Android Benefits, 4 Challenges, 5 Code Names, 6 Cumulative Distribution, 8

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Android Benefits, 4 Challenges, 5 Code Names, 6 Cumulative Distribution, 8 Index ■ run configurations A detailed configuration screen, 49 Android prompt, edit, 48 benefits, 4 Run/Debug Configurations challenges, 5 screen, 48, 49 code names, 6 settings, 50 cumulative distribution, 8 running, 52, 53 developers, 7 SDK packages Dream/G1, 6 download/install, 51, 52 future, 9 Gradle build tool, 52 global market share, 4 SDK Manager option, 50, 51 issues, 7 versions, 51 versions/API levels, 7, 8 warnings/errors, 50 Android activity Android developer configuration change, 190 tools (ADT), 14 lifecycle, 184 Android developer website, 18 objectives, 189 Android development, 112 principles, 189 class, 114 states, 184 code structure, 113 Android application coding knowledge, 112 Android Studio screen, 41, 42 collections, 116 code written, 46–48 data, 114 Configure Your Project screen, 43, 44 exception handling, 115 Create New Project wizard, 42, 43 file handling, 115 Empty Activity option, 43 garbage collection, 115 logical building blocks generics, 116 activities, 63 interfaces, 115 content providers, 64 main activity, 114 intents, 63 OO, 114 services, 63 threading, 115 MyFirstApp project, 45, 46 Android Jetpack, 157, 158 language, 45 components, 158 libraries, 45 Android project structure name, 44 Android view, 56 package name, 44 gradle files save location, 45 build.gradle files, 61 SDK, 45 Java source files, 58 345 © Grant Allen 2021 G. Allen, Android for Absolute Beginners, 346 Index Android project structure (cont.) SDK Tools directory, 70, 71 manifest files system image, 71 AndroidManifest.xml, 56, 57 virtual devices, 71, 72, 75 features, 58 build tool, 81, 82 key attributes, 57 considerations, 16 MainActivity, 57, 58 cross-platform tools, 32 XML, 57 debugging Project Explorer view, 55, 56 breakpoints, 77, 78 gradle files, 60 debugger, 80 application versioning, 62 starting applications, 78–80 build.gradle files, 60 stepping, code, 80 dependencies, 62 website, 77 Jetpack, 62 desktop/laptop hardwares, 17 SDK version parameters, 61, 62 downloading, 15, 17, 18 resource files Eclipse, 14, 31 drawables, 58 event log, 82 layouts, 59 features, 86 mipmaps, 59 installation, 14 values, 59 IntelliJ IDEA, 14, 31, 32 Android services Logcat client to service communication, 295–297 console, 83 communication, 294 output, 83, 84 design, 300 operating systems example client, 302, 303 Linux, 19, 20 Java logic, creating, 300, 302 macOS, 18, 19 manifest entries, providing, 294 Windows, 18 own service application Project Explorer creating, 292 context menus, 68 service class, implementation, 292 Project Source Files view, 66, 67 service lifecycle via callbacks, 293 Project view, 67 testing services, 304 run configurations UI interaction/user-facing activity, 291 debugger, 69 WorkManager, 292 general options, 68, 69 Android’s original notification model, 254 miscellaneous options, 69 Android Studio, 108 profiling, 70 4.0, 15 SDK manager, 84, 85 ADT, 14 SDKs, 16 agnostic development tools, 32 setup AVD Manager, 70 confirmation screens, 26 benefits, 72 data sharing prompt, 21, 22 category, 71 downloaded view, 28, 29 code running, real device, 75, 76 downloading components progress command, 71 screen, 27, 28 device menu, 72, 73 emulator setting, 26, 27 Multiple Devices option, 73, 74 gotchas, 26 MyFirstApp, 74, 75 home page, 22, 23 name/type, 71 import settings, 21 purpose, 72 Install Type, 23, 24 Index 347 splash screen, 20, 21 ■ startup screen, 29, 30 B user interface (UI) theme, 24, 25 Blender, 100 verify setting screen, 25, 26 ButtonExample app, 140 tools, 81 URLs, 15 ■ C Android Virtual Device (AVD), 9 Callback methods, 185 Android Studio, 39 onCreate( ), 185 Android Virtual Device Manager screen, onDestroy( ), 188 34, 35 onPause( ), 187 approach, 33 onRestart( ), 188 configuration verification screen, 39, 40 onRestoreInstanceState( ), 186 cryptic device names, 37 onResume( ), 186, 187 current/historic options, 37 onRetainNonConfigurationInstance( ), 188 density, 37 onSaveInstanceState( ), 187 hardware option, 35, 36 onStart( ), 186 key software aspects, 38 onStop( ), 187 license agreement, 39 Calls manager home screen, 40, 41 ACTION_DIAL, 271, 272 pixel options, 36 CallExample application, laying out, physical devices, 36 267–270 resolution, 37 CallExample application, System Image selection screen, 37, 38 working logic, 270, 271 Welcome to Android Studio handling incoming calls, 273 screen, 33, 34 making telephony support optional, 266 Assets/raw files methods, 266 Android’s file system model, 310 specifying telephony support, 265 I/O, 310 cancelAll( ) method, 263 permissions, reading/writing CDATA values, 123 files, 311, 312 CheckBox widget, 147–149 population, resource files, 306–309 Classes, 110 Audacity, 100 Class methods, 114 Audio Console object, 110 assets/resources, choosing, 211, 212 ConstraintLayout, 129, 136, 159, 179 AudioPlayExample, 214–217 flow, 160, 162, 163 exploring playback options, 220, 221 Layer, 163 play back motion, 164 Android, 209 assets, 210 code, 212 ■ D file storage, 210 Data types, 110 media package, 211 DaVinci Resolve, 100 raw audio resource, 210 Debian/Debian-based systems, 245 streaming services, 210 Developer audio toolset playing back audio, 213, 214 Apple Mac owners, 231 recording audio, 221–227 audacity, 229, 230 streaming, 217, 218, 220 audio sampling/frequency, 228 AWS Device Farm, 96 audio theory, 229 348 Index Developer audio toolset (cont.) parts, 123 encoding/decoding/data loss, 229 values, 121 resolution, 228 version/encoding, 118 WavePad, 230 Developer hardware ■ F AVDs, 90 Files cables, 93 examining external files charging cables/cradles/devices, 93 code, 313, 314 checklist, 87 layout, 312 CPUs, 88 saving/reading, 315–317 disk space, 89 streamlineIMEs, 316 keyboard, 93 external storage memory, 88, 89 Android file systems, history, 320 monitors/displays, 90 environment methods, 319, 320 mouse, 93 file I/O, 321 screen findViewById( ) method, 179, 180 actions, 92 FirstJavaDemo program, 110, 111 aim, 92 file, 111 sizes, 90–92 Flow virtual layout, 162 storage, 90 Fragment-centric design, 194 USB ports, 93 Fragment lifecycle callback events, 196 Developer video toolset coding, 201, 202 editing suites, 244 color detail, 199 editing tools, 243 dual-pane, 200 open source tools, 244 single-pane, 199 Development environment, 13 color list, 198 doClick( ) and doStartAudio( ) methods, 220 fragment-based application doHideKeyboard( ) method, 316, 317 creation, 198 doPlayAudio( ) method, 216, 220 layout, 200, 201 doPlayVideo( ) method, 237 onAttach( ), 196 doSaveToFile( ) method, 315 onCreate( ), 196 .doStartRecording( ) method, 227 onCreateView( ), 196, 197 doStopVideo( ) method, 238 onDestroy( ), 198 onDestroyView( ), 198 ■ E onDetach( ), 198 Eclipse, 31 onInflate( ), 196 EditText widget, 144–147 onPause( ), 197 execSQL( ) method, 329, 337 onResume( ), 197 ExoPlayer, 221 onSaveInstanceState( ), 197 Extensible Markup Language (XML), 117 onStart( ), 197 Android, 124 onStop( ), 197 activity layouts, 128–130 onViewStateRestored( ), 197 resource definitions, 125 Fragments, 193 review, 124, 125 class, 193 attributes, 120 coding in action, 203, 204 creation, 118 features, 195 elements, 118–120 lifecycle, 195 namespaces, 122 XML, 194 Index 349 ■ Intents G activity action, 282 Generics, 116 activity dependency, 282, 283 getCallState( ) method, 267 android’s verified links, 282 getExternalStorageDirectory( ) method, 312 behavior, 278, 279 getModels( ) method, 333 creating, 283 getResources( ) method, 305 definition, 277, 278 getSystemService( ) method, 251 invoked activity, 284, 285, 287, 288 Global community, 4 manifest, 281, 282 GNU Image Manipulation routing, 280 Program (GIMP), 100 Google, 6, 7, 14 Google Firebase Test Lab, 96 ■ J Gradle tool java binary, 109 command-line, 97, 98 Java 9, 107, 98 javac binary, 109 file, 96 Java Development Kit (JDK), 10, 105, 106 GridLayout, 177 Android Studio, 108 Java-managed layouts, 177 Java Runtime Environment (JRE), 105, 106 ■ H Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 106 HandBrake JetPlayer, 221 definition, 245 downloading/installing, 245 running, 245–248 ■ K VideoPlayExample, 249 Kotlin, 138 Handsets/tablets Android’s default behavior, 93 ■ AWS Device Farm, 96 L Google Firebase Test Lab, 96 Layouts, 157, 176 Samsung Remote Test Lab, 96 Android, 159 testing, 94, 95 containers, 159 virtual/augmenting, 94 grid, 177 hasSystemFeature( ) method, 266 table, 176 Honeycomb, 194 LinearLayout, 170 Hybrid model, 9 options, 171–173 qualifiers, 170, 171 ■ Linting tools, 165 I Linux, 15 If statement, 111 Lossy compression or encoding, 229 ImageButton widgets, 142–144 ImageView widgets, 142–144 Inkscape, 100 ■ M Input Method Editor (IME), 269 MacBook Air, 108 .insert( ) method, 337, 339 main( ) method, 110 insertModelRow( ) method, 337 MotionLayout-based Integrated Development applications, 164 Environment (IDE), 13, 14 MotionLayout designs, 164 IntelliJ IDEA, 14 mp.setAudioStreamType( ) method, 216 350 Index ■ onViewStateRestored( ) method, 197 N openFileInput( ) and openFileOutput( ) Native Development Kit (NDK), 106 methods, 310 Non-Android Java application, 109 Open Handset Alliance, 7 Notifications openRawResources( ) method, 305 API level 26, 256 OpenShot, 100 capabilities, 251 Open source tools device, 264 Audacity, 100 icons, 255, 256 blender, 100 NotificationBuilderExample DaVinci Resolve, 100 application, 260–263 GIMP, 100 NotificationManager object, 252 Inkscape, 100 object, 252–254 LAME, 100 straightforward layout, 257 Olive, 100 supporting logic, 258, 260 OpenShot, 100 ■ O
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