenes and determines whether or not the anomaly is a precursor of the Tokai Earthquake.

Establishment Earthquake Prediction Information of Headquarters for Earthquake 䝿The occurrence of the Tokai Disaster Earthquake is expected. Prevention Problems under the Old Information System

 Appearance of clear precursors was presumed.

 Risk of false alarms was not fully taken into account.

 Appropriate classification of seismic risk was needed. Numerical Simulation - 2D model for the plate boundary in the Tokai area - Trough Continental Plate

Philippine Sea Plate

Kato and Hirasawa (1996)

 Rate- and state-dependent friction law by Ruina (1983)

Important results -> Pre-slip which was observed in lab has been re-created. Numerical Simulation - 2D model for the plate boundary in the Tokai area -


 Strain rate 6 hours before the earthquake is about 0.5 micro starin / day.

This is big enough to be detected by the network of strainmeters of JMA.

Kato and Hirasawa (1996) Continental Plate Numerical Simulation - 3D model for the plate boundary in the Tokai area -

Kuroki et al. (2003) Numerical Simulation - 3D model for the plate boundary in the Tokai area -

Kuroki et al. (2002) Numerical Simulation - 3D model for the plate boundary in the Tokai area -

 Maximum extension is 8.0*10^-8.

Although a pre-slip is still observed, it is much smaller than that in the 2D model.

Kuroki et al. (2002) 䕹Seismometer 䕰OBS 䕋Strainmeter 䟽Extensometer ×Tiltmeter 䕜Tidal station Assumed focal region (updated in 2001) 䕦Ground water determined in 1979 䕋㻪PS Degree of Crustal Anomalies

Anomalies in strain data are labeled as Level 1, 2 and 3.

 Level 1: Anomalies appearing once a year on the average.

 Level 2: 1.5*Level 1.

 Level 3: 2.0*Level 1. New System of Information for the Tokai Earthquake Prediction

Situation Action of Public 㻨㼄㼕㼗㼋㼔㼘㼄㼎㼈 㻲㼅㼖㼈㼕㼙㼄㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㻱㼈㼗㼚㼒㼕㼎㼖㻃㼒㼉 Information issued by JMA Organizations 㻳㼋㼈㼑㼒㼐㼈㼑㼄㻃㻲㼅㼖㻑 㻭㻰㻤㻃㼄㼑㼇㻃㼒㼗㼋㼈㼕 㻶㼜㼖㼗㼈㼐㻃㻋㻨㻳㻲㻶㻌 㻬㼑㼖㼗㼌㼗㼘㼗㼈㼖 Anomaly observed at One station 㻧㼈㼗㼈㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼒㼉㻃㻤㼑㼒㼐㼄㼏㼜 Collection of Information Tokai Earthquake Report

䝿㻬㼑㼆㼕㼈㼄㼖㼈㻃㼒㼉㻃㼗㼋㼈㻃㻃㼄㼑㼒㼐㼄㼏㼜 Two stations 䝿㻧㼈㼗㼈㼆㼗㼌㼒㼑㻃㼒㼉㻃㼒㼗㼋㼈㼕㻃㼄㼑㼒㼐㼄㼏㼜

Preparatory Tokai Earthquake Advisory Action j 㻧㼌㼕㼈㼆㼗㼒㼕㻐 㻃㻨㼄㼕㼗㼋㼔㼘㼄㼎㼈㻃㻤㼖㼖㼈㼖㼖㼐㼈㼑㼗 㻪㼈㼑㼈㼕㼄㼏㻃㼒㼉㻃㻭㻰㻤 㻦㼒㼐㼐㼌㼗㼗㼈㼈

Earthquake Prediction Information 㻃㻳㼕㼌㼐㼈㻃㻰㼌㼑㼌㼖㼗㼈㼕 㻃㻦㼄㼅㼌㼑㼈㼗㻃㻰㼈㼈㼗㼌㼑㼊

㻺㼄㼕㼑㼌㼑㼊㻃㻶㼗㼄㼗㼈㼐㼈㼑㼗 Establishment Three stations of Headquarters for Earthquake Tokai Earthquake Warning 㻨㼖㼗㼄㼅㼏㼌㼖㼋㼐㼈㼑㼗㻃㼒㼉㻃㻪㼒㼙㼈㼕㼑㼐㼈㼑㼗㻃㻫㼈㼄㼇㼔㼘㼄㼕㼗㼈㼕㼖 Disaster 㼉㼒㼕㻃㻨㼄㼕㼗㼋㼔㼘㼄㼎㼈㻃㻧㼌㼖㼄㼖㼗㼈㼕㻃㻳㼕㼈㼙㼈㼑㼗㼌㼒㼑 Prevention Time to the Tokai Earthquake -Pre-slip start point and left time when information is issued- Pre-slip = M6.5 --- Tonankai Earthquake

Left time from Tokai Earthquake Advisory Left time from Tokai Earthquake Warning to the Earthquake to the Earthquake

*Slope of volumetric strain rate by Kato and Hirasawa (1999) is used in this case. Time to the Tokai Earthquake -Pre-slip start point and left time when information is issued- Pre-slip = M5.5 --- 3D model Left time from Tokai Earthquake Advisory Left time from Tokai Earthquake Warning to the Earthquake to the Earthquake

*Slope of volumetric strain rate by Kato and Hirasawa (1999) is used in this case. Time to the Tokai Earthquake -Pre-slip start point and left time when information is issued- Pre-slip = M6.0 --- Probable?

Left time from Tokai Earthquake Advisory Left time from Tokai Earthquake Warning to the Earthquake to the Earthquake

*Slope of volumetric strain rate by Kato and Hirasawa (1999) is used in this case. Earthquake disaster prevention is important as well as efforts to predict earthquakes

Earthquake prediction in the Tokai area

Observation Catching Pre-slip Issue of Information The Tokai Earthquake Unexpected

We can’t issue information if pre-slip progress very fast or pre-slip is too small to detect.

Earthquake Preparedness

Is your house quakeproof?

Secure furniture to a wall.

Stockpile enough food and water. Leaflet by JMA, 2003 Participate in local events for disaster prevention. Summary

 JMA issues information on the Tokai Earthquake based on crustal anomalies. the Lowest level: wait-and-see policy the Advisory level: preparatory action (disaster prevention organization only) the Warning level: implementation of coutermeasures

 Time until the occurrence of the Tokai Earthquake is estimated at about 24 hours or less from the issuance of the Advisory.

 JMA raises awareness and preparedness of the public for the possible worst case of the Tokai Earthquake striking without warning. Future Direction

 Improvement of detectability by using data from tiltmeters (APE system of NIED), water level monitor (AIST), ...

 Incorporation of “Earthquake Early Warning” into the new information system.