Immortality, Cancer and Telomere Mark Herbert, PhD 39-06 Main Street, Flushing, Queens, New York 11354, USA,
[email protected] Abstract: Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death; unending existence. Life extension technologies promise a path to complete rejuvenation. Some modern life species may possess biological immortality. Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Immortality is a common characteristic of cancers. The telomere is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences associated with specialized proteins at the ends of linear chromosomes. Telomeres are a widespread genetic feature most commonly found in eukaryotes, which protect the terminal regions of chromosomal DNA from progressive degradation and ensure the integrity of linear chromosomes by preventing DNA repair systems from mistaking the very ends of the DNA strand for a double strand break. [Mark Herbert, PhD. Immortality, Cancer and Telomere. 2021;11(2):109-123]. ISSN:2150-1041(print); ISSN:2150-105X (online). 4. doi:10.7537/marscbj110221.04. Keywords: telomere; chromosomes; DNA; nucleotide; protein; senescence; apoptosis; Immortality, Cancer Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death; belief fostered by Alexis Carrel that all normal somatic unending existence. Some modern species may possess cells are immortal. By preventing cells from reaching biological immortality. Life extension technologies senescence one can achieve biological immortality; promise a path to complete rejuvenation. Some modern telomeres, a "cap" at the end of DNA, are thought to be life species may possess biological immortality. the cause of cell aging. Every time a cell divides the Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell telomere becomes a bit shorter; when it is finally worn growth with the potential to invade or spread to other down, the cell is unable to split and dies.