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*-™T— ,i y Mk^ -€ Freda Campbell

^L Yearbook Staff ^^^|

Presents the 1961 Black Diamond Yearbook

Volume 19

Mrs. Spear, Sponsor iKCi DQMi®m ¥1^H>)«

Theme: Progress With Pride and Patience Yearbook Staff

Editor-in-chief--Freda Campbell Assistant Editor--Kathy Ingle Typist-Martha Harden High School Editor--Daphene Cook Assistant High School Editor—Shirley Ross Junior High Editor-Sharon Woods Assistant Junior High Editor-Judy Peters Grades Editor—Vickie Plunkett Assistant Grades Editor-Judy Woody Sports Editor—Joe Humphrey Organizational Editor—Darlene Tatham Business Martager-lssac Barrett Yearbook Sales Manager-Charles Griffith Advertising Manager—Robert Vance Freda, Robert, Martha, Charles, Judy, Daphene, Vickie and Judy count the votes cast for yearbook king and queen. Candi­ dates from the yearbook staff were Joe Humphrey, issac Bar­ Yearbook Float in Homecoming Parade rett, Darlene Tatham, and Sharon Woods.

The Black Diamond Yearbook Staff (seated at back, left) attend the Semco workshop at Eastern A&M College — Wilburton, Oklahoma. With backs to earners (left to right) Mrs. Campbell, Mr. Barbour, Mr. Clark and Mrs. 3ermejo. These representatives from yearbook company 'told and showed us many things about putting out a yearbook. Thanks to the photographer of the college for the picture.

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it' " ' M ,*ii ir Board Of Education

Left to Right: Bill R. Lovern, Clerk, Ward Nol 4; Mrs. R. B. Cayiile, member Out­ lying District; 9. Q. Jallahan, President, ard No. 3; Clayton armer, Member Ward Nd. 1; Hubert 3agley, VJPresident/Vard No.

We, the Yearbook Staff of 1961, on behalf of tb>e student body and faculty, wish to dedicate volume 19 of the Black Diamond Yearbook to e Board of Education: to those who have served in the past, to those who are serving now, and to those who will serve in the future. Our Board of Education works diligently to promote better ideals, facilities, and policies for our benefit. They work with undaunted perserver- ance. These men and women are the unsung heroes of our community. So, in our dedication, we sh to express our deepest appreciation to the vices rendered us by the Board of Education.

Progress with Pride, Patience and Policy, Superintendent

Seldom does progress come rapidly and in the field of education this particularly is true, but when we realize that a formal education requires from twelve to twenty years of our lives, then we appreciate the patience of those who take the time to acquire it. Not everyone will pursue this extended search for know­ ledge, and this is as it should be, but those persons who do find in it a certain feeling of pride that can come only after long and intensive study. This is one of the rewards that an educated person receives although it must be accepted with humility and humble­ ness. Any other acceptance would render it false. Looking back over the school years, we view with pride some of the accomplishments our school has attained in the past, but we must not be satisfied with these but, rather, wemust search cut continually those areas in which we need improvement and seek ways to accomplish it. I am especially proud of our student body, teachers, and other members of our staff for the fine cooperation they have given the administration in the development of our total pro­ gram. Without their staunch support, little improvement of progress could have been accomplished. But we still have work to do. Never before has the challenge to education been as great as it is to­ day, but we accept the challenge because we realize there are-frontiers in education ahead we must con­ quer if we are going to develop the kind of an edu­ cation system that meets the demands of our times. 1 hope each one of you, students, teachers, and parents, realize you have a responsibility in this challenge and accept it with the faith that it shall be met with the very best that is in each of us.

Faculty: Superintendent; Walter J. Leeper; Grade School Principal; Mr. H. McDonald; Sixth Grade, Jimmy Lessley, Etta Mills, Jerene Taylor; Fifth Grade, Nell Jean, first semester, Cherokee T. Brewer, second semester, Charlene Walkingstick, Inez Cotton; Fourth Grade, Sallie Farmer, Gladys Masterson, and Roberta Farmer; Third Grade, Janice Faulkner, Jimmie L. Monroe, and Cassie Atkeson; Second Grade, Waneve Thomas, Dorcas Young and Ruby Smith; First Grade, Margaret Wilson, Grace McDonald, Lavetta Smith and Iva Dobbs; Special Education, Irene Phillips. Junior and Senior High School: High School Principal; D. B. Young; Junior High Principal: Russell Jones; Bill Aydelott, 3and; Elizabeth Black, Social Studies and Art; Earl Estep Jr., Phy. Ed. and Science first semester; Urban Sharum, Science second semester; Loris Dickey, English and Librarian; Okla P. Ford, English; Billie S. Taylor, English; Irene Green, History; Reba Green, Commerce; J. C. Gulledge, Driver Ed. and Science; Wayne Hawkins, Phy. Ed. and Math; Willie Mae Hines, Home Ec; Rob­ ert Kuntz, Agriculture; Edgar Lowery, Social Studies and 4-H Club first semester, Milton Peters second semester; Jessie Lowery, Social Studies and 4-H Club; Marjorie McCalman, Foreign Languages and Music; Hattie Moore, English; Ola Nickerson, Social Studies; Cleo Post, English, Paul Post, Guidance, Math and Wrestling, Tommie Spear, Jr. High. Math, Yearbook; Julia Stegall, Home Ec; Betty Cooper, Registrar; Harold G. Walters, Commerce; Bob Wright, Phy. Ed. second semester.


Principals: High School D. B. Young

Junior High Russell Jones Grade A. H. McDonald KTIi^nl Teachers

Eight college seniors from North­ Vv. ^. Ml eastern State Col­ lege, Tahlequah, did their practice teaching in the Sal­ lisaw School system during the first sem­ Left to Right: Deanna Flanagan, Anita Green, Mrs. Louise ester. Mary K. 'Vebb, Herbert Stites. Gamble, Mrs. Ima Taylor, Mrs. Jane 3aker, Mrs. Jewel Oalton,

Above left and right Mr. Stites and Miss Webb (graduates of Sallisaw High School) teach where they once attended classes.

Mr. Leeper discusses plans with teachers at one of their regular meetings.

Cherokee T.Brewer Urban Sharun Bob Wright

Harriet Thomas Milton Peters

Cassie Atkeson Bill Aydelott Elizabeth Black Betty Cooper Inez Cotton Loris Dickey Iva Dobbs Earl Estep 1st Semester Roberta Farmer


Sal lie Farmer Janice Faulkner Okla P. Ford Nell Gean 1st Semester

Irene Green Reba Green Joe Gulledge Wayne Hawkins

Willie M. Hines 3ob Kuntt .. Jimmy Lessley Fdgar Lowery 1st Semester

Jessie Lowery Gladys Masterson MarjorieMcCalman Grace McDonald

- ^^C^^N^C^A- Etta Mills Jimmie L. Monroe Hattie Moore James Myers

Harold Walters Margie Walters Margaret Wilson Dorcas Young School Employees

A kove: n .. . . , , ., . n , Mrs. Smithson, Mrs. Combs and Mrs. Ross cook for the many youngsters Mr Pitts and Mr. Bel I work to keep the Liberty Grade who L|b Gra(je Schoo| School clean. Below, Hobart Davis keeps the rooms in the gymnasium clean. Here he is ready to do a re­ pair job.

Mrs. Cowden and Mrs. Ford do a good [ob feeding the junior high and high school students. (Mrs. Ford was ill at this time) It is Mrs. Randolph al­ Below: most hidden by the pans. Mr. Reid and Mr. Isham have a big job keeping the rooms in the High School Building clean. Here they are cleaning the auditorium. Driving the nine busses that bring a large number of students to school are left to right: Mr. S. Hatter, Mr. G. Sanders, Mr. G. Cole, Mr. T. Bush, Mr. R. Walters, Mr. G. James, Mr. H. Edwards, Mr. J. Wilson, and Mr. W. B arn ett. Back to School for Parents During American Education Week

Scenes in classrooms and lunch rooms on the days parents took their children's places at school. This wasthe third annual back to school for parents. Each year the number attending has increased. Senior Officers


11 Senior Class of 1961 In the fa II of 1949a group of bright-eyed, eager, enthusiastic boys and girls embarked on an eventful voyage in pursuit of a Seniors public school education and the final reward, a nigh school diploma. Their first port of call was at Liberty School, where our skippers for the first year were Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. McDonald, and Mrs. Farmer, We Were somewhat wobbly and uncertain of our footing at first, but we soon got our "sea-legs and pre­ sently were stepping smartly along as members of the rhythm , when not engaged in the more serious business of learn­ ing the three R s. Our next port of call was the Field House, after we had been promoted to the rank of "Seamen, Fifth class," Here we began in earnest the job of growing up. For the first time we came in daily contact with the upper classmen in our school and began to pattern ourselves after them. We also began to participate in competitive sports. Our junior high boys' basket­ ball team won the Sequoyah County Tournament in 1958, Out­ standing stars on this team were Jimmy Smith, Donald Casey, Martin Hawkins, and Jim Chuculate. Our ninth grade graduation in May, 1958 marked the end of one phase of our voyage and the beginning of the last and most interesting years. These have passed all too quickly. During these three years several members of our class have distinguish­ ed themselves in various academic categories as well as in school activit ies. In our Sophomore year our cand idate for football queen, Brenda Callahan, was chosen over the Junior and Senior candidates for the coveted honor of presiding over the Homecoming foot­ ball game. In our Junior year anumber of our class members won Balfour awards for superior achievement in various fields: Paul Agent, Mathematics; Margaret Stites, American History; Andrea Mayo, Biology Saundra Crutchfield and Ray Sparks, Citizenship. Two members of our class, Paul Agent and Jimmy Smith, were chosen to represent our school at Boys' State in Norman last June. Two N.O.A.A. Conference records in track were set by Martin Hawkins. Now the last year of our cruise is nearing the end. As the Not pictured; John time draws near and we begin to see the distant shore line on Ballard which we expect to meet unknown responsibilities and adven­ tures, we are somewhat reluctant to disembark from the good ship S.H.S., which has been our home for the past twelve years. Charles 3arger Wrest­ The Class of '61 has come into its own, with Seniors filling ling, Track, F. F. \. most of the pasts of responsibility on the ship. Under the able command of Captain Leeper we have made good progress and Freddy Woody Foot­ have achieved most of the goals toward which we have worked. Although some of the voyage has been stormy, much of it has ball, Wrestling, F.F.A. been pleasant sailing. However, new experiences are waiting, Baseball. and time does not stand still. We will step on shore withhigh hopes and eager anticipation for the future.

Paul ^gent Football, 3ase- ball, Science Club, Junior Play, Soys'State, V. Pres. Junior Class, V.~Pres. Stu­ dent Council, 3alfour \ward. Ml- Conference Football, State Honor Society, Honor fell.

Jewel ine Anderson Sec. Glee Club, Bookkeeping A- ward, Service Club, Se­ quoyah Chieftain Staff.

Judy -\nderson F.H.A., Band, Librarian, Cheer Leader, Honor 'Roll, Glee Club.

Carolyn Bagley, F. H. A., Sequoyah Chieftain, Li­ brarian.

Judith Ball 4-H Club, F.T.- \., Spanish Club, Glee Club, Pep Club, Service Club, Sequoyah Cheiftain.

Jerry Bennett Football, Baseball,.Track, Latin Club, Junior Play, Al I-Conference Football. Jay Blackwell F. F. \. Sec, F.T.A., Junior Christmas Play, Science Club, French Club, Basketball.

Patsy Louvon Bridgewater Basketball, Softball, F.H.A., Pep Club, Cheer Leader, Band, Sequoyah Chieftain, Glee Club, Honor Roll.

Norman Brown Honor Roll.

Joan Bryant Service Club, Pep Club, Basketball, Soft­ ball, Music, Christmas Play, Thanksgiving Play.

Margaret Ann Burt Pep Club, Service Club, Glee Club.

Freda Campbell F.H.A., Science Club, Service Club, Band, Sequoyah Chieftain; Artist, Yearbook Staff Ed­ itor, State Honor Society, Honor Roll.

Bob Carlile Football, Basketball, Track, F.T.A., Pres. Latin Club, Student Council, Junior Play, Honor Roll, V. Pres. Senior Class.

Shirley Ann Carson Basket­ ball, F.H.A. Treasurer, Pep Club, Spanish Club.

Donald Casey Football, Basketball, Track, Student Council, All -Conference Football, Honor Roll, Junior Class Pres., F.F.A. Pres., StudentCouncil Rep., F.T.- A.

Jim Chuculate Football, Basketball, Track, Student Council, F.T.A., F.F.A., Spanish Club.

Christene Clapp F.T.A., Librarian, Junior Play, Fall Festival, State Honor So­ ciety, Office, Christmas Play.

Freda Compton Student Council, 4-H Club Pres., Junior Class Treasurer, 4-H Club Sec, Judging Schools, 4-H Key Award, Congress, State Round-Up, F.T.A., Speech, State Honor Society. Merlyn Lee Compton 4-H Club Pres. and Song Leader, 4-H Key Award, State Round-up, Judging Schools, Glee Club.

Joyce Corbit Speech Per­ formance, Pep Club, 4-H Club, F.H.A., F.T.A., French Club, Usher Senior Graduation.

Ramona Cotton Basketball, Softball, F.H.A., Parlia­ mentarian, F.T.A. Pres. and Parliamentarian, F.F.- A. Sweetheart Attendant, State Honor Society, Honor Roll, Office.

Mary Joyce Cowan F.H.A., 4-H Club, Pep Club, Sports Reporter, Christmas Play, Glee Club.

Delmar Crutchfield Wrest­ ling, Track. Saundra Crutchfield F.H.A., F.T.A. Treas., Pep Club, Office, Student Council, Yearbook Queen, Junior Play, Glee Club, State Honor Society, Citizenship Balfour Award, Honor Roll.

Annie Lucille Denton 3asketball, Softball, F.H.- A., Pep Club, Cheer Leader, Librarian, Sequoyah Chief­ tain, Honor Roll, GleeClub,

Rudy Di Giacinto F.F.A., Sec, Baseball, Track, Wrestling, Dairy Judging Team, Land Judging Team, 4-H.

Martha Lee Diliard Sand, F.H.A., F.T.A., Junior Play, Glee Club.

Linda Faye Dobbs F.H.A., Chorus, 3asketball, Pep Club. Betty Lou Dodd Band Ma­ jorette, Attendant and Queen, F.H.A. Parlimen- tarian and V."Pres., F.T.- A. Sec. and VrPres., Class Officer, Jr. Play, Spanish Club. Donnie Carl Edwards French Club, 3asketball, Science Club, Football. Diane Frye F.H.A., F.T.A., Pep Club, Spanish Club Treas., Band, Student Council, Junior Play, State Honor Society, Honor Roll, Christmas Play.

Allan K. Gabbert Football, 3aseball, Softball, F.F.A., Science Club, Latin Club, 4-H Club, Junior Play, Honorable Mention, Honor Roll.

Donna Kaye Gardenhire 3asketball, Pep Club, Ser­ vice Club, F.F.A. Sweet­ heart.

Rick Garrett Football, 3asketball, Track, F.T.A., V.-Pres. Latin Club, Stu­ dent Council.

Ellen Gann Basketball, F.H.A., Service Club, Sequoyah Chieftain, Honor Roll, Glee Club Sec.

Haskell Groves Wrestling, Track, Student Council, Glee Club.

Barbara Harden Yearbook Staff, Sequoyah Chieftain, F.H.A., Pep Club, Glee Club Treas.

Joyce Harl Pep Club, Glee Club. John Hawkins III, Latin, ClubVrPres., 3and Treas., Junior Play, Honor Roll.

Martin Hawkins Football, Basketball, Track, F.T.A., 3and, Student Council, Junior Play, State Honor Society, All-Conference Football, French Club, Glee Club.

Thaduse House Wrestling, 4-H Club, Track, Music, Football, F.F.A., Fall Festival, Science Club.

Jimmy Johnson Football, Track, V.' Pres. French Club, Music, Junior Play, Christmas Program, Fall Festival, Honor Roll. La Donne Jones Sand, F.H.A., Latin Club, 4-H Club, Science Club, Usher to Senior Graduation.

Margaret Jones F.H.A., Science Club reporter, Lat­ in Club Sec, Pep Club, Student Council, Junior Play, Glee Club, State Honor Society, Honor Roll.

Doug Kuykendall Football, Baseball, 4-H Club, F.F.A., Music,Shop, Fall Festival, MusicPerf.,Christmas Play, Honor Roll.

Vicki Kirk F.T.A., Glee Club, Sec. French Club, Sophomore Play, Pep Council, Girls' Ensemble, Girls Trio, Song Leader.

Delbert Kain Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Weight Lifting; Captain, 4-H Club, F.F.A.

Marie Looper Speech Per­ formance, F.T.A., Chorus, 4-H Club, Pep Club, French Club.

Charlotte Myers F.H.A. Songleader and Treasurer, F.F.A. Sweetheart Attend­ ant, Football Queen, Glee Club, Spanish Club, Senior Class Sec, Jr. Play, Band, F.T.A., Student Council. Bob McHenry Football, Wrestling, Track, F.F.A., Latin Club. Andrea Mayo Band Sec. and Majorette, Band Queen At­ tendant, and representa­ tive, State Honor Society, Balfour Award in Biology, Jr. Play, F.T.A. Historian and Reporter, F.H.A. His­ torian, Spanish Club; Re­ porter. Wilma Mayhan Latin Club, Cheer Leader, F.H.A., Class Cheer Leader, Glee Club, Pep Club, Librarian, Sequoyah Chieftain, Speech, State Honor Society. Brenda Nation V. Pres. Soph. Class, Football Queen, F.H.A. Song Lead­ er, Band Treasurer, Chorus, Member of Trio, State Honor Society, State Music Con­ test, Co-Reporter Jr. Class,- Accompanist, F.T.A. Treas. Secretary. Jo Anne Oliver Band Sec, Attendant, Queen, and Re­ presentative, Spanish Club Sec, F.T.A. Pianist and Service Chairman, F.H.A. Sec, State Honor Society, Junior Play. 3illie Jean Pierce Basket­ ball, Softball, F.H.A., Pep Leader, Yearbook Staff, F.T.A. Historian, Glee Club. Norma Lynn Philpot Glee Club, 4-H Club, Pep Club, Sequoyah Chieftain.

Donna Carol Perceful 3as- etball, F.H.A., F.T.A., 4-H Club, French Club, Honor Roll, Pep Club, Glee Club,

Ellen Real Basketball, Softball, 4-H Club, F.H.A., F.T.A., Pep Club, Spanish Club, Service Club, Junior Play, State Honor Society, Honor Roll.

Thelma Rider- Librarian.

Glenda Faye Richardson 4-H Club, Chorus, Sequoyah ChieftainEditor, Pep Club, Librarian.

Roy Rodgers Athletic Man­ ager, Wrestling, Football, Track. 3obbie Salfee Sr. Class Reporter, Cheer Leader, F.H.A., Latin Club, Pep Club, Sequoyah Chieftain, Class Cheer Leader.

Doil Scott 4-H Club, Span­ ish, Basketball, Glee Club, Shop, Christmas Play.

Jimmy Dale Smith Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, F.T.A., Service Club, Pres. Student Council, Pres. Soph. Class, State Honor Society, Honor Roll, Representative to Boys' State, Mr. Teenager.

Mary Sue Smith Glee Club, F.H.A., Pep Club, Sequoyah Chieftain

Ray Sparks F.F.A. V. Pres. and Pres., Football, Wrestling, 3aseball, Honor Roll, State Honor Society, Balfour Award in Citizen­ ship, French Club, Pres., Pres. Senior Class. Janie Spears F.H.A. Pi­ anist, and Reporter, F.T.A.. Pianist, Honor Roll, State Honor Society, Band Major­ ette and Attendant, Junior Play, Football Queen At­ tendant, Pep Club, French Club, Glee Club, Class Officer, Sec. Student Coun­ cil, Science Club, Miss Teenager. Becky Stegall Band Report­ er, Science Club, F.H.A. Sec, Pres., Sub-District Vj Chair., Spanish Club Sec, Jr. Play, F.F.A. Sweet­ heart Attr-ndant, Christmas Play, F.T.A., Band Queen. Doug Stites French Club, Football Captain, Basket­ ball, Baseball, Track, Wrestling, F.F.A., Speech, 4-H Club, Science Club.

Margaret Stites 4-H Club, F.H.A., F.T.A., Spanish Club, State Honor Society, Balfour Award. Gwen Taylor Basketball, Softball, 4-H Club, F.H.A., F.T.A., Pep Club, Librar­ ian, Carnival Queen At­ tendant, Reporter Soph. Class, Heart Fund Sweet­ heart. Janie Taylor F.H.A., Bas­ ketball, Junior Play, State Honor Society, Service Club, F.T.A. Miss Future Teacher.

Sharon Fitzsimmons F.H.A., Science Club, Pep Club, Spanish Club, Junior Play, Glee Club, State Honor Society, Honor Roll, Pres. Glee Club.

Linda Sanders 4-H Club, Pep Club, Spanish Club, Sequoyah Chieftain, Glee Club.

Jeanie Chuculate Band; Majorette, Representative Student Council, F.T.A., F.H.A., 4-H Club, Science Club, Office Work, Junior Play. 'V-' Scenes from last year's Junior Play. . .

Powder Puff Football Game. Played by Senior Girls. Senior girls are in black jerseys,, while junior girls wear white.

Some Senior 3oys lead their class in yells.

On left and right are pictures of Seniors in their Junior Play ast year.

Senior Who's Who

Most Likely to Succeed Most Studious Andrea Mayo Margaret Stites Norman Brown

19 Senior Who's Who

Best Athletes Jerry Bennett, Billie Pierce,Doug Stites

Cutest Couple Jim Chuculate, Charlotte Myers

Most Popular Jimmy Smith, Ramona Cotton

Best All Round Martin Hawkins, Janie Spears, Donald Casey

Friendliest Alan Gabbert, Sharon Fitzsimmons

20 Senior Who's Who

Neatest 3etty Dodd, Ricky Garrett

Most talented Vicki Kirk, Jimmy Johnson

Wittiest Bobby Sallee.Haskell Groves

Best Looking Donna Gardenhire Bob Carlile

Best citizen Saundra Crutchfield, Ray Sparks

21 Juniors There are one-hundred and seventeen pupils enrolled and thirty-six of of these have gone to Sallisaw schools since the first grade. The sponsors are: Mrs. Irene Green, Mr. Margie Walters, Miss Willie Mae Mines, Mr. Bill Adyelott, and Mrs. Okla P. Ford. From our class this year we are happy to have Sylvia Ford, and Wanda Timmerman as Football Queen attendants. Also Issac Barrett was elected as Year Book King for '61, and Martha Harden as F.F.A. Sweetheart for 1961. The Junior Class gave generously to the needy children on bundle week. They were happy to give their usual Christmas money to the Welfare of Sallisaw. The Junior Class of 1960-61 has high hopes for the future. We hope to have the largest graduating class in history from S.H.S. We hope to make our class outstanding in all our understandings.

Andrews, Johnny - There's a little bad in every boy. Asbill, Gerald'Life isn't too tad if you go at it the right way. Asbill, Jackie "Her manner is quiet but don t judge her by it.

Bagley, Janice-No Sinner, no saint. Just Janice. Barger, Jerry - The only one of his kind. Barrett, Eugene'Don't mind me, I just put in my time, Barrett, Issac-Sugarfoot. Bolin, Joe-Don't judge strength by size.

Bond, Helen "Charming, sweet and always so neat. Brown, Bobby-Rebel without a cause. Burt, Lonnie-Tweet and Toof. 3urt, Ronnie-Toot and Tweet. Callahan, Albert -Cool, Calrrt, Carol and collected.

Cantrell, Vanda-Nary a care in the world. Capps, William-W,C. Wildcat. Childers, Sharon-I'm gone. Chuculate, David'lf the teachers would only agree with me. Coble, Ponnette-lndian Love Call.

Cook, Daphene-Chas ing around. Coulter, Paul-Moonlight Gambler, Cox, Gerald-Alike but different. Cox, Johnny-Different but alike, Crawford, Jerry- Life's no longer worry.

22 Cull urn, Frank-H i story is still a mystery. Dobbs, Sharon-Easy come, easy go. Dodson, Glenda-Red hair is no drawback. Dodson, Ruth-Life, is to short to study. Ely, Johnny Da le-Teacher's pet.

England, Wayne-I hate trouble unless it concerns girls. Eubanks, Charles-Gopeddle your own papers. Fargo, R. G.'Every man can blow best on his own horn. Fargo, Billy-Little but loud. Farmer, Jimmy-What he does, he does well.

Farmer, Sandy-Hey, you want to hear a joke? Ford, Clifton *A star is born. Ford, Sylvia -After Graduation, Marriage. Fornaszewski, Stanley-lf first you don't succeed, quit. Fullbright, Kathy-Where 's John?

Goad, Kenneth-School? What's that? Green, Norman -Happy unless he's sad. Green, Rona|d*Don t judge a b6y by his Name. Griffith, Charles-Rather quiet and serious. Hardbarger, Reece-"Sneezer."

Harden, Martha-My boy flat top. Harrison, Dennis-Black denim trousers and motorcycle boots. Harvey, Ronald-A Sunday Disposition. Hastings, Charles-Happy and free from care. Hixon, R. A."I never work when hungry.

Hixon, William- The fairer sex does not worry him. Humphrey, Joe-Remember the Ten Command­ ments, Ingle, Kathy-I'm on Cloud No. 9. Jamison, Jack-Life is short and so am I. Johnson, Mtke-Square as a floating checker board.

23 Jones, Linda-She's not easily discouraged and never gives up. Kinsey, Marilyn-Go, Jimmy, Go. Kyle, Ruth Ann*School is a big nuisance, Lee, Harold-Let's forget to work for a I ifeti me. Lewis, Perry Floyd-I walk the line.

Mabray, Janie-I don't want to hang up my rock and roll shoes. Mainus, Nolan-I want to be wanted, Martin, Harvey - Short, dark and handsome. Matthews, Mike'Nobody understands Me. McClure, Mary-Quiet, studious and de­ pendable.

Melton, Olivia-Anyone for a little fun. Mitchell, Jerry-Jazz, Jive, and Jerry. Mothershed, Jim-The Urge. Norvell, Homer-I'm a hog for you, Palyola, Arn ie-Kau-Liga.

Palyola, Linda-Don't let love pass me by. Perry, Levada-Tall Oak Tree. Peters, Judy-Love'em and Leave'em. Phillips, Dwight-Mr. Blues. Ramm, Richard-You don't need no other daddy but me.

Rape, Mary Ann-Red, Redden, Jeanie - Is there any chance? Remy, Julia-I am just myself. Rider, Patricia-Only one of her. Rogers, Linda Kaye-lf its a giggle you hear, Linda is near.

Rogers, Okla Kaye-I only have eyes for you. Sanders, Charles-Indian Brave. Smith, Richard-Facts are stubborn things. Smith, Thomas-I Ain't Never. Smithson,Don-Put your head on my shoulder.

24 Sprouse, Saundra-Devil or Angel? Stealer, Galelia-A gentle disposition. Stewart, Judy-Smile and the World smiles with you, Sumpter, Larry-Loveab le and Laughable, Tackett, Howard-We'll get along well if you don t work me too hard.

Tatham, Darlene-Under your spell again. Taylor, Gary-A friend any time. Taylor, Phillip-Race with the Devil. Timmerman, Wanda-Liked by everyone that knows her. Vance, Robert-Mr, Young, I don't want to go.

Vickers, Jenny - Babyi let's play house. Walker, Linda-Lead me not into temptation but show me where it is. Walters, Jerry-Wrestler Watie Charlotte-Wild and Reckless. Webb, Marcia-Courting in the rain.

Williams, Brenda-A kind word, a pleasant smi le. Williams, Connie'Mean woman blues. Williams, Sherwin-You win again. Wilson, Loretta-Come on and get me. Wofford, Phillip-Lovey Dove. : Bagley, Suzanne-Doog ie City bound. Brackett, Perry-Study? I thought that was a disease. Brooks, Rex-Home on the ranges Cowan, Bonnie-Bonnie Blue Gal. no }Pfx^% Dameron, Gold ie-Prepared for anything. Porter, Pat-Yellow Rose of Texas,

Gardenhire, Sharon-Sleep Walk Rogers, She Iba-Si lence is golden. Sanders, Tom-Setting the woods on fire. Stroup, James-The squatter. Sutton, John-Dear John. Taylor, Tom-A great fellow to know.

Wilson, Jimmy-Rave on. Woody, Johnny.Hooky Player,

25 siMKisM*&m Juniors Make News

This is the way we thought we looked in our Junior Play.

Johnny Cox Gerald Cox

The Junior Class | has four sets of Twins ,

This is the way we looked in our Junior Play, 3oarding House Reach.

Here are our actors and actresses in "Boarding House Reach." Back row leftto right-Johnny Ely, Sherwin Williams,, Olivia Melton, Suzanne, 3agley, Linda Jones, Marcia Webb, Dwight Phillips, Judy Stewart, Sylvia Ford, Janice Bagley, Bob 3rown, Sandy Farmer, Janie Mabray, -Middle row now front row -Phillip Wofford, Johnny and Gerald Cox.

26 Sophomores

SOPHOMORE HISTORY Over one-hundred enrolled as sophomores this year. Thirty five of these students have attended Sallisaw schools since they were in the first grade: Howard Kain, Doris Hoi lis, Vernon Compton, Guy Moore Jr., Rosemary Moore, Kaye Oliver, Sharon Woods, David Owens, Willie Sanderson, Don Stites, Jimmy Marvin, Donnie Edwards, Grady Ray Farmer, Darlene Taylor, Stanley Tubbs, Jackie Mattox, Opal Watie, Clyde Williams, Shirley Ross, Larry Kerr, Willard Andrews, Jeannie Morgan, Beverly Riggs, Alice Graham, Linda Smith, Johnny Bond, Carol Keith, Joe Bus Lucas, 3obby Sindle, James Evans, Johnny Looper, Frank L.illard and Billie Sue Miller. We are honored to have Sharon Woods and Kaye Oliver to run from our class as Football Queen. Willard Andrews and Billie Sue Miller ran for Vice-Pres­ ident and Secretary from our class for the Student Council. Our Representatives and Senators are: Ronald Campney, Rosemary Moore, Vincent Campney and Marie Fitzsimmons, Sharon Woods and Donald Stites. a Sophomore, was elected Yearbook Queer, for 1961 Black Diamond Yearbook. The sophomore class contributed generously toward the bundle drive and the Christmas Charity for needy children which took the place of the regular exchange of gifts. The sophomores make up a large percentage of the sports in our school. We are especially proud of some of the stu­ dents who play on the first string team in football, basket­ ball.

Andrews Willard Anderson Tommy Saty Alene Baty Lorene Blackford Carol Bond Johnny W

Bolin Watie Branham Jack Campney Ronald Campney Vincent Carter James Choate Georgia

Cogburn Evalyn Compton Vernon Copeland Catherine Corbitt 3etty Covington Lonnie Crawler Kenneth

Crutchfield Nadene Cupp Gailynn Davis Ronnie Edwards Donnie Eppler Roy Evans James

27 Farmer, Grady Fisher, Robert Fitzsimmons, Marie Florence, Dorothy Folks, Melinda Gillespie, Ray

Graham, Alice Harkreader, Ronnie Hatter, Elzie Hayes, Leonard Hollis, Doris Honeycutt, Doris

•'Jf/mmM- mum 'Mllllllll TsH'Wm * " JMHBI «••

House, Loretta Jackson, Betty ^"% 11 James, Dwight •:. ILL .I*" "****"" ''*"'' Jamison, Margaret Johnson, Donald Johnson, Margaret \

Kain, Howard Keith, Carol Kerr, Larry Knight, Gary Knoy, Richard Lewis, Leroy

Lillard, Frank Looper, Johnny Looper, Paul ... Lovern, Darla Lowrimore, Leroy Lucas, Joe Bus M

Marvin, Jimmy Matthews, Walter Matthews, Lora Lee Mattox, Jackie McClure, James McMinn , James

Miller, Billie Sue Moore, Jr. Guy Moore, Rosemary Morgan , Jeannie Mowdy Donald f\f%f\ Nimmo Fostene J \ I- f.. i vi

28 Oliver, Kaye Orendorff, Richard Owens, David Petree, Roberta Plunkett, Vickie Jo Price, Woodrow

Rape, Billy Don Rape, Glenna Riggs, Beverly Robertson, Sam Ross, Carol Ross, Shirley

Sallee, Jackie Sanders, Sharon Sanderson, Willie Sells, Shelby Sells, Kay Sindle, Bobby

Smith, Leland Smith, Linda Southern, Joyce JL §5 ^ Sparks, Maxine Sparks, Wayne Stites, Donald )

Stewart, Wanda Taylor, Darlene Taylor, Judy Tubbs, Stanley Tyler, Nina Ruth Van De Linder, Bill

Waters, Lorna Kay Watie, Opal Williams, Bob Williams, Clyde Woods, Sharon Woody, Judy

Ball, Sharley Barger, Kay Victory, Clarence Curry, Thomas A Sanders, Terry


9th Grade Officers

Progress with Pride, Patience and Preparation

31 Ninth Grade

The ninth grade sponsors are Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Lowery, Mr. Gulledge and Mr. Kuntz. Required subjects for ninth graders are: English and Literature, Gen. Math or Algebra, Civics and Oklahoma History and Gen. Science II. They have a choice of seventeen elective subjects. Class officers are: President, Lonnie Edwards; Vice-President, Gary Webb; Secre­ tary-Treasurer, Larry Tatham; Reporter, Ed­ die Myers; Song Leader, Jimmy Agent; and Yell Leader, Ronnie Morris. Members in the Student Council are: Sandra Cassady, Dwain Spears, Wayne Lo- vern, Ronnie Bradley and Ray Newton.


Acker, Velma Acker, Zelma Agent, Jimmy Amos, Judy Andrews, Tommy Asbill, Douglas

Asbill, Mike Barrett, Linda Bilyeu, Wilma Blount, Janice Bolin, Floyd Bolin, Damon

Bolin, Ramon Bond, Russell Bradley, Ronnie Branham, Glenn Breshears, Norma m^ p fft fft A Brown, Jackie 1 - •' k. Jam r %jr

Bush, Lyndia Byers, Joan Cantrell, Marie Carter, Prise ilia Casey, Mike Casey, Pauline


32 Cassady, Sandra Chrisco, Mary! A. Christie, Chaises Clanton, Jesse Compton, Leon Covington, Danny

Crawford, Johnny Dameron, Lester Davis, Owen Di Giacinto, Pat Dobbs, Billy Dodson, Carolyn

Dotson, Carolyn Douglas, Carolyn Dugan, Patsy Dunn, James Duval], Josephine Edwards, Lonnie

Fine, Jeanette Fullbright, Gus Green, Joan Green, Viola Hardbarger, Nancy Harkreader, Tommy

Hayes, Jerry Higle, Herberta Hixon, Jacky ftAft Honeycutt, Donny Honeycutt, Joyce p Honeycutt, Warren |y«r

Hollis, Nadean (ft House, C. W. Isham, James Jackson, Henry Johnson, Jackie Johnson, Johnny

Jones, Betty Keith, Wesley King, Linda King, Mike Lasiter, Delores Lee, Bernice f JL^mJmk *$ * m

33 Long, Sharon Lovern. Wayne Mackey, Joyce Martin, Roy Marti.ndale, Kenneth K,j\well, Mary

McGee , Tommy McKinney, Mike Moore, Viola Moore, Wyota Morris, Ronald Myers, Eddie

Newton, Kaye Penny, Keith Perry, Donald Perry, Doris Petree , Clarence Pettit, Sue

Poindexter, Larry Pratt, Richard Price, Tom Ragsdale, Anna K. «l,«f% Ray, Everett Real, James

Rector, Dixie Remy, James Richardson, Gary . . 1 Rider, Larry Rodgers, Haroid Rogers, Gary

Ross, James Scoggins, Yvonne Scott, Irma Dean Sherwood, Emma Sue Shropshire, Jimmy Sizemore, Gelelia

Smith, Cecil Smith, Kenneth Southern, Gary Spears, Dwain Stavely, Sharon Stealer, Betty

34 Stites, Melvin Stokes, Geraldine Tapley, Eddie Tatham, Kenneth Tatham, Larry Taylor, Lee

Tuck, C. B. Underwood, James Vickers, Jackie >^^l r^ fs^ Walters, Judy Walls, Darrell Watts, Ronnie

Webb, Gary Wells, Juanita Whitworth, Glenn I* , I - - ™ Wiley, Joanne Williams, Bill ^^ f^^ *-^ Williams, Dennis 1L* •

Williams, Gary Williams, Lynda Wofford, Wilma Woodward, Charlotte Young, Gary Brooks, Linda

Boyd, Norma Petree, Dyhana Sprouse, Gary Turner, Dale Wilkins, Parma Young, Art

35 Eighth Grade

EIGHTH GRA^E Sponsors for the feighth grade are, Mrs. Nickerson, Mr£. Post and Mr. Walters. / The required subjects for eighth graders are: English r/nd Literature, Gen. Science, Math,' Spelling and Geography. They way choose from eleven subjects fcsr their electives. Class officers are: President, Gary Childers; Vice-President, Linda Latimer; Secretary-Treasurer, Nyla Hastings; Reporter, Sue Jackson. Members in Student Council are Richard Campbell, Sue Ellen Watts, and Linda Dobbs.

Agent, Larry Ales, Donny Anos, James (ft Baty, Delores Barnett, Charlotte *p Benge, Kathy f T fiflk £ 1 ,-k Blackwell, Jerry j Bowman, Franklin *'H«k Brewer, Darlene • • : Byers, Brenda P Byrd, Donna Callahan, Harvey 3 f 4* Campbell, Richard Capps, Wayne Carson, John P Childers, Gary P \ «*» fir Clark, Kenneth Cole, Archie Mm

Cole, Glenda Cole, Marilyn Davis, Anna Dobbs, Dwanna ft Dobbs, Linda Dooty, Bob -;: j rr Jff *• 4a

36 Duvall, Bonnie Edwards, Patricia Farmer, George Fears, Terry Fine, Jonna Fine, Leon fiifflR>: '

Fisher, Linda Folks, Ronnie Ford, Johnny P C\ ft Ford, Ronny Fullbright, Barbara Gash, Bruce

£$®k M&lkh J^kik. iC Iftl dtimh. Glass, Polly Goad, Virginia Graham, Sandra Harri son, Jody Hastings, Nyla * v^ ri P7 r? P Hawkins, Margaret


Heim, 3obby r % Holmes, Billy P ft Horn, Hubert Jackson, Sue Aflfl Kain, Ronny Lamb, Eddie J**-

Lamb Garland Lasiter, David ^^ Latimer, Linda P Latimer, Sandra Lee, Randy Lockhart, Hoppie

Lowrimore, Martha Marion, Marie Martin, Diane Martin, Cassie Matthews, Darlene McClure, Suzanne

McDorman, Judy Neal, Dovie Ott, Orvella Petree, James Price, David Pugh, Larry

37 RiggsGeraldine Sanderson, Juanita Semmons, Phyllis Sells, Linda Stephens, Danny Stephens, Karen

""ill I, ^imj^g^^ • :'*'^fifibk»

Stewart, Charlotte Sutton, Mary Taylor, Darlene Taylor, Kent Taylor, Linda Wages, Jerry

/:/ WF '% M». Jm%bk& • lH MM

Walters, Dean Watie, Brenda Watts, Sue Ellen Webb, Larry Weese, Billie J. Williams, Judus

•• •fflgjifF : >4&k

Wood, Mary June Stewart, Sandra Walker, Jimmy McHenry, Tommy Smithson, Cheryl Branham, Vernon Deweese, Jeff

Seventh Grade

SEVENTH GRADE Seventh Grade sponsors are Mrs. Black, Mr. Lowery, and Mr. Estep. Required subjects for the seventh grade are; English and Literature, History, Math, Stokes, Altorlee Physical Education and Health, and Spelling. Seventh graders have nine subjects to choose from for their elective subjects. Cfass officers are: President, Martha Vaughan; Vice-President, Irene Mainus; Secre­ tary-Treasurer, Karen Watts; Reporter, Sherry Newton. Members in Student Council are Treva King, Martha Harkey and Gary Folsom. Sossaman, Dub

Anglin, Linda Apple, Joan Aflf

^A* Bollinger, Carlin Bese, Dewey 3rewer, David Campbell, Janet Capps, Mary

Carlile, Diane Carl i le, Kathy Chrisco, Glenda Clark, Donald Cole, Patricia Coleman, Alan

Copeland, Lucy Copeland, Nadine Craig, Ronald Cullum, Theresa Curry, Leroy Davis, Carol

Davis, Ruth Dodd, Mike Edmond, Linda Fair, George Faulkner, Larry Fears, Merry

Fisher, Billy • 1... -• § ^^m, Folsom, Gary Harkey, Martha Henry, Carolyn Hixon, Larry Jackson, Billy

King, Treva Knight, Teddy Kyle, Shirley Lee, Sandy Leeper, Marcia Lockhart, Judy

Lockhart, Linda London, Charles Mainus, Irene Matthews, Nelda Meadows, Jimmy Melton, Juanita

39 Moore, Ricky Newton, Sherry Osburn, Pearl Petree, Jean 4r :"" r I ~- ~W Pierce, Emma 9. Pomeroy, Danny

Pruitt, Terry Randolph, Pat - --B Rogers, Brenda Ross, Aria S. Scott, Mary L. Jk Smith, Robert

Smithson, Glen Sparks, Linda Sparks, Sandra Sparks, Susanne Spears, Judy fcf \ HIStephens , Jerry

Stephens, Joyce Taylor, Clifton Teague, Mike Torbett, Patsy Tracy, Calvin Tubbs, Steve

Turney, Larry Tyler, De Lois Van De Linder, Lynn Vaughan, Martha Victory, Sharon Walters, Janice

Watts, Karen Watts, Sharon Webb, Ronny Woodward, Eula Young, Charles Young, Glen c\ftf)

Top row left to right - Tony Apple, Robert L. Brooks, Billy Caves, Gilbert L. Davis, Sharon Henry, Raymond Hodge, Anna Lou Holt. Second row - William Jeffers, P. L. Leaf, Janie Lowrimore, Doyle Shep­ herd, Ronald Stewart, Margaret Williams, Mrs. Phillips,, teacher.

Progress with Pride, Patience and Pleasure.

41 Sixth Grade

The sixth grade is departmentalized; Language Arts taught by Mrs. Roy Mills, Social Studies by Mrs. Clayton Taylor, Math and Science by Mr. Jimmy Lessley. Students of the sixth grade have a chance to participate in the following activities; 4-H Club, and boys and girls athletics.

Breedlove, Mary Jo Burns, Danny Burns, Joann

Byers, Linzy o^n Calhoun, Linda Campbell, Annie

Carson, Jerry Carter, E. J. Chandler, Ruth

Childers, Donnie Childers, Ronnie Clanton, Marion \K

Clark, Joann Cornelius, Walter Dority, Sharon Pi Dougan, Earnest Duvaul, Shirley Farmer, Tamara 1P1 XeSsm • 1

Fears, Larry Fine, Barbara Folks, Glennis

Frye, Mike Harrell, Cleon Harrison, Jill ft

42 Harrison, Linda Heim Patricia Helms, Jo Sid

Howell, Carolyn Jackson, Jimmy ft Johnson, Brenda \f

Keith, Shirley King, Cecil Kyle, Mary

Lessley, Luanne Liles, Marion Lockhart, Jimmy A Dale 51 Matthews, Kenneth Mattox, Paul David May, Robert

McDonald, 3obby McGehee, Jimmy ft Lou r McGowan, Kay '':fiB9^tM*Kb«J3PnHHEHl

McLaughlin, Mike Mothershed, Pamela Moore, Boyce

Ogdon, Carla Oliver, Donald Ott, Ethel

Petree, Marvin Pomeroy, Nancy Potts, Johnny

Pratt, Gary Price, Carol Pugh, Darrell

Rankin, Sherry Remer, Bob Rice, Janice

Richardson, Janet Ryder, J. C Riggs, Larry

Rogers, Judy Ross, Joe Scott, Kay

Simmons, Barbara Sparks, Dexter Sparks, Larry

43 Sprouse, Brenda Stephens, James Strebeck, Molly

Taylor, Charles Taylor, Donnie Taylor, Sharon

Torbitt, Rosie Treadway, Mike Turner, Linda

Walters, Greg Walters, Linda Walters, Eugene

Watts, Shirley Wells, Phyllis Whitney, Nelda Jo

Will iams, Marilyn Williams, Myles Wooten, Wilma

Wood, Sharon Dukes, Johnny Goad, Glenda K.

Hudnell, James Long, Billie

Fifth Grade FIFTH GRADE The fifth grade is composed of ninety-five studious girls and boys. Mrs. Cotton, Mrs. Gean, and Mrs. Walkingstick are the teachers. The S.R.A. Reading Program is being used this year. The students have an opportunity to participate in the following activities: Grade 4-H Club, Rhythm Games, and Elementary Art.

Acker, Myra Bollinger, Beverlye 3allinger, Clark

Barrett, David 3asler, Elaine Bentle, Juanita

Bledsoe, Donna Brooks, Jimmy Brown, Gwendolyn

Burt, Johnnie Butler, Rita Byers, Burney

44 Callahan, Diane Callahan, Hubert Campbell, Mike ft r\ 1 • *•'! Cantrell, Dewayne Cantrell, Roger Carlile, Paul

Caves, Ann Cheek, Debbie Cole, Billie

Cole, Sharon Coleman, Mary ft Craig, Dewayne wSmmMm iMif ?

Crutchfield, Linda Davis, Alta Mae DiGiacinto, Linda

Dooty, Sharon Kay Dority, Joanne Ellet, Jeff

Fair, Anthony Fair, Arlene Fears, Gary

Fine, Dennis Fine, Gary Franks, Connie

Graham, Dwight Green, Terry Hamilton, Patricia

Harl, Paul Harl, Wanda Hastings, Sue Lynn

Horn, Sharon Howell, James Jenkins, Donna

Kain, Judith King, Jenna Kinsey, Billy

Knight, Robert Lamb, Carla Leshko, Susan

Lockhart, Sammy Long, Lary Mainus, Lenora

:. : .. ' . • - . .

45 WSSSSA Marvin, Mike Martin, 3enny Martin, James

Matthews, C. McKinney, Debbie Mentzer, Mary Francis

Newton, Susan Osburn, Kathy Palyola, Wayne

Pegg, Micheal Peters, Dora Mae Petree, Carl

P . T Ketree, Tommy- Ritts, Johnnie* Pointer, Debbie RuWi, Shirley Ragtedale, James Rg«tiny Gayle

Richardson, Janet Ross, Johnnie Scoggins, Freddy

Smith, Jimmy Stephens, Connie Stewart, Charles

Stewart, Suzanne Streback, Johnny Taylor, Joyce

Thomas, John Thomason, Edia Tracy, Patricia

Watts, Mary Weatherby, Paul Webb, Terry

Williams, Rqburn ^^ Pratt Johnna Richardson, Thurmon

Watts Jerry

46 Fourth Grade FOURTH GRADE In the fourth grade there are three teachers, Gladys Master- son, Roberta Farmer and Sallie Farmer. 91 children are enrolled in the fourth grade. The daily program is made up of; Reading, Geography, Health, Science, Spelling, Arithmetic, and Language. One day each week the children meet with Mrs. Harriet Thomas for music. On Tuesday and Thursday of each week they have their choice of three activities, which are 4-H Club, Art and Rhythm Band. ______H 9HM9BHHSIHHBH

Anderson, Rita Ball, Jerry Bentle, Durral

Bowman, bene Bowman, Mary Breedlove, Linda Nell

Brewer, Mike Brown, Pat Calhoun, Gary

Campney, Phyllis Capps, Jeni Conn, James ift Q ^l

Cooper, Sharon Corbit, Dewayne Cox, Marilyn

Dobbs, Kay Edwards, Sharon Fair, Curtis

Fair, Marion Fine, Vickie Fisher, Beverly

Folks, Gary Folks, Randy Goad, Emma Lou

Gash, David Harden, Joan Henson, Melba

Holmes, Virginia Jackson, James Jones, Larry

Keen, R. G. King, Jerry Knight, Henry

Kuykendall, Kennon Lockhart, Billy Lockhart, Janice

47 Lockart, Kathleen Lockart, Rexine Long, Donald

Looper, Richard Mainus, Alice McDonald, Shelley

Melton, Charles Moore, Elaine Mothershed, Rickey

Nabors, Larry I Nofire, Margaret _ JSL Oliver, Deanna A ™*"*k.

Orendorff, Bill Pace, Gwynn ex p Petree, Joyce " If Pierce, Robert Pomeroy, Dick 1 mn Quails, Carol

|M| ^% #% Risenhoover, Edwin Sanders, Kevin Scoggins, David

Sharp, Lee Singleton, Bruce Smith, Lois

Stewart, Jimmy Tatum, Linda Taylor, James •m - •••# .

Whisenhunt, Goldie White, Yvonne * _ Williams, Jimmy ^WKWffati • !

Wooten, Sharon Brooks, Ed ft' ft ^ •J Cook, Sheila —I i I lard. Jack Scoot, Bobby life* /"A uii W m-WM u i

48 Third Grade

THIRD GRADE There are three third grade classes at Liberty with a total enrollment of eighty-eight students. Subjects taught in the third grade are: Reading, Geography, Spelling, Health, Arithmetic, Science, Language, Art, and Cur­ sive Writing. j Jimmie Lou Monroe, Cassie Atketjponkersc , and Janice Faulk ner are the third grade teachers. /

Acker, Charles Allen, Sue Ball, Sandra

Barnes, Eddie Barrett, Carolyn Satey, June

Black, Ann Brooks, Donna Brown, Dianna

Byrd, Janice Calhoun, Grffl CampbelL/Terry j „ .handler, Sharo'>hafo:n ' Cheek, Dennij Conn, Max 7 Copeland, Jackie Cornelius, Leonard Cowan, Beverly

Curry, Florence Davis C. L. Davis, Delphine

Davis, Dianne Denton, Tommie Deweese, Paula

Dooty, John Duvall, Jessie Fair, Charlotte

Farmer, Harlan Farmer, Perrie 3. Fine, Elizabeth

Fine, Mike Green, Phil Harp, Youvanna

Hawkins, Mike Hawkins, Steve Heim, Kathy •

49 Hendricks, Ricky Henson, Deborah Hixon, Stanley

Howell, Gary Jahay, Kathy Jamison, Elaine

Jeffers, Jane Johnson, Andrea Jolly, Joe

Jones, Linda Lamb, Charles Lasiter, John

Lessley, Steve Lillard, Margaret Long, Sherry

Marvin, Nancy McCombs, Debbie McGarrah, Rose L.

McGarrah, Willis McGehee, James McGlothlin, Betty

McGowan, Sharon McKinney, Linda ___0 j" Melton, Richard If lit I'/ /

Mithchell, Angela Nabors, Linda Newton, Hanford

Potts, Peggy Pratt, Gary Price, Paula

Quails, Walter Rankin, Shelli Remer, Pamela

Risenhoover, Edwina Ross, Walter Smith, Phyllis

Stokes, Fannie Strickland, Kathy Taylor, Janet

Taylor J. T. Thomason, Karen Torbett, Johnny mmmmmmmm

50 Torbett, Dennis Turney, Janet Walters, Carol

Walters, Scotty Wiley, Jimmy Williams, Sandra

Wilson, Donna Woods, Frances Young, Gloria

Second Grade SECOND GRADE The second grade has an enrollment of eighty-five pupils. There are thirty-seven boys and forty-eight girls. The curriculum offers Music, Reading, Writing, Spelling, Language and Arithmetic. ^__Ruby Smith, Waneve Thomas and Dorcas Young are the teachers.

Acker, Frank Bane, Paul Basler, Judy

Bennett, Keith Bennett, Carol Bese, Jennifer

Brown, Cheri Bryan, Billie Burns, Mary Sue

3urns, Peggy Butler, Norma G. Callahan, Sue

Campbell, Jana Carroll, Danny Carson, David

Caves, Ellen Caves, Phillip Childers, Carol

Chuculate, Melinda Crutchfield, Ricky fflk o Cole, Mariam Davis, Deborah Davis, Jackie Davis, Mary Lois' • •••• WHHI

51 I ?AJvnn

Davis, Steve Dooty, Charles Elmore, Billy Ann

Edgmon, Roger Fears, Nancy Fine, Charity R.

Fisher, David Green, Debra Green, Mark

Harris, Alan Henry, Ima Lou Herrod, Rhonda Lynn

Johnson, Gary Paul Jamison, Earlene Jamison, Kelvin

Johnson, Linda Jordan, Sharon King, Jimmie

Knight, Mike Land, Gayla Long, Gary

Long, Jackie McGarrah, Ellen McGarrah, Harry

McGarrah, Tommy McGehee, Diane McKinney, Cheryl

Nimmo, Joe Mike Nowlin, Jan Owen, Cathy

Park, Bobby Pegg, Pam Petree, Gilbert

Potts, Jimmie Ramm, Gary Randolph, Dewayne

Real, Dale Roark, Mike Smith, Terry c\ ft P Scoggins, Gloria Scoggins, Rosa Spurlock, Linda

'.wwl • t '• '

52 Tatum, Brenda Teague, Judy Teague, Mary

Thomas, Sandy Thomas, Susan Walkingstick, Fran &

Weese, Ronnie Wheeler, Lynelle Whisenhunt, Susan

White, Polly Whitworth, Benny Williams, Johnny IH_H_HH__PI Wilson, Billy Wood, Jania Wofford, Joy

Parker, La Quita Ballinger, Linda

First Grade

54 girls and 57 boys are enrolled in first grade. Among them are two sets of twins, Two children were born in Germanyand one in Japan. The four first grade teachers are, Iva Dobbs, Grace McDonald, Laveta Smith and Margaret Wilson.


Anderson, Carolyn Apple, Mike Armstrong, Ray Lee ft Batey, Jimmy £_> > Mm^s Brewer, Debra Kay Brewer, Johnny M ^JjjJjBttly "'M •MHn *k A

Brown, Jimmy Dale Broyles, Leslie Calhoun, Sherry Jo 9 p Campbell, Norma Chandler, Dorothy Sue ft Cheek, Bennie 1' # • U_M_W_I Childers, Marilyn ^k Coble, Randy 9 Cooper, Darryi ft -I Copeland, Jerry Covington, Donna David, Tony . • •-'••••.^.•,..:::;U ,;| JmSmWmWmBmW

c//a 53 Davis, Donald Davis, George Duval I, Judy

Earp, Ricky Edgmon, Craig Edwards, Dewayne

Fair, Kenneth Fair, Roy Gene Farmer, Nita

Fine, John Folsom, Pamela Franks, Danny

Ful Ibright, Judy Gi His, Debbie Goad, Phillis

Harden, Jimmy Harl, Emily Harp, Arnold

Harp, Neal Hawkins, Andy i * wi Haynes, Karen

Higgenbottom, Diana Hixon, Dennis Horn, Jackie

Howell, Marcia Jackson, Debbie Jackson, Elaine

Jackson, Nancy Jahay, Karen James, Bill

Jenkins, Carol Jolly, Sharon King, Patricia

Lessley, Paul Lewis, Carrie Lockhart, Donna


Long, Kenneth Long, Larry ft ft Lowrimore, Connie

Matthews, James McDorman, Joice McDorman, Loice ! .fv.-l

.54 McGarrah, Roy McGlothlin, Jerre Mentzer, Jan

Mentzer, Jon Miller, Mattie Nimmo, Jimmy

Nimmo Wesley O'Neal Lois Owen, Sammie

Pace, Sharon Pugh, Donna Kay Pugh, Richard l.JUk s*t'\Tn ^1___B

Riggs, Don Risenhoover, Sheila Rogers, Douglas

Rogers, Ricky Ross, Clare Ellen Sallee, Jimmy Wayne

Scoggins, Ann Scoggins, Carolyn Scoggins, Lily Bel

Shafer, Buster Skelton, Jeanine Smithson, Pamela

Snow, Ronnie Stephens, Mike Strickland, Karen • ' Taylor, Gary Thompson, Donna Trotter, Timothy

Wallace, Deborah " Walls, Loyd Walls, Whey ford, Walters, Janice Pft Walters, Linda Whitworth, Donnie aim ^—^

Wood, Robert

a a 55 Grade School

Grade 4-H Club includes students from 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.

Sponsors: Mrs. Roberta Farmer— 4th grade Mrs. Inez Cotton— 5th grade Mrs. Etta Mills— 6th grade Officers

Juanita Bentle Linda Turner Suzanne Stewart V-Pres. Pres. Sec.

Diana Callahan Judy Rogers Brenda Sprouse Edia Thomason Game Leader Reporter Song Leader Treas.

56 Grade School

Typical Music Class

lWfcEwXifc ' "

Mrs. Harriet Thomas Liberty Music Teacher

Fall Festival

Rhythm Band Mrs. Busby Lucas private Lessons at Liberty Mrs. Farmer, Director

57 Grade School

Liberty Football Team Coach — Jimmy Lessley Top row left to right: Tommy Bond, Bobby Fugitt, Mike Frye, Ronnie Bennett, Cleon Harrell, Donnie Taylor, Bobby McDonald. Second row: Linzy Byers, Greg Walters, Cecil King, Myles Williams, J. C. Rider, Kenneth Matthews. Front row: James Steph­ ens, Gary Pratt, Darrel Pugh, Danny Burns, Paul Mattox, Jerry Carson, Johnny Potts.

Science Corner — Mr. Lessley's room Left to right: Mr. Lessley, Cleo Harrell, Marion Dudley, Jimmy Lou Jackson.

"Men From Outer Space"'— Mrs. Walkingstick's room. Back row left to right: Juanita Bentle, Lo Vera Smith, Diana Callahan, Patricia Tracy, Pat Hamilton, Joyce Taylor, Benny Martin. Middle row: Rita Butler, Judy Kain, Arlene Fair, Janet Richardson, Joanne Dority, Mary Watts, Billy Kinsey, Susan Newton, Sammy Lockhart, Clark 3allenger, Michael Pegg, Ray Miller, Roy Lee Caldwell, Johnna Pratt. First row: Sue Lynn Hastings, Connie Stephens, Hubert Callahan, Laurence Montaya, Gary Fine, James Howell, Mike Marvin, Tommy Petree, Bobby Knight, Freddy Scoggins.

58 59 Library Club

High school librarians receive credit in Service Club for working one hour each day in the library. Theirduties include checking out books, collecting fines, keeping books and magazines in order, helping students to find reference materials, and repairing books.

Left to right (seated) Charolette Watie, Gwen Taylor, Sharon Childers, Annie Denton, Mary Ann Rape, and Willma Mayhan. (standing) Sylvia Ford, Merlyn Compton, Mrs. Dickey; sponsor, Patrica Rider, and Glenda Richardson.

Charolette, Mary Ann, and Gwen are busy checking books. Sylvia and Wilma check a book list.

Mrs. Dickey explains library rules to Annie and Sharon. Merlyn, Patricia and Glenda put books back in their places.

60 lips *Ui^')te^ N

Office Practice Class ^^^^ IF ' Left to right (seated) Wilma Mayhan, Bobbie Sallee, Pat Bridge- _fl IH ^r water, Glenda Richardson, (standing) Reba Green, sponsor, Carolyn ^J • Bagley, Linda Sanders, Judy Ball, Jeweline Anderson, Brenda •ft Nation, and Norma Philpot. ^^^ I iwjeauoLjcin

Hf_T 1 _*'"- H_l Sequoyah Chieftain Staff v^B ^^^_r^MM>wf _i_v_Nk_w. .—1 j Editor , Glenda Richardson Asst. Editor Carolyn Bagley Artist Carolyn Bagley General Reporter Norma Philpot Sports Reporter Pat 3ridgewater Typists Pat Bridgewater Above: Wilma, Brenda, and Bobbie are busy working on the school paper. (Students in the typing room are busy, too)

Selow: Norma, Pat, and Jewline use the mimeograph ma- Below: Glenda, Judy, Carolyn, and Linda, assemble the pages chine to run off pages for the Sequoyah Chieftain. for the school paper.

jf* 1_k-- ^-ik _& '%, / HP J___i

61 Band

Band Director, Bill Aydelott BAND ROSTER

Oboe, Stanley Tubbs; , Judy Taylor; Flutes, Charlotte Myers, Becky Stegall; , Donna Byrd, Jeanie Chuculate, Martha Di I lard, Betty Dodd, Sandra Farmer, Dorothy Florence, Margaret Hawkins, Linda King, Treva King, Andrea Mayo, Olivia Mel­ ton, Jo Ann Oliver, Anna Ragsdale, Jeanie Redden, Linda Sparks, Sandra Stewart, Sue Watts; Bass , Marcia Webb; , Brenda Byers, Juanita Sanderson; Alto Saxophones, Larry Agent, Suzanne McClure, Ricky Moore, Rosemary Moore, Kay Oliver; Tenor Saxophones, Gerald Cox, John Hawkins; Baritone Saxophone, Johnny Cox; Cornets, Ponette Coble, Allen Coleman, James Evans, Billy Fargo, Robert Fisher, Guy Moore, Dwight Phillips, Dub Sossoman, James. Trudeau, Steve Tubbs, Bill Van de Linder, Jim Wilson, Phi Hip Wofford, James Amos; Baritone, Frank Li I lard; , Dwain Spears, Gary Taylor, Jerry Wages, Kenneth Clark; Bass, Charles Hastings; Drums, Frank Cullum, Dwanna Dobbs, Mike Dodd, Edward Dunn, Bonnie Duvall, Jerry Mitchell, Willie Sanderson, Jerry Smith.

Leading the band for the school year 1960-1961 are left to right; Judy Taylor, Jeanie Redden, Andrea Mayo as twirlers, Stanley Tubbs, drum major, Rose­ mary Moore, drum majorette, Betty Dodd, Sandra Far­ mer, Jeanie Chu­ culate as twirlers.

62 Pictured in another section of this book is Becky Stegall, band queen, who was crowned at the spring concert in April. The queen's attendants were- Betty Dodd, Sandy Farmer, Judy Taylor, Jeanne Redden, Jeanie Chuculate, Andrea Mayo, and Rosemary Moore.

Band Marching

During the year the Sallisaw High School Marching Band took part in several parades. Here we see them in the annual homecoming parade andbelow in the Christmas Parade.

Pictured below are Jerry Smith and Suzanne McClure, Band Prince and Princess. They took part in the Spring Band Concert, too.

63 First Row: Miss Hines, Marcia Webb; songleader, Romona Cotton; Parlimentarian, Charolette Myers; Treas., Betty Dodd: Vice- Pres., Becky Stegall; Pres., Jo Anne Oliver; Sec, Janie Spear; Reporter, Sandra Farmer; Pianist, Andrea Mayo; Historian, Mrs. Stegall. Second Row: Shirley Carson, Marie Looper, Joyce Corbit, Pat Bridgewater, Billie Pierce, Janie Taylor, Ellen Gann. Bar- barba Harden, Mary Sue Smith, Annie Denton, Margaret Jones, Brenda Wiley, Donna Perceful. Third Row: Diane Frye, Margaret Stites, La Donne Jones, Gwen Taylor, Saundra Crutchfield, Jeanie Chuculate, Freda Campbell, Sharon Fitzsimmons,Sylvia Ford, Linda Walker, Janie Mabray, Linda Jones, Ponnette Coble, Marilyn Kinsey, Sharon Childers. Fourth Row: Darlene Taylor, Vickie Jo Plunkett, Lorna Kay Waters, Janice Bagley, Jennie Vickers, Kaye Rogers, Connie Williams, Judy Stewart, Jeanne Red­ den, Olivia Melton, Loretta Wilson, Martha Dillard, Maxine Sparks, Kathy Fulbright, Roberta Petree.


BwfJhtnfc*JUmr„ m Am. Will

Installation of officers

Devotional fiirj ijtttiiH;: m} ^mmmm Marcia Webb

Installation of chapter parents by Ernestine Evans Homecoming Float

Father and Daughter Banquet

64 First Row: Mrs. Stegall, Kaye Oliver, Shirley Ross, Rosemary Moore, Jackie Vickers, Melinda Folks, Jackie Mattox, Lora Lea MMatthews. , Linda k ing, Betty Jones. Second Row: Kay Ballard, Carolyn Douglas, Priscilla Carter, Darla Lovern, Nadene Crutch­ fieleld Carol Ross, Billie Sue Miller, Marie Fitzsimmons, Judy Woody, Ginger Sells, Margaret Johnson. ThirIhird RowKow: JackiJackie Sallee, BettR.thy, TnrhiCorbitt , Sandra CassadyCnssndv , Juanita Wells., Parma Wilkins., Norma Boyd, Linda Smith, Fostene Nimmo, Beverly Riggs, Jeanie Morgan, Linda Brooks, Joann Wiley, Sharon Stavely, Mary Ann Chrisco. Fourth Row: Sharon Woods, Judy Taylor, Erma Scott Judy Walters, Patsy Di Giacinto, Doris Perry, Emma Sue Sherwood, Jeanette Fine, Norma Breashears, Ds loris Lasiter, Anna Ragsdale, Kay Newton, Carol Keith, Joanne Byers.

HUJi £%


Initiation of new members

Mother and Daughter Banquet Mrs. Barney Cheek is speaker, 'Buying your table ware."

Panel discussion "Teen Marriage."

T'was the Night Before Christmas


Christmas Float


65 -B* iS I" ^H Future

: Si :C_HI ' _BHH_1J_BMK, jflMw c * ki SB '__^__^I - '_fl_M fl' ' Farmers 'lull JHUP-A-JK *•' _H^" J* _Hr __P*__•''K• ^•'.• ^BiT i rVi_rlii* •""*. •'•* A''i• _H*Pi r , n , '"\m \ Of If ^V f> wJft mm r^_ J m\^^M IW' * America fijH^gSsgS

Front Row: Robert Kuntz, Advisor; Freddy Woody, Treasurer; Rudy DiGiacinto, Secretary; Ray Sparks, President; Ronald Har­ vey, Vice-President; Billy Rape, Reporter. Second Row: Albert Callahan, Nolan Mainus, Sentinel; Bobby Brown, Donald Smith- son, Ronnie Harkreader, Wayne Sparks, Jay Blackwell, R. A. Hixon, Delbert Kain. Third Row: Shelby Sells, Harrell Lee, Le- land Smith, Bobby Williams, John Sutton, Charles Eubanks, Tom Taylor, Ronald Green, Norman Green, Reece Hardbarger. Fourth Row: John Ballard, Gary Knight, Lonnie Covington, Watie Bolin, Clyde Williams, Robert Vance, Gerald Asbill, Paul Coulter, Rex Brooks, William Hixon, Woodrow Price, Jr., Paul Looper.

Greenhands dress up for their initiation.

A greenhand shines the shoes of his superior on initia­ tion day.

F.F.A. dairy judging team and sponsor display their first place award.

Melinda Folks, 1960, F.F.A. Sweetheart, rides on the F.F.A. float in the Homecoming Parade. Future Farmers Of America

First Row: Robert Kuntz, Advisor, Tom Price, Tommy Harkreader, C. B. Tuck, Jerry Hayes, Lonnie Edwards, Gary Sprouse, McGeehee, Leon Compton. Second Row: Melvin Stites, Damon Bolin, Mike Casey, Douglas Asbill, Eddie Myers, Larry Poin- dexter, Owen Davis, Wesley Keith, Jackey Hixon, Ronnie Bradley. Third Row: James Evans, Lester Dameron, Robert Choate, Ramon Bolin, Kenneth Martindale, Wayne Lovern, Jimmy Shropshire, Glen Branham, Mike McKinney, Lee Taylor, Larry Rider, Jimmy Agent. Fourth Row: Ronnie Watts, Mike Asbill, Kenneth Tatham, Clarence Petree, Everett Ray, Jr., James McMinn, Dennis Williams, Russell Bond, James Isham, Ronald Morris, Garry Webb.

FFA Boys plant shrubbery at Liberty Grade School FFA boys put up the annual Christmas Tree for the city.

Four FFA boys pose by the FFA marker put up at the entrance to Sequoyah County.

,• • Ray and Wayne Sparks with their FFA productive project. MWilli ; .COUNTY 1


67 Future Teachers Of America

Below: F.T.A. mem­ bers register and usher at both days of Back to School for Parents.

Front row left to right-Charles Hastings, Johnny Dale Ely, Jimmy Farmer, Stanley Fornaszewski, Second row-Mrs. Spear; Sponsor; Gary Taylor; Parlia. mentarian, Janie Spear, Pianist, Andrea Mayo, Reporter, Christene Clapp, Librarian; Ramona Cotton, President; Betty Dodd, Vice-President; Dwight Phillips, Song Leader; Billie Jean Pierce, Historian; Saundra Crutchfield, Treasurer; Jo Ann Oliver, Service Chairman; Third row-Joe Bus Licas, Frank Lillard, Diane Frye, Janie Taylor, Becky Stegall, Martin Hawkins, Charlotte Myers, Donald Casey, Freda Compton, Joyce Corbitt, Marie Looper, Donna Perciful, Johnny Looper, Fourth row-David Owens, Kaye Rogers, Jennie Vickers, Connie Williams, Judy Stewart, Marcie Webb, Shirley Ross, Jimmy Dale Smith, Vicki Kirk, Ricky Garrett, Glenna Rape, Georgia Choate, Maxine Sparks, Patricia Rider, Joe Humprey Fifth row-Jim Mothershed, Grady Ray Farmer, Perry Floyd Lewis, Jerry Crawford, Jeanne Chuculate, Jeanne Redden, Judy Taylor, Kaye Oliver, Clifton Ford, Rosemary Moore, Bob Carlile, Sharon Woods, Wayne Sparks, Lorna Kay Watnrs, Judy Woody, Martha D i I lard. Not pictured: Willard Andrews, Brenda Nation; Sec, Judy Ball, Suzanne Bagley, Johnny and Gerald Cox, Nolan Mainus, Ellen Real, Margaret Stites, Gwen Taylor, Linda Walker, Nadean Crutchfield.

F.T.A. Officers ride on float in Homecoming Parade.

"What Shall I Teach" was discussed by the panel seated at the table at one of the monthly club meetings. Student Council

Highlights of the year Bundle Week Selecting Christmas gifts for students. Christmas Program Fire Drills

Student Council Left to Right first row — Gary Folsom, Ronny Bradley, Treva King, Saundra Cassady, Rosemary Moore, Billie Sue Miller, Jane Ma- bray, Sharon Woods, Sue Watts, Martha Harkey. Second row — Stanley Fornaszewski, Don Stites, Janie Spears, Kaye Newton, Dar- lene Tatham, Linda Dobbs, Freda Compton, Saundra Crutchfield, Marie Fitzsimmons, Dewayne Spears, Richard Campbell, Mrs. Green; sponsor. Third row - Jimmy Dale Smith, Willard Andrews, Ronald Campney, Dwight Phillips, Jerry Walters, Martin Hawkins, Donald Casey, Paul Wayne Agent, Wayne Lovern, Johnny Dale Ely, Jim Chuculate.

Officers: Presi­ dent Jimmy Dale Smith (center), Vice-President - Paul Wayne Agent, Secretary Janie Members work on the Christmas Tree. Spears.

Another picture of the entire student council

69 French CLUB

Left to Right, sitting - Jimmy JShnson, Ray Sparks, Vickie Kirk, Second row — Janice Bagley, Kaye Rogers, Martin Hawkins, Donnie Edwards, Jimmy Farmer, Julia Remy, Third row - Janie Spears, Marie Looper, Joyce Corbit, Linda Walker, Mrs. Mc'Cal- man, sponsor.

Joan of Arc— (Linda Walker) rides in the homecoming parade.

French Club members ride in the homecom­ ing parade on their Float.

The combined fore­ ign language gr­ oups (Spanish, French, and Latin) with their sponsor, Mrs. McCalman.

70 Spanish Club

Highlights of the year. Christmas Pinate Party, Chilli Supper, Fiesta in Norman. Becky Stegall - Candidate for Fiesta Queen. Loretta House (al­ ternate) The Spanish stu­ dents also made a colorful booklet of proverbs.

Pinata Seated - Vickie Jo Plunkett, Margaret Stites, Jim Mothershed, Glenna Rape. Second Row - Opal Elefante Watie, Judy Stewart, Howard Tackett, Jackie Sallee, Sharon Sanders, Loretta Wilson, Jerry Crawford, Perry Lewis, Ponnette Coble, Stanley Tubbs, Howard Kain, Vernon Compton, Melinda Folks, Loretta House, Mrs. McCalman, Betty Corbit, Catherine Copeland. Third Row - Lorna Waters, Richard Ramm, Sherwin Williams, Gerald Cox, Bill Van De Linder, Jerry Mitchell, Linda Jones, Tommy Smith, Arnie Payola, Johnny Cox, Tommy Anderson.

Christmas Pinate Party Becky succeeded in bursting the Pinata Playing pobre gatito "Poor Kitty'

Mexico bound (summer 1960) Float in Christmas Parade Latin Club

The Latin Club has been very active this year. They visited the Van Buran Latin Club and had a Ro­ man Banquet on March 16. Club pens were ordered also.

LATIN CLUB Left to right: Olivia Melton, Sandy Farmer, Judy Taylor, Rosemary Moore, Kaye Oliver, Margaret Jones, Brenda Wiley, Sharon Woods, La Donne Jones, Roberta Petree, Mrs. McClaman; sponsor. Second row: Carol Ross, Judy Woody,Ginger Sells, Georgia Choate, Marcia Webb, Amelia Montaya, Jeanie Redden, Marie Fitzsimmons, Billie Sue Miller, Willard Andrews, Robert Fisher.Third row: Frank Li Hard, Willie Sanderson, Leroy Lori- more, Joe Bus Lucas, Johnny Dale Ely, Joe Humphrey, Don Smithson, Gary Taylor, John Hawkins, David Owens. Fourth row: Guy Moore, Johnny Looper, Howard Tackett, Peary Brackett, Bob McHenry, Bob Carlile, Ricky Garrett, James Trudeau, Wayne Sparks, Ronald Campney, Allan Galbert. Not pictured: Grady Farmer, Jimmy Marvin, Larry Kerr, Janie Mabray, Helen Bond, Jerry Bennett, Johnry Bond, Mike Matthews.

Scene from the Roman Banquet.

The Latin Queen and King- Sandy Farmer, Alan Gab- •1 be rt. F" Jt I

Latin Club officers riding in the float in the homecoming parade are Bob Carlile; Pres., John Hawkins; V-Pres., Margaret Jones; Sec. Not pictured is Kay Oliver; Reporter. Another scence from the Roman Banquet.

? I

72 Trio Vickie Kirk Vickie Kirk, Sharon Fitzsimmons, Billie Sue Mill Mrs. McCalman


Peary Brackett Mr. Aydelott

Quartet: Sharon Woods, Vickie Kirk, Billie Sue Miller, Sharon Fitzsimmons, Mrs. McCalman.

Choral Groups

High School Chorus performs at Fall Festival

High School Chorus F rS r w: Mrs i ' w ° c - McCalman, Billie Sue Miller, Ellen Gann, Sharon Fitzsimmons, Jimmy Johnson, Barbara Harden, Miss ry Kather- me Webb. Second row: Mary Sue Smith, Jane Mabray, Saundra Cassady, Doris Perry, Kay Newton, Pat Bridgewater, Mar Fitzsim- mons, Marilyn Kinsey, Wilma Mayhan, Brenda Nation, Vickie Kirk. Third row: Norma Philpot, Glenda Richardson, Linda Da vis, Watie oolin, Margrett Burt, Peary Brack­ ett, Charles Hast­ ings, Doug Kuy - kendall, Judy Ball, Albert Watie, Ame­ 4f § 4f lia Montaya, Doil JSP ^--_» BL Scott. 4 |4ff i

73 Senior High 4-H First row left to right - Jackie Sallee, Carol Ross, Maxine Sparks, Melinda Folks, Jackie Mattox, Julia Rerny; Vice-Pres., Margaret Stites, Ponnette Coble. Second row - Merlyn Compton, Billie Sue Miller, Song leader, Marie Fitzsimmons; Game leader, Johnny Cox, Sherwin Williams, Gerald Cox, Janice Bagely; Pres., Kay Rogers; Sec, Freda Compton. Not pictured is Mrs. J. Lowery, sponsor.

Sherwin Williams — First place - individual demonstration in county.

Beauties from Sallisaw Hi School.

Scene from Share The Fun. Johnny and Gerald Cox — First place demonstration in county. ———

74 Junior High 4-H Club

Junior High 4-H First row left to right - Emma Sue Sherwood, Game leader; Billie Weese, song leader; Martha Lowrimore, Vice-Pres.; Earma Dean Scott, Pres.; Sandra Latimer, Sec; Linda Latimer. Second row - Lucy Copeland, Ruth A. Davis, Judy Lockheart, Eula Faye Woodward, Sharon Victory, Shirley Kyle, Irene Mainus, Nadene Copeland, Saundra Sparks. Third row - Joyce Honeycutt, Anne Lee Davis, Glenda Cole, Jeanette Fine, Wilma Bilyeu, Linda Sells, Linda Lockheart, Wilma Wofford, Yvonne Scoggins, Brenda Rogers.


Emma and her dolly.

Scene from Share The Fun.

7.5 Pep Club

Front Row: Pep Leaders: Fostene Nimmo, Annie Den­ ton, Linda Jones. Second Row: Pat Bridgewater, Billie Jean Pierce, Brenda Wiley. Third Row: Mary Sue Smith, Betty Corbitt, Jeanne Morgan, Loretta House, Carolyn Keith Sharon Sand­ ers, Linda Smith, Mrs. R. Green; Spon­ sor. Fourth Row: Cather­ ine Copeland, Judy Woody, Kay Sells, Beverly Riggs, Mar­ garet Burt, Linda Sanders, Ellen Real, Kay Barger, Judy Ball.

Pep Club Float in homecoming parade

On back of car: Annie Denton, Brenda Wiley. In car Kathy Jones, Sharon Kyle (visitor from Bartlesville Front of car: Linda Jones, Fostene Nimmo.

PEP LEADERS Front Row: Annie Denton, Billie Jean Pierce, Fostene Nimmo. Back Row: Linda Jones, Pat Bridgewater, Brenda Wiley.

76 **w %•?

77 Football

: SCHEDULE 7m, Muldrow 0 Sallisaw 8 _PP^. ..i!:^ ... _* Poteau 2 Sallisaw 16 Wmr Westville 0 Sallisaw 12 J3f Wagoner 25 Sallisaw 8 Spiro 6 Sallisaw 26 30 Stilwell 20 Sallisaw 22 Vian 0 Sallisaw 14 Checotah 24 Sallisaw 22 Stigler 28 Sallisaw 8

Left to Right First Row: James Evens, Larry Kerr, Leonard Hayes, Gary Taylor, Stanley Fornaszewski, Jerry Mitchell, Don Stites, Jerry Bennett, Jimmy Smith, Second Row: Bob Carlile, Alan Gabbert, Nolan Mainus, Albert Callahan, John Sutton, Don Casey, Doug Stites, Martin Hawkins, Ronald Morris. Third Row: Connie Covington, Joe Bolin, Don Edwards, Ricky Orendorff, Rick Garrett, Clifton Ford, Delbert Kain, Jimmy Marvin, R. A. Hixon, Paul Agent.

Coach Hawkins All Conference Players Coach Post


Jerrv Bennett Donald Casey Paul Agent Martin Hawkins Back End Tackle End 3ob Carlile TJim Chuculatoe Alan Gabbert Ricky Garrett Center Back Guard End


Jim Smith Douglas Stites Joe 3olin Albert Callahan Back Guard Tackle Tackle

Clifton Ford Stanley Fornaszewski Nolan Manius Jerry Mitchell Back 3a ck Tackle 3ack

'.: •'} .. ^frttfci

Gary Taylor Lonnie Covington Don Edwards Leonard Hayes Back End 3a ck End

79 Larry Kerr Jimmy Marvin Ronald Morris Ricky Orendorff 3ack Center 3a ck Tackle

i-A ii^_W_ii

Senior football boys are happy to receive their jackets from Gil­ Don Stites Guard bert Green President of Quarterback Club and D. B. Young, High school Principal. These boys have played their last high school football games.

80 Wrestling

James Stroup 1st, Sallisaw Invitational 154 2nd, Edison In­ vitational 156 4th, Regionals 148 4th, State 148 Team High Point man.

Stanley Fornaszewski 1st, Sallisaw Invitat­ ional 133 2nd, Edison Invitational 135 3rd, Regional 130

Jerry Walters 1st, Sallisaw Invitational 145 3rd, Edison Invi­ tational 147.

First Row - left to right: Nolan Mainus, James Stroup, Jerry Walters, Dwight Phillips, Gary Taylor, Stan­ ley Fornaszewski, Joe Humphrey, Gerald Babb, Haskell Groves, Bill Williams. Second Row: Ronnie Mor­ Joe Humphrey 1st, ris, Eddie Tapley, Larry Hixon, Ronny Webb, Jerry Blackwell, Tommy Andrews, Jimmy Agent, Kennith Sallisaw Invitational Pruitt, Terry Sanders, Dwain Spears. Third Row: Mike Teague, Clifton Taylor, Gary Southern, Billy Phil­ 127 3rd, Edison Invi­ pot, Terry Weatherby, Ronny Kain, Terry Pruitt. Coach Post not pictured. tational 129.

Haskell Groves 1st, Gerald 3abb 4th, Edi­ Charles Sanders 3rd, Edison Invitational son Invitational 122. Sallisaw Invitational 114 2nd, Sallisaw 165 Invitational 112.

Nolan Mainus 3rd, Dwight Phillips 2nd, Dwain Spears 3rd, Bill Williams 3rd, Sallisaw Invitational Sallisaw Invitational Sallisaw Invitational Sallisaw Invitational Hvy. 140. 120. 103 4th, Edison Invi­ tational 105.

1st Row left to right — Dwain Spears, Haskell Groves, Stanley Fornaszewski, Gerald Babb. 2nd Row — Nolan Mainus, James Stroup, Bill Williams, Charles Sanders, Dwight Phillips, Jerry Walters, Joe Humphrey. A h 'h A At

81 A - Boys' *ll# m t&r H' 'A' m ™V . M :-rv 1 " ff 7 * Basketball Vis

AimwPr^^'^^^ ^ iSS^ £_w

Row I.Bobby Sindle, Ronny Harkreader, John Bond, John Andrews, Larry Kerr. Row 2. Coach Bob Wright, Jim Chuculate, Rick Garrett, Don Casey, Martin Hawkins, Jim Mothershed, Grady Farmer, Jim Smith.

SCHEDULE Dec. 6 — Spiro Jan. 24 - Vian Dec. 16 - Stilwell Jan. 27 - Stilwell Dec. 20 - Wagoner Jan. 31 — Wagoner Dec 23 - Stigler Feb. 3 — Northeastern Jan. 3 — Vian Feb. 7 — Stigler Jan. 6 - Muldrow Feb. 10 - Checotah Jan. 10 - Checotah Feb. 11 - Muldrow Jan. 17 - Co. Tourn. Feb. 17 - Dist. Tourn. Jan. 20 - Poteau Feb. 21 - Poteau

82 A Girls' Basketball

Games Played Sallisaw — Spiro Sallisaw - Stilwell Sal I i saw Stigler Sal lisaw Vian Sal lisaw Muldrow Sallisaw Gans Sal li saw McCurtain Sal li saw Warner Sal It saw Cave Springs Sallisaw Checotah

Left to right: Annie Denton, Suzanne Bagley, Darlene Taylor, Kay Barger, Wanda Timmerman, Donna Perceful, Ellen Real, Billie Pierce, Nadine Crutchfield, Betty Jackson, Margaret Johnson, Coach, Bob Wright.

Below: Taylor, Pierce, Timmerman, Perceful, and Fulbright, displaying points of defense. Crutchfield preparing for a shot, while Timmerman, Pierce, Tay­ lor and Perceful, defend.

Wanda Timmerman and Billie Pierce, be­ fore the big game, with triumphant smiles.

83 Junior High Basketball

Row 1. Judy Walters, Parma Wilkins, Jackie Vickers, Betty Jones, Priscilla Carter, Carolyn Douglas, Row 2. Joan Wiley, Jo Anne Byers, Debbie Wright, Mr. Wright (coach), Sharon Stavely, Geraldine Stokes, Mary Ann Chrisco.

Row 1. Eddy Myers, Ronny Bradley, Tommy Harkreader, Gary Rogers, Mike McKinney. Row 2. Mr. Peters (coach), Raymon Bolin, Mike King, Larry Tatham, Kenneth Martindale, Ronny Watts, Floyd Bolin, Jerry Sm i th.

SCHEDULE Sal I i saw vs. Stilwell—here Sal li saw vs. Muldrow-there Sallisaw vs. Vian—here Salli saw vs. Roland-there Sallisaw vs. Vian-here Sallisaw vs. Sti Iwell— here Sal lisaw vs. Muldrow — here Sal lisaw vs. Roland—here Sal lisaw vs. Westville—there Sallisaw vs. Vian-there

84 Martin Hawkins: Con­ ference champion broad jump and high 'ump.

Track First row left to right: Gary Taylor, Bob Carlile, Martin Hawkins, Donald Casey, Ricky Garrett, Jimmy Dale Smith, Johnny Dale Ely, Haskell Groves, Leonard Hayes. Second row: Jerry Mitchell, Joe Humphrey, Larry Tatham, Ronald Morris, Stanley Fornaszewski, Jerry Walters, Jim Chuculate, Kenneth Pruitt, Mr. Post; Coach.

These seniors do their last act for Sallisaw High.

% X

85 Progress with Pride, Patience, and Pageantry.


SENIORS: Freda Campbell, Ramona Cotton, Saundra Crutchfield, Diane Frye, Andrea Mayo, Jo Anne Oli­ ver, Paul Agent, Christine Clapp, Margaret Stites, Ray Sparks, Janie Taylor. JUNlORS: Kathy Ingle, Jeanie Redden, Linda Walker, Olivia Melton, Sandra Farmer, Sylvia Ford, Perry Lewis, Gary Taylor, How­ ard Tackett, Marcia Webb, Janice Bagley, Charles Hastings, Mary McClure, Linda Jones. Sophomores: Ros ;mary Moore,Kaye Oliver,Wi Hard Andrews, Wayne Spar :s, Melinda Folks, Joe Bus Lucas, Guy Moore, Bill Van De Linder,Judy Woody, Grady Farmer, Lorna Waters, Billie Sue Miller, Stanley Tubbs, Judy Taylor, Sharon Woods.

State Ninth Grade

Honor Seated: Emma Sue Sherwood, Valedictor­ ian. Standing left to right: Betty Jones, Jo Society Ann Byers, Doris Perry, Salutatorians.

Junior High

Ninth Grade: Mary Ann Chrisco, Betty Jones, Jo Ann Byers, Marie Cantrell, Kay Newton, Irma Dean Scott, Emma Sue Sherwood, Sharon Stavely, Joyce Mackey, Jackie Brown, Doris Perry, Thomas Price, Sandra Cassady, Tommy Harkreader, Herberta Higle, Jo Ann Wiley. Eighth Grade: Linda Dobbs, Linda Latimer, Sandra Latimer, Jonna Fine, Martha Lowrimore, Bruce Gash, Phillis Simmons, Cassie Martin, Richard Camp­ bell, Marilyn Cole. Seventh Grade: Martha Harkey, Diane Carlile, George Fair, Treva King, Kathy Carl­ ile, Glenda Chrisco, Marcia Leeper, Joyce Stephens, Martha Vaughan, Karen Watts, Sharon Watts.




$44ac Savtett Royalty reigns at the Annual Homecoming Football Game.

Pictured left to right: First row, Jimmie Lou Jackson, 6th grade, Treva King, 7th grade, Doris Perry, 9th grade, Margaret Hawkins, 8th grade, Gary Pratt, 6th Grade. Second row, Sylvia Fordu Homecoming Junior, Kaye Oliver, sophomore, Sharon Woods, sophomore, Third row, Janie Spears, senior, Charlotte Myers, senior, Queen, Martha Timmerman, Junior.

"A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody." Here we see six of them. None of these knew who would be the Homecoming Queen until the coronation ceremony.

High School Float

Left to Right: Janie Spears Charlotte Myers Sylvia Ford Martha Timmerman Sharon Woods Kaye Oliver

90 Junior High can boast of its bevy of beau­ ties, too.

Junior High Float with Princess Doris, center, attended by Margaret Hawkins, left and Treva King, right.


Grade School Float left to right Prince and Princess Gary Pratt, Jimmie Lou Jackson, 6th grade Dwight Graham, Mary Coleman, 5th grade Kevin Sanders, Linda Breedlove, 4th grade John Dooty, Janice Byrd, 3rd grade Steve Davis, Sandy Thomas, 2nd grade Bill James, Elaine Jackson, 1st grade.

Duke Gary and Duc­ hess Jimmie Lou are attended by members from the other five grades.

k_ 91 :•.: ' -: -"' •"

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During "Youth Appreciation Week" in November the faculty submitted the names of 64 boys and 69 girls as nominees for Mr. and Miss Teenager. The following standards were considered; regular school attendance, ability to get along with others, grade average not below C, right atti­ tude toward school and faculty, good sportsmanship, active in at least one extra-cirricular acti­ vity and ability to accept responsibility. The ten boys and girls who had the most faculty votes were: Paul Agent, Bob Carlile, Jimmy Smith, Ray Sparks, Martin Hawkins, Jerry Bennett, Alan Gabberf, Larry Kerr, Jim Mother- shed, Johnny Cox, and Gerald Cox. Jo Anne Oliver, Andrea Mayo, Saundra Crutchfield, Janie Spears, Rosemary Moore, Becky Stegall,Kaye Oliver,Ramona Cotton, and Diane Frye.

Students in Junior High and Senior High voted on the above ten boys and ten girls and elected Jimmy Dale Smith as Mr. Teenager and Janie Spears as Miss Teenager. "'•'I'UgP

Mrs. Margaret Wilson from Liberty Grade School was presented the award of "Teacher of the Year" from Sequoyah County, on September 30, 1960. It is an honor given by the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce from the Oklahoma County State Fair Board. Every county in the state was represented by one teacher. They were furnished with rooms in the Wells Hotel. They went to Skirvin Tower to register and then to a reception. They had their lunch in the Persian Room. Mrs. Wilson visited the Planatarian at the fair in the afternoon. Mrs. Wilson and the other teachers received the award, for teaching, at a banquet given in their honor. Mrs. Wilson has taught at Sallisaw for thirty-eight years.

97 mm.m • :/ *<• :: t e*tio* @UM 1961 HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS CO, McALESTEPOKLA.

Progress with Pride, Patience and Publicity

101 Compliments of Compliments of



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Sequoyah County Times key's Drug Store Printed for Home Folks by Home Folks Sequoyah Litho-Printing Co. The Careful Druggist Litho & Letterpress Printing Phones Office Supplies, Business Forms Prescriptions General Photo Supplies, Office Furniture 5-4646 5-4741 Sallisaw Oklahoma Sallisaw Oklahoma Compliments of ABC Cleaners

Mrs. Fred Carter Phone 5-4700

Sallisaw Oklahoma Sallisaw Oklahc

Fears Conoco Sallisaw Motor Company Corner of Cherokee and Wheeler Phone 5-4808 Sal Oklahc Sallisaw Oklahoma

103 Compliments of Matthews Gro. and Market Sallisaw Hardware For the best meat Phone SP 5-2531 Sallisaw Oklahoma Sallisaw Oklahoma

Stites Champlin Kustard Kup Service Station

Sallisaw Oklahc EDMOND STITES Sallisaw Oklahc

Tackett's Restaurant Guy L. Thompson

Sallisaw's Finest Real Estate and Insurance Tenkiller Cabin Sites for Sale Salli: Oklahc Office Ph 5-4519 Sallisaw Oklahoma

Griffin's Service Station Palace Drug Store Your Independent Dealer Montgomery Ward Tires Prescription Druggist Deep Rock Gasoline Sallisaw Oklahoma Phone 5-9933 Sal Oklahoma

You will need a home as long as you live Ward's Grocery J.O. McCalman

Phone 5-4711 Builder Sallisaw Oklahoma 402 Poplar Street Sallisaw Oklahc

Campbell's Barber Shop Carnation Milk Company

on Oak Street Sallisaw Oklahoma Muskogee Oklahoma

Compliments of BEST WISHES Jess Ross Watie Goodman C.H. Burrow Oil Company

When the books close, and the last Sallisaw Oklahoma bell rings, And carefree days are lost to mundane Compliments of things— When nostalgia strikes, and your memory wanes, Olahoma School Supply Co. And you remember the faces but not the names- 321 N. 3rd Street Pick Up your yearbook and leaf it through And remember the days so dear to you. Muskogee Oklahoma


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