No 75, 21 November 1968, 2109

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No 75, 21 November 1968, 2109 No. 15 2109 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON : THURSDAY, 21 NOVEMBER 1968 CORRIGENDUM SCHEDULE ---1- TE MATA 'Park; LOits 4 and 5, 'D.:P. 4149, beiJng 'pairts Have­ 'IN the notice dated the ltofu dlay IOf IMlay 11%8 and puJblisihed ]ock Suburban Sections 44 iaJD:d 49, and 'Part IBiock 9, Te ,Ml3J1Ja lin Gazette, 16 'May 119618, No. 28, 'P. 803, defining the Crown Grant DiSitriot, 's~tualted in IB~DCkis: IV and VHf, Te hOUJnldruiies 10[ ttJhe Oounty Of 'WWltomo a:rud Thngirtu Rl1ding Ma'ta Survey iJ)~sibriat, a:nd IBlDCk IV, K'idnapper Survey of County iOIf Wai~omo, ~n ltIhe second oolumn Ion p. 803 delete District: 'area, 242 acres land 35 IpeJ.1ches, mOire !Or [ess. the wor:drs "to !1Jhe weiS,ternmosltcomer 1& L01 112, D.IP. 7297; As the siame ~s shOlWn ion plan !marked (Ij.,A. '52/3'07 deposited tbence easlter/ly a!1ong a tiiJghit line tlo illhe ealsternmosit comer in ,the Head Office, Depa:fltmenlt offurernal Affairs, We1.:1mg­ olf ,Riangitd1lo"'TuihruJa 25B lB'lock,be!ing la porot on 'illle eastern ron, and thereon edged red. !bloun(la'ry 'Of TaIlalpolUiIlamu ,A. 6 IB~oICk", and sulbstitute t!he Given under ;the hand io!f ffis iExcel!lency the Governor­ words "'to the westernmoslt loorner 'Of Tampou'J1Iamu A. 5; Generall, and issued under !the SeaJl !of New Zealliand, thence eaSlteIily alliong a Tight line Ito :1lhe siOuJtlh-westem 'corner ~his 112th day of NO'Vem!ber ,1968. 0If Rangitotlo-Tu:hua 26B, ,as shOWn Ion M.L 8389; thence eastedy :a1OiIl!g ttlhe sDuthern boundary of ItIlm.t Mock to the [L.S.] DAVID C. OOATH, IMJinilster I()f InJtemaJ. !A:ffiailrs. easite.rn boundary lolf TaJra,pounamu IA. 6". GOD SAVB THE QUEEN! (J.A 176/11'59) *Gazette, No. 22, 114 lMal1ch 1957, p. 1469 (lA. 46/29ji179Y CoRRIGENDUM (Notice No. Ag. 10335) Crown Land Set Apart as Permanent State Forest Land IN Ith:e ISCihedUlle' ito 1:Ihe Order in CO'Wldi!l "Local agricllitural ARTHUR PORRtITT, iQove'rnior-Genera!l pesIt decIara1li!oo 1968" (notlice [No. Ag. '10256) pub.1Jffihed !in A PROOLAMATION the Gazette lolf 4 July 11968, lNo. '42, 'P. H2O, setting out Itll'Olse PURSUANT to section '18 of the Forests Act 1949, J, Sir pest ld:estJructiion oortlri:cts in w.hllich Itlhe 'bare is dedared a 110caJl Arthur Espie Porritt, 'Baronet, the Governor-General1 of New agriCUJ1tulra:1 peslt, for H)awea Oounty read Hlawera Oounty,. Zealand, herehy set apart, the Crown !land described in the Dated at WeUingtlOll tills 11i2ltlh day of Novemlber 11%,8. Schedule 'hereto as 'permanent State !forest land. G. 1. ANDEJRSON, ASIS,istant Director-Generall lolf iAg'liicutlrture. SCHEDULE (Ag. 3492); SOU1HLAND DISTRICT-SOU1HLAND CoNSERVANCY'- 'WALLACE CoUNTY PART Section 16, BIDCk XX, Jacobs River Hundred: area, 4 acres 2 roods 7 perches, more or [ess; [ormerJy part of CORRIGENDUM the area included in old mining claims 11;1 and rf2, S.O. plan 2445. As shown on plan INo. S. 176/2 deposited in the Head Office, New Zealand Forest Service atWeJ.lington, and IN ltJhe Schedule to rtJhe nlotlice dalted !the 26th day ,0[ Jully 1%8 thereon edged red. and pulbllislhed iIn Gazette, 11 August 19618, No. 48, Ip. 1290, Idefining the hoUl1ldlarries ,elf :t:Jhe ,Broifloruglholf :AleX'andl1a, Oounty Given under the hand o!f His Excel[ency the Governor­ of Vincent, and ~he IDunstJaln and iElarnsoleugh Rlidings 'Of General, and issued under the Sea1 df !New Zeal1.and, this County 'Of Vincent, under It!'he Ihea.dli:ng ")Boundlarri~ 'Of Oounity l3ith day of November 11968. of Vincent" delete itJhe eXJpreslsioin '~Ota:go lJand District", and DUNCAN IMACINTYlRE, !M'inisrter of Lands. suibs't!.itute ;the eXlpreiSlSlion "'Otago an.d Soulthland Land GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! UIiSitrildt" . (F.S. 6/7/'10; L. and S. H.O. 10/,101/27) (II.!A. 1197/10318, 1103/5 /2l1'4) Declaring Land in the North Auckland Land District, Vested Revoking Part of a Proclamation Declaring an Area in the in the Auckland Education Board as a SUe for a School, Hawke's Bay Acclimatisatil()n District to be a Wildlife to be Vested in Her Majesty the Queen Refuge 'A1RTHUR ')PoRlRnT, Oovemor-iGooeral ARTHUR POR'R'ITT, Govern'Or-Gener-ail A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT 1:10 subsection (6) 1m section 5 'Of the Eduoation !A ~ROOLAMAT]ON Lands Aat 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, the Governor­ PURSUANT 10 Isection '14 ,of ithe 'WirJidlife Adt 1953., I, Sir General 101£ New Zealand, hereby pro'CIaim and declare Ithrut Alrivhur Es:pie iP,orritlt, IHaflonet:, the GovernlOlf-Genetail of New the land described in the SchedULe heretlo, being an area Zea1and, hereby reVioke Itlhalt partt !oIf ithe Proolamwtion issued vleS:bed in !the Auckland Education BDard as a site for a on !the 5th day 101£ 'Malrch 1957*, declarin.g Ithe area 'Olf land school, shall be vested in Her Majes,ty the Queeru, freed in the Hawke',s Hay A'CclimaJtisaJt~on 'Di'Sltridt described in the and disdharrged !fIrrom every education trust affeating Ijjhe Scheduile hereto 1:10 be a wiiMlilfe ref.uge for iVhe purpDse of same, bU!t subjeat )~o aLl leases, encumbrances, :1~ens, Dr the Wildlife Act 1953. easemen!ts affecting the s.ame, at Ithe tdwte here'cd'. 2110 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE No. 75 SOHEDULE ORDER NORm AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT---{DEVONPORT BOROUGH (a) lit irs hereby auth''OIiised ,that Itlhe !land desotjJbed iin the PART A!lloJtment 2 of Section 2, Takapuna Parish, SlituaJted in Schedulle ihereto, heing 'land bdld Iprlmari!ly jJor !the Block VI, Rangiitloto Survey District: area, 4.8 peI'ches, more developmenJt 'Of water Ipower (!!Jake TauP'O land the or [esse Palit OOI11lificaitle lof ItiitIe, Violume 293, folio 149. As Waikat'O Riiver power s'cheme), he applied ·a:lso ifoi" s'bown on the plan marked L. and S. 6/6/12420 deposited recreationaJl purp.oses, which 'shalll 'be a ISeC'Ondary in the Head Office, Depai1tmeilit of Lands and Survey at use iQ!f the isaid ~and. Weiltington, and thereon edged xed. (S.O. Plan 45759.) (b) PaIlt 1II 'df ithe (Reserves and 'Domains Act 1953 shall apply lto fue ,said land. Given under the hand of His ExceJ.llency the Govern'Or­ (c) 'J1heoonltm[ land management of Itlhe salid !l!and ~s hereby General, and issued under the Sea1 of New Zealand, vested iin Ithe 'R!otIorua 10000000ty Co:un:cill.. this 1141:!h day olf November 19618. {L.S.] IDUNO.A!N MACINTYRE, Minlisterof [;ands. SCHEDUIJE GoD SAVE THE QUEEN! • SOUIB AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT (L. and S. H.O. 6/6/'1242; D.O. 8/1/483) ALL i1lhalt lpiece of ltand Ci'Ontainmg 11'2 aicres il !l1ood 1'8 perches siJrua'ted in IBtock II, Takapau Survey District, being part Lot '1, D.P. 31480, land !being pant Kali'll'glalfloa No. 2 West No. 1 IB[ock; as ithe 'same ~s m'Ore paIlili'CUlarlly de'llineated 'On Declaring Land in the Westland Land District, Vested in the ;the plan markedM,~O.W. 22487 ~S.O. 44484) deposited in Canterbury Education Board as a Site for a School, to be the office 'Of Ithe IMinister lof Works aIt WdllltingJtJon, and 'there'On Vested in Her Majesty the Queen edged red. P. J. BROIOKS, Olerk olE the ExeouJtive Council. AlRfIHUR (P0RtRfITT, Oovemor·JQeneral (IP.W. 92/112/,24/6; DJO. 92/112/24/'6/130) A PROCLAMATION PURSUANT to subsootion (6)0£ section 5 of the EdUlCatiIOn Lands ~ct 1949, i, Sir \.At1thur Espie (prorritt, Bar'Onet, the Authorising Wellington Harbour Board to Reclaim Land in Governor-General 'Of New Zeakmd, hereby proolaim and Wellington Harbour declare thait the land desioribed in 'the Schedule hereto, being an area vested !in the Cantellbury EducaltJion Board as a ARTHUR PORRITT, G'Overnor-General site ~or a s'choolll, s:lm11 be vested :in Her M'ajeSty Ithe Queen, freed. and drisicharged from every educaJtl:'On itrustaffeotJing ;tJhe ORDER IN COUNCIL same, but subject t'O a!l:l ,leases, encumbrances, liens, 'Or At the Government House at WeLlington this 11th day of easemenJts affecting Ithe same, at :the date hereolf. November 1968 Present: SCHEIDULE HIS EXCELLENCY 1HE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CoUNCIL WESTLAND LAND DISI\RICT-WESTLAND CoUNTY PURSUANT to section 185 of the Harb'Ours "Act 1950, His RESERVES 793 and 1230, situaJted in IBl0ck XII,Waiitaha Excell1ency the G'Overnor-General, acting by and. wtith the Survey DiSltrict: !Area, 2 acres 3 r'Oods 16.1 perches, more 'Or advtice and 'cons'ent 0If the Executive Council, herebyaUithorises less (S.O.Plans 3301 and 3398). the Wellington HarboUJr Board to reclaJim from Wellington Harhour in l1he Thorndon wharf devclopmeilit an 3)rea oif Given under !the hand of His Excelllency Ithe G'Overnor­ 6.05 acres, mOTe or less, as sh'Own, col'Oured sDlid red, 'On General, and issued under Ithe \Seal of New Zealand, plan M.D. 13109 deposited in the 'Office of the Marine Depart­ this 114t1h day df November '196 18. ment at Wellington; provided that the coostruction 'Of fue [L.S.] IDUNOANMACllNTYIRE, (Mwster of lJands. Teclamati,on is carried lOut in accordance with plan marked GOD !SAVE THE QUEEN! IM.D. 13109 deposited in the office of the M'arine Department at Welliington, and ill the manner presoribed by the said Act; fL. and S. H.O.6/6/6S3; :n~O. 2/6) the w.ork authorised by this order to be oOlllJpJ.eted within a period 'Of 3 yeaTs from the date of tih!is o.rder.
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  • Mines Statement
    from Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1886, C-2 1 1886. NEW ZEALAND. _____ MINES STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF MINES, THE HON. W. J. M. LARNACH, C.M.G. DELIVERED ON TUESDAY, 6TH JULY, 1886. ============== Mr. Speaker,— Sir, —In the Mines Statement which I had the honour of making last session I informed the House that I had determined to make myself acquainted with the practical details of the mining industry; and, having made a personal inspection of all the mining centres of New Zealand, I on that occasion thought it necessary to make the Statement somewhat of a descriptive character, following the events during the course of my first journeying though the mines of the colony; and in adopting that plan I had in view of the feelings of my friends the miners on the subject. No Mines Statement having been delivered previous to last year, I felt sure that the miners in every portion of the colony desired to have a description, however imperfect, of my visits to the many mining localities it was my duty and my privilege to inspect. I now, Sir, propose to direct the attention of honourable gentlemen particularly to the great and increasing importance of the mining resources of New Zealand; and the more urgently do I do so at this period of time, while the colony, like other parts of the world, is suffering from that atmosphere of depression which has overshadowed it so long. But I ask, how much more severe would this straightened period have been, and how much more keenly would the monetary pressure have been felt
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