: P.O.BOX 5728 SRT NAGAR, NEW DELHI 110055 (BHARAT); Email : [email protected] No. Sm1314/2070 (For Private Circulation Only) Krishna 13 Vik Samvat 2070. Yugabda 5115 Tel: 91-11- 23684445; Fax: 91-11-23517722 1 November 2013. 1. FESTIVALS: Prabodhini , also environmental friendly development, so that future known as Devotthan Ekadashi, the 11th day of generations can live in peace. Kartik Shukla falls on November 13 this On Communal and Targeted Violence Bill, the year. It is believed that sleeps on Shayani ABKM felt that the introduction of this bill in Ekadashi and wakes on Prabodhini Ekadashi, thus Parliament should be opposed by all right thinking giving this day the name "Prabodhini Ekadashi" people. It is biased and anti-Hindu. It divides the ("awakening eleventh"). The end of , society into majority and minority and it is anti- when marriages are prohibited, signifies the constitutional. It will damage the social fabric of beginning of the Hindu wedding season. A fast is the country. Instead of preventing communal observed on Prabodhini Ekadashi and the ritual violence, it will lead to further division. marriage of the Tulsi plant is performed with god RSS has expanded its organisational growth since Vishnu, who is regarded as the husband of Tulsi. the ABKM biathak of October, 2012. Shakha In , Prabodhini Ekadashi is linked activities have started in 2500 new places. Now, with the god - a form of Vishnu. Varkari 6000 places are having either weekly or monthly pilgrims throng the Pandharpur temple of Vithoba shakhas. More than 50,000 villages are having on this day. In , more than 800,000 RSS presence in the forms daily, weekly or pilgrims perform the 32-km Parikrama of Mount occasional shakhas. Total number of contact Girnar over a two-day period. This is performed as places is 75,000. Answering a question about a gesture of thanksgiving to the gods, who are RSS’s involvement in electoral politics, Bhaiyyaji believed to have assembled on the mountain. In Joshi said that RSS is not a political party but it Pushkar, Rajasthan, the Pushkar Fair or Pushkar believes that every voter is responsible and should mela commences on this day and continues till to vote. RSS will like to have 100 % polling. RSS Kartik Poornima). This fair is held in the honour will actively campaign for the enrollment of voters of , whose temple stands at Pushkar. in the voters’ list. Answering a question on 2. RSS ABKM MEETS IN KOCHI: The annual government’s reported move to use the wealth of baithak of Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of temples to face the economic crisis, Bhaiyyaji said Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was held at the that RSS does not endorse it; government should Bhaskareeyam Convention Centre adjacent to not do it. Madhav Niwas, the Kerala RSS headquarters, at The meet strongly condemned the serial bomb Elamakkara in Kochi on 25, 26 and 27 October. blasts in Patna on 27 th October. It saw it as a The baithak was inaugurated by Sarsanghchalak blatant attempt to terrorise and scare nationalist Mohan Bhagwat. This was the first time the meet forces. ABKM expressed the confidence that the was held in Kerala. spirit and resolve of nationalist forces will remain The ABKM passed 2 resolutions and also undaunted despite such cowardly terrorising acts. discussed the Madhava Gadgil panel report in Resolution 1 : Growing Jehadi Radicalization in detail, environmental issues in general and eco- Southern States of Bharat system of Western Ghats in particular. It felt that The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses this generation does have the responsibility to grave concern over the growing radicalization of reverse the current unhealthy trend of ostentatious Jehadi forces especially in the Southern states of lifestyle and follow the Bharatiya model of Bharat. Although separatist and secessionist 1 activities exist all over Bharat, its menacing growth of Muslim population especially in North portents in recent times especially in Southern Kerala are putting the state on a ticking time Bharat in terms of their penetration among Muslim bomb. youth; terror training and export modules; attacks The blatant support from political elements as on Hindu activists; and active connivance with evident from the presence of political leaders anti national Maoists and international Jehadi including Ministers in the family function of elements pose an unprecedented challenge to the Abdul Naseer Madani, a notorious criminal national security. The lackadaisical attitude of accused in many terrorist acts including 1998 successive state governments turning a blind eye Coimbatore bomb blast case; refusal by Kerala to these nefarious forces has become more government to hand over Marad massacre worrying factor to all patriotic minds. investigation to CBI etc., have emboldened these The emergence of ‘Popular Front of India' (PFI) forces to such an extent as to hatch plans to and its front organizations in Kerala consequent to assassinate nationalist Hindu leaders in the ban on SIMI should be seen in this context. It’s Kerala. The present U.D.F. government in Kerala formation as a coordinated effort between remains a mute spectator to all such anti-national organizations like 'Karnataka for Dignity'(KFD), activities. 'Manitha Neethi Pasarai' ( MNP ) in Tamilnadu These tentacles of terror have engulfed the and 'Natioanal Development Front' ( NDF ) in adjoining states of Tamilnadu and Karnataka Kerala, under the purported aim of 'promotion of too. In Tamilnadu, attacks on Hindu activists and democracy and social justice' is nothing but a their offices, vandalizing of Hindu camouflage to perpetuate hard-line festivals, violent demonstration on American ideologies. Large scale brainwashing and Consulate, recent gruesome killings of state level weapon’s training of Muslim youth; export of such functionaries of Hindu Munnani and BJP and terror elements in other parts of Bharat as revealed armed encounter with the Police at Puttur in by recent designated NIA court's verdict in the Andhra Pradesh, are the testimonies of their 'Kashmir recruitment case'; the penetration in increasing grip over the State. Unfortunately, they Police and govt machinery; admission by Kerala are being completely overlooked as a result of the Government to the state High Court about the competitive minority appeasement by both the links with Hizb ul Mujahideen, Lashkar- e Tyaba ruling and opposition political parties of the state. and Al-Qaida clearly reveal the real face and Areas of coastal Karnataka like Bhatkal town agenda of these outfits. Their attempts to develop have become a storehouse of weapons, bomb a political face with a pan Indian presence should training and terror export. These forces are be nipped in bud. planning to target Hindu religious places like These radical forces are turning Kerala into a Tirupati, Madurai, Shabarimalai in many parts of hotbed of anti social and anti national activities. Southern Bharat. While the Northern Kerala is becoming safe The ABKM demands that the Union and the hideout and training ground for terror elements, concerned state governments undertake extensive the coastal and other areas of strategic importance investigation by the Central agencies about the are witnessing mass purchases of lands by these nature of clandestine activities of these radical elements at an exorbitant price supported by groups, their links and source of funding both rackets of counterfeit currency and gold within and outside the country and take firm smuggling. Planned allurement of Hindu boys and measures including a ban on organization like PFI, girls, rampant distribution of hate literature to put an end to these forces. It also appeals to all proclaiming Jehad, poisonous propaganda through patriotic forces including media to be vigilant certain media elements and disproportionate about such elements and prevail upon the political 2 parties and governments to act firmly against these the lives of people is a norm there. They receive antinational activities. meagre or no compensation for these losses. At Resolution 2 : Need for Effective Management many places people of the border villages are of Our Land Borders compelled to live in camps for years on. Even The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal wishes to those in villages face severe problems. Their draw the attention of the nation to the conditions movements to their agricultural lands are restricted prevailing along Bharat's land borders and the due to fencing, land mines, etc. conditions of the people living in villages along Bharat-Nepal, Bharat-Myanmar and Bharat- the borders. Bharat shares borders with 8 Bangladesh borders have become safe havens for countries. It is a matter of regret that Bharat faces illegal trade, fake currency, smuggling of border disputes with most of these countries. weapons, trafficking in human and drugs etc. The ABKM underscores the need for Terrorists and anti-national forces use these strengthening border infrastructure along all the borders to slip over into neighbouring countries. land borders. Studies have revealed that border Bharat-Bangladesh border has remained porous infrastructure is utterly inadequate in many border leading to continued large scale infiltration and areas. smuggling of live stock, including cows and its The ABKM regrets to note that the 4057 km long progeny. Mushrooming of illegal Madrasas, most sensitive Bharat-Tibet border happens to be Mosques and settlements on both sides of Bharat- the most neglected one. In many sectors, carpeted Nepal Border has emerged as a serious threat to roads end 50-60 km short of the borders, causing both the country. immense difficulties to the people living in border In view of the prevailing situation, the ABKM villages. Transport facilities are meagre; several calls upon the Government of Bharat to: villages have a bus service once a week only. 1. Give top priority to building basic infrastructure Schools have no proper buildings; hospitals don't like roads, rail network, electricity, water supply, exist; electricity is erratic or non-existent; schools, hospitals etc. along the borders. telecommunications facility too is unavailable for 2. In border areas constitute Village Defence many villages. Market places are far off, forcing Committees and give appropriate training and villagers to crossover to the other side for their incentives to people in border villages and make shopping needs. them stake holders in border security and The ABKM emphasises that people living in the management border villages are also our border guards just like 3. Constitute an independent border management the soldiers guarding our borders. Apathy of the authority to manage the affairs of all borders. Governments to the plight of these people is 4. Complete the fencing along Bharat-Bangladesh dangerous to border security. border and strengthen border security by effective Lack of infrastructure in these areas is leading to deployment of forces along all other borders. lack of employment opportunities and creating 5. Provide proper compensation to the people who livelihood problems, resulting in migration. have lost access to their lands due to fencing, land Occupation of pasture lands by China in these mining, etc. areas is further aggravating the problems of the 6. Develop ancient religious and other potential villagers. tourist sites along the borders. Encourage border People living in villages along Indo-Pak border tourism which will benefit the people living in and the LoC have been facing constant threat to border areas, while at the same time countrymen at their lives from continuous shelling from Pakistan large develop emotional attachment with the army. Loss of property, livestock and occasionally borders.


7. Create a mechanism for effective operational all religions advocated service to mankind which coordination between military and para-military is the most effective form of worship. forces engaged in border security. 4. THE CLEANEST VILLAGE OF ASIA: Do 8. Develop a mechanism for dialogue and co- you know the cleanest village in Asia is in Bharat? operation between the people on the borders and It is at a distance of around 90 km from Shillong, the armed forces. and the road leading up to it has some of the most The ABKM opines that the greatest challenge is panoramic and breathtaking views in the country. the defeatist mindset of the Government of Bharat. Till over a decade ago Mawlynnog was practically It is unfortunate that our leadership fails to display unknown to tourists until *Discover India* its firm commitment to protecting every inch of Magazine accorded it the cleanest village status in our territory. The ABKM demands that the 2005. Nestled in the pristine East Khasi Hills of Government and its officials stop parroting that Meghalaya the residents of this picturesque village our borders are "not demarcated fully". It is along the Indo-Bangla border have learnt to live at untrue. Bharat's boundaries are well defined. harmony with mother Nature and might very well Tragically, our leadership lacks courage to assert become an example that urban folk should this historic truth. emulate. As one walks around the narrow zig- The ABKM cautions the countrymen to not zagging paths of the village one is astounded by assume that the border security is the the clean well maintained black tarmac and the responsibility of the Government and the armed spotless frontyards and sidewalks of the bamboo forces alone. Patriotic countrymen should stilt houses. There are stylish bamboo dustbins constantly keep a vigil on the situation along our everywhere and separate compost pits in various borders and be ready at anytime to safeguard pockets of the village for organic and inorganic them. wastes. Polythene use is completely banned and so 3. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA'S 150TH is smoking. There are public toilets which the BIRTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED IN villagers themselves maintain and everyone takes SEOUL: The Vedanta Society of Korea part in the ritual weeding, sweeping and cleaning celebrated Swami Vivekananda's 150th birth of the gardens and roads which happens every anniversary on October 20th. The function evening. Even the children are taught from an showcased various facets of Bharatiya culture, early age to keep their surroundings clean and they including dance, music, yoga, tourism and food. don’t hesitate to pick up the odd piece of garbage The event, 'Vivek 150', included Vivekananda on the road and put it in the bin. Yoga Olympiad, a speech contest, and an The village is well supplied with an efficient exhibition on Swami Vivekananda's life and localized water supply and sanitation system. Just message, which were organised at Sookmyung outside the village on the passing river the University. The event was supported by the Indian amazing living roots bridge is situated which Cultural Centre (ICC) Seoul, the Indian Chamber speaks out for the ingenuity of the people. It is of Commerce of Korea (ICCK) and Sookmyung over 200 years old and was constructed by tying Women's University of Korea. The programme the roots of two banyan trees and maneuvering started with ceremonial lighting of lamp and them to get entangled in such a way as to create a offering floral tributes to Swami Vivekananda, passage over the stream. The sky view tower on followed by a documentary on his teachings and the eastern side of the village is a tall structure message to the world. built on the support of a tree with bamboos and In his address, Swami Medhasananda, chairman of gives a wonderful view of the Bangladesh plains. the Vedanta Society of Japan, said that Swami For the discerning traveler there are many Vivekananda had taught the world that in essence unmapped trails that one can explore around the 4 village full of little waterfalls and sacred forests of the correspondence they had couple of months abounding in flora and fauna. The guest houses in before. Sri Bhagwat, in his letter, had expressed the village are basic tree houses built on top of his wish to meet Justice Krishna Iyer when he stilts that almost jut out into the adjacent forest, visits Kochi. staying in them is an experience in itself. There is Sri Krishna Iyer told Bhagwat that he had invited a lot that urban society could learn from the wrath of some people due the support he Mawlynnong and its environmentally conscious extended to Narendra Modi. But, he does not care. citizens. He likes to see and support honest people. Sri The self sustaining models though rudimentary Modi came to see him some time back. Sri have very strong foundations and have more to do Bhagwat told Sri Krishna Iyer that honesty is a with behaviour and customs that the peoples have precious commodity these days. We, in Sangh, adhered to and upheld. With the increasing influx keep on meeting honest people. It is they who of tourists the challenge for Mawlynnog is to influence the social consciousness. maintain its culture and also educate outsiders Dr. Bhagwat said that, he has been wishing to with their ways. Do you think modern cities in meet Sri Krishna Iyer since long time; but, it is Bharat can replicate what the citizens of materialised only now. He added that Sri Krishna Mawlynnong have done? With better technology Iyer is a fatherly figure for all, a true Judge in and infrastructural support Bharatiya cities can Words and spirit. He embodies all the noble values certainly take Mawlunnong’s concepts forward in social life, which is fast diminishing. I found and create self-sustaining environment systems him very honest, committed to truth, fearless, with minimal damage to the eco systems. All we sincere and well intentioned. need are more responsible and conscientious When it was mentioned that Justice Krishna Iyer citizens who will take up the cause of the turns 99 next month, Mohan Bhagwat told that environment. according to Bharatiya tradition complete life is Mawlynnong can be reached by road and it is 120 years. He wished Sri Krishna Iyer such a long roughly a three hour drive from Meghalaya’s life. Sri Bhagwat told Krishna Iyer that coming capital, Shillong. years would witness good happenings. Society is 5. 'MADHAV NETRA PEDHI': a pioneer undergoing lot of changes. He sought Sri Krishna organisation of Nagpur, started in early 90’s in Iyer’s blessings for all good happenings. Sri memory of second Sarsanghchalak of RSS, Krishna Iyer said that Bhagwat’s visit was a great Madhav S. Golwalkar popularly known as Guruji, experience. has within short time set a good example of Eye 7. VOLUNTEERS SWUNG INTO ACTION Bank with technological expertises, compassion IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CYCLONE and public education. Various social service HIT ODISHA, ANDHRA: As the cyclone organisations came together and formed an Phaline struck the coast of Orissa and Andhra umbrella organisation ' Saksham ' which will work Pradesh on the evening of October 12, it was with handicapped people like blind, deaf and Sangh Volunteers who under the banner of Utkal mute, slow learners, cerebral pulsey victims and Bipanna Sahayata Samiti (UBSS) spontaneously lame persons. Sewa International, US supports came out of their homes to extend a hand of such service to needy people. support and love to the people in distress. The 6. RSS SARSANGHCHALAK MEETS cyclone with a gale speed of 200 km per hour and JUSTICE KRISHNA IYER : RSS heavy rains ravaged Ganjam and affected 11 Sarsanghchalak Sri Mohan Bhagwat visited on districts—bringing distruction everywhere. At October 21 st , Justice VR Krishna Iyer at his places like Paikabasa in Mayurbhanj district, residence in Kochi - Kerala. This was the outcome 5,000 people were evacuated saving them from 5 devastating flood. In rescue, relief or cleaning up 10. BHARAT'S TOP 4 IT FIRMS BUILD RS. of roads for communication, the Sangh Volunteers 56,000 CRORE CASH CHEST, INFOSYS were on the forefront. LEADS: TCS, Infosys, Wipro and HCL Spread over 5 critically affected districts, the Technologies -- have seen their combined cash Volunteers served cooked food to more than 4,000 chest swell to a whopping $9 billion (Rs. 56,000 people. Durgadevi and Dhabasila in Balasore crore) as their businesses continue to generate district, Aryapalli, Gopalpur of Ganjam district profitable growth despite turbulent were the places where swayamsevaks really did macroeconomic scenario. This marks an increase outstanding work. The Sangh Volunteers managed of about $1 billion since the beginning of current to take more than 5,000 people to safety before the fiscal in the four companies' cumulative cash deadly cyclone could strike. They also provided position, which includes cash, cash equivalents, shelter to about 7,000 people. More than 16 roads bank deposits and disposable financial were cleared by these volunteers in these investments. localities. 11. ANDAMAN & NICOBAR, 8. SEWA LASER SHOW IN COLUMBUS, LAKSHADWEEP DECLARED NEW ‘HOPE OH: Sewa International USA successfully hosted SPOT’: Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep laser documentary “Laser Light Magic” on life of islands have been named as the new "hope spots" Swami Vivekananda at Columbus, which was very by the International Union for Conservation of well received by audience including kids and Nature (IUCN) and oceanographer Sylvia Earle of teens. Mission Blue, an organization involved in the This also introduced the SEWA to the Columbus study of oceans. A hope spot is an area of ocean Community with a bang. Around 500 people that merits special protection because of its witnessed the show in the Grand Capitol theatre at wildlife and significant underwater habitats. The Riffe center in heart of Columbus downtown. two islands are the first spots in Bharat and part of Sewa got whole hearted support from Jain Temple, 31 new hope spots across the world added to the Gurudwara, other temples and also from cultural existing 19 spots. "What we've done here is associations like Gujrati mandal, Maharastra identify a number of critical areas that represent a Mandal, Malayalee Association etc. Many real hope to restore the health of our imperilled established individuals, Vedanta scholars also ocean," IUCN quoted Sylvia as saying. supported the event. Andaman & Nicobar have 556 islets with unique 9. HINDU COUPLES CELEBRATE KARWA flora and fauna. There are around 270 species and CHAUTH IN PAKISTAN: Dozens of sub-species of birds in these two islands of which celebrated the Bharatiya festival of Karwa Chauth around 106 have been declared endemic. The in Pakistan's largest city Karachi with traditional Andaman Wood Pigeon, Andaman Padauk and fervour and gaiety. Hindu couples gathered at the Dugong have been declared the state bird, the state Laxmi Narayan Mandir near the Netty Jetty bridge tree and the state animal respectively. to celebrate the occasion on 22 nd October. 12. CHAMUNDESHWARI RATHOTSAVA Rani, who broke her fast on the footsteps of the DRAWS LARGE CROWDS: Chamundi Hills, mandir which overlooks the Netty Jetty waters which witnessed a large crowd during the Dasara said: "Given the sort of situation we are facing in festivities, came alive again as the Karachi these days basically everyday is Karwa Chamundeshwari Rathotsava was held on October Chauth for us women no matter which religion 17. Witnessed by thousands of devotees from they belong too. Things are so uncertain we just Mysore and surrounding areas, the hill shrine was keep on praying that our husbands return home packed with people since the crack of dawn. The safely after work," Rani said. archaks built up the momentum by chanting 6 hymns and conducting special pujas. The scion of 15. BHARAT TO LAY 14 STRATEGIC the royal family Srikantadutta Narasimharaja RAILWAY LINES NEAR CHINA, PAK Wadiyar and his wife, Pramoda Devi Wadiyar, BORDER: As part of preparations to meet participated in the chariot festival. The idol of the challenges from China and Pakistan, Bharat is Goddess, which was adorned with jewels and planning to lay 14 strategic railway lines close to flowers, was placed inside the ratha pulled by borders with these two countries to help in easier devotees around the temple. and faster movement of troops. The railway lines 13. BHARATIYAS ARE OUT-EDUCATING are besides 73 roads being constructed along the AMERICANS: BARACK OBAMA — Billions Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China, sources of people from countries like Bharat and China are said in Delhi. Out of the 14 planned railway lines, striving hard to "out-educate" Americans in survey has been completed for 12, they said. mathematics and technology, President Barack The railway lines have been planned in Jammu Obama has said while stressing on education and Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and reforms to prepare Americans for a global Rajasthan. Of the 73 roads with a total length of economy where "jobs can go anywhere." 3812 km, laying of 61 roads covering 3,404 km "Now you have got billions of people from Beijing have been assigned to Border Roads Organisation to Bangalore to Moscow, all of whom are (BRO), the sources said. competing with you directly. And they are — The infrastructure development is being carried those countries are working every day to out- out as China has made strides in this regard and educate and out-compete us," Obama said in his Bharat is lagging much behind. remarks to students at the Pathways in Technology 16. SHRI VISHWA NIKETAN: Pravas : Shri Early College High School in Brooklyn on Ravikumar, sah samyojak Vishwa Vibhag will October 25. start his tour to Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore after . Visitors: Shri Sukdeo – "And every year brings more research showing New Zealand. Shri Suhanthan, Gopakumar – Sri them pulling ahead, especially in some of the Lanka. subject matter that this school specialises in — FOOD FOR THOUGHT: You must understand math and science and technology. So we have got the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That a choice to make," he said. He said if the is why you must read, that is why you must look at workforce is not educated enough, it will be left the skies, that is why you must sing and dance and behind and find it hard to get a job that pays a write poems and suffer, and understand, for all living wage. that is life. – J Krishnamurthy 14. BHARATIYA-AMERICAN APPOINTED TO TOP DIPLOMATIC POST: The US Senate JAI SHREE RAM has confirmed Bharatiya-American woman administrator Nisha Desai Biswal as the assistant FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS secretary of state for South and Central Asia, making her the first person from the community to COLOURFUL hold the top diplomatic position. Biswal, who is currently the assistant administrator for Asia at the Divya Kaushik US Agency for International Development (USAID), will replace incumbent Robert Blake to Australia-born photographer Robyn Beeche is head the key bureau in the state department. known across London and England for her iconic President Barack Obama nominated her for the fashion pictures. She gave up everything to spend position on July 18. her life in Vrindavan, documenting its living 7 culture. She tells Divya Kaushik that she is have noticed that change. I believe that change is working on a book on the raas lila tradition good but that change should not make us forget For someone working as per the catwalk about our cultural practices and traditions. calenders, coordinating schedules with the world- Generation ahead should have documents and known makeup artistes and fashion photographers, archives to look up to and I am contributing the decision of leading life in a small Indian town towards that. Through my photographs, books and might be not be an easy one. But for Robyn films I want to reach out to larger people so that Beeche it was simple. She knew her aim is not to traditions do not become history with no reference get lost in the “snap snap” of the “money-making” to it. Also I liked the way the director has world but to add value to her photography. Her portrayed my life and the way she has captured the idea of photography is not just clicking images but intensity and depth of my work. Many people who it is reflecting the culture of the place and an saw the documentary said that they never knew experience through her photographs. how my world changed while shifting between the The first visit to Vrindavan in 1985 was the life- two contrasting worlds and cultures,” said Robyn. changing event for this Autsralia-born Her journey as a photographer started when she photographer, who became famous in London for was 27, as an assistant to a photographer. Within her iconic 80s images. “I had met Rajeev Sethi in two and a half years she learnt the tricks of the England in 1982 during the Festival of India. trade and then moved to England to work with the When I came here he suggested that I should not photographer who used to work extensively with go anywhere else but Vrindavan since it was the countries like Japan and India. occasion of . “It was very interesting, the way he used to So there I was in the middle of Barsana, colours convey the essence of the country through his splashing in the air like a toddler throwing paint pictures. I learnt a lot from him and after he left I randomly on a white sheet of paper. For me that is was on my own doing several collaborations and what photography is, an experience narrated busy in the world of fashion photography,” said through colours against the white backdrop,” Robyn. Even while she was in England, doing a shared Robyn, who since 1985 has been based in job which many would envy, she never really Vrindavan, chronicling life and Indian culture enjoyed the materialistic world and that can be one through her images, books and other of the reasons that today she is liking her quite life documentaries. Documentary film, A life Exposed, in Vrindavan. She has an opportunity to be a part by Australian director Lesley Branagan and of festivities like Gopa Ashtami, Holi and Phool award-winning cinematographer Bonnie Elliot, Lila. shows how India’s rich visual content “I have never been bored. There are so many paradoxically provides Robyn the chance to things to keep me motivated here. I keep doing nourish her main themes (illusion, transformation) pilgrimages for documenting and photography and in a culture where they occur spontaneously as have been to Kumbh. To record the living culture religious expression and are not constructed. “My that exists in Vrindavan is a fulfilling experience. I journey has been surprisingly positive and it is a have no diary dates to follow, whenever I want I daunting thing to have your life up on the screen. can rush to the temples and capture the most vivid Leslie has done a great job by sharing my life and things. Apart from exhibiting my works at it has been an enriching experience for me. The festivals and galleries like IGNCA (Indira Gandhi documentary will help sharing my life with people National Center for Arts) I also write books. I and inspire them positively to value their own wrote a book Celebrating Krishna and I am doing culture and history. India is changing fast and a book on raaslila tradition,” she informed. – The since I have been based here for long now even I Pioneer, October 28, 2013. 8