Long Branch Daily Record. Vol
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" ! LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 9-NWMBER 240 LONG BRANCH, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1910. 8 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT EASY AM ranBIG CELEBRATION GETS 5 YEARS FOR TWO BADLY HURT IN MUHLEIBRIIK HORSE BJOPDKJHTH GffiL METHODS IN COUNTY Trots Mile Heats In 2.33, 2.32 OF COLUMBUS DAY Spanish War Veteran Who Left COLLISION OF WAGON Democratic Freeholder Candi- and 2.3) in Match Atlantic Highlands With 15 dates Isiue Platform Promit- Race WAS HELD HERE Ytar Old Girl Sentenced TROLLEY CAR in| to At O#n*fork 1*he trotting race for charity held Mqsej* Booue, the colored Spanish The Democratic freeholder candi- at tbe Monmoutb County Fair grounds War veteran, who was arrested at dates in Moumouth bare issued tae near Red Bunk yesterday afternoon Floats, Automobiles, Carriages And Hundreds of West Cheater, Penn., a short t}me Quick Jump AH That Saved Motorman From Ocean- following platfoftu: waa not as interesting as many fol- ago, in company with Ada Williams, The Democratic caulldates (or lower* of the sport anticipated. Ner- Marchers In Parade- Exercises In Afternoon the fifteen-year-old daughter of Wil- part In Red Bank Accident-Highlands Man members of tbe Boarfl of Chosen Frwv •-)'fx-if.-;s ]t proved a drawing card, liam Williams, of NavesJnk. near At- holders of the county of Monmoutb. and It is ibought the Long Branch So- lantic Highlands, changed with her tfcat the voters may know what mar ulaty for the ln>pfoVenient of the Poor And Ball And Fireworks Display In abduction, was arraigned before Driving Express Wagon Also Injured-Car Ue exjwctw! of them, if elected, berebr wiHrp{!t4**» nearly $100 from the gate Judge Foster this morning at Fret- j pledge: IX'C^IptB, i hold. He waived indictment, and j in Another Recent Crash ttrti: An earnest aw) honest atten- The race was arranged between Evening Attracted Large Crowd sentence or five years in state prison j tion to the p»Wlc aerriw; not a saer* Henry MuWeribrink's "Hi Henry" and was imposed. attendance at ihe regular meetings at Th* Italian residents of 1.<>»K It will be remembered that one day j A quick jump from the front of bis the board and drawraf salaries without Joha (i. Sexton's "Mattie/' Sometime WILSON AT ASBURY PACKARD FIRST NUMBER car was all that saved motorman ago rhfse gentlemen agreed to race Branch held a big celebration yester- about a month ago whfle'ihf girl was! a corr«spondir^ return of service lo day Iu honor of the U8tte anntevrsary Charles WsUUsg. of Ocoanpori, (ran their trotting horses to decide whlcli vatzenbach May Precede President of on her ;vay to attend school at Atlan-j Noted Cartoonist and Entertainer llif taxpayers of tb» vomtg. of the discovery of the western hemis- being i ruBticil to death Uu>i nighht wan the speedier. Instead of conlpet- Princeton at Nearby Resort Sat- tic Highlands, she was seen to board Flmt Feature «f Teachers' Asso Second: A phere bs; CUristoirtwr Columbus*. The { »hi'« a lied car ^ IrtE for a purse, they <lr<*wi. d upon a urday Afternoon. a trolley car bound for fted BanK In! elation Course This Year. she In the holiday, whiel\ is named in Ti«. ex- | a horse aud eipreep s wagon near •>chemt' whereby a charitable organiza When Dr. Woodrow Wiilson, the company with Boone. Her • mother,!] It isn't often that one man In capa (noda, conaiatent wi plorer's hoaor, waw celebrated Aa var- i Hance road. Redd BulkBk . The front aiid lion should bt> the berie6c.ar>'. The Democratic candidate for Governor, when notified of tbe occurrence, was j fole of poesessiBg enough "claaB" to en for and progress is ious ways. The parade was formed of Ibetrolley was completely den first open challenge made aroused a peaks at the Hippodrome at Asbury greatfy alarmed and Wad a warrant in- n-i lain and please a targe audience a tectlae Uw ««»tj, «ood deal of comment ainong howc early in the afternoon. The mmmu-tl sued tor the ippreiifliulon of Boone. hl h bd ed and the controller box and brake Park Saturday afternoon he probably whole without somebody get rod jammed against the door of the people mar Ke' in owners, and, after the conditions be- imwfihalK were President of City Coun- Tbe authorities hereabout* were noti- ting tired before the end. But the honest T«^BV—«oB*r cil Forrest Green aud George L. Crum, ill be preceded by Frank 8. Katien- car. Mr. Walling, however, did not value public, atlmir^ry of each animal fied, but were unable to catch the one iuHn who can do this 1B Packard, p Republican candidate for Mayor. ach, Jr. , uscape injuries, for he seriously | . ' became enthusiastic. Counselor Samuel A. Patterson, a cotipli-. .News or the pair wag later the great cartoonist and humorist, The paraderg made an excellent : The toirt1:1io[is were mile beats, Launch Democrat and a» enthusiastic received by the mother from a woman who la .to appear on the Lyceun c showing as they passed down Broad- j is now coofined to his bed nailer tbe bVyt three in five. Mr. Muhlenbrlnk upporter of Dr. Wilson, will preside in Philadelphia, who grpw nuspiciouff in tbe opening number of five bis; at way on their way to Ocean t»ark L-hti of s physician. drove his own horns while "Happy" t the meeting. With him t»n the a to their relations and they were i ractions that are being put on by the a ditcontinuance of employls*: unneo- Casino, where the exercise* were heltf. ThompHon held, the retntt over Mattle. lan'orm will be other prominent then easily traced Long Branch Teachers' Association. The driver of ihe eipitss wagon .-i"«ar.T anrinant* at unitoeclwary pub- The Manhattan Marine Band, of Mew The horsea got away at an even break, democrats, including assembly candl- , , . iCpnsiflued on SixQi Page.) Packard is always heralded as the was Harry H J»hnsou, of , Fourth Ueeipawe. Tfeerp were but Hi Henry jpok the lead and won York, led the procession, ies, i.vou K. Taylor, Elmer H. Oe- "curtain raiser" in these big courses. street. Highlands. Hr was thrown rourtfc: In the MHMtn* a»4 repair a number of floats in Un . The moat the heat going easy. The second and an and James H. HeiutrlckKOn. <nnt From the moment he appears be has from the wagon and sustained a sprain-; of bridges, roids arid other public Columbua float. third heats wete also won by HI attractive was the Phomas J. 8cuHy, candidate for Con- tbe audience with him. He in a moat ed foot and ankle, besides braises to works, to employ those \ho are COB* Henry, the horse Mattie failing to containing a bevy of "pretty girls reis. PARSLOW iSICUL versatile entertainer, for, besides be- his hands and knees. Me was ear- jjetenj, a< wefrtoort"*present th* nittke itmrh of a snowing. The race dressed in white, representing the The committee in char«;o of the ing a master with the crayon and ried to Charles Van Btust's house county, and able -to '"'•Vl'Tiy'l Uw war. <;onoluded without the eohtem Queen and her court attendants. The eeting its now making arrangements itiush, he can execute on the piano, nearby, where Dr. C. V. V. Warier, of! whether contracj* therefor .are baiae plater! strife, and (he admirers of Hi queen waa Miss Coeuzsa, her roaW or the appearance of either Joseph SEASON'S BIG HIT sing songs never before heard, and Fair Haven, was summoned The in- honestly carried out jsasa enforced M in waitiuR being Mian Jennie Ijlsta. Harry wi»re jubilani. iVmiilo or Mark Sullivan, assembly-j tell a choice selection of interesting jnred man's wonrahs were temporarily j,},,, inter««fof tae <SWiity. The young ladles, were presented wltli that never fail to bring forth dressed and he was taken to the doc-[ Fifth: To require an inteiUa^nt item. The judges were Charles Jones and ii" ii.ii.- The rear or the float was a urn from Hudson county, and one orjNoted Vocalists andElOCtuiOflist tors o«ce. Thence he ama later re-: Charles McCne. Charles Dubois neffctS' large canvat* pain tin? of the landing he other of these well known political laughter from those who seldom laugh. ^ ^ render*) *e moved to his home at the Highlands tor ou^fj, as starier. At the $aie were John . f CoJumbus, bearing date of 1492. peakers wit) make an address in the Take Pant in Church Testi- Packard Is foil or fun, the contag (erriee, ae reautr«d fcy Saw, o vent of Mr. Katzenfcach'B delay. In ions kind, -ami the kind that U full of by his brother. 3. W, Johnson, who; In order that an hoiieat audit mar be HeWt, Jr;, and James Bnnis. There I The commfttees of arrangements went for him with a carriage. was to have been other races rttfrtnrg and invited gueats, toKetber with some tiy event there will be (wo good monial Entertainment profit. His evening's entertainment Is to prevent ratAt upon tbe county the afternoon, Wit none of the horses peeeheB, one besides thai which wili brim full of everything to drive away Tbe car that figured In the mishap treasury, and to check useless and nve hundred Italian residents, came was No. 28, and was in charge of Mo- were on Ihetracl;. e delivered by Dr. Wilson. A attest and appreciative audience j tt,e blue*. His critics always say profligate expenditures of tbe public next in line.