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Southern Accent September 1968 -

Southern Missionary College

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Schneider Plans Student -Admin. Communication Effort INTER-COM will ind helping help SMC offieiars G- C.'s DeBooy Is " feel out student Idi^AS Featured representing the local e been sched- a ^ KAl# «Av i ^"f* opinion from inferences At MV c ,„. ^ .._,. g „„ Weekend Here Southern grossroot's level. Union: D. L. Aalborg, Georgia-Cumberland; S, E. Gooden, South Ceniral; P. A. Kostcnko, Carolina; N. 0. Mid- dag, Florida; R. P. Peay, South Atlantic; and D. M. Winger. Ken lucky-Tennessee. Also pres- EDITORIAL SPECULUM 3

needs o( Mr. Avorogo AcUve

3 admillcdly not an oloqucnt

lably stem from this

joiise to the SA [ Re-enforcement

thinldag academic conrniunity. And. J

'Reader's Digest' .iLg ion-

Reprints From iSleJeweti" 'Outdoor World' := "» "

an article from OUTDOOR ^I'Zl": >^^Z WORLD, new national nalurc ri'i^nlw/she^'hc;^' ^!^l,^'S,i. Speaking Preslon Publications, Inc., of please originate an elieclive plan?

nd BbxIc), Title of the article being re- ^r^ 'Chug> d''^"e°'thT,S' luck, Doug Extraordinary Changeling." It bieaklhrough lor Ihe mon h. Good

Jean George. nature writer, Chairman. Filing lor Ihis ,., .,,..drc .n,lv «!... The article, illustrated in full uiing from Sepl, 23

' " '-C^l^lt V^^ti romi in the September-October '""ThlL'raOToii' w WORLD. :.';:;';^^. r.«ir''Tvf. OUTDOOR b,on«lb,*.Vic.-pr.. denl.MorkWeigUy

are Sev- OUTDOOR WORLD Con.,i.n,ion. enth-day Adventists. Publication ,h.,. ,h.i minislraUon on its

/cd 10 be tight quar IV of the men. U oi M why all the me Turnoverssed elbow ^WRH rlhei tr>-ir at- itGettii in almost futile ^'^"' WCi '<''»P' 1° 8<=t er^ : yen they are extremely comfor- dS' appreciated the table. Admittedly he recognizes We men have former the improvement of Talgc of old cfiort to give the 1 psychological problems sincere - - - masculme 1 Mis-- -o Jones Hall of new but all that women's dorm a more one sU sionary College. He must adjust egisters consciously is that the environment, however to using the name Men's Resi- flowery "all- dence Hall upon a building here- Ihe good dorm to the palace. former coaling of tofore referred to bysuchjn- Evenm^Uy = nock,l :reale"d Li tC tl^dorm l,a. no" on^omTof ihe'doors. by """' I BaslJlle, The Ri forgotten etc. A building one male populace. Thi degree of contempt n the shelter (or its fon i>-pole of years past betwc Tlie SMC male has ice to the cubbyhole rtwms, night^ light! present " a feeling of inferionty that ili kcs a shoiver in now. etc-, but for tlie

miss—the so ; in occupies a larger total area than us even wan. Not a female and what was more decrepit, ha If- plastered

& Martin's Sarawak, Bolivia Were Scenes Lomino For SMC Student Missionaries SPORTLIGHT were released, . '63 Hagball season al SMC choices

ihitipn seeking spot prec ,s on Ihe five "A" league Captains Bill Wokoll. this

still holding. In pracuct „ Pleasants downed Johnson 13-6| and Asheviile, North Carolina. Gar- while Robinson 13-13 lie. Theoi rcn graduated from Ailanlic shnreda b Union College willi a bachelor learns are scheduled, date. of science, and proceeded to re- not played to aid and pro- the '67 season, ih bring mediciil, spiritual, and ed- all, reports llial he was rallier ics to give medical ccive his master of fine arls from Since team seni health lectures. Then she Rochester Institute of Technol- faculty has entered their in in the league compeiiUon *vilh whom he worked since he spent wo weeks working ihe "A" Chulomoni Hospital, a small. Like most "new" teams, they ar S.D.A. -leased, govern- expected lo rank high in th bnynks. Yel, il appears ihnt this 30-bcd, Academv and bringing hnU ihe not which is Six. How menl-owned hospital senior class wilh him is Donald Happy Valley Top operated by a U.S. doclnr. It was here, she reporls, thnt she may be boosted by the additio ~^ "rookies" drafted b ' ly^BH^^^^B everv place h-^ visited. music and also lead in the choir- of several administration. Ncxi, Carolyn attended a He graduated wilh a bachelor of the SMC arts from Union College, and a ' rlrrnin OnceT f1 rmff '"re.'Sn .'lo was asked to give ihe eulogj- at and has a master of arls ^/D*^^SQ^B^^M the kitchen preparing gluten. lego, B cimn"'''* D. fil^s^rd^ley ihe funeral of a villager whom from Ihe University of Indiana. ^^^^^^K3^^^^^H never met. Also, he ^"^'°^' he had pons, was with a crippled chil- completing his Ph.D. in ''" Just fi "c"^ b Nurso Carolyn leaches artificia laughl Bible and English and dren's clinic which was rccenlly ex])erimentnl low-energy nu- -esp^ratlon !o some retio.aU. assisted in various phases of clear physics,, Henry Kuhlman K Gri«b«k an elderly American philanthro- a vJm"" Caro- Purdue's Men As might be expected, SMC this year. He graduated E.&,..,ko R.Du^X. from Andrews University. nurs'inrfield!'she^m!ihncd her G. mX"''' To Sing Sunday private duly nursing home. A new asiociale professor of and Carolyn are now J. Pl™«nls D Slipllon "A singing world will be a Harry "arTmel'i" of^ nur^ng^Ts'^Mlss happy world." «ys Dr. Alber "How can you possibly know their studies al SMC. They Alice Loughridgc, who holds a ? wXr" n. Cullvcll P. Slew-art, director o[ th lights shine world-famous Varsity Glee Club plan to lei iheir here in ihe homeland as well uiale Heart College, and a mas- of Purdue University who wil ;™' nS tc"numfeir ri by encouraging iheir fellow stu- G Gnie M Wi-iRley feutij w volunteer for ihe MV- versiiy. [ °j, j"^; dents to M onorj Co cge Sunday, Sep i"!"'™^^ Jiy s|)onsored studeni missionarj- embe "9 a 8 p m n he Phys University of she ill Education Cen e College "™ Kansas where rUl''y.mpfei, ^pr^grm^ orXrtSd'enUnexMumnS dal received her master of science. RDbinMn r Already, each is scheduled for Mrs. Juanita Giles will be an T m eCiub ro go ihrough with il whether N Z^"*" H \^l1"ar.\

tak'en'^dva^nce'd'worl^ me the Shrhas during the monlhs ISf" dsununc ern Union ISif ahead. Watch the Southehn "" audic'nc" a'nd shape vour num- Mrs. Sharon Redmond, a Fotuify Accent for furl kt bers accordingly." graduate of Columbia Union College Nursing, is an !?;£' The nc n a D Slewar Tlie Glee Club is composed School of g'Sv" Ploquesplaquesplaques riMTwho''?ng'as''a side- Iheir studies at Purdue, Plaquesploquesploques

plaoues thank you sil'y'has neither a School of Mu- Name sic nor a music curriculum car- plaques, credit-where-cred- rying academic credit. It-is-due plaque

1P^4S»^ "^^oatiPeS^ccent

TALGE LIVES ON AS NEW BUILDINGS NAMED The Southern Missionary Col- style mansion ser\-ed as both

''Steps to Christ" Is Theme at Inal decision con- married couples quarters- dining

I Southern Union Bible Conference

ed o a T a I e Ho dunng the ea ly daj

e ongotthe 968 Sou hn |^»J(i?i (% «, H g^ , f, a Bb. Confeene d '''.^fVJ w O ^^I^W Q •5a e Man C k ^^^ V f

GRE Time Is Almost Upon Us

'" f adm on c- adua h o Shir b ne d A on " " '^' o"n r ^on r tl rJ' \ 1 eT^ e & fe^en^e n Ed S ne T ea P " r'' od'' Bhe

o e from the G adua e Re E. ammauon Thi es is

fe ed on obe 6 and De t .T I

coMmumi oAi mm com L the deadlines of By Boui-ni DuPliv

became realily, ironically enough, by adm nis m \ MC delegates in prayer band al COM takes Ihe place ol Ihe Sludcnl-Facu ol win his choice and with- oi students an ff rrimble, Bill Wiisl. Pauleiit; (or broader reprosenlalLoc. ihe g to pay the three for late r^eislratioti- « the GRE on its cani- At the 5rst meeting of the. students and S faculty wo.o preBeni. All an as rs islered by Dr J, M. ;ontcrence each delegate wa< jiven a copy of Step^ to Chrisi' being a last minule worship announcemen an alf ind requested to read iht. ACCENT Blory: and in pari lo obvious slud an hm |liaptcri pcrtQining to the meel- apalhy.

ings and discussion groups tc follnw. lo the problem of cafeteria line-break- The discussion groups, a1 tuting Iho quarter system, vii^l pan of the Bible Con- ferpncc, o( Iho lime, with the admuiislrcrtorg met in eight section!1 college occupied a segment explaining lo the students that Ihe action of Ihe board was to 1 Thursday and three on Friday,

Ihe lacully agreed lo study Confession, (2) Consecration. chapel record taking procedures. improvement. Bui one key weakness ol 13) Fniih and Acceptance, (4) aludent suggestions lor The that on major mailers of policy. Test of Discinleship, (5) Ihe first INTEH-COM session was taking and student represenlation Gromng U|, inio Christ (6) including Friday night record Tlie\\Wl;and,heL.te, (>)A merits and dements ol 5""-W,ootGod,aMd(8)Thc Of monolog, ralher than a dialog of Ihe ^""ly^-s of Tr..e and False 'ciprice were presented and so ^^;1' but ihosn are the little things Ihat become d<;leeale wTs Tnvhed "c\ devoted to trivia, Ihere the aludent in his day-by-day program. And : important lo '"Vet under discussion and to °>* qucsiions. with the potential ol INTER-COM. COMIVIENT SPECULUM I

in the planning o i'i;£t':-rst?:^'j«.:

,J'',°°.'v°d'"°ra"Ljo'rac'iS't boul the Conietonc

Calnp Coryell not hdvo rivaled Ihe one in Cyp ess Gardens, but CoUegedale's .IS' olT, ta'd°Ieady beon made b '"sS^nL" one thing grcally in its favor. date. Speakers were broughl Ic S'-"™-" ood and Columb

See . . . BuVuioso whrwenl" and lutl Yout i-tl^S "o.L,».v.r.i,hl,bu,a„ njusL to the EDITORIAL S^efbi taiV.°e'l7il'' was an enioyable break torn p-i UreachooUehedule.

our (ecling. We only .' TrT.I by tall . . On the poliacal scene, filing week had to bo sxlended by Dfar Edilor- the first and second days of

ho.M^qtinl^f^.'^ef iu^K^su^Ta I?o'^''Th1 ZtZlLtS^h^^tTJo^'L^S°'c^d"l'onrh°l>rilS

PERFORMANCE ';; •:',:,i'S;f WkriKfEfH: E°"^f£iHHHi£' \irEiL^B^i;z

piano iind Glee Club. ]y sludent Unfortunately this is Ihe procedure Ihal the b^JoTeph' Priest ^Jn^ft mXrl" tunT(e'''«h'cli'^!o^i' Ihe body. * and overly z.olou. engineers. Univer^ily-s Glee Club expbded ""«,"l"'b" Sran'/p™"'™, J'he slighi«t byThc fo^ thai sev* onto the stage in ihcir black ^.^.^i .,oyj,„ ]a6iei were seen

liesResidence Hal e sludent diieclory. has been rienced a 1 cnlerta ning ide h H c„ Tdt getting more sleep lately. The 1 through nnii5ic Iho I ivas obv.. s 'iff KrM; 11 worn durinc the conce tbv a"ga^de^''o?d?cin°aba!.° nrn member" ol the Pu lliii ^11 It fontepl editor declined ^"^^ the title ot the lorihcoming pubU ation. the com- g began ^^^^^ 5 Ihey ought to come nenl. Critics will |ual have to w a.1 and see. Be faithful weary ngs, the I year. €;:ZT>S^"l'^i^± Is,: able [ 11 ha" 'ii' iiLh''*i.!^*uru"uy rdil'Vh 1"' Ti™ "Jh'o 'diifb iitri" St the Board meeting on Se at. 26, it was voted lo have on IBM 1130 compnter iiuialled on campus by September ol next !?;;S by S," .S to"""nb

t-i''!""fff7,fl taking chapel record and ptogramming computer dales. entc pVacl'ir.-d'Vv n.Pn in power and performance. Into the of one liour and fifty mii

||E|-^^-'fl done away wilh'this year. The" e'^'on^pby^hH^^^^

pael two yeaifi. SMC will be ;!?).'., .,^,^ 1.'; Sih:f,°h"eVwe"*«rt^ed

"""'""'"""TjllTZr' \CCENT INTER\1E\VS: Beaven: For one thing, lo

DR. WINTON E. BEAVEN being used is illegal in every

Following is an interview held becoming a drug user is "lo are arrested you have ruined maintain a healthy Christian %vith Dr. Winion E, Beaven your future for anything worth- experience and be al peace with visiting speaker for Temperanc while. Your record wll follow

qu lit> \hch had been sought '*<^«"'' ^r. Beaven, why army. Dr- Beaven's weekend taJL-; _, school, or even enter the that a? of the conc«n sh e 1 up bnl centered around ihe subjecls a Another disadvantage is Ihe use of addictive drugs in 1 a tl> ll e p e ei taUOn of you become lethargic from its last few '^ the years? n I cr H n Tie uana three maiorVreas of"teD n n I f llo^cd oil everything — you just become drug of rebellion. In the 1920's too lazy. People smoke it only entered a new- worla We have ^^^ feel igj^., ,„,,y ,^,, „,, because it makes them ind many people don 1 realii way lo rebel. During the 1940's and 1950's alcoholism became Accent: What kind of home Ihe rising problem. Now that background arc most drug-users not exlemal. And what is man cigarettes and alcoholic drinks solutions? Chemicals, akoho are becoming commonplace. ,^ "'S'^'^'^ccent Beaven: You will Tind dial ihis socieiv and wc as Chri a form of rebellion. where" the^^arenU are uan< ha^e a burden lo do Accent: Do you think that permissive or totally ngiQ- something about it." Young people demand constancy thing to do wiih ihe upheaval n.>callmg his visit lo Auslra of their parents. among student leadership on the typical modern college campus? 1 i da^ period he was o by use of drugs can be deterred Beauen: Not in a major legal means? sense. Lysergic acid (LSD) and 80-85?c Beaven: No. Unless population are in f"^"; \u I i) And why is his mes lion, but lethargy. Marijuana, or ot the llie addiciJ>e "pot," is a depressant. Ninety of a law against will spread- percent of those who take it just drugs, lawlessness after ibe do nothing. laws must be made J people approve them. are on a Qiristian college cam Accent: You menlionBd in are Accent: Are crimes that committed under the influence as a resu suggested that ihc way to avo a hannful? of drugs commilled Dr. Chambers Mac/ison Plans lent, Claudia Mountain of Mo- Presents Paper Bus/ Year In California 0.1 Seiilember 9. thirty slu- dcnls regislercd on the Madison campus of Southern Missionan' irijuana reduce inhi bition s College for their second year cluh of the Madison campus am ha^ various responsibilities, in >uld keep a person from

and organizing cla^s activilieT" In addition to a heavy pro

medical-suT^ic^l experiences " ai Ihe Nashville Veteran's Admin- Her presentation was enutied boating, skiing and swim Old Hickoiy Lake, and to. But I don't mean tJ- Psychologically ing Measured, and son Hospital. While in the Nashville Symphor ings are not a good ide; Welsh Singer lis Consequences on Mental Test

ion should be called I Performance," The material was ihe facts. taken from her dissertation (or To Perform Accent: What is your opu the Doctor ion of the Five Day Plan to slo of Philosophy De- Miss Kallileon Joyce, famed 150 Support Welsh contralto, wll present a SILENT THRUST Beaven: I think the plan The meeting at which the pa- excellent! Where the resul' One - hundred - fifty students, 8:00 p.m. in Ihe College Audi- vsis unit before and aftei have joined SILENT THRUST torium, Miss Joyce has appeared isplanl surgery, as well ai this year. Classes iviU l^gin soon Results from Dr. Chamber's with most of the leading choral societies has at research and from her talk in- and sung the Three Choirs dicated that either (a) anxiety and Bath FesUvals, as well as concerts with such ose having taken part in the eminent conductors as Josef ve Day Plan were found to Krips, Paul Sacher, Sir Malcohn this study, or (b) 1 completely cured, compared Sargent, Sir Adrian Boult. to be held hi Birchwood on This is her 'third visit to the Wednesday. Friday, Saturday, United Slates. Since her last your foreign and Sunday nights from April

' Student Nurses, 4, thru May 10. Tlie families 1 the field of District 3. This and Iceland. She is a seasoned district consists of three diploma n Rod Bank and "hattanooga Dadcaster he U.S. a 'more or 1 and lias taken part prflgrams, three associate of many and varied programs on illending a series f meetings one conducted by Elde ou visited? i British Broadcasting Corpo- baccalaureate program. Tlie dif- president of the association is Beaven: They are all 1 the Academic Ability Joy [lited Slates has Hemberger. of Pensacola. Ida. a r

, Slie 17 ballot for nom lasis of merit. H SILENT THRUST was or- admiroble voice andi unfaihngunfai vcre evaluated janizcd last year as tlie evan- c behind I xperienco i average 'drinker in other and 5elistic arm of MV. Jim Aiider- mitted regarding the goa'ls tl Bus. Ad, Club of ;on, its first leader, arranged to \cccnt: What is the danger lave Mrs, Gertrude Battle in- the class, Blanche Williams of m Adventist school of harm- Hosts PR Man sitruct the students in the art of Iful drugs and alcohol being Fletcher, North Carolina, was gjiving Bible Studies. By mid- Song of Earth From Rock Cify Ihe and Mendel- Dctober fortj- teams were as- ssohn's Elijah. igned to famihes which had Mr. Tom Boylan, Director o The Nursing Forum officers r Advertising and Public Relation for Rock City, spoke to the Busi New Multilith Lomino & Martin's Speeds Copying Mass-produced memos an letters are taking on a new loo SPORTLIGHT at SMC. The college has put £(M chased a new multilith litho an copy machine to replace bot mimeograph and Xerox cop; St column. SMC's nagball may take on an sed. each added phase by al!o>ving the ayed tliree standings and make fieldgoal attempts. In tlie past this has been prohibited. Ity) and, of coulee, has handicapped period followed Mr, B the scoring ability of the teams. dress, in which he nts)

s) ball and mate a good kicker as cott) valuable as a good passer. ut of the s for each Carey's Saints, though trailing yed, the edge Hill's Raiders for tlie Jiing can championship in that league. B CHAHANOOGA OOD (no rela- Fowler's Rebels ivill probablv

"sports leam for thh-d (or possibly f leaped second) place leaving Colemon\



College Market Offers large selections of fresh fruits and vegetables plus a variety of groceries. '}§out£'e^ccent



Bg, Ocl. IS. you n

ienl apalhy is a hard thing to ovbi

initiative on the port oi the student body. Who really minds

Probobly. the moat Jent to havo a hand in his slate of oilairs. This apathy may be overlapping even into the spiritual atti- Iho Echool's oaily stand on lack oi spint- mporlcinl roason lor Ihc change from tude of our campus life, but ii so it .s not caused by

1 11 II proceedings, lelUng how various tangible ml a one-sided picture oi the 1 1 in which wo are now engaged, should produce some spreoduig acully and administiaiors voled on an issue, and general. This typo of action, of gradually sriviioged iniormalion in lies Also such innovations as INTERCOM should "^J^^^^, the begin lo open up a new palh for student initiative. Though

I'lSi^ha'tfon^t^d 'facility on the olh°". Two minor problemg that helped to bnng about the dropping

to equilably choose the student Commiltoe mce and a quoBlion about how Ihe inner thinking of the Association. The Scholarship PERFORMANCE has come up with some suggestions to toss oul and let students

the of NOTEJ^ "'""^^^l^^Txtir^'H^^^ for Iho action taken within L^nirra^roptTotlrL^al ^r°'sL"e ^'/a^'a.le 3ofT by Joseph Priest ^lUrJoTel!°aJ'dt"eTDTGo°don*'Hyd<>. head ol the religion l3ierr!md'lrde^n^'*ahkrito'might^tlievTmu^ might be time to move cmitiouslv and ludi- weighted tests deparlmenl. that, "It From the monieni when Miss pressure. By placing an option on these overly . direction of more student voice m pohcy ciouBly . . in the

Iho possibility of ofiermg some courses m Ihe future on a pass- on various workable Bolulioo lo the present lapse oi aludenl voice think a blessing thai would be for .udienco. In o surprisingly deep one's major field, bul what their views about it lo 1o think about IhiB problem, and to present invito proposals lor solution lo whal wo us. Wo would especiaUy aptitude or interest. Delails on these ideos ore ¥»«« 'or F^'.'l =|''^lrT'n-'l flionrot^lhc inev or no interest asking. We are aU wailmg to see iJ anyone has the VLN the to take advanlago oi thoughls like these.

NOTICE RE: CHATTANOOGA CALENDAR nliout anylhing relevant to our readers/up. We don't propose to

our Challauooga Calendar, wo wish lo clarify our purpose of especially those in opposition lo our views. This makes for good "^""rd " ll t h t beino dialogue rather than a lonely monologue.) sung "ould be djfncull to do

the hish points of the evening

/«i^.n.«.rt*«-/- tba yenr tb. 1 ,''--\- criii™„|.iT po- op Ih. opportontty lln. yeo,. thoogh. S„„ ^""'''^^S^IMPPHHT. nnd='- /-tLrWJ.M.l' m.n „. ho.ling th. winl.t bongo.t. it is .oay onoogh to L -J (O) (^ .„d tcchniciani l,o,vmr, it staid how had ,1 wJl bo to got oJJ those l.llows d™ued op « », -V K.y -M. „,;p,„ 1^ „,,,„i„„oa in ,„,„;„,,

vastly so, and for ^ Ashlon. of ihe SMC Fine Arts l)y those who attended, attend n„r In a continuing use of superb staff in his outstanding ond en- those wlio neglecuJ to made veil English transtalions, her Rach- viable performance of some of there was an emptiness Joyce Ihe more difTicull piano work in conspicuotis by Miss ity but a dead one is a

by other young people

inel and the Slunding Commi,

=""--"""'" AuntjCilliaM programs submitted by the;

of Orlando and Madison,

..dab campus and a Art Exhlblt ,-30-Hun hresTenlion'campul. Disployed Hcrc 2ri^^"^ wilercolors by jg (vj'.

. Mar>' B. Lynch of Cha oga is on display in SMC's red above ghl Hall. mediately after Uic Senate m Mrs, Lynch received a D.A. bers. Ideally, the two Senate a'. ' * representatives wl! pre; Mcws and needs of theii

Tennessee and she has had one Italy," film lecture ivith man shows in Chattanooga, Eric Pavel, Health and Ed- Dalton, and Ballunore. ucation Building, SiMC, 'horn ono day caressing theit lu ng by Mrs. Lynch is a member of 8:00 p.m. i«.°'o"t V £r„l Scil'l'&m^U^Clmt on flo nh ™mo„ iuicB "lito-'h^YZtrrilVh "^^ ; Building, SMC, A^rL •1 ATS Contest

"ludy. c Stag, do you =.= Ihi. b.owi, moik to Ihia l.ol?" Slated for "' oyes steadily on ihe leoi and pullod ...!h"ol"° "deT" Next Tuesday ideoho g liM, 11 T™.p=r.nceclubsp« b,„J„ uiJm"' slowly. A,°'?ouTLr"'' cliapcl October 29, according lo



10 SMC in July of 1962 from .^9t Andrews University to become ^^b.

which posiUon he still fills. While here he has completed .iH^9HBu'^^ more than eighteen projects lor jKMHM^^^^V the college- At present he is workmg on the preliminary ex-

library which, hopefully, wll Ii^HHHhIHIIL I be ready for use by next school

in iJie construction business for IJuUAIil I.&^HH&A1 nearly tliuiy years, beginning Under the supervision of Mr career upon his graduation his Costerisan, over 52,500,000 has been spent by SMC during the interrupting it shortly for a )ast six years for on-campus

eludes eight major projects com- Scully to Speak )Ieted by Mr. Costerisan. They are as follows; the shopping Next Week on

Religious Liberty dormitory, the addition to the

urn nd pool ih m ry th dmm Conference Rel gi us Lbert) dm

s^iloTcod d0"^be rm of Open House corcarf put on by «

necessifotod fl bteakdown on the "SMC Eipress. —a stop by , Elder Scully i 11 pe k n th ,y , Beiween 300 and 400 South Goorgion-styled building thai eni Missionary College alumn at the Friday nigl p n '^

ice in the Coll d 1 h 1 7:45 Fndny evening. Dr. J. Tiiursduy evening from 30 oSf Grady Smoot. '55. dean of tlie >=^|^ «Jp graduale school, Andrews Uni- — »/ki r^^='1 The highlight of Uie weekend versity. Bemen Sprmgs, Mich- w^th club ofTic d Ih gl^ Ll. Col. John E. Keplinger. l^fe i '43, chaplain in the United y/L| IhM j Hall, the new women's residence a Elder John R Ijw S pa —|^_j Ifl hall, followed by a special van- States Army, stationed at Fort tor of the Collegcdale SDA VJ9BI H IH^ pertinent to religious freedom al pus women's club. Tours for ^'^'JS I Hr dale church ot 3;30 Saturday nity were conducted through the afternoon; a sociol and businias ""wday aflfr^wn' 'al^'^Oo" sound like . rath meeting willi buffet supper at in the Collegedalc church, ^^m j^^r^^^ JTOkeii down th ffii minister on leave at SMC to denl resident. ilD mes toS2,800 M per' slud°nr"tl, n 0.S been on the status of religious bberty quoted b)- otiier SDA coUegesI in South and CenU-al America. litv. The a-U Mr. Ciuffardi has worked m cellent prices . ch SMC| seven Central and South Ameri- vas .ble to builc this and other! luildings on cam ave been! announcer for tlie Voice of argely due to Nlr. Costerisan'sf Amenca. organization and econ omy.

ja^j^^^^B i ! an^^HH&niu^J^^HJ^l ^rJ^HI H «^ 1 i


'^^ "^ ^ Fmsr TAsrs SMC Student Missionaries WAD START GIVES NEW /A/S/GHT Circle Globe By Norma Youn. A 5ix- year-old lad by name of Robin and El; McDowell, an SMC coed.

riy beginning on hi and Elaine's of on-lhe-jol

taught for eight weeks

liurches all over ihe South, Opportunity (OEO) Marlyn Jacobs and Lindi Malaysia, situated on the of the South Sea northern tip of Borneo. Manis, meaning "Sweetv Soma of BaU StBrt studenh. self-supporting n has grades 1-12 and firs The segment of Head Start in Elaine believes that one of the -ses in Monler college. It is 37 miles j^ "'^''^'' ^'^'"^ '""8*'^ o"'y ""o*' important activities k at the Hotel Kuching, the stale capi ing ™= of the one phase of the educational day was the "free-play" Sarnwak. His duties f< I period. included I'er- program for underprivileged Tiiis was an hour set aside for to fam md children directed nationally by each child to play at whatever Once OEO. Another year-round pro- he desired (within classroom 1 the gram is conducted for four-year regulations, of course). "This olds and over un,e helped each child to learn

th an orientation prog^ ond helped each learn the values s of youth work with the eceding the school session of sharing," she said. J through-out the session J common housing in Sara- veral in-service training meet- s kno\vn as a "longhouse."

her report to the SMC students eir aids. gress of children like Donnelle n D daytime chapel service and At first, he sat clone the whole Parents and relatives of the also spoke at Ihe Eighth Street day. He failed to respond to in Seventh-day Adventisl Church struction by the teachers, nor the Slates. Harry visited would he talk of i>lav with the Kathy Ippisch was a self- dia. Later, recruiters were oilier children. "Finally." say upporting missionary to Costa perhaps more than others, nt out to tvplain the program Elaine, "around the fifth week Rica. She worked v«th music, d persuade the parenls lo send of school, Donnelle began to eaching voice specifically. She villages and the first tim eir children lo Head Start. las given several reports in spend a night sleeping noticeable change of attitude Collegedale and plans others in Elaine reports that several come one day when he began a fight wth some other boys in The SMC missionary Volun- plele with pigs, smells, mats nducled in the Orlando area my class. From that day on eer Society sponsored Harrj' full Dayak hospilalily," nullaneously, usually in and Oirolj-n as its 1968 student seemed to behave like a normal missionaries raising over $3,000 "hair-raising experiences,' six-year-old boy," Later Elaine said "No, but I had a discovered that Donnelle's eye- e.vpenses. Four self-supporting shortening experience. I eived medical exams, medical sight was poor, a deficiency which is being cared for.

vices by professional person- "Do you know why I came to were frw. Head Start School?" said one While the day's acUvities little girl lo Elaine, "because my mollier won't re generally similar lo those let me have any In speaking of iroblems in this cou Such was a l^-pical reaction of the cliildren to tlie many things cinl instrucUon. The teachers done for them by Head Start.

x^|ra| ^3 ( Hirrj said Ihot "ihe meaning- The highlight of her summer ful association with people" was her trip to Porto Adventista, '^^^M H 4Q a 25,000 acre farm where youth wSSS^a S' 1 enjoyed getting to under- can go to earn money for wtB^^Sm fly ^j school. whose waysTnTcustoms a^rTen^ Carolj-n is especially grateful ttrel> different than mine, yet 10 Sigma Theta Chi for helping ^^^^H lo finance her trip this past Rf ^M My interest in overseas mission summer. Speaking of her total service was further stimulated. experience, Carolyn, said, "I

™ the Stales comparable to what I portunities for service, even for THz a student in the mission field. Carolyn Pettingill's summer My summer awakened an " give damonstra ol'Vt TASN in Bolivia was first spent travel- ing to various clinics lo give Mr*ralivo effort onduc ed by medical aid and present health icans in bringing hope and Iniost al! of the Seven h-da> lectures. Then she spent two health to individuals don't •"iventiit coUeges Jniled \vecks working in the Cliulo- have tlie knowledge lliai we mani Hospital, a small 30-bed lake so much for granted, I al- «nd w'ould like to be ^ coLege students for SDA leased, government-owned ways thought I glands actual 10 help i acomn hospital which is o[)erated by a a missionary, but after silcnncnt, but a! U.S. doctor. It was here, she contact Willi the people, I now. I^smn service as a n alter reports, that she delivered one f« ^^o^k for the s baby and assisted in two other have found my calling—I def- ^•

Tish Breeding. T dent, Knosrvillc; Judy Bont- linger, second SMC; Linda Lov e, correspond- ohnson City; ing secretarj', re Underhiiy, ireasurcr, SMC; Belh Harper, Jolinson Cily;

This is 'ihe firs year that any- as been in the

TASN members attending hvo board meetings during the year. cpnlly clccipd stale TASN (Ten- Assocmiion of Student nessee sions were- James Norris of on November 14. According to .Susanne Underhay, the aim this year is to trj- for belter com- Challanooga Tuesday, October munication wih the districU. 15, through Friday, October 18. dent missionaries from SMC. Of significance is ihe fact thai Moriyn Jacobs, Linda Hagcn- Judy Benlzingcr, sophomore, baugh, and CaroI)-n Petteogill, ally held Wednesday through v,;i! elected .rcond vicn presi-

,l,.nt ,-,nJ Sn..nnp Hnderhay, changed lo meet on different

lor^SMC Student nurses to al-

.. .,, ,.. ., II.,..; ...,H, .,, Also Thursday night a lalcni Lomino & Martin's

1. iw. ,-irranged by Vi\-ian Ga- SPORTLIGHT As ihe flagball season rushes league is sliU capti- ']!n^!. "T lJ\T"'\^- MurS on, ihe A .:t;::;.,,;-1'''::::w'w vated by ihe Facully (Falcons).

Falcons arc ^ollo^ved closely by JUC-..1., r.,-,".---nm.^ ^Mr: .-. L..,.l,.,iU„-..t;U,;,.«as Pleasants' (Tigere). Pleasants is living up to pre-season specula- tion. The rest of ihe league is Wednesday morning QCtivi- to Jan Cre\v5. SMC sophomore.

spot is still up for grabs for any a^il^nK^ m°eti^c'^'Thname prize worn" mSS' HoSn of l!ie candidal^ for slate TASN

X';^|;?£^_Tg caich the high-flying Falcons. S-'''anc^oT°an7''caIm"im

long. Falcons (Firehoiise) W^'^^^^ccent

Collegedale Schedules Incorporation Vote REFERENDUM Alan Lawrence Wins ON NOVEMBER 26

Under threat of in Collegedale Faces ATS Oration Contest annexation by (he city of Chat Double Jeopardy ortion of high- IF" s Collegedale,

[i EDITORIAL SPECULUM conducled by Dr. i^edito%A I of Prayer, HeppenslolL waa id vibranl. The week woh cubninated by a Fridny ion servicB for Ihe entire college famUy, Truly,

PERFORMANCE 7e7a^, .i of NOTE n ISJ^.l'cnlLt^ttc a .fiiiccl review * ' very humotouH underlying by Joseph Priest tumea of all aoris were ape ol them w Many witches and goblins As I waited inio the SMC appeared. Most ™''^ '^^ decorated^ church, on October 28 for a con- P^"^ '"

cert of the Andrews University „ , . .. .^^^ _ , Colleeians, I was anticipaling L ^^^^^^^^^ wMolike Ih^

many famed and virtuoso c

1 ol Ihe CoUog

compoflod ol Ihirly filly jond upon was "n'o 'ho GenUe Lyon Coughy House, it oUorded a refreahing „h!ch certainly appealing, | Z on an , * Then, the thing happened, "l .f"^^ ?,


CO, a filly-liity .iiionol IhoB eats group was lired from the thre« previous concerts ihey hnd ails'

mic prior 10 this performance and " that several members had larj-n- -lalively new Conslilulion sho was appoint,

.uS gitis. It didn't help. Ivisory committee and Ihen approved by tl

The first three numbers on t'eT

astonishing lack of interest, and also demonstrated a chronic in- aU ability to stay on pitch. The Hailing and poor tuning was

1 grind. Except for wildly las also alarm tire al Jones Hall. '7S\S^

tho exciting display of lire eq o'hTtaK^' ?'- r-^^.i^' "" '^° lallots fine nuances of the Formed were ignored eared in an ill-defined Maybe soon you will hm

inds, if you leave out

'"'"l^:"- the lackadaisical am !°LrSl^°^h M^"l1

obvious B AAum, Jim Morrii fatigue of the singers, i

- William H, Taylor could agree to ll by ordinance rather than by R^H ler of the Sunday law, we have vote of the people is likely to be M^M^ tested in court and may fall &^S| completely. tax of nCty possible. If I under? land rightly ^^^B ". of Chattanooga, 1 that incorporation is simply un- - 'e an equal share ot the another nity cents per pcrsun day Advenlisis hold, the Sunday non Adv bring about ilie necessary, do you have any from the « provided by the city, rebate on sales ux. This would law is going to oUier objections to it? Furtherm ore, Ch 35 fire and po'lice protec- be based on a census including jarbagc Fleming; Collegedale is pre- serious collection, etc. But the college students. Willi a p i^»„opu,8m.fl,r6ood„i., StiiTiulates Ideas 'BotHtub' Tbirty-f'm-year-old Studeni\i

Is Ready to Compete' Sunday lam. Don't you feel that Uiis matter is good reason By MiK FOSWQH 1 for incorporatioo? lo l« on duties Fleming: Mayor KeUey, in a How ivould you like tlio sevonU, day o the B letter to me, explained that he Advoolii. on iho .vcok ond a Bomnn C.lholi to an evangelist undentood our unique situation . in tJie Impossible? Well DomT v.ith regard to opening on Sun- on Snndav? And h. or one SMC shidenl, liiis wa r/lmo^ a realiiy. leeee ucalion. Hesays, "I want olidate my experience in dal student here on furlougl public relations and related


able t was a Bontan Catholic and lii mother was a ScvenU.-day Ad e employed as a speaker Buonoi Aires Voice of Pmph cy radio program in 19513, traditional" ceremony i W*^ lo rmer Winifred Ehlers. a sL3w| -- *c°reB

'eddinR was a part of a M. *S"' *" an You 111 Wkmnir ^" Congress in


ale^^unula. ' txu College Market COLLEGEDALE Insurance Offers Selections of CASH PAID fresh frutfs l.,J.J and vegetables '°i:'.'.™,«5riit. ^ r'rm plus a variety

10. W, 6.t, St. ''"• Confedet.). CKfit.r Pow.ll esc Ed. Students EnieririR, one obtained tickel E"i^« should i from the Wildwl Bank, ovvne Visit Lee College ated by the Busincs

Southern Missionan- College's on the physical, : forly-lwo senior teacher and spirilual benetiU ot temper From her educa-


All of 1.he estabhshed poliiica

10 ]mt 1 hree principle candi

y. Nixon and Wallnc

ihere'lvl!: the loud and vocifer

7n.Bm.M cmpa.Bns n.o«-n lo birthplace of many a folk and Dr. Johnson-s invitation is a !6—Covenant College Switz- return courtesy from last year. The Physical EducaUon Club the only quiet, restful place erland." Francis Schaiffer, within the entire Festival, lecturer, (call for details). tion students and staff. Regard- The decree was made by 17-Sl. Paul's Choir; "Mozart Sheriff von Grundsei that all Vespers remarked Ihat this exchange not in C Major," Sl should be atlired in costume. Paul's only helps lo broaden the de- Church. + 00 p,m, nl n small round bulls-eye. This 19—Challanooga Symphony: "Buth Laredo,^' Ihal, when folded, dropped mlo pianist jail, the Phagocytic Cell, Beards Ivrh^'o^iher'tLTherTwhom^slu" dents encounter in their practice on it. Among the more popular cdor of ha'^anT'^kili'^va Xr'^'^l 20-Commui.ity Concert: people occupying this honored "Whillemore ond Lowe," were position Dean Kier and were lengthened and shortened. iT'E^^^^Sf^i: piano duo. Memorial Audi- realized how popular they were. Ir^ntsTnd worn, Thi^was'Z fessional level, chances of awk- 23~Lyceum-Fine Arts Series: The food served at tlie Fcsu- "Red Cliiiia." film lecture People became big round or- vol was adequate to keep one days of teaching are lessened \vilh Jeans Bjere. Health satisfied and the prices were and Education Building, sou Aem'^enM''umc^oi» o7 hid^ lefT"lMc"; ,L°„,p^ .."^S'lS p.m., accompanied by staff

Veta Payne, Likh Lilley, ami "IHr'iijJ^iSii l^^r'^^P^ parade of people having a good Olivia Dean. WtlmL. 1 IM>jLrun 26—Famous Artists Series: All Fall Festivals begin the ^g u m*y "Laurindo Almeida," gui- ^^HV^^ 5.M. Promises tarist, Tivoli, 8: 30 p.m. New Ideas i»Pi The Soullicrn Memories, ^Bj^J ff'-jt-ij^l S,MC's yearbook, will be much Dill McGhmni!, series as b^i B HilUL ^n«-N-S. >c rss ediLon says Miss Kalh ""'^'' -^ ken Jjhnson the Memories ''"^^"'^'^' »u^'md , Last jears students Wl be d!re''Ll''r.derdo'''' editor mch.ef She adds Uiat

to the Terliperance Tavern one ^W.lLVctd 1(17^1 .'.1 He w=' [hasia will be placed on proof could hove pretzels and beer (root beer) and while enjoj-ing The stiff of Ihe Mcmarus i Lice Hoping to avoid errors days r hard thib >eur that often I in ond Chica refreshments sing the good ole alh "orkmg plague yearbooks

the fncullv advisor and it is (.rew of proofreadci-s lo check 3rt,ini/od to the n ih degree the proofs before the annual is piano- To keep things exciting ^g|^PJ*S ^^" Miss Johnson is a full pnnted one could stay for the hourly at- making lime )ob of editing liie \olumc the local "chap- '' lark put on by ' 5rf The Memories offices are now ^^Ssl^» and that wtll show m the final ter of the W.C.T.U-" ^jj^^HE^'^^ /" located in two rooms on the first floor of Jones Hall, The re- Am,d all the noi«; and ehttcr BM^rt^^^, Over 20 are stiiRIng ihe Mem- modeling and furnishing of ories this year. The editorial these roims was done inexpen- sput go 10 1^^* ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ BUjjPmj^^jp^^ staff includes Ellen Zollinger, sively but stylishly by the staff lay-out editor; Judy Vining, lie Lyon Coughey (pronounced QBHhHI managing editor; Gary Grytc, llirKrthlee'Jf'e^enhTdher'pS cious, quiel abode the Elnglish Two staff wives wait for iheir vcrL lilerarv ecUtor, Georve New Challenges Offered by CHASTMN FIRST IN H. 1^. OPfJV Mountaineering Club

al, mental, and spiritua pow-

Several Iraining schoo )Cpn held at the student the last wo ^Teeks to funda-

These classes will be offered

ngihe club. Membership is pen to

1-3 tlie club sponsored a North Jim Do

i^"" the spring. Member of the

Final A League Standings TEAM W L T PCT. GB PS PA Ticers (Pleasants) 7 3 2 ,700 — 12+ 109 NlSles (Johnson) 7 4 I .636 Vz 157 115 nlo Sunday's final ihe AU-Sla iglSN"ovT Falcons (Faculty) 7 + 1 -636 Va Tilly "as tied Wolves (Willis) .364 3'/2 91 139 •ilh Johnson h.ll- Wildcats (Wolcolt 1 K«r- 100 156 vould pve Iboni the

' alties, inl rceplions, an b npion- B League Standings rals Ihe cha . The quality o Pl

Several players have 1 3-0 deficit and went ahead on the lost play of the game to Raiders (Hill) sportsmanlike \ym. Pleasants faces the A play, and a League All-Stars Saturday Rebel's (FowU) night. Robmson's Hawks made the race for llie cellar a lljlle closer

DtUeDebbie PIGEON VALLEY REST HOME for the championship, there was one also for ihe gloty of lasi- place. Co//egeda/e Cabinets, \nc. r/gsr rASTE Injuries are still cropping up during Ibe games, and broken ManjfflctLjfers of High Qualilv Hoip.tflli legs and noses seem to be the Laborafory Furnituro for Schools and 396-2131 vi^ue on campus. Much thought Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone ^'^out£em ccent

Campus Cop Carries Rally Two-Vear Nursing B.S. Nationally Accredited Now

Four Senior Ed. Students Win Suhrie Scholarships

;aled Ihat ap-

Wedne^^daj- evening, November P^^^^Jf '>;J,^°d ii^J^^auca" Hyde Speaks at First Christian Writers Meeting

wcreiarj-, Paulelle Witt, sopho- improving inelliotls." As n word wei mnre English major; public of ad\-icc he added, "Don'l Ir)' to ihe

relations diairnian, Jim Cress, change the message. If you ,,at

wphomore ilioology major; don'l like it. find oiiolhcr nies- sug I iTMiurcr, he Carl Koester, junior sage." This is iiiijioHnnl, be Petersen. Dangsund, Nord-Tron- secrelar>'-lreo surer; and Kristinc buiiriQss major, all of SMC. feels, because "if we lose ihal „er5 on ways and meiliods n. devotional :

Dr. Hyde, who initialed ihe The annual scholarship is }nd idea ihc at- "s publication, Communi- Getting and holding and cons trucUvely criticise wt been when he was head of ihal lenlion of the readers has i^g done by ihe membere so th

Youth's In- lar, public Publiwiions .ire'of little the breakup of tlie EDITORIAL SPECULUM i^editivu


en Thanksgiving and Ctrialmi

day night; Sunday, Ihe eighth, r COMMENT 1 S|||^=ff loul w.ok, wo, p,«..Med by ou, ..r. ,J Elhlc WMk, ""L." oi tli

.hjleg,- „l.l»l lu. SA Soc a\ Commitloo has been drastically reduced bom a hdl r^^^_^^ SrtTcftC

y two chopol piograiaa. Dr. Eiultel prosenled two ejccol- lenTL'c iSrt'sHS??! On.ol len ol Talge Hall luBt Monday mght when Jin ZZL .9%ad.?lLvtl™"m'^p"«Zlio°J^«tr.d''Lo°°nd s;ss."%,=!s'bjv%i'. onT^lT."'

^^\ useful purpo pus bu Tin's "ncl*'rrf?nl'''wWvr'!i^ "It..5,f,ha,%dtr,.'ra:Lrbt"Ti,°''."a,"s rhintj'Th"':,,,;"?!;;' i''i".,3 ciaVo'lT

part in Ihe defijiifion ol my SupT.m molwo play, o definite .',1 Is":. tz£„ sM.-.""" .''s 3,; by various c Ihe southern! loJov . are open-a.inded enough 1o bol otound new ideas „rf ,,.|l,.„ ,,i,.l .., . T„.,„,,. ,„... "cSl.o^ with which wo oio laced. WBS mdco copte mc.ased u .iEs"*',,„',,t"j,",'"d "II ii; PERFORMANCE of NOTE J]

SMC Aids United Fund Tiie annual honor award of the United Fund lias again been given 10 Southern IVlissionary College for ouUtanding e^orts in raising funds. The lolal of $2,293, given by administralion.

over §138 last : gs '%'^*^'^ccent

fice wih assistance from Don L West, Personnel Director of McKee Baking Co. and Harry Hulscy, Manager, Assoc. Corp. S,va,^n. W^o- B, S««. of SMC,

Fcanuc Editor _. -.. PoulMte ,Viu Student solicitolion was di- rected by Doug Foley, chairman

Lajtoul Editor ... „ „ _ — .. ., IJndBYo S. of tlic Student Association puh- uUl Wrt..™'^"'"*"'' rr--- Tolals for the pnsl few years CoU«nS :;£»S'jv*n."^"y *mg Sport. Wril^r.

1962—51^38 1967—52,155 !'', -" "" TmrVr 1963-51,3511963—51,351 1968—52,293 - 1964—51,416 —"^g;:.^^^ Rejuuenates library

year's b urlf- "Wo IV pnning afler Christmas -ssed books (books

ds red). We hope lo

and probably have crease the folioivine hE^\ Iso, by next year »e be m the new hbrar> give us plenty of toomfo Ih

place m Ih SMC library since

Librarv of Congress System ol

. Commenting on for the swilcK Mr id. The most impor- or the change from QIaatlpH. IKntglitB Arr iSwriittmi m^niu :

^l§out£em ccent

SA Program Has Family Theme

ind that Its faculn

n,™i, reiires nied Ihc college a ment and faculty.

SMC ihe position of being one inglon D.C. of the best nationally accredited NASM is designaled by Sevenlh-day Advenlist Colleges

aediii '-^"hfL'ss™ SDA colleges holding NASM accreditation: Walla Walla Col- spGcia lege, College Place, Wash.; Union College, Lincoln, Neb,— Sl^siBs holding full accreditation; and

„ lib. iberali °L,k°rf„"li™Tr"nS Ihe faculty at W^aila Walla when it received accreditation.

The occredii.iion .s.urei oui All schools applying for full

s of Ihc faci [h.i SMC i accredit a Uon first come in as associates. They hold this status Oillegedfllc. because o Y,n, icully of jirovidiiig th apply for full membership with-

oil.e errain. report and again being visited by Ihc accrediting association.

be visited only once every 10

[m'Ts^^atbn^ofX"»l'le"S""' sition and needs, resulting in a

|)lication was made during the

LX 1 i

' ing some 60 questions. fWi^ ' ^ T "•:• rtlhSoSioricTf'wr throp College in Rock Hill, S.C. SPECULUM Senate Votes to Initiate X^edctofi^ Book Excliange Center

egulnr meeting, the Student As ociaUon Senate voted to adop

tie Book Exchange Center pro students' Christmas giit fi able scl. The purpose of this projec s w!l be II not pormanenUy b, wiU " 1 Ihrcotold. It will help s' ind books. completely lomodolod int- Its who have them n ^v^|l be m ivill sell then.. It ,]je Exchange of books by elimi- basis. Books > large loss students „„ statement! )n books when re- ^„^ charges a to Ihe Mercantile, ^g^i o^ pgyj

I line

r the HchangE opening on Friday, Januari' semester , the dav after ams. It mil be located in nes Hall, just ofT the main lobby in the old dean's oflice and desk a

hange Center. Posi- ^ill be made for pen for office and pub- k and lOi: for sm.

iable if the book i:

. Olher than an adcq P£RFORM>1NCE nung of the fine Lai of NOTE rt Festival" the concert COMMENT f^ J] by'joseph Priest

along with ; 1 piece by the sami "Sleigh Hide," fillet

:iUl the strains of Sou< (Vasliington Post Marc

; the grand finale e SMC band concert—prese

I under UlC d imes Schoepllin

audience. I n jing to do w

I would like 10 pass on a f kudos overheard in the audie; and shared by myself conce

C0/ GO!

wiBor for it all. A Facully Men RAZORBACKS SMEAR

;. ";\ {*J) /^ r^K/%^\/^£V lo"lv"G,ll<...0,mr. slightly muddled and distort. fe<;i d^ badly

''^^. Also, Hoist four BULLDOGS Ftor IN THE ually v-ing thai Ihe band v Sugar Bowl ^;;£Iif':S


Collegedale Cabinets, Inc.

394-2131 Collegednle, Tenn. Telephone There ace nvo Christmas May Be Illegal fields that you cannot major in at Spicer Memorial College.

1. Snake Charmi,,^ REASON: Lack of Personnel mtry." 2. ImlTumetital Music REASON: lack of Personnel - llian

after :

Plj-mouth Rock, but it has been people have argued ihal thi said that it was mor* or less a pecis of Christinas associ legal expression of the "Puritan Mill religion run afoul with ou ndine.forconstini- constitution's first amendmeni World by the passengers on the . Die removal of a Mayflower. from the city hall It seems that many of the eariy settlers were offend- ed the joyous , the Florida by attitudes dis- branch While such in played by some of their neigh-

led stale school otfi- relatively new, rehgiously oriented represent the firs

reaction lo the warning was un- our Pilgrim Fatliers encountered In his History Plymouth favorable. -U I am handed a in New England centered of Planlatian, William Bradford Poona ivarrnnt to arrest some teacher. around the observance of Christ- records what is perhaps the first somebody else will have to serve oncerning a one year teaching tour, conflict over the observance it-I won't", said Sheriff Lehigh open On May 11. 1659, the legis- of Christinas in the Worid, '. S. If you are a qualified snake charmer please plan to Wilson of Brevard County. New lature of the Massachusetts Bay He notes that on Christmas Day, In Duluih, Minn., a non- Colony enacted the follomng; 1621, the governor called the Christian named Gany De- "For preventing disorders aris- Young, 44, was provoked when ing in severall places within this of the Plymouth settlers excused one of his children brought jurisdiceon, by reason of some themselves from the order say- Brass, Payne Play Thoreau home a program for a school stiil observing such ffestivals as ing that thei Christmas program which in- were supersiiliously kept in vork on thai dicated that traditional carols other countrys, to the great dis- would form a part of the pro- gram. DeYoung argued that "the iimeri- Brass stated tl.nt one of Ui. school's use of a rehgious holi- ... that whosoever shall be David things he enjoyed most durmj day to present a religiously foiuid observing anj- such day as and Larry Payni s they his experience was the lack o oHented program constitutes an Christmas or the like, cither by and occupied sheltersers in having to talk. Two boys iha when he later ft forbearing oflabour, feasting, or oods near Collegedalee ddur- were supposed lo visit him did a direct violation of the first iw up. "Maybe it's a iking and playin amendment." His argument account as aforesaid, every such he wasted little ss Carolj-n Luce, assist. knov seems to have carried some ;sor of English, and lead mid

of II

studying Thoreau's Waldcn and re'u"ied to the easier way of l"^ng. the conditions under which it "This expenence has was written, students were given '«'en different from the different

conditions, and keep a journal he said. "I have learned a new such as Thoreau did in his hut dimension in coldness and by the pond. The students" Ea'ned a healthy respect for tlie

lar assigned research paper. ^""n dampened Payne's hut

But on Thanksgiving Day acy of their he two'bHved'uircddot w-i^wr ff^'' ^ wHijM^l] ^ -^ "^ \y an attitude >f religion David Brass, jimior Enohsh ^j f i - ^'!'"?i. j """'"^ '". '.>' l""""'- Tod.y H lion towards CI n.jor tn,m Meridian. UlLi- nl,£V p er ' H mother V ^SBJ^H It learn a lesson from ims. Despite the fact tJ ™. "ThSlt' sgiving, wW''^^m, /.1|^. -^ ive in a so-called Christ L'" lei the observance of t ,n by our non-Chrisii ™d-it aught onlre!" llgH ibors? The significance SL sol^ overaber ngtlie rain and "I built my riews Christmas as it is observed by Christians, We have already noted how some non-Christians have been offended by the dis- elderly lady play of Christmas symbols. THE CHOICE AWFULLY

the words "XMAS UTES." Probably had no I Jhl. suppose, iuBt suppose I wero lo send her an an

«lr>'? Cai

f »vv ChriChrist I on a thoughtful veil«il of COlc iding this daj

is birtli? a mytl, or a

'°'^V a gij, through the Wailed lor the p

She es plained 1 like to be. Th, •s why I be laundries and docio ung, "but I was im- u Able?' pro be mailed to her th ough a cen- pressed nram sponsored by the SIG tral olfice wilh th themth addresses of people who would nderrul literature and evangelist club) \ ill greatly aid '}£out£e^(.cent

Knittel Addresses Nursing Convocation Francisco Presents ^The New Russia"

; I'© '9 ?* "; » f .0, ^ f n ,9 ,<^ <* ^o

^ ' / f en itrike out on .rror «ilh no f^ ,

'5 ft i{ >\ «> h \ I I I <

dent nurses God has intnisicd "Sound of Music" Do"s''X™o', "s°od"fe'°chlir- Draws 3,900 People vou in His service. May you

film. "The Sound of Music." in ouch of aiigels. Many are called, SMC's physical education build- "All Ifle com but feiv are chosen. Choose you all life and In"jTmlff,™

of nnrsnig sludenls Shirley Jen- Sunday evening—came lo ap- H h ti a i h r "(Tajnf^rWS •»"?.„!„ kins. Matga Martin, Judy Mer- p-ox-imalelv 3.900, According ivartnnefv.", service. AHAi i«ve«„8 yean of»1 iclevisron^„Wk^„'n^•Tlhwiih li.shTfilm'rH,lilms^ He isl! (..(JrV Hfl n\1 fVflrn^J I M W diani, Elsie-Bae Pike, Narcissa o William Tovloc Colleoe b' l^^^^o^'^^ii SHPrSs ESHSS :~:^:-;™. EHci™!?'^-'


Compiled by Fuller, tlie conunisi^ioners «-ill the land-o«Ticrs in Collegcdale. llieCoPvEoiTiNoC^ss manager, J. M. Ackcrman, and nMc„',™e"p,*;omMh".nTid the previous cost of re- city attorney, Glenn McColpin. garbage the newly -incorporated town of moval and fire proteclion, boili Collepedale have begun to turn. of'et'h'^montMn''r5uIlkmm- On February 5, Mayor Fred sponsible. SMC plans to contri- ing in the conference room of Wrighl Hall, on the Southern Missionary College campus. the college of present plant o egf a e ci y c mmis i City offices will hopefully be College Plaza adja- set uj". in the charter re- r-iiirihnuse office of Chancellor Though Ihe slate quires only that a city provide Bi-ock in Chattanooga. It IV He says that the 3-square-mile town, with its 2,500 residents, H'lii'ley, an independent dairy- govern. will nol be difficult to a'uo^bT*^r[)ro'vide suchTe"rvices Bill Hulsey, manager man, and as fire protection, police protec- of the associated corporations of salaried officer of the town, will only work part-time in govern- SMC. The Ihree men were elcc inff next January Tlie fire and Fuller. ted by the residents of College- ing Collegcdale, reports garbage services will [irobably dale on January 28, Then they In addition, Fuller says that a be awarded to firms on a con- Code of Regulations \vill hove to be eslablished before much thai Ihe only probable bidder Mnbedoneioiuanneclheto^vn. The Code ^vill outline programs Tri -Community Fire Depari- toi) vole receivers, were elected private for traffic control, highways. menl. now operating by within the to"Ti TerTs. Fuller «ill ser^c police protection, fire protection. subscription say^ beauties garbage removal, and oilier com- limits. Police protection, jc'j "Parade of Favorites" t, matters. The annual Fuller, will be an enlarged " *« ncic IVnWu Hall on ite tow to""' »/ ™'C' less chosen again by the com- munity '« poiine o/ approximately version of ihc sen-ice that Mc- -eoon /or ifo duptey o/ touiy u^os l'» mission. Hulsey vrill serve for budfjet will be '-•^r Mis- i^e'j These young la next January, Kco Baker>- and Southern onnua/. the VINDAGUA. only iwo years before facing re- S50,000 starting "Jed on etc. Trw ».;..«; • i iteir lalen, poise, personalilr, keautj, ™™°",'. •••earnest o/ diMmma. She u '5 viding for themselves, but unde 'i wa., M,1s Taiya THmbk " •^•hsrilromihekitinlhefromrow. (Photo comptmerils of ''™ »' f Co„».... „ alleraate I THE COLLEGE PRESS

. hd„-,r-,..ciu,.r^ . V.LynnN.d^n

Uilgnol Wnlct Ud,„d(^„C^>. NclTi FAlnr

""u dn Y Writsn CopyEdiling CUb, Rny HclTerlin. Lynda 1Hughd. Norau Young

"" " Diiiinc« Mungc " Ei.mnA Advinr Fmnk K -1U.I ATS Uses Karate; Puppets

"yal a three mVn karate team' FEB.-M %RC.H CALENDA Fehtuarj audiences ot the Blairsville and Protection Karate Association which requires healthful living. ,ii»"t|..i Mii>ir liMr

! by Beverly Herbrandson, soplio 1. 1 1 1 more elemenlan- educalion ma from Fletcher, N.C., who has I5-Lv^- or from Alexandria, Va., leade his second degree black bell; of Ihe grade school programs. Fra, u.u. V^r.-n.A i Lliu Al^o for the benefil of ih tory major from Fletcher, who clenienlarv grDUp, Miss Herb holds belt; the first degree red 17 Ki(v nis TrivcloL'ue "Pc randson created a six-foot wood and Cliff Ingersol!, sophomore Mflll Pinnrinn Iran T en cignrelle, representing t\v theology major of Reading, Pa., day. Nicol Smith. Aud packs of cigarelles, a common also a holder of the first degree daily consimiption, laid end t red belt. 18—Cha anooga Symphony ng Wha Chung," V The cliildren were introduced for Ihe first time a skil, "Really olh. 1. Tivoli. 8:15 p.m.

Belt Louise Lumby, "0 white lo black after smoking peciaJly for this field trip by Mitchell Nicholaides, freshman Concert, All SainL el at Sewanec, 81 accumulauon. The youngster mathematics major from Char- lotte.

Campus Kirchen given at the Young Harris MetJi- "Clcbanoff Strings odist College. Music with the 1-SMC

E,«prFH,.ay9.2 sented hy a group composed of

Co/legeda/e Cabinefs, Inc. Manufacturers of High Qualify Laburafory Furnlfure for Stkook and ho.pilali Collegedale. Tenn. Telephone 3H.2131

College Market

Offers Selections of fresh fruits and vegetables

plus a variety of groceries '^^^^^^mM^^^

brouehl in udpnts 89. ana 21 geograpliica! sch-inl si !ttm in rid, M Allhough H.4 6oulhcni Union ihc sch ocated vherevtr

APARTMENT FOR RENT One room apattment for cwo. 3nly S70 pet month. lAttleDeMae Has cscc :cnt old showers, cxpansit e closet JWBld- lathr

neighbor . U cc-in -a-lifctime chance to lear to "m „,h;. vicUsiiud cs of life with e<^uanimity." Never sleep? Ncvci f/JtSr TASTE study? Then i 15 IS the apanment for you'. Secoirv 3arner or Daryl layl r at 305 Talgc Hall fo thUex rc™l, reason. able ofic "^'^outffemccent

MV Chooses Foley as Student Missionary

H. M. S. Richards, Jr. Te'rry mm.. Begins Crusade tlfTslilng

>>™p»m,oro„ r "sick sodeiy," from earth ,0 1,...™." ^^ ^ -^1 Hfeb^ *>» I^H Fw mfgLlTj, 1 EDITORIAL 1

his references lo Mr. Carey's composition completely 10 ninlte wlh clear, Mr- Davis requested lliat ive reprint said work along of this his reply- This we liavc done: the reprint is at the top page on the riplit side.

functioning ia nol playing possum, but is olive and

Sigma Theta Chi Elects Officers

Chi. SMC's \vo. North Carolina. Mar been elecled for Already, besidi

from Sinipsonville, Mar>-- furnish the children of -.

mda Huffa- eshman elemenlary

ajor from LaGrange. Upsilon Delia Phi to get and even old students a ed. A "dating game" planned for the futu

a fashion show, a ( Cursed Be Those Grades Karate exhibition, a bridal shov in the spring, and differ, activities xvith the fe enough 10 blur ihes mind. Sigma Theta Chi wH also] host academy girls during Col- lege Days.

lals" thai, according

had lo earn I help to show tho student body tl Grades are w

4—Aububon Sodely:

1 or class offices. Grades arc

^at^ie^cent a I secure us scholarships.

Attention Writers! | siS The deadhne for oil entries Lega cy- is March 4, elry g Jes to Judy Rit- N-=>hs EJ,Ur _., rose to Mar)' ::-.:, p!u WahL Pholograpliy lo Mike Suibe rland, Loyoul Edita Lin & any ing force here at Let ™"'" ^ Copy Editing Cl>w, L,™J« H LUllUl ulions to enji SMC. us ltSS.7 ftillen (ace up 10 the fact and forget about the Thij Lcgaej- will be "higher, and nobler Buiiit^Miu agcr bigger er depending on Rhine," Clifford EdiioriilAd djor Fro Educatioi the Ih inking student body. Physical ing, 8:00 p.m. fourteen Qualify for "Who's Who" c id T]i'\,r7J°.rl':j^n Rice Addresses n 1) Seniors d,:;'i:'.i;'""ii,:",*;is

tanding uni crsily and college the rudder wll answer lo the 1 ot r theme? Do ^ou thmk rock warned Elder Harley E. detils from Sc utheraM sionarj- Rice at Senior Recognition at :ollege. Southern Missionary College Tliursday night, February 20. ot tl.e ludenis TpT Cider Rico is associate secr^- m mauve and burgund> nr> of the medical department in Anaericon Universi es and of the of Colleges," a listing of t le cam- General Conference Seventh day Adventisls, Wash-

1,000 of the .lion-sin, dlulions or higher lea rr fT t the lolnl impact of our honored SMC's 209 seniors. 1 directorj of dis-

s been rollowing the presentation of r'lVs"url'of'o"e'lS.e piibUshed sin e 1934 an ':x only the^n mei of tudenls SiVlCs academic dean. Dr. W. M Schneider; SMC's [)residenl. n'nn' And"Tha'l praj lell. vice to the c Icadcr- ntln onh hope that the blocks you ^?!GS 'cuR.Rod Co'upV. 'fo and future polenlial are decid- c ntuiue to build into your lives -dly above a 'Trapped m J ph ( f l"*"^ bl ) 'Who's Wh " are as oDons; i If t ( T M h""iIL > tElTl^lh' ludy Bata, a business dminis- White Space' ^Bedale; f Itu] fDan 1 h cour iologj' mE (a fabrication) ' ^^ 1 Grafton, V i itA w " r k 1 b£ f CI W h h se lion major f rom Jacl;s n, Mis- issippi; Gerald Linde ni Col- egcdale; Jea n Lomino, on ele- mcninry edi canon n.0 or iron.

nearly covered »itl) pa|>ers. Slockholn , Sweden. "He's Uie months tryinR lo decide on ihe troubles! color. Hey, you know what? Elphere'r'Sk enth-dav Adventist hospitals

™ih uUra-sopli ihrougho 1 the world—known

al and everything. And since we ing at breakneck peed and lalk-

just take the cover off mine and ice cited some of the make a bell. I'm really glad ic seniors will encoun- aks). -Well, Ihat we decided not lo have 'iSruie girls, I suppose hard-backs this year!" iulo the -sea of hfe." nal deadline. e vvill they anchor? I'm really c'ad 1 skirt, jumping up suddenly and to make 'Trappc While Space' dropping her candy bar.) "Hey, mitch' ^Vhose hand will ouide the helm sve'd aer Bnis We'd better throw these pages great re dczvous'hist^ beyond o'clock!" (Girl in ma ve and pink P.O. Here, find where tins pic- li^es wme to rest, wher^ "ill

ACCEWT INTERVIEWS; "Yeah, I sues, y montage of flying paper and DR. FRANK HALE £n"™„dert'e TtheTe'sJol saiu'rH e'^seaTaboTutloday

Nielsen: Dr. Hale, in your d/toner.- en,. colleges a jihnsized the problems be only recen courses in (aced in the field of race rela-

lions, but said little about blacks, but we ed in mon y, and the nictliods by which these prob- Negro history or Negro lit- door policy. Any- loms should be resolve . In I would say that by'lb^tru lage of lo all, but general your tlie ourse at opinion should oil. Bathe attack be tlirough legis ation, than you have llu-ough individual effor joys tliat ilock at SMC ind coiitribulions of black jieople ihrough some other mea ns? ges of higli he salary f noble ac- Hale: My concern is that new historiography necessitate a cms. H«p, die young people, spcci callv it is prod Seventh -day educational program—hut Adventist Dur Je bought. well worlli- jwople, must lake a very s rious tliis etrort will be vhile if il enables our educa- look at the problems of ll day

have yet tc tudents. and white students for Ihat our^rciigiora^TuleT bjecl cgaled!"- iliot matter, lo meet tlie needs matter studied cipie or op. in our instil and society in f our churches || me whethc i^tituli^on bcmaderxilevamtolliene dsol 11

!«red lo elaborate, but "^tnt ™of'.h Human Re 't"'iS;°„°°de°p^nd''» this agreement Ki^ncralion, though not nec- don't kno "^^sanly in be- schooU no a poliUcal sens i ' —

An Evangelistic Coffee Hou.e" Project Concern- ^^S^-^Xts^ Aids Vietnam i'jS.Srt i-- MV SpOHSOrS )akwDOcI, isn'l it basically a member, .nd laUne over 800 pounds, of "The club ollege for Negroes? And, con- ^TI.^ ^.mU^t^" eqiiently. isn'i the SDA denoni- a re *"u:-s\t"rvsr.; °|>» wfi'SIBi The v also their Ume lo pack U.c Chi. tJie on-rampus women's but ^,^^„|j'''*'^j^^o[^alsMc!a^evo- Clirist' and Hi^ remriaiU chur shipment. inaoQ'- club 01 Soulhem Missionary things for \oo\^g Also, on Sundays the you donated by ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^p,^ fed from Marine lion to pap r being College 1st Ll Wilbur Griffith. Uie Lieut. GrifTuh, a 1966 gradu ate of SMC, indicated in his ^^^^^^^^^^^H who name the name of CluTist. read and write, and assisting in ovenvhelm- disaster rehef and other l>-pes correspondence ihe ^H^B^B^I and this." says Waj-ne Enstep stationed. " lafjes near which he is HR^^mHBH "is Ihe purpose of 'The Gate' center A^'prerious kno\vn as "«-ould "Your caslofis," he said, The result of monllis of rare "The Gale" was 0[>ernled during the Vietnam- be like luxuries to "Tlie Gate," i MH- A^mSSa^^^ tul planning, llie summer of 1968 by South- coffeehouse style youUi center a re- Chattanoogi "Project Concern," as ki^^ttH^H^H^^I will be opening in denls. It was located on a main sult of Griffith's letter, was i;i- the eighth of March. It i street of Rosenberg, Texas, a iroduced to the women's club located al 1032 McCallieAvenu. small town about thirly miles bj' Linda Wagner, president of H^^HHi^ Saiurdny night and will be open from , and was under Sigma Thela Clii. CollecUon from 8 p.m. to midniglit. boxes boxes were placed at various other items by the college, The purpose of "The Gate Thurb^r. educational secretary for the shipment and postage is lo help yoimg people who d of Ibc Texas Conference, were sent to the A. W. Spalding were conlribuled by tlie McKce The interior of tlie Rosenberg Baking Co. under the direction but who do have problems for center had a very casual coffee- working for equality, and if not ol president 0. D. McKcc. \vhich they ore interested in ihal, even superiorily; because I Upon arrival in Vietnam, the finding solutions. The ullimate (Conlinucd on page 5J really believe that in the next items vnW lie distributed by few years you're going to be Okay, now thai you've opened hearing a great deal about Oak- civil affairs officer. Tliej' will Hale: I think not only tliat. wood College in any number of make polaroid pictures of the 1 think the militancy provides fields. Vietnamese reception of ihe have to have an instant Negro for thinking people an alterna- send back lo Sigma tive, in thai if Ihey listen lo Nielsen- I'd like lo read you goods 10 those that are moderate, ihey Morning Star began may learn something before it •''* """""'"S-, I J'""''' .""l^'' possibilities there were. The only to do thai, I don't think you'll thing 1 was oflered was wash- have lo try that hard in situations that bring on an- nolion^ lha°"somelhinR can be

jerk. It was a kind of ambiv- Negro eveiylliing was taken away. It ihe mililanl segment of NieUen: Is it possible to which people would alence in society in America is making have some kind of constructive promise has no place here, only anv contribution to the human outlet for Ihe 'reservoirs of rights movement? billerness" caused by the racial luiL ivr d..ii'l w.iiil^vmi in this matter of justice and right or Hnte: Yes, most definitely. problem-or is it loo late? no tiling." Nielsen: What contribu- Hale: I would hate to be a ' ''"" '''' ' '*"" ;'" Hale: Well. I'm just lalki.i. ' mili- Ncf;i... Halc: I don't support i has 10 nic about tlie fact thai the lance—violence in any kind of I don't think I'd be going around stondords for '"' ' '' '' '" ' ' ' '"' attempted ' there is giving speeches like I vears. hue earned In- way- But I don'l ibink Irnr-. r'-^"' hundred fact that these lo give today. I feel deep m my rii;ht lo the fruits of democr.icy. any denial of the Ihjl' 'Ihe '' mo-!!'" su'ii'!c'a''''bl.i'ck people have made a contribution. heart that somewhere along ihe line, leadership in iliis country oE the especially the youlli—has to see iiislriimcnis. 1 puess. which have onlv Ibing that a member

ilicir place. And I believe that understand. Maybe the only say, "Well, it's or sections of Negroes that arc ihine he understands is a gun servatives who

. . When I look at the Watts I think we need lo operate on tradi- it what it took to build and re- principle rather than on what is right. What But in response lo the people tion, and ask who say, "Well, what does the slrof^XngisTppeleTn campuses across America. The a Christian? What do I expect

s educated. Sti e- And I think we need to snatch State or Ohio |

ai • chool- Then you were saying lions that are poUlical— (bat scparale, but unequal — I'n ' Let's sit down and discuss, and socially oriented, thai are civ low when we talk about prob- cally oriented. I belie' Campus Kitchen

;;,;;„ ,,,,::„,:,„ , ;;„!;«

Co/legedale Cabinets, Inc. Manufacturon of High Quality

it hns been monstrous Collegsdale. Tenn. Telephone 39t-2131 pared ... I mean, for th.

—that's all.

Mirmcr: How do you feel ken-hear.ed. the naked, those ^'^'''^ I don'l know what it's "triveV'^e o1 the widows, the 1" done m the ter^s of altitudes " capUv.iy Ji Z^' | lorth. It has produced results, orphans, and so

avc done thing overnight Ihat Hale: Yes parti ;iey have been there are othe ver fifty years. got a plane 10 fltch! Waller: In o her words, the uslgo Bus. Ad. Club ,4) Eastep, Brass Start niospher Hosts Franks, Of Bar 'Young World' Program "piilpi Assn.

Speaker were all youth wh- 'resident of the Chatt; Bar Association Duld sit casually on a stool i. M 1 Franks, e center of the tobies aw ad y 25 nieeii

Offico . II Chrii It Hen and

, him. They

as friend-ic ivas no "If yoL

Oakwood's Hale Here for landing of hu Chapel Talk

ved the ad(

ig 10 a la^^law lat educa- most help.

an advantage or disadvan'

Jonduct Bible studies but to let

>ts ask questions about lick and Fulton Sublctt, were teresled tliem. Usually

s that Satur- Attendance ai "T e Gate" da"mmS''S was, at first, mainly S DA leens may laler b^ start

SDA attendance soon icked up. er may open on Friday and Su nday nigh Is y mghl. The Gale" 'Sirzj men and those imder SDA church membe s in the thirty and of ser ior high 10 college age v.ilh of occasional o ull guests. ihey saw that here wo 5 a group speakers, etc. To void crowds

reaUy s. SMC stu-

hippies," gel m. These cards vill be avail- able at a designate toward the end of th week and there wil ^b^'auJled when S200 was needed to Slav number givei out )er ^veek. in the building anotl er couple Said Eastep. " The Gale,' al- of weeks, a check ihougii backed by the MV, is student pro- an uiterested donor. One nighl Sram and only if ihe students astically car

eyed tor it be a success. Nc

wople reports that he >vas laler lliere's a place lor you at The " viou. days as.ey, wasting >von- baptised, SMC slud Gate!' Indians. Later wo slrelched our ^^^H iik^i) ft^?^^ H He staled lliat ihc Negro's 10 less of what every American ^k * while inherits al birth-the

m imited basis simply because he .d.Bli«l ta TA. flr/d« ij ;sible 10 understand i """' '""fs'^a ^Ise notion that tm somelhmg can be given to people from whom everything was taken away, II can only be ''i°"""rm r""' lankind will

and right or nothing . . . It's oilier family wortd-^vide fiddling and push forward in a ' 1 "^- ,.., w::^ /A- ^ iberly and justice for all," he iDiiago wai COL- I say to you, PIGEON VALLE' REST HOME nt of our world 9 ihis lemetter in i im

SPORTLIGHT On Basketball

s football, but the Tliompson

"A" League 12nd half!

ig for second place, and Wit after forfeiting his Tirst Gre

gnnd and Taylor were lied ai

uUaijo ©ftigtiiafe ''cUnTntade a. mid season included the inserlion of a new FLORIST cam, captained by Loren Par- dulis, and a complete rc-schedul- '""

\ ToZyTlLtTZlil"

Greene was expected to con- Bnaiililul dccotaled HOME- inuc his undereated ways, bul

righting for just a tie.

Action in ihc D League is 300 McDricn nmd eharacicrized by close, hard- CholMrooKn. Tcnn. "oughl eonies. Presently, Sie- Phoiip 892-5067

MnrKU.nle Holcombo Joj« Loa

College Market lAtHeDeUae {^^ Selection! Offers ^,ly^fAii:<€cjAiyE=kH of fresh fruHs and vegetables ^- '" FIRST TASTE I^nIY^U plus a variety of groceries ''^out£e^ccent

Worthington Cu p To CUC In 'VEGE-BOWL' SMC Folds SA Needs Money: To AU In [Must Scrounge for Lounge First Round The College

Student Assotia- ions of [he "^^^^^^ To'lhc" tudL , 1 • Delegate .Mil Dpen March 17 at 12 Sends ^, j seve SMC g^ j ^as

, and close at 5 March P-n*.. ,„^^t„, ,,i,„eil ,o decide iccordine to Mark Weigley, ^^^- ^^^^^ ^ ^^^ |„^ jh. Zurich; 3 with ACN of ihe Election Com- To rman furnishings. President D a v ^e "Filing will close ^^^^^ ^^^ dedicated as especlively. They v at p.m.—make sure promptly 5 ^^^ ^^^ ^^ student body you're not late," aettinc the nei succeed in ** _ The General Election 10 dec de . , the SA ofTcers for 69 70 .vill beheld April 34 nLynn Wood ores Also a press EDITORIAL SPECULUM

Mr. Carey's 'Possum

A Night in

King Arthur's Court


Sincerely your..

i Stair Caie ^^edcton^ MARCH CALENDAR Jewish Center

'"nl'^d"' GranTRo'lm' Sells 'LoHclon Art' D^;e,S%""nEr.nd Original Prints a JewBli Con

-SMC, "Chamb fanillv. Fine / the U icliiH-

flobiid " Hayes." Tivoli '' t"- . V.'V'kl' College Market

IHth, ond20lli ccn- Offers Selections IMfi,-, 19th

of fresh fruits iiiisjiuncd e5])ccialiy bj' llic Lon- vegetables and don Arls Group. Included in the plus a variety collections ore liihograplis, elcli- iiigi. woodcuts, and silk screens. of groceries

Campus Kitchen Tlir J.^vi5b Conimuiiily Ccn- ut is lotiiipd at 5326 Lynnlond

'leiTiice, 111 Brainerd, off the fretway at ihe McBrien fioad

Basketball Standings

"A" League "C" League

iV, lUchards w. Wi Mullls

nn Tan,

iV, Dickinso


Crofton, Futcher File For SA Pres.; 2 Posts Left Open EDITORIAL Beards or Blood? t^edito^

POGONOTROPHY: it is acluaUy o

luch prefer dandruff o

Lincoln. Some like myself w

sible, the beller. In

Qti-dly u-lls figure eights. On c mtorted The tragedy of it all is that

sight ihe target. Inevitably,

s from faced, He would n

Qy-\tLuIiL m4 ®^ ^^';f^^^^i:^ir^ Et^rvrlltS] AdmwsSMc. I

^r._!^_.Cipy"E '*°'"^''^y' Stevens Best at Talent Night ^edcton^.

i Hono He Cin lorni) Merlin

1 hive been feeling e\

1 Dorm Clubs Sponsor Dating Gome

liege labemacle became of SMC's version of

'by Upsilon Delia Phi ,d Alpha Siema Chi, was em- ed bi Alan Liiwrence. TIk Lbjecl of the game was r a lonlcslant lo choose a rlate

,ln.ed b, lie omeslaii

The n SI c nteslant Diane

den I had or'h oose a d. "'rem amons G Whim P,F Leech a npb more co nmuni- obbins. a freshm 11 c """T major.

fa"';™', 'Irse •^^'rh™

fa^onle'so ner Miiw \v°"l Hob ins as he

Dave Be rd, ey a seni rbusi-

nes! admi islra Uon maj r, was

After »!ki cli of th Ihree hopeful ba relic's queslions

n bcliaWoral

iriday, March chaperoned mtle Pebble * Dean Kicr

- , FIRST TASTE ] College Market

Offers Selections

of fresh frui+s Cof/egeda/e Cab/nets, /nc. and vegetables Manuf-cturefi of High Quality ^

^ 396-2131 of groceries Collegedale, Tenn. Telephone Town Crier to Serve Tri-Communities


mon L. Short, instructor in the Tri-Com

news- full-fledged community chich« « ChBlliinoogE

Siarted as a project in Copy to Co liege da

V be printed at tlie Col-

erest stones nillege and the Collegedale city and human m aboa

t they are doing city officials have expressed an Like pictures? interest in the publication. and photo essay The Town Crier will cover wll help Tow n Crier reporter- events m Collegedale, Apison tell the story. but not cover jind Ooliewah wU The staff a so plans column Southern Missionary College of opinion, ho v-to-do-it, hobbies sludent programs and affairs letters lo the InlonnalJon about the Tow

Crier is availa >!e from Leamo \Vliat service ^vill Uie Town L. Short, Eos 211, Collegedale

Mot^o ©Jigiiiofe


Hrfcns™-J/o^ '™

. Compute CO

"""«" ur Not Eipenlve

Ch.n."""• ^""'

Queen for a

' "SA-limrtt Courtesy Day


'• Jis. \ . «DD»ESS Wran.-sUiiv. April 9) .gS @25C EA. PLUS IOC HANDLING CHG. , *1' „ (EXTRA SAVINGS 5 *i; *"' '^||'|_''_^_^^_"^_ *'__'____ J Sd MS, Man fSsa wif ^^outffeS^ccent

SMC Joins Broadcasting Association Futcher Wins Bv Missionary Col- The Soulhem is eligible for full membcrsliiij lo ihe time ivlien ive can in- 17-Vote Margin of Dr. Don Dick, rcccnlly be- college, rnme an ossocinte member of Ai present SMC of(i 1 for Professional hours of bropdcnsling

of ' Minmi. They relumed 10 SMC on April 1.

,The 108 species of birds re- " colleciively for the class WELCOME, SENIORS EDITORIAL SPECULUM

DITOR'S NOTE. The opmhns ;laU-d in t/ur lolhiimg .-dilonal»./ t^ecUtofiA e solely t/ie writer's and arc not necessarily llw official stand of — w SOUTHERN ACCENT, the total editorial staff, or Southern fisslonary College. However, in view ol the current discussion Beflrd Bulf Bach Bar, ilhin our denomination of the proper relationship of the SDA to Drar Lynn, iaHtiwi^ ar, wc feel that this point of view sltould be presented for our Mj, humorous nay m ihe Ap

A Critical Look: Mmntists and the Draft SHS

ig'^or'^^crto tommcm "on perience concerning Ihe diet aubjugatod upon Iho sludsnt body.

Ihal there is someono, aomewhere. Ihal has a alrong dislike ?MCrbpn'cd'*birn"ii '^^'™"-l (or

\1rto. lobv,.u,lv) -hn, in Ih°ll^cJoU^ cai^^T ThZ^i^odlnyi^glu°TchTo\ "°""'°" *" SSSf.i'i'Ei' wli^r.!, t'hr^d"wL"bun^g ^ovl.'""^''' The next lime^you^place ™^ if " «,l™m/lhl^'GW iim^ y^^"J^*'1^''°'''^^J '"'^ii^'"' hurno.^n'll^.l>in2'"-Jj^^l£ ... Ihe caicleria building is tolally inodequale lor storage.

Ihnl -bcaidi ore now a purl nd dtinks.

. . . Iheie isn't slolf personnel sufficient lo handle Ihe num-

nights. Ihis ,Ht;,'l';'!,rfn;,ryo,™nr,;iy SolurdoY (Perhaps is a psychological encourage-

' "" <.-.;T,m,s.™„<.,l Lo . . lot those who are under Ihe impression thai Ihe coieleria "^'"^"^^"'^ is rivaling McKee Baking Company in proli Is—consider: During ,'rTl m'"'!"^,,'"

,t r„[,r,.«ion rw,.Lv,-d from S15.30 a cose; apples trora S5.50 lo S8.75 and S9.56 a case: pola- toes from 13( lo 17» a pound. The cost to Ihe sludent has ro- ^i X^.lon'uT'u'rZ^n""' °"™^. ra^^^! . the fr^^service is inleresled in working with the SA in

"'.>' ... Mr. Luce has extended on invitation lo the student body lo make known lo him, by nole or personal visil. any ideas and Buggcslions—he will be moal happy lo do whal ho can concem-

ENIOY LUNCH!!! ."..:'/."'„,.', YOUK ';:"!H "jj,""" "°'' """' Ol late Ihe communication system of SMC has been in bUfls MS'rNicholoiJo, The INTERCOM idea is overwhelming— Phanlom Intercom —When, Where. How do you meet. Are you able to perform a r. Clark Pralted Helping Brolherhaod middle of Ihe ollemoon?? announcing a meeting that evening??

," ° c.ll,„ ,„„„ ,h„, .„ L° peacd^"!ilumblr°he fire siren shrieks ... it doesn't stop

,.,. ^.•lu, [; h.HM ^h.,n«r.. slightly lo vTitncss white, Dully smoke billowing under Ihe door.

' .,' '•:,''•: • I'v .. A Ihoughl pervades Ihe haied mind ... the building is burning

have been no fire drills? Pull Ihe covers up over your head and *:::,:,;,::;: ^..rz ^° Now'lhat the SA ha. been beaten lo death and pu, under-

As the reader glances al Ihe various communicalions Ihrunl ccivcd B IIliT>nn>>iid.r^"oH" upon him in Ihe dorm (news lo nole). the discerning reader will

member ol Ihe sludent body . . . change schools so the problem ,i..',"a,!'L,ij°™',rmS,™ ''."!*';.»"£,;; i™"',s,d, Perhaps if wo try harder. ?dEHiF3s;s (Continued on page 3, columns 4 and 5)

*iL'h',m,;'';s°;jr,'Z'to B^nornl ,iudcn. ,o ih. dunRoon dcHahlod tor ihii pn-gram and ai tor l:';^>l;!;:::, ;^et^u!^™.^;|; -^'^^m^,..^^. .u... '^oatiPeSnccent '^.^'"»'°P'"*

i/t.,.y\]""'"''"V'"° i.,^,,.;,,,:.:;,.::;;:. ^ ^rant.. aa un or- Lb W^, d.fttlor lor Ihe Soijlhoni'''l/n"oMi"f i"? yoiHh dSc.lT to P'«'"^'^B '"™'"" ll P«itor Ldudi HHES Tou^'^lt'on^nol'^^^^-Pautmne" Mving miL^noo''w"k «'* ° o»er- t^^convaiiing as hii counwrpart or; '""^^ S^^^oo'cS ""^riir's "d''''' campiu is wjl; ni "tfn.ihir'i?"''o'clii:k ""wany °^on^ ^o"' 5*8""' Club on '^plnm ""> «^""'* *"" I'SSfsE Advenliiti have expressed ihcir appre- '"8.'" J„ ^

column V ^ -X^U^y''^\^^n \^^L "i^ '"(Contini^d page i, Oakwood Group Presents ^^Negro Kaleidoscope"

: in "Negro Kaleido- e al SMC on April 8 by sludenls from Oakwood Col- lege. The program was thought provoking, serious, involved, but nroughly delighaul.

ppiauZg' . ATS Holds rsonolly, I can't add any more )ve liked ;'^pplS£l%"a^evc' Essay Contest -nd if Ihe i*rfonnancc had ihis « properly publkiied by mcnlior SPECULUM (Confinued) EDITORIAL (Confinued) r club essay ccepted until

W include:

the English department or ar of the temperance club oRice will give suggestions lo potenti

Ob- double-spaced, and subi Dr. Ackerman, ATS sponi Jim Cress, vice-president 1 B,u. campus acdviti oluUy <^''arge of on DlUe Debbie College Days Begin As EDITORIAL

450 Seniors Arrive The Bait (Phoros by Morris)

Southern Missionary is host 10 approvimaie who began arriving on campu during the weekend for SMC " Days. gforthelrt'O-da;

Union academies and sch( plus approirimal

I Open House, Class Visita-


Saturday^, A/Vay lOlili Reverse Courtesy Day Works Girls Like Slaves (Photos by Mike Givensl So are the peop e . . .


1 "^ Wv^r 'lElSr ^ mH*^ 9^r^^i r^ ^S:' 1 -I PQ| 'd 1 \ ^^1

ind the sun and Old Gloi md the baseball equipment. W'^^^^ccent

Davis Describes Plans for New Library F™«. „d T-ta J Ad„«„ _ _ VilLom H Toylor

l-O, l-AO l-A What Does Each Entail? Come Find Out Saturc Elder Clark Smith I LH2I8, 6:30 P.M. Bring your questions anc yolir opinions. '

ACCENT 1-^TERVlE^VS; ROLAND R. HEGSTAD -- Ncw Youth Mogazines Near Reality

piililicntion tha would be Ihc tlie scope of ihc m has not been lisb a chu Actually, I in the academy ^enl on this pos n llie colleginle 3.11 '"ru or of Liberty which 18 .peaks n eaningfully for ages of to J, It lias been vill siv lliat if the le religious lib- proposed thai 11.0 coUegiale ni.v'loputo .'l'.1ou™lToC.ei

s thai I would Adventisl as w 11 as Adventisl the needs o some 70 million on as edilor of mith magazine church Olio of Ihe new j null, ioumals on who don'l have one Ad-

,%itl also be making Youll,\ Inslru, unsolicited manu- ln,iruc,or isn''

are of good quality. ,his is adequat

felt that he edilor basis fro

illy this:

Hegstad: I don'l know \i

,viil come first. To my ki wl- opemling as a weekly and t

:dae no deadline has been s< for stable of capable Advenlist wt

mil them out during ihe middle be a montJi c hat ers is not sufficiently large, f Uie year. Oic first issues of ihe now magn- forth certain conditions bli- my estimation, to sustain Of course, we do have 7.ines. In other words, the iicccptance which ha not weekly of real merit.

have taken I to other jobs which Accent: Wl 1 the bulk of Ihe they may be committed for al at the present some period. Basically there lo tlie prodiic iblicalions depend

the General ConI SC Supports l-AO GC's Clark Smith Replies to Waller -1-0 vs. 1-AO

essu ere his cli laking'such Ihinking of the church Iwdr Uglll "v'rij L°r°'.'":.i"rln:'"j:e"; ividiial m land. The pastor, the leach swings in that direclion, a dormitory de; statement undoubtedly would be - Anv this Salurdoy. Moy 10. at voled. orlJ which ard bell nd 10 reinforce Uie ap- Tlie stand of the Adventisl qy.stions. incerity of a personal Church is stil! llint of non- chur hsi, uUho

considerable personal slill 1 Dbably Uiey should be factual, requires i'm'Lsue'of '^''"''' ^"'^i'^" ''• \heRevleu> and Herald had ap- Selective Serv !>« unforlunale confrontation Tore' Ihc "cdiloriaTwas of tien that way- lied, Willi the factual expla- the Catliolic Church and Galileo

die demands 10 read the facts. Limited s,. pred, the I-O _.. , , p, „„„ unon mm mrouanthrough meUie proliibits repeating lliese facts its involvemenls had been "^ ciiurch attendance, the habit sides can meet on the ballletield Scriptures is lo serve his country ''^^'^ s*"<3ied by ihe church. Il will as a noncombalanl- but, if tliere Tho same „l]s for tonlmue lo h« seriously con- „, those of its niettbir, who ine Advomisl Church lo cast oft sidered but, as one gels closer f^^i constrained by iheir con- Ihc all discoverable suffering humanity ra'hcr ihan I stand on non-com to the jiacifist posiUon, it is standards, and batBiicy science lo go beyond the sland lo be relieved of ^^the iind take Ihe position of Ihe 1-0 immediately apparent il is face's, of U.e^individuaU hjc seeking „f ,He church and take an '" " stuiiy by t ^ ation, Ihe pacifist posi- not a panacea or cui'e-all for the i„aividual sland on the 1-0 "" draft board, 1 lie draft—or al least to multiludinoiis problems of t^jsiiion neither the Adventisl the A ?qual force and leaching, militap" obligations for the Church' nor Uie present law Ihrisuan. (altes ,iiem lo lask. They must rch ill so doing. He The historic position of the reahze, however, Uiat their sland Wventisl Church has always is their own and not the church's I-C uUa/ijo ©/liginaCs [ l!iB

FLORIST tents' of 'heliof hat

ofoparUcnIarchtirch.Hot he must convince liis draft • Beaiililul decorated HOME- of the genuineness of hi! ional reUeious conyictioi

Oiwintfh-o B.I Nol E>p«nivo

ChflltanooBo. Tomi, Co//egeda/e Cabinets, /nc.

Labo,ato"'K'n»:;r'f.°'s"Sl,''.°o!'Tl..pit.h Collegedde, Tern. Telephone 396-2131 the \ found: A Use for 'PonF\\ Beetles and Stolen Bases

rnal's lea m played Be inda

H there. but, Linda said. hal's all nght.we-Uslarl

OCiUOUld ave probably o sked r a forfeit. the dorm Girls can- be cxpocied to (liUvleKly QS the rdlows

!\y. a girl has a mil^^ I Summer School Registration '}§>ut£e^ccent

SMC GRADUATES 163 IN SPRING EXERCISES Is/MC Personnel to Help ACN ICover Zurich Congress

> KolC UndSOy AwWd 1 r,.li,io.s .rutV ond d- .odoasPauldidwhenhehiTd I Stdff South ACN liey were not disobedient lo ih I Leftft to rlghright: Norrr

' Speaker at Ihp Friday eveni,! Five members from the :ns!ell. I Southern Union and SMC will ^oii ivlio entitled I a former SMC acadpiri official rapaatje'; at the Jean who told the class that Ih.: Hialeii I World Youth Congress dl :uc from the class 'nuisl make iheir religion rel ith the Advc ^iint to modern society," I Net' (ACN). The ACN of SMC and CUC re5ppctl^eh staff of 13, headed bj secretarj of the rector at the Yo ence, and then

I General Conference Radio TV and Hometw will Her words to

[ was not dis-

n SMC Pacific Present plans ? heavenly ii-

;, Loma IJnda hour-l

College, and recen Roof, Zollinger Win SA Cabinet Posts ^';^7^^j; I from three of these colleges. Tentative I ] i from SMC will be stress Advt I the following; Dr. Don Dick, on a global .1 ciibiiict member and will s ' - i Communica- be placed in on senate meetings, makin

t, and official flavor of ll

' the ACN at church, I cedure is ii4d. and prosidin

ill be directly arotmd the clion May 21 and 22, Rui r, this a«ard i-

lie Youth Con- food, the s when the SA vice-president doe medical-dental of the SDA church and not preside, ; Bay Winner, youth .entucky-Tenne

senior' communications major placement on the world in a • bylaws of the SA Con- fercnce. The'n' and manager of WSMC-FM, Christian perspective. Tended to a scniod bv Mrs. F who wll be the voice of the A special attempt %vill be of Madison. Tcnn. at Zurich, serving as the to interest particularly tlie held this I ACN made Hen

a Zurich Elected parliamentarian. Ail- lings. Th( ing a post that had not yet been her sophomore year on the Mad I the SMC public relal led, howi filled, was Terry Zollinger, a

phrased it sophomore math major from Collegedale, Tenn, He drew 279

Fire Alarm Announces ^Memories Arrival; Dedicated To Miss Luce 1 SPECULUM ~^ \ EDITORIAL I

College Papcri i Church Doctri

Afot less r/i/nft/ng- ^o.,..o ,..,..- ^'S!!!,![°t?i!flS^^^^ \wsx More Jhoughtfulness £5'|£|fjfH| ^§i^^i^§§t^^S^^^^

dealt lor Iho trulh?" . . . Ibere an Army hoipilaJ. ihal pi BverYlhing as Ctm rWs ome40'/ o! tho slu ent body, considered bout ovorag cantroveray lo g religious viowpoints ol tlendonce for a weekday r

M tho unquestionable right to think, in- specific queries. Fea

mula.o opiiiions. Ellon G. White spoke ^or^ct™a'li'ci''^"«nl moro anil recialed by the students we e the good company, 1 o cleanliness open thought when she said: md Ihs congeniality ol mos ol the statl. Most co nmon genera ""£^'^ild;^lNvjJddrj^^^

ourteay by the staff. "'i'*"h;r'^v:rr '^: tv.^ ^XV=°r^w,Uoutetor''TJ°'la1! riBh On the specific questio ^, tho students leh Ih .t: 1, Vegetables, in parti ulai, were not salty enough (60'

Ijcllor ,"*" Perhaps^ «ci^ho 1 make error into truth, and truth ^"]l"^l^ 2 Present servings are orge enough (60% vs 20%)

oc. (REVIEW AND HEHALD, Doc. 20, vs. 45%) .acou.eo. pii i'liid r^iii^'iTiS^^si?" lid (90% plus). t^Tliupi^ =h. d.>^nt^^n.abic thal^^kr ctrines wore boing croalod, Why should- Music was appreciated by nearly all, but mol

to teat tho "truth" today? llipm nol to repeal llic acls" i^. for adio speaking programs w hieh sometimes are h ard. Almost haU admitted aving cafeteria equip ment m the 1 creative judgment does not give any c'^mCrumt' nb!,tl Z^'^k!do\\^'^^<: or tho right to change tho doctrinal poai-

,vith some suggesting a flat ntg lo a doUa raony muBl characterize the church if il is """l'™-! HV thai mjne it ihe tvpicil only ^i^Q g;j,|g insfructor

let's Personalize Mass [ducation Trainees Attend

acuity can becoi piive to Atlanta Workshop indifferent, sophisticaii ;ds of the education of today, an. udents m subtly the traditional ^ the students would w

mlly brought to light.

vividly to the

and the ability to surviv faculty would be a I student-faculty clashes. Co/fegecfafe Cabinefs, fnc. ." absurd. . Mary Osti Manufadureri of H^gh Quality "School should solution is no less imiwrtant. In- Laboratory FurnltLfe for ScSoolt and Hospiiali lenging, maybe creased understanding of the Collegedale. Tenn. Telephone 396.2131 faculty by the students

ll,cir syilem of educalion. in the opposite extreme as pre^- SImvly .™d insidiously llio Boldon ora of ll.o ont room campuses- school hos given way to ihe Where does this leave South-

SMC Receives college, along with other Sev- enth-day Adventist colleges, has Grant From become much like the universi- Sears, Roebuck ties of the world in secularizing

A $500 grant has been award- copied the educational patterns ed to Southern Missionary Col- of public universities and as a cge, Collegedale, by Sears, Roe- result, student unrest is per- juck and Co. as a part of a total one million dollars in unrestrict- ls there a way to stop this ed grants distributed recently by from coming to Southern Ihe Sears-Roebuck Foundation Missionary College? Realizing under a continuing program of aid to privately supported educational system outlined by E. G. White is an impossibility, ing to Wade Benefield, local rep-

present situation. First, a free In announcing the distribu- discussion of this problem «ilh tion for the 1968 grants, Bene- facultj' and students is a neces- Tield said participating colleges sity. The seeming apprehension of the faculty to even discuss the will share in grants totaling subject of student imrest and stu- 533.000. dent power only aggravates the

to help systematically private in- Better communication be- stitutions of higher learning tween the students and faculty meet their financial needs. must be developed. An informed agreeable stu- Altogether, more than 700 student body is an body. The communication colleges and universities from dent lines this year, as in the past, coast to coast will receive Seaifs have been almost non-existent. Foundation granU. They are un- resirieicd to allow the schools to Each teacher and faculty allocate their funds according to member must become interested their greatest needs. in each student as an individual ^vith feelings and opinions, and In addition to its grant pro- gram, the Foundation during the volvcd in educaUon. Tiiis in- of be stimulated 5900,000 in a variety of volvement must classroom. scholarships and other types of by tlie teacher in the education programs, bringing A boring lecture hardly provides "i involvement. total expenditures for higher stimulation and Mucauon purposes this year to THe inclusion of students in appro.\iniately §1.9 million. the administration may be a SPORTLIGHT On Softball

house. Thre. games wer not B. MacAlpine

voiving Colli Hand ding one \vith Sammer, there \ ould Kier ihat league. ihroughout ihe entire season, have been a tie in J, Pleasants lost several cnidal Perry's learn Leagus B BL»9 e Standings B and gave Croflon and Stepanske V L Pet an Name

A Slepanske viclory over Perrj- Colla 4 " 667 2 Myers on Ihe final daj' of ihe season ? made ihe four-ivay tie possible. av. Hayner A quick look al the slalislics :>i^ show thai Hand's learn led ihe 31/0 logcrsoll leagMe in batting, with nn aver- Shellon 3 e .333 +'/? J. age of .275. Slepanske, Croflon, Johnson, and Perry follow in Covanaugh Sweeps Giris order. Top pitchers were Love- Pierce