CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 June 23, 2008 the Intellectual Property Owners Asso- S
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June 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 13319 of hundreds of children. Ms. Long was I heartily applaud Daniel Safsel for Lieutenant Colonel Fortunato holds born in Raleigh, NC, and moved to his initiative in seeking to make his an MBA from George Washington Uni- Washington, DC, as a child. She has community greener. He has dem- versity and a bachelor’s of science in lived here ever since, raising two onstrated a level of commitment and business and marketing from George daughters and two sons. Ms. Long re- accomplishment that is truly extraor- Mason University. His military awards ceived certification in early childhood dinary in today’s world, and deserves include the Legion of Merit, Bronze education from both Gallaudet Univer- our sincere admiration and respect.∑ Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, sity and Prince George’s Community f Air Medal, Parachutist Badge, Path- College. Since then, Ms. Long has had finder Badge, Air Assault Badge, the TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT a positive impact in many classrooms, Army Aviation Association’s Order of COLONEL EDWARD M. FORTUNATO working for the majority of her career St. Michael, and he is a Senior Army with special needs children and for the ∑ Mr. LIEBERMAN. Madam President, Aviator with over 1,100 hours. past 2 years at the School-Within- I wish to publicly commend and con- Son of a soldier, Lieutenant Colonel School at Peabody, a DC public school. gratulate LTC Edward M. Fortunato, Fortunato is married to the former Colleagues have long admired Ms. U.S. Army, upon his retirement after Monique Childress of Roanoke, VA. Long for her optimistic attitude and 20 years of military service. I have They have two children, Isabella, 13, the special concern and attention she come to know and respect Lieutenant and Edward, 11. I congratulate them on gave to her students with special Colonel Fortunato over the past 3 their husband and father’s retirement health concerns. Perhaps Ms. Long’s years, during which time he served as from the Army. The demands of mili- most impressive strength as a teacher the congressional liaison for all Army tary life are such that military fami- was the respect she showed her stu- aviation programs. In this capacity, lies also sacrifice and serve the Nation dents; she spoke to them and treated Lieutenant Colonel Fortunato was in- along with their soldier, and I thank them with maturity, sharing her life strumental in improving the under- Monique, Isabella and Ed for their serv- experiences, recounting daily encoun- standing of Senators and staff con- ice. ters, and listening intently when they cerning a myriad of Army aviation The Army, the Senate, and the Na- shared their thoughts as well. Ms. Long issues, in particular the reinvestment tion are fortunate to have had the serv- made her students laugh and was al- of Comanche helicopter funding to re- ice of such a great officer as LTC Ed ways generous; every day, she shared structure Army aviation for the 21st Fortunato. I wish him Godspeed.∑ her lunch cookies among 22 different century, the wars in Iraq and Afghani- f students. stan, and Army transformation. He was As both a father and the chair of the instrumental in the successful author- TRIBUTE TO DR. AMAR BOSE Senate Subcommittee on Children and ization and appropriation of the light ∑ Mr. KERRY. Madam President, in Families, I know very well the impor- utility helicopter, armed-reconnais- May, Dr. Amar Bose was inducted in tance of a quality education. While sance helicopter, joint cargo aircraft, the National Inventors Hall of Fame. I many factors contribute to the success Chinook multiyear, Apache, Black would like to take this opportunity to of our schools, perhaps none can make Hawk multiyear and numerous un- recognize his outstanding accomplish- more of a difference than a teacher manned aerial vehicle and aviation ments that have helped change our so- with the ability to connect with her R&D projects. ciety and improve the way we live students. Ms. Long did just that for Lieutenant Colonel Fortunato es- every day. more than 30 years, and I commend her corted numerous congressional delega- A pioneer in modern acoustics, Dr. for her dedication to the District of Co- tions to over 20 countries, including 3 Bose is founder, chairman and tech- lumbia Public School System. On be- to Iraq and Afghanistan. I myself was nical director of the internationally- half of all the students she has touched privileged to have him as an escort at recognized audio company that bears over her many years of teaching, I my specific request for my own visits his name, Bose Corporation. thank her for her unwavering commit- abroad and in larger delegations. He Raised just outside Philadelphia, Dr. ment to the education of her students. worked tirelessly to ensure my visits Bose began his career at the age of 13, I congratulate Josephine on her retire- were coordinated with all the relevant repairing radios in his basement during ment and wish her only the best in the agencies, military leaders, heads of WWII. years to come.∑ state and government officials so I His passion for technology continued f could focus on the issues that were at MIT, where he earned bachelor, mas- critical to my service as the chairman ters and doctoral degrees in electrical TRIBUTE TO DANIEL SAFSEL of the Senate Armed Services Air Land engineering. In 1956, Dr. Bose was ∑ Mr. KERRY. Madam President, I Subcommittee. I am extremely grate- asked to join the faculty at MIT, where would like to congratulate and honor ful for the support, friendship and per- he taught for 45 years. Daniel Safsel, a passionate fourth grad- spective Ed provided me and my staff. His research at MIT led to the devel- er who raised the level of environ- Lieutenant Colonel Fortunato’s con- opment of new, patented technologies. mental awareness at his elementary gressional assignment was the cap- With those patents, he founded Bose school. Daniel urged his school news- stone to an outstanding career of serv- Corporation in Massachusetts in 1964. paper, the Siwanoy Express, to stop ice to our Nation. He served as an avia- He has achieved worldwide acclaim printing and distributing copies of its tion officer in numerous command and with the introduction of newsletter and to send it via email in- staff positions. His operational assign- groundbreaking products, including the stead. As a result of his efforts, the ments began in the famous 101st Air- 901® Direct/Reflecting speaker system, newspaper recently launched their first borne Division, AASLT, during Oper- customized sound systems for auto- trial run of the ‘‘green’’ express. Daniel ations Desert Shield/Desert Storm with mobiles, and active noise-reducing should be extremely proud that he was further assignments as part of JTF- headphones. Under his leadership, 100 able to make a valuable contribution Bravo in Honduras, 2nd Infantry Divi- percent of profits are reinvested back toward creating a greener future. sion in Korea and the 25th Infantry Di- into the company, enabling research Even though we are faced with a vision, L, in Hawaii. Lieutenant Colo- and advancements in non-audio areas. worldwide environmental crisis, Dan- nel Fortunato then served in a number In 2004, after 25 years of research, he iel’s actions show that young Ameri- of program and acquisition positions to introduced a revolutionary suspension cans can do their part in ensuring that include program manager for the Army system that combines superior comfort we live in a safer and cleaner environ- Special Operations Aviation Regiment and control in the same vehicle. ment. Students like Daniel inspire and MH–60 Black Hawk fleet and various Dr. Bose has done extensive work for remind us all of the power of making high level assignments within the the Armed Forces and NASA. He was our voices heard. Army Secretariat. named Inventor of the Year in 1987, by VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:52 Feb 07, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S23JN8.000 S23JN8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 13320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 June 23, 2008 the Intellectual Property Owners Asso- S. 2146. An act to authorize the Adminis- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ciation and holds numerous patents in trator of the Environmental Protection titled ‘‘Definitions and Implementation the fields of acoustics, electronics, Agency to accept, as part of a settlement, Under the Controlling the Assault of Non-So- nonlinear systems, and communication diesel emission reduction Supplemental En- licited Pornography and Marketing Act of vironmental Projects, and for other pur- 2003: Final Rule and Statement of Basis and theory. poses. Purpose’’ (RIN3084–AA96) received on June He is a member of the Audio Hall of f 19, 2008; to the Committee on Commerce, Fame, the recipient of a Distinguished Science, and Transportation. Service Citation from the Automotive MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE EC–6710. A communication from the Chief Hall of Fame, and has been inducted in At 4:10 p.m., a message from the of the Publications and Regulations Branch, the Consumer Electronics Hall of House of Representatives, delivered by Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Fame. He is an elected member of the Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- National Academy of Engineering and report of a rule entitled ‘‘Supplemental nounced that pursuant to section 841 Wages’’ (Revenue Ruling 2008–29) received on of the American Academy of Arts and (b) of the National Defense Authoriza- June 19, 2008; to the Committee on Finance.