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lark! ittr Irntlh Anarb 5 School Cost Township Churches to Hare Special Service* o/3| Snkpentient - Heabet: Up In 1948 """' • to Mark the Birth of Christ N ,I , WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL XXXIX. -No 47 By*150,000 WOODBRIDGE-Joyous Christ- Leyonmark; processional hymn, PnlilishiMl Kvrry Tli'iri'lay Kn'*ri.,| a* S'•' 'Mnl ' .H IS ltn.pi! StriTI, Wmicllirlilnr. N. .1 mas music, symbolic heraldry of "Adeste Fidelis": Introit, "Silent al III* Pi.Ml <)rtl' '• Wni N .1 Midget Is Expected to lly RAI-PH J. BILLS the birth of Christ, will be heard Nlcht. Holy Night," soprano solo- Show Big Boost Due And In the various Township churches ist. Mrs C R Davis: Kyrle. Gloria WINDSOR J. LAKI8 tonlRht and tomorrow. Tibi, Lau Tibi; sermon hymn, Rotary Club Christmas Host to Scoat Troop It Sponsors To Increased Expense For weeks choir directors and "The First Nowell"; offertory an- organlsts have been at work plan- them. "0 Little Town of Bethle- WOODBRIDOB—The Township ning the programs, and the hem," .soloist-Mrs. Davis, violin school budget for IMt-lttt is ex- HiriT iliilliirn In Ihr per- churches are expected to be filled oblignto -William S. Neebe; re- pected to show an Increase of at ,,i,,,,mlim « IUIMIIIW. i>r*l*r- to capacity to hear the music and sponse. "Old Hundredth": 8ur- least $150 000 to cover teacher In- the sermons. The various services sum Corcla, Sanctus, Agnes Dei, crements, increased Insurance, and ,f „ 1,,,-nl nntiirr. until In Ikla Hated are as follows: Gloria in Exeelsls, Bell Amen; re- additional supplies and equipment, MI inii»t hr ID mull.I Trlnltjr Episcopal Church cessinnal hymn. "Hark, the Her- nn authoritative Bouroe Indicated Woodbrldnt aid Angels Sing": Postlude, "In yesterday. Christmas Eve srrvi.e. 11 p. M, Dulci Jubilo." It also was learned that all week's question: Where did -Carols, "Break Forth. O Beau St. James' Church, Woodbridne Township teachers are due to aet teous Light," choir; "It Came The Mass in Honor of St. Vin- an extra $200 increment during • |)(.,i(l your last Christmas ln Upon a Midnight Clear," "0 Little cent, by Wicgand. will be sum; at the next school year due to In- l Town of Bethlehem," "Away in a midnight mass tonight at St. incased living coaU. It U under- . ivirr? Manger," "Joy to the World," James' Church. It will consist of stood that the salary guide as ' "Angels from the Realms of the following: Kyrle Elelson; solo, adopted last year providing an In- I Glory," "We Three Kings of On "Christ i Elieson, Mrs. Joseph crease of $100 for each year of l.i'iihy ent Are," choir and congregation: O'Brien: Gloria In Excelsts Deo; service will be observed but that inliiniry. 3rd Division Gloria, choir; Jesu Redemptor- Credo, bass sob ••Crucifixus." John the projected $300 Will b» "some- I was a pa- Pletro Yon, tenor soloist. George (Continued on Page 2) thing extra." tient at Hallo- The budget will be introduced ran Hospital on sometime before January 9 to Staten Island permit a public hearing on Janu-' with double 35 Township Families Get Proof ary 23. The matter will then be p n e u m o n i a placed before the voters at the I c (i n t, r a c I - annual election on February 10. i Woudbridge Federation of I.eitner, Richard Rlaml, Eugene Ze^lglcr and Robert Cooper. Third a new association, to be known as my last then youngsters through the gen-Teacher-, A* part of its second row, right, Earl Peterson, senior Patrol Leader and Al Patnoi, the Citizens' Educational Commit- i-'inas m •rosity of INDEPKNDENT-LEAD- annual winter proaram series. Scoutmaster of Troop 32. lee of Woodbridge Township, has 11 vice We KR readersrea . The toysy , after being Now m its 'J8th year, the Plain- At left, Robert Cooper, :i member of the troop, shown re- been formed and will hold Its first ceiving a sift from Santa Claus who was portrayed by Lyman Peck. , coming cleaned, painted and gift-wrapped, field Symphony Society is a vol- meeting January 5 at School No. :;. on the were distributed over the week- unteer coniniunity organization 11. Whether or not the group will .ilt carrier i-nrl to the parents, who have and is one of the oldest orchestra; sponsor or back any candidates is :. i'v. and promised to keep them for a VHK of its kind in ihe country. It had not known. Several members of its beginning in 1!H9. when Phone Rates to Go Up January!; - 'I'd to ttr- from Kris Kringle. The baskets. the Cooperative Council, however, group o[ amateur musicians in are said to have Joined or are In- m time lo filled by Township grocers, were iivrred this morning by Town- Pl.nnrield and nearby communi- terested In joining the new asso- r,:<\ Christ - ties bcuan meeting to play instru- Private Line Rise $3.75 to $4.75 ciation. in the ship trucks. mental ensemble works. This wa Although no announcements ,rs The Here are the contents of u typi- the inii-ieus of the Plainfleld Sym have been made, some of the ::i knocked our hopes into a ... basket: Roasting chickens Effects on Subscribers phuny ?.-'ciety. established in 1920 Educational Forum probable candidates, according to ..: hat. and we didn't get m poundage depending upon the as a ciiininuniiy institution In Woodbridge Area the rumor mill, may Include Vin- •I. i-einher 30. I am sure Rlad 1 'l/e of the family, bread, butter, cited t i Cue advancement of mu me rumor nun. may inciuae Vin- Are Announced Today cent McDonnell, Julius Kollar arid :, • in the Navy. white potatoes, .sweet potatoes, •iical .->ki!'< und knowledge. Organization Jan. 5 David F. Qerlty. .ranbeny sauce, pickles, lettuce, The coiiriurtor of the orchestra WOODBRIDGE —Effects upon ( •. .! Tympanic tomatoes, mayonnaise, celery, car- i> Loui> J. Bostlemann, a menibc Woodbridge telephone subscribers j |^ Group IMailH Study hansport Command, ew due to the Inortftie ln rate sched- , „ . . ., . 1*1UB \AJ\iO :ir Division ules allowed the New Jersey Bell 1 otf SchooSchooll ixeedhNeeds,: t1o0 1 a- Telephone Company by thfe State I spent my fresh m»lk. in ^"^X ^n ,wnrd arUsl., have appeared a ket contained other gioienes do- ' . ,, «trii includ Board of Public tJtility Commis- Survey ^Annual Costs (,0000^3 at Party last, i. e r v i c c wuli the norchestrh a includ nated by individuals, such sioners, were announced today. WOODBRIDGE—A Christmas on ms Dorothy Minty. Webster Ait The new rates are effective Jan- canned soup, spaghetti, ken. Percy Such, Albert Stoessel nation, to be known as the Citizens (IOMIIIICIUIB Department; Guam at North uary I. ond prunes. Carroll Glenn and Percy Grain Educational Committee, has been west Field Under the new schedule in this Wishes Bergen Success Those who donated tu the IN- ~ei\ organized and will hold its first I working, send j area, the present so-called "re- DEPENDENT-LEADEK Christmas The Sociciv is unique in that public meeting January 5 at School I As Police Chairman inn people / stricted" service will be discon- Fund are as follows- Ins no endowment. It Is supported No. 11 Auditorium. ' I h o m e f tinued both for residential and I (Ml entirely by community subsenp- WOODBRIDGE — Police Com- ' Christina*. <>n business telephones, but due to In announcing the meeting, | missioner Herbert B. Rankln of- IV |H.,l|.- lioiitinueil mi \'n*ie Aj Fred H. Castle, temporary chair- ATC plani-s. the fact that an estimated 93 per ficially said goodbye to the mem- HlMlilK. cent of the subscribers now have man wroj,e: a t raffle ll1- I * HOME DESTROYED bers of the. police department at ~mfi~fm WH!i the extended service but a small "A group of citizens met Mon clerk, and ,,, full., WOODBRIDGE-Fire at 7:30 the annual Christmas dinner yes- i! ri.i this morning destroyed the home ' portion of those served will be day, December 8, and discussed terday at the Maple Tree Farm, booked passage , "urtiii ,1, II,!,• M. •at the year of Flood Street occu- affected by this change. the possibility of forming an or- Avenel| sponsored by Woodbridge f o r returning All- • • Kv.i pied by Henry Birch and owned For private- line residence ganization tentatively known as Locali patrolmen's Benevolent As- .\hn- Illnl .mil haw them off at the by the estate of Hampton Cutter. phones, the monthly charge for the Citizens Educational Commit- sociatjOn. liny I ute my heart out Firemen from Woodbridge Fire unrestricted service will increase tee of Woodbridge Township. The i.Because JJ ij, the last time I will lee ui nuuuuiiuBi. »««..—r- - oecauae iii i» nie last nine i wm ,: !,',ij I came home about Company were hampered in the Assorted Pre-Holiday Activities from $3.75 per month to $4.75. persons attending this meeting felt speak to you ln a ^roup as your ,nths later by ship. We had work of laying hose due to the'icy The two-party service, with ex- that there was a definite need for iwloner, I want to say poUca feew comm words to you in farewell," •ty uoiid Christina* oT» Quam, conditions? Explosion of an oil j tended scope, advances from $3.00 bringing to the people of our • • • Claim Police Department's Eye Mr. Rankln said.' "I have been ' Move was given as the cause of to $3.75 per month while the four- Township matters Slaving to do the blaze. (Continued dH Page 8) associated with many groups. First (Continued on Page 8) as a school teacher, later as a <••• Hanko • ' Devon, Pa. Lothario Cets soldier and ofMcer and still later Marinf Division, Nicked—But Good—forLions Cltib Slates as a businessman. I joined the CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Kiwanis in Perth Amboy and Mr. and Mrs., hi Being Very Annoying eventually became Its president. .is on one Pick-Up of Paper I am a chirte: member of the WOODBRIDGE — Accidents, ..<• Hawai- One of A Scries on Domestic Partnerships Which (NOTE: Contributions to this column must be in this office American Wion Post in Perth thefts and yes, even jail terms is lands Next Collection to Take no later than TUESDAY NOON of each week. Events listed Amboy and became jUi command- Also Are Business Successes here are broadcast dally at 7:30 A. M., on the "Around the •• prepara- were recorded by the police de- Place Sunday; Party er. Finally, I entered politics and .' partment this Christmas week. Counties With Your Weekly. Newspapers" program over Ne became police commissioner in were be- Brunswick radio station WC|C, 1450 on your dial.) which capacity l| have served for Paul De Santis, 29, Grove Ave- For Children Today niade for nine years. In all my various as- nue, Devon, Pa., is over $100 poor- DECEMBER n\ a.sion of WOODBRIDGE^- The third sociations With groups I do not , er, and a bit more respectful of • lima. On monthly paper collection spon- 25—MERRY CHRISTMAS. know of any group I enjoyed more 1st mas the law as the result of three com- 26—Christmas danqe sponsored by Americus Chapter, Order of sored by the Lions Club of Wood- titan your*."' iing we plaints lodged against him. De De Molay, Craftsmen's Club. Semi-formal. I Santis was charged with following bridge will be held Sunday [Continuing, the third ward com-, 'II church, 31—New Year's Eve dinner-dance sponsored by Americus Crafts- mUteemaa) *hp leaves his post a Sewaren woman in his car-, The throughout the Township, with i the aft- men's Club, at Craftsmen's Club, Green Street, Wood- ,the end of thl» month, declared j woman was driving her auto and i we saw tl(e exception of Fords, Hopelawn bridge. "I feel it WBB a distinct honor he forced her to the side of the • We had apd Keasbey which are covered by JANUARY to serve as heaa of the police com- road where he was observed by i-s dinner the Fords Lions. 7—Builders Circle of Methodist Church meeting at home of mittee and I felt it an honor be- and Patrolman John Faczak and ques- all the trimmings, Township housewives are urged cause it showed the mayor was I Kul tioned. It developed that he had Mrs. John M. Peterson, Eleanor Place, 2:30 P. M. mas was pretty good. to add discarded Christmas wrap- satisfied with my accomplishments no registration in his possession 8—Spaghetti supper, sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary of Wood- !•• Idllowinu September alter pings to the regular newspapers, and In all probability you were. i.which cost him $50 and $3 costs bridge Fire Company No. 1, at White House Tavern, •nth.-, in the service. magazines and cavdboard. All do- There were times when my ac- when he was brought before Re- Sewaren. . nations should be left at the curb 11—Christian Science Lecture at Woodbridge High School Audi tions -did not meet the approval corder Arthur Brown. Another frjie before 1 P. M., Sunday. Boy Scouts of a few but my BCtions were : Merwin, Jr. of $50 plus $3 was imposed for • torium, 3:30 P. M. -.-.,. U, S. N. will aid Lions in the collection. 1 guided by what was right and careless driving and. he was held Yiddish Theatre Party in New York , sponsored by Sister- I.I i.in,. wrong aa far as the community under $1,0.00 bail tor the grand The annual Christmas party for hood of Congregation of Adath Israel. I spent Christ- 12—Mother's Club meeting,at home of Mrs. Rodger LoofbouVow, wits concerned and you were con- jury on the complaint of disorder- Township Kijade school children" .461 W. Milton Avenue, Rahway. Mrs. Stuart Schoonover with: education and the schools. mas on Maiius ly conduct made by the woman. is bejtig held at the State Theatve llK will speak on "Consumer Protection Through Federal 'The Board of Education is re- Island In this afternoon under the auspice^ sponsible fpr the expenditure of ltJ Titus Petersen. 49, 22 Dorothy of tile Lions. This is one of th Pood, Drug and Cosmetic Act."/ Admif» 14—Concert by Plainfleld 80-giece Symphony Orchestra at tin Paot S) ll(l Street, Woodbridge, will spend hip man...... yj projects mtfde possibli group. I < "'' Woodbridge High School Auditorium under auspices oi m Christmas and New Year's holidays through the sale of the waste pape work on t' in the county workhouse where he Woodljtldie BWeration oi Teachers. [ collected ln the drives.tBaoh ohlU Regular meeting Of Colonla Onlt. 248, American Legion Christmas d*V was sentenced for 60 days. Ar- was sentenced for 60 y will be given a bag of candy, frul Auxiliary at Legion Hall, Colonia, 8 P. M. as the UAKKY KIIN1 rested by Patrolman Kenneth Van and ice creum., Due to th* New Year's holi- t. AND 15—Meeting of Board of Directors of Woman's Club of Wood- day, the »nt ls»ue of this was becun'd oy extensively by Iselinlt* who en- Pelt for panhandling and being bridge at home of Mrs. Joseph Qulgley, 551 Cedar Avehue, h mwns ha* TO VISIT HOSPITALS newspaper Will fee published then, We threw ISELIN - M" joy deuiints with the congenial drunk, Petersen said he was un- 8 P.M. . 1 WOODBRIDOE—The Veteran Wednesday montfiw, Utcembw n party au d their favorite .-.I"" where the Klines. employed. . rtf Foreign Wars, including all thi 17 -Irish Supper sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary, Division 8, 31, lnstMd'of. Thursday. All m had a bis tin folks purehasi their ncv Mr. und Mrs. Kline, however, On a complaint of disorderly AOH, at Columbian Club, Main Street, Woodbridge. -posts antl auxiliaries of the Eight! social ltenu mult be In tm> key dinner with and magazine arc not newcomers, to the news- conduct made by Mrs. Fitzgerald, 22—Meeting of Woman's Club of Woodbridge, Craftsmen's Club, 1 District will visit the. South Ambo office by Mondajr; to insure pub* ull the trim In Iselln, I d< Con- paper and stationer; store busi- Route .25, Avenel. William C. Rob- 8 P. M. Rev. A. H. Behrenberg, First Prelbywrian Church. Ettl and Berth Amboy Hospitals oi UeaUpn. i« Hal,7 inson, 21, 37 Hill Street, B*lleville, Metuohen, guest K Wings, a i Agency, Oak ness .They conducted a similar christmw Day to distribute gifts I'UMn,, a^ead. We didn't have ducted by MM r, ul type shop in Plemlngton before was fined $35. He was arrMted by store has to the needy and the childrau. I •'• K'«ii! , lime as we would h*ve Kline. AlthowI. L t coming to Iselln. The couple (Contmud m Pagt I) u but it wasn't too been In «l«tenc« " nlied (Continmd on Ptgt 2) [>fun. one-half y«w. » PACE TWO WEDNESDAY. NBCEMBER ?4. 1

Christian En^avor members will the 'o companied by Mr*. fto.«e Paryr; at ago and added lines of So They Say thp piano: caralf flms hy EieanoT mwchafl'.se (to farolHns Christmas Eve They will be The Fim Christmas Scouts Hostesses are to meet at the church «t 7 30 mon from Pant 7 ) OBITUARIES Matys. Sophie Kisko Patricia Sewaren Notes Wr grp great believers tn tee- Gillte—3Wn i»T community and we n- of Orwi Joy" will be the will sin» g at thth e ChrintrniiCh s i ICOOttSKIDGF -Fuiif-ra. Cflndleliuht Service tonichi, w I was left SEWAREN — Moiher? of thfO!r; Sabo piano «>U>s hy Sophie Kiako. snvkr tonitth: at P: John's «n- shop to «ro* along pastor's Meditation. Th? ymith P.v,r;r:.i Hardiwh and Elattie Church and everyone *.'.; be •«?.• 'he ui*-n " choir will lead in thr musical WOT- P. M. Rev. Chester OBMOVHV in Scou!* of Torop 3 "sere guests of vites all residents to attend. .hrmit a; a Chroma* Tea heir! Oirdlwr and an accordion solo by come. Carols will start at 11:15 P >=hip, sifitrlns as a special number. " . •<•< fr>m th Elaine Zablorki. M , followed by a cl^ral Euchari?: Oesu Bambinn. with Miss Betty St. John's F.pHoopal Chiiroi, H"m«- and n' in :;•.? srho\ aud;nr;uW Mrs J F. L.i/0. pre.-;rier.: of the Wood- Gifts made by the scout* were and an address by the Rev F Churches Jane Kiilenbtrser as contralto Sewaren Ciiur.-h *):«:•{ sMcrst. Miss Catiierfnr Hanson, br;«e Cv\;,iri: a< cu«t speaker. presented to the mothers. Mrs. F Newton Howden, vicar A »rvi.-° htm Pact J) There will nlao be a tslkfc". abou" the cooperation ol H Cast 1«. president of Uw air! of Moly Comnrariion will be heW soloist, wi'.i Hint "Aw Eve, sei-vlce tonight at at. j ,) ^ O;.?.n in Spintum. duct. ( m the mother" in seontin? and «cmit lenders of WoodbrWa* Town- ChriMMMc nwmine 10 o'clock OTcoJe. Maria." Episcopnl Church, fiewarcn, Jam?.-' .Mr? Eowartl McKenna am! Mrs ftre.ved- the -.mporiar.ee of each ssip. »as a cuefi. Mrs. Boros was —St. John? Church S:ho.\ •«-.;; Methodist Church. Woodbridje which all are cordially 'lnv ; John Hushes. Offertory. Adestf CDU", >arr.:ne ;eh scout oath and assisted by Mrs James Cotter. present iw Christmas pr,->«ram. Christmas carois will be smv W.'.br Tide'.i-- Sanctus, Benedicts, so'.o The Christmas Eve midnight law; Mrs Hubert Castie. Mrs. Bernard Monday night 7 o'clock in :':'.? 11:15 P. M. by the church o Urban Dians Do'.an: Amus Dei. solos srrvice in the Methodist Church Mrs Joseph Boros, leader, gave Field and Mrs Sabo M". B-"= church. At midnight thr-re will | Mrs Hughes and Lois Rees wiii begin at 11 o'clock, and will ; an informal welcome and pre- will entertain the troop December —Mr?: Waiter Wyckoff has, Choral Eucharist and srrm Preceding High Mass, solos wiVi to featured by special Christmas sented the foilowina program: 29 at 2 o'clock at her nonit. uo turned to her home on Woxibr: rmtsir and a Christmas sermon Rev F Newton Howden, vii Tap ciance by Rocrteie Catano ac- Centra'. Avenue. Avenue from a vacation 5??n be s:,:r>.c as follows: 'Niph: of Nit;-.'.^ Mrs OUrien Silent The choir will render "Sleep. My A service of the Hnlv Eu< 44? Wf.M F.oridB. Mr? Hughes and Mrs Little Anger by N V Wheeler: will be held Christmas m *e:f h°\i 5a'ur'".iy .v '.': —The Sewaren GrJs Cub w-;.: c Jesu Bambino" Miss Lovely Appear" "by Charles F. at 10 o'clock, Thp annual f fc Scr. Fiir.erai H^ffif P :-. AT.- hold a Christmas party TtreMifly up I Rws. Birthday of the Kinn." Gounod: "Lo. How a Rose E'er mas program by members boy Rev Henry .J Brume: pa.- nigh: at the home of :h? M'.ss?? Blooming" by M Praetonous A church school will be held ]) to: c'. Si Pau"> L,r.'n»:3r. Crr.irh Ann and Rosemarie Surick. Woxi- Jchn OToole: O Hoiy Night solii by Miss Mabel Treen. Around her 29 at 1 P. M. Cretnau-T. »•«•. held a; • bridKe Avenue Mrs Hughes. During Holy Com- munion M:ss Dolan wii! sine "Ave Miss Mark Entertains rrema:;.ry Lx.ier. • —The Rev. Gordon Hu:c!-.:n«. Maria " Plo\ t tist at Yule Party Paii bearer? were Mi:'r..iv'. Bu-j Chaplain in the U. S Navy s.i- cttak. DavlS Sm^'n Harry Siniw.l the euest preacher Sunday morr.- Chrtstma* morning at 9 o'clock A Very >1rrn Xmas. Anthnny K:=r.. Vr,; S.ib > an:: W;'.- j the chilonen's choir will sine, with Cecelia Mici: ing at S". Johns Church. r ham Munae'r, i soios !>v Marion, Ferraro and Carol ?V::->...:*i :!':!'' rss* ant! commit- Hia-js v C^rt«'.mas play ,v. The TO EVERYBODY: r PVT. GCORGE T. KOVACS Mr. & Mrs« Inc. ( nnfmtaHonal Chnrrh. H: •::-. .v Saturday a; her i WOODBRTDGE-Funpra' <*rv- Woodbridire i" Avenut. :ices were held Saturday for Pvt.. (Continued Worn Pagt 1) Re1. Donald 0. Prev; announce-: >eyr. -aw the Misses George T. Kovacs, son of Mr> I was marries) in 1934 and they that the various choirs ,\iu: thr Dams' Illarla Kovacs. 117 Hieh Stw.. have two chil mir pleasure at this time of and Stephen, two years old. 5 BABYLAND i-fi'tfd from Pa4t 1) pastor, officiating wistM . by ROT. In addition to newspapers Telephone Perth Amboy 4-124? Ladt*9laus Kec<*emeihy. paster "I year to wish all fiir frtcrdf a and magazines, the Klines carry ;•::• tr, smith Strtyl, (onifr ['rnspeft Aml the Hungarian Reformed Church. Merrv Christmas. a complete stock of tobacco. IS'-: The third Woodbridee mar. to' candy, toys, greeting cards anri 'be returned to this country from stationery. They remodeled and 'foreign cemeteries. Pvt. Kovacs enlarged their store six months ! tis killed at Liege. Belgium. Jan- i «ary 9. 19M Military honors irer? accorded by Woodbvidge Post. : American Legion with Commander ; Russell Deppe in charge. Active GOLDBLATT'S 'pall bearers were Edward OHen. JMeimrt Hunt. Anton Si!ako«k; 10.tiu JEWELERS and OPTICIANS 1 im Paul Breaa. Maynard Winston and I Mr. Deppe. • Honorary pall bearers ve:? Wil- 84 E. CWry Street Rail. 7-1667 Rahway MERRY Ml) | Ham and Stephen Desk. Charles' I Soltas. Ernest and Joseph Ba)int BRANCH 1 (I (id! and Joseph Coppola™. 1« (1(1 101 Broad Street El. 2-0894 Elizabeth CHRISTMAS INViSTlOATB 1 Helen Serdinskr Murb as wt'd likf to |i;iy a Chri-t- Junior i«cd crom Elizabeth Fisinger. \Voodbridgc: H <•-•'• S.- '.v,; •• i.1" •:(•}] ftnd every one wo A S.-haufele. Wood- . Hele, n Tywoniw, Nancy Palmer. Lott of Avenel. Gloria M, i\*>-, i*yi. of Moi-1Dolores krif• v.. !:.,• ;- our sun-st way of •• .i 'lumtlty of nfw of Iselin. the Messrs. nriK ill sl.lrtu, (to^Tt!", Potter, Henry D'Anaelo. prtotiiiLr "iic and all. May your .t.-r.. Mr*. •• RUSCO t>on Farrell. Ed Trost. John Zen- ••HI. Mr. nrnnrtt. AIL METAL, SELF-STORING Christmas he the merriest ever. n.l , Mrs hario, Gi! Bothwell. John Schmidt, Holiday Candies gtli. Earl Rumpf of WoodbridKe and COMBINATION SCREEN Mr Jo)in Lefttn; Richard Tibak of Hopelawn Mr. and Mr». Clurlcn From iri.'imalfc trt-e, Mr«. AND STORM SASH . N",, ilTohooi. Tuo WH Rwco, the worU'i iHlc'.r with food, f ls*>lln MICHAEL'S <*<•<><>". YOU'LL tnVtM HAVS M 'if Junior ft*d GIVE CANDY THIS * 'l » CBAItQt A STORM BASH OK 'Uf >•• Oilll riiltr Httfli tfrlwol I iQll ' • TIH inuitf lo>a Mrs AGAIN. RESTAURANT 1 1 • rv<- N \ Woo.lbrlrtg*; i|Jr» CHRISTMAS 1 »•'' ;i !,• • ' 1' 'iO(M»rirt(fe; Boh^ll^ A • F: ' |. KIURB, Troop 33 Select « box of chocoUte*. 'An Eating Place if llstiBGtMnT A' j ^ 1 , ! ', i nip Pa.'k I3fi; Aljai N • *"' ««_f'art>\ Mr. From N. '•••"• ^i •'li'' traditional hard candy or 155 Smith St., Perth Atnboy, N. J. 1 i ' !*'• , Mrs' (IfbMn's i*T- Save up to 13 of Fuel Bill • -.' VA • 1' 1 I | Vf. mixed candy. We have S. nuol No1 1, JBJ T. f •n'l vi'lin. I'IIIK. - ul 14<'.< "\V 'n* ; fv v i been serving the public for * Easy Payments We will be Qosod i -rt 1 .,( ) '•£ IJHiiiMli-an Club— 36 years. This year owr * .. 1 i.ik. t". Aiixillaly, W'mxl- CHRISTMAS DAY ! 1 ': •-: v I' Am •li'.nri 1,,'KK.H -<,n.- 1:-I; > • .1 '! (1 Snpp^r ("lull. .Vr* May the holiday pea- supply of candy it reduced j " :• ** To Give Onr Staff '* ' son and tho Ntw Year; in price, therefore we urge | T««t€ «'-5' GENERAL PfRTHAMBOY, NEW JERSEY APPLIANCES nety. Tel. Wood. 8-1235 EAGLE CANDY KITCHEN 66 MAIN STREET 189,"i W00DBRIDGE 129 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. CHRISTENSEN'S "THE FRIENDLY STORE" Smart Ties Are Always Smart Gifts Did you learn your today'.' We mean the les- son j-Jiout men's ties. When it conies to'the best at Christmas — neckties from our store have the highest rating. And here's why. Briefly, tr».v are ail well made; thty ure created by aatis- Uc rraker? aird the color i<>:r:t>i!ifriio!i'i are rich, yet !:<>: loud. They ttie itfto ::?•*'. knuts and" the>r Cin stand plenty of punidi- ri)ei:t from his chin. , lie smart, ^ive him several tics this year. Made by AmeHe#'i? finest tie craftsmen, SUPERBA CHENEY BOTANY _ fiESIUO i Priced at 1 I* Gift boxed Qt course! A RRIBGS GIFT CERTIFICATE MODERN BEDS

WE 6tOSE AT 6 P. M. ... Wed» Ltcaatifully made in solid oak and solid birch. Tlu warm, flowing finidies (natural oak or fcirth, or bircli finished walnut * a,re given their full decorative value by the handwiuie of the design. See them before tlie choice it limited.

Oak Night Table $9.50 Birch Chair 18.96

Open 10 lo S Plum* (Wei. aiMi Sal. '((I 41 CHRISM'S DEPARTMENT STORE TEMPORARY SHOWROOM^St. Geargeg Avc. (1 mile north of our fowjer loeatioa) 97 MAIN STREET WOODBRIOGE, N. J.

V. • ... i .(,• ',|i "•*& iNDfcPENDENT-LEADER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1947 PAGt THBffl
