REG. NO. 160705075




MEDAN 2021




REG. NO. 160705075


Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M. Hum Ely Hayati Nasution, S.S., M. Si NIP. 195706261983032001 NIP. 198507032017062001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Aprroved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of

Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph. D Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph. D

NIP. 19540916 198003 2 003 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examination in partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Thursday, February 04, 2021

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP. 19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Masdiana Lubis, M. Hum

Prof. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A.




Signed :

Date : Feb 04th, 2021








Signed :

Date : Feb 04th, 2021



First and foremost, all praises and thanks to Jesus Christ, the Almighty

God, for His showers of blessings and loves, so I can complete this thesis successfully.

Second, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor,

Dr. Masdiana Lubis M.Hum and my co-supervisor, Ely Hayati Nasution, S.S., M.Si. , for providing invaluable advice, guidance, and support throughout the process of writing this thesis.

I also would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S., the Head and the Secretary of English Department, Prof. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D. and Mr.

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. and all of the lectures and staff of English Literature

Department for the kindness, knowledge, opportunities, and facilities given to me during my study at this university. I also would like thank to Bang Kirno who always help me when I need information or something about college.

I dedicate my sincere gratitude to without whom I would not have made it through my bachelors degree, my beloved parents Herdion Hasugian and Nurhaidah

Sidauruk for being the best parents in entire galaxy, for loving me unconditionally, for the eternal supports and for the shoulders I can lean on whenever I have hard times especially during these college life. I am extremely grateful to my beloved sisters and brother, Ditha Yohana Hasugian, May Celine Hasugian, and Marco Elvan Hasugian for being born as my another halfs, for always be there to encourage and support me, and

7 for being places where I can confide my stories. I am also dedicate massive thank you to my big family who I can not mention one by one for always encourage and support me, giving me love and pray so I can finish my bachelor degree.

I am also extremely grateful for being part of Sasing (A)lliance since the first day of college years, especially, lambe ngopi, black hole, BnW, disfam, and the villagers.

Thank you for being my friends, showering me with care, love and support. For my besties Zizi, Rugun and Desmery thank you for everything, thank you for accompany me through ups and downs these college dramas. I wish our friendship will last a lifetime.

And last, I am grateful for having Martua Silaban, the loved one who always encourage and support me along this time to finish my thesis.

Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to complete the research work directly or indirectly.

Medan, February 04, 2021

Tracy Rabecca H

Reg. No.160705075



This thesis entitled “Flouting Maxim used by The Main Character in The Edge of Seventeen Movie”. It is a study about flouting maxim under Grice‟s cooperative principle theory and the effects of flouting maxim itself under Austin‟s Perlocutionary effect theory.The objectives of this research are to identify the kinds of flouting maxim used by the main character in The Edge of Seventeen movie, and to find out the effect of flouting maxim performed by the main character in that movie. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were twenty dialogues of the movie containing flouting maxim. In analyzing the data, the researcher find out that Nadine as the main character of the movie flouted all types of maxim. The most flouted maxim is maxim of quantity and the least flouted maxim is maxim of quality and maxim of manner. For the effects, Nadine only used seven effects based on Austin‟s Perlocutionary effect theory, they are convincing, boring, annoying, causing, insulting, getting the hearer to do something and, getting the hearer realize something. Further, the effect that is mostly performed by Nadine is getting the hearer realize something.

Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Flouting Maxim, Perlocutionary Effect, The Edge of Seventeen



Penelitian ini berjudul “Flouting Maxim Used by the Main Character in the Edge of Seventeen Movie”. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pelanggaran maksim berdasarkan teori prinsip kooperatif yang digagas oleh Grice dan, efek dari penggunaan pelanggaran maksim berdasarkan teori efek perlokusi yang digagas oleh Austin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelanggaran maksim apa saja yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama dalam film The Edge of Seventeen dan fungsi dari pelanggaran maksim yang dilakukan oleh tokoh utama dalam film The Edge of Seventeen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian ini adalah dua puluh dialog film yang mengandung pelanggaran maksim. Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menemukan bahwa Nadine sebagai tokoh utama film tersebut melanggar semua jenis maksim. Maksim yang paling sering dilanggar adalah maksim kuantitas dan maksim yang jarang dilanggar adalah maksim kualitas dan maksim cara. Untuk efek, Nadine hanya menggunakan tujuh fungsi berdasarkan teori efek perlokusi oleh Austin yaitu meyakinkan, membosankan, mengganggu, menyebabkan, menghina, membuat pendengar untuk melakukan sesuatu dan, membuat pendengarnya menyadari sesuatu. efek yang paling banyak dilakukan oleh Nadine adalah membuat pendengarnya menyadari sesuatu. Kata kunci: Prinsip Kerjasama, Pelanggaran Maksim, Efek Perlokusi, The Edge of Seventeen




ABSTRACT ...... 9

ABSTRAK ...... 10



1.1 Background of the Study ...... 15

1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 19

1.3 Objectives of the Study ...... 20

1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 20

1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 21

1.5.1 Theoretical Significance ...... 21

1.5.2 Practical Significance ...... 21


2.1 Pragmatics ...... 22


2.2 Cooperative Principle ...... 23

2.2.1 Maxim of Quantity ...... 25

2.2.2 Maxim of Quality ...... 25

2.2.3 Maxim of Relation ...... 26

2.2.4 Maxim of Manner ...... 26

2.3 Flouting Maxim ...... 27

2.3.1 Flouting Maxim of Quantity ...... 27

2.3.2 Flouting Maxim of Quality ...... 28

2.3.3 Flouting Maxim of Relation ...... 29

2.3.4 Flouting Maxim of Manner ...... 29

2.4 Effect of Flouting Maxim...... 30

2.4.1 Convincing ...... 31

2.4.2 Surprising ...... 31

2.4.3 Boring ...... 31

2.4.4 Annoying ...... 31

2.4.5 Frightening ...... 32

2.4.6 Causing ...... 32

2.4.7 Insulting ...... 32

2.4.8 Alarming ...... 33

2.4.9 Enlightening ...... 33

2.4.10 Inspiring ...... 33

2.4.11 Getting the hearer to do something ...... 34


2.4.12 Getting the hearer to realize something ...... 34

2.5 Previous Related Studies ...... 34

2.6 Conceptual Framework ...... 39


3.1 Research Design ...... 41

3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 41

3.3 Data Collection Method ...... 42

3.4 Data Analysis ...... 43

3.4.1 Data Condensation...... 43

3.4.2 Data Display ...... 45

3.4.3 Conclusion: Drawing and Verification ...... 45


4.1 Analysis ...... 46

4.1.1 Types of Flouting Maxim ...... 46 Flouting Maxi m of Quantity ...... 46 Flouting Maxim of Quality ...... 52 Flouting Maxim of Relation ...... 56 Flouting Maxim of Manner...... 59

4.1.2 Effects of Flouting Maxim...... 62

13 Convincing ...... 62 Boring ...... 64 Annoying ...... 67 Causing ...... 70 Insulting ...... 71 Getting the hearer to do something ...... 73 Getting the hearer to realize something ...... 74

4.2 Findings ...... 78


5.1 Conclusion ...... 84

5.2 Suggestion ...... 85

REFERENCES ...... 87

APPENDIX ...... 89




1.1 Background of the Study

It is believed that language cannot be separated from social life. With the existence of language, people can communicate with each other. Communication itself is a process of giving, receiving, and sharing information. The means of communication is to connect people with a clear understanding in which the participants give and receive information to and from one another. In daily life, humans have to engage in communication to interact with one another. In a conversation, there are two essential roles taking part, they are speakers and hearers interchanging their role. To avoid misunderstanding in communication, the speakers and the hearers need to share a cooperative principle that is under the study of pragmatics. Besides being used to communicate, language is also used to express thoughts and feelings.

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics which concerns with language use in context and the study of meaning related to the context or situation. Levinson (1983:5) defines that pragmatics is the study of language use, that is the study of the relation between language and context which is basic to an account of language understanding which involves the making of inferences which will connect what is said to what is mutually assumed or what has been said before. Yule (1996: 3) defines pragmatic is the

15 study of meaning. It studies the utterance of a speaker in a conversation, the meaning of the speaker, and also the meaning interpreted by the listener. Grice (in Wardaugh, 2006:

293) states that conversation is a cooperative activity. In a conversation, to gain the purpose explained above, some rules should be followed by the participants of the conversation, that is the Cooperative Principle.

Cooperative principle is a theory introduced by H. Paul Grice in 1975. As he said in an article named Logic and Conversation, “Make your conversational contribution such as required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”. It can be stated that the participants of the conversation have the mutual desire to convey and interpret the meaning of an utterance.

The cooperative principle itself consists of four maxims, the first one is Maxim of

Quality (tell the truth), the second one is Maxim of Quantity (answer as required), the third one is Maxim of Relation (make it relevant), and the last one is Maxim of Manner

(make it clear). With these four maxims, the conversation will run smoothly. For example of Maxim, the researcher took from The Edge of Seventeen movie‟s dialogue in 00:13:22.040 :

Karin : What's his name?

Nadine : Erwin Kim.

From the dialogue above, Nadine answer Karin‟s question as it required. In this case

Nadine has fulfilled the maxim of quantity.

According to Cutting (2002:37) flouting maxim is when the speakers appear not to follow the maxims but expect hearers to appreciate the meaning implied. By flouting maxims, the speaker seem to be uncooperative, but actually, they do. They flouts of

16 maxims because of some certain reasons. Behind the utterances in which maxim flouting occurs, there are some hidden meanings and certain purposes tried to be conveyed by the speaker. There are four types of flouting maxim ; they are flouting maxim of quantity, flouting maxim of quality, flouting maxim of relevance, and flouting maxim of manner.

As an example taken from The Edge of Seventeen movie is the dialogue in 00:12:55.920

- 00:13:11.320:

Erwin : I like your sweatshirt today. It's nice.

Nadine : Thank you.

Erwin : Where'd you get it? The sweater. Sweatshirt.

Nadine : I...I don't know. I don't remember.

From the dialogue above it can be seen that Nadine has done flouting maxim of manner, because she did not give the clear answer. In this example, Nadine should give the right answer that is the specific place where she bought the sweater. In this example, Nadine brings the hearer to the condition of boring through the speaker‟s utterance.

Austin (1962) defines speech act, as the action performed by language to modify the state of the object on which the action is performed. The writer represents an action effectively fulfilled by a sentence. We can use language, for example, to give orders, to make requests, to give warnings, or to give advice. Speech acts theory describes what utterances are intended to do, such as promise, apologise, and threaten (Cutting,

2002:2). Expressing a speech acts, means that we do something with the wordsin the utterances we used. In the other words, it could be performingactivity that bring a changeas the result from the utterances that we heard.


A movie is one of some kinds of entertainment. Bordwell and Thompson (1997:

3) state that movies are equal to buildings, books, and symphonies. It is an artifact that is made by humans for humans' purposes. Movie is defined as an art that can be a reflection of humans life since it is made based on social phenomena and cultural values.

It is also classified as a form of spoken discourse in which the phenomena that the researcher analyzes, that is maxim flouting, are reflected. Movies have some aspects which can reflect the phenomena clearer than other media. In movies, unlike in novels, the phenomena are depicted clearer through the context, setting, and facial expression.

Hence, analyzing maxim flouting through a movie can represent the analysis of flouting maxim in real life.

The researcher chooses “Flouting Maxim Used by the Main Character in The

Edge of Seventeen as the title because of the writer is interested in maxim. In communication, people tend to speak what is in their mind. They never think about the rules, especially the rules of cooperative principle. The characters flout the cooperative maxim in their communication each other. The characters do not always speak explicitly when they are conveying their ideas. Also, this topic was chosen because observing flouting maxims is needed to investigate and to give clear explanation to the audience who cannot comprehend the flouting situations in order to make successful and meaningful conversations.

From the movie the researcher found that Nadine, who is the main character of the movie, often flout the maxims. As in real life, people often flout the maxim. The speaker does not fulfill the maxim and make the hearer have to guest what the hidden meaning behind the speaker‟s utterances is. Thus, with this research, the writer hopes

18 that the readers can understand how to make a good conversation based on Grices‟ theory of Coopeartive Principles. The other reason the researcher chooses The Edge of

Seventeen movie because it reflects the teenagers in real life. This movie is a high school drama telling about a teenager who is struggling with her life in the age of seventeen.

She does not know how to face all the problems that came to her, and she is still not sure of her value, her place in the world, and her beauty. The story in this movie is related to our daily life, the struggle that she faced, and the way the main character handled the problems.

This movie was one of the best movies in 2016. It won some awards such as

New York Film Critics Circle as the Best First Film, Women Film Critics Circle as the

Best Young Actress, and Philadelphia Film Festival. It was also nominated in some awards such as Golden Globe US, Teen Choice Awards, MTV Movie & TV Awards, etc. From this movie, the researcher finds out that the main character was flouting maxims in her dialogue. Therefore, the writer is interested to analyze and to find out what kind of flouting maxim used by the main character and the effect of the flouting maxim in this movie.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Based on the information explained in the background of the study, the writer formulates the problems of the study as follows:

1. What kinds of flouting maxim are used by the main character in The Edge of

Seventeen movie?


2. What are the effect of flouting maxim performed by the main character in The Edge

of Seventeen movie based on Austin‟s perlocutionary effect?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems of study stated previously, the objectives of this study are:

1. To identify the kinds of flouting maxim used by the main character in The Edge of

Seventeen movie.

2. To find out the effects of flouting maxim performed by the main character in The

Edge of Seventeen movie based on Austin‟s perlocutionary effect.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study aims to make the analysis more specific. The movie that the writer chooses to analyze is The Edge of Seventeen. It was written and directed by

Kelly Fremon Craig, and released in 2016. casts as the main character in this movie. Based on the identification of the problem, the writer limits the problem into the kinds of maxim flouting used by the main character in The Edge of Seventeen movie, and the effect of flouting maxim performed by the main character in that movie by applying Grice‟s theory.


1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this research will be useful, both theoretically and practically.

1.5.1 Theoretical Significance a. This study is expected to enrich the understanding of pragmatics and provide more

information about flouting maxim for readers. b. This study is expected to be useful for the English Department students, especially

as a reference for those who are interested in analyzing maxim flouting.

1.5.2 Practical Significance

This study is expected to be useful for people to be more aware of being cooperative in a conversation in order to make the conversation run smoothly and avoid misinterpretation by using maxim in a conversation.




2.1 Pragmatics

Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on meaning of utterances delivered by the speaker and interpreted by the hearer in certain contexts and situations.

Pragmatics itself is already known and studied along with the development of language and how humans behave toward the language, and it is enforced by awareness of the role of context in communication. Levinson (1983: 21) states that pragmatics is the relation between language and context a study of linguistics which studies the relations between languages and the context that is basic to an account of language understanding.

Moreover, Yule (1996: 4) states that pragmatics is the study of the relationship between the linguistic form and the speaker who delivers the utterances. It is believed that studying pragmatic helps people to understand the speaker's utterances, implicit meaning, and hidden meanings.


According to Jacob Mey (2001), the general answer of why we need pragmatics is to have a fuller, deeper, and generally more reasonable account of human language behavior. We need pragmatic to find a logical account to the behavior of human language. In the same vein, he states a practical answer that we need pragmatics because sometimes we misunderstand something and we resort to the pragmatic account in order to understand an utterance. Therefore, Seken (2015:45-46) stated that there are three reasons why pragmatics as study is important. The first reason related to social interaction. People do not always say what they mean, the second reason is pragmatics may be seen as overlapping with both sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics. In social interaction, when people do not say what they mean, the other manage to understand the mean of the utterances. The third reason is because pragmatics serves to examine various motives related to people‟s intentions in social interaction pertaining to their choices of modes and strategies in communicating with one another.

2.2 Cooperative Principle

Basically, when people are in a conversation, they might not be aware that they are actually being cooperative. For example, when a participant of the conversation asks some questions or information, the other participants will normally provide the required answer. Based on pragmatics context, the conversation cannot run smoothly if the participants of the conversation being uncooperative. Therefore, being cooperative is important to make the conversation run smoothly. In conversational cooperativeness, to make an efficient conversation, there are some general principles serve as kind of guidance to be followed by the participants which is known as Cooperative Principle.


Cooperative Principle is a theory introduced by H. Paul Grice. It was published firstly by

Harvard University Press in an article entitle “Logic and Conversation” in 1975 stating that make your conversational contribution such as required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged (Grice, 1975:45).

According to Grice, the people who are engaged in conversation assume that the other people with whom they are communicating are willing to cooperate with them conversationally whereby they can achieve their mutual communicative goals (Seken,

2015:82). From the definition of the principle of cooperation above, it can be stated that the participants of the conversation have the mutual desire to convey and interpret the meaning of an utterance. In addition, the participants must cooperate with each other so that communication runs smooth and efficiently. Seken (2015:89) stated, “Speakers in a conversational talk should make their utterances easily understood by their hearers in terms of relevance, amount of information, truthfulness, and clarity with regard to the meaning that is intended to be communicated. In other words, to make a proper communication, the speaker should know what he is trying to communicate, and also tries to make the speech always relevant to the context, clear and easy to understand, and always straight forward, so it will not take more time.

In cooperative principle, Grice elaborated the principle into four conversational maxims, they are maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner.


2.2.1 Maxim of Quantity

In Maxim of Quantity, the speaker is expected to give information as it is required. Seken (2015:92) stated that the the participants should not make their contribution either more informative or less informative than what is sought for.

Moreover, Cutting ( 2002:34) states, “When observing maxim of quantity, the speaker should give information as it is required and give neither too little nor too much information, as seen in the following example:

A: Where is the nearest hotel in here?

B: It is on Iskandar Muda Street.

Go straight in this street and then turn left. It is on your right.

From the example above, B is giving information as it is required. With B‟s clear answer, A can find the nearest hotel location.

2.2.2 Maxim of Quality

In this maxim, the speaker needs to give the right information. It proposes the speaker to say what he believes to be true. In short, be truthful. Cutting (2002: 35) states,

“To fulfill the maxim, the speakers should be sincere and say anything that they believe match to reality.” Moreover, Seken (2015:95) states, “To comply with this maxim, a speaker in a conversational exchange must speak on the basis of facts and the participants must have factual evidence by which to sufficiently support what they say as truth. For example:

A: Where do you study?


B: I study in University of Sumatera Utara.

From the given example, it can be seen that B‟s response fulfills the maxim of quality since B gives the true fact of his campus. In this case, B answers A‟s question truthfully.

2.2.3 Maxim of Relation

In this maxim, the speaker should be relevant, and the speaker should deliver the utterances based on context of conversation before. Seken (2015:90) states, “Maxim of relation requires participants of a conversational talk to produce utterances that are relevant to the subject that is being communicated at some stages of the communication.” Moreover, Cutting (2002: 35) states, “To fulfill this maxim, the speakers are expected to say something relevant to what is said before, as seen in the following example.

A: What is your hobby?

B: My hobby is reading.

From the given example, it can be seen that B fulfills the maxim of relation because, B answers A‟s question relevantly.

2.2.4 Maxim of Manner

In this maxim, the speaker‟s utterances should be clear. The speaker has to avoid ambiguity, so it would not cause misunderstanding. Seken (2015:99) states that for this maxim, the participants must make their contribution perspicuous and orderly. For example:


A: What time is it?

B: It is 09.30 a.m.

From this example, it can be seen that B answers A‟s question clearly, so it can be said that B fulfills the maxim of manner.

2.3 Flouting Maxim

Flouting the maxims is different from violating the maxims in terms of the purposes. In flouting maxim, the speaker leads implied meanings to the others.

Basically, the speaker has no intention to disobey the maxim. On the other hand, maxim violation happens when the speaker has intention to mislead the hearer‟s understanding about something. Cutting (2002:37) said that flouting the maxims is when the speakers appear not to follow the maxims but expect hearers to appreciate the meaning implied.

Conversation has its maxims in order to make the conversation goes smoothly, but sometimes it is violated by its user.

Moreover, Seken (2015: 101) argues that flouting maxim is the case when a speaker purposefully disobeys a maxim at the level of what is said with the deliberate intention of generating an implicature. In this case, the speaker‟s choice not observe the maxim by words he/she utters may be related to some motive (such politeness, style of speaking, etc).

2.3.1 Flouting Maxim of Quantity

Flouting maxim of quantity happens when the speakers fail to fulfill the maxim of quantity in the conversation. It includes whether the speakers are not informative as it

27 is required or more informative than it is required. Cutting (2002:37) stated that the speaker who flouts the maxim quantity sees to give too little or too much information. In short, the speakers become less informative or more informative. For example:

A: Where did you buy your shoes?

B: I bought it from Mega Mall.

From the example above, it can be seen that B flouts maxim of quantity. B failed to fulfill maxim of quantity because B‟s contribution is less informative than it is required. B did not tell the specific place where he bought his shoes, for instance, in what floor or the name of the store.

2.3.2 Flouting Maxim of Quality

Flouting maxim of quality happens when the speakers fail to fulfill the maxim of quality in the conversation. Seken (2015:96) stated that flouting maxim of quality happens when the speaker‟s answer is untrue or nonfactual, and lack evidence. In short, the speakers tells something that is different from what they think or being trust-less. For example:

A: How was the movie?

B: It was good, I almost slept while watching it.

The given example shows that B performs floating maxim of quality. B does not give the right answer as it is required. “It was good, I almost slept while watching it.”

This utterance implicates that the movie is boring and makes B almost sleep while watching the movie.


2.3.3 Flouting Maxim of Relation

Flouting maxim of relation happens when the speakers fail to fulfill the maxim of relation in the conversation. The speakers fail to be relevant in conversation. The speakers are not willingly being not relevant, sometimes because the speakers want to hide something. Cutting (2002:39) stated that if speakers flout the maxim of relation, they expect that the hearers will be able to imagine the utterance that the speaker did not say, and make connection between their utterance and the preceding ones. For example:

A: Are you coming to my party tonight?

B: I have a lot of homework.

From the example above, it can be seen that B fails to fulfill the maxim of relation. B gives the answer which is not relevant to A‟s question. Moreover, B‟s answer seems like he wants to reject the invitation, but he can not said it directly. With his answer, B expects that A can understand his answer.

2.3.4 Flouting Maxim of Manner

Flouting maxim of manner happens when the speakers fail to fulfill the maxim of manner in the conversation. In this case, the speakers give ambiguous answer or information. Seken (2015:99) stated when the speakers do not speak clearly and misleadingly use too many words, or when they say things obscurely and ambiguously, logically hearers will find it difficult to get the information being delivered. For example:

Boy: Do you really love me?

Girl: Can‟t you see? It‟s going to rain and we haven‟t got an umbrella.


From the example above, it can be seen that the girl‟s response is irrelevant or unrelated to the boy‟s question. It can be implied that the girl does not want to talk about the topic, and wants to give „No‟ answer.

2.4 Effect of Flouting Maxim

Austin (1962) defines speech act, as the action performed by language to modify the state of the object on which the action is performed. The writer represents an action effectively fulfilled by a sentence. We can use language, for example, to give orders, to make requests, to give warnings, or to give advice. They called these speech acts. Thus, people do things with words in much the same way as they perform physical action.

Austin (1962:101) states that the speaker produces certain consequential effects upon the feelings, thoughts, or actions of the hearer and it may be done with the intention or purpose of producing them. The consequential effects are called perlocutionary effects. They include convincing, surprising, boring, annoying, frightening, causing, insulting, alarming, enlightening, inspiring, getting the hearer to do something, and getting the hearer to realize something.

Therefore, when examining perlocutionary acts, the effect on the hearer or reader is emphasized. As an example, consider the following utterance: “that it‟s hot in here”

(such as someone turn on the air conditioner), “there is ice cream in the freezer” (helping themselves to the ice cream). Or "By the way, I made this brownies this morning, would you mind to taste it?" Its illocutionary function is an offer, while its intended perlocutionary effect might be to impress the hearer, or to show a friendly attitude, or to make the hearer feel loved.


2.4.1 Convincing

The first effect of perlocutionary act is convincing. Convincing the hearer is a condition when the speaker tries to make the hearer feel certain about something for example:

A: I don‟t like him, trust me.

From the example above, A‟s utterance has the convincing effect to the hearer.

2.4.2 Surprising

The second effect is surprising. The term surprising the hearer happens when the speaker brings the hearer to the emotion aroused by something unexpected or sudden situation, for example:

A: Guess what, I bought you Coldplay‟s concert ticket!

2.4.3 Boring

The third effect is boring. The term boring the hearer happens when the speaker brings the hearer to the boring situation through the speaker‟s utterance. For example is when a person tells about something many times or ask weird topic.

2.4.4 Annoying

The fourth effect is annoying. To annoy the hearer, the speaker can say something which is causes slight irritation to the hearer. For example

A: you gain some weight, did you?


utterence in here annoy the hearer with the question.

2.4.5 Frightening

The fifth effect is frightening. The speaker influencing the hearer with frightening things through the speaker‟s utterance. The example of this case is when sibling tease each other then someone feel annoy he will says “I‟ll tell you what you did to Dad.” The utterance causes the frightening effect to the hearer that is to stop his annoyance.

2.4.6 Causing

The sixth effect of perlocutionary act is causing. Causing is when the speaker bring out some effects on the hearer through the speaker‟s utterance. When causes the hearer, the speaker expects a responsible effect, action result, or consequence through the speaker‟s statement. For example:

A: You just broke my hope. No need to be with me here, I‟m okay.

A‟s utterance makes the hearer realizes something then does something. He feels guilty that causes him to leave the speaker alone.

2.4.7 Insulting

The seventh effect is insulting. To insult the hearer, the speaker utters or acts something which is offend the hearer. For example:

A: You asked for my permission, but my answer is no! Now, excuse me.

B: What? Jane. No, no wait. Jane, please. Please,you cant do this to me!.


B‟s utterance brings the effect of insulting. It insults A to give an approval towards her request.

2.4.8 Alarming

The eighth effect of perlocutionary act is alarming. The speaker utters something to make the hearer knows the speaker‟s fear that is caused by expectation of danger. An example of this effect when a girlfriend warns her boyfriend to slow down the car because the road is slippery.

2.4.9 Enlightening

The next effect is enlightening. It happens when the speaker tries to give an intellectual or even spiritual view to the hearer. For example when someone is hesitate with his girlfriend‟s feelings than his friends enlight him by saying, “Did you know that she love you very much, everyone can see it”.

2.4.10 Inspiring

The tenth effect is inspiring. Inspiring the hearer can be done by encouraging the spirit of the hearer through the speaker‟s utterance. An example of this effect happens when a Father promises her daughter something by saying, “I will buy you the newest edition of Channel bag if you can get cumlaude title.” It can give the effect of inspiring towards the daughter to study hard to get cumlaude title.


2.4.11 Getting the hearer to do something

The eleventh effect is getting the hearer to do something. It is happen when the speaker expects the hearer to do something by uttering a statement. For example, “I can‟t talk right now.” The speaker‟s utterance indirectly tells the hearer to hang up the phone..

2.4.12 Getting the hearer to realize something

The last effect is getting the hearer to realize something. It is happen when the speaker expects the hearer to understand and thinks deeper about what is beyond what the speaker means. When a friend hurts your feeling but you can‟t say it directly you just say “I‟m okay, don‟t mind me”

2.5 Previous Related Studies

The researcher refers to some previous relevant studies in order to conduct this research, they are:

1. First, a thesis written by Adawiyah (2016) entitled Flouting Maxim Used by the

Main Characters in Focus Movie. In this thesis, the researcher used Grice‟s theory

to analyze the types of the maxim that flouted, and the reasons of flouting maxim.

The researcher used qualitative method to analyze the data. From the research, the

researcher concluded that the most used type of flouting maxim is quantity maxim

flouting which is 14 times. The reasons why the main characters flouting of quantity

maxim because they are trying to explain about something by giving much

information and expecting that the hearer will understand more about what they say,

to express their feeling, to show their confusing, to convince themselves, to give


advice, to give additional information, to give unnecessary information, to expect

something, and the last is to hide or cover something. Moreover, the researcher

conclude that the flouting of maxim does not make the conversation into

miscommunication. Based on the analysis of this research, the conversation can still

run well without miscommunication.

However, this thesis is different from the topic that the researcher analyzed.

The researcher focused on analyzing the types of flouting maxim and its effect.

2. Second, a thesis written by Hasan (2014) entitled A Pragmatic Analysis of Maxim

Flouting Performed by the Main character in Philomena Movie. The objectives of

the research are to identify the types of maxim flouting performed by the main

character in Philomena, and to describe the strategies of maxim flouting used by

the main character in that movie. The researcher of this thesis analyzed the types

and strategies of maxim flouting performed by the main character in Philomena.

Meanwhile, the type of study was qualitative-quantitative method to analyze the

four types of maxim flouting and the strategies used by the main character in that

movie. The researcher used Grice‟s theory to explain the types and strategies of

maxim flouting. As the result, Maxim of Relation flouting is the mostly used type of

flouting, and maxim of manner flouting is the least used type of flouting maxim.

The main character rarely says something obscure to avoid misunderstanding.

Moreover, for the strategies, seven strategies are used in the movie; they are giving

too little information, giving too much information, hyperbole, metaphor, irony,

being irrelevant, and being obscure. Being irrelevant is the most used strategy


because maxim of relation flouting is the most used type of flouting. Meanwhile,

giving too little information and irony are the least used strategies.

The result of this thesis is different with the result of the researcher‟s thesis.

In this thesis, the writer used qualitative-quantitative method and analyzed the types of flouting maxim and the strategies of flouting maxim. Meanwhile, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method and analyzed types of flouting maxim and the effect of flouting maxim itself.

3. Third, a thesis written by Fatmawati (2015) entitled A Pragmatic Analysis of Maxim

Flouting Performed by Solomon Northup in 12 Years a Slave Movie. In this thesis,

the researcher used qualitative and quantitative method. The theory used in this

thesis was Grice‟s cooperative principle theory. As the result of this thesis, the

writer shows that Solomon Northup, performed four types of maxim flouting, such

as quality, quantity, relevance, and manner maxim flouting. The most maxim

flouting used by Northup is quantity maxim flouting. Quantity maxim flouting is

used to convince another participants of the conversation. Northup gives too much

information to reveal his identity and too little information to act his role as a slave.

Meanwhile, the less used type of maxim flouting is relevance maxim flouting.

Moreover, for the strategies, the researcher find out that Solomon Northup used five

strategies of flouting maxims they are tautology, understatement, overstatement,

metaphor, and irony. The overstatement strategy is the mostly used and metaphor is

the least used. Moreover, for the reason, there are four reasons why Solomon

Northup flouted the maxim, they are the competitive, collaborative, convivial, and


conflictive reason. Conflictive reason becomes the mostly used reason for maxim


Although both of this research used Grice‟s theory, the objectives of both of

this researches are different. In the thesis written by Fatmawati, she analyzed the

types of flouting maxim and its strategies likewise Hasan‟s (2014) objectives.

Meanwhile, the researcher‟s analyzed the types of flouting maxim and the effect of

flouting maxim based on Austin‟s theory. The researcher used this thesis as a guide

and reference to conduct this thesis.

4. Fourth, a thesis written by Hidayati (2015) entitled A Pragmatic Analysis of Maxim

Flouting Done by the Main Characters in the Devil Wears Prada. In this thesis, the

researcher used Grice‟s theory to analyze the types of the maxim flouted, the

strategies and the functions of maxim flouted by the main characters. The method

used was descriptive qualitative method. From the research, the researcher

concluded that the main characters flouted all types of maxims. The maxim of

quantity flouting is the mostly used type of maxim flouting. The main characters

flout this maxim to make the information given to the hearer clearer. It is done by

giving too much information rather than giving too little. Meanwhile, maxim of

manner flouting is the least used in the movie because the characters are distinct

kind of persons. They avoid to give unclear information to the hearer. Next, the

mostly used strategy in this movie is giving too much information. It is because both

main characters are informative. Moreover, for the functions, the writer concluded

that nine functions appeared in the movie, they are convincing, surprising, boring,

frightening, causing, insulting, alarming, getting the hearer to do something, and


getting the hearer to realize something.The effect that is mostly used in the movie is


The thesis written by Hidayati analyzed the functions of flouting maxim

and so did the researcher‟s. The researcher used the thesis as the reference to

conduct this thesis.

5. Fifth, a thesis written by Faridah (2016) entitled Flouting Conversational Maxim

Used by Main Characters in Lie to Me Movie. The objectives of this thesis are to

identify the types of maxim flouting performed by the main character in Lie to Me

Movie, and to reveal the reasons of main characters‟ flouting maxim. From the

analysis, the writer found thirty flouting maxims in Lie to Me Movie. Quantity and

relevance are the highest maxims flouted by main characters. The main characters

often use flouting maxim of quantity and relevance in this movie because the main

characters mostly give more or less information and irrelevant answer. The reasons

the main characters flouting the maxim in their dialogue are to save the time, to end

the conversation, to be clear, and to change the topic. In this thesis, the writer stated

that flouting maxims is important to make communication smooth when people can

understand deeply the meaning of what speakers say.

This thesis is different from the topic that the researcher analyzed. The writer focused on analyzing the types of flouting maxim and the reason of the main characters flouted the maxim, meanwhile the researcher focused on analyzing the types of flouting maxim and its effect.


6. Finally, a journal written by Ulfah (2018) entitled An Analysis of Flouting Maxim

in the B.F.G Movie. The paper analyzed the use of flouts in different situations and

explores in what situations the different characters flout the maxims for any

conversations. The results show that there are 10 flouting maxims of quantity

(42%); 10 flouting maxims of relevance (42%); 2 flouting maxims of quality (8%);

and 2 flouting maxims of manner (8%). Hence, the total number of flouting

maxims is 24.

From all of the researches above, the researcher uses them as the guide to conduct this research. Hence, this research is different from the previous studies. In this research, the researcher identifies kinds of maxim flouted by the main character in the

The Edge of Seventeen movie and also the effect of flouting maxim done by the main character in that movie based on Gice‟s cooperative principle theory and Austin‟s perlocutionary effects theory.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

This research was started by giving some understandings on pragmatics, then it was analyzed by applying Grice‟s cooperative principle theory to identify the kinds of maxim flouting and Austin‟s prelucionary effect theory and to find out the effect of flouting maxim, as seen in figure 2.6.


Figure 2.6 Conceptual Framework




3.1 Research Design

In this research, the researcher used the descriptive qualitative method to analyze the movie. Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:23) stated that descriptive method is a method used to explain, anlayze and classify something through various techniques, survey, interview, observation, and text. The researcher used this method to support the explanation and the description of maxim flouting in this research by observing the movie. Bogdan and Biklen (1982) stated that for qualitative method, the data is collected in the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. Meanwhile, Cresswell (1992:40) stated, ”We conduct qualitative research because we want to understand the contexts or setting in which participants in a study address a problem or issue.” In the qualitative method, the researcher analyze the utterances uttered by the main character in the movie, and also collects the data which is the utterances that contains flouting maxim in The

Edge of Seventeen movie. Besides, the researcher tries to understand the the situations of the conversation to know the effect of flouting maxim done by the main character in

The Edge of Seventeen movie.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this research are twenty dialogues of the movie which contains flouting maxim. For the data source, the data are taken from script, dialogue, and

41 utterances of the main character with the other characters of The Edge of Seventeen movie such as Krista, Darian, Erwin, Mom, Dad, Mr. Bruner, and Jeannie. The source of data are The Edge of Seventeen movie that downloaded from site named layarkaca21

(, and the script, the researcher downloaded it from site named subscene.com uploaded by Golden Bread


3.3 Data Collection Method

The data of this research were collected from The Edge of Seventeen movie. The method used to collect the data was observation and documentation. The researcher analyzed the data by observing the movie, the dialogue and the script of the movie and then for documentation method needed to collect the other journals and researches that contain flouting maxim as the references.

1. Observation

The observation data was done by downloading the movie as the source of data. The

utterances that contain maxim flouting and flouting maxim in the movie were

analyzed by using Grice‟s theory as the relevant theory for this research to identify

the maxims.

2. Documentation

Documentation means collecting the data such as the documents, researches and

journals on the internet related to cooperative principles such as maxim flouting and

flouting maxims which support the analysis. The documents obtained from related e-

book, online books, journal, and thesis were also collected for the data analysis.


3.4 Data Analysis

In this point, to analyze the data and to get the objectives of problems in this research, the researcher used interactive model proposed by Miles, Huberman, and

Saldana with three steps; data condensation, data display, and conclusion: drawing and verification (2014).

Figure 3.4 Component of Data Analysis: Interactive model

3.4.1 Data Condensation

The first is data condensation. Data condensation in Miles, Huberman and Saldana

(2014) refers to the selecting data, focusing, simplifying, and transforming the data into a qualitative description. The utterances collected as the data for this study were explained and analyzed to represent the maxim flouting and the effects of flouting maxim in the movie. There are some steps that will be done in data condensation, they are:

1. Selecting


The data were selected based on the utterances that contain flouting maxim

from The Edge of Seventeen movie

2. Focusing

After selecting the data, the writer focused on the two research problems,

they are the kinds of maxim flouting and the effects of the maxims flouted by

the main character in the movie.

3. Simplifying

The selected data then was simplified by classifying the utterances that

contain maxim flouting, and their effects.

4. Abstracting

The utterances of the movie were analyzed by using Grice‟s theory. The

analysis of type of maxims was divided into maxim of quantity, maxim of

quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner. The effects of flouting

maxim were divided into convincing, surprising, boring, annoying,

frightening, causing, insulting, alarming, enlig htening, inspiring, getting the

hearer to do something, and getting the hearer to realize something.

5. Transforming

The data then were transformed by transcribing the audio from the movie of

The Egde of Seventeen movie into the text.


3.4.2 Data Display

The second is Data display. Data display helps to understand the objectives of the research which analyzed the utterances contain flouting maxim and its effect in The

Edge of Seventeen movie by formed the table in findings part to make the data looks more organized and easier to observe.

No. Utterances Types of Flouting Perlocutionary Maxim Effect 1.

Figure 3.4.2 Data display

3.4.3 Conclusion: Drawing and Verification

The third is conclusion drawing and verification. Conclusion of this research are

Nadine as the main character flouted all types of maxim and gave seven perlocutionary effect to the other characters of the movie.




4.1 Analysis

This chapter presents the analysis and the findings of this research. This chapter discusses the results of data finding in relation to the theories, and analyzes the two objectives of this research: analysing flouting maxim used by the main character in The

Edge of Seventeen movie and the effects she flouted the maxim. In this section, the researcher analyses the utterances of main character of the movie which contain flouting maxim and the effect of flouting maxim.

4.1.1 Types of Flouting Maxim Flouting Maxi m of Quantity

Data 1: From minutes 00:02:08.720-00:02:55.320

Nadine : Look, I don't want to take up a ton of your time, but

I'm gonna kill myself. I just thought that someone

should know. I don't really know how this works. I'm

probably gonna jump off an overpass in front of a

semi, so...Or a U-Haul maybe, just not a bus.I'm not

gonna be a dick and make people watch. But it has to

be big. It's got to be so big that it just...done. Kills me.

Lights out. Cause if it just maims me, and I'm

like..well, then how's that good for anyone? Then I got


to find a nurse to smother me. How am I gonna get

across smothering if I'm..we don't need to get caught

up in the minute. I just thought that an adult, so, you,

should know.

Mr. Bruner : Wow. This is, uh, a lot to take in, Nadine. I...I wish I

knew what to say.

This dialogue happened between Nadine and Mr. Bruner. In this dialogue,

Nadine failed to fulfill maxim of quantity because she gave too much information to Mr.

Bruner. She was flouting maxim of quantity by saying everything in her mind and made

Mr. Bruner confused. Therefore, Nadine considered was flouting maxim of quantity.

Data 2 : From minutes 00:11:12.440-00:11:37.720

Nadine : Oh, my God, could you please look at that stupid shirt my

brother's wearing?

Krista : (look at Darian and his friends) Oh, you can see his nipples.

Nadine : How does he not realize that all that does is scream, "I have

a body complex worse than a girl's"? How much does he even

work out now? You should've seen him. He had a conniption

cause my mom won't buy him creatine anymore, since it fucks

up your kidneys. I was like, "I know, Darian. I know. What

does Mom expect you to win people over with your



Krista : Haha, It's OCD.

This dialogue happened between Nadine and Krista in the schoolyard, they talked as usual then Darian, Nadine‟s brother, was passing in front of them. In this dialogue,

Nadine failed to obey maxim of quantity. She was flouting maxim of quantity because she gave too much information about Darian to Krista. Nadine also told to Krista about how much she hates her brother by telling all the weird things done by her brother

Darian. Therefore, Nadine considered was flouting maxim of quantity.

Data 3: From minutes 00:29:40.000-00:29:59.720

(Nadine who feels starange with the party vibes leaving the house party and sit

infront of Jeannie in the house party‟s yard)

Jeannie :Do you watch TBS ever?

Nadine : Sometimes.

Jeannie : There's this old movie that's always playing on there. It's got

Arnold Schwarzenegger and the little bald guy from It's Always

Sunny? Yeah, they play twin brothers. Only Arnold's all tall and

buff and hot.

Nadine : Yeah, yeah, God. Twins! I love that movie!

Jeannie : Love that movie. It's so good. You and your brother kind of

remind me of that.


Nadine : (Grab her phone and called her Mom) God. Hi. I need you to

come pick me up.

Jeannie : What the (Jeannie feel annoyed, and go inside the house party)

The dialogue happened between Nadine and Jeannie. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of quantity. She failed to fulfill maxim of quantity by giving less information. By answering „sometimes‟ and „Yeah, yeah, God. Twins! Nadine did not make her contribution as required, and made the situation becomes awkward. Therefore,

Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quantity.

Data 4: From minutes 00:30:11.240-00:30:35.920

Mom : How was it?

Nadine : Uh, it was probably one of the worst nights of my life. God.

You wouldn't believe the night I had. God, I feel like such a


Mom : You're not a loser.

Nadine : I feel like one.

Mom : (Grab Nadine‟s hand) You're not a loser, Nadine

This dialogue happened between Nadine and her Mom. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of quantity. She failed to fulfill maxim of quantity by saying too much

49 information. When her mom asked „How was it?‟, she probably just said „bad‟ or „not bad‟, but in this case, she gave too much information to convince her Mom that she had a really bad night. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quantity.

Data 5: From minutes 00:54:53.960-00:55:14.960

Erwin : Hello?

Nadine : Sorry. Um, I just took some medicine. I'll call you after it

kicks in.

Erwin : Wait, wait, what's wrong? Are you sick?

Nadine : No, I'm fine. I'm not... No. Medicine, like, uh, an

antidepressant-whatever. They gave them to me when

my dad died. I was only on them for like a month,

though. People take them, like, all the time. It's totally


Erwin : Oh?

Nadine : Does that make you think I'm pathetic all of the sudden?

Erwin : Oh, no. No. No. think you're perfectly fine. Seriously.

This dialogue happened between Erwin and Nadine. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of quantity because she gave too much information. She told information that was not needed by Erwin. Perhaps, she told that as an excuse for herself

50 for being absurd to Erwin. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quantity.

Data 6: From minutes 00:33:45.000-00:34:03.280

(Nadine and Erwin walked together in Tim Theme‟s Park)

Erwin : So, how come they canceled the party?

Nadine : Oh. By "canceled," I more meant I left. Ah.

Erwin : Gotcha. Yeah.

Nadine : Thanks for driving, by the way. I don't have a license 'cause I'm

like, "Why not just have people drive you?" People make such

a big deal about being able to do things for themselves. That

was a joke. I failed the test.

Erwin : (look away and scratch his head) Oh. Haha halloo

This dialogue happened between Erwin and Nadine in the car. In this dialogue,

Nadine was flouting maxim of quantity by being too informative as required. In this case, Nadine gave information that is not needed by Erwin. Nadine started to tell why she did not have license, while Erwin had no intention to ask about that. Therefore,

Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quantity.

Data 7: From minutes 01:02:46.760-01:02:55.600


Mom : But we're not talking about him right now. 'Cause it's just too

upsetting "It's just too hard and too sad "and it gives me a cluster


Nadine : I know.

Mom : Oh, my God. You have no compassion.

Nadine : Actually, I'm just bored because I know everything you're

gonna do before you do it.

Mom : (look at Nadine with the „I do not care with you‟glare) Sure you


Nadine : Oh, you don't believe me.

Mom : No, I don't.

This dialogue happened between Mom and Nadine. In this dialogue, Nadine failed to fulfill maxim of quantity by giving less information as required. Nadine should comfort her Mom from the sadness thought rather than being cool and heartless.

Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quantity. Flouting Maxim of Quality

Data 8: From minutes 00:12:53.480-00:13:20.120

Erwin : Hey, I like your sweatshirt today. It's nice.

Nadine : Thank you.


Erwin : W here'd you get it? The sweater. Sweatshirt.

Nadine : I...I don't know. I don't remember.

Erwin : Kewlio.

Nadine : Yup.

Erwin : (looked away and spinned his peen) Yeah. Don't know where

that came from.

This dialogue happened between Erwin and Nadine in the class. In this dialogue,

Erwin tried to approach Nadine by mentioning her outfit in their conversation, but the answered that Nadine did not give as what Erwin expected. She flouted maxim of quality because she gave the untrue information to Erwin. Perhaps, she was doing it because she did not want to talk with Erwin who was „stranger‟ to her, so,with the answer she gave the conversation will end quickly. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quality.

Data 9: From minutes 00:20:21.400-00:20:25.200

Krista : Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything.

Nadine : Look, you're my best friend and I love you. It wasn't your


(Krista following Nadine into the house where Darian is)

Nadine : You disgust me.


Darian :That's nice.

Nadine : Go grow yourself a wispy mustache, you pervert, and stay

away from my friends, okay?

This dialogue happened between Nadine and Krista, Nadine was mad to Krista because Krista was just got caught sleeping with her brother. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of quality, because she failed to fulfill maxim of quality by giving the untrue answer. She said „it wasn‟t your fault‟ but, in fact, she was mad and blamed

Krista. As her best friend, Nadine thought Krista should not betray her by sleeping with her brother. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quality.

Data 10: From minutes 00:37:07.800-00:37:27.080

Krista : Hi.

Nadine : Hi.

Krista : I...I know you're mad at me because you think that I ditched you

to play beer pong, and...

Nadine : I never said I was mad.

Krista : Okay, well, I know that you are, and... Nadine.

This dialogue happened between Nadine and Krista in school‟s lobby. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of quality because, she did not tell the truth about

54 her feelings. Nadine was lying, and Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quality.

Data 11: From minutes 01:38:01.960-01:38:16.240

Nadine : I know she's me. But I already figured out how great you

are.You're so fucking great.You're like the best person I know.

What? What's wrong?

Erwin : Um, the film wasn't about you.

Nadine : Oh, God. Shoot. Sorry, I thought maybe because the hair and,

like, the cool shoes that... Oh... Wow. I'm one of those

people that thinks everything is about them.

Erwin : I'm just messing with you. Yeah, I'm just messing with you. I

set that up.

Nadine : You shithead. I hate you so much.

Erwin : Yes. Felt pretty good. You...You being nervous for once. And

I'm just over here, like, just sniffin' my flowers.

This dialogue happened between Erwin and Nadine in the movie theater. In this dialogue, Nadine failed to fulfill maxim of quality because she gave the untrue answer.


She gave different answer from what she was feeling and thinking. The fact, Nadine was already falling in love with Erwin, but she stated, „I hate you so much‟ which becomes an evidence that Nadine gave untrue answer. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of quantity. Flouting Maxim of Relation

Data 12: From minutes 00:05:16.840-00:05:30.400

Dad : I know kids can be mean but, if you get a chance, fart into their


Nadine : (stare at her dad) I wish you were small.

Dad : (kiss Nadine‟s forehead and tidy up Nadine‟s hair) Okay, little

girl it‟s time to go to the class.

This dialogue happened between Nadine and her Dad when her parents drove her and her brother to school. In the car, she had a fight with her mother because she did not want to go to school. She did not want to go to school because she was an outsider.

Compared to her brother who is a popular student, she was often got bullied by her classmates. Eventually, her dad talked to her and asked her to get out of the car and go to the class, and she did it. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of relation. Nadine failed to fulfill the maxim of relation because Nadine expected the hearer who was her dad to be able to make the connection between her utterances and the preceding one. She hoped that her Dad was small and young as her, so they could be a friend.


Data 13: From minutes 00:54:29.360-00:54:35.040

Erwin : Hey, I heard you were looking for me at lunch.

Nadine : I can't talk right now.

Erwin : Oh, okay. I just got... Okay. ( Hang up the phone)

This dialogue happened when Erwin called Nadine. In this dialogue, Nadine failed to fulfill maxim of relation. She was flouting maxim of relation by giving the answer which had no connection with the question asked by Erwin. Nadine should answer Erwin‟s question with „yes‟ or „no‟ rather than said „I can‟t talk right now‟.

Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of relation.

Data 14 From minutes 00:33:36.320-00:33:37.520

Erwin : How are you? Are you good? You all right?

Nadine : Hey, so Tim's Theme Park's open late tonight.

Erwin : (Grab his car key) Do you want to meet there?

This dialogue happened between Erwin and Nadine. In this dialogue, Nadine failed to fulfill maxim of relation because she was being irrelevant. In here, Erwin asked

Nadine whether she was good or not but, Nadine did not answer, on the other hand she gave the other statement with the different subject. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of relation.

Data 15: From minutes 01:01:36.120-01:02:02.960


Mom : Don't you have something to do? Schoolwork or something?


Nadine : Can I have this hole punch?

Mom : (Take the hole punch from Nadine‟s hand) Give that to me. I

want you to just sit there for the next eight hours and don't touch

anything and don't make any noise.

This dialogue happened between Mom and Nadine in her Mom‟s office. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of relation. It can be seen when Nadine‟s Mom asked her, but she gave the irrelevant answer. Rather than said „I have‟ or „I have not‟

She gave different statement from what her Mom has asked to her. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of relation.

Data 16: From minutes 01:17:39.320-01:18:13.080

Nadine : Get off!

Nick : What the hell?

Nadine : I, uh... I really liked that song earlier. What was the name of it


Nick : (pull up his body from Nadine with annoyed expression) Uh, I

don‟t remember.

This dialogue happened between Nick and Nadine. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of relation. It can be seen from the answer she gave which had no relation to the question asked by Nick. Nadive gave such an answer to hide her nervous

58 of being in a car with Nick. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of relation. Flouting Maxim of Manner

Data 17: From minutes 00:20:06.440-00:20:26.960

Krista : Are you okay?

Nadine : I'm just... Just thinking. Okay, I'll see you later. (walked

away and left Krista)

Krista : (scream with desperate hope Nadine hear what she and turn

back) Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything!


This dialogue happened between Nadine and Krista. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of manner, because she did not give clear answer and contained ambiguity. The answer she gave shows that she was being obscure to Krista. Therefore,

Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of manner.

Data 18: From minutes 00:36:18.680-00:36:48.760

Nadine : You‟re a really great guy, Erwin.

Erwin : Aww.

Nadine : No, I‟m serious. I look at you and I just see this really, really,

really old man.

Erwin : (look Nadine with annoy and confuse expressions) “Old”?


Nadine : I‟m complimenting you. I just see this very kind, very gentle,

very wise old man. In a convalescent home. In a wheelchair.

Erwin : Hmm. Oh. Thank you.

This dialogue happened between Erwin and Nadine. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of manner. The reason why this dialogue was categorized as flouting maxim of manner because Nadine did not have intention to flout the maxim. In here,

Nadine wanted to compliment the character of Erwin who was wise and gentle just like an old man but, on the other hand Erwin was a little bit confused with Nadine‟s statement what she meant with the word „old‟ with jokes tone here. If Erwin did not understand with what exactly the real meaning of Nadine‟s statement was, it could lead misunderstanding and probably cause an awkward situation. Therefore, because

Nadine‟s statement contains ambiguity, Nadine was considered doing was flouting maxim of manner.

Data 19 From minutes 00:37:32.920- 00:38:19.240

Nadine : Would you like to know an observation that I made this

weekend? "Oh, my God, Shannon. Your outfit, it's so cute! I

love it!"

Krista :Yeah, okay.


Nadine : And you tossed me aside? The person who's had your back

since second grade. Who's been with you through everything. You

know what?

Krista : Fine.Yeah, that's what happened.

Nadine : Because chances are, those pricks, they're not gonna give a shit

about you when Darian drops your ass for someone hotter.

Krista : (tone up her voice) You don't know anything, Nadine! it's not gonna happen. Because your brother just asked me to be his girlfriend and to prom in May. Nadine : No.

Krista : Yeah, he did.

This dialogue happened between Nadine and Krista. In this dialogue, Nadine and

Krista were still in arguing mood. Nadine was still mad at Krista and unconsciously she was flouting maxim of manner. Nadine gave answer containing teasing that probably can cause complicated situation. The answer that Nadine gave was the statement that

Krista said when she met with Shannon at the party. Nadine did not speak clearly, and she said things obscurely and ambiguously. Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of manner.

Data 20: From minutes 01:00:08.120-01:00:26.720

Nadine : You've had this whole place to yourself for three months?

Erwin :Yay.


Nadine : No, I get it. It's... It's a big house. You're bored. You know

what you need? You need someone to rob you, so you can

reenact Home Alone.

Erwin : That is...That is exactly what I need. Thank you.

This conversation happened between Erwin and Nadine in Erwin‟s house. In this dialogue, Nadine was flouting maxim of manner. Perhaps, Nadine just wanted try to make the situation more friendly with her jokes, but Erwin thought that Nadine was such a weird person because of her joke telling his house should be robbed by someone.

Therefore, Nadine was considered doing flouting maxim of manner.

4.1.2 Effects of Flouting Maxim. Convincing

Data 1: From minutes 00:11:12.440-00:11:37.720

Nadine : Oh, my God, could you please look at that stupid shirt my

brother's wearing?

Krista : (look at Darian and his friends) Oh, you can see his nipples.

Nadine : How does he not realize that all that does is scream, "I have a

body complex worse than a girl's"? How much does he even work

out now? You should've seen him. He had a conniption cause my

mom won't buy him creatine anymore, since it fucks up your

kidneys. I was like, "I know, Darian. I know. What does Mom

expect you to win people over with your personality?"


Krista : Haha, It's OCD.

In this dialogue the effect of flouting maxim on Krista is convincing. It can be seen from Nadine‟s utterance which tried to convince Krista that her brother had weird personality by telling all the weird things that her brother has done in their house. Krista saw Darian and agree with Nadine‟s statement by saying it is OCD and she can see

Nadine‟s brother nipples. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quantity on

Krista is convincing.

Data 2: From minutes 00:30:11.240-00:30:35.920

Nadine : Hi. I need you to come pick me up.

Mom : How was it?

Nadine : Uh, it was probably one of the worst nights of my life. God. You

wouldn't believe the night I had. God, I feel like such a loser.

Mom : You're not a loser.

Nadine : I feel like one.

Mom : (Grab Nadine‟s hand) You're not a loser, Nadine

Nadine asked her Mom to come and pick her up from the party held by Darian‟s

friend. Then, her Mom asked her about the party. She told to her Mom that it was

probably one of the worst night in her life. So, with the statement that Nadine uttered,

gave convincing effect on Mom that the party was really worst even became one of the

63 worst night Nadine had ever have. Her Mom grabbed her hand and tried to comfort

Nadine by saying She is not a loser. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim quantity on Mom is convincing.

Data 3: From minutes 00:20:21.400-00:20:25.200

Krista : Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything.

Nadine : Look, you're my best friend and I love you. It wasn't your fault.

(Krista following Nadine into the house where Darian is)

Nadine : You disgust me.

Darian :That's nice.

Nadine : Go grow yourself a wispy mustache, you pervert, and stay away

from my friends, okay?

In this dialogue Nadine gives convincing effect on Krista by saying to Krista that what happened is not her fault but Darian‟s fault. Nadine walked into the house, Krista who still not sure with Nadine‟s answer followed her. Inside of the house Darian sat on a sofa Nadine who saw Darian told to Darian to stay away from her friends, Krista heard the conversations between Nadine and Darian felt convinced. Therefore, the effect of

Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quality on Krista is convincing. Boring

Data 4: From minutes 00:12:53.480-00:13:20.120


Erwin : Hey, I like your sweatshirt today. It's nice.

Nadine : Thank you.

Erwin : W here'd you get it? The sweater. Sweatshirt.

Nadine : I...I don't know. I don't remember.

Erwin : Kewlio.

Nadine : Yup.

Erwin : (looked away and spinned his peen) Yeah. Don't know where

that came from.

The effect of flouting maxim on Erwin is boring. It can be seen from how Nadine responded Erwin‟s question which made Erwin felt awkward. It made him looked away and spinned his pen, pretend nothing happened between them. Therefore, the effect of

Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quality on Erwin is boring.

Data 5: From minutes 00:02:08.720-00:02:55.320

Nadine : Look, I don't want to take up a ton of your time, but I'm

gonna kill myself. I just thought that someone should

know. I don't really know how this works. I'm probably

gonna jump off an overpass in front of a semi, so...Or a U-

Haul maybe, just not a bus.I'm not gonna be a dick and

make people watch. But it has to be big. It's got to be so

big that it just...done. Kills me. Lights out. Cause if it just


maims me, and I'm like..well, then how's that good for

anyone? Then I got to find a nurse to smother me. How am

I gonna get across smothering if I'm..we don't need to get

caught up in the minutiae. I just thought that an adult, so,

you, should know.

Mr. Bruner : Wow. This is, uh, a lot to take in, Nadine. I...I wish I

knew what to say. (grab a paper from his desk) Well, I

was actually just drafting my own suicide note. Just

now. "Dear everybody. As some of you know, I have 32

fleeting minutes of happiness per school day during lunch

which has been eaten up, again and again, by the same

especially badly dressed student. And I finally thought,

You know what? I would rather have the dark, empty

nothingness. I really would. It sounds relaxing. Have a

nice life without me, fuckers.”

Nadine accidentally sent a vulgar message to Nick, but she got panick attack and did not know what to do. She just could not imagine how she will face Nick in the future. So, she told everything in her mind to Mr. Bruner just to released her stress without knowing that it made Mr. Bruner bored with her because she always came to him whenever she had problems, it can be seen from Mr Bruner responds to Nadine by pretending that He had written his suicide note and read it infront of Nadine. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quantity on Mr. Bruner is boring.


Data 6: From minutes 00:33:45.000-00:34:03.280

(Nadine and Erwin walked together in Tim Theme‟s Park)

Erwin : So, how come they canceled the party?

Nadine : Oh. By "canceled," I more meant I left. Ah.

Erwin : Gotcha. Yeah.

Nadine : Thanks for driving, by the way. I don't have a license 'cause I'm

like, "Why not just have people drive you?" People make such a

big deal about being able to do things for themselves. That was a

joke. I failed the test.

Erwin : (look away and scratch his head) Oh. Haha halloo

In this dialogue, Nadine said too much about why she still has not got a license, yet the fact, Erwin did not ask about it. Erwin who bored with the situation looked away and scratched his head, Nadine was being boring in this dialogue. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quantity on Erwin is boring. Annoying

Data 7: From minutes 00:29:40.000-00:29:59.720

(Nadine who feels starange with the party vibes leaving the house party and sit

infront of Jeannie in the house party‟s yard)

Jeannie :Do you watch TBS ever?


Nadine : Sometimes.

Jeannie : There's this old movie that's always playing on there. It's got

Arnold Schwarzenegger and the little bald guy from It's Always

Sunny? Yeah, they play twin brothers. Only Arnold's all tall and

buff and hot.

Nadine : Yeah, yeah, God. Twins! I love that movie!

Jeannie : Love that movie. It's so good. You and your brother kind of

remind me of that.

Nadine : (Grab her phone and called her Mom) God. Hi. I need you to

come pick me up.

Jeannie : What the (Jeannie feel annoyed, and go inside the house


In this dialogue Nadine met Jeannie when she went to house party‟s yard, she saw Jeannie and sat infront of her. They talked about TBS ever but, Jeannie accidentally compared Nadine and Darian with the characters in the movie. Nadine who had a sensitive heart did not like it then she called her mom to picked her up. Jeannie felt annoyed of Nadine‟s act that could not accept her jokes so, she went into the house party and left Nadine alone in the house party‟s yard. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quantity on Jeanni is annoying.

Data 8 : From minutes 00:36:18.680-00:36:48.760


Nadine : You‟re a really great guy, Erwin.

Erwin : Aww.

Nadine : No, I‟m serious. I look at you and I just see this really, really,

really old man.

Erwin : (look Nadine with annoy and confuse expressions) “Old”?

Nadine : I‟m complimenting you. I just see this very kind, very gentle,

very wise old man. In a convalescent home. In a wheelchair.

Erwin : Hmm. Oh. Thank you.

Nadine tried to compliment Erwin‟s character, but the way she delivered it different from what common people usually used. It made Erwin confused and a little bit annoyed by her utterance which stated he was look old. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of Manner on Erwin is annoying.

Data 9: From minutes 01:17:39.320-01:18:13.080

Nadine : Get off!

Nick : What the hell?

Nadine : I, uh... I really liked that song earlier. What was the name of it


Nick : (pull up his body from Nadine with annoyed expression) Uh,

I don‟t remember.

This conversation happened in Nick‟s car, Nick tried to approach Nadine with intention to having sex with Nadine just like what Nadine have messaged him. However,


Nadine seemed so nervous and asked Nick to get off, and tried to start new topic by asking about the song played in the car. It made Nick feel annoyed so, he pulled up his self and sat back to his sit. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim relation on

Nick is annoying.

Data 10: From minutes 00:54:29.360-00:54:35.040

Erwin : Hey, I heard you were looking for me at lunch.

Nadine : I can't talk right now.

Erwin : Oh, okay. I just got... Okay. ( Hang up the phone)

Nadine was looking for Erwin at lunch but, she could not fine Erwin and just met with his friend. Erwin called Nadine after got the information from his friends, the respond that Nadine gave to Erwin had annoyed him so he hanged up the phone.

Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of relation on Erwin is annoying. Causing

Data 11: From minutes 01:01:36.120-01:02:02.960

Mom : Don't you have something to do? Schoolwork or something?


Nadine : Can I have this hole punch?

Mom : (Take the hole punch from Nadine‟s hand) Give that to me. I

want you to just sit there for the next eight hours and don't

touch anything and don't make any noise.


This conversation happened in the office of Nadine‟s mother. Nadine stucked in the office with her Mom because when her Mom drove her to school, she did not want to come out, so her Mom took Nadine to her office. While Nadine was sitting in front of her Mom, her Mom asking whether she had homework or something, but Nadine ignored her and kept playing with the hole punch. Nadine asked her Mom if she could keep the hole punch. It caused her Mom mad and took the hole punch from Nadine.

Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of relation on Mom is causing. Insulting

Data 12: From minutes 00:37:32.920-00:37:38.760

Krista : Hi.

Nadine : Hi.

Krista : I...I know you're mad at me because you think that I ditched you

to play beer pong, and...

Nadine : I never said I was mad.

Krista : Okay, well, I know that you are, and... Nadine.

Nadine : Would you like to know an observation that I made this

weekend? "Oh, my God, Shannon. Your outfit, it's so cute! I love


Krista :Yeah, okay.


Nadine : And you tossed me aside? The person who's had your back

since second grade. Who's been with you through everything. You

know what?

Krista : Fine.Yeah, that's what happened.

Nadine : Because chances are, those pricks, they're not gonna | give a shit

about you when Darian drops your ass for someone hotter.

Krista : (tone up her voice) You don't know anything, Nadine! it's

not gonna happen. Because your brother just asked me to be

his girlfriend and to prom in May.

Nadine : No.

Krista : Yeah, he did.

This dialogue happened when Krista tried to approach Nadine to make sure that everything is fine between them, but then Nadine asked something which was irrelevant with the context that Krista wanted to hear from Nadine. Nadine stated "Oh, my God,

Shannon. Your outfit, it's so cute! I love it!" Yeah, okay..‟. This utterance was actually what Krista had said to Shannon when they were in the party last night. Besides, Nadine told that Darian and his friend will left Krista behind after all, it was insulting Krista and made Krista mad at her and toned up her voice. Hence, the utterance that Nadine uttered was insulting Krista. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of manner on

Krista is insulting.


Data 13: From minutes 01:02:46.760-01:02:55.600

Mom : But we're not talking about him right now. 'Cause it's just too

upsetting "It's just too hard and too sad "and it gives me a cluster


Nadine : I know.

Mom : Oh, my God. You have no compassion.

Nadine : Actually, I'm just bored because I know everything you're gonna

do before you do it.

Mom : (look at Nadine with the „I do not care with you‟glare) Sure

you do.

Nadine : Oh, you don't believe me.

Mom : No, I don't.

In this dilogue, Nadine had a littlle conflict with her Mom. Her mom said that her father would be dissapointed if he saw Nadine now, Nadine mad and told everything in her mind. Her mom got sad and said tha Nadine had no compassion, then Nadine insulted her Mom by saying that she knew everything that her Mom gonna do.

Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quantity on Mom is insulting. Getting the hearer to do something

Data 14: From minutes 00:33:36.320-00:33:37.520

Erwin : How are you? Are you good? You all right?


Nadine : Hey, so Tim's Theme Park's open late tonight.

Erwin : (Grab his car key) Do you want to meet there?

Nadine had a bad night, the party ran smoothly to another but not her. She called

Erwin hope that he could fix her mood. She expected that Erwin would pick her up after she gave information that the park was opened late and He did. Therefore, the effect of

Nadine‟s flouting maxim of relation on Erwin is getting the hearer to do something. Getting the hearer to realize something

Data 15: From minutes 00:20:06.440-00:20:26.960

Krista : Are you okay?

Nadine : I'm just... Just thinking. Okay, I'll see you later. (walked away

and left Krista)

Krista : (scream with desperate hope Nadine hear what she and turn

back) Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything!


Krista was asking whether Nadine is okay or not after knowing the fact that

Krista was slept with her brother last night. The respond that Nadine had said and acted was a clue that Nadine was mad to Krista, and did not want to talk with Krista. She needed time to process what just happened and hope Krista understand it. Thus, with the utterance Nadine‟s uttered, Krista felt desperated about what should she do to make

Nadine would speak to her. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of manner on Krista is getting the hearer to realize something.


Data 16: From minutes 00:54:53.960-00:55:14.960

Erwin : Hello?

Nadine : Sorry. Um, I just took some medicine. I'll call you after it

kicks in.

Erwin : Wait, wait, what's wrong? Are you sick?

Nadine : No, I'm fine. I'm not... No. Medicine, like, uh, an

antidepressant-whatever. They gave them to me when my

dad died. I was only on them for like a month, though.

People take them, like, all the time. It's totally normal.

Erwin : Oh?

Nadine : Does that make you think I'm pathetic all of the sudden?

Erwin : Oh, no. No. No. I think you're perfectly fine.


In this dialogue, Nadine told to Erwin about her condition, why she acted weird and others. By telling this, Nadine hoped Erwin could realize and understand about her condition and did not see her as a weird person. But Erwin knew that she was not okay, he tried to comfor Nadine and said that it was perfectly fine. Therefore, the effect of

Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quantity on Erwin is getting the hearer to realize something.


Data 17: From minutes 01:00:08.120-01:00:26.720

Nadine : You've had this whole place to yourself for three months?

Erwin :Yay.

Nadine : No, I get it. It's... It's a big house. You're bored. You know what

you need? You need someone to rob you, so you can reenact

Home Alone.

Erwin : That is...That is exactly what I need. Thank you.

In this dialogue, Nadine made a weird suggestion to Erwin so He don‟t get bored. She told that his house need to be rob by someone just because He lives there alone. From the utternaces She said, Nadine just wanted to entertain Erwin and hoped

Erwin did not take seroiusly her jokes, Erwin knew it and thought that Nadine so cute so

He joined Nadine‟s joke and pretended that he needed someone to rob his house.

Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of manner on Erwin is getting the hearer to realize something.

Data 18: From minutes 01:38:01.960-01:38:16.240

Nadine : I know she's me. But I already figured out how great you

are.You're so fucking great.You're like the best person I know.

What? What's wrong?

Erwin : Um, the film wasn't about you.


Nadine : Oh, God. Shoot. Sorry, I thought maybe because the hair and,

like, the cool shoes that... Oh... Wow. I'm one of those

people that thinks everything is about them.

Erwin : I'm just messing with you. Yeah, I'm just messing with you. I

set that up.

Nadine : You shithead. I hate you so much.

Erwin : Yes. Felt pretty good. You...You being nervous for once. And

I'm just over here, like, just sniffin' my flowers.

Nadine said Erwin‟s movie was about her, with the utterances Nadine have uttered

Erwin thought to making jokes of her utterances He refuted his movie was about her. He pretended like that to see Nadine being awkward of her utterances, He was very satisfied with the result. Nadine that just realized Erwin making jokes of her said „I hate you so much‟ Nadine expected Erwin to get know that it was not the real meaning of her utterances. She uttered it just to respond Erwin‟s jokes. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of quality on Erwin is getting the hearer to realize something.

Data 19: From minutes 00:05:16.840-00:05:30.400

Dad : I know kids can be mean but, if you get a chance, fart into their


Nadine : (stare at her dad) I wish you were small.

Dad : (kiss Nadine‟s forehead and tidy up Nadine‟s hair) Okay,

little girl it‟s time to go to the class.


The effect of flouting the maxim used by Nadine on Dad is getting the hearer to realize something. By flouting the maxim, Nadine expected her Dad to understand and think deeper about what was beyond her utterances. She just wanted to get a friend in the same age with her who can comfort and understand her just like her father. Her dad who undestand what Nadine‟s intention of saying that kiss Nadine‟s forehead to calmed her daughter. Therefore, the effect of Nadine‟s flouting maxim of relation on Dad is getting the hearer to realize something.

4.2 Findings

This part present the two objectives of this research.

No. Utterances Types of Perlocutionary Flouting Effect Maxim 1. Nadine :Look, I don't want to take up a ton of your time, but I'm gonna kill myself ... I just thought that an adult, so, you, should know. Quantity Boring Mr. Bruner : Wow. This is, uh, a lot to take in, Nadine ... (grab a paper from his desk) I have 32 fleeting minutes of happiness per school day during lunch which has been eaten up, again and again, by the same especially badly dressed student ....

2. Krista : (look at Darian and his friends) Oh, you can see his nipples.

Nadine : He had a conniption cause my mom won't buy him Quantity Convincing creatine anymore, since it fucks up your kidneys ....

Krista : Haha, It's OCD.


3. Jeannie :Do you watch TBS ever?

Nadine : Sometimes. Quantity Annoying Jeannie : There's this old movie ...

Nadine : (sarcastic tone) Yeah, yeah, God. Twins! I love that movie! (Grab her phone and called her Mom) (Jeannie feel annoyed, and go inside the house party)

4. Mom : How was it?

Nadine : Uh, it was probably one of the worst nights of my life ... Quantity Convincing God, I feel like such a loser.

Mom : (Grab Nadine‟s hand) You're not a loser, Nadine 5. Nadine : Thanks for driving ... "Why not just have people drive you?" People make such a big deal about being able to do things for themselves ... Quantity Boring

Erwin : (look away and scratch his head) Oh. Haha halloo

6. Erwin : Wait, wait, what's wrong? Are you sick?

Nadine : No, I'm fine. I'm not... No ... Does that make you think I'm pathetic all of the sudden? Quantity Getting the hearer to realize Erwin : Oh, no. No. No. think something you're perfectly fine. Seriously.

7. Mom : Oh, my God. You have no compassion.


Nadine : Actually, I'm just bored because I know everything you're Quantity Insulting gonna do before you do it.

Mom : (look at Nadine with the „I do not care with you‟glare) Sure you do.

8. Erwin : W here'd you get it? The sweater. Sweatshirt.

Nadine : I...I don't know. I Quality Boring don't remember.

Erwin : (looked away and spinned his peen) Yeah. Don't know where that came from.

9. Krista : Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything.

Nadine : Look, you're my best friend Quality Convincing and I love you. It wasn't your fault. (Krista following Nadine into the house where Darian is) 10. Krista : I...I know you're mad at me because you think that I ditched you to play beer pong, and... Quality Insulting Nadine : I never said I was mad.

Krista : Okay, well, I know that you are, and... Nadine.

11. Erwin : I'm just messing with you. Yeah, I'm just messing with you. I set that up.

Nadine : You shithead. I hate you so much. Quality Getting the Erwin : Yes. Felt pretty good. hearer to realize You...You being nervous for once. something And I'm just over here, like, just


sniffin' my flowers.

12. Nadine : (stare at her dad) I wish you were small. Getting the Dad : (kiss Nadine‟s forehead and Relation hearer to realize tidy up Nadine‟s hair) Okay, little girl something it‟s time to go to the class.

13. Erwin : How are you? Are you good? You all right?

Nadine : Hey, so Tim's Theme Getting the Park's open late tonight. Relation hearer to do something Erwin : (Grab his car key) Do you want to meet there?

14. Erwin : Hey, I heard you were looking for me at lunch.

Nadine : I can't talk right now. Relation Annoying

Erwin : Oh, okay. I just got... Okay. ( Hang up the phone)

15. Mom : Don't you have something to do? Schoolwork or something? Hmm? Relation Causing Nadine : Can I have this hole punch?

Mom : (Take the hole punch from Nadine‟s hand) Give that to me ....

16. Nick : What the hell?

Nadine : I, uh... I really liked that song earlier. What was the name of it again? Relation Annoying Nick : (pull up his body from Nadine with annoyed expression) Uh, I don‟t remember.


17. Krista : Are you okay?

Nadine : I'm just... Just thinking. Okay, I'll see you later. (walked away and left Krista) Manner Getting the hearer to realize Krista : (scream with something desperate hope Nadine hear what she and turn back) Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything! Nadine!

18. Nadine : No, I‟m serious. I look at you and I just see this really, really, really old man.

Erwin : (look Nadine with annoy and confuse expressions) Manner Annoying “Old”?

Nadine : I‟m complimenting you .... Erwin : Hmm. Oh. Thank you.

19. Nadine : Would you like to know an observation that I made this weekend? "Oh, my God, Shannon. Manner Insulting Your outfit, it's so cute! I love it!" Krista : (tone up her voice) You don't know anything, Nadine! ....

20. Nadine : No, I get it. It's... It's a big house. You're bored. You know what you need? You need someone to rob you, so you can reenact Home Getting the Alone. Manner hearer to realize something Erwin :That is...That is exactly what I need. Thank you.

From the table above it can be seen that Nadine as the main character of The

Edge of Seventeen movie flouted all types of maxim and gave the seven effect of

82 perlocutionary effect. The first is the types of flouting maxim and the second one is the perlocutionary effect of flouting maxim used by the Nadine who is the main character of

The Edge of Seventeen movie. The researcher found out that Nadine as the main character of the movie indeed flouted all types of maxim based on Grice‟s cooperative principle theory. There are twenty dialogues that contain flouting maxim from the whole dialogues in this movie. The researcher found out that the most flouted maxim in this movie is flouting maxim of quantity. Nadine as the main character often gives too much or less information to the other characters in the movie.

Moreover, for the second objective of this research, the researcher found out that

Nadine as the main character of the movie gave seven kinds of the effects on the hearer based on Austin‟s perlocutionary effects theory. They include convincing, boring, annoying, causing, insulting, getting the hearer do something, and getting the hearer realize something. The mostly effect given by Nadine is getting the hearer to realize something. As the main character of this movie Nadine delivers her thoughts indirectly and expects the hearer to understand her utterances deeper than what she utters.




5.1 Conclusion

From the analysis and findings done by the researcher, the researcher concluded that Nadine as the main character flouted all the types of maxim. The researcher identified there were four types of maxim that Nadine flouted based on Grice‟s cooperative principle theory. They were maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. The mostly maxim that flouted by Nadine was flouting maxim of quantity. It have done by giving too much information or giving too little information to the hearer. Nadine as an introvert was often nervous when met with someone or in public that caused she talked too much or less than being required.

Meanwhile, the rarely maxim flouted by Nadine was maxim of quality and maxim of

84 manner. Besides the types of flouting maxim used by Nadine, the researcher also found that the flouting maxim did not make the conversation into miscommunication. Based on the analysis, the conversation can still run well without miscommunication if both participants understand what is the context of the conversation.

Moreover, related to the effects of flouting maxim performed by Nadine, the researcher concluded Nadine gave seven of eleven effects based on Austin‟s perlocutionary effects theory. They were convincing, boring, annoying, causing, insulting, getting the hearer to do something and, getting the hearer realize something.

The effect that is mostly given by Nadine was getting the hearer realize something.

Nadines‟s utterances often inflict this effect because when she gave information to the other characters of this movie, she rarely said what her intention directly. On the other hand, frightening, alarming, enlightening, and, inspiring do not appear in the movie.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion obtained from this research, the researcher proposes some suggestions for the readers, future researchers, and the students of English

Literature Department that are interested in analyzing about maxim, they are:

1. To the Readers

The researcher suggests to all the readers to be more aware about maxim

because in daily life people do often flout maxims, and it can lead misunderstading

between each other. After reading this thesis, the researcher hopes that the readers

can gain more understanding about flouting maxim, the effects of flouting maxim

and imply meaning behind the flouted maxim.


2. To Future Researchers

The researcher suggests to future researchers to analyze different object

besides movie. In addition, the researcher also suggests the future researchers to

relate the topic of cooperative principle with the other branches of linguistics to

enrich the analysis and make deep understanding about pragmatics.

3. To Students of English Literature Department

The researcher suggests to the students of English Literature Department to learn more about pragmatics, especially cooperative principles because it is related to conversation in daily life. It is also suggested to the students to conduct a research about flouting maxim with different objectives because it still has many aspects that can be explored.



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Data 1: From minutes 00:02:08.720-00:02:55.320

Nadine : Look, I don't want to take up a ton of your time, but I'm

gonna kill myself. I just thought that someone should

know. I don't really know how this works. I'm probably

gonna jump off an overpass in front of a semi, so...Or a U-

Haul maybe, just not a bus.I'm not gonna be a dick and

make people watch. But it has to be big. It's got to be so

big that it just...done. Kills me. Lights out. Cause if it just

maims me, and I'm like..well, then how's that good for

anyone? Then I got to find a nurse to smother me. How am

I gonna get across smothering if I'm..we don't need to get

caught up in the minutiae. I just thought that an adult, so,

you, should know.


Mr. Bruner : Wow. This is, uh, a lot to take in, Nadine. I...I wish I

knew what to say. (grab a paper from his desk)

Well, I was actually just drafting my own suicide note.

Just now. "Dear everybody. As some of you know, I have

32 fleeting minutes of happiness per school day during

lunch which has been eaten up, again and again, by the

same especially badly dressed student. And I finally

thought, You know what? I would rather have the dark,

empty nothingness. I really would. It sounds relaxing.

Have a nice life without me, fuckers.”

Data 2: From minutes 00:05:16.840-00:05:30.400

Dad : I know kids can be mean but, if you get a chance, fart into their


Nadine : (stare at her dad) I wish you were small.

Dad : (kiss Nadine‟s forehead and tidy up Nadine‟s hair) Okay, little

girl it‟s time to go to the class.

Data 3: From minutes 00:11:12.440-00:11:37.720

Nadine : Oh, my God, could you please look at that stupid shirt my

brother's wearing?

Krista : (look at Darian and his friends) Oh, you can see his nipples.


Nadine : How does he not realize that all that does is scream, "I have a

body complex worse than a girl's"? How much does he even work

out now? You should've seen him. He had a conniption cause my

mom won't buy him creatine anymore, since it fucks up your

kidneys. I was like, "I know, Darian. I know. What does Mom

expect you to win people over with your personality?"

Krista : Haha, It's OCD.

Data 4: From minutes 00:12:53.480-00:13:20.120

Erwin : Hey, I like your sweatshirt today. It's nice.

Nadine : Thank you.

Erwin : W here'd you get it? The sweater. Sweatshirt.

Nadine : I...I don't know. I don't remember.

Erwin : Kewlio.

Nadine : Yup.

Erwin : (looked away and spinned his peen) Yeah. Don't know where

that came from.

Data 5: From minutes 00:20:06.440-00:20:26.960

Krista : Are you okay?

Nadine : I'm just... Just thinking. Okay, I'll see you later. (walked away

and left Krista)


Krista : (scream with desperate hope Nadine hear what she and turn

back) Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything!


Data 6: From minutes 00:20:21.400-00:20:25.200

Krista : Nadine, you can't just leave without saying anything.

Nadine : Look, you're my best friend and I love you. It wasn't your fault.

(Krista following Nadine into the house where Darian is)

Nadine : You disgust me.

Darian :That's nice.

Nadine : Go grow yourself a wispy mustache, you pervert, and stay away

from my friends, okay?

Data 7: From minutes 00:29:40.000-00:29:59.720

(Nadine who feels starange with the party vibes leaving the house party and sit

infront of Jeannie in the house party‟s yard)

Jeannie :Do you watch TBS ever?

Nadine : Sometimes.


Jeannie : There's this old movie that's always playing on there. It's got

Arnold Schwarzenegger and the little bald guy from It's Always

Sunny? Yeah, they play twin brothers. Only Arnold's all tall and

buff and hot.

Nadine : Yeah, yeah, God. Twins! I love that movie!

Jeannie : Love that movie. It's so good. You and your brother kind of

remind me of that.

Nadine : (Grab her phone and called her Mom) God. Hi. I need you to

come pick me up.

Jeannie : What the (Jeannie feel annoyed, and go inside the house party)

Data 8: From minutes 00:30:11.240-00:30:35.920

Nadine : Hi. I need you to come pick me up.

Mom : How was it?

Nadine : Uh, it was probably one of the worst nights of my life. God. You

wouldn't believe the night I had. God, I feel like such a loser.

Mom : You're not a loser.

Nadine : I feel like one.

Mom : (Grab Nadine‟s hand) You're not a loser, Nadine


Data 9: From minutes 00:33:36.320-00:33:37.520

Erwin : How are you? Are you good? You all right?

Nadine : Hey, so Tim's Theme Park's open late tonight.

Erwin : (Grab his car key) Do you want to meet there?

Data 10: From minutes 00:33:45.000-00:34:03.280

(Nadine and Erwin walked together in Tim Theme‟s Park)

Erwin : So, how come they canceled the party?

Nadine : Oh. By "canceled," I more meant I left. Ah.

Erwin : Gotcha. Yeah.

Nadine : Thanks for driving, by the way. I don't have a license 'cause I'm

like, "Why not just have people drive you?" People make such a

big deal about being able to do things for themselves. That was a

joke. I failed the test.

Erwin : (look away and scratch his head) Oh. Haha halloo

Data 11 : From minutes 00:36:18.680-00:36:48.760

Nadine : You‟re a really great guy, Erwin.

Erwin : Aww.

Nadine : No, I‟m serious. I look at you and I just see this really, really,

really old man.

Erwin : (look Nadine with annoy and confuse expressions) “Old”?


Nadine : I‟m complimenting you. I just see this very kind, very gentle,

very wise old man. In a convalescent home. In a wheelchair.

Erwin : Hmm. Oh. Thank you.

Data 12: From minutes 00:37:07.800-00:37:27.080

Krista : Hi.

Nadine : Hi.

Krista : I...I know you're mad at me because you think that I ditched you

to play beer pong, and...

Nadine : I never said I was mad.

Krista : Okay, well, I know that you are, and... Nadine.

Data 13: From minutes 00:37:32.920- 00:38:19.240

Nadine : Would you like to know an observation that I made this

weekend? "Oh, my God, Shannon. Your outfit, it's so cute! I love


Krista :Yeah, okay.

Nadine : And you tossed me aside? The person who's had your back

since second grade. Who's been with you through everything. You

know what?


Krista : Fine.Yeah, that's what happened.

Nadine : Because chances are, those pricks, they're not gonna | give a shit

about you when Darian drops your ass for someone hotter.

Krista : (tone up her voice) You don't know anything, Nadine! it's not gonna happen. Because your brother just asked me to be his girlfriend and to prom in May. Nadine : No.

Krista : Yeah, he did.

Data 14: From minutes 00:54:29.360-00:54:35.040

Erwin : Hey, I heard you were looking for me at lunch.

Nadine : I can't talk right now.

Erwin : Oh, okay. I just got... Okay. ( Hang up the phone)

Data 15: From minutes 00:54:53.960-00:55:14.960

Erwin : Hello?

Nadine : Sorry. Um, I just took some medicine. I'll call you after it

kicks in.

Erwin : Wait, wait, what's wrong? Are you sick?

Nadine : No, I'm fine. I'm not... No. Medicine, like, uh, an

antidepressant-whatever. They gave them to me when my


dad died. I was only on them for like a month, though.

People take them, like, all the time. It's totally normal.

Erwin : Oh?

Nadine : Does that make you think I'm pathetic all of the sudden?

Erwin : Oh, no. No. No. think you're perfectly fine. Seriously.

Data 16: From minutes 01:00:08.120-01:00:26.720

Nadine : You've had this whole place to yourself for three months?

Erwin :Yay.

Nadine : No, I get it. It's... It's a big house. You're bored. You know what

you need? You need someone to rob you, so you can reenact

Home Alone.

Erwin : That is...That is exactly what I need. Thank you.

Data 17: From minutes 01:01:36.120-01:02:02.960

Mom : Don't you have something to do? Schoolwork or something?


Nadine : Can I have this hole punch?


Mom : (Take the hole punch from Nadine‟s hand) Give that to me. I

want you to just sit there for the next eight hours and don't touch

anything and don't make any noise.

Data 18: From minutes 01:02:46.760-01:02:55.600

Mom : But we're not talking about him right now. 'Cause it's just too

upsetting "It's just too hard and too sad "and it gives me a cluster


Nadine : I know.

Mom : Oh, my God. You have no compassion.

Nadine : Actually, I'm just bored because I know everything you're gonna

do before you do it.

Mom : (look at Nadine with the „I do not care with you‟glare) Sure you


Nadine : Oh, you don't believe me.

Mom : No, I don't.

Data 19: From minutes 01:17:39.320-01:18:13.080

Nadine : Get off!

Nick : What the hell?


Nadine : I, uh... I really liked that song earlier. What was the name of it


Nick : (pull up his body from Nadine with annoyed expression) Uh, I

don‟t remember.

Data 20: From minutes 01:38:01.960-01:38:16.240

Nadine : I know she's me. But I already figured out how great you

are.You're so fucking great.You're like the best person I know.

What? What's wrong?

Erwin : Um, the film wasn't about you.

Nadine : Oh, God. Shoot. Sorry, I thought maybe because the hair and,

like, the cool shoes that... Oh... Wow. I'm one of those

people that thinks everything is about them.

Erwin : I'm just messing with you. Yeah, I'm just messing with you. I

set that up.

Nadine : You shithead. I hate you so much.

Erwin : Yes. Felt pretty good. You...You being nervous for once. And

I'm just over here, like, just sniffin' my flowers.