Malaysia March Elections Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies

BALADAS GHOSHAL Senior Fellow Center for Policy Research, New Delhi

INTRODUCTION the reins of government by virtue of its majority, suffered a moral defeat of historical proportion not The Malaysian elections in March 2008 perhaps only in the federal parliament through the loss of its will have no claim on its history, but it will definitely two-thirds majority, but more so due to their poor be remembered for the growing frustration and a showing in the states where the opposition sense of alienation amongst a significant section snatched five out of fourteen states from its rule for of its population vis-à-vis the state. Especially the first time in the history of the country. However, among the Indian minority against the concept BN continues to govern essentially because of its of “Ketuanan Melayu” (Malay supremacy), which majorities in Sabah and Sarawak, the two outlying had driven many of them away from their states across the South China Sea and where, traditional anchor, (National ironically, race and religion are not such fraught Front), a coalition of race-based dominant Malay issues as in peninsular . party UMNO, Malaysian Chinese Association (MIC) and Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), to The scale of the setback for the governing coalition opposition parties like the Democratic Action of race-based parties raises opportunities for the Party (DAP), which always championed the country to move away from a system that has cause of Malaysia for and equality for provided stability but become little more than a all, and the Keadilan (Justice) party led by Anwar patronage machine that has failed to respond Ibrahim’s wife and the new symbol of opposition. adequately to a changing society. in his characteristic style called this swing “A new Those, however, have not affected the assured dawn for Malaysia. The people have voted victory of the Barisan Nasional (BN) through decisively for a new era." The results have gerrymandering, vote-buying, and its indirect undoubtedly further dented the image and threat that any change in the status quo would popularity of the leadership of Prime Minister upset the racial harmony in the country, thus its Abdullah Badawi, which was already badly hurt hold on the government ever since the country due to higher living costs and rising racial tensions in achieved independence in 1957. this multiethnic nation, and has obviously impacted on his legitimacy, as evident from the demand for I his resignation from certain quarters, including MARCH ELECTIONS Mahatir Mohammad. OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES Badawi assumed the office of prime minister in 2003 The March 8 elections results has opened up both from the charismatic Mahatir with the promise to opportunities and challenges - to direct political fight corruption and change the course of politics in changes in the coming years in the fault line of the country by lending a more humane face to his Malaysian politics, and for adroit and delicate administration as opposed to his predecessor’s management of those changes without abrasive and confrontationist style. In the initial disturbing stability and order in society. The ruling stage he did take some measures to fight coalition, the Barisan Nasional even while holding corruption and made a break from the past policies MALAYSIA PAGE 2

of awarding contracts to government cronies, but barred to contest elections until April this year, in the end his style of functioning turned out to be comes back to the parliament at a later date no different from his predecessor, and the through by-election for a seat vacated by his wife. government operating its business as usual. Anwar’s fledging party, the People’s Justice Party The electorate responded with a show of their (PKR) won 31 parliamentary seats outperforming its diminishing confidence on the ruling coalition, much older and more experienced coalition which finished with 62 percent of the federal seats partners, the (DAP), and - down considerably from the 90 percent that it the Partai Se-Islam (PAS). His expected re-entry held previously. Whereas the BN held 199 of the into parliamentary politics as an opposition leader 219 seats in the earlier parliament, its strength this will surely bring some qualitative changes in the time is reduced to 137 seats, including eight won tenor of debates and in the nature of democracy uncontested, far less than the two-thirds majority in the country. He worked tirelessly to unify the line of 148 seats. Malay voters migrated more to opposition parties of the PAS and his own PKR and the multiracial but predominantly Malay party of the rewards are already visible in the results. By the former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim acting as the middleman and rallying figure and to the main Islamist party. Indians and between DAP and PAS, Anwar was instrumental in Chinese deserted coalition parties in hordes. bringing together people of various ethnic and religious backgrounds for the (Clean) rally, The loss of its two-thirds majority in the federal encouraging Malay-Muslim voters who wanted to parliament which it move away from ethnic-based politics but was still Anwar’s fledging party, held continuously for hesitant to vote for a non-Malay-led party which the People’s Justice Party 34 years and they might not identify with. bulldozed every (PKR) won 31 decisions of the Malaysia’s ‘unitary character with federal parliamentary seats government down features’ is also likely to undergo changes with the throat of the ‘opposition states,’ - three heartland states , outperforming its much people, together Perak and Kelantan along with manufacturing- older and more with the 5 out of 14 based states and - expected to experienced coalition states going to the assert themselves in all areas where the opposition, will Constitution confers on them legislative, executive partners, the Democratic automatically put and financial autonomy. Earlier, it was only Action Party (DAP), and checks and Kelantan, which was controlled by PAS and one the Partai Se-Islam balances on the heard of step-motherly treatment by the Federal functioning of government towards the state. But now with four (PAS). His expected re- government, and other states, they will mount vigorous campaign entry into parliamentary will impinge on the for greater decentralization and autonomy, working of centre- heralding healthier and fair Federal-State relations. politics as an opposition state relations. The leader will surely bring parliament now is The results also showed a dent in the traditional some qualitative changes expected to be race-based politics operating in the country ever more assertive vis-à- since its independence. Issues of ruling coalition’s in the tenor of debates vis the executive. use of phantom voters and postal votes, and in the nature of With 82 Opposition corruption, price-rises, racial discrimination and socio-economic grievances played more democracy in the MPs out of the total 222 seats in the important role in the voter’s choice for the party country. , the than their affiliation and loyalty to their races. government will find it hard to bulldoze constitutional amendments This was reflected in the total rout of the Malaysian through with ease as in the past. Bills now will be Indian Congress (MIC) and its long-surviving and subjected to greater scrutiny, more so if the new corrupt leader, . The protests by a symbol of opposition, Anwar Ibrahim, who was section of the Indian community under the banner of HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) that NO 62 PAGE 3

began with at least 10,000 people gathering in though strongly contradicted by their families. In central in mid-November last year 2000, Time Asia reported that Indians have the to demonstrate against the unfair treatment they lowest share of the nation's corporate wealth: endured over the years, was as much against an 1.5%, compared to 19.4% for the and unsympathetic and discriminatory state 38.5% for the Chinese. The highest rate of suicide dominated by the Malays, as against the of any opportunistic and inept leadership of the MIC for community is failing to protect the interests of the community. among Indians. Gangsterism and Some Chinese politicians Some Chinese politicians and cabinet members violent crime is and cabinet members suffered the same fate for their inability to take largely suffered the same fate for care of the interests of the minority. This is a clear associated with sign that race-based parties can no longer Indians. In 1994, their inability to take care automatically count on the votes of their own 128 of the 377 of the interests of the community. In a clear sign that UMNO can no murders longer automatically count on Malay votes, two committed in minority. This is a clear of Abdullah's former cabinet members lost their Malaysia were by sign that race-based parties parliamentary seats. This has led to new political Indians. Some can no longer automatically alignments in the country with the opposition 15% of Indians in parties like the DAP, PKR and PAS benefiting from the capital are count on the votes of their this shift. Interestingly the PAS’ decision to leave its squatters. own community. Islamic state agenda on the back burner, and promise to establish a “Negara In 2003, Indians kebajikan” (welfare state) together with its fielding comprised, of a non-Muslim candidate to capitalise on ethnic according to the Economist, "14 percent of minorities' discontent with the current juvenile delinquents, 20 percent of (Malaysia's) administration, facilitated this political alignment wife and child (abusers) and 14 percent of its and the increase of its tally both in the parliament beggars. Among the successful university and in the states. applicants, Indians constitute less than 5 percent and that too in subjects less attractive to the Malaysia has quotas that ensure preferential Malays. There are frequent reports of abuse of treatment for Malays, the so-called Indian workers and Bumiputra politics ‘bumiputra’ (sons of the soil) looking for work or disadvantaging Indians in education and work those who want to set up a business. As a result, opportunities before Malays. An Indian Malaysian jobs in the government, educational and service- can find it difficult to become a doctor or lawyer providing institutions controlled by the in Malaysia. Local university seats and scholarships government are overwhelmingly dominated by are all awarded under a racial quota system. Even the Malays, pushing other communities to the after getting a degree, many say that periphery. Indians were calling for fairer treatment. discrimination is commonplace. Indian doctors, for Education is a key complaint. Their Tamil-speaking instance, complain that they are often excluded schools do not get the same money as other from lists of approved doctors whom civil servants public schools, which automatically lower the or company employees can patronise. level of teaching. The two million Indians in Malaysia are predominantly Hindus who have II legitimate grievances about religious THE ROAD AHEAD discrimination. Hindu temples have been torn INTERNET & GLOBALIZATION down to make way for new buildings without proper consultation. Above all, the results have shown the power of the Internet and of SMS in the dissemination of There are increasing instances of Muslim alternative sources of information, which organizations forcing Muslim burial for Hindu dead neutralized ruling party’s overwhelming control bodies on the presumed ground of their being over the conventional media. The defeat of the converted to Islam before their death, even Malaysian Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin - Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies developing an alternative framework for peace and security in the region dubbed the "misinformation" minister by the articulate further a vision of justice for all in the opposition in his parliamentary seat in Kedah, and coming years, he alone can appeal to his Malay victory of the popular critical blogger Jeff Ooi in voters to change the rules of the game of the Jelutong parliamentary seat with a DAP ticket, Malaysian politics. Even if he can achieve partial is a great testimony of the power of internet and success in this venture, he will go down as a real the modern information technology. While the reformer and a renaissance man in Malaysian government had used the traditional media to history. portray a rosy picture of Malaysia’s economic miracle, respected by the world and moving toward developed country status under visionary RECENT IPCS PUBLICATIONS BN rule, web portals and like Ooi's, however, have exposed Malaysians to the darker and Return of the Democrats: Pakistan After Elections dysfunctional side of the governance in the D Suba Chandran & Rekha Chakravarthi (Issue Brief 61) country.

The opposition triumph carries within it dangers as Lords of Jade: Mismanaging Myanmar's Natural well. Stung by defeat, UMNO might try to recover Resources the lost ground among the Malay voters by Julien Levesque (Issue Brief 60) appealing to baser race and religious instincts in order to neutralize the appeals of PAS and PKR. If Between Safeguards and Crossroads: India and the that happened Malaysian politics could become IAEA even more racially polarized, exposing the Arun Vishwanathan (CBRN Issue Brief 3) traditional ideological divides among the three opposition parties, which temporarily have India & Russia: Revisiting Defence Relations managed to forge a coalition vis-à-vis the ruling Air Cmde (Retd) Prashant Dikshit (Special Report 52) combine, but can come unstuck any moment once the chips are down. India and the FMCT: Issues and Concerns Globalization has brought new compulsions to be Sameer Suryakant Patil (CBRN Issue Brief 2) competitive to derive benefits from the process. Malaysia’s affirmative action programme for the Afghan-Pak Joint Peace Jirga bumiputra alone was possibly needed to bring the Mariam Safi (Special Report 51) backward and rural Malay community at par with the minority Chinese and Indians, one dominating In Chinatown: The Indo-US Nuclear Deal the business and the other bureaucracy. But the Jabin T Jacob (CBRN Issue Brief continuance of such affirmative action only for 1) one community on the basis of race in perpetuity, rather than on economic criteria, has not only lent high premium on mediocrity at the expense of Linking Southeast Asia & India excellence, but has alienated the minority Anushree Bhattacharya (Special Report 50) Chinese and Indians, particularly the latter, a significant section of whom became the most disadvantaged. Pakistan Elections 2008 D Suba Chandran & Rekha INSTITUTE OF PEACE This anomaly undoubtedly impinges on Malaysia’s Chakravarthi (Issue Brief 59) ability to excel in areas that require merit to AND remain competitive in the global market. Time has SAARC: Towards Connectivity come for Malaysia to scrap the race rules and Conference Report CONFLICT STUDIES devise policies that benefits all disadvantaged irrespective of their races. If Anwar can take B 7/3 Safdarjung Enclave, advantage of the results of the elections and New Delhi 110029 INDIA