" ! LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 9-NWMBER 240 LONG BRANCH, N. J., THURSDAY, , 1910. 8 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT EASY AM ranBIG CELEBRATION GETS 5 YEARS FOR TWO BADLY HURT IN MUHLEIBRIIK HORSE BJOPDKJHTH GffiL METHODS IN COUNTY Trots Mile Heats In 2.33, 2.32 OF COLUMBUS DAY Spanish War Veteran Who Left COLLISION OF WAGON Democratic Freeholder Candi- and 2.3) in Match Atlantic Highlands With 15 dates Isiue Platform Promit- Race WAS HELD HERE Ytar Old Girl Sentenced TROLLEY CAR in| to At O#n*fork 1*he trotting race for charity held Mqsej* Booue, the colored Spanish The Democratic freeholder candi- at tbe Monmoutb County Fair grounds War veteran, who was arrested at dates in Moumouth bare issued tae near Red Bunk yesterday afternoon Floats, Automobiles, Carriages And Hundreds of West Cheater, Penn., a short t}me Quick Jump AH That Saved Motorman From Ocean- following platfoftu: waa not as interesting as many fol- ago, in company with Ada Williams, The Democratic caulldates (or lower* of the sport anticipated. Ner- Marchers In Parade- Exercises In Afternoon the fifteen-year-old daughter of Wil- part In Red Bank Accident-Highlands Man members of tbe Boarfl of Chosen Frwv •-)'fx-if.-;s ]t proved a drawing card, liam Williams, of NavesJnk. near At- holders of the county of Monmoutb. and It is ibought the Long Branch So- lantic Highlands, changed with her tfcat the voters may know what mar ulaty for the ln>pfoVenient of the Poor And Ball And Fireworks Display In abduction, was arraigned before Driving Express Wagon Also Injured-Car Ue exjwctw! of them, if elected, berebr wiHrp{!t4**» nearly $100 from the gate Judge Foster this morning at Fret- j pledge: IX'C^IptB, i hold. He waived indictment, and j in Another Recent Crash ttrti: An earnest aw) honest atten- The race was arranged between Evening Attracted Large Crowd sentence or five years in state prison j tion to the p»Wlc aerriw; not a saer* Henry MuWeribrink's "Hi Henry" and was imposed. attendance at ihe regular meetings at Th* Italian residents of 1.<>»K It will be remembered that one day j A quick jump from the front of bis the board and drawraf salaries without Joha (i. Sexton's "Mattie/' Sometime WILSON AT ASBURY PACKARD FIRST NUMBER car was all that saved motorman ago rhfse gentlemen agreed to race Branch held a big celebration yester- about a month ago whfle'ihf girl was! a corr«spondir^ return of service lo day Iu honor of the U8tte anntevrsary Charles WsUUsg. of Ocoanpori, (ran their trotting horses to decide whlcli vatzenbach May Precede President of on her ;vay to attend school at Atlan-j Noted Cartoonist and Entertainer llif taxpayers of tb» vomtg. of the discovery of the western hemis- being i ruBticil to death Uu>i nighht wan the speedier. Instead of conlpet- Princeton at Nearby Resort Sat- tic Highlands, she was seen to board Flmt Feature «f Teachers' Asso Second: A phere bs; CUristoirtwr Columbus*. The { »hi'« a lied car ^ IrtE for a purse, they chemt' whereby a charitable organiza When Dr. Woodrow Wiilson, the company with Boone. Her • mother,!] It isn't often that one man In capa (noda, conaiatent wi plorer's hoaor, waw celebrated Aa var- i Hance road. Redd BulkBk . The front aiid lion should bt> the berie6c.ar>'. The Democratic candidate for Governor, when notified of tbe occurrence, was j fole of poesessiBg enough "claaB" to en for and progress is ious ways. The parade was formed of Ibetrolley was completely den first open challenge made aroused a peaks at the Hippodrome at Asbury greatfy alarmed and Wad a warrant in- n-i lain and please a targe audience a tectlae Uw ««»tj, «ood deal of comment ainong howc early in the afternoon. The mmmu-tl sued tor the ippreiifliulon of Boone. hl h bd ed and the controller box and brake Park Saturday afternoon he probably whole without somebody get rod jammed against the door of the people mar Ke' in owners, and, after the conditions be- imwfihalK were President of City Coun- Tbe authorities hereabout* were noti- ting tired before the end. But the honest T«^BV—«oB*r cil Forrest Green aud George L. Crum, ill be preceded by Frank 8. Katien- car. Mr. Walling, however, did not value public, atlmir^ry of each animal fied, but were unable to catch the one iuHn who can do this 1B Packard, p Republican candidate for Mayor. ach, Jr. , uscape injuries, for he seriously | . ' became enthusiastic. Counselor Samuel A. Patterson, a cotipli-. .News or the pair wag later the great cartoonist and humorist, The paraderg made an excellent : The toirt1:1io[is were mile beats, Launch Democrat and a» enthusiastic received by the mother from a woman who la .to appear on the Lyceun c showing as they passed down Broad- j is now coofined to his bed nailer tbe bVyt three in five. Mr. Muhlenbrlnk upporter of Dr. Wilson, will preside in Philadelphia, who grpw nuspiciouff in tbe opening number of five bis; at way on their way to Ocean t»ark L-hti of s physician. drove his own horns while "Happy" t the meeting. With him t»n the a to their relations and they were i ractions that are being put on by the a ditcontinuance of employls*: unneo- Casino, where the exercise* were heltf. ThompHon held, the retntt over Mattle. lan'orm will be other prominent then easily traced Long Branch Teachers' Association. The driver of ihe eipitss wagon .-i"«ar.T anrinant* at unitoeclwary pub- The Marine Band, of Mew The horsea got away at an even break, democrats, including assembly candl- , , . iCpnsiflued on SixQi Page.) Packard is always heralded as the was Harry H J»hnsou, of , Fourth Ueeipawe. Tfeerp were but Hi Henry jpok the lead and won York, led the procession, ies, i.vou K. Taylor, Elmer H. Oe- "curtain raiser" in these big courses. street. Highlands. Hr was thrown rourtfc: In the MHMtn* a»4 repair a number of floats in Un . The moat the heat going easy. The second and an and James H. HeiutrlckKOn.

WORKMCNjmLD RALLY BEL FORD CHURCH NEWS Stnte tlrand OKc^r* Report Order in Metrpdiets Led By Rev D..Y. Stephenn Finest in the world for Men and "Young i»"CIl * Prosper-out tT-OJiftition an| At- Matte M«ny Notablf fmprove- t-nd Ofcjf*t*»r Banquet. There vu a bit; iull> in Hrd Mt-u^s j rm Rev. I). V. SifphejiB, i,:ii, Anc'ent OrrtT.ftftimed'ihf Stjitc gnmti i>ffl- on subjffti which the cctC Tlip vf> front Included ph (\ Clopjrtr, of Cama'cn: * was* taken fr*>ni Ifit F^ter, 1: 8. Th<- (Vana H^coreVr J. H. lApyJucatt, ,"of j PEACH LEAF CBFrt. ibemc dfHli wilb the' «riseeir J"PBHF. , it'd Orar.d OvorKt'cr ^R. Ma- 1 A number of irnpr-iveiiK-ntf havt- ir., «f Newa-b. » Cautt; and Rcmediw Di>cu»«d In been made i.o. the t^arcb siace Mr.^j were made ton- Cerntll Univarsity Bulletin. Stephens came from Island Helj kerning tfu> financial conrtttimi and I'.BII.'liii iffii of liK tXirnffll onlVersitjr last .-(n'iny. The oliaccli \m- • f ^funding i». mcmtjorglUii of th*> ovder afi-U-jtliiiPaJ I'sjM-rfnirat >fiati<»ir gi»e* r»atnted, electric lightn have been in thf Siato. Among other icings I ibe dMfftiutinn.' .-iiuse anil iont*ol of Ktailed, iae old pew* have been ! •ewp nave been re- ^ rfaat luJiHMuiimd thi* EaUterfttg wan the siiiii i-ftuiiuou disease kuuun as the moved If entire room and y .•iiiit-aient that sliouU* tliH oiuir* mem IK-.-K-!I curl, • ?• 1 t h;;iir" blUl i-HfJiiii c them, a newg in i>Mp-be wijMd.out theie was BOW .\"o |3Afteb m-rtutt ivi.imnii' to \\\>- ttiV Ifitt'-i1 has \n•> II im'ciias^fi for IUI-M enotfeRli --moil*y In tiie surplus fund Io I'.M; tittfl' tw**i Xfittwrr* report iltat pa rsoilage an* the in te"t*or of bofh Sold exclusively by pay fill death Uenrflt*. when he f tit*.* KJ'tofin i- aUe »M'st »u*-eiitHiip. to WOMEN'S FUR BOATS ;liur'"b ,'uid parsonage, be&urified. Kfniui officers had concluded 'th^ir n '*•• . The choir lias l*een reorKflnized, IRA A. STRIGKL1N mark's, Mayor Chaik's O. MoFaddlu^ The sjuii'tMuyi.Hce^iKUv ic<-osi|^3«td. with William Densla BB chorlnter and mad*1 ^.Urltif- address on bfilwlf or the llif I-MVIS b •i-i.!iif ii'U only atmoriuJil- PARK, N EW JERSE Y Miss AUeeii White as organist. loral. lpdijp. After i he m^etinB the ibh L.«titMl iiuii ll'iMf* lilll I'riHlt'tilC work of the league, 'ihe Ladies' Aid i i. • stores C. B. SELECTS OFFICERS Pw*. lu .a**i PORT MONMOUTH NEWS board iva« f^ljojed. The visitors <'•!> **ii-*rt*- teiiUoic ilw-iu Soriefy will lioid a social next Tues • nf»ht. u^arly or 411tIf tlHuulctl "f f'*ii{i»r«: HH«1 Twenty eik&t» Animal Meeting o( ('orn^litiN wnl'.'ti ha» a position as d$y ni««t, Ociober liui. Fancy arti- charge $35 for. State Catholic Society is Held at ti.-H •<( a >>' h- of m? y&r tflffilFfbe i*]en,. eaK*1 mid Ice cream will be on flfeman mi the Northern Central *H- ii*4>f' tan iii i Freehold^ r. ^ - flurtl i'i luMt' them. It is ;!?kle; Tho ladfes are al o preparing rffiion of tb#- Pennsylvania Railroad. ^ J)AY OBSERVED (nii- ili.i! ii ii *'U .! .>(...; l'-.H !•>!--* KIHJll Aljoui ^9' delnsftu?? to ilie' t\Vemy. His ntn U from Rochester, N. Y., to ! fur th* liimi.r and sapper they fcerre Mr. and An. H|lnMr M. Wilson Uni;». i|Vlllli-fMl. I'li Hiiff I'ffrtrT--jjyf nature to, 1 eighth ,!tiijaaj sis^on of the state r'mpoiffujj .lunclioni . Peon. Hf in til* lectniv tooiu on election day. pecledly Celeirate Th«»r 44th •('\Ki\V I III' lut s jx ri I)":»vy drilin on tb* ('(iTUH'il. nlerft -l.«gio:t, |>«> libmV'lor Ina vacation nbout Kovein- vltuMi.v ..r Hi This is an annual feature. Marriage Anniverrr.-y. (rpre gn i. Council. N»>. bor'ut. Mr. Stepbeflkfutl 3 fofiuec Eatmnmvn Don't be mis- A surprise mm* piren Mr. und'Mls. j iftfi-ts lid' -liiMJlft-". rtlUsiJifc' [hew/t<» 2N. AI } r*M.olvei/in held. The eii'Ptlon «r a vlMutjMMra. Warren K. Froools, o> jubilee of ihat cbnrch. lead by false honit1. .190 IJflrk 1'laer, in 1ior.or.of theiy I |H< iHeiit. • "' ' "-"' "7. ' officers Important hushicua of Bronx l!)>i:vigh. New Y'irli. —T- i.OJ IV Touttil' " *-o(Mh!i? anilivci'saiy. t This ii;^«• If rwiisfd by a flnnyris the; ftfjgH sjobel Car™>) and Hairy Boyd, Tli v <-,(••• CTifwlifn tao suriwIsiTsi Mai Hr(W ?**ji ]uir;i-li<> in th.- fifl'-rt*'i\ SHREWSBURY NEWS statements. ^hd:f>r**Hem staff of offl of Uejitipy Manor, Slat™ Island, were fttfi'*. ifc «*ni i 1 aliived. flemtiiiniff. tlu-y foxtud their! *r« ttw .vouiip Jp«vft« and I»rcsi(!t'ni, F . A. fcf'! recent guests ot the tatter's slsfer, Hhl)Ht« Xf-ry Mr Kiiint and Adoiph Eer>' hpnie favaded ny trieiu!^ and « *USHr ihf htui'*iii the spring. Ernst, of Tmns RUcr, are We don't b^ John IMlfvi.-iiljn f.-an 8IJP111 at u-htcb dainiy i Mrs. WilliaO) SflKllHOO. .MINH Gracier Mills, who la studyin'"•g I iWieahiilfiits »!P>i- served. Tho« I for a tralnod mir.ve at the Mpi Patrick Caler.v and r;unil> ^ave niov- lieve in over- "'"jinMi'iit weift: Rev. T. B. Hughes, Mi. j pd illtn Mts» Hani«». • Eve(} • II. start for C^iif'irni-i t .',:i\ilt:iiy of l^i* Infill- touiit-it, ml- prof, 1- illiiKc, ii-v^rs wr;r mail t>> .M:\yor AU'\. [ . A 8oriou» Prcdtcumtnlt today. t second fla6r It•• on-• * pan lm"affcJ$0 to kf"f«|j UJI an Moroiui nii(f in late sum- the latest and J. Shlllvan. jf flailif Ills ( iiwu . or.gi VVIM inn. "' J'VWH»UH WIUUT in- Miss Cora W. JetiningB visited Mist ) it."—<'!il-;i- or, j,he 'j^vairi r^S Ju«t Tri_aBurer JoHh K. IHi r: V. ftkh • over tbe last of the week, returning on most up-to- spoHo highly of 'XW ttotip!t^Kt\ met ho' r > ptuohttsPd. Mr. l'lkp la Sunday. • with in Kp'eliotti, holii Trom Ihe mem- h\s fast-hori-eB, and he tet i BUllv There will be a meeting of tho New date apparel ir j Agrfcultiuul bars of the Ifteal rouii l ttud from tl:' naw pr(i roil to.' fakf th^ dust from.! Use Tig- ine'nt Htution.j JerHey PreBbyterian Synori at iJlfce- • oHiclalt^ auti [ownfipeni'le Ktw'tnUy. ', h nno. ' WIHKI an O(-tt-iR.r 17th. Rev. IX 1.. Par- for Fall and n por this reason allefforts to Control It 1 are most effective If trade 'before tba sons, vice moderator nf ihe Synod, wil take {mrt m \h> t->* jiir-">. Ladies' 3ocial CUcle. Smaller Feet ] bods besla to 'airrll. »**• ?.. Winter. THREE MQNTBS FOR BAKER Hereafter the Oiilar evening Bihle >.Indies" Roflhl Circle of Middli Sore Fact, tender Feet and Swollen ]• Tbe important fucietrjj Ju -IU», control Man When Qrur.li ffotsred and Tried towri«hi!> In inpeiiug this afiei Feet, Cured Every Time. • ot this disease seem to. b» ih iitum of Rtlldy elass will meel in ^*le Parish jlo jloiis,. il T S#. J to Lc^t l-ivirir) Apirtmsnts Over til Ute uoi««* of- Vfi.s. isfilah II. Mak«a Soro Feet Well No ftppileMipn. '•_') ih^rAflphii*-!*}* -unil (9) Matter What Alls Them. Mis^ Kviv Valeiul!t« IM t-ntertainins Heidi's Baksry. j ;;', ex, uf liiu iiinnv Ainoii^ tUoee t tto* ft>RRlf*Sde nsen. T» COMET CLUB ENTERTAINS. ! TO IMPROVE FIRE DRILLS. Mrs. HVKSUS, of Brooklyn. I ii;i:iiif • i-r.1.!..;, ^^ uti ii.i^o.i'^!! p , ut ire: .Mri". D. T. Hpndrii'kson, i rospn1« •also the order of lmportanceTof r .\?is.- Ella I.;.nn is pick with a heavy liakor, \vas found Jaat tiislit ^olna* ;i: I. Hfiny WaUimr, Mrs. VV(lli:l:n i hece (hr*t* fflfftKB. Long Branch Guests Included in the Red Ba^k School? Already Have Great .-old. ihroSlRh !i:" living aiiartnu-iita over th< Vsimbn, Mt». He'.rr Coe, Mra. IVillluni j Tho ii}*'*' of flie *i'ii\U'Atkm is any Shore Dinner Par*v at Oceanport. Record But WW Try to Better It. Heidi bakery (It vh«l tinier of Thirrt Hiitulley c:id Mrs. C. H. 'Waning;, of 11o» within :t inmiih b'-i'ii-i- Hf bmls Twenty :hi«>e of tbe ni*M*ihers au«i Tbe Board of Kducaikwi of ihe Uoi-. aveaue and Broadway. His iireseiuv I'oil Mfmmouth; Mrs. O. W. Budlmig MRglu t<» M\veh and T^ofu're rain perlodfl, HUSBAND'S DEATH KILLS WIFE fri^adsr oi th+ Goea^t fhtb *pent a ough of Red Baak met lu regular.(*ej«- attracted the attention of the bakers »t)« Mrs. J. I!. Johnson, of Belford: ti«t ttfti-i-. . _' \. ._ ,, pie^mti erfrJus at t 'u\u a in AI. t-lcn Tuesday night, Dr. W. L. MaftOit, mi duty, oj-d when they found the niai. Mi«. n. C. Hendrickson, \*rs. A. J. Itw feat vf thorougli,woj^ H to find Woman Suecumbt to Sorrow on Bant ! Sf1lUil 8 William J. Sutton and KdHiimd wllson with a n«ml>er of Kayiuvniw \n his p:>s ''ahner and Mrs. Willard N. Palmer no lrtiil«'»n the trees iluit are entirely Steamship T«rtd«r. d"5 • F' ntftrc VBH tlse flfth »bor? betn« in*- only members prevent. He^sion they realised I hat rofthery was of fflOmtitkfil* Mtss Nora PloCP. Mlw t ovrrod with an evenly distributed I "I""-" cil there by the club this ; Tbe u.^'ial reutine bujsineaa waa gone o ooo of sereral. ;,t' I.I T*U«y voWfil Ow ><• (ii>ciission. Principal ,1. H. man Edward*, who' look Itini to Oity Mi's. A. 1.. PHJBjl «>!<1 !Hl»si Belle Phil- ' Uejwaied cxi^rJnieitttt-UAre sijown that tbe t«Otfrr nf would "conie again," • Amoria: ihe guests w*rc; H. M%IUuv Wile makes it a point to attend all Hall for an cxuRpMtpn thin jnornins ill. of Maharas I'lHeri: Mra» W. R. Taj'- [ Honl(::iux ini.Murr ."• ~>:.\t to 3-4-SO will •inz WilliHiii. he hiit'ii hat, pair 01 Con row, A. 1. CDW\QA, Douglas 6. Gar-, meet ..-,. ... ).>r. Met. ('. O. ..Helwlg. , Mf*. E. .1. | '•astroI itoiu-h U'nf cu«). I.imo «utphur, (OTTRW iH-.jiliie f I be tlejith of her Inishniiil. 1 rigan. freor^e Gilford, Frank I- Prfcv.'' Tbe matter of fire drills was Itronttbt iwnts ami iwd.Of i.hwv eoals, lielont;- Wlllett. Mrs. William H. Palmer, Mr: home (toiled, t.r i-oiiuiierriul concea- II1PM with Ihe re*r. (rlHOnef had (»rcpimiwi^"?-jvprfeed tit tltf he held at Marlboro tonight and at called_ TIZ. TIZ maken yore feet wel" n verified at ib*y*rofi, XIMI'II ki^fy 1;« «»»ly »ll»*eH At iocnl lialiu Bhop.^aHl 'fas not rrlml- Holmdel iom*nbw night. These meet-1 and swollen ft'et are quickly reduced to ilie Oeor«irt evperlnient station, for be- Io coUM' :iud court lit- swi't-|Uf;irt The womaa who seek* more Z ^^TFZST***, n:ti!y in- iiiit-d. , "J'4i*J Juan bad bHiw ing* m be .ddrerf^d. by the Uiree fi.^^ V^^^H font «i!iTcr s4»ni.vins iietitnie nereMsry, throusb line be^ivily, tarred iviudflir*' to rnrumi thf San #am wale, pome leaf suitable employment will usual- Aifr^i Boukber of ta« Board otisau drlnHliK. and for tills leason took th* Asaomhly candMatfs, Klmer H. Geran, tull size smaller with perfect comfort uf her fiitln-r'» iiornc. After I IM*V tMirl wtm discovered fn the orchards. r J 4. - ineoitnar is b*'hiR plaitnod for Keyport, ftff t^r'^leT aTdTug- ^flranc? to n dressed ctircass. + DEALERS IN and )t is expected that Hon. George Don't imprison the disease genus I { ho;fi lelp has* tune to take an gists 25 rents per box or dft-ect If you A hen's sppetlte bears directly upon 8. Sllxor and other gifted speakers I wish from WAUer lather her egfr production. Exercise glres It hi your skin by the use of trt'-n Lumber Hardware Paints l 0hlca o interest, in pther'thingrf.. will be present to makst. . . , salves, and thus encourage them ipiy. A irur t\\\f Qt all n7tn Lime Metal Lath Oils Shift your lieny^nl about every year ions diseases can be brought %bout]i or two. Tbe cnlckn wtU,do better and Brick Brushes White Lead only by alioCtV niftnlittg^ agents inf] pep healthier. the fi< in of a liquid. Alias Portland Cement Varnishes Tiro klndN of .hi, kons will do to kill WASH THI? OERMS OUT, ' tli"' t- that bnreu't begun to lay and :*CENTS FOB A simple wash: A comiHKind of OH[j those ihnt have tyiit. Wood Pulp, Tiger Grand White feck Finish, Sackftt's Wail Burd of WinterjrfejL Thymol, other l« I.«-f f;t in UTS take more intereft ID gredients as .oiMhin.d in the O. D. I>. • OUH SPECIALT1KS xliibftln^ poultry -,.t the county and Pr*»Bcription. This penetrates to the | 5 talc ftiiiH. run- bred fowls will aU- disease gerpig and destroys tbein '% BOAT CEDAR YELLOW PINE PK1CES RIGHT ertisc your farm. then soothe^ 'and. lieatfi the skin ss' 5 If yon wl*h yotir h^n» to lay well ;h:i;E else ha« ev*»r done. Office ud Yajd, N.. 70 Brwdw.y N. J. So. R. R. next ?prinf? it will be adrloable to A 2a cent trial bottle «il! start :!)<• 1 provide rnnire for them. Tbin i-tm b* cure, and give you Instant relief. Telephone CallTSo. 33 LONG BRANCH, N. J. avidson's done by ivinnth»K. a winter vn»p f«r y S I heir benetll. Wrrta Pharmacy, Broadway, THE LARGEST CLOTHING SHOP IN NEW JERSEY Turn the i-oultry mto lh> gtinleh. If Bjanch. ' mmsible. durliit; thp last fftll

Our Big Store is nearing completion. ^ The wom*» who ooolci nay LONG BRANCH find the woman who waats a ASMIltY PARK STEINER & SC i. Watch for the opening of the Greater Davicfeons. MANASQUAN throufb a want |4v. POUR LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1*10.

has a toeman worthy of Its steel. It crlbod this course by tbe President a» •MM "leadepihjpj' and they tare boasted1 DAILY RECORD will seed united action on the part that as a consequence of it the. r«cent ISSUED BVIRY WBKK DAT of Republican* to elect their candi Congress was a record-breaker In tbe •XCBJPT FRIDAY date, and tbe speeches belittling Dr ITIZENS way of good works. The. Republican It's What You SAVE Wilson's political ability only wrvs t. State platform became enthusiastic F1BST LONG BRANCH RECORD over this matter, and after describing | NATIONAL strengthen hi* cause by causing Re- Kvwy PrUay NATIONAL President Tart's attitude an the "loft-j BANK publicans who know him . to dese lest patriotism," asserted that tbe re their own candidate. . i cent Congress "ha** passed more meas That makes You RICH BMJ. Bolnesu Babbitt Kdlto BANK tires Whtth contribute to the benefit "Such attacks on th« personal char or LONO BRANCH, N, J. and devplopmenj of the country than aeter of Dr. Wilson should not be any other Congress ulnce the organl- .Timi of BuDscnptioa It's what y4usav 'or Governor of New York, launches terests" .newspapers of the* State arc thing to wear, and yet people smash- THE WILSON INDICTMENT. quoting a( length provisions Iron) the ed them at the Coney Island mural away on vacation. Never sick. Al- Verdi was indicted, arraigned and sen- bis campaign with a" statement that gras, and only men looking for-trou- At last the campaign baa procrea- State CmiBtitution in tin effort to prove ways well. Always on hand, and tenced to a term of thirty yean In Roosevelt is tbe Issue and that he is that Woodcow Wilwin, if elected, ble Wore them at the polo Grounds. always ready to give your business ted to a point wbere It IB possible to state prison at hard labor witblu two a national menace. That's not a very would be an "unconstitutional Gover- : Lord Harraswortb told on inter- summarize tbe charges against Presi- nor." ' , viewer the other day that we were "a strict attention. We are authorized lours.—News Item. flattering view to express of the in- notion of: white Gblnese.'< He meant dent Woodrow Wilson, 01 Princeton, The basis of thoir complaint they to act as But ia t hat entirely to tie credit or elllgence of the American people. try to found on tbe separation of thethat we cultivated- tbe dead level In aa a candidate tor Governor. various things, including our clothes, Jersey Justice? And voters don't like to be (•ailed executive, legislative and judicial EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN, ADMINISTRATOR AND TRUSTEE. The Indictment framed is a severe functions. The allied fact that this and that the. popular edict againat 'Railroading" a poor, friendless, gullible. Dlx is running well, but in straw hats worn after mid-September one. . he wrong direction to win. government. In theory at least. Is one moneyless foreigner certainly doesn't "of, tor and to the people" IS entirely was just about a» binding as the Man- Count one la, that he Is a scholar. cbu edict requiring the Chinese.to ifford a teat of the real worth of Jus- foreign to their manner of thought NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE AND TRUST CO. Count two is that he hasn't mixed in The Newark News was a vociferous wear cues. Our British critic has "if tice. . -.-•,--:'. Tbe Patetson Call goes Into the dis- about right.—X. Y. Kvenlng Mull. Augustus Chandler, Pres, Matthias Woolley, Vice Pro.. pollBCB. Wilson supporters until Lewis began cussion at great length • and finally 1. 8. Scobey, Vice Prea. A. T. Woolley, Sec'y and Treas. ' Who Imagines for a moment that calls Wilson "a theoretical autocrat €ount three Is that be wasn't born o whoop it up, but since. then it has he result would have beep tbe same. who evidently suffers from a lament- in N'c» Jermy. bflgun to wobble alarmingly. Will bM tbe defendant been able U) em- able and unaccountable ignorance of Failed! Have we falli-d,? Yen. failure fount four Is that he attack* the xone one kindly administer a double- the fundamental principles of the gov- cornea to all at us; ploy i«arned counsel? • ernment of our Commonwealth." tariff law although this Is a high tar- tae of nerve tonioT We are doomed to taste of failure no: Under the circumstances less Of course, Woodrow Wit«on, LL. D , iff state: matter how we strive; speed would have been in decidedly professor of jurtaprudence and politics For the Lord hath laid it down • "The Leading Fire Insurance Company of America" Count live Is that he is the creature "Tart Won't Try to Dodge Second In the grMnat university of the State, We must (ixbt to win the. crown-}1 better taat*. knows nothing fbout oenatltutional of a corrupt machine. -- Term," reads a headline. Certainly It Is bra»(e to go on fighting, it Is limitationB m compared* with the erudi- Count «lx u that he Is only a Wall lot. He won't get the chance to. good to be alive. PLATFORM*. tion of the Pateraon Call arid the boss- Street tc*I. es of the standpatter.. Ye«, we have failed, and the goals we Count seven ts that he> la opposed It is'sofa vert definite platlonn EDITORIAL COMMENT But what has been tbe extent of sought have fled from us;. ' which, tbe Democratic candidates lor i)r. Wilson's offending? It Is found in The bills were steep and rugged, and to labor unions. this and merely this: Dr. Wilson lias Freeholders In Monmouth issue, be- That's All. '. weary was the way; Tnia la a horrible array of heinous Another futility, by the-way. seems said that if elected he would go before The .streams of hope ran dry offeusiw surely. But accusation is cause there Is little definite that can o be opposition to , the pilule with bis measures that he And beneath a bitter sky >e said ID sueb a document. The —N. Y. Evening Mall (Rep.). believes necessary for the welfare of We have learned to u.te pur failures not suHcient. Allegations are worth- the general public, explain -them, ana- Democrats said all they could have and to fight another day. lean.until proved, <* The Old, 014 Story. lyze them, and in that way enable the aid. «xcept perhape to pledge their people through him to bring intelli- As to be being a scholar, it Is to be The tall of the throne o? Portugal Shall we not win? Shall God withhold import to the . Ocean Highway pro- urnlsbes another opportunity to gent pressure on the legislature to (eared tbe defendant* will hare to convert theae plans Into law. - His hand from us? itahie things on a woman.—Baltimore Victory Is iu striving; tbe reward is Capital. , $5,000,000 plead guilty. But that is not a hang- lun. *" > .' ,, . • Of course, to . The Call and tbe Freehofdefs occupy practically the in the work. Total Assets T. 18,002,110 ing crime. ' Htamlnutu-ru generally this,, is Tank The truth shall make us whole In respect to the charge of riot hav-same relation to the government/al "Gangs" By a Gangatar. heresy. It Is allowing the people to And a man shall save his soul Net Surplus 5,771,930 Senator John Kean in tbe course of take an Intelligent, part in governing ing roiivd in politics, he may demur tbe coiiity as Counellmen do to If he fights tbe battle bravely, nor' '* , *; '-ir jr i i - * an attack upon Dr. Woodrow Wilson -themselves, and the outcome of such lag behind nor shirk. and plead that experience in feeding hat of a town or city. A clean, pro- it Hackeusack last night charged Mr. procedure would be .unspeakably at tbe public crib is not. prescribed [ressive, efficient, economical busV Vllson with working in tbe hands of dreadful—for the special interests and their proteges, the tttinupaUers. Tears will not avail, nor regret 6'er n<"»s administration of public affairs State "gang." Political candidates i what was wasted. H. W. GREEN & BRO., Agents by law as a necessary qualification fur Hreslftent Taft 'has been haiWd by g all that In demanded of them. gainst whom that charge Is not aiade I.«t your Moiil be armored; itndaunt- any office. •.'.;,. .' . n these days are as scarce as. hen's the Vreguljus" Withe greatest "Coo.- 231 BROADWAY ' ed yet your will, .; . ' . , Hi- Is guilty, of course, df not hav- Partisan, politic* shouldn't enter eeth, but the point Is that John Kean, stitutlonaVGhler Bxecrutlve,". Ve't' Mr. The Way is.free befoi« ns LONG BRANCH^ NEW JERSEY Tat!t wenjl.b^fo'r^the.pebpje^^ ing been born is New lerpjjr. ."BMt4 nto It at,a|l. '"•> 'V,'<•'' - ' n a campaign «ucb as this, *ttoul:various can- ihf muBiirw h«'thouKht'dtKhl to to J.ove .re,n»iSi)i to coinfor^t - us, an(l Mr. Kean n^y even deny »h'w be iiope Is with us still: ' ' wasn't allowed to MM tli Mrlb- ildaten alone should, wiuat! '' a mi'mbcr of a gang. True, Ald- la*. "•. • ' "J '•'.•..• .: ,• .;.."... ••Washington herald. place and furthermore*-r.!tb»j"•> reoeit Vet a platform W w.eU-enough. It ieb et at have been consigned to ^Jhv Anil \w went further than that He tiirent,.ii.il to; and orle «r bin Cabinet roniraits tbe caudi*lie» who »Ign It 10 aloqg with the shades of Artaierx precedent sanctions his candidacy and the late JUOKH, J. J«ffrl<^s. and attempted to, read out oC the party i H0U6HTS R£ADtNG not with stand ini;. Governor Stokes not p certain principles and a certain pro- John Kean has small excuse tij. r.- everybody in f'yugretis who did not MORfGAGE LOANS Just ai »'nui; their po- (ean did not earn his meed of .praise. of the Cbief Kxtw.tiilve, refuse* to be nounred It aa sharply. ' •• *•'• convince^ that his Oteasurea were all Politics will b« dlgnifted by aood ad- sit1»n» in reference'to proposed legis He ran his errands well. When the vertising. If John Jones, a good man, To controvert the charge of being whip cracked he danced and he wore they should be. ation ppecificall/ and fully. The Papers like the Paterson Call des nominated for oflic- by on* party, and a creature of a machine or a Wall be toga with eclat. As Mm. McOiiire Henry Smith, another good man, nom- Pleasure Bay. Oldest Hotel OB tbe Shrewsbury Street tool all the evidence required county convention uaed to do this; bat inated for office by another party, go Open tbe Entire Tear. Shore Dinners a Specialty. ine direct primary has done away before the people expressing tHeir PRICE'S HOTEL New England Clan Bakes. Shell Fish and Game In Is the story of his life and his public Reason. Comuetent Satllnc Masters wits that, and ualess Assembly candi- views in a aane, human interest way u Iterance*. In the newspapers that represent all dates speak out the Voters are left PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD To disprove the statement that he parties, we have,clean, decent poll is opposed" to labor unions it In only n the dark as to whether when they tics, and men who are not how willing ast a vote for an Assemblyman they Bulletin. to run for office, because of the ahuae necessary to read the positive, direct, heaped on them, will gladly serve the THE FIRE PROOF specific pledges b« makes to en are voting for a representative or public—WiMI m C. freeman, In Eve mlnrepretientaUve. OPENING OF THE GREAT PENN- ning. Mai,. , THEATRE. . . . Ueavor to secure effective employers LYCEUM liability legislation IB place of tbe SYLVANIA STATION IN farce laws which sis opponent boaata PROMOTES OOOO GOVERNMENT. v ; changed Monday and Thursday. bis party has enacted. But to clinch .New York City is setting a valu- NEW YOBK. Fifty Years Ago Today. It he might quote from bis vVuodhury able example to smaller municipalities On Sunjiay, November 2T, fntt train' gervicfe *ill- Oct.}3. MOVING PICTURES. speech to this effect— in its budget exhibit at 380 Broadway. be inaugurated by the Pennsylvania ltailroarf to and : The I'riiue of Wales mt "I say all honor to the legitimate Tne greatest nraderancg to economi- Ireuted,' "t4 oue of ta* fluent CHANGED EVERY DAT frohi its new station at Seventh Avenue and Thirty-' . apectaeles ever »Wtneiiaed In use of organized labor. I Wave taken :al and efficient city government Is second Street, Ne-w York City. •'. New toTk," a torfbllgbt iraniiie the liberty sometiaMs, as every man the1 lack of public Interest in the de- of-tbe. volunteer lire derui-t- should, to criticise tome of the things tails. Good, honest work for this The location of the Pennsylvania Station, one inent. ltruily. tbe KreuKnhnti**- WHITE CLOUD & CO., block from Broadway, two blocks fpom -Fifth Avenine, / rjiphor, nnuie a mmiln-r of nota- that organized labor has done, but I i-ehson often goes unappreciated and ble poses. "I tbe lu'ince iilmie and In Tbe Indian—6 People—6. have never lor a moment ceaned to thereby tbe most powerful incentive is in the heart of the hotel, elub, and theatre district of also of grourfs, .^yitb t'lie prince eymuathhM with then* essential ob- to honesty and efficiency In the pub- Miiiiliiiltun. Within a short radius are located the as tbe'central ilatire. '/ jects which have benefited the labor majority of the big retail storpa and restaurante. The lic service Is to a large extent de Twenty-five Years Ago Today. Joyce & Donnelly Ing man. The > Muter? of wages is stroyed. . Seventh Avenue surface cars jmd ttte Kighth AVenue J. Plerpout Morgan Miblected SINGING AND DANCING. tbe history of organized effort. It W tile average yot*f "refuses to give surfacie care pans tya-doors; the Thirty-foarth SitYa«t <•> n KrilllnK hi tbe bivestlgii- not tbe history of the tariff." attention to long columns of (gunw surface cars (erosstovro) pass its Thirty-fourth Street flon at itui sale iif rlie CknMh On tbese facts, can there be a con entrance, and stations of the Hiith Av.etttie Eltd |'eotiM.vlviini:i fnHroad 'ti/t-tbe and dry statistics.; But New York Pennsylvania, llallruuil enfbpa- vtction of Ineligibillty? City Is showing that be will give heed and llndson a^d Manhattan Tubes arc'ij,.short Baby Nellie «nen the fic'u are a'l'tfactlvely pro from its main entrance - •',;•' •' • '•"•• INJURING THEIR- OWN CAUSE. jented to blln in concrete form. '. Time tables showtiig the sorvice to .nnrj froiji tue I ,, . •Th »aU«f»y«ir;.' A spell-binder's attempt,'at an GSltaa One Ne.w York eltUun- writes that J LEWELLYN & GOODMAN Pennsylvania Station are now being a.rraagcd( and '3'herir is alwuys il b«K^ way of d "bcth Repubilcaiyrally tne other nl(ht th« budget exhibit' "e»r«lit in Inter may be bbtained at Ticket Offices before' iho opening everything. If It Uuiilj' to Iwpl an M, VgNTtULOQUIST. to'brand Woodrow Wilson as a mere eel any play, ppectaetfetfrpera or con of the Station. ^infim ':; • toy of the Democratic botirm waV se- cert'oii tne boirm." tdniature Are Otvbtetl txtiusiv.ly to verely, rebuked by Judge William N -

OurSchool Shoes Men's High Top Shoes CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Are not an experiment but Shoes of proven Value, because they are / - _ solid leather—Will stand the wet. Many a higher priced shoe don't at f 3^0 to wear any better, RESULT PRODUCING LITTLE MONEYMAKERS, ONE CENT „ CHILDREN'S 60c, 75c, $1.00 and »1.?5 MI8SE8, -L.I.TTLE QCNTS $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Mm, if you want rough wathtr Sh— Out wOt EACH WORD YOUNG MtN'S .-:'. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Hand rial —nit*, try a pair of 0m— gromt • WOLF LIEBERMANS 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE f lilU LI'ITLH DEPARTMENT STORE CLARENCE WHITE I I 228 Broadway Long Branch, N. J. NO ADVERTISEMENT TAKEN FOE LESS THAN 10 CENTS

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. otuge Place, twp. Ocean, $1. John CoEan, el ax, to Wnt. H. Hula*. SITUATION WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS WHEN DX8ERTED Camels That Rid«. Sarah K. Clark to Sarah Walling. Ld. twp. SbrewtSorv. $1. The Bedouins dseelBts their baggage David Ogilvy, et 111, to Mary H. Ld. Main at, Matawan. $1. John H ira- So .. jar.H B. statin. IN MONDAY'S ISSUE WILL BE INSERTED TUESDAY camels lu • the most fantastic- manner. Kaven. Lots 3 to 8 inclu., Blo.-k T, J .and <> lioan Co. to John E. Parley, Ld. Graiul Tour all., iw#. Middletown, A huge pack saddle 1H narrnonnted by et ux. 1*1. McCarter ave., twp Shrews- $1. s still larger pannier. Above this map sandy Hook Bay eat., Pan Mon- WITHOUT CHARGE AND THOSE INSERTED FRIDAY $1. • bury, n. " . Eugene Thurstoo, et ux. to Ttinniss % -4 in Is a sort of chair in which the WILL BE INSERTED SATURDAY WITHOUT CHARGE. rkler alts. Xh« long KUIIM of leather Ogilvy, et ui, to Fiitz Von- Theo. F. Wbite, et ux, to Eioma M. . Dougia*. lot 13, maa Cbarie» mnglng down tin- sided nre ximph Briessen. lx>is 13 io 18 inclu.. Block Van Bcholck. Lot 40, map Wm Bide, Carr, East Keansburg Beach, f 1. 'or decorative punwwos. 1 have senn A, map Bandy Hook Bay cut.. Fort j). Shrewsbury, $1. Barnes* A. Arend, et in, to Oeoraw camels when too young to go an long Momnouth, $1. Water Witch Development Co. toB. Mccarty. Ld. sear Ke« Bank, twp HELP WANTED—FEMALE rek» being carried in these panniers, Neptune Kealty Co. to Alexander Wm. Dyson. Lot 17. Block V. mapShrewsbury, $J. MISCELLANEOUS REAL EST•ATE. JFOR RENT and they are always used for tb" Be- M. Vlrglen, et al. Id. Third ave., Wlater Witch Development Co., $1. LoMaa A. McLean and ba*'« » donin children. , Bradley Beach, $1. Oeo. S. Covert to Sadie A. Ztegier. Mabel T. ThrockmorUMi. Ld. Front WANTED—Qlr) to assist general AUTO far hire by the hour.' Tal. FOR RENT—Furnished cottage, 126 St.,' Bed Bank, $1. Thbj tril.i' has many quaint and ruii- J. Henry Drew, et u*. to lavnra V. Lot 2». map VanDerveer Place, Long housework. Mrs.» Mttlaollandi 89 237-H, Long Branch, 72 Grand ave. E. Qarfleld avenue. Apply 89 Broadway. rinK. Ld. Fifth Ave., Anbury Park,Branch, $1. Edmund W, Tbrocfctmrttni, et wt, w Broadway. 240to242» B. Field. 225d«-wtf ous enirtoms. Perlmim tbe most 242* JUS of these Is the umnu*»r*iu wblt-b $1. Margaret Fitzslmmons to WUlard to Louisa A. Moiyoan. Ld, FVont St.. WANTED.—Girl for general house- WANTED.-»4,0OO on first bond and :bey show their esteem ' for . certain Laura V. Arlng to Mattle K. Drew, J. Sterner, lid. Kdgemont ave., twpRe. d Bank, $1. TO LET—*Three room bungalow, Ocean, $1. Thomas L. Slocttm, et •». to Mary work. 442'Broaflway. 23H-340* mortgage at s per cent, on flrat-claae urniahed, $8 per month. 495 Patten strangens. One ei-Fulug v>l"'» a young et al. Ld. Fifth ave.. Anbury Park. $1. property worth 112,000. Address Bond. eanel Bad been killed f.>r ih<- meal I Samuel Basse to Oeorgls Ardis. Lot Land aV Loan Co. to Mary K. Oil-8. West. Ld. Sixth MM., I*** Branch. HELP WANTED— General houM- avenue, Pleasure Bay.. 240to242* Record office. noticed the women collwlinj ibe 2, Range B. West Orove, ,-• martin. Lot SI. Thomas ave., map*»-: • • orn. 104 Franklin ave. 239dfcwt! FOR RENT—Reasonable, house all ilood In a bowl. TIHTI. to my antoo Sarah A. Lone to Oeo. B. Dodd. Ld. Wilson. Merritt ft Smock, near Bed Jonas Lobe!, et BX. to Ceiia •**- FOR EXCHANGE, Smith automo- mprovemenU. 479 Batb* ave. in- ihtnent. they started painting my Boston Bt., Aubnry Park, $1. Bank, $1. hard. Ld. eor. Ada»n St. IM.OHU 50 OPERATORS wanted to malt* bile, 1907 model, line condition, for ave., twp. Ocean. $1. men's ntslil. sulrta; also work given quire 193 Morris ave. 239U>248' camels on the necks and flankt* witl: Maria Hart to James T. Bastedo. Land tbcLot 1544, map Ocean Beach Aaa'n, manin. Ld. Broad at., Red Bask, $1. Mark C. Meagher, et ux, to Anna X. out to be made at borne. Call today. Asbury Park. -**w tU FOR RENT.—2 (even-room houses Mane*. Lou U. M, Hack- $, ma? Btelner ft Son, MorrlB sve. 186d*wtf tpieot of the grmitest honor tba* $2,25. Samuel H. Mill* to Walter E. Dare. on Edwards ave., $12; half bouse, 7 Trusteed for the Support of PuHlc lot 19, map. South Blberon Land River Plaza, tw» MtdsUatosn. fL. H. RITZAU, remover of dead ani- rooms, B'way, $10; 8-room house, Sev- rao. be paid n BiranxtT. The blood drlod on und rrtnalnwl for a long Schools or the 9Ute of New Jers*> Co., $1. SnrewsiHiry River Bungalow Coiear WAGON FOR SALE mals, Red Bank, N. J. Telephone enth ave.. water and gas, $15; 7-room to Robert M. Robaon. 156 A. t«rp. New Point Comfort Beach Co. to10 Ktchard E. BhaMcr. Lot 1 BVack 129 J- . . SO'itulOt tiw. avtlns as a talismiiu among all house, new, Morford ave., $111; 8 the Sberarnt trlbe.'-DuuKBW ^*arTl^ ITpper Freehold, $2,473.33. Augusta Heidel. Lot 72. map New1. and Lot 1 Block 2. map «re»*»swr BARGAINS—Runabout, Depot Wag- room house, Warden St., $12, andtb«r* In Wtte World Magazine Michael r. McDonald, el ux, to Ar Point Comfort Beach Co., Keaasbufg, Bunsjalow eakHt* near Uttl* Mwi on. Wagonette, wagon to carry 12, also ROOMS TO LET others. Inquire Chan. A. Hallock, thur Brisbane. 2 tracts twp. Howeil. L It.' <. one carry four and pony wagon; sin- B'way and Washington st. 238tf Charles A. Wright to Lillian L. .Dix- Sarah A. ralrrhtld, et sis. U> JisUa gle and dqubte harness, at great sacri- FOB RENT—Ao or three unfur- * Tragedy of laatinct. .Weil Ld. Bank St., Mat*«aa. tM. TO LET.—Seven-room apartment* The procefisionariet! are ntber John B. Johnson,, et ui. to Thomas 111. S A. iwp. Ealontown. $50. fice. OsUl" S«4 Berdan Place*, heab nished rooms. Inquire 36 Morrell St. J. Robinson. Ld. twp. Atlantic, $SM) Margaret Morford to Win. Morford. W. A. Close. «t al, t» Jalla C Wm. 239toS41» n ih« 'llyiunn building. Seventh and caterv>Hlars. A slnslo KtrinK of tbeui Ld. twp. Matawan. 91. Branchuort ave., Braachport. Hendrickson avenues, ten dollars. Ire or six yards long has }uA flimbefl Wm. p. Denme, et ux, to Joseph M. lots Morford homestead farm. twp. FOR RENT—Heated rooms for win- Brlhley. 186 Broadway. 238to242' dowtt from my parasol ptntw and IK ai W. Kitchen. Ld. twp. Howeil, II, Middietown, $1. Cordelia MeAlsts, at at*, to Wm. B. Harriet a Snedeker and hus'd to ArrowssiU- IA. CcaUr* Bt, Matawan. , FOR SALE—Pony, cart and harness. ter, with or without board. National this moment infoldmg Irself in tlic James B. Dayton, et al, to Laura V. Hotel. 7 239to244dftW* FOR RENT—Houses, ten, twelve, walls of my f»rd«n. carpeting the Howe. Lot 4, Block 10, may Dayton Psollne de Oucteliac Ld. LlncolB $36. Pony is Bound and von blue ribbon fifteen dollars and up. B. C. Sliaon, * DeNyse, West Asbury Park, $£S0_ >ve.. Atlantic IHghUnds. $1. 1. E. Ainnwsatjk to «N» C. last year. -Perfectly safe and reliable ground travented with transparent silk, FURNISHED room to lot, with or 68 Washington St. 238to 240 according t*> the custom of the race. James B. Dayton, et al, to Pentlla Maria L. Rldabock to Mary McCasB. Went. Ld. Centre «-, Mala—. fl. (or children. Stylish book. Dr. H. R. without board. Bath and gas. 481 M. Harrison, lot 2, Block 11, mapTrustee. Lot 8, Map 1, wi.'Jota Sef- Ciark. * 2Sld&wtf TO LET—Two houses for the Win- To say nothing of the meiporolglral Bath ave. 238to242* apparatus of unparalleled delicacy liayton ft DeNyae, West Anbury :on, H^hlands, $1. er. B. 8. Hunt, corner Chelsea and Park. »286. f Ixxiise Hartuhorne, et al. to John THREW AWAY HIS CATCH TO LET—Pleasant rooms without Second. - ' 238tfd£w which they carry on their spine, (hew REAL ESTATE^FOR SALE board. 127 Chulsea ave. 237to242» caterpillars, as everybody knows, have Peter Moore, et al, to Arthur B. Van- Horan. Ld. twp. Middietown. $10 Shrewsbury Man Who W*M on Psst> ' OR RENT HOUSE for rent In Arcana ave.. !hls remackable . Shrewsbury grocer.. reference. Address Qardener, Rec- G. Bray, R. F. D., Long Branch. H. Hughes. 230tfd£w wetiriuess, the unhappy troop on •Its Charles U, Thatcher, Jr., to Flor- Uenj. P. Morris, et al, to WUlard On the way to the river thar< a»«t ord dnice. 239to241* tragic round without rest, respite or ence D. Hagedorn. Ld. twp. Howeil, Burner. Lot 2, map est- Lewis T. Joseph Thompson, who was beat an DOUBLE house to 1st. Gas andmerer, pursued the pitiless circle un- th« same sport. U« refasad to a* FOR SALE.—Handsome broadcloth til death arrived.—Forum. Neninir. Long Branch, $1. MONEY TO LOAN fur lined coat; also dress goods at water. Thou. Beatty, 206 Westwood n. - . J. Wesley Seaman, et ux, to Henry with tbetn, howavwr, tor ae was aCralC half value. Call Mrs. Win. Carey, Vic- ave. 228dftwtt Eliza S. Ramsay and hus'd to Viola H. Pemberton. Lots 127, 137, mapthat tbe boat would be crowned. *a $1,000. $2,000, $3*00 or »S,000 to tor ave. 239to241* FURNISHED house, heater, hot and It. Manning and hus'd. Lots 1, 2, 3Hal, l ft f-emberion, Long Branch. $500. the men told him of tbdr mlBMIaa of ' Called For Glory Divine. catching all tb* flsh in the river aajl loan on first bond and mortgage. Ap- cold water, cheap for winter months A mom; jUm customers. iu.« aws store 4, Block <1, map ("has. Carr, West Nathaniel Niles to Wm. H. Dennis. ply to W. A: Bt«vens, Helsley Building. A GOOD, square piano for sal* for a. E. Poland, 316 Second ave. Keanaburg Beach, twp. Raritan, $1. Lot 5S. map Ketfslngton Park, Long showed htm tbe bac ta which tiun $10. Address Piano, Record Office. one day last week was a little girl who were going ta bring the tab noate. Mldftwtf 227dft«tf Is Known to her playmates In I hat vi- Eliza Rarosny and hus'd to Mary Branch, $3U. 239-240* A. Ramsay. Lots 18, 19, 30, Block at, Thomait Jennings, et ox, to Cather- -When Uiey rsacnod tbe river thai cinity as "Pegw" As she stood wait- got George Hughe* beat and. pulled FOR SAL'E—Valuable bird dog- FOR RENT.—7-room house on Pear Ing for her turn It coujd be notlml that map Chat). Carr, West Keansbnrg ine rraier. Lots «35, 83«, map Atlan LOST AND FOUND. M. W. J. Soden, 100 Branchport ave Beach, $1. tic Htghlamds Asa'n, $500. out into midstream. Becatue t%af. National Hotel. 23»to244dftw* •be was repeating something under her did not have a regular anchor theV mtf breath In hor effort t* remember wnat George B. Mccarty, et ux, to Ernest James Lett*, et ux. to Robert G. LOST—A brindle bulldog, answer- FOR SALE—10 h. 0. Buffalo En- A. Arend. Ld. cor. Broad and Beach Oerth. Ld. cor. Glenmary and Center used a shovel. gine. 26 ft. launch bull. T. Riddle & TO LET.—Cottage, 329 Chelsea ave- tier mother liud sent her to boy. After spending all of Sunday and ing to name of *Re!dy." last seen on nue. Inquire at Goldstein's Dept Sis., Red Bank, $1. aves.. twp. Middlctown, $1. Ocean avenue Wednesday evening. Sons, Oceanport. 238to243 Motner, wants 5ve cents' worth of Second Keyport t Loan Ass"n ' to- Eleanor M. UppinooU, et al», toa good deal of Sunday nignt the mm Store. 224dfcwtf glory divine." . , returned to Shrc-wsbarv with aae aaL, Reward it relumed to tue Mashey 1 lames Roach. Ld. rd. Keyport to May Kimhall. Ld. Hnmson Road to FOR SALE—Kelfer pears, 25c bask, "Of what? ! »»Id the young clerk, tbe resale ot 40c: aasnMttea aOarta pi cottage, comer of Pavilion and Ocean ot. R. W. Reid, Oakwood ave. FOR RENT—From Nov. 1st, single Matawan. $1. Port-au-P«ck and rd. to uule Silver, louse, 161 Garfleld ave., now occupied who was standing there as If stunned Wm. Otterson, et ale. Trustees, to two. Sbrewsbary, (1. tbe two to •*< a imiasj'oc the- asMns 238to242 Fifth ave. worth of chlorate of lime."—Philadel- Winifred Brown and hus'd to Rob- Margaret A. W. Duncan. Ld. New Both m«n fwl a sjoosl *eal aattl*4 Suitable record will be paid for It's t9Sd*Wtf FOR SALE—2 houses south side phia Times. :rt B. Mantell. Ld. Higblaada ave., Point Comfort Beachway. lot 110 map over their lack and Mr. Ham say» taw- return lo Zacharlas Oarage Co., As and one house north side -of Chelsea Atlantic Highlands. $1. New Point Comfort Beach Co., Keana- next time he ajons Isbmg he «s »slag -bury Park, N. J. Isaac C. Kennedy. HELP WANT»T» MALE ave., between railroad crossing ant Belle C. Howeil and hus'd to Morris burg. $1. to take a tobacco hag Instead af a • • • • 238lo24»d*W» South Seventh ave. Paul Huu, 292 COMING EVENTS *aehlin. Ld. cor. Ocean ave. and Tunis R Scheuck. et ux, to Stephen potato Jhelsea ave. 240to257d&w* WANTED Young man, general Oct. 24— Packard, me Cartoonist and Cottage Place. Long Branch, $100. C. Thompson. Lots 1. t, map Tunis Morris Rachlln, et ux, to Union ft. Schenck, twp. Matawan. $1. Advertise la the Daily Beeor*. Advertise in tie Dally Record. work. • National Hotel.' 23Sto240* FOR SALE—Half double house, Ed- Humorlat. Teachers' Popular wards ave., $1,200; $400 cash. S. C Course, at Lyceum. 227tfd&w Building Co. Ld. cor. Ocean ave. and Shann, 58 Washington St. 238to240 MONMOUTH ORPHANS COURT. PROPERTY for sale. .E. F. Hunt, Funny Tints By Weston cor. Chelsea and Second. 220d*wtf Order ot Publication of Notice to Absent Party. AUTOMOBILK JOB SALE In the matter of the probate of a pa- per purporting to be the Last Will and Testament ot ELIZABETH K. Borden's—The Year 'Round FOR SALE—Bargain. 7-passenaer touring car, 4 cylinders, 35 11. P., $450 THURSTON, deceased. Call at P. J. Sassano's, 240 Centra Process o* citation having been Is- The Borden Milk Distributing Station, established at Went End at tbe ave. sued in the above matter, and It hav- ing been made to appear to tfte satis- request of Borden's New York customers sojourning for tbe Summer in Lotif faction of the Court that F. A. Durban, CARD OF THANKS the person against whom such Citation Branch, Asbury Park, and neighboring localities, to to be CARD of Thanks, Mr. and Mrsha. s been Issued, resides out ot tkla maintained thoughout tee entire ye. Alexander Uawson desire to thank State. the many kind friends who assisiw It is thereupon on this 15th day of This time at the request of permanent resident*. th«m dnring the illness and death o September, 1910, ordered that the said their daughter Bertha C. Lawson. * r. A. Durban, do appear In the afore- Here, as in New York, the general public has come to reaJtae the Mtld matter, before this Court to be held at Freehold, ia «ald County of iorityof JOHN W. W.0CUM Monmouth, ou the Twenty-seventh day •OCIAL, SANITATION. HIS LIMIT. COUNSELLOR AT LAW ot October, 1910, at ten o'clock A. M.. "Tommy, your uncle will be here for ..^y Bill, did ye lver stuay liter- and in default thereof such proceed- BORDEN'S COUNTRY BOTTLED MILK dinner today, and you must have yeur ,,„„•, •'• Special Master In Chancery ings will be had against him as If he face washed." f ..Yep Record Building, 1*2 Broadway had appeared In said salt or proceed l ings. Attd It H (iHim «rt«ed that CLEAN:—From healthy, carefully-inspected cows in "Yes, aiim\ But a'poSln' he Ant ,.Wot wn, de ittrge,t sentence T* Long Branch, N. J. come, what the notice of this order prescribed by model dairies. the rules of the Court of Chancen WHUam L. Edward* shall within ten day's' hereafter be served personally upon pM {absent de- BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRY:—In the germ-free fendant by the delivery of a copy • country air. Counsellor - at • Law thereof to him personally, or in default PMtoffice Building, Long Branch, N. J Of such service that said notice be COOL:—Shipped under Ice and kept continually coaj *dvertleer Building. Estontown. N. J published within the said ten days In the Long Branch Record, a public till It reaches your doorstep. newspaper printed at Loug Branch, In Frederick K. Ball said County of Monwrnnn and State These things and many more have proved to you, as to thin! of New Jersey, ta four weeks succes- VloKn— INSTRUCTION—PI«M sively at least once la each week and Yorkers, that— in case of auch publication that a copy ORCHESTRAL MUSIC FURfflSBED thereof be also mailed within the Pboae II I.iStudl*. » Norwood Ave. same time to the said absent defend- -"It Should Be BOKi ant, directed to kia post office address if the same can b« ascertained, in tie Phone your order* or sen* a postal to ONE THING BEGETS ANOTHER. HARRY.TRUAX manner prescribed by law and the BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO., AlflioM'sM I sell AOII s-l»e prise- BEFORE AN OLD MASTER. COUNSELLOR AT LAW •• rules of «a» said Owe* ot Chancery. By the Court, 82 Brighton Ave., West End, N. J. flK)it aims? » Mrs. Dtagle-Seenw to mo that $sou Townley •ulMlng, 1»1 MrMtiway Victim—Xo, thaokk you.y f I've got In nn nwful price to par for such an Telephone: Long Branoh, 4M JOHN K. FOSTER, Phone West End 179. Mime. If you have a good WakinWki g ma- - old niiuilnc. WM* Bne), W-4. , P. I chine I'll buy that. _ Denier—But the frame la very new. CONG BRANCH DAILY ftECOl THURSDAY, OCTOBER It', 1410.

WAfcTER TftEAT-, Jlftf DEAD. rOMQRRCW « NEW YORK i AT WANAMAICER3 • Son of PHya4c.au Diet at" Summer GOVEfiMOR Ocean Park Theatre Home of Hi* Parents at AI tan tic LONG BJAJ Highland* Minnesota Eneeutive VVho The remains of Waiter U Treat, Jr., Hurried to A^d F»r» Retu ALL NEXT WEEK. Matinee Wednesday * Saturday. % WHS tak-lEADERSTO BE AKRESTED New Fall Models irj, Brass Bedsteads — Evening. 10, 20, 30, SO. Len siiddebiy ijl, ^ic ,,wus p.laced it ti- Specially Designed to Harmonize With tter tmfwh* of several phyalciana und ; s^einliiKry last weok wns on the wayStrike Threaten^ to Extend to Work- - _New~Styles in Cabinet it to i-ecoy'^ry. However a r»ijaj»«e we,, irtgmen Gerterblly—Trains A,re He'd in, and he failfd slowly unlll the end. Up and Wret4:d, and Much Destruc- Something sanitary to deep on, made in » bra»t foundry, 1 'FlB" family occuyl**(J. the tipwljf fptjrt- brazen discord in design," describes the average braat bed- fed ljunaaloU' on Seventh avenue., Uuili tion Is H.*A"'tJ on W--,!'- n System. _.'•••"-. "'• •'*•.•• .7 . • * 5 j IUWL wijitt-r u^ the father of ihe dead GETSJJHRS PERSONALS I*ait>-, o.i, tlntil very recently brass bedsteads have been planried with J boy. 'IHTJ.V , huill tj I M Ml t'l ltlifll.il I'HI III If I- ; ! i s^ little reference to harmony with cabinet furniture that they (Continued Prom First Page.) —Mr. and Mrtf. Oscar P. Cobh orql v__| ; t. ' ' ' tl(,.iiM," is Hi- u;i.v l»r. iu!i-i ilii.nifl on a two weeks trip ro Washln^on.! j", ^ ^ Recaption., hfVe not belonged to the realm of art furniture. FohldnII| e ed u-ruiw MM: >'vU'a' oi tin- mlh-o^) nuu. ' i In1 these beautiful, new Wanamaker creations yon-will Be Boy Hortt Thief to Reformatory. l>. V., nnd points in the Old Dominion | Tht, ^^,,1 |1(jnt(, ,,,•sii ;. WJII^U j « Itt-h I!II.-;HI-:H' (<> spread tljroiijjhi'in .Michael Lynch, twenty yeai-H old, State- i ApplejiliTe, hi Weal I'MUM .sum, >t*.'J doubly, impressed. -First by the INDIVIDUALITY of design [ who whea urrenu?a ai K'-vykirt Mon —Mrs. John p. Van Noic, of Second ^^wa ^ ^ ^.)i( , n(. B ru^hjl>nil|,lu ,\Thi privjtjti i- -iid '!.-• r]\\<- Ims and second by HARMONY and UNITY with the PWtVAlL- night oti KU.-;>iHon of lia v iim, stoJ- ov-..Mie, ut-cnniputiied bj^t^'^r L^^.ity? v^tenL.v aftirnooiv W>IB W& STYLES OF BEDROOM CASlNET f URHITURE. a tidrso and- wu.Ton hnlnnsinK to Mr*. IS. T, maisuVH, nf Hnmdway. are Mrfc x,,|lhlf.-i MM., i-li Uliiwi'lir .nut tlie t .. "' For example, their soft, golden, safiny iinish-will'.as perfectly ard r,il!ad«aii, of Middlntown touring 1" I he aiiito »f N«-w Y«rt. Ucwin^aw, Mr*. Ulehera. At-pl'^at- a 1*1. r -if iiul.Ut iwirfc;. r>v u:i ti Ij .balance tiie. tones of Colonial -mahogany m the fine old braaa tewnshiu, positively refused to stivf tt 1 they will !)*• afif»>»l for HH-• tivxt^W "\tix*t\}t.Um from (QHI- uut^ ««-vVn nii'lil yf lffiu\ ,uu i ^. :llul ll" pVpin' candelabra and fire-dogs of our forefathers. his name or occupation, was this weeks. |oVU>ek. 'Hie color »clieme (it ihe rfi-r. 1 commit M-(i Eo ;)!.• lUitwrr. -'—In both modem and Period art styles we 'are exhibiting the —Arthur c. Morri-s of ihe New Jrr- |(,ratioiw wa» yellnw M.ere heinn an widest range of designs known to exist in any retail establish- ^Refotmatory hy .fndge John K. Kossry Mor1nagn und Truwl 9.om^nHy.|HiJIind|l^w, (|l- >(,|]1(Vi , tu-.v-ufirheiuuiiiH this itiornltiR. Kyneh wan areuseit «i liu- W'->h:rn system. W i ment. Fully one-third of these are made for our exclusive sale, a iiorsc. vvanou iimi liar iroller, ipturned yesterday from a }j^]frilaiiii wnem rvudcred by an or-riiUt'ix .-ma lin-.r ;ii|»|in!l -i> \t Iky, the few manufacturers capable of producing designs up to. pur vafiUM, at ?«M), and 93 in money vMl In N'tw Voik. irbtistrf located in tljf reception hall standards. -,; ,'..,-. ..,, a child'* bank in the honio r>t I Mr. William Appertain and Mrs. Rjt-h- flt-wlrrt>'ml siuiuiK. i ipp^ti up I'uR But, as seen in the following specimen price-list, these spe- Gil lade *u. Confectioner Closs«. | ard HUUHIKJII" we** a-sisu-d in the cial designs are included in our moderate-price bedsteads. In nch, when ;u rn\:-n> tfir.iH'!l| tilts uj'ftf'.vd (In- ;ir '.QUICK palatial Period styles the variety is unique in Georgian and ty. After si^-aliim ihp hrtrse, bo (lo'i'i.v lnaruifa**' .n»r at >liglila«ds, mer, And Mrs C W. Camion und Mm. tt*ni hi A wttw i»l" (no strike iefnjol*,n ban closed t:~. plant ft I tlmt jjlarc anU French models—some with panels of richly figured mahogany Id he drove to ih<> livery stable il irixlimiimi- Ui or Circassian walnut^-to EXACTLY MATCH CABINET conducted hy Edward Baker, at Koy-wilt reniovf io New Voi k this week. t'tlV* tr»O|lR In >i > I>ort. He wag anxious to iii-i^-- of He UIIH u'-ri! iu tHiHine&tf at Higlilanfls pln#. uf Athunir- Hfithlands, poured, U iK'KMfl- '>l''-:isii>!| I FIRE REFUGEES FURNITURE. h!a plunder, ami offered to sell at a pant sumnicr. aiu) WAH an iiupurt- 'liie MisscK Wilbur ossii in the | The loUsv* I.I i-m The new models begin at the. little price of $3.25 for a prefc- very low flfnire. Tin- pricf, Iu fact ant meiuber of ihe. K caiufval ty white enameled bedstead and range through as many prices a* | wft» so low that Mr. Baknr's Biisplr committee \am month. (lit i^. many H<" Aere are models in irass—ONE HUNDRED AND EOBXSC- ion wag thereby aroused. He qnr*- __ Activity at Port Monmouth Harbor. Canada Fnrnishiii", Supplies cyrrjiug 'ies. \yhi.-h •ElCHT,,Ta SELECT FROM. thmed the man and rfctfived f>vnnlvp Local Fans at Baseball Came, , , . , Ill'COl TbIfe )K a I)IlKy S())1 m il|on( )h)i til TMI- list'. Among these new Fall, models In Srass bedstead* Iheec ar« answers. A number of local base bail enihiiK- Port .Mumnomh wharves, Collins Ih,, Free of My. V representative Whpn the town marshal arrived on lasts are In New York today to. wlt luoth^ra me unloading huge quant 1- anlp, ,,\vii.( t«»% tin- tpuln :tt ('iievtwa "Bncalow Colonial" Style:—In Vo*T stjlo- Mi*- tt*<»ue the younu, man was ready to iieaw ihe opening game of th** -po*' ll*i" of New' Ybrk hor^e manure. Tlir, for I'liils. tn*' I dock in J at Mantes-* •atln and pollah ftnl.h. Blntl. b.d An artlntla make a *n.(*- SelijKt, alioui Iliiitv *iv miles Irutu I1 atf Price 115. our laajBars. All «' haVe R (hoiisarid tons on and pollah Bnlah. had b*»pn th« cause of hw awn detec- tween the two . York Jjajid and (Ttpect two ihotis^iid wiorc iK. mm f UND is PUNNED RirngKlon Oonttnnoiu Bnw tion. Word was sent tn Mlddlelown, Maijjk .\HiCiif-aui4 huve hecu 0*3 Toblni Stylo— Strongl? built bei- plants and Highlanders. The at&n*l- beforn ftprtn/' TiU' rtleambou^J. 11. •tMd Tn aatla and polished flnlah, Beo-rtekd Mth "Sqnare an* it wan aMccrtalno. that a youns ance IK esHmated at over IH.IHM(. .-..Collinpc \^iil be taken ufT ihe Cliei'..;^- pellet, to reniiiin in ihls city -M In | til. I"oat"—Ha» round nuara In toot man answering the dpscrlptfon of l':i'itil^pim Mum; lo muh (lu- ruflBt, and haad board. A bumoatoni flnnke rbuif ;tt thjcj, *jnd of > iiisj .\»f*vk. Minnesota's Got^mar and Othar State oomblnatlon. All atiea In aatln Lynch had worked for Mr. GUIadeai; After (l#s(*'ha'rfHiig .several cnrBOffl of ttmi they IHIK'H emlwuli for I'riiriai Officials Appear on S<->-'nc to E.KOJI- •gular hcl»ht and polished flnlah. Fiioa, IK. I Th, Tyrant In the Fi«ld. _ AOt aim In for three days, and ihpn «ii4dt*nl>' dts , liine! (*f me tn ami coal at \v *»\t>n hrmtlrt-d feiicKs of .\niiMlmii uiail ' aga and Aid Sufferer*—Train* At)H led flnl.h. Prlo«. |1>. Quint "EVHir Port Be««««d»— ajip'*Brfii. Hi.-; upprstbf'fitflpji If'd to There have \n*pu tew'' ; lit' muv beiiifi tniii^porled fr.xii M:u re . ,.[* *' 1 whatt. H\W will bv imi oy th" .N.«w rive, With *Clothinc, Physicians »nd,;» Hu square poXa, tof ant bottom the recovery of the •si.oieri property Iff JtVii-iM up tlie Seine, and |li<> Ki<>ti.Mi I r style—haavy «m- oroaa-ralla In foot ant head board. tyranuoufl ns |.oP«/. ihe dfc-t.rit*• «f , Y»r|. mtVl Prmidnr.e. ?r,..Rfi. Hfifl (hi- rff* mushroom ter- Round filler*. Cut bran* mount! And landed the culprit In ihl> fftforma- Paraguay, when, in .He w,,r of iH^.n. - w( ^ ^ < • Vtrr Baenint Co, Unnoai Ptmt -Jb.. Prloe, IS5. Kon of Chnrlps Ludlow, of Navealnk the r«tl W till I In-Ill, ytVill^ llielll Style—UiWa and toot board. New Design—Th* antique sold carry u c i ) j v | m u Bslfht between the "BunsaloW considered to be one of HIP younftcgt - ! .^' : : ;:" "- ^ -^! ^ •«!«.•« i**.** wrm** M.I. ^ frwnjpr •trtniid;; ch-iruiuf* ilmi (tienivW flnlsb la lntroduoed and combined ii'iids <»!' llii- -itvciiinK'iil ^\ ftt- rcsptui" 1 and regular badataad. Our own with th* Ktruacan flnlah, maklns* outlaws In ih« state, and whoftc \-v\w 1 11 'lie uUtMhle is i,i-I mi i II^ to eoaic particular design and on sal* har* #«e ««'Ut«l fur mm I'dnarks »1'»'«'»«to« P«*" *'W sidle for ihj." (iicsi-iiL ciisis. a very rich and handsome bed- hml naroer was recently out short in h and b« vsill eiiyilg* 1 next only. All ataaa In satin and pol- stead. Price. |T6. whose tons) f^JI Iten^iilli )tlt> !-r.'vhdiir«i 1 | He unit} !:M, Ille HClU'ilit' of l whfn he wan arrest*d hy Ohlef of ynar in eflrryfnj? farmers ' pfUfllK;e and t^st. I'aui train, wbk-li i»h flnUh. Prloa, *J«.6o. Seventh Gallery, Now Bulldlnc. of cunlidence tlmt Lopn had • •• I np il-ui was .I:in^4*nu8, na It H'«ii Pi-rtaiu ^tth Police .John H Siu'di'ricr. of Atlantic *«-(tfi)O«! ' to I*'(tit ftti o'i. Hiv.-ntl .mil it uumlpr >\i for Ulmself. Cue. for lnsv;u*ie. wa» n» weakt-ii luliftarj' disciplim- mid in lllgtilandw, watt thin morning commit- ^!dO| it ml >(iioo !!H1H hai hoist 8 folluW.Hl i.> Uh- shot for baviuit- rimi..ii[u'C(i ifl ibe .iiitnnjilmriKiii " With Clock-like Regularity "We Aro ted 10 fhf .lum*'BhiirK Hffonii Hchnol M M [)p|*. tbp way M tmi l ai ^ hfin'( (i V * •: hy .liidK" John R Konffr course of hi iiun ttiut Itie • ri**rt»y \\n •• Ii \« helie\,,l in some quartora thai /^'iVppTlTThV'i.'alus. volit.-Uutd u *food Strongly iuireavued! Aiatiber iurt biH haul •Mlf«li tn >'llg Uyinj( in ti•e win- Distributing Each Week an Average of Vomit; 1,11'tlow Is cJmrftxl with KIPHI- the lal.ur Mulcts ilu Dot really KpM BWp,y ortlrttWu ,t fw lt lurueti t:v>Ui, end MU UCCiititlt Of itU vn.- U:•.!•>•'. LCI'M tnulp. Kihli iti« is M lit ViT>' guod, intr almost every thin? movoliU-. und Hi. • 1KIM thl« mrtki- l^wM. but regmd It lMI1,^ul m th(. (-||eerj='proHpeof btjlO : Over 1200 Carpet-size Domestic Rugs H|ift-. h to the effect Hun the l'nr.» sad Rtl IInta will ni>. be (Hi; ou in* ud."!iiifj his Rtiiit. iiicvcifH had •nilv as a drvsk Kli«arMl or ibe first OM, fu tfa ^fa^ b* ibe new artl^ , r nil tiffi »!'•' Nirtoit ib"j :'J.**fJ 1. f'iiiF llJilrJj • (iiui>:m ariuv wu*> in.H u^touH*d to fount w*a* Iu tin- fpfuiv rm-omitan-.il nit* , J. , '- .^ . ^ UJ'• —In other word* we *n recording the eel* of on. exit feet ruj about a frtBclhaiimi for him, uttij wh^nt'Vfr Is bLit fair. Mi )"'! «»( < 1it- flania ate i((s Bp h lIi:a stt 1(t m rn the euetDy's lu-s.- uud fort^tl Us own." •>,• ».,nls, :xn ,hj,vi Imm fur ilw , . . , •very IH mlnut** of th* bualnesa day. h»- nuw one without ;*n owner fr. wight n;:irliei Kir kill.'Ul ^iSau uw ii;uml ( ul(ulrj WijUlu U 1V(1 lwd ;iM> But what doea thla w«»n to you? If yon are Intending* the par- \\f lost no liitw- in uklnu imsgesMloti of •VMWlOtijciiK-n tlM.I1.s<-lv..s. in wl.Ich ihcy .fh|^ ^ _.r mfBlJrWg .,flwl ,„„,„ Old Tims fl«ilw»y Travel. tali! At itoi'iiis (ii IlKO ,. aheae of a ilmllar lln rue- and wlah to obtain the utmoat In « beanttfol It Thursdnv or \mi week he held up m:iy Ijc alHt' \*i n^ili/.f tlit* |n»ssntjhtics ., t and Krvioubie Jacquaxd trade-marked weav*. at an e^eeptlonall)' little Third elflJH j«is#engi«r coftchfe* in a little son or Mrrt. Fred Snytler in a "' ""'''' ''" " I"'*'1' | J-|I,. Ml. Pnul iraiu brougllt :ul(llli..iui] prise. It mean* that: England USIH! tu bf coupled ou uextto HighlsndR Council Meetiny. Thee* run ere th* -SUrllnr' atandard of th* trade—amour over deserted section of VaHey Drive, and n, »lrlh«i ..I I,' ralinwd mon mlllll.,lllu>l ,„„.„., ttlld ,,hvsk.lu,ls. lu the eufjcfuc. The trarcteci cttfxtQ In f«i At tUeou^n|ar piceth^ of the !>or- a thousand of th* beet dealer* tn fortjr-alx States Hawaii and Attempted to take a pocttetbook the Ihreuivm K' sj.iv.nl ibruutitionl tin- |,| ,,, general buuaebold uniipllps terrible (rent men t when any an-ldi'ul OHKll iOi^trU Of IliKtliHMfls iheic UPIV 1H)rt On Porto Moo. child was carrying- A mall carrier INltlli-ami tirsAdtli o( Kraimi aud w lini| c,1)thJnK ,lnj ,„„„, tbm n,.n. That therefore, the** weave* have a yoar-in-and-nar-out market occurred. At limes the o&gilie \v;t>pre^i ni tmit ihtrce couiniJni'ii and came upon the septic when tin- tussle I'M^tui in flflTBiiiitnion RTPnernllf. | l|flj|s ,1IK| |IJI(|.S p,rt. ivhuiUlhiu. Thene value—end Hat price* that rmr*lr fluctuate. driven tender first, i" wbli-h i-use fiPMBeaMayor livid. Those pifjii-nt were Maf- That the aubjotned price*, about 40 par cent, undar th* uaual IlaL WHS becoming: IntcreatlnK, and blH l-nliwui'. <.-CIII.:IIIV. O.I. l.-l. ltjilwny ' Wvr,. ,.,, thta cUy anjj Kraiiw t» j „„„,)„,„. b ,,„,,,„,. ,|,.,mu|,lg ,r)1 . starfc. The paariepgefB wore pftelLfiU. irifiaiifi, lluhL'M ^ .J«rK<'niton, wpre of three (Teat mill*. Whetl the little incorrigible wag ap- • I ,. .luutam; • IIa «la ol travolrn. ,„„,. „, ,„„,„_ „,„,.,, lmV(, ,,„,„ bri llt seventy of them. Into u trurk awacdod the roatraet for wiring (he • 1 rrontlpr Rol»t8 ure uoable r,. pro ,„ ,., . ,,. .,,,„.,.,, „„, ,,,,.„,,. ,, nrfchended hf ^tHl retained his nerve, Tow n Hull which wan rwenily \mi-- 1 J IMmWts f Rugs of $55 Quality at $37.50 and appear*3)! In court without itn feet in leavccb by tmvaa uiid a Ualf in l.i-.nlsu.ii* f.ir ill.- proxi-iu. TdeCiH.k- width. There wus Da roof uuil IKM, U^vhuwi'd, bud VVilUaiu it.diiiiiv. wan ini- Rugs of $40 Quality at $26 IM-.HI si.mi ot emollon. Ho wan not od « salary of $ltm per mmiim' for hiw m movod hy the wentem-^ ihiw morning. • rule, proper protection at lhi» *S*& w»nPH'IIU dliJf tb" 1'IIIHJe l'l-enll 111-*.'!h^ Mill* I I tiInt Ml \ o If If t't'l»w|l .I b|. ,.yM| ,, .-.- >crvrites HH janitor m the saim: build- 1 Rugs of $30 Quality at $lS.Sffi :i way of .loimiWif!f * i»ri "rrrc frinif,er of J^ '^loi-crics iluthini: an v tug, Th*: rtqiiirt of cnlieerjiy and ircas- > d *l,WpO In Infant Dead at Red Bank. i'mnce. Ttlrt*ltfr»rD*fotf«blIt.f#8tr»lV ' ;.urreilffyt whU,ft \V;,/rai Rugs of $25 Quality at $15 TC urer (I. ('. .lobn^on wan pre^enied and was *»l wed Iu two Alma Cole,' b«- four-momh old Musie. ordered aect-pttd and flhid. ll ffttHre - llUIS. It meant that there is still good selection among the Wil- inoiil nay that niaqy c nn»;of motor tor of John and Emma Cole, of Wash- Of all the tin'- art^. mil -ii i: td rr\- lin^iiirer Uerby of the wa- Mintu'a|jolls ami St. Paul Im~in•••!•.- tons, Axminsters and Body, Brussels, but at the rate we are dJa- v -tira haw miifh«ti ike l'ri>ntier moii time decided to 'tok.' Uoveruor tne f -•' ington street, Red Bank, died venter* which bas most indueuov ou tub ter plaul tiuif thure w«re N»'V»M-HIfrom Frencli points, tributing them, opportunity will soon pass into hlitOij,,'./^ , day luorniitff tit stomach trouble. Tbe sloes nuil which tbu le£lt*luti>r oi lepHirn aeetSed on tin- nmchinciv o( KbiVhurt in apj»'al for a t^ couple Uavv on* other tUHsl. The fun- the most to encourage.—Nupoh-nu thit pliiKi, and tin- council ordered Hef fnuU. [be fear ihnl MM- -=uike mov*;flneut-\vlH tVu»bliiKtun. flit. I.i.r(:n»t«iu8 bar.-, eral service** will be held tomorrow naparte. that the -;inic he don*-. 'Afier diBoii-s sssmne u rt'vuJntini,«iy.t.linrrt*.'*cr. , ftfternooii at 1.30 o'clock, and the in- in« ftevpral other minor uinitpr», ihe rifi'w i|t'iwoen Uiv Vniti'0 StiiteM iintj Notes from That Very : • lermctit will be at Orecnluwn - m< In Portions. round I ftlljouiTied at ten o'clock. '*aii:»ia wvi'*' bruUcii duw.u in fuvor of UouallnliH by L'.-itiiiriiiiUH.l'tir the fmv^i levy. Hurry C. Vay hart eharRi of ihe Hoat (at viUage mo, filtering bed- I Tli.w ui funeral arrangement:*. room at ti u. m., to >K.iupant »t |he n suff l < rs s Or. Traak's Son improving. i vf'i-lnilluii 'n'm'Si !3ii U'I'I'I'T " ' '-' ' ' '!' ""' «">lU"^ t- "V- Helpful Housewares Store bed)—Bef purilou, sir. but Uvu u^>re - Hi) Ton hui ' itH-for "t 1'tl.storus Johnson at Ht. I'nul James Trosk, th*» VOUHR KOH of l>r : •• . D«ath at Everett. (uurjHu hay* arrived. Have you slept v\-ii>4 advteoti t>y tt'lt'iiraplr by thie rrwiH- BULBS: No frost yet^ but it may.come any nfghf.'i B« eauugU? . . -.1 J. •ti.i-U. of Highlands. WW_wa« tak ury dcimi'tili'Mlt that '•.,,. - yesterday ot parajy«l.s, aged 65 years. V.«u. Information. I '" "' *"** Hra»eh- «»««««»> *»»' BUY POTATOES NOW•BUPiilii^ ft)t tin' lifi' snnVrors nmy bjfi Ho was .i bachelor and loaves a sis-1 n a 1 1 What dkl Ihe Mlu» U.i wl10 Ktule I """" '." » *W> " ""Sf"!^ ,,. '"' , If, you want any Green Mountain ittiniittcU frt^* a*'mi a .- ter, Mary, of Holmdel, and a brother. the flruni from Uie biuul when tu- saw raptit- Potatoes to lay away for ife« winter, tlmml itjurU'^.v. Cnnddai tlie co)iecior John, ot HitiuHun. The funeral ser- x th* leader comi&K with a Ijr. and It ,l« ?xpcct.;|-t^at he V.-I1I full measure, large and meaty. Getrcpoi'lcd. in setnli-nK NU|i|»tlt*w tuiU I-OII- whole world moves, nowadays. The show at Madison Square vlee will be held tomorrow from St. SOOI) h( irtliinloiiK t.l Mil l.lntls. Garden is sending lots of people down here to buy the magical "He beat' it.-'-nultliiwr*. Aniprlrti.i. - a*l'' fc SIKt^rgo removal :(.. mat Cniherim s Cath.pllc Church, Kvereti. j htR home. '. . r / S J A similar Muspfnsliiii of dutlex w-fin electrical things that reduce kitchen work to a minimum. ^)ur nnd the interment will he at Mi. 011- f r EHRENHALT'S 'hiH>rfutiu>^H Is RJI I ..f Ko.il. ' '7- -'— ;— . HlHtie iU-Uu> WltoR rtf Cbf" San Fl-:tn«-i*i'ii demonstrator may be able to remove any lingering ideas of e*- vet ceineleiy, near Ked Tiank. 224 i*, TI ml u l^ilon rse& i .in the Daily tloi-oni. •fjjrttnillake. uhi^n Mlf»plh>^ <•!' ill) kTiuls;' cessive cost of operation. Perfect ironing at a few cents an lmur seems reasonable enough, does it not ? "•'a •' "| '•- p Mtit. ^\riiv itffuiltttul friH1 *'iitl->- ^ii-otrt 11 iw.: \vboK* i-lvtii?.*.u world. PAINTS I We take It as a complimen fact urer of splendid ready paints atjd Varnishes recently A Bit of Sjcily. us with an offer to install his lin? for the firjit timaf In _n Italian towu more !>ie- partment store. The line covers all.dotnettic j-eqttit We Don't Give Free IUI-OMIUI' thAu.tlic Sl.illan c-npiial, IV,- leriu.i." wrlw« a traveler.' "lu Us jiort floor stain to kalsomine for the cellar. ' ' IU' eroVMled llko iiueerpsi. cottKitlnk craft I • ••••••.. •*'* «',v. I have ever sel c.ve.s oil. gaillne Khilis AUTOMOBILE TOOLS: The completeldtiaic e are not giving anything away but we of all viss. ihclr hMli'palfitod i\ll ilie in the Auto Section (Main floor) but single tools to replace • "i.-i- of tfaM'alubow. upep up ftfaloirt lost or broken are sold in our Hardware Section. Here'* th tlie quay, wbere nu,lg carta, nlio«B driver* are SIIOIIIIIIK at the lo^i of thoiv —all of a famous branded make: f ^ a net Maohlnlat'a hammer*, ilo. t-lnoh Murnr* fli**,Me . voU-j's. T\'alt;t»t take away the merflinil- 10-inck Stmaon wrenohn, lie. «-lnoh annw arlvere, l«b. dMe: Tho ^narrow street where 'Itie Ou l?y*r*. «o. SSSffir? v*>£l~. «•• «e tie. custom house. oBleerH examine tfie •olderinc copper. 10a MechiVrl^unoniOo, )Coo(£< liriiiit'lil itsliou- is .a pluct' of K-lneh eold ohlMl*. Ha lOU-InC perfect "*orew terrlnq nolso. Wbra a. •4cir«r, two Center punch**, lie. 7 Inch found 01**, Ilo. >lert« anU" twn PUNfVini* hons.. otlli i-rv r nn* -oiniuilHMl MilIliii.tbe wst all the usual tools of the amateur or professional mechanic! TIT Better and Cheaper Than Any6n« Else--And We Can reporter saw, side by side, a vest pocket acrew-drlver with bkd - a.m •;. f\ 4 ij •( »ft .; »• .' ^ * eetnethlni.'. ihe '-.HI mov» ou. und ev less than one-sixteenth of an inch wide and a massive cousin fo erjuoay lauidis." motorist's use with shank to take a monkejr wrench, 'rhjar^rll^a An Early Inspection Will Be Appreciated. trates the scope of our tool stock. '; .'," „ ,".,.». I ju -oooooo "I Iwver ftesiijifi* To «-ur' and iMasb Two little article* of aluminum that womeen_ .wu. i appreciate. A. leU-i aod ehunge .tuty |iluy utiiil it suits mold with any dealred Initial; and a apoon liolfeholler rto fltenyaauoepan., me." will *stniul Uobsou to his le^ral Ten cent* eaoh. -. BaeeVne ad^ ISJT ou one occasion. "I rapposeVpn edit ^liiikesppjire with 1 a blue } Kuilty loan. jnd(ctm«nt fer nionlerinn 22 MONMOUTH STREET, the l«r

"."'" " "" r v •"• "Tt> ••••/ BICYCLES ill MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE POST SEASON GAMES BEGIN. Iver Johnson, Pierce,' Crawford, *erns aV>M • Bia Crescent and other high grade bi- Burn Honest Coal Crowd at Polo G.ound. ycles; seme ellfhtly used. Tires and New ¥6rk, . JOSEPH SAJLZ ' whose husband died recently. vantage |Mam>i IIIUMB of the haus «a- RED BANK. diuia. • ' Frank Newman has put away several \ selected watermelons for .his holiday dinners. He has been very success 1 BASEBALL Hi la this, and last year kept one un- Furniture, Pianos, • llasults »f G«met Pl«y«d In National Ul.Washington's birthday. r-»». The Monmourh Contracting Com and Floors Refinished NATHIN.W. I.KAOl'B. my bas finished laying the gas mains AX Hrooklvn-Bwtnn. II; Brooklyn. X Carr avenue and the township equal to new. i COO KM AN AND GRAND AtBSVBS, Batteries— Frock and flariden. Boll. Many residents have applied All work guaranteed to give Vr Has and plumbers bave orders to- • '• • ••- *•• ,- •' Kessan, Bergen ami Miller. satisfaction. Orders by mail ASBVMY PARK Second Oann- B.wt.m, S; Brooklyn. run gas Pipes from tbe mains to pri- promptly attended to. 2. Batteries—Parsons. I'erguson end vate dwellings and stores. Ilarldth: Hergen aud Sillier. The streets which were staked oat HENRY SCHULZ At —Chk-ago. 12: St. touln. af Woodlawn Park several months ago 2. Raiterlen- Overnll. bii-hivaiiil Areh- itill be opened up In a few weeks and 1002 Hum km. en Jliwria and Phelns.',' property will be put upon tbe mar- 141-R ket. The property is part of the Wood Fall Showing of Tailored Suits • .': . Or' THB CLUB8. W. 1,. P.O. farm and la owned by Mrs. W. W. ,43 '. .10.", 49 JJ7H Bamsey. FOR WOMEN AKp HISSES New York ....;...• 9f 03 JBI Wjlliam Randolph, a well-known -fob- H. e. FELLOWS ster fisherman, has taken out his lob- ---r , .—,, •.••"- -*—-^ . ;.. 1'itlBblirji:...... (W A .5S0 jam lunar te l'bha Herman ljehrs sew bouse In Carr Millinery and Nsclrwar s Sizes, 14, 16, 18 years, suitable for small wom Bi'l.oulit...... <» SB 4ll a*venu* la rapidly nearing completion. , , Finest Quality Misses' Sizes, 14, 16, 18 years, suitable for small women The Wise win be 2«x26 feet and will RED SANK, N. i. also extra sizes from 34 to 51 Bust Measure bare. a. large pore h on the east and south siQeft. The exterior of tbe houst- FRANK L. DETERLING SAYS POLITICS.HURTS TRADE. 22.50 27.50 32 50 1 • - .' * '. ' S will be Aingled. The foundation la of fkVttm Um DECOMTOt Hie and cement. The bouse will con- All work dose In the best possible .Asserts But In... H» Nettain eight rooms. B*«n 8« Dull In Years. manner and at the lowest possible South Bethfebem. Pa.. Oct. is.— Ground was broken last week for a prices. Jobbing promptly attended «*harles.M. whwali. president of tbenew bouse at Ideal Beach for G. K.to- Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Olmwead, of Orange. Tbe building m FIFTH AV E Phone M L Hetnleheiu Steel « is very dull. Coa- present summer rusldence. Severely plain tailor-made models. Black, navy. / opettil dlNbns are wnrei- than at any time brown and prevailing colors. Custom tailored, i «lne<> 1 ti»k' liol.j of the Betblehem i. A. Wilton has finished butldlng b a preva tWo cottages at Keaneburg Beachr. , 8fe«l eodipauy. Wbiic we arc running The buildings contain three rooms and new model skirts. onr plant wlBi «>er 80 percent of the a bath and cost about $500 each. 51 AIMS Value $25.00. ' regular force Jllll we are getting n* new tiuslncss1." Contractor W. U Hart bas begua 5th Aw, k Irwiwy. Mr. Svhwal> «ab1 the slbnip was line the erection of the new residence of lo -(lie polMtenl agitation throuKhonl W E. i.addell at Qranvltle Park. This the country." bouse wilt be 38x24 feet with two SPSOAL FOR FK1DAT Afternoon Dresses wings 12x11 feet. The bouse will bave l log-cahin effect and will be one of AHP SATURDAY. FOR WOMEN AND MISSES ' .. . : MAN AND WIFE KILLED. the finest In the Park. Complete, it will cost about I5.IKHJ. Marquisette over Silk, heavily embroidered, lit) • - Met Death In Attempt to Drive In • v Mr. and Mrs. flarrett S. Wright and all the prevailing colors; attractive model. > 18 00 Front ef. P#nn«y Train. children, etlzat»-i h and flarreti S-, Legs of Lamb 12;clb* Sleadvllh', Pa.. Oct. 13. While re- will leave tdday for their winter home 1 c! Actual Value $35.00 j TCS • tnrntng bunw from Titusviile Mr. audfin New York. During the winter 'sev- • • • •' . Shoulder, Lamb 10 ; \ --, •••.•• •/A;,"- ; Mm. Samuel B. Wimnn were killed tm eral minor alterations will be made to the Pennpylvsilla railroad crossing at Vivian buagalow at Oranville Tyraa*llie. Hompbod.r signaled Win- Park. r J %'• • ;. • •••'•-• i f;?.T tan that he had time to cron ahead it a • • i .- , •-•.. ^,,< the last ssierltl .bearing ntK< ialn of the Te Cruin to Miami, Fla. Tourists and Motor Coats...... 15.00 19.75 ^5.00 road, afufhe mnde t lie attempt. „ FVe4 Catfrey, with his crew. Captain The'.wagon TO squaiely on theAbner Wktte and Pir.t Mate Robert Stewing Lamb 8c Ik I . ••• Evening Capes ...... >...,$.00 25.00 12.50 irstk when It was »trn<*. - . - Cbnover, of Asbury Park, were at Broadcloth Coats ...... ; ,•;...... : 15.00 22;50 " •'&#» treasure Bay yesterday preparins and Ghuck Steak 10c Ib ..." "'•."".-• K stocking their motor launch for a trip". Polo Goatov..,...... i..{..,-,.:. .i...... 20.00 2«.00 42.50*'. it ^t... * ? . '•• ^"-. • - A DOUBLE SUtCtOE. to Minmi, Floida. They were «tend-' Moth.r ."' sliwni-e. and Chesapeake canal to Chesapeake It wa) a dnftbti* auicMe as a result bay and will follow inside waterways Ed. Cass,prop. to Miami. Tbe object of the trip la • '-, .' • •" • • • • ~ .- • ;• ' '•.:•. • • : - '" •• •• •'•; ef * paer nefween the two due to their iH-lujr InraiMs. -."••' ' for Running and trapping, the gam" secured to be shipped to New York ' Ur»TO BAN JOHNSON. and Philadelphia markets. ANNIVERSARY SALE ' Bantums to. Play Return Game. lajeit Hi«t'n» Affair Put I DIED IN ARIZONA POTATO ROTWrOEftMANY MATAWAN PASTOR LECTURES * i - §fc , , a" ML ,.*i>, aA — .1 j .^ for 3' tlh* * jJ-uilrVBmmns gives tim ef Cenaumption in the West. port Church Enthuse Big < • nit tue. fullinvtu£,.Ktat*iueut vn the Patrick H .Sullivan, mo of P. .V. I. A. aUZU, Broad St.. Red Slew There. 49! of her folks In .one town. Audience. A". C eleven on the tatter's ground* Mr. and Mrs, John Thlcl, of Belford, Their trip was not marred by any; Sullivan, of Rumson, died Tuesday at OpfKMilr Post Oilier' A humorous lecture was -delivered corner Wpplncott and -Mine avetmes. retnrtted' on Monday after having unploasantnwus and Vau one continu- In last Saturday's game on* the Oak Prescott, Ariaona, of consumption. siient the pasjt Are months amid the ous1.round of pleasun1,'lint'on the rf1-last night I" the Calvary JJ. R. Church, He was 24 years old and unmarried- Keyport. by Rev, K. I. Stearns, paster -Hood avenue gridiron tbe antams d- scones of tbelr youth In the, (Ierm.au "turn trip there were thr*e cases ot (eeujd the Crescents by a score of He will In- burled at Present! of the Matawan Presbyterian Church. , Mr. SuHfvan left Rumson la*? May SHOE SATISFACTION Fatherland. Thry sailed' on the small pox, an 1 36 of tbe passengers 3.1-0. It < was a one-sided exhibition, Every time if you purchase steamer George Washington, of the| were taken to tbe quarantine on Mr. Steams, although he has been at for Ariaona, hoping the climate there Ma'awan less than a veaf. ba« made but the management o( the Crescents them of North G«rman Uovd line, on May 5th,'Swinburne Uland. promises t<> have' a stronger lineup would check the dreaded disease and returned on tbe same steamer, I Mr. and Mrs. Thte) are now Instal- a strong. Impression upon the resi- which had fastened upon him. but be FORD & MILLER dents of the community. He is a grad- when the game U called Saturday Among the placeB of Interest visited led In tbelr residence at Belford. morning. The Bantam A. C. is the did not Improve. He was very popu- RED BANK. N. J uate of the' University of Pennsylvania lar at Rumson and Sea Bright and for by the Thiels were Beiiln, Pdtsdam, where they bave received already calls club that won the l*lsalndeuendent Metz, Mainz, Wiesbaden, Kurt, Dussel- from many neighbors. They both be-and of Princeton Theological Semi- many vears was actively interested nary. Besides belnr* preacher, he is midget championship .of Long Branch dorf, Herne, Essen. Hanover, Cobluntx, long to the Hibekah branch, or Odd on the baseball diamond and if the In all sporting events at those places. Trier, IKel and Mueiisher. They also Fellowship at T^ong Branch, and their a well-known member of the Philadel- phia bar. he lira young man of com- other local "pigskin artists" are not Bliont some time In the province of many friends here will be pleased to carefulTbey will also carry off the Oueldcrland, Holland. hear of their safe retu n. manding physique and a formet fa- mous football player. honors on the gridiron. ' PREATION Mr. Thlcl says that buaiuess Is at a -J—AT THB low ebb In Germany; thn season has LAFAYETTE GRADUATE WEDS Mr. Stearns staled In the beginning been wet, «nd many potatoes have that bis lecture • was Intended for tbe woman who most decide U FAMILY THEATRE amusement purposes only, but that If II JOHNSON, A6»P Store rotted In the Around. There Is a Freehold YounB Man Man-lea Daugh- about the moving has a special heavy crop or flae fruit. ler of FUtbush Clergy- considerable instruction bubbled out interest in the To Let Ads. eight hit* sc'iiml by Lajole off the Opw E«rj Dif But man. he was not to Maine. Browns In last Sunday's doable bead After a frolicsome Introduction, he er: ' • '• NEW SMYRNA -•wltb- At the residence of Rev. Dr. andbegan bis study ot human nature by rllemrdins- the Suinla.v affair. I hare Mrs. Robert F. Norton, of No. 950drawing upon tbe paper representa- primal till waiter in the hands of B Refined, High-Class • Ocean avenue, Flatbuth, their da usb tions of tbe different types of hands. B. Johnson, who will Investigate I ter. Miss t/)uiso Beryl Norton, was Next there appeared varieties of Therefore It wituM be unwise for me married last evening to William 8. Britton Says heads and fares with appropriate ex- to talk «t .the present time. Blame, If . De Mott, Jr., at Freehold. Palms and planations, interspersed with wonder- any. shosM be placed on the partlrn Blacks /ems formed the floral background ful Incidents from I he life and exper- You don't have lsr perann <>r persons and not on the FIGS jfor the occasion. The bride was glv- ience of Mr. Mtearns. club coUeetlrely. Mr. Parish, the " len (way by her maternal grandfather to carry your elal eeoreT. ronld not score other than CHANGED EVERY OAT 'The bride wore a gown of white bro- He then spoke in turn of the mean- ing of tbe other features—foreheads, he at*." . |traded satin with a tulle veil and or- Drug Store UTWEE-HM 2:301.«, aW S p. ange blossoms, and carried a ahower eyes, noses, mouths, china and ears. $1800 Fire Next reference was made to the signs bouquet of bride roses and lilies of bundles home BRITISH YACHT AFTER KINO. ««6 :3«p. t. the ni|ey. of disease—character shown by differ- 12c Ib. ent ways of walking. Watch Will *e Kept «n Mamwi Her sister. Miss Pearl Norton, was -We will de- During Trip te Sftgland. her principal attendant, wearing blue, Mr. Steams expressed tbe wish thai A Big Program TMay SALE brocaded satin with chiffon and mara- all should study human nature if only txadon. ("'t. IS King Manuel «f liver them. THURSDAY. OCT. U, I«»O. biftut and carrying pink rose's, »-blle for tbe purpose of avoiding friction 1*urrogal and the queen mother. Ante- At 236 Broadway. In our contact with our fellowmcn. Me. will be hroueht to Kncland oa two other «istcrs. Mil's Opel Norton bnsr« tbe royal yacht VlMorta and Al- aud Miss AJteria Norton, attended as The attention of tbe large audience W.G.EISELE was rapt throughout, and at one time bert. Nei Pict.fi. Stuck left from Bower girls.* Tbe 5wbt. iomin«Drtr<1 by Conmn- They wore, respectively, frocks of bis hearers would be convulsed wtth laughter, while at another there BRITTON'S dore Palmer, left Portsmoath for Gi- blue and pink flowered chiffon and the Fire. <-, wouldn't be a dry eye In the house. braltar feHowlag an aodienre' wbkb carried baakets of rose petals, which Commodore Palmer had with King; they strewed In the path of the bride Mr. Stearns showed that be Is a toas- 6—New Feahir«--6 ter ot wit, humor and pathos. George. | SALE WILL LAST as she entered the drawing room. Dr. GUT-RATE On the Journey to England and after Morton was assisted In the wedding Dr. R. W. Jewell's famous orcliestra —ANT>— provided the musical features. be arrives her* tbe closest cuactf wlU TILL EVERYTHING ceremony by Rev. Dr. Daniel Dor- be kept «• Manuel for fear be will be Illustrated Soag*. chester., pastor of St. Mark's Metho- the vK-tiui oT au altsassio. dist Episcopal church: by Bev. Dr. v if•rew* . IS Edward Bassett, of Babylon: R«v. Dr. Tlollm-If yoijr Iialr restorer Is gof>4 nWVwM WB*! PMa Don't forget Crandall J. North, of Brooklyn, and why is it tout yen are baW y Saratoga- K V., Oct. 18.- Hoger Day will furnish your home Harrison Pe Mott was his brother's big order' fur ladies' plaits, end to ex«- vtaoo. tbe eleven-year-old son of Ralph OF GOOO CUH1 best man. Both are graduates of L*t'Dte It I uwU sume extra dose* of mj H. Dartaon, a roumlry proprietor, was with new goods for • tayette College and are members ot restorer over my hah* and got halt • PHON9 3O6 •hot and killed la tbe wood* near here the Phi Delta Tbela fraternity. douu Ion* plaits, sir. Bat It drew ail by On arvidealal ithKbargv of a ti*» a Wefek the taaltwM et a»v wasUMUou, sir."- M MtOP SS 4 WML to the lia«»lw *«f n j A4vet'tln» In the Dally Record. Uwdou Malt. LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, \Y. OCTOBER 13, 1910.

£t Fountain* & Elsewhere Ask for JUSTICE HOLMES. MILLIONAIRES FOR

American WKa Has Been Hon- JUSTICES OF PEACE He Is lit and Much Concern "HORLICK'S ored by Berlin University Fait Over His Condition. Thi Original ami e.nuin. New Yorkers Defeat Connecti- MALTED MILK cut Mm In Own State, Tin rood-drink for All dgts. GOLDSTEIN'S At restaurants, holds, and founumi. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Htnuifunl. ("im.. Oct. 11.—Hnrmiiu There's No Place Like Home. Keep it on your sideboard at home. C. I'leltmiin, ii uiiMiilier of Kleitmitn A <-'n Yfirh ilenllst. inn) lieorge W. THE GLOBE WERNICKE SECTIONAL BOOK CASES Event. mluftn>f. ji local enntrtietor, were nonl- iutitiHl urtei- ueVeral WllnVs. flleir A library may be stlrted with one or more sections and Miss Alice Ryerson. daughter of nrnihintion uwtliH tin' ijcfwil "f Jus George Ryem>n. and Henry Co: lies* tlee of tlie IV «illhini Willtilott. added to from time tt> time as desired. » / Parker, son of M. H>-nr.v Parker, holh who ft»r shany yeni-s liust been ibe chief of Little Silver, were married yester- WE ARE; S^OLE A tri-'il Justice in day at the brlue'a home Tlie tin- i niony was performed by Rev. F. p. ^9 th^ territory §nd carry a Swe*py, rttclor of Christ Chttteb, BURGLAR IN HOMES. Shrewsbury. \ Tiits house was fleeorated with pink HONOR AMERICAN SCHOLARS. Steals $150 In i«w*try, m Meal, a Suit mid white dahlias and irreens. Tin of Clothes, a Bath and a Jag. couple stood under a large floral bell Centenary Degrees Prom Berlin For M.iiiflehnWL V V.. (lit. i:i.-A tmr- and at the conclusion of the a-editine Justice Holmes and Four Others. Xlnr il-ilr.l Hi,' ••untilr> hotnes <•( iivu they wort* Hhowered with petals, which Kcrlhi. <•-•!. i.i in cimnecflou with SENATOR DOLLIVER ILL. . stolp fl*Hi woiMi nf .jrxvi-irv. n HMHH fell from the bp|l. The ushers were th*1 t'tMiti'VDiry rflrhnn iuu of Berlin llM'ill. t| Kl|lt i'f rlilllll'S, II lljll I ;iMl A Much Concern Felt Over His Condition. Kennel h Parker, a brother of I he bride- university hounrnry dc^iei'i* have hven groom, and Thomas Holland, of firook- jaft | Sister Called Home. voutcn-fil by ritf iiittilriil fiuiilly i»i 1 lyn. The bride wore & cinnamon Profpssor Tin'fulorp W. Hlchurils 4l up sum** iia.vs HB". Ai ilio t°r J. I'. l>nllh<>r. wii<> ts n.j.fi.mi to by Mrs. Ben Stnaje. at Brooklyn, who s(r,v anil i>v. 'i'hdiiiitt* I.UUTCIII'C, pti't^i- WHsfiii h(.nvr ihe tmruhir • noKwl ;i hu* \m) JI|,1I1S home in Kort Dijge. was ttccoiupanU'tl by Fred Horsefal! dent of ihe Normal and t*nHpjdatp In- imvif 'Ut a £-A* s(nvc mul utiumi ii u(> i H|** *#$W. Miss (Iu> I»AlWver, a of l.lneroft, on the violin. with <-h:unp;ij:iii' [H* fuutui in rli!>.t)ftust\ moitil"*(»•«if (He faculty uf stiiut<\ AKIMVIIIP. N. <".. ami It.v the 1 A wedding supper was served. Mr fuciiliy of lntr on .twttict1 Ilnlmi's «>f Id WtiH ;l!i|ui i-cii (I.V o\ iiTtiitit* :tn«! ('<'l'^t' Jit Siuti\ I'M). ii.is |HM-II sniti- and Mrs. ParKer loft last night tor 11 thp I'lillc*! Stnh»M snpremi1 t-mirt nut) wi'lit Ii* \HH\ fur iiwlitV. lllimnt. wedding trill i" the South. I'pon theii l>ean BurgrsH of rolnmhh) nniviTsiiy. When he not n\> h» toak a UntU %\vn\ ' St'luitui bulHm has not been' tn return they will live st Holyoke, Mass.. (knitted :i suit or \|r. Wikms rtt.tlM^. &><"* h»";ilrli fi»r am-riil uiimthH. fhqre Mr. Parker will be employe!' ii' tlicn cut up MM iiitilHi'M.-i ;iixl tt'iAtlt* Wl*" *J-HI iu tl«» \it>miou m thirtv-hvc yenrs. R&titoQ h'liiic. W'inTi* he **•<•,ir'-tJ sir.n Get Your Copy Today netting Company, The bitaesn, mi LEPROSY CURE IS Ktadiiatod from the Ittd Bank High wniHi (>f jcu i-lr,\. Xu . li-w nt lite <1 The new Art Catalogue showing llUryl.il- IttlH IllN'tl t'klllKl. School In 1894. He Bnlihee a eouret FOUND IN HAWAII. WHO WANTS A WIFE Color Drawings of attractive Library in mechanical engineering JU Sreven^ Interiors, announced in The Saturday Institute and has Hiu-e been srorkhis SUICIDE IN ASYLUM. Evening Post of , to be for the Sareo company In New Vork". ANO A $200 BONUS? Inoculation Process Discovered Former Newark Alderman Hangi Self distributed by agents for WEDDED£YEAR AGO Bathrobe,Cord. lobe^Wcrnieke Elastic

Editor Hoskiiw, of Klaiiasquan. An by United States Doctors, S^;,;^i £\%Vi; German Heiress Must Gel Mir- ., can be obtained only at our store, Jersey stale de(i; rtiitt?nl nf !:ilmr titnl j nsunces His Marriage in Newark t at we are tfie exclusive agents in this ™ to Miss Thompson. fitnnerly ;in nlrteriuitll fl-niii the Slxll San Francisco, ik-l. l;t.- "Witliln tw wiiitl iif tills 'ity. i-WllUlltleil BMKUI ried to Get Fortune, city, for this and other trade-marked O»e year ago yesterday Trocey ik ycjir^ we nil) IM* ctirhiK iipj>i'»>sv on ;i :il the Knm)ay $200 to OLDSTEINS wnilth, were married. Announcement nay Hmii who will emmeut to betonn- rltorliil Metll'-at Hocletj. in l or the nuptials was Hr« made res "The «-ur(»." ruottuuod t\w rtm-tuv. "1H ilw* l»«t three Mr. her liiisUiUnl for mi h"Oi\ The above ierd»j\ The couple had ouccessfnlly fa not l»'f rctil iiitlm*. HHP conf Iwhm (1i>v«-ii>|,t«,l tinth-r die coiifinKsioit hits -^uitprpd a kept tbeir secret tor a full year am) 8fc»t (o Ifauiiii by Hie federal ffovcrn- of [Minilysid. As Hoen us be ynt as miir11 wlu'ii \ln* presented th U HOI even their parents had an inUHue mi*iii to .nil On- Uical UnvestlKaloii*. on* in- wns seized with (mother, verttaemefit fer n hnSbaml tola local ot the truth. 'Phis coruiniRHiou '-i-nsi-u-il of Dfhi, s bruin «;is .intftwj. iH'«H|»ai)Pi\ to wiiiih «be would not They were married In Newark by Brinckerh'tfT. now of Hnrvnnl; l»r. lei! hoi' roitl iiHiue. Kev. J. c. OOonalii, Jr., pasior of St. Onrrle umi l»r. HollniHU. KILLS HIS BROTHER. She e\|i!nlnt'd, hnHover, Hint n PHI'H M. E. Church. WlK-n they came "Thr irorfc profttfnmeB oa lines nt l ra}H>ut IIU1I1.V .veiirs simuliiifc- iiilniiiiiite,! here ;psfl fl>r ;1 w(11»n" "f "»">' >» 'IT to not Mr. Hosklcs is the son of VVIImcr A look through our Catalog that I inn cvriairi n mw for l^pro^y iu :lw immier >.f Hurry Sciwrr, men- * htMlmuil In riernaujr. hut Iu .VHWI- %. Hosklns, who ran the paper befori has been found, " . ly-llvf yimrs old. i.y his limrher. Louis '''» ••«• ls utl11 " ".vminB Kin." is a style education. the aou took hohi of It. lvl n Seherr.'lMeiitytH,, years ,ild. of New "' " "" "•mmlilM I" him." she r V MINER HEIR TO $87,000. | York rttj. '1'lie iTilne wns cnliuulttnl «IM. "I will in 0 ilivim-e at on. e In Champlin Hera Next Week. jit the ileml IIIJIU'H t:iil<»rins CHtiUMlHti !ll) lio111'- I ncrer want to see him The theatre-goers or Long Brand: Search Being Made For Patrick Me- tueiit In Emit Rtiijel »itli n knife. iiealn I ill) tint weal Io remain nwr- Will be pleased to hear of the ensure Granahan In Wilkeibarre. I.uuis. who .was ittTuHted, told tli> rled 1 IHIIV IV;MII to retuni to . diiil hefore a The (ilay Monday avaBmg will h. when \u- iVwtl lln' oHii-r tl;iy be Iffl ;iu r»BH>. -Wradlnr. ' |ihysiei:in eotidl r«ich hitii,, 'The Powers Thai Be," In Hii. reoll! estiile of over .S!H».ui»u In his «>nty New Von» Cirtr Tlir «B

tl Clear | Nineti-i'iiNi street, where Jaeuhs l.eiy ami then, is not H sinsle dull moment 44 thiit li\iii h>' W}i» WofklBK in JI POfll Boston * 'U*a r Uleil. He reuelied tiler- nt 1 o'clnek Iu In its action. "Tlit; Powers That Be** mine nrar tub •-Hy .m.l liounl^t with Hufifalo 44 CIPIII- {the tiun'ump; nm! wu v\\i i»f bremii ilf'als with plain every day people and I'liieiitfo ia» Cleiir Genuine bargaiafprices—prepared especially for 1 fi Mrs i;«-il]y. A -";iivh is now IK'IHK I after i-litnhinu the stnirH. y I .' a xtory that develops year in anil j 7ti imttif for Mm. Ait.-r HI jew hiivc bppti V'lcnr 11 i —= fonriition hei'iiincMo serious that .vear out. It is ihe old lull ever uni Nen- UrleiltU . deducted Uwr« iviitaiiw 587,000 for 1 lenr llerninn I.oel,e f 77 Kast One Him our Mail Order Customers, and not on sale in •*»•' of love, the love that i- fated nol tVimlUiiatuu .. u MirGrannhmi. m ''"•"'• rttoil nml Vhietwinh stiwt litui'tiHl ti> I" run smoothly at first, but which tor I suninmii llr. I'HwIehOerifei' of 2S West 'StoreX The catalogue costs you nothing, the sav- initiate* In a wedding and complete MISS FOWNES DEFEATED. • One Hiiliiireil iinrl .Niuetfehrh street. rout of all unfavortii!! elements. WIG SAVED CARUSO. WM« l.mke vMurneil with the ilo - ings an each garment is remarkable. Golf Champion's S'ster Easily Beaten lor the il»eil wiiteiw.)- \vjt4 t'ottntl ilentl But He Got ConcuMton of Brain In Two ill st Eatonttwn. by Miss Dorothy C-mpbcll. lie-id( II lllu ,.1 JIIB t'l'inilil. Fall oiv SWgc. STEINBACH COMPANY, Asbury Park, an- James Taylor, the tej-year-old son FloMMtiKiur, 111.. Ort. i:;. I'liiyluji with of Alfred Taylor, of Maxwell, near Ea- \\ wlc;t«Uufs-i whitti :iM"Ui-.ln-d I'VH» ' It<'riiii. Ocl, V-'i. \fftmling to ve- |nu-i* .-eii'ix ftl hpr<* front MiinlHi. Eu- FOUR UP IN BIPLANE. announce important clearance sales of Newest tonlown, is sick wlih typhoid fever. the vi>H'i;iijs of llM- sump, Miss Iiiin>- lUy Ciilnpix-ll nf ll;unilt. kmr l>\ :in itci'iiitMtlai Tarr.Vtown. S" Y.,' O91: 1.1 -Clinton f'lttniHirs. hWtnr oC \;iiii'iml rhiiuihinn Shoes,. Dress goods, Wash Fabrics, Domestics, ingaton was taken sick with tynhold •*trtl> wniimt >vliilL' shi^iii)4 iu "'Cjir- 11. Itttilley of 'I'urvytown niitde!n >,m- WitUain ('. I uw n.-s. i; up ntni r to pl;ty, fever asd died. I! is believed I hat rh. lip ( IIH'II.' '•--r-i'ui tiitflu txiiii his uew liipittne .it Orinlilng water In |h»t locality is Im- ill till till iniilcli r.innil olMlie six- Tut'K(l;iy tiiultt CjiniHo iri|.|.i«l nwr H Ihe Einpirp n rlly trnek. The liuiehltu> / Stoves, Crockery, Glassware: f* pure, aud vomethirjr sbontd be done to |)llM-^ (if Htiigf |H'|-|,V ilU*l WflH liKill.V • avriwl f'mr le alirl left tlieuroutid of the 1 ii I SMK.,1 i;..ir ^jmiAitldn inilirove ihe conilltions existing there. Uuvl. His (u.jiivi^^ W*r« i»»t r«t!ui(lt»(t -uen ro «ti«Kl of fifteen inli,tt. Miss c niij.lii.irs ini'itii! senre of sev- Jamra Woleott has hod his frinrth at- HI ihdik'crotis .i! ili-Kt. hut ai'p m>w suit) n lioni'. eat.v-ei.ilil i-li]]|>ei1 seven KtroliBi off lier tack of appendicitis and Is under the |i> ho ijtiilt' HfiioiiH. I'hf tUn-tofti uuy lliwlliy pi;.ib.|iil,v tlm l«ix'e»t bl-' SATURDAY, OCT. 115 own i,riii>,- rei-itrd of eiuhty-fljte. nuU care or a physician. Eventually hi- Unit Itf U sufTcrhig Ft-tMii i njitUNsimi of lime In ft« pHlnft!* are forty fet>t j will have io be taken tn a honpltul. is IVVflle -ILikes liell,,r thllll tilt nine. UW Imtlit :itiy m-e ' «- jef JiiUlt. The Advertise in the Daily Record. mnchUip luis Iwen ;it dip trm-lt for two k the bargains—when we say "Sale" we r^ean re- BARBER MYSTERIOUSLY SLAIN AFTER PERNICIOUS FILMS. ductions from current prices, and you will be sure v Human* Conference Starts Worldwida SERMON CUT FOR CLASS FIGHT Hanson Suspicion Falls on His Stvmt.tr- Cruaad*. 1 of great economies, whether or not we "publish TMF UPTOWN STORE year-old Wife and Her Friend. WdHhiuictwu. lift, life* A worlUwhtp Divinity Student Hurriedly Closes Fu- New Km'llefle, N V.. (Kl. IX. -Jlj-»- ttUW0K .iL.nUt}t tH'i'liirioUH moving pfe> neral Sei vice. We have jus,t received a new lery satTonuill. the itinnler of Km'uk lUft' HIB1« YiUn luUIU'hPfl hy the inter- AlUuiiilml 111..Oil. 1.^ To saw the prices. line (if Udies Waists lit Lingerie r ttlilll ivho Is sB|tl jo !„. ou )UI|. morill plelttres. Violation*. It H reeom Inu here imil IrUrulml tninl*- miles to mate friend of the yimn^ wife. ' meiKleit. shouhl he fniiiishahle hy I I'lipcr Alton hy tmwftt, "ircel oar noil | 98 to $2.98 tlm- or Iftilil'lMouuieiit. ami "sin-li .,)' ililtoak.bllc Weather Forecast. A "i-"-<'ir' ut sutirtl<>n siniinmB«l Mr. Liira Wilrts, Hwdsomely En- FMr nnil enoler, wiih I-IMII- north- effense aiiahlst Ihe 1 I1II1I Hitrt lie Irieil llllellv.v.ly Ion thI hie' iele|ilioniclflihollfe vnniiv e In-n n kroidtrtd, it in the juvenile i-mtrf." ,| -•;!• li;t*|; tile ftllMTHl srn r $1.25 569 BROADWAY Advertise in the Daily Record-It Pays