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ZEEB ROAD, ANN ARBOR, Ml 48106 18 BEDFORD ROW, LONDON WC1 R 4EJ, ENGLAND 8008653 LEHMAN, LEONARD LOWELL THE MUSIC EDUCATORS NATIONAL CONFERENCE STUDENT MEMBER ORGANIZATION: ITS HISTORY, A CRITICAL REVIEW OF CURRENT PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED IN THE 1977 "HANDBOOK," AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE PRE-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The U niversity o f Oklahoma PH.D. 1979 University Microfilms Internstionel 300 X. Zwb Roat Am Arbor, MI 48106 18 Bedford Row. London WCIR 4EJ, EngJaad Copyright i9bo by LEHMAN, LEONARD LOWELL All Rights Reserved PLEASE NOTE: In a11 cases this material has been filmed In the best possible way from the available copy. Problems encountered with this document have been Identified here with a check mark . 1. Glossy photographs 2. Colored Illustrations 3. Photographs with dark background 4. Illustrations are poor copy _____ 5. Print shows through as there Is text on both sides of page __________ 6. Indistinct, broken or small print on several pages \ / ^ throughout 7. Tightly bound copy with print lost In spine _________ 8. Computer printout pages with indistinct print 9. Page(s) lacking when material received, and not available from school o r au th o r _________ 10. Page(s) ________ seem to be missing In numbering only as text follow s ________ 11. Poor carbon copy ________ 12. Not original copy, several pages with blurred type 13. Appendix pages are poor copy _________ 14. Original copy with light type _________ 15. Curling and wrinkled pages _________ 16. Other U niversi^ M iad h lm s Intemationêü 300 N. ZEEB RO.. ANN ARBOR. Ml 48106 13131 761-4700 THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA GRADUATE COLLEGE THE MUSIC EDUCATORS NATIONAL CONFERENCE STUDENT MEMBER ORGANIZATION: ITS HISTORY, A CRITICAL REVIEW OF CURRENT PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED IN THE 1977 HANDBOOK. AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE PRE-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree o f DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY LEONARD LOWELL LEHMAN Norman, Oklahoma 1979 THE MUSIC EDUCATORS NATIONAL CONFERENCE STUDENT MEMBER ORGANIZATION; ITS HISTORY. A CRITICAL REVIEW OF CURRENT PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED IN THE 1977 HANDBOOK. AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE PRE-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT APPROVED BY Chairm DISSERTATION COMMITTEE 11 A bstract THE MUSIC EDUCATORS NATIONAL CONFERENCE STUDENT MEMBER ORGANIZATION: ITS HISTORY, A CRITICAL REVIEW OF CURRENT PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED IN THE 1977 HANDBOOK, AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE PRE-PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT BY LEONARD LOWELL LEHMAN MAJOR PROFESSOR: DR. HARRY FIERBAUGH The purpose of this study was (1) to write a history of the Music Educators National Conference Student Member Organization (SMO); (2) to conduct a critical review of current SMO programs contained in the 1977 Handbook; and (3) to recommend new programs and strategies for the future development of the SMO based on Purposes (1) and (2). Historical data were collected from the Music Educators Journal, the Yearbook of the Conference (MENC), Minutes of the National Steering Committee (of SMO), Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors of the MENC, personal records of national chairs of SMO, unpublished master's and doctoral theses, and from personal experience in the writer's ten years of service to the SMO. Since the SMO has been guided by its handbooks, a four-part item analysis form and opinionnaire was designed to determine at.what level the official activities were thought to be effective. Members of the National Steering Committee (NSC) participated in the study. In Part I, sixty-four Handbook items were evaluated. Part II elicited ratings of six statements as to effectiveness of current SMO programs at various levels. In Part III the Committee evaluated certain selected procedures. Part IV solicited opinions and suggestions as to future development of the SMO. Data were analyzed and reported. Seven recommendations resulted from the analysis of data pertaining to a critical review of current programs, that (1) the MENC National Executive Board (NEB) encourage the NSC to originate and develop more meaningful programs for the SMO, (2) new procedures be developed for selecting local sponsors, (3) procedures for selecting division chairs be evaluated and perhaps redesigned, (4) new ill iv guidelines be vomallzed for the benefit of the chapter sponsor, (5) programs, projects, and activities of the SMO be regularly reviewed and expanded to benefit student members in the changing trends of music education, (6) some procedure for facilitating communication among the various levels of the SMO be established, and (7) MENC leaders exert creative efforts to alleviate financial difficulties wherever they appear. Recommendations made by NSC members include (1) increased attention should be paid to student participation at state, division, and national MENC meetings and to student input; (2) existing SMO programs should be reevaluated; (3) more support from the MIC should be sought; and (4) an effort should be made to develop pride and commit­ ment on the part of local chapter advisors and supporting faculty and administration, A proposal of new programs, including a philosophy for the SMO, includes (1) providing a financial incentive to the chapter sponsor, (2) structuring the programs, projects, and activities of the SMO as academic entities with credit being given the student members, (3) student assistantships at state and national conventions, (4) increasing emphasis or. new careers in music, and (5) reassessment of teacher- education programs, all designed to extend further the pre-professional experience in music education for the SMO member^ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the many people whose aid and assistance were beneficial in the completion of this work. Special thanks go to Shirley Schrader# Keith Eide, Edith Savage, Rosemary Simmons, Clifford Cook, Howard E llis, Charles Sprenkle, Mary English, Thomas Carpenter, Wiley Housewright, Clifton Burmeister, Margaret Haynes, Thurber Madison, and Lee Chrisman, all national SMO chairs. Also, to Gene Morlan and Harriet Hogge of the MENC headquarters staff, Charles Gary, MENC Executive Secretary (1964-1976), Louis Wersen, MENC President (1967-1968), to Bruce Wilson and Pearl Tubiash of the MENC National Historical Center, University of Maryland, to n\y graduate advisor, Harry W. Fierbaugh of Oklahoma University, to Raymond Wheeler, Mollie A utry, Rosemary Simmons, Floyd Corson, Wallace N olin, and P r is c illa Remeta, members of the National Steering Committee, and to the many MENC student members and sponsors with whom I have had the honor to serve, I extend n\y deepest gratitude. I want to acknowledge rry indebtedness to the Music Educators National Conference for their courtesy in granting permission to duplicate the 1958 Student Handbook for MENC Student Chapters. I give ny most special thanks to my wife, Janelle, and to Becky, Len, and Paul, whose understanding and love have sustained me through this project. Leonard Lowell Lehman 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... x ii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 Purpose of the Study . ............................................................ 6 Definition of Terms .................................................................... 6 Delimitations of the Study ................................................... ^ Basic Assumptions ........................................................................ 7 Need fo r the S tu
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