& High Abbotside Parish Council

Monday 7TH March 2016 @ 7.15 pm at Gayle Institute


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4th January 2016 (Note – The above Minutes were circulated to all Councillors by e-mail on 29th February 2016)

3. Matters arising if not on the Agenda below

4. Chairman’s Key Discussion Items – The Chairman to lead the debate

a) Meeting at The Creamery between Yorkshire Water, The Wensleydale Creamery, District Council Environmental Health Director, and the Chairman of Hawes & High Abbotside Parish Council to discuss the application by the Creamery to double its trade effluent discharge, the foul smells in various areas of Hawes Centre, the repeated outflows of sewerage at Town Head opposite Hawes CP School and the capacity of the sewerage infrastructure to cope with the existing load

b) Highway flooding at the Hawes side of Haylands Bridge and near Camms Lane End / Ingleby Lodge on High Abbotside – The very latest situation

c) The War Memorial in Hawes – Final decisions to be taken by the Parish Council on:

i. its exact location

ii. to confirm the material for the plaques in the light of the grant for £1500 towards the cost secured by the Chairman in his role as County Councillor for the Upper Dales

iii. the names to be included on the inscription plate

iv. the format for the names on the inscription plate

v. the wording of the dedication to the fallen

5. Chairman’s Advisory Items / Latest News / Progress updates – Inviting commentary from the Parish Council

a) Yorkshire Dales National Park extension – Consultation on the democratic representation of the local communities on the YDNPA, especially on its Planning Committee

b) Rishi Sunak MP – To invite Cllrs Fawcett / Sunter / Di Duca and the Chairman to report on the discussions they had as Parish Councillors during their appointment, and to comment on the MP’s refusal to address Parish Councils in the Upper Dales

c) The threat to Post 16 provision at The Wensleydale School – Latest news on this important subject

d) Hawes CP School – in Special Measures – The Chairman of the Parish Council is a member of the proposed Interim Executive Board (IEB) and will discuss the way forward with the Parish Council

e) The Little White Bus –New timetable for The Wensleydale Voyager route Hawes – Leyburn – Princes Gate

f) Parish Council SnapShot Aide-memoire / Mini-Progress Reports

a. The Hawes & High Abbotside Parish Council non-denominational new Cemetery

b. The Gayle Green public meeting – including a letter received from Allen Dinsdale, resident of Gayle

c. Police issues

f) Late emerging and tabled issues

6: NYCC Highways – New issues / Progress on issues previously reported

To include - Walter Head (The Little White Bus) – letter to Highways re road surfaces in Hawes and Appersett 1

7: YDNPA Planning Applications / Planning Committee Decisions / Planning Issues

A: R/48/16Q The Green Dragon, Full planning permission for construction of a small range of outbuildings to house a cycle hire, micro brewery and a garden store building

B: R/56/275U Dairy Farm Widdale Full planning permission for erection of extensions to the existing agricultural buildings for additional cattle housing, manure storage facility and farm dog kennels

C: Planning Appeal – Extra Care housing scheme at Turfy Top

8: Correspondence to note - unless any Councillor calls for a discussion

a. Richard Noble – Hawes in Bloom 2016

b. NHS / NYCC Social Services - The Wensleydale Project

c. Flood Appeal

d. Ruth Annison – Letter – 140th Anniversary of Garsdale Station

e. Elizabeth Coquelin – Request to erect a memorial bench in memory of her mother – a keen Dales rambler from the Liverpool St Helens area

9: Financial Matters – To be tabled at the meeting

a. Accounts to pay

b. Accounts paid since last meeting

c. Receipts for the account received since the last meeting

d. Audit Process

10. Date of the next meeting – Monday 25th April 2016 @ 7.15 pm @ Gayle Institute

11. Any Other Business – From Parish Councillors and / or Members of the public