CPXXXX10.1177/2167702619842466Madole et al.Adolescent Symptom Network research-article8424662019


Clinical Psychological Science 2019, Vol. 7(4) 701­–718 Testing Cold and Hot Cognitive Control © The Author(s) 2019 Article reuse guidelines: sagepub.com/journals-permissions as Moderators of a Network of Comorbid DOI:https://doi.org/10.1177/2167702619842466 10.1177/2167702619842466 Psychopathology Symptoms in Adolescence www.psychologicalscience.org/CPS

James W. Madole1 , Mijke Rhemtulla2 , Andrew D. Grotzinger1, Elliot M. Tucker-Drob1, and K. Paige Harden1 1Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin, and 2Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis

Abstract Comorbidity is pervasive across psychopathological symptoms, diagnoses, and domains. Network analysis is a method for investigating symptom-level associations that underlie comorbidity, particularly through bridge symptoms connecting diagnostic syndromes. We applied network analyses of comorbidity to data from a population-based sample of adolescents (N = 849). We implemented a method for assessing nonparametric moderation of psychopathology networks to evaluate differences in network structure across levels of intelligence and emotional control. Symptoms generally clustered by clinical diagnoses, but specific between-cluster bridge connections emerged. Internalizing symptoms demonstrated unique connections with aggression symptoms of interpersonal irritability, whereas externalizing symptoms showed more diffuse interconnections. Aggression symptoms identified as bridge nodes in the cross-sectional network were enriched for longitudinal associations with internalizing symptoms. Cross-domain connections did not significantly vary across intelligence but were weaker at lower emotional control. Our findings highlight transdiagnostic symptom relationships that may underlie co-occurrence of clinical diagnoses or higher-order factors of psychopathology.

Keywords psychopathology, comorbidity, network analysis, cognitive control, open materials

Received 6/4/18; Revision accepted 11/14/18

Mental disorders are widely comorbid (Hasin & Kilcoyne, cases meet for at least one comorbid disorder (Arcelus 2012; Kessler, Chiu, Demler, & Walters, 2005). Complicating & Vostanis, 2005; Kessler, Berglund, et al., 2005). understanding of comorbidity is that clinical diagnoses aggregate over heterogeneous symptom presentations (e.g., Network Models of Comorbidity Fair, Bathula, Nikolas, & Nigg, 2012; Lindhiem, Bennett, Hipwell, & Pardini, 2015; Wright et al., 2013). For exam- Network analysis is a methodological tool for modeling ple, one study of 3,703 outpatients with major depressive unique relationships between psychopathology symp- disorder found more than 1,000 unique symptom profiles toms. Although multiple types of network modeling (Fried & Nesse, 2015a). Given this diversity of symptom exist (for a review, see McNally, 2016), the most com- presentation, symptomics, defined as a focus on studying monly employed version of this tool is the concentra- individual symptoms of psychopathology, has been cham- tion network because of its suitability for cross-sectional, pioned as a promising avenue for understanding psychi- correlational data (Epskamp & Fried, 2018; Epskamp, atric comorbidity (Armour, Fried, & Olff, 2017; Fried et al., Waldorp, Mõttus, & Borsboom, 2018). In concentration 2015). Here, we take a symptomics approach to identify- ing granular pathways through which mental disorders Corresponding Author: covary during adolescence, a critical developmental James W. Madole, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas period when more than half of all lifetime cases of at Austin, 108 E. Dean Keeton St., Stop A8000, Austin, TX 78712-1043 psychopathology begin and more than a quarter of E-mail: [email protected] 702 Madole et al.

networks, the partial pairwise correlations between of multiple disorders, are particularly important given symptoms are estimated, controlling for all other symp- the growing awareness that widespread comorbidity toms (Epskamp & Fried, 2018). These partial correla- exists even across domains of psychopathology that tions are then typically graphed to allow for both an appear quite distinct (such as internalizing and exter- easily interpretable visualization of the relationships nalizing problems; Caspi & Moffitt, 2018). among symptoms and a formal quantification of these relationships using graph theory (Borsboom, 2017; Individual Differences in Network Borsboom & Cramer, 2013). Results from network anal- Structure ysis have informed a burgeoning conceptualization of psychopathology, network theory, which suggests that The ubiquitous comorbidity among DSM-defined and mental disorders are an upstream reflection of activa- International Classification of Diseases–defined clinical tion patterns among symptoms (Borsboom, 2017; Bors- diagnoses has motivated interest in identifying transdi- boom & Cramer, 2013). Within this conceptualization, agnostic risk factors for psychiatric disorders and refining comorbidity is understood as the occurrence of symp- psychiatric nosology accordingly (Clark, Cuthbert, Lewis- toms from two distinct symptom clusters. Such symp- Fernández, Narrow, & Reed, 2017). However, hypothe- tom co-occurrence can arise via bridge symptoms, sized transdiagnostic risk factors have not generally been defined as symptoms from one cluster that have con- integrated into network analyses of symptom relation- nections with symptoms from another cluster or another ships. Here, we propose a novel conceptualization of clinical disorder (Cramer, Waldorp, van der Maas, & transdiagnostic risk factors in the context of network Borsboom, 2010; Fried et al., 2017). theory as psychological or neurobiological background Previous network analyses investigating the large- conditions that strengthen or exacerbate the symptom- scale organization (topology; Costantini & Perugini, to-symptom connections across psychiatric disorders or 2016) of psychiatric symptom networks have primarily domains. No previous network analysis study has exam- evaluated (a) how symptoms cluster together and (b) ined how transdiagnostic symptom relationships might the strength and number of the connections that symp- vary as a function of other individual differences (Fried toms display both within and across clusters (Boschloo, et al., 2015; Fried & Nesse, 2015b), in part because sta- Schoevers, van Borkulo, Borsboom, & Oldehinkel, 2016; tistical methods to evaluate moderation of networks by Boschloo et al., 2015; Cramer et al., 2010; Goekoop & continuously varying individual differences have not Goekoop, 2014). Few studies, however, have used net- been implemented. work analysis to address comorbidity across the broad We addressed this methodological and substantive range of mental health disorders (for a review, see Fried gap by examining individual differences in cognitive et al., 2017). Instead, most network analyses of comor- control as a moderator of symptom coactivation. Cogni- bidity have examined only two disorders (Robinaugh, tive control is broadly defined as the ability to coordi- Leblanc, Vuletich, & McNally, 2014; Ruzzano, Borsboom, nate thoughts or actions in relation to internal goals & Geurts, 2015). For example, longitudinal and cross- (Koechlin, Ody, & Kouneiher, 2003), and it can be dif- sectional studies have found symptoms of major depres- ferentiated into “cold” and “hot” forms. Cold cognitive sion and generalized anxiety to be densely interconnected, control is defined as the regulatory ability to monitor, although the precise nature of these interconnections direct, and manipulate basic information processing varied by study (Beard et al., 2016; Cramer et al., 2010; (Zelazo & Müller, 2002), whereas hot cognitive control Curtiss, Ito, Takebayashi, & Hofmann, 2018; Curtiss & is defined as the regulatory ability to monitor, direct, Klemanski, 2016). When examining symptoms across and manipulate affective processing (Roiser & Sahakian, more than two disorders, one study, notable for its size 2013). Intelligence-test performance is a robust indica- (~34,000 adult patients), found that the network struc- tor of cold cognitive control (Chuderski & Ne˛cka, 2010). ture of 120 symptoms from 12 disorders generally Our previous research found that intelligence-test per- cohered to clinical boundaries defined by the fourth formance is highly correlated, both phenotypically and edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men- genetically, with a general factor of performance on tal Disorders (DSM–IV; American Psychiatric Associa- executive-functioning tests, which measure the ability tion, 1994) but that individual symptoms differed to inhibit responses, shift attention, and update infor- substantially in their cross-disorder relationships mation in (Engelhardt et al., 2016). (Boschloo et al., 2015). For example, all diagnoses were Research in a latent variable framework has found connected via specific symptoms to at least three other that intelligence and executive functioning are negatively diagnoses (Boschloo et al., 2015). Similar results were associated with a general factor of psychopathology found in a community sample of 2,175 preadolescents (Caspi et al., 2014; Harden et al., 2017; Lahey et al., 2015; ages 10 to 12 years (Boschloo et al., 2016). Studies in Neumann et al., 2016) and with an array of clinically this vein, which apply network analysis to symptoms defined diagnoses (for a review, see Snyder, Miyake, & Adolescent Symptom Network 703

Hankin, 2015). Meta-analytic work has found that pre- breaking/conduct problems) if they lack the cognitive morbid deficits in cognitive ability, measured by an intel- resources to regulate and focus attention. In this way, ligence test, predicted onset of internalizing, externalizing, poor cognitive control is hypothesized to demarcate and thought disorders (David, Zammit, Lewis, Dalman, a subset of individuals who have co-occurring behav- & Allebeck, 2008). Focusing on comorbidity specifically, ioral and emotional problems that cross diagnostic one longitudinal study found that intelligence measured boundaries. in childhood predicted the co-occurrence of diagnoses in adulthood (Koenen et al., 2009). Goals of the Current Study Alternatively, some researchers have theorized that cold cognitive deficits might not be the most salient In the current study, we sought to explicate more closely contributors to comorbidity but, rather, that failures in the symptom-level presentation of adolescent psycho- hot, or emotional, cognitive control contribute to a cross- pathology by estimating its network structure. We further cutting liability to experience psychopathology (Carver, sought to evaluate potential moderators of symptom- Johnson, & Timpano, 2017; Kret & Ploeger, 2015). level relationships. This is the first study to investigate Although regulation is a nuanced construct and the network topology of psychopathology in boys and may be expressed differentially across psychopatholo- girls during a critical developmental window of adoles- gies (Werner & Gross, 2010), emotional control has cence. Further, it is the first study to implement local received much attention as a transdiagnostic marker structural equation models (LOSEM; Briley, Harden, (Kring & Sloan, 2009). For instance, rash responding to Bates, & Tucker-Drob, 2015; Hildebrandt, Luedtke, emotion has been tied not only to externalizing disorders Robitzsch, Sommer, & Wilhelm, 2016; Hildebrandt, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and con- Wilhelm, & Robitzsch, 2009) to assess moderation of duct disorder but also to internalizing (e.g., mood and psychological networks by individual-differences vari- anxiety) disorders in both cross-sectional studies ables. We estimated a series of weighted networks, in (Johnson, Carver, & Joormann, 2013; Johnson, Tharp, which data from each participant were weighted by the Peckham, Carver, & Haase, 2017; Marmorstein, 2013) and participant’s distance from a focal value of the moderat- longitudinal studies (Smith, Guller, & Zapolski, 2013; ing variable. By varying the focal value of the moderator Zapolski, Cyders, & Smith, 2009). Further work has found across the observed range, we arrived at a nonparametric that problems regulating emotion differentiates clinical estimate of how network edges vary as a function of groups from healthy controls, but these difficulties are individual differences. We hypothesized that both intel- not more pronounced in any particular diagnostic group ligence, as a proxy for cold cognitive control, and hot, (Svaldi, Griepenstroh, Tuschen-Caffier, & Ehring, 2012). or emotional, cognitive control would moderate connec- Meta-analytic work has found strong associations tions between symptoms of different domains, such that between impulsive responding to emotion and both adolescents with low intelligence and poor emotional internalizing and externalizing syndromes (Berg, control would experience greater comorbidity, as indexed Latzman, Bliwise, & Lilienfeld, 2015). by the strength of symptom relationships across different Extant work on cold and hot cognitive control has domains. primarily focused on how these individual differences are associated with or predict psychopathology mea- Method sured at the diagnostic or higher-order level. In this study, we took a different approach toward how cogni- Procedures were approved by the university ethics tive control influences comorbidity, with a specific board before data collection commenced. Participants focus on how cognitive control moderates the strength and their parents provided written informed consent. of symptom-to-symptom connections across diagnostic boundaries. Specifically, we hypothesized that cold and Participants hot cognitive control may exert transdiagnostic influ- ence by strengthening or weakening connections The current sample consisted of 849 participants ages between symptoms of different domains, such that 13 to 20 years (M = 15.66) from the adolescent sub- symptom coactivation is heightened in the face of weak sample of the Texas Twin Project (Harden, Tucker- regulatory capacity. For instance, individuals high in Drob, & Tackett, 2013), a population-based study of negative emotionality (internalizing) might be more school-age twins from the Austin and Houston metro- likely to hit someone (aggression) if they are ill equipped politan areas. Twin pairs were identified from public with abilities to monitor, direct, or control that emotion. school rosters and invited to participate in a lab-based Likewise, individuals who are restless (hyperactivity) study consisting of a battery of psychological assess- might be more likely to disobey at home or school (rule ments. Participants either were currently enrolled in 704 Madole et al. school or had graduated from high school within the Emotional control. Emotional control was measured past 3 months but had not yet left home for college or using the urgency subscale of the UPPS Impulsive Behav- full-time work. The sample was approximately gender iour Scale (e.g., “When I am upset I often act without balanced (50.7% male) and was racially diverse: 59.5% thinking”). Participants responded to items on a scale identified as non-Hispanic White, 19.2% as Hispanic/ from 1 (disagree strongly) to 4 (agree strongly). Items Latino, 11.4% as Black/African American, 2.85% as were reverse-scored so that greater scores indicated less Southeast Asian, 1.54% as East Asian/Pacific Islander, urgency, or greater emotional control. The psychometric 1.30% as American Indian/Native American, and 4.16% properties of the UPPS are well established (Whiteside & as other. Participants completed measures of psycho- Lynam, 2001; Whiteside, Lynam, Miller, & Reynolds, 2005). pathology, emotional control, and intelligence. The UPPS-Urgency subscale has demonstrated significant correlations with self-report measures of emotion dysreg- Measures ulation (Fossati, Gratz, Maffei, & Borroni, 2014) and has achieved good reliability and validity as a measure of Psychopathology. Adolescent psychopathology was mea­ impulsive responding to emotion (Cyders & Smith, 2007, sured­ using abbreviated versions of three self-report scales: 2010). the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1991), the DSM–IV symptom count scales of Intelligence. Intelligence was assessed using the Wechsler the Conners 3 rating scales (Conners, Pitkanen, & Rzepa, Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence–II (WASI-II; Wechsler, 2011), and the neuroticism subscale of the Big Five Inven- 2011). The WASI-II measures two domains of intelligence: tory (BFI-N; John & Srivastava, 1999). The scales were visuospatial reasoning, consisting of the Block Design selected to cover a broad range of typical psychopathologi- and Matrix Reasoning subtests, and verbal ability, consist- cal problems in adolescence: depression (e.g., “There is ing of the Vocabulary and Similarities subtests. Scores very little that I enjoy”), measured with the BFI-N and from the four subtests are individually normed and com- CBCL; anxiety (e.g., “I am nervous or tense”), measured bined to form Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ). FSIQ in the current with the BFI-N and CBCL; inattention (e.g., “I have trou- sample reflects population norms (M = 103.54, SD = 13.19). ble concentrating/paying attention”), measured with the The WASI has demonstrated significant associations with CBCL and Conners 3; hyperactivity (e.g., “I am restless”), cognitive-control measures in children and adolescents measured with the CBCL and Conners 3; learning prob- (Andrews-Hanna et al., 2011; Solomon, Ozonoff, Cum- lems (e.g., “I learn more slowly than other kids my age”), mings, & Carter, 2008). measured with the Conners 3; rule breaking and conduct problems (e.g., “I steal at home”), measured with the Analyses CBCL and Conners 3; and aggression (e.g., “I break things [when angry/upset]”), measured with the CBCL and Con- Our analytic plan encompassed three broad aims: (a) ners 3. More severe and infrequent forms of adolescent to elucidate the cross-sectional network structure of psychopathology, including schizophrenia, bipolar disor- adolescent psychopathology by investigating clustering der, and other thought disorders, were not considered in of symptoms in the network and the nature of the con- these analyses. nections within and between those clusters, (b) to Scoring of items on the BFI-N ranged from 1 (strongly evaluate how this network structure differs across levels disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), scoring of items on the of cold and hot cognitive control by implementing a CBCL ranged from 0 (not true) to 2 (very true or often novel method of nonparametric moderation, and (c) to true), and scoring of items on the Conners 3 ranged examine whether bridge symptoms identified in cross- from 0 (not true at all) to 3 (very much true). All scales sectional networks uniquely predict future psychopa- have demonstrated good validity: Neuroticism has dem- thology in a longitudinal follow-up analysis. onstrated strong relationships with internalizing psy- Scripts for the R software environment (Version 3.4.1; chopathologies in adolescents (r = .98; Griffith et al., R Core Team, 2017) and for Mplus (Muthén & Muthén, 2010) and has shown substantial genetic overlap with 2010) for all analyses are included in the Supplemental internalizing symptoms (Hettema, Neale, Myers, Material available online. Prior to analyzing the data, Prescott, & Kendler, 2006); the CBCL has demonstrated we coded all items so that higher scores reflected excellent psychometric properties, including concurrent greater severity of psychopathology. All psychopathol- validity with DSM diagnoses in children and adolescents ogy items, with two exceptions described below, were (Ebesutani et al., 2010; Nakamura, Ebesutani, Bernstein, treated as ordinal variables, gender and ethnicity were & Chorpita, 2009); and the Conners 3 has demonstrated scored as dichotomous variables (male/female; minority/ adequate convergent validity with similar measures in nonminority status), and age was treated as a continu- children and early adolescents (Erford, 1995). ous variable. Both intelligence and emotional control Adolescent Symptom Network 705 were z-scored prior to analyses and were treated as 2012). Thicker edges indicate stronger associations. continuous variables. Green edges reflect positive associations, whereas red Less than .1% of the data were missing. Participants edges reflect negative associations. with more than 20% missing data (n = 7) were removed from analyses. Single predictive-mean-matching-based Cluster analyses. The spinglass algorithm, employed imputation was then conducted on the remaining cases using the igraph package in the R software environment using the mice package in the R software environment (Csardi & Nepusz, 2006), was used to identify communi- (van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011). Single ties of nodes in the graph; communities are defined as a imputation is considered an appropriate technique set of nodes with relatively more edges inside the com- when less than 5% of data are missing (Graham, 2009). munity and fewer edges connecting the community to We included 103 items in our analyses, 61 of which the rest of the graph (Reichardt & Bornholdt, 2006). were treated as indicative of unique symptoms. The 42 Because the algorithm is prone to variability in grouping, remaining items were combined to form 15 composite it was run 1,000 times. The number of clusters identified variables according to two justifications. First, on the ranged from five to eight, with six being the median basis of the wording of the prompt, items that were number of clusters identified. Of the 457 runs that identi- theorized to tap the same symptom (e.g., BFI-N Item fied six clusters, we used the most frequently derived 4: “is depressed, blue,” and CBCL Item 44: “I am clustering arrangement (n = 239) to determine group unhappy, sad, or depressed”) were summed to reduce membership. Results are discussed in terms of connec- topological overlap (Fried, Epskamp, Nesse, Tuerlinckx, tions within and between the clusters (i.e., domains) & Borsboom, 2016). Second, 11 items endorsed by less identified using this algorithm. than 10% of the sample were combined with related items to ameliorate the bias created by their skew. Two Network moderation. We used LOSEM to assess intel- of these were treated as continuous: a property damage ligence and emotional control as continuous moderators variable created by summing 7 ordinal items and a of the unique association between each pair of symptoms physical aggression variable created from another 7 (Briley et al., 2015; Hildebrandt et al., 2016; Hildebrandt ordinal items. Truancy, a sum of 3 ordinal items, was et al., 2009). LOSEM uses kernel estimation techniques to treated as an ordinal variable with seven levels. One generate nonparametric estimates of differences in structural- item (“I get into trouble with the police”) was dropped equation-model parameters across levels of a measured from the analyses because of low endorsement rate. All moderator. In combination with the capability of structural final variables were endorsed by at least 15% of the equation modeling to produce a saturated model repre- sample. senting the full heterogeneous correlation matrix among all pairs of symptoms, we used LOSEM to generate a series Network estimation and visualization. Psychopathol- of correlation matrices that are generated across the range ogy networks consist of nodes, representing individual of observed moderator values. Each correlation matrix was symptoms, and edges, representing connections among derived by reweighting the sample data, with sample symptoms. In concentration networks, edges represent weights reflecting the proximity of each individual’s score conditional pairwise linear associations between two vari- on the moderator to the focal value being tested for that ables, controlling for all other variables in the network. particular iteration. A full description of the network estimation and visu- Correlation matrices were computed across 4 SDs alization method is provided in the Supplemental Meth- (from −2 to 2) of intelligence and emotional control at ods in the Supplemental Material. Briefly, we estimated increments of .1 SD units, resulting in 41 correlation the symptom network from the observed polyserial matrices for each moderator. Observed moderator val- correlation matrix using the EBICglasso function in the ues were included in each LOSEM-weighted correlation qgraph package in the R software environment matrix and resulting network, to control for the main (Epskamp, Cramer, Waldorp, Schmittmann, & Borsboom, effect of the moderator on each symptom. This pre- 2012). To avoid overfitting, coefficients (i.e., edges) are vented estimates of the moderation of symptom associa- regularized using an l1 penalty, which shrinks weak tions from being biased by differences in rates of edges to exactly zero. Networks estimated using the symptom endorsement across levels of the moderator. EBICglasso approach typically have high sensitivity (the The resulting weighted polyserial correlation matrices edges that are estimated are very likely to be nonzero) were estimated in Mplus and analyzed in the R software but low specificity (edges that are estimated to be zero environment. For instances in which no positive definite may or may not truly be zero; Foygel & Drton, 2010). matrix was produced,1 we used the nearPD function in The network structure was visualized using the qgraph the Matrix package in the R software environment package in the R software environment (Epskamp et al., (Bates & Maechler, 2016) to find the nearest positive 706 Madole et al.

definite matrix for any observed nonpositive definite smaller than the bottom 2.5% or larger than the top matrix. Networks that included the respective modera- 97.5% of the empirical null distribution. tor as a node were then estimated from each polyserial matrix using the glasso function in the R software envi- Longitudinal follow-up. To investigate the direction ronment (Friedman, Hastie, & Tibshirani, 2014). This of associations between bridge symptoms identified in function uses the same regularization procedure as the cross-sectional, unmoderated network analysis, we

described above but allows the analyst to fix the l1 estimated a longitudinal network of symptoms in a sub- penalty rather than choosing it anew using EBIC model sample of Texas Twin Project participants (n = 218) who selection for each network. For each LOSEM-weighted completed two waves of assessment. Table S1 in the Sup-

matrix, we fixed the l1 penalty to be equal to the opti- plemental Material contains descriptive statistics for the mal EBIC-derived value obtained in the unweighted longitudinal subsample. Each symptom in the longitudi- network that included the moderator as a node (λ = nal network was represented by two nodes—one for .122 for both). Variation in edge weights thus reflects each time point. Analyses focused on edges between interpretable differences rather than potential artifacts Wave 1 and Wave 2 nodes, which represent the predic- of the regularization process. tive associations between one symptom and future levels To facilitate comparisons of symptom covariance dif- of another symptom, above and beyond all other symp- ferences across levels of the moderators, we constrained toms in the network. We focused primarily on the per- cluster membership in the LOSEM-weighted matrices centage of connections (i.e., number of observed positive to be equal to the unweighted graph. To quantify dif- connections divided by number of potential positive ferences in network structure across the range of each connections) between bridge symptoms and disparate moderator, we calculated an average between-cluster domains of psychopathology. edge weight—that is, a regularized, partial correlation

coefficient, Mr(BC), for each network across the range of the moderator. Mr(BC) was chosen a priori because we Results predicted that we would observe larger positive edges Reliability analyses between symptoms of different psychopathological domains at lower levels of cognitive control. That is, Before estimating the network in the full sample, we

we would expect Mr(BC) to decrease as the level of each conducted a split-half reliability analysis to establish moderator increases. Mr(BC) was calculated by summing confidence in the parameters generated by the network edge weights connecting nodes from different clusters estimation process. Participants in each twin pair were and dividing by the total number of possible between- arbitrarily assigned to Twin 1 (n = 417) or Twin 2 (n = cluster connections. Thus, it can be interpreted as the 425),2 and within each of these subgroups, we estimated average positive unique association across symptom correlation matrices in Mplus and estimated networks

domains. Mr(BC) is particularly useful in that it accounts using EBICglasso, as described in the previous section. for negative coefficients, which, given how our data We then correlated the edge weights across the two twin were scored, would reflect the absence of one symptom networks to index network similarity (Borsboom et al., in the presence of another and thus would not be 2017; Fried et al., 2018; Rhemtulla et al., 2016). We focus indicative of comorbidity. here on edge weights because our analyses primarily con- To determine whether the observed variation in cerned the magnitude and number of these connections.

Mr(BC) was significantly different from what would be We demonstrated good stability of our strength index, observed by chance, we ran a permutation test in which using the bootnet function (Epskamp, Borsboom, & Fried, intelligence and emotional control were randomly reor- 2017; see Fig. S1 in the Supplemental Material). dered across participants, resulting in 1,000 permuted The two correlation matrices, from which Twin 1 and data sets. Each case’s observed value for intelligence Twin 2 networks were estimated, correlated at .848. We and emotional control was retained as a variable in the derived an optimal penalization parameter to fix across permuted data sets so that the main effect of the mod- networks by first estimating each network individually erator on symptom relationships did not vary as a func- using the EBICglasso function. We reestimated the net- tion of the random reordering of the moderator. We works using the glasso function with the penalty parameter then ran each of the permuted data sets (k = 1,000) fixed to the average value of the two individual networks

through the LOSEM procedure and calculated the Mr(BC) (λ = .26). The edge weights from these two networks cor- at each value of moderator (m = 41), resulting in an related at .782, which we interpreted as adequate reliability

empirical null distribution of k × m values of Mr(BC). given the upper bound established by the correlation Observed Mr(BC) values between −1.5 and +1.5 SDs of between the polyserial matrices. To ensure that split-half the moderator were evaluated as significant if they were and full-sample networks did not diverge as a function of Adolescent Symptom Network 707 the penalty parameter, we estimated the twin networks externalizing, learning problems showed more specific again using the penalty derived from the full sample (λ = connections with inattention symptoms. Internalizing .111). The edge weight correlation remained adequate symptoms showed the weakest and sparsest connections (r = .740). with other symptom domains. Interestingly, the nodes connecting internalizing and externalizing were specific General network structure of to aggression, in particular, experiences of interpersonal irritability (e.g., “people make me angry”). In the follow- adolescent psychopathology ing sections, we briefly summarize connections involving Figure 1 depicts the estimated network, in which nodes each domain. represent psychopathology symptoms and edges rep- resent the unique associations among them (for node Internalizing. Internalizing nodes (p = 17) displayed 4 reference, see Table S2 in the Supplemental Material). to 12 connections with one another, and 2 to 13 connec- Six clusters were identified using the method described tions (of 59 possible) with nodes of other domains. Two above, displaying general coherence with clinical syn- internalizing nodes (“I feel confused or in a fog” and “[I] dromes. As shown in Table S2, only 5 of 76 nodes were can be moody”) displayed relatively strong average found to cluster with groups different from their self- between-cluster connections. Of the nodes from other report subscale. Age, gender, and ethnicity were omit- domains, 20 of 59 nodes displayed no connections with ted from clustering analyses, and connections between the internalizing domain, whereas only 3 nodes from these correlates and other nodes are not reported. other domains displayed relatively strong average connec- We focused our analyses on the 2,850 potential con- tions with internalizing nodes. These nodes with strong nections (i.e., 76 × 75 / 2) among nodes. Figure 2 shows average connections to internalizing (“People make me the number and relative average strength of the con- angry,” “I am suspicious,” and “I scream a lot”) were all nections from all nodes to each of the six domains, as from the aggression domain. Longitudinal prediction of well as a summary of the total between-cluster connec- these three symptoms in connecting internalizing and tions for each node. Connection strength was calculated aggression was addressed in a follow-up analysis below. by averaging all edge weights from an individual node to all nodes of a particular domain. Nodes that have an Learning problems. Learning problems nodes (p = 7) average edge weight with a given domain at or above displayed 3 to 6 connections with one another, and 2 to the 75th percentile of all average edge weights are 10 connections (of 69 possible) with nodes of other characterized as relatively strong. Strength of total domains. Two nodes (“I need help doing my homework” between-cluster connections (i.e., an individual node’s and “I forget things that I have learned”) displayed rela- connections with all other nodes outside of its cluster) tively strong average between-cluster connections. Of the was calculated by averaging the edge weights from an nodes from other domains, 42 of 69 nodes displayed no individual node to every node not within its cluster. connections with the learning problems domain, whereas Nodes with the most and strongest connections to each only 5 nodes from other domains displayed relatively domain and to all between-cluster domains are detailed strong average connections with learning problems in Table S3 in the Supplemental Material. Reliability of nodes. These nodes (“I have trouble keeping my mind on the ordering of these nodes was established by con- what people are saying to me,” “I am behind in my ducting a bridge centrality analysis, which calculates schoolwork,” “I have trouble concentrating/paying atten- how central (i.e., number of connections, proximity in tion,” “I don’t like doing things that make me think hard,” graphical space) nodes are to clusters outside of their and “I have trouble following instructions”) were all from own, using the networktools package in the R software the inattention domain. environment (Jones, 2018). Figure S2 in the Supple- mental Material details the results from this analysis, Hyperactivity. Hyperactivity nodes (p = 14) displayed 5 which demonstrates adequate consistency with our to 10 connections with one another, and 2 to 17 connec- results. Table S4 in the Supplemental Material contains tions (of 62 possible) with nodes of other domains. Two the number and relative strength of connections within of these nodes (“I interrupt other people” and “I get out and between clusters, in which all present edge weights of my seat when I am not supposed to”) displayed rela- were rank-ordered to determine percentile cutoffs. tively strong average between-cluster connections. Of the Overall, externalizing symptom domains (rule nodes from other domains, 18 of 62 nodes displayed no breaking/conduct problems, aggression, and hyperactiv- connections with the hyperactivity domain, whereas 7 ity) were consistently interconnected, with multiples nodes from other domains displayed relatively strong nodes from each externalizing domain showing relatively average connections with hyperactivity nodes. Three of strong average connections with all other externalizing these nodes came from aggression, 2 from rule breaking/ domains. Rather than being broadly interconnected with conduct problems, and 2 from inattention. 708 Madole et al.

4 1 2 63

75 3 78 76 59 73

60 12 5 10 19 22 77

28 20 74 23 72 6 62 70 61 26 8 9 24 57 64 69 Internalizing 54 Learning Problems 21 25 Hyperactivity 58 71 29 79 Rule Breaking/Conduct Problems 14 52 Inattention 7 Aggression 56 16 17 55 50 42

49 30 65 11 38 15 51 45 41 53 39 32 18 33 31 44 48 27

34 36 37 35 47 66 67 40 13 46 68 43

Fig. 1. Network of 76 psychopathology items, controlling for age, gender, and ethnicity (white nodes). Items are represented as nodes and associations between them as edges. Green edges indicate positive associations and red edges indicate negative associations, with the thickness of the edge indicating the strength of the association. Groups are derived from the spinglass algorithm, which maximizes between- cluster separation and within-cluster cohesion on the basis of the number of connections that nodes share (Reichardt & Bornholdt, 2006). Groups are labeled on the basis of the self-report subscale that the majority of the items in the cluster come from.

Rule breaking/conduct problems. Rule breaking/ connections. Of the nodes from other domains, 19 of 66 conduct problems nodes (p = 10) displayed 4 to 9 con- nodes displayed no connections with the rule breaking/ nections with one another, and 5 to 14 connections (of 66 conduct problems domain, whereas 11 nodes from other possible) with nodes of other domains. Three of these domains displayed relatively strong average connections nodes (“I lie or cheat [to get out of doing stuff],” “I act with rule breaking/conduct problems nodes. Six of these without stopping to think,” and “I disobey at school”) nodes came from aggression, 3 came from hyperactivity, displayed relatively strong average between-cluster and 2 came from inattention. Aggression Internalizing Learning Problems Hyperactivity Rule Breaking/ Conduct Problems Inattention Total Between-Cluster Connections Top 25% Bottom 75 % Aggression Inattention -axis of each panel represents the number of connections that each node displays -axis of each panel represents the number connections that node displays Rule Breaking / Conduct Problems Hyperactivity Learning Problems Internalizing within the network, in which Number of connections from each individual symptom to domain problem behaviors. Horizontal panels represent the domains within network, in which

-axis of each panel represents node within the network, grouped by domain. The y

x Number of Connections of Number Fig. 2. Fig. the with the respective domain. The last panel represents number and strength of each node’s connections to all nodes outside o f its Connections are colored according to the average edge weight of each node domain (i.e., all nodes within a particular domain). For six individual dom ain panels, if weight was greater than .0116 (75th percentile and above), the node colored blue (i.e., relatively strong). Connections for each to all five between-cluster domains to node average grand the if connections, between-cluster total the For nodes. out-of-cluster all to node individual an from weight edge average the to according colored are domain edge weight was greater than .0262 (75th percentile and above), the node colored blue.

709 710 Madole et al.

Inattention. Inattention nodes (p = 12) displayed 4 to relevance of each moderator variable to the network. 10 connections with one another, and 0 to 15 connec- Intelligence was the most central node to its network. tions (of 64 possible) with nodes of other domains. Four Emotional control was the 11th most central node to of the inattention nodes displayed relatively strong aver- its network. age between-cluster connections. Of the nodes from Moderation was evaluated in terms of average other domains, 17 of 64 nodes displayed no connections between-cluster edge weight, Mr(BC). This metric, which with the inattention domain. Six nodes from other represents the average edge weight between a given domains displayed relatively strong average connections node and all nodes of different domains (i.e., n = 2,371 with inattention nodes. Three of these nodes came from potential between-cluster connections), was chosen to learning problems (“I learn more slowly than other kids provide a global indication of symptom co-occurrence my age,” “I need help doing my homework,” and “I forget across different domains. To quantify differences in things that I have learned”), 1 node from hyperactivity (“I Mr(BC) across moderated networks, we created an empir- have trouble sitting still”), and 1 node each from rule ical null distribution from permuted Mr(BC) values and breaking/conduct problems (“I disobey at school”) and evaluated significance on the basis of observed Mr(BC) internalizing (“I feel confused or in a fog”). values that fell in the upper or lower 2.5% of the empiri- cal null distribution. Figures 3a and 3b illustrate the

Aggression. Aggression nodes (p = 16) displayed 4 to observed Mr(BC) values in relation to the empirical null 11 connections with one another, and 5 to 14 connec- distribution. tions (of 60 possible) with nodes of other domains. Six of Across the range of intelligence, none of the observed the aggression nodes displayed relatively strong average Mr(BC) values fell outside of the upper or lower 2.5% of between-cluster connections. Of the nodes from other the empirical null distribution, although there was a domains, 15 of 60 nodes displayed no connections with nonsignificant pattern of greater comorbidity—higher the aggression domain, whereas 9 nodes from other Mr(BC)—at lower intelligence. In contrast to the intelli- domains displayed relatively strong average connections gence analysis, the emotional-control analysis revealed with aggression. Four nodes came from rule breaking/ a significant pattern of less comorbidity—lower Mr(BC)— conduct problems, 3 nodes came from hyperactivity, and between −1.5 and –0.6 SDs of emotional control (empir- 1 node each came from inattention (“I lose stuff that I ical p < .005 − empirical p < .025), indicating that need”) and internalizing (“[I] can be moody”). disparate domains of psychopathology are, on average, more weakly connected at lower levels of emotional Total between-cluster connections. Nineteen of the 76 control. Table S5 in the Supplemental Material contains nodes in total displayed relatively strong average between- the unique between-cluster symptom connections that cluster connections. Clusters with the highest number of display the greatest variance across the range of each nodes with strong average between-cluster connections moderator. were aggression (p = 6), inattention (p = 4), and rule break- To further probe the finding that between-cluster ing/conduct problems (p = 3). Four of the six aggression symptoms are more weakly connected at low levels of nodes were related to interpersonal difficulties (e.g., “I try emotional control, we ran exploratory post hoc analy- to annoy other people”). Two nodes displayed strong ses to investigate whether connections between specific average connections for hyperactivity (“I interrupt other domains were driving this finding. Figures S3 and S4 people” and “I get out of my seat when I’m not sup- in the Supplemental Material illustrate the between- posed to”), learning problems (“I need help doing my cluster connections between (a) internalizing and homework” and “I forget things that I have learned”), aggression symptoms and (b) externalizing domains and internalizing (“I feel confused or in a fog” and “[I] (aggression, rule breaking/conduct problems, hyperac- can be moody”). tivity), respectively. We found that the average internal- izing to aggression connection was significantly lower Moderated network structure across than chance at both the lower (−1.5 to −1.1 SD) and cold and hot cognitive control upper (0.7 to 1.5 SD) tails of emotional control, indicat- ing that individuals with strong emotional control as Before assessing differences in network structure across well as individuals with poor emotional control dem- the range of cold and hot cognitive control, we first onstrate significantly weak connections between inter- estimated unmoderated networks that included each nalizing and aggression symptoms. We found that the moderator as a node. We determined the centrality, average connection between externalizing domains was indexed by the number of connections that each node significantly lower than chance from 1.4 to 1.5 SDs of displays, of each moderator to get a global sense of the emotional control (empirical p < .025). Adolescent Symptom Network 711


0.995 0.975 0.950

0.500 Empirical p -value

0.050 0.025 0.005

–1.5 0 1.5 General Cognitive Ability (SD) b

0.995 0.975 0.950


0.025 Empirical p -value


0.500 –1.5 –1.4 –1.3 –1.2 –1.1 –1 –.9–.8 –.7–.6 –.5 Emotional Control (SD) Empirical p -value

0.050 0.025 0.005

–1.5 0 1.5 Emotional Control (SD)

Fig. 3. The average between-cluster edge weight, Mr(BC), in 31 local-structural-equation-model-weighted networks across the range of (a) intelligence (blue line) and (b) emotional control (red line). Orange bands indicate empirical p-value thresholds (p < .025; p < .005) at both tails of the distribution. Empirical p values

were generated by comparing observed Mr(BC) values with the empirical null distribution. 712 Madole et al.

Longitudinal prediction of of individual differences in cognitive control on symptom- internalizing-aggression bridge level comorbidity. We found that symptoms in the net- symptoms work generally clustered according to clinically defined boundaries, with clustering defined as many and rela- To determine whether the three aggression nodes iden- tively strong interconnections. tified as bridge nodes in the cross-sectional network Looking across clusters, we found specific patterns prospectively predicted, or were prospectively pre- of association between different domains. Internalizing dicted by, internalizing symptoms, we created two sam- symptoms connected strongly to just three symptoms pling distributions (k = 10,000 each): (a) the percentage of aggression, all measuring interpersonal irritability. of connections between Wave 1 internalizing nodes and Longitudinal follow-up demonstrated the prognostic three randomly sampled Wave 2 aggression nodes, and value of these symptoms in connecting future internal- (b) the percentage of connections between three ran- izing and aggression problems. That is, symptoms of domly sampled Wave 1 aggression nodes and Wave 2 interpersonal irritability were significantly predictive of, internalizing nodes. and predicted by, internalizing symptoms relative to other aggression symptoms. This finding is consistent Internalizing at Wave 1 predicting bridge aggres- with recent work that found irritability and interper- sion at Wave 2. Internalizing nodes at Wave 1 displayed sonal difficulty to be among the most salient bridge 7.8% of potential connections with the three bridge- symptoms connecting these domains (Rouquette et al., aggression nodes at Wave 2 but displayed only 1.4% of 2018). That frustration and displeasure with other peo- potential connections with non-bridge-aggression nodes ple are bridge symptoms for the internalizing and exter- at Wave 2. Observed connections from Wave 1 internal- nalizing domains complements previous work showing izing to Wave 2 bridge-aggression nodes were significantly that reactive, but not proactive, aggression is related to greater than connections between Wave 1 internalizing internalizing symptoms in adolescents (Fite, Rathert, nodes and randomly sampled aggression nodes at Wave 2 Stoppelbein, & Greening, 2012; Fite, Rubens, Preddy, (empirical p < .001; empirical distribution range = 0.0%– Raine, & Pardini, 2014; Fite, Stoppelbein, & Greening, 7.8%). Figure S5 in the Supplemental Material displays the 2009). Learning problems displayed similar between- observed percentage of internalizing to bridge-aggression cluster specificity, demonstrating strong average con- connections within the empirical cumulative distribution nections with only five symptoms of inattention. The function of the percentage of connections in randomly specificity of this relationship is consistent with litera- sampled data. ture demonstrating that teacher-reported attention problems predict poor academic performance Bridge aggression at Wave 1 predicting internal- (Lundervold, Bøe, & Lundervold, 2017) more strongly izing at Wave 2. Bridge-aggression nodes at Wave 1 than other common forms of child and adolescent psy- displayed 11.8% of potential connections with internal- chopathology (Sijtsema, Verboom, Penninx, Verhulst, & izing nodes at Wave 2, whereas non-bridge-aggression Ormel, 2014). Externalizing domains (rule breaking/ nodes at Wave 1 displayed only 3.2% of potential con- conduct problems, aggression, and hyperactivity) nections with internalizing nodes at Wave 2. Observed showed more disperse interconnectedness, consistent connections from Wave 1 bridge aggression to Wave 2 with factor-analytic work that has demonstrated the internalizing nodes were significantly greater than con- nonspecificity of externalizing symptoms to diagnostic nections between randomly sampled aggression nodes at categories (Krueger et al., 2002; Krueger, Markon, Wave 1 and internalizing nodes at Wave 2 (empirical p < Patrick, & Iacono, 2005). .02; empirical distribution range = 0.0%–13.7%). Figure S6 Nineteen symptoms emerged as having relatively in the Supplemental Material displays the observed per- strong, average connections with all other cross-cluster centage of bridge aggression to internalizing connections symptoms. We interpreted these as transdiagnostic within the empirical cumulative distribution function of bridge symptoms, or symptoms that might be important the percentage of connections in randomly sampled data. unifiers of psychopathology in adolescence. Six of these symptoms were again relevant to interpersonal irritabil- Discussion ity, a finding that is consistent with interpersonal theo- ries of developmental psychopathology, which posit To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine that diverse psychopathologies arise from conflict transdiagnostic psychopathology symptom covariation between interpersonal difficulties and basic needs for in adolescence using a network of partial, regularized kinship (Rudolph, Lansford, & Rodkin, 2016). Particu- correlations. This study was also innovative in its appli- larly given that our longitudinal analyses demonstrated cation of a method for assessing the moderating role that symptoms of interpersonal irritability predicted Adolescent Symptom Network 713

future internalizing symptoms (and vice versa), it is Hofmann, Curtiss, & McNally, 2016). Cross-sectional intriguing to speculate whether psychological interven- data or between-person longitudinal data cannot be tions targeting interpersonal irritability would decrease used for such processes. Rather, such data offer the rates of comorbidity between internalizing and exter- capacity to draw nomothetic inferences about symptom nalizing psychopathology. covariance and the factors that impinge on that covari- Considering the contribution of cognitive control to ance in a network. Second, data were self-reported. symptom-level comorbidity, we found that intelligence, Child and adolescent behavior is subject to contextual when added as a node in the network, demonstrated variability, and the use of multiple reporters can help the greatest number of connections to all other nodes to increase the accuracy and coverage of emotional and in the network. This supports the well-established rel- behavioral problems (Dirks, De Los Reyes, Briggs- evance of cognitive ability to transdiagnostic psycho- Gowan, Cella, & Wakschlag, 2012; Hunsley & Mash, pathology (Caspi & Moffitt, 2018; Snyder et al., 2015). 2007). Network analyses of child and adolescent sam- Our finding extends this work by highlighting that cog- ples may benefit from using diverse assessment instru- nitive ability may be centrally important to psychiatric ments to capture symptom-level presentation more comorbidity via its pervasive connections to specific precisely in these populations. Third, although our data symptoms. However, we found that intelligence was covered the most common forms of psychopathology not significantly related to the average strength of in adolescence (Achenbach, 1966; Achenbach & between-cluster connections. Edelbrock, 1983; Michaud & Fombonne, 2005), symp- In contrast, we found that emotional control was less toms from rarer forms of psychopathology, such as central to the network but displayed more relevance in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or autism spectrum moderation analyses than intelligence. Contrary to our disorders, were not assessed. Future studies would ben- hypothesis, between-cluster symptom connections were efit from a more comprehensive scope of transdiagnos- significantly weaker at lower levels of emotional con- tic psychopathology symptoms in adolescence. Fourth, trol. Given the counterintuitiveness of this finding, we cross-cluster comorbidity was quantified using a single, conducted exploratory post hoc analyses to probe con- global metric that is opaque regarding which disorders, nections between specific domains. Analyses of the and which symptoms within those disorders, most average connection between internalizing and aggres- robustly drive the metric. sion domains and between externalizing domains were In conclusion, our study extends work on psychiatric more consistent with the hypothesized trend of greater comorbidity by highlighting unique symptom relation- between-cluster symptom coactivation at lower levels ships that potentially drive the co-occurrence of distinct of emotional control. These were post hoc exploratory domains of psychopathology. We highlighted a number analyses that warrant replication, and they do not of bridge symptoms that may be salient conduits of account for the global trend observed across all domains comorbidity in adolescence. Particularly, we illustrated of psychopathology. Taken together, our findings do the specificity of symptoms of interpersonal irritability not support the hypothesis that cognitive control mod- in uniting internalizing and aggression symptoms over erates the co-occurrence of symptoms across domains time. Further, we demonstrated that intelligence, as a of psychopathology. However, the method we intro- proxy for cold regulatory capacities, is pervasively asso- duced for generating LOSEM-weighted networks to ciated with psychopathological symptoms but does not analyze moderation of psychological networks can be impact liability for comorbid symptom-to-symptom productively applied to examine other potential mod- relationships in a network. In contrast, emotion-based erators, both experimentally manipulated (e.g., type of regulatory ability is associated with the strength of psychological treatment) and naturally occurring (e.g., symptom comorbidity, although its association is depen- treatment adherence). dent on the specific domains in question. This study Our study has four major limitations. First, although highlights interpersonal irritability as a promising inter- a prominent version of network theory, distinct from vention target for adolescents dealing with both inter- but informed by network analysis, suggests that causal nalizing and externalizing problems. relationships between symptoms drive and sustain psy- chopathological networks (Borsboom, 2017; Borsboom Action Editor & Cramer, 2013), our data were primarily cross-sectional correlations that cannot be used to ascertain causal Stefan G. Hofmann served as action editor for this article. relationships. 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