CONTACT: April 21, 2013 (323) 960-3500 [email protected]

Parents/Educators Praise Study Methods Described in New Brochure

A new brochure released by the Church of , presents Applied Scholastics and Study Technology developed by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Parents lucky enough to never need help with their children’s education can afford to ignore the information presented in the new brochure released by the , Scientology: How We Help— Applied Scholastics, Achieving Literacy and Education. All others, read on.

The Church of Scientology has published this brochure as part of a series of publications to meet requests for more information about Applied Scholastics and the other global humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs the Church supports. For a glimpse of the results of Applied Scholastics, here are two brief testimonials by parents whose children have benefited from the services it provides. First, from an American parent whose child was failing in school:

“Our son is currently being tutored by Applied Scholastics. Let me begin by saying what you do is awesome. I am a parent with a masters degree and numerous awards, but in three years of trying, I could not help my child understand what you have helped him obtain in less than three weeks. He began tutoring in early February and a week later was asking for more tutoring. To understand my excitement, you must understand that although my son is amazingly talented in other areas, academics posed a hardship for him. He is in the 5th grade but was reading at 2nd and 3rd-grade level. No matter what method I tried, I could not help him. I felt I had failed my child. Enter Applied Scholastics. I see a change in my son, not just academically but personally. There is an air of confidence he now holds. Life has opened up for him so much more. He could read before, but now he reads and understands. We have been blessed beyond belief.”

These Australian parents were worried about their child being labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder. They were grateful to resolve their son’s problems without medication:

“We had been through three years of hell. We were told our son had ADD, sensory deficiency problems and even autism. We had seen numerous professionals and therapists. He had medical tests and doctors tried to convince us to put him on medication for ADD. I hired a tutor but after a half an hour, she told me she didn’t want to waste my money, that she couldn’t help him. His teachers were letting him wander around the classroom rather than fighting with him to sit down and learn. Fortunately for us, my mother was talking to a lady who suggested Applied Scholastics. After ten weeks of tutoring we started to see amazing changes in my son’s reading, writing, comprehension and behavior. He had more confidence, was asking more questions and was looking forward to going to tutoring to learn. I decided to learn the techniques myself as I couldn’t believe how much my son had improved and I wanted to be able to pass this method of learning to my other children. The course is amazing and it works! My son has now finished his tutoring and the change in him just makes me so thankful for Applied Scholastics. This course does work and there is help for our children.”

These parents’ views on the quality of the program is echoed by educators’ endorsements such as this from an advisor to the Ministry of Education of Denmark:

“In my capacity as the reading consultant for the Danish government, I have dedicated my professional life to understanding how to ensure all students achieve a high level of literacy and thus success. After having witnessed firsthand the remarkable results of L. Ron Hubbard’s Study Technology, I believe it is the vital and strong foundation on which literacy can be built throughout the world.”

An American university professor was impressed with the way Applied Scholastics empowers the student:

“In this increasingly technological and ever-changing society, it is paramount that all students learn how to learn. Applied Scholastics programs accomplish this. Furthermore, the most salient feature of Applied Scholastics materials is that they promote self-regulated learning by allowing students to successfully overcome barriers to learning with little or no assistance from another person.”

Applied Scholastics is a fully independent, nondenominational organization that works with hundreds of affiliated schools and educational programs throughout the world, providing tools for effective learning developed by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. It is supported by the Church of Scientology and by Scientologists who are dedicated to raising educational standards throughout the world.

For more information, visit the Scientology website at

### Applied Scholastics International is a secular nonprofit public benefit corporation that addresses head-on the problem of illiteracy by making L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries in the field of education and literacy broadly available. It has trained nearly 140,000 educators and has helped more than 39 million with Study Technology. The organization works with hundreds of affiliated schools and educational programs throughout the world, providing the effective learning tools developed by L. Ron Hubbard. Applied Scholastics works with hundreds of affiliated schools and educational programs, providing tools for effective learning developed by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.