daily Col J P Singh now Col, led the Ghatak Platoon of 18 Grenadiers Capture of Tiger Hill on the most difficult, North-Eastern approach. His Excelsior here were two turning points during the Platoon made use of the rope to reach the top of Established 1965 War; the first was the capture of the Tiger Hill at 4.30 AM and totally surprised the Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra TTololing on 27 June 1999 that started the enemy that had already suffered due to heavy 'turn in the tide', and second was the capture of 1999 artillery and air attacks. In the ensuring hand-to- Tiger Hill on 4th July, which was a physical and hand fight, the enemy lost 10-12 men. 18 psychological blow to Pakistan and 'end in sight' dranath, CO 2 Raj Rif. CO with his small party was which is located 2 km to its South-West, were Grenadiers suffered six fatalities. Grenadier Illegal stone quarrying for her. What follows is the story of the capture of then located near the objective. Col Ravindranath secured, movement along NH 1A will never be Yogendar Singh Yadav, who was in the lead on the twin features, the Tololing and the Tiger Hill in was taken aback when he learnt about the telephone safe. In the second week of May 1999; 8 Sikh mov- rope, and wounded badly, earned 's highest June- July 1999. call from the Army Chief. He spoke to him in whis- ing from Udhampur to the Kashmir valley was gallantry award of . The Ghatak in Baramulla The battle of Tololing was a pivotal battle in the pers due to close proximity of the enemy. Chief diverted to . Immediately on arrival, the unit Platoon with some reinforcements firmed in on the Kargil War. Towering over Dras town, Tololing wished him and his men good luck in their mis- was launched into the battle to clear Tiger Hill with- Tiger Hill top, but throughout the day came under here should be some limit to the human was the highest feature in the Kargil sector over- out acclimatisation enemy fire from the Western Spur. On 4th July greed with intent to earn more and more looking the NH 1A. If not cleared, the enemy could and snow clothing. GOC 15 Corps rang up Chief at 6 AM to inform cut the only supply route to . The battle of Tolol- The unit suffered money even if would be as a result of violat- him that 18 Grenadiers had reached the Tiger Hill T ing began on 20 May 1999 when the task of cap- heavy casualties in top and heavy fighting was going on. At 7.30 AM, ing a natural boon like a natural water lake or turing it was given to 18 Grenadier. The enemy was its attempt to get Gen Mohinder Puri confirmed to the Chief that 18 majestically flowing river or felling trees in already entrenched at height and was able to observe move- close to the objec- Grenadiers was in full control and the enemy would shrinking forests or illegal mining. There are ment of 18 Grenadiers making its progress excru- tive. It was then not be able to dislodge it from the Tiger Hill top. ciatingly slow. Regardless the brave Grenadiers ordered to occupy numerous examples and "commercial traditions" of By then the Defence Minister was on his way to carried on. Major Rajesh Adhikari laid down his dominating heights Amritsar. When he landed at Amritsar Airport, not only overdrawing the natural resources but life in a daring attack which saw him reach within Southeast of Tiger Chief gave him this exciting news. Army Chief also damaging them and for making a fast buck greedy 15 meters of the ridge beyond the Hump feature Hill, and 'Parion ka informed Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, for which he was awarded MVC. Realising the people could resort to the proverbial killing the Talab' to its North. who was going to address a public meeting in gravity of the situation, the 2IC of the Bn, Lt. Col. No further attempts Haryana at 10 AM. goose itself that was laying a golden egg every day. Vishwanathan himself led the next attack, know- were made to cap- July 4, 1999, was an important date because Stone quarrying is one of such measures which ing very well it would be suicidal and made the ture Tiger Hill for Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, was executed illegally and from spots not technically supreme sacrifice. Thereafter 2 Raj Rif was the next six weeks to meet President Clinton later in the day. Army brought in for a fresh assault. A team of 90 volun- till the army was ful- Chief made sure that the whole world came to know allowed because of associated hazards, wreaks teers of 2 Raj Rif, under Maj Vivek Gupta, were ly ready for it. about the capture of Tiger Hill and thus the likely havoc with not only the landscape but could even assembled to recapture the important feature. From Tiger Hill was 6 PM on 21 June, the artillery opened up a barrage outcome of the Kargil war. It was a hard psycho- threaten the very lives of the people living around an extensive feature logical blow to Pakistan who, on 4th July also on Tololing top. Enemy bunkers were targeted first sion. Next morning the Army Chief received the which extends about 2200 mtrs from West to East there. denied even the existence of such a feature and by the Bofor guns and later by field guns. Maj good news of capture of Tololing from Gen Mohin- and about 1000 mtrs North to South. One compa- labeled the entire operations as a figment of the Drangbal area of Baramulla district in Kashmir Vivek Gupta made the supreme sacrifice, but not der Puri. ny of Pakistan 12 held the valley is a place where illegal stone quarrying is before capturing two difficult posts, on the icy Tiger Hill was the next objective which had to whole feature. 18 Grenadiers along with 8 Sikh, imagination. Victory in the Battle of Tiger Hill on 4th July was the last straw that broke the camel's being openly done with impunity even if it amount- slopes of Tololing. Hav Yashvir Singh Tomar be cleared soon. It was picturesque, dominating which were already in the area, were tasked to cap- charged the last bunker and was later found dead and difficult, and became a war symbol in India. It back in Kargil War. In India, a wave of jubilation ed to not only damaging the roads built at huge ture Tiger Hill on the night of 3/4 July 1999. They with rifle in one hand and a grenade in the other. stands majestically among the mountaintops a few were provided a team of the High Altitude Warfare and relief overtook the mood of the people. This cost involving money and labour but posed threat Lt. Vijayant Thapar, whose proud father Col Tha- kms North of Dras. One cannot miss it, or help School, adequate artillery, Engineer and other sup- was the greatest victory of the Kargil war. Capture to human lives. In this area more than 25 stone par is often seen on TVdebates, along with his men admire it, as one drives along NH 1A from Zojila port. The Air Force too engaged Tiger Hill on 2/3 of Tiger Hill was reported across the globe. quarrying "units" are operating and astonishingly, was instrumental in capturing the Barbad Bunker. to Kargil. During the Kargil war, it was a delight July 1999. A war is the ultimate test for the armies and He would later lay down his life few days later for photojournalists as it provided some of the best The assault began at 1900 hours on 3 July 1999 their soldiers. Victory is achieved because battles seventy percent are carrying their activities illegal- while capturing the Knol and Three Pimple com- pictures of that war. with direct and indirect firing by artillery. It was a are won. At the cutting edge of every battle, it is ly and without any proper authorisation. Scores of plex and earning the coveted Vr C. Gen V P Malik, From Tiger Hill, the enemy had a clear view of multi-directional infantry assault. 8 Sikhs provid- the military skills of the troops, camaraderie, reg- trucks are lined up there to carry stones from the the Army Chief was in Dras on 27 June 1999. That NH 1A from the Dras Transit Camp to Bhimbat, ed the firm base and engaged the enemy from obvi- imental spirit, and above all the will power and area for sale. The residents of the area living at the evening, 2 Raj Rif was preparing to attack Three and the road leading to Marpola on the Line of Con- ous approaches as part of a deception plan. 18 resolve which determine victory which the Indian Pimples, another very difficult feature West of trol (LoC). They could effectively interdict vehic- Grenadiers moved towards the objective from the Army displayed yet again in Kargil War. Long live bottom of these "sites" of the hill are vulnerable to Tololing. To encourage the unit and to wish it good ular movement on these roads. It was clear from South and North East. The weather assisted the bat- the victors of Tololing and Tiger Hill. various types of difficulties. We would like to ask luck, he spoke on the telephone to Col Ravin- the beginning that unless Tiger Hill and Point 4875, talions in achieving surprise. Lt. Balwan Singh, [email protected] the authorities from the Geology and Mining Department as to how against four 'units', 25 are Prasenjeet Kumar Now the questions. How long will the process of trifurcation functioning and if there was active connivance of ew weeks back, Union Why Delimitation may not be a panacea for J&K take? What if the State Govern- the officers of the concerned departments including Home Minister Amit Shah ment of Jammu & Kashmir says reportedly had a closed- stituencies should have logically judge, who most political parties mir. Unless that is exactly what Panther's Party in the Jammu the District administration and the Police. F no? Will Jammu and be door meeting with the Jammu taken place in 2005. should preferably have faith in. the plan is - to not do much- region. But things are not that able to survive as an independ- There are otherwise many areas like near and Kashmir Governor Satyapal However, in 2002, the Second, the commission will delimitation, I'm afraid, will clear-cut. NC also has a strong ent state/? What Athwajan, Panthachukh in outskirts of Malik, Intelligence Bureau Farooq Abdullah government need office space and staff and change nothing in the short term. base in the Jammu region. And will happen to the Kashmir val- Director Rajiv Jain and Home city and at other places near Pampore in Kashmir (for obviously ulterior reasons) sundry other support systems Supposing BJP gets hold of a Jammu too has a substantial ley? Secretary Rajiv Gauba. froze delimitation until 2026 by where after (only) it can get really committed judge, who fin- Muslim population which may All valid questions, for which and adjoining areas where stone quarrying per- Among other things, the idea amending the Jammu & Kashmir down to the business of hearing ishes the whole exercise within or may not vote for BJP. I'm afraid there are no short haps has reached limits of 'not to have more of it' of carrying out a fresh delimita- Representation of the People Act and examining political claims six months or so. And supposing So, the short point is that even answers. I've tried to deal with all and from a close and distant view, the targeted tion of constituencies in Jammu 1957 and Section 47(3) of the and counter claims. Going by Kashmir is restricted to 46 seats after a "successful" delimitation these questions extensively in & Kashmir was apparently dis- Constitution of Jammu & Kash- exercise, there is no guarantee spots look awfully defaced suggestive of such Jammu and Kashmir is not a problem, my novel Kashmir is Free. But cussed. This was ostensibly "to mir. that BJP will not be forced to the short answer is that the activities should otherwise have been carried on at correct an inequity and anomaly So, if we have to correct that mind you. The problem is only Kashmir. form a coalition with either PDP process of trifurcation is consti- a farther distance where such activities would of regional disparity long suf- historic injustice against Jammu, or NC, who would agree to have tutionally a much simpler fered by Jammu province," in the there appears to be no option oth- a Hindu Chief Minister for the prove to be comparatively less hazardous and the That is the festering, malodorous, process than delimitation and is backdrop that Kashmir region er than to carry out a fresh delim- whole of J&K. And we all know a damn good idea. spots less disfigured . Dust and noise are the two today has more seats (46) in the itation exercise, although all cancerous part. Once you trifurcate, you what happened from 2015 to Jammu and Kashmir is not a immediate offshoots of quarrying activities and it is state assembly than Jammu (37) Kashmir-centric political parties 2018 when BJP had formed a problem, mind you. The problem because of these risks to the health of the human even though Jammu has a larger oppose this move. Mehbooba can easily laser focus your attention on government with PDP hoping to is only Kashmir. That is the fes- population. This sleight-of-hand Mufti calls "forced delimitation" keep Mehbooba Mufti under lives, such activities are not allowed near or around tering, malodorous, cancerous perpetuated from the time of an obvious attempt to inflict the cancerous part, and deal with it with control whereas the reverse hap- part. Once you trifurcate, you can Sheikh Abdullah has ensured residential localities. Naturally, locals of Drangbal another emotional partition of pened. So, if not delimitation, easily laser focus your attention that the levers of political power the state on communal lines. all the resources at your command. what is the solution? Simple, it is are put to lot of inconvenience, are anguished as on the cancerous part, and deal remained always in the hands of Now, if Mehbooba Mufti is cry- trifurcation. Split the state of with it with all the resources at well as concerned about unabated quarrying. the Kashmir-centric parties. ing hoarse, delimitation should how some commissions have and Jammu gets, say, 53 seats. Is Jammu and Kashmir into three your command. I wish the new The issue needs to be looked at beyond net The last delimitation of Jam- be a good move for the BJP. Isn't functioned in the past, this there still a guarantee that BJP states: Jammu, Kashmir and Modi Government focuses more commercial angle especially when such activities mu and Kashmir was done in it? process can easily consume will be able to form a govern- Ladakh. This way you ensure 1995 under Justice (Retd.) KK Well, I'm afraid it may not be years. If it takes more than five ment on its own in J&K? There that Jammu and Ladakh have on this course of action than the could result in not only sullying and vandalizing the Gupta Commission. As the Con- so. Delimitation in practice can years, then just like Ram Mandir are too many parties competing their own governments and that chimera of delimitation. hills, rocks etc but could pose the danger of land- stitution provides for delimita- be a painfully long drawn or Article 35-A, BJP will have to for the vote share there. You have they are no longer under the jack- (The author has written thirty books, six slides and shooting stones thus jeopardising the tion every 10 years, the next process. First, a commission go to the 2024 elections without the PDP and NC in the Kashmir boots of the Kashmir centric anti- of which centre around Kashmir ) [email protected] lives of the people using the road at the bottom of delimitation of assembly con- needs to be set up under a retired doing much in Jammu & Kash- valley, and the BJP, Congress and India parties. the affected (quarried) area.. It is a matter to be rued at that a long stretch of 12 kilometres of road has already suffered damages due to quarrying. Common Agricultural markets for farmers Let us look at it from the legal point of view in that, Ashok B Sharma Constitution. True the Constitu- not only help consumers in the despite vagaries of weather - be agement and Research Institute There should also be good majority of quarrying activities are going on illegal- tion of India says that agriculture country at cheaper prices but it drought or floods. In past when (IGMRI), Hapur in Uttar road and rail connectivity ly and un-authorisedly, particularly in Turrae n the era of globalisation and is a state subject. Here the ques- also help exporters to export the country was in short supply Pradesh has developed latest amongst different agricultural Nagarath. Apart from clouds of dust and intolera- trade, the issues of farmers tion arises - Did the central gov- agricultural products in global of onions, tomatoes, pulses and technologies for storage which markets across the country. and agriculture have ble decibels of noise, movement of tippers and I ernment take the concurrence of market at competitive prices. lentils, the farmers rose up to the can be made use of. There should also be better con- assumed the centre stage of state governments before join- Prime Minister Narendra occasion in the subsequent years There is also a need to set up nectivity to ports for export of load carriers, the quarrying has reportedly dam- global economy. There is no ing the WTO? The answer is Modi has called for doubling and raised the production of grain banks in every districts of agricultural produces and prod- aged 14 kilometre long Hajibal road . This road denying the fact that negotia- obviously - No. The central gov- farmers' income by 2022. But these commodities. The produc- the country under the supervi- ucts. Congestion at ports should tions in the multi-lateral forum, ernment has thus taken such a how is this to materialise? He tion was at a such a level that the sion of Zilla Parishads which be eased. Exports of agricultur- was constructed, it may be noted, under Prime World Trade Organisation Minister's Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) scheme step to imperil the farmers by has recently announced a con- farmers had to make distress would procure grains from farm- al produces at global markets at (WTO) have been stalled prima- exposing them to the unfair tributory pension scheme of Rs sales, which means "Produce ers at assured MSPs for storage competitive prices will benefit involving crores of Rupees. We urge the concerned rily due to agriculture. The global trade practices. 3,000 for all farm landholders. and Perish" The concept of min- for meeting any contingency sit- the farmers in a big way. developed countries continue authorities to order a probe into the entire issue It is the duty of the govern- This is just a fringe benefit as imum support prices (MSPs) for uation. A physical national agricul- subsidising their farmers and ment to protect the interests of compared to what the farmers crops was of no avail. The gov- The concept of e-NAM do tural market will go a long way to and find out how such 'units' were operating from agriculture, directly or indirect- farmers. Agriculture is the back- enjoy in the developed world. ernment only announces MSPs. not serve the purpose. We need fulfil Prime Minister Modi's Drangbal with impunity and what measures were ly, in a big way to the disadvan- bone of the rural economy. If the The rival Congress party in their Its agency the Food Corporation a vibrant physical agricultural dream of doubling farmers' proposed to be taken to pre-empt such activities tage of the farmers in the Third rural economy thrives, country's election manifesto promised to of India do procure all crops. It market all over the country so World. While the developing income. India can show to the taking place elsewhere after the unauthorised economy will get a major boost. give Rs 72,000 a year to the procures only wheat, rice and that farmers will not be allowed world that it can do justice to its countries are asking for a level For a cost-effective agriculture, poorest 20 per cent families. The coarse cereals in select areas to make any distress sale and 'units' under reference were immediately closed. playing field and disciplining farmers. Prime Minister Naren- farmers need inputs at afford- contributory pension scheme is NAFED also does market inter- bargain for the right price for his dra Modi should have courage the subsidies, the rich countries able prices. There should be only for farm landholders. But in vention in select areas. produce. Agriculture may be a Long pendency of are not yielding to give up their and confidence to facilitate set- assured irrigation facilities. The the country many of the farm The need of the hour is to set state subject. Prime Minister ting up of a physical National illegitimate sway over the glob- prices of fertilisers or green landholders are absentee farm- up a vibrant agricultural market Modi has to take on board all Agricultural Market with the al economy. They have become manure should be affordable. ers. The actual farming is done infrastructure all over the coun- state governments as he did in same determination as in the case cases in J&K Courts more protectionist in trade Similarly for tilling of the soil, by others who do not own the try and encourage the bargaining case of formulating GST and get instead liberalising global trade of GST reforms. GST reforms greed, pendency of cases for longer periods small power tillers or custom land. They are therefore not enti- power of farmers by setting up a legislation passed to set up a in an effective manner. hiring of tractors should also be tled to this pension scheme. rural godowns and cold storages National Agriculture Market which is designed for One Nation in the courts is an accepted reality of our In India whenever the ques- affordable. There should also be There is also a contributory crop in cluster of villages and house- integrating all agriculture mar- One Market is incomplete with- judicial process and system due to host of tion of farmers' suicides is raised assured supply of power. The insurance scheme in place which hold storage facilities. If we can kets that are in existence in dif- out a National Agricultural Mar- A the central government do reasons but we suppose there should be no prob- health of the soil should be main- needs to be further rationalised. go for rural household toilets, ferent parts of the country, ket. In the same breath he should express concern but leaves a encourage household storage, lem in segregating the most sensitive and critical tained at an optimal level. In this What apart from affordable why can't we have rural house- including rural weekly markets major part of the onus to the state case the implementation of soil input supply a farmer needs is a hold storages? In past many rural with uniform rules so that farm- rural godowns and storage facili- cases from out of the pendency list to be heard on government saying that agricul- health card is an useful measure. decent price for his produces. A households had storage facili- ers will have the option to bar- ties for increasing the bargaining ture is a state subject under the priority and disposed of. The fact that there are as Cost-effective agriculture will farmer is ready to feed the nation ties. Indian Grain Storage Man- gain for his produce. power of farmers. (IPA) many as one lakh cases pending in the state courts should be cause of alarm calling for speedy measures for resolution. The problem attains more Public expectations sensitivities when criminal cases pertaining to ter- Sir, rorism and terror related violence, juvenile terror- I would like to highlight the expectations of Indian voters towards the Central Government headed by Plea to Public Service Commission Sir, ism and rapes too are pending along with 'other' Narendra Modi. Being an Indian voter and a keen observer I have noted that the Indian people voted for BJP in light of personal qualities of Modi as a Prime Minister and a number of expectations for the future of this cases in the High Court and subordinate courts. It is a well known fact that J&K PSC is a higher Competitive Authority to conduct various country. Most of the people voted for BJP irrespective of qualities and performance of the sitting MPs with examinations of different positions at higher level especially for Gazetted level posts of state As usual, shortage of judges is reported to be the hope that the Prime Minister Modi will surely bring about a number of changes in the country. of Jammu and Kashmir. The names for the such positions are inappropriately kept as KAS , the main reason behind the unwanted long pen- The first expectation is that the Pak sponsored terrorism will be put to an end by adopting a zero tolerance KPS and KCS by the then Chairman of the J&K PSC or erstwhile Governments at the behest dency, in particular to the shortage at the top levels. policy towards militancy and terrorism. Like Balakote strike, more such surgical strikes would be conducted of Kashmir centric rulers who deliberately omitted J (Jammu) before K (Kashmir) thereby in the future. The second expectation is about removal article 370 and 35A so as to put an end to the special imposing hegemony of Kashmir based rulers. The name of the Jammu province was were ignored The matter has attained importance to the level of status to Jammu and Kashmir state which is the root cause of separatism and disturbance in the state. The third by the J&K Public Service Commission. It may be said here that the issue of remaining these being discussed in the Parliament recently where expectation is that the wide spread corruption will be eradicated to provide us a new corruption free govern- exams as JKAS, JKPS, and JKCS had been taken up a in past on several occasions but in vain. the Union Minister of Law and Justice came out ment. The fourth expectation is that a new employment policy would be adopted for the benefit of educated Authorities didn't pay any heed to correct this grave anamoly and continued with the same with the facts and figures about the pendency prob- rural youths who have not any alternative source of employment. acronyms with impunity. Missing 'J'is not only an issue but this shows discriminatory approach The fifth expectation is that the income tax policy would be made more progressive and wider. towards Jammu province. lem of the court cases. The need of the hour is for The sixth expectation is that the small scale and rural industries would be preferred for the development It also puts a question mark on leadership of Jammu province who have not pursued the establishing Special Courts in Jammu and Kashmir of rural areas. The seventh expectation is that the department of rural development will be revamped with nec- matter with concerned authorities. Kashmir Province as well as Kashmiri leadership does not besides augmenting the strength of the judges. essary improvements in the existing development schemes like MGNREGA. represent the aspirations of the people of the whole of the state . The provinces of Jammu and Besides the people also want to settle down the issue of construction of Ram Mandir in Ayudhya which is Working an extra hour on daily basis and curtail- Ladakh were always marginalised as non entities thereby were always discriminated on all a big source of disturbance of peace and tranquility in the country and the BJP has been making it an election walks of life . Now Since there is President's Rule in the state therefore the Governor is request- ment of off days in courts due to whatever reasons issue every time. There seems no big hurdle in settling down the matter, but it needs a strong but honest ed for changing the acronyms to JKAS,JKPS and JKCS to put the record straight . This will go alone could prevent setting in the minds of the liti- approach. a long way to represent the aspirations of the people of the entire State of the Jammu and Kash- gants that justice delayed to them was justice O P Sharma mir . Bagnoti Ronik Sharma denied to them. Nowshera Jammu